The Pittsburgh post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1859-1864, November 09, 1863, Image 3

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Lessee and Manager WM. HENDERSON.
Treasurer H. OVERINGTON•
ar ß is e t - e e .Mis e m CHARLOTTEn OMPONpopu
will appear in the new character, written ex
pressly for her, entitled Donna Inez.
THIS EVENING will be presented the beau
tiful new play in five acts. entitled
Donna Inez Miss Charlotte Thompson
Ferdinand—. . Mr. Chippendale
Oonrad C. Loveday
....... .... ............. J. ti orison
Over. are. ........ . Urchet.ra
To conclude with
Wormwood J. O. Sefton
Susan-- ...... Annie Ward
Bank Dividends.
Pitt-burgh, Nov. 3. 1863.
have this day declared a Dividend of FOUR
PER CENT, on ice Capital Stook out of the prof
its of the last six months, whioh will be payable
to the stockholders, or their legal representa
tives, free of government tax, on or after the 13th
Pittsburgh. Nov. 3, lst33.
this Hank ba.e thiq day declaied a Dici•
dead of FOR PE CENT. the Capial Stook
out of the profits of R
the loft sic
mouths, t payable
on or atter the 13th lost_ tree from all taxes,.
no4-td JOHN SCOT T. Jr. Cashier.
1 have this day declared a Dividend of FIVE
PER CENT., t 5 per cent ) on the Capital )'cock,
payable to the atoekholders. or their legal repre
sentatives on or after the 13th inst. The govern
ment tax on the same will be pain by the Bank.
tsE r. 1' 1, AN DOREN,
T HE DIRECPI ttB,,urgh_
, Nov. No
lES RA 3, 1863.
have Ihis day deck red a Dividend of F N
PER CEN r. on tt,e Capital Stock, out cf the
profits of the last cix months, payable t, the
stookhniders, or their legal representatives on or
before the 13th inat„ treeCl government tax.
no4-td J. MA(.4 , .FFI,N, Cashier.
Pittsbu , gb, Nov 3, 151,3,
rd this (dank, have this d ty declared a Div
idend of FOUR PER CENT., on the Capital
Stock, payable to the s:o^kh or t - ,eir legal
representathes on
.or alter the 13th met... free of
government tax. J. W. LOOK.
t , hurgh,l, ISt
-R. era Insurarcc t:t tnpaey have this day de
lared a Div deed ,t 111 o LF DOL
LAR, upo.. ruck share et the Cafetal Sock. out
of the earned pr. fie 0} the !art ix to n tbs. pay
able to the s:p.tittold ors .11 0 after the net,
no44d F. M. t.+ORD N. -, ecrettt v
Pittsli•irsh, etiv. 2,
1. Directors hare hio deehred a denet
of ONE DOLLAR and 1.1 , / 11:-.P1 VE. CENT •
per share on the :lock ~ t the Pmts •tirch Truot
Company Lois: of August, and TW(i
per shit, e<n the Capital nett id the First 1\ a-
Donal Bank our ni the profits t,, the Ilr•t inst.,
payable, nor of er loesnay. toe tenth iwt
The stockholder: , are hereby n-titiel that the
final payment of the salve A ption to the Cat' tat
Stock, :Treaty five doParo t.or i:hare will be
required en or bef re the first day of May next.
no 3 JUBN Lt.:LILLY, Cashier
Auction Sales.
V TION -- t'•lt .6allr.iay 6nd Monday even ing,,
Novemher 7th an Ith, at Masonic Halt A tictiOn
HOUSe, Fifth - Freer: a new In. juA receive,.
In lha c.ffie , to.r. to be Luna linearth's
Works. v.. • .c halt cad H,:'s Animal
Kinadm tor.. f
of by 1' nil F vats, blares:
Lire's Licttuaa y t the Art; and cie:mcs, 2 mut-,
Wl6C(l' plates; a shin ,rvirtg's Complete
orks 22 vnl : The Wnrks
ton, by .port:;, I I vtaurbes; I. 1- nf Benjamin
Franklin, it; f• mar': l'entn4nla War
5 Yobs; thark'e entnmcntaries, complete 4 vo's;
Leigh LI u . .rite I reit; Haz
lett's works. 5 vol.: Haute', Fruitland ti e. 111: 1M Firy•
1 volei 'ft), .. , tatera - n's man nal, 4
yob, p N late ;114. el oft't , Ham' ry of the n tea
State , 6 vole; Adat,,tit • 7 , l.ect 4t. r, 6 volt, very
Bfine ecitti n ; the complete e orke f mks' esrp,
yron, 132 y, a, ore, I r Plu,ren
Chlmber,t, ace Al .., ti - e Family 1
• ; hies.
Ph , tograph A rtir,l 1 , wt.,
Gold Pens, Lte. axle
T. A Al', t.t . .1.1-A ND Auctioneer
PRATI & 11ItThti :Ittiegwcn no 7
Meetings, Notices &c.
eye ia! meeting of the• l o . k.tioldert, of the
Pittsburgh & companY
will be bold at the oil', e of the corapatiy. in thc
city of Pittsburgh, at 11 u'el ck n, m, on 'I'III:I4S
DAY, the 12:h day of . • .‘c.ven,ber. A. D.. NZ, for
the purp,,sa accepting or rtjec!ing the follow.
log named Acts at.d :-..t.t• am. d by the
General Assi.mbly ufti,c Loinatol.wealtb ut Penn
sylvania., at its last n to-wit An act to
repeal the ninth 1.011" , f a•• a.— ati.ha r ,.. a , t h e
laying out ..; a Litt. 1{,.1,1 tn,u. 11, ol
Orwigsburg, :N.:hops:LA I • a
public ru d leading fooltl E t.t , ,n to MA Itch CLIIL lc,
and for , iber" ; . l , l,r „- 1 the first day
of Apnl. 18,3. in,t.t Z.. Oil act to i•
porate the P.t.tabu..ah
Company,” spon.Yed lob APO. D.
1863, A'bO. fq:( 1 • at, act
rate the Sat . , 11.,rtn.r joeh, nna lurnytke
Rona e•*.m pane, CI color.. ai•vrovo.i the 14th d.Y
of April. A. D. 1;,;:i
110. S. BLAIR,
cY , -‘l . :-: P. M. 9 .1K Li'
.1011: c.AUGHEY.
B. .IA , R,
11. BLRa o'J:
J lid i. DILWORTH,
'N 8. WAVE..
Dirootors of Pittsburgh & Conn. R R. Co
Pittsburgh. Oct. 27, 18,63 octllS-t
Pitt , hurgh,
, S . 3
.I‘.. this Company wil , he held at iti.othre. NG.
92 Wator A root. on /1:E - I , A Y, Novara her 10th
1883, be.ween the 'lce', e f 11 n. m, nod 20. ED,
0031-td F. '
Pi , rebn•gh. Neveo,i,rrs 1-6 i
rOotorr 01 any will be htio el 0)8
°thee of Afeem. 14 W. 1. R-11 , 44 Fon , h
street, - en NIUNDAY,,ber 16th, let.lreen
the honre of one and lour .
no6-td ADAM RE [NE MAN. Pres't
GO ;)
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41°1 JD
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\%l TIER 600DS,
lion of buyers to our stook of
All:thelaeweat stylos of foreign and dornentin
With a large ani ehr , ice setection of
W. H. M' GIBE & CO.,
Corner Market ,t.-quare, Allegheny City, Pa.
1 25Bbvx . eetutottaJust received end for
mardEtt Ar ER08.715
138 and 12S Wood M.
No. 37 Park Row, New York, and 6 State street,
Boston, are our agents for the Daily and
Weekly Post in those cities, and are author
ised to take Advertisements and Subscriptions
(or us at our Lowest Rates.
vember 1863, all subscriptions to the Daily
Poet must be paid in advance Those knowing
themseves to be fn arrears will ploaae call and
settle without further delay.
ran hereafter be procured at the News t ovoid of
J. W. Pittock and frank Case, Fifth street. with
or without wrappers. Daily 3 cents; Weekly 5
Railroad Bridge and Sixteen
t ars Destroyed.
About two o'clock on Saturday after
noon last the railroad bridge, of trestle
work, which spans Turtle Creek, on the
branch road between Brinton Station, 1 eustr:.. 1„.,,,, ~
on the Pennsylvania Central road, and
Port Perry, on the Connellsville road,
was totally destroyed, together with e'lx
teen cars, being a part of the freight train
owned by the Fort Wayne and Pennsyl
vania railroad companies. The circum
stances attending its destruction, as we
learn, were as follows : A train of cars
laden with coal and coke, was resting nn
the bridge, which was one hundred nod
eighty feet in length, and had a doWde
track. An empty train was backing down
towards Port Perry, and when the loco
motive had reached the centre of the
bridge, the entire structure gave way, and
both trains were precipitated into the
water below, falling a distance of some
thirty-five or forty feet. There was not a
single stick of timber composing the bridge
left remaining. On the north abutment
stood the one halt cf a plainirrn car.
which had been snapped in' twain, and
over the south abutment a car !tali bill of
coal was hanging by one p,or of wheels
and the coupling of the car on the track
The bridge was built seven or eight years
ago, and it is said that its timbers were
much decayed,
Mr. John Arthurs. conductor on the
1 empty train, was the only person who wa s
(seriously injured, havmg his arm and 1 --, I
. Hi. i ' A
i i (), hear t :' , l
shoulder badly fractured. The fireman i„i [ i,,, iwi „i F. ; ! .,,,,,, I , .
lon the locomotive was slightly injured. t r o m ih,..,i ag ,. of • -,. ii, ~ , v,
And strange as it may seem. the engineer nigh', by \lr. I ~ n ,- -4 a 1 It'
remained at. hie post, and found hi. loco demo, • r.,t...r, ' t ',•
motive, after her terrible tumble, acar•-vIY satisfac-icn. M, I, •
rdamaged in the least, whilst he escaped' ,w n y, .-s ; 4 ;it - , .n. id
without the slightest injury. Mr. Ar- t b,. „, e .i i,d,,., 7 .. ~r ,f, I
thure was standing upon the plattorm car 1, - -eii fired 01...1 isna.. •.
which broke in two on the abutment, and t ii,i ihe proud ..ty .I ~
was thrown down among the cars is' lie 1,1,-senf till: ie.- -
bottom of the creek. He was brWg.lll to
hia residence in Birmingham, where ne i s
doing well. Turtle Creek, at this poii.t.
is now furnished with a new dam ec.inpea
ed of the beat quality of Iraio,ii- cheny
coal and some sixteen valuable cars. I
The Pennsylvania Rail road Company, we
understand, will Litl'e measures to replace
the fallen structnre by a new and substan
tial bridge at once. This is ripm-.ndpil
by the immense amount of coal carried
Ilan this city and A lir.eht N 3 . f:, - .m the
nughlogheuy mines,:ead wl.ien inu...', OF
'tic- time-being, cease in a mature.
--- -
Secretary Stanton made hit late , hip - rind
trip to the Wgst, says the Cincinnati Tele
graph, the following incident took place
at night on one of the Indiana Railroads
The train on which Stanton was traveling.
was switched off to allow another to pass.
The Secretary was indignant at the delay,
anti slipped out Mt° the mud, which pdat.
perated him more, and taking the con
ductor by the breast, shook him and de
manded hie reason for stopping The
Western man didn't understand that way
of asking a question, so ne drew bac', a
hea•ry wire bound lamp, and threatened to
d-niolish the Secretary :; he did ut let
go One of Stanton's clerks stepped up
lAA informed the conductor that the gro a t
roan he used so onceremoniousiy, was
Secretary of War, expecting to see him
siult into the ground after sub an an•
ncuncement. But the conductor replied
that he didn't care a fig who he wael
A tall big boned hosier brakesman bear
ing the contention and fearing his chief,
the conductor, would need assistance,
steeped up to the Secretary, and told him
if he had been in such a hurry to re in
force Rosecrane when he knew he wan going
to be overwhelmed by numbers, as he was
to reach Louisville, the General would not
have been checked at Chickamauga, The
Secretary rushed into his car, and being a
man of small things, he rrmovel Rose
crane to be revenged on the harkestnati
Nv , w her prophets, says a cotemyorary,
pred,ci a severe winter, each one resting
his prediction on certain supposed infalli
blo signs. The principal togas mahif , st
this year are the mevenicuts of tieh-s and
iniFratory birds early in the season, and
the unneuttl care of the amphibius animals
to .rovide against cold. It is found that
Til INlmnesota and the Northwestern States
the brook trout are leaving the shallow
str:eams and breaking to the deep pools
mach earlier than usual,and that the musk
rats are fortifying thetr hybernatii g habi
tattoos against the intense cold weather
by another thick layer of mud. In the
east it is discovered that the wild fowl are
streaming southward unusually early this
season. The husks on the corn are also
thicker than usual. These are regarded
as almost infallible indications of a severe
, tier. We may add that the snow that
yesterday. looked a little like winter,
a say the least.
KNAP'S RA.TrEtty.—We have been per
mitted to copy the following extract from
.r•lvate lettwr, giving the names of the
Intled and wounded in Knap's Battery,
it. the late fight at Lookout Mountain :
Private W. Thompson, Pittsburgh,
led ; Sergt. W. Robinson, of Phila„ kil.
led ; Private Patrick Malone. of Law
renceville, killed ; Corp. Jas. Stewart, of
Allegheny, tongue and lower jaw shot
away : W. Warden, cf Sewickly, shot iu
both thighs; S. Simpson, of Patton tp.,
shot in the ankle:'R. Haywood, cf Phila.
shot in tbe ankle ; klohn Miller, of Ohio.
shot in the thigh ; A, Macklin, of West
morelrnd co., shot in the wrist Robert
Koons; shot in the arm : Josh. Kllnefel
ter, of Pittsburgh, shot in the arm ; H.
Gillen, wounded in the back, rnd fourteen
others slightly wounded.
Barnette, well known to our citizens 48
one of the best elocutionists in the coati
tiy, as well as the most amusing mimic,
will give one or more of his "Evenings
of find Humor . ' in this city during
tie pt, ht week. He has ju-t closed n
highly successtul series of entertainments
in Cleveland . 1 - le Erening Leader, of
that city, in referring to biro bays:
"The lamented Winchell, in his younger
days. was excellent, but Barnette far ex
cells him, combining in his entertainine ht
ahi vein of the pathetic. His is
an chtertaiumenc which the m,h i fastidi
ous :hey attend The lover of poetry is
delighted and no one with a touch of sen
timent, can tail to be charmed with Bur
nett_. Due notice of the time and place
of the entertainments will be given.
Tae EATH ER. —Th e weather yesterday
was raw and blustery. There was a slight
fall of snow about noon, the first of the
season m this region. Blazing fires and
overcoats—two comfortable institutions
—were brought into requisition. "Indian
Bu mm ei," anpposehas been "flanked"
by "old Winter,"- who will, for the time
remain "master of the situation," ,
BHP, MtTtilsliftoti 0041 , 1
~.14, 1 0141MT WASTYM3 - 6 14.03r1Mlit O-Ttittik
THE WARREN' AND 1)1 , 14,1 - TE hAli ROAD.
—Thi s pr.r.j,. o t 0-P tr t' ;•rogres,ng
%orably The route ie dow•. :he valley o
the Allegheny riv,-r. tr
.listanee of filly eie,ht trtt!e , .. r. We
find the following partioulf,r± - . - vey
in a report of Engineer, Mr. S tfuel
Lawrence. to the Presid. n: and wore
of the road " he f st-irt
ing from a point on 1. ls.lphia nod
E,-o. Ilailruad, hndred 'yet
wes' of Irvine. f , lx wef-t f Warren,
i n Warren traverme s the est , sl.-
.91Vo Irvine Flats for a of ahwit
two mit.N, then folic.v..;n g ;he Allegheny
river. on the west sole.
contvering - by no rn ,, o-.9
serious : but the lin.- 2 , rprl.l,y ren.a,ce re
the rirer fist -.---o n who !t construction
of tho r,od. .niinary w
' v. ,
. • t ;. ,ir e th,t,
Of CP c.r.ort• , tis'.•!"
rrl nit! , ,• t. , ‘- • .1• r: I lir MI: ir:l
r, t.: :11t• I 1.4-11 •
.1 I . : Tli ; i
10 I", I I' , t• •-• r •
it.l' in. : ! .(11.1 r
1...-. :1 t 4.v V..
rcAl. 11: •
• .r. V. - 4 GrJf - r.
H..lruf N :„
M OF PF, ••• r
inl ::.••• , . !
Qum:pm:l3,c., r r • l'-• • • S . ; ,
t..ade varar,r by :L.
1;4•111.-r: Ate . .
oR 1.0 \k ucu 11, , N.//: I-
S , lt.g it atm 'A 11 Nt w I,.rk pa
Nr. t%wr the iiir,,ver liaaer mewing Ina
th~urwaa awarded the tirat ;.remtum
the late State Fair .f he R-i.t..y:var.iti
A eit , -riturat S eiety. :9
;Hy jUntlee 11'1. ' 1! rhmn-e t !hal the
ii , ; 1, e,1 premium 1.. r The best s'cirin g ma•
C., I!Af. ' %k Al, AA•7
80r: dutilde thread H'''
.11 , 1wIs w,r.- a -yard, t, 1 !iv
t (1.1 1 0(1th
t t,i tae
verS f3skrr h Lh
tax:. ~1 11: order reader 9 may.
t . .t•r4t.atid the .reie the co.'
A liNSlHun,!„ro Charles
day's paper a larg u;T:y of g.nutne
Hh'vancl c gars in.. 4 r and whn'h
will bo t. , ttwr to th. t mde or retail at
the I.)west c 'eh G:v him a cal'.
WII6 :11,{2. ::1 :0 1 western
dauy p,.i•t.r.. l'lttock ,rt ~ •Lr poat•
I {EcElvt.D. —A ittrZ ,
tilol.liOti, tat low 1.1 it. tt•
Rite thr 1.06101E0-,
onP dollar pc-r d, zI.. I'm,i, n,,ppk
e. he postotice
A FINE stock of stato,l,-.ahvgy
be bound at Plti.,ck'e,
CARD photograilp, ,t4N. hotupp,on,
at PICGOCk's, the p , to.tdice.
VOCAL MUSD: --H. D. fir,Ch,,
of singing and cultivali,,n of the voice, 128
Smithfield titreet.
oar-GRO V It: jt. & BAKER'S SEWING
M CHIN for tamilS ulfl e uLOSu ring purposes
are ;he bet in use
A. F. CLIAMNEI ;iAneral Agent.
IS 1,1:11-..•rre• Pitt_4l.,, Pa.
I 108 K 1 . 11 .1t It VTR •. n ,r,1.,T 111.:YR Et
Id ANEPA CTl'Rfi 141 s, , V .
wAßtnuun, 135 .5111 fil 1.1 FI EL D '-;T
Between nth at., and V. rein alley
Ht.', el; lin'd' the Lee
and are bacon:lc:lg ap;.1 . _••: , .. , i by
Public. an intelligent
For all Affect . r 7•1 - -. f' the Chest,
Weigb t about the rupria ia - ion of the Bowels,
in colds and Coughs !r.' . '..' !'Z'oa of the back, for
all strains or bruisea, !., , a t• - sk hoer:. ,te , .tre
they have to be used t , . . , dpe:ly appreciated.
FOR 81,...1.R ,i'l .
Rankin's I.Yrag Store,
6:3 Market et., 3d door below 4th
Cloths, Cassimeres, Sati et s,
eatings, T ailors"l rimmings.
40 bble A Sucur.
40 bide nowdered, Gran. and Ornshel,
ant receives and for sale by
no 6 RHYMER fr BROS..
126 and .1.48 Wood ot,
Ham Juhl. Cleared $200,000.
One of our country radial:lg wht-sJ
editor has been visiting cur city, says that
last week he dropped into a store in Pitts'
burgh to make a email purchase. The
proprietor was just going out, and remark.
ed that he would like to show him some
nice goods, but he was invited to see a
friend's daughter married. After he went
out, the gentleman in waiting said, — Mr.
has gone to see Miss B married, her
father has just cleared $200,000 within the
last two years!" - How was the in
quirt'. By Governmert contracts," he re.
plied. Whereupon our country cotempo.
rary went off in a di 01 moralizing, and
treated his readers to a dieh of sentimen
talism, seasoned with mock-patriotic
sauce, and labors to win the sympathies
of his readers, by referring to the
desolation of " happy homes," " sor
rowing widows," " J , ttle babes. - etc,
This is all very nice on paper. But had
the writer taken the trouble to inquire into
the facts, he would have found that the Mr.
B to whom he refers, wa= one of our most
esteemed citizens, w'r- !.%,3 been the arch
itect rd hi., own .:, in the
world, as he ; r bos, dby in.
!charg.- '.'.l l, c,,:., b .`,,, Lin
coin for !c!•,.:,c 'wi . ,c- and
orphan , - 1 , .• - L -o by '.1.... war—rnust look
to " God 1 ,, bread,' .. iiiii , .•/ nonsense,
and of a piece with !he - golden wed
ding, " orange blossJins, - " funeral pro
cessions," •' cypress ;eaves.' and •' in
ward sorrow of the hear!, - he so dolor
ou,fly talks about.
h w i IT
11,D11,N Juric.l4
ca,m 0
hnvortera and desiurs in
NEW Yoaa, November B.—The machin
ists of this city, organized an extensive
strike last night.
The Herald's Washington dispatch gives
a rumor that the Assistant Secretary of
War, Watson, is about to resign.
Gen. Meagher has been reinstated as a
Brigadier General, with authority to re•
crust his Irish Brigade to the fall number.
An Army of the Potomac dispatch to
the Herald c f the 7th states, that the 12th
Illinois Cavalry has gone home to -recruit.
The railroad between Warrenton Junction
and Bealton Station ie nearly completed.
The weather is magnificent and the troops
are ready for duty.
A letter from Fort Scott to the Tribune
written on the 28th, states that Gen. Blunt
was to turn over his command on the 29th,
to General McNeil, add leave for Indian
territory. The absence of Blunt has en
couraged the rebel Gen. Cooper to con
centrate his forces and is now threatening
the line of the Arkansas.
1 Gen. McNeil is pursuing Shelby.
Gen. Blunt has made a demand of the
rebel Gen. Cooper for the surrender of
Quantrell and his men, as murderers and'
assassins. If refused, Blunt notifies Coop
er that all soldiers of QaantrelPe force
will be shot.
Our entire force is about 5.000: the reb
els have about three times that number.
The steamer Fulton from Port Royal,
4th, has arrived. 09 the 6th she gave
chase to and fired eighteen rounds into
the rebel steamer Margaret.
Fort Sumter Reported in
Our Possession.
The United States Flag
Waves Over the Rebel
Latest from Gen Meade's Army
Rattle at Rappahannock
Further Details of the Battle
Late Southern Intelligence
PIIILADL 1111 A, Nov. 7. -The steamer
S dv , r amved at this port today, from
Merri, Island. and brings the most glori
sue lt.:elligence. She reports that she lay
off M4ris Island on Monday the second
instant. and kit that night for Hilton
Head. oh Saturday and Sunday a ter
not I ombardment was kept up on Fort
:•Ltt, r by of our monitors, and four
tn.,intor. on Fort.: Gregg and Wagner.
t M ,t.iar morning white the Salvor lay
Hilton 1.1. ad Capt. O'Neal, of the
valet , r - .per , ed •nat news had been
r ;vet t,s. inditary aothorit;os there
that For nur poss , nB:on and
nl 1 , 1 by (he 144th Pen; , volun
g 1,, en curried hyas
, tui , . I rt generally creatted
tsalso stated
,he stekmer hud
d.•r , •d to oly off Hilton Head for
hour, t, orivey the ihtt 111
r) N e w V Ti,- news was con
,y. 111 Head by the United
, •tr , arnvr l;olien Gate. On Monday
nit.rning a t.c.n. d dispatch by the steamer
- -alvor. winch i. 11,1 been engaged in the
Government ..r.,,port service, arrived at
tine tr.,u; ;.IT Charleston this. m. , havu., z lett (tier-, tor.-- days ago. Capt.
\v.& r, p - t's th,o Fort Sumter had sun
r• ii ‘e I 't,ited States forces and
old tl IC , lres ever the ruins ofthe
si r ; ;;•;., A t,r- the surrender of
• I,,ri
„f I.y
t., the
ti ho (.;.1 Hag
~,r_ Ft the t• ry .t where
• 1 tl ,- -
•,11 , ,ed
- -
7 .—The Herald 3 cor
apoadeet g.ef, t Wowing details o tilt 11 t
aul , .atr h.,0, The attack
wa • stir." rt- movement, and
‘.at t. Ltd-, •
;try Co ro
at th , - b t itt.- - dr-dn a separar ,
idep, n , t. : r two hours
agro ; .. Pt a ve-y , et: r 1-, `Te"". I , lld without
ticat..r• 0.,v be !des we knew
of • f the round to
I ht• b' rte. we had Just
srrive 110. 1 had remlved or -
,t..t ; . • :II •.r arm. t.l i; break. Al
.ugh r men; r,inl,rcements
, rward and make a
J., i,,•1:,•• ,v 1 , ;,•ary at the earliest
~.each rMnforcements
fi I I,' •r " In participate in the
tight. :tad the at' r !.9 arrived in
”I• n / • ; •..r! It ninny, Lad Gen,
and prompt
ly I. laprobabie, that we
W old hare •tired a goodly portion of
411,P writile r.-he, Trire.e times the
el.r.:ny made an attack m dly charging
upon tr, tieary'a e-mtre. they were
veo back signally and with a heavy loss.
11. , fidlittbtr, et r ur in, tl was of the Cool
r0.,1 Lntrr cha;aol-: Every attempt
t , utfi,,nk our email ft , rce was checked at
once. last. the enemy commenced to
retire .wi f o r wourdied that could walk
tai,en d field, the rest being left
behind. ch oontained a hout t wen
ty and two officers. We took about
set- rity—ix ti. tinded priinners. On the
to Ito , cf bur hoe we band about
fifty rebel .v. ended. No small number of
r-ite: di a I lay s!gl,r and scattered
of tine wood-, to the right and I eft. We
to, pm:- , ner6 from the brat, second, third,
imrth, titit.,sth and seventh South Car.
to,- Palmetto sharpahoot
ere add II etc id,rl, Leglcti ; these were
4 v,t dieiso,,,. Capt. duo. F. Bow
en, Lt. W. F. Harwood and Lt. F. H.
Marti!, were Lik , n with party of their
e have taken quite a num
ber t rebel don commissioned officrrs.
(It, our de, Ire- I37th New Fork vols.,
Ci ; ltrt h Penna. vols., under
t - tinttnatid to Capt. Geuther, and the 11th
vim+ , Lt. C.d. \b alker. were in line
tn the irrmt and centrt, and did the hard
tar lightit.g The Stith and ltifitth N.Y. vol..
'Cr,- on lbw extreme right, and had some
:to serious engagement. The
I. Penn.,. Col. lib bards, was doing
t duty of the prir. ,, command, and
It V 11
lire; of the attacdt filet. with 8011:10eligt,
I ,ee. of our rciiets fell in with the
reg,tueli ~,1 but:le, iu detachments
and clthilLliod to tight there.
OICIRESS MOSR. Nov. 7.—i he Rich
mono Whig of the s;n. contains the fol .fl.; itches
L'h,/ es t„ a , , _Vat. 4.—The horn•
ard nom or rs.,.uter continuos turf•
usly. - It was kept up all tat night and
ta still gJit g o u this moriong
Pr, sident Davis nas von', ;lames
and. Fort. Pemberton and Johnson and
the hart, ries rilmig the shore.
Charleston, Nov. 5. —There is slow fir.
lug to day from the enemy's monitors and
laud batteries; 587 3ucas have been tired
in the last 24 hours. Nocasualties on our
side. Another ironclad joined the fleet
to day. file Irmisides still remains quiet.
Three monitors are taking in ammunition
to day.
Atlanta, , _Vac. 4.—The Yankees
retain posses tot, of Raccoon Valley, hav
ing been L;avily reinforced. Ihe Yan
kees shell our works incessantly.
The floods in Tennessee have demolish
ed all the Yankee pontoons.
The Yankee advance has reached Floe-
We occupy London, which lilacs:a us
i : twenty three miles of Knoxville,
belitud the defences of the enemy.
Tne enemy is raiding the country near
Huntsville, committing great d'epreda
Lions. Their raids are more disastrous
than any of their preceding ones in Madi•
don and Hunteviths counties.
Brags had it in his power to muzzle the
telegraph. but he ~an't muzzle the mails.
The enemy has gained important advan•
cages within the last forty eight hours,
watch, ualedd they are counteracted, will
place the question of subsistin,g, his army
in Chattanooga beyond doubt.
WASHNGTON, Nov. 7.—lt is reported in
the army of the Potomac this, morning,
that the enemy was crossing the Rapidan
in haste, probably with the vview of re
occaping Fredericksburg in force, appa
rently anticipating a moveir.ent of the
forces of Meade towards that place. Gen.
Meade has changed his headvtartern.
Si rough old.
at Wauhatchee.
I/Arras. , ---A grand demon
stra:ion Came off here To day. in the shape
of a wood tend tdo - procession for the
relief 01 the fatnikes of volunteers. Ifs
extent. may he judged of from the fact
that there were 3'25 wagons heavily loaded
with wood. wenly drays r-f Hour and sixty
wagons filled with term products. Ile was led hy the German brass
band of Springfield, and everything went
off with high eciat and patriotism. The
demonstration will be repeated in Janna
ry. Tnr d.i:iers were fariu n , and dined
at the Phillips Hone,., the guests of Day
FoairttEss MoNaoe, Nov. S.--The :rail
boat Charles A. Morgan, from Yorktown,
brought down two officers, f`ilailr Houston
and Lieut. D Von Veitzein,wti o had made
their escape from Richmond. The Major
wan captured last July in North Carolina,
and imprisoned with the Lieutenant in
Lihhy prison. l'hey made thmr eiacape
week i‘go last Sunday, by disguising them-
selves as rebels. Thy y state that the rebel
soldiery are dying of motivation, and were
not all ' , wed enough food in a week to
support thew a day .
Nov. B.—The Grand Jury
found true bills of indictment against par
ties chary D:
d with C. viracy. The case
carne up in the United States Court yes
terday, but at the request of the counsel
for the prix oners it was postponed until
the 18th irst. The indictment charges
them with treason in endeavoring to rs
lease John Morgan and hie officers from the
penitentiary, and to release prisoners from
the barracks in this city, and conspiring
the capture of the United States steamer
Michigan on Lake Erie.
BOSTON, Nov. 7 . — Notwithstandin g the
attempt. t.c discredit a portion of Jeff Da
vis' correspondence recently published, it
is positively aseertatued that the originals
are all on file, and in the pi" ) 9I3eBBTOTI of the
Govern w cut.
The disposition of the Government is to
do everything in its power to relieve the
stringency of the money market in the
great Atlantic cities. Arrangements have
been made which it is thought cannot fail
to secure this desirable end iu a few days.
RocegsTe.a. Pa.. Nov. 7.—To all the
Editors of the Pittsburgh Dailies: Allow
me to say through your papers, that the
case of the Commonwealth va. O. S.
Long, for libel, has been compromised, he
having retracted. Witnesses are notified
not to attend.
(Signed,) J. S. Bui,tx.
Dis't Att'y of Beaver co., Pa.
Nye , YORK, Nov. 7.—A Baltimore Did
Patch says: Crisfield is elected by_over
1000 majority, thus making four Union
Congressmen elected.
WAsSINUTON, Nov. B.—lt appears from
information received here to-night, that
yesterday morning the sth and 6th army
eorps, under command of Maj. Sedgwick,
advanced to Rappahannock Station, they
having the right wing of the army. The
Ist and 2d corps forming the left wing Un
der Maj Gen. French, proceeded to Kel
ly's Ford, when the right wing reached
the Rappahannock the enemy was found
to be in considerable force holding this
side of the river. The rebel batteries, earth•
works and redoubts crowned the banks on
each side of the Rappahannock. Geo.
Sedgwick at once advanced and stormed
them with great slaughter, and taking a
large number of prisoners. When Gen.
French reached Kelly's Ford al.= six
miles below Rappahanneck Station, the
enemy threw across an entire divisiou to
support their picket line on this side. Gen.
French hastily took a position so as to
bring his artillery to bear upon them and
shelled them with marked effect not only
killing a large number but throwing them
into utter confusion, scattering them
wildly and taking many prisoners, Gen.
French followingup this advantage imme
diately threw the first division of the
second corps, commanded by General
Birney, across the rivfr. which ended his
operations for the day. This morning he
crossed the river with the remainder of
b;s command. Gen. Sedgwick had pre
viously crossed it and a. nine o'clock thin
morning the two wings had formed a just
tlon and held both banks of the river.
, enga enemy, after defeat in these two
N ov . 7, e e 3o P . a. ,` our victor ment siou s were h
forces that ly
thepuyrsue threwy
Major Gen Sedgwick advanced to the rat emselves into the river in their efforts
railroad and drove the enemy to the river, to escane—some were drowned and many
assaultin g and capturrug two regimen's lwi re killed hy our infantry. All the artil
with their artillery on this side, and tab- lery 'he enemy had on this side was captor
irg a number of prisoners. ed it is reported to he 5,.980 guns. Their
whole camp equipage endoubtedlY fell
(ten. French advanced to Kelly's
Ford, driving the enemy in small force tote) our hands. as they were compelled to
across the river, arid capturing several I.euvo it in their hasty , elr, at Geu. Bu•
hundred prisoners at.•he Ford. ford's cavalry crossed rat Sulphur Springs,
'Sitimcd•f GEORf•E 0. MEADE. to cover the right fl iek se - ..eral miles above
Maj. Gen. commanding. Rappahannock eltatiort, and (lens. Gregg
and lii'patr.cla crossed below Kelly's Ford
to cover the left lLink. No definite infor-1
inz.t.lon of their operations had been re-'
Li, to no. , t. to day. The enemy RI-
ter crnssieg tl.O Rappahanr undcr:
cover of the night, moved in the direction;
of Culpepper, and the advance of our for- 1
ces, eupertsed to be cavalry, reached Brt.n•
dy Station early this morning Our wile',
line terivanmd. and no dotal)! pressed rap
idly forward after it - •.e rerreaimg foe. The
soiree number of prisoners taken by betn
Sedgw•ek and Frey( his now theeed to
182t.i. The prsoners are composed
principally of Nerth Carlhi:tar:Hand le u- 1
troops attprnothe three
o'clock trait, comnienceri bringing
prisoners into Alexandria. The numb-r
taken by Sede wick was t
rim letOn tt, liftto.
the rnmiainder were 'Esher, by French A
gentleman who was presem with the army
Gays it was a nove' right L; see all of Sedc,
wick's prisoners in a crowd, the largest.
lot ever captured by our forces or, the Ve •
ginia side, and tLey were guarded by cav
airy to prevent them from straggling or
escaping. French's prisceers, were sir e ,
gathered in a body. Our ts t ai lots r
leirted to be 400 in kllled and wounded.
but rb. 'rotor era. Our wounded went car
rind to Warren , • •ti Jun:lion. from Thiene
they w re Pet io Al, zai.dra this t . m.
Gen. Sedgwick rep •1' 10 P. NI I
at ternoon in his topers' io•1s, IEO L eut.
Colonels, many other fl •ere. d nver
800 men, tngfe,her le'th four 1,. , .t.,!•
Gen. Fcenoh cav
,oreti over 400 :ouerg,
officerq and men.
Signed., GEI /1-11;E G. ME 7) E.
Mak lit.n comman,firy.
ASTIINGTON, Nov. S boranr.p.;
pd that the public jou-reit! re(iirres any
further payment at present of gold. ihe
mternst bearing certili,:iates of indebted•
tiess before maturity, and the Secretary of
the Treasury has accordingly dirccied the
disconiinuance of Fitch payments roic-pt
g certificAtes already presented or new
in traneit to the Departmen.t.
The Sport-fury of S are has arrived in
his city by the night train from New
York, having let: his son, Col. Seward, a
convalescent. Be authoriz,o , +bp gratify.
ing annoancemet.t that the French Goy-
Prument. upon the remonstrance of Min
ister Dayton, has promptly and most
honorahly arrested the six iron --clad rams
which were building at NEIN:,6 and Bor
deaux. The Sunday Chronicle azinouno-s
a fact of much inummv hi. :ty and
neighttornoi (1. namely, that the Se , retary
of War ha.: abolished the office ot Provoni
Nfitrsh,tl the War Dephrtrut-li:. but the
Loft ircumbt wid remain
in Wash;, n fir the presPrit.
New Yoae, Nov 7 --A special to the
World. dated Washington, tith, says : The
Army of the P,itornac is ar last ou the
move, and in a direction which indicati
the abandonment of the Warrenton routs
to alehmond. 'The winter quarters prob
ably in view of the present movement,
may be a step in the direction of a quiet
abiding place for troops, where the blasts
.)t the approaching reason may be foiled
by log huts instead of tents,
LATER.— WeI.SFIIN,iTON, November 6.
lutelltgence trom the Army of the Poto
mac does not possess :he interest which
was anticipated. Two correspondents
came nearl-iu g captured by gut-rriAas
only a short distance from headquart€ N. . 1
Geri. Stedman, of toe Army of the Cum
berland, has just arrived here from Chat
tanooga, and reports everything thftrt , in a
most satistactury tudition The capture
of Lookout Mountain insureF. the perma
Dent occupation of Chattanooga against
all assault from the enemy.
CAIRO. Nov. 7. —The Memphis Bulletin
of the bill , stales that Stevens and Bell
with 800 men.are conscripting and robbing
in Shelby, Fayette and Tipton counties
That part of the country is represented in
a dreadful condition. The crone are de
stroyi-d. and many pet: le are dependent
on what they get thr,wyli our lines for sup•
N ew orleans papers of the 29th tilt—
thnt owing to the scarcity of bread
stuffs and provisions, cotton was arriving
to considerable quantilies. The sugar
crop is very light, owing to the scarcity of
fuel and labor.
ST. 1. .rig Nv. 1;,1-• ::rider,f
New at ed i
ed trip in s.uthoeeit ;,-;
htt part et the Sate (rum • - rg_niz : d
h..nda i.l rehi tror , pe, be huehwhankers
c ntinue to commit. deritedatio. The
Democrat's Little lick n -e! riedent
glyes thr pertic•al are of ahe recent, tight at
Bib, Bluff, Arkansas. l'he aitack was
made on the 13th ulz, by .lisioreluzd
ry ender Marrnaduk - and Cohbett. Tae
garr.s.zn no: , isted cf about TOO infantry
under Co!. Clayton, d it
the:ccart-houee square by barricadi n g the
streets thereto with c,itton bales. The
rebels approached !r,,,n three directions,
hut after repeated charger. during which
artillery hay. c tumor., eln their
rar.ks, they were rppulaed and den froze
b,yi nw 3po 1:illed and wcunded in
our handi. H 11 and .3:1.
NEW YORK, November 7. Tb Tribune
says that the Harlem Railroad Company,
at a special meeting last night. resolved
to double the trar k of their road to Alh,:ty,
at a 0t..3. of $4,000.000: $2,200.000 to h..;
taken from the earnings. and $2 000 000
to be derived from new stock. No
to be sold until the second track is laid to
White Plain:. The stock to offered to
old shareholders pro rate by public adver
tisement.. Enough stock will be retained
to lay their track to the) Battery.
MEMPHIS, NOV, 7.—Hatch drove Chal
tue-s across Tallahatchie, plinishing him
Richardson. with a force retorted at
1,500 or 2,000„ struck the XE , mphis and
Charleston Railroad Fix unties east of
Salsbury, this mornitg. burring the tres
tle work. tearing up il.e road and tele
graph. No particulars received.
14^H . 5 force has &Lae towards Decatur.
Roddy and Forrest reported near
Al LEY BRIDGE, VA. NOV. 7.-131. Wm.
I'. Hunker arrived hi-re this morning much
fatigued from expostr, and hunger. fie
F.:l)' he obtained hi+ -.cabs from prison
by means of the key t be d, btor'S room.
The key was given In by a , Initt
ty months of age. Hi- tru,,
aq -titled by the ltdriii:l , -.nd Ely tirer. thLit
any body assisted him In h paca,e.
save Thyself.
BT _
1 - 1 chronic inflammation of the stomaoh, in all
Persons addicted to the use of stimulants and
narcotic., such as Alcoholic and Malt Liquors,
upium, morphia, Arsenic robacco, etc., etc. It
removes the morbid appetite or craving of the
stomach for stimulants, .se. In Headache, Nen •
r-Igia. and all nervous clseases, it has no equal
as a Nervine.
A -, A TUNIC, it gives a healthy tone to the
stomach. Improves the appetite corrects .iver
derangements, regulates the bowels, removes lan
guor and drowsineas, a d bri gs perfect health to
the Dyspeptic.
A., A a ALTERATIVE. The blood, the life 1
the body, is derived iron the I.od we dives'.
It ow important then, that the duties of the stom
ach are perfectly performed. If its duties are
imperfectly executed, disease instead et health is
scattered through the system. When our food is
properly digestel, pure blood is gu_pplied the
body . , and blotches, l'lmples, Totter, Erysipelas,
Old bores, Mercurial and Vererial Taints, and
other diseases arising from impure blood,
pear. Use Dr. Cutter's Engleh Bitters and you
will have perfect digestion and sure blood.
For particulars of this celebrated Medicine,
procure Dr. Cutter's circular from any of our
N. VAN BUIL, 118 N. Second street,
American Manufacturing Agent)
nt .. TORRENrE McG &Mt, Agent..
ornerot Fourth and Market sts., ts •,u rgh
For sale by all respectable Druggists.
In the name of the people of toe United ::tatee,
you are here 7 summoned to appear before the
%nderFignel. the Judged or the Rurreme Court.
to cause w` y 9. LI should 4ot care on • -half
by purrho2in,• ygtl
Concert Hall Shoe Store,
62 rirrit STREET,
The a} ove Court will be open from day to day
until furthsr notice. at 62 FIFTH ST Per order.
JOHN CHEAP }Judges of the
FRANK DURABLE. People's wants
RILL PERFEOT. of [fie &
.liPqail not to appear ender Penalty of Vase
to the pocket.
Orgunt or rug DAILY Anat. 1
hliturna Y. Novembew 9, lag& I
Bualiteas—The w ea t her on Saturday was fa
vorable for outdoor transactions!, and trade gen
erally was pretty active, wi h a good demand for
most of the leading articles of produce. On the
wharf there was a goad deal of activity he fol.
lowans boats left for Cincinnati with , fl the
freight they could carry.Argary. No. 2
Arcata, Silver ta. ad 1 , 0. 2, and. Ida Kew* , The
bums now at the lon ling ready fur banness are
The Lecatadss. Neeais and Starlight. i reights
were abundant for ail points and all khatia i t bring a ew feet more water then busine s
wcu'd open up in earnest—oar raelroads
have more business than they can attend to .
Among the sales reported we note the following,
lii 4 y—The market was firm with a good de
' mand, both from wagon and from store. hal•s a t
the ;mice at $32045 at ton. P ales of Fated ats 0.
l'heoaniata—Th•, demand was limite K Erna I
lots were die posed of at $4 2544 .50 VI bas.
hatter—rbe market duripg thee wee h k was
firm and farmer prices were well sustained Sa es
er ,5 0 ms fresh roll at 225240 l/i lb S ales of in
fer, r a. lower fieures.
Flour -11 Heim were firm a former prices.
There aas a aood local demand for lots ranging
from 20 to 50 bbl,.. The receipts f.r eumetime
has bee, res • •.-', owing eli.ei,aa r to the high
nrMes of fry , a oar Western
n rai
re in our 1 • wril d soon set matterslrcads—a
Among toes .-were: Extra -10l bais at $575;
1.50 btals Extra Family at $6 75: 75 bbl; de, a
lower grade, at it, 50. sales of wagon flour at low
er fignref. The saes we bare noted were from
st ore.
Beans—The market was dull with more sel
lea. than buyers .ales of re bush of navy white
at $2 52 ".P bush
ece Apples—The demand le improving whilst the
Acme n 1
ript, were barely rtarlei , r t Co inset the local
. lye note sale., of 250 bbls a good arti
cle at ,alaa.. 2 0 1+ bbl. In'erior could be purcha -
ed la I 'wer 1 'ices.
Choeue—The merged w es firm with a steady
train demand ti,les of I 7 boxes Western Re
serve at It, I.3l.aaelle The lat er figures for -a
ob i - e article.
Grain—Was firm. The active demand we no
ticed in the early part of the week Ives kept urn
-0 thst higher 010E13 of the week uld a
shade Cats were in lair d eman d — s ales
of 12% bush at 7350710: sales from store at 80(481.
Ba - ley—the demand exceeds the supply; ep log
r , antuaads $1 ..',O rcadi,y : fail—a taw hundred
bush is
ure . were dart.o.ed of troaa wagon at thoe fig -
Corn—market active holders were s d
posed to intrand higher fig - urcs. Sales of 1100
b nani ush
et at s li re 10ael 12!..,.. Ilye—the-e being none in
i p were nemiaal. Wheat—all good
::reels offero•l ands ready Purchaser;—red at
p . 25val n, white at $1 351 , 51 1 6 'fl bosh.
Feed-Ih° market was firm wi-h a gar.d de
na4nd—pri•es tenets upwa ds. Settee of 8 tons of
bran at $1 134E41 10 "e wr. 4 ford . f artldLogs at
$1 want F$ a tuna et at 1,1 21144.1 20
VI hinkY— ILe rnsrsut was steady 'Vito a fair
I, • '?; d. La e, o 0-1 this of et y rectified at ,i°so
o gallon
roCialtopa — The nl , l got wags Cady wit's a fair
den, and. ,ales 2nn buss ef INethatuack4 at 71(0
b , 7 V bush.
Mesmer. Nov. 9,
The demand for r cn ..turday exhibited 1863.
Inc easing di mind and prices seemed to hat 13
touched bott The market apoeared m-re
be/111Y. tar: there was a better enquir y wl - iled
t•te repo - rain:ln the East was altogotner more is.-
voreele 1. r holders. From present ay— ariid,ce,
it lootis PP if the itt business e [eke a fresh
sta it during the oresent week We spent the
by Le river to iccrea-e The rate, of
ir-tgtt detween thin place anal Oil City are too
high—a rt'e f water, however, wilt coin regulate
mattars Tce export, mince OUT last foot tip a,
;wads- New l irk — Refined, 117; Ter, 89 :
•rid-,le. 50 To Philape.phia-180. To Bahl
11l re—' 1 this. Tho shipments westward . on's
ammo, to 115 bl Imports during the same
•.ime ' l / 1 A. V tibia. Crude—The mar
ket wa+ not in a very settud stale. We note sales
of various lots, amounting in the aggregate if
975 b- Is at 15 , package+ returned, and 200 bbls
iteokaros int Judea, at:10e; 500 do at ./03 other
eats were made. but the terms not made nbtic,
efineil 0,1,-1 he market was still ni.settle-r
preen being pretty much nominal. Ore q etc.
-eted es being held .1[1014.41C ; tree at 496.50 c.
W.. hen , ' I,! a rile
of bbie fee 'aeorite
it 70e. Flerzole—prices were ni mina! at
It; 17 or .:e-
Cincinnati Market. •
C r , CINN tTr. V.rabe • 7 h haA
been n es:ten:dal change in them ar ket since our
last Sae demand continues lima: and limited.
bu • ho -dens are nevertheless font, arid 4;„5 Si
f r leech merle ea oerfine end $.5 /045 50r:or ett
ii ira, met eetor's standard. The h'g - her erarliqt are
ligct slot ly, cad barely a theism to mcet the
. 3 the local ire •e and soil at $5 7i•@6,15-
retire fancy b ands $6 50 is asked. Th.
sales wero: gl) faenity at ist 15 100 d, extra
trede brands at 61 do at /5 75: '0 do at $5 eir't
100 uo t C. 1.: '0 J.,- 't - trudy at $6; 50 do az $5 90,
end 250 do a: Whiiles— The d-inand
nee a- tire, and pries advanced Oc The sales
were:l7- bWs et 55455% the tatter rate for wagon.
...delphia Dry Goods Ilitsrket
Tta Dri. rf-ofD mark, t h. s been rather unfit
:hi- week, bu• tea<r hoks on wed with both the
mm ~n _ndjut•bing house.. and with the lat
ter the - a is a f tr bus , nens dci g for the seaeon.
and bleached Cottons krpt welt so'd
ere , tor tome style ; the demand ii b•tter, and
rather nearce. The name Ma ybe said of
c ir
ant•. F;Anneli. Printi are azd moder
ately active. Tickg. Checks, and Striped contin
ue ti:m. tnr Woo ene the demand continues
it. otl and the market verl- firm. w th a fair bu t
ne e to note in all seasonab esty:e.'t. at full prices,
the tendency generally being upward.
PhlladelphiaLeather Market.
T heemanobeen large, but tbe advance in
prices, and the extreme views of holders have
•ather discruraged operators, ezee , ting those
who have contracts t'at mast be filled Sale:
have nearly covered the re'..eipta. In almost
every kind o f leather the rate.s have advanced
since rour last review. In some descriptions stock
is really scarce, and enotattona have been affect
ed thereby, while in other ca,ea the advance has
been made by hol2 ere.
Cincinnati Hog Market.
Them arket fm. Hogs is very quiet; $6 remains
the figure at which 200 tbs averages are quoted.
Packers are quite unwilling to make perchases
r contracts now. Frosty weather might change
their sp;rits, although calculations as to what
may be done with tie product of Roes purchas
ed at that figure are decidedly umatisfactory in
the promisee 01 a p.ofit. Three houses were en
gaged iu cutting tO-C18.7, and of course run much
risk. in handling the meat with such temrera
Chicago Highwkies Market.
HIGH W INEs wsre dull; and nominal at 63
ew Yok Ma
Ni': RK, N
ov. 7 r
—Cottonrket. more active, and
10X.2c h . gher. Sit for middling uplands. Flour dull
and common grades clone and heavy; 16 10(gl6
fc. or it. ci. ii . ; fa 40(49 25 for trade brands.
ois - y without material change at WiglB2 fo
tat. Wheat du'l and heavy and 1(42a lower r
$1 niie Ito for choice spring ; $;1 38(41 40 for Mit
waukie Club Corn lc better—demand chiefly
violative: 0741 08 for shipping mixed
Western in store $1 08 for afloat Otia for
common Western yellow. i.ats firmer at eit4B6;
P..rk less active and without material change.
Ne York Money arke.
hw Yok w
6K. :November 7 . — Mon M ey sca t rcely so
firm.'. Notes unchanged. Sterling lower, and drill
at $1 Coli(g.i. 6i G 0 d dull and oloses lower, 46.4.
7as Hu - Ea.—Last evening at twilight there
were Igor feet four inches of water and falling.
The weat , er was viol and disagreeable, with oc
casional showers.
CINCIBUI•TI —1 he rier
illsimt slowly with
four `vet hen :c to Louis and over three feet
in the f he last arrivals report forty incit
es 0:1 ;It- stingiest bars along the Lower Ohio.
Thc re nesseo and Cumberland were reported
in 'a,- nay gable condition at last accounts, with
r teet on Barpoth Shoals aad ten fee; in the
eunessee.... Tr o Convoy iB duo from above with
a to w of c,,a1......1.he Briokell, for Pistsrbumh ;
Bust, us :so 2, for Marietta:Marmara, for Ka
nawha, aad Jewess for Memphis, comprise the
departurca—all with fair trips. ihe General
Grata, Mariner, Olive and J. li. Gilmore, ire
preparing to depart last night—all in the (Joy
erninint service. Destination unknown_ —The
Loribid. Logan was chartered yesterday for the
Govern rent service. Sevrrsl other Strainers we
hear will be chartered to-day— „Several regi
ment.. of soldiers pasted through 'the city mo m -
day. Destination u known...... Captain Johnson
has taken chants of the Marmon, for a trip or
two white Captain Whitteker recuperates bre
health...... Captain Thomas Shuman, of the Vol
unteer arrived from :Natchez yesterday, eta rouge
far Brownsville, r ennsylvania.....The steamer
Jenny Posers was sold at Cairo, for $32 000,
SAINT LAnTIS.—The river here was stationery in
the last twenty-tot -7 hour ozaciing at ten yester
day nor lag, and there was three feet five and-a
rth ;;;;:hes above low watermark in December.
IS/30. bore is five feet full in the channel out to
Cairo. from eight o nine feet below Cairo.
he 111;nnts river is miring from Peoria down,
with alinnt three feet in the channel --The Up-
Per Musts i;; i as swelling from Keokuk down,
wth our feet in the channel. At last account*,
a; had riven tep inches at The Miss
ri near is rising from Leavenworth down. and
there was at last aoconnta, thirty inohes on the
bar at toe mouth of Gasocuade—...Prom indica
tions, the rivet' will be rising here to-div. and
there wit coubtlakibe a swell of several inches.
ashy mug —The Colons, Nelle Moore and
atawor., were attacked by guerillas In the neigh
borhood of Lravis' Ripple. The two tomer es
cap, d tote, but ware fired into by musketry.
No one hurt. Tne Catawba was not in the em
ploy at the Government, and having none but
pi prate freight on board, was allowed to proceed
on nor a oyage without molestation,
Franklin. Bennett. Brownsville.
Us/Latin. Clark% Brown.svilla,
J.a. "Leese. Peeklea, giu u d x ,l l.
.&*ll4/40Calltuct Oncinaati.
elikile!o A 1. Reed. Cincinnati.
cidon. katuannati.
tglioat Ocam Cincinnati.
GiLlinan. auk% &*OlllO.
Prank/In. Bannott.Brownaville.
JAL Rasa Paellas, Elizabeth.
. _