HTTSIBURGH THEATRE. -SIF Lessee and Manager Ws, Hewn ensue. Treasurer U. OPIIINGTON. Third night of the engagement of the popular artiste, Mini CHARLOTTE T °MESON, who Lnig. will appear in her celebrated character of PAU THIS EVENING will be presented the bean ful play of LADY OF LYONS. Miss Charlotte Thompson ••• .......... • •••• .......... Loved ar • Mr. Chippendale .• • • • • J. O. Belton Miss Becket Pauline Olartde-- • Beaumont To conclude with LEND )NE FIVE SHILLINGS, Mr. Golightly.. ...J. 0. Sefton Phobbs.. . M r Chippendale . .. ......... Anne Hyatt CONCERT HALL. siir THE DAILY AND WEEKLY POST can hereafter be procured at the News repots of J. W. Pittock and t rank Case. Fifth street. with or without wrappers. Daily 3 cents; Weekly 5 -eats. N' 1:K ONLY I _ Commencing Monday November 2d And continuing every night during the week ALSO, GRAND M kl Wednesday and Saturday Afternoons For Childro-n, Admitting all children for 10 CENTS, to the afteriok n b: hllLece. . . Flrbtappearance in five yearP. of chi 0-igina and only Blaisdell Brothers Swiss Bell Ringer*, Five Solo Artists, and ave the honor of an LIU up clog e, tertaii3mente ae above, on which occ,ulion 'be:. will be nests ed by the follovrEng Solo Artists of I, , kn ,wledked abil ity: Iliad/m Blaisdell, tide k Herr Frederick Hess, onto Cone. Herr ust ave li outman. Solo Violint.t. Mr. Albert H. Fernald. The celebrated Scotch A aladut, and Master Steve Young. The Wonderful Comic Melodist. Cos& of Admission 25 cents lt • eservtd f oat eats 50 cents To be obtained at the kook and Music, stores and at tbetk• I on the days of the Concert. Doors coon/At 7 o'clock. cum menciog at 85.4.. In the Afton, n a'. 2 O'clock, coalmen:hag at 3. 0ct.2.8-010t FAIL AND WINTER Hi GOODS All i.elaoriptions Now ,Lig M. MENTZER'S, 94 314.RRET STREET, BLACK AND FANC SILKS, FRENCH MERINOS, REPP SOOTCII PL IDS, Al. SKIRTS FLANNEL -2, COVNTI{Y iti.ANKETS SHAWLS AND cLoAKS 0c628-3m -e„1 HEELLa gt WI Ll4Wsi"--•fii CELEBRATED IMPB.OVED LOCK STITCH Family ttela - ag Itt achine nig 3C ef SLI Oil L, o I h I'd ri3 Ex- hibitior_s and at aii Utz z tat., and Me- ehanioal Nu•:;e.zhih t.. 1 th s ,e.“,n. Call and exiuni:e e wachlnts b fo, - o urcbas'ng We offer f^r Foote's Patens l'oaps . { l,l i ock Stand, whioh inure , perfect safety to an ac pro verlDially c,ls - rn L , • r : ER Co oa-dS Tv 27 ;: tsb orgh pHO COW Pii :S.O UMS ALBc4IS FOR 10 CARD-i, • IBII!!, Low pri-e- PI iI'OCK'Z. ALBUSI DEPOT,. rlppozi;e Postoffice °TICE- SUPREME COURT. BRAR YE: In the name of of Coo Lnitcd titatee i YOU arc hero v si:ma.tned to appear heft ro the underAgne the Judge., of the Supreme Court. to eh.,w Pr."; y.,u should not sate on .half by purchasing your HOOTS & SHOES Concert Hall Shoe Store, 62 FIFTH STREET, PRIORS WITHIN THE REACH OF ALL. The above Court will be open tram day to day unal furth• r at 62 FT/till ST. Yer order JOII •t HEAP,I . Judges of the F sANK IIUtiABLE. People" wants BILL PERFECT, cf the U, S. giirFail not to appear under penalty of datnage to the pocket 0016 O IN TWENTY-FIVE DOLLARS, / • EMIGRANTS brought out from Liver pool, Londonderry, Cork, or Gal way, to New York, !r. FIRST ci...‘S6 MAIL STISAM ERB. for Tweaty-Flve Dollars. Parnes brought out by Vessel at lowest ratoz. A t,r.ty to D. O'NEIL, Chronicle al Irtith it., Pittsburgh, Pa. lyistr A t the Boston Cracker Bakery T HE PUBLIC WILL ALWAYS FIND ry ~ ttperior art'r:e o t Bli cut C E KS, WINE CRACK. itatS, OYSTER CRACKERS Be.. Made fresh every d&y. S. S. MA4VIN 64 fourth - - PPLEB 300 BB BelltitlCE AP ! LBO Jut: received and for sale bp FETZIKII Aithi eat( 011(3. nail comer Market r.mi First t.t, eet • VE ISON-3 NAl)ll3LEdik VENISON_ 1 ast r ec'd and for gait, by Firma k AILMST KONG Come Marke t awl Bin/ stew& Will There be Another Draft? It would seem from the actions of those ,n power that they are fully determined that all recruits for our army must in future be raised by conscription, notwith— standing that it has been fully proven that this method of raising troops is a failure, and costs the Government far more than would be expended in giving high bounties to volunteers. Much value ble time has been lost by Governor Cur tin in neglecting until this late day to issue his proclamation declaring the quotas for the different counties. Even the favorable report of Provost Marshal Fry gives but a sorry figure as the result of the draft, and the people are not anxious to undergo another. There is a feature in the last call, and the credit under it, which should not be lost sight of in the future, especially if Governor Curtin neglects to issue his proclamation fixing the quotas. The Provost Mars hal General announces that those States or counties filling their quotas on the last call will not be called upon to make up the deficiency under the Late draft, 'but that if there is a draft fora portion of - the last call, defideacies for the last draft will also be drawn. Brava Band, A strict construction of the President's proclamation would lead to the conclu sion that the soldiers now called for are to be recruited into the ranks of the regi ments on the field, instead of setting in m ction the machinery of new organiza tions. That recruits render more prompt and more efficient service by entering old regiments may be true, but experience has shown that new organizations secure men much more rapidly than do the old organizations. If arrangements could be made by which Pennsylvania's quota ' could be filled by new organizations, a future draft could easily be avoided. The number of two years, nine, six and three months men that can be secured for new organizations, is so large that new regi meats can be formed that will in a short time be nearly as efficient us those now in the field. And, agaiu, the time of a large number of the regiments at present in the Geld will expire from eight to ten months from the present date. These regimer.ts number from five hundred to one hundred and fifty men each, and if they are filled up to their minimum number with new recruits, eight or ten months hence they will be replettd to their present number, or nearly so, by the expiration of the term of service of the present memberr. of these regiments. All things considered, it would be of more advatitagii both to the General Government and the States to form new regiments. POPLINS M. MENTZ ER, t Varket at - - NEW PITTSBLIRrIFI RAILROAD —Two weeks ago we mentioned say, the Cincin cinnati Commercial, of Monday, the ap plication of the Pittsburgh, Maysville and Cincinnati Rail-oad Company, for the privilege of entrance, for their track, into the city, and passage through to Central avenue and the river. They are now en gaged in surveying a line from Hunt street acrueg the month of the old tunnel, through a gorge in Longworth's Garden of Eden : thence in nearly a straight line across the Madisonville Turnpike to Duck Creek Valley. The line contemplated strikes through Feveral of the river coun ties to Piketon, and thence on nearly an air line to Steubenville. The distance, it is claimed, by this route and the Pan handle Road to Pittsburgh, is two hun dred and eighty two miles. The prrject derives importance from the connection of the company with the coal trade, and the futu re supply of cal for the city. The friends of the company claim the necessity of an indepekderit entrance on account of the overcroWded condition of existing routes, and that its passage from Hunt street down through the streets ic the heart of the city to the river, will be of snfricient advantage to Cincinnati t.- war rant the granting of the facilities required. 20 it THE COAL. CRISIS IN CINCINvATI.—We had most ardently hoped that the waters of the Ohio would ere this have reached such a stage that all apprehehensionsof "coal famine" in Cincinnati would have been dissipated. But the danger is not pasFsed, and cur friends below are still looking forward to the coming winter with anxious forebodings, It seems that the proposed plan of supplying their city with coal, by rail, from certain points, has proved a failure. It is now thought, how ever, that arrangements can he made with the connecting railroads between Cincinnati and Pittsburgh, to lay aside traffic until the fuel crisis is over, and to devote their stock to transporting coal di rect, from Pittsburgh Lu Cincinnati. Such an arrangement could be made and the coal obtained at less than half the price at whioh it is now held. Still we hope that in a few days the waters will 'De high enough to bear away to our friends below an abundance of coal, and thus allay all their apprehensions for the incoming winter. HEAR YEI OFFICIAL VISITATION.--00e of the larg eft meetings of the Order of Odd Fellows ever held in the county assembled in the Encampment room of the Fifth street Hall Tueeday evening, upon the occasion of the official visitation of the Grand Mester and other officers of the Grand Lodge of Penn sylvania. Verbal reports were made by representatives from nearly every subor dinate Lodge in the county, and also by G Secretary Wm. Curtis on the condition of the Order throughout the State, all of which represented the institution as enjoy ing a degree of prosperity, both numeri• tally and financially, exceedingly gratifying to the members of the fraternity. Gradd Master Isaac Macauley delivered a brief, but chaste and appropriate address, and concluded by giving an explanation and instructions in what is technically called the " unwritten work " of the o:der. Grand Patriarch Brewer will pay an offi cial visit to the Encampment branch of the Order this evening, in Allegheny City. DROWNED. —Corc ner McClung Tuesday morning held an inquest on the remains of a little girl named Mary Jane Cargo, who was drowned on Monday evening, in the Monongahela river, opposite the Point. The father of deceased is watchman on the "Dick Fulton," and his daughter aged nine years, was down with him on the boat, and while playing about the deck fell overboard. She was missed about ten o'clock, and though every effort was made to find the body, it was not recov. ered till ten o'clock Tuesday night, when it way bound lying between the "Fulton" and a barge close alongside. The jury, after hearing the evidence in the case, rendered a verdict of accidental death. MASTER AND APPRENTICE.—Judge Lad low of Philadelphia, has decided that h n indenture is void when there is tuff-cove— nant for schooling and maintenance. The 1, ere agreement to pay a stipulated sum of money to.ft boy whilst he is learning the trade, does not bind him, and he may leave when it suite him. •c . _ THE PITTSBURGH POST: WEDNESDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 4, 1863. DAILY POST. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 4;1863 S. M. pETTENGILL & CO., No. 37 Park Row, New York, and 6 State street, Boston. are oar agents for the Daily and Weekly Poet in those cities, and are author ised to take Advertisements and Subscriptions for as at our Lotaeat Rates. ry. ON AND AFTER THE Ist OF NO. vembor 1883, all subscriptions to the Daily Post must be paid in adv ince Those know L g ihemseves to be in arrrars w:11 please call and settle without futtheT delay. CITY NEWS. 'l'u LATE JOB' I, O'NEILL nn• nouneed a few dnts since. by telegraph, the death of Mr J,.un L. U Neill, rnilite ry telfqtray_di operator, who di , diat .Texan dria, Va., on the '2B h ult., of typhoid ft ver, in the twenty third year of his age. Young O'Neill had a very large circle of relatives and friends in this city who deep: ly deplore his death. We may add that his friends, without wishing to treaspass upon the sanctity of the grief of his im• mediate relatives, desire to thank those who so kindly rendered assistance to the deceased in his last hours, and especially are their acknowledgments due to Mak r Eckert, of the telegraphic corps, for his unceasing attentions. ATTEMPTF.D ASSASSINATION.—An at• tempt was made to assassinate Hon. Daniel Kane. of Uniontown, on Saturday night last. This is the second attempt that has been made upon his life, in both of which he made a narrow escape—the first time a : pal.sed through his ear, and the last timc through his lip and nose. Mr. Kane was a representative of Fayette county, in the last Legislature, and is one of the roost widely known citizens of the county. What the reasons are for such cowardly assaults upon him cannot be divined. THE Race YESTERDAY.—The great race at Collins Park came off as per advertise ment between "Shamrock" and "Soft Scmp. — The day was all that could have beet, wished, and there was a large at tendance present. The betting was largely in favor of "Soap," still "Shamrock" had many back• rs who risked their money free ly upon their favorit . '•Shamrock" won the Erst and third heats, and "Soap" the second, fourth and fifth, and was declared the winner of the race. DI VI CINDS.—The stockliotders of the different banks of issue in the city held a meeting yesterday, when the following div idend, were declared: Bank of Pittsburgh, four per cent.; free of Government tax. The Iron City Bank, five per cent.; also free of Government tax. The Exchange Bank, tive per cent,: the Allegheny Bank, four per cent.; the Merchants' and Mann facturer,', four per cent ; Mechanics' Bank, f-ur per cent , and the C.tizen's, fc r. DIEI) FROSI HIS iNJCItIES —James Tia dad, who was s 0 severely kicked by hors, in the livery srahlr, cf Mr. Robert Patters; n, Miniday evening. died yea terday about five i. nlonk. He was n native cf Irehind. and had beeu in Mr. Pat terson'a etnpluy for a number of years. Be was an honest, upright and worthy ynui,g .yid by his obliging manner r.ud gei—iral desire to please, made many n ads, who will feel very sorry to hear e f hie untimely end. NOT G.oisto TO RUS9IA..—We are relit), bly ths.t the item published in the New York Times and copied in the coi our coti . n,poraries. rotative to .1. Edcar 1 nomson ttnd famtiy going to RL:.',lll, is incorrect, thf r•.• bring nn tound mi..: to: any tio,Th rumor . Ihe lore to Ilia Pe•ingyivauta Rairoad, and railroad inter eel generally, by the absence of Mr. Th - onson, would very grent and we are pleased to learn that he dorot not con template leaving. (lericKao Er r re:, rn-i,.ber4 battery A baldas 011. r 1.t.0 euittita %t( a.lay following gen .lemon were clics : Fir-t Lieutenants, J. M. C0.+1,,r EE,' Dr I. 11. Harris: Sec on 1 Li , -41 , 1.anti, H.-JI)Ln Miller and Janes Dunlap. fhp civil organization of ..he Battery is as follows : James Dun• P:;‘?.;dent ; McQuistiu, Vice Pr J. EAroes: Secretary, and W W. Ward. Treasurer. ?of:Teo:sit:D.—The frati of Capt. Mc- Hrnry, Deputy Prod.., Marshal, before the Mayor, ctiarg‘td by Dr, King with Sur ty of the peace W. otttponed until the return of Mr. I.2arostian, the United States District,:tr.l .y • vk-'1 rtt_w ab. from'be Ni.x . r MAYOR -- '7“)r))44 of t . Rune of Mayor Say ,, r',9 frtead, are iii sting tth,t ti e win hr the rll s r how le this. gentlemen "loved," , it the preee In such an event would the Gazette use Dispalch to Chronicle !he lar Lt H \V ILL WONDERI CRAB ? -- Oar salable, pod 10,,k I.g teoun , couzen, and ths: suspected editor o' :he Commercial, lion. T. J. Bingham, i, epoken of as the next Speaker of the Pennsylvauis House of Represtniativ, 8. PITTSBURGEIERS ABROAD -0.. Monday the lollowirig Pittishurghe s were in Phil adelphia . J. S Leisenring, J. H. Sweet, [Wit. Al:Knight, Thos. Rutter, Thos. D. 11,-.F.41,r, W. Murphy, W P. Dilworth, J. Coni,or, Peter Dean, W. W. Ward AMUSEMENTS rEILITRIC..-00 Monday evening, Miss Charlotte Thompson was welcomed back to Pittsburgh by a crowded audience com posed of our very best citizens who assem bled with hearts in their hands to greet their favorite, who appeared as "Julia" in the - Hunchback," and even enhanced her former great repu'ation by her sup, rendition of th,t. difficult part. lee; night she played Juliet" in her own tru..ti4il style; it could have been given batter. To night the ever popular play of the "Lady L,f Lyone, — with Miss hompeon nn `•Paulitte." a character in which we delight to see her. BELL RINGERS.—rho Bell Ringers had another full and fashionable house last night. The performance was oven better than on the previous evening, and all were delighted. A grand Matinee comes off this afternoon at Concert Hall, and in the eveningfh troupe appear again. Go and see them. SERENA.DED.---Iliee Maggie Mitchell was serenaded at the National, Washington Ci y, on tho occasion of her completion of an engagement of six weeks at Ford's Theatre, with crowded houses nearly every night. Parties of national fame pronounce her Fanchou to be a marvel of acting. Magg,t• ,s now in Baltim,,ie BUSINESS NOTICES LECTURES IN EXCELSIOR HALL, ALLE GLIENY —Dr. A. Page will del,v.r a course of Leeturee in Excelsior Hall, Allegheny City, during this wash. This evening and to•morrow Chursday tie lectures will be free. On briday afternoon he will lecture to ladies, exclusively, and, on Friday even• ing to ge - itlemen, exclusively. Admit— tance to the Friday lectures, 25 cents. The subject of his free lectures will be— " Electricity, as connected with the mental and phy4icai ehaugea, mysteries and die eases cf human life from its origin to its close." The Doctor's course of lectures in Pittsburgh were well attended, and highly spoken of by all who heard them. Dr. A. Page and J. A. Merrill can be con. Butted every day at their r.omg, No, 132 Fourth street. ARRIVAL OF NEW GOODS.—The old and widely known firm of C. Hanson Love & Co., are receiving a large supply of new Dry Goods, comprising shawls, cloaks, dress goods, balmnrals. e , c., etc., which they are prepared to lis c ipic of as cheap as any house East or West. We have so often had occasion to speak of the hoagie of Love & Co , t bat It seems almost impossi— ble to add anything further. Nor will we at present. only ha way of closing, gay that the uumbere err 74 t,,,(1 7R Market street, where, in add iii;•„ t,• tee sickles specially noted, can be limn(' 6e tin,' assortment of barred flannels and country blankets in the city. SIGEL EATING SAL, os, 47 I.'lFTti ST RE:J.T, ROIreIEZIS4N, Paoeesiraa.—Fresh Shell Oysters, Tripe and Can Oysters constantly on head. 'dells t.t all hours, from 7 o'clock a. m., 'till 12 o'clock p. m. The best refresh. sets Lau otrly be `fbuipll kir calling at 47 Eifth street. • nontattitiorairtutys.:, "Gem Pope's headquartea are in the gad- Idle," which, perhat,J, should have read; hin.lquarters." Be that as it may, if you desire a glass of old stock ale, prime ' fat oysters, etc.. etc., we advise you to make your headquarters at the " Rush House," Liberty street, above the canal. THE Fem.—The Wheeler St Wilson Sewing Machine Company carried off their accustomed honors at the Fair of the American Institute—the highest Premium for the best Double threaded Sewing Ma chine, being the moat perfect and simple in construction and working points also for their Button and Eyelet hole Machine, for novelty and perfection of ita work-- diploma for a beaut,ful specimen of ma chine braid work. end a silver medal for FOC,le . B Patent Umbrella 1, - )ck Stand Independent, Oct, 22. VOCAL Music.--11. D. Brecht, te.acher of singing and ea ltivation of the voice, 128 Smithfield street. Limes' balmorals at McClelland'a Auc Lion House, RCBBERS ht McClelland'a Auction House. HOOP SKIRTS at Mcelelland'a Auction House. Boors and Shoes a! McClelland's Auc ou House. 'G ROVER .t BAKER'S SEWING M ACHIN ES, for :a wily manufacturing !turncoat:a are the befit in tIFO. A. F. CHATONEY. General Agent. 18 Fifth street Pittaburia, Pa. JOSEPH MEYER dr SON, PLAIN AND FANCY FURNITURE & CUAIRS WA RETieUSE, 135 sMITHFIELD ST Between Pth at., and Virgin‘illeY POROUS STRENGTHENING PLASTERS HAVE THE COMPACTNESS OF HID leather awl the Eel:Wily of Silt (Love, and are beeom ng apyr t.',54.10. by an intelligent nub:ie. For all Affeoty..: - .. the Chest, Weig;.t about the up; , n tl-n of the Bowels, in colds and Cougkul to. of the Leek. for all strains n: braisee, r bank, Re ,ke they have to be used to :s. fr.eperir appreciated. Rankin's IN-tig Store, 63 Market at., 3c.. door b3low 4th Nave Thyself. DR. S. CUTTER'S ENGLISH BIT THE taREATEST lITERVINE EVER DISCO• Et/Etc—THE ORE, %TEST ()- NH' EVER D ISCOVEKE D—T E (ME ATEA r ALTERATIVE EVER DINCOVERED A CURE FUR INTEMPERANCE. A' A NERVINE. IT ALLAYS THE chrallic inflammation of the stomach. In all Person addicted to the use of somulants and nareotic!, bush as. Aleoh , lie and Malt Liqucra, ojium, !i'erphia s Argent e;c. It rvEnovcs the morbid sp:.e.ito or craving of the st .mach for ..ticuulanis. se. In Headache, Neu r. tgia. end all nervous d.ociamaii, it hes no equal as a Nerrine. Al A YUvIC. it give: „ healthy tone to the stomach, improves the petite. corrects .firer d-rangetnents. regulates. the bowels. removes lan gu~r ens drowsiniss s d perfect health to the Dyspeptio AZ4 AN A LIE ItAll VE. The blood, the life of the body, 1 , derived 13 the Lod we digest. how important then, .bat the deities of thestom ach are perfectiy performed If its duties are imperfectly executed, &same instead 01 health is scattered through the system. When our food is Properly distaste , . pure blood is supplied the body, and / . lotohes, rtimpleti, Triter, Erysipelas, Old noses. Mercurial and enerial Taints. and other diseases arising from impure blood, disap pear. Use Dr. Cutter's Eng Mt Bitters and you will have perfect digesti• n and pure blood. Yor particulars of this celebrated Medicine. procure Dr. Cutter's circular trbm any of our Agents N. VAN BIEL, I 1 N. Second street, 1 A rn erican Mnnufacturing Agent) Phil ada, TORRENC E Arc(aßß, Agents, corner of Fourth nod Market sta., Pittsburgh. F,.r tale by all respectable Druggists. ly =MEE CH.y. VAGKE MAGEE at HICKS r tern and dealere in Cloths, Cassimeres, Satinets Vestings, Tailors' '1 rimming& ..64 - ) MARKET STR LET, l'inilltdelptilia UROVER&ILASER'S Premium Sewing Machines E ONLY tioLD MEDAL Ever .warde.l to .S , 3v: IngAi a chines in Illinois. Three machines wore awarded the Highest Fre o.,ora aver all rostpetstors, f..r the Best Family ~ r acing blackener?, the Best Manufacturing Ma and the keel Machine Work • at the fol.' losing STAT ., FAIR:, of 1843. New York .Mate Fair, Pint Premium n, r family machine First Premium 1.,r boub!e-thread maohine. First Premium for machine work. Vermont State Kir. Finn Premium for family rux , htue. First Preini,a, for WWI Ufetaaring maohine. First Premium f t machine work. lowa State Fair. First Premium for final y machine. First Premium it r manufacturing machine. Fiat Premium for machine wo,k Mlc h loan Skate Fair. trim t remi:iri for amity Fiat Premium for nisnufactutillir machine. First Premium for maohine work. indiana Stab: Fair First Premium for machine for all purposes. First Premium for machine work. Illinois ,rate Fair. First Premium for machine for all purposes. First Premium for en chine work. F. entucky .)tare Fair. First Premium for ma bine for all purposes. First Premium for machine wo•k. Pennsylvania Bate Fair. First Premium for mann %attiring machine Fire: Premium for beautiful machine work • Ohio State Fair. First Premium for machine work. And at the following County Faire (Thitien/en Vt.) Agricultural Society' Fiat Premium for iamit.v sewing machine- Firs: Premium for ruanulacturieg machine. First Premium for machine work, Champlain Vat ley ( Vt.) . 4 ot - ion/sum/Society. First Premium for family machine. First Premium for manufa tiving machine. First Premium for ...chin') work. Harupdxu Co. (Maas) d gneuituralSocsety. Dip'oma for family machine. Diploma for machine work. Franklin Co (N. I%) Fair. First Premium for family machine, Fi t Premium f, , r manufacturing machine. Queen's Co (N. Y.) Agriculture/ Society. tn . t Premium lor family machine. Washington Co. (N. Y.) Fair. First Premium for tareily machine. Saratoga Co. (N. Y.) Fair. First Premium for family machine. M. et anice In tante (Pa.) Fa ir. First Premium or machine for all parposes. First Premium for machine work. The above comm.isee a ll th e F a i r ., OR , ;ITER BA_KER MACHINE - I were exhibit ed this year. At nearly all of them tha leading Sewing Machines were in competition. The work made upon the Grover & Baker Sew ing machine has reoervei the First Premium at every State Fair in the United State where it has been exhibited to this date. Sales lt , orus. No. 1 , 4 FIFTR ST. Pittsburg. Pa. 0c29-.2mdaw A. F. ORATONEY, Agent. I[l.' EADY EARLY IN NOVENIEBER.— ..11 GENERAL BUTLER AT NEW .ret. LE& 8, A His.ory of the Department of the Gulf in the year 1862, witA as account of the cap ture of New Orleans, and a sketch of the pre vious career of the Neneral, civil and militias-Y. By JAMBS PARTON. Airhor of "Late of An drew J aekson," " Life of Aaron Burr," etc. etc. Mr. PARTON has hadthe beet Possible facilo use for the preparation of thus work, including free access 'o official documents '} he capture of New Orleans, and tienerat Butler's administra tion there, form Fhb most brilliant ()pooh in the present war, and those who are acquainted with Mr Parson's previ•:as works will anticipate a' volume of intenseq interest. It will be ready earls i n Novem. ec, forming one octavo volume o' about 700 pages. Price in co thbkditts, $2 MASON BROTR=SO 8 & 7 Rene]. st.,'N, Y. oatAteod LZASAN'T SUBURBA N P Mar,Aroa.sejar.--AN.,O.N wiled from th e city, on the PertlOLUgrpour Cottage Haus of illw.,roomm an or wen built and 14 goat 0144. &Well ol excellent w mar, goad stab:e, feed bonze, ato.. twenty choke *Vote and will Moist aba ti ses** OK_ Vein= 0. : will Sesold at 1/. &raga rr rat awl &PP to S. BONt3. oeSl silitsitet st. I=l PITTSBURUB. FOR '..`.1..f41 AT 1/001.4 1310E8 dll 0. SWOPE Roster:, Nov. B.—The extensive Bleach ery at Somerville, owned by H. Snow & , wee nearly deer .yed by fire last night. Lose $25,000, Insurance small GLAZED WALL PAPER—AT 2A ET@ Pair roll, for sale by. WILD TVBESIS— 6 WILD TOD ICEY4 Lust received and for Ws , FETZER & d oeal oorn a Market iu lilff3TßONe ' 24 Irtart streiga. BY TELEGRAPH, TO THE DAILY POST Latest from the Army o the Potomac. ELECTION RETURNS The Government Finances The Whereabouts of the Rebel Steamers. Destructive Firs. in Boston••-Loss Twenty... Five Thousand Dollars. NEW Yoax, November 3.—A special to the Tribune, dated Washington, Novem— ber 2d, says : From DI. , trout we learn there we indications of a disposition on the part of Gen. Meade to obey orders by attacking the enemy, and the truth as to whether bee intends to fight or not will soon be settled. There is no use of hunt. ing for the foe, as they are all around. W. G. Sparrow, son of Rev. Dr. Spar row, formerly principal of Fairfax Semi nary, was arrested on his arrival from Stanton, Va., with a rebel mail, contain ing letters of importance. Be is now in the Old Capitol. The appointment of General Butler to the Department of which Fortress Mon roe is at presert headquarters, is consid• ered au earnest of a purpose to conduct the war in toe - quarter on what are briefly known as Butler principles. A Washingt-m special of 21 to the World says : Important adviees are an ticipated lust now in proper quarters, from Gen. Gillrnore. 13(twros, November 3.—The vote in this State to . day was comparatively small, bat the Republicans have made nearly a complete sweep of everything. In Boston the complete vote for (}ov— ernor foots up : Andrews, 6,321; Payne, 3,904; Republican gain on note of last year. It is doubtful whether .be opposition hove elected more than e; representatives to the l,',ielature, and they will probably not elect a wr n iiie Senator. Last year the op position vote wee 54 000; now it will hard ly roach 30.000. Oliside of Boston. we don't hear of the elesiic.n of a-airgle oppo sition represent-wive. 1. is believed that the Senate will be uoanimously Union. BOSTON, Nc - v. 8 —2, P. returns indicate that the Republicans have carried Massachusetts by a larger majority even than was anticipated, NEW YORK, November 3.—The Express Bays if the vote in this city is any incica tion of the vote in the State, the State has gor.e. Republican by an emphat;c majority. I he vote here ie light, and Cie Democratic majority will he reduced from 8 000 to 10,000. ST. Loris. November 3.--The city elec tio,i in Hannibal, Miseouri, yesterday, re• suited in the election of the. entire radical two to on. M. P. Grume was elected Mayor. MILWAT - KIE, November 3.—The City of g:vea Palmer, Democrat. for Goverric.r. PO) meprity, Union gain of 2200. Sc.tter.i,g returab shosv large Utiir...ri gains all co•r •iir State. Lewis, Re publican, mai •rity 0! home vote, estimat ed at 15,000 BUFFALO, Nov. 3.—W. C, Forge, Dem ocrat, is IF elected ,1 , ..ay0r by 300 majority, bFi ga UM UT! gain of 900. Rsturns from the Stbti , go far to show a considerable Union gain. Albany city, Union 4518, Democrat 6'239: Union gain 465 New YORK November 3—A Times dispatch dated Washington November 2d, says :—ln magnificent contrast to the bankruptcy arid financial lunacy which rule and reign in Richmond. Secretary Chase's administration of toe Treasury will show to the world a clean balance sheet on Cue let ot November. It will show a filling ot 75 000 000 suspended requisitions, and it will show the payment of every creditor of the Government whose claim was on that day audited and established. There is pay due to brave men, who throughout the United States are battling for the 'Union, but Secretary Chase has $30,000.000 piled up ready for them. The Paymaster-General's reunisi tions for September and Oct ober will be honored whenever presented. The Treq,sury vaults contain geld enough to meet ;ill demands payable in C: In fur hirps months to norm. From Clati!OLO6 alone the receipts are more than sufficient to pay di. , specie interest of the debt as it accrues. C.A./8.0, Nov 2--The steamer Ander , snn with two hundred bales of eetton has arrived. The report is current that thy• rebel General Ch,:lni,rs 18 relieved troto his command and General Forrest ap pointed in his stead : also, that. Forrest has instructions from Joe Johnston to burn all the cnttor: within the halite of his command Corinth dates to the 28th says : The tiizt Alabama cavalry (loyal) about eight hnndred strong who were recently sent destroy a railroad com munication near Tallinda, were surround ed by a largely superior force and moat of them captured. NEW YORK, Nov. 3.—The Tribune's ClaPI! of Good Hope correspondent states that the Alabama had been with her two prizes to the Guano Islands, but returned S,mous Bay o^tobtsr 16th. The Geor gia left Simons Bay August 21st end was supposed to have gone to Mauritius for repairs Tf..e Tuscaloosa had g , ne east, and it was expected the Vanderbilt might fall it with her NEW Y,4tlc, Novprnbar 3.—Tee Herald's dispatch dated Army of the Potomac, No vember 2d, says lifosehy still lives, and alrmnt fifty of hie guerrillas were seen at CeLt °vile this lorer,r.o.u. Another dash has been made by them, this time captur ing the cattle guard of Buford's within a mile of Warrenton Junction. All quiet at the front and along the lines. R'API9NOTON, November B—A II the able bodied troops under Gen. Martindale, military Governor, are to be released from duty hero and sent to the field. Their plaoe will be supplied by the invalid corps. the 16th Pennsylvania has already been relieved and will leave today. CHICAGO, Nov. 3. - Judge Williams, of the Circuit Court, today dissolved the in junction heretofore granted by him, re straining the Chicago and Alton Railroad Company from paying the dividend doe in New York on the 25th of August. PHILADELPHIA, November B.—The Ariz: steamer Jupiter from Naasan bar Sayan nah, captured Srpternber 13 , h in WHTEIBW Sound by the gunboat eyrnerone has ar rived here. Ell RICAII Toictrons AyNo PEACIf• a BF- 200 dot !reit, Toma'oes is sane, Peach ust ruotivei .11.1 for sale by es RID Ac BRUM. 0c23 128 =ll2B WoOdsat. W. P. MARSHALL. q'T Wood argot. 0 altwatiogi ii./1;33 ki , OPPOIR OP TR/DAILY Pear, WZDNESDAY. November 4. 1859. Brusiness—The weather yelterday. was ileBews ant. Onr rivers are again on the rlse,'Wjth abaut four feet of water in the ohanns!—the prosent . swell being fr • m the Allegheny. The demister "Charmer " is announced to leave for Cineitmk ti this day. We hope soots to be able ta amputee a sufficient rise of wate• to admit of the depart ure of c , a 1 for the tower ports, as the people of the lower towns are sadly inneed of that art ale. Pre . ghts ate plenty at good pri•cs bat unfortu nately boats are only able to oar y out small c.,r. goes. The demand for the leAding of h eav y active at fu'l price., in the absetoe of any transactions. There was a fair trade going on in lots to meet the wants of the home market. The pre ant rise being from the Allegheny, will no doubt bring oat a fresh scropl• Crw. l - 8 Ode from "Oil City "—there being a good deal of Oil in th eer cos wai . i-g a rise; Ray—We continue to notice a firtn market and a tuither advance, It may be proper to re m rk that prices for to vs time past has been go y, reed altogether by the receipts, as' the daily consumption is large and readily increasi. Sales of 12 loads at the scaleala: $353 , 36_00 'fi t en. I hese are steep figures. Apples—The market was steady with a good demand for lots ranging from to 75 bbls with sales of 175 bbls, a mixed lot, at $2 5033 25 bbl. The principal business done was in the better descriptions. Plour—The demand-wa, moderate, but hOl4l- ere firm, and refused to,_ l oll nukes at lull rata. The demand for export has fallen off. The stock inmarket was limited. The current rives from store were, Ext ass 6035 75. Extra Pam ily $0 70(46 80 bbl, Sales of wagon dour we e matte at lower fign, ec. Bacon —l'he season is pretty much over, The stook in this market being nearly 14 , hatisted, those who were fortunate enouh to have a good article of bacon on hand fin s s no dlifionlkr in disposin rof the same at (nil rates, : Shaul de s 63.43eic: Sides 7S:®7; Pisan /Jams 10.56' t3llc ; C Rams 11.1.6415 c. t'heeile—H elders wire firm in their views, as the stock in first hence is not large. bales of 110, boxes of W. O at 3314 c The demand was ra ther ahead of the supply. Hreln—We continue to notice a firm market, whilst all the various parcels that were offered Muni ready purchasers at the outside quota- tion Bar'ey not tail , osintinuts to be the lead ing article, but also command the highest figure& Toe rates a.e high in all the different markets, We, continue to quote Spring at $1 30 : tall at it/ 50 P bps. Wheat wee firm with a good de maslnd I. r both Red and Whit,. Tao former sold It at 24,31 25, whilst the laite• commandedsl 35 .bush. ts. Tho marke, was steady with sales at the depot at 75378 c, and from store at 83 684 e Rye, we could hear or no transactions, the market woe bare. Corn, was firm with fariher sales at $ 1 06.41 07 p bus. One heavy Ict was held at $1 10P bas. Groceries—The market was firm end active. As prices have undergone no change we emit them _ Feed— Of all descriptirns was firm. Pricer are tackling upwar.l, as the drmand exceeds the sup ply.. Whisky—The market WWI rot very active We Rote sale of 30 bbls City Reedited at 58@59c. PITTSBURGH OIL TRADE. WSDNESDAY, Nov. 4, 1868. The market ye - terday was dull and inactive. wi h mre sellers than buyers. The fact is, the market is entirely too unsettled just at this time fcr operaticns. The rise in the Allegheny Will no doubt bring an additional , upply to market. and before the close of the Week, pr Oes will no doubt, becpme more settltd Report says there has been quite a decline in Crude at Oil city, That prices will come down nn one can doubt. there being nothing to justify them in either tne European or 5 ast, rn markets. Uor latest news fr, in New Yt rk represent Oils as being very dull especiely Crude. The Exports since cur last were quite linOted, viz; To New York—Refined, 103. To Phita7el phia—Refined 177; nenzole. 130: 'aptha. Bahimore—Refined. 52. Crude :57. Tot a 1.1562 "moors- ia k. V, rt. h.—refined 191. IN Allecheny river-4 n bble. There were no wert ..,,n shipments. I, regard to both Refined and Crude e o omit quoEatlOrS, as the market was 10 unsettled. - Philadelphia Wool Market. Since toe fir:t pf Octobe • ther has been great activity in the domestic wool trade. In the early part of the month a movement begsn in the rodocing districti; and wools have ince changai hands with a steadily increasing darnand at higher prices until a riseof nearl/ or quite ten cents per pound has been establ shoo ; and a large portion of the clip has passed frben the hands of the growers to dealers and manu facturers. the stock in market being light. was soon talun up by consumers and si.eculators, leaving prices to be regulated by frees receip's; and at the close of the month our figures stood relatively as high asii mart par's of the we. 4. Should any special cause intervene to di turb the current of trade, the eastern market must rule at figures sufficient y above the range o- the present h gh rates of the west to pay the shipper a profit over the coat of transportations and the expnse commodities of sales ; and if gold, cotton d other stape!e thou d continue to an advance a t many presict we cannot see why the highest prices of last white- may not be remised. Pulled wools here shared with fletce, in the general demand The smog is quite moderate, and from the very high price of akine, and the et ady irqutry tor these wools, we thing they must improve as the season procressea, a he stork oforn:a wools is in good assor ment ; recent sales having been made only to t a limited extent, Pbtlattelphla Sugar Market. In groceiies there is httle or nothing doing, on account of the rain, and the markerio firm. The f Mow rig Yieldoc of augur on hand, made tkp by hies,rs and Xeehmle, Brckers, of this city : Cuba, hhcis Porto Rico, bhds To al Boxe. - - Cincinnati Tobaeoo Market. : , s1 Etl UF LEAP TOBACCO BY MOHRIFP & CELL r.NT.-40 bbd. of Mason Cottety heat and Lugs, viz •2at $7 304117 55, at $8 263 lat $9 75;tat $1( , r. 4), 2 at sll@ll 75; 4 at $12(4.12 76; 3 at $:3 '.-- - 94,13 50; 4 at $44 25g14 75; 2 at 12 25@16 50 • 3 At $l6O 6 75; 6 at $17•&17 75: 2 a• $lB. 2 at sl' '- 19 25. 2 ats23; 1 at.s2l 50; 1 at $24: 1 at SOS; 1 at i.. 60 7".; tat $31 7 5; 1 box of new Leaf at $6 •-- Baklttmore Coffee Market. • • , 11,1C0 our la.t wtekl y r,view some 30(1 bags of vet, rood Rio have eon to en by the tritde at tb Want of stock and the extreme views or bnhters cheek business. trio we quote at 32% .1333.4 e as to qualty. Pricer of other deserip tzons nominal. Chicago Highwines Market. R IGHWINIB.—The market was quiet, and prices were without decided change. Sales 50 bbois at 5.1%e ; 100 bble, in two lots, at bso delivered. Claelsmati Whisky Market. WHISKY —A good demand and prices .540 high er. Ezaleg of 800 bb!e kt 54540501 n. the latter rate for wagon. MARKETS HY TELEGRAPH New York market, nettledOßK, ov. 3.—Cotton du./, heavy and u 8143433 c for naiddli:g uplands, Flour dull, and 00M1,011 grades heavy, and So lower, at $6 1006 1.510 r Extra e tate ; 44317 30 f r Extra R. 11.0. ano $7 349 25 - for Trade branda market Wolfing dull to buyesis or common grades at out aide_Anotationa. Whisky more actives and firm a. to%kra%c c.osng with no sellers. Western 61, Wheat lo better for good and Prime, which aro ENltte and its fair speculative demand at al 31k 1 3.3 for Chicago Spring; $1 30k1 36 for Milwau ki a Club $1 3701 383 for Amberldilwaulde $l3 k for very choioCcio $l. 3801 44 for Winter Red Western $1 3001 36; for old do. and $1 29 for mixedlohoiae. Rye firm and vary scarce at $1 125. Corn, leas doing, oeays. and declining, mixed Western at $1 Mel 08% in store closing, no buy ers at' in ide, and $1 06 afloat. Oats lower with mode: ate business at:8 1 081%e. Western and State closing at inside quotations. Pork more active and flamer, $l5 5601115 75; old mean 16 7544317: new do olr sing Arm 1616 e latter: p prime 7581312 f new prime; $l.O for new m ess . Bacon sides wet and very firm. City short ribbed &LW% 10...50 and do long out 100. Lard dull and heavy at 11%kll9ic. New York Money market. • Nnw Yout, November 3 . — Moneraotive and firm. Sterling dui. heavy and nominal at MO@ 1604. Gold doll and without deoided &sum% opening at 45 4 4 advangir.g to 463, (Mooing quiet at 48%. New York Cattle Market. NEW York, November 3 —The cattle market has been harder for drovers than last week. and though some of our rates and the average Of a/I sales is a trifle higher—it is owing to a larger somber of first class. The decline of Monday D. and Tuesday morning have brought prices back to the closing rates cf last Tuesday, and in some instances even lower. The quantity taken by the Government agent was ab at 175 head, a majority of which. it is estimlted would average ()cwt. Prime heavy Veepa are eeeron and in rood demand A fi rm. 1112... Sheep and Lambs —re ceipts qui.° large, many being left over from last , turday. and with unsettled market for Pelts. there was considerable .dullness at the o Paning. Lambe. also lower. We quote illt_euE. jive, at 4%igt,i for inferior and common; NOWA, for fair to geed; 54gi54% for Hist maw. A very few choice extra lots will average 6. Lambs will range_fnun.9ll43, .0 for irefeclugAW..6o for com mon ti 'too& Chaise lets The price Vi la ranging , rom .5307 0 - Swine-receipts have been tmusually large. completely filling the pens and many yarded outside. The market is said to be very dull • owing to the (Moult/ between killers an d oaokers. and Prieetlower and heavy Receipts—Be:spa. d.otile. Cows. /18:. Welk I,ol* Sheep and IMMIX Le7s: 5wine.36.826 Philadelphia Market P43.410g1.rv.t, November .I.,—)Tlour Arun .tdes of a 4500 barrilo at 'kW' wheat qtdot: s em 4.000 oßsh Red atSTAo4.White'irtme% ~,,,,u , dun ; as es _VW Xidlew Al 105@101* Wl ate 4 - 01 pork firm: 2 41 611 0 16 01111. W.. lard firm at 11)io; nottlavdttll. retroleum dun will unsettled. V 4 tar la 403 1 034 0 SINO: - maltimere Market. ; November s.—Flour steads , Cadej •thileirl4lk4C RIVER MATTERS. 'Wow atennier . 43hiegusger. Capt. to , bigetitt Ja; finished one of tbe 15' dart nad , tiett girt ;wit, / o f d u , Atialibn; riadtd - trablve; I& construction of 'this boats:to manic. his esnit-oared.tili hi extra fatten rd, arid is.anane 1 job, The t ma chinery isnsw atui Costae/Ike the,lateg_lendbo s t &cow vemetits. &bin' - One -of mmanter's blot-jobs superistendedbgXr:pao ( *Wen and does - credirtd- that taperforitagenniO T The Per: , nitrite wag ittamilecturrdegpressfr brid asruls: : YouDg, & Ito , and, of courge,-IS lib; Tho ailment are enlendid, , and were seleattd from t o new neck )ast &edged' by re emu. Meath nd, Ce, abd *eta. scid'atiOW Set rear The cabin outfit was famished by Mesers..L mint' Duff, Taking her altogether ghe is ocrtainO a. - sPirnd ditiacket. - Capt. Moore lea tpreral ftvor-,.. and deservedly to. being_hoserable and ap right in. alt his dealings We take Idensure in ' rea nrimending the heat sad,odicers.. . The office wilt be in charge et Capt. Murdock, an officer and gel Liman and one of the mon &Medlin:colleen; we have ever- met. :She leaves for Cincinnati this e ay. a: 4 o'oloch Sale of Steamers. The fever yesterday for purchasing steamers raged hl-h. new to*boat. not yet tl ishes the/anding 1788 sold hy - Cant. Irk.wltr to Caplan Haight for 1 142,500. Capt. D endrioksonsold thestenner Daces Ili to a Wheeling hore_pany for $lO.OOO. Capt .Genrito W.Sheatsold their Omer Id a to coots j",Rmareus,and .1.11. Dunlap foy $24.- 00'. wehehxd.or one - oterr' male. but an we did no: see all the partle. we Withhold theism°. Tag Ervsa.—L eat evening,. at twitight. there Were scant toter feet ;rater in the obannei and at a stand. The present rise is from the dileineng. The steamer 'Gl:tanner' leaves tor Cinoinnati to d Y. Aa- The tow boat Storm, Yo. 2, left lest Wan ing fir Beaver, with fear coal flats in tow t tti „the people ab at Beaver and Rochester were ftria -, Ding to ran short f tbis iptrosable artlate.f. Auction Sales. 800118 AT 1 * PZION.—P R ATTMN great eetoignt t ,if valuable Books in overy postulant 41 :ttorature. Also. spleadid Faauly Pootoirapli Alhams, Letter and Note Tape , . Gold Yens, inuelopes. aro, &e. EVER r NIGHT this week. end at private sslo every , day at auction prime, at Masonio Hall Anetitn rooms, 55 Fifth street. This sale will continue for a few days longer only. T. A. 131 'CLBLLAND, ', PRAT V & BROTHER. Salesmen Auctioneer . no I Meetings, Notices, &c. %JOTICE lri? AsTOCRUOLDVIRL—A .L spenal meeting of the Stootheiders of the Pittsburgh I Contaellirrille Railroad ottIIIPaDy, wi , l be held at the Earl, of theromPany; in inn cite cf litteburgh, at 11 o4cleek a, m. on THURS DAY, the 18th day of November. A. D.. 863. for the purpose of accepting or viewing the fellow ire named Acts and ttepp•emente, pars' d by the General &ratably of the Commonwealth of Penn sylvania, at its last session. to-wit act to repeal the ninth it:Wipe of an ac c whorls:as the laying out of a btate Road from the Marone& of Orwizsbutg. Schuylkill county, to itoera , at a Public ro d leading from Reston to MateltChunk, and for ether purposes." approved the fir,t day of April. 1863, - A supplement to an act to incor porate the "'Ml:ugh & Conneilte Company," appro eh ved tbe 11th day dev ot Api it,ltailmad A.D. 1863. Also. - A supplement t en act t. incorpo rate the Safe Harbor and Suscolehs nue luropike Heal tympany." etcetera, approved the 14th d,:y of April. A. D. 1863 THOS. 8. BLAIR. CYPErff P. MA eKLR JOHN A. CAUGHEY; J. B, MAYBION, W. W. TAY.LoR, A. MILLA IL H. BITROWIIq, RN A. DILWORIH, DANL. R. DAVIDSON. LIAVBN. Directors of Pit W burgh Conn. R: R. CO, Eittabiugt."Oct. 27. DM ootlB-tf OFFICE WESTERN INSURANCE COICCANT,} _ Pittsburgh, October i 8 3 4 N ELEIOTION FOll. DIRECTOI3B OF .tn. this Company will be held at its office. Nc. 92 Water s !vet on TUESDAY. November 10th. 1863, be wean the hourF, till a. m., and 2 p. m. oe3l-td F..11."610RD0N. Bea's% P. XERTB, Wholesale and Retail dealer in and manufac surer of Ladles, Bfisses, Gents,.goys and Youths OOTS, SHOES AND WIERS, IN ALL THEIR VARIETIES No. 425 FEDERAL STREET ALLEGHENY CITY, PA. aMEWON :to : I ;11 SUPPLY OF NEW FALL GOODS Among whioh May be found the latest style/ and novelties in DRESS AND CLOAK ItiIMING, ornaments and Button*, Heal-Dresses, bead and Braid Nato, A ner invoice of 600 SARATOGA TRIMMING 200 doe. of BUGLE AND BEAD GIMP 800 pcia. White Edge, Black and Searlel VELVET RIBBON. BuNNEI' RIBBON 6, 611 colors acid latest style& Aleo, WOOL and ZEPHYR HOODS, WOOL STOCKINGS, in great variety, for old and young. GKN T'S STEEL,. PAPER and LINE N COL LARS UNDERSHIRTS, - DRAWEES, BOOKS. N E TIEz, SCAB.PO, COMFORTS. SUSPEN- D IRS. etc. The Who'email rooms up stabs NACRIIIII & CLYDE, 78 MARKET STREET, Between Fourth and Diamond. AEW DRY GOODS OPENING DAILY HCGUIS dr MACKE'S Corner 'of 6th and Market its. DRESS GOODS, In even varlet, MERINOES and POPL/NB, CLOAKS and SHAWLS, COUNTRY BLANKETS, COUNTRY --cst-,.; - ; • SCARLET OPERA ,FIANNBLEI, GREY TWIL'D FL,.0114- BA LMO RAL SKIRTS, GINGRA2dB, All eoliths at tpe LOWEST CASH PRICES. - uczu and t7riaLilllC cnar stook. igiouNTll FALL STOCK NOW OPEN of BNAtsBll £ 10 .40.14ERD4.1. AMU TIM na kpeed,4l4eitht eon el o tCe beet in the wreld..fultr warnmed yearg,and2o4,,at awda.• pa Eabte„. , new- :ore Pink Den K.e.°l l li geO s igner. - 4V a t e er York Rotoroottoitra, mad. wasowrix BLOM OFllth street 'l.', PRINTS, CHECKS, &o.