DAILY POST. Corre&pondonco Betwo-jn V/illiam Smith O'Brien. the Irish Patriot, and General Meagher. Wm. Smith O’Brien, the distinguished Irish patriot, of 1848, b&e written a long let'er to General Thomas F. Meagher, his old nolitiral associate in the Irish Bevo lntioo ot that lt concludes as fol lows 1 hafipem much time in analyzing the letter of General Meagher, because, al though addressed to a private friend, it was evidently written as an appeal to the public opinion of this conntry. Though it is overladen with cumulative epithets of declamatory invective,' it is a production which has ev.deotly been prepared with! care, and deserves a deliberate response. In this respect it contrasts favorably * with an election squib recently addressed by Mr. Meagher t 0 the electors of Ohio, in opposit'on to the claims of Mr. Vall&ndig ham, in whose person all the rights wh’ch belong to a free citizen are violated. Sad, indeed, is it to me to had that our com rade, who was once the champion ot hu man liberty, has ealistefi himself as the defender of every sort of tyrannical usur pation—T. F. Meagher, the young tri bune, once the champion of his country’s freedom, has become, the advocate ot a system of government which'carries into effect its policy By suspending the writ of habeas cor pus, and thereby subjecting the personal libf-rty of every citizen of the United States to the caprice of a single ruler or of his minions • By coercing into the ranks of the Fed ’ eral Army, through the iostrameotality ot Conscription, all who cannot afford to pur chase their deliverance by on enormous by driving, under terror of military execution, unwilling conscripts into fields of battle where they perish for a cause which ia not sanctioned by the approval of their own consciences. By fiupePeeceding the rights whtoh, an America for a model of political institutions and for an identi fication of instead of repelling! t hem by taxation, by the conscription, by ino monopolizing tariffs, and by the lose '•f personal liberty, whioh have followed, as conseqaeuces, from this civil war. He might have gladdened the hearts of all who belong bo the oppressed naiionalicies of the world by nobly vindicating the cause fnvmuu freedom on behalf of tbos p who suffer in every clime, instead of standing foremost among those who we:come to America of the cruel despot who aow tortures a brave and noble race. The enemies of Ireland will rejoice that he has made such a choice botween these alternatives ; but though he may find de fenders and apologists among a few at tached friends, our heads droop with shame when we find one of our chosen chiefipthafl lending the support of his great abilities to the cause of the oppressor rather than to the protection of the op pressed. To no one who has the lan guage employed in Amerioa upon many occasjons by General Meagher• since the commencement of this war giveo more pain than to myself; and since he has in vited an expressionof the opinion of his countrymen, J.up. icyjger feel tpjself at liberty to preserve silence. Earnestly, therefore, do I all,. thos6 who are about to tak mg anynfirtjirthe which aglow going on in AmencSfeven though they may be tempted by the rheto ric ct one of Ireland’s most gif|gd sons to fling themselves into the abyWln which *0 many who have gone beforetbem hare perished^' Believeine, my dear friend, very-giheere iy yours,2 " William Smith O'BttiEN. J P. Smith, Esq. A* lEfottt the Laorosaa (WfaO pemoor&t, J||iteneBB Ban Mad. New York,-Barton, Ifrasltjugton, Phil— nin R ma 3 grandees now on a visit to Uiie oounlry. In New Y °- r^» Bl ii D J? b ? , '? l £ ®A l . i,ho< idj are having a higk old lestivalovir the Cord^'wßfi 4 tftj. pronounceable Jhere are sappers, parties, races, dissipation and obsequious n'atfitißMfci# i^dlfeM*f!tefi : (Ho» it/}f>cjka to see Americans thus feting the fnr wrapt and cold hearted Rasa! They are drink iD.<= iW wai| zing wit h American wivtfHfrd ‘BfrSgliters,'Bilged ttear-Hke in their a 6Ktbratie. Noble gpeais frotq aland whtrßswamearate t,'m the quiv" erinjjrflash tails, to the ground from their bleeding,, backs. 1. Pruioelj guests from the land where wivesinnd sweethearts ace stripped* tied to racks-, a>tfi whippy till death*..mere generous tfean. hupps ui;y, takeatha Victim. 1.2 its,own heapf-for aibel tec ratio guests, from the nation thatittraraeut c »ncpd ~j ,| lt . prominent XKiilW ol. Lbp,e\|joli[n.» pro I 1 "• h; I>m»f meet ir e m this' mty oe ,** 9th of fl.Wr, dreaSßfi.in <*pHri,,gc. u lapidated•;-bouse'.. labeled -, igha i.iw-l l jn.f 3 »P as a carica ture ot Hint estimable la‘Ayf"sm}‘ tn’"''rr ’ cale of her hearl-tronbles over u." 1 rl< 7'* of hVWr«asfd.«'H mi sf irirtiJ flSftK* • sotfie thejaSM o aec6ffipnb%t e 80 . tered Ijheir djsapprovflj ipflri.the rMculs ahouted.theiif Exultation, ' j&tihe sTqoel is ndt-Hfely. fcp 'afford them so much amas&uexit. it 4oea not to the j pnuc'pal. actor Aimßtij^sSsh. ine time, soe was in the urout perfect health aniT SnoTanJ spirits, • Since that? baa been afflicted witfa 'mW'tL,® wkh dfe !^? e ’ d, " with eruptive blptcbos aha Dmfifhr R o7h o She ,snow under lie siciao We express 1.0 opinion, but most persons will look upon her afflictions as a THE PITTSBURGH POST:' TUESDAY MORNING " ' DECEMBER 1 V IMtU dispensation of-Bfovidonco —Dayton Dm pire. The religion of the abolitionists does not re<>o£ni*e a u Pfo’ride^ce ,, of tyoy sbrt, Divine or ptherwise. They \rill charge this visitation to the (Prince of. darkness because the plot was not carried out, after the election, REAL ESTATE AGENTS, OFFICE GRANT STREET the Court Bouse, Pittsburgh. Pajticuiarattejitiongiven to the sett!omen t of Estates, sale and transfer of Real Estate, Ex amination of Titles, Soldiers olalma, collections in any part of the west. Prompt remittances, and full corrapondenco in regard to all business entrusted to our oaro. JOSEPH 11. MILLIICtN, auouKßaoß tu JAS. P. F LEWI NO. DKUGGIisT, Wiibieaale and EetaU Dealer in Foreign and JDomestio Drugs. Medicines, Paints, Oils, Dye-otufe ana Perfumery, rvo. TV Federal streo t. ALLEGHEM CITY, PA, uiystlyd MW CARETS, OIL CLOTHS, fflj. aj H>H, ■o. 87 tfmrttt Mm JPRKVIOLNTOTHX l-ATt advanoe tn'Wices. o; trhieh the folie*: eahmela offeredtn parohmo Puli. CASH. „<•! iaixv L, ik.TO.. ’.VI, M'Ctit . »gh ffTTSaUBM STEEL. WOH» ; JONES. BOYD ft CO., AS VStAKTm ■ iUUK» JU&& i&U.K. Jn m. ajap.Sprite Plov.a&d A£ Stofj.oHxJ. ti-, aoa AXLlsfci, wmtjc Kirs* Mrotf*. ftoSHia ' PITTSBURGH. F® JHO. HOOBHEAB, GG4SMISSIO& Jfe ER£ IA N t FOB THB tBU OF HQ METAL AND BLOOMS, i». iw watsx stbjsik. below m/iha CURTIS C. STSINBKT2, umu MOUSIS CABPJHSf'BJEM AND JOHliEi SHOP vuteis AUKT bntee Weed " . . ' ' Pittsbanh. Pa. ■WOrtera aoiioHed and promptly attooded to. EW«M DALiau. ' 4. r. iu Li at BOBT, ©ASCJBiiULa, & V‘K. Wholewile ttrooctj, COBfc: 1103 r BlAoPafl Vtsjara In ProtlQoe and PtUabuiTh Manuactn-r 1 Ho. 901 MBER'ffYSTfiASTi fcniiol. .. ‘ ' PITTSE LI; Off fiENRY W. BEXI'HONT A CO Sereign BranditvWißes ud tiiai, Ai«o. Blaokbrnry, Base him. Wild Cherry ant mxge Brandigs. Old Monocfbatela, Rye, &□( ''Other. Wagkies«vamairai Roiz^rJw. No. Xdbertf Street, Opposite PouaJu street, PITTSBimSH, PA. , Hotel*,Xaverna. faid Families, crni'lnxi ai moderate profits for Oaeh. myaijlrd Lucent Oil Worts iunStoAK, DUI*.DaP a CO.. a . JJauaSMturam ai , PHIUB WAITS BSFISSB VAxiJS O N o L 8 . Ogloe, HO, MI ÜBHBTY STKBjrj', Put*. boi-rfa. Pa_ _ 3075-6ttid jP. BKYMJ6R D, RSYHEE r.'B/MYKI tl Irate at MillerA Ricaeraon's, Heymer At, brothers i SacoeEaors'fo.KeJih'Or S AntftjrtQn.J M'holeeale Dealers So FOre ‘%^‘J’, r »^ , S«»“ 8ry ’ NOS. 126 AND lis WOOD SrfeftgT. pimßmieß. W«. ti.SAll Wl». l>V at, CWJjSKB. Plumber .and H«». nr, WOOD NTKKKT, WPl'Ugl'ru niWTCHI'ISUU, PITTOUlmuil i'j . otfeio. ictnu'e omoa. B-H V ***’?.j- J “* *»“*» lx, sheet liau, ' ffepWs and ©eriioad. an** jornborOi l a ’ **eajt»tee-Jt«fld«l*s fitsedttjr In. •the Most*M»roYo4 mauußer., TanfcnSteALaK Ooippe,. HlthrfW^^lXfpro-" aJFSfWd attended w. I », J». <& i . p. M.ou.'tctutero ud De»l#Mla SUOK OAP LITTSIi. -ad *l] ldo*is c' WHAPnNG FAPICK, have <•»„„, v.«l (r ,... fio. S 7 Wood atmt to NU. M aMItUi'IKLU KTBKS ‘ Pl*l » fc ;j; i, y J » o*sb {or KAtftt. WILLIAM CA£K ft (X) WIOLESALE SROCfRS Ami importer* of •mataa, bkammkh, six*. .r ed Fruit, Pot and Pear Ashes, and PROD?) f F GENERALLY, Bert Brands of Family v>’*our Always on Band No. 102 Second street. Between W ood and Market, I PITTSBUGH, PENIPA •9-Liberal aivanoe made on Consignments, apU-lrd FRANK KELLY, Alderman and Attorney at Law, DU »i t lt'ia STREET. 4Gf“Coliection of accounts and ail iegal busi ness prrmpUy attended to, sefclyd DAUB & AFPELJa, 186 Smithfield Street. VV K have JUST HEC’KIVE.D A ▼ lane tt*«u wellselected stool of Fall and Winter Goods, oocaistina of Veatings, dse< ADb'j—A Large stock of GKNT'B FURNISHING GOODS, taciauioa ic wtr Cotlars, Weeklies. and every thingutfuakvkeut by first oiaw Furnishlug Store Orders executed. aoßOrlyd Andbew Kloman. Hknrt Phipps, Jb , (Jenera! Partners. JTROarciTY FORGE, Kf.OMAN & PHIPJPS, Ninth Ward, Pittsburgh, manufacture Bar Iron, General Railway and steamboat Forgings, Passenger, Freight and Lo comotive Axles, Ao. s«10-tf IiiIQUESNE BRASS WORKS CADffiAN & CRAWFORD. Manaiactuieivolf.fery variety of finished BRASS WORK FOR PLUMBERS WAS or MY 10AM FITTKKS, MACHINESTS aKd COPPERSMITHS. OaRASS CASTIJICIH OF EVERT DR. H® scription made to order. Steamboat work, steam and gas fitting and repairing promptly at tended to. iLarticular attention pasp to fitting up Jiefitierioi iu' J«al and Carbon Oils, ADo, sole ugents lor the Western D 'strict ol Pennsylvania. Tor the sale of Marsh, Lansdell A Oo.'s Patent S*phon Pnmpt the best ever inven ted, Laving no valves it is not liable to got out of order and will throw moro water than any pump twice ita sue. febUroly. ||lA( K OIAIIO.-JUSTEKE WOBHD PlTTtißUfcdH. PA PA KM, JBttOTH JUK <* iin-u Refiusd Uast Stool dtiiittia. Fia; ami i/cttMfoD. oi all aixea. W*rr»« tea e-ja&l to ttiy- . rte-2 or manuiaaiare-i - thi* ‘♦vuoiry, ft&» . tfi r o aij.i V» d/onoose N>. 14U ull d 56 Jir?t 03'i : iaa bmjvu.t ocrMU. Putt* tMLixa. lobltfclyd *d. *4 & &A«AUSY, souLc o A i i ti $0 C £ 808. : • V wood tfffeß'fcT (;U>.K,,I£H Li. CALDWMJI., i. woMt-; to Ju, Holme; * Co., p <> « K PA C K E K Dl*ior a; CuCo;.. L»; i. i>ngßf - Ctired Halm, owoLcd Beef Ac. Comer ,'lMtft and Kir** atroab:, 1 ic'-bur*b, Pa doellJ rd. * AJHESiS lEY.fi ft UAH, MONOAUAIIfr LA PLANING M}LL, woolu wopeotfnlir in form the i-c Mic that be has rebuilt einoe the ere. acd hav)uz enlarged his establishment. Ad biled it with the newest »nd mast approved maobincry. is now prepared to furnish flooring and placint board.*, aawicj and re-sawing, deerr, care ani u.'iatters, tUn driod. frvn**’., uvoaldi.ir-'. .; po nu&: r«*art, thenufeacriMris prepared to ikvi-m -tood&to his old cQstoicfirt asd the public rener lihv with the beat *.ae mark eta pJTords. CV tiers Will oe perred up every vanety of ptyle. dwrinf •hoßeaiOU. Uic \t isei. Liquors ami Alee ho feels fonfiqqnt m iecc2L.ua*nilo4 to the pobtto for .u'r txoellecoe. Ota, liflcko-i aaJ : tcii uj'.l/..’-; rfe»fr«tj ki Ij *Qd;ols *p.l i*t»il. itij2> v l;.i C! V* HOU^E, «V- itIABONJ; Al.^l, >|liU aUBOtjIUIUiU jSv4Ws?,£9^ l ° *J>a{ h« Jf m daiis roooip; ol treshshell aljd can lystreb, same, !Aju,W)4u. » r pat row ■?> troll wowu Lome witfiVvirythiiig ia tjto to-ha' Asa arinkiae line at the wortcei JOBS SHALKB, Proprietor. Vonug’s fiaitlug *ia!o«.sf r ookws* vißtnt) alley anv. YUUi SißaJS'ili Wh«.N U tfttfMitß MJ a!) Utt d«n.'*cMs u! ijta taisofl’.Mil bo Mrrwd op. tn *tA m.itri pal*».\v* 'Vie. ELI IOUN-i poll oorsei VL.ii. alio* otiuiUlioU a. APOXXO lIAIIB!UIAKDSAUK>a # CHARL'Kb dA RDNiftlOwould rutoiau hif o’ll friouu/i ar«'i oii.ur.u-: ”h th&t be l- suJltafc*<' *?<• ’ , . r'\,\fv J.r , !**i , ( •_*, 1• i > -*. ',=■•'•'• ■•.(* table:, b&li.t . cuts.. ttememk-- me i.* c*, Av„ii u 0 ORR;'Vi r cu j. -ii l7 \n.t* V n^uh "7~rr- — . • Corancop-itfe ' Wnlooifc (;•. rSKHoy IOJotJ FiP'fij i THi: U hekk am; p-uai.it; cam «». lALN .he an! pujo-t aTeftlfc fervo.l at ill t-mri nv the shiest uc^ dot. u :&mi L *• aa2n-ly BUSIES Sneucer & McKay, 'IREKS m iSttms. FHQfUIi r, I Hiu-»*.grgh. Bejiten:b*rV' lb? J I |^WV TJ V«(#iiPAKTNKiWHIJ*. ~' The I'fij'tDerHlifir heretofore nciyaiig be tween, Jofc>, and W. H. OARRARD yi - M. £a a^yJ OTemfte f I« tb PSSSSVLVANiA CUNfKAL BAILBOA Nine Dali, Trains T? E ACCOMMODA naitw^lv-in? 111 ?* ves th ® passenger Station Daity, (except cunday.i at 5 50 a. m., stopping ut Jifrt U, *burgh and Piladelph a, Cfl,mM ' £on for NSw-kor* at P^i K er s^ H MAIL TitAIN 16a ’ 68 > he dev ) h? 2 50 (fm f 76l ?’ “OlDtne. (except Sun •Hftr. » P" 8K >PPin«only at principal ata- JJSM du ?^ jMlUl W , i onB * At b&nis- Lorlvia mSnhii WMhln^oi “ d »r New dai2fa' I ?:a 0U ' i “ ttXP ®KiS TRAIN' loaves daily Ja. 4 25 p. m , stopping only at i-rincioal connection at Harri&burg for Baltimore and Washington, and fjr t'ew a “ d Philadelphia! a ‘ 835 P- ip.. Plopping only at °9 nnoc ting at Harrisburg for fto St?” “k. WaBhm ‘ t 0 and at Philadelphia i o d PJ X ®, r o o^ N ACCOMMODATE TRAIN n(ni^t d o i. s N, e . loept s ™ da r.) at 3 00 n. m., stop- £>latlon B' running as far.as Cone- !stft J '.S? r .'l CC< i M ,f IODATION TR x PNf, I rWaIi'i S kt ?n\' n VB J dally,tetcerd - unday,) at 530 a. m. W.Ji£s S .2i A CcOMMODATiON XKAIN for U 40k.m 1 ‘ leam daily. (except Sunday,) at .ACCOMMODATION TRATN fo< 860> U ° n 68768 da| ( y ' (exceplNtundayj at W^aIPs^tj^inACCOMMODATION TRAIN for «Wb. m toU lea ™ dalr ’ (Moept Sunday.) at TRAIN leaves Wall's Station, retU7Din ‘ w “ BOTmiSe IK AI MS ARRIVE IN PITTSBCRaU AS FOLLOWS: Baltimore Express Through Maii rr.:.:'”? wl h W^hb, D S ? 0 , 00mmodatioE ' MOSo. in'. 2d wall’s S“S“ Aoeommojatlon 626 a. m. tt S a ) . htstlon Accommodation 835 a m. ith'wii/''. s, a 1 0n 'onommodatton 166 p. m. Hal.vLi 1 ? ,,tlon Aocemmodation 606 p. in. K 8 ” dlprMB will “trive wttn Philadelphia ?rv. m * cn Mondays. A i* A ™s PC' l . SLAIKSVILIE and INDI ANA connect at Biatrsv.lle hre-secti-m imh Accommodation, Johnstown Accommo datfon and Kxpre* Train East, and wit u t:aiu* ' P 0M J° h aatown Accommodation BQ nt^!h N i/° H connect at Cr a. m. All 'lraln® through to Chicago witho change cf Car?. N. B —The time to Cioo.r.oatl i. the same t.s by Steubenville. Trains od both Hoads meet k' ColumouF. and poasengers all go into t inciLnau together. CIUhSTLINA AND.ALLIANCE MAIL. Leave Httsbaigb 7jOO a. m. Allegheny 7.10 a. m. New Brighton. 8.38 a m. AlHanre 11.10 a, m. Arrive Cjestline .6 30 p.m. .. Jh«e trains atop at principal Stations b p» m. EASTWARD, Leave N, brijtbtOD.i.iO a. n>. 7.00 a. m, i£&);. n. a5O p. m. Arrivo Aliecbcny 7.20 a. m. 8 40 a. m, r. m. 4.60 r m EASTWARD TRAINS. JKBIVE it pittsbcroh Chicago Express •• a , a m -hroag-o K*pr«gi a3op.m! Cincinnati Ej press T6O p ru Oreat.iae Mail ' 7 p m ‘ TRAINS FOR .NEW' CASTLF. MERCER and OIL CITY/ _ Maij. Leave Httsburgh 7.00 e.m. A ll egbeny Arrive Now Ca5t1e...10.40 a. m. EASTWARD Leave New Ca5t1e....6.30 a. m. Arrive Pittsburgh.... Allegheny...lo.oo a. m. ! raios aromn by Columbus time, \#iich is 12 minutes slower than Pittsburgh time. rorfurther information, anu througo ticket apply to CEO. PARKIN. Ticket Ag't. Uoi n Passenger Station, Pittsburgh p tt , and a. Q. CASSJSLBJfIKtvY Agent Allegheny - JOHN B.J-BRVU General Superintendent, ' H. R. PAYSoN. General Passenger Age Lt. i CLhVJiLAJJD, riTTtfUMI&WIiHLIMB. B, WINTER ARRANGENENT. Oar AND AFTER MONDAY. NOVEM BER 16th. 18f3 Trains will leave the Dtpoc oi me Pennsylvania Railroad in Pit sburirh is loltows. PITTSBURGH AND W HURLING LINE, ; Leave : Pittsburgh-... 1.45 a. m. 620 a. m. I p mi, ttosp. m. and 2JD a. m. v ■Throngli Ticket* Jo all prominent pointa can be OTgMed at the Liberty street Depot, ritts- Uni at Agent. •'--Elor further InforjmUion appto'to* o *** Agent. Company's Office, & IMoId b Wl * 400 immpcus m»q ciHMk» a «.«. CpanactiDg’ at fndi&capolls with Terro Haatt. , ,‘j i “nd Alton Knlroaj. to he. i,ottis Indians, poll , New Albany and MichiiaTiCtntr..! Rr.Uoads for OfIJCA »'-«Lmaxos. u> M-Sno'n.W', 10 INMANAPOUS, 1 i-.KHB E ATT. ®, LAFaYBTTK and PERU rinffliagtrd passenger* ciirri j-d from Cinjin i-, ITt /“"oonn.- in lass dxe ttaa by any ' ''t 7 . ltTe ’ J U';fonr hours, and »: as low - l ’" which r.hi; o-.ents can be fil bali. 10 ’ he West, without breaK dRA vYEri* 8 * U - WEST. Of ALBX. 4*l! Cincinnati, or H. O M flHßlf u a ; a wr:ooofcargh. JOHN 19. dr an ap o lls. will receive prompt - jla r J ,ln7 20 fhargo for commission: no l&am* B * lTiG * 08 Law v j r,:. r to THOS. RATT *..... uno. I4i> Monong&bela House, age it of the ’’ h,J “ Prepared to vivo tbbouoh BB i>U.? fi;n P >^? n^ i \f. cd 50 Indianepolk. * JiSnco, 1 jftfeye**Q t Chicago Pam flv >tri 1 “ l , '-.'fowteJeviUe. Charleston, i-aris and MaS H.C.HO&D. President WEg Jcßfe INSURANCE COMPANY, or * It 0 £ .. J i.dlis. Prwtdec '.. „ -Jofch ir- ». OC,'7HRAjj ? it4'o' t wt 5) Wnd, °' l ro4.°.^lr'o‘ i ?'. l ?“ w ' 6 ' l b? who l. l ~ “ e sca.mmonity, and who are hy yr: “rwesA and liberality, toman ‘''fyhavo assumed. aaof- ” those Who desire to be : AWm* OCT >BW*i Both, l«te» Otoct iiOecUTUn « la /vm nn oSrt ~ “ »0 00 N ** r .v ho.- 174,076 U 2, rt lj l? r a! ’Atuoj SEBtffSS a.rt .. jq..aiw, U«n>. PaieweH, Jobi b. M’C"ora. 1 iftisußAKOF ' a? -xi <_?. KEL.4Si.U- MUTUAL l HBCtiAIUE 00M.F4/il, t*fULAr*Kl^HJ^, t' ur ren etoAi. idurcha *• ‘-jrci'.nrti. 4c.. ix» io?rn or eoantry. $l2 80 . 1U 5b . 10 uu . 8 80 . 765 ti’ls Ko. 40M W’AjLAIiT i»Tjtt£ET chj •-**cl*. 8*08,508 M, l\ to ..it.w-, -.)i -I'■'•• • Mwtruje. • iu., a.-ihj Ut, iit « r“‘i l ° tue &XE ““ ut -.JUiwas'ai ttrr w >a rant, tirst cia.-? ’LAPS Rfl Petsti/iraiu. Railroad Co’stf « cent. Au»rt*ai« Loans, £liiOto; zaei. VJXIG GO Philadelphia city h cant, loan, JO 000 0C A.i. County « H «,nt P«nK«y> fama K&u/oao Loam* ’fLfinn ft". C.:lTp K.u.road r P4r::.-*rI?«.ULa Ka-i r. Uvancy r-f in- c r o H -y,. a i-u/.S J. Uacba&ias’Banl do 1.-faion ;>i i'o‘b bony" ’* '>ri»,: Lr_^i P Chicago Rj j ress 1.40 p. m. 10.30 p. m. 'a ****hkrßrsj-ftAJtir* j;, '-. /■/■ ■ ’'. . n«.PEla.om® k*>»i <\ , j.-r,',-/ v;'» : Hto- CC. Ar?o i tuojrttion. *l5 p. m. 2J5 p m. 4.15 p ra. “ 40 p. m .. * thus iom r*~ 7 ; *r • 1,!6 rJr ! *’ r k*r« *>n--> ieteruiiOKd. u. tli k»r« \aiur?.r«r*ia::Mi* i «ru t ’.o lorn jOi>f. «i.itect '’ u..v.i j. -;..v \ . { (t anftßioani f x ot Jo.i'ijf. ther«b7 aJ -- ; l ,nr * 'i Insurance, ao -Twl! ti;o »oiht* iu?r-' U m««t *riti ; 11 rti>tnw #.i l hv i. ».m .* i t x **r ft, fca. Tvd'‘!V “' : ' s '- -ia«ti u. irtwis. V k . Browo. Grant La*. oS''-. l -. i w' R': 1 .l .. '■ j*'"- *>’ D»i«i “* ' «*•!**raieo, . •• koPreside-t, * * -- f*B~, rvKrtftarr nfi, t*Tr« j. fiAP.DNiiK eoi-yjN, a*®u. i. 'isir-acd Wood p‘R> *s} UFI i.'f ,| «T>R A tf• Liu:,*d r-a r *. 4 '? : r Merohandiv. a* iMl £r’T 1 -.* f' . V :N \. ■« \ k .. 3.00 p rn rs: fe ft. Cx,.** H. xi. ’■'.'Hi Ct'orje !, ■' 0. .dfcens/.:.. “ ' M«».. ~ " K ntiACSBC.-t-;. « nwtVT. J.Q. iXi<, Ai.f<*iA 'j-.T.ar laird lied Wood str^u. &UEBHE&IY INSUfiANC* m OF PJTTSBOEfti, •*-»*«*, a®, as rtWit ■'it. nam, ~ «* WILLiAM DiiAtt, tttararKJ ’ t K J - Jonna, ‘.. *-4. lioisH,/, Hu> ?‘ c ?' la ' '* •. •• ; *re, 'ii. A.CTiljna, 3 V "'•• • * < : -•-•»:.!»», Alva. MOOAK, *' SVITABUF POK'l'Ult SI..V" •« ; KJUM..A .UJ.JkJJi*. | vi-:v*V,'j'vufiT!rK 1, “ U jU ' ,k v,< u:,';'e ».tueu amt Silk Hamltn-oliK.'i », AHMV SHIRTS, Ai.J f .idlers' n< -nlehltw Ut,<.ds. »!»„» 6 » n j PHESfeMTS-fflfi 1 Hr,. HOUMA r ; s 'S'. BtS -SWJBRWKTBLtt* T»A¥B li V | .•"V ciKJpod esrociaJlj-for u,? Uo'viar'- *. i-*rv MW unodefiniblo rtnck of JFWRtKt, «01,s> AND NII VER for L*dir* an J for paie by " ' BROB. 1R84128 Wocdnni^ la CHO^i Orenbemra. Just reo »iF®d anifor sale fay o£ i'utSa .•* —- Railroads. Insurance. •388.J61 70 H&O 00 I.ONJ W 700 t 5,135 oa 2.C12 50 160 00 16*297 18 6*216 73 11,366 1C ira«x.srr. pSaS." Vk.irjue; Jbtepha®, c-obor: s kmc. ;■ i Mx.i£«, «i V,. Tingle? Hil’, m. Uo-Ji rof.-, V *-rUs ; ? v-b i. ::uu ;•»;/, Bowen. ■,; %&■&)■<■ B«#SPf«r. 1. u*. Aient, _ ; ?‘7 ~ toss * 3' .Auw»cnb(g, SUS9K..-3S &; '•il;'-. I LIS.99C * sa^o3,of ; ! 68 *'»'*’■/ itt-c.-triion ol i'roji ■*• - r. a l . t£ l&w jo bis Bduse/ tie' oitKkt pf tie dopositor ae priadboC and beue lie samejtntereet torn the tot daps of Jane and De oenger, Mtnpbtmdin* twice a year, without SfJW “jj “®JS@? r °f even to present hiSW Boot At this rate money will doable In leas thab twelve years. Books oonteinins tie Charter .By-Laws, Boise and KesnlatioiU: furnished aratb. on apldisztion •1 lAS OSCSo „ FXlfZnm. GE JRGJS ALBAEB. W . , TICI ttSgtinng. J°hn a>. M'Fadden. Isaac M. Pennook, Mm Holmes, John sifflSte' 1 James McAqloy, mil Bttnwin, J»m»j Herdnuiß. i¥m. J> Aniersta. Calvin Adams. JtmecD. Kelly Johne.Backofea. Peter A. MadsJra. Seojfee Black, Wm. VanMrk Joh£C. Bindley, damea ghidl*. Adorno A. Carrie;, Robert Kobb, ChailM A. Colton, Walter P. Hanbafl VP ml Doesdae. John Or* '1 joiißvans, HmryL. KlmreiU. WmjP Weypman. MnH. SHoeatxrwaf. WtmK'Schm&A Peter B. Haute?, . Mekander'Tind.'a, Rlohudfiam, GwiSjWMtttefi w m s. Lovely. efiHjtaaj Yeapev* ■ , TOa^L»jg ; ' r ‘ FARMERS 1 DEPOSIT BANKING COT BAE OP DEPOSIT MB DISCOUNT Pai and Current Fonda Reoened on Deposit. LM>EKSIGNEI> STOCXLHOJUIH ■A- ERS are individually responsible to depoci* tort to the whole extent ot th«iy private James Marshall, William Toons, John Scott. Jacob Painter. William Walker. William Carr. J&moel George, S. B. Robison, Thomas Mellon, Thomas Scott, B-obert Bell, Joseph Love, John McDentt, D. A. Stewart, John Floyd, D. E. Galway. Hay Walker, W. W. M'Gregor, JohnS. Dtlworth JAMES MARSHALL, President* R. A* GEORGE, Cashier. jSS HEAL iSSTA'K ftiVlMs ISSTITCfIOS STATEMENT OF THE CQHDITION of the above institution on the 2d da; of No v ember, 1863, published in oonformUy to the charter: LUBILITIIS, Amount of Deposits, Nov. 2J, 1843 $103,594 13 Amount of Interest due Depositors 1,954 91 .Amount of Contingent Fund 2,423 91 ASSETS. First Liens on heal Estate~s3s.2oo 01 Utoitta M&tes Bonds. *»-50,000 00 U. ts. Debt Certificates and Holes, (market value) 11,051 70 Interest ean ed net due 559 97 O&oe Furniture 150 00 Cash on nand 11,011 24 $107,973 0j A. A, CARRIER, Treasurer, The undersigned, Aud.tiog Committee, have examined the books of the Institution, the bonds apd securities, coanted the cash, Ac., and have lOuud the above statement to be correct. v*. B. COPELAND, NICHOLAS VdJSGTLY, WM, H. SMITH. Deposits received DAILY, and EVERT SAT ukday evening. LN TEaEST PAU) at 6 per cent, per annum TRUSTEES. ISAAC JONES, President. Hon.T. 91. Howe, 1 Hon.J. K .Moorbea Win It. hmlth, |G. G Mussey, W, B. Copeland, i Jacob Painter* Haney Childs, j Aictftolaa Voegliy. Office, 83 Fourth Street. no 4 LOAN OFFICE r.KtfiiY w, CIMIOTTB HO. UiO NHIT&PI£LB.BTSSET N ear the corner Fifth, Pittsburgh. jMWOBY JUS JLASQB AMD SSAU AvJL flnanuries Io&n»3 on Hold and Silver, Dia monds, J ewplTy, Hold and Silver Watelies, and tdl kind? of valuable arcioins for any length oi time agreed on; The .good* cannot be delifjT-ed fcdthqat the Ticket Office Sours from 7 A. ftL K> Mf. 24- MTfLli, Jr.', -V». Mio ft OCtITM STfiKBT, V*m AND BILL pQXEB Promissory Notes.,Stock Bonds, mu! Mortgages , 'bought and cold i.gy | |I»K BAVIMUB IMSTITtriOa, A O, ■ FLw llOSinitnfield street opposite the Custou House. Chartered by the Legislature. OFFIC BBS Proaldent, JAMES PARR, Jr. VIOB PBKBIDKKTB. ffffl, H. Smith H, F. RoJd Thos. D. Messier A. Heir <*n»m Francis Sellers Joahu' Rhodes John F. Jenninga. Jacob Stuckrsth Thomas 8. Blair Alex. Bradley Henry Lloyd Alfred 81acb rsuaTlaa, Josiah Kina C Zug A 8 Bell Jos Bilworto f 8 8 Fowler W A Roed Jas W W oodwdl H C Sohinero F Rahm C W Riokewoe J M Tieraai* 8 H Hartman D M Long K J Anderson Jas W Baxioi J) K McKinley C H Wolf Robert P Cocnm, Wm Smith W lhmsen H B J ones B F Jones W H Pholps C B Herron dnOBBTxaT USD TS&XSUEB&. D. B. MoKENLLY. open daily, from 9a.u.t0% p. u. Also, Toes day and Saturday evenings, from Hco 8 o'clock. Deposits reoeived of ONE DIME ana upwards. Dividends declared in Deoember an 1 June of each year. Dividends allowed to remain are placet to the credit of the depositor as pridoip&i, and bear in terest, thus compounding it. Books containing Charter. By-Laws, Ae„ inr nished at the office. A®* This Institution offers, especially to th&e persona whose earnings are gmn.fi, the opportunity ■ to accumulate, by small deposits, easily saved, a; sum which will be a resource when needed* their' money not only being Bafe but bearing In teroet i. *, stead of remaining unproductive. myi hhell OystersV Shell Oysters ttORSTCCOPIJE SALOON ALWAIS ' in advsnee. The proprietor of this noted eat ins establishment has just reoievod a large iua pl 7 of Baltimore Shell to stars. Too* tri.l ?ei served op in the best possible manner, with all : the deheaetes the Market affords,. .Don’t forget the plaoo, oorner ot Fifth, and Galon streets., seat'd ;f V. WEIS, Proprietor. Ur HERE DO TOII BUTT OI<« SHOES? tiO TO NO. 16 FIFTH SIRKEJ and got a Good Article from D. 8. DIFFJfiNbA(JHKK. P. B,—Ladies* good Kid Slippers ;for 60 oe„u jylB t’ALL ABTD EXAMINE THE LAB- geaL cheapest and beetrsteols of Boots, Shoea Gaiters, Balmorals, Gama, the a: o«31 » Market at.. 2d door from Fifth. gjv*>< KET ASB TABU CUTLEBY - «- A .-pioadid assortment tor sale by 0 , . , Wood m. «EIEIVIA« NEW BOOTS, SHOES, GaITKKS, BALMOHALS and UUXIS every Jay at. n WILD TURKEYS—6 WILD TCR _ KBYd. iast received and fdf sale bv FKTZBH 4 ARMSTKONO ot.l _ comer Market and First atret;-. -800 , BBILS choice a.** ■f» 1 LLa. jost received and for sale bj> PKTZKR 4 ARMUXJjOJtu, oomer Market ud Pint sueeu fj JWtTiToiu, PUVB, IfoDDEB 2Jr tterB, / wed d f}Jk •levators, dog DO* ore, ohums, farm mills, Ac., for sale by BXCEEAAf A LONG tgL.Libarty atraat **apkbs chkap-jboloht b 7 ® e^ore “• **** advapM For «al< ooS '.7" ' ' 87 Wood St , B(MT£ rTMS’UmHB •"mtroeehredsndforsalofap «si%Aj flMt nli ggjjr. .:a I m® »fS&raT?iEK^i Hen. miaou ‘MoCatidleM, of.the tfaitei " Etato« ... . Comer of Peim « St. Clair Nt, puif > ' •i^ ) -bnr*h Penn'a., SgffiSEgf Balbtad and Book-keeping, ™ w *‘ Jt «ww at nnfrrhftlfrrloe. ! if pare .men for^oS7ebsS^SiA? SSL-, 'l' itt Ea^ShSy-; th 6 80,18 Md tf.H*. ,; J?ofßpedfo=>ns of Penmanship and CaUlora* ' ' S&e P^n^^ 305 - « " g°lo ' JUSKKUIB Ue f?> °n« of the mot l^^3sfS3!n2SKSS^filESfc‘. U^S’ bl p?s? 1 ? ca :Y,°'i ?J forms no extra •«>* , ip ,l j•“»•«» ; Ma Ofoaacnj *2d Modern Languages. extrt.""" ?n &n PhUo £*• A n ck ru i. - da l- to Lo e ,te tr’in Crak MORNING-- POSI CoR»£fi FIFVI & WOOD STREETS $107,973 01 j|g£Y?'lO <;-. Ri'SJIfXILY JS.MJE IsDltiUUi irL> 1H l JiJTSJtJUIJ W» %"* >s to execute ui o?OT*i i> r x O O£M J[fi HiMfLiKOAO, isoij'Tiu siistitfmnj KlfcXM OF *-A BfUB, C'JKCWEAHS, ~. * lEEI.S. IfEAlttt, BMSTUB, Bm»j CERTIFICATE*;. BESISTERS, *>s’-T fTCHETS, KECKIFIR, P h «w Cards & Bill* in Color*, Sho w bills. Handbill*. Label*, Col- 1 lS2*j aad School Sohsmea, Hotel 3i!.1» cf Parp.Tr vltatiocs.tei,' KfiPSfiAMMES, , *Oll COHCTEB.T3 * J(iHIB CXIOil2 AKS..R UKgUKPASSEIJ^ ANI? ni% a r |i K - HAILEY, or vra YORK, 81. jJandeiion, Sartaparula, Yellow Dock, TKz3 Cherry, and certain. other plants, ; *choB» - virtue* are ten times more effective os magical arants. So Dure and concentrated are the medicinal proper- tap*™ t& with Dr. oolobratMi fIITMJWwTWn ■WingjSrtlkojuo|Uie m throes or .four bottles of (be Win. aresaffioiept to accomplish a ouro in the worst DEBIIaTS. IHU.HX SWEAT*. Wealth State »/ fa CrnuUtatm^mi rarest Wine is a popular reined or all £im complaints: One to three bottle oore thaiwam cases without the use of the Pills; but whanth. complaint is aocompanied with some other der. theJPilfs will be rnnnirertr ■ ther disor- oi'ti.. ft, SJnS’Tf**' “ ai “®ni»tiam is very singular Some of the most distressing eases 1 eve saw been cured by theminten or ‘we!™ "wom*biw AJhj* mm BEEft£s£?Mr* or tS Sffi Wtt ul SuMUrh a “' i -YEYBBS.—One or two yargatif* do««will onre fevers. ■*■ covfiitt, Kr,. Pills, and a bottle of the Wine. y»n brasdtnnamf rare die most severe cold,. I BLOTCHje Sobbed yi-'im fyysfa*. SapsL%!ji£ •Tctiiodaeaaro of tie or three bottles w tie .WinoyfwiU oars the very wont cases* ana frwjnertiy 5j Itvs than hah (_h» quantity. JAUfif3>K £.—l wo Uixee uc the Hlia with n_a many bottles ol tho Wine, care tho ®c:n r>f Janndfce. * BOBLAIvD K, 68 Marker FKMALJK OBSTXCCTIOJiS nrodn/uwt from bacL colds or weakjjp eonsutujjoas., a f ow does of the Foresnvtoe euros tho most distiessim, mm ofthw flamstatataosnitf asms ?aifisKhSffl to th. asoiSft L &*2.&* 2sz&*s»s £2Sh? **• «s?» Forest Wine bottles, one dm by one or more respectable Sr»i£*?} «a?yaK*a®sifis EdncalMF 11^ STEAM PRINTING *sup s a a TO OUR ofi’iOif, *V'fIXT DBS'JUrPTION OT ■V *j o» ttt an olAoe :a the an *? iiaobjlK a«onti«k « K^YBIOPCS, CO ST RACES, •t *: a wm