DAILY POST, PITTSBURGH TUESDAY, DECEMBER 'Z-, 1863. ro adVebtisebs. Advertisements mas; be hendod in before b o'clock. T m.j to insure ingertiop. ITERS, Geu. Bragg, it is said, is to take com mand in Mississippi. Since the war commenced a great many nobody’s have become somebody’s. Jones caHscrinolines the large circle of his female friends, The cattle disease has again made its appearance in Massachusetts. A national bank with $50,000 capital, is to be established at Hanover, Pa. Gen. John A. Loga.n succeeds General Frank Blair in the command ot the 15th Army Corps. Tneaday was the anniversary of the death ot Prioce Albert. Qaeen Victoria has been two years a widow. The Charleston (S. C.J Courier says that the pay of a rebel soldier for a month will not suffice to purchase a pair of gloves. The subscriptions to the Five Million National Bank of New York closed on Thursday, the entire capital being subscri bed. In seven months the people the North have subscribed and paid for at par over 5330 000,000 of 0 per cent, bonds. It is reported that General Rosecrans will succeed Geueral Schofield m Mis- A man’s wife often gives him all the moral strength she has. She i 3 at once his rib and bis backbone. The Nashville Union jocularly refers to the rebel Congress as a “debating society down in Dixie/ 7 Over 2,600 applications for appoint ments as officers in the Invalid Corps are in the hands of the Provost Marshal Gen eral. Commodore Van Brunt, of the United St&tes at Dedbam, Mass., on thn 12th mat. » Bell's Life in London elates that the price of tickets to the great prise fight between Heenan and King has been fixed at the moderate sum of $15,45. A coal opera:or at Carbon, Pa., sold his lease on some coal lands for $700,000. A few years ago the same man was bank rupt. The Portsmouth (Ohio) Republican nominates the Hon. 8. P. Chase, for the Presidency in 1864, subject to the ratifica tion of the people. An exchange calls Mr. Chase a Chris tian. He is rather like Festus, before whom a Christian country appears, wish ing that all were as it is—“save these bonds.” Thfl growers of Ohio will meet in interest, The health of ttio President is gradually improving, lie has been able for the last four nights to altend the theatre, to see Hackey ig the Merry Wives of Windsor. Among the nev? political prrjects intro duced in the present Congress is a scheme to provide that all fnture Congressional elections shall be held on the same- day in ell the States. The United Stateßarsesßors’ convention committee recommend a tax on a!! dis tilled spirits cfsl per gallon ; for malt li quors 60 cents per gallon ; for malt, 30 cents per bushel, and tor hops 5 cents per pound. Hitherto water has been so scarce at Washington that thi Congressmen have had to slake their thirst with whisky. Bat the Potomac furniAes the city with water now, and there will be enough for ail. A billiard match was played in Indian apolis Dec. 17th, one thousand point up —caroms, for a stake of $l,OOO, between McDetitt, of Indianapolis and Parker, of Chicago. The former won 349 points. A printer named Wink, who died at Rochester, England, recently, was heard to mutter to himself a few moments before I his death: “I am on my last stickful; I am coming tc a paragraph, and I suppose I'll have to wait for old Death to put in a period.’’ An old resident ot St. Louis, who has a brother living -in Salt Lake Territory, lately received a letter from him contain ing the information that already snow has fallen to the depth of forty feet in the Rocky Mountains, a larger amount thaD has been known there for many years past. I While President Lincoln was confined to his house with the varioloid, some friends called to sympathise with him, es pecially on the character of his disease. Yes,’ he said, il it is a bad disease, but I it baa its advantages. For the first time since I have been in office, I have something now to pine to everybody that calls.” I The farmers in Southern Illinois have been busily engaged for some weeks past in cotton picking on high grounds, where the crops have been little injured by the frost. On the bottom and low lands the crops are totally ruined. Cotton presses are gorag up in Huron and Jackson conn- j ties, and gins are running in every neigh borhood. Gov. Brahlettb, of Kentucky, has do dined being a candidate for the United States Senate. He says he consented to serve as Governor at the sacrifice of his own desires and private interests in the hope that he might subserve those of the country. A sense of duty requires that] he should remain at his post until the pub lic safety is more dearly defined and peace better assured. I The question of the supply of corn, and the large demand for purposes of distilla- tion, is becoming one of importance to the Government. The report of the Ag ricultnral Bureau shows that there is a deficiency in the corn crop of 137,000 000 of bushels for the present ye*s« eg tim&ted that fully 600,000,OO0rr Oil, Carbon Oil. Carbon Oil, Carbon Oil, Carbon Oil, Carbon Oil, A further Reduction in Price, A further Redaction in Price. A farther Redaotion in Price, A further in Price, A further Reduction in Price, The beet White 0)1 at fo oents rer Gallon, The be?t White iil at cents per Gallon, The bort White Oil at 50 cents per Gallon, 'the beat White Oil at 50 ceutd per Gallon, At Joseph Fleming's Drug Store. At Joseph Fleming’s Drag Store,. At Josepu Fleming’s Drug btore, Corner of the Diamrnd and Market street. Corner 01 the Diamond and Market st eet- Corner of the Diamond and Market street. Pure No. 1 Potash and Soda Ash, Pure No. 1 Potass and . k rda Ash. Pure No. 1 Pot?sh and Soda Ash, Constantly on hand at low prices. Constantly on hand at low pr.ee*. „ doZl-iA.d Editor of the Daily Pont.— Dear 6ir.~ With IKfir your permission I wish to say to the read ers of your paper that I will «end, by return mail to all who wibh it ,free,y a Receipt, with full di rections for making and using a simple Vegetable Ba'm, that will effectually remove, ia ten days, Pimples, Blotches, Tan, Freckles, and all Impur ites oi the fcjkin, leaving the same soft, cloar. smooth and beantiful. 1 will also mail free to those having Bald llcade, or Bare Faces, simple directions and information that will enable them to start a full growth of Luxuriant Hair, Whiskers, or a Moustache, in less than thirty days. All applications answered by return mail with out charge. Respectfully yours. 1 Hu;’’. F. CHAPMAN. Chemist, ocs-3tr.J Ml Broadway. New Tortf. ITS* To CO .Het’MPTIVES-THE AD IMr 'toriiser having been restored to health in a few weeks, by & very simplo rotnedy, after hav ing suffered several yeais with a severe lung af 'ortim ar.d that dread disease, Consumption—is aoxii'us to make known to his fellow-sufferers the means cf oure. To all who desire it, he « .11 eo&d a copy ol the prescription (free o* charge,,' with the direc tion 3 lor preparing and using the same, which they Will God a sure cure fur CONBCMPTMN. Asthma. Bronchitis, Cucohs. Colds, Ac. Tbo only object oi the advertiser in eendmg the 1 ro* scription t>:.uoefit the aalictod, ard spread information which hcoonceivos lu Ho mvaluab’e. and Lo hopes every Bufforer niJl try hii remedy, as it will cc>9t him nothing, and may prove a blessing Parties Wishing the pieacripuon win na.ee Ksv EDWaada. >ViLSON. A illiamsburgb Kings County. New York. Ihe above remedy may be ebtained in Pifs burgh cf JON£I*II IIJMLVt.. Pruggu: 3>t&rtr«t atra.a> 0»... ? h T,. „ | B! F^r :s [» L n^ I> T 0 ’ v ASn ikthbiok RCn AL MAIL COMPANY'S C'KIEBKATKO REMEDIFN BLOOD POWDER AND 1J ° N E OINT M JL N i A certain care for of Horses and Cattle, known to and used only by the Company in thoir own stables from 1844 until the opening of the Railway over the principal routes. After iho gen eral use ot these remedies m ail the stables of tho Company, their annual sales ot condemned stock were discontinued, a saving to the Company ex ceeding £7,tCOBSWEI.I. * KERB. CARRIAGE MANUFACTURERS SILVER & BRASS PLATERS, And manufacturers of Saddlery * Carriage Hardware, No. 7 St. Clair street, and Duouesne Wav (near tho Bridge,) 011,4 PITTSBURGH. inS-nENnSTBY.-TEETH E X ■ fT®" traded without pain by the use of Ur. Uudry a apparatus. J. F. HOFFMAN. DENTIST All work warranted. 181 Smith Held street, PITTSBURGH, HTSf^FLOURINGMILLFOBSALK. £5 h s j French Butts, with all the latest improved ma ifer 17 En l io?“ QfaC i? r / nil , the beßt bra “ ds of a * ood looal " well as foreizn TOIS 18 v rar - 6 £ l aDCO for besinets em and invite aty who wish to envazo in a Drofitabn known' 11 ' “ th ° MiU ' wo °re tern£ will be » oc2l-SmdJtw j. VOEQTLY. M kefnpoet property for i£ AL ?~S foe i- lon Walnut strost by “r “•*-Kgs?z&»t s sd»" 3e ~ , 51 Market st. g»in,i>r*r. lots fob sale.-io Oft front on Fleminv street, by 90 foot dern to elOfeot alley, 1090 feet from North Coinmatf ‘■llogheny city. Prioo. 31300 Also, tvo lo“ feet front on Kore street by 12J deet, to Just'ieo street, between Overhill and Dinwiddle streets °' 8. CUTHBERPA SONS, 5l Market st. Q.BAKD ' ' ~ Festival at Grace Church FOK THE ’ BeneGt of the Christian Commission. The Ladies of Grace Ohnroh, (Rev. E. E Hie by.) corner of Grant and Webrter streets. PutT bureh. will riv© & grand festival, on 'XTTB9- ® V JJNINQ. December 22d. In aid of the Commission. Ihe public are oordiaiiy invited to be present, deSl-tf FOBTHE HOCIDATS -FHCSH a rI rivaJ of Beets. Shoes, Gaiters. Balmorals crams and Felt Soles, at al! , J. H. BORLAND’S. , , G _ No. 98 Market streeL deiy second door from Filth stroet. New Advertisements. rgr\ ° O § £ is!. " ! Ki a 4 s Fk g 58 lJ5| |i -So S I! « Q* . H&J! ® -J -9 g S.i . « -5 TB\ o -3 ..£ * 1 _ g pH g.S 2* S£ S . J 1 •! o §1 Jjj |»§ p a i £ f| 2 -fll | ?? . . 1- * * a C$ • H M !l * llg -4 S <1 1? £ !-Ir £ o -= |a- i ya a t-a* O ■% « M «J! 22 r> « 2 w - 3 1 fet aJs H 3 9 5S «- Is? ©2 pc? f 3 jJ *S® a I—l «T> & .a® -a PM a „ 3 %’S* T~s Z 02 “-I 3 o«£ g E-i gl •5-15® r. .3 I — l II V - s .a H S £ |1 CB si? 2 PH -*- CM 2 tt f* ■M l -g - g -- > - .if § 51s P ce Sis .?= e 1-0 fici 3 ° -j 5 s =•? ss* |l§ ad 500 3£» ~ © © ° c :£ •^sla « d-Cr- *© oa o < P- KSfii A ■ kb £ > z nd I a * _ eg William semple*s, 1?8 O and 182 federal street fRKNCH MERINOES KtPl’S FANCY DRESS GOODS, SHAWLS ii l 'Up SKIRT Balmoral Skirls BLAx\'KF.T> C(I UNTRY Fi. ANKELS, CHECKS PRIATS, GIAGHAMS, Bleached and Unbleached Mnslins TABLE DIAPERS, SATINSTTS CASSI MERES, wool. HOODS, ;.\l BIAS, & c WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, AT .sav'l. rsao \ WILLIAM SEMI PICK'S, Nos. ISO and 182 PEDEHAL ST, iHOTOWRApn ALBUMS, Toy Books, Magazines, stationery, As Cheap as ihe Cheapest, AH CASHS COOK m NiSWS DMPti Chronicle Building', Fifth g* TOYS & FANCY GOODS FOR THE MILLION, AT FOERSTEB A SCIIWABZ’S, 164 Smithficld strcou Ot IH’S AID SOCIETY FAIR, g. For the benefit of iho SANITARY commission, rv-JSVILLI: HALL, Tuesday Evening, December 22. 1863. Admittance _ 10 dc22-ltd " te3U * EMPLOYMENT, A MOSTH.-AGEBTTB WAHT VP • v ed ,o seK Sewing Machines. Wo will give a commirsior. on all Machines sold, or em ploy agents wha will work for the above wages, and all expenses paid. For particulars Address C. RUGGLE3 * CO.. -A' 22 ' 1 *' 1 Det-eit. Mich. WABD—TILE IIEMOCBATIC citizens ot the Third Ward,(PittabotrtU will TfviKtJrPZf* *»«*•<» THURSDAY EVENING, Dec. 24th, at 4 o'olock, to suggest officers to be balloted for oa t> AI t KIaAY, between the hoars ofsaad 7 o'clock P-nu JAMES HERDMAIC^ Sifl BASKETS. “ PESTS AHB quarts,” Heidziek’s Ch&mx>asn« 30 Cases Sparkling Moselle, * In rtore and for sate bj MILIjKR k RICKBTSOH ALLEviBEN Y ALLEGHENY Diaries, for 1864, Holiday Books, New Books, Ail kinds of Chajimay HOLIDAY PRESENTS MUSIC FOR THE HOLIDAYS! OUR PIANO BOOMS ABE NOW opes, and we reapectfully Invito our friends and the publio generally to call and examine for themselves. OUR SPLENDID STOCK PIANOS, HARMONIUMS, MELODEONS, ETC, W hich we have just received from the most popular manufacturers in the Es&t, comprising the clebrated New Scale Bradbury Plano, Schomacher A Co., Oeo. ftteeb, Groveateen A Co , Boardman A Gray, And Others. Those desiring to purchase a good instrument, fully equal, if not superior to any < ffered for sals elsewhere, and at a reasonable price, would do well t* call at VO. 8 ST. CLAIR S’^EET, Near Suspension Bridge, WHIEUSK «fc BARR THE MISICAE PROFESSION OB NEW YORK TO MM. B. BRADBURY. ‘We have examined.with muohcare.Mr Wo. B. Bradbury’s NEW SOaLE PIANO koRTBS, and it is our opinion that, in power, purity, noh~ u€BB, equality ol tone, and thorough workman shir, Mr, Bradbury’s instruments EXOBu. . ’We find great brilliancy and a beautifdl fling ing quality of tone most happily blended. We nave rarely seen a square Piano ooznbining so INSTRUMENT” 1 * 1 ” e2flentiai a PERFECT Gar^nohata. Marry Sanderson. 1 Chakw.is ‘ John N. Pa tison, a. Bagioli. Charles Fradel, Gustav R. Eokhardt, I ob w m H ?c or ' ?• L - H. E. Mathews, F H Nash Charles Grobe, Theo. Moeiling, fctrakosch John H. Iokle?, Clare W. Beam es, KobertSteepel, M ai Maretsek, | Henry C. Timm, J ohn oundeL Organist lu U.W, Beecher's Chnroh. GOTTSCHALK TO MM; B. BBAjDBBBT. “I have eiaminedWth great oare Mr Wir, it Bradbury s NlsW SCALBPIANO FORTEB?abd it is my rpimon that they are VERY SUPERIOR instruments. "I havo especially remarked their thorough workmanship and the power, purity, richness and eqnahty of their tone. 1 recommend t aerefur ?. these ins rnmentst o the pnbUc in general, and doubt not of the r success, _ . . , , 1. M. GOTT3CHALK. New York, July 12.1863, MESSRS. SCHOMACHER A CO., Have numerous letters of recommendations from a S a:ot,rs_the President of the United (States, Governors of States, eta, who have purchased their Pianos. Thoir Instruments reoeived a Gold Medal at the Crystal Palaoe Pair, Londorn d a2l MUSIC FOR CHRISTMAS w I J* T , MORE acceptable and dehghtful for a Holiday Gilt than a splendid STEIN WAT PIANO, OB A CALENBEBG PIANO, OB A MILLEfi & OO.'a BOSTOH PIAHO, Op a Tyron A Co.'s W. Y. Piano, Carhart sweet toned Piano. A superb selection just received by U ' KLEB |Uh ß^eet. For Xadies’T For Gentlemen, For Children, For Everybody. Christmas & New Years’ PRESENTS. T HS holidays are fast ap loTlrn^ o f!i' 11111 *' “J 11 * ever ybody will be on the present Vn°rft* ,hmii i ood * nd serviceable for ihe tXwi” g 0 u? t i icfe” a< ’ m ° r ° aPPrcPriato th “ PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS! defy W. CT I 2OO 'Hf eroot styles at price!, we w j aro , thva]Jots, .rocket knives. LhdiaP Purses, loy Books, Caid Photosrapbs. Pocket Bibles for Cenire Tables, Portfolios, Checker Itoards, Checkers, Chess, Diaries. Games ot all Holiday Books Cf all de-CTiptions, Ladies’ Work Cases Card Cases, 60-differont kinds of Games, and other a:- tioioa too numerous to mention* What Is Nicer for a Present than a fears Subscription to a Msgaziae or Paper W o furnish them at Publishers’ Rates, at JOHN W. PITTOCK’S ALBUM DEPOT, Fifth street, opposite the Postoffise. doly OBRiSTM.AS Atlill SSW YEARS’ PRESENTS. Albums Holding 50 Pictures, $2 90. Albums Holding 40j Pictures, $2 25, Albums Holding *4 Pictures, $1 25. Albums Holding 13 Pictures, I 50 Cents. Call and examine the CHEAPEST and BEST STOCK ot ALBUMS in the TWO CITIES, Photograph Cards in variety. A large assortment of Books, Magazines, Papers, and Sta tionery, for sale at! JAMES T. SAMPLE'S Book and Periodical Depot, delfr-laad 85 Federal st.. Allegheny City, fIHBISTMAS AMO SEW TEAKS’ PRESENTS - DRESS HOODS of the latest styles. CLOAKS, SACQUES, SHAWLS, FURS ol every kind and a Tariety of other goods. All will be offered cheap, to afford all to purchase, at * H. J LYNCH*?!, No. 96 Market street, del. between sth and the Diamond. IJ. O. WZLDOV EBLX.T. WELDOS d KELLY, I MJ VUPACTUBSKS 07 Idimps and Lamp Goods, JJTD DX/LLXBS IV CARBON 0118, BENZISE, 146 Weed street, near Sixth, I deB PITTSBURGH. PA. JAStS HeUCGHUH, tJSALIE St OYSTERS, BUTTER, POULTRY, GAME and EGGS, STREET, SO. 860 Dows (tain. CIDES-3 BABBELB OF 8 FEET CIDER—Just received and forsale by FRTZER A ARMSTRONG, del* oomer Market and VhststtMhk CHRISTMAS PIANOS. A*™J*lV ew stook of ™ KNABE PIANOS, CompririßK 6J4 6M and 7 ootave Piano Portal, with plain ana elaborately carved eases; fiio, Jtainea Bros., N. y. Pianos/ Which hare been used in this city of fifteen yean ana or* acknowledged to be tbebest in the conn try at the price; also the Groves teen Rosewood 7 octave Piano Warranted for five years—cheapest Piano made, PRINCES’ MELODXOIS, The best in the world. An entire new stock of all the different styles jost received. Also Melodeons of other makers, CfIAfiLOTTS BLUMB. del9-tjl 43 Fifth street. CHRISTMAS PBBBEJTT.-A SUB uifleent Kosewood 7 octave CONCERT GRAND PIANO, Richly carved, made by (KNABE A CO., Jost received. CHARLOTTE BLUME, de!9 43 Fifth street. go 1 FOR MERRY CHRISTMAS. GREAT ATTBAGTION! Bought expressly for our HOLIDAY SALES, A magnificent stock of Goods, both useful and ornamental. Paisley Mantles, Ladles’ Scarfs, Monitor Belts, Head-Dresses, Hoods, v 1 RICH EMBROIDERIES, MALTESE LACE, COLLARS and SETS, Photograph Frames, Splendid Photograph Albumß, Superb Opera Glasses, NICMH IS BREST HRIITV And profusion, which must be seen to be ap preciated : also, a full supply of Trimmtnga, Hosiery, Gloves, and Small Wares Regularly kept in our store. The trade is respectfuiiy invited to give ns a call, as we offer strong inducements from a *arge and well solected stock. MACRUM & GLTDE, 78 MARKET STREET, Between Fourth and Diamond. FOR THE HOLIDAYS. The most, suitable and ecok> cmieal present for the Holidays is certainly a FINE PICTURE With a frame to suit every taste. KFiT.TftTnns PTOTTTRF.S, PICTURES OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, PICTURE FRAMES, FHOTOGKAPO FRAMES, SQUARE and OVAL In great variety. Call and aeo the largest atock of I'IITIKIIS In town, Rt H. D. BBECHT A CO.'S, liJ Smithfiold ttreel, between Fifth and S'lth delS-tjl PITTSBURGH. HOLIDAYS. J. Ll. MEN & CO., 95 Market Street, ™ D * T OJPEKED tne nonest and most comprehensive stock HOLIDAY GOODS. We havo ever exhibited; an icipatiog the wants ot tar friends, we havo made our display much earner than csft&l, and now invite oar onato mera and tho public generslly to an early ex amination of ourg.ods, which have been se ated with eaoeciai regard to their tastea for HOLIDAY PHEBENIS, Embracing an unusually large assortment of WATCHES, Wi:h the newest and most elegant designs of Diamcnds and Pearls inlaid, enameled and en graved oases. ■ In great variety of Clusters land Solitaires. JEWELRY, All the latest styles of Solid Gold. Onyx. Coral Peart. Enameled, Garnet and Carbuncle Jew eiry. silver; ware, Spoons, Forks, Cups, Fancy Pieces, Tea Seta TVayß. Baski ts, Casters, Pitchers, Ac,, Ac.. fancy goods, A beautiful eoHeotion of the moat traoefal nat tenu of Bohemian and French Vasea and Toilet Ware, Bronzes, Clocks, Boies, etc., etc.. J. B, U’FABBBI eb CO., 98 Market street. de!2d3w QC 00 DO - 6n J Hs g s -h Se; «rg " « ®g s B.l mMy ®-a.i fj-Ipi§3 M H ®3 s S n P .• fr'g M “ £jd h®S *o | 5§ sgs s£« jgq j I‘sii'S . ©of oIjS«SS b *g£ SaJSpJ 5 wS |