Railroad Time 'fable. eitttburgh & Oanuellsville liaihvad• SUMMER &BRAM:Ma:ENT% gni N AND AFTER SATURDAY, AV- 1 11l DUST tots, 1883. Trans will run Y fol. lows. on tho P. A O. B. R. _,Lealre Arrive at Pitkaburgh _Pittsburgh Kttc. and from Uniontown 7:55 a m • 6:00 p m rem do do P m it,oo aKt Lst %Asap% Acoom'asit'll MOO a m gar° a m :d do do 6116 p m 205 p m Port Parry do 7 00 p in e 8;30 p m Braddock's Acoom'n. Mk I. in 5:40 p m Sunday Chitroh train to and ' * from Meiloperport 1:00 p m 10U0 am. For tioketa apply to GEO. BOULTON Aiet. nol:13;lyd H. BLACKSONE.butet. AR IN AL AND DEPARTURE, OF THIS WESTERILIWIA4 DEPARIViIIki. Express train, Port er Zile and Chicagowllt take way math t om. eto Chi co at 2 a•lxt• • Cleveland and Pittsbur ain, 2a. M. (209011 -at midnight. ' • Mail train, m Pitta , Fort NV - risme - CliLioaV 8 , 41) a. m. Qom 7,. ThOlkam will ellOrri all way mails between Pittsburgh and Cr Cleveland This train *eeway Maus between llocherter, Pa., and Bellair,Q. PaPreea. Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne and Clhioago. Lia p. m. GlasesatiWSo p, - Cleveland & Pittsburgh train, Ir6o a. at. Closes at 12,50 p ABIZIVALE Cincinnati Express, 2 :30 p. Mail train. Pittsburgh. Fort Wayne Jr. Chicago. 05 D. lIL Cler uland and Pittlbargh train. 44 p ; .m. The matistertving from the Wegrott 3:55 D. in. and .1:20 D. in., trains will begeady for delivery a 6t30 P. m. ARRIVAL AND DEPARTVRE OF VELE LANTERN -RAWL - D EPAB 2 ORES The mail train for the seat departs at 5:50 a.m. Closes at midnight. This rain twirl also take the way mails between Pittsburgh and Harrishnni. Tho through Papreas trainfor the eaai departs at l3op. m. Gime at &Da p.m. The Fast train for the if,ast departs at 11i20 p. m ClematlC:sop. m. ABSIVALS The mail train designitted as the Baltimore Ix z•reas salve= ea. 11.4.5 The Phila'telyhia Ex rel 36 Laitte at 1:15 p. m. Both of the above will be delivered at 2:30 P. ni. The Fart train arrivaa at 1:30.a. in. Fhilad'phia Advertisements. C. A. VAN KIRK & CO., OTITBSRB UP CAS FIXTURES & CHANDELIERS Patent Improved Eleolooir & Nat Paragon COAL OIL BURNERS HAND LAMPS, OOLUMNS, &o. !Salesrooms, M 7 Arch St. Philadelphia. Dfatuaztory, Frankfort', Philadelphia, sre- A n w ools warranted. i yalv C. HARRY BRIAN, LONGCOPE 41Sr PEARCE, MA If UF_4 CTURERS & IMPORTERS OP MEN'S FURNISHING GOODS AND TAILORS TRAM IN GS, NO. 19 SOUTH FOURTH STREET. msl-1.511 PHILADELPHIA “THE IINIOA',” ARCH STREET, between 8d and 4th PHILADELPHIA UNDERSIGNED HAVING EN newed the lease of the above popular B ease for a series of years, would respeetfully call the attention ct the traveling public to its central lo cality, either tor business or pleasure. ruii3:lya THOMAS S. WENS & SON - - WM, aau uu,, ~ : doDuce, AND Pll,O V ISION 1D aMJs3l © la MERCLI AMPS, NO. 1.1 s• SOUTH TFATgIi 44/ail 2 p Liberal advemoes made on oaraigame when required. MY i-lyd : 014 &illO (//' W BRANDIHS, 6 ors 911.1.L11RC ir s'atrb OLD WB.IBKIEB, Bip. 5 O#TH..l , Koarr THEE" FiIIADULPIrI,42 - upledyd GEORGE GRANT, Manufact _Par and Wholesale and Retell Deals IN 271117 DILIGEIPTICZ 01 GIN.STV E'VRATIE,HI,I% GOODS 31r:- CnietTNUT ihrIECEET,' _MORNING POST STEAM PRINTING ri` -4.13 I.AI S I-1311E1N X, DOPIER FIFTH & WOOD STREETS .1:T38LJ8.4 H AXVIIIIFfT LDITIOYS AZD IXYZOTIMILI TO OUR OFFICI. &N AO/ DHOW'S/ to cauxrate all ordeal £VEI.Y DRSCILIPTION OP BOOR fSc JOB PRINTING - .1 tc.h. and Ir. the moat Enpetior :t7ie Tre have se'dioe WEOOND TO WON.F al ths dlx Lnecfpil D#'parilpi.lar.a!Vdon MCINTILi t LEGACPRINTINi .1311 NS 091,A1)9 NR, CIRUBIABB, BILL BLANKS, BABB • OBBTIFICANES, BEGIBIBEM NSAY PiCELETtI, RECEIPTS, Show Cards & Bilis in Colors Ach .—r• _sit,Earinwopm, ..)it&D/BGa. Bhowbills, Handbills, Xiabols, Co Lege sod School Schemes, Hotel Mita of rakrti,lnvitationsolso. Gt tactlitieb for priatita POSTERS, PROGRAMMES, 4„r FOR COM:VATS tc'EXIIIBITIONB 41L1%3E IUNSILTISL)PA.eSED AN P IWimi istak4V•ctu io lila • BOOK WOBli or DA.3013.1Fric.1,4 Sehool ani*CoKoge Cataloguer Kteeellaseous Catalogues, Clunt=l, Bepo r.tikKrista, ea BLANK LETTER MEADS, IMULPIK BOOKS, KELECKS, .13241. ir Kaska dr ,ilianiclikg Wfirdsfillii rtnorraww TO WOOL ALL WOErtEMIIITCY.PROKULT. BARB & MYMERE, rosy' OUILDINGIL dab ma Wood THE PITTSB Banking 1 °uses. &c. %r HOLBEEN & SOW EAHH isEq , IA • and Nachature Broken and Ditel' eta t• rDrafts, Anooptenoes, Odd. !Silver and Ban k des. Jiksohange on the Mastery and W cetera ties constantly for sale. Collections made in di the cities tbronsboM. ate United State. Deposits received in liar Alm& or current Rimer, No. EH Market street, Hrhird and Tourth streets. DOLLAR SAVINGS HANL rovaTE STREET, (MARTEIOD IN iaoti, iniPEN DAIRY, TEO3I 9 TO 9 OMSLOON; also, on Wednesday and Saturday evenings, Son May Ist to ovember from 7to is c.' ook Fed from November Eat to May LA. loom to 9 o'clock. DePOSSI received of all sums not len the!. On Dcr..l..ut, and a dividend of the profits dedarod twice a rear, in June and December. Interest hat been declarod semi-annually in June and Dst,m ber since the Bank was organised, at the rate of sic per sent. a year. Interest, if not drawn oat. la placed to the credit of the depositor as princiPsi. and bears the wane interest from the first days of Anne and De- Camber, compounding twice a year, wlthodi troubling the depositor to 0211 or oven to present his paw book. At this rate money will double in less than twel Yeats. Books con the Marta*, By-Laws. Et lea and Regulations. gratis. on api•lier don at*, altos. 6111017 181:D GB MAHN. vlOl John B. Beradden. DEL-NO M. Penne.cx, John Holmes. Jobm Morehatt. Alexl n ier !beat, amen B. D. hiools,, , Beni . Fahnestott • A. M. Pollock. bl, 0A12147. lUD BILIVOtn. James Hardman. Wm. J. Anderwc•. Valvin Adams, Imam D. Kc 4.4 John U ; Ba4kofen, • inetez /,.I!,d:Y.- . . George Blaek, John 0. Bindles, Aimee A. Came!. Owlet) Oo laa ltor., PPot Join Evana. Malty L. Rinlitl7lsll Win P Warman, jgjm H. Batantrerlt. Wm. S. Haven. Wm. E. 9ohmertt. Patn H. aank"ic, Alexander Ti i... , . Richard Han Isaac Whittit; W! . .a. S. Lanai. Chrititian 1 Gat 4. ,- bourreav •xn ...Xtuit , Ust, CHARLES A. (10 LT , : 't:' FARMERS' DEPOSIT BANKING CO. BOK OF DEPOSIT OD DISCOOT Pal and Durant Funds 1 3.eoeivE..1 et Deposit. ripHE UNDEBSIttNED STOCE HOLT?. ERS are individually responsible to ieposl tom to the whole extent of their private means: James Marshall, William Yoanw. John Scott, Jacob Painter, William Walker William Carr, Samuel George. S. B. R0b,..,0 Thomas Mellon, Th., OA :LF S" Robert Bell, Joae„li Love; John McDevitt. D. A. Stewart. John Floyd. D. It Ga!way. Hay Walker. W. W. 51 , ..irc,c..r. John S. Dilwor•l. JAMES MARSUALL, R. A. GEORGE. Cashier. SAVINGS INSTITUTION, INC , .)RPOIt.i.T.iiD BF TII LE6ISLATURI OF PENN,YLV Open for Depos trfzcm lc. m, daily; also B.D bATUA E from 6 to 1 o'clock 16r-Office. 63 lOU tall tLE E INTERIika ALLOW hU On Deposits in aria SIX PER CENT. PER ANN IN Payable to Depositors in May and NeV6lll which, it not drawn. will be added to the i•rP , .1- Pal and compounded. P &sal D airr—IISAAC JONES Vio2 PRlEsionirr—W. B. CoPELAN TROBTE Hon Thoa M Howe Hon J K !doorhaLO Isaac Jones, C Haney, Wm H Smith, Jaoob Painter, Barvy Childs. , N wham Voectii. W B Copeland. _ Seezeta77 and Treasu 178:1yd LOAN OFFIWE. EIiNEY C. 131107 E xOO SMITHFIELD PiTELIET Near the corner Path. Pl•ikl,nrso. ZION - ET IF LARGE AND SMALL quantities loaned on Gold and Silvor. 1315,- monde, Jewelry. Sold and ,tilvor Ettohoc an..l all kinds of valuable articles, for sty lonris dine agreed on. The goodg conno! be Con - verse erithout the Ticket. RE' °See Rours trcln 7 14) Y. 'LAO JOIEN LITTLE, Jr., O. 106 FOIVOTH FiTELENT, STOCK AND BILL BROKEN Promisaori Note ~Stott Bonds, snd Marc.fasos totnht and gold I tyr 111111 E NAVIN ONI INSTLTUTION, N 110 tiatitaffeld street, opposite toe t t , House. Chartered by the Legudature. PIIILADELPE LA President • TION Wm. R. Smith B. F. Auld Thos. D. Meader A. Reb Francis Seiko's Joaha• Rhoda- John F. Jennings. Jaoo4. Stockmen Thornaa S. Blair Alex. Brad] oY Henry Lloyd Alfred Slack llittrEtTElS. C Josiah ring Zug A 8 Bell Joe Dilworth 8 8 Fowler - W A Reed iagLWoodwell R C Schmertz C W Ricksteon 3 . IrTiernan 8 H Hartman D fef Long R J Anderson Jae Wl:tarter D R hfoliinley C H Wolf Robert D Coohm Wm Smith W lhmsen 0 B Jones B F Jones W H Phelps C B Herron lIHORSTART &ND THEABCEB2., D. E. MoEINLHY. Open daily. from 9 y xr. too 2P. Y. Also, lues day anti Satiirday eiteninwfrom 8 :0 8 0%11001;. Deposits received of ONE DIME al.l upwards. Dividendsdielared in December and Juno A each year. Dividends WAWA& in - remain - are plats • the credit of the deport:lion EU] pridCriPai, and bw.r 1:1- terwt, thus compounding it. Books containing Charter.,_Br-Lair, arc., r nished at Oh* office. Ad-This Inatitation offers. espeolallr ro tb.3 persona whoseearnings are small, thziportunitr to riorAPPtastS,br Email deposii%' e saved, a stun winch will ter a rftburee *hon . n ed, th c r money not onlY beinrside but bearing interect i. • stead of remaining unpr.., .otive. uiv WESTERN INSURANCE COMPA JY, OF Prirtiliatritottlai. mum ti.A.Vri.rreakent b agief. Bea-mar t . cs.g. B. co , I Aim:. LOAM W &Ix Unlit. ( ang 45 Co'_ WG:T.I.ICIt?I U ).Pittaturch. f' " .41.1. : .. • airgiyrt All tigt , pf FINN au; Mit - ..)k i cute - .:&Opt mazazed by inreatara Who r 6 M n ttll In tne o Ontriateallat/, and who t.re. ~.,,,,, , Prpromiemeg ie dUllerailti. to mar - -th ' • . which hitve asans,pe.. r . . 1 91- , beet protection to' ocei who dean , e ' 1(88178. °MOBS d. Seth, II N 47 I. • e 64,0(4 txl ro mk rt A get ti rs...l; 11..... .. . 2.160 00 OM= tubs_ ..... eft , 00 3 , , , Awanfil, eta.......... 7,80 .8 iUMFt .... ....... ........«....... 184.851 , • eta and - date atnsid . - . . 11.413 11 tam '1 Z 1 'id ~ ...?.',.3e7(......i.:,;, H. Wil e? , JI., Ja.v_ett'f,t Stowley, Nathaniel Uobnao. Mora n det 11;.w..k 7. Daa ra i i. l l3mltl.... Chas. W. RickatA.t. I _ w A,.n ek1497 Aleunder. Sottr Bard . Loa . New T. Thames. B. Bakcgzi' .J.,1l 8.. !Vezina ...- 1 CONTRACTS, NOP SKIRT MA V[ trsnEnsiGNcn wouurt CTFOILLY irtorm the Fab'io that th QY lizve rued tbelltcre No, 57 Fifth atreet. under Maso n e Hai}; with a larva a t isartmett of Htiap Skirts, of every description, manufactured by them seined, mitt they+ are prepared eo offer unusual indeoements both to Wholesale and Retail Boy ars., The material used in the marrataotary our skirts Leer' the very beat sioldrtsr, and. manufaenteed , en the preadareithe wortie g . %lased. All alarm ,pprohesed atoar estahlihh ment eft At VA* IMO tle?dDa We aordii4lly invite all hoyerkto call on us hefw.hefore pbr ahluslas elsewhere, as we lee exit that the *tent of ourGOLEWA buinnffs,bles Mt re offer in dnoenumta not else* be.obtained GQVURKZU ee2-.164. 57 Fifth at.: ancierrnewrileilail• B A Balrbro _FALlNfiligriGi. •• JCSERB BOWE. WpAd stool - 7 . I tha.P=44ll) Sc VMS! Sparkling Moodie. In store and for _us : =:3 Wm. Vankirk James Shidlo, 'Robert Robb, Visitor P. Marsh...tot John Orr, REAL EStATE MCMM=3 OFFIC 11, ~._,JARILF.N PARR, r TRGH POST: WEDNESDAY MORNING, NOVE Business Cards,_ Jr7SEPH SNOWDEIkT, IR'Y PUBLIC, NO. 85 DIAMOND STREET. 31_ 4 DIPP4TEE, Brass Founders, Gas and Steam Fitters, AU kinds of Brass and Iron Cocks math, to order. LSO. BRASS CASTING OF ALL KINDS, Made et the shortcut notioe. Particular attention paid to fitting up and re pairing of OIL R 31 & 34 \V TER STREET, near Liberty Ina inetnber6 of thia firm, being practical me chanie4 of many years' experience in the %ai no s will ea 3 ore to give satisfaction in every re- Epect. We are al?o agents for Guild, Garrison & Co.',„ Steam Pumps for water and oLI. ae6-Iyd J. D. BERND, hole Agent for E. M. Swarye I=l LALlitin BPOOL COTIO Factory, Fall River, Maas. •LS , ), dOENT FUR VICTORIA, BURTON'S, DIAMON D MEDAL, WATERS', PERRY'S, SPOOL COTTON, Cc:rzer ct LtE and Market streets, (Up Stain PITTSBURGH. Tho wec•leaalo t - stle supplied in quantities to snit. by the case ur iese. 8621.1md Ell=l O'HARA & r r neys at Law, SEA I, ES: FATE AGENTS, zt4 VICE S 9 GR.&NT STREET ~ .posite the Court House, Pittsburgh. ni ''articular attention given to tho settlement of P:e nine, oule ard transfer of Real Estate. Ez- Ao.u, ..El,l of Twos, boldiere clamps, oolleotlons az. - .1 - our; • toe West. •rupt rem ittaneee. and full ourrespondenee in ' :li. hq9i7llla entrusted to our oar,. ; 1, i6-tf WXLINIy. WE:LDON & KELLY, (has and Meant Fitters, TiPV AND MAYA VOIiNDERS, WO)D STREET, NEAR SIXTH PITTSBURGH, PA ••••' j• ' and repaired. Prupritt”ra and :tactu. ere dt I takin's Patent ‘Vatur ')rawer art M tt.grev.','. Patent litts Leaking and lieauag btOV es. WIZ! .r - t 1 IS, DilLLili~N. 8 I: CC ABBO B To J P,S. P. F LENII NO. and iletail Dealer in ln 1 DALIC,Ii^ Drugs, Medicines, Prise, Lye-,tuffs and Perfumery. 77 lrecteiral P- 4 troot, A 1.1.1E44 1-1 Y CITY, PA. \EV, CURL, (AL CLoTII , , & 4, ' ti o, :47 lv,rurtb LL3 of. tl,ll l'HE's JOE'S TO TELL LATE sdranot PTICGA. of wthch the rn.leut eo -ar....ahe :.:.!7:•-hAse FOR CASE. ael - I , lf • JONES, BOYD & CO., E. I l• ro• 11 Pa. g 4,11111:4.F.A] t,l ft.; I A I Pt :2 t7-.:1! "". PTFINI 111 I 4AI BA P4I4TEIIII2IIKI .11 L gt 4 tr. :111., CARP EA *LII4 ;r1) GL : 6:1( UN .S._LI-Et 004 Ll',ert; Streete, Pitt.bcrs, Pa, r te.r. , tad promptly atterMod to if.4.DP"'.. DA Liblit Liberty Street, PITTSBURatt, . 1.143M1T11 Alt. anlya W4t - iitiSALI; AUt 4kii iA• nitii 114 i as PiTTISIs43III64II. 1_)1e da w kat re). Plumbers and Gas Fitters, The. /ifs VitOti•D STISEXT, EIPrOiSITE WrEIST 01113BCII. I.IIr7SA. I.IURIVINI •ND 47 OHIO 8111,1CHT a LLSGHItii ienrillinps, Pig and Bar Lead, w 514 material In general. Oil Refineries anu in the most approved manner. Tanks lined Lend t r Copper. Houses fitted with Water mid Ow Pis. tOlta. en. N. B. Ad orders promptly attended is aP8:134 S. B. et C. P. BIALICKLE, Man - asetwecto attd Dealers in kOOK GAP LETTilff. and sal Wl - 3,APPING PAPER, have raznoveki rx Fira. s 7 Wood street to NO. 88 BEITHFIELD Ptitibar*a tar cm.ah 05.1.1 tot 1 A4B. CHARLES L. CALDWL.LJ.,, alutzeasor to Jae. Holmes h Co.. • (.1 "IPE PACK MC it Dealer in 9.00 n. Lard. Butter-Cared kismi. toroked Bed dro. Corner Market and ilret etrneta. Pitteburgh. k'► 44e11-10. „ pi . . ~., .. iti . Gan. Ilfolllo/iVARTs• VC tr - 9 MILL. ;ill rpepentfally in lok•ne ' c that h hie Winne° ti, in and li ed MI eotab ftletirt,' an. 01.1% it with if !Unrest and man kpproved nuundller: is now prepared to furnish flooring and plardni btu*. scroll awing and re-sawing, dom. sact and snatten. kiln cried. mane& monldingr. 6..: allotba. 4. Soya Pivrintrusz, Sept. 7,1857. 115 ,1 ~..311.---.....-.-.---.....--.........,_ -a-x rit DIM Le. I EEZIE! Suet °paired a cosx.plate asmixpant r Gityral FURNISHING GOODS, &Loam & 00., 4./ Vales& of, , v;at nnwl. n en. WALL PAPERS CHEAP-RoERRT Tv bifore th, last advance in prior. For We tr 7 W. P. MA • RtIALL 008 a- • +a .82 W it %,glDstZlia MOM rrinunu •._ tir‘,. - hut mierd snd asieby g _ sa2o • NNW 14/1111CHE PApme imitate 00 hastiV, 6m l, 4 l.3 fey - - DAUB az APPBLL, T AJELOISM DENTIST. All work warranted 134 Smith field Street.Pittaberth TB OYAE N. b 4 i ILEA, b peotal Partner DUQUESN} WORKS. JOB. R. HUNTER NAAR TEN 11.1TOVII rreltrt.-"=f Insurance. riRE INEURA.NCE; BY TB REL'ANOE MUTUAL INOORANCg UOMPANY, On Bel:Minn ' Limited or 'Perpetual, Mucks, Mae. I - strain:ire, Ire.. in town or country. tiOF6 , ICM NO. 308 weimpar STUN each Capital, 2119,3 ri Oa. Assets, ga0a.543 , s I*. ';.n rested c follows. viz.: ]first Mortgage or Improved City Pro perty, worth double the amount $17.5,605 00 ilronnd rent, lira clam Pennsylvania Railroad Co's 6 it cent. Mortgage Loans, $30.0.23, ocet...--- 27.900 06 Philadelphia city 6 1 1 cent. 10an.........,it0 cal to Mieghenj County 6 W cent. Pear.syl van% Railroad Loans.. Collateral losank well secured. Huntingdon and Broad Top Mountain Railroad oompany. mortgage loan.— 4,0113 ft Pennsylvania Railroad CO. &nth —. 4,000 CO Stook of Rothm Insurance Mutual 11,960 00 Stock of Count , Piro:ol=mm Co..—. 1,1950 06 Idtook of Delaware M. B. Insurance Co. 700 00 Commercial Bank do 5.135 a Meohanics' Bank do— .... 2.012 Union M. Insurance Co's Scrip .. . D3O 00 Bilk Receivable, business paper........ 161 18 Book Accounts,&scared interest, 6421 7/ Omit*, hand and in hancis of amts. 112113 If i l). aLiDd — TING - LAT. Ps!rat. DIRXOTORB. OftLl ;i:/41.:V. .3atnnel Bisphase . Win. R. Thomur . .),;„ Robert Breen. rrocieriek Brown. William Muse:. UornelintLßtervenu , s_ Beni. W. Zmaiz. J ohn R. Worral Marshall Jli=l. R. L. Carson. 7 Lothro_ ,I. Robert Toland, &axles Leland Frederic): Lenr....ts J ,cob I'. Duntins, n . harlts 8. Wood !smith Bo „ f x lef , ;j, Wt.o:lWlo+.i. John ggie eell tathirstt B. Id. HINCRMAN,Deoratarr. J. GARDNER COFTIN, Agent, 4150 Northeast oorner Third and Wes , ' q! INDEMNITY AGAINST LOSS yrlnm. r FRARIILJEI FIRE .INSUItila 111. COIAYANY OF PHILADELPHIA, OFFI ?JO. .t,SN s 487E1i! 18SM UT ST near Falb. BTAYLMENT OF AHHETS, JAN. Ist, 1S&. Published .Ass-x-a..bly to An Aet AestanitlF. ben= Pict Mc (zesty. amply secareel slhSf, B tlt Heal /Caw.. (present mine sHrd,si.) . oost Tampontry Loons on aninlq C , A117-. tert_: 6eatuitifE atoc:to. (prt4...ent Mitia t.w.....,667 Ri curi. Not*, and Bliia .V.ereArekbit $2.208.061 6A The oclip, :WILL td.67.llillrat which air oom tsmy oar: divide by ler. mc hoc: risks which hare hem determined. Inenrnr.oas mute on et desor;ntion Prop erty, in Town and Country. et rates us low se; at* consiFt4urt wish tem:zits% Since their incorpporation, a _period of thirty San. they 10, , ,;es by Fire, to an amain* exeeedir.,7 Your l'thilions of Dollars thereby af fording eridenee of the FalralltagG3 of Ir.euraDoe, lre'd as the abaitt ar-d dimceition to moot ?,•,:tb rem vteess a 3: Cam, 4nriut t.beYen 1ize.102,-ust Cbtrios W. :esn.:VA° idordeerai D. LCIO4. Tchim David S. Brovm. Isaac DeklN ltdward C. Dula. taccr . ,el tirt..74t, Jsc,.t, R. Sinitt --- - . 4 , PM-a W. Kiehsrae. Goragalea, OURS. N. " . .OAN Preeident. ..Ii., — .VAR.I) C. DALE. 'ice Presidtp v:•:. E.. lit n RI„ 80eratary_pro tem. . J. FIARDNEN . ,_CX)FPLIi. A.tent. eta. Third and Wcw ru PRiLA.UkLPHIA fIRE ASE► EA SURANCE COMPANY tO. :11E4 GT-REEL optioeZte Custom Mort2 , :b. Oupittil iv,x ou mina —.A1204 ,t 1,14.... 11 T I :.L MAKE. ALI. NUMBS OF IN. V V SUP.AItiCK. either Perpetual or avers der=iption of Property or Marchand.Lee, s , m.o.:all:1c rate. - _ 110131:13.1 . P. KSA6 P11321.101.1i sht W. BALD WIS, filet PrOAA.; ! L731":10 RS. Oh n.Y. 147 h. $ It. Cora,. etuglisb geurte W. BIGN3:._ P. 11. saver , Jonph S. Peal. 9. Shormoc. Johr. Cie. - , VA_ 3. 3.-.lt,a4corLa 3. I!: .tas;,Als. Ig=l ::.anscr Third and IT ood PEOPLES INSURANCE COMPANY °Moe, E, Ooi, W & Fifth ata !IRE AND MARINE INSURANCI I:4II,ECTO John Parte ChArlog t.:l X.!: Wm, 5' JOHN 'dire 3. Y. 44.11.11DNE „ALLEGNE.NY INSURANCk C OF PITTRBIDIGE, 2110..07 . F1fth Sts:, fla k E.L.c.41 MISCUES A6VIL*NST ALL lit OF HOS AND MARINE a.4iAAC JONlaPresidentiM D. MoCOR.B. loo a ar i i i ll • . BOOIL Secretary : Coo. W I , General Agent. . - ...I4.II.SCTORS—Iisao Jones. OG. • liWeg. Her vey Capt. C„ Gray, John A- Wlloon, B Iz shncetook. John D. McCord, Captain Adele Jteobs, R. P. Sterling, Caot. W. Dem Itobart Y.'