The Pittsburgh post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1859-1864, September 16, 1863, Image 3

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    UAllbl POh
ffiP*s. aPKTIMGUX ACO., Wo 3,
STREEf. BOSTON areour went, forthcßaily
«nd W«Wy Post in those cities, and are au
t sonted to take Advertisements and Subscriptions
for ns at out leant Bata.
C I T TTYw'r
The Daily and Weekly Post can
hereafter be procured at the News Depots
of J. W. Pittockand Frank Case, Fifth
street, with or without wrappers. Dailv
8 cents; Weekly 6 oente. ,
Jadge Maynard.
Our readers will all, doubtless, recollect
Judge Maynard, who, for a brief period,
so ably and acceptably presided over one
of the Courts in this county. I D a recent
charge to the grand jury of Lehigh county
referring to the state of affairs now exist
mg in our county, the Judge lays down
the true doctrine in a manner that cannot I
be misunderstood. He says .-
of thought, freedom of
speech, freedom of the press, and* free
dom of action within the limits of law
and constitutional liberty, are among the
most sacred and dearest rights of freemen
These are the birth-right of our people''
and cannot be wrested from them until the '
Consutution is abolished, and the laws es
tablishmg the Judiciary are repealed.
tWii, 13 th \ dut ? ot tlj e Judiciary to see
that the rights of the people are held ee
cure from the encroachments of power
The rights and liberties of the people find
their surest protection in the hand S P of an
opnght Judiciary who stand in the fear of
God, and superior to all other fear. If
unconstitutional laws are enacted, they
can be rendered harmless by the prompt
before tW Pr ° Per CoQrt When b '°°^
e ril?,- ffere .“ CeB of opinion will necessarily
reference to political questions!
and free discussion should not only be
tolerated, but encouraged, and good na
ture should always preside over such dis-
S?rilff rememberiDg that all these P°
WWk fferea L Ce, . CB!I be eet tled at the
wi hus OX A L 18 the , SOvere 'gn arbiter
ltn us. it is an unerring tribunal nnH
should be held as the most sacred of all
ur political rights, at once incorruptible
and inviolate The liberties of t-e peo
ple cannot be lost while the ballot-box re
mains free. If there is any point where
win' aaraaca - woultl . eeas 0 to be a virtue, it
will be at that point when any party in
power shall attempt to interfere with the
freedom of Ihe elective franchise : but let
ua trust that the forbearance of freemen
under this Government will not be put to
that fearful test.”
Calisthenics, —The principles of exer
cise embraced in the practice of Ca'isthe
mes have been but little understood, and
less heeded, the result of which has 1
unfortuuate to many, particularly ihos
wuo are delicately constituted. Any
slight exertion on their part results in
fatigue, and physical exhaustion. Even
the mind feels the effects of the want of
physical strength, and there is a continual
depression; want of energy, and irresista
ble desire to do nothing. This can all be
obviated by proper exercise. The exercise
embraced in the practice of Calisthenics is
well adapted to insure a healthful and
vigorous condition of the system. A
yeung lady m Chieago, who, one year
ago, was suffering from the effects of want
of energy, or physical power, to support
r r etlC r^ 1 ' t ;’- is J now ’ after one years’
practice of this kind of exercise, enabled
to support, without fatigue, what before,
eudurance° ProV6d bey ° Dd W P oWers
Meet,xo Monday
Night.— l he late boar at which the great
outpouring of the Democracy, on Monday
eyemng sojourned, coupled with the
crowded state oi cur columns, precluded
us from giving more than a mere passing
notice ot the proceedings. It is, however"
but an act of justice to that eloquent and
able champion of Democracy, John Me-
Sweeney of Ohio, to say that his speech
was one of the ablest that has been deliv
ered here dnnng the campaign. No better
evidence !s wanting of the telling efiect of
Mr McSweeney’s address than the fact
that it has roused the ire of the Gazette
which contemptuously calls him the
Buckeye bledge Hammer." We hope
this able champion of Democracy will de
liver one or two more of his “sledge ham
mer speeches before the people of Alls*
gheny county. We know of no one who
can more effectually show up the rotten
ness and corruption of the A dministration
—Mr. McSweeney^ 6^0 Sledgß
A “Ghost" QuARR E i..-The “ghoßhs"
have get to loggerheads, it seems, in the
provincial regions of England. Professor
Pepper patented his property provisional
ly, but.not perfectly. Before his patent
conld be completed, a Mr. King, of Bath
cornea out with a spectral illusion, which
he patents ; and then lodged an affirma
tion at the patent office against Penner
on the ground that Pepper’s invention was
no invention, but was old as the hills
ft matters but little how Professor Pep
r , K ‘ ng . Bettle *®>r disputes, as
Sam Saniord, during his stay, will pro
dace the “ghost," and as there are thous
ands among us who are skeptical in rela
tion to departed epirits visiting this mun
dane sphere, and others who have never
seen a -live ghost," we anticipate a great
rush to Maion c Hall to hear what sort of
‘ tale it will unfold.
Will they Close ?-To-day has been
set apart by Republicans of Western
Pennsylvania to hold a Grand Mass Con
vention in this city. Preparations have
been made upon a grand scale, speakers
from all parU of the country are announc
ed to be present, and a “big thine” is Rn
ticipated. To add to the numbers ?n
attendance, it has been proposed to close
places of business to-day so that all may
attend. We suppose the workmen in the
employ of Republican business men will
not object to this arrangement, provided
they are paid for their time. But as this
would cost a penny, we feel safe in con-
C , basln ?“ s will go on as usual,
and that but few of the “bone and sinew"
will care to loose a day to attend a con
vention of the friends of Andy Curtin At
least we feel sure that the Gazetle would
not favor such a coarse. a
Where to be Assessed.-Iu answer to
our correspondent “Voter," we give the
names and residence of the Assessors of
Pittsburgh, as follows:
First "ard-Jas. Gracey, 13 West st.
Third Ward —J. Kelly, 81 Fifth st
Fourth Ward—A. P. Thompson 84
Penn st.
Fifth Ward—Jos. Irwin, Penn street,
Squire Taylor’s office.
Sixth Ward— A. Ecker, corner Clerk &
i ownseod sts.
Seventh Ward—R. Thompson, Keat-
Methodist graveyard.
N niL w a l d_ ; C ' w - Ki *g< Plum st.
h ard ~ Jaa ' McCane . 766 Penn
me P nt Y LT T m a P dI E S7l h e e h De P«‘
Paymasters will hereXr be
particular descriptions of troo^Mnstea^
Will facilitate the disburamenta '
HQt;B E-—Sanf Minstrel.
T h * T° her Crowded house last night.
tLernem , ag T t0 ‘ ni « ht ' See adver
tisement in another column.
! ' K l ‘■"•-As this i„ the
f ll *°°d housewives lay up
el L7,i 'T 8 Bapp,y l of tomatoes, and oth
‘liah ZV,™? not , be amiss to to pub-
Prof M °, wlDg Enable recipes :
sliVhtlv S e j Says : “ If tomatoes are
; l 6d a ? d - sklnned > and put into
a faw minute® , '"to boiUng water for
the frnit win k“ d C ,° rked £ S nd sealed ’
if eatem JT c Paa lon ? 88 d esired, and
same tLte 8n fi [ Bt °P en 4 will have the
vine ~aS& 39 when first picked from the
<( tn*’ . e *chaoge gives the following;
then t* 51 -, ,?*** tomatoes, wash and peel,
mfrn , b sl >ghtly and stir for five or ten
utes, so as to be sure to expel all the
air ; then heat the bottles, and fill, cork
' "g ap instantly- If not corked up at
i once, and-when full, the contents will set.
t' e , and leave a vacant space. The cork
should be a short one and pushed down
below the level of the top of the bottle
neck—this filled up with melted sealing
wax. This is our mode. We have never
I lost a bottle, nor had the least! change ta
, ken place in the fruit, tfe have kept St
and generally do-a year and a half al
ways w.ih perfect success. Oyster cans
fiavo?n a ot y v° od,onlytherewillbe a 'in
r “ not rei 7 agreeable to the taste
and th B eg^ss C keep h s e ifcu d t riV Th oat ‘ hB “ r *
not preserve, on account of the fixed air
on t>.n tu mB . are of thls n *tore. Peara
?here is ano,h and ’ 818 readily Proved.'
nere i 8 another way to preserve fruit,—
with or wok* , * rnit ma y be Preserved
tonli th h ‘ BUgar ' Boil firB> - t-ten
apply the sugar; or heat your syrun and
taste of?h‘L r'-k- frt ! it - Thia leaves the
use onlvte frmt dlBtl ""t- One tning more
-sacar wfte PD . reBt and beBt refi led e"gar
or fla B vorTh “• taste ' for what "™r odor
will be taated. IS ’ 6068 ‘ Ut ° the frnit ’ a " d
P - Shln "' th e late efficient General
the vacancy 1 M^ S 1?“ ‘<> P fin
datiea of hfa office veaterri” n /°? the
St t, s f b. s UJtur,
£ES" "“ r *‘ l “K” “■ i«t«.
• Fatal Accident —John r p; 1 i
fne*had'h 8 ' h “ ppears that a cast-"
soon extricated, but *o "hi”
houra 68 hT h 6 f 7 Barvived about thre.
Results of the Drapt
tertamed by certain wiid young men (or
£?}? Sged PareD ?' as developed by the
draft, ,3 astonishing. Young P men who
ad, as supposed, not only neglected to
b a en n a S K PP s° rtlnEtheir “°‘berf. bnt had
£S? n {f m 7“-Ption Dg o ‘ h Z
Jati. Items, -Jailor Small yeferJav
he D haifnA ohn Brad? tothe
he having been convicted of highway rob
bery, and sentenced for the term o Vt?ve
di»nrda D l \ eSt ’ char K 3d with keeping a
disorderly house was discharged. Dunne
wUh D h;T PriBoDm > m she w M charged
tbe h inmate s arCeDy ° f aoße * from
Bnr be, having entered bail in
Loan on a charge ofitseling liquor on
Sunday, was discharged. 1
dramf R he , b ? autlful snd thrilling
drama, Bourcicault’s “Colleen Bawn,"
- e , n , Very successfully rendered for
two mghtß past, havmg been played we
think, taking all in all. as well as we have
chd'edToieUt 0 "' - has con
eluded to let it remain on the bids for an
other night in consequence of its great
success. There will no doubt, be a farge
Pittsburghers Abroad.— in Philadel
phia, on Monday, we note the arrival o
the following Pittsburghers: R. R Me
D -J- Cook, J. £ Boreland. T A
T r’ m W ' b ondersmith, J. J. Green
Shore R% Um n J -H M - Ki “ er Samuel
W B F - „ D t aV ‘, dsol ?’ W ' G ‘ Comeford,
r'm L - Tomer, C
nock &la ” T ' 8 - < L ®“®nring, S. Pen-
Sale or- STooEs.-The following sale
A k M°?i k p a< l e last eyeing, at
Davis A Mcllwain’s, No. 54, Fifth st :
Merchn te & Manufacturers I>nk, S6G 26
Birmingham Deposit Co., .... 53 so
Western Insurance Co. f 54 o r
People’s Insurance Co
Pittsburgh & Connellsville R, R Co * 26
Allegheny Valley R. R * . 900
. Public Notice —Attention of those
interested is directed to an advertisement
in another colomn headed “Public No
tice. The Railroad Companies are de
termined to enforce the penalties of the
law against all persons who may violate
the same by purchasing through tickets to
or from the Eastern cities, ant disposing
olhTplr t iL° f 8 Ci * to
o r T ow D f. W B £ d pretty H B ht draught steam
er Nettie Hartupee,” Capt. Jas. Shed
den, leaves to day for Cincinnati. This
of Cant S Sh!!dd and - r G he Bu P CTi otendence
of Capt. Shedden, is fitted out in a supe
rior manner, and. is a credit to those con
cerned in getting her up
Democratic- Club Meetiyg. —The Dem
ocralic Club of Allegheny will mee t this
(We d n esd ay ) evening at U o’clock, at
“he house of Mr. Beilsteen, 4th Ward
Addresses in English and German will'be
made. Mr. J. Geo. Ripper will address
the meeting in German.
The Democracy of Pitt and adjoining
townships are requested to meet on Thurs
cay, to-morrow evening, at the toll gate,
Soha lower road, for the purpose of or
ganizing a club.
Peremptory sales of New Clothinv thi.
BiS * n ' 0 Maohinei, for family
mumiiotpnur Purposes, are tho best in use.
’ isßm Ar ' o “ r,lA{eLl '
18 Pittsburgh. p 3
jotmn 2fSTu.... MI
Sixth 3 treel and Virsia
Capturing 104 Prisoners
A Large Quantity of Ordinance
Gen. Blunt at Fort 'Gibson.
Maine Election Returns,
Nsw York Sept. 15.-Washington ape
oials contain little of interest. The Her
aid's Rappahannock dispatch gives the
following account of the recent cavalry
tight and victory :
l ’ PA . H t >,! '' oCK ’ ' *•’ Se P f - H.—From
the front the news is again inspiring Ma
jor General Pleasanton, with his cavalA
force, under tienerais Buford, Gregg aid
Kilpatnck, crossed the Kappahffnock
yesterday, f>nd advanced to the k ftn K a *
with R sta d rP' ? 7° rd ’ 8 divißitm
wUh S.uart a rebel cavalry and artillery on
the heights th la side ot Brandy Station
and drove them from crest to crest hv a
senes of brilliant and gallant charges
? il j > , atriok ’ B command connect
ed with Buford's on the left at RrI„S
G , en ,10n |’n aTing i C ! ;oaBedat Kei| ey’s Ford 7
General Gregg left Sulphur Springs at
fclrdat (’ 7 JO ' ne '\ PleaBanton Bu
ford at t Ulpepper, having found Jones’
brigade of rebel cavalry at Muddy Run
and severed them by shells, but not until
t-K y had fired the bridge. Gregg’s men
Puutout, however, f„d repaved the
structure in a few moments, so that the
hole command crossed upon it. Gen
Gregg continued to drive Jones before
him, and reached Culpepper at the same
here en Tre h ad the command*;
aere. Jhe advance arrived just in tim* tn
the south! ° Cara ’ wi th stores, leave for j
Our men charged through the town with !
most splendid gallantry, capturing one I
hundred and tour prisoners and®,hree
guns, two twelve and one six pounder
hese latter were posted od a command-'
Cu S lneT lnt “ nCO 7 Et beyond lhe town of
Culpepper and were charged upon bv
General Custer of General Kilpatrick'l
me 7' o Buf n rd ,ak H U ’ W ' lh Dearly all their
men. Buford s division passed on in
pursmt of the flying rebels.
Cava r- K ' Cha P man ’ of the lid Indiana
comuianding the Ist hrio-edo
having t hp advauce, 'punned hem^
folfn^ ynU ' a ' D f a ’ ld the who!e command
followed up tothe vicinity of the Ranidan
W ''a °‘ fi Wl f h enc. P mp“d
Buford 7 1 , T , le , fi « ht wafl opened by I
wotord, who had the centre advance and
who knew exactly where to look foMbe I
:rVv!r h af n a m f e 0 7 h, / ; h eu 6a C me
slightly wouDeed by a shot which'kiiud'
b.s horse. The l.ieut Col. of the IS*
\ cavalry was killed in a skirmish
hree miles this side of Culpepper. The
kill'7 o ,v COn ' ttny , K < was
killed. We captured a large quantity of
ordnance stores in the railroad denot at
Culpepper. The guns were English, wiih
sabre bayonets. The citizens of Culpep
per say that Stuart reviewed 6,000 rebel
cava ry there on Saturday, and that he
was in command yesterday. he
Ci.viix.vATi, September 15.—OrderH
were reccved from Columbus yesterday
indefinitely postponing the draft in this
The (itizette s Leavenworth disDatoh
BIQDt - at «co«s
tor Fort S oU G>b I On L preparilJE to Btart
he marched two hundred “ftyTiK
cleared 11 " r &n b d l fo "« ht ba cC an"
Cleared tl.e rebels ,rom a hundred thous
and square miles of territory.
Refugees from the rebel conscription
hundred" 8 oeD ; ral Blunt', lin'es by
Hundreds llieir Bufferings are reDresent.
drpdYl" d Bcnbab ' e - More than one ban
al^ForVR 0 Hi men ha \ fi been p bot and hung
hBlUCethe r abellion began 8
Supply trains are running regularly from
wUI bVt'? V° l° rt BIUnL Fort Smitb
will be the headquarters for operations
during the winter. pwmions
A special to the Commercial, dated
Brownsville, Ark., 2d, savs—Gen u,:„i
arrived here last evening, and his force
Will come up to-day. The rebels are in
LiUle 8 Il P o C ck tlo The n fo mUe - 8 thi - 8 Blde ° f
to Rod U S, B r, G l H D a pUcrin’t haS go f,°
in h the eb r' Gen ' Marmaduke was
Bayou Meteor. reCeDt Yemeni at
Porti.a.M), September 16.—1-iiOa y
Returns from one hundred and eiehtv-
R e7e , r : town T s P ve Corry, Union, 43,456 y
nradbnry, Democrat, 20 439 Union mo’
jorny 14 016. The eam’e towns last year
Dobnrn Republican, 28 920, and
etbs Uz::z, s&.‘
shows an increase of 19,536, which will
Bm °ine m b roo 7 \° ' 2s,tm in tbe Stata
ing UB,ooo votes againet 88,504 last
The towns to fee heard from gave a Re
ticket*? maJ0 K ty K, laBt year ' The Union
Ucket has probably carried every conntv
n the State. The House of
lives, which stood last year 107Rennhb
cans to 74 Democrats, "will stand Ltte r
this year for the Union party—they hav
eg gamed so far as heard from, three or
New York, SeDtemher is i . ,
(On.) dispatch, of the 10th,'
papers, states that Osterhaus has suceeded
Dellis. The latter s removal is attributed
to his leniency. It is reported that Grant
has gone to the Southwest. The Federal
transport Mississippi expedition has been
II worsted. Smith has whipped them at
Northwes p' - Th t enem y threatens
them. 6 °rgia, but we are ready for
°fßthe f R the i 2th ’
moroftke Yankees a un .c°nbrmed ru-
House. occupying the White
New Yore, September lo —a n
special says the rebels are .I 7168
have six vessels of war at Richmond l °
Some are known to be clad with
‘ton, and modled like ih» M • oad
ofEnv* 1 Gilm °re is promoted
of Engineers in the regular army. J
ic -> 4p., Ac.
l—t*3 ' C
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«ne o its urK:icizi,i un haa seated aMwm in
tbo history of
• “ r I'ouuil abjve cist..
<hr ONE PRICE „.k,
<he,r"T"?T.isT C “ I l 1 S r j, tr ,„K « that
so-ectiotj of their TEAS ?- f e>ute f.f lls to the
particular stv esf.r nnii \° g J lall !J'- and
to*, ti a h* help,Yh? T P J\ / Ur . J °c ahl »o 8 of coun
tnorrnouM a ,ocf-Vuch Ty< to '/their
Oitrncular an. , iV" Aw
to him thv* Wp.fnu ' on,y ttua - hut yu /
htti ‘ ,b,s establishment „vc:„ll
r.W?^.L°.&| l T-.* v «r the Mutfcicr. it hi,
ontauiied Fj-tca ,1 ,n,( "'r '«•»«»" Ot- a „.,ll
f-J-'W. of V'an ,W, M r
lastkr, arid «•!„, Tit,
Ihil nil' I , i ° ?u l>er:or salesman
are thou.,,, , \ " ' ;uyer.-m, matt, r it they
r„„ '• 'Utle. (rum th,. market—r„
chan,. i.*rt n ,th c N„ r y oH . fc r r _
at I red Jjf 3* ls an '! ' T ' 1 i,f? served by c;i
to yet Vr, '*«"'■■■«• l'Oia K sure
and the rit A -( J. if,/. - ™' reeip/ir* and tun,,;
W. IM „Vi Pri, eI i nT'i;
which Will bo "out to all V h lho i ““•"‘ay’s Toss.
oo -ent to all who order it; comrrisinc
«y»on. Young. Hysoa, Imporlal, Ou n . j
ooi«wrl <lOr ' •'"■"“•‘“y «mi Skill.
T!a ol ov^r io "' — j h
'f»2? k “V divided into
Finest, that nna”^ 1, high Oarßo, Fine.
lievim? rhic i 1 ' lirjujund above cost be
hav,. beretUV bloaV V° ‘ he T* " ho
OHWat J B Knormous Profits.
° R E IHI MihV i' i, 'i Tl£A COMPANY.
„ii °h«r.R.S Al*l> JOBBERS
—-1 - . " ° J’ 1 ' Siroet, a ew Yoi'k.
ted t. The Pitubnrih i who on*riua
-1838 awarded n, .Vi Horticultural Society in
and the Allegheny Coimlv 0 ,! 1 f ° T 113l 13 o *hib;tion,
in 1860, a premfnm fer n Aßn .?° tQI^ 1 Society,
soodllng waSo “n f tbD BEST now
laateUi •’ I ' m aU suporior to the
80 W 6ltra I «w‘ vlue» at fro I
are rutting od a superior
All work promptly attended to.
Office corner Fifth & Wood sts., 2d story.
Warranted°ttight years. Planos in the country
ara the best Pianos made at the price-
Parlor Gem Pianoa at $2OO,
Also, Prince & Co.'s Mclodeons.
solo t, a. McClelland.
— Auctioneer. I
- Auctioneer.
Sf &ss? »“■
under the find name of KLOAIAN dfc PHIPPS*
erafnnTl Th°,!f„ an "a? d ,P 0Dr Y Jr“ Uen
thT ■f-jL.omaa N. Miller ea Special Partner,
to col;^nu e ontii the Ist day of
January, 18,0. ANDBEW KLOMAN,
Hall Auction
(e 6 I. A. M-OJELLASD,
C/AIKO, 1, -Admiral Porter has
■ 4r Bt arrived on steamer Gen. Lyon
rrom below. On tho 30th of August, the
gomboat Chnmpion was attacked at Mor
gaaio, while convoying the transport Julia,
loaded with troops. Five hundred gner
nllys opened fire on the boats from be
mnathe levee. The troops passed on,
while the Champion engaged the rebels,
dispersing them. Gen. Herron after
them with troops.
The Marine Brigade had captured at
■Bolivar three rebel paymasters, with an
escort of thirty-five men and 52,000,000
5? P a y the troops. At Little Rock, the
n t>i yon fo ? nd the Btf ' omer Ewing sunk
Ott Plumb Point, with a gnnboat guarding
ae r. ihe steamer Hope sunk, while on
“re, just below Colnmqns. The General 1
■byon pulled her into deep water to ex
ingnish the fire, and left a guard with
and came for a gunboat.
Fortresr Monroe, Sept. 15.—A trans
?L a a - rrl T e ? * rom Hihon Head reports
the arrival there of the relief boat Cosmo
politan, from Morris Island on Friday
fl„; ning ' a t_ w hich time a white flag was
flying over Fort Moultrie, and our forces
Mn d n? P “ reJ hE l‘ •°‘' Jaraes island. The
Mon trie 8 W r ro A'- ng between Sumter and
C fP ■ S‘mms, of the relief boat,
passed Charleston bar at 4 o'clock p. m.
on Saturday, and saw the white flag still
flying over Monltrie. The last gun was
fired from Moultrie On Friday afternoon.
The Great
1 Vesoy St, New Y„ r k.
Htalesalf Teas in this Country
«o. 20 Fifth street
c,i .r. ,43 Pifta street
Solo agent for the Mamiituitaren
President Lincoln’s p roc
Writ of Habeas Corpus Sus-
pended in the Military
and Naval Service
&c -> <&«., &c.
R„ n, d Wi J 6H,xtiT °-''’, Sept. 15, 1803,
y lhe cf the United States:
ted States has ordained that the privilege
of the writ of habeas corpus shall not be
suspended, unless when in cases of rebel
lion or invasion, where the public safety
may requ re it; and,
W.ISKSAS, A rebellion was existing on
-he ii day of March, 1803, which rebel
lion is still existing ; and,
proved'mfthn^'H B st . atute > which was ap-
Provid on that day, it was enacted by the
Senate and House of Representatives of
the l„,ted States, in Congress assembled,
that during the present insurrection, thj
President of the United States, whenever
J the public safety may re
t|u.r» it, is authoiized to suspend the priy.
s^rt'htgrut o^,:^ any
any part thereof; and, 9tatai ’ or
J ad g em eDt of the
a* 7 ®
or aiders or ab.- ttors of the enemy ’o/offi’
cers,soldiers or seamen enrolled Jn fLn'
musiered or end.ted inn, all ’ ■ fted or
land or naval forces’of the United State* 16
or as deserters therefrom or
amenable to military law nriml? i
L h h l e b ' 0,. 1 C , 7 r , ! ' U s ! nf 6,,6peu^d '
i e do S h Ute V be modlfied and revoked, and
do hereby require all magistrates attor
UniteVsteolatr disf^oHce'‘of
conduct and take notice of thin on
U O UKed n s,® , t T eV t t o Un Cit “®»«of?he'
wk"th' r c !icc ? rdln filyi a U odin B confo?m"y
with the Constitution of the United Stat-s
and laws °f Congress, and m B uch cases
trade and provided for.
Wm „ ABBAffAMiI&cgLN,
>VM. ii, btVVAUD, Hv f>. a P- •
Sec’y of State. Pres t.
ditionTrelurea ’ &T W ? ha - ad
wh,oh K w e Corri 48, a;iJ , an 7 d 8 Bradbury
, s' °
increase this majority. Full reta 8 ™? 1517
> ork county give 300 Union fr -° m
Franklin county wive. abou?i Ain m,J -° r, ? yi
t "r £ e “ oS:rs
and kennebeck, it is thought, 3 500 The
vote ,s very close in Lincoln coun^
ssfassk i?i;*sru
to San Metro. n Francia ™
5-T:",w s xCi.T y
vr nn? f r e w y t ar ’ a g ood Submarine T P l fi .
graph Cable between Ireland and New
foundland, was unanimously accepted.
(SiguedJ Cyrus W. Field
of coal and the rolling S rfftV t ? , ?, g
■Li., Wis . Senf is , ~
Hou ß r.r g b’nc k efit b r a o f,d d tile u
of which $lO,OOO is insured 088 * 3 °’° o0 ’
Phi Scot 'pt, m
-1 tonal Finances.
reports the sale of 378 3M ‘ t V B !' ‘ S
to-day by the various S
of bonds are made to August 20rh
Boston, Sept. 15.-The schooner Owen
oE?ZX&“"‘‘ 7 ,rm T ° ki °°
Me» York Cattle Market,
£- oEk ,' , Be Pt. 15.—Aggregate number of
I Cattle offered for sale since tbe close of last
we« k . f martetvery Urge. Thennmber sold ovS
the nver was 3J.nius.Uy Urge, and os the cattle
were mostly sold .last week, the market wasnm
much effected as it otherwise would have hiES. 1
the bulk of the offenrgsoldaTsKc though X'
range was wider, bwino, without raVentialchaMe
Jho rcarkets nre as follows—Beef rittii «*?
quality 11011,50 ; ordinary to good Gsooin 8 *? 1
I common B©9; inferior 6@7,50. Sheen— :
5@5,23; ordinary 404.50. cimmon P 1"
zsSs&r 1 * 1 *' Bheep
1 v Nrw TonK e, ‘ ,
g|?K d aaa''. e^?v®¥
fully 3c higher; mize-1 wo jxc'ted and
more active ahd“ c beUer '"g 76 l Oats
B*® a lower; forprime 11,75012 m-nil*®*I*7' 1 * 7 ' for
@13.751 new
1 Bat a ,r, the n offBbo y ori «4
That ebbed and Z f he h ™gtide
With its throbbiLT d m th ° buB3 ‘ B ‘ r ««t.
Again, through the hnm ‘ U reaUeBs ft «h
"Great ” ‘Z'u* thrillel
the little carrier
With the eorrowful new, of that'Wmi
?r°emwT,l r ° 0m - in th>
Trembled the words of .that amal' .t.
And a lonely widow bowed down her head*'
And murmnrod. "Willie, my Willie, is d «d .••
o, X feared it wasnot an idle dream
Wh a ere C fhe aSt g Dight ' t 0 that deep, dark stream
And s row CT ° nnd w ’ as wet w,tb a crimson rain,
, ~“ d * r ° wn all over with ghastly slain
' BuiuZ W ? r ? d , im, , forthonightwasw! id.-
Toe n Z the otoam till I found mv child
Ana ,1 ram feU ° n bia “Ptutned fee.
tnZZT d f troy<Jl had “» trace
B«t a o,r>aDd r >aDd '**<> Pain,
I I Hed Tn and S PQrp,e 6tain
[ h ‘•■ad to speak, bat my yoice was gone
Aod my soul stood there * d •
And oove rlfl . ed bis ** with rnthless htd
f SlCow ;““ ro ' bi - aaad - -
«i. , , 11104 it seems but a day
h b* babybaa donmybo 8 omln"
•s :T I d lhy praule - «o . oftand sweet
Indi U ou e wer’th 6 f 5 - 0f ,ottorin * feet/
That the Fa,h h lre3t and lnst of three
All the iifA of lleaven **** Eiven to me;
The night came down to her cold hearth stone
Ini ‘ rMd ° n ' in the -™. I«r tone '
And «till the words her while lips said. '
Ther fTT* C ' W,l:!am barren, dead”
FromTh morn * nff c hased the glocm
And twT- rle3S heirth ° f thst * ui ' '
heises throbbed again, r '
She htl M ‘ h ° an had its pain
With Aal? 6 > r , oUBh the gales 10 the bM ”
With h h" n ,e ,ut iD ier pa!a «*«
•Tom W P W PS parted - as last she said.
Company C. William Warren dead !” I
-LiO’w I»rIoes
sMI £ pi CESI
Franrh’ £ rea , m , Tart, * r ’ Mos tard, Ac.
and Perfumery.
MetJioioos, and all Drnircist’ u ? Res * latent
pure articles. Low 1 srt,o!es ' SWctly
PopdcWalf lou^^p’ lsolsB accurately com
ojuro Lines aud Liquors for medicinal use
WitS. ja. FABEB & CO.,
c & £I 8 8 BUiLOigi
‘tiflK.v; SAWIBIJTi MO DisJzß BASE&.
U» P S£E . *. 8 ,
S'il'EiiSi.&filS, ,
aw. susaa ob
hundred and fii^har2 ,E £ ,zie TCI;2 &ree to oas
sr gjssa
sVd^Maehiaor/sbaettcn oi
! aprighta. unlay ™ a f »’
ctnt T to aWi
description. **1233 and Boilers cftyerj
ever;- v&rietr anH aQ d d^ulliesin
' V Ou,°l*AlT ni of
eu of the best .fatuity <FlatMu|i C '7„ I ?“ aiacttu '
*&£■*■ of tha «rnnto soltcdt
R^'pvT« E rowowiM voiu
IARI testimcraial in reirard to 1
Bl'BKl A BABSEBisicr
.Messrs. BURKE ABA K\ r~ , *
the night of the 3i)d®-Fob™n?fl^ n^ meII TP
chinohhopa, Paint Shops, WiS m' •“'F Ma "
(pne House and all the W»r»k™ Material, En
western Spoke and Carriao. M^ o^ 111 . 8 St>Qfci
bemg ontiroly filled with dS?omfcM aotory - Ml
were bornod down. In a
where the heat was most intcnnn Shop,
make of Safes. containing all 7^ollB yoor
aoco policies, &c., Papers, insur
which, on being tkkeTout aH w~„ oT ® r &0.000,
We most entirely gafbl i
Barnes Saf f '’ Burio 4
At the Old KstnK^^KAßtfES,
12u and 131 Third street.
Pittsburgh. Pa
M Corner Penn and St. Clair sts
oommencmif two olamaq nn t> 4
ISJi, IStS. One of these Sent,
afternoon and the other in fh meet in
olaa, to meet twice awrek vh % eni ”F- Fach
Fridays, flours from 4 to « «nVr Tue ®“ays and
Eiemsts to consTt of ° a^
the Rudiments : a con™* «f 3 i^ rse . Iwsona in
Voice Training ; \ course of lo Vo “ 9 - “‘ Baasini’s
togetner with Chorus and Cho™h H vr™ onjr -
Terms for either of the classes ? h ij“3lo
- per session of four months. &4« n , ad .yane*,
m vocal training, $l5 ner„ Tat ? lesa °na
w % k {t lessons ner week. Qter of ,wolto
MeliorB.Bi a Wo e o r d I ”sfet ati o?a f t l th i9ho!l at C '
circular fecnrwi. ’ or at the rooms, and
TTT seB-td
urn eft's Preparations,
5 0 CENTS,
Alderman and Attorney at Law,
s ®' SI FIFTH street.
es^omnt°| t i < IS. of i l s olmtB and 811 to*** b™l
.^vrH. m Py y - attc ? ded to. ,02)17d
,r ? m tllo original wood, an exact im
ta aon of boards and moulding. For sale by
9 * u Vv.P. JdABeEALL.
Mm- y’H T° ,k «®"«W
Gold ;n - ' —Money easy-6@7 per d
Bm.tu.o,f “rl£et
-52,. wh&-&«■&. Reward
Phii Ph,,adeI Phi« Market
[The following lines were wri ten k
hurgh lady, who bag soon and fojt what I f
tier a Love. Resignation and Despair:]
on EfYi»siis tSeii-ji
63 M AEKET St.3dbolow 4th.
Treasurer *!. Z" ■>*»»»«,.
THIBD NIGHT OP THE™" o''’ 0 ''’
Ke-engagement of the charming yo urg
Miss SUSABT »B»Er_
I Who uriil personate, for (ho third time hJe.the
S&D® rrtrna . brought out
Benin si £2 tt . ? '' c ™ lo Mias
THIS EVENING will be porformed
~"“fw e SI
cregan..:;.:;;;;;;; —~.wr. kSm
_Noother play on Z'Zl [ij^P*"**!*
a «eTomTK 3 ~
BBa@ » B AND,
burlesque oid_folk j s concert.
Erom their Opera House Boston,
oS4"d¥FsSP^'°"h. '
‘•‘SEE 8 "--
S , hibtod and ° n)y “strument tfThfsind ever
fframme? amm poBters ' pamphlets and pro-
Be th Programme every night.
Boors open at rlivLl 6^ Pro?rami “«-
Cards of Admiiion k: to COllinie nce at 8
Urchoftra Seats 2<i centa
Quebec, Ph &W' N -»’
London, will be on exhibition • ° ya * Bannly.
Hali during the weJk““ b b la Iront of &©
w - A - ABBOTT, iW'. MORIJS - ““<Wer.
ore \ew Goons.
Will be "ponej a larro an( j carefullyselected
French merinos,
To which the attention t f
la respectfully Invited, confident that
Will be found as low. if no t lower than any
in the city, at
Hoa. 180 & 182 FEDEHAL ST.,
vania abont four count ?, Eennsyl
the direcironte" e^fon^Wlad Bt »<MsTon
linreh. Was chartered tn IW* ?“. d Ktts
oonftr the usual n' Hith pnviligeato
IboToeaSon $ U?e fl< i” ora -“d D<*S£
w d mmi2 r * s,n *
into two Sessions. Student?iLif <Lyide 1
in^7®.^ and Taition - »»hto half yearly
nlSF***"* * ®
sen." A h,ck raai da l3 ' lo l'O.e.iT&rm Crea-
“ _ __ 6epll
siv\ e LLb O^S o °f« mSf^uri„g P “ exten -
Improved Trasses and Supporters.
Bi *}* ot gusa tot on handlewilf 8 d £ siro
order. Having the ‘flr™ B 7 e *3 nl !. n ? ai,afacturo to
persons requirmc trnSf?ssi f t^P^, 111 tdofity ail
vantage to call. * tniSse3 TOII find it to their ad
plSatir n *ctfTVrL attend personally to the ap-
Besides rtTii^ 8568 ’ bui portw. Ac.. Ac.
stook oi OUr own man o6wrture we have a large
Bitter & Penfield’s Celebrated Trusses,
S. S. Fitch’s Celebrated Trusses,
Marsh & Co’s. Celebrated Trasses,
French. English and German Trusses,
Supporters, all kinds, Elastic
stockings, Bandages, <fcc.
At the Pittsburgh Drug House _
SS-toto™* .“ 4 M “^« A * P^!HitobSh.
wm. penn hoSelT
N ®' rT p SWH STREET. Pittsburgh
THOB. KELLY, • - Psop&ino*
&c., Ac,