Amusements. THIS the great Dr»nia of Or aFtF®*!.™ HTOTM Herne’ ** * orMt ,I K . f }^?. LoPß8 ’ SOLD PUNS, PHOTO fBAPff .ALBUMS, FAMILY BIBJLBh. a O . An. AT AUCTION, On THURSDAY EVEN pUn* .Beoembei*. 10th, at 7 o'oloek, at Masonic Auction House, 65 Filth street, wUi be told without reserve, a very large and valuable ool lection of standard works in almost every depart ment of literature, science and art, fine Family Bibles, Albums, Ac.. &o. Among other valuable works that will be sold we mention; Washing ton Irving's works, 17 vols; Clark's Commenta ry, oomplste, 4 large vols; Waverly .Novels, com* plete, 25 steel plates; The Statesman's Man uah complete, 4 vo:s, s'eel plates; Chamber's Information lor the People. 2 large vols ; Cham* bers Cyclopedia ot JCneHsh Literature, 2 vols; Macaulay's History of England. 5 vol«: Dick’s works, 2 vols; the complete works of Shakspeare. Byron, Burns. Moore, Pope, Ben Johnson, Pin- Addison, Scott, Josephus, Homer, and hundreds of others. Mr. Pratt having just re* turned from the New York trade Bale with a forge and splendid stoofe, Books at private sale at auction pnoes. J. k. PRATT, Salesman. AUCTION LOT BERLIN SHAWLS SELLING AT $9 50, regilar price sis 00 AUCTION* LOT BERLIJi SHAWLS SELLING AT $9 50. REGULAR PRICE SXS 00 HUGUS A HACKE, COB. FIFTH A MARKET STREET. SHAWLS WORTH sl* FOR *9 50 NEW W!\TER UKUIS. WE WOULD CALL THE ATTEN tion of buyers to our stock of Catholic Intelligence Laet Sunday Bishop Domiuec dedicated the Catholic church in New Brighton The Bishop explained the ceremonies of' the dedication and also thanked the citizens of New Brighton for thrir kind feelings towards ihe Catholics and exhorted the Catholics in return to show every kindness to their separated brethren. The mußic. which was performed by some ladies and gentle men of Pittsburgh, was most excellent. The church was crowded, both at Mass Bnd at Vespers, after which the Bishop delivered a lecture. The non Catholics, who composed a large part of the audience, Corner Market Square. Allegheny City, Pa. I " ere mnch 4» FEDERAL STREET, THE NEW CARPET STORE, Wo poll during t'o present month, at (VHOLBSALE and EKI AIL. Wltboat any Advance lu Price, A Tull )ii*> cf CARPETS, FLOOR OIL CLOTHS, In sheets 3 to 21 ft wide Woolea Lruggets and Crumb Cloths, WINDOW “llABYtj, Table and Piano Covers, Bags, Mata, Stair Kod&, Ac. These goods have advanced in first hards from TEN to TWENTY-FIVE Pl£R < ENT within thirty days, and are dow tolling at LESS Til AA' MANUfACI UHEiiS' PRICES Our stock is almost entirely new, ail having been purchased will in ornery days for cash, at the ve y lowest prices of the year. M’FARLANB, COLLINS & CO. Mob. 71 and 73. FIFTH ST., Between Postoffice and irtspatoh Building, nol6 JAMES ncL4I'GRLIN, DRILSR IK OYSTERS, BUTTER, POULTRY, *4AME anl EGG-, NO. 860 LIBERTY STREET, Down stair-. Gab and steam mtiting.-the under ignod i» prepared to execu e all or ders for Gas and Steam Fating. Also, for fitting aP OIL REFINERIES. LooksmkMng and Bell Hanging ;r.;cjptly at tended t-> Mr. W. 11. CRAUMEAis lor, wan of the Gar Fi'tiug Shop. FOLDING IKON BEDSTEADS For sale; a’sn LATHED. w. u. KETi KNBUtIG. Locksmith and Beil Hanger, •12b Peon street; J. Q. WBLDON. WELDON A KELLY, Vjt NTFaCTUBBRS up JLamps and l amp Goc^s, AND DEALERS 15 OABBON OILS, BENZINE, Ac 146 Wood street, near Sixth, PIIIbBURGH, Pi OLK>l>rifc A CO., Gravel Koofers, Corner Fifth and Wood Srrets, Second S'.ory. All work promptly attended to at lowest cash prices. defl Walking-dolls, hobby horses, every style ot beautiful Dells, Doll Heads, Tin. Chinn, Box ao.l Bollov Toys, Fancy Chios Goods nasketf. and handreds ol eharalnr article? suitable for Chrisimas d Holiday Presents, Just arrived at FOKRBTEK A SCHWARZ, Fancy Goods and Toy Hopsc, 164 bmithfield street. KXABE’B PIANOS ABE NOW Con sidered the best in the world. Haines tiros.. Pianos are the best Pianos in the country at the price; Grovestine A On.’s Pianos, foil 7 octave rose woo * Pianoe are lolly warranted for $260.; Marshall A Traver'a Parlor Gem Pianos Ibrs22s; Prince's Melodeons, the best made— Brtws from $66 to $220. CHAISoTIaBLUMK. ISHfthlttM*. BoUansttetkaabaralutnunaW DAILY POST. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1863 5. JL PETTENGILL * CO., No. 37 Park Row, New York, and 6 State street, B<«toQ, are our agents for the Daily and Weekly Post in those cities, and are author ised to take Advertisements and Subscriptions for os at oar Lotoest Rate*. 49-ONA.ND AFTER THE Ist OF NO VEMBER, 1863, all subscriptions to the Daily Post mast be paid in advance Those knowing themaeves to be fn arrears will please call and settle without farther delay. 49* THE DAILY AND WEEKLY POST cut hereafter be prooured at the News Lepotfl of J. W. Pittock aDd Frank Case, Fifth stroet. with or without wrappers. Daily 3 cento; Weekly 5 eento. LOCAL INTELLIGENCE The Weekly Post, for next Saturday, is now ready lor delivery ; price per single copy, in wrappers, five cents; per year« by mail, in advance, $1 60 ; the usual de duction made to clabs. For sale at the counting room, corner of Wood and Fifth streets, and at Case’s and Pittock’s peri odical stores. Send a copy to absent fnfenda and soldiers in the army. It is a superb number, brim fall of the latest news, including the President’s Message, synopsis of Cabinet officers’ reports, Con gressional proceedings, Ac. A Good Idea. It will be remembered that the Board of Directors of the Pennsylva nia Railroad Co. a year or more ago, offer ed to place at the disposal of the S'ate Government the munificent Bam of fifty thousand dollars, to be disbursed in pay ieg bounties to volnnteerß. At the time this money was tendered to the State, there was no authority vested m the Gov ernor to accept it, and therefore it was declined. Believing that the corporation in question is 6till willing to advance this sum for the promotion of any object that woald contribute to the comfort or the encouragement of those in the army from Pennsylvania, Goverhor Curtin suggest; that the Legislature authorize him to ac cept the same, and that an appropriation be made, in addition, the whole Bum to be used for the support of a retreat school, asylum—or whatever it may be called—for the orphan childreu of the soldiers. We trust that the supc *tion of the Governor will meet with prompt attention from the Legislature. Mutiiated Currency. —There u- a pre vailing disposition among small dealers, indeed, among business mea generally, to repudiate all the small postal currency that have pieces torn off them, or which have been torn snd mended. They imag ine that such notes will not be redeemed by the Secretary of the Treasury. They are in error. A Treasnry order issued some time ago eubstantially announced that such notes would be rejected, but a more recent Treasury apnouement has been made effective that all such notes will be redeemed, provided one fifth of a note be not missing, and ii is apparent that a mended note has been repaired with the piece torn from itself, and is not made up of pieces torn from two or more different notes. Richmond Markets. Our markets arc “pretty steep.'* and the cause of much complaint; hut by way g! consolation we give ih ■ following as the rulling rates in Richmond on the 3d iustant. Apples, A barrel Bacon, &> 'Beans. busb"' Beef, f.esh. tb Beef, salted. Butter, Q> Coffoc, lb Corn. » bushel Corn meal, bushel Cheese, fi> Flour superfine. $ bane . Onions, bushel Potatoes, Irish, bushel Sugar, Brown. Bugar, Crushed, lb Another Railroad. —It is proponed to construct a railroad from West Given ville by the way of Mercer to the neigh borhood of Harrisville, in Butler county. The engineers will commence the survey of the route in a few days. This project is one of importance and of great public advantage. It will develop the great coal region, one of the largest and richest in Western Pennsylvania, aod add material ly to the wealth of Mprcer county and to the comfort and convenience of her citi zens. “ Choice of Parents,”—lmportant In all cases where exemption from draft is asked, on the gronnd that “two or more bods are liable to military duty,’’ the elicit..- must be made before December 20th, and not postponed antil the dralt has been made. Last draft, owing to th» law being new and imperfectly understood, parents were allowed to exempt one,* where two were drafted.’' This cannot be allowed in the January draft. Change of Time —Persons travelling via the 0. F. W. s7s UG . •' 75ft 3 00 .. 15 00(gi 20 no 75@ SO *5 .. 3 .V)<& 4OU . 9 OOrtb 10 Of .. 11 (XV5i 13 00 . 14 f«ifg> 37 0 i ..106 iKXffIIOS 00 .. ao oo<§> 3i no . fi 006) 10 o') .. 3 00ft 3 25 .. 4 500 T 1‘ 'i' r V' ~ 1 1 r*—^ lkiAe HuodrcUlDollAr Men* As there seemß to he a very general im pression abroad that persons who have been drafted and paid the s3oOcommuta tion do not stand upon the same footing as those who furnished substitutes, we give the letter of Hon. Thaddens Bteveos, who was the recognized Republican “leader” of the last Congress. it is dated Lancas ter, August 27, 1863; and would seem to settle this vexed question : In answer to your inquiry, my opinion is, that the payment of tbe three hundred commutation and the furnishing a substi tute have precisely the eame effect. Either of them Ireea the drafed man from farther draft for three years. He is in effect in service, either by himself or another. She payment of the three handred dollars makes the Government his agent to pro core a substitute. The Government has consented to as such The law says he may, ‘'on <~r before the day fixed for his appearance, famish an acceptable sab etitote, or pay such earn, not exceeding three hundred dollars, for the procuring of such substitute ; and thereupon the person lurnishing such substitute, or pay ing the money, shall be discharged from further liability under that draft.” No one doubts that famishing a substitute ex enses for three years. To give a different effect to the payment of the commutation money seems to me little less than an ab surdity. It ie a very mischievous miscon struction. which, if need be, I have no doubt, Congress will correct. 1 ThaddeuB Stevens Death of a Soldier. —The friends of Lieut. William M'Laoghlin, of the Ist Ohio regiment, company 1., will regret to learn that he wa6 among the killed in the late battle of Chattanooga. Tbe writer who communicates the sad intelligence, says he fell while gallantly bearing aloft the starry emblem of his country. Tbe Union woldierg were charging up the rocky sides of Missionary Ridge, when the color sergeant was woanded. Instantly Lient. M Laughlin snatched the colors from his hands, and beckoned the brave boys to follow him When near the summit of the hill, and almost in possession of the enemy s works, he received a wound from which he died almost instantly. Hie com panions buried him in the soldiers’ burial ground, a r Chattanooga. He was a brave soldier, tbe idol of his companions in arms W>-o fitted close tin turf abuve hi? bieaat. Then stood ad inst *nt i», wau in silent prayor. Then slowly turned and left him to hi* reft. Wit 1 hot a stone to maik his slumber there! Mercantile Library Association.— The third lecture of tho season will be deliver-, d before the Aeeociatiop, no Mon davj-vet.icg at Lsfnyeite Flail, by Dr. J. G. Boreland (Timothy Tiunmb). This popular author hni talented lecturer has chosen for hie subject ’'The National Heast The Pen o. Railroad Co. will rnn a special train to Turtle creek on the evening of ibr Ihci a r>- lor the convenience o * those residing Mit of the city who may desire to alter'd. V>’e expect u> gee a very large audiein_e. The Gazette and Mayor Sawter. — The Evening Gazette contains a long ant] hitler nrnel* yesterday denouncing Mayor Sawyer, hinting very broadly that in onduct of his office he has not been strict ly honest. We suppose that we have no right to “mix m : hut we cannot help thinking if the Gazette's opposition to Mr. Sawyer Goes him i n more harm than its alh-ga’. ions agaii.f*! thf h in-aty of Curtin did that gentleman, u chance of being compelled u, Fui-por; Mr. S, lor Muy r. Gi'eto t he Poor C >l . Hnstings and Major Sohicnter. cl tne Pittsburgh Ger m.l nH> gimp nt have, at. t h r own request, heiTi urdrrpd to j ,in their regiments, and lHt yesterday tor South Carolina. Col. H. was wounded hi Gettysburg, and Major L was here on detached duty. We like to record the tact o( officers being ordered —at their own request— to j.iu their commands. Such conduct bagetH the true soldier. The Rattigan Case —The coroner will resume his inveMiigatior. j with the causes which led to the death of the late Thomas Ratiigan to aay at ten o’clock, at the office ol Alderman Donaldson. It is to be hoped that 60tne n*»w light will be shed upon this mysterious affair, to day, otherwise the persons who perpe trated the murderous assault upon Mr. Raltigau may escape the punishment due to the offence Grand Larceny, - .inn. F. Rowl**ns was commuted to Jail yesterday by Alex and'-r Aiken, of Tipper St. Clair town ship, charge-: wi'h grand larceny, on the oath < f Janies Kliiott. The defendant is chargr-d w;th Mealing a carpn' sack con mining bonds to the value of £l,BOO. The alleged ln r c«-i y was commlu-.d in Wash ington con My, whiih.-r tie accused will be sent for trial. Morningstar's Minstr elm.— This popu lar Minstrel 1 roupe com men cos an engage ment. for one week oniy. at Concert Hall ou Monday evening. The western press is a ur,o in it- praise of this company. Among the number— and there is sixteen of them is to be found the old Pittsburgh favorite. Johnny Hart. Have inr Read the Message?—This i * Cut question of ihe hr.ur. Every other raan yon meet propose? and the an swer in nine ra-n-a cut of tr-n m : ••Well, yet—l merely glanced hastily over it. I here is one inducement to its peru sal that former messages lacked—it is short. Farewell Benefit. —Mr. R. E. J. Miles j tiKirß a lnr< wdl benefit this evening at the Theatre, on much occasion will be per sente J “Herne, the tinner," and the first act of 1 his bii! should se cure ■ » good house. Regalia Ball. Ihe Ociu Fellows an uouoc.! a grand regain ball for Christ ina? night, a'. i,uL*y iti* Hall, the pro ceeds ot whiui will be applied to the erection oi a hall use of the Hi. Clair Lodge. New Counterfeit. A new counterfeit on the Mnnafac.urer*' and Merchants’ Bank, Phiiadhfphia, ot the denomination of five dollars, has b*-*-n placed in circula tion. By Order of Col Cross, T. A. M’Clel land, auctioneer, will sell at 11 o’clock, at 866 Liberty street, 2,300 Grain Sacks. Sale positive. Cash, Government funds JOSEPH MEYER. JOSEPH MEYER A SON, MANUFACTURERS ok PLAIN AND FANCY FURNITURE & CHAIRS, WAKEHOUrK, 135 biViiTHFIELO BT Hot ween nth si . and Virgin alley, JJXTRACT OF BVCBU, EXTRACT OF BCCiUJ, For all Diseases of the For all Diseases of the Bladder and Kidoeys, Bladder and Kidneys, At Rankin’s Drag Store At Rankin's Drag Store, S 3 Market street, balow Fourth. nolfi 63 Market ftnefc below Fovtk BY TELLGRAPH, XAXVIIIth COXGBE§§, Washington City News. Report of the Secretary of the The Rebel General Morgan Seen In dc„ d n f $3O 000 The steamer McClellan arrived at New Orleans on the 3d, from Brazos, Texas, coast bringing Gen. and staff. Nave Thyself. DK. S. CUTTER’S ENGLISH BITTERS, THE GKEATKNT NEKVItVE EV EH I>iSCOv EKED—TiIK GKEiTENI' »O NIC EVER »18(;OVEKEI)-THE GKEATEKt ALTERATIVE EVER niM’OVEHKD A CURE FUR INTEMPERANCE. AS A NERVINE, IT ALLAYS TUB chronic inflammation of the stomach, in all per«otifl addicted to the use of stimulants Lin i mirooticft. such as Alcoholic and Malt Liqmrs. upiurn, Morphia, Arsen D Tobacco, etc., etc. It removes the uiurhi.l appetite or craving o! the stomach for HtimuUnis. Ac. In Headache, Nea r Igia, and all norvous diseases, it has no equal as a Nervine. As A TUNIC, it gives a healthy tone to the stomach, improves the appetite corrects liver derangements, regulates the bowels, removes lan guor and drowsiness, a ;d brings perfect health to the Dyspeptic. Ac An ALTERATIVE. Tho blood, the lifeol the body, is derived lrom the food we digest. How important then, that tho duties of the stom ach are perfectly performed. If its duties are imperfectly executed, disease instead of health is scattered through tho system. When our food is property digested, pure blood is supplied the body, and blotches. Piwpiea Tetter, Erysipelas, Old Sores, Mercurial ana Vonori&J Taints, and other diseases arising from impure blood, disap pear. Use Dr. Cutter's Eng.i?b Bitters and you will havo perfect digestion and pure blood For particulars of this oeiebrated Medicine, procure Dr. Cutter's circular from any of our Agents N\ VAN BILL, 118 N. Second street, i American Manufacturing Agent) Philaaa, TORRENCE k MoGaKR, Agenta Corncrof Fourth and Market Pittsburgh. Forsalc by all respectable Druggists.* PORK BARRELS—IO6 NEW PORK BAußKLci—Joit reoeived and for Bale by FKTZSE & AKMbTRONQ. corner Market and First ata CHEAP WALL PAPERS—BEAUTI fuI W all Paper still selling at 15 cents. for sale by W. P. MARSHALL. oe2o 87 Wood at. ("UDER— 4 BARRELS OP SWEET J CIDER—Just received and for sale by FKTZER A ARMSTRONG deb corner Market and First rtreeta. InO BBL *> B. SUGAR, * W 40 bbls A Sugar. 40 bbls powdered. Gran, anil Giusbo.J, joat received and for gala by RSYIU2R A BEOS., no 6 1?6 and VI Wood it £ 100PEB8 AND CARPEITSBS VMCOOLS-for »ie by JAJt^|BOWg.^ (TP J 0! MJJ|f I AL. PrTTSBCBGH eESEBAL Mtan Ofpior of tb»Daii.t Post. i , Fxnur, December 11. 1863. f asljleB ®~Waa doll yesterday. Buyers manifested no particular anxiety to operate, hence we haTe no larte sales to report Among m follows, via : i i ij bbe m , rLr Hi? t remains firm with a ree nl»r local demand. The onrrent rate7f r omsto£ were: Extra—«a!e o! 128 bbls at Is a,S«nn . sales 200 bbls. Extra Family a 4 $7 00@7 25. rmall parcels that arnved by wagon *7 disposal of at vari ou q pno ss. Hay-The high prices we have notioed for some time oontmoes at the soales 18 loads w.™ teSM 0 00,1 ton - “-“■ifflk’E Straw—The market was brisk Hithaal«iat s2d to@2B 00 $ Steep figures these. . l2 toni of Middiinss at sl9o® 2 00 ; 8 tons Seconds at $1 60 and 6 tons Shorts at $1 38 cwt. Poultry— We note sales of 1000 &>a, ohiofcens and turkeys at 6@7c per lb. i. ota l ,^ eB-^6 note regular sales of Neshan« nock’ at 85c $ bushel. at marfcet was 61111 an< * demand fair asf“qn^rt7 SlileS ° f 1,100 fc '- fieab roU at ®@Boo. • A P pU ? n ~3t}™¥ 250 bbls - in lots, prioes rang ing from $2 60@2 76 V bbl- r era * n “Am i °Dg the sales wo note the follow • • ng: Oat!—sales of 1000 bushel at 820 bushel lesof! 21)0 bnsbeli Redatfl 40: While |1 46 ? bushel; Corn—sales 1.400 bushel at fl 25 p barley was held firmly, tpring $1 38; Whisky Holders firm. buyars.howoTir.iake hold very sparingly, small sales were made of c.t rectified atBsc, Somedealeis ask more Groceries— The market was unchanged—we omit quotations. PITTSBURGH OIL TRADE, T , , . . . Fbbuy. Deo. 11. 1863. the market yesterday exhibited more firmness ar d prices partially recovered from the decline c: the previous day. Crudo was firm with a fair °f transactions, ris: 300 bbls in bulk at VO: 250 do do, packages included at 24@25 ; 1 000 do delivered on the wharf, packages other sales wero made at about the same range of prices. Refined-Sales of 500 bbls, Em- PireChl Works, in bond at 36; 200 do do at 36; do do bonded at 36; 500 dodo at 38; 50 do lrrm warehouse, free, at 46, and 600 do free re ported at 50. Residuum—Market firm; 410 bbls reported at $4 fl bbl. ALI.£GH£AT LIVE STOCK MARKET Allegheny, December 10.1863, Mo**—rhe market was well supplied, and a largo amount changed band* besides- The ship ment-Kast were large; price.-, Lowever. ruled a v ou r . the same as for some days past. Among tbo pu:chasers we noticed a large number of our city packers, Tbw particulars will be t und noted below. The lowest rates were 3 85 cwt : th s prico for small sued, Tbo highest rates were 6 70. The average rates for good fair sited hogs juled from 5 35 @ 695 $ cwu Mes-rs. Holmes & Glass passed 4500 head through to the* East; they were purchased in the West and did stop here. Cattle— The demand for a good [article wa= bet er and found plenty of purchasers at full ’ate.-. The lowest rates were *V£c and highest 5c V n>. lofe.ior or stock cattle was dull and neg lecle , whilst the better descriptions was readily disposed of. Meser-u H-olmea & Fifer shipped 88 head East; J. S. Glass shipped 40 head East; Messrs. My trs A Bro., shipped 300 head East for the Government; they also receivod 450 head on Government account. Upon the whole our re port this week will be lound interesting. BAXJSB OP HOGS PBB CWT. J M tolhster sold 103 head at $5 50. F Wihon sold 105 bead at 5 20. C R Ward sold 162 bead at 5 50. Bernhizer fold 99 head at 5 40, J Keester field 21* head at 5 50. K nfruee so.d 332 head at 5 50. W A. Marlin sold 326 head at 5 £5. * Sproul A Berry sold 73 head at 6 79. > roul «* Barry sold 89 head at 5 60. Geo Kmeriok sold 89 head at 5 75. J A Keyster s?ld 2 6 head at 5 50. Geo Emerick sold 106 head at 5 50. J Doraven sold 243 head at 6 60. J H Mongomery sold 147 head at 5 sc. D Davis sold 81 head at 5 75. J 11 11 oward sold 3? head at 5 80. 1 i Leepor ho| { 100 head at 5 67. J Sharp «old 104 hea 1 at 5 60. J PaxtuD sold 170 head at 5 75. H Carr eTd 200 head at 5 ft). A >• teel sold 162 head at 540, Havington sold 320 head at 5 50 Geo Jocks sold 47 head at 5 75. C H Johnston >M 212 head ats yo. h Fitter eoid 190 head a: 5 75, H Mt-lersold 436 head, te-ms prfvate- M Bird Mild 111 nead at 5 45. J Hunter n Id bead, terms private. K J Miller sold IJI head at 5 70. b Sco land sold 175 at 5 7u L bye sold 146 bond at 5 70, W Tturall sola 96 head at 5 65 E Crumpton sold 82 heal at 5 60. J B Boyd sold GO head at £ 4h. J Cmchfieid s Id 235 head at 5 60. George t etter Puld 205 head at 5 37 J i> Willis sold 86 at 6 00, K S Lamart sold 100 h a.i at 5 90. H Lock sold 147 head at 5 35. W Armstrong solu 108 head at 6 60, M Ashmore sold 95 head at 5 90. E P Beard boll -9(1 head at 5 85. l> Buohanan sold 94 head at 6 00 HojmesA Fifer sold 300 head, wright 260, at 5 96. Holmes A Glass sold 441 head, weigh 1240. at 5 85, Holmes A Glass told 199 head, we gbt 2-9, ats 90 Holmes A Glass sold 241 head, weight 2±L at 5 87. Holmes . Some of the wholesale butchers say the same, and regret that they bought a supply yesterday. The number ofoattle in market proves much larger than dro vers and tho a e who bought stock st high rates, anticipated a large advance* particu larly those which arrived for the olosmg day, will not make so large a plie as they expected. It will be observed byway of explanation 01 the hbril olose of the market that there are over TOO head m -re buLocka on sale at AUerton’s WQ had last week, and the number at ail the market places again exceeds 5.000 head for the week, It may also bo noticed that the number from this state continues very lane, Some speculators, who have gene West to buy cattle, anticipate a considerable rise of prices as soon as the Hew York Stale stock is exhausted, Perhaps the hard close of this market will check the expec tations of some of the speculators who are now v*»y sanguine. M 1 loh Cows—The demand for cows keeps up so tout ad the ireah ones that arrive sell readily at wie-s that may be estimated as follows: Thit is far the cow, her value counted as beef according to quality, and value of the call ac cording to sise and quality; to which add from £5 to 4>lo, according to circumstances, for the cow as a milker. We noticed a sale of on© cow and calf to-day at $6O, and two others with calves, both for the same amount. In the first case the quoltiy of the cow as a milker added $l5 to her price. Vral Calves are quiet in one sense, though by no means to in the sale pens. But few firtt rate 00 ea oome in, and these sell quiok at V live weight. Owing to the good market for milk there are a goed many bobs sent in, which sell for bat little more than the value of the sr ins* THE BHEKP MARKET, Receipts this week, 16^13. The market opened Monday morning with a good supply in the sale pens, of niwtflqm asd gradea still lower, but very few of first rate qual ity Jibe weather was dear aod sharp, bat trade was not. Buyers were not anxious to bid, and manifested a disposition to cheapen every lot offered Cincinnati Whisky Harket CiNoiVKATi, Dec. 10.— Whisky, under yester day's Eastern advices, continued to have a firm market to day at 85c. Chlekgo Hlgkwines Market. Chicago. Deo 10 —flirhwines—Prices opened at 80c, with sales of 1000 bbls at that price; later it was offered at 790 ; market dull. MARKETS BT TRI.RO»APH Hew York Market. Hew York, Dee, 10.—Cotton 79c. Flour; $6 25 ®6 30 for extra State; $7 37®7 40 for R, H.O Whisky a shade firmer. Wheat; $1 41®1 45 fqj Chicago spring; $1 43® 1 46 for Milwaukee Club • $; 46®1 48 for Amber Milwaukie; $1 4931 60 for for winter Bed WestemT|l 58®1 62 for Amber Michigan, Barley, $15091 55 for Canada and W estern. Corn; $1 2491 £5 in stores $1 23 for unsound in store. Oato, 86W&89. Sogar very dnlL Molasses quiet. Petroleum irregular and unsettled: Refined In bond 47. Pork quiet and without any material chance. Bacon sides mod erate active. Lard, UK9I2&. Butter. 20@*6 for Ohio. Wool quiet. ffew York Money Ngw York, Dec. 10-— *oney owe! 6K97R cent. Sterling decidedly firmer at $1 0491 65, Gold irregular, unsettled and ** id&fcdedminf to 48H, »od olosmg atso^9sL Baltimore Market. t H ?^ r I FOJt THE DRAFT I Persona Claiming Exemption, Can have PAPKES mJ. *mt by /~nt». upon WM. T/DCNN, _ , No. 103 Kith street* Three doors below the Cathedral. N. B.—There should be no delay, as the tfw for filing el aims is veryshort. Bring two es, HFaDo OF FAMILIES with you. de4-lw LOT OF Manufacturing and Cigai Leaf Poi Halo. 91'COIA.ISTEB A BAER, 108 WOOD STREET Have received on consignment a lot of Manufiur turing and Cigar Lent which they are ordered to sell at very low figures for cash. Call and see the 9 mples. qoS VOTIOE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT 11 a meeting of tbe Stockholders of the IRON CITY MINING COMPANY, of Mich., will be held at their office in the City of Pittsburgh, on MONDAY, the 28th day of December, lost, at 10 o’clock. a. m.. for the purpose of acting on on of fer made for the purchase of the whole of their property ta Keweena county, Michigan- By order, JOHN A. FORSYTH, Pittsburgh. Deo. 5,1863. See*y. pro de7-td AT WHOLESALE PRICES DURING THIS MONTH—BOOTS, SHOES, GUMS, Balmorals* Gaiters, and a’l other at retail* thereby saving twenty per cent. • Give me a oaQ before purcha'ing elsewhere. ~ JOaS/BOirlmND. , , No. 98 Market street des 2 door* brum Ftlth street