J AMES P. BARR, Editor and Proprietor. Medical. Dr. Hoofland’B GERMAN BITTERS. PREPARED BY DB. O, M, JAOKSOW, PbiladeF phia, P emu., IS WOT A BAR ROOM DRINK, SUBSTITUTE FOR RUM, OK AN Intoxicating Beverage. BUT A HIGHLY CONCENTRATED Vegetable Extract. A PORE TONIC. Free from Alcoholic Stimulant* or Injurious Drugs, ARD WILL EFFECTUALLY CURE Liver Complaiut, Dyspepsia and Jaundice. HOOFLAITD’B GEBMAN BITTEBS WILL CURE EVERY CASE OF Chronic or IterTonn Debility. DiNtnse of the Kidney*, and Disease* arlnin#- from a Riwor* deretl Stomach. Observe the Following Symptoms Resulting From Disorders oi the Digestive Organs : Coistsra ■ lion, inwajd Piles, Fullness ur Blood to the Head. Aoidityof the Stomach, Nausba, Heartburn, JL>i«cuet fjr Food, Fullness or Weight in tho Stomach. Sour Eruotations, Sint* ing or Fluttering at tho Pit of the Stem* ach. Swimming cf the Head. Burned and D Breathing, Fluttering at the Heart. Choking or Suffocating Sensations when in a lyu g I' Diinnos* oi Viaion, Dot. or Webs I o fore the Sight, Fever and Dull Pain in the i. 4 oad. Deficiency ef Perspiration. Yo’- * lowness ol the Skin and Eyes,Pain in the Sido, Back, Chest, Limbs, Ac. Sudden Flushes of Heat, Burn ing in tho Flesh, Constar t Imaginings of Evil, and great Der»?es si o n of Spirits. HOOFLABD’S GERMAN BITTEBS WILL GIVE YOU A GOOD APPETITE, STRONG NERVES. HEALTHY NERVES, STEADY NERVES, BRISK FEELINGS, HEALTHY FEELINGS, A soon CONSTITUTIOy, A OTROSU CONSTITUTION A HEALTHY CONSTITUTION, A SOIM) CONSTITUTION WILL MAKE THE WEAK - STRONG WILL MAKE THE SEUCATE WILL MAKE THE WILL MAKE THE DEPRESSED V. ILL MAKE THE SALLOW COMPLEXION WILL MAKE THE DULt ETE CLEAKd BRIGHT Will prove a biesßiug iu EVERY FAMILY. Can bo aeod with perfect safely by MALE OLD OR OR FEMALE, YOUNG PARTICULAR NOTICE. There are many preparation* told under the »om< of Bitters, put up in quart bottle*, compounded of the cheapest t ohisky or common rum, costing from •U to 4U cents per gallon, the taste disguised by An ise or (Joria nder Seed. This class of Bitters has caused and will conUn ue tc cause, as lona as they can be sold, hundred* to die the death of the drunkard. By their use the system is kepi continually under the influence of Ai ooholio BtianiUants of the worst kind, the desire for Liquor is created and kept up, and the result is all the horrors attendant upon o drunkard's life and death. Beware of them. Kor those toho desire and Will have a Liquor Bitters,wepublish the following receipt . Get One Bottle Hoofland’« tierman Bitters, and mix with I'hree 4|aarts of Good Brandy or Whisky, and (he result will be a preparation that will far excel tn medicinal virtues and true excellence any of the numerous Liquor Bitters tn the market, and wtU cost much less. You will have all the virtue* of Hoofland'N Bitters tn connection with a ffOOd article of Liquor, at a much lea* price than these inferior preparations will cost you. DELICATE CHILDREN, Those suffeiing from MiRASJIt'S, wasting away, with toarcel? any iieah on their bones, are cured in a very short lime; one bottle in such cases, will have a most surpris-ng effect DEBIL.IY, Resulting from fevers oi any kind—These Bitters will renew your streog:h in a very short litno. ELVLit ANDAGUL. The ohii twill not return if these Bitters are used. No person in a Fever and Ague District shou'd be without thorn. LYom Rev. J. Newton Brown, D. D., Editor of the Encyclopedia of ttcligious Knowledge. Although not disposed to favor or recommend Patent floediemes in general, through distrust ot their ingredients and effects; 1 yot know of no sufficient why a man may not testify t the benefits he bedeves himself to have received from any simple preparation, in the hope that be may thus contiibute to the benefit oftthers 1 do this more readily ra regard to Hoofland’s German Bitters, prepared by Hr. C.M. Jackson of this city, becau.e I was prejudiced against them for many years, under the impression that they were chiefly an alooholic mixture. I am indebt* ed to my friend Robert Shoemaker, Esq , for the removal of this prejudi jo by proper tesra. and for encouragement to try them, when suffering from gfb&tand long continued debility. The use of three battles ot these Bitters, at tho beginning of the present year, was iollowed by evident rdlie*, and restoration to a degree of bodily and mental vigor which I had not tolt f>r six months before, and had almost ae.paired of regaiumg. I there fore thank God and my friend lor direct ng me to the use of them Philadelphia, June 23,1862. J. newton brown ATTENTION BOLDIEBS, MD THE FRIENDS OF SOLDIERS We call th« attention of all nr.-ring relations cf Steads In the to the fact that • HOOF BANDS German Bitters" will onre nine tenths of the diseases indaoed by exposures and priva aonslncident.tocamp life. In the Hats, puhlish ®? A“ n W_ d * i Ur in the newspapers, on the arrival of tho sick, it will be notioed that a very large pro p?3riPJ^ra® B !f n * from debility. Every oase w"*® 4 by Hoo Hand's be thBt The proprietors are daily receirior thnnkfnl let. terefrom suffersm in 'hearmy and hospitSS'who havejiam resi'orod to health by tho u.o of those to them by their friends BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS. See that the Signature of “C. M. JACKSON" is on the WRAPPER of eaoh Bottle. PRICES. Large sire $l,OO per Bottle, or Half Dot *5 00 Medium fiiie ,5 •• or Half Doi. $4.00 Ane Large one, on account of the quantity the Bottles hold, are much the cheaper. not have the ar bole, do not be put off by any of tho intoxicating prepnravions that may be offered in Its place, but torwJtsZtSffgzSZd JONES & EVANS, (Socosnors to C. V. Jackson A C 0,,) " , - Sr Q p rie t o r’,. . _*r-So'B. SALE fey Drussiets and dealer, in tow* in the Great Discovery. KIIML’S BHTBB WINE OF IBM VS oak Stomachs, General Debility, Indigestion, Disease of the Nervous System, Constipation, Acidity of the Stomaoh, and for all c.ises requiiiog a Toqjc. This wise includes the most agreeable and efficient Salt of Iron wc pos sess; Citrate of Magnetic Oxdie oombinou with the most euergetio of vego'&ble tonics Yellow Peruvian Bark, The effect in many cases of de bility lens of appetite, and general prostrations, of an efficient Salt of Iron, combined with our valuable Nevre Tonic, is moat happy. Itaug* uieniß the apperite, raisos the pulse, takes of muscular flabbiness, removes the palor of debili ty, and gives a florid vigor to the countenance. Do you want something to 6trenghten you ? Do you want a good appetite? Do you want to build up your constitution ? Do you want to feel well ? Do yon want to get rid of nevrousness ? Do ycu want entrgy ? Do you want te sleep well ? Do you want a brisk and vigorous feeling ? • If you do. try KUNKEL’S BITTER WINE OF IRON, This truly valuable Tonio has been so thorough ly tested by all classes of the community, that it is now deemed indispensible as a Tonio Medicine, it oost but little, gives tone to the stomach, ren ovates the system and prolongs life, I now only ask a tnal of this valuable tonio. Counterfeits. .w ß^f“«, o,l «£ onif ™“ lTB - A S KUNKLE’S Bid. ILi WINE OF IR jN is the only sore and eflectual remedy in the Enown world lor the per manentcureof Dyrpopexa and Debxlity, and as there are a number of imitations offered to the pub'ic. we would caution the community to pur chase none but the genuine article, manufactured b? A. Kunkel, and has bis stamp on tho top of the oork of every bottle. The faot that othors are attempting to imitate this valuable reniody, proves its worth and epoaks volumes in its favi.r, The Bitter Wine ok Iron is rut up in 76 CETfT and $l,OO BOTTLES, And sold by all respectable Draggists throughout the country. Be particular that every bottle baars ine fac-rimile of the proprietor's signature. UENKRAD DEPOT. No. 118 Market st,, Horrißburg, Pa, For sale by Dr. KEYSER, Agent, 140 WOOD STREET. Gco-cmd U|i:i»ICAL CARD F. X. DbROLETTE, M. D,, From the Medical Faculty of Paris, Franco, Ex tntorn (Resident Physician) of Hotel l)ieu, Chanty Hospitals, ubli bos the fact, of his doing so, the ignorant acd falsely modest ato dreadfullysoocked. andtbtnkha gr«atsn very immortal and for contamination and corruption among their wives, promising sons «nidaughters. Then family t hysicians should bo ciutious to keep them iq ign ranco that they do the same as Be. Bka.vstrup. except publishing) lest a lu era' ivo practice might bo Icot to them among stu pid, falsely, mede t And ptesumptous famii es, bk.ru and raised in ignurance,.sprung up as u.osh rourfl and wno compa e society, intel igonce, saute, dtc., to dollars and Cfi-U. mysteriously meanly or illgottun. it :s to publicity, however, thil numerous parents and guardians arc tbac.k ful that their sons, and ward', pre vious y feeble, sickly and of d.licate condition and appearance have been rtsiored tn health and vigor by i)R. BttANisTKUP, besides many bo fore and alter marriage through him hava been saved much stiflering. anx.ety, m'Ttification, Ac. tiperaiatorrhea or nocturnal omi sions. are ioqi plctely cure! in a very short t puc« of tune by hi new remedies.which are po-'uliarly his own. They are compvunde from the Vegrtable Kingdom, having seen the fa’lacy oftho Mercurial treat men', he has abandoned it and substituted the vegetable, female diseases are treated wt'h marked success—having had ovtr forty year3(4o) experience in their treatment in hospitals ol both the Old World and in the United States, leads him tosay-toull with a fair trial, health and happiness will agaio bloom on the now— called oheek. Trifle noJongo* wiih mentebanka and quacks, bat come and be cured. Oomumpiion and all its kindred diseases, of which so many an nually fill rur countries, can new be relieved, providing they attend to it in time. Full partic ulars can be had of my treatment by procuring a copy of the Medical Advi?er, which is gwen grat is to all teat apply, ilaviQg tne sdrantago of over forty years experience and observation, con* eequently, ho has superior skill in the treatment of special diseases, and who is daily consu tod b 7 the profession, as well as rcoommenaod by res* peotabie citiions, publishers, prop ietors of ho* tels. kc. Office, 85 braitbfield street, near Dia mond street. Private communications Iromal! par’s of the Union striepy attended to. Jiiroc* to dcS-ly HEARTY STOUT IJVELT CLEAR 10,000,000 SAVED. GLEASON’S KEUO&E2VE CRATER WILL WARM FOOD FOR THE BA by, heat water or steep herbs, ur months of pregnancy, though safe at any other time, as misoarriage would be th& result. Each box contains GO Pills, PRICE, ONE DOLLAR. DR. HARVEY’S TREATISE On Diseases of Females. Pregnancy, Miscarriage, Barrenness, cterility, Reproduction, and Abuses of Naturo, and emphatically the LADIES’ PRI VATE MEDICAL ADVISER, a pamphlet of 70 pages, sent freo to any address Six oents re quired to pay postage. ttS-Tbe Pills and Book will be sont by mall, coßUdcnti-iliy when dc6irod, sccurxly braled, and prepaid on rece’i t •,{ money by J. BUT AN, M. D., General Agents No, 70 Coder street, New York. s3~So!d by all the principal Druggists. Joseph Fleming 1 , Druggis*. cor-orof tho Diamond and Ms.rk r: et., egenl Pittsburgh, rco emijw MAKIIOOI); HOW LOST ! HOW RF.SIOHF.O! J'-st in a ! eiivciojrf. PrxceQ ett- AL E ( T l : R K ON I II E N A T l' R E, treatment and radical cure of Spermatorr hoea, or Seminal weakness. Involuntary Emia sions, sexual Dcl-Mity, impediments to Mar riage generally, Nerv ,u,-;.r?-, Consumption, Ep ilepsy and fils; Mtr.iai and Physical Incapacity, resulting from Self-abuse, Ac.. oy Robt. J. Cvl- VKRWELJ.. V i).. author of 1 be- Green Book, Ac ** A Boou to ihoiuauds ol fiufrerpn*,” Sent under seal, in a plnifi envelope to any ad dross, port-paid on r-'cciM d dx cents or two pos tage s'amp- by Dip Ch. J. C. Kli.nr, 127 Bowery, New York, Post Office Box. solo dm-udtw. For Ra'Sj Mice. Roaches, Ants. Bod Bugs, Moths in Fur;:. V oolons, Ac., insectj on Plants, Fowls, Animals, «sc. Put up in 25c.. K flc and \'\ boxes, bo;t!e-i and Casks; K-and $5 Casks »cr IKtcL Public* Insti tutions, Ac. "Only infallible romedica known." “Free tr. m Poi-son?." “Not dangvrou" rhe 11 uicr.n Family," "Rats come out of tnetr b*dea t<> dio.“ 4Sf SoM w!:ole o s.e i „ <\‘i lo <-pies. Sold by all Druggis; where. Beware of all Worthing iu> nations. See .hat "0.» tarV'rame is-'r. each box bottle andlla.'k before y. u buy. Ai.tr??'- HENRY R. COSTAS, Principal Depot, 44; !iro..dwkj\ N. Y, *3“ on Id by K. E. SKI.LKRS A CO., and B: L. FAUNESI'JCK A C‘.K. v , h-kv;,le Agents, Pittsj burp. :r:''>-&mJeodaw WM. M. F,* V'-p. (70„ Si!SKk£B ! i■ H * ij ii i 0 5§ i id.' -J. S?’' * - ;i rr. \> Sit-.,fl*L fcaCSilii > ’*.• .XUS l&s i t's 6. O&ooi MAJgUFAt ALL HIHDS OF bteam EriimeG, i-aniini from throe to on* hundred and £L:y borw pewoj, and suited foi Wrist Mills, Saw Miiis- Bi>.s. Fumaocs, Factories, •to. GWe partlouior attention to tho cooittraotioo oj af-.a Machlr.er/ Jcr grist ipilla, and for cpnghts. muiay and cirtula.- -a-? unils. Have hand, an ; r.-ady for ship ment a*. ?HortDouc< PciiorGoforen doecript-en. Also, faruich i'clier* *.od Slxeei Iron separately, Wrougnt Irr-r Bangers and Pulliesm every variety, and crumt’.© tho manufacture of Wo wen Machinery ani Machine Cards, Oar pne« arc low. our machinery manufactur ed of tae hcjl ’joality of ma'-jiixia, and warranted tn all cages to give satisfaction from »U ran* >.-,i tbs country solid ed and promptly fiii-sd. fekl:dJtw STEAM WAGON WOBK. QN HAND AND MADF TO UhDKR WAGONS, OAKTS, WHEELLA RR 0W S, STORK FRUCKS. HAY AND STRAW GUTTERS. _ , . C. COLEMAN, oc-T-lyi Mari, c Avenue. A lie -heny City. J. BtSLEVI, Grocsi, NO 4/ DIAMOND, PITTRLCRGH, PA my22;ly Wasnington City, Aug. sth, 1863. j Whkrbas, By satisfactory evidenoe presented to the undersigned, it has been made to appa*r that the FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF PITTS BURGH, in the Couaty of Alleghany and State of Pennsylvania has been duly organised under and aocording to the requirement* of the Act of Congress, entitled “an Act to provide a National Currency, secured by a pledge of United States Stocks, and to provide for the circulation and re demption thereof," approved February 25th, 18e3, and has compliod with all tho provisions of said Act required to be complied with before commencing the business uf Banting, Now Thbrkpobb, I, Hugh MoCufloch, Comp troller of tho Currency, do hereby certify that tne «aid FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF PITTS BURGH, county of Allegheny and State of Penn -83 Ivania, in autnorieed to commence tfa© business of Banking under the Act aforesaid. 1 In testimony whereof witness my hand and seal of office, this sth day of August.lB63* HUGH MoCULLOCH, SB j- Comptroller of the Currency. The First National Rank ot Pittsburgh, Pa., LATH PITTSBURGH TRUST COMPANY, Capital $400,000, with privilege to in. The Pittsburgh Trust Company having organ tied under tho act to provide a National Cu> renev, under the till) of the FIRST NATIONAL BANK uF PITTFITRGH. would respectfully offer its services f>r tho collection of Notes. Drafts, Bills of Exchange &c.. receive money on deposit and bay and sell Kxchacgo on all parts of the country. The success wh f ch h s Handed the Pittsburgh Tru-t Company iince iU.organiiat’on in 1852, will wo belive be a sufficient guarantee that business entrusted to the new organisation will receive too Btme piompt auenlio i. Having a very ex'ensire correspondence with Banks p.nd Bankers, throughout the country, we believo wo ran .m aiJ the routes of travel- It contains ail the modern im provements, and every convenience for the com fort and accommodation ef the truve ing public. The sleeping room? are largo and well ventilated; the suites of rooms are well arranged, fd com pletely funi'abed for families and large traveling parties, and the hou o will continue to bo kept as a first a first-ck.ss Hotel in every rcip^'t. Telegraph in the house to all parts of the cr-an try. _ HENRY RICE, Proprietor. ►u j L'caiera ovary- Boston, Sept 186 d. J- F. BECKHAM BECKIUIU «fc LONG, Wholesale and Roiail Dealers in Agricultural and Panning- Imnlements, Agents for rootstock «t am. mon’a Nursery. Buckeyo Mower and Reap er, Hu cell's Iton Harvester, Cayuga Chief, jr., Mowor. Wood’? Mower, harmcr'n Mower. Buck eye Graio l rill, Russell's Mnarillon Peparatcr. Economy Wheolcd Horse hake, Cook’s Sugar Ev*j orator. No. 127 Liberty Street, Nest dorr to Hare’s Hotel, rolH-dJ?w PIWBI-ROEJ. PA. Cl AS AND STEAM MUTING.-TOE under igned i? prenitred to esoca e all or ders for Gas and Steam r utmg. Also, tor fitting Locksmithing end Beil Hanging j.rom;Uj at tended to. Mr. W. li. CRAUMER is foremantho Gar Fialng bhop. FOLDING IRON BEDSTEADS For sale-: also. TWO LATHES. W. L>. KKIT’KNBL'KG. Locksmith and Bell Hanger, dod-laid 42ti Penn street, LARGE STOCH OF NEW SHOES AT DIFFENBACHEB’S, NO. 15 FUTH STREET, i mbracing Gent’s, Ladies, Misses and Children’* wear ; n great variety. sell JATOTICE.—IO THE STOCKHOLM -LW EHb OF THE Pli'TblU KGii, FORT vvAYNt: k cmcAQu railroad oom- PAjnY.—A meeting of the Stockholders of the P., F. W. & C. Railroad Company, will be held at No. 23 Fifth streot, Pittsburgh, at li a. in., ol the 81st of December, proximo. For tho purpose of considering an agjoement for The Sale of the Franchise. To bo a corporation oi that Company, to iho Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne and Chicago .Railway Company, os provided in “Act of the General Assembly of tho State of Ohio,” passed April 4th, 1863. Vt. H. BARNES, n025-ul Secretary. Laird’s Bloom of Youth for the complexion and skin- Drake s genuine Plantation Bitters. Ayer's Cherry. Pectoral and sarsaparilla. Mrs. Alien's Hair Restorer and Zyloba.sum. Wuhan's Pine Tree Tar Cordial. Hagau's Magnolia Balm. St oar ling Ambrosia for the Hair. Holloway's Family Medicines, Lindsey’s Improved 13‘ood Searoher. All of I>r. Jayne's Family Medicines, Pure Glycerine and Honey Soaps. Glycerine Cream and Cold Cream, for chapped hands, face, Ac., at _ GEO. A. KELLY’S Wholesale and Retail Drug Store, .0c24 No. 69 Federal sL, Ailtgheny. Removal of livery stable. The undersigned haying removed his Live rs Stable from the rear of the Scott House, to neat the corner of First and Bmithfield street. W. C Conn's old stand, is prepared to furnish carriages, buggies, and saddle norse* upon the shortest no tice, Also horses kept at liyexy at reasonable rates, undertaking and all arrangements for fu nerals will receive kis spooial attention, NEAL BKItTIAID. %TEW FRENCH PAPER HANGINGS LY from the celebrated pynufatturim of DelL court arDefosscsv in Paris, just wodred and for •ale by W, P. MARSHALL. St Wood ftnel, Banking Housed OF PITTSBURGH. crease to $1,000,000. directors: h m. R. Nimick, ,\ loxander Speer, £ ran ids G. BAiloy, Alex. Bradlo7. iei Koa. IHLIN. President. ; ULLV, Cashier, rf. seL2:6md . H KI?ET D. LOKO SeetU, Frait Trees, Ac. OIL REFINERIES. For Sale. ’%/’ A I.CABI/K WEBS7TR ST. PROP ▼ ERIY lull SALK—SO fcer frort by 120 deep on Chatham street to Clay al.ey, a largo two *to-y brick dwelling house, well arranged with wide hall, two parlcr*. dicing room, kitchen, chambers, finished attic an i collar, yard with paved walk. o , garden, shade trees, etc., pleasant ly 'ituated and in good repair. For price and terms, apply to s. cuthdeut k SONS, 51 Market street ttk’Jfkfb w 1 L L hchase a *ff9 i dwelliLK a~d lot ot ground, now r utu.f fir iIOS per y« ar. S.-CUTHBEKT A FONS. 51 Market atroot. UEAIKU4L OBDER BfO. 48. Übadquabtzus Pa. .Militia, \ lUbbisbuqo. L)*c 10,18fi3. f PEEfiIDKHTOf !U£ (!NIT£I) JL STATES, having, by Lis communication of the 9th itBL, in response 10 proposi'ions submit ted to him, relating to the recruiting service in P« n«8 Ivania unaer the call of October 17th, for 300,0u0 men. approved of so much thereof aa U comprised under the following points, it is order ed— That tho recruitment of vclunteors for the va rious regiments now in the field, will be conduct ed accordingly vii: I. Details, for rootuiting service in the State will be made c officers oi Pennsylvania regi ments in the fie d, whose term ot service expire mlBj4. To faoditato th recruiting of the qaota such appointment of officers in the field will be made by the Govornor. whero practicable on the recommendation ot duly authorised Commi tees, representing cities, boroughs and townsbipp, to recruit t r their sevorai localiiioa. Thoso recom mendati >ne should not, howt ver, be made indis criminately, but with doe regard to the character of the per*en named, and hi ability to perform the important duties of the post. 11. When p.aoticable. old regiments will be returned to tho State to bo recruited. 111. Tho volunteers who shall bo enlisted will rerniin under too control of the governor at such camps or rendezvous, and UDdtr such command ers as he may designate, and until read? to bo eem »o their regiments in accordance with Gen eral Orders No. 75 of 1962. IV. Premiums , not exceeding twenty-five dol larsi for veterans, and fiftocn uuilars for now re cruits. will bo paid to officers detailed fi r recruit ing service from regiments in tbo field, when the recruitd are accepted by the United States. Pay meat to bo made By Lieut. Coioool Bomford. U, S. A , Acting AssiitttLt Provost Marshal Gen* oral. V. \olucteer3 furnishel by cicifs or other io cahuoe. w, 11 be duly credited on tho dra t fixed •or Jan a ary 5. 18^—and alf.o all suoh volunteers as may have been LLU'Uerod into the service of the united Mates since the dxait, tho number bo credited, to bo detached from their proportion of the q acta assigned the Matoi under recent cull. Information. regarding tho quotas of counties, cities, township cr wards, can be j rocarou on app. ration to the reapectivo District Provost M&rrhaij. VI. rtu'hoiity will begivon to officers detached for recruiting sorvice lrom regiments in the field to raise complete companion of infantry, to be rent to sucu regiments io tbo tieifi as have less than their proper nnmbor of company organiza tions. Vif. Colored volunteers for tho colored regi me Li of l\nc£ylvr.nia, vri'l • c accepted as a part oi tho qu Ma. and also such r.s havo been muster ed into ihc service of the United dutes sinco tho o'rait, to be credited to cities and other localities on their proportion of tne siates’s quota under recent call. VUI. Camp.s of rendcagros will ha os abliahed atpjvnc* Iccalui-a in Lv-rttoivre and eti.l occupies among her f’St'.r Mates, ia contributing to suppress Lbi* rebellion. By oracr ct A. 0, CURTIN, Oovoruor and Ccm_eandor-in-Chie£ A. I , RDBS2LL. AdjntanMioncral Punna. HOUSEKEEPER'S FERXISHIXU NTOR£. GOODS FOR THE KITCHEN. Tin Ware. Brushes Wooden Ware ; Bat-kets Spice Hexes . Jeilj MouiiiG Cup Xnb° j Wash Basins Strawj/uticrf? I Cup Mops Hair Sieves 1 W'ire bieves Mince Knives I Coal .Scuttlo Silver Soap j Stove Polish Chamois Sains I Knife Was hors Rkewera 1 Basting Spoons Gridirons Cofioo Mills Lemon Squeezers Wash Boards Stew Fans Satire Pons Wafle irons ! Bird Roasters Fish Kettles Fry Pans liam Boilers Farina Borers Gr<*ters Egg Beaters Landtag Neodlers Flour Pails Pudding Pans Water Filtorors Bread Pans Pie Plates Butter Ladles Clothes Wringers Iron Holders Wooden Spoons Step Ladder* Batter Prints Keelors Wash Tubs Clothes Line* Soap Cups Scales Toast Fores Cook's Knives Sad Irons Broad boxes Meat Presses Scoops Cake Boxes. Ac., Aa, FOB THE DINING ROOM. SILVSB PLATKD. Castors Call Bolls Syrup Juga ' Nut Picks Cake Knives Fisb'Knivcs Crumb Knives . I Ice Croem Koive3 Salt Stands 1 Napkin Rings Fruit Stands ; Cake Baskets Butter Knives 1 Forks aDd Spoons Soup Ladles 'Oyster Ladles Gravy Lauloe Sugar Spoons Children ’e Cups Mustard Spoons Round & Oval Balvers Ice Pitchers Bouquet Stands Goblets CUTLERY. Ivory Handled Knives Carvers Cocoa do do | Forks Stag. do do j Squaro Walters English Tea Trays i Crumb Brashes Fork R speon Trays ! Crumb Tray? Dish Covers \ Chafing Dishes Hash Dishes Coffoe Biggins Wine strainers i Coffee Cal'etiers Spirit Cotfoo Pots Nut Crackers Table Mats I Round Waiters Breadbaskets* i Cork Screws Wiue ; Knife Sharpeners Refrigerators ; Water Coolers, Ac. FOB THE CHAMBER. Toilet Jars | Water Carriors Foot Baths ; Chamber Buckets Infant’s BaLh3 1 Bowls and Pitchers Mairers Brushos f Gas Bhades Shaving .Etnas Nursory Shades Broni Match Holders do Lamps Flower Stands Clothos Whiskes Nursery Refrigerators do Hampers Wax Tapers Night Lights, MISCELLANEOUS. Libraey Steps Door Mats Vienna Fish Glebes I Vestas Bird Cages j Meatb&fes Viizetts j Pocket Knives Card deVisite Frames! Flasks Camp Knives I Camp Portfolios. And everything pertaining to a well appointed Household. To be obtained at reasonable prices at the NEW STORE of KAY & RICHARDS NO- BO FIFT H STREET. First door below the Exchange Bank. «a> AIJ goods delivered tree of charge in the city, Allegheny, Birmingham, Manchester. Du quesne borough, etc. aglh-law Pittsburgh KauUary ( vannittee AND DEPOSITORY, No. 59 Fourth Street, Between Woeu and Market Streets, PRESIDENT, THOMAS BAKEWELL, SECRETARY, JOSEPH R. HUNTER, TREASURER, JAMES PARK, Jr. Contributions cf Money and Goods eoheited. Stores sent to all parts of the army. luforxasHen, furnished in relation to the Sick and Wounded in the Camps and Hospitals. Tho freight on goods donated is paid here, Andrew, PWraBOHSB SANITARY ' Sewing Machines, r the Best FaxmJv Sctoing Machines, me Best Manufacturing Ma a chuies, and the Meet' Machine Work , at the fol lowing faTAI'K FAIRS of iß»i3 : iVrto York State Fair. First Premium ror family machine, hirst Premium for dooble"ibread machine, Premium for machine work. V'crmcm* State Fair. First Premium lor First Premium Jor First Premium for lowa State Fair. First Premium for family machine. First Premium lor manufacturing machine: rirst Premium lor machine work. • Michigan State Fair. First Premiam lor family machine. First Premium for manufacturing machine. First Premium for machine work. Indiana State Fair, First Premium for hirst Premium lor Illtnoie State Fair. family maohino, manufacturing machine, machine work. machine for all purposes, machine work. ILrst Premium for machine for all purposes. Firat Premium for mschine work. Kentucky State Fair. First Premium lor machine for all purposes. First Premium fey: machine work. Feniuylvania State Fair. Firat Premium for manufacturing machine, First Premium for beautiful machine work. Ohto State Fair. First Premium for machine work. And at the following County Fairs : Chittenden Co. ( VL) Agricultural Society’ First Premium lor lamily sewing machine. First Premium for manufacturing machine. F’irst Premium for machine work, Ckamjtlain Valley ( Vt.) Agricultural Society. First Premium for family machine. First Premium for manufacturing machine. Fir6t Premium lor machine worn, Hampden Co. (Mass ) Agricultural Society. Diploma for lainiiy machine. Diploma lor machine work. Franklin Go (A. Y.) Fair. Premium for family machine, FVtt Premium for manufacturing machine. Queen’s Co. (N. Y.) Agricultural Society. Fir.;t Premium for family machine. Washington Co. (A. Y,) Fair . First Premium for family machine. Saratoga 00. (iY. Y,) Fair. First Premium for family machine. Mechanics Institute (.Pa.) Fair. First Premium for machine for all purposes. FXrst Premium for machine work, The above comprises ail tho Fairs at whioh the QRuVEKA BARER MACHINES were ezhi bit ed this year. At nearly ail of them tiie lead ing Sewing Machines were in competition. ** The work made upon the Grover & Baker Sc iw ing machine has reoeivei the First Premium At every fctate Fair in the United State where it b«s been exhibited to this date. Sales KoomsNo. i* FIFTH ST. Pittsburg. 1 oc29;2m|, , lt _ Bix months. ** Three " •* One '* •• One week, delivered in the city Single oopies To agents per hundred Money Brought by Emigrants, The report of the Bureau of Emigration makeß public the interesting tact that the emigrants to this country bring with them, on an average, eighty dollars apiece. This Bam, when multiplied by the num bsl’. of arrivals every year, makes a total addition to the wealth of the nation not to bo despised. The appearance of emi* grants is often very deceptive and Ameri cans make egregious mistakes who judge of the state ol their finances by the color of their hands or the condition of their coats. To look at a cargo of German emi* grants, for example, as they are dumped out at Castle Garden, a casual observer would put them down as poor people who had scraped together their last kreutxer to get to this ccmntry. In fact, however, if he had the gift of seeing into the tightly buttoned pockets and the securely bound wooden chests bf those rough Germans, he might find thousands of dollars in gold or drafts there stowed away. Instances have been known at Castle Garden where green looking nassengers have brought with them from $30,000 to $50,000. These sums are the proceeds of many years'* farm life, winding up with the Bale of the old farm itself ; and are destined to be laid out iu the parchase of splendid property of 500 or 1 000 acres, somewhere iu the productive West. Tjiie class of emigrants, and indeed all who are thrifty and have funds to an j extent, lose no time input ting New lork and its temptations behind them, and may be looked for, & year after, on a well tilled farm a Bbort distance this side of the sotting sqd. There they have realized tbeir ideal of perfect earthly bliss, and live and die in peace and content ment. It is a pity that all the emigrants that have money should go beyond' the city, and all who have no money to’speak of should settle here; but such is the dis pensation of Providence.— K. T. Journal of Commerce. A Bolster for the Canadian Inva We bad an interview, yesterday, with a gentleman who has recently made .a bu siness tour through Canada, and spent some time in Montreal, We learn from him that the threatened rebel raid upon lake cities was Dot the canard maoy enp pose it to be, but a carefully matured scheme, which failed through the bad faith of one of the conspirators. He de rived his information from one of the number, and was introduced, when in Montreal, to several of the band, They were mostly southern refugees, organ ized by an officer of the rebel army who came to Montreal with ample means to carry out the plan, which was to visit, at as nearly the same time as practicable, all the lake cities and destroy all the elevators and shipping. 1 heir object was not plun der, bot to cripple the resources of the North. The leaders had accurate maps of every city from Chicago to Oswego, showing the exact position of every ele vator and warehouse, and designating thosQ that were especially doomed. Every elevator in this city was correctly mapped, even those not yet completed. The num* ber of the band was stated to be from four to five hundred, and about fifty of them were in Montreal at the time onr infor mant was there. In his opinion bo nlan wa3 ever more carefully laid, and nothing bat the exposure to the Canadian govern ment prevented its execution. Buffalo mans o > If 'debt of itude to j the Cant prompt I action. Uander this head one of the New York papers publishes the following: The Cork Examiner, a paper, publishes some rather startling news. He says:—“A rumor is being Bpread through various parts Of the coun try that Ireland is on the eve of a revolu tion or rebellion. The signal for the rising is to be the landing in some of oar bays or harbors of on armament frem America, provided with an ample supply of arms and nil the other munitions of war for the nse of those who yearn to throw off the ‘yoke of the Baron.’ It is also believed that there is at this moment existing in Ireland a secret society, hav ing its headquarters in Dublin, and brancbls in Cork, Tralee, and all the other principal towns of the kingdom. This society, it is said, is at this very moment actively engaged in organising the people, and preparing them for the anticipated invasion, having them tanght military drill wherever practicable, Thus? they will be fitted to avail themselves of the arms that shall be plaeed in their hands oy their foreign friends. It is farther hinted, in mysterious language, ‘that certain persons, whose present posi tion holds them back, will assume leading parts in the struggle, when once it has began.’ ” “Hanging on Oar Front After the rebel defeat at Stone river Bragg telegraphed that his cavalry was “close upon Rosecrane’ front.” This policy was repeated after the evacuation of Tnliahoma, and the same tactics are -in request now. True, it is kept at a very respectful distance, and carefully with drawn in the event of any threatened dan ger; bat yet it is always close upon our front. Bragg has evidently fallen is luve with the strategy of John Phoenix, who held a constable down by inserting his nose.between the latter’e teeth. Tho rebel army is massed near Dalton, under cover of Tunnel Hill, not the hill of that name or Missionary Ridge, over which there wfi such a bloody struggle, and will doubtlesß await the development of events. Bragg has been removed, and Hardee is tempo rarily in command. Jeff Davis has at length been compelled to yield, and sacri fice one to whom he has dung with a per tinacity which was the wonder of the whole bogus Confederacy. The rebela for once admit the terrible nature of their disaster, and do not attempt to conceal it&impor’ fence; but they are consoled in remember ing that it was the fault of Bragg; and the invectives they hurl at him are of the most high soanding_ find bitter Character of Wiiich it is possible for the imagination of man to conceive.— Cor. World. Uniform Day of Election. The New York Timet advocates a uni form time for Congressional elections in all the States, regarding such elections as a National and not a Btate matter, and calls upon the present Congress to fix the day, and that it be at - the; latest date Sractieablo before the wglnbiiia of the ongradonai term. The teMoal&r this new innovation upon law -4hd established custom it that there ttra too maaj Oppo {maaaMlo** 0 t« £B oo 4 IS