DAILY PITTNKIKUH S ITVRIt \V. MU K'ini:* ISM. Th« I liii-n »“ >1 »»». ■j h,« t im It Ih »*. it.) Lhw tli» r< jKrenlotn. INOitiNINI t.ALI\P«TRV Oar remarks in lust Tuesday's Post, upon a paragraph, copied from an Aboli tion paper, reassuring its readers that Mrs. Lincoln was preparing for a:t utiusu ally gaywiotcr, appear to have aroused the indignant gallantry ot one of the “ gifted m ; ndßV belonging to the Cvinmer cial printing company. We d- not r» member haviug written anything at all objectionable ; certainly nothing so ina«l missible as the abolition of the determination to t-xelude persons with “ large feet and coarse boots” trom the privilege of the coming series ot Presiden tial entertainments. After two days re* flection, however, the gallant and gifted person alluded to, comes to the rescue , and, as is usual in sach cases, whore there is no defense required, he oniy succeeds in writing himself “an ass.” He com mences his defence ot Mrs. Lincoln from an imaginary assault, by quoting the to! lowing lines of singling verse : “ That hkid wd» lajr hi* hand up.n a wuiLau, Save in me way of Mminegfl, is a wretch. "Whom 'twere yroae flattery to name a coward.' - Those who read our remarks which cal led forth this quotation, will at once see how hard was the Commercial's condition for something to bay; no wouder the writer considered his subject for two days. Beaidee, this “ gifted mind ” is at fault in quoting the iineo of Tobin at all ; fur, it was said ot that Hover dramatist, that he was shamefully addicted to the practice, which he. in hia play, makes the Duke Aranza so pointedly condemn. We trust that no one of the “ gifted minds' about the Commercial :s guilty like proceed ings. The Commercial as it pr-*-- e.-ds lr.,m Tobin’s blank verso, 10 its own powerful prose, grows more serious, in reply to our statement that Mrs, Lincoln had been enjoying ‘‘the sweet, amiable, virtuous and instructive society" of the modest ana retiring Mrs. James Gordon Bennett, and also that of the fashionable Chevalier Ws'eoff, cur neighbor indignantly in quires, “who told you that Mrs. ILnnett was not a virtuous woman? ' And then to cap the climax, the “gifted mind” triumphantly exclaim j, “would not a whipped spaniel be ashamedot such cow ardly inuendoV Here we pause, and acknowledge ourse!' cornered, “a whip ped spaniel being ashamed c-f cowardly innendo,” rather takes us, and we cry for quarter. Bat while upon oar knees may wo net modestly venture to inquire what all the Commercial s bluster and nonsense me&DB ? DOG 3 not the gifted minds of that establishment know, that theconbiLt of their fair heroine has given scandal, until papers of the respectability of the New York Evening Pi-st, have hot.:, com pelled to notice it l>o they nM know that she has been r-bu Led for receiving the visits of Wykofk, a notorious adven turer and 7V/«n whom th j Evening Post declares is shunned by all respectable New York society it they do not know these things, we will pardon their igno rance, but if they do they only show their want of a proper appreciation of public journalism when they attempt to gloss over each unprecedented proceedings. Mrs. Lincoln's preparations for unusual gaiety and folly is reprehensible, and if she is determined to persist in it she and her set must not expect to escape the lash of ridicule. The coun try is not in con dition for the carryings on of the Wr koff’s at the White House ; and reasona ble objection, to that National establish-; meet being prostituted to such persons’ purposes, will not be construed by sensi ble people into laying “violent hands upon a woman, 11 But the Commercial's bluster may be intended for the atmosphere of Washing ton : it may have a poiot to make at head quarter?. ; ii so it has put its buncorae on too thick ;it won’t stick Like all toad ies the Commercial bows too low . but lo matter if thrift wiii follow fawning THE COMMERCIAL PRIXTT9TG CO. The managers of this concera appear to think that the proper tone ot a public journal is an admixture of falsehood and ruffianism, rhis arises trr,oi its irrespon sible character, every literary loafer and political quack, who desires to see him self in print, having access 10 its columns. I In its issue yesterday it contain**, a lead ing article in relation to the Fo.it, of which the following ib a specimen : 1 **JBFreRS 'NcUnouore.l slavery. th» Po*t mu port* ‘t- H® believed that a moionty should rule, the Post counsel dis-bedicrea to tho wid ot the m*joritp, He believed the p*ople capable of Kelf*fcoveTnmetit, the Po*t desires the cootiau ance of an institution h-ildinc vast political power from the representation of what its party men Jefpkbson- aided in buildup up yur 1 cion, i.nv , would unly re store tht I monui-on condition!-." Here are jus; four naked and uiiblußh ing falsehoods, which il,. . .-i.dcra of t h.. Post will at ~006 discern. ih. /Wthinks of slavery precisely as Mr. J kfferson- did, and an in relation t:i the I'niou and the right cl majorities to goreni VgRV SO it It Y. Wo iuqu re Id there „i.y .uriiry under the Sle ,'l r °“ r own where such a sheer ■ * Un‘ IrtdtPH woo have veiled the theaire during tho engage, tnent of Vestvali, express :hem\ .i v ,j sa . isfied in the manage men. emitting lbtr Regent's ball in the second act'of the Duke's motto, and also the programme ol performance. These ommisaions they do not particularly complain of. although they are the most interesting portions of the play. They do leei nmazed, however, at receiving what one styles “too much pork fer a shilling,' 1 namely an exhibi tion occasioned by n very low neck dress, worn by one whose rotundity any mous stride of usurpation." it has prevailed by the dictnm of ext-catiwe —not even preceded by such act of Congress as Mr. Webster ihn.n denounced. Then is Mr. Lincoln guilty, or not godly, of a most enormoas stride of usurpation ? If ar, y Civil of competent antbcriiv snoud now issue n w ; t /- t z. _i, „ and caUM, Wp. T.-^ h^ Albany penitentiary and into h.o presence for the purpose ot an inquiry i nto the caaee ofiuß commitment, we can imagine the thunders of impotence and the profan lty which would issne from Mr. Stanton’s private office, and we can foresee thevials of wrath with which the radical press would asperse such a jndge, and Governor Seymour, if he should back the lawful jn- THE PITTSBURGH HOST: SATtTftnA v - ?AUJRDW MORNING, NOVEMBER M, ! ‘ u : ". v W: *h all needful force. ' a: "\ '■ aiiuw also fiaw Daniel W r-Uv'rr would have regarded such a pro »r'i I lit:, . il-is ie bis language : ‘Mhd gemlvinai, from Georgia I n»t;p' observed (hat when persons had be.-n apprehended lor offenses they had been rescued .by habeas corpus', issued by thenvil magistrate. Aid we are to de- whether it be not proper for us to prevent the delivers of ihn citizens of this country from illegal arrest aud imprison Di* nL by th.: interposition cf their great ClVlf ' : iur i.\Lrtl remedy, their writ of habeas corpus* Constitution contains no pr l n?!or. iMvm valuable, it makes no in junoiiuii more direct an J imperative than ret pKimg Inals tor treason and the benrh’s of: Lo habeas corpus. Treason is not le t to be defined, eveu by the highest courts of law. It was foreseen that, in tunes of cciumolion, victims might be sac rificed to constructive treason; that doc trine which. ,-i otner places and other tuutfo. has rhtd a o much innocent’blood, and whu-h brought Algernon Sydney to the nChtkdd. Ihe Constitution, therefore, detines ireason, and prescribes the mode (>. pivot. But what is there in the worst cases ot coustrnction of treason that can be compared, iu point of enormity, to the proposi' >on tiow before ua? This is not to give a la iiud“ of construction to thejudge ; it is to take the cause away from thejudge ivnu curry it to the camp. Instead of indict ment, arraignment, and trial, it proposse the summary process ot martial law. If the propop’.Mon should pass into a law, it takes away the constitutional definition ol ih.-i.tlr-n?-': it takes away the prescrib ed .>t jneof ; it takes away the trial by jury , n. iakrn away the civil tribunal and establishes the military. On a reso- Ituioo this sort I cannot believe the House will consent to deliberate.” V\ about deliberation and without pause, without so much as the unconstitutional authority ot a bad act of Congress, Pres* iilent Lincoln and Secretary Stanton h:wv thus broken down another bulwark 1 -”d liberties. No American cit o t now less likely than before, • ,r i“ ! jur of his need, to nave the se c.l riiy ■ f the court of justice and the trial by jury. The Constitution declares that no person, not of the army or the n.ihiia in actual service, shall be held to answer for a capital crime, unless on pre sentmenl or indictment of% grand jury. Mr. Smithson's alleged crime was defined anti deadly treason. He is a cilizeu and not a soldier : but President Lincoln de ;*-at n>. grand jury nerd have any-- du w ; ih iln- business. The court his grand jury. For the two wit nesses prescribed by law, the court mar -11:11 u,!i >' one, arot be perhaps a ‘••oundiii njdiug ot a creditor, l, \ h rivn1 ' aipuy. And Abraham JAncdn :« (he juage who thus, with a 'lyrh ot his rfvktess, lawless pen, chang* s 'he L iuni tor ihe trial ot treason. Mul-ik Mij-. V HAI i' Lf'Xl . iANi tlAlh BY I'.-ING, 1 h > ki:.j r v r..\ a toh, ! " ’ ’-* 1 r; - 1 L-..at i tying th■? Uhir. ' ‘ .1' r ir.tr 1 into Hi. ry. b': fnvrr b-r known .7. f : ir r /' '•’? **’ n-v* ai tr.nr i*tjlv u.i' u •' 1 •* •' *‘' *• ' 11 .• r mjlete wi in . no i.u»rr i.wsi:.;- - -irocmoiiniment''f any feinj .-eitiK /•<•••• ( ;, r i • -rip* tee attainment of the .''ltowiru' irb> rc-uit-. oth«r than u w»-h >!>•• • . h tij. „ ,( It I'-r •r> v<.,r* thf .\rjf-ur.i. .'vrirrtwni. ’• , '/<• !trh\l,.j , ’ ir "; r * /i''/' N’.'f .i«d filtjtri >' 11 < 1 !■■■ *• rv'‘ t'nlor lo {jit Aye. , ,riil tf>- /.niryrvn FnlUno (W ' v u ■«' ji u n.> .. uj-i*. r -iiaiL? n- 'mtrato or Silver, or ,? J V, r icgredient mitirv u* to eitbo- tkic or Hair Knee ,JNK Di.LI.AK, For s.le by all r »-«$■(• Drogn-ty. •M.NiUN JuUNSuN, General Agent. I’orrcr F- urth and bmithfield sts. AKB tf N i) 11. ,|l> Carbon Oi ' : r; 1 M; - Carb-.t Oil, 1 ' ry ' n '-'il. Carbon uih 1 -i’b -n ' 'il. t arb n oil, ‘.Orlop. Oil. hi h. : hiiju.-t .in in i'nee A lu.-tbrr Keiiu. n n i :j i’ri-.;, • iimther K**-i i i].,n in \ ‘■••rth**: !.e u-'■ i..m Jr.-.-, :url he: iu 1..,n r, Pn.-O, l b he.-, Uh;te 'i, ni A cu.t, per Gad m. Ihe bo.-t Unite Oil at oenta per G»Im m lae bof. Whit, oi: at •>* cents per Gallon, *}) Fiemingv D ru * Store. At Joseph i_k.‘iii• ng'p l»rng Stuie. A' J 'S'*| !. Firm:ngV Drug fstoro,' ' . the I’iatncnd and MnrJiet stre- t. C'irni t the Dumr nd And Market si oet. •ri;o: u! the Diamond and Market street. Pure :i 1 PuUu.li and Soda Ash Pure 1 P.oaai nr j y r . Ja Aah. Pare . ! P.-t sh un.i .-oda Ash, ''CSl.ill’J (>n hand at l-.iw pnees. Oj ■ ..n hacd at l. k price*. c.-o: u.At WHAT IN I i ? 'Uhv. n dint llh*k. ns grey whisker* in five CRISTADORO'S DYE I bh.,u red hair ti a rich and mmptuoua brown ? TRIM * ADftKO’* DYE ! rye e-mtaiiii neither litre lead, ror t trme '-t silver ■' < KIST.tDOROft ! W l "‘ ; »P .:w-, the lest trcnhle and:., m quickly applied 7 < StiKT A DORO'fi ! * lev-’ 1- lire -y cno aT.alyzed aoi in ' '.'URce-.l -rt'e V <;ri*tai>or<>'s i n. Live j.r du, cs Ike ffc. t per.LatcDt effet < R jST a DOKo’n • .M-.uula.-lu.ei'hr .1 tHI-V A D, R.j, tj Astor iU'O. Now \i re Void everywhere. anJ ap ied :,y a2j Hair Jj - >' i' rt r box, according to no2l ImdAw BKAMIKtTH'R PII.US.-WHILE rr,n!retl ; 'c fill- are eo potor t for good m dcrca oi I, .in , l J.* y Hrr hurmleae as b.ead. i’r- rA. .1, 1, . ...1 r [0- UlA n ,j r J,,,.. y earai and J.oi-ate a.j.ier, am cc-it.in t.. motive an increase ol Dea,ih Irom Ibe u-o ul itieso Pill. blo c £6vl i'i Hp,ivon , 11 1,1 ' ai ' 1 l,v "table physician. that thiF medicine always benefits anJ never injures." a herein is Uk, superlative nullity, The Brand reth P,i|; hat e . o i-.i*. r , r action but upon im pure burners in the t. .1 The sieze only upon ■bo irni ur, is. ir, and ..round the parts affected by disease alt ibf par ‘involve iin dec ased rc t ..ns are ‘Periled and clvinsed fiorn all faj.-ncs», aud retofusel with Life" by the won derful curative powers ao-tained and inherent of tl c moot justly fame,! Beandbktr's Pills. J 1 illione of People whose liTee appealed to he »t the lasi ebb. worn out by lever's consuming fires, is,- c..tisum|,:,",r..' m-idi, u< advan.irs by ranking torments of inflammatory rheumatism have been cured by the urn these pills The persons are hvinj witnesses, and thousand., arc resident, in every city of America. Principa Office, No. All Canal s-.roet, New York. Sold hy Thomas Rodpath. Diamond Alley PitUhursh. 1’:,., and all respectable dealers in mrti.cine. noAMm <»nni mptTv*s_the ai>- \ or.iner having boon restored to health in a few weeks by a very Ample remedy.after hai ing suffered several yea,s.with a revere lung af ection, and that dread disease, Consumption is anxious to make known to his fellow sufferers the mea-.*: ouro. Ta all who • 1 e> - i. o ir. he will send ac . ;iJ - ot the preacni'iinn u.-ed (froe of rharge,) with tho dirc f«. r i , e|,ttring and using the same, which ihey will find •. #ure rvre for Coxbomwion, AflTHv*. BhiAfHiTig, Cocuhs. Colds, Ac. The v-nly pi ibe advertiser in sending the Pre scrirt:on D,Klt 1 h new supply c f Kusslan Pebbles, '' lao > H fine I: sur tmeot of OPERA GLABBES FIELD GLASBEB. MICROSCOPES, TELLEst i,i I'ES, PERSPECTIVES, ooket ( ompanaea, lor aruiy use fTSh 1 * Unen U»ad«l <# .„. • ,0 ' »*'« by J. DIAMOND. Do2^-lya-wi3 rVA* f, oiv ., A ?, n ‘ntebiob ROYAL MAIL COMPANY'S celebrated rehedie.ii BLOOD POWDER AND ** ON e O 1 N M.’ A 1 EIN , A certain cure for Diseases of Dorses and Cattle' Koowl to and used only by tho Company their own stables from 1844 until the opening of the Katlway oyer tho principal rente. After thegpn oral n,e of these remedies in all the stables of the Company, their annual dales of condemned atock were dmcontinned.-a saving to the Company ex ceeding £7,000 Per annam. In 1853 the London Brewers' Association offered the Company £3,000 tor the rooeipos and use the articles only in their. owl Btablea. * A certain cure for founder, distemper, rheuma tism, hide bound, inward strains, loss ut appetite, weakness, heayes, coughs, colds, aud ail diseases of the lungs, surfeit of soabbers, glanders, poll «Til, mange, inflammation of tho eyes, fistula, and all diseases arising from impuro blood, cor rects the Btomaoh and liver, imp roves the appe tite, regulates the bowels, oorreots all derange ments of tho glands, strengthens tho system, makes the skin smooth and glossy. Horsos bro ken down by hard labor or driving, quicsly re stored by usingthe powder once a day. Nothing will be found equal to it in keeping horsos up in appearance. condition mid strength. London and Interior Royal Mail Company's CSLEBRATED BOMB OINTMENT, A certain cure for spavin, ringbone, scratches lumps, tumors, sprains, swellings, bruises, foun derod leet, chillblai.'s. wind galls, contractions ol tbe tendons, bone enlargements, Ac Blood Powder 60c per 12 oz, packages: bine Ointment >)c pet 8 ot. jar. Jio. 320 Strand. Lon- .er j our per 1 wish to say tu tne rea.i era of your paper that I will •end, by return tnai to all whu wi?b it tl'rre,.* a Receipt, wi»b full di rections Id* making and using a fimplc \ -getable Ba in, tk.t will eflet* ual.'y reiiuip i \ i t t ,p day.-!, Pimples, Ulutcbes lm. ireeklr-. and all liLpor itee oi the Skin. lf,i> mg thf - u-. c p. i;. clear, smooth and beautilu!. I-wii' also mail [roe U, bald Hoads, or Bare Faces, simple dirocti.-.L? *r. i ir,:,,nr.v n tr.at wiii er.ab.e them to start a u, Luxuriant Hair, Whis>iors lci*rthan thu ty Jaya, AU app icatxoGß answered by return n..ni with ut cLaryo. Reef.&otUilly y..ur<«, iH-j> K CHAPMAN Chtix:,.-:. Ml Br. Midway. New ork. llO IWOKUIIILSW NKVEK ( EAhE Nf rcer does Dr iußl 4.V Vaiiiun Lin- nil i,t cror laii t.. s:l,l c *iaLr l.shcd remedy htVTicc been used by thcunanda dur,QK tbe iast fifteen years. Call on tbe agent •' 1 *• i iJ• I -i l ain nblei with a tull dcscnpti >n r f this uiatir remedy 1%..m genuine unless signed S. 1 T'liilAS. Depot. r 6 Curtlnndt sTert. New Wrk .Sold by nil lol. j -'w-d.yw ’1- '' >hn/ V ~CT TO WITDEKTN AM) 1(M KKS ; <)F CUn-J/H Ml - rre well ro:r. poser, M - JOHN 7X » i HI.. organ-: am bircotor » Mane of Hesry War! Bei-. ; Ohurci. New j ork, wdi u?u the irv Junr.* rhe pelt month to gire a .short cuur.-o ul infirm i v. in Ktnm t.y, Jbo Organ ur M olr.di»..n. and L i .ro« ranging, connected wi-h pm li • | erfrrrmn the 0 gn v and Sacred Concern. tn- u J-i r Mat ine terms. et<*.. may be nhta ned at tb*' >lu'io Stores of 11. Klehcr AB o , and i ■ Me:l -r noli-tdecn , £^lf u . bs< * rlh, ‘ r offers for sale \v / ] LKitH t..,\ Cl r* MI LL.S situated in t h K.'i. > W afd. Alle*hooy City. This well fra-wo Mm h-n rebuilt ia'ely, and ' optaio* .l.ur r t! rranch durrs, wild all the iatetit uri mvt.i r. , chmery lor immufaHur'D* the i c-: br. k r; rlour Knun p a t{Ov>d lc>ea] as wen x- rp,»- custom J hu* in a rare ol sdc<' !> r b;i* •• . m“r and .rmte a y wh • wuh to •. * ■ r.-hube bu-ine-- to ,'*Ji at the Mi 1. wh e r.. tori made known. ucJl dri'diw n' J- lIE.MISTR V. I r. r. ill IX .imiiJ wiiL 1.! i m:, 1,1 ibe li . r ■-'U.I rj .^iurnlui. J. F. H O FF n A \ DENTIST •'I! ”■ r.U.iOd. Improvement in Eye tight Russian Spocuiclca, Do YOl WANT YOrREYE M«UT improved? Try the KiiksUii Pebbles to STRENGTHEN and Itt- SlGHT—this 'aot b;.« pr.M(Ma]- ready to bacar. ds if people wh >t i. jutUr.n. from drfooiive *ight. Iboy are Imported direct from Russia I\ r.ion tat, be soon at my offi.o with .auiia'ii u Purchasers kto ODtiliOd to besupp.i.d in future i the firs* ?h-'u!d fiiJ. froe of churtc ■ with ih r*e lfi i o will always (iIVK .“sATI.Sr .A( TioN .1. DIAMOND, Piaftit'al *> f 111;; td . Jh Pjfth street, Bank Bi.u'k. t.ii ard •.‘■dUt-'erfe; ocJ-d Jtw £jIKKSH ARRIVAL Ol NEW DRV GOODS A HA( US; N < orner of Sib and Market Si, 1 RKNCH MERINuES ( ARHMERE.S FINE WOOI. PLAIDS ( I.OAK.S ond SHAWI.S, ( GENTRY BLANKETS, '•Vlill'E and PLAID FLANNELS (rRF.Y I WIL’D FLANNELS, DOMES IIC GOODS Alway? in hand at the LOWEST CASH PRICES. D KMIKABU; lIML WORKS FOR SALE. The undcrsiguod will offer for salo their vaJh able COAL WORKS, at Port Perry, Allegheny eo.. Pa, At I'd Look, on tho Memongahel* Biver, within ia HII.ES OF THE CITY, Together With team and pit roads, incline road, and all the appnrtenanoes of the works, which can at s if ht expense be put iu oompleto work ing order m a short time. . . MoOLOSKKY.VOSBRAVE i CO Apply to * I JOHN MOCLOBKBY, Port Perrv or JOHN 8. OOSSHAVk, l 071 01 nol»-2wd lflfl Third street, Pittsburgh. Prani *al Optician, Fifth at., Pott liui dings. BLOOD POWDER McKeoßon Jl Korbins, New York. Kt-enoh. Richards* Co,. Philadelphia. I'OKRKNt EA M<’44AKlt, Pittsburgh Drug Lioaae. ■ u * : Hyc* Corner KourtD aod Market atreei U 4 Smlllili, lil Street PiTjSfJ' 1 Li K It A 1 CAKLEI OPERA FLANNELS A lull line of Consiating ol about 20 aere* of Coal 70 Pit Wagon*, 84 Tenement*, 1 Large Store Henie, 1 Carpttnter Shop, 1 BlachtmlU) Sliop, 0 Holes, 1 set< Dry Doelu, xNI ew Adv ertisements. I- 8 iV jj> gt S-. v ' N Blood-Sea rcher, CUfiE OF ALL DISEASES WIRE STATE OF THE BLOOD, Serofit'a, C'uueerouN Formations, r. E-j ol shelleburg. who pronounced i- 1 v- 1 t I.K. and (.rerunbod a wash of sugar of .ead anu bread poultices. Finding these reme- J.es d p , avail. I coiled upon I)/. Shaffer, of Lfavidsv,..". buioersot o.nmjr, whoaUo pronoun- I'l tsn'-r.aud gave me intern J and ext mul emedie thelatterc msirtingp incipal n otcau lic-liur ail to no purpo.e as tne disease c .1 cu J spreading toward the nose. I next used weparvoin o! , c ir, ,he form of salve. ~ ■ r i time -hecr.rd the disease. botthoin- I .mm.-.tnn ,oon incr.-ave l. I next called upon i ■ to. or. of M. t Ic.itvilJe. Bedford county ’ 1 d “*" e C'ancer. and up’ t.t i'i.'ad w «“ t» » *»»*r (Miinß remedy, but i bed no effect whatever in checking the 'rear o. i‘" I,fl ' embr h»me. In A; ril. t .1 ii.t.. •• KKHir. rc urnv.j. ilml so vie'ent vss'the “ ‘ f ..' r V' v : ai L;*to in May l r fnziat uihU«ain placed my m o ho r t l;r - with ffjcm rt.m,‘ led i.ti, teiuh-f. during which lime ncyci -.ivery known remedy -md partly auc > .edeu i t’bt. 'hiuj: tr;e dueaft, but when I re» urr.c i me Uirre «r-e still ih-ec difrha-am* Uhlcer. up r.u.,1 | ntl u-d Newbi„*s I, ' r i n " / ! ’ a - Hl.-'i rntiiicr e thdt Ig t Irom m -i err • n-.->d trwmg an " r:! :ir i: 7 nose, tho ':i.t : fbeek. and had at>apk • 1 ci. eri no a'l hit..e ol ever r. • :i• ihe Ct>,.id only give "*■' ' J P a-ude In Marco, '* •' i'l'->■•d-Scarcber,” but ' ' *' 1 Idiih jt, I was •sinii-ncea u inz it • hot I : ’ n wt *e .iav by dasb and i. feht-ed drying p I v i r *l boitio taken ■' • a ruiraale. I used a i haie bt*e:i heal hier : 1; :cn Voi>rs. .»I - o'-iy di>6gured, 1 nn\ : ull • ’ lienee who hs.s spared • n.' ' eon d. ne 'through (lie i.i! 10-v'i improTed Bi od -I>A\ ID (VioChHAtiV, * ■:b n , l r ! ' r; '" 1 ,r,:f ii /« rfi »- August, • - -- 1 VI : '- '■ be ol too Juli e- , 1 the : ' r b ". "W b Hoiulaysburg, 1 '. r: - 1 1.-HN O'K, K\ .J o K.-owth ol a all u; tr.-rhe. in •ruyl< ! t . . i ' "■ ‘DiC i. - i. iruit !' ly . i - ;. i.t s • I c; a - Vf>ry w. , 1 ' uu: r . . * 1 j; . ft%U ' 1 ; I r • • I, -•mPiu.-.1. . i - :ny rii.v «- . • t four ». m ’ h i a n . \»> i .. Vmi/\ :ny • • ! t •) t■l, . 01,1, J S'lud < OiiiplitiiK * b v liudsoj'n i lupro >«<( l; I>, «t Marcher 1. 1 AI pi ,s> N 'y, ... - l ry ) F r, \.r , r ,. , Ju-'l'f t t f. ■ic Ti. • •• r f-». r,c ifcc “ ‘ 1 ‘ H ..ir v- utu y_ * •: e . a v |/a or:, a-cordite i -• y• t-fee elds I w ilk ■ |,V‘. h "' 1 :'" u J ha’-d.y l»',t lull' I MM, • i • L nii" , • ;V' ; n f n v-•>»» |. -d ■ - *'i I ice. .= afe t, ree t-aiend it •Wnv " ’V r 1 ' ' !l v,r r \ se ' l - 5eK . ki.'nr-ri] de . 5 - ' ’ Ja '.-herdis ares atiai: g uT '[ J . W " U!d r, ° ifcet ° M K D!> ? r • oel o |! enc J«muy ...i ?n i , V rl, KUP?. A'l" i, •- " ' " n ' ! V* March \ • el ,. r -' m# J «*'-> -LEV, JP. ' • r ’, K '_f: 5 . ' •••/ FranJcj«t frn, .r' ,f ' 1 oi B air and Mkua.:'™” {cx '' l:l, «*' character Am.llicr Caa- ol NroiuU < are.l bi t.ludte} ’s tlloml Ncurclit r. lim-'-'iYi'i" '*;- J wh 'Y :! 1 th.lt LinJaii'. lull ■ mini „n h■ r to =:*n * 1 will i- ■- rtj. i non: T are „::i. ■ .• pe-.te and Uro*-«tiimllt>* iSlv,:^ , r™ J 84 '' 1 ' I, ‘ J : liir n numb, r “r. j 1 h J - ' a . lJ b - r m > - I bystcia sto thui'T" " • U 1 ' i' l ' l lbroi- >oar Iwoasob.d n l „ U,: ' i ' , e '' b " ' CI o! bed. l trif.l •. ine f-Lnooier snd ,b e best i.h.s h«f n , , '}*' " Pr"''-re. nnhout an; an’’i'l hi r « 1“" °'. n! “ utJ «r> *in< worse ol ,“ ! - J */" w '" eaten m , d , mtl '“ v u;ijk ••hooloer and *• “• ‘ V®' r ' nw - an 1 1mi do far ro •uooi. tba! r.' m :„i ti.e e«orv often t.e“ sore fo ;uo\ •• n.e it. bed- l'nis wa.- -a\ ernditi n ?kT- C , , Wi ‘f 'tr■ " d by la '' M ' r " Wo'f «h, -‘ lotr '' ' ,ur totlTfrad M.-od-rearcber. whitn. r. m._ k r-.,! r-uel. and the -atia-action c i my nr-d' I 3'. .n dneovered was htl; it.g me I eon to, nan noun "In, and g,in-d n.-ran dlythat to-,, - dTHbyiof than one rear 1 e!t able t„‘ ' ' 1,1 -»n-i.j r. joint- •.*uiv household »?<•«• a ; -J l.e Joiet.' . WO. 0 all ."ea'el ndo-vetf.d wi.h .sound, hu.ikn> ,l„ s h ..»d Jrti; i> a . a •- lueatt . ,!).• I ■„„i i„ r , , ” 1 » rr ' r injr blu.sed with ! - Si ' U ~tAKN-v, -dm tool; ootlDty (’a Near hMerc i' ' tH>5. I A lll ''-' 1 -' 1 M ' ,tb “ uriutuu.- tailor on the I SttTr “ B | d Jf i!T a Ur tr i m ' ,uan> ro/sdles which I otter ' Hind lm ire-1 w.s persuaded by W M Barn- A i .to tr.- L nd=ev ’sir proved tilc.od rea- ier. ana n w, s x weak, after using the I rooon.l bottle, pronounce mygell car d The tot I ter hr keoul something over rn* year ago. on the I inside of my a mi. emending from ihe elbows down i.. the wris.a also on my iaco, immodiate- I ly ur-.ind then, outh and.ehin. and cotitir ue d toh a lierl r: torment tomiuon cured hr the Blood' >enrcher My arms wero at times aim., t u eleas owing to Ihe doe p cracKs andsoes on thuwi. liable ° blet i at at any tiui* on the lease exertion t I nit or won-, and Ai.metmicß so itejv I 'nit scarcely itw.«.h tearing off my fleer i b,.,'„ . I. leu-rrel weeks, and I fer ,t in ~0 >tr I.t. dje>. ;,ud to thf J'Ulli ' e'ueraJiv t,-, make this statement nhopethst th.rs like my “ne< JAI-iE X Wit SON. , , , , nnirk. • •V n;■ and subscribe nef-.rr- -ve oner./th* >t' , " , ““f , .ru*s' 1 r u l, *Wii y •' AN.. I itU'KHI • J , . |, h j. .. J.M. I.iiulsoy-1.e.. •• .fV,. , uuio! yum ino in-lic.uo has cored » cftri' of hj.t li c «. COUlii • f | n-ar:.: tll-fl shwaf ei.-l.in .ff h- 1..,1y : ; ; lr^ yu > cijul-i e.c mo imows worn . -1,., .a . .... -leht>. I “U.. w, and the f 1,.»„ „ , r „ wi , . eery last. 1 oar Wo »i Searcher „ .u, OV( . r tho country. In. t-e-ple ere »« r much leased Wi.li the n.e.ro Case l louse r.nd in, sui.intn cl otir acji/UM and oblige us ij.uistruly A> A TjNIL, it ha* uo fqual ' I'mika ihe many me mixttues called ‘ Bute:-,’ ii create* d i laJse appetite. but (rives tone and vipor to the sysum grndail'y and perm-menily. BEWARE OF rorJV'TERFEITS. DR. LIXDSEVs oi I- Xl'l .S £ Bl omi SEARCHER, has J M Faiton, Sole Printed ob each Label. Refufle ail others * ?enl, J- Iff. FULTON, Dnjggiat, Whoie.-ale aud Retail Agent, Wos. 0, iXB 69, Rif, H fcTBEIT, S9-Io Whom aU : rde« must bt dtr«iel • FROM AN’ SUCH AH u*e l«. JOHN KAI.iTON A Co., LlJertoij, fndiju.o .station New Advertisements. c u AB L> iiINE. st«ai t# l)D«ei8tovB ai Liverpool. Tbe First class Powerful Steamships, ««»ON I EEItAR MARATHON. | faipoi,. % r, i‘ L SAII FROM HEW ,T?, lk °?' ory alternate Wednesday, jmlK every alternate and from Queonatown every alternate Wednesday '••*«ou#wwn , ?*®® r JX? . P “W» from Liverpool or Queens t? ’ is 3 ! 1 ? to J d ’ °, r . its equivalent in ourrenoy. From New Fork to Liverpool, 3*55 In oorreMy OUlON.^Tul^f.:Ne P £fc'Yr LUA “ S 4 Win 10.1 J HOS - H ‘ RATTIGAN, Aft, ,"3 122 MonongahMaHonan. Water 0028-lyd Successor to Thos. Battigan. Passage from England ft Ireland $21,00. EIJROPEAS AdIESCY. THOMAS H. KATTIUAS, European Agent, 122 Monongahe- SgKKV Is House. Pitttborgb, Pa., Is pre pared to bring out or send .back pc Mongers from or to any part of the old country either by steam nr railing paoketa bIHHT DRAFTS FOR SALE payable in any part of Europe. Agect for the Indianapolis and Cincinnati KaiiroaA Aten, -Agent for tbe old Black Star Line ot bailing Pa'kett. ard for the linei of Steamers saxhng between New York. Liverpool. Glasgow and Galway. Having succeeded the above in the European Passage and Exchange Business, the undersigned solicits the patronage of hia former customers, and the pubha in general, and is prepared to set tle all outstanding tran« actions in full. no2B-lin THOS. H EATTIGAN. Qrß RETAIL DEPARTMm- GLOVES, GLOVES, MUSQUETIER KIO GLOVES, Cashmere Gloves ft Gauntlets, Of Ladies’ Cashmere SCARFS&, LADIES’SILK SCARFS We have a largo supply and soil vrry cheap. A new invoice of IWILACI, counts & SETS, Laces and Embroideries, New and elegant styles, AT WHOLESALE We offer the Urgeat and best stock oi Hosiery and Gloves in the city, and at the lowest prices MACRIJM & GLIDE 78 MARKET STREET, B-twoev, Fourth and Diamond. Have Advanced in the East, But we continue to sell, until further notice, oi Goods in our l.no at prices reduced FULLY TWENTY PER CENT, From last Weapon's Rates, W. », & 11. MeCALLUM, no- J , Sa. S 7 FOURTH STREET. :\EW WINTER LOOM \\> r F - WOULD CAUL THE ATTEN ▼ ▼ oi buyers to uur uock of GOODS All the newest styles ol fore ga and dome-ti-: CASSIMfcRES AND COATING W ith a and choice se ection ui silk and mmm mm w. H. M GBL & CO., 143 FEHERAL BTRFET, L’t-rocr Markt t hgoare. Allegheny City. Pa i teg-CUT THIS OCT.*®B IMIOTOfiBAPB .HU'lts, Morocco Albums, Holding 30 Pietres. SI 50! 81 50!! $1 60!! Mor-c.-u A.tiums floidl; g 3n t icture -32 50! $2 50!! $2 60!! Mo.-.L' jAihuti liold.ng 40 Fiolurei, • $3 501 $8 501! $3 50!!! Aiuroc,-,, ft 5O Pictu-es, 34 00 ! $4 00!! $4 00!!.! More coo Albums Holding 60 Pictures, $4 50! $4 60!! $4 60!!! Morocco Albums Hold ng 80 Pictures, $5 00! - $6 00!! $5 00!!! Morocco Albums Hoi Hog ii*j Pictures ® 6 60 ! $6 60!! $6 60!!! Less than Wholesale Piije,, Less than Manufaolu.ers’ Prices, Less than Auction Prices. livery Album warranted, and tatisfaotion to the purchaser guaranteed. -nunsouon to L “f se * t > Breatest Assortment and l owiat Prices In tbe aty, at MT’loik’S Photograph Alba.o and Picture Em poriuui, _^;i 8 Opposite the Postoffioe. Fifth at. Wholesale and Retail 0 H ¥ ii o O I> S C L (f A li S . J. W. Barker & Co., 59 MARKET STREET, PITTSBURGH, Goods by the piece or package, or m length to suit, at Eastern prices. P. ME RTS, Wholesale and Retail dealer in and manufac turer of **”*\ o Bo rn MiO 8008, SBOIS AND 61IT18S, IN ALL THEIR VARIETIES, No. 125 FEDERAL STREET 0018-lyd ALLEGHENY CIIY, PA. ]{« BBLS. PPTTT VS BLAim^ afl M.*W Just received and for Bale by _ eso. A. KELLY. © Federal Allegheny, New Advertisements, 2 g 1 8 m 00 a. ■=> t* OQ ~ M ■< 5. 2 M g 2 o £ w * M a O M £ « & o c-5" Ul4 SS AC A OS l J S * S ** H S * 2 I s h Ba 1 ea P (J = ” fa g C 3 « H ® _ of £ - -’> B » H ►“ fl na S 5 P n »Q “) CS 'PP 6, 03 pm m =2 JS ia Sr co s> uj y l5 -~ = ' ca *n *«e g"J —' #5 GLOVES, M IYct u RlKs!®r^?^*s«Jr inittee taiu pie- sure in anponneirffi;™, c °m- GKORGk' f|/.' b Th P e“^om 5, ** Rooma „i C ° m ‘ him S e^° kenS ’ Sk6t;b ' 88 ‘* rraD * ed wd road by Vi IPPUS. « Wae d , U „ 1t M.Trw L o L i D Jr " _Z Lecture Uommiitee. 1%/ALKIXG DOILB, HOBB^i charmingarlicloa snitable fo?' d hondreda o: Christmas & Holiday Presents^ Juat arrived at ‘ P-EfISIiSK & SCHWARZ, rancy Gooda aud Toy House, 16iSmithfioid Ure«t. P ARTHEKBHIP -hw which exyted betweon J.AM. Kdrain in the busitovs of h-.u'mg. wai dissolved by mot'nal comen: u,.00 the r.th d-y Hecembe?lBo2 i?fnL--V‘" s °£ tte late in the hands ef Ji hn fvi ;am for settlement, and he onlv is autnorized t > rig i receipts or any other paDere pzrtainlrs -o the business ofsrid fi-m JOHN KILEAIS, M. KILRAIN. H'piflCFS I2 Th 1 AT TO W Three brick houses aod lots ronting on Fine street l'uquesne Borough each g^^fcLtre^ind^fu P=w I^%o'ta hr0 e e Jh W ?h^^„„ f rL l d dW o e e l & p.cuthWasons OOKLAJD S PRICES— n . CaHD üb!e Soloaud Double Uone! »i; do u.j Dress Boots, $3; Men’s Double ,ole hec vy Balmorals. $1 90; Men’s Doublolole tougre s Gaiters, $2 2ft; Mop's Brogans of aS aeei 8.1 : Women s Double Sole sewed BaHuomil B '*] 1 1 W° mm .’ 8 Moroco ° tewed heel h ra l B, omen s ecstom made sewed heel Loots, si; Women's Congress Gaiters. 900. L l '®.? cc rr la;c ," assortment of Misses’ and fchlL drees Shoo-at low p-ioes, at HO. 98 MARKET STREET, . 2d door from sthstreet. W HEELER A VIUOI’B ~ #® 81r AWARDED THE hiiihfnt preniuhs AT THE ITSRflii I‘JON aL i'XiilßlfiOfli, 10SD01UK68 Industrial Exposition, Fans, 1861, In competition wi.h all the loading Sewing Ma chines In Europe and America, and the United States Acricu’tural .Is ooiation; Metro poliun Me-htni-.’lo I.late,W ashington; Frank lin Ins ant.. Phi aielphia; Mechanics’ As,oeia tion, lioiun; American Institule, New York ; Maryland Institute, Baltimore; Mechanics’ As sociation, Cincinnati; Kentucky Institute, Loais vilie ; Mechanics’ Institute, San Franoisoo; and at every state and County Fair wheie Exhibited this Season. 125.000 OF THESE MAT HINES Have already been Sold, A tact wnich speaks louder than words o( the succeiw i-opuJdrUf r.- Wheeler <& wil son’s Family benlo* Machine -the oheaj/oet Machine in tbe world. BECAUSE IT IS THE BEST, Every Machine warranted for 3 Tears. CUSTOICItHS HISS KOTSntO PtJRCHAEISG. INSTRUCTIONS FREE. Always happy lo exhibit cn 1 explain them. A* Ciroulirs, co.'.taioing an ciplanati-.n of the machine, with is tlmocl.is from ladies of the ghost Tocial Handies, siren on application eiihor in rerson or b/ mail. wn. summer* c«.. Agent; for the Western States and Western Pa. Principal Officos and Wholesale Emporiums. *° 87 F,fu * PITTSBURGH, PA, Pike’s Opera House OINCINNATL 0. Masonic Temple.. n024-d&w KNAKE S PIANOS ABE NOW CON rtderod the boat in tho world. H&i&M Eroa., Pianoe are the best Pianos in the oonntr* at the price: Qrovestine