--DAILY POST. CITY NEWS.,, WEDNESDAY MOBNING, SEPT. 30 Democratic Meetings. . There will be a meeting of the Democ racy at McKeesport, on Saturday, Oct. Bd, Gen. Will A. Stokes, and other distinguished speakers, will address the meeting. A grand turn out is expected. Wednesday, Sept. 80th—Jacob Tourers Seventh Ward. There will be a meeting of the Demo cretin Club of Pitt township, at Peter Connelly's, Soho lower road, on Thnrs -day evening next. Friday, October 2d—Robinson Town• -ship, Remington Post Office, house of M. Able speakers will be present and ad dress these meetings. Another Dralt. By reference to our telegraphic news it will be seen that the government has it In contemplation to order a draft for six hundred thousand men more. The late draft for three hundred thousand men, it is now pretty authentically ascertained„ will not yield over 'seventy five thousand, it that number, of soldiers. Taking the result of the present draft as a basis from which to calculate, It is now estimated that by another draft for six hundred thousand men, added to the liberal inducements for volunteering now offered, three hundred thousand men may be raised by the first of January next. So we go. ..A. PREP INTO OUR HOTELS. —All the hotels of the City, both of the first and second class, are over-crowded with guests, and it not unfreqnently happens that many are turned away from their favorit,2 and accustomed stopping places and obliged to "put up" at inconvenient and out of the-way houses. Since the war commenced the first.class houses of Pitts• burgh have prospered beyond previous experience. The Monongahela keeps on the even tenor of its way, and is always fall. The St. Charles is over-crowded, and many of their guests content them selves with cots and mattresses laid in the parlors. Upon arrival of every train the travelers, with carpet-bag in hand, swarm in like so many bees, and though met by the clerks with 'every room in the house - full," express their intention of staying "any how" even if they have to sleep on the floor, with only. a blanket to wrap about them. In fact all our public houses are doing a fine business, and our private boarding houses are fall. War has its advantages as well as anything else. DEPRAVED TASTE GROWING OUT OF TIIE Wes..—There appears to be felt by the public an insatiable appetite for horrible ewe and rumors. To satisfy this morbid appetite the flippant newspaper corres- J pondent has but to work up a skirmish into a column of gore, and his efforts are successful ; the miserable imposition is greedily swallowed and no questions Baked. By exaggerating true accounts . and publishing manufactured news, papers excelling in this department have extend ed their circulation and rendered hand• some profits to the publishers. Persons who before the war could not have con . templated such scenes except with a shud- der, now seem anxious for news of the most Moody description, which they read with seeming gratification. COMPLIMENT TO GEN. NEGLEY.—The New York Post, of Monday, in reviewing the events of the late battle at Chickamau ga, closes its article with the following complimentary alnsion to our fellow citi zen. Major General. Negley: "After the battle of Murfreesboro, the commanding General did not think it wbrth while to complain of Gen. McCook. He is an in. 'diligent chief, apt to take the will for the deed, and ready to excuse a blunder. Bat it now appears that he would have done wisely had he put some one like Roue fieatt, or Tn: chin, or Sheridan, or Negley, in McCook's place. McCook may be a good officer, but he evidently lacks the firmness and capacity needed for so im portant a command as that in which he has twice failed." " MEET ME AT WHEELING."—Quite a number of dispatches containing the brief words "Meet me at Wheeling," have been received in this city during the past few days. They come from soldiers belonging to the Army of the Potomac, now on their way, as is supposed, to reinforce Rose crane, and who are being taken through via Wheeling. There is a world of mean mg in these brief dispatches. The soldier, on his way from the East ta the West, passing within a few miles of home, wishes to see some loved one, if but for a single moment, and hence the telegram : "Meet me at Wheeling." Bat we will not grow sentimental. The reader may moralize for himself. HORRIBLE A.c CID ENT.—A horrible acci dent occurred last evening at the depot of the Pittsburgh, Ft. Wayne & Chicago railroad, in Allegheny city, by which the wife of Joshua Robinson, a resident of that city, lost her life. It appears that Mrs. Robinson bad visited the depot for the purpose of seeing ber daughter off to New Brighton, on the Accommodation train, and lingering too long with her, the oars started, and in attempting to step from them upon the platform, she missed her footing and fell under the tratn, and before she could be rescued, was so floret. hlymangled that her death ensued imme• diately. Mrs. R. was a most estimable lady, and leaves a linsband, family and a widecircle of friends to mourn her loss. EUROPEAN AGENCY,—Thos. Rattigan, No. 122 Monongahela House. Water et., Pall continues to act as Agent for the Cu nard Line of European steamers. Mr. R. has hal many years and experience in the Agency business, and has always proved himself prompt and reliable in attending to, any matters entrusted to his care. Those wishing to havetheir friends brought out from the Old Country," have but to call upon Mr. Rattigan, who will Bee to it that they are landed safely from staunch steamers, and at as low rates as charged by any other Agent in the business. Re member, No. 122, Monongahela House. San ON.PRFIENC E.—A sad occurrence, resulting in the death of a young mar named Clarke Lindley, son of Dr. Lindley, of Connelleville, transpired at Allegheny Col lege, Meadville. on Sunday laat. It ap• pears that Mr. Lindley, who was a student et the Colter, was reclining on a bed in his room, when one of his college mates, a resident of this city, came in, and tatting up a gun which was standing by the wall, playfully presented it at Lindley, when the piece, which was loaded at the time, went off, the contents lodging in the young sn uei3 side, and producing injuries from jAhigh death, an hour or two afterwards, Atteued, _ P/TTSBURCAIIKII6 A It cur). —0 n Monday last, the following. Fittsburghers were in Philadelphia :—J. R. McCune and wife, Chas. E• Speer, R. Biddle Roberts, J. O. Phillips, B. Bakewell,jr., Jas. Lindsay, .Chas. B. Kennedy, Joseph Flemming, David Nevin, J. B. Cavin, Mrs. Baker, Miss C. Baser, Elias Baker, T. T. Myler, G. W. Coffin, H. Murphy, A. V. Scott. D. C Shaw, Geo. C. Rattle, A. Reed -and lady, J. J. East, Allegheny city, R. Teedle, Vocal, Music. D. Brecht, teacher of singing and cultivation of the voice, 128 Smithfield street. UNITED STATES FLAGS, all sizes, at Pit lock's opposite Post-office. National Banko. Hciw to orginize alsratiOnal Batik under the recent act of Congress, is just now a questiott of some solicitude with bankers, and with capitalists who wish to become bankers. To meet this w tnt, Jay Cooke, of Philadelphia, has carefully stripped the law of all its legal verbiage, and in the plainest and most direct language embod ied in a pamphlet all the necessary infor mation on the subject. His directions be gin with the association of the required number of persons, and accompanies them step by step, through the procurement of subscriptions to the capital, the making oat of the certificate of organization, the articles of association and their proper disposal, up to the perfect establishment of a bank with full powers for business The book is made clearly intelligible on the subject matter of which it treats, and no pains have been spared to have it con form strictly with the law and the regula tions adopted by the Department. This pamphlet gives the directions what to do in the premises, and contains the forms of the several documents required, and a full set of by-laws, so that any five intelligent farmers, mechanics, store keepers, or others, with the necessary capital, in the most remote village, may as readily es tablish themselves in the business of bank ing as the most skilled financiers of the large cities. The old as well as the new banks will find this digest of the law vale able for consultation on many points o its provisions heretofore differently inter preted, HABEAS Coarms CASE.—In the Court of Common Pleas, before Judges Sterrett, Mellon, Stowe and Brown, yesterday morning, the habeas corpus case, for the body of Ann Melissa Fielding, an orphan, now in the hands of the St. Paul's Roman Catholic Asylum, was again brought up. The orphan was bound to the Orphan Asylum Society of Pittsburgh and Alleg heny (Protestant) on the sth of Decem ber, 1861. by and with the consent, and at the wish of the mother of the child, before her death. The Asylum has never been able to obtain possession of the child from the relatiods of the deceased mother, and it now claims possession of the orphan. It appears that after the deani (f the mother (the father also being dead) the gandmoth er took care of the child for a short time, and subsequently an aunt took and placed it in the care of the St. Paul's tCatholic) Orphan Asylum. In this transfer of the child, there seems to have been a desire on the part of private persons (not at the Catholic Asylum) to hide the child so that the Protestant Asylum could not get it. A question arose as to whether the Pro testant Asylum should not pay the Catho lic Asylum for the keeping of the child since it has been in thiil institution. The case was postponed till Slturday, October 10th. DEMOCRATIC MEETING.—A I.irge and enthusiastic meeting of the Democracy, was held on last Monday evening at Gef fey's station, P. b. C. R. lt. The meeting was organized by calling Med. H. Cavitt to the chair. Messrs. Win. Wilson. An drew Todd, Samson Wiley, Joseph Dias, Megrew Taylor, Mosses Robbins and Benj. Guffay, of Westmoreland county, John F. Kelling of Alpsville and David Lloyd, of Greenwalk, were elected Vice Presidents, and Wm. Osborne, of West moreland county, Daniel Hough of 'A'ost Newton, and J. Bigley, of Pittsburgh, Secretaries. Eloquent and patriotic ad dresses were delivered by A. A• Stewart, Esq. and Wm. M. Giffen, Esq , of Greens• burg. The people of Westmoreland are alive to the importance of the issue, and will prove their zeal, on the second Tues day in October, by casting their votes for the entire Democratic ticket. The meet hog adjouaned at a late hour with nine rousing cheers for Geo. B McClellan arid the Democratic nominations. LOTTERY TICKET VEN ERs. --A corr:s• pondent, who fails to furnish us with his name, sends us a communication in which he asserts that the business of buying and selling lottery tickets is new carried on in this city very extensively. II our corres pondent has the evidence, and wi=hes to put a stop to what he terms "pony swin dling," let him pursue the proper legal steps in the matter. the press cannot le gitimately usurp the functions of the po lice, and as we know nothing about the matter complained of, we Edve no disposi tion to meddle with it. COUNTERFIW. —The Metropolitan Bank Reporter, New York notices a new coon terteit out on $lOO bills of the Allegheny Bank, of this city. They rurport to he of the new plate, representing n soldier with gun, sailor seated beside cannon, a flag, distant fort, &c. It is rot long since this bank had its first bills so well Imam, d that it was dangerous to receive th.-m any longer, and the bank had provided another plate for this denomination, which has, it seems, also been imitated. RECRUITING IN TIIE DISTRICT. —We learn thatthe Enrollment B nird of the 2: id District have received orders from the War Department to open a recruiting office, and pay to all recruits the litiuntieti now authorized by the Cinvernnert, namely: $402 for veterans, or men who have been in the service for a period of nine months or more, and have been hon orally discharged ; and $3OO for i.r.tv re emits, or men who have been in the ser vice for a less period than nine months, To CLEAN CANARY BIRDS.—The Srien tifie American gives the following These pretty things are, like meaner nb jec s, often covered with lice, and may be effectually relieved of them by placing a clean white cloth over their cage at night. In the morning it will be covered with small red spots, so small as hardly to be seen, except by the aid of a glass : these are the lice, a source of great anneyance t D birds. THE FASHIONS—La Follet—R, Paris print—says mohair, foulard, and alpaca are the materials most in request for Sep temper. The new "turtledove" color is not likely to be long in favor, as decided hues are affected. Red is much worn, and will be quite in favor. White is fashion able and elegant. Dresses, pettiecats, cloaks are all of the ELMS material. Sor ry for the "turtle dove" color. THFATER.—)Mee Herron appeared again last tight in her great new play of I 'As• pasia, the Queeu of the Salons." We have not yet found -the time to witness this piece, but are reliably inf,rmed that it is a beautiful production, well put upon the stage, and that the principal charac ters are sustained in a creditable manner. CAMILE FOR THE LAST TIME.-011r read? ere will please note that Damns' great sensation play of "Caruile," as p..rformed by Matilda Heron only, will be presented for the last time this evening. Those of our theatre going Irienda, and others who would see the true life like character por trayed, should not fail to visit this place of amusement tonight. PaoF. ANDErtstm—Tho se who delight in magic, sorcery, second-sight, witch• craft, legerdemain. or what ever it may be termed, should not fail to visit. Masonic Hall, and witness the wonderful perfor manees of the great wizard, Anderson. MARS CONTENTION, ATTENTION.—Large and small flags, all sizes, at Pittsburgh Flag Manufactory, opposite Post•ofice. naMITURE, Carpets, Mirrors, &c., at 10 o'clock tomorrow morning. J. A. McFarland, Auctioneer.' MI" State Fair commenced yesterday, lot Norristoom. Ho, FOR UNIONT •!1 , 11 . i I,7TEISAMCUr6IOII train for LTnieelii~rn - the Pitts. burg and Connelsvide railrna I tb.ia morn ing, at ten minutes past eiuht, o'clock, precisely 'The drlPL lai oa wi ass.roble at the Hall, on the corner of F , fth atd Smithfield streets, at seven o'cicck, where it will form in procession, 'and, headed by a brass band, march to the depot. tat every Democrat who intends being p resent at the great gathering at Uniontown meet at the Hall punctually at seven o'clock this morning. N Loam—Flap 5 inches to 60 feet at Pittsburgh Flag Manufactory, opposite Postoffice. Sa.GROVER & BAKER'S SEMIS° n CHIN KF, for f nattily manufacturing MP:mos are the beet in too. A. F. CH ATONAY. General Agent. 18 Fifth strcet PirisLurgh, Pa. JOSEPH MEYER ANTHONY MEYER JOSEPH MEYER it SON, MANUFACTITHERS OP PLAIN AND EANEY FURNITURE & CHAIRS, WAR EH '. -3E, 13 S ITHFIELD. ST.. Botween 6th st and Virgin alicy. nog PITTSBURGH. IitANK.IN'S Extract of Boneset, FOR ALL AFFECTION OF THE THROATAND LUNGS, PREPARED AND EOLD AT 68 Market st., 3d door below 4th YRI4'E, 50 CENTS. HERNIA OR RUPTURE CUR E T , E ARE PREPARED TO TREAT • &tic.essfully all cases of rupture in young pare no, ino , t cased in undo' s aged, and some ea•ea of old persons, h , ving fi ted up an exten sion establishment f. r manufacturi og Impror ed Trusses and Bupporturs, In pecan •r easel or where persons &sire any style of truss cot on hand we will manufacture to order. Having the largest stock in the city all person., requiring trusses will find it to their ad vaptue to call• Dr. hf cf 4 A KR will attend personally to the ap phenth a of Tru , oes, tlu; porters, dm., ac. Besides our own manufacture we have a large stocg. ol Ritter & Penfield's Celebrated Trusses Dr. S. S. Fitch's Celebrated Trusses, Marsh & Cu ' s. Celebrated Trusses, French. English and German Trusses Supporters, all kinds, Elastic Stockings, Bandages, &c. At the Pittsburgh Drug House . TOR riEli CE & APOTHECA ETES, corner Fourth and MArhet sta. Pittsburgh CUNARD -ra . 4-4:; JUNE. hem to Queengown and Liverpool. The first class powerful Steamships SIDO N REDA R., MARATHON, I TRIPOLI, W ILL NAIL rnom NEW TORII every :. - Iternate Wcrdeesday, from Liver peel ei err I ternnln Tuo,day, and from Queens town every 4 lterrlltte ti ednesday. Stoernee Pa,,age Frew Liverpool or Queens )rum Now York, S32NI, payable in (lull or its 1211111itialent in ('urronoy For n teorago Passage apply to IV ILLIAMS .lt iil:lO.N. 4u ku: ton ;St.., New York, or 'I HATTIPAN. No 1'.12 onenirabola Houre, Water SL. id Paige from England & Ireland .$ 2 5 tbO. EUROPEAN AGENCY r (1311.4 S %IA TTIGAN, EUROPEAR AeSn t, 122 Afononrahela House, Pitts burgh. Pa., is prepared to briar out or send bark inv.:ulcers from or to any part of the old noun try cit'ser by steam or railing packets. SItIPT DRAFT' , FOR tIALIt, payable In arc part of Europa. Aget'. for the lactianapOis and Cincinnati Rail road. !kis° Arent for tho old Bluek Star Line of Sao.ing Pazzots, for the Steamer Great East. errs, atd for the liner of Steamers snot -al between Nes , York. Liverpool. ifinsrow and OalnraY. NE W GOODS. W E ARE RECEIVING THE LAE• stock ofiNew Geod.' we ever brought frOlil I I e et, comprising a•hvue. othen - German wn U ~d seen as NUBIA -3 Als ~nteings of the latest styles and in great variety. A largo quantity of HO3lllll PI BALAIt,RAL SKIRTS FINE 9N)WOOLE S . SHIRTS Y RESCH CORSETS And a large supply of 1 I 1313( N-1 EMBROIDERY FANGGOODS AND NOTIONS, At liVho'lesale and Retail IV o c ply buy from first hands and sell at the LOWEST CASH PRICES. MACRIJM & GLIDE, 78 Market street, Between Fotirih and Diamond. Ladies' Takc Notice. %gin FOLLOWING FIRMS HATE t 4 reed to pa; the bill of prices demanded by the — Ladies' • homaker.' Association." hey new pay .he highest wages. and employ nnly the best e4.rtinsen, and it is ight that see should let the poi & know where they can ob•ain the best gotds W. E. Schmertz & Co. Thos. A. Cain. "Wca. Kerr, S. Keys, Wl.l. Cuthbert, Jno. Thompson. T. t oyle s 13r0., eo Watkins, Henry Lipple, Jno. Campbell. Br order of the .1322-Iwl SHOE MAKERS' ASSO, c , ~,... v- t i F.-0 A's ellt..E° cliiiir .d 2 ig; c 01 ";:cd,124011'1‘,7_ e - ... a d do 2 t ; eni:.s . °4 izsa F. ; °...4 ,i c:62t=.1g2,1%.F:,'0 11:.aj ~. . (4 et-er7,..4,,t4:11,4.5.7,g(Q, . ! : ' 7C. , iG '',l:'' r,....476,-) ime":F Al' 2, t..f' g!,a.2: Ci g 2 1 1 ; . t . . 14 ^g.,;...rid A '2o t; '-''4 " . P...45: .. a .-mg..,r t. , 511:z4-O.,:ITT' ..: . ..0,,, 0 4 e. 6 4 trr:— c t...., t5l ‘1 7 ,,,, . 0g,..- .2 °.....5rt. , ,z,z-,' 0. , , 2 ,404,..c.....L. ~...' .:6 - 4 0 02Cig-4,t 4, ,401; a ErtuzE„„ gi „....,„..., 0- . . ,:-.,t5'"87,1=•-•.a,?.'?7,1,,:fitt41E 9. ...-,v,— 0n,,.4-1.:,:..-<-3-1.2.EP....2—TeG ~..1 c: . i _ ID ;;,../s—= - co.. al c 3 .td c. , IQ Al,' r.r m it . g.z..72. 2 2. 2 1,i--91;i3i.; t ,- , g e e m «dr- _kit'glXl.7satr.,.'o e:G i . 2,r-ei:4-fl.slig-ii.-ig P, —, r. o - g: -,- .-...7....g.,1-7,..,. ,; '4 . Ei0_....„.7.,zu.,...„..,_?... a 4 -a . 4 . f:, , 9.9.ft32..5....-7i- a a shell Oysters ! Shell Oysters., CiOIINIECOPL3E SALOON ALWAYS %LI in advance. The propriot or of this noted eat ing es'ab , ishment has just recieved Marge sup ply of Baltimore Shell °Tatars. They wi.l Le served up in the best possible manner, with all the delicacies the Market affords Don't' forget the place, corner of Fifth and Union streets. 5e29,1 F. WEIS, Proprietor. N OW IS THE CHANCE to get bargains in BOOTS, SHOES GAITERS and BALMORALB. cheaper than even auction goods. Go to BORLA_PirD'S. No. 98 Market street, 8•ooad Door from lilftb: TELEGRAPHIC. FIRST EDITION, From the Army of the. Potomac Rebel steamer Captured BREAD RIOT IN MOBILE Oen. Rosecrans Reinforced &c., &c , ,kc NEW YORK Sept. 29.—Specials to the Times, dated Washington September 28, says: Advices received last night froth your correspondent with,the army of the Potomac represents all quiet up to this morning. It is calculated that the expenditures of the Quartermaster's Department for the fiscal year ending September 30th, 1863, will amount to somewhere in the neigh— borhood of $376,000,000 The Clothing Bureau alone will swallow upwards 'of $100,000,000. It is the opinion, of Judge Lewis that the receipts from the internal revenue will be more than sufficient to pay the interest on the public debt. A few days ago, Gen. Heintzelman, while riding in the neighborhood of Sen eca creek, with a portion of his staff, was chased by a party of guerrillas, and nar rowly escaped being captured. During the past four weeks upwards of four hundred deserters from the army of the Potomac have been arrested in this city. A haul was made yesterday at Georgetown of men who have been mak 1 1 ing a business of enticing soldiers fromi their regiments, and clothing them in eiti zens' garb, and then inducing them to of fer themselves as substitutes HEADQUARTERS ARMY OP-THE POTOMAC, September 27.—Everything is looking as quiet as peace itself. We bold all the fords of the Rapidan, with a front of twenty miles. The enemy beyond is cen tered at Orange Court House and based on Gordonaville. They are active and alert, and indeed their vigilance at all points seems unusually severe. A niece of A. P. Hill, in Culpepper, is very em• phatic in her assertion that the General, with all his command, is still in the army of Virginia. HEADQUARTERS ARMY OF THE POTOMAC, September 28.—The Mexican General, Cortez, arrived here, with a view of in specting the army. lie will review the army by corps, a review having been or dered in compliment to him. The position is unchanged from former report. Rumors were afloat in Washington last evening that the Union forces in Georgia and Tennessee had meet with a serious disaster, bat nothing definite had been as certained from the War Department. If unfavorable news hasbeen received-by the government it has been kept a profound secret from those who usually find out snob intelligence. NEW YORE, September 29 —A special to the Tribune, dated Washington, Sep tember 28, says :—The recent arrange ments made for exchange between lien. Meredith at d Commissioner Odd em braces all prisoners captured up to Sep tember Ist, 1863, amounting to about 24.000, and leaves at least 40,000 iu our hands. The terms of the cartel are the same as before. Our cavalry are busily engaged in nick ing up and every day bring in deserteraf and stragglers. Yesterday Gen. Meade and a number of rilkers dined with John Minor Botts. Ile is living quietly on a recently purchased farm near Culpepper. John Nichols, a citizen of Missouri. has been tried at Jefferson City, before a mili tary commission, for being a guerrilla. He was found guilty and sentenced to be hong. Approved. NEW YORK, Sept 29.—The steamer Clinton brings New Orleans papers of the 20th. 'The rebel blockade steamer Alice Vivian has been captured. There was a female bread riot in Mobile, on September 4:h. The Government order ed the Seventeenth Alabama regiment to put down the disturbance, but they re fused. The Mobile Cadets essayed it. but were forced to fly by the women. Peace was finally restored. The rioters openly declared that they would burn the city if some means were not devised to relieve distress. The parolled Vicksburg prisoners at .Mobile are suffering greatly, and if ever they are forced into the field they will de Bert in the first battle. The steamboat Hannibal left St. Louis with a fall cargo. She sunk on the morning of the 17th five miles above Donaldsville. The passengers were saved. FORT MoRROE, Sept. 29.—The Rich mond ESC, rs'ner of the 26th says :—After two distinct efforts to capture Chattanooga the enemy still hold and are strengthen. ing that strong position. Meanwhile the situation in Northern Virginia has become critical. The enemy is preparing for a general attack on the Rapidan, and is meta• Bing his forces at Culpepper. Re is also encroaching on the railroads and river, which shows a determination to fight. SONTAGS, uLOVES, DRAWER!! NEW YORK, September 29--A special to the Tribune, dated Cincinnati the 28th, says ; The news from Knoxville is to Thursday, Gen. Burnside was still there. No signs of rebel movements there. The rebel Gen. Jones is close to the Virginia line. Part of Barnsides' force has gone on an expidition into Southwestern Vir ginia. Important results are expected. BRAIDS New YORK, September 20.—A special to the Herald. dated Washington 28th, says : It is reliably reported that the rebels have concentrated a force of some 10,000 strong at Mount Jackson, with the design of making a raid through the She nandoah Valley. Heavy emit tery firing was heard this morning at Bealton Station. It is supposed to be nt Raccoon Ford. No particulars, CAPE RACE, Sept. 25.—The steamer City of Washington, from Liverpool on the 16th and Queenstown on the 17eb, passed to-day. .fier news will be tele- graphed as soon as the lines are in work • ing order. NEW YORK, September 29.—A special to the World, dated Washington, the 28.1, says : It is stated in well informed circles, that Rosecrans bad been reinforced up to Saturday, by about 18,000 men,. JOSEPH SICOWDE LW, NOTARY PUBLIC, NO. SO DIAMOND STREET, oel9-15d PITL_BURGH; FALL ARRIVAL OF TOBACCO. SNUFF AND SEGARS, McCOLISTER dt BAER. Wholesale Tobacco bealers No, 108 Wood Street. Have now received their Fall stock of goods, which they are prepared to tell at the very low est figures for cash. Country merchants would do well to call before meta/ring elsewhere, All orders promptly attended to selo MEDICAL CARD F. X. DEROLETTE, M. D., From the Medical FunDr of Parie,._France. Hr. Intern Resident Physician) of Hotel :Dieu. Charity Hospitals, &a Date of Diploma, 1828. OFFICE 57 GRANT STREET, St. Nicholas Building, Corurultaticn GRATIS, every Tuesday and * Friday. from 10 o'clock to 12 a m.. and from 2 to D. so: ota TELEGRAPHIC. SECOND EDITION. Another Draft to Take Place Newspaper Editors Arrested Steamer Monarch Wrecked The Florida is not a Privateer. r NEW Yeats. September 29.—The steam ship City of Washington, from Liverpool on. the 16th, via Queenstown on the 17th arrived at 10:30 today. .The Emancipa tion Society.has written to Russell, thank: itikhiin for stopping the rams on the Mer sey, and begging him not to lose sight of the movements on the Clyde. The Times editorially expresses satisfaction that the iron clads in the Mersey will not be al lowed to leave till something more is known of their ownership and destination. The Paris Nonileur explains that the Florida is not a privateer, but forms part of the Confederate navy, is duly commis• sioned and has all the character. ; of no ordinary vessel of war. Ninety-five of the crew of the Florida had arrived at- Liverpool in a state of des titution, report that they had received large sums in wages and prize money are fabrications. The men were mostly press ed from the Confederate army at Brest. They boldly demanded wages when they were all discharged. with notes on Con federate agents at Liverpool, for sums va rying from $lOO to $l3O. WASHINGTON, Sept. 29. —The reverse in Northern Georgia, compels the govern meat to raise more troops than it bed con ' templated. The present draft will not give the government 75,000 men. It is said iu some quarters that this is too high an es timate by 25,000 meo. Another draft will undoubtedly take place very soon, except in those districts which prefer to raise the full quota by Volunteering. Nearly all the western .States will raise their quota by volunteering, as the gov ernment offers a bounty of $3OO. The next draft will probably be for 600,000 men, and the expectation of the govern ment, under the new instructicns, to ob tain one third of the men drawn as sol dieST, The two drats and the volunteering, it is estimated, will give about 300,000 men by the first of next January. A committee from the Missouri and Kansas delegation called on the President this morning. He agrees to receive the entire delega tion at ten o'clock to morrow morning. It is believed here the Administration will change its policy in Missouri. Uulavor able rumors respecting Burnaides' Biwa Lion, were afloat last night, none of which are . true. There is no nnfavon.ble news from any quarter. The Cabinet held a meeting to day. SAN . FRANCISCO, Sept. 29 —The war steamer Monarch, last from Hs Kaai, was wrecked north of the entrance to the har• boron the night of the 26th. The officers and crew were saved. They report, according to the passen gers accounts received at Ba Nadi, Ang. 30th, that the British ti had been re pulsed from Sago Jenia, before they had dernauderl from Prince Stoma the surren rier of Richards.m's murderers. The fleet entered the ince: harbor, an armed a Jap anese decoy boat drew towards the shore, was pursed, attacked and speedily sunk Masked batteries then opened on the fleet from the shore, riddling the advance ves sels before they could get cut of range. The Japanese claimed to have damaged the greater portion of the fleet, and the balance retirnd from the contest. BALTIMORE, Sept. 29.—The proprietors and editors of the Gazette, formerly known as the Fxchange and then the News Sheet, were ordered to be arrested to day for the publication of disloyal sentiments. A guard was sent to seize the establisment only one of the proprietors, Mr. Edward Carter was toned there, who was arrested Mr. Neilson was notf, uod. Mr. Wm. H. Carpenter, editor of the paper, was also absent, neither have yet been arrested . Michael Kelly and M. B. Piet were ar rested to-day by the military authorities for selling the publication, entitled "Font , teen Month's Experience in the American Bastile," by Francis Key Howard. NEW VoaK, September 29.—A gentle man direct from Morris Island says that a few days before he left seven deserters ar rived there from Sullivan's Island. Their story is that after the blowing ap of the magazine in Fort Moultrie, and tally ex petting a continuance of the shelling on the following day, the rebels made prepa rations-for the removal of their best guns, with the intention of evacuating the Is land, bat finding next,morning that the shelling was not renewed, they concluded to wait. NEtrYoms, Sept. 29 —The Commercial says gold advanced to 51,40f@ 1,41 i last evenieg after the regular business houses had closed, and has gone up still higher to day, partly under the failure of a heavy speculator, said to be nearly half a million short in hie deliveries, and partly under reports of adverses, by private intelligence, from Rosecrans. The prices opened at $1,4111, but advanced to $1,44 by eleven o'clock, from which it recrded to $1,421, stiffening up again to :31430/A1,43i. NEW YORK, Sept. 29.—The schooners Ireland and John J. Houseman, were cap lured by the rebels in Chesapeake Bay, previous to the 231, plundered, and set adrift. The Alexandria was captured and plundered, and run ashore. The Government schooner Alliance, la den with provisions and sutlers' stores, valued at $30,000, was also captured. The crews of the other vees is wera put aboard her, and she was last seen off the sand shoals bound south. LEAVP.NWORTH, Sept. 29.—Gov. Gamble has authorized Col. Moss, of Liberty, Mo., to arm men in Platte, Clay and Clinton counties. He has armed mostly returned rebel soldiers and men under bonds. Moss' men are uow driving Union men out of Missouri. Over one hundred families crossed the river today. Many wives of our Union soldiers have been compelled to leave. Four or five Union men have been murdered by Moss' men, • Sr Louts, Sept. 229.—The Democratic Leavenworth special dispatch says, au thentic advices are received there from Washington to the effect that Karoas will be made a separate department under com mand of Gen. Curtis. Col. Moss' men are disarming loyal enrolled militia in Platte county. Several Union men were killed yesterday and a perfect state of terrorism exists there. New Yoax, Sept. 29.—Brig. Gen. Rob ert Anderson, now in the city, has been ordered before the Army Retiring Board, and it is expected that he will be retired from active service, as since the bombard ment of Fort Sumter, he has sot been equal to the fatigue and excitement inci dental to the service in the field. ST. LOUIS, Sept. 29.—The Springfield (Ill.) Democrat says: It is stated and be lieved among army men there, that Maj. Gen. Pope will be assigned to the corn mend of the Department of Missouri. Gov. Yates leaves to-night for Ohio. where he will speak to Union men. Gen. Pope is now in St. Louis. • Citent.esrox, Sept. 29.—A1l quiet tbiu morning. FORTEEMIS Mo lawn, Sept. 29.—A. dia fiatai. from- Atlanta; Vateti -- Sept.- - .26th t says : There was no fighting yesterday. Gen. Rosecraps has sent in two fiags of truce asking permission to - briry hie : dead, and relieve his wounded. Gen. Bragg re. jected both of them. COMMERCIAL. PITTSBURGH GENERAL MARKET OppICE OP TER DAILY Dosy.} WEDNESDAY, Eqpt , 30, IBM. • Busince—Was not very active yetterdisfr with the exception of a few leading articles, The weather was delightful forgot-door transact. liens. The receipts of produce wero quite limn ed, our railroads being over burdened with freights in all direction s both to and wer e as tt, burgh. Among the sales reported were as fol. lows Flour -- -Folders were firm in the'r views. and we. e generally asking an advance, Tha stock in first hands is not large and is not likely to be in . reseed nwil we have a rise o - wirer. Among the sale; that we e made waq the lowa:rine, fr.ru store; Extra-120 bbts at A550@5,62; 100 do toms with he'd; 76 bbls do at B 5 50. E itra. e-;-150 hblit at $ 6 ,2506,37(46.40; 70 bbls very'choice at $6,50 'B bH, firm, first hands. We quote sales of lot, varying from 100 to 2io bbls, amounting - to 1.000 bbls - Pal aof Ohio" at $6.20 bbl. - . • WhiskY-Iho market oontinnes firm, with a goOd demand. The late advance has bean sus tained, atd a farther one wrtabliehed. Bales 20 bb's city rectified at 500; 60 bbls do at 5 9 0. Grain—We more nu, to notioo an active mar ket at full ratm more especially for certain der cri 'Bons. Wheat—all good parcels that a - r,ve find ready purchasers at fall rates. W s unto rnies cf red at $1,10@t1,12; white $1.2M.26. Corn—active and tending upwards hales at de pot of 7to bush pt 903. Oats—firm and in good de mend. Sales 600 bush at dopot, at 70c; 'rem store 750 was demanded. B .rley—warket firm; spring is held at $1,15; fall .11.25@1:8. -Itye--on. Is , limited sales were made a 85@90.3; stocks lim ite 1. Biny—Tbe receipts aro on the increase. At. the scales 35 _cad] were disposr d of at, be , t qual ity $20@35 ; second quality $25@i26. -t ales of baled from store at.s27@l - 8. Salt —The stock in this market is very and holders were firm at s2,fo bbl; some /50 bbls ware disposed of. llintder —The market was not so firm. We note sale. of 1200 lbs good roll at 200 'R eggs—Were unchanged. We note sales of bßis at 14c. Feed --I he market was moderately supplied Prices, however, have undergone no ehange. We omi. quotations. Apples—Tho market was wsl supplied, arid Prilell Nile low. t ales 130 bbts assorted at $1.50g 2,01 1 bbl. Bacon—The stook i lark, hands is rapidly dis aimearing, and unless soon replenished will soon be among too to iogs that were. Holders of goad meat are trot and find ready nur.hasers, at full rates, eboulders— - ales of 5.000 /hi at F t /s@6'4 : 2,000 do at 634'. rides, riiMrd--Sales of 0,0 0 0 a. 7c, vicar beings 8c reedits. P. e Ilams—Sales of 200 ths at 13@14e. This article has become very scarce. Pain Haah—Some of our dealers are entirely out. Prices nominal at 10Ne1af. Groceries—Re continuo to notice a fine mar ket with a goed demand for the various siese7it - tions, The markets in all be leading cites was active. Among the sales were Snaar—‘'uba, : 10 hhds at 12X; 8 do at 12}(2 , ®13c; 10 do, Orleans; at I3V/terms withheld, Crashed--Sales of 12 r bls at 1634, 'A" Coffee, 10 bbls at 1514. "1." Coffee. 14 this at 15.4. Coffee—, ales of :8 saelis Rio at 3 0 g-3114 ;40do ar 31©32 Molasseffirm— Sales of 50 bbls old to trade at 57e new 600, PITTSBERGH OIL TRADE, WEDNESDAY, Sept. 30 1863. The market yesterday wns dull, although hold en seemed firm. Buyers manifested do disposi tien to op, rate, Prices in the East has dtc'tned. besi res rho markets there was very dud The light srocks an this marker win tend to holdup the figure: The only demand at presentsettos to be r Crude for refiningpur poses . 'Pro rat.swere 27a32 without and w.th the necklines. The ex ports since rur last, were to New York Ir Mr 264, To Phi adelphia Refined, 5 2 barrels. Crude 1,52. Tar 25. Tb Baltimero Eel 50. Crude 105 :hipped west 810 bbls. E-st 1215- The imports were pm. A. V: Pailroad Ref. t. 14. Crude 15, Per Pitt burgh. Ft. Wa , 130 'railroad 52. Per Alle g n env River. 617 bb's. Refinwa—\Ve did not learn of any transactions Yesterday ho ders asking f. , r bonded Oi 53154 Free 61, for future delivery. The marget was un set,led • Crude — Holders - were firm at 27e delivered at Tank. and 32a packages included, residuum and Benzole were unchanged; we omit quotations. Chicago Grain Market Barley was in active requea L and steads at an advance at lc, with sales of No. 2in store at $1 1041 11. principally at the outside price. There was a firm and buoyant feeling in the gr:-On market today, act-re demand both for stipment and speculative account. The inquire fur wheat was principa ly confined to spring grade., which sold at prices ranging from $ 0.1 1 ,4@1 06 for No. 1 ; $lOOl/51113 for No. 2. and I.'4g9S: for rejected closing at the outside figures he r,c !ins of 'Printer wheat are light, and it is difficult to make up cargoes, and prices date al , -ost nominal. Two cargoes No. 1 spring. at Milwaukee, st re sold here to-day at $lO5 f. o. b. There ie no particular change to notice in the lion- market. Spring extras of good and choice q unlitie•n were in active request, but there wag no quotable improvement in prices At the close, however, after the eceipt of the New York, r ow- , holders, were firmer, and generally demanded an dvance on the opening prices. Corn was active and buoyant. end the market advanced fully 2c_per bushel with sales of No 1 at 7007034 c, and No. 2at 68069 c. at the close most holders were asking 710. Canal corn afloat sold at 70c for No. 1 and 72®7234c for h•gh mixed llomestm s di was active and easier, wtth sacs at $2 40@i2 50 for fine M ichigan . Foreign salt was quiet and nominal. Thero was rather more life in provision market, sales of mess pork being made at 513 25 fore ty packed; $8 for clear aides delivered, and 93.ge 1:x steam rendered lard. Oats rc.covered from the depression which per vaded at the nose kesterday, and advanced 52@ 5234, for No. I—closing firm. Dry•Gooda in Philadelphia. The dry goods market has been very active during the past week, and the trade with both the comanision and job houses very good for the eason. Cottons of all kind. keep well sold up. and for moot of the leading styles of brown and uleacbed good prides are better, and the stones very much reduced. Prints are active and firm and many of the leading makes all out of tint hands. htripes, Ticks, Checks and Canton Flan nels are mostly sold in advance of the supply, and very firm. Woolens are quick and for WI de sirable kinds, fancy Cassimeres especially, price. are firm and on the advance, with very 'light toclu on sale. Cincinnati Produce Market There was but little done in previsions, chiefly owing to ths firnintsr of holders. who are gener ally asking higher tares. Lard is heal at 10@ 10%.'e. Clear bacon sides are wanted, at 7c. and ear in bulk at 64e. 0:d mess boar, at $10.50 New it held, as usual, out of the market, f , r cloy ernment oontraws. Bulk shoulders are held firmly, et 50, and bulk aides atOfie. MONEY IMAJRILET. tXDULEOTID DAILY rOlt TIM MORNING POST DT kEESEE. KOONTZ &, M fTt . BILOIDEN: NO, 118 WOOD STREET: The following are the buying and Belling rates , ror din& Silver. dm: Buying Belling Bold 138 00 Silver 12 . 131 Demand 18 137 10 Eastern Exchange. New York par 6 7 Baltimore Philadelphia.. .. 0 • lerwron Pennvivania . par Western Exchange. Dar Dar d •—• Par osr • Lel:deville,. Clevoland . St. Louis. czimicr7 i 0A 0 0 )IC4 Fri ° - • teem Pi 14 14 sl 14 i- 114 }4Z g 43 al 1 . 1 3 43 n tol 14 Ai MI o 000FT 4 FIA 9 0 ciciscSMX so E.i.Apb.4 0 AE.. GI W 4 41 ig ' E.; X4l • l x N ;l 14a 1 ; 4 tgu x t al 0:41:1 reqictrZ z Z I, 0, fm O 0 4 41.01 .43 VISI: a 1;14.41.1 oago ~. i oca k..• * .34,144P:1PAPA O otto ~ IA Plisl r nm a s o co boa% p. 4 pe 2 o co -so, zg I a • PANPA c 1 0 A # 4 0.1 d'S . GP ot2 0 0 0 0 0 0 4, q - . .41 ~ 1.. 0c..0 00,4 02 1:2, g pi C ig - oop 41 44 0 4 C 4 PI W Fq P.l ;CI AMERICAN HOUSE, BOSTON. IS THE LARGEST AND BEST • AR ranged Hotel in the Neer Enema - States: is centrally loftated. and easy of access lrcm all the routes of travel. It contains all the modern im pro ,ements.every convenience for the com fort and accommodauon. ef the trove ing The sleeping-rooms are large and well ventilated/ the suites of rooms are well arranged, a- d com pletely furnished for 'families and la. ge traveling parties. and the hou a will continue to be kept ae a fast 11, iltst-e le es Hotel in every respect. Telegraph in the house to all arts of the coon- HENRY RIOE. Proprietor.triodon,liept, lgtE. settemd . . . . , .., PlltiraltDll,63ll THEArIitIL Lessee and Ma era ser nth ' rutifDlogotr, Teaattrr....' ' .........' ..-....at Ovingloolf. , Last night tmt three of the great es in* M - - TILDA ttE nON, !rho will appear for this 'Atilt .... only as Cami.i.. THI 4 1. VENINGESsiI bo rrrsented CA31.1 - LLE, or the Fate or tt Coquette, rnmitie....... ..... ... . . ... .. ...... -....a1t0 Oda heron 'Armsno. ..... - . :........-..- .. ~.bir. LoVetta7 al ons Dwra.i...----_........, r ehloyendoo th.ton- ... ... . ...... ... .. ..•••• ..«.......lort.Seiflco NDo Varviq....... ....... -.....----...8ir Home' 5111110.,-.. .... . ... . .. ... ...... ....... - ...... Ml. t.. r, SMadame krt1det1et........-.. ...... .-'l-i-S Ph I S ong ' —.. .... Overture. by the .- --.. .... ..... . - ........ —.Orates ra ..,' No other clay Fit , overctz, • _ In T0113.T al. The Bell of the DULSOII awl the Dream Spears.. itIeSONIC .111.A.14. , .: - • . ON 11l CORDAY, St/PTIEINIIIrIi Prof. ANDEUS ON, . . PRESIIDIGItATEUS & PSIVIONINTIONLT In his highly entertainint Lectures and Enieri meats in P6YCHOLOGY and PR hiSTlpliiilTA- RiALliiihi. ai - eauxi by- - MADAME ANDER SON, The surpriaing 8- MAGI'S where rare berdtsr of SECOND eIGHT has been the tactile, of uni versal delight. For th 3 eepecial gratih'eation of Ladies , nd Children. unable to attend in the' evenitut-T Glit aND PRESTIDIGI'gAI OItIAL frf TI EMS wilt b. given on WEDNE,ItrAY & PATIIIIDAY A t o I'EItSOONS: - Doors open at 2, to conn4ence at 3 o'clock. Eventrg—Doors even at 7. to - conymtnimY t to 8 o'clock. admission, 25 CEN VS. Reserv.'d seats, 2 1 cents. extra. Children accompanied hy Patents to tesorved seats, th cents. Sests may be secured during the day. FJEGET PROP. A.NDEREI)N'S GRAND MATINEE. fiE4ND ,, vieTINE.E. ORAND MATINEE, GRAND MATINEE THIS APTEENCON. DCOaq OPRN AT 2 O'CLOCK; COMMEN , E AT g. _ _ GEO - T. 8 - lIELDON, Advance Agent. DENBY PRTCE. ' Bukineee Manager and Treasunr. r.se2s orsEirouloi iruxerdifulit zuw t. vvEDNE•ilrelY September 30th,at 10 o'clock. at 142 r• nn street. 2d loot. below Pitt ere will be sold. a large quantity of well kept turniture. careers, he • em bracing spring sent sofa and obai s r each g any ndsi board, msrble lop dressing bureaus, lao - k case. sash stends, side, dinir , g tind oiler tables, large gilt : rime mirrors col p luting? , kill and low post belstaads. chair , .Venitian bit re p . arlor. ehnmber and stair ca , pet . % • il cloth rugs, lee chest cook ettme, altrben furni ture and utensils, fenders , se.. c. eale positive, as the family is declining Foesekeeping. • - T. A. Menial. • ND. se2S /men neer. C. A. VAN KIWI. iskCU., OAS FIXTURES & CHANDELIERS. Patent Improved Eitelsoir, &• Meat Paragon • _ COAL. HAND LAMPS COLUMNS, tioi Salesrooms, 517 Arab St. Philadelphia. Manufactory, Frankton], Philadalvhia, All annin varrantaa. - - iy2lv BEST PIANOS PLENDID .11TE'W TOCIL UT. -THE Celebrated Gold Medal. Premium Piano Fortes, MANUFACTURED BY .itNARE. They have been awa4ded the HIGHEST P EM -lU2du for excel:once mar al competition, and are pronounced by THALBERG. STRCITOSCII, BATTER.! And other distinguished Pianista superior tu: any made. Warr.nted eiebt yems. CIiARLOTIE BLUME. 43 Rita street. se26 Sole agent for the Manufacturers. J. 1110. KERND ; Sole Agent for E, 31. Straill LAZED UtitiLADl Mt COT MY, - Factory, Fall River, Maui. VICTORL3, BIETRTDIVB,._,DIMKOI4D MEDAL. WATERS', PERRY'S, Corner 'of sth and Market streets, (lip Stairs.) The wholesale trade supplied in quantities to suit, by the case or less. ae2l-Imd SMITH, PARK & CO. N.Ward • • , Warehouse, 149 ' First and 112 1 T Sd^ond Manufacturers alt sizes-and desnriyotops of Coal Oil Retorts and Stills. Gas ond Water pinee, Sad Irons. Dog Irons. Wagon Boxer, Sod-Matilda Putties ibmgors and Couplings. - • ' Also .Tobbieg and Machin - try of every dc cap tion outdo to order. - Havtng a complete machine shop attached to the foundry, all necessary fitting will be e. , re' all." attended to. o21:1yd &w • - The Howe Sewing Illtiehin.e. Invented 1845. Perfeesetl 1w0.% 111 ECEIWEiII TRIBUTE )Itoq ALL wan S C Maohines.at the W. orld's Fair. 1862. while th S inger Sewing bitteltine ree..lsed an honorablementlon on Ramo:rite; and Wheel er Bc Witson's a medal for ita device. called °alai. hook." The Howe Sewing Machine. was awarded a premum (to an English Exhilator.) as the best lor all narcoses on exhibition: Our light e-t Machine guar.mteed to make perfect work on the lightest and_heaviest fabrics Bold and rented. Cor. Penn St St Clair. streets. A.M.nesinzGoil.. Agent. my2D:dBtaw:ly MANNOOpt - .. HOW LOST! HOW RESTORED! Just Published in a eealedenvee: Price 0 . 11 L.ECTILTIMON IHE NATURE. treatment and radical curo of Spermaturr hrea, or Feminal Weakness Involuntary Em soznal Debility, aria impedimeuts to mar riage gerteralY Nervonsn , 8.. Com nmPtlen, Bo ilepsy and fits; Mental and Physical Incapacity, resulting from Self-abuse. &c., t. 9 ttOBT. J. CUL VRE.WELL. Si D.. author of the Green B •ok, e. A Boon to 'Ehon.and. or nntrarer...., Sent under seal,' in a ple , n envelope to atitad dress, post-paid on receipt efuia cents of too poa tage tramps by DE- Ca. J C. KLlNE.l2l7Bownty, New York. Post Once Box„ 4OML selB-3n3-d&w. - • ' 66 1 r HE UN-CO-10),7- • ARCH STREET, betweeii t 8d .and 4th, PHILADELPHIA, . . 171VDERsIGNED lif.a.VlNfts ER. newodthe lease a the above Toralar noose for a series of Years, would respectfully call the attention of the traveling nubile to its central eality. either tor business or eaasure.. _ ufta:lya TifolgA St S. WEBltvili SON W 331. PENN-LIPTE.L. Croimmr swop( itotms) NO, 422 PENN STREET, Pittetouth THOS. KELLY; PRopsirrou MORGAN HOUSE DROVE YARD 4,.. The undersigned Lasopeninglhe OlOrifais House for the aocomunodatt f dr,vers and stock dealers, at the the corner of Peatolor_m !Aare and Taylor Avenue; 'near the stook depot of the Pittsburgh: Port 'Wayne. and Chicago Itha. way. He has extensive stock pens. tell covered and commodious feed , and sale -"Taids, abutting upon the railroad platform, thus vingirreat eon veaience in ioading and unloading. be. pens have been enlarged. so as to eccommodate4ooo to 4,000 head. and the yards as sunny more:; Com fortable recommedations toe provided in the housefor owners of stock. and thesattscriberze sPec folly solicits a share or their patronage.— Terms forboarding and rent ofyard moderate. mbl2 D. SHAPER I'Vit ALL PAPER, • • 0 si FOR A.IITIIMN OF 1£3.68; A oompleto.atmortment of tioautiful- PAPER HANGINGS . Of au styles: at pricallovvcr than, eon ; Al .440 n offered. Bar age awing tho eat= muaanents•.- FOR ONII•WEILIC ONLY Commencnit The extraordhiam Auction Sales. - ILLIPITFACTIIHERS OF ALSO, ACVANT SOH SPOOL COTTON, P ITTSBURGH. Foundry PITTSBURGH. Y. P. 111.441191tAL14 .7 Wood Benet,