AILY POST. ™ COKING ELEC- The Abolitionists of this city having got through with their convention, in which their dexterity ha, balloglfox stuffing was fully charged and it U the dnty of the Democraoyib counsel together in relation to the proper course to be pur sued by them at the approaching muaici pial election. Our city readers are doubt less aware that two years ago, abandoned their, organization, in order to support an independent, no party ticket. The consequence of this was that we held no Democratic convention that year ; and at the present time there is no “Executive Committee m of the party, to take the initiative in giving it direction. Our attention has been called to this by several communications from Democrats of high standing in the party, who insist that the party should be organized, which is, of course, an absolute necessity. They all argue that the only fair mode of doing this is for a move among the rank and file to affect it, to which all will agree ; and the sooner this iB commenc ed and consummated the sooner we will be able to proceed with the business af fecting the success of our undertaking. It has been suggested that the Democrats as, heretofore, meet in the several Wards of the city, and Belect five delegates from each to meet in convention for the pur pose of organization, and also to put in nomination, —it the convention consider it expedient—candidates to be supported at the Bppoaching municipal election. And why should we not have a ticket at the coming and all other contests, wheth er in city, county or State? Two years ago, we gave up our organization, to unite upon a oitizens’ ticket for municipal offi cers, and what was the result? Why, af ter giving two out of the three nomina tious made, to Republicans, we polled a less respectable vote than would have been given to a tick et. And, what was particularly striking and aggravating was the ahamefulfact that the Democrat ou the ticket—a gentleman of experience, fine and tried executive ability, and of unquestioned integrity— was several hundred votes behind his col leagues This satisfied as of the folly of citizens’ tickets; ourexperieDce sincegoea to confirm the impression then made. We are now informed that there are! quite a number of Republicans willing to run as independent candidates, pro vided the Democraey will refuse to nomi nate and support them. We have no I doubt of it; but would such a course be fair to tbo honest mass of our party, who Lok to the success of their principles and not the advancement of particular schemes, looking to merely personal ag grandizement ? The two gentlemen for whom the Democrats voted two years since, are now both office-holders under the general Government, and are among the most proscriptive and insolent Aboli tionists io*the county. Their success, at j that time, would have weakened instead i PITTSBURGH: THURSDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1863 TO ADVERTISERS* Advertisements mast bo handed in before 9 o’clock, p. m., have * oeeri diVgeted and committed to jail at - Charleston on the charge of robbi; g the Sisters of Mercy. The property stolen was valued at between five and six thou- B&m! dollars. It consisted of two bags of ■coffee. -three large chests of tea and two -■ - •?»*« of soap. It appeared from the evi dence thatthe prisoners represented them I selves as Boldiers from Virginia, and while I had received great I hindness.and attention from the Sisters in I ■ , .BtrendpDfifton the sick and wounded sol diers. I . Accounts from the Army of the Poto mac qay that a topographical reconnoiter ing party gent ont some dsys ago to per fect on maps of the region of Culpeper, aiid along the base of the Bine Ridge as ’‘far as Sperryville and Little Washington returned to camy on Friday. Officers ac . pompanjicg the expedition state that they ehcdhtjt?red no enemy in force, but fell in with: sererai email squads of partizans, ail belonging to the Sixth Virginia cavalry. ‘Wlthtfm exception of farms immediately on the lines of the principal routes, all the houses were well stored with the necee «irifeB of life, such as meats, poultry, and breAdstuffs, with a sufficient supply 0 f forage- to winter their scanty stock herds. Wxshihoton, December 16.—The Star .■cpsrteoasly furnishes the following in ad •ratrce.ofita publication: “Telegrams were received here last evening from Knoxville up to yesterday morning. General Foster hag afttyndiUhe command of the troops lately‘under -General Burnside and tho latter had departed from that city for fin “It sisted there, on the authority of ecout&and meseongers, that much of Gen ■eral Lokoamar-a artillery and trains had fallen ,nto the hands ot our pursuing force, but these accounts lacked confix niation'. _Hon. .TfitotAS Ewreo of Ohio; Hon KmarCowah, Senator in Congress from Pennsylvania: Hon. O. IL, late Senator %m Illinois; and Hon. B. Hill, of Missouri, have constituted them- law firm, and have opened to efflt»in Washington. They will tran iWthumnese in the Supreme Court and Senator Cowas alone, by act OT.Congteas, being prohibited from latter court, will there fore continue-hfe services to the Supreme CUprt of the United States- This is a most distinguished partnership, and we need add -- . ~ than call the attention that " iiqfpt, lantly arning TUB PITTSBURGH POST, ragBSPAT MOIWTHO, DECEMBHH. ,r , M . ► wf rnrfT But we merely intended to call the at tention ol the City D emocracy to the condition of the party ; it iaforthem to say what conrße ia moat proper to be pursued When their repreaentati res meet and act in City Convention, we shall be entirely aatißfied with any conclusion at which they may arrive. THE TRIBUNE DISLOYAL. The New York Tribune, alluding to Gen. Hallbck’s report of the year's mili tary operationagiveß expression to the fol io wing disloyal sentiments —disloyal be cause differing Irom the Administration's conduct of the war: “This Report does not contain many facu that are new to the country, bat it contains some version* of well known events, which are, to say the least, surprising. It is a very belligerent document. We reckon not less than eight Generals who fcre directly or indirectly censured for mis conduct —all of them commanders of de Sartmenta or corps. There is not a single p waster or failure for which the General in-Chief seems to oomider himself re sponsible ; not one for which he is not able to account by the dereliction in duty [of some subordinate commander. On the other hand, it is made to appear that the operations which were successful were conducted strictly in accordance with the orders or suggestions issued from Wash ington.” Halleck merely tak es credit for all that .8 worth claiming, and shuffles the blun ders upon the shoulders of subordinate officers in the field. But the Tribune has no right to allude' to this assumption of military merit upon the part of Halleck ; with a Democrat such liberty is downright disloyalty. It is hard, though, that the press must remain silent and permit a pe dant and pretender to rob the ablest of our generals of hard won laurels, while, at the same time, making them bear the odium and disgrace of his own blunders. We have, in this, a striking illustration of the poet's comment upon reputation, which he defined to be a “vile imposi tion, often got without merit and lost without deserving.” Halleck, aa long as he is permitted to remain where he is, will see that he gets his full share of the glory acquired by our military achieve ments. while, at the same time, he vigor ously kills off the most meritorious, by garbled extracts of correspondence and ingenious detraction. PROTESTING TOO MUCH. I The Radicals are constantly telling as I (remarks the Age) that slavery is dead— a thing of the past—and one of the speak- I ere at one of their meetings, at Concert I Hall, was even blasphemous enough to say that no Christ could ever roll the stone from its sepulchre. But while thus channting its elegy, they are perpetually taxing their ingenuity to make it more dead. Hence Mr. Lihooln invents his scheme of oath taking, and Mr. Arnold introduces the following bill into the House of Representatives: “Bt it enacted by the Senate and °f Bepresentatives in Congress assembled That in said States and parts of*autes i o? iD the P r° clai ? stioD ° f January i, isos, Slavery and involuntary servitude otherwise than in the punishment of crime, whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall forever be prohibited any law or usage of such States or parts of States to the contrary notwithstand ing.” Now, we submit that if slavery be al ready as thoroughly defunct as itsenemies declare it to be, all this fuss about it is quite after th e manned of works of soper erogafioa; add that instead of devoting so , BiUCh cred to his fatl.cij— to be. taxed no. more.' secret societies. The Hatrisbnrg Patriot and Union res commends the following : “Hitherto we have discountenanced and opposed any se cret organization of the Democratic party —bnt, on the principle of fighting the devil with hia own weapon, we now with draw that opposition; and, aa the only meana of sneoeaa, recommend that some plan, as little objectionable aa possible, be devised for forming secret Democratic as sociations, with a view to more perfect organization and united action. And let it be done soon—the sooner the better. i If your Hair is turning Grey, If your Hair is becoming Thin. If your Hair isbeooming Hanth and Dry, Use the Reju venator, Whioh iatbo moat satisfactory HAIR RESTOR n?n eTer i? roUK £ t A l> ' >foro the publio. Price One F ° r “ Ie by SIMON JOHNBTOIL delfi Corner of Smithfleid and Fourtn ats. PERFUMERY OF , .pypry description, fine Extracts Po. “*{*£! an i hr ? w f?4 1B n*ourately poucded at all hours .jn l ar, WlB« nod LfQßor. (.r m-Jiiin ,1 ju'i.ij'd JEST TO c° NSCMPT! VI S THi A»- "T vertteer having boon restored lo hc&JU in a few weeks, by a very simple remedy, after hay ing suffered several years with a severe long aP 'action, and that dread disease Consumption-is anxious to make known to his lellow-sufforors tlie means f cure. To all wh: deaire it. he wili .end a oopy o( the prescription used (free of charge,) with the direo- Hods for preparing and using the game, whioh ey will find a sure cure for Cosbouptiok, Asthma, Broh-chitis, Coughs. Colds, A<.. The only object of Ihe advertiser in sending tie l>re- Bcnption is to benefit the affiioted, aed spread information which he ocnooivoa ;o he invaluable and he hopes every sefferer will try his remedy as.: will cost hint nothing, and may p-„ )e a blessing. Parties wishing the presciiption will pi use address Rsv. KDWAKD A. WILSON. Wiliianu-burgn Kings County, Now York. The above remedy may bo obtained In Pitt.- bureb of JOSEPH FLEMING, Drossta oorner of Market street and the Diamond se2s~3mdjtw [OS?* «f‘lu Daily Pott.—Dent Sir. —With year permission 1 wish to say to the read era of your paper that I will .end, by return mail to all who wish it (free,) a Receipt, with full di rections for mating and using a simple Vegetable Balm, that will effectually remove, is ten days Pimples, Blotohes, Tan, Freckles, and all Impur ites of the Skin, leaving the same soft, clear, smooth and beaotiful. ' i I will also mail free to those having Bald Beads or Bare Faces simple directions and information that will enable them to starts full growth of Luxuriant Hair, Whiskers, or a Moustache, in loss than thirty days* All applications answered by return mail with out charge. Respectfully yours, THOS. F. CHAPMAN, Chemist, ffil Broadway. New York. ira'DESIISTBT.-TEETH F X , .ttaetod Without. pain by the u-e of IT Oudry's apparatus. L r ' J. F. HUFFMAN DENTIST All work warranted 184 Smlthfleld street, PITTSBUKUII, J. M. OORK'STKLL. <* EERR ARRIA6E MANUFACTURERS, SILVER k BRASB PLATERS. And manofftotarers of ladsilery «k Carriage Hardware, No. T Ft. Clair street, and Duquesno Way (near the Bridge.) * 7 ’ It - MILLFORSALE LBgSKjy CITV MlT n T b q r °? eTS S r - 8al ? 4.0 AL aii I AI * suaatedinthelFotirth Ward. Allegheny City. Thia wall knownlfiinfS urrs ' wlt *i a H the latest improved ma- S/?‘“ 8r * J° r . tnanufactnrins the best brmdfrf Fioor. Enjoys a good local as well m iESirS onstom. This is a rare dance for me? and mvite aty wh ) wish to engage in a profttabe tfoc2l-amdAw J.VGRGTLY. GKE A T Improvement in Eye Sight THE RUSSIAN pebble SPECTACLES n® YOU WAS? YOLBEYE sight tHI ““proved ? Try the Hues lan Pebble* THE “ d J « : readv tn irilj “XSHT—this fact has proved al- ES'&JSSfSitf ™ Whi^ p ° 1 ? ed dlreot from Buraia, m’S'nn J? satisfaction if thefirsts&UdfdW 48 *>»“applied ln futpre Practica T Optician, 4*.R__are of ' tr ' Xrt ’ *“* f ™‘ K>etw ‘ «“1 counterfeiter!. rpHE CABINET ORGAN, • . / MASON & HAMLIN, MOST DES RABLE INSTRUMENT Parlor, the Chorcß, and the ▼ill be found an instrument that has lons been a disideratam, especially in American eiroies and families. Music, particularly Church Musio, with sustained tones, and oiosely oonneoted har monies, has erer been A WELCOME GUEBT In oar Chorehet, The Piano Porte has long since become a house hold institution; but its capacities are not sait* ed to this style of musio. Ihe noble Organ, by ite sise and great cost, is entirely out ef the ques tion. The Melodeon, whioh has gained so great popularity from its sweet and soothing tones, but more rape cially from its being within the means of so many, fails, however, to meet the wants of cultivated ears, from its to represent with Its tones any varied expression of emotion. CABINET ORGAN, The Desired Instrument is Ofleied. This new instrument may be said to be as great an improvement upon the Melodeon, as a Con cert Grand Piano of to-day is over the imperfect Pienofi in vogue a quarter of a century ago. By many improvements, among whioh may bo men tKa Patent Automatic Swell, the the instrument is completely under the control of the performer; is capable of any degrso of dy namic power,-from the softest tones to those whioh will suffice for! sustaining a full chcrus. FOR THE CHURCH ills admit ably adapted, ft om its power, oapaoi ty of expression, compactness. durability and cheapness FOR THE PARLOR, and it is especially desirable, from Its wonderful capa bility of all shades of expression, making it most effeotive as a solo inttrumoot, or as a comple ment to the Piano. Many beautiful orchestral effeots may be produced on it, and so responsive is it to the touoh, that rapid music, as runs, trills, arpeggios Ao„ oan be performed with ease. It is neat and oompaet, and made of Walnut, Oak and Rosewood, and of various styles of farnitnto to graee any Parlor or Drawing Room. 00 ITS CHALK, in a letter to Mason A Hamlin tayg : I congratulate you on the introduction ol a new lDstrument, long wantod, and sure to hnd its wa Fin to every household of Us e and refine mjnt wfiwh P"ssttbraftedit3 moderate ex pense. Year CABINET ORGAN is truly a instrument, worthy of the highest praise It has reedved. and tar superior to every thing of its class I have seen I take plessnre in commending it most heartly as everywhere worthy a place beside the piano forte, to which it a a lino complement from its capacity for ren dering muoh delightful music, saeredimd stcular wUpfod tt ” d popnlar ' t 0 whleh 4118 Pisco i« not ■Salf't. KREB THE CABINET ORGANS Aro made of four and five octaves in compass, and with single and donble sots of reeds. The greatest oare is taken by the manufacturers, Messrs. Mason & Hamlin, In the seleotion of the material, going in the construction of an instru ment everything being of rax agar, and particu larly may be mentioned the use oteoawisfeip san soecd wood, whioh foot aooounts for the great dur ability of their instruments. Their atm h M a j_ ways been to make the best possible instrument at as low a prioe as they could afioid.ln full con- I fidenoe that all will agree that the | PITTSBURGH. Best is the Cheapest. IS FROM m TO s§oo, A splendid stock has been received by the sub scriber. seleoted with especial reference to the approaching HOLIDAYS! And to which the attention of the public is solio- CHAB. c. heuob, <*•l7 Sole Agent for Maaon A MABUFaOTU&XD bt BOSTON. Of the kind made, for the Drawing Room, the Sabbath School. IS TIE CABINET OBIiAN Oar lloliool Booms, I AND BY OCR FIRESIDES. IN THE Of Mason & Hamlin, Doable Bellows, the Knee Stop* and the Combination Valves, AND THti SABBATH SCHOOL drawing room •1 WOOD (TREET, N e wAdvertisements The SHELL GROOVE SKATE perfectly supports the skater in Every Position Pos sible to the foot In skating. It avoids all Straining: and Twisting of the feet and ankles. It plsoes the art of GRACEFUL skating within the reach of every person- Everybody can skate with them at onoe, with out fatigue, without learning and without danger. They can be put on or taken off by any one with perfeot ease, and in a moment’s time. They are nude wholly of CAST. STEEL, and are perfectly durable and rpliabU. They are the most beautiful and artistio Skate ever produeed. For Ladles, Toong Persons and Children, they aro universally conceded to be the very be.t bkate in use, For Gentlemen, to whom “Skating made Easy” is any consideration, the Shell lirove Ska!e offers advantages possesed by none other. Also a oomplete assortment of all other kinds of fc kales lor ohildren, ladies and gentlemen, and a full supply of all kinds of sporting goods for the holidays. For sale by del" PROCLAMATION.— CITY OP PITTB - d.-. Id aocordanoo wilb the provialona of an Aot of the General Auemblyol the Commonwealth of fennsylvaaia, proridina for the ihoorporatioa of the City of Pittsborgh, ana of the yariom supple ment, to «aid not, i. B. 0. Bawtm, jr., Mayor of a&id pity, do lseue this, my proclamation, that on the FiKtiT IUEbjMY IH JANUARY. A. il., 1864, being the Fifth Day of thh Month, the freemen oi each W ard ol said city, quaii&ed to 70te for members of the House of Kepresentatives of this uommc nwealth, will meet at the several places ol holding oltoiions in their respective eards and precincts, and oleot, by ballot, tinder the provisions oi an Act of Assembly, passed the 16th day of May, A, D., 1853. One person to serve as Mayor of said city. One person to serve as Controller cf said city, and One person to serve as Treasurer of said city, each of whom .shall hold their office for two , rears. On the same day, in conformity to the above 1 oited authorities, and also 10 the Ordinances or Councils districting jaid city, the citizens of the First Ward will elect by one person to be a member of the beieot Council of said oity for two years, and two persons to bo members or the common Councils. Second Ward —One person to be a member cf the select, and two persons to ne members of the Common Counoi. Ihird W ard —One person to be a member of the celeot and six persons to be members of the Common Council. 4 Fourth Ward—One person to be a member ol e fcelect and two parsons to be members of the Common Council. Fifth Ward—One person to be a member of the Select and six parsons to bemembeisof the Com* moo Council. Sixth Ward—One person to be a member oi the Miect and four persons to be members of the Common Council. , Seventh Ward—One person to be a member of I the Select and two persons to be members ol the Common Council. Kightb Ward— One person to be a member of the oelectani three persons to be members of the Lomaon Council, Ninth Ward —One person to be a member of the Select and three persons to be members of the Common council. Eacn orwnom snw, v* u> f6rve M R member of the House Representatives cT Uus Commonwealth, At the election to be held as aforesaid, on Tues • day, the sth day of January, A. D. 1864. The elect; rs ol the First Ward will vote at the ruoiio school ilouse m said Ward of . llie S€COnd Ward will vote at thei'DKic School House in said Wsrj Ih. cite tors of so much of tho Third Ward at let north ol and west of Grant ttratt. bain, preoinot No. 1 of Mud wa>d. will vote at the McStay. on the oorner of Sixth and Sun.hfield streota. Iho elec ors o. so much ef the Third Ward as lita fcouth an i east of (irant street, being pre cinct No 2 ofsaid Wan, v ill vote at S bSZ Tunnel Precis' 7 ‘ tho ™ rnor of Wjlie aod r -° f , Ltje Fourth Ward will vote at • cUojl bouse in £aid vS ard. The electors of tu much of the Fifth Ward as 1 Adams street, btingpro emet No. 10l said W ard, will vote at the Public B *bool house, in said W r ard The electors of eo much of the Fifth Ward as *s®*Adams street, being pre clJ-1 f*P* 2of ?ai d Ward, will vote at the Public school house, in said Ward. 0 eTS' £*) J Albania -Holding %© Pl££ii *»Li>nf jufl j WKX.QOS « Eiiwj® 1 MiWtiOWfP^Ay “d Uup infiuuitii CABBO* ooa, BBaZUK. *e. US Wood «traet, ae*i Sixth. 1 PITTBBPBfIH. PA * 1 E«M»-8 <****- Conn, ting in part of POBTEMONNAIES, PtJBSES, WALLETS, From. $1 to $25, SHAWL and SCABF PINS, HAIR-NETS, HOODS, NUBIAS, SONTAQB, 00MF0RT8, LADIES’ and GENTS’ BCABFB, MALTESE LACE, EMBROIDERED COLLARS, and Small Wares, at 78 MARKET STREET, Between Fourth and Diamond. T OPENED, 40 PIECES beautiful: O LD resents Ipob the^holidays. pine pictubjb With a frame to suit every taste. f PUaiOITS KOTURES, picmsOTlßriis^mos, PICTIBE FBAJUKS, f'HOTOGUAPfI PBAMEB SQUARE and OVAL In arm varieW. Call *ud see the Urvest stock of PICTURES ,. H- B. BBECHT * CO.-a. 128 Smithfleld street, between Fifth and Sixth, delS-tfl PITTBBUBOH. H O LI DAYS. J. B. mDH & CO., ® 5 Market street, WSuM7mJSSJSftS^SSSS HOLIDAY GOODS- We have ever exhibited; anticipating the wants “•!." f " mda - *• hare made our display much •axher than usual, and now invito our ensto mers and the pubJio generally to_*n early ex aminaflon of our g:oda, which 'hive baeu with espeoUl ip thdr tut« f HOLIDAY PRESENTS. Embracing an unusually large assortment of WATCHES, Wlih the newest and most elegant designs of Diamonds and Pea-la inlaid, enameled and en graved eases. diamonds, In great variety of Clusters .and Solitaires. jeweiby, All Oie latest Styles of Solid Sold. Onyx, Coral, Pearl. Enameled. Garnet and Carbnnole Jew wry. silver; ware, Spoon. Forks. Cups, Fancy Pieces. Tea Seta. Trays. Bask, ts, Casters, Pitchers, Ac, Ac., fascy goods, A boautifiU collection of themoct craoefol nat- Umi offlohemian and French Vmm and Toilet Ware Brontes, Clockß, Boxes, etc., etc.. J. B.9PFAD2»KS * CO., 95 Market street, Q » | « p l O a U 7 S 2 ° ll O ? « QS’ -1 3 "a. as « Im o d Cfc -S 8 . „ £ O ‘ |1 | S I ® a a fl gal 5-. Sf S 9 I® rl a»°,» *< JSa* ■ V * l „ H i! o 0 n s*=> 5s * fc- ► I o “£ s t! B 1 I f k ©3*o d|*S w ; e i * #s *£ d 5 Z S i ® rfi|*rfSi: L« fc 5 ■! ® 51 © S 's H «* rc J isjifep ✓ p 5; 5 £ P* tsSjEalL ;i '2 l fl s tf £§ . » ■ |3ssg§g|-fs «© . ijlifeifi ; o« fl ■Mj° W PB,c ®S— all, styles at PITTOCK’S, OPPOSITE THE POSTOPFICB. D 1 ABIES FOB 1864, DLAEIEB FOB 1864, DIARIES POB 1884, AT PITTOCK’S, des Opposite th^Fortoffioe, T Tins WBW OABPET STORE, Wo “ SiU w^l( d^g ß tt« It «r A«*n*» taTSrt,*. | AlWMfonef €/ A H p E x 8 PLO 9 a Olti CtOTHS, 9 iDßbedtdStuMfi.y,. Wooten Druggets and Cramh nwy [ WINDOW SHADES. Table and Plano Cover, *»*«. nmtM, Bt+lr JBOda^Ac. I 1 thirty day*, and are now adjgjjt W 1““» MSB TEAS MABUtACTVBMaa PBIIMfL JSSSP«a2Bte^a?r to y ioweat at the MTARUND, COLLINS &. CO. 71 Mid 7S FIFTH