A Terrible Mean Man. We have known some very mean men in our time. There was Deacon Over reach; now he was so mean, he always carried a hen in his gig-box when he traveled to pick up the oats his horse wasted in the manger, and lay an egg for his breakfast in the morning. And then there was Hugo Himmellanf who made his wife dig potatoes to pay for the mar riage lice use. We must tell that story of Hugo, for it is not a bad one, and good stories, like potatoes, are not so plenty now as they used to be when we were a boy. When he was going to get married to Gretchen Golp, he goes down to Par son Rogers, at Digby, to get a license. ‘Porson,’ Bays he, ‘what’s the price of a license?’ ‘Six dollars,’ -says ho. ‘Bix dollars,’ said Hugo, ‘that’s a dreadful sight of money. Couldn’t you take no less?’ ‘No says he, ‘that's what they cost me at the Secretary’s office at Halifax.’ ‘Well, how much do you ax for publishing iu church then?’ ‘Noth ing,’ says the parsoD. Well, says Hngo, ‘that’s so cheap, I can’t expect you to f;ive no change back. I think I'll be pub ished. How long does it take ?’ Three Sundays 1 ’ says the parson. ‘Well, that'B a long time. But three Sundays only make a fortnight, after all; two for the covers and one for the inside like; and six dollars is a great sum of money for a Eoor man to throwaway. I must wait.’ — o off he went, jogging towards home, and looking about as mean as a new sheared sheep, when all at once a bright thought came into his head, ann back he went as hard as his horse would carry him. ‘Par ' son,’ says he, ‘I have changed my mind —here’s the six dollars. I’ll tie the knot to-night with my tongue that I can’t undo with my teeth.’ ’Why, what in nature is the meaning of all this ?’ says the parson. ‘Why,’ says Hngo, ‘l’ve been cyphering it out in my head, and its cheaper than publishing banns, after all. Yon see, sir, its potato-digging time; if I wait to be called in church, her father will have her work for nothing; and as hands are Bcarce and wages high, if I marry her to night, she can begin to dig our own to-morrow, and that wiU*pay for the license and just seven shillings over, for there ain’t a man in all Clements that can dig aud carry as many bushels a day as .Gretchen can. And, besides, fresh wives work like smoke at first, bnt they get sancy and ldzy after a while.’ He married her and made her dig potatoes during the honeymoon. We call mat mean.— SamJSlick. A Qreat Waterfall. A detachment of troops recently scout ing in the valley of the Snalte or Lewis fork of the Columbia, discovered a water fall which, it is said, is entitled to the dis tinction of being called the greatest in the world. The entire volume of Snake river pours over a sheer precipice one hundred and ninety-eight feet high, thirty-eight feet! higher than Niagara. Snake river is full as large as the Niagara, and the Cascade is one solid Bheet or body. The locality of this Immense waterfall is near the point heretofore designated as the Great Shos hone or Salmon falls of that river, bnt they have always been enveloped in mys tery. Almost a dozen years age the writ er passed along the Snake river road. For two days wo had heard, the roaring of these fails, hot learned' do toorie respecting Iheua than if £hey had been in the i&ooc. It waß said that there were a Bones of fails and rapids, making a descent of seven hundred feet in seven miles, and the sound gave color to the re port. For hundreds of miles across the great plain Snake river flows through a canoh,'with vertical walls Hundreds of feet high. It is only at long intervals that salient points are found by which the river can be reached. The road crosses horn po*st to poiet of the bends, only approach* ing cloee to tho river where there is a chance to descend for water. From the/»e facts very few, if any, of the tens of thous ands of adventurers that have crossed the plains ever looked upon the great falls, the late discoverers report beside the main cataract many ethers of less height, varying from twenty to fifty feet each, near by. Some day they will be visited by the tourist and pleasure-arieker, and ipoked upon as frequently ap d familiarly * Datween 3d and 4th., PHIMBF.LPHI A VIIH* DIDIBSIeHED HATING RE AL newed the lease of the above popular House for a serieroiyears, would respeotfully call the attention of the traveling pubiio to its eentral lo osing, either tor basinesa or pleasure. inhSihra THdSASS.WMBASOJi • •‘IIW Mini MODS. WE WOULD CALL THE ATTEN* tion Gf buyoro to our stock of WINTER GOOI»4, All ;thcjnewcBt 6ty109 of foreign and dome-.tio CASSIMERES AND COATINGS With a large and choice se’ectlon of SILK MID CASBMEBS VESTINGS, W. H. M’GEE & CO., ( 143 FEDERAL STREET, Corner Market Square, Allegheny City, Pa. FEOCLAMATIOJI.-UTI’ OF PITTS BURGH, da. Id accordance with the provisions of on Act ui tho General Assembly ox the Commonwealth o' Pennsylvania, providing for the incorporation of the City of Irittsburgh, and of the various supple ments to said Act, 1, B. C. fcAWYEa. ju Mayor of BU ® this, my piociamation. that on the FXKST TUKBUAY IN JANUARY. A. I>., 1864. being the Fifth Day op thx "Mouth, the freemen of each Wad. of said city, quaiidcd to f or ffioiaberSjpf,the House of Represent mi vea ot thu Gqmihobvfealth. will meet at the several r places of-holdmg elections in their respective awards ancr prealnots, and elect, by ballot, under ; the provuionftof an Act of Assembly, passed the 16th day of May, A. D., 1851 One person to serve as Mayor of said city. One person to serve as Controller c f said city, and One person to serve os Treasurer of said citv, each of whom ißhall hold their office for two years* .On the same day, in'conformity to the above cited authorities, and also to the Ordinances n; Councils -districting said city, the citizens of tbe First Ward will elect by ballot, on© person tu be a member of the t elect Council of @aid city fur two years, and two persons to bo members of the Common Councils. Second Ward—One person to bo a member c f the beleot, and two persons to be members cl the Common Ccunci*. Third Ward-K)ne person to be a member of the telect and six persons to be members of the Common Council Ward—One person to be a member ol the telect and two paeons to be-members of the Common Council. Fifth Wa^d—One person to be a member of the select and £ix persons to be members of the Corn~ mon Counoih Sixth Ward One person to be a member oftho Select and four persons to be members oftho Common Council. Soventh Ward—One person to be a member of the beleot and two persons to be members of the Common Council. • Kighth Ward-One person to be a member of the Select ana three persons to be members of the common Council, JSmUi Ward—One person to be a member of *h© beleot and three persons to be memberj of the Common Council. i Bach of whom shall be Qualified to serve as a member of the House Representatives cf this Commonwealth, At the election to beheld asaforesaid, on Tuee day, theoih day of January. A. D. 1864. , D ■?!-* ®i c ? tors . oi the First Ward will rote at the rubno School House in said Ward. e J^ ct ° r8 u Second Ward will vote at 1 the Public School House in said Wara 1 The electors of so much of the Third Ward as lies north of and west of Grant street, being precinct No. 1 of said waid. will vote at th? on the corner of Sixth and: emithhald streets. The electors oiso much ef the Third Ward as lies south and oast of Grant'street, being nre ™ct J 1 V of«jd Ward will TO to ,at the hiuse Tonnol stroets? 7 ' the COrner ° f Wyli ° ■"» T h u e of . v the Foarth Ward will vote at the Public school house in said Ward. The electors of so much of the Fifth Ward as lies north and east cf Adams street, bein* i.re c,nctNo. lot said Ward, will vote at the Public school house, in said Ward, The eleotors of so much of the Fifth Ward as lies couth and west of Adams street, feeing pre cinct No. - of said Ward, will vote at the Audi,- school house, m said Ward. The electors of the Sixth Ward willvuteat the roblicsonool house in said Ward, the Pete tOI K of , i ho Bo . VSIIt F Ward will vote at vu a i lo B °b°ol house m said Ward. «a —« Jfebfe’ol »*/*&,"* VOte * de*7te li.C.SAWVER Jr., Mayor. s- ragicer & McKay, IBP m MALSTEBS. hSen JOS. Q?KK U ’fe iL to settle up th« boauMS of the latcfira *i &o oflioe In the B «£! «»rt«aa lons known to the the management of nirr nrmmYi^^jfffc^nr err- 1? oonfrol in to Brawerj, AddreM all orders to Pb rente Bmrerr, Pitishorgh. Pa.^ JOSEPH HP nVKbd ( JAMES v BABteEtS] OF S(v. i—Jnßt reMiyed-and-for sale by FffiEZEBjjkJAKMgTRONG/ OTtpet.Mttrtet wnjffigtEtrMta I \T HOLMES & BIPiSR, J 3 ABTH. MBM £% o and Exchange Broken and Defers in •Notes, Drafts, Aooeptanoea, Hold, Silver and Bank Kotos. Exchange on tho Masters and Western Cities constant. 1 .? for sale. CcUeetions made in all the cities throutbsQ&tbo United Statos. Itepcoits recoived in par facib of cmrent paper, No. 57 Market street, Tin*d and Fourth streets. TSIAH HICKS .»OHAS. 0. SWOPE DOLLAR SAVINGS BANS. Sffi FOETBTM STSSfiaS®, OiiARTEBED IN 1856. I S>A i LY, FjAOM 9 TO 2 O’CJLOOK) x_r eviro, on Wodueaday and Saturday evonings, from May lit to November Ist, from 7 to® c/olook and from November Ist to May 3st, from # to 8 o'clock. Deposit* received of all oums not less than Ora I>:>LL.Ui. and a dividend ot the prof’ta doolared twice a year, in Juno and Deoember. Interest been dec Jared semi-annually, in June and Decem ber sinoe tho Dank was organised, at the rvte of si* per cent, a year. Interest. if no* drawn oat, la placed to the credit of the dopamor a* principal, and boars the tame interest from tho firs; days of June and De cember, ccmtounding twico a year, without troubling tho arpositc? to call or even to present his pass book. At this rate ineoev will double in 1 688 than twelve years. Books oont&ininp the Charts. By-Laws, Kuies Lid Hesrulatton#, kt&iu, oa application ft*. the y aatmagy. uLJR9I£ ALBiiEE. vicifl rsnarußKTr. John B. M'JPadder, lea&oBd. Pennork, John Holmes. John Marshall, Alexander Speer. James B. D. Mwo*.: Benj. L. Fahnestock, A. M. Pollock, M. D.. James McAuley. iiiii Burywip, Jr.ro.efl lierdman, We. J, Andcma, „ . «aca?M£, Oalvic Adame, James t>. Keliy John.Q. Ba.?itoe< »i. ?*±i tr A. Madeira, 9eorge .yja«lr. Win. Vankirk John C. Bindley, ./arnea Shldlic Alonso A. Card?''. Bouart Robb, Charles A. U'.dtcr-. Walter Jr. Manbail Wm. Dousiaa, John Orr, John iJfKni, Henry L. Rmg^alJ, Wm P Woyican. Johu H. Shoenber«tF» V. m, B, Havox Win. H. Schmers, Poter 11. Hon he, Aicianaer Tlr-di?, Richard Hay. ixaac‘Whittier, Wee E. Levs*;*, Christian YeftMry* s£k''V3’tA ?y AHi* '. , s*4'J»rcs* OHAKUEB A. OOL'TOW. UAL EilAlE IkSMi INSTITUTiOS STATEMENT OF THE CONDITION ol tho Hoove institution oh the 2d day of No vember, lb-id, published in conformity to the charter: Amount ol Deposits, Nov. 2d, IvJ. .$K i.D‘v4 IS Amount cd‘liucrefit due Depoeiturp. .. l.y>l 9i Amounted' I'enfingetit Fund .... . 2,423 91 A ~ S i. I' ,s ». First Liens on r’,c.,, k-Lii;.,;..'.:,.* limitd Muto B-o.ds -< -,i *- - ■; l : . S. Debt Certificate? and Notes, unarfict varne/. . iljvj : ■ Interest car; ed net auo. .. . -w.* :-7 Ulilco Purmtv.ro 1 j• <.k- Cash on hand .... II oil Tbe ur.-ieriicie-ij, A'..d ri Commutes, have examined u.o uvocia of t be Institution, tho bond* and j-ccunue:, counted the cas.h, ic., and hare ■ ■ t :,5 i»a»i. c ,cme;it to be correct. « . i>. Cufi.LAM), NICHOLAS VuKUILV, Wil. 11. SsMiTlI. \ I’Al LV, ani EVKKY SAT X>«» o-i: •* ro. UKD.W h V:..\ i. v . 1-N J. i- it 1-" i J'.uuiV. • ]*^r'-en t. aoium TKi>l I.LA. isaA'.' Junes, xr**p'k«t. Hon.'F. M. Howe, i JUloii.J^li.aioorhou Wm. SI. Hinitu, | (<. 4 Vocutlj. OSJlco. Oft l oiirlli fclier-t. r o 4 .can office t v, ; . CiKiOlia ■ nsHTMJPIBI.I* SiTBKE'r : r ;'ft« c**r2 K-&A.UL rcr.ctj. ri. c-wicd on (JolJ asd SilTor, Dia mond.', joutiiry. and Sdyef W&wdj®, arid t.i liiivl': v. artier, for tny length ol tiia* &fr~p>r> J Tbe gr/vds ftar/oot fc~3 d*U7e*td with<.'«••• T;.'?. pi. ASST f > :-o 7 A. M to XQ J». |& aw. : c BIMK H.IVINUB iSSTITCTIOS, HO. i ]v M-'i:! nGcid atro«t. oi'j-osiio tiio Canton ilcufo. Ch£.:-;c.-j-i by tho LotfuiMuro. i’ .V' I C* .1:2 ItH . ,JA&£N &'ARfcv,Jr. v :>'r rßiwrujrra. ri. r. K?.UI A. Holt jman J'/L’j' Kiiouu. ■ ffcO-.H. ''fa^knwii Atox. Bradley Alfred diary TkVSTaH*, Josiah Ktnt C Ena A S Bell Joa Lnixr'.rta H h J- wlci W a Hood J.ts W Ww>r,~t:i! I; C dchoiert* V K&ucu 0 W Kiciot^oS J M 1 icmuu d II Harimun D M Loup K J Andoiwn Jas W Uazt B McKinley 0 H WMi Bober t i) Cocm«a Win dm-:h \V lhcißea li Jj J i.'Dt: il i J OOCS W U Vhcira OB Herrc& isa TEsxarKca, D. K MoKIKI*EY. W Hr. \: . cimi:a iDL. . 1). Fraf-iis iitsiipfd John F. jonningi, Xnomsui S. Bitvn Henry Lloyu Open dAily. from Da.m.to2 p. w. Also, Tues day and £iatar>/!ij' evenings, fruci 6 t > h o'clock; Deposits reoeiTfri ol uNE DIME an 1 upwards. Dividends in December uni June of each year. Dividends allowed to remain are place i * o the credit ol the depositor as prjdcip&l, and bsar ia terest, thus CGinpuundiiig it. Books containing corner,;By-Laws, Jsz., tcr nishci at uie office. A3"* Thin Institation offer*, especially to those persons whoso earnings aro small, theorportunity to aooamulate, by small deposits, easily savod, a sum which will be a rosourco when needed* their money cot only being sale bat bearingintereauic • stead oi rorau;air.K unproductive. myl. PRESENTS FOR THE HOLIDAY'S' Tn js srastEißEßs have just opened especially for tho Holiday’s a very largo and desiraoie stuck ol fflJfE GOUf JEWEU'i’. WOhQ AND BIX.YEB WAT'UI^, for Ladies and tfentlomcn's wear, fine Srcnie Clookß. Fancy (iootfr, SO.V£B>PLAXED WABh, juoh as castors, cake and fruit boskets, goblets, card oases, tea sotui, etc,, and a largo variety gj suitablo artiolos for prosonU. BEINEMAR', SIETRAS Shell Oysters! Shell Oysters. NpoßarucoPijE saloon always I in advance. The proprietor of this noted cat es' establishment has just recieved a large sup ply of Baltimore bhell Oysters. They will be served up in the best possible manner, with all the delicacies the .Market affords. Don’t forget the place, comer ol Fifth and Union streets. sellO dt. F. WEId, Proprietor. 3USKASISS ~ DK. BROWN’S OFFICE, .Citiions and Etrangexa ic hmc» 0/ medical ad* ?ioe anouia net lail to giT6 Ua a cajj. Dr. BrOnii's remedies noror i&D f o ouio impu rities, scrofulr.us and venerea! aflections “”AJfo hereditarv taict, suoii aa tetter. psoriasis and oth er akin„ lrfowos, the o-ixiu of which the patient is ignorant. ™ SEMINAL WEAKNESS. Dr. B'a remedies for this affliction, brought on by solitary habits. are thn only medicines known in this country which are aaie and will epaodily pestoroto health. RHEPMATISJE Dr, Brown's remedies etna in a few days tfcia inful aliiicilcn lie also Hleei, fcrcaconhoo, UrethaJ hetnn!? Taina in the Back and Kiuooys. Irritation 0: me BJaUcor. -rtrict ures, etc. , A t ONKL'ULLAIi. JMetlttinea wtt u E»;-iy imoiiaj. ?i.. oolSdirw «s-m:KK ” SHOES V &iiA*sreu uituii fontaiz. a: hurt *>«> voc am obb GO TO Mi. u, KU'lli SJ Attr. yiil net a ilo.. I Article !rvia , I). S. IiU'FLa.vBAUIiEK, ' soc ' l KJd f-ipj-sr. Sort» mta. teP£EB**3oo BBLS, CBfOTg’y & a PbLESriußt rweived and for wX by ‘ br ~ ; E-ETZER & ARMsI'UONQ \ a - itoaar Market and FI rst streets. : B r^?Klfi‘h l^ oBB> and f llll correspondence In TtU6-t? bna “ eaa 611 trusted to our oare ° BErH 15 ■ miluken, fiUCOESfIOfI TO J A .?• FLE «l I N O . DRUGGIST, Wholesale and Betail Dealer in Foreign No ' 77 Federal Stroot, my22:lyd CITY, PA, N'tW CABPETS7OILCUFffIsr®ih A T M'UA]Llßll>s t . _ ■©• 87 Foartli gtteet |»OIJ«HT PRKVIOCS TO TUB LAIJ i®?," 0 ® 8 - wh loh th « fullest aa - Tant&ge is offered In pnrohaso POK CASH, dolt Bora -W«. M’CrLussH PITIbBUREH STEEL WOHT JONES, BOYD ft CO., HI AJJUJPA rrt T fi£BB OP CAR'* n I'yv Plow, and A B Steel onri?. - R'K end First »w. 1 _ noSldji PITTSBURVM. H-SMiTH —J OS. R. HUNTER W®. H. SMITH <& «00, WHOLISALI OROCEgi HOI lt» StCOHD ADD 147 FIRST STUBS PITIBEDSBH -A.OO V A iiWKNH, Plumbers and Gm Fitters, ho. iso woor» street, opposttb pibst church, FimacßaH til 47 OHIO BTBEET ALLEGHENY »aa» VEi tuToa’aormn. P® H f| HInSASTS, SHEET LEAD, „ , Pipe, Pig and Bar Load, ana Timber 1 . ff* tor kj n ® ODO ™- 00 Refineries fitted up in the most approved manner. Tanks lined Lead or Copper. Houses fitted with Water and QaeJHx ap3rijd B ’ ordara attended W. R CiSIDAY. Cards, &c. ■Outchlnson Clatb oy usboh & hotohisboh.) COISBBIOB 4 MWAPISG TOCHAM Dealer in WESTERN REBERVE CHEESE, fiffe Dried Fruit Pot sad Pear Best D. l S d B PE ? I}ti 1 K GENERALLY, Best Brands of Family f lo ur Always on Rand No. 103 Seicnd Street, Between Woo Market *a-r I hero i a PITTBBUGH, PFNNA. apU-lrd vaMe mado on Consignments, Jaoob Keller^ Importer and wholesale dealer in FOREIGN WINES & LIQUOBB, 160 SJUTHHELD BTBEET, Three doors abovo 6th street, JTACOB SELLEB WOULD IWITE Wie« r . t^ u p r at i oati »°to hi» stock of German an j Brandies whioh has been se and '“Parted by himself. Families and mWiShrae c ??il d u e! ! cnd , on obtaining at this os aSAay Wbhk ts* p. mebts7~ ~ Wholesale and Retail dealer in and manufao turer cf Ladles, Misses, Gents, Boys and Tonths BOOTS, SHOES AND GAITEIIS, IN ALL THEIR VARIETIES, No. 125 FEDERAL STREET ocl3-lyd ALLEGHENY CITY, PA. PRANK KELLY, Alderman and Attorney at Law, NO 81 FIFTH STREET. „.*»T? oll^ io P of accounts and all legal busi noas promptly attended to, re2:lyd DAUB & APPELL, M&IIROHAWT TAIIsOfiiS, 185 Smithfield Street. \U S HATE JEST EECaVED A w x «nd weli oelect©d stock of Fall and Winter Goods, oonriatiiu o; t) l®“?®*® asl,aepes > VeatiiiKs, &.«. ALoO—A large stock ci GENT'S FURNISHING GOODS, intruding -h**. Oollar,. AwkKss, and every tiling uanatv k«pi by hrst class Furnishing Blor e Orders preaawjj exeouted. auMilyd Akdrctt Klouaj. assay Phipps, Jh , General Partners. JROS city forge KXOMABT & PHIPPS, Ninth Ward, Pittsburgh, mannfaotaro Bar Iron, tier oral Railway and . ,a i , liu £ s ' Paas oneer. Freight and Lo- COinoUvo Axlcw, 4(j. 8{ 10-tf DUQUESNE BRASS WORKS CADMAN & CKAWFOHD. Menufacttrera of every variety of finished B&A88 WOBK POB PLOMBEBS WAS or STEAM FITTERS, MACLii.NE.sr;-, ,XJ COPPERSMITHS. |TBI«AMN t'ASH.WN OK EVI.KY BE- Bonption made to order. Steamboat work awam andeaa Htßiu; and rtpairin* promptly at hPs^tJ 0 ’ , lia , :tlo I QIa J oitention paap to fitting np .Henneries for v'oal and Carbon OlLj, pir S<>, ! Bl>l ': l ®f n “u i:>r 010 "’oaum District oi “>» of Marsh, Lanadoll A Co a l'atontSji'hon Pump, the best ever Inycn a„haTl?* no valves it is not liable to get ont of ” “ r ; # nr - ,ACK DUtIoSO STEEL WOJRKB FmBffUß(rp. PA. PARK, BROTHER & CO., M t A.C rr-RBtt« try Beat Qnalitj KeitQ»d Uasi Stab!, F ! ;*‘ 404 °'' a *° n - r’! ill sties. Warraa to ac 7 imported or manufactured in inis country, L,f s°?.?£ d Warohoaje, No. 149 and 101 Firat and lAO and A4*J Sooon i streets, Pitta- DtttgA - feblfclyd WELIsJLAM BAQAXIJY, Wf MoL£s A L g BBOCIB HOB. 18 A»D 20 WOOD STKEET, CHARLES L. CALDWELL, tBac:essor ;o J**. Holmes A Co*, L* O R, P A C K E B Dsalar in Bacon, Lard. Sugar-Cured K*nga Hmoked 800 l Ac. Market and First streets, Pittsburgh. Pa, rubU ,° ‘ha* he has rebuilt sinea theflje, enlarged his establishment, and filled it with the newest and must approved machinery, snow prepared to furnißh flooring and planing wards, soroll sawing sad re-sawing, doors, sash Hln cfriod, trames, mouldings. bog South Prargaugoa. Sept. ?, 185*. i.m Hotels & Restaurants. »ava «• e house Ho. 890 Liberty Street, HexS to Feiuujrlvtuik Pawanirer Deoot JOHN SAVAGij Proprietor, AND FITTEB up, mjo. with all ttie modern improvements, this po is prepared to aooom confident in recommending to tfc6 public for their excellence. Bi i eU received 4.1], and sold wholesale and retail. myiJOdyd OUB, HOUSE. M:0. 82 DIAHOBD ALLEY T*H® SPBSCitImSB; IssoCßi^ES fL&’MM C^O^STtat^ *O. and is prepared to aooommodate the patrons of this old and well known houso with everything In the eating and drinking line at the shortert notiea. JOAN SHALKKL*** ibloJ * Proprietor. "S'©mug’s Eatog Saloon, OORNZE VIRBIN ALLEY AND SMITH. nXLD BTESSXBi Where OTSTHRS and all the dell cades of the season will be served up in the most palatable style. ELT YOUNG 0014 corn or Virtin alley and Smithield »t! A P ffi&f ALL BILLIAHb SALOOH* friends and customers that he is still to befomS at his old stand, APOLLO HALL,eft Fourth street. Be has always on ika naeft Quality of Lager Beer, and in connection with the hall, a well appointed billiard saloon, with good 1 tables, bails and cues. I Remember the place, AtK-lio Hall Fourth ft I near Wood, entrance from Fourth. iyltkly I Cornncopißß Salooa, COHNEE Of CNIOK AND fIFIH STEHSTB iKear Market,) WHERE IKE PUBLIC OB TAIN the bost and purest Liquors. ' Meals served at all hours on the shortcut no- v Lunch every mcrnlns between the hours or lo tad 13 o’clock. FRJSD. WJtfia, _ VropriSir. SCHOOL BOOHS used in the PU BKICSCH OO LS, HIGH SCHOOL, SELECT BCHUOIJ9, FEMALE COLLEGE, WESTEKM IiVmXSITT, and the various educational institutions in thiff city and vicinity. Also a complete assortment of SCHOOL STATION ABT, Copy-Books, Pens, Ink, Pencils, Slates, Bubber Writing. Letter and Note Paper.JKovelopes! Pniring Paper. Kules, Compoatioa;Booka. *2 »ijor sale at . .. r .»ASa J 3 s r - S. Z Jf ; 18 ° 8 - J 1803. WINTER ARRANGEMENT. On and after Mpnflay, Soiember loth. PEMSYLYASIA CENTEAI RAILROAD. Nl;n© Daily Trains TUIE THKOreH ACCOMMODA- M. tioa Train leaves the passenger Station Da (exoipt tunday,) at 5 SOaTmTstopping at all stations between Pittsburgh and PUadelphia. PhClStefl? dlrßot connexion for New kork at THB 6 S'hkOUGH MAIL TRAIN leaves the Passenger btation every morning. Jereept Snn- MJ" at j 5O * “WPWWiy at principal Sta tions, and making direot/honnections at uarris ?? d Washington, and for New XOf& Via rMladalphlrt, dailv^M^ 0 ™ TRAIN leaves i^L p * *?••* only at principal ?“• direct “omectionat Harrisburg , and WaHhington, and for New Y im rAOT I°7N D B E 'i' 1 " and Philadelphia. inis JfAol LINJB leaves the Station daily, (oxoept Sunday,) at 835 p. in., stopping only at “ii 1 W 8 ’M nneot “ l * at Hnrmbnrg for forftewYmk W “ Un * ton ’ and at Philadelphia JOHNSIOjYN ACCOMMODATION TRAIN Sunday.) at 3 00 p. m .sTop maugh.^ 1 Btadons » and runniiir as larms Cone- TRAIN forWaU’s u wr?f n n 7e ? y i SundayJ at 6 30 a. m. ACCOMMODATION TRAIN for m g ° tfttloD * leaves daily, (except Sunday.) at ii 4U a. m. WkM^ E hY„ . AC ? OMM § D , AT I°N TRAIN for SMp.a leaves daily, (eioept Sunday.) at ACGOMMOD ATION TRAIN for 6 00p Sr tiOD loaTeBdaily - (except Sunday.) at THE CHURCH TRAIN leaves Wall’s Station, PuStSfau/lSp 05 *?- m ' ! ret “ rDiDS l8aV “ BETCMIHS TRAINS ARRIVE IN PITTSBURGH AS FOLLOWS: O2 50 p. m. Philadelphia express 1 20 p. m. Jfatt Line i on. „ Through Mail Train 100 a. m! J “hustown Accommodation _jo 05 a. m. J?l* 111 £ ta 5 0n Accommodation 625 a. m. Pj V, ~, g. ut ) on Accommodation 835 a, m. Accommodation...... 155 p.m. 4th W all s Station Aooemmodation 605 p. m. wUJ "rive with Philadelphia j£xpres| at 1 JU p.m, on Mondays. I RAINS for BLAIRS VILLE and INDI ANA oonneot at BialrsviHo Intersection with Through Accommodation, Johnstown Aooommo danon and Express Train East, and with Haiti- Wost. I * ,reea oohnstown Aooommodation TRAINS FOR EBENBBURG connect at Cres- Eon With Express Tracts and Mail Train West, and with Through Aooommodation and Express Train East. Tho Traveling PubHo will find it greatly to their interest, in going hast or West, to travel by the PKNNSYLVANIARaILROaD, as the ac commodations now offered cannot be surpassed on any other tome. The Hoad is ballasted with Btone, and is entirely free from dost, wo can promise Batety, Speed and Comfort to all who may lavor this Road with their, patronage. TO NEW YORK $l2 80 PHILADELPHIA 10 !o BALTIMORE 10 00 LANCASTER..... .1 8 $ HARRISBURG “ 765 Baggage Caeosed to all stations on the Penn sylvania Railroad, and to Pniladelphia Balti more and Wow York. Thomas N. Miller, pecial Partner Passengers pure dating tickets in can will be charged an accejs according to distance traveled in addition to tne Station rates, except from Sta tioos where the Company has nef Agent. NOTlCii.—ln case of loss, the Company will hold themselvesresponaibleforpersonal baggage only, and for an amount not exceedtn^lOO. N. ii.~An Omnibus Line nas been employed to convey Passengers and Baggage to and from the Depot, at a charge nut to exceed2s cents for each passenger and baggage. J. STEWART. Agent, At tne i\ K. K n r aiienger btation. on Liberty and urant streets. qo2o 1863. THE 1863. PiffSBDBGB, Ff.ff AFKB A CHICAGO BAILWAF TO ALL POINTS IN THE WEjT, SOUTH WEST AND NORTH WEST. Shortest and Host Direct Route to the OH AND AFTER NOVEMBER 18|h, trains ran as follows, rii:— ' WESTWARD THROUGH TRAINS, Chicago Extras!. Chicago Express Leave* Pittsburgh, 1.45 a. m. Allegheny ...1.55 a. m. Arrives Alliance.'... Crcatlino... Ft. Wayne Chicago 10 50 p m. 11.00 a. m. FOR COLUMBUS, CINCINNATI & ST. LOUIS Leaves Crestline Arrives Columbus Cincinnati Indianapolis... 9 Louisvihe St. Louis All 'trains through to Chicago witho change of Cars. , H ~Tbe time to Cincinnati ia the same as by Steubenville. Trains on both Boada meet at Columbus, and passengers all go into Cincinnati together. CRESTLINE AND ALLIANCE MAIL. i „ twa* t. L Mail, Accommodation. Leave Pittsburgh .6.50 a.m. 2.16 p.m. Allegheny ,6.40 a. m. 2Jisp. m. Now Brighton. a. m, 4J5 p. m. Alliance 11.20 a, m. 7 40d. m Artive Ciesttine J>.3o p. m. These trains stop at principal Stations between Allegheny and Rochester. ir 5 TT Kiitiaifc H NEW BRIGHTON ACCOMMODATION TRAINS—From Federal itroet Station. Alle gheny City. Leave Allegheny .a. 16 a. m. 12.00 m. Olp.m. 5.40 n m. Arrive N. Brighton.ll J 5 a. m. 1.45 p. m. 6,25 p. m. 735 p. m. Leave N, Brighton..s.3o a. m, 7.00 a« m, 12,20 p.m. 2.50 p. m. Arrive Allegheny 7.20 a. m. 5.40 a. m. p. m. difip-g ISSSIwtS gade^ S n c S aa , nn ,ti to a lo h^^^^g^« o. HAUST^ i 4^‘£t^£2SS!^rnjfe Md no SJSmSk DSA7 * fla 0B . who in prepared to itonnSSra* S! r| a . >»on. An- Ao. H. C. - Insurance. WESTERN INSURANCE COMPANY) ©F F£ , S g gSBTJM#4gT. n «2Q»98 DASSEB.-Preaidont. fcStaes®L , ' i .«SSy"™» •» Mnd* 0/ mu aadJdA- A Boms Estitotfen man&rsd be ™„a~ tain the character which they havß^nS’ei^ 1 / totarac boct protsotion to fbosS who desire tote 2l — 18J5I 89 ja^a6sssi , fjaz;:ri:”:: m.'mtfj iaunn t» . PIRBCTOBS. asssLsS^ g©sr tdss& msuKAHcjs, Bi XH3 BEL (AMOS MUTUAL lISUBAKOE oa? fhlladsjupxha, Oc .-,£. rsrpotmi, Mewh» 41 "=’ Xumiiore. *O,, Ir, town or coon try. officis so. jurt stbket OMUCorJttu, aaaa.sie w. ‘ Aiwla. 3508,508 ae, MJoWS, fiSE fast Mortgage or Improved (Sty >ro- t > double amount giwiftng ‘3s 100 fB2 88 B rm^ ,iaa '’ . 4 - Booo ° Stooiof Count?iiVilirarano'aCj"'"' $ Ko« of Dataware H. B. InsSSncS c£ Commara&l Bank do ,{SS Mwslagos’Bank do .""l' S Sg® (Vs Scrip. "IZ! l ffl GO BUlfl Roosrraljld, paper m ow is B°«* Aepsats. b+arSt, e£l B9fcBat.' aisssff w s2l#w' Bt alhiEs? r. Budzssßa, SMntur, WJy ~ kumim insurance co, OP HfTSBtTB&H. OXTTOB, H*. VI FlrthSh., Baniteliln.- iSiiill? Fu HTOijraff eoons, 1 ! SUrrAP)W;JPOB THB SIA6OB SAi aiM * CLYDE Sen and Traveling Shlrii , r- ■ a , OOMPASY,