POST. 7- VSBoSitiiig Beenes in Poland. Correrpondsxico-ofthe London Timm. Wilsa, Nov. 14..—1 t would require a | volumeto describe all the cruelties of the Mouravieff system in detail, and any one attempting to do so would be charged with exaggeration. . Yet, notwithstanding the overwhelming superiority in strengih possessed by Russia, notwithstanding the terrible consequences which hang over this devoted land, the insurrection, an urge I to say, still keeps its vitality, a fact which j even the hwallide Russe is tain to admit. Narbutt, the terror of the Russians in Lithuania, has died the death of the brave with the Polish flag on % hia breast. Sablonowski, the valiant leader ot the Knowo insurgeants, who at Popielaoey thrice defeated 1,900 Russians with 270 Poles, has disappeared; Staniewicz, the warrior of Algier, and the Caucasus, is no longer heard of. Kosejwa, Sierakow ski, Kolvszka, and many oLher heroes have perished ou the gibbet of Mouravieff: yet Mackiewiez, Lunkiewiez, Krasowski, Lakatzuoas, Wyßlooeb, Wroblewski and otherß do not lay down their arms, often effectually hinder the Russians m their cruelties, and continue to dispute with them the possession of Lithuania. This, added to the fact that the Lithuania provinces have sent the addresses of which you have no donbt already heard, signed by nearly 250,000 persons to the National Government at Warsaw, clearly proves that Lithuania will continue the national struggle for independence to her l last breath. The wholo of the nobility and the landowners are, with few excep tions, either in prison or in exile; then' estates are destroyed or sequestrated, and the Russian Government cannot now with any Bhow of credibiliy say that the insurrectron is the work of the noblSß only. Prince Gortschakoff has frequently re peated in all his dispatches to the West ern Powers that it is the greatest wish of the Government to introduce peace and order in the whole of the insurgent terri tory. Peace and order as it is understood by the Russian Government consists in the desolation of the land and the exter mination of the Polish race. ManraviefTs decreet fall much more heavily on toe peaceful population than upon the iuacr gents. The latter at least sell their lives dearly in the woods and marshes where they take refnge. It is the defenseless land-owners, the intelligent peasantry, the officials and servants on the estates, the local functionaries, the perists and the atadentB —all in a word, who can be snapeoted of any tendency to political or national feeling that are the most hardly treated. The properly of the accused is partly plundered, end the rest destroyed or se questered. Detachments oi savage sol dier devastate the lauds; corn, braudy and other provisions are seized for the army; plate, clothes, dresses, and catli,*, are taken to the nearest, town and there being bnt few purchasers, are sold at nom inal prices. If no pnrohaser is to he Sound all is destroyed, and the furniture and other articles which are not easily moved are broken to pieces or burol on the Bpot. ' The greatest severities of the Hus oar. Government are now directed again, t ihe women of Poland. About ltm women linger in the prisons oi Vv ilna alone, iroui mere children like Julia Misiewiez. who is barely 14, to venerate matrons like the mother of the late insurgent chi(,f Narbutt, who is 09 years old. Among others, Theola Kwiatkowßks a young lady of 20, brlongingto a wealthy and. distinguish ,d family, was seized at nigb.t on the estate of one of her relations, tahen to Wilna under escort, shut up in the station Louse with tbs scum of too town. It was only after mnch interest hod been used ou her behalf that she was removed to another prison, but she bad scarcely been there three days when she was sent off alone to Siberia. The fate of Tneola Kwiatkowska has been also that of Adalia Lopaeinaka, Michelin Countess Plaier, Adela and Idalia Horodkfreka, Michelin Richter, and other ladies. Although masses of the proscribed arc sent ont ot Wilna on these fatal Fridays (the train of the 23d October alone con tained 867 exiles,) all the prisons and many of the monasteries and private houses which are turned into prisons are overcrowded, bn the town of Wilna alone there are abont 2,000 prisoners, m that of Grodno 800, in the palatinate of Kowno 2.500, and the casemates of Dnnaburg, Minsk, Brzesc, and other places, are equally full. Not only is the food given to the prisoners disgusting, bnt the air in ■which they live is literally poisoned, from fifteen to twenty persons are huddled together on the b are boards in narrow cells. Man; have perished under their suffering, others have become insane. Among this clond of prisoners is Count Victor Starzyniski, whose fate appears not yet to have beeh decided on. He wiil, it is said, be sentenced to twelve years hard labor. Yon will perhaps remember that during the last two years, before the outbreak of the iasurrection, he had la bored with the most loyal intentions te effect a reconciliation between the Gov erhment aiid'tha Lithnnian provinces. The eon of Mouravieff. who has been appointed Governor of Kowno, does not yield to tbisatherm cruelty, and even ex ceeds £im jin petty atrocities. He draws up the programme of the executions him self, and had placed the gibbet, which was formerly outside the town, in th'j very midst of Kowno. After the Rackowski was executed, a wreath of in martdies was found on the spot, which it appeared had been placed thereby a girl of eighteen, named Imachennik. That, very day her whole family was thrown into prison, and two days after, the grrl, her father, (a smalt house proprietor of Kowno,) her mother and her six sisters, ware sent, by ;oang Mouravieff to Siberia. A short time'ago he ordered a village oi 60 houses, named Ibianj, co bo burnt 'and leveled with the ground, and its inhabi tants, with their wives nnd children, to be Sent to the Ural. The land, was di vided among the Russians oi the old faith (raskolniks, who before tb'e insurrec tionhad been highway robber. 8| but have no# been provided vrith arm s by the Gov ernment, and have distinguished them-: selves by terrible acts of p.illage and false j Other Villages of Lithu nia, such as Szezvki, Je.worowka, Szum _ Kiaryszki, Szylany, have met with t he tame fate. ONLY TWENTY-FIVE DO' tU RS, ‘VaHTOllAtt’tftl'fe* wight out from Llver -jEJ peolv (lorh t or Gal sb&,ss£?& *■ in Kifurr ulab3mai l Iseufj-Five Hollars. p*rUc£ aljo brought out by Bailing Vessel at loweßTatM. Apply to ’ n Ainvit Chronicl® building, 70 ffifth at., Pittsburgh,' Pay jylstf The Howe Sewing MaoMne, Ibtliit«d 1«<8. Perfected ijs_sa. Receitei> tribute >pbom au other Sowing Maohinea, at the Worlds Pair. \ftftg,t»WlLtha Singer Sewirm Machine sESgefoy "an 'hoßoiuhlfi TO.Bftnon on Its merits ; uinnrWnwJ er-AWiyWfi amedalfor iU dosi&k Called 'Cir cular hook." She Howe Sewing, Machine, was awarded a ‘presram (to air English Exhibitor.) M all-purpo&ee on exhibition. Oar liaht . eft Maomno gniftmt«#t to.ihftke perfect work os t&elightest and .heaviest fabrics Sola and rented. Cor. Penn A St Clair, street?, A. H. McGREGOR. Agent. CHEAP WALL PAPERS-BEAUTI fuI Wall Paper still selling at 15 cents, for Bale by V.pTHAhHHALL. >s2o 87 wood st A THE PITTSBI’SOH POST; MONDAY MORNING. DECEMBER ! Fhilad’phia Advertisements OHAS.IUOXH 1, SOD MSS mess MAGEE & HICKS. Importers and dealers in Cloths, Cassimeres, Batlnetta, Vestings, Tailors' Trimmings, JVo. 265 MARKET STREET. Philadelphia, 0029-tf Wffl. BRICE * co., PRODUCE AND PROVISION O MMISS 10 N MERCHANTS, No. IS South Water street. PHILADELPHIA.. advance] mado on c nflignmonts when required. my-lyd E. P. MIDDLETON «fc BRO., IMPORTKR3 OP * WINES, BRANDIES, &c AND DXALKftS IN Fine Old Whiskies, ' No. 5 North Front atroet, PHILADELPHIA mylO-lyd UEOBGE GBAXT, Manufacturer and Wholesale and Retail Dealer In every description of Gents’ Furnishing Goods ’ 610 CHESTKIT STREET, C. A. VAN KIRK & CO., MAHCPAOTCRJEH OF GAS FIXTURES & CHANDELIERS, Patent Improved Micelsoir k Patent Paragon COAL OIL BCBNEBS, HAND LAMPS, 00LUMN8, &o. Salesrooms, 517 Arch fit, Philadelphia. Manufactory, Prankford, Philadelphia, Alt goods warranted. C. HARRY BRIAN, fLONGCOPE & PEARCE, MANUFACTURERS & IMPORTERS o y MEN’S FIIRNISHING GOODS. AND TAILORS TRIM VINOS, NO. 10 SO IT II rOEKTH STREET, m yl-l r j PHILADELPHIA “THE US I ON,” A.BCH STREET, betweeu 3d and 4;h PHIIASELPHIA rfc IHD r\6£RSIONEI> HATINfI RE JL nowNSth® le&e® of tho above P<*>alar Home lor a eeriei o! roars, would reepoottully call u® attention oi the traveling public to its central K>- C^d’° r 'ftfS&lS A SON CU NA KD LINE. item to (jeteastown ini LmTjtwi, The Firat €lasa Power nl H catnaUipH, NIUON I KEDAH. MARATHON. I TRIPOLI, - WILL SAIL FROM NEW York every alternate Wodnbnday, Irorn Liverpool every aiteruiUe Tuesday, and from Queenstown every alternate Wednot-iay. Bteerage Passage irotu Liverpool or Queeng town, s3t) in gold, or its equivalent in currency. From New V jrk to Liverpool. in currency Pur Stoertwe Passage apply to WILLIAMS i tilTuN.4o Fulton St., Now York, or TkiOtx H. RATTIQAN, Agt, N'r Mcnutigabel.-* ll. Mine. Wa:«r M.. Saooa-isjr to Tho,->. llatlicao. Passage *’roin Knglaml A Irclauii $•21,00. EIROPEAN AGESGS. . THOMAS 11. RATTIOAA, Kuropean Agent, 122 Monongabc- lB tlou&e, Pittsburgh, Fa, Is pro* pared to bring oat or send back passengers from or to any part of the old country, either by steam or sailing paokets. bIGHI DKaFTs FOk SALK, payable in any part of Lurcpo. Ageiit for the Indianapoln and Cincinnati Kaiiroad. Agout for tho old Bia*’k £>tar Line of Sailing Packets, ard fo* - ibe Uuoj of Steamers sailing between New kirk, Liverpool, iilsflgow and Galway. Having succeeded the above in the European Pafl'sftgeaQd Exchange Business, the undersigned solicits tho Patronage of his former customers, and the pubhein general, and is preraxed to set tie all outstanding tram actions n fall. no2&-lm THOS. U RATTIQAN. NEW WINTEiI MODS, WE WOUI.D CALL THE ATTEX don of buyers tl. MENTZER’S, 94 9UBKET STREET, BLACK AND FANCY SILKS, FRENCH MERINOS, REPP MERINOS, SCOTCH PLAIDS, BALMORAL SKIRTS, FLANNELS, COUNTRY BLANKETS, SHAWLS AND CLOAKS It t-'.tfN O F t'AW lHlt£ 47Jl also Hprvr.g. P'cw. A n 1A B bUM :> t' Ki ia-d Kt»j and First PITTSBURGH. P* JSO. filOOEtfif EAS>, HERCSAH rj* rdi ftau or MKt*AL &ND ULU'JMU, NO !4 YfAVEK BfiLOW MAFIA KLOHAW & PHIPPS, Ninth Ward, Pittsburgh, manufacture Bar lr>.-n. Oenoral Hallway and , bteamboat Purging, i'aascoger. Freight ani l«t»- WBS. M, HBLITHI A 00, | comottve AxlM. Ac. _ U v as. n u WNOUSALE 6RQCHI Plumbers and Gas Jitters, SO. !«.i WMIU rtHUSKT, OPPOSITE flUiii COIHCHi I’itTSßl'BtiH i a o 47 OHIO rUHtihi FrHPK, HTUIUKTB. SHEET LEAD, ripe, Ptf ah'! Mi.- be»i,ui •itober'f roatertai in general. Gl' Ratioariw lilted up In the mc;t »i ;:. >*ed treoner. lacks lined Lead or Copper. Cued with Water and 9m 7U torep. M. N. L. Ail tfuers ,-fDail'bj attends V*. aIC .I*-I (^JIOIiSTEKV, NO. 86 KOOKT'U Sj., NEAR WUi.'U r MUHSrUIBEHS 9 -Jl-am > o-i> crnstanU? on hand or.n utolo 10 ihur lua. »i« I'oraW Orenmati Csnain '>00,13, Comiorti, feather Beds. MnttraKi of .11 kin,is aUo, the ceiobratod Patent Bonn, AJI kinds o( shades. Blind, and yutor« t-rop-.i'i attooticn eirtn *.o all orders lor 61 an, and Kvinr de*n M. B. & C‘. i». MAJBKILE, Sii.arfMtßmi mi 4 tn 1; Otj K Cl Ai® k!TT»9, •ad ill ttali c ! V; PAFSB, have romu??d ftoa So. 87 Wood otsoelta w.», ..8 SMiTHFIELi) erHSal', P 111 jfcs; a t. P*- ti.f WILLIAM OABB ft CO i¥ SOLES ALE GROCifl?, J-SIgOU) mononuahsla byb whisky IT. tTTNBiKGEA* -D..CvMI3SIIAM...F. 071TKJt0Mi>» C'l CSNTHWHAHS & do.—P ITI 8 • J BUBUJi CITY WuASS WQRKb—Wi.v house, U« Water street. an-J 158 Hrst ttron Pittflborffb, Pju, threa doors below tha Mononf a htla Houje, Mfi&afctatoroTß ol Pittsburgh Oil) Window lil&as l>rugrU'ta' J Seta, Sfcocis, aod Biort POPLINS, OffiCE. RCuM No. is BURKES BUIIJOLNii. POtIHIH STREET. Pittsburgh. Pa. Desirable Mill property and other Real &UU to the amount of &lfX),000 for sale low. .HOiCaifc CABPES’’ffKB and jobbs /• ftHOP TIBSIH AAXJKT lm»«eiWMO cr..i ttberly Streets, M. MKHTZEK, Pittsburgh: P*. WOrdor* aoiicUod And promptirattended to. 94 Market et. sMJUXa? DAktlLt. .............. ........ A. t. DAlallLl- BOBT. MI2EM. <& VO., Wholesale Srooew, COBGIfItOD *»B TORWAROINN BEICMSI AND trealeri In Brodnoe and Pittsbnnb SUnuinton So. Ml LIBEBTT STKEKT, .ntuol. fITTSBB RQH HENRY W. BEAUMONT dt CO. fitreiis Brandies, Wines and Sins, Aisc, Maonboiry, Haepborry, Wild Oherry and BtanJlM, oU Mdannghabola, Hro, and 6lbdi- Wbistiat. Jamaica Horn, id No. S 3 liberty Street Opposite K.vurth ttraat. rmtuui Kail, PA. Uytelfl, i'avama. &uJ r»iinU©d, eoin lietl E.I uiudwat* Drofiuior (Jaeh. mySltlyn Lucent Oil Work traUCA-BT, DtTULA? a oo„ Manufacturers oi eIiKE WHITS behhbd t' A U B O N OILS. Offloe. SO: 891 LIBIRT? 6TRHBT, Pitts bnrsh.Pa. ajiimi T BJYHBB „H. D. BETWBB J. B. SKTOSB Lata at Miller k Rioketson’s, Reymer Sc Brothers, I Suoeesoon to Reymer A Anderson.] Wholesale Dealers in Foreign Fruit*. Sots, Confectionary, sugar*, lire works, Ac., NOS. 126 AND 128 WOO# STREET, nXHBIBSH. .WH. I, ll'eiNW 813 00 88808 TO m. • 11 A A. E L *t 9 B , JOS. K.iK’NIUH MOJ lij IKGRD IPO iil riRJT ITItfTS EITTNAIBMH illl)V St t'.WENH allkohkny g B i ft TH * JUTUI'I cffTC*. paid •iLA.iiu. «, u.l Lsaportsr* ul vffc3£«- ki RA£I>I3SB, &&- e ALSO. litotilUrs and De&iarj la B*7 Liberty Street, HlTSBlS(>ili. ?A. D. IHk*»* J. H. OA.BIXIAY, ob&sdisfi Broker. C iBTIS €. STKIMMKT*, eaea i a l DBiLBESIK Business Cards, &c. R. HUTGHINSOH (IU.TI OV LKBGB A HUTOHUtBOS.) mmm & bobwabding merchant Sealer in WESTERN RESERVE CHEESE, Flour, Grain,' Fish, Dried Fruit. Pot and Pear Ashes, and PRODU* E GENERALLY, Best Brands of Family \ oar Always on Hand No. 102 Seucuii Street* Between Wood and Market, PITTSBUGH, PENN’A. advance made on Consignments, apll-ltd * Jaool) Keller, Importer and wholesale dealer in FOREIGN WINES & LIQUORS 160 SMITHFIELD STREET, Three doors above 6th street, JACOB HELL£B WOULD INVITE particular attention to hi« stock of German Vr iD63 and French Brandies which has been se lected and imported by himself. Families and cburohes oouid depend on obtaining at this es tablishment the best and purest cf wines. Pure Liquors ot all kinds, equal to aap In the city, al ways on hand. Also, pure old Kyo Whisky and the best Rectified Monongahela. ocliO P, MEBTB, Wholesale and Retail dealer in and manufao- Ladies, M isses, BOOTS, SHOES AND GAITERS, IN ALL IHKIR VARIETIES. No. 125 FEDERAL STREET FRANK KELLY, Alderman and Attorney at £>aw, NO HI FIFTH STREET. of accounts and all iegal bust cm" prrmj-Uy attended to, he£lyd DAUB As APPJ3LL, MTF.Ht'mANT 186 Smithiield Street. F. Have jisy Kki kiobir A ▼ ▼ larte anJ well selected of Fall and Winter Goods, AHSFTd. First I.iorj* <>□ heal la t *..s■>ui l until .*'Ute* li'>r:ds i l, I', b. I>ebt Certificates ar.J .Nd'eji, '.market \ atac 11,051 7< . Interest ear: e.l net duo tfT GENT'S FURNISHING GOODS, | i>ta™ Kurmtsr. ]:o oo OOOfiLctlUf OT (ii«Uu,4 aulmerei, VmUmki, «£e ALd'J—A large ?tooi of v luoluiiDß Collars, If sc i ovar? thing oewailv kept bp hrat claes ForaUhing til or 9 t»: Jars proe?»U» exocntod. »diot)7J Andrew Kloma.*. Kinrt Phipps. Jr ifeneml P armors. ( ITT rORUF., DUQUESNE BRASS WORKS CADMAN & CRAWFOHD. ManaUataren of ever? rarietp of flnuhed BBAB3 WORK fOR PLUMBERS UAN orNTJKAM PITTIRBS, MAaiLNESTH asd COI'PKRbMITHn. Buasm CAbTinoN or kveky i>i. *orij‘UCD made to order L'toamboai «>'re steam and gat fitting and rooalnog i>romj'Uy at tended to. H%rticoiar attemiuo to fitua* ui Heßnerloa for Ooal end Carbon, CUa, Also, »ol* Knouts for the V'osiorn D’etri't o! Fetmapfrani*, lor the sale of Mar»h, Laoeded A ’v*v’a Patent djpboa Pump, lb® best ever inran* m, h»vtns no v*ivoe it is not liable to gat cut 0! ordAr ai»4 will throw unci e wc.;»r than sup duiei torise its 6kM. feblhdly. JJLACfi DIAUOH D NTEKL WORUN pm/kBUKGU. PA. FAIiH, BUWI UIIU A 4 0., a i b c 7 a cti: * • us Baat Quality BaSiir.J Oust fc>hn On, John Evrds. EToury L. Ringwatt, Wm P Weymao, John H. Shoenbeicev* Walß. Haven, flfta. fi. Bchmeris, Peter E. Hunker. Alexander Tindle, R’.ohard Hays. Isaac Whittier, Wx- 8, Lavely, Christian Yeatsri TUiAenan. CHARLES A. COLTON. KXAL KSYAIK hiVHIiS ISSTITI’fIOH L'TATEMF.XT OF THE CONDITION of'ibo above icstitutrin on the 2d day ol No vember, Pxi-L i üblished in conformity te the charier: LIiBIUTIEa. Amount of Deposits, Nov. 2*l, 5103,594 18 Amooi.t of Interest due Dcp.*eitun* 1,954 91 Auinutit ,’i ' Kucvi 2.423 91 Cii-n on band $197,973 Gi A. A. CARRIER, Treasurer, The undersigned, And ti&g Committee, have exatn'.nol tho bo*jkj ot the Infitituu' n,the bonds end ii<.coritief, cf>'iDt*d tbe caih, Ac., and have found tnt aouve fftatemect to be correct. *•. B COPELAND, NlCHtiLAti VuEGTLT. WM. n, SMITH. Depoftts reevivod DAILY, and SAT I'KdaY kYaMNG. INTEREST PAID at 6 per cent, per annum Ttil'STFKfl. ISAA;’ JONEb. Pkksipkrt. Ilmi.T. 51. Howe, ; Hon J.K.Woflrtiea Hm H. Huiltli, !<*•<- Hnwey, W It. ( opelnod, i Jacob Painter, Harvey « lillilh, | .Mrliola* Voegtly. OUloe, C»:t Fourth Street. Du 4 LOAN OFFICE, RKWbY v/. CIMIOTTB HO. 200 HMITHMEtU NTB£E Near the eorner SfHtb, Pittsburgh, tin K f I N L 4 HOK AND SHALL iVg ..uanuues u sne-i Gold and Silver, Dia- Jcwelr), *. d 1 and till vet Watohea, and c.:! K*-d? c< valuable arv.-iv a:e dalive'ed withe ut tha Tlckeu K6f i.'Sl'-e Hou'? fr.-ui 7 Z. M. i) 20 P. Id. Otrt*. n .tt |NWr» iNVI'tTLTION, NO. .• mu.mliel-i etroet, i-i’i )#ita iho Cn^tom Chartf *>d by the Ltgi’taiura. o jb X l ' i c i. ii . . . J A#*LH PiUii, Jr i . :,f*- i & ! 1 , l. ii •.1 \ l'.'u'jUikQ J ,*i iv ha^de* Pri*eideui. ib>»-. L> M f‘nusow Seilers J ,m, t . i-nn:r. k lh—..-L- M. Blai. Uer. / wl ,J . Dr&djrj Air. .v J . b:?xi i ■ , S' BBS, J-.ilth i-. 'UJ A S Uei> 4ui jcn Diiw . i ..2 V. A Hfc j. . i- C<.D TSZ.±£ZKZ%, u. C. ii <*-K i t . h t, =r ior V. •: it' lur.m J M l';crL»u D M 1.-." s Jiw •• f -tter C li W ' W m Smith G B Jon or W Li PhaWrt upon troui t* a. k. L- 3 V. u. Also, Tue» day an i even’nga. !rom 5i to 8 o’clock, rooejrod ul uNL DIMK auu upwards. Dividends declared ta December' anl jQne ol >acli year. , . Dividend! allowed to remain are plaoeito tbe credit cl tho depositor ai priicitai. and bear in terefi’t, thus compounding iL Books containing Charter. By Law.;, Jem. tur nDhed at the oLiCa. AT This lr.stiiat‘"3 effers,. especially to those pars :ns who?® earning* are small, the opportunity to terminable, by wmjfll deposits, easily uaved, a tn.;n wcicn will bo a resource when noedod, their money not only being sale but bearinglntorest, in • stead <->1 remaining unproductive. myL PRESENTS FOR THE HOLIDAY' TH E SFRSCRIBERH HAVE JUST cper.ed especially for the JHrliday'* » very Uvrse ani desfrafcla stook of HNRHOLO lEWELBI, J.OI D AND SILVER WAIHEB, for Ladle# an 3 Gentlemen's trear. fine Brouxe Oiooks. Fancy Goods, SILVER-PLATED WAUE, each as castors, oak* and fruit baskets, goblets, card oaees, tea setta., e’uL, and a largo variety or gulubloarticles for presents. HEINEHAfii.AExBAN ABEIBLS. tihell Oysters! Shell Oystera |1 0 RAtCO P l A S A LOO N ALWAYS W_' in advance. Tho proprietor ol this noted eat ing estabiiabraont has .iu*t rcoiovod a largo sup ply of Baltimore bhoil Oyfiier?. wi»l no served up in tho best possible manner, with aLI tho delicacies ibo Market afforda. Don’t forgot tho place, comer ol Fifth and Union stroota. seLVdif F. WKIS. Proprietor. pBIVAIE DISEASES DR. BROWN’S OFHOEi 60 SMITHFIELD STREET, Citizons and strangers In need of medical ad vice should not fail to gism him acali. Dr. Brown's remedies never fail to ouro impu rities. scrofulous and venereal affeotions —Also hereditary taint, suah as tetter, psoriasis and oth er skin *'\iHo&cea, tho origin of whioh the patient y Ignorant, SEMINAL WEAKNESS. Dr. B'e remedies for this affliction, brought on by solitary habits, aro the only medicines knows in this ooumrv wbloh are safe and will spocdily restore to health. KEBUMATISM; Dr. brown's Niiueaio# o&r« iu a few J&ysLhto taful affluti. n lie alsv west biloJ. uieet, ttontturtboe, urotli&l Diiohajdoti. Female Diodai&s, Paius in the Back and RlJuoye. ImiaUuft <>f u»« Bladder, striot- Qroa.eto. A letter to be answered must ecnUin at least ONE DOLLAR. Medicines sent to any address safely packed. Office and private rooms, No. 50 SMITH?HELD BTRBKT. Pittsburgh. Pa. no!6dAw WHERE ltO YOU BUTT OUB SHOES 7 GO TO NO. 15 FIFTH STREET, and get a flood Article from D. S. DIPFfiNBAOHEH. p. B,—Ladies' good Kid dlippera ;for 60 cents. jyl§ : Apples -300 bbls. choice ap PLES, jnst reorived and /?. r FKTZER k ARMSTRONG, oc3l corner Market and First streets. C'l ULTITATOBjJ, PLOWS; FODDER j Cntters. seed drills, hay elevators, dog pow «*■oinraB'teß Wk LOOT etnas mubraottmt. ; * Sailfgadß. j 1803. (1808. WINTER ARRANGEMENT. On andafter Monday, SSveiBMI 16tlL PBSRSYLVAHLj. "cifSAL iiILROAD. Win© Daily Train*' The through accommoda* tion Train leaves the passenger Station Daily, (except fei*ad*y.» at 5 60 ».m~ stopping at all stations BeWefin Pittsburgh and Pilsaelph:a, and making direct connexion for New York at MAIL TRAIN leaves the Passenger Station every morning, (except Sun* day.) at 2 50 a m., stopping only at principal Sta tions, and making direot connections at tiarris bnrg for Baltimorwand and to* ew *TH |T THROUOh’rXPRESB TRAIN leaves daily, at Is# p.m. t stopping only at pnnolpai Stauone, making direct conn cotton at Harrisburg for Baltimore and W&thinfffon, and for New Yorx via Allentown Route and Philadelphia. THE EAST LINE leaves the Station daily, (except Sunday.) at 835 p. m., stopping only At principal Stations, connecting at Harris burg lor Baltimore and Washington, and at Philadelphia f ° JOHNSTOWN ACCOMMODATION TRAIN leaves dally, (except Sunday.) at 3 00 n, m., stop ping at all stations, and running as Cone “tTtlsT ACCOMMODATION TRAIN for Wall’. Station, Jeayes daily, (except Sunday,) at 6 30 a. m. SECOND ACCOMMODATION TRAIN lor Wall’s Station, leaves daily, (except Sunday,) at 11 40 a. m Trtlßu ACCOMMODATION TRAIN for Wall’s Station leaves daiiyA (except Sunday,) at 3 50 p. pi. FOtjßiH ACCOMMODATION TRAD! for Wall’s station leaves daily, (exoept Sunday,) at 6 00 p. m. XnE CHURCH TRAIN leaves Wall’* Station, every Sunday at 905 a, m.; returning lhavee Pittsburgh at 32 45 p. m. B£TIISNIN€) TB4IIB ARRIVE IN PITTSBURGH AS FOLLOWS: Baltimore Express .12 50 p, m. Philadelphia express 1 20 p. m. Peat Line.. 180 a. m. Through Mail Train 100 a. m. Johnstown Accommodation. —lO 05 a. m. Ist Wall’s Station Accommodation 6 25 a. m. 2d Wall’s Stuion Accommodation 8 35 a. m. 3d W all’s Station a ocosunodation 1 55 p. m. 4th Wall’s Station Accommodation 6 05 p. in- Baltimore Express will arrive with Philadelphia Express at 120 p. m. on Mondays TRAINS FOR BLAIKSVILLE and INDI ANA connect at Biainville Intersection with Through Accommodation, Johnstown Accommo dation and Express Train East, and with Balti more Express and Johnstown Accommodation Wen. 1 HA INS FOR EBRNbBURG connect at Cres son with Express Trails and Mail Train West, and with Through Accommodation and Express Train East. lhe traveling Publlo will find it greatly to their interest, in going S ast or W est, to travel by the PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD, as the ac commodations now offered cannot be surpassed on any other xonte. The Hoad is ballasted with atone, and is entirely free from dost, we can promise Saiety, Speed and Comfort to ail who may favor this Road with their patronage. FA K E: sltj7.v»7J 0] TO NEW YORK $l2 80 PHILADELPHIA 10 6U BALTIMORE - 10 00 LAN CAoTKL - 8 80 HARRISBURG 7 65 Baggage Cnecxed to all & cations on the Penn sylvania Railroad, and to Pniladelphia Balti more and New York. Post eng crs purchasing tickets in oars will be charged an to distance traveled in addition to tne Station rates, except from Sta tions where the Company has no Agent. N OTTOK.—In case of loss, the Company will hold themselves responsible for personal baggage only, and for an amount not exceeding $lOO. N. B.—An Omnibus Line has been employed to coaver Passengers and Baggage to and from the Depot, at a charge not to exoeed 25 cents tor each l-a*sno Chicago 10 50 p. m. 11.00 a. m< FUK COLl’MliL’c*. CINCINNATI A ST. LOUIS Leaves Crestline Arrivt-f Columbus * Cinoiunati Udianapohs. . Louisril.e St Louts . Ail '4 rains through to Chicago witho change cf Car*. . . ~ v 5. B —The time to Cincinnati is the same as by Steubenville. Trains on both Hoad* meet at Columbus, and passengers all go into Cincinnati together. CRESTLINE AND ALLIANCE MAIL. Mall, Accommodation. Leave Pittsburgh....... 6.-0 a. m. 215 p. in. Allegheny 6.40 a. m. 2.25 p. m. New Brighton. A2O a. m. 4.15 p.m. AUiance 11-20 a, m. 7 40 p.m. Arrive Ciestlino.- .5. SO p. m. These trains atop at principal Station! between Allegheny and Rochester. NEW BRIGHTON ACCOMMODATION TRAINS—Prom federal itreet Station, Alle gheny City. Leave Allegheny~9Js a. m. 12.00 m. 4.30 p. m. 5.40 p m. Arrive JH. Brighton. 11J6 a. m. 1.45 p. m. 6,25 p, m. <.35 p. m. Leave N, nrightoD-53) a. m. 7.03 a. m. 12.20 p.m. I*. m. Arrive Allegheny 7.20 a. m. 8 40 a. m. 2.35 p. m. 4.50 p. ra # * EASTWARD TRAINS. A S 8.1 V E AT PITTSBURGH. Chicago Express „....2.50 a. m, thicago Express SSOp. m. Cincinnati Express.- -...7.60 p m. Crestline Mail - .7.00 p, m. TRAINS FOR NEW CASTLE, MERCER and OIL CITY. MaU, Leave Pittsburgh 6,90 a. m. Allegheny. 6.40 a. m. Arrive New Ca8t1e...10.40 a. m. EASTWARD. Leave New Ca5t1e....6.20 a, m. 1.00 p. m. Arrive Allegheny 840 a. m. 4.60 p. m. ua-T rains are run by Columbus time, which Is 12 minatea slower than Pittsburgh time. For further information, ana through tickets, apply to wEO. PARKIN, Ticket Ag't. Uni n Passenger Station, Pittsburgh, Pa, and A. Q. CABSELBKRrY. Agent Allegheny. JOHN B.JERVIfI, General Superintendent, H. R. PAYSON. General Passenger Agent 42 Fifth stree! CLfiVRLAJD, MfUIIMII it WMMLIIIO B. I WINTER ARRANGEMENT. ON AND AFTER NONDiT, NOVEM BER 16th, 1863 Trains will leave the Depot of the Pennsylvania Railroad, in Pittsburgh, as follows. PITTSBURGH AND WHEELING LINS, Pittsburgh 1.45 a.m. 620 a.m. '1.45 p.m* WellsviUe .4.10 " 8.42 “ 4.05 -* bteubennlle..s.lo “ 9.45 “ 6.05 “ Wheeling 6.09 “ 11.00 “ 6.08 M Arrives Bellair " 11.15 " K2O - Connecting atSteubenviUeand Bellair with Steu benville and Indiana Railroad and Central Ohio Railroad for Zauesville r Newark,ColixinbuB,Xenia Dayton, Indianapolis, CincinnattL Louisville, Cairo, St Louis. 8t Joseph* and all points west and south-west, ana at Wheeling withßaltimore and Ohio Railroad. PITTSBURGH AND CLEVELAND LINE. Leaves Pittsburgh—.l.4s a. m, 1.45 p. m. WellsviUe—L3o " 4.00 * Bayard M ‘ Alliance -6.55 " Ravenna. 7.40 '* 6-58 ’ liudßon BJI “ »«80 Arrives Cleveland—-9.25 &-40 Connecting at Bayard with Tosrarawaa branch for New Philadelphia and Canal Dover ; at Alli ance with Pittsburgh, Foili wmimi and Chteago Railread at Ravenna with Great Western Railroad for Warren, Greenville, Mead villa, Union, Cony, Jamestown and. Salamanca: at Hudson, with Cleveland; and 8.8. fra We. IWnkfik, anitßaMo. with O.k T. 8.8. foißandmky. Toledo. elsowith steamer, fra DoVoit. - Steubenville raid Wellrville Accommodation >aye* Allegheny Oltr at 3.60 p.m, Batnrnins Trains arrive at.IOLG a. m., p. l. 105 p.m. and 110 a. m. Through Tiokets to all promiaenl'painta can be proeaered at the Libert, ttreet Depot, Pltts alEh' &KOB6BPABKIN. Thibet Asvnt. At%Oompaay'sDi^ft3«irtSt«*toF«ii gyj -.,0a..' cw; .{jjo;, i 1.45 p. m. 1.&5 p, m. .1.45 a. in. .1.55 a. m. L4O p. m. 10.30 p. m. . 5 40 a. 33. .lu.ju a. m. EASTWARD, Aooommcdation. 3 00 p. m, 6.40 p. m. Railroads, 4 COKinu ' M - WIIT£B ARRAKGEMEjrT. :&&& Water streets, as.follow,* ; „ ~ _ r Pittsburgh* Pittsburgh. Mail to and from u’ntown, 7 66am 6 00pm Express 11a 300 pm,, 0000 am IfltM'Keesport Acc’do. Jd ” ” 616 pm '2o6pm Ist Port Perry TOO am 8 90am Braddook’s ' » 416 p m 640 pm Sunday Chnreh Tram to and frcxn M'Keeport, 100 p m 10 00 a m ; Wf°‘ BoCtl °^' N irw switch via Bins as RABUROAD. iiDimraut abd cmcmmti r. *. Conneotinr at Indianapolis with Terre Hants and Terre Haute and Alton Railroadlio Bt Loalg and LafhyetteandlndisnaFoUvHewAlbanT and Salem, and MicJnAanCentml Rniloadsfor OHICA -00. ROCK ISEIHD,' BERLINaTON. and all intermediate polniß. - Rreithts and paßsenrert carried from dneht nati or Lawtensehms in lees time than hr any other ronts by twentr-four hoars, and at as low rates. The only road by whioEßMpmenta can be Sade fromCisohmatl to the Wsitwithoutbreak r bulk. • ■■■ •' ' Consummenta made tpP. Q. WRSX, or-AHKX. GRAYDON, freight Anntsai pinnlwo«t-i~ nr it 0- HAUSTES.Aient aTLawreaMbiirgh. j OHlf 1). MORRIS, Indianapolis, will receive prompt attention, and no,.charge . for.noammission; »o OHABaa ron PkiTiaa oa oowraxiox at Law- EMOIBOSB. j'"' For farther information apply to THOS. BATI GAHi tNo. 183 Mpnonsahela House, asent of the Company, who is prepared to eiva THSOtreH u« oitrra for paasenrera and freight to Indianapolis, lorre Hante. Lafayette, Chicaso, Peru, Creep- OiaUe, Crawfordsville, Charleston. Paris and Mat toon. H. C. LOBD. President. Insurance. WESTERN INSURANCE: COMPANY. OS' FisfBßHßeS. aaoass dabsib. Praamt Capt. b.», ooomtfNfeMi’ "wfflamwlaninst all kinds of FUtK udMA AHomelnstitntkramanaged by Directors who are well known in the oommmonity, and who are : and liberalHy r tomnn- Kmftt (ws> proteotion to those whodetdn to bo burned. . ASSim OCIOBSKtCrtto, 18#I. Stock Accounts .„..4 63,000 00 Mortme - , 2,160 00 Office xnrnltura . 250 00 Opra'Accounts, etc „ „.™. T. 50911 task 14351)) *BB,SS3! prssoTOiis. eMimSuEle Wm. H. Smith, (Sub. W. JUoheteoa, Andrew Ackler, Alexandra Speer. David M. Lone, Baea J. Thomas, Ben?. Bakevra]*, John B- M'Cnne. *IBS INBUBANCS, ,bt mi BELCASOE MUTUAL UrSURAIfOE OOMPAHY, 0» PHILADELPUIA, Oa Bufldinojhiniitaa or Perpetual, Hindu due, jfundtnrst Am, in town or ooustnr. . •ffHCi HO, *OB WAIHUTf- bthiet Caab Capital, Awta, Invested as follows, rig: Krst Mortgage or Improved dtp Pro party, worth donhle the amount (USSJOE 00 firoandjant, first elassa. 4453 CO Pennsylvania Railroad Go's 6 $ oat mooo, oost. 27,900 00 Philadelphia city 6 P cent- 10an...™.. 80 000 00 Allegheny County 6 ¥ oast. Pennsyl vania Railroad Loans , IfLOOO 00 Collateral loans, trail secured - gmj qo Huntingdon and Broad lop Mountain Railroadconoßfcoy,mortice 4*ooo 00 PanMjlvanio Railroad Co. lOOO 00 Stock of M&toal Imbihbi pany can divide by law, are from risks whisk have nsec determined. Insuramoesmado m every daeripfieft of Prop firty, in.Towu and Country* at rate ta low ta aro oonsistfiutwith security. Knee: thrtr inoorporaHon. a period of rears, they havepuia losses by iire, to axfamount axoMing Four MilUons of Dollars, thereby af , fording cvidenM.oa .the advantages ai as well aa theability nod disposition tons oet with promptness aUii&biMes. Loses paid asms the yeurldSDtfOtlsa gs, DIRECTORS, jgwlra W. Brasokc. D. Lrartb TobieoWemra. DtTiiB.?rowa.. Semnel Snal iaiaaLet* Jacob BJSnitn, BdttaMjKSalJL Amin fVTHlphaids. anil PHILADELPHIA FIRE AND LIFI INSURANCE COMPANY, HO. 140 OHESTHUT BTBEET, Opposite the Cbilod Uouie. Oapltal kSIB,IOa nrlll ÜBX ALL HQIM OE is. W SDRAbtClC.eithra PerpetulraLbiilted.oa rrerr djeaription of Property raMtft&tudiM, at laaaosßile rates of raffiainm. EOMKB P. EmaPrraaaßV K- PrSdqt Ohatiaaßaia.' &H.Co«t JlB.Baalish. BeoriO W.Browa. P. B- SaTory, Joseph a Paul, a Sharaum, John Olsrtoa. a J. Mesem XWBra, r.BuoKa oaa, Searetaijr. / J. u. 003WIE, AaraL WIT OamgTbird sßd Wood streets. ALLESHENY INSURANCE £O, Or EJTTSBUB&H, OFFICE. Ho. S 7 Filth Bt-, Bank Bloc r§?te> A !® ** ■ISAAOJONIsB, PreMaenh JOHli S.MeOOB&’ Sf.''®OOK, Beeretaul Capu WILIdLhM-BfiAltpOenftral Agent. .OIKKOTOBS—uaao Jones. fl, Htisser. Har yeiOhildjUapt.a.C.3r«r.John L. Jfahnestoah, John D, McCord. Captidn Jacobs, £. P. Btralin*. iiapt. W. jJean, Bobert L. lfanw.aebtß.Dasla. neffi Fomnsmse eooiteu SUIT ALLS FOB TBS BUSOS. r BA€BVH A ®I?M Invite attenflon to thoir Ertodt of filflTLl. MEN'S end YOUTH'S linen and Traveling Shirts, Oallare, Ties. Bnaponden, licen and BUS aanaenMeb. CHoTee, Brae, Vabmlb>,M ABV7 SHIRTS, And Soldier,' Pnmishlns Ooods, thnvt oa hand at „ „ MAOBUM A QLTDB S, null n Market BL between ith AUlamoni SOAP— tO BOXFB TOUEI SOAP AS. •rated, ta store aai for sale by 8808 US *W Wood street. Arrives at §339,510 Of, *303,008 •*,