Amusements. PITTSBURGH THJEATKJS. -* Ijesaee and Maoager V?m, Üb.vdkrbon Treasurer H. Oviriwutov. DOUBLE BILL. aT. a “ 11 / e °oaipany wiU appear Another o*la Saturday mgDt’ebill. ‘ uer THIS EV ENI N(i, the great d of THE OCEAN CUli d M and orvillc be*foilowed by' the " Mlssß^kel 8»l B FIEND. Beatrioe To oonoiude with STATUK BLANC. Horae? 4 * 7 ' Mr ’ K ’ E ‘ j ' MILKS ' with his trained ||||ASOHIC HALL Positively lor One Week Only. Ronday Evening, Xov 88, And fire following Night,, The Celebrated Continental OLD FOLKS Concert Company, Aesipted by the Renowned Emma J. \ichols, The < harming New England HOagulreiw, U ill s»pf ear ai above in tbeir GRAND OLD FASHION HD CONCiifiTS FOB SIX NIGHTS ONLY, Commencing on Honday Evening, Nov. 2Sd And continuing every evening during the week .25 Cent*. AdUlMioD Doors open a* . o clock, t., jummecce at 7% AFTEKJVOOXi (OXCERTS Wal bo ti* • l on TCESDAT IHlMiur tThanhagly. lug Day, and BATrED.IT. THE FIRST GKAKD MATIMEE Will take „!i Tu KSL> A Y AFTERNOON Wo\ fibber 2Ub at "la, o'clock. Tiokotiean be procurjj during tl lo Jay at H. kßrm.. C. f. Mel ~r \ - a „J Caarlott. ialume a Music itorec nol9-9t Philad’phia Advertisements. OHAfi, MAGS.E ZBUR HICKH . W IGEE tt HU HS itti, ..rt.'t- i.-alcr- ip Cloths, Cas&uneres, Satlnotts, Vestings, Tailors’ Trimmings No. MAh'KKT >7htKT, WM. BKIrK A S 0., PKODIVK AM) I’lliiVlMoJ, COMMISSION MERCHANT No, 15 Somh Vl'nier l'f'!LA !' EL/‘III i -K«r LiWr » ! m ' i: nn tideataents when regaind. mv-1» ( i E. H. JIIDDLETOX A HRO mr.iKTKRs < y ' WINES, BRANDIES, &c, and PaaLKRS ;v Fin*' Olil Whiskies. No. 7> North Front street, I’ll! L \DELFHIA mylO-lyd OKxiKCiK T, Manufacture r W \ i ;i • Hel Ail 1; eai' In OTery (tcscrip; ton of Gents’ Furnishing Goods BID ( HISTM T STREET, C. A. VAN KIRK ft CO., M > Nt’K.lCTrßßkf. ,-p OAB FIXTURES & CHANDELIERS, Patent fmpmn) KiMseir 4 Patent Paragon COAL OIL BURNERS, HAKD LAMPS., COLUMNS, &c Salesroom*, 517 Arrhst. Philadelphia. Maniif. -'tors-. Frank'-rd. PtiUdoli hia. cnod? trirrajite-i. C. HAEHY BRIAN, LOKQCOPK A PKABC’E, MANUFACTURER# H- IMPORTERS o y MEN’S ELXNISHING GOODS, AND TAILORS TRIM w I \ OS, NO. 10 SOI'TII IOTRIH STREET, KUI./.I.ELFIIIA “T BE l 1 jy i o ft,” ABCH ST RE ST. tj-iiwem 3d i-.n i j:h rHILAIJEi.PHJA XWE i’VOERSICJX'ED HAVfA»; RK newedtLs lc&*e of the above popular Douse lfer a gorier r* vcr.:<, u-nald rospecttully cp.ii *he attention o' tru. - . "iin* public c-■ it- c ; j,-,. i»u-*ir.esF or \ lea-tire nhS-lri THOMAS s, webf* sojv Walter h. lohkie, XSTENDS RESIMINii THE PRAC TICK Of’ illifi LAv*.. o too i-.iinc h.u?e, formerly occupied by him on Fourth Street, above tinithheld FJIME SHOWER OF FEARI.S A COLLECTION uf Choice Vocal Duets With Plano Accompaniment THE SHIIWER OF RfAßls, codulm the most bee, unn for T*., Sopriho “J rn "i r.nn and Tern r. soprano and bass, rand Te or and Bm ArranH wi han Icc/.m umen/ l : iho I uno iurte. Pla/n bund, 00.' F.':- , :.,”r d - *'«■ Oil AS. C. i\j LLLOH, 1 V-'rod sL no2S-di yt IHA\/; l lII* J)»Y NOLI! hT tv , .tfUJ ‘'l rHli’ CH AN I LEK / and HO AT nTU.REb to K1..N0. MARAI TA At 00., who win PWeTree.; “ ‘ be ‘" d B,Bud ' *«• « Ul Hitnde who have i.atroniaed mo thS«™ n °, , 'V' t ' lte^n >e.Lr;. while connected with foe firmc isH.* .5 I ishsb, Isha*. p,g H K» & SSaout- 1 f otu:n m ' thank* a c nunuance cl the , atnna/re to my *twce>scr . Messr . nEiM i. J/AR V 1 id . Of/ ■ : .r.'t m ' , '" dln “ ,h ° U b^« CmciLr.Ait >c(obor i;>, iy.1.3 * Havici: i archived thn slock of Jno. (J I,ham »nd socivi o.'d in iho firms of Ishain 4 Fishor' BKr,::X3r;K' ilk ” tri JOHN C. HENO, FRANK MAHATTA. FRANK X. RENO, N”. J 7 riibl»o i*andin#. i iSfxi. oc26*tf Oincinr. m. Uc Pirrtiii R..n A iViiixki.ijvii.i.« k. K. umre I mjOTU K TO STOCK HiuliVEKi^Tllr IN Annual Meetimr ~t h„ t L PITTSBIKIid anti C N’.MSLI.dVILLh k a KOAD COMPANY beheld „ the Companv. Jo o; Uu ldi ir Kuurtb strTe the cure! Htißbu ch .>» /ho KIK.-'i md-vd’. v Uerentli d».v,ufl>e«tnbcr next. »• U <„ck 'V for the /,uncle ol electins twelve lii-ctm. i T the ensnine year. ° 023 --*d W. 0. HI QIIAHT. :>e'r. LOT OF Manufacturing- and Cigar Leaf for Sale. M (OLUsi tij d KAER. lOS WOOD KTKi'KT tnrinYS.d'c.i»‘'r n w fl 5,h“h n t l h lo ‘ ° f Roll at very le.•••««. r fo? ..,f h *7. "• ordered to f mplftfi. L till] rtDtl FOC tho PILOT Dia.4l) aVd of all kinds node from the market affords Pnt no in boxtl t „.K? tcrial for the river and home trade. To be had***”^? l 8 Boston Cracker Bakery” * 64 FOURTH STREET. All orders promptly filled. “>“> J & & JMAavnr. .Annie Eberlie toroner’s Inquest In the Cose 01 Thomas Kattlgan. The coroner’s jury, empannelled to in quire into the manner in which Thomas Rattigan, late ship-agent, came to his death, ro assembled at the office of Aider man Donaldson yesterday afternoon. The first will,ess called was Peter Wheeler, the bellman at the Penn street crossing of the Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne and Chicago Hail way, who testified that he was at his post about twenty minutes before eleven o clock, Columbus time, on Saturday night, when Rattigan approached him. Rattigan was bleeding very profusely, and said he was struck on the bridge. He assed witness to go with him to b doctor, bat he coaid not leave his post. Win. Best and John O’Reilly, both of whom were very intimate with Mr. Ratti gan, testified that they saw him at the howler House, kept by 1.. Appelbee, on thecornerof Penn and Washington streets, on the day of ihe evening in which the injuries were inflicted: Mr. Rattigan had driven there. Mr. O'Reillv testified that be had seen Mr. Rattigan at Applebeo’s as late as ten o'clock, and that he was perfectly able to take care of himself. Mr Applebee testified that Mr. Rattigan left bis house about ten o'clock, apparently able to take care of himself, and that be hod no difficulty there. William Pinkerton testified that he knew Kattigan very well; that he saw him, in company with P. MacDamee and another man, eating oysters in Eli Young's saloon, on bmitkheld strep', about a quaner of L’i en \° C * oC k t * !P n| ght he was* ir i a red Eli loung testified that Mr. -Ranigan might have been in his house, bo: !< e could not swear that he was. Robert Johnson, night watchmv, -s -t>lat Watchman Doyle gar,.- Mr Rvtigan into his custody about :hn- ~.r *’“ ir minutes of eleven o’clock. The above is the substance-of the evi --.ce p!-,.-.tad yesterday before tK-jutv 1: will be seen that tbe witnesses d' •J. K.-OM.N UJCKB. >' elB (i J WO P E. grcahy as t, lime, and 6ome of them must have been mistaken in the man. The jury ad;onr;.ed to meet ibis afternoon at two. when some othsr witnesses will be pxmmnetl. Ihk following communication i, from r, gentleman eli„ has been waiting a whole of -curß a front seat It) per Vest vali. Haung failed, he feels himself ji.oi.Le i m wreaking his anger npon that useful, ornamental and numerous olaee of psrscms denominated ‘•deadheads. For Tbc I’o-'. " e lakf ‘ l ' for gnu.led the: when a manager opens a iheoire and engages ‘‘stars he has at least two otjco's in view ; first, to make it pay. and second, to please and accommodate the public that pays him. We will Iherefore suggr-e to Manager Henderson thai when he admits a lot of deadheads he defrauds himself, and is unjust to the paying public. These loafers neon hand every night, especially if there is any extra attraction : and thus, during a six night’s engagement, crowd out or render uncomfortanie, six times their own number of those to whom the mar,a ger looks for his support. One or two members of the editorial corps of each newspaper would be a libera! free list ‘or one theatre. The manager has everything to gain and nothing to lose by cutting off the restot these ‘‘front supernumeraries.’’ If a man is not able to pay the price of admission he mnst have very little self respect to accept it as a charity ; and if he is able to pay. he must be an inate loafer, of the first water, lo receive a favor from one on whom he has no claim. In fact gentlemen who are fond of theatrical Bmusements are loth to be seen verVoften at the theatre lest they may be even sub pected of belonging to that amiable fungi, Dead Heads. Some managers in the east are already doing away with the entire free-list, and if they can stand the back biting and slander of this class where there is so much opposition in the amusement line, certainly it c&u bo done here whe*-° there is so little. Justice." I'll il A I'KLPill A The following teWraph dispatch was received from Geo. H, Stuart this morning. Philadelphia, Nov. 27, 1863. 1O" Christian Commission meeting on behaif of the Richmond prisoners las* night was wonderful It wa? in the chnreh of Kpiphans, Re;-. Dr. Newton's. Bish op Potter ; resided. The collection is about twelve thousand (12.000] dollars aod more coming in. Every standing place was filled U-ng before the hour. A separa’»• mating organ : zed in the lecture room. 1 hfl crowd going away would glad ly have organized and filled another house could CLO have h- t n obtained. The Gov ernor elect of Ohio, John Brough, and: Major B'-.irr, from Libby prison, '.he h:-m ! of seven Laities, and as many wounds, '"'■'ng th-° diatinguithod rpeakers. Geo. H. Stuart. Chairman. Nkc- National Bank—A lew of the wealthy citizen? of Allegheny city and viciuiiT have f,,r some time pa6i. been discussing the subject of establishing a new barb; i:, tha> city, under the proves nrs 01 the late Bauk Act. On Wedneg day lav hooks were accordingly opened, end during tho forenoon of that day cIOtMMO were subscribed to the stork. Since ; ,at lime-owing to the number of applications made to- Block, the turn l as been i -creased to $160,000, all of which is talon. 1 bis may finally be incieueed to $200,000 A bank ot issue located in Allegheny, with so large a capital, would be a great V>ub 1 1: hem fib r.nd would, douhilnss. tnce: :k a liberal palrotrage by the gro-1. g business interests of that city i ht. Barker Case Closed. —On Tnes dayo! iaji week the case agaiuHt Mrs. fc-liza .1 Barker and family, of Beaver were brought to a termination in the Wash,ngton county Court. The District Alton.-y el Beaver county Mr. Rolan) havtr.p' enieroti a no! pros, on each in dictment. Mrs. Barker. Bnd others, was indict, d. ' bulged with aiding Bit Sheets, tne i. to escape lrom Beaver county jni Fearing she would not have ail tin partial trial iu Beaver, she obtained a chain." . I n-i.uyh Washington county. A most esl ..null!- in ly l mR 1h f I',- 1, r e], | r heved Iron, a prosecution and persecution ot h most extraordinary chamr'cr. Tl.- natnerous iriet.dn cl Mn, Barker in thic, City will 1 ,s pleased wnh the rp-ult. S°U"ER S Familiks. —We understand Ihr.t there Arc maty families of Union sol diera in line Lily ai.j ndjacenl boroughs, Whu Are neased h„ the of life. The amouut they receive f, o m their h.ia Clothinff, fuel, and everything else ling at Boch high oncea as thev arc r i -- ent. In other cities, fairs, cot -'e,V"eV hibitiotn. 4c , are g ft? : up ,‘., r ;h „ lf ,,‘ fit Oi BOldier's families Why c„nno' something of the kind be done here ? W’e are satisfied that a thousand dollars or more could be easily realized in Pittsburgh by one or two entertainments, if properly managed. Who will be the first to move in this matter? ™ K SATUBPAY MORKCTP. y»» m> 18ea daily post HATUKDAY. NOVEMBER 28,1863. S. n. PETTEJTGILI, A CO., * l " 37 Park Row, New York, and 6 State street Boston, are our aeents for the Daily and Weekly Post i n those cities, and are author ised to rake Advertisements and Snbsoriptions for us at our Lowest Halts. »au.y and week ly post e * be procured at # the Newe Depots of J * ” • Plttook and Frank Case, Fifih street, with or without wrappers. Daily 3 ecu's; Weekly* oente. LOCAL INTELLIGENCE' Dead Heads. Contineuial Old Folks rs will uot forget that this popular roxr'j.ny wu! u grand ma tinee at Ma,o:iu- Hi!' :h,i afieruoon. 1 hpy will appear. in character dressee, and give r*.;• tall programme. To-night will be t tie of their regular concerts aud those who Lave not enjoyed the pleasure ot hearing them should not lose this opportunity. -We do not know how an evening could be more pleasantly spent than by listening lo their admirable performances the exquisite singing of , N ! ch ''' la is ’ >° itself, a Treat worth the whole price of admission, and has been so well appreciated, that a com plimentary benefit has been tendered her by many of our 1,-a 'mg citizens She has accepted me stun-, , vnc j 6p ,, oilllad Mon . day evening for the Concert, which will take place at Concert Hall. We subjoin the correspondence: , „ Pittsburgh, Pi„ Nov. 25, 1883 A f J, , N 108O v. LB r lJear Madam : The under- of yourtal er.traid abili ih as a s»ee: sinter and having ripenen-ed great pleasure. In listening to the many twee songi and ballad* with which von have delighted cur citizens, during the dm week. at Muomo Hail, a.e desirous of tending tok’n of C '° mplimen j &rs Testimonial. as a flight tok-nof our retard for y, u. as a fady a:S Ilyon will appoint an evening, when in con winHav* ,h 6 “Continental ild Solis." you will farcr your friends and admirers with a special oonoert. you wilt fcigh’y gratify ours HotjpeciJuiiy, r H A B ‘p»c W KLLOR * {?• c - Sawtee, Mayor J.A. hitbitfs. I>. D. Coe ' H. Klkbsr A Bbu . and many others. »» Pittsburgh, Pa.,N(V 27 ihhr rsS ‘ i 6 „n h i'e?in h gT. r a Comi.linier.tary Ust m-nial, 1 wouldresnect at Cdn a .'e P rt'[I t :'ui.“' :,,ar SoTe “ B « »“>■ ' ° f Sin"™ pleji'O, Ireuisin Truly iours -Ni.fluLS Hoop >kikts at McClelland n< Fromoik.., -Mr I>*vtd Garrett, recent y Conductor on the I'tnladelphia Express, 1 rain M«hr of the Pittsburgh di v i... i o t.. P ent.s vl van : n Rail road; b..*o ~t Aitoo.m, P„. Have has pruv.-f h,:n.-eit a suc-.-esstul. use ■ul railroud mm, .mi u . r .. r H! „i just h , honorable . -t,| v 4 ,„ i:i e ,j a elation wittuu . gif; ot the (Vtitrai Head, and We predtt. too. m await him. 1 A.-tp I iißo: on - -T: .. j wtrllih Illinois CSV;, fry. wider fOrj, ,-..1 c t l.,eilt. (’• 1 t-'sv.s, pawd throne: .-.ty yesterday. en route lor 0ur.,,,,.. Th~ regiment. which now uumb.-i a atoi.t t 0..: hundred has enlisted hr three join, mid have been granted thirty days turlough to recruit up >o the full number. They fti.-.ushed With provisions Si City Hali by the Sub eist.encc Ct mn.^u-e. Shirts, white ’id’s Promotkl'. Cap,t. dames A. Kkic Assistant y a -.rerma«l..r at Indianapolis, has !;»t'-,y rvc> ; v. .1 km brevets -Major, Find L:r-,t. < • !c*n.- —tor the abb- and sat jry n : t hr- .: ;i -r mi wr.ich bf- bus diechar ••* ‘' 'di r- II;h i,umi rou? V‘” :k , • Wl " r,M t d'-**’ v.• t j [ rorr.otion. fin: \ li'ati a.s :v g k —lt wft, under stood il.m a d-iegati. r.l coir citizens left last ever, ir 1.-r Cha iar.e r ga. to assist in ministering ih- w-.nie M s lrilf jj ftn d woiinde,. sold-v. ]t. will go out under .the auspices n; :h. C. S. Christian Com mission. ‘ CoSFIRMAH - las- Sunday Bishop Domenr. vi-ne.i S: Patrick's Church. Pittsburgh, h.i preached at ' the late Mate, nttpr h«- enrhrmed hun dred and tin- p-renr .. poir- 0 ! whom were cor.vpr’s;. Balmoral Skirt* £2 50. at McCiel land * Orl'lXation - Cath.n .-,r t ys ■ Rev. .u , ' , r ' l - 8 r.; tbn d.ocese in the American College at Home, was or dained Pries' by ti... Cardinal Vicar Pat razi, on Sefitember 19, J HKATkK. --The nautical drams of ‘•Ocean Child" and seven:: other good things are on the bi.i lor to night. Messrs. Loveday, Kernes, and Sefton. all clever actors. Will appear, and a capital perfor raance may be pxpooled. Old bc-LKs Matinee —Oar readers wil remember that ihe ireaHosc Jockey Club. Iviolette Jenny Lind | Verbena Jonquile. Vetfvert Mm T “ e Vanilla M lllefl "*rs iWeetKnd Magnolia White u o , , Blonom , P*. • ' n 11 A. a highly coneentra* ted rersian to.- • elecanr SSiSt tAndl.-rchic-;,. „ r ? a^Sigj hS? B, p having Croajns, Preparations for the s*Ss» ag ifs*sss " s «• I; iB.Y TELEGRAPH, I T. THE DAILY POST. From Gen. Meade’s Army, Kebel General*) S well and eater from ( HATTAKOOOA Nkw \osk. Nov. 21. - A dispatch tram Cincinnati last night to thp Philadelphia inquirer, says: We have acme report 6? , {' om which seem to indicate that Gen. Burnside is perfectly secure in his position. The rebel cavalry are now in the country lying between Cumberland (rap and Knoxville, but no damage has been done to our communication with Burnsido as yet. Lougstreet has not made a heavy assault upon the city ; but seems to be anxious to secure promineut posh tions for his batteries, so that he can com mand the place from different points, and demand a capitulation. , He acts as if his force was not sufficient i to hazard a heavy battle under existing I circumstances. A column is already in i mo:ion for .the relief of Burnside under General Wilcox, and reinforcements are being sent forward as rapidly as practice ble. Parson Brownlow is in the interior and working hard to keep open commu nication with the army. A special to the Tribune (Washington) dated November 27th, 1.80 p. m.. says : Advices received ihis morning by the ar Department trom Grant, state that. I the pursuit cf the rebels was continued I yesterday by Hooker and Thomas, i Bragg attempted to make a stand at Chickuraauga station but wag again forced bat k. The rebels were in full retreat ihe army of ihe Potomac advanced yes .-day morning and undoubtedly crossed the Rapidan without, much opposition, as firing was heard at Bt-alton station. It commenced at nine o'( lock and was kept up ur.iii three p. m , the sound receding all the t:m«- until a! las' it was scarcely heard, ar *via*nce that Lee ;* reireatiog towards iDchmoud There is i.*.thin*' later from Burnside, it is conjectured that Lnngstreet will at tempt to ifj .it) Bragg, but ample pro? - ion has beeffmade u, pr'-vrnt the c ,* bud cnatioc of any such attempt, he will therefore bo forced to retreat into V:r ginta if he is abie to gc* away at all. There is official ouihonty for asserting that ,u the sev-ral battles just i :ught before Chattar.oogo we have captured T.OOr prisoner* a: leas' The Rtjmhlican h thpfo'.ljwinp :r. at. rxva Lhn.tuir\"<,'j’i \,, c -z~ -The Ritiiftt^n It night h.ghh iH'ißliwirrv. Hcok.r'f, Falm-, - and Sh-rtr.-.,)'8 are nearly ler. ra.l-e tcyond Chatianoops creek, in t nr»r.t: -■< 'h- cm-rH’n* ht-v . f Brapp, win ;; -i,.;, - . vrv ■ nape our advum... N’ ; ar Dai'c n ' n sharp fiiibr thU nr P„| tn » r '« h ’,i, ■[... e took four puns m.d throe hundred j - ,on en. Sh»rmar, is rei-nrierf t . have ced irorn I'vne B t„t on .or .-It, t O -dav and cut cff rw-. ; j, t ..s. ia i roads slot.* whirl. id t "i.a'ir,; „ re hned with cm sto--. wagons, commissar? o.nn medical -core- Prisoners say that it is impossible for the rebel ~.*0.,-. make lh*ir -roops stand, tc. I. .■ e » cavalry command their raid on East Ten nrssee Hail, -s i to night, They destroyed the road filleer, miles above and below C eve,and and burned a rebel foundry at Cleveland, where large q-snimes of mo mtions of war was slored, one hundred wagons loaded rrnli baggage and captured *UO prisoners. C.,1 Long was attacked subsequently by a superior f orce 0 f j n fantry, cavalry and ariillery, but succeed ed in bringing his prisoners off. Our loss vmo l l ; rec . dß y', R fiKht will not exceed •>(X)o. Maj (ten. Logan arrived. New York Nov. 27 -A Eerald dis patch. dated from Headquarters Army of the Potomac. Nov. 26. save The entire army „ moving this morning, and before this can reach you will have had a fight, unless Ihe enc-my shall have taken the „int ana moved toward Richmond. I never »p.w an army in b-nur spirits or condition Ancuier Army o: the Potomac dispatch to the Herald, on the 26th, stat- s that the army moves at daylight. The rebels have only a strong picket force with some ar tillery t ..-low Mu, hell's Ford. The,r line extend. Iron-. ,h • south hank of the river from th» vtrm-r- of White's Ford, to Mießnru where,: lords to the South, toilow.r,, the weft look of Mile Run, which is stror.Eiy tor’.Sed. At the Fords below V:,,, Rjir. they mcely have small or looeys with artillery to prevent our scouting parties from cros sing, hut it is possible, Since the publica tion ot G-o, Meade's plan of movement, and the cresequent suspension movement, that they i.a.-e strengthened these points and will make a desperate effort to hold them st McClel A oat tie » ■ xpscltd a- Jamaica Ford ora laeooe Mills—perha, „i both. The corps of A F. Hill has the left of the rebel line, and that of Ewell the right Hill s corps wag reviewed by Jeff Davis in person on lu.-sdny, and Ewell’s on Wed nesday. Information eceived of a private nature gays that the rebel Gen. P. 8 „, ha H died from wounds i eceived at the battle of Bristow Station General Ewell has been absent from hi 3 corps : ,r some lime from sicicness, and i. is reported in the rebel lines to day that i... i. aDo dead. Genera. Ear.y u commanding the corns temporarily ' y •A MHOS v METER On Moi.div Gen. Gregg moved bio di vision ~! cavalry, according to orders is sued the evening rrvious He crossed ,h - Kapidan at E.hs ford, with his whole command, captor ng a few prisoners, and dnvmg the rebel pickets back with some loss. \\ ben he had perfected his crossing he received countermanding orders, and was obliged to recross to this side o’f the P-ioe 75 Cents, Prf-o 75 Cents. Another dispatch to the Herald of the same date fays : At Mantissas artillery hriDg was heard during the morniog, which appeared to be in the direotion of one of the fords on the Rapidan. Some mud to .1 limited intent impedes the progress uf the artillery and snpply trains, but the roada are corduroyed, so nothing has bet-;, stuck thus far. it is the lirst time fin a long period that the Army oi ihc Potumao has out itself loos» tium supply stations, and moyed with its supply trains laden for a long march. Never has it been in condition to lenve with so great celerity as now, every pound of baggage and camp equipage not necessary for daily use having been sent to the rear. The weather is magnificent Ihe last supplies for the present on the line ot the Orange and Alexandria Rail •road were issued to the army late last night, and early this morning the depot of Commissary and Quartermasters’ stores, with all their tents and camp equipage, were sent to Alexandria. Nsw York. Nov. 27.—Admiral Less ofhy has enclosed to Mayor Opdyke four thousand five hundred dollars, subscribed by the officers of the Russian fleet in be half of the poor ot this city who will need roel this winter. The rebel Lieutenant Grogan arrived in Richmond recently' haring made his escape from Fort John son, in Lake Brie. THE WAR. Posey Reported Dead Ac., Ac , Ac. Washington, November 27. Accounts received to-night from the Army of the I otomac say our troops broke camp yes terday morning, and marched toward the Kapidan in three cojumns. Regiments consisting of the 3d corps, supported by tne 6th was ordered to cross at Jacobs’ lord ; the 2d corps to cross at Germania lord, and the sth, supported by the Ist to cross at Culpepper ford, between Ger mania and Elias' ford. The centre col umn arrived at Germania about noon, and only a small picket gnard of cavalry was seen on the other side. Latest reliable in telligence is that Lee's forces does not ex coed 50,000 men Ewell if not dead is relieved of his cm His corps in consequence is disa bled. Hp has bi-en succeeded by Gen Early-. The rebel ,-avaby , ? nominally 6,000 strong. Oer 'ro;ps reached the other »ij- oi the Aapidau yesterday and the remainder to day, togeil—r with heaiquarte-s, which moved before 2 o'clock. This lorenoon tne was discovered in lorce, but contracted nie lines and fell back. No opposition v,aa made to our crossing, ex cept at the upper fords. Sborily after 9 0 clock this morning heavy cannonadirg commenced, and continued up to this al teruoon w About intermission, but no par ticulars of the engagement have been received n\ Washington. Late last night Mosbyl wnh his cava'.y captured a train wb.le :t was movim, Brandy stalion to our front He s.'cnn d Utteen wagons and one hundred and thir ty nine mules, and burnt one hundred ar ; d ninety one wagone-they were l with oatc. New York Nov. 27.-We have received files of ihe Nassau, N. P., Guardian per steamer Corsica, from which we glean ihe following: Turk’s Royal Standard says the Spanish Iroops in I’cesln Plata are said to be nearly 4 000 strong. Several hundred Chinese had arrived from Havana to act aH laborers to the Spanish troops. t here are report! flying around that the at. Louis hod sunk the Georgia, and rice versa, but I think we have no certain infor mation here, though, as the S Louis and Georgia were both in the neighborhood of the Canary Islands, there may be some truth in it. Two cargoes of slaves have been landed on ihe island lately. Washington, Nov. 27, 1863. —Chatta nooga , 1 o clock a m. y Nov. 27. To Ma jor General Hallerk: I am just in from Ihe irnnt. The route of the enemy is most complete. Abandoned wagons, eaiaoDS, and occasionally pieces cf artil lery are everywhere to be found. I think Bragg s loss will fully reach sixty pieces of artillery. A large nrnnber of prisoners hare fjiiien into our hands I n~ purfiit will> t.- R*d Clay 1.1 the morning, for which j-lacp I f-hiFi vi iir t in a faw hr,ur* (Signed.) t . S. (i ka s - i Major General. We have official wu h , r .y •, r asserting nai in the several battles just f oghl be-' ore Chattanooga w- h,,-.. captured ’at least sever, thousand prism om 6 New Y’osk. Nov. 27 -Richmond na pers cOLlru-.. Ihe t-,11-wi.; C dispel,- Lea : Charleston, .W 20. K c tw.-en two at.d thro,. oVm, k ».-Tn...g the o.. m j i„ s -.eral barges an reached >umter. and upon being hailed L-um the fori an-wered w-th oaths and discharged several volleys mn»ketry. which renlied to by the garrison. the .-ngagement lasted from h.t- er-. -o twenty mo, ,tes, when the barges will drew Moul-r,e. Bee and John.,,- Rise opened -ti the barges. It i« ,. 0 i known wn.-.t damage was done to theta. Major hb-Tt -ays ,t was a feigned assault. C harleston, hot. 22.- L-tst nigh, eighteen _ I werti ibrow r, into ih« city hvtwreu 1- find 2 o’clock. I»*d boildinpa 0 tuck bnf no person injured. Washington. Nov g 7 Noth'ng, whatever has reached hero up to four o clock n. rn, from the army of th- Po lomac. The firing on the front, reported by passengers by yesterday evening’s train is only me usual cannonading occurring when cither parties is driving the advan ced p.ckots off the other as we were do Ford e 8" ‘ y ' hP Tiei ' ,i '- 7 of Germania New Haven, Conn , Nov. 27.-The town election to day resulted in favor of the Union ticket by a majori y of 116- a change of 620 since last fell, when Davis earned the lown by 600 majority on a much lighter total vote. £ave Thyself. DR. S. CUTTER’S ENGLISH BITiEHS, THE GREATEST NEBTTIVF rwn V>^\ E IS A A CURE FOR INTEMPERANCE. ,c * ,A .NERVINE, IX ALLAYS Till? chrome inflammation nfthe stomach in *ail penjm.s addic’&d to the use of stimulants and fS° ll^ SUC S' U Alcoholic and M®i “SuS£ Opium, Morphia. Arseni; Tobacco, etc etc Tt removes the morW appetite or craving 0 T the r^ Ch f S r l: lUmlaD ' 8 -‘ £c - In Headache. Nm? MaNerWne. 1 ncrv ' it has no oquai it gives a healthy tone to th« stomach, improves the appetite, corrects liver derangemen’s, regulatosthe bowels, removes lon dliri »4f£?2:rA“t. 4 a» KiV^-rg" imperfectly executed. disease Instead of heifthk scattered through the system. When oar food is properly digestel, pare blood .nn„iiij.u U , l o tche 6 .&,^.X^ Old Sores, Mercurial and Vecerial TaintTaSd other diseases arising from impure blood, disao wln gutter’s English Bitten and you will ha.e perfect digestion and pure blood. For particulars of this oelebrated Medicine 5,™"" Ur ' Lutter ’ s circular from any hf om 1 _ N. \ AN 13IKL, 118 N. Seoond street, ' t* eDt) Philada, IOKKhNcK AMcGaKK, Aienli l ornorof Fourth and Market sts, T’ntsburgh O'tlMy by * refl>6ctabll! L>nut(riBt.- of every description, manufactured by them selves. ana they are Prepared to offer on usual mdeoements both to wholesale and Retail Buy ers. Ihe material used In the manufacture of our skirts u of the very best quality, and, being Sfiii 8,61 1416 the work is «££ auteed. All skirts purchased at our establish ment can at any time be repaired. We cordially invite all buyers to call on us before before aew bere, as we leel oonfldent that the extent of our business enables us to offer in ducements not elsewhere to be obtained , „.. , A GaRFOTKKL, «e2-dmd 57 Fifth at., under Masonic Hall- Without any Advance in Prico. | AHT,r CKMRKT I Til K Nk W CaEPST stobe, W " 3hlll wsV d^!E“n B d?ik ? SL mon,h ' “ A full line of CARPETS, FLOOR OIL CLOTHS, In sheets 8 to 24 ft widei Woolen Lruggeta and Crumb Cloths, WINDOW SHADES, Table and Plano Covers, Uu«*. «M», Sitalr Rods, Ac. Ih«se goods have advanced in first ha; Ht from TEN tn TWENTY-FIVE pSrTenT T f[hm ibi t> days, and «re now filing t lA'.« TH.i.y MANUiAUTUREiiIt .-HIuES Uur stock It almost entirely new, all beet been purchased wittln ninety days for oask at the very lowest prices of the year M’FARLAND, COLLINS & CO. i\OK. 71 and 78 FIFTH ST., Between i'catofficv and Lispalcn Buildm® nOi6 VOTHL-IO TH£ STOCK Hoi n. WAISK* 1 com T No. 23 Fifth street, Pittsburgh, at "a. in, of the 141 of December, proximo, For .purpose rfc ntiderir.g an agreement for The Sale <>; the Frauebiae, To bo a oi that Company, to the Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne and Chio*SrliaiiJ?s Company, as provided in " Act ofthe 0 oin FeoiTl“ PITTNBUHBH OESBBAL MARKET. Office OF TOE Daily Port, i Bu»in e s»l'S“t T ' November 28. 1883. } A hoUidayin iK middle o?tL^£! T S T*'" I ?'' terferoa with buslnS. w. de . in leu-ge operators before' the middle if°,h for “F Their was, however a aten.-i?a °/ tlle tbe leading articles kt f ? r me«; the wants of the Wi tSfi, 1 r ? cipa,ly . to made we note the fSlfewinin imon * l^e Apples— The market at nrfaent • ample supply. The receipts P £y phi riiL r m i? an a-oadily increased. We rotesalesnf t^ er a7Q i sin* 600 bbie. at $2 5Q@2 75, 9of 0 8 oompo- Butter— The market was firm with a », n J demand, in &ot ail good paroelg purchaser? at 25@ 28c The sales at r ®Pgrt*d to us, exejods 3,100 fcj. * ure * Whisky-Dealers in whisky in all pans of th® the artLo ~PT t 0 , bo eoltiog wild. Bod hare ron iSnit? 19 9ap t 0 eit ravagant prioes, Tie idea of figured rjr ?.7 JOnraw . at "l@72c. are eertainiv tall &W ,ato ad -. bran-i* at $7 25 p bbl. The recerthtThS' B t [ a7O . rtto i*on the iperosso. receipts by the nver ®i ur ”. ‘J ? m demard The reccing 23 lO9dS W "° dialed wenot ° w»v *s W m? V Th“ ™?e *i-3K e t wwwaria Si .ome d! y , “fncii. Prices !'"mii'aTa| 5? n ° ,ed —ioiea »t m, “j ,°' 5 ’*' mi *»al at &1 25. Hats «wag«gß»ni PITTSBI gSH MITIUhI: | ti _ . Saturday. jVov i* T f ' b«*M3F*3**s traced. Amonr tV.ES werV™ foil'w“’ JE S d „ W^| r „ fi^rr> - b^'lt «ore “t an *d™’ c T T e h “ ,,ure 1 fr >- !*'<* Bonded were 32@35, .* Fwe^laSV'dJ}* 8 & t um iale-s ou bb's delirtred in b!VL V TWENTY-FIVE DOLLARS. br ®^« l >t uot from Uter •J**?' J-ondonderrT. Corh, or* Sal. STtiTamKM J° rk - ‘ n FI “ T ULASB MAIL Twenty-Five Dollars. . brc “ £hl f ' nt ty Sailing Vernal ai rates. Ai'ply to . .... £>. O’NiSIL " ouilding. TO Vittn st.. Pitt»btu*h. Pa. HOOP SklttT MAi\UFAOTOB¥. CKDIUUItiIIE]) WOULD RF_ A SPECTTULLY inlorm the Tubilo that they Ma,oefc°H^n lh i 8 ,k r 6 0 ’ 57 Kfth ' tre »V Masonic Hall, with a large assortment oi Hoop Skirts, ** A T N o a , MiS T i C wo B K E R I» prepared tc.Cement the eaterior ui buildmgt with improved Maetio Cement, cheaper md n penor to any done heretofore. This cement hat no equal.- >t forma a sohd and durable adheaiv" nest to any surface, imperishable by water oi frost, and equal to any quality ofstone. rioiT-^^, ral *? ed .a“ the QHlj and orao tioal workman m this cement in this eity 1 have applied this Cement fdr the following yentlen : . whom th-- fo I. ’are - liborty to re ier to: J. reaidenoo i'enc g.'n .• anisked, '■» yra Jtis. Ht vandless, Allcghe. y. dr rj yn t & dt. r, yj* J. D, McCord, Pehn btreec. !>• 4 idoeyoler, Lawronoey: 1* d<. * ~ 7i: Oirard House Pittsburgh, io .1 St* CkwlM do do 5 yn Address Washington Hotei Hot *&4>4 Pittsburgh P. 0. iob&Uyd Jacob Keller, importer and wholesale dealer in FOREIGN WINES & LIQUORS, 160 SMITH FIELD STREET, Three doors above 6th street. JACOB KELLER WOULD OTITE Jf. particular attention to his otnek An Win os and Frenoh .brandies whirthk® nna ® ft* • tU^ h„t U i .I 8 ’ *WI to any In the oity, al- '"‘“ZSS* fNOB THE LADIES.—AT M’CLEL * LAND'S Auction House. 56 street, wiU be found a large and varied assortment 01 Ladles 1 and Hiesdr Balmoral Boots, Haiten, Slippers, Baskins, oam Over shoes, &o_ Ac, SOiS RIVER M iters we’rfaifouTL L fSi .“oVT !I^ weather miM for*.' on the wharf wat very active d names* ABBJVAJLN ASD DEP AItTUIt K* . „ Ul . ARRIVED, o m 11 ?! 10 ' Dennett. Brownsvillo. . - Clarke, Brownsville. Jas. Reese Peobleo, Klizaboth. Ti'iit 3 "r * N S' s s i3t . Maysvilie , Jqlie, CopJson, Zanesville ~ ’ , DifipARTRU. * Clarke, BrowusvUJo. franklin, -Beanett, Brownsville. Jaa. Rowe, Peebles. Kliznbeth. STEAMBOATS. ‘Retf, White and Bine” Line. whe«..T» ROUGH direci ior •**“We low no Barge*. tUtP.ZZ' ■' comprising the new- «srw» eleg.e; B. B , clan"f~ passenger steamora, CoICo Er KT -f *'“ t'r —Klee, clerk: CRICKET v n s' •'*2s) , mfu ~ tnastei—Gaylord, o erk ; MlAsl' master—Bryson, clrrs. TheabtvenaaotT 1 -' era leave positively as adver bed 6 KOd BEO, WHITE AM blue uB; TOWS NO BARGER n™ ATi h THIi ® , ' W A.VI( tII'LE.VBII) -^ 8 frelghtor ~,»El^^. Je M. CORKVTKLL (JACOBS WEIJ. At KERB CARRIAGE MANUFACTURERS, SILVER & BRASS PLATERS, And ir anof.cturers of Saddlery & Carriage Hardware. No. 7 St. Clair street, and Dnejnesne Way (near the^e) JjniTED SHOES, KlvUed Bools, Warranted Boots, Best Shots, Best Boots, Copper Fastened Shoes, Copper Fastened Boots, Of every desori- tion for Men, Women and Children. Guaranteed to (rive aatufjo ion and t&“ KE PA IKED FREE-Sa li‘ ur*Bati.-:la:t ry, at Concert Hall Shoe Store, no2o fla Wri H STREET. '• ”• BS ° KHil< ••• ™«»«T .. LONG. beckhah a lose, Wholesale and KetaU Dealers in Agricultural and Panning Imnleijente, Seeds, Frnit Tre«s, <4e. AOESTTS FOE HOCKKTOfE A AM l“l°o“«r ° led ,: ° r ™ Kake - CookTs^S Nest door to ■*"«’ c _° 8 _ PITISBUKQH, PA. a RPLEiVBIO STOCK OF Saoques, Cloaks, Oiroulars, RR o', l V/, H COBUEG3 POPLINS Rtppjf BELAINEd, MUSLINS' I tNKNS and at „H,J LINCH’S, No. 96 Market street, between sth and be Diamond. gJMMVI'SK UE. BEOWN’S OFFICE, 60 -UMITHriELD STEEE'j Citiioni ana strangers in , f „ > "ilVßr^n? 0 ' fai L to **« him a 05l ta SKMINAL W2AKHBBB. for .this affllotlon. brought ca t habits, are the only medicines known ' resa -'' “ d BHBIIMATTRM. i^lam”'on r * m#di “