aaduTOb Printing. MORNING' POST STEAM PRINTING ESTABLISHIEST, CORNER FIFTH & WOOD STREETS, PITTSBURGH, PA £gAVING BECEWTLY MADE EXTENSIVE ADDITIONS AND IMPROVEEKNTS TO OUR OFFICE, Wo are now pi spared to oxeonte all orders 01 EVERY DESCRIPTION OF BOOK & JOB PBINTIN G With dispatch and in the most superior style. W e have ac office SECOND TO NONE ia the city And will pay particular attention to RAILROAD, UEBOANTHE & LEUAL PRISTIH, £ IlCs of LADING, CIBCCLABS, BILL BEADS, CERTIFICATES, DRAT TICKETS, RIiAJVKS, DEEDS REGISTERS, RECEIPTS, SHOW CARDS, BILLS IN' COLOBS, CABQS, headisbs. EKVEIAtPIH, COWTBACTS, BHOWBIIXS HODBIUJj LABELS, COLLEGE SCHOOL SCHJUMM * ; I lii >i hotel bills of fajrk. WWATIOSS. 4c. Our facilities for printing “ * ' » * I ■ -4 'OSW, IWfiWBSS, S*. 'OR CONCERTS & EXHIBITIONS, A" R E PXSIRPAgSE^ iNjj PlJfcF™ comi,,etaEAtis £a«ion aa to TIME OOK WO Hi£ DESCRIPTION. »ootwm IfISCEABAjKKOUS CATALOeCJS, ' i --i COKBIITVIIOHS, ' h ... . KEPOBTS, elf. BAisfiißtMms, 'V '»•• JtETTKK BEAUS, CHECKS, etc. ibs flosses, ’WftNJSHSB TG -OftDER, ' " >- ‘ A +«• 10 sot "rn KOJ'RTH STREET, PHILADELPHIA “V Hr E V X lOfi," ARPS STREET, Wetrweao 3d tv d 4 PHILADELPHIA f i ■'HE CWDBKSIGNEI) HAVING RE newed the leaso of tho-above popular Hoogo for a series o.'rears, would .respectfully oall ihe attention ot the traveling public to its c.Vi’.ra: H - cality, either lor business or pleasure. ioh.'l-lyd THOWASS, WEBB df SiiS ONL’n TWENTY-FIVE OOLLA ?HUiBA.VJS brought out from Uvcr- M-d pool, Londonderry, Cork, or Qnl ltr n J' }",?!*'* York . in f'IRBT CLASo MAIL STKAMERS, for Twenty-Five Dollars, Parties also brought out by Sailing Vessel a: lowest rates, Apply to , 1 * . tJ . U. ONISIL, Chronicle budding, TO Fifth bL, Pittsburgh i*a, jyist/ PlttstMirgh Nanitary ( omiultCee A3ID DEPOSITORY. No. 59 Fourth Street, Between Wood and Market Street*. PRESIDENT, THOMAS BAIL EWELL, SECRETARY JOSEPH B. HUNTER, TREASURER, JAMES PARK, Jr. Contribution* of Mopey and floods eolkhed. Stores sent to all parts of the army, Information furnished in relation to the Slot and Wounded in the Camps and Hospitals. The freight on goods donated is paid here. Address, PITTSBURGH SANITARY COMMITTHK. 4e3-tf 1 The Howe Sewing Machine. invented IWS«/ Perfected I&SA SECEIVED TRIBUTE FROM ALL other Sewing Machines, at the World’s Fair, wmle the Singex Hetring Machine roooivod hOnorabioaieutk» on its merits; and Wheel .er ik/WUson aaniodal fo&ita device/ callod ,*Cir oular hook.”’ The Howe y Sewing Machine, wa? awarded a premuhftto an English Exhibitor.) a* th'epest tor all purpo*e&on exhibition. Our tight eot Machine guaranteed to make perfect work oc the lightest and hoariest fabrics Bold And rented. Cor, PonnA Bt Clair atroei • Bl f iA-M.M c€»RE«6r. • -fmr2Q;(tgtaw Jy • Agent. LrPTOW, 01.D1.K.V « CO., _ ■ q :-() Gravel Koofers, Corner Filth and Wood Streets. Second Story. AH work, promptly attended lo at lowest rricea. r: * deB JUST m'EiVEDjMEJrs’Tin wo mena' felt over-dhoea, the best article lor keeping the feet wa-mand a&, and to prevent slipping on ioe. Call and see them at . J.fi BOKLaND'S. NpT'9B Market street. Second door from ffity street. OF THE PUBLIC IDVited 1 D Vited t 0 tne tips* W)d well selected stock of 800 s, bhoea. Ixcorais and (Jams of ailstjiea which will besoid low during the Holidays. (Jive me a call J. H, BORLAND, No. 98 Market street. TOMATOES AND PEACH' 200 doi 6*uah llffmaioes in o&nn ‘AM) ** Peaches, ’ OBt received and for sale by KKIMERa BHOfi -imaDdl2BWo^ AOOPfiM 4*l> CABPEITJBS 6Ak by "JAAIK9 BOWft : ' 136 WqqH xs fl BBLS. PUTTY IN BLADOEUf^ -■.CP Just and fW s&tit fey - - tIEO. A. KELLY. I ffl .Federal st.. AUegten? Glazed waul papek-at a* ct», per roil, for sale b t 50“r^wWf 0 ?w^ ,Ti * Rs . , C . . . u oflSwJsuSiSm.. |";rejtf"~ 5.7,: , .136 Wood at (Hitere, BalmoraU, Gams, Ac, In the city, at ooifl 08 Marketst.. *U J \ \ | * t’TTTßroasn ye i ro ‘>f r ,u '‘»t> ui*a *. i l.*,< -k ; active! la ; a? rct-uy or b * w “* SOtLAfl sMms BhM. •t?k £ , ®i7fg’i*is wuiaraffr ... sF- : (^ RPKR lS.*U,Tf,ig£OMBT- DoobIs; JchnOrr, obhe Ersnr. it an L. RUsiw >h« Win P R cyaian. John it.Shoeab- !*«. S? 1, ®d^? ?c t' ?! j. S. Bshmer J, £««' a lien.!:- A'MHidarTipd'f, Richard Hay;, laiM whr trier. ‘jt Lavoiy, Christian Yea; if s rw*ttßT>ss tun •■“Baßrei'p CHARLES A. COLTON. MAL Mk'l bAVMGi lSSfllUfloi UTATEROT OF THE OOXItITION of the uoove institution Oo the 2d day of No vember. ib6ts. published in conformity to the charter: Amount of Deposits. Nov. Lid, 18od $1u3,594 18 Amount of Interest due Depositors l|ys4 tfi Amount of Contingent i'und.. 2,423 91 ASBETB. Kirs: Liens mi I’eul Esute..sJo.2UiJ ul Uiiued.c;<»tes BolJs do.'Aai C*'> U.S. Dloi Certificates and No-es,'market value) 11,061 ?y Interest eari eu net duo .-joi* y 7 Office Kum.ture I6tj uu Cash on hand 11,Oil 24 The uiiJendened. Acdtiog Committee, havo examined too books of the Institution, tho bondj and aecuritiea, counted the cash, a-id have loun.i the slwive statement to be correct. . v>. B. COKELA.Nd. V jK(U'LV. WM. H. **3411111. Depusiis roceived DAIL'V, and EVKRV hAT l tvD A \ i Vr,NlNti. 1 .i' 1L :i b.'' IPA 1 D at 'i per oeut. per aiiur.m Hoii.T. n. Howes f H»ii,J.h,Jl»orhcH Hui H. KrnJlii, |4A. (~ Unwiey. H. B. ( opolaud, j Jacob PalmVi . Harvey < hlld«i, j Mrholan . Oliice, 63 Koarlh Mtreet. D"4 LOAN OFFICE r: 11 5? B I v, ;; )M•O '1 i £ SO. 100 B*ITHKIEIB NTfeKlt r Jis comer Finh, Pi* tsbarcl. MnrfKa JS LAKiJB ADD bRAU, •j’ian:;li<«' I -aned '*d Got: and Silver, Dia- Jewelry. ' , «'W ani J.i.-e*- Wateios &i * ali krndj ol vahLilrir anicla-s fc<: >:.? -a. j fie •••..; c . a’./vfd r~ ih < ; ujc Tickvt. Mjt-orr, . f -v,.' frr&7A.hi. W AO :. K. | |I.HK SAVINGS IXKTMTI JON, lif h-mitnfiold street opposite up Co«wt i; one. Chartered by Ike Legislaturs. O K *• TCK U.S . JAJSSfifc PABix, Jr vca pusaiDrtKT*. Wiii, ii. dtuiUi H, >. fluid £hsfcu' Khudus John Y. Jennin*d. J&astyStrickr&’.h fhomas S. Blair Alex. Bradley Henry Lh>yd Alfred 81 ?wrk KrwUient lonian Kuic A 8 801 l 8 :» Bowie.* Jaa W Wh,;- ■ ir itahm •J M Tieronr L ! M Lout i as W Bajr »-• w H W oil Wm Smith OBJ on<* '* H rijelj. . oj'3M daily, from 1» a. k. to 2r. g. AL o 'l**, aay and Saturday evonings, from « :o » J'oJftck Deposits received of ONKDIMK a.u up ward Dmdendsdeolared in December am June -,i bach year. . Dfridends allowed to remain are place, totht orbdnof the depositor as pridcipal, ond boar in* terest. urns compounding iL Boote containing Charter, By-Lavra, itc. Lr aisned at the office. ish This institution offers, especially ,to tb e persons whose earnings are gmw.fr, th e ©pportuni ty to accumulate, bysm&ll deposits, easily .'saved. a sum which will be a resouroe when needed, thei r mcmey not only being sale bat bearing interest; u. ■ stead of remaining unproductive. , cn/i. RESEATS FOR THE MID AY HE SIBNCBIBEKB HAVE Jfr&'i , JL opened OB.ecially lor the Holiday’.- a very large and-doslrable stock o’ WSK6ULII JEWKI.KY BOIJH AWI>SILVER WAIT H IBS. for Ladies aDd Leetlcmon’t trear. fn- Prone. Clocks, Fancy floods, SlJ.V£K.f>3.A'i'Kl> teAHE, such its castors, take and fruit baskets goblet, oard cases, tea setti etc., and a large vtrieor oi suitable articles for r*oeenta. XKI3EM Al», MEVXAIk AaKtitL^ Shell Oysters! Shell Oysters. ’ CIORNirCOPIjU RAX/OOS AIrWATS J madysnee. The proprietor of this noted eat 'iig establishment has just recieved a large ‘sup fly of Baltimore Shell ujstern, Tn«y will oe served up in the best possible manner, with all .the delicacies the Market affords Don’t forget tne 'plaofi, corner ot Fifth and Union streets ? ‘ F. WEih. Proprietor,’ it. BKOWiCS OFFICE 0 tu*.s #lTit n t~Li> ni 'Htiti 7, ikitiicns and litrangors la aeedo; medical a-i TOh glitmla not fell to liun aoalC Dr.'BrowTi's remedies never tail to oure imya rlties, sorofulous and venereal affections —Ai w hereditary taint, 6uch as totter, psoriasis and oth' the origin of which the patiefo U igpor&Dt. aEM INAL W&Ab.NSfcfc, i>. 6’s foe ib j r.fUictkm. brought ur by solitary habits, are the oul> medxiirihs Jcnnwx in this country which are safe and Mil ersMUj restore to health. Dr. BrowVs r-ev.i6did--.curc ;a s .'«tt do?cchl> laftil affliction He also ?re;U i'llct, talee*., tioLL^orxii'X , 4 U relit ai ■Lh&charses, Female Diseases. Pains in the Back ann Rianoys, Irritation cf uio siaddtir, strict oifeSj etc. A letter to l/e answered must contain at least ONK DOLLAR. t Medicines eocl to any address safely_i>acked. CJSoeand private rocuia. 2J0»50 SMI THFUBLB dTRLkt. PiLLfburi'h Pa. nolsdArw ■-] Where SHOES ? GO TO NO. 15 FIFTH STREET;’ 0 and get a Ooe-i Article from o.' .. D. 9. DIFFENBACafca*!/ ecod Kid Slippers!for 60 aetib. jyis • •*■ for sale by ewrtionw, farm milla, 4o_ ior Bale by * pow B.inking Eo ■ 7 ;?' < SASSAttN . )i ' • .’b and in mj.m >:r!sf LIABILiriSB. slu7.:C3 01 A. A. CAKKJER, Treasurer. TRVBTKRS. laAAt .I - ‘N K>, fresjokn-t. TBUBTSKS, v Jo# DurfuflL VV A Ree H Tktriman K J AnderK;ii L' 1> McKinley IVbort D Vf lhasec B F Jonof C B Herron HOttKTiM 4KD TfciißClMk. U. K. KoillNliilY. 13 Filth “tt/beif KHBUMATIBM, DO Tor BITTY 1111 , /.H >M 7i { ‘r - ft* Biisinei _iss Uarus, ,c^ J- A M. M’STEES, Founders, a.. and Steam. Fitters, ' " d " S&'ZJXr 1 ™ all kinds, ' p.-i “*“■« at the flhortaat notice, pairing of OIL RKFiN , EIU'ES fitUn,t Bp “ d r6 ‘ 31 i 34 Water STREET, near Liberty. cWi^oTm^, o^, 4 ™; Ppiotioal me ne=g wll) enitmfnf 3?„ fS e p ne S oe ln tbe baai -BP®=t. ff,™2 *ZZ£ t ?/ ae a ti !? J “ ' ®™ry re fo.^Bt®amPampa f% watwaM. JCsSya snowcbw, ~~ JV O XA. R.Y public, JfO. 88 DIAMOJm stbKet. • PiIThBURQH, Attorneys at LaW, “iff!)- REAL ESTATE AGENTB OFFICES* BBAST STREET Oppoaite. the Court Homo. Pittsburgh, of lf if ‘k«?«tUem.nt ■t&? «""£tess- - .1 OH „ BCOCBSBOB TO J A 8 . P. F L E M I N O , DRUGGIST, Wholesale and Eetail Dealer k '"^BaiKssi,»®«s;r p ““ N “- MW CARPETS, OIL -CLOTHS, U AT **■ W TsuUiatnet H'’/.ijJ o 1 «* lai- SPC.yTi oi I*!™™, STEEL, Hflßf 1 IOIfHS. BOYD-S CO l?Ss:™r . I JWO. 3f OOJBHEAJJ, COKMiSSI 0 N MERCIAiiI i yAz Tsrziui at ?m aaxAu ajjd jbloomo, NIJ. 5 -sriTaß sraiun, s»low mark ‘T £ /-' = f ■ i^syar^uMu. C UKTIB C. STEIHMETii, ainiiu MOIJWK CABPEAfI jKii ' ,- ill A,A’l> JQR%&i, ~i ioud Liberty MtreeU, Boltcited and. prompUy u>, KUKIB**' r)iL»BI.L. M«*inios >lO FomMROiM Otaris, AND UKNKY « CO 5 IR i .. • ■ Huadies,.ijD (a ,.aiut jusi. £io!k V«rL borr7 ' S' i ‘ d Cherry atd “ssffSfe ifvf d No. 88 Liberty fttreet, Opposite Fonrth m©«4 j. . PITTSBURGH, PA. HoUla. Tovofitt.ftßd Families. supplied at moderate profits for Cash. • mjSUOjd . OH Work oubtoan, DtrnxAF & no. ; rifKß <- A II B O W O 1 I, Office, NO. *9l JUIBBRTY BTRXfcf Fiite mriWt P ' ~TVU h. d. arrmE. J. s. nar^aa Late at Miller , Wmims sioem 90S 111 IfCOKD AMD lAT FIMT STSHIS f ITTB BPS (3 II AOX>Y <9r Etv ENfcr^ Plumbers and Gat Fitters, au. its tttion stkket, opposite (‘IKSV OBKUVM. FiTTSED»«» ' A»» 47 OHIO SXiiKBX ALUBGHHNV I(M .rta luroi'i orrom. I ttiat«wU? < L?^ pe ' an A?S r Maher*! * ene a?k OM.Hofiaerlw fitted tu. in the most approved urannef. ■ Tanka feted£<£/. Jr Copper, Ihuse, JtttTwith Water »nd f>e/rii atSljij B ' °° ltrt promrllT “tended k. j UPHOLSTER V, 7 NO, 86 BT., NKAS WUOD •S,i. r??* a ? d i?*' r »?nstaatl»nr« hund tver etiole In their Hue,, vi* p <3ornieee: U OurtkLn Goods. Cosrfttfta, FeatherßeksfSlattrS?® car&ffii® nc-lMyd ■ ROBERTS A ROENieK. *• a -& P. aAKHftE s ■ Maanfnonirera and dealers In •OOt.iflAF LETTER and all kinds of W No A L ha * B "»•*•* to* ■ so. S 7 Wood ftreeito NO. us BMITHFIKLD BTBBBX, P! Hibsrrk. Fs*. puld for KA(fS - #7^ am,HAM OABB k. WIOfLESALE SROOEBS, Aad lmpor&«n of BBAJSDJLEB, SUSS, ALSO. PistJUanr-.and, Dwtier* 4a HVs OLD MOSOKaABfULA BYB WnißAi *S7iifc«ty ,S*»**)*, pnrrsßOjieH, pa <*• ovfniKaßnL,^a h 'atmnxeKUi..if.ofmaesi> - ■ #Bi —-*t"- —..a nvtcjx, - cmT stAsa »o«as_w,, 'aUMMv endi ,^h.,oas^day. ®<-|S, »**«* ■**»«» uui Mars nrviMUiMt»rHiibr> i«u , u oluumUm BmlMr, ; 'ds, & i WUllUO ) U ' R. HUTCHINSON fl,iTa °* I-raOH 4 HOTOHIKSOS.) COMMISSIOIf 4 MWABDIM MMCHANf Dealer in Fn^ E o , 1 SBN REBERVE CHEESE, ® ed :^r P R\tlV^ No. 102 Seeondstr rr, BetKoer. ood mad Market, FRANK KELLYj Alderman and Attorney at Law, SO 81 FIFTH STREET. CJB & appbll, tffcjtmANT * All,© as, , 186- Smithfidld Street. W f:, 11A 7 K ■»»I8T BECKIVRU » large i.rd vrell-eeleoted stook of Fall and Winter Goods. ! , - oonstsins o; 1 VeafctaKß, die. . AJ2K>!-A large atoaa of GENT’S FURNISHING GOODS, hr W*!l K? ®™ s W^^Slore Aitdbfv Klomab. H*h*t Phipps, Jr , Genera! Partners. JttOH CITY FORttE, KLOMAA a PHIPPS, ‘ N >nth Ward. Pittsburgh. -Bm Iron, General Railway ana ssssasrksjtae: p °~’ DUQU£SW£ BRASS WORKS ' CADMAN & CRAWFORD. Manufacturers of oyery variety of finish od bsass wo&k fob plumbebs <*AS or STEAM EITTEMB MACHLNiCSTS and COPPERSMITHS. * CAMTlMttfti OF EVERT J>&. eaription made to order. Steamboat wrirk -oaufd cSh on °oJir 10 fl tU “ frjSS2lrS?^tt b- f nt i/ or tixe IPsiriotoi g»,K*ss,.*a [ ss-.S 1 1 S y*l*w it is not liable to get “mot sfeM? *"* m °« th “ f i? : g^ JJ 14 *® OIAJIOSDSTE*!. wobks PAKK., BBOTHEKdto., Best Quality Befinad Uaat Steel, Square, Pla{ and Ootaaou. o' ali ais*a. 'W’arra*' thbiTOMU?. ’“‘ 7 imponed or manufactured it, Warehouso. No. 149 and "l&l and 120 and 12a oe oon,l street™ Pitts- tetitUyd a. r. i :.svlT WAUSAU BR6OLBI -80 S, Id ABD 20 WOOD STKBBT, CHARLES L. CALDWELL. tSuccesscr to Ja=. Holmee A Co„ p ° tt K PACKER Dealer in Bacon, Lad. Sugar-Cured ii>m, __ „ . PRoKe j t iOHS SAVAGE. 'Proprietor. i H.^k a, iV.i! rAA ! (ts ■ iSD wmau up, ea£rreeVS".l£*.T < “n ’ l Pl’ l "oyomTOts.this po prepared to jln>ol... l '3f^ a JriT^ 3 .i, oli ii?“ lo v“ l9rs a ' !l ' i thojnblio saair OT;-3£ ;:ot;sk s S 2 As; OSOAL LE ¥ 1 £ 1, 1 "' rsMtftt;itt}si-.i.; A2SWO i'scat) r C s»4 ' rA '" ‘ * s,f,r r i . l P®. tixt* shori?at t ,: - JuaN BHALBK, T .. _ t'oirricior. Ssang’s K&tiug SatooaT, OC>R: - SR i iHOis ALjjsy Any ssrru fLKLJy HTKSffDI ffh«r. OSMeiii a a HI a, deiiowl*, „ •wmi w-.!i b« :e«tt r.i « ;hjmeat i.&Utib!.! oS< eonur Virgin alley (ru i SmiihaS and cnatomars that ho is ailltob* v,s¥ "S “« »>";»« <® hand ti t t>j£, £f> ;? L >;? .** & tabio- oe-- • -«- tft hood . - E f k 4SC | ,,: 111 * <■'- 'ifi'-’-’ i>»'! r.'t-H at «s&> Oolr-nnooioSre. Satoou, i.t'K."' 1 ?-'. <'y i.riif'?; *»:, j,"..vth sTTHfctb 'Sear Market.) %%' rosuti DAS, «,B XA lls tUa bci. 4jiu onrest Li-jocr* at ,« saw on the X'iU no. — . I'roprijto?. SiMJiicei* McKay, BBEWHS « AALTOS, PH®*,* “TMnaini,, 1 t 5“ a S J 4 e i t ™« “ "w. f h! SSMs H G QA 1 RR l Artr) < if i bt s< Jl ilof A o4 ™ l . issaTviP viU be thaakful to' tofSlenfcofthelS*faK& ; a continuance of their DatronaMi ■ i !? “ aie i i, th8 'l aiD ’ jj° rfvo B»t£?wt?oE to aUvh e may purchase from them IJ&Vw ROEER I WATSON, of Libert, rtreet. «o !S?? no,rn t 0 ti l c conuu unity, wiUhuTc uw auanogeme&t l-1 x-..\j Imrinev **♦>. rh* JLn controUn the Brewer? * cfc-:‘.u:baTjhi p». 1 JOSEPH SPENCER JAMES MoKAY SCHOOL BOOKS used in the PUBLIC SCHOOLS, HIGH SCHOOL, SELECT SCHOOLS. FEMAI.F. COUidE WESTESK CSIVERSITI, and the various educational institutions in thie city and vicinity. Al>o a complete assortment of SCHOOL STATIONARY. Copy-Books, Pens. Ink, Pencils, SUfeee. Bubber. Writing, Letter and Note Paper, tfnvelopee! Drawing Paper, Julies, Composition Books £o v or sale at * CHAS. C. MJfLLOK’S. 81 W nod (Street, Pittebunth: A FINK AftAOß't n k.b T OF SLKtdH B«U6 insr and for ci&Je low h* BKCKttAJM i°toSa iwr:dA* Iff Liberty street sssaesrsffiSfirißai Thokas N. Millie, Special Partner PdrrsßßßtfH. PA, MAjfC?AOTL'SiEB Of BAGALM, S* / T 'S’ fc Jtt i> A t H OX AflTO AFTER HOIBAT. KOVEH. BEK 16th. Trains will the Depot ». PeonBTlVama Railroad * “ PittsborKh P M PITTSBURGH AND WHEELING DINE. Leave 620 a.m. Usp.m Welisville 4.'0 ' 4.42 • tns “ MteubenviUe.,s.lo " 9.45 “ srS Wheeling 6.09 “ U.OO •* 6 m “ Arrives Beltair _th£o •' 11J5 •• 6jo - Connecting at Stoßbenvilie and Beilair with Sten benvilie and Indiana Hailroad and Central Ohio Railroad for Zpneaville,.lfewarl,Coliiinbus.Xenia Dajrtom Indianapolis. Cineinnatti. Louisville . Cairo, St Louis. St Joseph, and ali points frost ami* oB?iE&£ 4at 1 PITTSBURGH AJSD CLEVRLAtJO Ll Sit Leaves a. m. 1.45 p . „ Wellsville..._4jio ** 4 60* ' Bayard .5.56 SJo “ Alliance .A 55 M d. 15 “ Ravenna 7.40 “ 6J>6 **< Hudson 8.11 '* *• Arrives Cleveland.“ 9,40 •« ■ Connecting at Bayard with Ttuoarawiu I lor New Philadelphia and Canal Dover ■ a* aihu anoe with Pittsburgh, ifort wlj&eaB? iihiiJit Toledm abo with.rtSnwn fw’ SdSoTm.^ *• **' * Through Ticket, to ail prominent points can he Ear?h' rod al *** street Ilopot, Pittt . . _ ... aKOIIGEPAREm. Tie Set Arent. And at AOeehezuruity. , —1 d. OCASSELBERRT. Tfotel Afoht;. jot farther.information apply to 3*4?; iBe5T~~~ On and iiHlir'ytoridny, VoviSiAbif r HSth PMfISM-m-k OiUFKAL RiUiOAB. Niue Dally , Xrßiiiß,' 'i' I** 1 ** thbopgh ACCOHKOBi. Jmfmiw* % wt *efc **& sburgh and^MaSßSfittf ”?iSSSSn n don for at MA fi TAAIN ibavea the. d« iata 6n ™° D .f ,er r (exoept «aj follows, vii WB3TWARU THROUGH TRAINS, Chicago Ei press. Chicago Ejpr as Leaves Pittsburgh 1.45 a, m. Allegheny „1.55 a. m. Arrives Alliance:... Crestline... Ft Wayne . Chi “e° W5O p m. 11.00 a. k FOR COLUMBUS, CINCINNATI A ST. LOUIS ! Leaves > Crestline * t ! Arrives j : Columbus I - Cincinnati j Indianapolis... | LouieviJ.e | St Louis ] r&iUS throU?h t 0 Chioa *° witho ehajige r Ta to Cincinnati i& the samd as CrlnmS benV^i e * r&U18 on koth tTbada meel at Mother d paas6ngerfl 8° Cinc&iati ...,5 40 a. m. .-10.30 a. m. CRESTLINE AND ALLIANCE MAILJ m. A00 °““^ 0^ Allegheny ..640 a. m ovxt? “* Neft Brighton. 8.20 a. m.' tS 5 m.' . AUiahce 11.20 a, £ 740 S S’ AnweChatline _5 30p.m! 74U> ' m aJSSKW i Ro P ohX“ oiPal StationB bet T 6n Twain a ? c °Mmodati)on I MAINS Prom Federal itreat Station* Alle gheny City. r Leave I A11egW.,9.15 a. m. 12.00 m. 4.30 p. m. ;.40 p m. N. Brighton, 11.15 a. m 1.45 p. m. 6.25 p. m. 7 .55 r eastward, i*eave | N. Rri*hton_sJ» a. ». 7,00 a. m. U2O p. m. 2.50 Arrive Allegheny 7.20 a. m. 8 40 a. m. 2J5 p. m. Lfio p EASTWARD TRAINS. ' ' ARRIVE AT PITTBBDBQH. Chicago Express ocn. Lhieago Express "I" H*- “• Cmoinnati Express f 3;£■ “■ TRAINS FOR NEW CASTLE, MERCER ind OIL CITY’. Leave Pittsburgh gJo »!'ib Allegheny 6.40 a. m'. Arrive New Castle._lo.4O a. m. EASTWARD. Leave New Ca5t1e....6.20 a. m. l no* m Arrive Allegheny A4oa. m. 2; , *S-' ! rains are run by Columbus time, which is 12 mrnates slower than Pittsburgh time. ap^r he ; l «rHK^. l «A^ e “- JU T£li^ Q atey^ t mmm, fimßMiffysuse n WINTER ARRANGEMENT, •\iibhaa j 'oals. f ‘ i i 18«3. • = ABttmagM pf T ' *- Sjjj D * ui4a ’2 *£>7B3*/.' t Water foM,®.*** pfew^ 4 -- »»?r TOfc MET 1 * :: 1- liSfc Train to 6P m * v IwidfrcmM'Keeport, 100 pm ion, * fcjgrmeodatepolnte. '>ll IwasiSK^^^gS Effi^mar d^®JSs2asK3i^2Sai£ • «O R IT DAae ™ PrSF®^* No a^y^^ Bl ° llt MA KJgjgaOOKUlßl'^)^ ••.; * 63,000 00 Office •‘* t ”*’. ,< * w *.~****i 2,160 00 Open Aaooaa'ts* 250 00 Note,r.d Bill* : ; g P*nftaiT . - Jolia U. M Cone. n^u •*ELu;sOS KOTOAL IS8O&AH0E OOHPAar, gjgJi < A.DjnT.» rl-IJL On country. SO ’ *«« W.SJStnr STKIE-T ssir- 5, k£T“ estolHwi, vis; **’ KretMortiamor Jkoprowa uity pvc p™uSt“! M!o,i = ! OO -, a« p^: a B l£ita£jd B Br ' jl Sror Mian'tilZ 2,500 00 MOO 00 S aEM **®° °° "S®B OonunereUl Bias . " is3v '- 4 - TOO 00 Mechante' Back 5- ' - 5J35 01 8 'SuS ri • *-*.••'' <•-«««». 11,305 U 1.45 p.in 1.65 p, to. 1.40 p. in. 10.30 p. £ T«*«M=SX. psrtd«i, M Clh _ 7Z^^7* Ma — — ,-Uffll 00 *SBfty ■—27.919 83 M^ae^^flggliss Ulirt » exeeedin* Fonr MUHom o^si!s??f i “*s liZ » 8“'f! 9^=t, , Sd-rardO.D.]*, - , J-;j A itpfWfieomN Aron*. . -.ortasact cot. Third and Woodro,. Accommodation. 3.00 p. m, 6.40ip, m, TWHTTK iMpc AU& JLfFfc HfBUKAHCE COBTPAJN Y HO. 149 OOBTHUT fITSEET * Opposite »fcf Onsiom ' Cwdt»l.....6SS0 t 2OC Amrta »; w s" b‘R nlulk ? ICOM, f:|tt b -te&gg?* Vs?ir • _. 4t '.CS/vrrS.3 • vrj-y ALLEGHENY IMSURANOfcF t or PiTTSßusai OtMCW, So « Baab Woo, Joan, Eaapj, h.»- DMUrQHIBU WOODS, T' ~ ==3: StTITABIiB FOETHSfIIASOK ; MmcUVH Or i ' ARMY SSISTB, vxzsmamr s »~7T *wt»® bWte»*nj fo t J»u£k "■ , ' i ; ' •,* \ B&imfajuj' Insurance. IWSDHAHCrs J 57 TTU ‘