.Fames P. Ba POST. MilT POST—ADVANCED KATES, On. year, by mail, Six months. " Three “ One " One veeh, delivered in the city— Single oopies To agents per hundred " " James F, Shunk, Esq, At the Monster Mass\Meeting in Indepen dence Square, Philadelphia, on the 17 th oj September. Mr. Shank said that it was eminently proper that the Democracy of Pennsylva nia should assemble at this time and on this spot. The time was the anniversary of the adoption of the Constitution of the United States; the spot was the birthplace of that great law. Here, it anywhere, in these days of disaster and oppression, when the charter of our liberties has been supplanted by a “higher law," interpre ted and discerned by Abolition seers— when the mere will of the President avails to stop the citizen of the securities for which his fathers paid the best blood of the world—Acre is the place, this is the dap in which to assert once more the an cient liberties of this Republic. The De • mocratic party have always been the party of the . Constitution and the Union, they have held fast to them in season and out of season-in time of war as well as in fame of peace. Through all the long period in which they held control of this andwere the masters of iu power and patronage, the rights of no State were invaded—the liberty of no cit izen was abridged—the press and the ros trnm were free-,he forts which town along our coast were a terror to every tor eign foe, bnt not prisons for the free born citirens of our own land. In those days of peace and prosperity the people were wntoSsT lead6rS that . thiß government mil , u P 0? ooooeasion and compro mise .hat by the matchless wisdom of the great men who framed our Conetitu faon, separate and sovereign political com munities, scattered over half a continent diffenpg not more widely in climate than in institutions, laws and habits of thonght—wore united under one Govern ment—a Government holding only a few P° wers - and having relation to only a few large objects-but strong enongh to maintain our honor and dignity abroad rivhts 6! f Ce , mV hom c e ~" pot ent to assert the rights of all these States, without infnng mg upon the liberties of any one of them weri 68 ‘. b !i teaC^ lnga 04 onr statesmen iL p P -!!?’- aa ong as the compacts ° qf lo . Constitution were honored, as loDg £d tf vro ePtf>l f th w j, th State, we continn ed to grow great, and three years ago we stood, if not foremost, side by side wilh the master powers of the world. We have now been taught by the saddest ex penence through which any natioa ever passed, the wisdom of that policy which kept ns together so long. The lesson iTsfafn’tn f oar ,, mad neea, we refused to listen to from the tongnes ot grave and reverend statesmen, we read now in let sonlaobv>rdfl Th r 7 ar ° bDrned iDtO ou r onls by the fire of gunpowder, sounded in oar ears by the roar of artillery. We feel now what in beetter days we UnT- , t 0 / 6 r-e The industry of the land, instead of being employed in the fol Art atl °v 0 n th ® B °' l and of those Peace- H artfl wh'ch ccntnbnted to the health and comfort of the whole nation, is now diverted to the manufacture of tools for slaughter— to the forging of bayonets and the ne Uldl s E °Q f g an . B—to the invention of the new and Satanic methods by which brother may shed brother's blood. The fields which m Democratic daya were yel- harvests are, in this Abolifion milleninm. red and soaked with the blood of the rea p ers. The policy of onr party aaved the Union while it lasted—tha{ policy only can restore it. We were call ed Union Savers” and sneered at by the wretches who now hold power be cause we sought to maintain the integrity of the Repnbhe. We are called “ Co? perheads and “traitors" by the same S ?™ because we - are bending onr might to restore it. 6 Mr. Shank then adverted to the base the cTara , 1116 A , bol ‘ lioni6tB concerning the character and opinions of Judge !?° ™ rd ' “ Th cy tell ns," said he, that he is a secessiomst-that in case of lntofhs q OO .? 8 W n Carry Permß jlvania ! into the Southern Confederacy. M Fellow' Son is eitb 16 “ an Wh ° makea this MBer tion is either a consnmmate knave or an incorrigible ass—he is moreover a traitor fo^V' 0 !^ 8 ,, 6118 ™ 7 the v e «-y aid and com fort which he wants. If Judge Wood ward, a son of Pennsylvania— born upon onr soil, and habituated to its ab ° BeD f I hle i f ° f a gr f at Party—without an a^?- ° f 'and or a drop of kindred blood within the whole area of the South—is bent upon allying this Commonwealth with the Southern Confederacy, and the behove ? t f tb ?i r - ebeilion can be made to . b . ‘ ~e ? 1 ’ Wl1 ! 14 not pat freßh strength fniVh, arm f les ? . Will not nerve them for a longer straggle and for battles more desperate than any which they have yel fought? They believe no such thing—they know better- Bnt this is not the fault of i the Abolitionists. They have steadilv represented since the beginning of this war,.that the Democratic party was in al liance with the rebsl States. They have th r is m ' oerab!e slander in the face of the fact that a majority, of our Genm-af thn D emoc v ats that the Neatest 1 of e ?b ara l ha , W “u ha l Produced —the idcl of the people—the best beloved of the soldier— the hero of Antietam and the savior of the Capitol-George B. McCl e l Z'e'rl 1 D |”°m rat - and continued cneers.J from such hardy falsifiers it Woodw b a e rd t0 Feno Ch ■*? wooawara. bellow citizens, while ther« a 8" Jhat Judge Woodwa d con Bn °, h folly as b >' B slanderers impnte to him, there really is great da” frnn t r b p^rrii, de , r f, th ?- maaa gement of Gov ernor Curtin, the lines of Jeff. Davis will be extended over our borders. Twice have rebel armies entered our State The first fame Onrtm politely allowed them to W^moUgted. ; ;-Tho second SfftniS V t£e P recioua tours Which fnr d f tave been given to preparations with thB Ce iD begg,Dg aDd Pleading Wv» , ,?° wer3 at Washington f o f fame ° B u'i b » own militia. Mean - twTGover^h'f 2 °- f God - th cre were and disloyal ' ; Coppefhead to . despieed their rights-exerefaed wkhoV mg on their knees to Mr. StatnnV 1 B °' mission to act—and sent i? per^ Democratic New York and N bobo r rtB of to defend the soil of JeUi-!ye U i -! y her own imbecile and “loval" p ’ wblle was trembling on his marrow-bo® before the throne at Washington ,'y£ could rr, Editor & Pro —* - === ~~ ==-- BEMABKS OF JOEK, _ OB » « § ® o > s o ;g| • » r , =P°» O 5 S %£< tm. a - © b O a 3 a*:=sts£ 5 S M !s"»s* k «-S 5 9 s*."* o ® sr H*" 5 2 J ££°if?M 2f Smithflold street. W. C. EaSSiL aa the J were under Car trn by contradictory orders, or dragged l 8 , b w y snard5 nard for the trembling 1 laifn? J ll aßhln « ton . will look to their 1 lawful and chosen chief for the word of 1 command, and march, with cheerfnl united front to hnrl back the th ? n ex P res sed the most per fidenn. f dBD >. 0 J m °, Ur Bnc^BB es—B con tione nnded - ° n letters aDd 'oaversa tnn J l h , P . rom n nent in common,ca tion with the Central Committee, from «e c t.°n °f the State. He believed oominl 7 V ? Cast for lhe Party at the coming election was a vote tor the return f peace and the re eatabliahment of the ertv°wi?ht d „ e fk th t C ° n J' t,tn 1 ‘ 0n ’ and of lib ' Qfty within the bounds of law. ®MEi/rore wobks Manufacturers of CHARLOTIE JQLC7AIE, 43 Fifth street Solo agent for the Manufacturers, twenty-five dollars. E S p I bro . af;ht on ‘ from liver- SxSM>iH.srf„T° rk ' ine "^’ S TCLaSS r M OAIL 0 AIL lowest ODt b ? Sailing Vessel a! Ohroelele building. TO Fifth st„ PitobS/Pa Hon. Wilson MoOandlms. Jndgo of the United | . tatea Circnit Court, President. Corner or Penn ies Rapid ne^men f th ° So “ “ d of bud oonKl^7nU B in°formnn™ r ‘' hip l and ““ oonts to the Prin“pal? <®oiose twenty-five anl ° JTKBTKIWS a smith MIG WHEELER «fc WILSON Sewing Machines w | > E O £ h! £, London asdpaeis EXBinmoss, T HE SAI,E OF THESE Ifimivrs » s O ® h CO * j, ~ ,riDiJlDai machines before thoVub. £r e »S^{HS£S iis;s tweli-n ~ ; p rs 0 1! r iin accomplish as much a* by ard othr 1 ? m W '^° U ’' ''• aDd , t "' c o as much as ATrn-irhr thcr m!,c hipe. One thousand yards of stra ght sea to. itn stitches to the inch is int.nl?- nar, day’s work often hours. Wo ha-n high as one hundred tied fifty yard p-r hour Thf ica??? i ;“ri o in : ? i,lt ,\ ja V , , Ur era P |n « os not ten hi .h? u health and spirit*. We can not too highly rec mmond Wtooer i Wilson’s Machines, and our opinions are shaTed by“ wUh wi m« ra 01 espel ience and judgement with wfi m we come tn contact.” someuu, Also trom ihe f.’,.tied /'rtwipteWun of Sept 10 realty rtrm^J^uTffi^^eh noQie can bo tuj'phed Ii i fh« i . of ,1 : ■ any Q. rna-tic institution that we would part wu'h ° Ur y A wurrantel ior three years aee ln operation and obtain oor rtescripuvo circa Jar wv. SUMATR t r? 5 ZuZf*" I'* 1 '*- No - L 7 yiyi}l " •Sc Co., WM. M FABEE & CO , ffiAM £ij&!Bg BUILD E S “ £ OB d^s;*yj ( •stBEHtU. BICHiKIITI «3 OILER HARLSJ dear tie Feua. S. B. Paafisasrar Deuel fittsborsh. . eafi rr.SS V «* a lf o^ n a,i * fiaishfri and ready for shin. &ption Brtno:lCB - Ellte^“d uSSirifrSS t 0 fflTe cafisfaction. d warranty Warders from all parts 0 f the oonntrr oahm*. •d and prumnuy fllksd. CONCORD GItAPE VINES. WEItE AMO?/(l THE FIRST TO iSI to*The pftSbS?h b H r -f * ho to d B^o' 4 f l ?“ o “ s ’ toan ‘y Agricultural Socioty! ffsr-"T- a ,"” J ” “ ffssss i~s •aiss.Ta »s -„.m ilieadAw. ST FRANCIS COLLEGE, UNDER CAR OF THE FRAHCISCfIfi BROTHERS T?n S lom™ t F Tl k o^> s,t 'atkd w “~, AX I LUKETTO, Cambria oounty Pennsvl ▼aaia about four miles from Crosson tiio (Hroct route botween Philadelphia and p?V+ burgh, was chartered in 18M. id& srtS®£fto oonfer the usual Collegiate Hnnoia rT^ 68 *° asjagft tasaasfeS|» Monday ?ffiraw T^ Rhout the 28th of JUNE following! ildiyfde 1 £^ts.“ ed t>h^’ u s^g al ? Ea Music forms no extra to\d^Sle B °^“ d Taitl “. Payable haU yearly uuml!™!. “““““‘‘Dito'iitoots'.'perM- 51 ** aa d Mcdcra'Lalugoju;^;' «tra to Students spending Vacation at the rviilol’ on can be made to the Rr ip. s< N. 8.-A bsct; run; da ly to Lo:o to Fr m Cres - sepll BEIIOrAL, ■ft B. F. BARDEEN HAS KEJtnrr n o b ap2l*tf. “THE EMIOfi,” attention ol the travolingpnblfo tnV». 7 9? 11 , ,ho oalhy. eitherlor bafam or °™t~l lc ■nh3;lyd THOMAS 8, WEBp A ONLY Twenty-Five Dollars, tHKST PBEMIM awarded to the J. KNOX, No. 2» PI rib Street. SDA¥ IHORIVUVi Medical, OT ALCOHOLIC A HIGHLY CONCENTRATED Vegetable Extract A PURE TONIC. Dr. Hoofland’s german BITTERi PREPARED B> DB. O D, JACKBOH, Philsdei phia # Penna., WUI effectualljcnro litves* .Complaint. DYSPEPSIA, JAUNDICE, h Ore L°£ r r ° ll3 DebUtty, Olswue or the Kidneys, and all Diseases Arising from a Disordered JLlYes' or Stomacbi 3UC& as Consti pation. Inward Piles, Fullness or Blood to the Head, Aoidity of the Stomach. Nausea, Heartburn, Derust forFood.Fultoea or W lght in “ b 4^, acl ?' faoQI Prootations, Sink JSf K l n ril Utti 01 mo Stom j:rt'C“’i7,,?PUlllll.^ol the neaa, Homed and difficult Breathing, Fluttering at the Heart °o'S2* or T? ffooatmK sensations when in a tying °°£"& D Vision. Dots or w”b?K?* Fovor ™ d Pain in the' Hoad, Deficiency of Perspiration, Yoi -1 rhisS ° f p 0 ki ? T , ai “i "Eyes. Pam to ' if Ju ‘ vi“ Ch ??i’ “mV ka. Snddon Flnshos of Heat, Burn in* m the Fleah, Constant imaginings of Bvil, and jrreat.depres mu t W ove r ? 0 lo IVOly ”™” Et Bil- . . f .„.T HEY CONTAIN ?,° ALCOHOL, OB BAD WHISHT 0 a h^dr'4 boTodi£o “ M “ ninoty-niro Induced by ihe cxionsivo sale and an!™™*! .IS.MJisJiTfKSAWASSi Beware of tho innumerable array of alcohoii/. k fl i° UB ii n pletl } orie bottlesjand big-beLUod £-tSv and *’ r modest appellation of Bitters wajch, instead of curing only aggravates HlrmmJ aad loavo the disappointed hOOPLANiJ’S GERMAN BITTERS fromtoSm^r^neoT 0 <* L°«ers Clergymen, Lawyers, Physician, and Cit izeus. 00 rA- L roM TSUMETmjVOkI STRENGTH -90 TOO WART A 0008 APPFt/thi 00 It°SuW T 0 COR nn Inn 'V? WELL 1 °RERsV ATT ° V* TIER TOOS DO YOU WANTENF *QYr |>o yon waut u» sleep well t fSEnJ?” 1 “ hr& * t'ffcrom If y.>a do, use HOOFLAND'S GERMAN BITTERS. PARTICULAR notice mrnmm tmmm ,A° r dceirc and will hnrn _ j ■ b ur icith Three Qnnrts or u«wmJ* if PB, rr.Mm-r any a) (A, m~JT * , mr “‘“ S ** <™« jjf ”" I » 4 n a•"tifer ■y^T’’l) ~o^:r ß t^zfT a y^ iu^ ATTENTION SOLDIERS ““ PRlE * ins OF SOLDIERS SS TSiSj 2?T SrTSSrSSsSpS, «UT uage has ocen saved by tio Bitters:” OWn rHILADRLPUIA, AugUflt 23d IRAQ :flfo“rdfem^^^^reT o m °; y iT arc appended, and who »*»« !« onthe Wiurpnaof ear'- bottle. oui '’ PRICE PEB BOTTLE 75 CENTS OR HAW I»OZ, FOB $4 00. ’ “ Should your nearest druggist not have the □ dole, do not be patoff by any of the intoiimftSfe aw^safeysesg irc£’rtreet! Pal offioB ' and No. 163 JONES & EVANS, (Successors to C. M. Jacfeßon A C 0.,) i*r. e. ii. k*Tsiß, Plttabnr^Vi. a. P. SGBWABfE, ta.Alao for saie at JOSEPH FLEMING'S cor. ter of the Diamond and Market street, * w or sale also by SIHOI JOHSVros. Gei-ee* fixntthftald «sd Fourth gtreal A. J. RANKIN « CO., SST doorsbejo^th.^tts^ SEP 1 Special Notices. J. U. CORNWELL -JLU^Tm^ CORK W SIX «fe KEBB, GARRIABE MANUFACTURERS BILVEB A BRASS PLATERS, and mannlaeturers oi SbraFft “L Camaw Hardware, "o* 7 St Clair Street, and Duanesne Way tooart^«^ He H, p A. TOTro^ 0 NOT THE HEAD WITH NITRATE OF SILVER Use CniSTADOBO’S HAIK DYE ’ by Dr° E -S^ raEQU^KD by Dr. Chilton, of Lew York, ITB It o nVS w J’®l n6nt Cbemlstß. ■6® rich, n.dlow®r®TO*f ® B ™OM ass* n ° ‘"fisaste.te pbesehya. Xa invala&ble with his Dye, aa it imn Q -* a *v ruSgEffi Hair” 081b °“ «&& Manufactured by J. CRISTADORO fi ia„ tj Price, 50 ccnu $1 and $2 Wl^wjh, *««' l;k ai. hajihonii orals cal»'. ooru, rats. io *e. The hurnace and maoemory in verl'ect order a pontlßOt American Iron Moun tain Cimpaiiy (or the delivery of their ore. havine KhVfmZe^ rfu?m“ d -r?i« on h ° f oDKa « in B in tie manufacture Saturday, lOtb Day of Octobor, 1863, Sh^e°^i 1 Al&^ o dfvl?i„ a n S P t f“ h 0 JL? d h^(“» psHs§l3= .?p^Vth r .i&^ , £ f^““f‘p«tfa.ffl? BELT & PRIEST. Ro&l Estate Agents, ! St, Loois, | J\OTirF UATise rcceiveo nvroßwi »f Pittsburgh and a lleghenv.we mk. rtE™# 8 W-i’.WEYMAN.) «ho“d^eTjMeffl?s. S w.^“ e ’i £°“gittw.' : SSif” Messrs %JOW IS THE CHABri to get bargains in BOOTS. SHOES. GAITERS and BAL MOHAIR, cheaper than oven anotion goods. Go to BOKIASD’S, No. 98 Market street, Second Door from Fifth. & WSS- C ftaa preiroT EMBER 24, w. J. XOUBTZ ——; KOTOTZ'T MEETZr BASKEKB, Wo. 118 Wood St., Second doo above Street, r • S”SsS SILVERDEDUJVO Sotfb tors CorUfljSsl 8 ° f In^ obtodDBss ' Qnartormas. 7 3-10 Bonds and Coupons, _mhs.-6md w o°-i etreo,. comer of Third, TBE ELEVENTH ANNUAL EXHIBITION PESIKA, tTATB AbRIuIiLTUEAL [OCIEIi - WILLBEHSLD AT NORRISTOWN, AIONTG’Y CO PA September 39th and 30th, and October Ist and 2d, 1863, H3SS s|F£|SfafS£Srf best hah' mile tracks i“ “be S ° Thf nm° mioms are the heaviest ever offered by the to'. itsfrr™. fe“ D ?tL 4 15 Veld‘f b « d bo! J. head> first protluam *«: «ecbna sl|r VeiiScsfl?S’bJSSSfg)2d» Chines. Cutters, corn Shelters Fumpa, Buckets. En rleit 1 -.* 1 Muls, Manufactures. Gas Fixtures M*rh?« r \f att n lta gutter. Flour, o ra in »tS%bt“Sl a s “J° r Y‘;“ e 3 “d IHousehold f.nuSt'um hici 8 * r - eta. satinet, SflTtine eheetini? Blankets, Flannels. Sha , . I>residSnt _rra27-d4wtd Norristown. p a . J. dcnmevy, Grocer, NO. 4 DIAMOND, «TBBI)MH,PA. KEV. r. C. PERSHING, President. R 5,® J SUSTAINED COLLEGE IK tensive Jdftions a^&tS SSitf—' *£SS3 sis i'erm will commence on Tum. BP7d,>oi«N.Per _an26-3w President of Truttecs. WEW BOIi£R WOBEB. J> J■ POWERS _A o? 88 J® TUB MABUFACTL’KE sS^ 01 s P s -,’ r ™ki<. Agitators? ? n 5 at ., Pa ??* Bieet Iron Chunnojs, I? 8 oUlor artlclesusualiy man tuactnredat Bmiinr concerns. t££S&U &° n PaidtoaU repair, on Works CORNER OF LOCUST and DUQUEBNB W AY, fith W ard. AUagfregy riyer. iyB-lyd H. J. tYSCH Hattsg vacated the toott of his store, No* 9$ Market ■rv»Afr^r-!!‘ a ir alteration., will So fonncj rear of old tore, entrance on Mark*FvTw!H^s'is • ' atos Hydropoltß, or Garden Sprinkler. carri^^4^p~ D “ n?^S?^3 B^L2ln h-AtfJ TO*# o ** *■ flo ? h McCulloch, Comn- SSF t ° &^i£%i b M r BURQH, connty of Allegheny and State of Ponn sssras^sssa? tte b “ !nra •ft ote« r dM n »^ a “ 3 {s} ciSs, The First Rational Bant of Piitsbnrgh, Pa., lATB PITTSBUBGH TRUST COMP Capital $400,000. with privilege tein crease to sl,ooo,ooo** *° izod nnder e the g^n?I i Ilst Company having organ deposit and buy ani f eoeiT ® money on of the country on all parts we bolive be a sufficient on^?J,. at °S.' n ! L B52 ’ waf entrusted to the no™ ofg^ati™ tt^ii busm - eM the some pi omnt attention “ “ 11 locelvo wuh believe wo can offer unn«-uAif.»«ri?*£ 0u ? lly ,‘ Wo who do business with us. dol UtioB to those Tha business will be coodngfgrT h™ *l. officers and directors. ”7 samo diezOtohs: Wm. K. Nimick, Alexander Speer Francis G. Bailey uel kS; Bradloy ' sls: cS“*' James Lau«h!in. Kebert o Haya, Xhomas Bell. Thos. Wightman. JAMES LA S UQJ JOHND.SJI Anenst sth, lS63;diwi state Fair, PITTSBURGH PBMALB COLLEGE, Establf: __Medical, _ ®i^covcry, WARRANTED IN ALL CASES S can bo nsod wi-h u doUcHon”’ \bor. tt e r r d / 8 f o^ ? s;. th= r t p L st a ;° m * r and female, old or young! aped for “ala RJSIi rt'rV op;/. “j.-jr,* j . steld^4^»• t^,o, ” i “ ,, • with all i-‘t™“'°f^'?i, or ®otoina> Weakness Vi,smal Discharges Qw'rt?, Cra'hral and IpvphinJary Ernfc^rta^A l^ 6 l* or rttabihty.lDOQntinenoe imf Pcbi ity and Ir- IJosa of Kwor,!N«^omD«?bilihf e il Waatotg. or whioh arise principalis i I* 3 } *i‘ of ' Saif Aba e, or eonfe consfi h.*' < ' 8 ' ;M or dataSfaf*** iSffigyg* lnaUbexaalDißoafica.aafionoiThea . bv taking a Hugh box' J experienced PfUCi; OUE DOUA.iI. ‘ Kcneral!y^ r T , . Pittfiburch o?l‘h b sZ 6 S^y maU T , J™ , E ?yAN, M. D.. Thv, Fiftieth Thousand.—Br g P ii’ a te? " d f<^ b ,r: o*^'ls’T' :im ’ W. S°S b a s. d ££; J»BIVATE — DE. BE OWN’S OFFICE, 60 SSfITBFIELD STREET. Mnmbhb »»' fifsarjba; ■! n . „ ; BHBTiM ATIfiM. 'lifa!^aSn re “ edlM oure in a few day. do, OnKDoLuak? Bmwc?ei E “* contain at lea.} IrfeSSj^^** o &ny address safely packed TO THE PUBLIC JOTS BEOI AX,l<7 , delicate ® Mret atefeKElsl”^"*® IpSSßHSlglll i&»g?dllTsF BRA j health-and -viso? by- DR. fertns, sniiotr ffit!c “ «Bl£ &U3ssm; . Miter*! eubsfe-titfev ;».f*-X' V --a.ts.2uo4 . *4^ feOnteteßta •aS^cfe &«nd«d by fepccfetbi* •^«Spt^ # ** getcrs of hotels. Aa.""?2?. aS " “*-' =«M OisSoai nroiv®* PriS?.. “?“*“*«» acms.ircm ail w-w- £ ) fV,r*' 0 «vwaiiau fradedto. ** tla *a ! iIOSS! - ~ L • r TBKP OF jiakbhakje ash stdu ) tt . WGIA. LrrT 111 * had & man employed for the lfwt »;<* S=rS : S.SH« fifty to get them befo™ th » 1 fßal * » noaOß leads metothSi they £?«„,£?. "•i" asyrgg -XogiCSL l Fsrt tteir fitaey to S«"»“ « i Prepared and sold by g«tstftoHtrEOT.M- D. jg_gnmhfieM *t~ Pitt»Wo-h p r *fci a V .. owin s amendments'be ro'u*wi tZ gg^te,sr ft^ffsg!a. Of this Commonwealth, suet e octo»m£f«iZ [ §J&?°"S I** 1 ** of “J 2 ”* 0 InoJleUcßrasbf tho citlions, mnderenoh regulations as 50. proßuriJbeo by law. as fully as iftbei SSi; ; There shall be two additional sections to th* • £kventh article of the Constitution'to bedesiffw : Sated as sections eight and^™ o ,oi££. . Bbotios 8. &o bfll shall be passed i£ the t*-. [ Hf a c P Qf^ more than one subject, whjck , Section 9 ao bill shall bo passed by tho Leg- Islaturo granting any powers, privileges m a ,L pase, where the authority to grant sue? newer? Dr privileges. has been, >r may horrafie?®!^ - conferred upon thecomts of thiLJommcm w' WhrW'vfe>® for junder thofi w name of KlOm D a husin© a, “i‘ ie ».K^omanaiid hJiWpmv *J'l'i.-.PS, “vrft "A ~ **lfrUirtw