("*3»s. 9L PKTTESmi.L A CO., ,v<> r 7 PABUBOW.NKW YORK, and c STATE 6IBBBX. BOSTON are oar atents for tho Dully ?"* th ° a ° and are au thoriiod to take Advertisements and SnbeorirL'ona far nt at oar Zottwri jfaiet. Mils e w s'. wedtospat mobsibo, sept. 23, daiey and weekly post. , The Daily and Weekly Post can hereafter be procured at the News Depots of J. W. Pittookand Frank Case, Fifth street, with or without wrappers. Daily ‘8 cents; Weekly 6 cents. Democratic meetings. «w^ e t tUI £ 8 D ® n jpcracy will beheld week at the following times and ManchMter, ai the market House, on Th iS ffl da7 27 enin B' Sept. 24th. 81 Blackbn m & Ir- W24th ’ Sday eveDln K. Septem- T o m e « Dtil w"/’ ot the hOD “ of Jacob' at 7 Wedne6dsy evening - 3e P ( - 28, drtstehlC! 1 b 6 ~-dad- . The Oil Trade.—The Oil City Register "2" ? f the - ol ‘ forU. e week! Bays. The business coDtinuea fair and the prices rule a shade higher TlI ’ “ h “ b *» from $6',50 T to $?0 fi 0 e tWw“u fifm at j? 7 P“ b "rei at we weiiß. Some are asking « 7 on u,, f wehave heard of no materi*f $ $y 50falY *»e point we quote oil at ■^ , S , f n srdcW„^ Bffi®lo-: 8 ffi® 10 -: is going forward h „ • a , amona t s&*>s3J’Aa*teys .. ei / There l 3 still a great decree of no to be large ard ,»L!. 1 bn . slnesa Promises “ all the cities is nnnsnallyTightytnifthe quantity wanted iB immense. The market The Festival of St Mi™™ v gatherer of toe Jews for the Roman Gov ermnent, and as Such, was held ?n “pedai xiewas sittings tne receipt of castnma” at the time he was called to be an apoßtle Jesus sat down to meat with Mm P °nM 8 te rublicaaa sinners* ”to Lorf » a d ■‘ ;gUat °l th L ojew «' to whom onr ckme " er< s d the rtbnk0 ' that He a£> St Slnners t 0 re P e ntance. ” whinb fl h . lhfJ instrument' of death used “ P< ?? hl % be 'f B a halbert > or hatchet with a pike affixed to it. Ho is usually rente hfm a d d OD m hfl f d - Witb a 8cro ” before lim His 8 ? gS i Dp P arer ' l! y Jietatinp to ?h“ y eSr ,Val tr£t instituted in Death of Hex. w. H I tti e _ ti,„ Spss-vs -Sfta? «?#****«*!£ now of Blair county, p a General 1 ftlJ was out daring the Mexican war He b^of e thi 8t TT'” 1 '” Ohio on lheo^t Dress oI this rebellion, and served with disunion in Western Virginia He was wounded at Stone River »na „ r , ? promoted to the command of a Division 8 «KaE»teßrtr.t3: merons friends over the conntrv •?„ ‘ nf u” / " Mea »?-Forney's Press of Monday, says : .. We , that < T' printed list, alphabetically arranged of persona who have claimed «em P usn f’ om ■military duty, are to be furnished to per eons whose business it will be to watchtfie vanous poil. m the cvming election At the last election these lists were printed and posted on the sides of the windows so that everybody could see them. It is said fotthcomn.g occasion they will noses 6 that IC p , x Pj SC “’ for certain pur poses, that may be developed os the elec taon progresses " Is t here not some h d ? If not, why are we left Lt 6 dar K k *? 10 those ‘'oerlain panoses greases T’*” develcpef ’ aB the election pro- New Fau. Styles.—lt will. D 0 donbt beof interest to onr readers to know where to procure the beet assortment and newest I/eln- f ha l B £ nd c * p9 ' . This be done by calling at Wm. Fleming’s 139 Wnr,A .street, where the most complete va rt» “ 88^ m6nt “ aJ be found . comprising the most elegant styles of silk, and cassi? mere hats, cloth, and sole hats, of every style and color, with an endless variety of caps for men and hoys, to which tention of wholesale aod retail bnyers is directed feel,ng confident that an eiaVi nation of the goods and prices, will com pare favorably with any house in the city. The Autumnal Equinon.-Ou Monday occurred the return of the autumnal equu the d ay and night were of equal tha J; is twelve hours of day and the lentemh^ h , ° f k ,ght - From the 7 21st of September to the 21st of December, the Ixr- 1 L onllnue t 0 shorten. The sun will then have ceased receding *u equinox, another season of storm change. There will yet, however some warm weather before the winter solstice S; S n GI H\ D Lodge op Odd Fellows —The Gmn d Lodge °f t he United States of * h - e I S d , e P eDdent Order of Odd Fellows met in Baltimore on Monday. All the States were represented except Vireinia Alaoama, Florida, Louisiana,Miesiefippi! Arkansas, end Texas. The delegates from Tennessee, which State was not represent ea in the last and preceding sessions of the «and body, were present. James B •Nicholson, grand sire of the Grand Lodee presided. There was bnt little business of interest to the public. P- iDC I Ktt»h„ aQH k EnS Ai,road - —The follow- Mond a y X 8 c o r nkTe rC s n ? hi ' A ad / lphia °5 ■wife f Adams end Sawyer," Mrs° fJawyei- W ’ Wiley, S. J. Kay/lhoe JameS Jas. J. Donnell, Chaa W.Wonrf M’ Bagaley. Halph Bagaley A fcv' rS r Jj' Jm. B. D. Meads. *rowenfeld ( , POBTOSED.-The public Bale of lota ad vertaaed for next Thnrsdar aa ' ■Tartie Creek has been postponed. 108 at &T. Having had occasion to pay a visit to the trimming store of Messrs. Macrum A oiyde a few days since, we were Bhown through the entire establishment by one of the firm. We had always been aware that this enterprising firm kept constantly on to aD th fi B nf D , e - ral variety goods suitable butithL llar WaDtB of ,heir customers ; S". Ver ente r ed in ‘o our imagina endlJ? 1 - heir stock5 tock embraced such an 2 “ ! an0 ty of articles suitable for all Srf B l from the a g ed matron to the mai tKo jv er t ? 0! ? s the romping miss, and old young and first, second and third stories ot their store is literally packed with every conceivable article in the trimming just received from the Eastern markets’ Were we to enumerate the Hoods, Nubias,’ ik?£ 8 n G!ovee > w H °°P and Balmoral skirts, Drawers, Woolen Shirts, French Corsets, Ribbons, Embroideries, Braids” Fancy Goods, Notions, Ac., Ac, £hi c h were shown us we would have to enlarge our paper. During our brief stay in the W f, DO j! Ced that & the clerks were 5 t , tei l dlßg to customers, and were firm wi« o earn^ l at the business of the line M n6 w r beU ® r - In the wholesale fine Messrs. Macrum A Glyde are doing a very heavy business. Buying for each only, they are enabled to sell to retailers in which°it D wLw V6ry IOW figQres ’ atact wnicn it would seem our rural friends are ully aware ot. As all our city readers are offeree^ the 8 - nperior inducements ® , , by this firm, it seems almost use liflhmenl‘ reCt n eir att6n , tioll to thisestah , ‘ Country dealers, however, would do well to call at No. 78 Market street, between Fourth and the Diamond, both?„ r r rd -° r V hey wili b « suited noth in the price and quality of goods. IQ !!- P .. EICE . 0F consequence of the high price of coal it has been snu ff 81 ?' 1 that machinery be applied to coal ~ dg. .On this the American remarks ■ Ooal mining machines are, or have been' used in England with success, and so grea>’ is the interest wnh which this «pnbi-ctjs I h , ere ’ by lhooe concerned in coal mines, that one gentleman who came to th.B office quite recently inquiringTr a obhvnd't °/ th ® femd 10 question, was obliged to leave mißatisfied, and he is now Th? avoriD S to k obtain suitable apparatus. This country should rely ud od itself for mechanical assistance in all arts and manufactures, aDd we feel con fi dert that when the fertile brains of our in ventors set to work upon the task, there will be no lack of coal mining machinery Jf h s e n?b aCt,C I- na!Dro of tte requirement; of such machines are well known to many ingenious men, and if those who are dr rectly interested will send forward the livht r DtB , dea,rable ' wh cther heavy or light, to strike rapidly or slow, Portable or permanent, to be driven by st eam or by air compressed by steam, whether wit* io r reZ r P,CkS ' &C ’ We WIU them bo de ay When' 0 !; 8 ° f vi:h^ eca D rci e ty P nn h r Pd - ,n i ep " ndent of B,rike9 - nS7beM^- bor / draas and kiudr cd com the «nwr d . te i rortm ° y cr the heads of the pnblte, to make them bei ;i _y e C o„l tTn 10 th,S C ‘ ty ,rom ST 60 10 f 8 cO per j l -’ and a correspond ng ad h9dl9taDCefr ° m lhe n:il - e in thJ^, C lfr PI ? XSHI? Monday m the match for the sculling champiDnshin and a? ° ff , be ' wef,n . Hammill and Ward’ and already deep interest in the result is being manifested The match isfor $l.O-” fn the’n ll^!,? 1 n tak s p,af,e °" the S’ldpon m the neighborhood cf Poughkeepsie - matXJh Wl k b ® finer ,rim for tbe coming WaS °° the occa s'on of the last, and an improvement in his rewind may be expected. It has been sngge-ted mach B L nt t e r ted , " the forthcoming match for the championship, that tho Pennsylvania Railroad should issue ei cnrsion tickets for the trip We do not now whether tbe arrangements of the Comp aD y womd permit of sock a measure but we are certain that if it were adopted that a very large delegation would be pres I • ue, d nm , f\ , l “ bor 8 h may not like to 'hrre lk , 11 ,. niteß - W e may mention pr that a dispatch was received from HammiH, on Monday evening, slating that . fhat hi ha r d Ted d afe y New York ’ and ind w! b T d . e 3 tr ] Ql o! hia new boat, and was much pleased with her. Fba Di’LEjfT Banr .-The public should m °°'r agai,lBt hllis purporting to be upon the ‘-Government Bank," which up principled persona are attempting to put ™?n C ' r 2 l ‘ 0D - They are datpd *t Waeh lngton, and purporting to be payable on demand, aud bemg of a greenish color wa/n f Fe .‘if b e ij°- be Im3 '“ ken the un wary for the old issue of United States notes, most of which hove been redeem ed and cancelled by the Treasury D-pn“ ment. It is saia they hare been pass, d quite extensively about New York and willdouhtlee.be offered h-r’ ?\S’ “h eH a,ld a!1 wl cu offer ed Bhould be rejected. -J L D E R AN S L ' XGI -‘ i!ED CoTTOS. • K - rnd ' Corner ot I-hlth and .Mar ket Etreeia, os the sole agent for Swan's celebrated Glazed and Unglazed Sp 0 „l Cotton, manufactured at Fall River Mass. He is also agent for tho Vn-roria' Burton 8, Diamond Medal, Waters' and tr^ 7 8 -n S a P °° S 0110 ”' Thtl wholesale £ - be s “Ppßed in quant,ties to amt? oy tue case or less. JiiE New Ci tt H»r i tu« n- Holt in All* V ilALL.— ihe Dew City ~f I,n Ajl egHenyiB progressing slowly and some weeks must elapse before it w.ii be ready lor the roof. The walls are now about sixteen feet high, and are being pul ner Th 77 ? u' d workmanlik e man -1 j- bul ®l- Bnrucirs Br^paraiions, PATENT MEDIDINES A!- U tMiINN lIRI U STORE. IVJVI. FEN A' HOTEL so. 4M PEKN STREET. PHlabargh KELLY, - - Propei ETOB ■ F± fr^'i& 6 n r' die3kDoW " " Human Family " S o lH m - r n V of , th . e:r h 0101 lo dkT Whold Wholesale! lo all lorso cities. hy a)l b'mssista and Doalois oven- ferW,'’ 0 / 1 .!I'"’' 1 '"’' imitations. b0 AHrf and flaSk b 'f°™yo U n b°DT e iSOD ° Mh W jjmWck -JUHtast ly Ift-^tcdoodAtr . _ , nrlßAi. iikk »:I.AX > JI.ST RtCEIVEB- Ludirs Su-e! Shun]; Roots, Uubber Balmoral Roots, ... , ‘Shai.ghi Misses and Children's Bools, ae3« ’ HOUhAND'ti wsn : L’lMari^ Md K ° ,e 5 FEiZKK 4 AKMSTRONB. UOTATOES-lls BARBEES POTA -®- U>oe,just reo d and for sale by JAS.A. FETZEK r corner Marset andlatSt & KBI.B. NEW YOBK PICKI FR W 6S bb Is. New York Pick?® ®' Just received and for snlo by C te ATOES & COBS worn lu4t I**CJJCHEON GENUINE BAT RrM Just reoeivcd and forßalo by AT KIM °fiO A..KELEY. o. 60 Federal gt. 1 CASE SHOW'S ITALIAN UCOKlrf J aft reckivod and for Bale by OBICE ' . GEO-.A. KELLY gel ° No. 69 Federal st. 1 n CASES E. 3. CASToIToIE “ Jost reoeived and for Bale by GEO. A, KELLT, ! o 69 Federal at. GI SrS-DOCBLE AM> SIA'QEE ovor^nih7 t t h „ e ,i, l?reest K and J Dest “sortment roogat to this market. For sale by s „, ; , JAMES BO W N. -i!= _ 136 Wood it ® AB « EI - S OFGBEEJT Apples. Just. reoetred and for sale by J^ 2 : Comer Markottnd^im-^rSts. o received 2V K 'VtASTIJE A Great Familt Help.—Having had one of Wheeler & Wilson's Sewirg Ma chines in operation for more than a year, we can bear testimony ol its excellence and.utility. It is not only better finished and durable, and less liable to get oat of I repair than any other, but it sews far quicker i “*kes a lar more durable and elegant stitch : does its work with greater satiafachon and accuracy ; it is far more eafldy operated, and may be used for va rious kinds of work not in the power of chine"ter 0 "/ 153 - 1 ?- There £ “0 ma- Deiform ?! ‘ for u famll y— “one which will °"V t f, work ?° qmckly or so well, cr 1 P e Baeh thorough satisfaction. Those of well 618 t bo ? 1 Porohasing. would do to be f r . th « fact in mind that, of the mapy machines n°w before the public, the n e 5 er ®nd Wilson has heen by almost unanimous consent pronounced the best, i United Presbyterian. Bemoted.— John McClaren, Attorney, to C r ant Btreet ' near the corner of Diamond street, Pittsbnrgh. of Y ein^n5 UB !, C Brecht ’ teacher ?L e 8m g :, D h g fi eld d 6 , 0 r U eet. Vat,oD ° f the V ° ice - ” Se?riai! M«Wn<«.for family mjnufaohtnny purposes, are the beat in BSO A. P. C-lATONAY. General Aycnt. - JXWfth street. Pittsbnrf” o. I v*s*ps K*Tia...^. JOSEPH ME YES & SOS HAj!UPi.OTITMRB O? SABOT AS!) MASS WIBHITObi ACTS A sits WAIIBEOVa*. Do EMiTEFim,!) r i k Si ' K * n,e ‘ a alii rarest and Virria L licj, STRICTLY PURE ARTICLEB 1* U I <" K , 2 5 CUXTS, i’repb.’c < i: n i- « , AT REDUCED PRICES, 63 MAhKET Su 3d btl JW 4rh, (VORMBELY SLOCUM HOUBR) J. DUNLEVY. Jr. No. 4 Diamond. BECKHAM A LONG. 147 £4* rtystre< telegraphic. - FIRST EDITION. From Gen.Rosecrans’ Army Six Hnudred Killed and Two Thousand Wounded on The Most Terrific Fight of Our Killed will reach 1,200 and Gen. Grant Moving to the Aid of Rosecrans. ARMY OF THE POTOMAC ON Chattanooga, Sept. 21,-Tho battle on ‘he 19th resulted well for us, having held our own as established on the left, and concentrated our forces during the dav.. Our forces on Saturday morning held'a handsome line, with its right on a ridgeof ills, and its left protected by rude works ° ogs thrown up during the night. The e t rested on the east side of the Ross v.lle and Lafayette road, about four miles south of Rossvtlle. In the fight of the ■ ‘h we had lost about six hundred killed and two thousand wounded, and were ahead three pieces cf artillery. The men were in splendid apirits, and the engagement was resumed at nines, m. on the 20th (Sunday) by an attempt of the rebels to storm Thomas’ left and front. Severn tunes they were tevereiy repulsed With a heavy loss, and a very liuie to ns. his fight lasted an honr and a half, and was one of the most terrific of the war Continuous firing of artillerv and mnske t hafufgfi,. e Sk ' rmiBher9 k-Ping 8 u,Ta ‘eftwithTh: 8 > t nt,on of throwings force 0D tle K dered Brannon, fedet reserve and iw° with Reynolds fiobfme the key of the position, which was T. “ to move to .he i th of £ a protect the flank. Gen. t Urn ume time seal Gens. Davis and vLn leve rom the right and centre to auppr rt Rrtn vil! 1 IU h t ‘rt fforta t 0 boM io I oT ville and I homos left dank . Po perceiving the withdrawal c f ishers lo the front of the division " • horn the right and centre,TheTerny muds a vigorous attack on that part of th« H pl^r^ ID 6 centre, nnd cutting olf Dr v ' Ibe right and cfcn Ire gjnr, Thomas' - &k( Decaroe exposed to a rnos* ternffi” around, his extreme left being as the fi rsf w ' o “ h Ti “®d ttp^“ r! of'the ce, ,tr" « k n i slightly ; Lieut. Col. Vaughn 011 lucky ; Col. Stanley, 180th; M- sd p W ! 68th Ohio ; Major Dawson 19 ,fr I l'oWn all slight ; Gem Jno. H Ki I wounded and prisoner. We ftSt Ad, “' S?W5' Louisville, Sept. til. —T 4ww » word from Kosecrans' armv to-dav reports here of the rebels i i oonsfderaMa numbers coming into Eastern 6 through Pound Gap, areuntrue ftf, 7 ' ous rumors, which ft is thenticate, now prevail. 8 .. ? en ,' G /?, nt > s rapidly Moving forward tn the aid of Rosectans. That tie “ ment between Rosticrans’ and *" nates la still progressing in tk Ba * authorities "o or he C lltoP - r l!7, B %' oaa dlaaBtr ous results have red to Rosecrans’ ermy. uaT edhare to day, charged wifh dej, &n T- Str the Government. Tobacco ex4t j 0 *”? largely advanced, on account of ■ to tie crops by the frosts of Fridnv DJtll 3i lb? htB K * NO di f tarb ance to the S »n DWZE!f hostb rir.HH' bit-j kks telegraph lines between here and I lust received and for sate by I£BS uooga. Chatia-1 9EO. a. BLELLv Saturday. the War. Wounded 7,000. THE MOVE. (ou.ineiiciue on MOS'IUT EVKM\(, MORRIS’ -jV j[-{ BURLESQUE 01Q FJIK’S CONCERT From their Opera House Boston C OLh O)7“J)KN ,Vt" _ * « 1 :" , i h0 r Wo o ndor F° : . th J, w o r'i o Uulia inguished piufical genias. end his wonderful. ri r t ' F 'Y«TaLENIA. oxhib.red. UD,y iE?lrama « of the Kind over gram,n™ ammr, ' fc pn,ters ' I-a-m;*Uleia and prn BLSBSw* «»S W. A. ABBOTT. Ag : mV MORRIS - JWu :i> ? rAIj A>l) MISCELLANEOIS ■*• -Blinoksat MioUon—Oc iilUKS'i A VkWv spKs;«ss?il|s pess*?w^ Wursioal Dictionary, eravo S ? ci.rriT.Vi '•• <^- p - er 8 lienDii'ff on niseaseaof Uterei- Y Hn ”’ edlL ‘‘In- cases cf Cheat. Lh.nnine on VhiH r< dls ' man on C u .a n ,„ a "' I?in ? inh ’ a, °- PSB*aSss§§ Rollins’ Anoiont History 2 vols • finiiv n 1 roh Thatcher’s American^volition? 11 d-e tt P Q O “"SVS 7 vnnio Battery. bo^Ks' ° T_. Auctioneer. West Virginia Land for Sale. AyAI.CAELE ASD FIXE TKACT of about 4,3 acres cf highly cultivated land to De sold low : situated on the Little Kiaawha River about 4 miles from the City of Part Ira burg. Wood County. W V. The whole of width ! 8 an ' dar B °° d aE ? substantial fence, and more T l if n iJ >l i e ’ Ral E 18 improved and cultivated Tho balance is well Umbered and the whole will Wa if re fu Tb J ° rB »'*> on this farm a spleiTtUd orchard, besides 100 young trees Bet out two years This is one of the most desirable firms and residences in the County or State. Fills fam w *’ l *» e s .° d I »w. Terms easy, an( j „ good bargain awaits the purchaser. For further particulars apply or address uruier au27:ltd3mw CRAXBEBRIEB-10 BBLS, CHOICE Cranberries to arrive. ForsaJeby fEIZKR iiiKMbTRONG se22 Comer Market and First street* ©BTIOKB-12 BABBELB OF PRIME Onicns to arrive. For sale by . FiSTZEK * ARMSTRONG Comer Market and First Btreets, >.ew Yoke., September 22.— The fl? e piefjuaUau «> 'he Iron Brigade, came off oa Thoreday last. Mr. Selick presented , a - Speeches were made by officers and privates. i Pn ?' ho movement of the Army of the ro.omac has commenced, so f a r as th/Rapidir^t'Sin^^eSd evidences of any detachments sent from DO T seem “clined to doubt the fact, since the news of the L-hatanooga catastrophe. Rosecrans is the whole Southern Confederacy. I, T .?? Herald’s Washington special says ■ •Nothing has been talked of or thought of in Washington to day, except the fate of Kosecrane’ army. It is officially ascer tained that he has fallen back to Chatta nooga to await the arrival of Burnside’s torces, which were yesterday within thirty miles, and expected to be up with him to day, when a forward movement would be ! P r °n>ptly made on the lines of the enemy at R'goon Mountain, rhe utmost confidence is felt here upon ink J t l h n °. tl ,? n of Burnside with Rosecrans, ank that the enemy would be badly beaten, Atfanta“ P dto back Dpon 1 „-f“^ e - meantlm J e ’ mnch solicitude is ex- I Ton M lD^r^ a tn tbe moVeni ent:i of j Gen. Meade to take advantage of the de- I pletion of Lee a army i n North Virginia. I pj, , D r . r T ,Ted her e to-day via I Philadelphia, is that one hundred and fifty men of a New York cavalry regiment bad been captured in an engagement at Kaecoon Ford, is utterly false. Our en tire loss m killed, wounded and missing since last Saturday week, has been less than one hundred men, while the lists of rebel prisoners captured during the same time foot np eight commissioned and twelve non-commissioned officers, aad °ver one hundred and fifty privates. the rebels hereabouts discredit the re ports that any considerable force of Lee’s , army has gone to more Southern States. WisßiN-ciToi,-, Sept. 21.—The National Republican says : The enemy attacked I Kosecrans again on Sunday morning at 9 overwhelming numbers. The I , b h\ e , ra p d fircely all da y- According to the latest accounts received here up to two ° 0 *? c v k . ‘V 8 , P' whiofa 'eft Chattanooga two S r h f r° ° S S ‘ eTenin S' and only | two, of General Kosecrans’ divisions gave ln nt , ter P ani = and confusion, but from and cr!t O h o 'p° oof u tl?eSe had been rallied and got back to their places, while the re- ' mainder °f the army had not given way or ret reate., and at tho latest moment was drmng the advance of the rebel army Th.s we know is the latest news here.- The number of killed and wounded on 30 000 dtS probabiv not fall short of Amusements, HSITTB@rBOa THEATRE Ur:o ° and “aaasw ''V « Hmdsesos Tr “™ W H. OVKRKOTO* ■s^smttx'assiifsss « AJIIEEE. or 11. c T«(o of „ Armvl l^C 1 "t uo,: r. ..Ma Pda borrno Monj D;ir«i Loveday G.ist n * Kr - I>o \'arvrle •«, n *cfto:i Nuntj-c ‘*‘ r - KaiDtf. frn-.GncV, ~° np MLs» Bechet 1.1 r; f< , J.l fi with - » Overture. 1, 7 tbo. . ~ No rtber 1 lay ttii ovon'ng. II>4 (L'O.Tllftu WHO Iv ANDE HSOK? Andpraon and My*irry ! WH AT IS ANDEESON AbOKHSOV THE RESTf Gl6/TATORIA LIST A.'ton OIT sou tsBKSSOE A .Su° n the Ps y«homantionis A !L.t 2-'. "«* i,20: *hi‘e-lii*aW' 7**l*- <>? Ryo-eaies at from V rnces nrminal. Oats-skipa S Ci ra ? abi.h. above™ So. 8 “Alyl @1 -'0 ? bush!' 6 ‘ PnDg at Sl - 15 ®1'20; tall at *1 25 rn° noto sl!ca ofSOsicka seemleM. at TO y Arm. Prfceate-rt- Vic :-Coffoi-4tcs £l' oWi ' ole; 15 do nt3lc* 19 Of oni^l 0 P* 6 **? tra«e a; h„- 15 bbls New York ?t tBc 7 npa raiw ' 7o'bbhTtsame ' bblsNo ' l & «o@2fO; '$i U 505i ri 0 C . eS " ndß la b OIM w .K° a “” @l@iV a ot s" firra ' FaJe3 Poll fttlB@2oo ,to mcreasug. cote* )oo lb, H*d”"t7e e' t .neri??"ui? B B I ff“ d r y inore -’"ir o@loc@ barrel. XheetSoSlS rtl 11 * < ‘ offro!D present 18 very liirbt "t bblil extra a- $6.20@5 5 6a ” were 120 tra family, 3SO " e 'erms ; *. If ßacon wm'iu tt wP ‘ d" 1 ” “P?™ d^idency! @6“ W Plt3 II ders J l m n! “ 10 ofoft°: , B a ! 000 fi>3 1 ® Sit , I Kd^-i^' 8 '- ® b Whi 0-1 at 85®530 ■iTl** up ”* ra - aaaa 100 Sales ofrtwttw m t ad fl o Tt'S tha a fe ? ? dcmaTld at same figures. m a 16 -' and city rco:.flod PITTBBUBGU Oil, TRIBE, T , , H'£DKE3DiT, Sept. 23 1863 m ad 3 e bl a l ,“ n•«' mr -h m Tho fi .toclv mtlil3 market isve ylimi td ~„ d TR PmCTt haT ° mett 'Ts ail the r owb ay®2?.° T r f e ; were ' forCr “de. in i ulk, ■*mZTo, sales in-ludmg the packages rent otic 320 ' Jat rent one. The markets in theeastwas unretiied but altogether U favor of holders, who a- e ani- D ' I! F ° reiBn "rival. The flows? reC6lTtaatthe Oil Exchange was as • Thv, _ j. i Tonic, S-pt 22 —P v 1 was ™Xa^|^ W p“so t! ' i , V Hia ” id -K tfined. 497 S ““ ' 10U bflV®? 8 Cf o ,*>? ff-nd demand 0 * ThI h 3to3f r in ot fi W f\ arr s h a ,rads to hSld nr he^.nxJl § TO *«• ”««o” ’ 0 “ 8 d ™ ,erS I ”^*@s>™ IDff - Dou were offering $3 50 s fi ’“■ buyers $l.OO- TranlaSdSajight: 6 ” wcre “*“6 New Orleans Markets, Sept, la t ™!T want of tranEportntion to th bj the river, and ihe wait tf “*■ H. y " a3 ’ of ,he for the NorthThelWi?” by steame e. ly confin.d to about £oohhd!^nd’ooff.'W • ™ o;c b V n s d ?s r By quality. Rt 10@:oo » according to asj&sja aEdslo®Uf«rexSu *“@9so lor superfine, JSew Orleans Cotton Starfeet. Sd iB e bim s Chicago Hide Marfaet. iS 3teWy “ d •*. the Dry Flint Dry halted..... Green Cured.. Green Calf and Kip!! Cincinnati Market. ®sftsasc»fts in “"'“V icef cugar Meetings, Notices, &c. A democratic Meeting W ® E HELD IS TJIE SEVENTH WBDHbSdaY M°ENI^ Of Ht J 7 a o ? oloS: mer ' ° n OflAiS. B oi'BAIS. Seo’y. Cu. vom. Democratic Meetings AI>EMo CBaTIC 3IEETINO ® ni . i Q Mifflin Towa.'hi », on TflUß'' **■ «-iSSS» * t ®, em ,? cra ii° will be hold in Manchea. EVjSfiJa. 24th. £e ' °“ 2hDh^y A Eemo'rati* Meeting vill be held m the Ei<*. d^th BlimUlgham ’ 0n FIiIDAY EVaNI.nG Offios of tub Fittsbubgh Gab Co 1 _ _ w Soptem er 19t-. ‘f ?LECnOX.-THE &TuO&&OU)1; R q *-* of the Pittsburgh Gas Company 'aetlT 8 by notified that on election for th re Pres ret .V serve lor the erm of three years lO tee to serve for the term of two se‘ ■ST 0 ?, at the office of the Company! in th?ebvH>fT>V',i. d burgh, on tho first SIONDiY theS-?7frL? >1 K a ' neit between the hour .of a abd Wei/? ober se2l:3td COMMITTEE ©£> OBGAKl rinKP«a^on mee * at the Deccooratic u© tp»i evory*forenoon° at 10 oblocm Chab, B. Straik. Sec’y. J ObW JJAU.Y FOB THE COXSTiTLJTOS The friends of the Union and tho fv.n btfi '^a 1 W< ?. Um P«SSwlv.ria Ut 2S| hold a Grand Mass Meeting at nWlr‘ a ' wIU Fayette County, on Wedneidav V. Kl “ STl >wy. Hon. Wm Biglor. Hon. Hei.ret ?;,_ boilt - ,30th. Black, Judge Shaler. Gen. J w ge Montgomery, and otter old-and Ai • on " men, have signified ’ heir intn-'to/ dis lngulshed and addresTthe meettJg % h . w„ b K pr,3 " nt i eXtScmnf.r./L f ° r tho oTaßi “ d >T<.vide tfentiraHel u “Otomm dat:o. oi the , tow. iun * OQt democrats aud *lO in maKing th© grandaet poliQcaJ demonstra tio& ever witnoesod in PnimylTania.. Mi4.tw ....IT @ 83 - 9 & 91^0 ... vm 80 ~lh @t3^o