JAMES P. PAPE, Editor and Proprietor. Dr. Hoofland’s GERMAN BITTERS, prepared by DB. O, Mi JACKSON, Pbilade: phi a, Penn a., IS SOT A BAR ROOM DRINK, SUBSTITUTE FOR RUM Intoxicating Beverage, BUT A HIGHLY CONCENTRATED Vegetable Extract A PURE TONIC. I roe from Alcoholic Stliuulnnts or Injurious Drugs. AND wiu, EPtECTUAIAT CURE B-lver Complaint, Dyspepsia and Jaundice, HOOBLAND’S GERMAN BITTERS WILL CURE EVERY CASE OF Chronic or Nervous Debility, Disease of the Kidneys, and Piteases Arlniug- from a Disor dered Stomach. Observe the Folleiving Symptoms Resulting From Disorders ol the Digestive Organs : Constua t>oc, Inwaid riles, Fullness or Blood to tho Head, Aofility of tho Stomach, riaosea, Heartburn, Diwurt fjr Food, Fullness or Weight in Uie Btomach, Sour Eructations, Sint log or fluttering at the Pit of the Stom* cf the Head, llumed and D.Qicult Breathing, Fluttering at the Heart, '.no sing or Suffooating Sensations when in a hire P _-iore Dimness of Vision, Dots or Wobs le ioro the Sight, Fever and Dull Pain in the .'iwi.-t, Dedoieney of Perepiration, Te - iovrness oflho Skin and Byes,Pain in khdo, Chest, Limbs, Jfcc. Sadden Flushes of Heat, Burn ing in the Flesh, Constat t Imaginings of By i i, and great Depios s i o n of Spirits. HOOFLAND'S GERMAN BITTEBS WILL GIVE ynr A GOOD APPETITE, STRONG NERVES, HEALTHY NERVES, STEADY NERVES, BRISK FEELINGS. HEALTHY FEELINGS, A GOOD CONSTITUTION, A STRONG CONSTITUTION A HEALTHT CONSTITUTION, A SOUND CONSTITUTION RILL WAKE THE WEAK . STRONG WILL MAKE THE DELICATE WILL MAKS THE WILL MAKE THE DE PRESSED WILL MAKE THE SALLOW COMPLETION WILL MAKE THE BILL EXE CREAK A BRIGHT Will prove a blessing iu RYEIiY FAMILY. Can be used with perfect safely by MAIE OLD OK OH FEMALE, YOUNG PARTICULAR NOTICE. There are many preparation* gold under the name of Bitters, pxUup in Quart bottles, compounded oj tae cheapest u his Icy or common rum , costing from • to cents per gallon, the taste disguised by An ise or Coriander deed. This class of Elder s has caused and will contin ue to cause, as long as they can be sold, hundreds to dis the death of the drunkard, By their use the system is kept continually under the influence of Al coholic iStimula.nl* (tf the worst hind, the desire for Uguor is created and kept up, and the result it all the horrors attendant upon u drunkard's life and ieain. Beerare el' them. f'or those who desire and will have a Liquor oxtters,we publish the following receipt, (Jet One • Ule German Bitters and mix with Three Quarts of Good Brandy W| i*Bfey, and the result will be a preparation that will far excel in medicinal virtues and true excellence any of the numerous Liquor Bitters tn the market, qnd vrt.ll cost mneh less. Youvnll hate all the virtues of Hoofland's Bitters tn connection with a good article of Liquor, at a piucA lees price than thescinferior preparations unu oosi i/oti- 11EJLICATE CHILDREN, Those suffeiuu from HAKASnis wasting away, with scarcely any tlesh on tbeir bones are cur»a id a very short time; one bottle in such cases, wiil have a most surprising eiuct DEBILUY, Resulting from fever.* of any kind—These Eittors will renew y.;ur st;cog'h in a very 6hoit lime FEVER iNDAtiI’E. Too Cui; wiU not return if these Biuers are usel No person in a Fever and Ague District snnind bo without them. from lien. J. Newton Brown, D. Editor oj the Encyclopedia of iteligioae Knowledge. Although not disposed to favor or recommend ratenc Medicines m general, through distrust ol their ingredients and effects; 1 yet Know of no samoitut reasons why a man may not testify to the benefits he beieves himseli to bare received from any simple preparation, in tho hope that be may thus contiibuto to tho benefit ofethers 1 do this more readily in regard to Hoofland’s Uerman Baters, prepared by Dr. C.«. Jackson ot this city, became 1 was prejudiced against them for many years, tinder the impression that they were ca»efiy an alcoholic mixture. I am indebt ed to my irieud Robert Shoemaker, Esq , lor the : removal of this prejudi ;-e by proper tests, and for encouragement to try them, when suffering from great ana long continued debility. The use of throo battles ol these Bitters, at the boKinning of the present year, was followed by evident relief and restoration to a degree of bodily and mental vigor which 1 had not lelt fir six months before, and had almost de.-paired of regaining. I there fore thank God and my friend lor oirect.ng me to tho use ol them. Philadklphu, June 23,1862. J. NKWTOtf BROWN ATTENTION SOLDIERS, A.H» THE FRIENDS OF SOLDIERS . tho ftttfmtlon of , all oarinr relations of I,mi n o U " “™F t 0 the toot that "HOOF- eer® “100 tenths ot the diseases induced by exposures and priva- MSi^ d 5 nt , to , ca ? I> Uf h- & the MoiKlrtifilf 10 n ?" E i“L pere > tie arrival S° « ' ie >*» noticed that a very large pro- from debility, ivSjwi otherwise would be lo3t saveo, mat The proprietors are daily receiving thankful let* tors from sufferers in (he army and*hS£?£i 1 v have hapn resibred to ho““ 7 b “ he u?o r BitterSfient to them by their friends. ~ thc e BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS. See that the Sumatnro ol ”C. M. JACKSON" cn the WEArPKR of eaoh Bottle, PRICES. h/ .iaesl,uO per Bottle, or Ualf Dot. A 6 00 " ° r E& “' »<>«. HOO n JtTfLrflfj ° >le ’ °“*7 grant street, si NicliolrtM BiillaiDK, TO THE PUBLIC. J£SPE< IA LLY THE MINOR A NT AND Shd lalsely modes: of ,11 denominations Treat Secret and Delicate Dis orders, Sell-Abnse, , hin ,nsUon J J »nd incident to JOU'.I., ..i bt.tn sesesand adult,single or married Because Da. Bk-sstbup publi hes tho tact of hts doing so, the ignwraot aod talsely modest a*e dreadfully shocked, and think it a gr*atsin ver? immortal and lor contamination and corruption among theirwiveo. promising sons ®nd daughters ihen amily i hy.-feians should be ciations to m ljta /. dU0 ° ri?at they dptJieaaiao ag T>4. fSHANBTarp, Concept publishing} era ive practice might re lost to them among stu pid, Jai Fol y rn do t and presumpious families, Dorn aod raised ui lgnsrance.ißprang op as u.ush rooDß and who comna-e society, intelligence, sna&e. vxc. to dollars and cents, mysteriously mean.y or lllgotton. It :s to publicity, however that numerous parents and guardians are thank ful that their sous, daughters and ward*, pre viously feeble, eicidy and of delicate condition and appearance have been restored to health and vigor l.y UK. DiIANirKLP, beside; mauy be foro and alter marnage through him have been saved muob suffering, anxiety. mortification Ac Spermatorrhea or nocturnal omi siona, are com pletely cured in a very short space <>t time by hi t new remedies,which are peculiarly bis own. They are oou-piunds fr m the Vegetable Kingdom having seen the ialhny of the AJcrcurial treaF men', he has abandoned it and substituted tho vegetable. Female disease* aro iroaied wrh marked success—having bad ov tr forty years UuJ fh r ’??i?w ,n ii he,r j tf ® 4t ? en T t T iD h °sPitais ot both the Old World and in the United State* leads him to say -to all with a fair trial, health aod happiness mlj again bloom on tho now-palled oneok. Trifle no longer with mtnttbanks and quacks, but como and be cured. Comumption and all its kindred diseases, of which so msny an nually fi,J cur countries, can now bo revered providing they attend to it in time. Full partic ulars can ha had ot my treatment by procuring a copy of tho Medical Adv Ker, which is given grat is to all tint apply. Having the adfanugo of over forty years experience and observation con sequently, he has superior skill in the treatment of special diseases, and who is daily consu ted by the profession, as we;l as recommended by res pectable cleans, publisher*, prop ietor= of ho tels, £c. Office, 85 hmithfield street, near Dia mond street. Fnvaie communications !rom all psris of the Union ainotiy attended to. Direct to ROY “inn Pittsburgh Post Offioe. STOUT LIVELY CLEAR 10,000,00# SAVED. GLEASO IV’ 8 KEIIOSESfK CBATER ILL WARM FOOD FOR THE BA y.,T by. heat water or steep herbs, Ac., for the sick, make warm water for shaving or tody, cook a lew oysters, boil or iry eggs, make tea and cof lee, toast bread. £o.,kc , in leas time and expense than by any other means known. Used on any lamp without obscuring the light, Prioe 25 cents by mail postage paid, 50 cents. Also a Patent Lightor. lor lighting lamps with ont removing tho chunney. For sale wholesale and retail by - ,« WELDON A KELLT, oc!) 146 Wood 8;., agents for the manufacturers LAKE BUPEBIOB COPPEB MIBEsi -AND SMEETOTG WORKS. Park, M’Curtlv Ac Co., Manufacturers of bheath, .Braitom’ and Belt Copper, Pressed Copfer Bottoms, Raised Still Bottoms bpeltor b odder, Ac. Also impor ters and dealers in Metals, Tin Plato. Sheet Iron, Fire, Ao. n *SR Co “ ta ®?y on hand. Tinmens' Machines IS® Pa RST “ d la ° orders of Copper cut to* any desired pattern - fo2l:lydAw BARGAINS CARPETS. JUAT OPENED AT M CALLUM’S 87 FOURTH STREET. A large assortment, whioh trill bo Bold at a very great rednotlon from late prices anVj TO BUILDERS & CONTRACTORS. ARE 50W JHASUFACTTRIIfO w T a s uperior article of lime, Which we are prepared to deliver from our COAX YARJD, 509 I.2RERTY STREET, Best quality of family coal, Always on band as nraaL DICKSON. STEWART A CO. lIOBIASD'S PRICES— c"n e ATSS°^^^ n / D “ B^^« kittle from. £1 5& to $2 60: Womm^» M iS fioel Boots,Jss:c Women’s Doable SoU^ fioel Boots, $160: WoiAV Balmorals, $1 26? Women’s custom mado sewed >*cel Boots, 9 Womens Couxreaa Gaiters.9oc! ft J**" > assortment St Misses^ob^ F « puces, at • 98 H ABKBT STBEEI, 2d door from sth street ’oswbgo gobs -Just JMdred andfor sale by -'*&*ssßL FOR THE CURE OF VMITTEB -3 bbis prime 801 l Butter, 1 bbl ” Fresh Packed Batter. T . \ kegs ” ” " »» Just received and for sale by FBZ2EB & ABMBXROSG, »050 osmerot AUrket «3d first sttwto* Medical. IMPORTANT TO LADIES “ GREAT AMERICAN REMEDY." HABVBV'S MONO TBERU FEMALE PILLS t|AVE NEVER TET FAILED (WHEN “ tho airßctlonß have boon striotiy followed.) in removing difficulties arising from OBSTRUCTION, OR STOPPAGE OF NATURE Or in rostorins thssvstem to rorfeot health when suffering from Spinal Affections, Prolaceofl Uteri, I the w hit ns, or othor wo.akness of the Uterine Or gans. ihe Pills are perfectly harmless on the I constitution, and uray be taken by the most dol lcate females without caasiog distress; at the flame tune they act ah a charm. By strengthening, invigorating, and restoring thesyat/«m to a healthy condition, and by bring °n period with regularity, no Setter from what chuso tho obtruction may anso Th*y should, however. NOT be taken the nrgt three or four months of pregnancy, though flaio at any othor time, as ioisoarriogo would be the result. dollar' 1 COntairw 60 PiJld - PR ICfi, ONE DR. HARVEY’S TREATISE On Diseases of Females. Pregnancy, Misoarriage, iwrenßcss.btonli;;, Reproduction, and Abuses v^Tip t « u L%T?r d o c , mp^J Ul Q .^ l ?,, theLADlE ti' pri vate MEDICAL AD\ IbER. a pamphlet of 70 pages, sent froo to any address, bix oents re quired to pay postage; *3-Tbe Pilia and Book will be sent by mall, conn jen a ally, when desired, skcurkly sealkd, ana prepaid- on receipt of money by J- M. D., General Agent, -- v. ... No, 7b Cedar street, New York. by ail the principal Druggists. j 111.7® i Eipniins, Dramo, cor. or of tho Diamond and Market >t.. agent f..r Pittsburgh ocb- emdiw MAX&tOOi); HOW LOST! HOW RESTORED I AJunt t^iblmhcil. in a anal- d envelop*. /VtreO cU lecture on i ii en atcre, treatment and radical oureof Spermatorr hcea, or beimnal Weakness, Involuntary Emis sions, sexual Debility, an-i impediments to Mar generally: Nervousness, Comiumption, Ep ilepsy and fits; Mental and Physical Incapacity, resulting from Self-abuse, Ac., oy Robt. J. Cul- VKawKLL. M. D., author of the Orem Book* Ac A Boon to rhoufands of Nnffeteri ” bent under seal, in a plain envelope to any ad dress. poat-pnxd on receipt -d six cents or t*vo pos tage :s*amp3by Da-Cu. J C. Klinb. 127 Bowery. New lork. Post Office Dux. Bold-iifD-d oolens, ic., LnsecD on Plants. Fowln Animals, i c. Put up in £.c. 50c and «1 boxus, bottiei and 2"lu: « “-i s■< ni=i.j ~;r 11 hubMc' lDBd tuaona, Ac. Only in'.alliblo remedies known." ‘ Free from Poircnß," I ;|Not datigorous to tho Iluiutn T'amilr." Rataoojiic outof thmrholo: :o dio." wholcsslotn alllsrgtfafire. - -J hp a.l Druggists aod I)valors ovory woore. l"*»n f.!I rorthleo it; tiiijm. , boo that C ttar’s” natui is 0:1 each box, bottle and fla*.-: before yi.-o buj Addrcas lirMlY R. >?•.* uiuj auibs ci e&jr i *: a e>. ii AJSIiFAITf KIMX -xI.X MINDB OY bteam Engirirt., jangtuf from threo to oq« nunared ana fifty hor?* powtT. and suited for 9rikt Mill*, t'sw MiJifi, Biast S’urnxceo. Faotorlo, •tc. Qtve pudeciar Attention t»; -.no coastmotion ol aad Machinery' u -r gru: mUis. and for ttPiiglUe, mulaj* rind circus r-_-v milip Havo aDocn baud, io-utie-J roady lOrahln nxent at short nooee, Ka-riii*: ar.d Boilers oi even description. T o w?'.\ o F lli,il SS’ 1 .'!?' 1 '“O ilo ° WtoagAt Irou ■-/'.■ji.-n iin.i Pnn;*,7 T n wSTJ!*® 6 “ d K s‘-i? u ? ,h » mannfiotuM ol Wcolon Maohisorj acd -*t»- imo Oards. .//3 r .? B v , !L* r ® I S*’ i l * nr mi:tioor7 maanfaotcr « oj the bait ouaJitj td mato; mlo, and In all oacea to c.ve ofliisfar.ior;, from &li t-aru* c> ::j country ,iolid ad and promptly GD-M. fe2l:dAw STEAM WAGON WORK. HAND AND "ADK TO uKIJEK WAGON'S. CARTS. WHEELBARROWS. STOKE TRUCKS, HAY AND STRAW CUTTERS. C. COLEMAN, oc2i -Iyd Mari' n A voduo, A City. 4 Wood street. FRIDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 18, 1863. W. J. KOUJtTZ. KOUNT2? & MERTZ, BASTKEBS, No. 118 Wood doo [above Street," | XEALERS IN POBEIGN AND Domestic AJr Exchanjre, Ooin, Bank Notes, and Govern ment Becurittefl. Colleotionf promptly attended to. anil SILVER, DEMAND NOTES TJYCertihoates of Indebtedness. Quartermas ters Certificates, 7 3-10 Bonds and Coupons all other leverumeni soourrios, Koaaht by W, H. WILLIAMS CO. mhs;6md "W'oo-J stroef, comer of Third, AMKHIC.O UOUNE~ ' £1 BOSTON. 8 THE LARGEST AND BEST AR ranged Uutol in tho New Ejgiand States; is oentrally located, and easy of aceess irom all the routes oi travel. 11 contains all the modern im provements, and every convenience for the com fort and accommodation ef tbo traveling public. The sleeping room* anri&rge and well ventilated: the aujtes of rooms are well arranged, and com pletely furnished for families and large traveling parties, and the hou*p will oontinue to be kept as a first a first-class Hotel in every rospoot. I Telegraph in the house to all parts of tho ooun- I tr T- „ HBNRY RICE, Proprietor. Boston. Sept 1863, • ael2.*6md J. y. BXCCBXtI HHSRY B. LOKO BECKHAM A LONG, Agricultural and Panning ImDlementSj A GEBTTB FOR BOCROTOOE & AM. •Cl*- men’s Nursory. Buckeye Mower and Reap er, hu-gell.B Iren Harvester. Cayuga Chiof, Jr., Mower. \\ ood s Mower, farmer's Mower. Bucli eyetiraio J riit, Russell's Masrillon Economy Wheeled Horse Rake. Cook’s Bugar Evaporator. w j rT I*i»>erly street, Next dorr to Haro s Hotel, rol’i-l-vw ITTT>:DUR(HI. PA. QKOVEK A,tt,kKEK’S Premium Sewing Machines. Ever Awarded ro SewicgMaohines in Illinois, These machines w«r© awarded the Highest Pre mium . (rver all comp&Uirt, for the Beet Foanxly, CScunng Machxnee, Uie Beet Manvjadurino Ua, I chuiee. and tho Jteef Machine Work, a: tho fol- I lowing M AXIS FAIRS of 1863 : I Arte York Mate Fair 7 I Fir<-t Premium rtrTanfilr machine. ; I Froiiiinm lor dcub.c-tbrcaii machine. I 1 TT nt Premium lxr machine work. I I VermurJ Mate Fair. I R lr?t Premium lor family machine, I u rsl V, rrUJlu,n tor mdntifacturinc machine, j _ c ust rrciuium for machine work. I I Inwa State Fair. First premium for femily maebino. n* irBl Premium icr manuPicturing machine- Premium lor machine wo-fe. Michigan Mate Fair, * I First Fremiam maohioe. First Promium forTbsnuiactaring machino first rrouuum forjaadunc work. Indiana State Fair. First I'rcmium foroiachicr f u r all ptirposos. First Premium fiorljiaeliiiio work. Illinois Mate h air. First Promrum rr.rtifw’Tjirnrrur ail f irst Premiam for uuchice work. KsnUudcv State Fair. First Premium tur machine for all purposes, rir.t Premium lor tnschiuo «n ; L l'enn*iivan%a Mate Ftir. Fi:?t Premium D.»r machine. ,r. irs hß rou ?,* u m lor leauttiui machine work. Ohio State Fair. h irst Premium fur uochinc trerk. A ud at ihe foll&wing County Fairs : Chuitndcn Go. t Vl.) Apncullural Society' first Premium for family scwilc machine, first Premium To* mHnuiactu:ii.k' machine, first Premium io; machine wurk, Ch*iui},uiin Valiev ( TtJ ApncuUural Society. first Premium lor family machine. hfTßt Premium for nunufauuruig machine. First Premium for aachine worn. liampdeu Cu.iilrtKi ) Agricutiurnl Socieiv. Diploma for lornily nachino. Diploma lor inactr.ni work. }V(inklin Go uY. Y.) Air. First Premium lor fuuiiy maohlrc. Premium lor u Simla during maciime Queen* Co. iff. Y.i Amcuitural Aoetcty. Fir t Premium lor uiuiiy machine. WuWunpfon (Jo. < v ;Y. } ) /'nr. First Premium lor smily machine. Saraloffa Ib.'.ff. Y.) fair. F‘ir--t Prouiium tor lamily machine. if<oi the Urover & Baker Sew ing machino has received tio F’trn Premium at every htato Fair in the United State where it has bsen exhibited to this 4aU. Sales Kooms, No. i» KIKTfI ST. Pittsburg. Pa. oci>*2md±w A. P. CHATuNKY, Agent. G ■-astautw Daoul, Ti;-rj)GDi u AN AND NTEA* H'MTINO.-THE A* under ignod is to execu o all or ders for Gas *nd fc»team Fitting, Also, lor fitting up OIL REFINERIES. LocksmrMng and 101 l Hanging promptly at tended to. Mr. VN.ii. CRAUMLR is foreman of the Gat r Lting FOLDISfi IRON BEDSTEADS For tale; ale* TWO LATHES. W.l>. KETTOJiUKO. Locksmith .aid Liell U*nger, doo-lmd 4A3 F«sn street, LAHtJE STOCK OF NEW SHOES AT DIFFEKBACHEB’S, NO. 15 FIFTH STREET, F mbraeiag Gc» (, B- Ladies, Misses and Children’s wear ; n area* variety, soil l^rOTlCE,—lO THE fiTOCHHOLD* BRS OF THE m'TbBUKUH, FORT WAINE & CHICAGO BALLKUAi) COM PANY.--A meeung of the Stockholders ol the P., F. W. a;C. Railroad Company, will be held at No. 23 Fifth street, Pittsburgh, at 11 a. m„ of the U Ist of December, proximo* For the purpose of considering an agreement for The Snto of the Franchise, To be a corporation ol that Company, to the Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne and Chicago Railway Company, os provided in “Act of tne General Assembly of the State of Ohio,” passed Adiil 4th. 1863 W. H. BARNES/ no2S-td Secretary. andakin Bloom o( *’ oatil for tbo complexion Drake's genuine Plantation Bitters. Ayer s CherrvlPectoril and Sarsaparilla. Mrs. Allen 8 Hair Reitoror and Zylobaisum. Wlb hart s Pine Tree Tar Cordial. Hagan’s Magnolia Balm. Stearling Ambrosia for the Hair Holloway's Family Medicines. Lindsey’s Improved Blood Searcher. All of Dr. Jayne'fi Family Medicines Pure Glycerine and Honey Soaps. Giyoerine Cfeam SQ d Cold Cream, for chapped hands, face, Ac., at w , i , a ? - A * KELLY'S Wholesale and Retail Drug store. 0c24 No. 69 Federal st M Allegheny. Bmoyaa of ixfert stable. undarefcxMd having removed his Live- S sable from the rear trfthe Scott House, tonear o comer of First wd Saitffild street. wTS Conn's old stand.is prepared to ftindah carriage* Bankiife Houses. .a........—.....PH. R. UZBTZ Wholesale and Retail Dealers in KeOGdbndge. teamen. \ J - C ' Allen > V,’. J. Allen. Anco ns, N. Baldwin, Bliss, Brooks. Chandler, Claj, Coffro'h, Cox Crr.vone, Dawson. Dennison. Ed.:n, Elfrlan, Edridge, English, I-in.,t. Oi:d?r, H-irdiog, Harrine ton, Harris, Md : Harris, 111, ; U-rrick Hoiman, Johnson, Ohio, Kernan, K’dc Law. Lazear, Leß.ond, Long! Maliorr_ — r , i a.; Morris, Ohio; Morrison, Nelson, No bic, Odell, 0 biL-iii, Ohio; Pendleton Koliinaon, Rwins, Mi ; Ross, Scott' o'.ebhins, Stf-I. N. V.; Stowt.’ Sweat V oorheea, Wadsworth, C. W. White, J. W White, Winfieiil, IWood. Bussian Doings in Poland 1 hr ' £ extract from the C-jicgn? Gazrllr. w-;l that It—sian bnrhrirlty haa lost nor. • oi its ferocJor.roeM with re ftard 10 unhappy Poland. Whole pcnn rations of villages in L-thuanii; ivn? neing forcibly tram-ported to the Steepen rf the Ural. The inhabitants of KlaDyszki, Szslizki, and Szylnny, consisting of o 7 families, were thus transported a short time back. Their property was confiscated aud sold, and the proceeds applied to fhe expenses of the journey. These m.fortu-- cate people having shown some hesitation to leave their homes, u body of troops was sent to force them to c -reply with MonraviefFs orders, fn Wilnay the con voy? lur Libui in leave every other Friday. In order to destroy every mark oi Polcn ism in the city, Mouravieff has ordered all the Polish inscriptions Gn thu shops and at the corners of the streets to be erased, no mare Polish bills oi fare to be need in the restaurants, the Polish language lo be no longer used by tradesmen in making np their accounts, and the official lan guage to be in all cases Hessian, even on seals and Btamps. Mouravietf has adopted a new system tor the incorporation ol Poland with Russia. Those who petition the Czar for pardon are to be converted into Russians, and the rest sent to Asia. Addresses have accordingly been obtain ed, petitioning the Czar to allow the pal atinate ot Angustowo to bo incorporated with the Russian empire. The insurgents have lately -met with several successes. The news of the'eapture of a Russian convoy of 1 400 cwt. of salt is confirmed. The salt was afterward Bold by the Poles for 40,000 guldens. They have also cap tured a large quantity of tobacco belong ing to the Russians. These captures are very frequent, part : cularly in the paliti nate of Lublin, where numerous small patrols of Polishgerdarmes are constantly scouring toe country. A woman who baß been sentenced to he transported with her five htLle children, one cl whom was but two years old, has been imprisoned together with them in the citadel of Zamosc, because she had not snlficient property to keep herself and her children in Asiatic Russia. Dr. Bel: ows, too, has provoked the serious displeasure of abolitionism—so orach so that he seems m danger of ex clusion front tho communion ot the simon pure Christians, after the manner of slaveholders formerly, fie has always been accounted n pretty good abolitionist, but it has lately occurred to him that it would be better ell round that abolition Bbonld be gradual than sudden end un conditional, and he ventured the other day to make that suggestion, whereupon avalanches of the fiercest and most piti less invective are hurled at him. Wo ore sorry for him. When he cannot stand it any longer he must seek refuge among us “disloyal.” Ooa whilom eeni date forvice Presi dent Herschel V. Johnson, of Georgia, has gone over tc the unconditional rebels. On the occasion of his recent olection as rebel Senator from that State, ho made a speech, m which he declared that “whether the Government was right or wrong, he was tor standing by it.” By the “Government'' he mean: Jeff. Davis and his administration, just as our “un conditional” people set up Mr, Lincoln and his administration us the “Govern ment,'’ and “siand by it, right cr wrong.” The ridioulousnesa of the thing is appa rent in Mr. Johnson's cate, however it may bo in the other case. There has been no change during the past week in the aspect cf affairs at Chat tanooga. Gen. Grant is energetically prosecuting his plans for another cam paign. | From the Holmes Comity Farmer. A Bich Letter. JotfGTnAx Q- Smith to Got. Asjtrew: Gettysburg, Pa., Nov. 20, 1863. UeerGuvker: Oar mutual friend, D." Tod, Enquire, furnished, at the expense ov the Stait of Ohio, to me and the mem bers ov the Legislates and a number ov loyal .editors, and a good menny moar loyal individuals traosportashen two cum tx> Gettysburg to deddycate the Nashipnal Semmetary. We took in commissarv stores for twenty loyal men at Columbus, and at Coshoctown we drew heavy tashens of Hay'e best old rye. We had a bully good trip, good eaten, good* drinken, atones and songs enlivened the Oecashen. borne copperhead traters sed we had .too much levity to be goin’ to funeral; but tha had belter dry np or tha will find" themselves arrested for discuragm enlist-1 meats or resißten the draft. Thair is sum traters eomplanen about us spenden twenty-five or thirty thousand dollars cut ov the Treasury to pay our expenses hear and back. Men who took about Bich things are traters, and tha should awl bea sent South or hung. When wo cum we found onest Old Abe, onest Simon Cameron, onest Andy Cur tain, onest W. H. Seward and a good menny other loyal & oneßt men. We was sorry yon didn’t cum, for buhov us want- you stamp a few small armies out of the ground. Seward, Cam eron, Curtain, Charly Anderson and sev eral others maid good Union speeches in which tha sed menny loyal things, fallv indorsed the war for the Union ov our party and the libertion of the Free Amer lkens ov Afriben descent. Onest Simon Cameron wonts to be nomi nated for the \ ice President, to run the ticket with onest old Abe. Onest Andy Curtin wanti to be nominated for Presi dent Thus it will be sean be is disloyal bekaus he wants to overthrow the Govern ment at the next election.. Chase wanted to cum but Abe woodent let him cum, be kaus he is disloyal and warns to be Presi dent at the next eiecshnn. Onr party friends was awl bizzy elecsheneariDg to g.t matters fixed up rite for the next eiecshnn, but thair was two menny in terests to protect. Wo awl treated Sey mour Parker, the copperhead Stait offi cers of Pennsylvany and the rest of the traters in attendance with our bitterest skorns. Tha not being loyal they cood ent circulate with ns. We spent an cur cr too at the funeral seremomes and then attend two our prop er bizmes. We looked matters awl over and cum two meuy wise conclusions. Onest Old Abe sed he now has the bull by the horns and be intends to peg away till every American ov Afriken desent is free as the vultures what roam the air. He sez no Stan shall cum back inter the U nion tul the lost ventage of slavery is fis icked oat ov dem and tha fondly embrace tua pious people of Massachusetts as brethren and acknowledg ones?, old Abe to be their Priest, Prophet and King. Too ibis ooly doctrine we awl give pur moast i xtern.inadon against copperheds and awl others who dissent therefrom. Amur.g the big men present was General Schenck, the hero ov Vienna. Hp thot be shood bea on the ticket for President or vlc e President. He sed: ‘-f ran a train ov cars right down amung the aece°h at \ -,enna, ana if tha had bin in the right p.ace I wood hav run over and crashed cm ; bill lha Btaid oiT the track and mnr forea my sogers, which wns not my fault nor did it say eny thing against my mas ter strategy. I controlled the eleeshen in Maryland and Delaware, and maid the peepil vote the. emancipation ticket under the pains and penalties of imprisonment, transportation and death, f have vied with your worthy sarvint Ben Butler, in abasia wimen aaa f nrni i- „ ’ “ in short I hav djia moar l.hau 4 ov Satan to maik him ruler in hell, and. I think I shood have my reward." Abe re plied that he had bin a faithful sarvint, but that he was already a Brigadier Gine eral and a member of Congress, and that he shood be satisfied for the present. Quest Simon Cameron was anxious for a plaice on the ticket. He sed: li l boast not ov wbat I hav dun, but you awl know what I ken due, and I demand that my chances bea respected.” This razed a grate excitement: the knees ov our men smote each other, and thase teath begun to chatter, an tha all seemed two hav the ager and shakes but Abe, who is al ways full ov resources proposed that we tsik a drink awl around an drop the aub ject for the present, which we aekordenlv dun. Wedntended to select a man for speak er of Kongrest, but thare wus not enuffov the members present to mnik that practi cable. Thare was also a good mennyoth* er things we calkuiated on doin, bat thare was too menny Copperheds about and too menny other loyal men what had bin in dulgin tu a drop too much for na to kerry on bizness satisfactorily. Deer Guvnor, I must kongratulate yon on your loyalty and your lav for onr tai lored brethren A sisteru, and espeshally must I kompliment you on youre fatherly kare ov tiie pious puritanß ov beluved Massachuaits whom you protect from dan ger and harm by fillen yure quotas ov troops by enlistments from uther Sthits. My deer sir, efraw yure pay regularly, and beleave me % Ever yours, JONATHAN Q. SMITH. An Indian’s Gift to Christ. In a portion of the southern territory from which the red man has now been driven, I once attended a large protracted meeting, held in the wide forest. The theme on which the preacher dwelt, and which he illustrated with surpassing beauty ard grandeur, was “Christ and him crucified.” He spoke of the good Shepherd, who came into the world to seek and to save the lost. Ha told how this Savior met the rude buffetings of the heartless soldiers. He drew a picture of Qethsemane and the unbefriended Savior who wept there. He pointed to him as he hung bleeding upon the cross. ... The congregation wept. Soon there was a slight movement in the assembly, and a tall son of the forest, with tears on his red cheeks, approached the pulpit and Baid, “Did Jeans die forme—die for poor Indian ? Me have no lands to give Jesus; the white man take them away; me give him my dog and my rifle.” The white man told him Jesus could not accept those gifts. “Me give Jeans my dog, my rifle, and my blanket; poor Indian; he got no more to give—be give Jesns all.” The minister replied that Christ coaid not accept them. Tbs poor, ignorant, but generous child of the forest bent his head in sorrow and meditated.: Be raieed his noble brow once more, and fixed his eye on the preacher, while he sobbed oat, here is poor Indian; Kill Jesus have Atm?” A thrill of nnntter&bie joy ran through the souls cf minister and people, as this fierce son of the wilderness now sat, in his right mind, at the feet of Jesns. Tha spirit had done its work, and he who bad teen so poor, received the earnest of an inheritance which will not fade when the diadems of with shall have forever. i r< i / i , ESTABLISHED 1842. HenEteiide 6t DUsfttfßevfekedV ■ J6W T.‘ Keatley &fd Ernes’Hater,'?V helr f ; bBe ? oe , the “en had become mndh demoralized h there baingjittte dig. SS I }™ tbeB(S mJkoM fZJ? T TV° P i ,atG th ? offenße ff * e 80 B ° ecee( ie ■ *' *• AWARDED THE - •.•'•* > HIGHEST PBEHTBUfs fIIMIAIIOIAI JXHIBIfM, LfIIDOJ, 1862 Industrial Exuosition, Paris, 1861, In competition with all the leading Sewing Mtt. chines in Europe and America, ana the United States Agricultural Association! Metro- • poll!an Medianics' Institute. Washington; Fmntr. Un Institute, Philadelphia; Mechanics’Assoicia- Moa Boston ; American Institute, New forki Maryland Institute, Baltimore: Mechanics'As sooiataon. Cincinnati; Kentucky Institute, Louis* ™ e : Meoll *o;cs’ Institute, San Francisco; and fT®f y Stale “n" County Fair where Exhibited tills Wrrvion. UPWARDS OP ■5 JIOiLOjELXjaEJiII Wi mpirqj Haye already been Sold, A fact whioh speaks louder than words of the success and popularity of Wheclerd Wll. sons Family Sewing Machine-the cheapest Machine in the world, BECAUSE II 13 THE BESI, Erary Machine warranted for 3 Team, cusTOireas bibs koth»g nt ptmoHisnfG. INSTRUCTIONS PREE. Always happy to exhibit and explain thorn. WSroulars, containing an Explanation of the machine, with testimonials from ladies of the highest fsocial standing, giyan on application, .either in person or by mail, Agents for the Western States »»d. Principal Officos and Whalesale Emporiums, Jfo. »7 Fifth Street__piixSßUß.&H,-PA, FHie's Opera Home ClhOHSlraATr, o. Masonic Temple LOUISVILLE, KY. n024-diirw HEKBBiLOHItSBTrO - HBAnquuiMßsI Pa, Militia, T , tiJr oft . . ? by bis coammnfcation of the 9th lust, in response ro propositions submit ted to him, relating to. the recruiting servioeTin Sami !l ama “ a «r the call ofOoteher 17th, for 300,000 men, approved Of so much -thereof comprised under-the following ppipts, it ieo rdfii- That tho recruitment of volunteers for thava- D viT- m ftßlfidd -’ ?2 ‘ be com?a£ such appointment ofofficei* in the held wflb bo made by the Governor.; where practicable on tha recommend&tiofc of duly representing cities, boroughs, and-townahiniTS recruit for their several localities. mendations ehouidnot, hpwevtas bo tnadeiadis criuuaately. but with duo rezardte theebaraeter of the person name biTa&lifcy to pS3££i the important duties ot the post. If. When prmieableL old mfanfijft wifite returned to th e State to ui ted. J UI. Ihe volunteers who shift be enlisted will renuiii under the control ofthd Governor at ffuoh camps or rendezvous, and under such commend* • ersas he may designate, and until ready tobe Bmt to thar pgimente in eooprdanoe with Gen* oral Orders No. 75 of 1 Z”* 1 IV. Premium*, not cucceedinf twenty*6ve4oi lars for veterans, and fifteen dollars for hfc#Ve-' oruits. willbo paid toofficcn) me eervico from regiments in the field*, when the racruit* are aecopied by theUnithd Stated Pay; mont to be made by Lieut. CoioacL BcmfanL U. &A., Actmg Assistant Provost BfattiiafGon* eraU . V. Volunteers furnished by cities cir oiSei lo* calitiee, will be duly credited on thadm-t for Jan u ary 5,1864— and also mi such volunteers as may have been mustered into the serrice cf the United States siaqe the draft, the nmabtyao credited, to be detaehedfrom theirpropertiohof tho quota assigned ihe States aeder Information regarding the quotas OTeoufrtlea, cities, townships or ' warasy can boprocuradoir application to the respective District -Provost Marshals. - VI Authority will be given to officers detached for recruiting service from regiments in tho fleJd to raise complete companion ofinfeatry.-to bo sent to suoh regiments in tho fioidashnvolcs than their proper n umber of company orgixuft lions. ViL Colored volunteers for tho colored regS* moats of Pennsylvania, wiu be accepted as g-paxi of the quota, and also such as have neon muster* ed into the service of the United States since tha droit, to' be credited to cities and other localities on their-proportion of tne Stateafr quota under recent oaiL VIII. Camps of be established at proper localities inlßhrge of commandants and skillful surgeons/ to be appointed b/ue Govornor. ~ . IS. To overy recruit who is a Veteran Folm. ’ teer, as defined in General Orders pf ' the Dejartment of Jnno 25, 5 1863, ho-TSLloriS croiung Vernran VolnnteSis.'one mouth's ifiy iri advance, and a bounty and WemiumofittA and to all other recruits nit veterans, accepted aod enlisted as romirod in existing orders, one month s pay in advance, and in addition a bounty and premium ©fsSo2 wiH b? paid. The short time now remaining within which, to fill tho quota of the £t*te by enlistmehtg, "tod thosiayoid the impe&dinr.diaft, -loyal citizens o£ the importance of providing, by ’ local boa ntiee. the ctrengesifedhcnaiaiti tovoi*' • unteeia. Mumcipabt : ottol States,-by this means. »re soduoisg from Penskylvsnhrtan al£ • > bodied men who shouldrepkaikbqlKr ownicay* ments. Pennsylvania, with a l®. ' proportionately. thmi any adjacent Gnntmml wealth, thould ahow by her promptness aadaW " rity now hcr ability to lMintrta tion she has heretofore and MiQ t j n n:*i i, s item Pa.