Railroad Time Table. fattba gh dr. Oannallsvitle SUN ICIER A.REANGENGENTS, grlh N AND AFTER Eist.TIJRDAT, AU SJF GUST 15th, Mt 'stain will run as fol • 4wa , on the P. ac C. R. R. - Leave Arrive at Pivaborgh Pittsburgh Kanto and from Uniontown 7:65am 6:00 p m lttpross do do 3:4opm 9:2oam Ist M'Koesp't Aocom'dat'n 11:00 a m 6:50 a m Vd do do 6:l s pm 2:ospm Port Perry do . 7 00pm B:3opm Braddock's Accom'n. 4:15 pm 5:40 p m Sunday Chnron train to nod from McKeesport 1:00 1 § 0 m 10;00 am . BO TON. Ag't. M For tickets apply to G , 1.61113:1.Yd H. BLAC NE, Bnp't. A DIU VAL AND DZIP'ARTITED OP TECO WESTERN MAIM . D.EPA/32 DBE& lEsPress train. Fort Wayne and Chicago will take way math from Crestline to Chicago at 2 a.m. Cleveland and Pittsburgh train, 2a. m. Climes at midnight. Mail train, Pittsburgh. Fort Wayne & Chicago 3:10 a. m. Closes 7a. m. This train will earn all way mails between Pittsburgh and era:Anne Cleveland & Pittsburgh train, 6:50 a, m. C loses at midnight. This train takes way mails between aocherter, Pa., and .Bellair, 0, Express, Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne and Chicago. m. Closes at M5(l p. m. Cleveland & Pittsburgh train. 1:50 a. In. Closes at M6O p m. ABRIVALS Maeimati Express, 2 :80 0. Mail train. Pittsburgh. Fort Wayne ic Crktioaxo 8:55 p. in. Cleasdand and Pittsburgh train, 4.!20 p. 8:25 The mails arriving from the Weat on 3:55 D. m. sod 4:20 D. M. trains will be ready for delivery a tg3+3 P. In. ARRIVAL AND DEPART TIRE OF THE EASTERN MAILS. DEPAR7URES The mail trajn for the East departs at 5:50 a.m, Closes at midnight. This train will also take the icaf mails between Pittsburgh and Harrisburg. the through Express train for the east departs at 4;30 2. nr. Closes at 3:3oja. tn. The !fast train for the Nast departs at 11120 p. in Closes at llial p.m. ARRIVALS The mail train designated as the Baltimore Ex press arrives at 12:45 p. m. The Philadelphia Nxpress arrives at 1:15 p. ro. Both.of the above will be - delivered at 2:30 p. m. Th. Pavt train arrives at 1:30 a. m. 1-nilad'phia Advertisements, BRICk, tal„ PRODUCE AND PROVISION COMMISSION MERCHANTS, NO. 16 SOUTH WA TBR iS2 BLA 2 Philp dr:5 1 p111. a. tai. Literal advoncos made on oonnonineott wbonrequired. myi-lrd R. P. MIDDLETON ar, BRO., WWII= OP WINES, BRANDIRB, 153 AND MILE= IA FINE OLD WHISKIES, NO. 5 510/ITH FILONT STREET ILADELPHLS. .1)10:1r4 GEORGE GRANT, hiannfoot-rL , - and Wholesale and Retail DeJsle. 111 riralitll nuovarnolt OP GENTS' FURNISHING . GOODS, 610 CHESTNUT STREET, 011-17 PITT A.DELI-111.6 MORNING POST STEAM PRINTING ]CST .11_,10311.1tEILN CORNER FIT & WOOD STREE P IT8B1:7Reli 11.E.1T18 4 IEC ELY MADE RITHNOT d DDITIONB LID INPROTION RN TO OUR OFFICE. Ws arc EtOW reared to' anellte all omen EVERY DESCRIPTION OP BOOK dc JOE. PRINTING With &oat* and it the most superior et 71.2 We hsve , as ales SECOND WO .1% ODi it,' fv. the tate And wilt Pics particular zttanNon to RAILROAD, MERCANTILE & LEGAL PRINT! suss or kkortvo, crectrwro, BILL HEADS, .131.11ML9011)ZED CEBTEreIICA.TES, BEGISTVBS, BEAT TICKETS, BEM:PM Show Cards & Bills in Colors CsAXDS, MUMESINGrki, Handbills, Labels, Qo / 0 50 and Bohool Schemes, Hotel Mlle of Faresinvitstionsoko. Ow facilities for printlna POSTERS, PROGRAMMES, lik,C FOR CONCERTS a EXHIBITIONS hNO PR ean ICI3I Insure ootsullsta tstiesAtionerto Tltt BOOK WOR OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. and' College Catalogues., MoteLlergeone Catalogues, Coioaltullons, Eleiporte, Brlets, et WAFTS 11001311, I, I 3TTER ICEABB, ELLIMIT, 2041;1:03, CEUMLECES, MTC. !OE Banks tt Banking Hamm, FORNISHRD TO ORDER. ALL WORK EXEOUTED FROMTLY BARR & MYERS, POST EiJIT.DINs&i. Mill arid ate IQ PE:WALT LES. AT - LNS- DRUG store, 63 Market street, three doors below 4th street. Bankin'a Spiced Blackberry, ' :For DitarhoeigDysinterr,_Cholerc Etcetera Rankin's Extract Enehn. For all diseases of the Kidneys and Bladder Radkln's Philoorin e. A hair dressing of intrinsic value Figo Se-ware Hard and SoR Rubber FYringes. Rand • Mir rem, RA NELIN S DRER STORE, alio No, 63 Market street, below Fourth• coioAtidEAFE LlEl2'Ol3 VINES. AT $2 50 PEE. a• 7 .4 dozen: -s}2so pr.r,4o. Extra Vioetat $5 per &vett: sSis'phi lon Art ",= 4. J; KNOX ir an No. 29 Fifth street. - '"I4VEW FRENCH PAPER EL*NGLIK49: , pomp lump° TisHING. poL,Es /..N barn the celebrated' Istazirtranturies of. Deli-: 11)1fialo bi l . ' ' ` ' equll l ic Ds/topics, in nuts. Just received and for .-- P - g 2097-Ft., , , 7 7,' W. P. MARSHALL. I, E, -,' ' - r ' " .7 wood street 1 ° AO' liAfilitagoripp,-- , "Pitrts ,,, ,i4in ?I - 31'A YEL E V A TOES, WITIT ANTI. r-0 quarts," Henisick's Champagne. 30 Cases Sparkling Moselle. . 7 1 It Friction. or Common Blocks. for &ado by 13ECKHAM & LONG, In store and kr Bala aim & RIOKETSON 1114 No 147 Liberty street . ELT HOLM ES Cc SONS, DA N Elsa JAI • and radiance Broken and Doelo3 ha Notes. Drafts, doceptanees. Gold. Silver mat Bank Note& .1 3 X0hang,.. on the Niagara We and ,ltarn Cities eonstanu, for sale. Collections made in all the cities - United States. Deposits received in palms or Tarrant paper. No. 57 Market street. latUtten Third and Fourth streets. DOLLAR SAVINGS BANE, 65 FOtrlitTlA STREET, fiIhPEN DAILY, MOM 9 TO 9 O'43TAINMSS It" also. on Wednesday and Saturday ev mina. from May let to November let, from 7 to ti) a'aiook and from November Ist to May lot, from 6 to 8 o'clock. Deposits reoeived of all sums not less than Oh Domao and a dividend of the profits declared twice &year. in June and December. Interest has been declared semi-annually, in Juno and Decem ber since the Bank was organised. at thereto of sirr per Gent. &r oar. In terest if not drawn out. is placed to Ole credit of the depositor principal. and bean the same interest from the first da,va of June and De cember, compounding twice a year. without troubhng the depositor to call or even to present his pass- book. At this rate MOllO3 , will doable in less than twelve years. Books oonthaning the Chartm. By-Laws. Rules and Itegalaticms, furnished crit'ds, on application at the Maas. PENSIDINT emoßez ALlitt.SE. vion PRZILLDIIIII. loln B. M'Faddan. Isaac r4.1.120ag• John Holmes, John marshal_ Alexander Hoses. James B. D. M Beni. L. Fahnestock, A. M. Pollock. M. D. James McAuley. Hill Burinsin. James Hardni.m. Wm. J. Anlerson. flltliil32. Calvin Adams. James D. Kelly - John G. Baokofen. Peter A. Madeira. George Black. Wm. Vankirk John C. Bindley. James Mae. Alcraso A. Carrier. Robert Robb. Charlet, A. Colton. Walter P. lilxzeliell, Win. Douglas, John Orr. Jolla Evans. Retry L. Mumlg, Wm P Weyman. John H. Shoenbergat, Win. S. Haven. Wm. R. Sohme,rbi. Peter IL Hunker. Alexander Tindle. Richard Haw. W'Jiec S. LavelY. Dant Whittier. Chriatian Yeager' MIITEIIAII7 kWh TIMM/UM CHARLES A. COLTON. FARMERS' DEPOSIT BANKING CO BANK OF DEPOSIT AND DISCOUNT Par and Ourrent Funds Reoeived Deposit. ripuffE uNIIESSIGNED STO4CICHOLD. ERS are individually responsible to deposi tore to the whole extent of their private means: James Marshall, William Young, John Scott, Jacob Painter, wiill 9.1 Walker. William Carr. Samuel George, S. B. Robison, Thom ert Beas Mellon. Thomas Scott, Robll. Joseph Love. John McDevitt, D. A. Stewart, John Floyd.. D. R. Galway. Ray Walker. W. W. M'Gregor. • John S. Dilworth JAMES MARSHALL. President. B. A. GEORGE. Cashier. janB SAVINGS INSTITUTION, INCORPORATED BY THE LEGISLATIIREOP PENNSYLVANIA Open for Depos is from (t) .e, to 2 o'clock. I. m. daily; also o•: SATURDAY EVENINUS from 6 to 9 o'clock . • SW - Office. 63 FOURTU STREET. INTEREST ALLOWED On Deposits in this Institution at SIX PER CENT. PER ANNUM Payable to Depositors in May and Novel:Eller, which, if not drawn, will be added to the uric ci - pal and compounded. Pazatnzwr—lS.A.Ao JONES Ilion Palm - mom—W. B, COPELAN 1911785Z10, Hon Thos M Bowe ___l Hon J II Moorht.t d lsaac Jones, I C (1 }fumy, Wm II timith,Jacob Painter. Ilarvy Childs.l Nickolas V coatis'. WB Copeland. _ . __ _ Beay3tary and -A.A_ CARRIER, iy&lrd LOAId OFFICE, HENRY W. 01111.101'1'E 80.100 EUNITHWIELD f4TU S ET Near the cornea. lath. l'itteleurgh. miff ONE 4 IN JLARGE. AND SMALL /tit quantities loaned on Gold and Silver, 1 1 3,- monde, Jewelry, Gold and Silver Watches, Lied all kinds of valuable sytiolos, foz any length 01 time agreed on. The goods =not be delivered without the Ticket. Ea- Office Howl iron 7 A. I. to ZO P. JOELN LITTLE, Jr., 106 FOURTH STREET, STOCK AND BILL BROKER Promissory Notez..l3toak Bomb, and Ilfortgl L es bought and sold DIME SAVINGS INSTITUTION, NO, 110 Smithfield street, opposite the Cugtoth H 011136. Chartered by the Legislature, President..._ VIOM PHEEIDESTIL Wm. H. Smith 11, F. al3 Id Thoa. D. Mernler A. Rein mein Francis Sellers Joahu• Rhodos John F. Jennings. Jaeol, Stnekrath Thomas S. Blair Alex. Bradler Henry Lloyd Alfred Slack TRUSTEES. Josiah Ring C ZnK A 8 801 l Jos Dilworth 8 8 Fowler Nir A Reed Jas W Woodwell R C SehmerM F Rahm C W Riolietson J M Tiernan 8 H Hartman D M Long R J Anderson Jas W Baxter D E McKinley C H Wolf Robert D Cochran Wm Smith W lhmsen 0 B Jonee B F Jones • W H Fholps C B Herron SECRETARY AND TREASURER. IL E MCKINLEY. E:7M2LOPIV3, COPirrIZZLOcCt Open daily, front 9e.x.t02 P. Y. Also, Tue.s- Liagand Saturday evenis, from 6 to S o'clock. apatite received of Oli DIME and upwards. ividtmds declared in Dooembor ao t J one of each year. Dividends allowed to remain are place i r o the credit of the depositor as pridaipal, and b aar in terest, thus compounding it. Books containing Charter. "By-Laws, Aro.. to r railed at the office. This imstita ton offers, especially to the , o Persons whose earnings are small, the opportunity to aocunaulate, by small deposits, easily BtlvocL a stun:which .will be a resource when needed, tho r money not only being safe but bearing interest, i - stead of remaining unproduotiv - e. i WESTERN INSURANCE- COMPANY, 01F PrrIMBIETEMEI. e.X.0116111 DAUM President • sr. M. GORDON, RecreterY. Ca pt. R. D. COCHRAN, Genl Aent. 130. 92 Water street, (HP= k 00 , 0 Warehorao. an atairad Pittsbargh. 11151 Urii73 vodust hinds of ?TRH Ind ML -31113. tioteeitistitatlon managed b 7 Directors who vrt.ll knots let the toronamnaity, and who are duoinitatd: 4.7oolontost grid liberality, to m an ts% the ahodsoten which they have amazed, as of ferias the hest protection to those who desiro to be Intared. . OOTOBBR ECUs, IMO. 2,160 00 Ma Amends, .... 7,1309 48 15,85199 Prenitum N0w,27.606 20 Notes end Bills —... 174.075 14 ---- 11IRICTOR33. ,min 76 R. Mrner, James Nethroalel Holm= Alexander Nimlet . %ma Darsie Win. D. Smith. Chaa,..W..RiotetsoA. Andre* Ankle,- Alexander Spec. David M.LOrtfr, Ben Z. Thomas. Beni. Bakowen, John R. M'Onne. mylB HOOP SHIRT MANUFACTORY, I': I 7 E spEAR I LTMEILITZTa t It% Barb openedthe . atore No. 57 Fifth street, under Masa= Hall. nuttLa large assortment of Hoop Sikh Its, The genuine brand of every, , pletieription. ,mannfactured by them- Slves. Rod they atiyepared - to-offer =maim] th indeceeitts both toWholesale and Retail Buy ers. Ihe mfaterfal used In the manufacture of our sktrts44 of the very belt' quality. and, bi in c main tifi t c•thred oh t he protnises,the work is gear auteed. • All Eqdrig purchased at our establish ment can at anyq.i.Meilie reridtred. Wooordialiy invite all buyers to call cm us before before 'pur chasing etsewy?iTe;.Ms wb melieonfident that the extent. of eor business enables us to offer in dtleements not elsen here to be obtained - rGA.,LLITKIG 4 GARFUNKEL. seMiad 5i Fifthtst.. Under Masonic Hall. Banking Houses:&c. OHARTEBED 171 1865. REAL ESTATE OFFICER®. „...JA3=9 PARIki, Jr • JAMES SOWN. L 1.26 Wed street Business Cards, &o. Y. o'nes.A. . WY. I. Wangs O'HABA & AtIGINN, Attorneys at Law, REAL ESTATE AGENTS, OFFICE 89 GRANT STREET Opposite the Court Rouse. Pittsburgh. Sir - Particular attention given to the settlement of Estates, sale and transfer of Real Estate, Ex amination of Titles, Soldiers claims. collections in any part of the west. Prompt remittances, and full correspondence In regard all business entrusted to our care. lul J. a. 111SLDON WELDON & KELLY, Gas and Steam Fitters PLUMBERS AND BRASS FOUNDERS, 164 WOOD STREET, NEAR SIXTH PITTSBURGH. PA. gar Pumps sold and repaired. Proprietors and Manufacturers of Dakin's Patent Water Drawer and Musg - revu's Patent Gas Cooking and Heating Stows. atga J ..tll. - • 11 .B SUCCESSOR TO JAS. P. FLEMING. _DRUG G-liiiVir, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Foreign and Domestic Drugs, Medicines, Paints. Oils, Dye-stuffs and Perfumery. No. 77 Federal STreat, ALLEGH E.N Y CITY, PA. NRIAIIPED, OIL CLOTO, &C -AT EPC A L L U N'S, So. 87 Fourth Street. imouG.Err PREVIOUS To THE LAI/ A-9 advance in prices. of which the fulleat.,an vantage is offered in purchase FOR OASIT. del mu.° JoLite..../ omit L. BO WW. Cr %JULIA VGH PITTSBURGH STEEL WM JONES, BOYD & CO., ANuFAcTuRERsoFcAsc S 1 EE alßo,_Spring, plow. and A B Step I SP XING znd AXLES. oornar R. 41 and wir.• nalds JRIO. RIOOMEIFALD, COMMISSION RIEFICIAN FOR 'FEB 5.11,11 OP I'IO METAL &ND BLOOMS, NO. VI W &Tin. MAIM BELOW MARK PrITSBUROM CURTIS C. STEINMETZ, 0212R•L ROUSE CARPENTER AND JOBBE 11 SHOP VIRGIN ALLEY b, 11, me. Weed and Liberty Streets, Pittsburg. Pa. agf - Ordars Bolleited and promptly attended t R. HUTCHINSON (LATE OP LPEOH it. RIITGEILNBON.), COMMISSION & FORWARDING MERGE Dealer in WESTERN RESERVE CHEESE, Flour, Grain. Fish. Driod Fruit, Pot and Pear Ashes, and PRODUCE GENERALLY. Best Brands of Family Flour Always on Hand. No. 102 Second Street, Between Wood and Market, PITTSBUGIi t PENN'A. @a-Liberal advance made on Consignments. apll-I.rd I 312E= ELOBT. lb Wholegele Grooerz, COISIEUSSIOP P.SD FORWARDIII2 UERCIIIN lire In Protium and Pltiobnrahlnizathectare • Eln, 7 53 LESIEBrif STREET% PITTEIBU R Cal 41E0. R• COCHRAN, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW (Mee No. 69 Grant street, near the Court 1.1011,30. Pittsburgh. L L SIUSINESISI ENTRUSTED TO In. his care will receive prompt attention. Col lo..itionß made and the money Promptly remitted. a. Zs- Eat; Brass Founders. GAS AND STEAM FITTERS. AU kindo of Braga and Iron Cocks made to order. Paso. 88.A138 OASTINGS, OF ALL KBIDS Made at the shortest notice. Particular attention paid to the fitting up and repairing ot OIL REFINERIES. 31 & 34 WATER STREET, near Liberty. The members of this firm being practical me ebonies, of many rears' experience in the basi DOS% mil insure to give satisfaction in every ra sped.. se6lyd-eJu29 UPIIOILSTER V 9 NO. 86 FOURTH ST., NILLP. WOOD rvi irE 8111:1E8CfRIBEILS It A># UFAC A. TUBE and keep constantly on hand even article in their line, via: Cornices, Ornaments Curtain Goode, Comforts, Feather Beds, Mittman of all kinds: also, the celebrated Patent Sprint Beds. All kinds of Shades. Blinds and Fixtures 427- Prompt attention given to all ordain for IP Unit and laying down ROBERTS Oil Cloths, dm °air:lyd ROBERTS & MEMO& J. H. CASIDAY. Mate, Mock, Draft, Bond and Dori gaze., Revd Eatate and nez• chisindhie Brener. onno9, ROOM N 0.19 BURKU'S BUILDINQ POURTH STRIRT, Pittsburgh, Pa. Deeirablo MW properrty and other Roal Estate to the amount of $10:40011 for Pale low. Vll Worht DIiTNCALIT, DUNLAP & CO., ffianrfaotarore of 2.1311 r. REFINZIO IL 13 flo N 0 I L. Eel . Mon, NO. sal LIBFF.TY LEW, Pitti burch. myB-6md 41HANDELIER P; , BRACKETSCORNICES, CANDELBRASS, LAMPS REGILDED OR REBRONZED. and made eonal to new. Moo, Chandeliers dze.. altered to burn Carbon 011. at the Lamp and Oil Store of WELDOR dc HE LLT. 164 Wood street. near 6th. P. IiSYMEIL D. It Late at Miller dr Rieketson's. rte3-iner Sr. Brothers, 15UC30.930T8 to Reymer k Anderson.] Wholes Ile Dealers in Foreign Fruits. Nuts, Confectionary, sugars, Fire Works, NOS. 126 AND 128 WOOD STREET. PITTSBURGH. . 11.0DX/I HIGICI isicsipEE i& HICKS, Importers and dealere in Cloths, Cassimeres, S a ttinets Vestings, Tailors' Trimmings, 255 MARKET STREET, • North Side, PECIIADRLPIIIA. jy4:—.4.94yd HENRY SY. BEAUMONT &CO. lIMMEI Foreign Brandies, Wines and Gins, Also, Blackberry, Raspberry, Wild Cherry, and Citrate Brandies, Old Mononghahela. Rye, and other Whiskies. Jamaica Rum, &o. No. S 3 Liberty Street, Opposite Fourth street, PITTBHIJEGH. PA. arir Hotels. Taverns. and Families, supplied at moderate profits for Cash. mv2l:lYd A. au suinotuu ...D :Ur 5111TEVEAM —P. (711NEItte1l J •CIIINNIIMIEWIS et 00.—P ITT gi • 'Dna( CIPPY GLASS WORKS—Wax house, 1.19 Water street. and /58 First street pitimburgh. Pa., three doom below_ the Jitonouse heis — Bouse, hionuMeturtus of Pittsburgh Ulil CfleM IhtundEitteLeas yirArovul 4meri viedis Wass. fa aa:Liciztwu2dow., elsitrehir vied tsanitsauJOusr, •1 "WU , L'D AND , RE "'plying Rase Rakes, for sale by BECKHAM ,k LONG. 127 Liberty etre' Business Cards, &c. FRANK KELLY, Alderman and Attorney' at Law NO SI FIFTH STREET .Collection of accounts and' all legal busi es 3 promptly attended to. • Le2;lyd DAUB & APPELL, SEERC I KANT , TAILORS, 185 Smithfield Street. VVE HAVE JUST B CEIVRD A One and well .aleoted stock of Fall and Winter GoDds, 01 Clothz,Casimeres, Ilestings, &e. ALSO—A leerto mot , of GENT'S FUP.NLSHING GOODS, inoludloit Paver Ooi/are. Titts, _end every thing utorav kept by first class Furnieli Ina Slor e Orders opose.ll7 ozoonted. sa3oll 7d Er 31133 DEN TISTRIV. FIFIEETH EXTRACTED WITHOUT -IL pain by the use of Dr. Ouctry's apparatus. J. F, HOF FMA N, DENTIST. All work warranted. 134 Smithfield Street.Pittsbnreh ANDREW ELOMAN. iI'ENHY PHIPPS, Je , General Partners. IRON CITY FORGE , KLONAN & PRIPP , '" I 9 Ninth Ward, Pittsburgh, manufacture Bar Iron, General Railway and steamboat Forgings, Passenger, Freight and Lo comotive Axles, are. 8.10-tf DUQUESNE BRASS WORKS, CADMAN & CRAWFORD. Meaufaotererr of every variety of finish eqPiAlOl,