Railroad- Time Table ritttbn , gli 7 & Ornittale stuOtata Afta&sozatrarrs. . . N 'AND AYTER SATURDAIrrP , AV . 1 - GUST lbeltk, Mi. Trains will rim as 6)1- has. on thoP.-dc-0. B. R. - Leave Arrive at • Pittsburgh Pittsburgh Idailto and from Uniontown 7:55 a m &00 p m Expresa do do 3:40 pin 920 a m lilt 11Plinosp't Aooom'dat'n 11:00 a m 6:50 a m ' , 4 do do o:lspra 2:ospm - .:-Port Prim do 700 p m 8:30 ptu Bradcock's Aocom'n. 4.15 p M 5:40 p lid Sunday Charch train to and , 7 • '-,- -' r.,." 1 from McKonsPort 1:00 p m PPOtitaln For tichots apply to GEO. BOULTON. Alet. mhl2:lyil 11. BLACKSONE. SuP't. • 451.111V41L AND DEPART RE, OF T cirrsTERN acsams. DEPARI Via& Express train, Fort Wayne and Ciiicago; *lll take way malls from Crestlino to Chicago at 2 ami. Cleveland and Pittsburgh train, 2a. in. Clops at. midnight. 2. ' Mail train, Pittsburgh, Fort WaYne &Meese 8:10 a. in. Closes 7a. m. This train will carry all 11111.7 maile between Pittsburgh and Crestline, Lleveland & Pittsburgh train, 6:50 a, in. Closes at midnight. This train talcs was mails between Rochester. Pa.,and 0. ExlmerS, Pittdsurgb, Fort Wayne and Chicago, 1:50 p. Ds. GIMNS st 1.450 p, us. Cleveland k Pittsburgh train, 1;50 a. m. Clans at 1.2:50 p ta. ARRIVALS Cincinnati Express, Il : 3 0 Mail train. Pittsburgh. Fort la ayne It Chicago, p. m. Cleveland and Pittearghtre.M.Wo p. m„ 8:25 Themails arriving nom the Weal 011 3:55 p. and 4:30 p. m.„ trains will be ready for delivery at tk3 l 4.a. m. AND DEpearruiss or TIE EASTERN MAILS. DEP A R7ORIZI The mail tram for the East departs at 6:50 aln. Closes at midnight. Thin train rill also take the way mails between Pittsburgh and Harrisburg. Thethrough Express train for the east departs at 4:30 k. in, Closes at WO p. The Fasttrain for the East departs at MAI P. m 010:10D iitlo:2o P. in. A Bill IrA LS The mail train designated as the Baltimore Ex press arrives at p_. m. The Philadelphia . Sx press arrives at 1:15 p.ka. Both of the above will be delivered at 2:30 p.m. pan, !Tin arrival at 1:31) a. in. Philad'phia Advertisements WM. BRICE. & PRODUCE AND PRLIVISION COMMISSION MERCBAiTS, Na 16 SOUTH WAT/iR s2las7 • MIL Liberal advonoes made on consienoleott when mistily' ed. E. P. MTDDLETOIi 6; 811.0., MIPORY3I2III or WINE'S, BRANDIES, is LOD DILLLI4.3 11If FINE! OLD WHISICIIGB, .610. 6 NORTH FRONT STREET BILA.DIS.LP .•11`19d GEORGE 'GRANT, Mannfaotarer and Wholesale and Retail Deal's! 11 ZVI= DEICIIIIPTION 07 GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS 610 CHESTNUT STREET, Ersv:l-1, PRILADELPHLe MORNING POS STEAM PRINTING m sir /I 13 I,l*s llM.lratrr. . CORNER MTN & WOOD STREET Y XTBBURGH 11114LIVIN E ACENTLY MILAII BITIMEIIVi DDITIOIIB AND IMPECITC 11 Rif TO 01111 OFFICH. We are toy! Prepared to execute all order; NVERY DBSQMPTION OP BOOR ift JOB• PRINTING 'With dispatch, and in the mast superior atria Vf o heirs as ©Elsa kiIOCIONX, To N Ord 14 in the alto A 134 will PST prztlaular tate:Won to 'RAILROAD, MERCANTILE di LEGAL PRINTING DELLS or LADING, C RUJLASB, . BILL HEADS, MARKS, DEED CEETIFICATES, REGISTERS. nasx TICKETS, RECEIPTS, IVlour Cards & Bills in Colors Ia&RDS. ENVELOPES. lout DEEMS, CONMENOVS -Showbills, Handbills, Labels, Col logo and School Schemes, Hotel Bills of Fare,lnvitationsotto. Vttr bUilitles for mintllait POST,. PROGRAMMES, atC, 1/013 - V)NCIMTEI & mulil;rrioNß uNSItTf&PASSIOL) wean Imre room:flee eatitiaLetlon at to TIM AM) PRICE! BOOK WORE OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, Sebool and College Catalogues. Mimeolioneens Catalogues. Oonstitnticini, Reports, Br elk BLABIli• BOOKS; ' . 0 -3 -Limn= HEAD°, • IeILANIL BOORS, ammonia, .kr<3. NOE Baualisfa Banking Romsea;', ruaNISEED TO ORDER - A 14., WOU MOUTED PROMBTLY\ BARR & MYERS, iSti; mid WOOO.l to IsmatikAvrtins AT BANITINS buva stoie, 6 . 3 Market street, three'doore below 4th street. Rankin's Spiced Blackberry, ForDiarrhoea: Dyeintery, Cholera In flu/Wm ilialtkites Extract Each u. Fer all disease= of the Kidneys and Bladder Badidies Ph iloc rine. A hair dres2ing of intrinsic value. Figaro Segrars, H ar d And ETA Rubber, FYI - ins-es, Hand Mir rors, &e.csit" RANKIN S DRUG STORE, an 27 No, 63 Market street, below Fourth. CONCORD GRAPE. 11.eRRIOR PIFER, AT $2 50 PER 6.7,Alogfair 41250 par 100. tra Y-1009.10 $5 per dome= toreloo. - - • . J. KNOX No. a 9 Fifth street ItiIatVriCRWCTUPAIPMIS; ICANeINGS XII from thei etilebrifed'inarinfacturies -of Deli= court A Rpfosses, in Paris. hut received and fax sad 57' '""). • W. P. MARSHALL. .rdEtt 4 booW re: F 47 Ur.wid artier. INA Y EL EVA TORS, WITH ANTI- Friction. or Common Blocks. for sale b BECKHAM & LONG. No 147 Liberty street ilsoutiLlthi dt SONS, fl AN a:Una 111 • and Exchanse Brokers and Dealers In Notes. Drafts. Acceptances. field. iiilver mtgs.:lh Npteg...laohatige en the x.anerri rind Western Cities Ansttintly foe sale. ti: , 'Collections made in anther eltieelthrenft,, , ,rit the United State& _Deposits received in par faz-4, or =rent paper; No. 57 - Market street. t»!? - ery Third and Fourth &trecto. DOLLAR SAVINGS BANE. IFOISI4TH N'irraVET, 111%.61 11.1,11 LY, Plr.o - SS. 7'm 2 o'CLOCril wt.lr also, on Wednmday and Saturday av from MaY let to Novemb or Ist, from 7 to U eolook and frem November l i st to MaY Pat. Irma 6 to ri o'clock. Deposits received of all sums not leap then Os Dolman. and a dividend - of the profits decla red twice a year, ill June and December. Interest haw been,deelaredseoni-annually, in Jute and Decem ber since n the Bank was ornaniaod, at the rate of. sim per eont. a year. Interest, if not drawn out. Is placed to the oredit of the depositor ac principal , and boars the same Interest from the first days of June and De cember. eptnPount.ling twice a year. withcnt troubling the depeattrgr le call or even to present his pass book. At th.Le rate money will double in less than twelve years. Books and fo.ruleh g the Ch er ar te z7tis.. 14. 0 7 3 L ron'OS I'A'I tice.l e' at the *Mee, 1 4 111VIEVErf. 3RORECE ALBRISK. PRiLmarril. John B. V.Praddsn. Isaac M. Pennock, John Holmes, John Marstusl3_, Alexander beer, jamas B. D. Moo-IQ Bad. L. Pahnotook. A. M. Pollock. M. P. Jamas IticAuler, Hill Burprin. JAMOS Herdrcan. Wm. J. An 4.5730 e. a aurra as. Calvin Adams, .Tawat D. 1164, J ohn U. Baokofen. peter A. Madeira. George Illnak. Wm. Vankirk John C. Bindley, James Bhidle. Alms° A. Carrier, Robert Robb. Charles A. Colixt, Walter P. Mayarall, Wm. Douglas. John OTT. John Evans. Henry L. Ring-vat Wm P Weyman, John R. Bhceubergus Win. 8. Raven. Wm, E. Schmerts, Peter H. lituxicect, AI-Dder 'Bridle, Richard Han. Isaac Whittiar. Wm. 8. Lavely. Christian YoagatA 84Q ACV AND TRIRLISIIRSP.. CD A RL29 A. COLTON . FARMERS' DEPOSIT BANKIP4S CO. LANK OF DEPOSIT AND DISCOUNT Par and Onrrent Funds Reoeived Or Deposit. UNDERSIGNED HOLD. 99 ERS are individually responsible to depost• tore to the whole extent of their private moans: James Marshall, William Young. John Scott, Jacob Painter. William Walker William Carr. Samuel George, B. B. Robison, Thomas Mellon. Thomas Scott, Robert Bell, Joseph bore. John DieDevitt, D. A. Stewart, John Floyd, D. R. Galway. May Walker. W. W. M 'Gregor. John S. Dilworth JAMES MARSHALL. President. R. A. GEORGE, Cashrr. )4na REAL ESI'A SAVINGS INSTITUTION LEGISLATUEB OF PENNSYLVANIA Open for Depor t s from. to 2 0 'clrch, m. also oa 6.1T1; /WAY IC V ICh INU from fi to 9 o'olook Sirof6co. 63 FOURTI.I STREET. INTEREoT ALLOWED SIX PER CENT. PER ANN I'M Payable to Depositors in :day and Noverol er which, if not drawn, will be added to the prir pal and compenmd e d. Panaintrsr —ISAAC -TONER Vlnn Pagatniarr—W. B. COPELAN TRt7I3TC2.4, Hon Thee M Howe I lion J K kdoorbel Isaac Jones , C Win H broith. Jacob Painter, Harvy Childs. I Nickolas Voeartll, W B Copeland. Beoretary and Treasurer—A. A. CARRIER iPBdyd HENRY W. CIMIOTTE 810.100 1111511:1191EIRLD RTletEllT NOW' the comer .rilth. Phtzt.t rat. !MOSEY H LAJIZIGE %N 1) SMALL iY._ quantities loaned on Gold and Silver. Dle mends. Jewelry. Gold and Silver %Vetches. and all kinds of valuable articles. for any lolisth cl Urea agreed on. The good, cannot be dative -ed without the Ticket. . . zap- Oleo Ilunze ft= 7 A. M. t) ; 3 Y. irsit3 STOCK AND BILL BROKER Fromiseo ti ry Notes.. Stack Bead& and MortaPiee bettebt an sold I pz.. D IAIR MAVINON irisraTuTiolv. o. 1/0 Smithfield street, opposite the Custom ßouse. Chartered by the Legislature. President WM. H. Smith 11. F. Re Id Thos. D. 111 em3ler A. Reir arum Francis Sellers Joshu• Rhodes John F. Jennhagz, Jacoi Stuckrath Thomas S. Blair Alex. Bradley Henry Lloyd Alfred Slaok Josiah King C Zng A S Bell Jos Dilworth JasFowler W A Reed W Woodwell It C Schmertz F Rahm C W Ricketson J M Tiernan S Ii Hartman D M Long It J Anderson Jas W Baxter D E McKinley Wna C H Wolf Robertson Cocbran 6 B Jones B F Jones WU Phelps C D Herron CEOFIZTARY CND TEJLABIaIga, D; IL MoKINLEY. Open daily, front 9Lx.to 2 P. V. AISO, Tuca degand Saturday eveninga, from a :o w o'clock. epasits received of ONE DIME upwards. ividends declared in December an i June of each year: - . Dividends allowed to remain aro placo l t o the credit of the depositor a.s prideipal, and bear in tercet, thus compounding it. Books containing Charter. By-Larvi, ac.. r aished at the office. alisinstitniion offers, especially to till c persons whose earnings are small. the opportunit to accumulate, by small deposits, easily saved. a HUM which will boa resource canon needed. U. money not only being safe but bearing interest... stead of remaining unproductive. my . WESTERN INSURANCE COMPANY, OF PrirlrfilltUßGll. GRORGR D.L1181.8 Freedent, I. M. GORDON. enarotarY. Capt. R. D. COCHRAN. Gang Agent. No. P'S Water et-eat, G3nano h Co's Warehonse. 0r.41.17')3a :ttAgb4rlll A 01 king, nit of and M na lath ttotue inecitation.rnanaced by Liroot,rc who to well known in ttte Cenitutunnity, and who are dz,tertnined. by Droegitnezzand borality. to m an tam the character which theyhave assumod.. az of fering the bent Protection to those who desire to Fe :neared.: - 4dirra. 00401NEN59413, ISHY. Steak Acccrautt r; . t 1O oo Mortaatte. AMce PnAittnro ..... ut OM: Open dottatmts. etc........" 7.809 48 P Csalt = ota3 ........ 18,851 99 retext N Notes end. Bills Itsccurttai. ....... 174.075 14 DIRSCTOBS. R. hfiller,Jr.. James Pd'Anley, Nathaniel Holmes. Alexander Ninalet %once°again Wm. H. Smith. Chas. W; Rick/Aeon. Andrew Ackley, Alexander Speer, David M. Long, Bar 3. Thomas, Beni. BakevelL John tt. M'Cune. I -1100 P: SKIRT iIiNEFACTORY. /1 1 1111 E UNDERSIGNED SPICOTF'ULLY inform the Pub is chat [hes' hale opened the store No, le,tih street, under Masonic• Hall, with a !arse asl , rtment of Tile 'genuine brand of every description, manufactured by them selves, ant - they are prepared to otter unusual inducements both to IV hokisale and Retail Buy ers. l`ht,V rinitcrial mita& in ille:manutooturo of •-ittr skirts is of the very beEt quality, sod, living manufactured on the promises, the work is go ar laittecd, All akirta mitchasud, at our establish, Silent canoit May, time berepatrod. c,or'dially invite all buyers to call on no before bofore chasing °Nowhere as we met confident that the 'tiztelit of our bminess enables no to offer in ducements not elsewhere 'to be ebtaineffl ' • • QoLDsTErN & G&RFUNICE7i,' • '57 Fifth st r - under Magenta Miff. oti; . • SiSTOAck roce4 -N-4 , 3414 - • SOWN. tig of o r vyel ,2,D111 136 wood etroet. - ` r i ''' ° B ASSETS .''' 4 l4l l l7`Bl AND q " Heidziek's Champagne, 30 Cas Sparkling Moselle. In store and for sale b, Banking .Howest.in, OHARTZRED IN 1855. INCORPORATED BY THE On Deposits in this Institution nt LOAN oiPie.w.E, ---- JO. LN LITTLE, Jr., No. 106 FOURTH STILEET, 0 I C li,t!;4 .._.JANiEs l'Atiti, Jlr ECM= Hoop Skirts, Mat Amor 3:1 Business Cards, &o, • O'HARA & M'GINN, Attorneys at Law, REAL ESTATE AGENTS, OFFICE 89 GRANT STREET Opposite the Court House, Pittsburgh. Air Purthnalar attention given to tbo Betcje- of Estates, Bale and transfer of Real It'' ent audnation of Titles, Soldiers olajr in any part of the west. collections Prompt remittances, an , ' " regard to all bu.sine,s , sun correspondence in inl6-t1 , ntrcu3ted to our care. J. (1. WIILDON JNO. KILLY W ' P I DON & KELLY, Gas and steam Fitters, PLUMBERS AAD BRASS FOUNDERS 184 WOOD STREET, NEAR SIXTH PITTSBURGH, PA, 44- Pumps sold and repaired. Proprietors and Manufacturers of Dakin's Patent Water Drawer and Musgravo's Patent Gas Cooking and Floating .titovea. au22 JOS 13. MI .L.L.I RE: Pv 817 00E880B TO JAS. P. FLEMI NO. DRUG Wholesale and Retail Dealer In Foreign and Domestic Drugs, Medicines. Paints. Oils, Dye-Stuffs and PerfunierY. No. 77 Vederal treet, ALLEGHENY CITY. PA, mrV,:lyd NEW CMIPET, OIL OLOTII, dif n.acA L IL U 21'1JI, Igo- S 7 Fourth Street. LEI MIGHT PREVIOUS TO THE LA T) L edvAnue in prices. of whioh the Mien to vantage is offered in purchase FOR CASII. Joiol...Jodli La. /5011):::FT PITTSBURGH STEEL WORM JONES, BOYD & Co., t i t,:ra A NUFA . eTr ERG OF t'.4.S also Sprint , Plow, and A 11 St or t , P Parte); ked AXLkS, corner R'l4 and ac,2l:ia PITTSBURGH. Ps. JNO. INOORIHEATD, CONWISSION UERCIAII ron YHA CALI 0.7 FIG METAL &ND BLOOMS, 4 WATEII E`.TREET. BELOW MARE PITTINMEzion CURTIS c. sTEiNsucra, HOUSE CARPENTER AND JOBBEt. sia OP VIRGIN ALLEY b, Otte. Wood and Liberty Streolla, Pittsburg. Ps. 6ty - Or4ors sollelted and promptly attemiod R. HUTCH.T.NSOIi (LATKOF LICKCH AVTORTNBOAJ. COpIISSION YORWARDI% KERCII Dealer in WESTERN RESERVE CHEESE, Flour, iirain. Fieh Dried Fruit, Pot and Pearl Ashes. an.i PRODUCE: OF.C;EHALLY, Best Bran al Family Flour Always on !land No. 102 Second Street, Between Wood and Mutat. NTTSBL 1111, PliN ti.Liberol alronce made on Consurnmenta, apll-1.(1 CW'IStiT IP. DAI-111. ROBT. DAUM:FILL t CO. Wholonia Omen, i.Codia:/iIPI f.4iO FORWARDI42 11EACHUI IHLIc Procit.co Pitt:burial Mu u:saixtro fisl La 111 T 7 Nll'lli:S.'r, ..:',ol. P 1 TTS,In It ti CEO. R. COCHRAN, A "I'Di itN EY AND CUL' NSELLOE. AT LAW Oran t Rtrett, near the Conn house. Plttsbarah_ I. L ENTRI'FITEI) To hie carp sattl reeetro prompt attention. Col lectiocks male •nd the money Promptly remitted. doctil.Lvd gyp .ti ice. t5Vr .F 2. LV , _Brass Founders. GAS AND STEAM FITTERS. All lilnde of Braes and Iron Cocn■ mule to order. BRA.SEI OASTINGB, OF ALL KINN .Itaste at the shortest notice Particular attention paid to the fitting uP ►nd rovainng o: uiL IIIiFINk:RIES. & 34 WATER STREET, near Liberty Ttie member= of thin Arm being practical me chenins. of mans Tons' experience in the busi ness. wal insure to give at Oe. , Lion in every re selyd-ein29 UPHOLSTER V, NO. 85 FOURTH ST., NEA'R WOOD C nit nEns ffiAIVUFAC - TURF and !cep conetentisr on hand even article in their line. vii: Cornleem.... Ornament! Curtain Goods. Comforts. Feather Rods. Mattrase of 101 kinds; also, the celebrated Patent Sprint Beds. AU kinds of Shsi.dcs. Blinds end Fixtures SQ .- Prompt attention swan to all orders for nt :ins and lay= down Carne%oll Cloths- Ace. oetl7:lrd H.013E TB k HO2NIGK. J. E. CASIDA.Y sore, Moak, Draft, Bond and Mori gore, nerd Estate and Bier. enPutalse Broker. O8FICC,11.0031( No. 1D DITRHIPE3 BUILDENe FOURTH STREW, Pittsburgh. Pa. Desirable Mi❑ rroPertY and other Real Fatah to the ain..uot of 5100,410 for gale low. Lictoent (Jill Work DUIVCA.N, DUNLAP & CO., Mannfrituren of r'LTD: REFINED C A. it 1: (3, N C.l I I. B. Olticsa,NO. 221 LIBURTY STRICST, Pitb burch. ?a. aug-fimd H ANDELIE If. S , BRACK Elrm, CORNICES, CANDELBRASS, LAMPS REGILDED OR REBRONZED, and made equal to new. Alto, Chandeliers cte.. altorod to burn Carbon Oil. at the Lamp and Oil Store of WELDON tt. HELL'S, at.2;lv. 164 Wood street. 11611 Z 6th. 121:111113 Late at Miller & Rleketson's Ileyiner & Brothers suezwsors to Reymer Antiereon,i Wholesale Dealers in Foreign Fruits. Nuts, Confectionary Sugars. Fire Works, &e., Nub. 12t7 , AND 128 WOOD STREET. PITTSBURGH 62;18.:4)51 7$ MAGEE dt HICKS, Importer! and dealers in Cloths, Cassimeros, Sattine ts Postings, Tailors' Trimmings, 256 MARKET STREET, North Slde, RHILABELPERA ki EN RV W. BEAUMONT &(V. Foreign Brandies, Wines and Gins, Also, Blackberry, Raspberry, Wild Cherry, and Ginge Brandies, Old Mononghahela, Rye, and other Whiskies, Jamaica Rum, &o. Piro. K 3 Liberty Street, OPDs)sito Fourth street, PITTSBURGH, PA. Air ilotela. Taverns. and Families, trnmdied al 'Moderate profits for Cash. m_vfil:Lvd p. InnenT 3 AILLM...D:nanNiNGILen-.17. OSTANIAnnA tifintaff ---o. nun Wt. riIIBINIIIGRAITIi de • r4).--p I T T d. .1113REllt CITY GLUM WORBLi—Wa:t.' hieise. U water oqoot, and 156 Pint street pittebelig S, h. ; di - 66460ra below thedldonous. halo Hon" Mannfileterere of Pittsbnreh CIO Window Glees Throweilda!_alass Ware and Amon can Convex. cllasar.for reap): aindor. ewe LI 4 end ntihno • - 111CoNottlY WHEL LEA) AND - Atti dr. LOEI, 4.‘—a Tolying Bono Rak ß is olui for "le by /27 Lib N stroii Alrse 61..e24 tat LJLI &It, QN LA PLANINCI MILL. would ree.+ t t t +ect tf fully In form the nubile that he has rebuilt since the t , re and havink enlarged big establishment. and filler it with rho newest end must at , proved machtnere is now prepared to furnish flouring and nlar.lni boards. scroll sawing end re-sawing, doors, rest and shutters. kiln dried, frames, moo Idinza, making. Ae. Berm PPP:IB o ar. Er. BE: , t. 7, It= Pittsburgh Elkir't Manufaotorbv. fIAVIN4I OPENEI ) SALES thin city, I bog leave to call the attention of the public to my own manufacture of sitirt.q ? Ist. I keep a larger clock than any whOlsaler in thie State. _ - 2d. o make a greater variety of Sty I;_a Shapes. Sizes and Qualities than any manufac'u rer in the United States. 3d. The stool and all the material for h, rq. skirts, from its primitive state to the satesroo are under my own supervision and entire control. conmouuontly customers can obtain skirts from this house without paying a second pro a t Also the largest assortment of Corsets cons;alt ly on hand. J. RODMAN HMI/ Ai- Our 'Anil department ie in charge of rnm Petent ladies. afiP- rifere.han to sappTieti cheep at who!, El, SCIINFIZER, anufarturcr, )911 -Iy,l _ 49 Market, eon Sd. Strew. NEW CARPET STORE M'FANLAND, COLLINS & CO, Between the Post office and Di",„gory Having just purchased for cash, during the'r'e cent fayorable condition of the markets a inct. , , extensiwo and complete assortment of the naives and choicest Ntyl os of. ''arpets, Oil' Clout , WINDOW SHADES, ezcsi annow offering gool3B Our reduction in prices vie have alma.Weltred out our former purchases, and now offer to II yers at wholesale and retail, an entirely new et fresh stook, unsurpassed by any ever offered in this city, Bittsiziegg Cards, tt-o, FR2L - Mr Alderman Ancl Atter)" - NO Si itarvoiirx' mg prom • ' B STREET ..,on of r.toallibland all legal' bust -Aptly attended to. s .32.41. yd DAUB e; APPBLL, n r En 4 MANT TA.ILOR!4, 185 Smithfield Street. WE Efevz JEST I :ECEIVE-0; lasso axd woll , r,loltol stock of Fall and Winter Goods,! 00nEt,,,,g of Ol otbu,Casilixterep, V estinkz, e4O, ALBO—A lasso stun or GENT'S FURNISHING GOODS, Incindtruc Pamcr Collar*, Reek Ties, and eidr7 thin¢ usually kept by first class parmshina Blar e Ordersvraay.uvozoeated. waSO: 1 sr d • BEN TISICIEL Y. r E pa t i T b l:3 tl E . Z fa T e of ß D A r t.V.D ,B W at ri: pa i r r a t t i u lT J. F, IIEOFFMAN,' DENTIST. All work warranted. ias:dly 134 Smithfield Street.pittebtirah. ANDREW KLOMAN. THOMAS N. lIII.LR II KNRY PHIPPS, JR , :,`),Cial Plane General Partners. 1111021 CITY FollitlE, ICLONLAN & rztappe, Ninth Ward, Pittsburgh, manufacture Bar Iron, General Railway and tteauiboat Forgings, Passenger. Freight and Lo comotive Axles, die. 8:10-tf DUQUESNE BRASS WORKS, cADm&N & CRAWFORD. Manufacturer!. of overt' variety of finished BRASS WORK FOR PLUMBERS GAS or NTEAIII WITTEItS, IMACIIINESTS Ago COPPERSMITHS, loop RAMS CASTINGS OF EVERY 111 E, 11 - 0 noription wade to order Steamboat werg, steam and gas fitting and repairing promptly -at tended to. llv !ticulftr attention pasp to fitting at Refineries for ~.12al and Carbon Oils, Also, sole t,tionts for the Western District of Ponrusylvania. for thn sale of Marsh, Lanadal A Co.'s Patent Ss phon Pump, the beat ev or loven• tea, having no val,e4 It is not liable to get (Ka of order and will throw more water than any paint Wien IN si.;o. DUItiL;ES.NE WORKS HAILMAN, RAHM & 00., iIANUTACTUREILS 0/ Iron, Nalls,Plow Spring, Am. B. Steel, Spring A es, Ate. WAREHOUSE. NO. 77 WATER STREET PITTSI3URin. PA. WILLIA lit BAG AULE WHOLESALE 6HOCIEI NOB, 18 AND 20 WOOD e EREET, PITTSPICE:4-.) WILLIAM CAR Pis CO WIRESALE GROCHS And Itr.prsrl ors of Cl IEB}II3, FULA Pi DIE.% 61 11101. m4:l Dietitian and Dealers in MB OLD MONONRAHTTLA RYB Wtil _ El be rity !Orme*, JP [Train RPM NI, p. WM. Il_ahl ITif WPM. L 3. I , 4NS fTfit 4_52. WHOLESALE GROCHIe...-: ilol It! SECWID /VW tal FItISI tiALIn PITTFiBUICLGIII /IL 1) I P dfa J`.wl N 14, Plumbers and Gast Pitt&re, me. los WOOD egracxr. FIEBT 1171:.."41:5i rirr...ontattaii 47 OHIO BT!LEM' A LI,R,GLIF Pi Y "'Lk' 1U w/ Toes orrroz. RDVMI 3, HYDRANIO4. , IL Lead Pipe. Pic and It..r La.!. n. d flumiieet material in ireaoral. OP Itc , knories lltted no in the moct apprtmod manner. Tanta teed 10,.d or Copper. llonocs Altai wit. Water and Gat *IL N. B. MI orders promptly atterdod tt ar3:lyd B. dt. C. P. NIALBRILV.., Mannfactn/arz and Dea2o:: iiOOtt aAP LETTER. and &LI lands ci WRAPPING PA i'RE, Kayo removed nc No. 27 Wood street to NO. 88 SMITH VI ELI) 13TRICII I , l'lllibartk P .. 6t! (dun bald tnr RAP' CIIAILLKS L. CA LOWELL, (Soccrocsor to Ja.t. Ilolmes & do PORK PACK Dealer in Baron Lent Sugar-Cared LIMPS. +smoked Doe ad. Corner Market and Ftrgt straits. Pittsburgh. P. 71 &73 E11 , T1,1 STRIMF.I', AT PRICES of A YEAR AGO 1363. 1863 MUMMER ARRANGEMENT., ON 4ND AMID MONDAY, April 20th. - 0 9 at Law, 011711 AL BAILBOB NINE IBAILT raImaBOUGIE ffiAZz T AIN (eaves the pgssenger Station every mornWg (except Sunday) at 21,n0 a 331 . 111 :01)1thte at all sta tions, and making direst connections at Harrill burg for Baltimore and Washington,andfor New York via Philadelphia . THE 'PIIROUEiti ACCOMMODATION TEA /N . leaves tho Passenger Station every morning Sunday) at 4 00 a m stopping atall stations between Pittsburgh and Philadehihia, and mak ing direct, connection for New York at Pidludol p lua. TilE THROUGH EXPRESS TEAM leaves daily at 3,50 p etolminif only at_prineipal sta tions, making direct connection at liarrtsburg or Baltimore and Washington, and for New York Via Allentown route ontlPhidadelphia. • THE FAST Ll.Dtt leaveo tfie station dolly. (except Sunda") at SAN p. sto_pping only at principal stations, connecting at Harrisburg for Bi.liimoreaud.Warl4gton. and at Philadelphia for New-Ybrk. .E.4 I CO3I.IIO.DATION 713,111171114. .TOTINSTSWIT 'ACC6MMODATION TRAIN, loaves chat , (except Sunday) at 2,45 ptop- Pkirst sts.Uctu and manias za fur MI Corm rzecigh. VAST ACGOMMODATIONTILCULtor Waal] Mtztar.liaral daily (except Ekinla7.) at 6,80 a. ENCOND ACCOMMODATION TRAIN' Want c tatiort lasvca c111)7. toxcapt Sunday) , 11,34.) a. Dz. TELLIID ACVOMULODATION TRAIN Vera e.stion dnily. taxon,: Small coo D. lOU lUD. ACCOMISIODATiON Ltt.th , r4 tg.-Ary3 (exoepl No nciet 1.80 p a A, TIIII Milken TRAIN Leavy Wall's Btatign at 9.05 a m: ratan:tits waves Pittabnruh at 12.45 p ARRIYM l'::TTSBUI.VIII AB 7OLLOWt; galtimore p. tc Philadelphia 12,20 a. m. Past Line.. Through Mail train, 12,206. m. Johnstown Accommodation . . ... .. m, Zst Wail's Station Accommodation 6,25 a. m. Zd Station Aocommodation-...,13,Z5 a. m. 3d WaWo Station Aceommodation-....1,40 0. M. 4th Wall's biamn Accommodation 6,05 p. Ea. Ealtim ore Ear.prez.s , will arrive with Philadelphia Express. at 12,20 p. en., on Mondays. gr - Trains for Blairsville and Indiana 0011/115el et Blairdvillo Intersection with the Mail and Johnstown Accommodation East and West, and ilso with Local Freight. Rant and Wost. Trains for Ebensburg connect at Cresson with prais trains and Mail train west, and with the 'Phrnzurit Acenaimodation and kaprom Train . . The Traveling Public Trill full it greatly to their intern; ingoing }Lent or Weet , to travel bj the NSYLV AN IA RAILROAD. ea the seem ea odaddena now offered =mot be surmised on new other mute. The Road is ballasted with Acne and is entirety free from dam Wo oan PrOUliZa thrat.T. &peed. and Comfort to eV who way OiTtl *ll Hoe-13ki with their fettonlete. ZiEW Y0RK..._.... PEILLAD.E4 10,50 10,00 11. SO ...... .en OZ - Baggage cheated to all gtations on the rent ylvtdata KanroreL End to Philadelphia. Balt on" and New York. C..l.Puzengen pi:framing Coke's in owl will be ...aged an ogees, according to distal:too trav eled in addlton to the station rates. except ram nation, where the coronary him no agent. NOTICE--.1.n taco o! Ices. the Company will hold char:avast, responsible for personal baigage entv, and for an amonnt net evivweein g G 1 OL. gr - Cimnibes Lies, has bean employed to convey liamnagers and baggage to and from the depot. at a charge not to caolni 2.3 cents for each doe d applY to J. FiTEWAILT, Axial I. At the B. Pawanger dtatic n on Lined, end Gnat st•eeta, roll ILK t t,3 . THE; 'tots:3 fIIiSBUZGIII7. WAII] k CHICAGO lIMIN 10 ALL FOINTO a Tit l WEST. 40irrig WEST ARID UORTI34 WEST. Ntiortest nut, 'Mot liitreet Route to the _. .1 o.h'. 11-111• Ii D AFTER 20th, rut ov follow. • vu:— WEEITWAkiI.! TtiROUCIII THAnya, Part lams Loa! 0.4 Pitteoc;i IT , Alleahorty .. 1.10 6.11, A rn,e, 11111,,, e 410 a m 410 p m vs O oa w 14 15 _ 2 2lop to 2 10 a.. u. ilty rJ 7 40 a. oi. C11 , 001.51r1.4 'll itt JT. 1.. t, Utz Limo e 4 t.rce,,itze ...S 30 A to . L/olantboo_lo 44 " 1115 p to ',.4.noinnaLL...._3 40 p m _ ....... ...... .. 5 55 a a t tnottahm.o/0. , ...0 00 .............. 00 En LUCibVlilo. .12 30 a in. .12 40 a to Ci L0a.ta..........510 . .... ... p m SiAll Truth., uzrotioa to t...h.tobao witaotti =taro Clazs. hi. n.—Tao Una to Clnotansti la the same by atorbobwillo. Train; on both ktobatt moot at C01c.t... , bc.i. Lod t enclosers LA to Into taholothati tototbst. CRESTMIsIE Al\ I! A LLIANeE MA IL, Mail A et - car/m.4,14cm. Loge l'itL.burgh . . 700 a m 140 pm Alleitheuy....--7 /0 6 in 1 110 p al Ncw tirighton..._N 36 a m 3 31 p m Allianzo 11 20 a m I Iti p m lThaliwn . . . 6cm p m noise trati_s e1. ,, p at principal Statioro betwee n Alicano. y an I ttochibtor. NEW IS ii. ItlLI T 0 N ACCOMMODATION lit.All'ir-N rom Yeacral =eat N 1441.312. Ana. etions CI:7. Leave • Allegheny ii 15 a m 12 00 m 448 p m 610 pm Arrive at N IL mb ton 111 5 aml 45 p Ea 6 30 t , m 8 20 p in Leave Brtzhtua 5 DO atm 6 20 atu 12 20 pul 2 60 p m Arrive at Alleghear 050 amtsm 2 3 Opm4sopm Ilettad gO,l ea Wesel trains are eold at raducod ratee. ihlze.eo 2 25 & m clawarro Expresa 3 00 I, m Cirociur Exi.re... , Gtr 121,V41/110 , 7 05 p Iszkinz axe run by Columbus slower than Pitteberah Zar tuntler inlonbstion emek threumb .c •F , WS to. ka.11,t4.1S YAII.IIIII. 'llekot Ay' . Union .Iqtraenger I.2tatiOn. Vittaltetr t. :.11,1 A. OAL-'8111.111111.11.Y Aya< 4 Milsahocur JUlgtk 11. JE.ll.Viti, (leneral tiroparlstondeta. M. P. 111.11. N Ueneral Possmasca Avant Clei eland, Pit tsbu rg h heeling IL SUMMER ARRANGEMENT ink N AND AF - TEN MONDAY, APICAL. .I.pril 30th IStia, Trams will leave Me De- Pet ul the YeatlaYlVarlia Railroad. in Pittaburich. as PITTSBURGH AND WHEELING LINE. Lc,,lvea ilttsburgil ...... ua I 6,00 am I ni1,40 py wellsvin, 3,t o 8,18 " 2,55 5145ba6Vi111,....4.10 " 907 " OS " pirheeaz.........5 10 08 " 465 Arrive., 8e115tr........... 5,25 • 10 2.1 •• I 5,10 - Con eatilig at Steubenville and Renal? with Stay - banville and lnliana Railroad and Central Ohio Railroad tor lane.wille, I'l ONPark COI UlEtbllf3 XOU in Dayton. Inaianopol is. eitioinnatti, Louisville Calro. St LOllio. St J oso t,h, and alipointaweat and southwest, and at Wheeling with Baltimore and Ohio Railroad. RITHEBTTROII ADD CL ELAI D L/Dli L 99999 Pittsbaret...-. 1 , 02 q 1 1 2.10 1 , do Wellsville 4,10 " 2.40 av B a y ara ts,to 4,01 6,3 S •• 4,4 s do. Ravenna 724 " 6,22 •• di• Main. ... .. 7,25 •' 0,10 " A?rlcaa Clernisted....... 9,10 " ' 7010 Crotnnetinig at Bayard with Tugagsavraa branch for New Philadelphia and Canal Dover; at AM moo with Pittsburgh. Fort Viadnie and Chicago Railroad at Ravenna with Atlantic and Great Western Railroad for Vi'arren,thoonville, Mead villa. Utdon, CDR". Jamestown and tialainanea ; at lindsou. *tun Clevelan.r. Zanesville - and qineinnati--11 It for Akron, Chvahoga Tails and Itillierabrsg. and at Cleveland with C andß It for Brie. Dunkirk. and Buffalo. with C& T It R fur Sandualsy. TM:diva's° with steamers for Detroit. f Ikellstille Ateeintaodsttion leaves 8,5. I llettirning 'trains , arrivo it 8,10 a cis2o and '0,100,p re and 2 10 a tn. Itronern tickets to all prominent points onn be promoted at the Liberty street Depot. Pitts burgh. OEORG R' PARKIN, 'llok et Agent and at Allozheny A Q OASSELBERRY. Tiolcet _Aknat. For farther kartieulars /MART' Aifit,; tit th e cempi LtL y , l obits IM eight Station:' Penn street anal 121.112ilirte • AA , 300 boxes. 100 half and 100 quarter boxes taelsql. :da4 brutes rand 100 half boxes new laver Raizina; 25 Iftilsieedless Itnig h 3; 25 d Kegs do o 2 0bOxe.Arblqwc- do Now land= and for sale by RNYldliß di BR Noe. 124 and 151YWItyget Railroads. 11S.EV i;mmovo 1r,'A..,3.111,/ 7tl H AMMAN IA EMMET EAST W A ktll tcwaxv T &AIN 8 AT PITTSDIJSEig law uolirni VIA XIV= &DIA atillaltO.AD. • INDIANAPOLIS AND CINCINNATI N. N. Contecting at Indianapolis with Terre Hanta. and Terre Rante and Alton Railroad. to St. Lotus and Lafayette and Indianareli Now Albany. and Salerand Michigan Central &deeds for MICA GO. ROCK INLAND. BURLINGTON. and ;all intermediate points. • Through Freight Train to INDIANAPOLIS, TERRE HAUTE, LAFAYETTE and PERU. Freights and passengers carried from Cincin nati or Lawrenceburg in less time than by - ftnY other route by twenty fear hours, and at as low rates. The only road by which shipments oat be made from Cimannati to the Si est, withontbre ak ing bulk. Consionments made to F. C. WE3T. or ALEX. GRAYDON. Freight Agemsat Cincinnati, orD.. 0. 11AUSTESAgent at Lawrenceburgh, JuiN D. MORRlS.lndianapolis, will receive protept attention, and no ohr.rge for commission' go massy POZ DIAYAMI Og COILIGISMOS AT LAW- Taixamitras. For further information apply to TROS.RATI RAN. (No. 122 Monongahela House. agent of the Company, who is prepared goi t re, InnOnEill' im agine for passengers and frei tie Indianapolis, Terre Haute, Lafayette,'" -Chi Perm. Green castle. Crawfordsville. Charleston,. parts and-Mat teem &v.. &e. R. C. LORD, Preeidont. Hotels & Restaurants. • 1 8A.V.A.GLIC So. g.no Liberty Street. Next to Pennsylvania Paseonger Depot, JOHN SAVAGE; 'Proprietor. 808 AI'IN (4 Th.IIAN,AND VIITTRO ZTh with all the modernimProveinents. this Po pular resort. the subscciber is prepared to SCC(II3I-, modate his old customers and thepublio zone:- ally, with the best the markets affords. Oysters will be served up in every variety of Aide , during the season. His Wines, LitlCOri. and Ales he feels confident in reecnamendinz to the public for their excellence. Can, Bucket and Shell Oysters received dear and sold wholesale and rani!. trivaelyd g.) , EU AZ Y 8 (-) NO, 82 DIAMOND ALLEY, 'HTTSBURGR. frWTIME SUBSCIIIERS A NNO U C HES to thepublic that he is in d.e. _receipt of FSEBIi &DELL AND CA N OYSTER S, GAME. .Ito, and is prepared to accommodate the patriss of this old and well tnown house with ever/thine In the eating and drinking tine at the &Grigg:, intim JOHN tifiALHP, Prondetor. Young's Eating Naktrom, CORN= men / ALLEY AND shim- F• 1 Pi A 1 14/ 434,041 Where OYEITHES end ail the dello-Leas of the Damon will be serred.ts In the most ofilatalgr, style. ELI 'YOUNG, oell earlier Virvir t.116y and timithEelti POLIAP HALL BI LLI AIM) NALLOOI4. /TA...CHARLES clAßDNElttwonld remind hill vlc friends and onstomeni that he is still to befodati at Lis old eland, APOLLO BALL. entrance!oa. fourth e B rect. e has always on hand the haat analitY of Lacer Beer, and in connection with the hall, a wet, appointed billiard saloon. with spoil tahles, k.alle, and cum Remembe: the pta no. AEollo sr33, rcoartla ct. tre•ln Vnertit 1,10:7,7% C orunc orrice IN a °nn, • CORN RR OP UNION AND TEM ST.RXIACIS (Near Market.) Wll BE THE PUBLIC CAN On. 'a IN the best and puree: Liguori. Ideals served at all hours oa the ehortast :nom Lunch every moreint between the boars oilo and 12 o'clock. EKED. W KISS. att2o-1, Pro orietar. Spencer & McKay, BREWERS ANI) MUTER& Puersni '-r isuavaztv. Pittsburgh. September 10.1;362. is isso Lunt) N 02 PA.B.TAIEMMINUI P. 15 —The partnershfp heretofore existing be tween JOS. SPENCER and W. 11. GARRARD Cow dissolved on the 20th of Angnst, 1f b 2, W. (SARI:LARD being authorized to mottle up the. business of the late fi,rm at the otUco in the lire sr er7, The Browtog /3nisixiii.is will be continued bp SPENCER & M'KAY, who intend to basil! ai wase on hand a superior article of ALE, POR TER. and BROWN STOUT. The undersigned will h e thankful to the friends of the late firm for a oontinnance of their patronage. and PrOpuis to make it their aim to invosatisaction to all wh Limy purchase from them. Mr. ROBERT WATSON. of Liberty street. so long known to the busir.ess couununity, will have the management of our business, with the fail oorltrol in the Brower;. Address all orders to SPRITC - Ert & • Phmv.ix brewers. Pittehorgh, P. JOSEPH. SPENCE.I% eels-4.3J AMES MoKAY. _ . . PRESENTS FOR THE HOLIDAY'S 11 40 L'. m. L CAI p. zo 'll H F. SUBSCHIIIFEIS HAVE ZUNI' uponed espoci,!l; for tho Holiday's c von , lan-o and de,rahio stock of lliE GOLD. Eli/ELUL tIOLD ANIIISALVF.R weFREI?, for Ladies and Glatlemon's wear, Lq.3 Brenle Cloches. Fancy tiadts. SILVEIZ-PLATED M 16 6 p ru such as castors, cake and fruit baskotA, gvhiets, card MA. tea setts, eta„ and a Large vanet, of suitable articles for presents. REIN LIM! , _RI EVIL.% N R irmle. 43 Fifth street _ . _ ~3C7t.f.)UL BOOMS used. In the PUBLIC SCHOOLS, II II scliluol., sELEivr SCHOOLS, FEMALE COLLEGE, WESTERN UNIVERSITY, and the vnrions educational institutions in this city and vicinity. Also a complete assortment of SCIIOOI, STATIONARY. • Copy-BookF, Fens, Ink. Pencils, Slates, Rubber, V riting. Letter and Note Paper, l•nvelopes, kravring Parer, Rules, CoulptsiLon Books. ere. For sale at ChAS. C. 111ELLOS;$, S 1 W(od atreet, Pittstiurgh: BARGAINS CARPETS JUST OPEVRD AT 87 FOURTH STREET. A largo avortment, which will be sad at a very great reduction from late priers U /11111131/111% lIROODM, SUITABLE FOR THE SEASON 51LACILUIti it GLYDE Invite attention to their stook of GBETLE MEN'S and YOUTH'S Limns and Traveling Marta, Cellars, Iles, huspenders, Linen and Silk ilandlieretdels, (doves, Hose, Umbrellas, de, ARMY SHIRTS, And Soldiers' Aarnishinit Goods, a/War on nand at MACRUAI GLYDE s. al2 7S Market 64., between 4th & Dtathuzu:L pr.Acams ABB 191/NECiA.24.-- 600 BUSHELS DRIED PEACHES BA emus PURE CYDERS van EGA. In tor and for 147 WILLIAM BAGALILY, audliO Wood ■t N J* Ett UITS AND A UTS 100 boxes prhno Oranges::: 100 do do Leanonte O Bags now English Walnut,. do do e4;_ 20 do do Bra Filb si r l Stith 20 do Fresh Cocoa Nuta: 50 do Almonds Bordeoax Lies; Just received and for sale by au26 • REYMER & SRO'S. Nos. 126 and 1214 Wnott Ptloet t ARBilir SinßrirSt 80.0.LERS' GOODS! . ; New styles cheap. at MACRUM & EI r :FD"4, Marlitnt utrwat. bet. dth ;meted' 16.101LDIERS' BOUNTIES; PENS lONE BACK PAY:and other just CLAIMS AGAINST THE. GOVERNMENT, promptly procured atreasoniblo rates. Apply D., H. HAZE N, 103 Pt:Meth streetrPittsburgh and CELLO - 11S C. Wswirinzton. D. C. Tills DAY-- Sant opened a complete assortment I GENTS' FURNISEUNG GOODS. w. n. net rat A ao., ILENCH WOODPi inityezintos OF Oak, printed from hondt,,, ail exact eery. with panel monlTnel to4naleh. For sale by W. P. - MARSHALL. atrawt: g 1 tfirai— -1...) '3OO brutal prime y.ollprr alien Cori ed p state an fnr SR.: oby ' • • - - inL5 -- " - YA - lkiils - A. FE TZER- ! (to 61 4 , mer Market sa * .i.latst - res 1- ,ADIO:NIEs , AND CH-Init - -- ic .' , .11-4 Boots, Shoes, Gaiters and Baftetrro , ae to order, of the, best materials and wo-kman ship, W. E scHNERTZ & CO., 4,4 31 Fifth street • Railroads. in NIEI A,S. - ORT 11 Ells 1)1P PIEI I 1 -CM , - Beth i net rtf!Oi7ltl runtt tor ttill'ltiW by o feb7;d4m Pt - R. It A Lera •• UOT arr l4- S-1011iTi31.1eAN4Y kiNI6I.IX 1 , 7 BARREL—The hest atasortmant In the elk/ for sale by BOWN .k UMW. 001 l 728 Wood ANA* , "! Insurince. 1 4 . 1 1%(A.N0Tr lIITT DAL ; INS CIRANOE okep zas4 ,011 •Drilki t Linaltod or Patititual, disc• rnitato, iisr. i: in town o, ' coon•z OFFICES rip. COS v iV.I.L.SII77r IMAM ft - tsh Capital, 021214151,81 m, anots.., v. 203, 5 ,08 941 f. h. 'rated as follows,. vla ' kirt ' t Mortgage-or improved Ci* Pro., I , arty, worth double tho alllount ... - . maws CO Ground rent, Raft clam • .2.482 60 P.ltruivlvaniaroad 'We 6 * cent. Mortgage LOAL'S, PAM), coot 27.9013 00 _Philadelphia city 6 cant. 10an.... 30000 00 AReattenit Counts , 6 * cent. Ponn27l - Railroad Collatartllcane, eecnrod_._. :451/1 00 Huntingdon and Broad Top mountain Railroad company. mortgage 1=4.... 4.000 00 Pearcirstvania Railroad Co. ' 4,000 IX) Btock el HolisT.co Lifuttial I.tuncranoo Comonn,r ..... ............ 24.850 00 &bet of Cf./PIL4.' 1.X60 _ OO Stock Owe M. G. Itgazanco Co. 700 u" Commercial Bank do '6,125 01 Mechanics' Bank 6.0 %On 60 Limon M. rnroarz-ncr, Ey'x.i.z. • 16 ° 13 ° Bit R,":loiTia,k, ItuAneos 16.297 18 BC^,E: eta-- 0.?...,„„„t,r„,,,,,i Logda or event& J.‘etwo ant Tnie".i..A.Y. PcWmt. PWCTOP.S. . A: , .- k ral '.lillsodar.r. flantaol Bbrpham. W in. ii. Thoir.r.e.7l: . P.-ohen-t Steen. riederlck Brort.r.: William Mumer. Cana' = Stovrut,n, rani. W. I_ l l-/./ .3 ohn R. Worrt".., liardball B.W. . IL L. Cr...re.cn. ' 2:. LothT_ 0P y' • ROA:: %eland. polled Lelacci.-., , Prr...doriolt. Lennic.ea,cob I'. Bunt:ins." Quit laq S. IV cod Smith Bowen. ". Jec...e.: F. 'Pi'c :.. - 111 - b.rd. John Bizsell.Piltebunit. B. M. U /NCB MAN_ .__ _Secretor/. .1. GARDNER COSPIL3, _Agent. u lt h; t: : rfh eget comer Third end Wood etc: Iffilir.l4,lslTl l • AGAI s - 1 - LOSS 'XELJD. isstraimm (Y.P PR TT, DELPHIA oyin 0. 43a and < C.aESTIVIUT S'P nwr ulo ASSETa JAN. 14.181311, Fobßlazed Azr0....0i_17 to An Aot of AseeMbll: Won. F.:at Mertgattea, amply seatereti.--.51.69=1i 88 Beal Estate. esq - ftent Table $1C4313 • blj oast i 02.296 26 Tetaremrr Leats cm ample Calla:, test tiecr_riklee Lareet nass 58 7fo 82,788 - 1,821 CO 27.919 83 _ . ccat ictcz r_Tnl The on!, profprofitfr.snl promlunte which thisoo 1151 m- PanYcaz divide by law, ender:La rialtswhichhava hesndetermined. lantranoe.alaae;e en every description of Pitro• UV, in Town and Countrs-, at rates as low aa ars eonsistent with seemity. Eince their incorporation. a_period.of thirty Years, they paid losses by tiro. teattxunonnt exceidinr. .our Millions of Dollars, thereby af fore:inz ceider.co of *a advantages of Inzuranosr es well O-7 the abillly and =position to meet with 'orcroptnem aII listoll'Aes. z;the year IMO, easgatis U. DIRE Rid. 01.1s.:lea W. Esa•azz. Maidecal D.-Liaida. Tobias Warner, David H. Brom. ' 9azt.cl Grant, latao Lea, Jacau. R. s:rstith_ . Edward C. Dals. Glaaraa W. Richards, Gros Vales. Vales. CRAB. N. BANeh: - Prtaidtaft. XLWARD 0. DALE. ice President V? n. A. Enna., E..leretary Drolem. J. eARDN.ER COFFIN. Iliad. ism. therazt con Third and Wood eta. ITILAULPIDA FIDE AND LIFE INBD - RANCi? COE:PAN-1r , 110. 149 OREP.TNU'r STIOLVA opp oqa le a (134:stoira Mouse. ilaeta--.9804,9411. ~.- . ....‘,/- 1 1,1, nA.7.1.0 AM, MINIMS OP IN. zi V 8 U BLANCA. either Parpatual or Limited.ork e; try dezcziptena of Vroina"..7 or Merohandisw at r2....:0n5h1e rates c.,-premium ritilli Elia P. KI.IIO, Presider' M . IV. .BALDW Lel Vice 6 1:1 1 3 3 3C10Rd. Clazzin 13evet. •B. R. Crops, .. X. E. Er.r.ash tieolvo W. Brew,. P. C. B . Sav taoe.n ry, .lozoOL EL P6W-L tler, .oltn Clasrtta. C . J. bleewee Ij Wife. • ~ X'. Er...c..r.ckv. ; ,„ ,-er.....;.....--9. J. El. COITI.N. Aiwa. ireb Comer Third ;Ltd Wood mad& PEOPLES INSURANCE COMPANY, 4 a s fil:l3, El E. C, il As FiftLai*, NO ,T.'i'D Vat INSURANCE, .:4.2C - rt) RS, Wra. • -a. rohn Pax k allarloa V: 3a azi sow zn- P. DamnlTT I.LE , SIiERY INSURANCE CO, • or PITTEBURGIX. A - ,), 37 Ftlab at., Elanal43.lt A'ZiAirivr AB.s. BLINDS' OF II EIRE AND MARINE RISKS. MISAAC JONES,Prenident JOB/4 DadeCOR.B. Vico Prosident: D. M. ..T.WOR, Secretary: cam WILLIAM' DEA-N. General AAent OIRECTORS—isAse Jones. C. G. Iluaßcr; IMF Chittl3. Capt. R. C. EirAy, John ii:Vß.w /ty B. t Fahnestwk. John A. McCord, Captain-Adam A. P. ttt.or.lWE. Cut. W. uft n. 'Robert L. YE An2S 2)II . AP:TIC CE.IIEVIC T. F.. WATSON, S C W U RH ER. Ts prepared to Cement the exterior of bulb:lino with improved Mastic Cement, cheaper and Efll rerior to any done heretofore. This cement has no canal: it forms a solid and durable adhesive- Ansa to any surface. imperishable by water or frost, and equal to any quality ofstone. - The undersigned is the only reliable and prac tical workman in this cement in this cal". I hare applied this Cement for the follawner gentlemen, whom the public, are:at liberty- to re. for to: . . J_Bissell resider.co Penn street: flaighed. 5 yrs Jas. hiceamdless. alleghow. IS yrs 3. H. Sboenberger s Lawrencoville, do 5 xrs .1. D, McCord, Penn street, do 4 yrs A. ifcreveler, Lavrr tnerville, do . 3 yrs Guard Rouse Pittsburgh. do; 5 yrs Ht. Charles - do do, 5 yrs 'Address Washington Hotel Box 1306, Pi tl..l,nrab P.O. felia/Yd jEgLaxtt. ItiAitioltin $ IEIE% PPITSBIJRCtIi. PA. !PARK, BECt , THER &CO., If ARIMACTIIaiIIS OP Best Quality Refined Oast Steel, Sauara. Flat and Octagon. ofarifin - - fed equal to any imvorted or manufactured in this counzry. Office and Warehonse. No. 149 and 161 First and 120 and 122 &cord streets. Pitt burgh. febledird MERE DO 1011 BUY Y 0118 SHOES ? GO TO NO. 15TH FIFTH STREET, and ga b a Good &dial° from D. S. DIFFENBACHER. P. 8,--Linederf good Kid Slippers _for 60 cents. iylB • • • ALP 14000 ms Bacon Sides in store andioria le by JAMES A, PEW= v 2 earner Market and-late:roe C PLOtitelr *ODDER Cutters. seed drills. bay elovatora; dog pow. ore. clurca, atm mills, Arc.. for sale by BECKI I / 1 111 1" LONG - an,t- 127 Liberty street. FIrOBACCO... 10 ten ti Twist Virginia Twit received and for 310 hy, JAS. A. „ FETZER, in comr Of Marks ! and First Et. Ira Ale AND .11.0.1VVRE INAY jui H n k c. scythes, Scathe, PeTthe Renee. ()vain aradlv. onci rdl cther harvesting 121771e m0rl jl,r. sato by L'Ef I'ETAM Sr LONG .17 Liborts , ctraat • DAP-1O BOX TOILET SOAPAIS ;,3 ,ort N l, in stnre an for F.n.le 1 h 11 *1 9 :4 d Etre.d. _ _ Jalaea D. Verniir. • Cut. JllO. L. Mad • ;arum) P. Shrive. t ---- .2 , ,,tk,:5: C.iis—,Q. Lovf., ko-lpg... Pradiesd. WAIT. Pee Prisalu - • Sier. irrt-iyis