PITTSBURGH FRIDAY, DECEMBER 18, 1808, TO ADVERTISERS. Advertisement* mnst bo handed in before 9 o’clock, p. M„ to insure insertion. OUTSIDE BEADISO MATTER. First Paok. —A Terrible Mean Man — A Great Waterfall—A Jolly Thanksgiving. Fourth Page. Fernando Wood’s Peaoeßesolutions —Russian Doings in Po lond —A Rich Letter —An Indian’s Gift to Christ—Sentence of Death Revoked. ITEMS. Cork carpeting has been introduced in England. It is said to be very durable. The New York druggists have organized a drag exohange, A Scotchman has invented a way of making carpets of cork. There are four hnndred and eighty looms Tanning in Massachusetts making balmoral skirts. A cat in Bloomville, Conn., has several times deserted her kittens and adopted squirrels instead. Mr. Lincoln, Republican, was elected Mayor of Boston, on Monday, by 3,500 majority. The Hon. Gerritt Smith guarantees a town bounty of $lOO to recruits from Smithfield, N. Y., in addition to the State and Government bounties. The First Maryland Cavalry have sub scribed and handed over to Surgeon Dod son $6OO for the relief of the suffering Union prisoners in the South. Mr. Samoei, J. Kast, near Mechanics burg, Pa., lost four—all hiß children —by diptheria, last week. They all died within forty-four hours. Nine companies of recruits were mas tered into service on the Bth inst., at Memphis, under Gen eral Hurlburt's or der. The Cincinnati Comtnercial understands that arrangements are in progress for an other "dog fight" in that city, Interesting and important. Judge Williams decides that railway companies are liable for injuries to paß sengerß who are traveling with compli mentary tickets. A marine fire departm ent is suggested in New York, to sink in the stream any vessel that may be in danger of conflagra- To meet the interest on the national debt at five per cent, requires a tai of $100,000,000 a year, $374,000 a day, $ll,- 400 an hour, $2OO every minute. Major General Butler, in obedience to the orders of the President, has granted a reprieve to all persons in his department under sentence of death until farther or ders. , Generals Grant and Hooker protest against an inundation of Brigadier-Gen erals, and it Is thought the flood will be arreßted and Congress will correct some crroro of the past. 9um« of tko oiai-o£- cere may look out for their insignia. An officer of the regular army com plains that while the dead of the volun teers at Gettysburg are interred in plots accorded to the several States, those of the regular army are buried with the I‘un known.” The pressure from the radical Senators and members, and the council of the Union Leagues, has been so great to have Gen eral Schofield removed, that the Presi dent has concluded to remove him. .His successor has not been named. A rebel Major, now under sentence of death, and who was to be shot in a few days, for a flagrant violation of parile, has ha COSSrMPTITES.-THI AD vertiser having been restored to health in a few weeks, by a very simple remedy, after har ing suffered several years with a severe long Section, and that dread disease, Consumption—is anxious to make known to his fellow-sufferers tho means of cure. To all who desire it, he will send a copy of the prescription used (free of charge,) with the direc* tions for preparing and using the same, which they will find a ture cure for Consumption, Asthma, Bronchitis, Coughb. Colps, &c. The only object of tho advertiser in sending the Pre scription is to benefit the afflicted, aod spread information which heoonceives to be invaluable, and he hopes every sufferer will try bis remedy, as it will cost him nothing, and may prove a blessing. Parties wishing the prescription will please Rev. EDWARD A. WILSON, Williamsburgh, Kings County, New York. The above remedy may bo cbtainedin Pit*a burgh of JOSEPH FLEMING, Druggist, corner of Market street ami the Diamond, Ihisproperty is one of the moat convenient and desirable residences in the city. 3he lot extends irem Kim to Congress street. The house U a two story brick containing six rooms, besides bath room, wash house, bake house and light dry oel larand pantry. The r e is a nicely paved large yard and a bn-'k stable fronting on Congress st. Ihe house supplied with ga*. hot and odd water; hal i painted aid grained; parlor nicely furnished with marble mantles; property all in good con* dmon. Prioe, $4,000. Terms— $2,000 in hand and the balance in two years. For further par ticulars inquire at the premises. dols-1 td APOTHKCABXEB.I gl T TTEHFIBI.D ?-7wr Fourth and Market %<.'■ *etf, PITTSBURGH. DRUGS! DRUGS 1 DRUGS! MEDK (XES ! DIEUICINEX! MEDIC INES ! lIEDICIXEIC I CHEMICALS I ( HEMK ALSI CHEMICALS I CIiEMICALLI DYES ! DYES! DYES ! DA IN IS ! PAINTS! PAINTS! PAINTS! PAINTS! PAINTS I PAINTS! PAINTS! PAINTS I OILS! OILS I OILS ! SPIFFS! SPK'ES ! SPIFFS! SPUES SPK'KN! SPUES! SPU'Em! SI*ICRS SPIFFS! SPICKS! SPUES! SPiFEF Soda, Cream Tartar, Eng. Mustard, 4c. French, Et-itUrh, and American Perfumery, and Toilet article?. Brashes, Trasses, Patent Medicines, and all Druggist articles. Strictly pure articles. Low pricos. teft- Phytncians Pretcru-tions aooar&tely com pounded at all tjouri. Pure TSinw and Liquor* for medicinal U3O ooly. : juH.lyd J. U. CoSNWn L *4; KERR, CARRIAGE MANUFACTURERS, silver* BRASS PLATERS, AdJ manufacturers of Saddlery * Carriage Hardware, No. 7 St. Clair street, anft Dujaefno Way, % (near tbo Bridge,) *hl PITTSBURGH. E XIw r ireeled without pain by the uso oi Dr. Oudry's apparatus, J. F. HOFFHAX DENTIST All work warranted. 13* SmUblield Strict, PITTSBURGH, gT^^FLOURINGMILLFORSALE. Tb e subscri hor c Hers for sale theAL- CITY MILLS situated in theiFourth ” ard, Allegheny City. This well known Mill has been rebuilt lately, and contains four run of *i>uch Burrs, with all the latest improved ma cninucy for manufacturing the beat brands of iv xt a s°°“ediee which R t iS/*^i, d » . n 4 LVKBE A fin SPLES v dm assortment of Hoods suitable for Holiday Presents, Consisting in p&rt of MOROCCO SATCHELS, POBTEMONNAIES, PURSES, WALLETS, Photo graphic Albums, From $1 to $25, BELTS, BELTBUCKLE3, JET BREABT PINS and SETTS. EAR-RINGS, SHAWL and SCARF PINS, SHELL BOXES, INLAID SHELL COMBS, HEAD DRESSES, HAIR-NETS, HOODS, NUBIAS, SONTAGS, COMFORTS, LADIES’ and GENTS’ SCARFS, MALTESE LACE, EMBROIDERED COLLARS, Hemstitched and Embroidered Handker- chiefa, Hosiery, Gloves, Notions and Small Wares, at WHOLESALE ASD RETAIL., Give os a call before purchasing el»ewhere, as Tory f low C ° llfidt>,lt tiat our Prices will be found MACRUM & GLTDE, 78 MARKET STREET, Bttwoen Fourth and Diamond. [MSIC STOKE. W e will open our now stook of Pianos, Dlelodeons And everything pertaining to a first-mass Mua i Eitablishment, on tho IBth inst, at ar«. 2 BT.CI.AIB STREET . £ ’t° f - Wamelinkis now East fpurohaeing ou be the finest ever brought to this oity. Persons mtonding to purchase any thing m our line lor a Christmas or New Years’ P tS. • < i uld r4° wait hlB arrival, 0.-. p '? pila of Prof-W., will be notified through Hi, IS? 511 ® p r ap<> a ,f hl> a ho-wiU reeume teaching. Uls absence from the oity will not be over a week or ton days a * _doB-tdelB_ WAMELINK & BARR. GILLIES’ O 1. L> PLANTATION OOPPEE r j ,n ® BEST HOTELS, HESTAUB- B. anu, h teamers and Private Families are saving nearly fifty per oent by using SI!!!® 8 ! !!!*? P*aataUon Coflbe, Gillies’ Old Plantation Coffrn GUlies’ Old Plantation <££?£ lr fc? ° f imPOfi-ad, Coffees, snoh as Java Sritb x i%" h*®/" 111 tested side by side 1? J»va, andprenounoed folly eqnal “J ®tdformity of strength and richness of flavor, so that we can, with more than usual confidence. flavored 80 '* *° ourllleodaan(i the public our toe J J Plantation Coffee, Old Plantation Coffee, Old Plantation Coffee, As our late invoioes are by iar superior to former shipments. The bean or kemol is full, plump! and very much like the Mooha or Mountain Cof feeiu shape, and when manufactured by our new prtmesa a decidedly preferable to the best grades :, apa we would advise all who duiro a really reliable and healthy bevornge, to Drink GUlies’ Old Plantation Coflcr Drink Gillies’ Old Plantation Coffee! Drink Gillies’ Old Plantation Coffee. Packed only in one pound tin foil packa ges jo and 60 pounds !n a oaae; each packer® naving a fac-suniie of our signature. The Old Plantation Coffee fol Li a i? nearly all the leading grocers and country stores throughout the UmtedßUtca, at 80 Cents per Pound. The* tation *Coffee*ehoulifhtTpreparehUhe other pure coffee; good cream, with sdd moeh to bolle< ‘ wltll theooffeewiU Wright Ginien A Brother, , . m „ ONLY XASUMOnimBS ded tf 238.235, 337 Washington st.. N. Y, LARGE STOCK 1 OF PEOTO6RAPB ALBCIIS! SELLING AT GSEATLY REDUCED BATES, \ Tp CLOSE OUT THE LOT. AT (’HA*. C. lIELLOR’I, dol2 81 WOOD STREET. Have Advanced in the East, But we continue to seU, until further notion, all Goods in our line at prices reduced FUU.Y TWENTY PEI CENT. Prom Laat Season’* Bates, W. », A H. keCAIXIJfiK, no2B FOPffrn STHEET. j.a wmopg—L —C jso. triir. WELWOK A KELLY, Mi suyxoTDMKa or lamps and Lamp oo«. g ESeSS E is ° a "v. «•« 2 H? V Q s -o- g 3g 525 H tf Weg .SSgJj O a t S S ft BSS-g'g Og m ® \ © s A e sliil %a J 8 J * 5 »«1 B Hj s «.gsg -g-gl ° S . fe a-® gSgoOdSDo " «>*3 0' 43 5? ©23** sj a s * isiilSsi li 9 * | H ”.1,31111 3§ I fi !|i|"olsal a® B a •s*2o§lila'i gx W S S-gg >fl • w * o i PRICES— ; ■ ALL STYLES PBOTOfiBAPB ALBOVS, AT PITTOCK’S, OPPOSITE -THE POSTOFFICE. DIABIES FOB 1864, DIABIES FOB 1864, DIARIES FOB 1864, AT PITTOCK’S, Opposite the Posioflioe. THE NBW OABFET BTOBB, at Wilikoat any Advance in Price, A full lir,ft of carpets, FLOOB OIL CLOTHS, , In sheets 3t031 ft wide; Woden Druggets and Crumb Cloths, window shades. Table" and Piano Covers Bugs, Hals, Stair Bods, do. These goodsbave advenood in first hands ftnn, TEN to TWRNTY-FIVB PERCENT mthS thirty.day a. end are noWMiliSfat ““ less TUAJf MAJX O-fACTUIIKPff PBICgs Our stock is stoost entirely new. oil having beim M’FAfiLANO, COLLINS & CO. OS ‘ S and v* FIFTH ST., -- PSstofflee and Dispatch Building. Roll Butter, * ARMSTRONG. ■t and Fintsueeb.