ames P. Harr, £l< DAILT POST, DAILY POST—ADVANCED BATES. One year, by mail. Six {souths. Throb " *• One *■ One week, delivered in the city, Single copies To agentß per hundred EXAMINE the ebcoed, Is the Bepublioan Party Respon sible ror this War ? Without the fear of successful contra diction, we answer that the Republican party, aided by the secession party of the South, is responsible for the war. It had (he powrr to prevent war, although it lacks the ability to conduct it. As proof of what we assert, we quote /rout the speech of Stephen A. Douglas, 'delivered in the United States Senate, January 3d, 1861, oh the compromise measures then pending before that body : I believe this to be a fair basis of amica ,■ >l|,Adjus ; tmbnt. If you of the Republican uacfajtte defe willing to accept this, nor the proposition of the Senator from Kentucky, (Mr. Crittenden) pray tell us what you are willing to do ? 1 ADDRESS THE INQUIRY TO RE PUBLICANS ONLY, FOR THE REA -S-ONTHATIN THE COMMITTEE OF THIRTEEN,'A BE-W DAYB AGO. EV ERY MEMBER FROM THE SOUTH i£S LEDi ' SG THOSE FROM THE ?^ ro rf ? rATES (MESSRS. TOOMBS AND DAIIS) EXPRESSED THEIR READINESS TO ACCEPT THE PRO POSITION OB 1 MY VENERABI F FRIEND FROM KENTUCKY (MR CRITTENDEN) AS A FINAL SETT! f' ■wentof THE IF INTENDED AND SUSTAINED BY T-HEHE PUBLICAN MEMBERS. T EEINfL 'ETHE SOLE RESPONSIBIL ITY OF OUR DISAGREEMENT AND THE ONLY DIFFCULTY IN TH E WAY OF AN AMICABLE ADJUSTMENT IS WITH THE REPUBLICAN PARTY.” ' Republican will surely not discredit one whom they so frequently eulogize and from whom they occasionally qnote. Mr.. Douglas boldly charged the responsibility j on them, and they had not the hardihood to deny It Hon. Mr. Dawes, Republican member of Congress from Massachusetts, made the following confession in the Honse, on the 27th of April, 1862 : GEN TJjEHAN MUST &EMEM •BERTHSIN THE FIRST YEAR OF A REPUBLICAN ADMINISTRATION WHICH CAME INI’O POWER UPON PROFESSIONS OF REFORM AND RETRENCHMENT, THERE IS INDU EVIDENCE ABROAD IN land that somebody has PLUNDERED IHE PUBLIC TKEAS URT WELL NIGH IN THAT SINGLE AS MUCH AS THE ENTTRE YEARLY EXPENSES OF THE GOVERNMENT DURING THE ADMINISTRATION WHICH THE PEOPLE HURLED FROM POWER BEIAUSE OF Its CORRUPTION.” Here is the testimony of an ardent Re publican. THE OPINIONS OP THE FATHERS, Mr. Jefferson wrote to Mr. Short, April 18 th, 1820: The Missouri question is the most por tentiona one which ever jet threatened ourUmon. In the gloomiest moment of the Revolutionary War, I never had anv apprehension equal to that which I feel from this source.” Listen to Daniel Webster. ‘‘IF THESE INFERNAL FANATICS AND ABOLITIONISTS EVER GET THE POWER IN THEIR HANDS STM'rT^rw b ° n ERRIDE THE C On’ fwo, 10 ,'-’ THE SUPREME AMn R J»£i t dee, IANOE, CHANGE AND MAKE LAWS TO SUIT THEM taY VIOLENT HANDS ON THOSE WHO DIFFER WITH THEM IN OPINION. OR DARE QUESTION THEIR tIDELITY, AND FINALLY bankrupt the Country and DELUGE IT WITH BLOOD.” LET HENRY CLAY SPEAK, In the Senate Mr. Clay said in relation to Abolitionism: To the agency of their power of per suasion, thej’now propose to substitute the power of the ballot-box; and he must be blind to what is passing before ns, who does not perceive that the inevitable ten ‘kfj , t r eir P roo9 ‘ 3d 'oge is, if these Bhonld be found insufficient, to invoke anally, the more potent power B of the bayonet. ' How true have Mr. Clay’s words proved. Look on this Picture, “I ORDER AND DECLARE THAT fv^,^ EttSUNB HELD AS SLAVES IN IHE SAID STATES AND PARTS OFSTAIES ARE AND HEREAFTER SHALL.BEFREE .—Lincoln's Emanci pation Proclamation. Then on This. “NEITHER THE PRESIDENT NOB CONGRESS CAN EMANCIPATE SLAVES ANY MORE THAN THEY CAN GRANT BILLS OF DIVORCe!” Ex-Gov. Henry Dutton p £,‘| HAVE NO PURPOSE, DI RECTLY OR INDIRECTLY, TO IN TEKFEREW! I'H THE INSTITUTION OF SLAVERY IN THE STATFS WHERE IT EXISTS. AND I HAVEi NO INCLINATION TO Do SO 1 dent Lincoln’s Inaugural Address. The fact can no longer be dis guised that many of the Republican Sena tors desire war and disunion, under ore text of saving the Union. They wish to get nd of the Southern States, in order to have a majority in the Senate to confirm the appointments, and many of them think they can hold a permanent Republican msjonty in the Northern States, but not in the whole Union; for partisan reasons they are anxious-to dissolve the Union, U it can be done without holding them re 7S®, b6fore \ he People- ”—Stephen\ 25, tke U - S - S^te, P Dec.\ Sew ard’s Power.—The Sec di~ate tho tate ’.. w ' l il e endeavoring to vin tlK* e?T position by saying : ’ lUastrated 1118 ONMY°iyGk I T U H?l ol,Ca A BELL the ARREST? of A CmZENT D IN again and A the^mpl il^ ONMENT OF A rimS IMPRIS- OF F Ttri? R 0N earth CANReLEASE THEM^N^hI 10 Hebrtuiry, 1863, Horace Greeley wrote a leader for the Tribune , in which appears the following language: “Speaking for ourselves, we can hon estly eay that for the old Union, which -was kept in existence by Southern mena ces and Northern Concessions, we have no regrets and no wish for its reconstruc- Who wants a Union which is nothing bnt e sentiment to lacquer Fourth of July orations withal?, • oheece, in ancient timeß the criminal felt the loathsome corpse, which ZTJH tie A upon hiß to did not, we fancy cry out ■ r that I ami who will fasten me again to the body ot this death? be Helit r6 ’ the P rovi dence of God, to be delivered from unnatural-alliances—if the January of slavery is no longer to chill by natural embraces the May of human enen'hT hU r v-} h ? rG . Wea!i and wicked enough to forbid the right,eou3 divorce ?’’ Copperheads. fu August, 1867, Hon. S P. Chase made use of the following language in a public speech: ® We havea rjghtto have our Stale laws obeyed. We don't mean to resist Federal authority. Just or unjust laws, properly administered, will be respected. If dis satisfied, we will go to the ballot box and redress our wrongs. BUT WE RAVI' RIGHTS WHICH THE FFDKRU ° pT,?S, MIiNT M UST NOT IN VADK vSl b u 3 , L ;? ERIOR T 0 ITS I’OA. KBd *8?B' r THESK RIGHTS AGAINST OF AUTIoRiTY AL ASSUMP rIOXS 465“ That old line whig paper, the New York Journal of Commerce, has condensed American sentiment upon an exciting topic into the following short extract : “We all agree that the forcible destruc tion of a newspaper published in the free city of Chicago, several hundred miles from the seat of war. wag unjustifiable, and therefore a great wrorg. (),, -TLa point Americans rannot ditler. The man C^ t^ mpts tO -i ws,i /y U Is NO AMKKI Mr. Conway, of Kansas, one of the most talented Republicans in the country, re marked in a speech madeNn the House last Spring : 1 his is an immense sacrifice we are making for freedom and Union .- and yet i- is all to be squandered upon a Bubter • obe , ttt? For ODe , I shall not vote another dollar or a man lor tho war unti it assumes a standing, and tends di rectly to an anti-slavery result. ” I will continue to experiment no l° I ?f er ' ‘l' 8 . all “adneta. Let the Slave ' '* n S S°, and slavery will g 0 wuh the Union down into the dust. If the Church 18 against disunion, and noton the side of the slave, then 1 pronounce it as of the devil. r say, let us cease striking hands with thieves and adulters, and give to the w ndi the rallying cry, no union with slavehold ers, Booinlly or religiously, and un wnh the flag of disunion. '-—Wm. L. liarrisun ‘‘Wo confess that we intend to trample of this conn tr7- Daniel Webster Bays: *lod are law-abiding people ; that the glory of New England is, that it in n law abiding communitj.’ Shame on it. if this be true : if even the religion of New Eng land sinks as low as us statute book But 1 say we are not a law abiding r;mmunil ■/ (rod be thanked for it':" —Wendell J'hd- Latest News from the South. The Richmond Sentinel of the 12th ins 1 has the following: All quiet in the neighborhood of Fred ericksburg, and apparently no prospect of a fight unless we assume the offensive.— The Yankee sutlers have moved back to wards Manassas, where the Federal troops are Baid to be building fortifications and commissary storehouses, as with the in tention of making it a base. Meade's ar my has been reduced considerably. It consists of seven corps. Yankee cavalry, dressed in Confederate uniforms, are scouring the country throngh Stafford and Prince William, arresting deserters from Meade’s army. The above we know to be reliable. JOHN MITCHEL’S SON I We learn that William Mitchel, young est son of John Mitchel, editor of the Enquirer who was reported missing ?!o» r^ e i attls Gettysburg, i 8 now be lieved to have been killed in lhat hard fought struggle. Young Mitchel was only eighteen years old, and is represented to have been a young gentleman of fine at tainmenta and an excellent soldier, and behaved with especial gallantry at Gettys burg. He baa two brothers in the Con tederate service.— Sentinel, 12th VIRGINIA LEGISLATURE. In the Virginia Senate, on the 10th, there was a protracted debate on a series of resolutions introduced by Mr. Colliee proposing to submit an address to tho Northern States in favor of some sort of conference or arbitration looking to peace. lln.I In . Bu PP° rt °f his resolutions, Mr. Collier said he ’did not believe that Virginia had avert ib c , Quld bave b <*m done to t h A Wa .t; a bQt tMs was indignantly were uStfi ‘.h 68611816 and tho resolutions' 88 to “ dlebDllel y postponed by a vote of [ _ A bill to outlaw rebel deserters has been introduced in the Virginia Senate. A bill has also been reported authorizing the reoeipt of Contederate States Treasury notes in payment of taxes and other pub lic dues to the State. A bill to exclude from citizenship all who, since April, 1861, held office or ren dared service under the United States au thorities, or under any illegal or usurped government, has been introduced into the House. RICHMOND MARKETS. Tomatoes are selling in Richmond at fifty cents a quart; Irish potatoes and peas at the same: price; sweet potatoes at one dollar a quart (the Whig reporter counted six m a quart measure, making the cost one shilling each ;) and corn at §1,60 a dozen. In meats, the same exorbitant rates prevail. “Cuts of middling are sell mg at §2,6° a pound, joints at $2,25,” Balt shad at $2,75 each, and herrings $3 |2 d rd e o D ;en BatteriSs4apOQnd ’“ Dd THE PRICE OF GOLD, The Whig sayß The-brokers quote the premium for gold as follows ; Buying rate $lO (ten for one-) selling rate sl2g,slB. Parties who sell gold on commission are offering it at $9 premium, or ten for one, and silver at $7 premium. It is said by those conversant ■ ma r ket tbat tbe demand for gold a t r. la hme is so limited that any consid erab e amount offered for sale would not, find s purchaser at $lO. The business is confined at present to small amounts. — he Legislature will shortly" decide this qneat ion whether the traffic in gold in this otate shall be suppressed. bread riot in mobile. Memphis. Serf il.-Befogeci who have ately arrived within our lines bring exci ting reports of the terrible cond.tion of af fairs in the South. One man who left Mobile on the oth states that a terrible riot broke out amODg tbo soldiers 1 , wives at Mobile, on the 4th cniw n* h °ddred women and children and l Spnn / Hil1 ’ armed with clubs and hatchets, and marched through the whGT Pa B^eetB t carrying banners, on which were inscribed “Bread or Blood!’’ Bread or Peace I” &c. Being aoldiera’ Wives, their proceedings were winked-at by the eoldiers, who made but a feeble re* instance. Stores were broken open and lorcibly entered. Many citizens left town among whom was our informant, who says toe riot was increasing when he left. ONLY TWENTY-FIVE DOLLARS, br °P» llt "o«rt' from Liver -“- J i ,o oi. Londonderry Cork n . Aai Twenty-Five OoUnrs. lcE«r“ A^fi° U ' tby S “ ilin « V «* Ghroniolo building. 7u Fifth st.. l p'itubSh.' Pa Hon. Wilton McVandlet, Judge of tho United • tales Circuit Court. Presidont. Corner of Penn & St. Clntr Sit.. Puts burjfh Ppnii'a., T?® WWJEST, CHEAPBT AND coirse“ * rtlrB f ° r 3 Commercial R ftP Ezt , ra for Mannfßctnors, Stoamboat «i l . r ““ <1 aDd Ban!t bool,-keeping, ter l e / ? £ODB , ia nt ’°.- hal ' Prion. Students on *Bfru* review nt any time. Teaonei. B^ 1 ' 011 i£ “fdoctcd by eirerieneod ieaoders and practical accountants, who pre [ pare young men for active basino'ss at the toast “l ’ e and ►hortest limo for the most lucrative and risponsiblo situations. Diplomas granted b“ f a r f V D ?-„ HcD e e tbo preference for grad at this foliage by business men. who°h barges Bmi , ncs“writ"g a “ ' ompolitorJ ' toaohes BapM o®, » ttend where the Sons and Clerks of bast, ness men graduate rorspecimens of Penmanship and Catalogue ce”S?o I ?rin“X ,ll^on • 6nCloB ° twonty - fiT ' JESTKIJTS A SMITH. lr, F L :rKa «/ Micc Rnncilti . Ants. Bod Bags Moths L/u^.'ir en£ ' iC - “*«« j'? 1 ,” 1 ;., 1 " ,-f. 'if 10 ,’ nil •»! boxes, bottles and tutio'Vs, ,tc. fluikli l ur llttela pubiic laati ,.U n b intall*blo remedies known. M rree from Poisons, M to the Human Family." i out of thotr to die.” iT ho i?T ,e ia nll lBr^e cit »es. whe?e.‘ Sjld hy und dealers every- f£ P° w r l n ,’!‘ w °rthle-s imitations. boUp^d^UeKu^ 0 kon Baoh b “- Address HENRY B. BTAH Pnncipal Depot. 48 4 Brond-wiy, N. Y A rn SE WK E . KS& C - and B - L * buri feIOCK k C - Who * e Bale Agent*, Pitta ! tyl B-6tn d eod kw Public* Notice. U*** A, 7 OF assembly, esti on Act to prevent frau-s upon trav elers, approved by_the Governor, May (ith 1863 e a V° n .- 1 off DCft for any person who is r/rfrf /J ,e /? altr x?A : fn,rn . t not exceeding Five Hun 'for a term cot ex rVotirr w hereby m that the penalties of tho ±7° n: "“ cd ‘“W, «'H bo enforced hereafter JBamat all persona wbo may tiolate tbe same, by J»nd S d}‘ r 0 tl ‘i. kct< “ 0 orfremtho Eastern mVht ATI ,^ P “p ,ns 1 1 * P un io“ of such tickets in ton ci y, to o her parties rick^K 1 nnH 0 «v7 h ? may bave through an £ w ko tn:vahine.ry man of actor ‘od fib*? 3 of t6s “^s'- COiVCOISD GB.APE VINES. WE WEBB ASIOSG THE FIRST TO secure this ISVALFAKIE BBAPP “=<* hero Irnltod it for hvo ream. WoomaSS oaroniinaiTOies ftom Mr.firKLLwho oririna imss-;, Jits3 ttsbor 5 1 ? Horticultural Sooiety in 1 ... ua a diploma lor its exhibition and tho Allcghony County Agricultural Sooiety! m 1880. a premium for it as - the BEST new food Eng grape; m all -rospeata superior to the JLrcfcdta.” Oar otoiih of Vines Is nneqnnlled aißjrjS'Oere, which wo offer at 25 cents each. Pgr dexen. $12,00 per 100, $lOO per a *!£r®* email vines at leea prices. 50 J^uS“oaci° W ° Xtla ?* fTO , J. KNOX. asbrcdlw. So. ao Fifth Street. fJIO BDILBIB3 AS 31 COHTKA47ITOHS S?o are sow manufacturing a reperior eritiolc of 3Li 5 Sit £2 , whloh we are prepared to deliTer from our 410A1 VAKD, 500 ITEESTV STREET. hSifsss el Family Coal aiweyr os ai»9t DICJKSOS, stewabt a CO. SEPT Medical, jRT OT ALCOHOLIC ~ A HIGHLY CONCENTRATED Vegetable Extract A rVRE TONIC. Dr. Hoofland’s GE-BMils' BITTERS PBHFARSD BY DB. O, D, JACKSOjr Philafici plua, Henna., Will offAQtually cure Lives’ ’ ©©Msplmisst, DYSPEPSIA, JAUNDICE. ArS »/»ICftWW f*Jttg * b!!,* n Fov e? and iiull Pain in th* Head, Deficiency *f Perspiration, Yel- • lownoM of the Skin and Eyes. Pain in n \ u ! c > Back, Ghost, Limba.&c. Sudden Flushes ofHoat, Burn- Lur in the Flesh. Constant imaginings of E v i }. and ffreat.dopros sion of . . . spirits. iaUor ' lr °™- ni! - UTrt aw^«£ h ? y a SP ntaln so AUOHuL OB BAB WHISET 1 c s?.r.?. au h , sa^ bo " ninoty - ni i• Induced by the extensive sale end univorarl ( U °° a ? sd ’l German BilS. “ipSi | regatable) hosts of ignorant Quacks and un»crti rulous adventurers, Dave opened Upon cafferifc" lumarmy tho flood gatosof Nostrum.- to the sEt>« I mrpf ■‘ ni obrattoned Tonics, Stomachics and 3st- L’ewaro of the innumerable array of ulcohbEe •reparations in plethoric bottles, and big-beiiijd undor the modest appellation of Btlto-e • ‘ l ¥ ! . t f :ld l , of cun - n ? only aggravates diseases I aad lea. o tho disappointed sufferers in despair HOUI'LAND’S GERMAN BITTERS Aro not a new and untried article, but have 3.00 d the test or filtoen years trial by the Amori oan public; and tboir roputation and sale are not rivalled by any s.milar preparation. Ibo proprietors have thousands of Letters I from the most eminent toners Clergymen, laanyors, Phyuielann end titlzcus. Testifying of their own personal itnowlcdve ti, Bbto™. ° ofi ’ S,a “ 0d medl ' :al Tin °™ W th*« 00 1V c yut ? TsotI xmwo to STR ENG Tit- BOYOUWAIiTAQODDAPPRTiTT't /fITUTWsV 0 * 01 ™ CP YObli CON DO YO U WENT TO FEEL WELL! 00 A ESS AJ '" l " r ' )oErjiJ E Of NEE FC US DO YOU ’.V ,1 ,Y T EXE ”QY < O© yon want to sleep troll T feel ,^? nt “ br4u “»«• vlF«roo, If y>n do, use HOOFLAND’S GERMAN BITTERS. PARTICULAR NOTICE. •JE! iere f nuxn V preparation* told under th« I J ffl e °( UJcr / ! J(P- m t&tariboUUt, caumotcnfM BSE&£«*mssS«B to d.r thcde.alh J’he DvkJ^Zt, „ creat'd aidV.TZ', Lr" UP ° n “ We an d Eor tho.e ,rha drnre and will have o lAauryr oVw'h ™T r ?' , “ rtS ,° f Uo< « 1 Brandy £t£.7Xte have ail the mrtuce of IlooUand'N ionnecix°n talk a good article of Liquor at 2 £* 70 no hesitation m stating that, if x C f B i- Woro fraol y ased among our soldiers hves might be saved, tifat Je We call particular attontion to the followina r»- t h« r S a J > - OJ » D u wo,i aat honticated cure of one of ho nation a heroes, whose life to use ang uage baßbeen saved by tie Bitten:” , Philadelphia, August 23d, 1862 & Avan#.—Well, gontioinen yonr Hoofland a German Bitters has savod ihero isno mistake in this e u’ numbers of my comrades, some of wbose^nnmX are appended, and who Wore fully aU the circumstances of my oaso I amTnJh been for the last four years, a mem&of hW man s celebrated battorv under thn 7rL\L j**T" command of Cant. E B liros ThronS^ dlate posuro attendant upon iny ariuoM duth/H 81 ' attacked in November l£t wUh inflamSion o”! the lunge, and m, .or sevonty iwodavs i? ,hi hospital. This was followed by great deWHrv heightened by an attack of dysentery I wm h™ removed from the White Hon o and ennY 8 ? .i?- n city on board tho steamer "State of Vf.lni which 1 landed on theißth of June $?“ ESipiffl :ss2k“Jsa«j^s,"3 dy*t^S^ I could not even keen a m.i« JtomaoK Life oould not last under on my teuM7af?&! h tLu^h“3 and < ivised mo to see a clergyman, and to make roch disposition of my limited fundi an best suit 0u me. An acquaintance who visitod ttia of»v..» s°“pEal. Mr. Frederick Stoinbron. of6th below Aren Street, adwed mo as a forlmri ~°*p w yonr Bitters and kindly procured Tbottle - i?rnm “’if™'® o ?'* taking them the shadow “ deau l recoded, and I am now. thank God for i t getting better, Though I have taken bat two Im ties, Ilhave gained 10 pounds, and feel eanSnine of being permitted to rejoin my wife and gT? 1 ? 6 ter. from whom I have* eon months; for, gentleman. Inmaloyal iun, 13 m the vioinity of Front Howl r. invaluable Bitters I owe tbeglcrioM priviloge of ffi£ t 0 bo3om 16080 »J« «•dSKit ' - e- LEWIS CHEVAUER m N'*^ th -Mame r j- ®«iSSsß.lrtAp*lei Ti Baltery p J. R. EASE WELL. CoB 3d Vermnk* HENRY B. JEROME, Co B, ™° Dt ' HI IS RT T. MACDONALD. Co C 6th • JOHN F. WARD CoE.Sth ttMIUD - B KtMH, c/11. 72dNv' Nathaniel b. Thomas, do f esth D iNDREW J. KIMBALL S A°*Vtt “ Pa. CoB. 106th PkSZ era ° nt BEWAJtE OF COUNTERFEITS JACKSON-. PE,<, H7,rS I F«E ®* jS°?i d nn?k r druggist not have tho ar be put off by any of the intoxicating JnJ^?« 10DS j at he °^® r ®dis its Place, but ToxprS and wowJ ‘ f«ward. securely paS ItaJVmdpal 1 taJVmdpal Office, and Maansactory. No. 163 JONES & EVANS, (Successors to 0. M. Jackson & C 0.,) sap p a _ . . _ Proprietors wnLh. iB •"«» “»• «• H- HEISEB, a. P. SCBtSAIiTK, PUUbnrg), For calo alsojsy' ■ smojr jomrPTo» ~ Ooreor BmitUaM tad Fourth A. J. RANKIN & CO., IMS IK 18, 1863..^ Special Notices. »•' “• 0OB»WBll a..:.;:..... _BAX’L IBEX CORN WEILS, & KERR, CARRIAGE MANUFACTURERS SILVER A BRASS PLATERS, and ffionalactarors oi Camase Hardware, 00. < ht. Chur Stroot. and Dm aaano Way. jahi (near the UrideeJ POISON NOT THE HEAD WITH HTTB.&TE OP SILVBH Dso CHISTADORO’S Blip DYE. ' Certified to la by Dr. Chilton, of New York, tmil othor eminent Chemists. F K ? i) 5 < '^ S SHAIiB PEIIJI rich, u-eilow brown to giossy black in minutes, and contains no ingredient that is m iunous to the hair. 13 m PKESEKVA- Is invaldablo with hi 3 Bye, as it imparts tho nt Tiisiis'Ssi gsr* 1 boilutiful i,0,0 - Ma ‘'«* iM K.nfaetured by J. CRIiiTABORO, 6 / oto noasc, ew - urh, Bold everywhere, and ,v pi od by all [lm.- Omsirr. ’ rrice, 50 cents $1 and $d per bottle, arcordin, iyl3dia-.lmc KrBBEOS BESEItAI. HAMHOSI), L~,J ordormg caiomol and destructive min orals from the supply tables, has conferred a blcssmg on our sick soldiers. Let him not stop “riL,i-„. C o hl ?.T ,rdo f tb ° di?contino.tnoe oi 11 ceding, and the substitution of Brandroth’i Bills in taercof. Thon will commoner wnuia W in ra 1 13 th «praonoe - of Medicino, whiob would then become omphaticaJly - rnt: uEAiise akt 1 have for thirry years tanght that no diseased emetic Co Thl b !’h C K red by i “‘’"“IT or tartar mauo wholo by vegetable food”— Animadfood lbf1 l 'shmfft e V scdv^f-etabln* toste- co Uomi-iitee, solic itor contributions o{ Fruits and Vegetab os ;rom tnegardnere ar,d country reoploin tho markets of Putsburah and allcrhenr. we take this meth & “olioeted W P WEYMAK.) inx.Com. — bol2 daub & APHELI,, - SEBaWAIT 'H’ASlsOlftjS, 186 Smilfcfield Street. W£ JUS 0 /™ A Fall and Winter Goods, oonsistinj of Ciottm.Caslßieres, Vestings, &o. AJ.SO—A itrgo stock of GENT’S FURNISHING GOODS, ineludins Puotr Collars. Ifrrh T... ...a thin; ospellv y.Dt by first olaos Jurnlshiny Blor e Orders erected. SSoT&a PUBE WIffES. f BEO EE* VETO ASSOmrCE TO BY JL numerous friends, and the nnhiioir, « M T h o¥«r4®us t^rFv 1 SiStt WMch ha ™ long I been’ Old Lager Beer constantly on hand. J. ROTH, 26 Liamond. - mLET A,TOSS WiTtr m -).i,., a Frioaon.orCommTOßlMfes for" SMITH, PARK & CcC e ‘ BfIKTH WABD POturDß-J WtralWßso, Ho. 149 n re t i> i^s» L 5® H i Mannfsgtnrain of all fSinu and dJISSi?’ 1^24 ' Coal OitlUtort* and StUlaj^SidTO&l!' “3? 0 Sad Irons. DwlrcnF-WajonioiSSS^S Pnlliea, risngo!*ssd CoroUMsf ,Btsoi 1110,131 Also Jobbins.and Machizuia " . ronpbonmade to orfor. cryoi EKvinc a ceunblete maohlna aw . j wUlyd'irw COBBLER WANTED, to repair ihoes, aa22 at BORLAND’S #8 Market it. Ranking Houses, . FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF PITTSBURGH. Orvtcg JcSlSfoSr. 1 “•rni nationalbankof viM& in the County of Allegheny and'SteS **cnuflylviuift hos boon duly onranimd j TTI ,-t ri _ Conv £ iSS rd re 9 air emeiitsrfth? l^” Congress, entitled an Act to prorida a Nationr»j KwT 1107 'J'^ ured b ? a Pledge of Unttod FtaSa flm^t ,and su thecircula ion and ro fe? p o^° n , thoreof. approved Februaiy 25th. ™ c d d t h r^fo^ mI J h i ed a llll all 'b® prov&ons of Act rcqnjroi to. be complied with hefnrn commencing tbo basiness : of Ban - ing ‘ ‘rdlfieo??if K ?£. oE£: ' S ’ McCulloch, Ccmp oi Ranking under the Act aforesaid. In testimony whereof witncvs'mv h-nd n„d Seal Of Office, thltrsiH'diiv orAugnit d d J"?Ti , lli - l3 'l McC'OILOCH. compt.-n lor „f the Currency. The First Rational Hank ol Pittsburgh, Pa. UTB PITTSBURGH MUST COMPAQ isod ? r p aa ~ offer itJ services for the d Druf.s. Bills of Exibanie i ° 0 oU ?»??' of Katea 7 doi'osit and buy am seil Rt.l! 00170 on ol the country Bxchaege on all parts The sneoefs whioh has attended the P;«.v o Trimt t.ompany since its orsanixat'on in 1862 wfn wo belivo be a sufficient cuarentee te'-?r J K?"’ Wli entrusted to the new the same pi empt att-ntioa. - ’'HI receive Baokra^i a B V^L o r^fhT„L o gh^X n r d „ o Sv Widh ttzzzzcziizzr " :a omeers b Wrectois be ° o-i ~.~/ead:_ Wooajtroot. ooroor of Third, : W£Sj£BM INSURANCE ©F- FlT'S®® HJSfQIS, •" ! aSOEaa DAKSIB, Prsddsat. " ; Ho ! upkairaj PuLbw!i/ Sr>tM 00 3 fceraliosraj JmS 8 " 111 “** ofylßS “dKAr fc«t Promotion totL.,e whS “obi H . . . A SSB?B. OCTOBER CCiij, i B6 p j mZ<™'* - Shewed 9®m foraitarc....'..'.' "' ® o;c -"•“•".:::™ t.™" EremiamNotea 18 351 99 Hotesad BUU ifim li' R. unii— r WJUCTOBS. esfifr* ffifiiSg* a«a J. Thomas Benj-BakiS®, ecifioPiKj3-f.TO ,;n v rc'i ib’ n«m< ? v fiSStHSHg®*** *• t ) 1 g 7 ll Bi sob Arses/*}h>o-.ffee Wlii,v«-\,iJT rr Imola ?! ary Kmiwta*.*. iul | 1 ohi' nl,inil..y. I.conliDcaco-Imp louoe, IV'-ska. -/nr hIV io .« L!Tf '.hii-h :,nss priscipaliy from Sin ual iS, Ab “ n *li? r i* 0B ?l«W I g*‘««PW* d.-range-nect durtL\lK^-lire| Ufferer&Cm ,alfiliin ‘ ! ,he ■AM by i ' JUCJi ONRSOiIsAfI. an -n, 8- v Brnggi'ta generally - a ”’ 1 ‘ Pittsburgh f r« T & .?{■„ X^llX™* J. UKTAST, it. d., wi!l Fend rr it, Treatise, on peten-e and Loss of' .oa.i frn,.i , ’*eakn«s. lightly Em^SLaPalKLu pebility, Ac. A pamphlet of iuty paces o. n nimport&at udVice to «ho a&ieied and shoaW bo read by every ,u Borer aT th? mean? of cure in t-e soverait ia j tortb Two t tami eto w p o£ ta ffo . aiTulw DR. BROWN'S OFFICE, 50 SmTHFIBLb STHHMT. I * ruw ? v T®mcdtca never laii to cure inun* fcl^ 3Soath ' > “ to of ShSrtKtStfSi nr it- S1< »P1 A 11 WBATOPrdSr ' ' n ' , RHEUMATISM. ' ibfSt airodonT edl ' 8 *9 »*!*.*■»«* V.-Bp-alS’t treat'Pilea, flleet, Qonnoirloe IWh.i piaehanros. Female DieelJea^ andii&oya.imtation of tim Bladde“ eWot mmma mart contain «»«i*t Moaioinea any address safely packed ' ilo-ao SM#H^D - - TO. THE TOS?.TC?'' nitiota.trcat socrm *faa> dolioate dirordois, coif- I »Sa~TgSaEIS g WwBP I » :a«iso-an(J dbor-eec « BfegHMfeJgafr tuaUc-Eawaimcarnd in- . oivisat t j jontiis of both ' fcifsSSiS';’ 3 ,“S »S4fe“£w| S^fflSS &mf comsad daS&fc£ ‘SKg* femtfy pbyaiciEn sfcoaid [«, - a»ttb ms“ •nf fnaH* whocomparo a&ses&s^g eases srcfreated ffii over forty years (4®-^SSShS*T?^?* nn * World too United Btntf**'i»* io «u, x. v ■* iKono &i>tl ta ?SS^«3“l§fv time roll partioiUaio n / tcr,u . *° ‘“a to protraifas a mr«t t!io-Mortk, r 3 L “° : ‘ *»■ saassir* STBCP OP hatoahb ABB SHI, TT * . » Miw fli QjJ fo£~S all dishes that niSif ?£S™* * tre> Syphilis, and bloodTOnn WafSm fi ?SS I i mparefltat°k*d bv “ “ “ft««*aU a gaa Z igshttocoaiaininff more than one saWect; pSton a b& WreSaDd “ ** *“* “»P‘ »t» . Seotioh 9. no bill shall be passed bvthe t„„ Ifllature granting any powers. pri.U,go3, case, where the authority to grant aDT '*-»asss^ Speaker of the Senate fi.«— OP THE \ OIOS2TABTOP THB CpMMOSTTRAL?H* > ~ “«■ i the ongmal Joint KesolitlSo of theSraC er*l Assembly, entitled A Joint Resolutiono££ posing certain amendments to the CotaitaU??£ as tbn same remains on hlo In this -0 1’* Intes moony whereof I. have heidontn At Jnlftdti Sooretaryofth^m^a?, the* transaction of 'tht h ’ l ' tor ?“?*end.Uei ry Phi».s Jr as U atl . fvf i t> ho “« s N. liUlo/as Cpeeial Paitner. Jar 10 °° n ti D “" l niilihe Ist day ol January, 1870. aHDhEW KLt»AN ... _ bRNKY PHIP & Jn. •eio-lawflw IBOS. N- Mn.T.m, 111 Hew BhcoVery." s«jx sos, * i*&?§