■h»€§ p. fjavr, Ei MEDICAL S° T A1.00H01.10 A HIGHLY CONCENTRATED V getable Extract A PURE TONIC. Br« Hoofland’s OEBMAf BITTERS PREPARED BY DK. O, D, iACKSOW, Philsdei - - phia, fauna,, . WI3I eSeot-Tratl f cere Live* €©sns>!-MMt, DYSPEPSIA, JAUNDICE, rfironle, orJSeivonfl DebUity, Disease of y of a!!, and v-rv intelligent and antto -ratio of face and 1 ring-noihin Soirh American whatever.’’ J: I'V BiiAi.Kt;;v having been retpje*,*.* iJ open some oysters, after knocking ■ hem about fir pome time. exc'uimf i] • ‘t T pon my cnnso'ence, but thev ar* hard .0 peel.” A o\n.i;i v. -.vno h.'i'.l been 8;• 1 - h ■ -..pi.. vary Ri;r*? ‘-> w.;rt-p wnh Oirin ’ r jr 11 e WeSELIH S WILSOS i^laclaiiie a- awarded a FIRST FLISS PIUTE USUAL, at tue— WORLD'S FAIR LONDON, ENGLAND where al! the Machines of Kl’lt«s*E ASIB AMERICA were In competition. Also r>! the Industrial EtpcoUlon. Baris, Franc* ana 11, ever}' limited States Fair at which Sowing Machines bare been exhibited ; he p-uieipal rfami'unios making Sowing Ma [■ ; n „Tr.v “••j" * w , il ?°['’ l - y - *>■**"& rf ; - - ' r "'r, r * i»akor. Ot tho machine, made tnorr " f roffii 1 during the year )a*t reported: fty tVlireior&Wllsoo 21 30^ iiy i. SI. Slutrer AC’o ZZZZIiKOSa **y oroyero; Baker Show-rac WHEELER A WlLSyN'Tsalw to be uoublc of any ether .Sowing Machine Com pany m tho country. emes. rriyiH street. Pittsburgh Thi.s .Machine makes tho “L''C STITCH and ran&d highest on accuunt of the eJonticit v porTnancnro, beauty ami general dwirablenos' °f the KLuchtng when done, and tho wide range tlVr^ ai \^» a v on iTl Keportof American A mute. .New lork.l iulSdiw IRONDALE iron works for sale. Including all the U nsold SxOts in the Vonn of Irondale. OWISCI TO A DISSOLUTION OF co-ptrtnership, the IRONDALE IRON : tv‘>KKbare offered for sale. These works are situated at Irondale. on the irori Mountain Railroad, 7U mile* from tho oily ol bL Louis, consisting of n no hut blast Furnace, 7.WK) acres of Umber and farming lands, twenty dwelling bouses suitable for lab rora. one large three ftory bnek store-house, fine stable and b'lru. saw and corn mill, about 201,ffW bushels 0/ cuarooal, tuns of »ron ore on furraco yard, mules, wasnus, ha 7, corn, cats, Ac., &c The turn ace and machinery in perfect order. Also a contrast with the American Iron Moun tain Company for the delivery of their ore. ha vine twelve years to run ; large banka oi hemati 0 ore in the immediate vicinity of the Kurnaoo The above works are among the most desirnblo in tbo united Slates, and offer every inducement to persons desirous of engaging in the manufacture f, f ‘fun , - 1 he above property includes the unsold IoU m tbo town of Irondalo, and if not s >hl at P. ivato sale betoro Saturday, 10th Day of Octobor, 1563, will, on that Hay, be sold at public vendue fas a whole and wuhuatdiyi,ion.) to the highest bid der, at tbo east front door eftho Court iloose. in v.a?r C « ,y k°u 1 I ' ou l s ' atl - o'clock, noon Terms, half cash, btlanco in twelve months, with six nor cent, interest, or all cash, as the pcreha f er may Qos ire, tor further information and particulars, apply at the office at Irondale. orto BELT' * PRIEST. Real Estate Agents, St. Louis, A T ho”k : i ' ,ttsbcr ® h ® BITG TRUSSES, SUPPORTERS, Shoulder Braces, Elastic Stockings, Ritter’s celebrated Radical Care Truss , tutor’s celebrated Radical Cure Truss, Ritter’s Patent Infant Truss, ’ w v, , t Hitter’s Patent Umbilical Truss, Marsh s celebrated Trusses, , r ~ Marsh’s celebrated Trusses. 5 1?^ 08 a P d t • Abdommal Supporters, Marsh’s London Abdominal Supporter?, r? v v . , Hard Rubber Truss, FroncD, Lngliih ana American Trusses in great variety. An Experienced Physioean always in attendance Syringes, Breast Pumps, Nursing Bottles, Bandages, Ac., At tho Pittsburgh Drug House, TOBREITCE & BFOABE, APOTm?fIABTK3. fairly do U r Market sts„ Pittsburgh. HOU.OWAY’S worm -H.VF Confection 3 jnßt received and for aale by „„ «KO A. KRLLY. rftjartl Rl, Allngn en 7 NOTICE IS HEREBY been Jw ttel \ o 1 .administration have *v2?., Rra ? t w i - 4^ e subscriber on the estate or all Persons having claims r r demands estato ° f sa 'd deceased, are requeri?! $ e ,ame t 0 “ e at tbe St. Olair u“l' corDer of Penn and ft. Clair s-root, Pitts b.™b., „ t JOS N. ANDER=ON A d2,'itlfis ator 0f the 681110 of Margaret Bell, deceased. atos-6tw-ltd BANKING HOUSES. FIRST NATIONAL BAN: OF FITTSBUIiGH TREASURY DEPARTMENT, 1 Office op Comptroller op the Cubbehot, > Washington City,-Auer. sth, 1863. J Whbbbab, .Ily satisfactory evidence presented tp the nndemgaod, it has boeh made to anneal tbat tbo first N ATIONAL BANK OF Psfj£ W. m. daily; also bATURHAY EVKNISiIS from c to 9 o'clock dST-Offlco. Cl FOOKTU STREET. INTEREST ALLOWED On Deposits in this Institution at SIX TER Cft NT. PKR ANNUM Payable to I>epootmdIAXOS, PIANONJ *h OW received, personally >°.? CU i by tb ° subscriber m tho Eastern cities r r °?f. untvtraaliv celebrated KT.„v be , 0 , ihilrimoro . Haines Brothers, Y e *k '° r arsbla J* & I'raver, Albany. New fr™"L| r> u“srd. arranted Sro roarS - Price ” riAn°.i a M .assortment „( Prince'a un rivalled Molode-ns lust recoived. MIAIUOTTE BJLFSIK, 43 Fifth street- Id W V To idrcngthon and Improve the Bight. I BE Pxnni.ii! Russian ~ Spootaoloo. OEKSONS SL'FFEKING FROM DE foctivo sight, arising frrmi age or other oaus «3, can be rohoyod by using the RnsslAn Feb ble MpeetacleH, which have been well tried b many responsible citizens oi Pittsburgh and yp whom they have given perfeot satisfao * certificates of these porsona can be seen at uu office. D parehaso one pair of the Ruspian roboie bpectaclos are entitled to be supplied in futurefrec uf charge with those whioh will always give satisfaction. Theroloro. if you wish to ensure an improve ment in your sight call on J. DIAMOND, Practical Optician, Manufacturer of the Russian Pebble Spectacles, janl6,diw No. Filth street, Post Buildin ** 'j9 of businesnifi closed on Saturda lA(h StGABCUItED HA3IS, JL y. v , oao’ce brands. Swift, Evans & Co. ured for gale at No 4 Diamond by j. DUNLBNY. C. A. VAN KIRK Sc CO., manufacturers of QAS FIXTURES &. CHANDELIERS, Patent Improved Eieelsoir k Patent Paragon: COAL OIL UCBWEKS, HAND LAMPS, COLUMNS, & 0 . i Slilesrooms, 517 Arch St. Philadelphia. Manufactory, Frankford, Philadelphia, All goods- warranted. iyJkly Pittsburgh and Minersvine~PaS senger Hail way Company rHIHE SIO<'KIIO I,lk Kits OF SA ,n M- Company will meet at the of the Oaklam? Railway Company. No. 61 Fourth Btreet puPP burgh, on Tuesday. August fsth. 1863, at 8 o’c!?c* £■■ M -f° r Ute purpose of electing a Board nf tW»h'5 a iS ae a rBfor l a, T d Company to order onday JaPdary, A. D , 1864 U Ry JAS. J JINSTON, Beoretarv Pitts burgh, August 1-i, 1363. “rotary. aalo-10td loop skirt ramcTiy; TEcr?nn^‘? S,M WOBL # RE t~ »P-»CTFULL\ inform the Public tha* it • have opened tbe store No, 57 Fifth stronfi Masonic Hall, with a largo LTirtniMt of “ Dd f Hoop Skirts, of every description, manufactured by tn„J selves, and they are prepared to offer indecements both to Wholesale aad iteta?l Ii' D, ‘ l era. Tho material nsod in tho roaDnS.tnrW’l'r onr skirts is of the very best qualitySa “7 • of mannfaetnred on Ihe premises, the work ii „ ng anteed. Ail skirts purchased at onr ment can at any time be repaired, WeenJatait invite all buyers to csdl on ns before before onr 5 chasing elsewhere, as we tee! confident thlt tho extent of onr business enables ns to off™ Tr, dnoements not elsewhere to be obtained seiAmd G °S7P?«I?£ N & OARFUNKEL. seMmd 57 Fifth sk, under Masonic Sll. we, SEPT. Dl RECTORS: " m. K. Nimicb, Alexander Speer, Francis 0. Bailey, Alex. Bradloy, ad Rea. lULIN, President. !ULL\, Caabior. •tf. .— ph. a. meutj I .J. M Dickson sold 17 heal at 2% per !b I J. bhufen .< Li 30 fit 32.<54K» per cwt. • ' j rt. 1- ratten sold 30 head iu Jd* per ib \V- «oe add iii tmd at 21.7.'» per head. I ,/\) ;in,or solJ bead %t 2b2«M12 ier 100 Ib. I 1 .Mybrc ?oid 163 head at ,V>. p«r ib .1. 11. Thompson sold -.3 hoau'at s3,.Vipor 100 lbs N Urahaua soil 48 bead at 3,4 per lb. 'V ui. Kicc botigtt32fi head at 2'i,. 3C.i» 3 \- ,- or jb ameep—Tho offering* wore very large geuer : ally. However, tboy were of a poor description. M mong the sales wero as follow*: J.W Evans ul Ohio, join J il head at $3;31 £, head; Jonj , of P h ''’ ceunty, Vo., sold MO head at £~.sshoad; Wtu. Duff pold HXJO head. Prices ranged_frLmsl .ot)—s2.oosis3.(X) per head; J. A Mellvnin ,uld W head at $2 SO per head . W. Roe sold 81 head at $2 ,0 per head. we re plenty. Pricea wrro a shade low er- Among thesa'cs were as follows: J.B. Huff purchtpjed lw head of extra; writhing over 3no tt‘s, at 54 t* pound : 800 head do. at 5@5W pound ; A. P. Johnston sold 60 head at4(£44 pound for medium. Other sales were made at the I same ranffo of prices. TELEHRAPII OFFICE, RAILROAD STATION AND EXPRESS OFFICE IN THK UNITED STATES AND CANADAS, Office of the Adams Expbf.ss Co . ) Broadway, New Y ork, Feb 3.1863. / Lloyd b Telegraphy Expro s and Railroad Map ■we find of great service to us. and we have sub scribed FIVE honored dollars to show onr soveral Express Lines. We deem it a very useful Map and recommend it to. business men. Adams Express Co., By W. B. Dinsmoro, Brest. Maps now ready for delivery at II EM TISTB'E. fSIEETH EXTRACTED WITHOUT pain by the use of Dr. Oudry’s apparatus. J. F. HOFFMAJf, DENTIST. All work warranted. jus;dly 134 Smithfield Btreet,Pittsbnrgh. VOTES. AT S 3 50 PER k 5 dosonr sl2soperloo. Extra Vines At $5 per dozen; $25 per 100, BABRELS of pcjse bye WHISKY, of different ages to suit purchasiirs, at lowest cash prices. For sale h* , - , THOS. MOORE, Distiller, r ’ m flu ea and9s Firststreet. • EDOIIABSA MOSTHI I WAIVT ■ • WrB A « en .' a “ overy county nt $75 a month, etpcnsosjnud. to soli my new chimnßW ily Bewlne Machines. S. MADISON, Alfred fijThDOKUBS A.HOSTH" WI: w .™ OIP Agents at «6Q a month, Srprkß. Scythe St®<£ .Xc!Lfo?iu B ?® OK ® V E IBnN?„ H r THB F E TES * ISON .mot received and for sale by nnl7 JAHBS A, FETZBK. “H oorner Market aitf First streets. COMHBReiAL INFORMATIOIV. Arbitration Committee of tlie Beard of Trade, Ino * rntwrlK I Jf 8 -. 1 ’ BE llll ® ll ; No ' a Move mente of European Steamers AMERICA, XSw“"'V 4 ns - York... Liverpool n r *°L W ton -, Au B' »-Now York... Liverpool An*. » • New York Bremen Creat Eiitem.-.Sopt. 2... New Yotk...Livorpool I cp l' Joaton —Liverpool City ofjial more Sept. 5,..N0w York....Liverpooi l Patom:l 6...N0w York... .Aoutha'n §°ft. Now York.- Liverpool ?' noa ; Sept. 13...805t0n Liverpool Saxi nia Sept, 19.-New York Snutba'n Bcotl3 SepLja-ilow Yotk....Liverpooi FROM BTTBOPB. Aug. 29...Liverp001....N0w York £ept. 2.„.Livorpool....New York Sept. s.„Livorpoil Boston Sept. 12...Liverpool-...New York —.Sept- 19... Liverpool Boston Sept 26...Liverp001....N0w York Scotia... Goorgiu, Arabia.. China..., Eurr pa. Persia... MOMJ7Y EABKET, COaRRCTED DAILY FOR THE MORNING POST BY Messrs, kountz & meets, brokers; NO, 118 WOOD BTBKBT. for T Goid!s°iTv^.TJ 110 bUrinll “ dsellin * ™‘« Gold Silver Demand Notes.. Eastern Exchange. Now York Baltimore Western Exchange, Cincinnati. Louisville,. Cleveland . St. Lc-uig... Reported Fxt-lnsiToly ray the Sntar day Horning Font. ALLEGHESY UVESTOCn KfAREET Allegheny City, September 10. Cottle.—The ,ui ply (hit week was large and sales were liberal. Several hundred head weie left ' ver unsold. The rates woro about the same as Inst week : vij : 2, 1%, 3, 4b5. Mogn were plenty, there wero a Aw huedrod head disposed o', prices varying from looigiitV) per hoad. The receipt, and sales at eho Allegheny yard woro: l*&8t week. This week <.»ltl«—TilO tdleiingt this week were largo prices gcooraliy rulod lew. The market seemed foiw"^" 4 ' Amn, ’ B lhe “ a!e wtre-as VV,„. 6 urdoch sold la hsadef Ohio cattlo al > .. a i er 1 t.M ibs. heid *** llio at sl‘,oo per * Ml! cr uf " jio F ul i at per lb. '"’J j'" ho»J of choice Illiao o*t Ic- at s>j.u per he.d. H. zlelaed 4 Crum "aid iA head of fat Illinois steers at per r\?t. .-’head of fat Olio ?teo:3 ai 'Haze-wood Crum & Huff bousht Cai head of fat eat'le at per cwt. VLi'lipt A* Webb pold M bend ats3f>o per cwt h. \V hittlesoy sold 20 head, pricoa ranging from . '4 AC. Kabn A Urocnwalt hon«ht ltis head at 2, Ivr■'qpo A 0 >f.d boeght S') head at 2*< (<63U por ib. ' J V - J-Urocn s >tfi perl *** ** * rf> ' boDcbt toad at - I '4. K. A- Merrick bought in) head at 2’,' 3@;,v li. 'J rowcrinan bought 47 bead at 2® dAi por lb Marks jl lrcwcrumn bought 110 head at 'rib. “ ,4 ti. Mukesnidd head of Ohio stock at $2B W per head. Every mekchantshoud HAVE ONE. LLOYD’S STEEL PLATE Vlcyraph, Railroad and Express flap. It shows every EVIDENCE ONLY $1 50 ON ROLLERS. PITTOCK'S NEWS I>EPOT, Opposite the Postoffioe, 20 AGENTS WANTED. OONCOED GfiAPE. UT _ J-KNOX No. 2d Fifth street. lOBBEKR WANTED, ' to repair shoes. at BORJLAHID’S ® Market st. Wantedz Wanted, THE ELEVENTH ANNUAL EXHIBITION OF THE PMIfA. STATE AGBICOITUBAL {Of WILL BE HELD AT NORRISTOWN, MONTG’Y CO., PA September 89lh ami 301 b, and October Ist and 2d,1863 r IS ABOUT 17 MILES " of Philadelphia on the Sohnylkill r l^ [er and 13 access lbie by Railway to every part ox too state. . Tb ? Broand , B aro beautifully situated, contain inc 28 acres of ground with fine large buildings thereon erected, together with a large amount of shedding. The track is said to be one of the host hah mile tracks in the S-ate. The pre miums are the heaviest over offered by the So ciety amounting 10 ahouts7,ooo. Thepremiums 2m l! grad ,“ of rattle exceed $l,OOO, five of Jhich are $3O each, 19 from $25 fa s's. otho:s t n h g dc .y D , t o,lower rates. Best herd not premium S». head ' 6181 premiQm *» = B raond ffradei tho premiums exceed Ihe highest $10° : 22 between s?oand3o, and others ranging from $15,10 and 5. For sheep njd swine the premiums range from $lO to 5 and frfm r *?? tt i Lr * t u cre r is a% l 2°* list of Premiums from 5. t° ] ea*h, In the following classes nnst £ Tf r ?i m, ?i? ;s nre JRffwed: Ploughs. Culti vator. , Dr-lla, Wagons. Reaping and Mowing Ma chines. Cutters, Corn Sheller?, Cider Mills, Pumps, Buckets, Tin Ware, Leather and its ?,^«i a i? t i ure3 *n li:, - a Marble Mantles. Fiour, Gram and beeds Vegetables: and also lor Domestic and Household Manufactures, Cl:ths, Carpets, batinet, ShirtiDg. Sheeting, Blanke e. h fennels. Shawb. Knit Goods, Needle ork, Ac,, Bread Cakes. Preserves, Jellies. and Regulations can be had by addressing the Secretary- THOMAS P. ICNOX, President. A, BROWER LONGAEK, Sec'y au27-d*wxd ‘ Norristown, Pa* A l^d G W t crrr Residence bale.— A Largo Wed Built Brie* [Dwelling Hcure of portico, wide hall, two large Parlors, library, sitting room, four base rent mo m 3, four chambers, four attic rooms,two small ■ rooms, porohes, Ac-: all well arranged, we 1 pa- j pered and pa nto 1 and m good order. Urge lot of I groud. nruate at tho t orner of North CTanal and byeaujpre s:reets, 6" feet front running back to I u » rstrrof ' a br.ck stable and carriage house shade trees, grapevines, fruit, shrubbery, flowers otc. For price and term? appW to /VCITHBEBTASOX, sco ( “! Market Btreet. K-D’HiEA *¥M, I. k'giNN O’HARA & M'GINN, Attorneys at Law, real estate agents, OFFICE 89 GRANT STREET Opposite tho Court House. Pittsburgh. „,^ PanioU , lara “ cnti to theßottlament of Estatos, Bale and transfer of Real Estate, Ex amination of Titles, Soldiers claims, collections many part of ;ho west. TT 0 ? 3 r ?. l ?lttaneeB, and fan correspondence in to all bnsmeai entrusted to our care. init>-ti ' M. J. S/FSCffi H*™ VACATED the frost I, of his "toro. No- 96 Market street to make alterations, will be found in the new addition,in roar cf old/tore, entrance on Market alley, first door from oth stroot, where Dry Goods will be sold ohoap. auls _ WM. M. FABEM & C 0 STIAH EH6!NB BUfLOSH irr-ora. S‘osa E3,©r;Vi„ aasEHAL %mi\m-n m diuer eakebs. tha Peaa. g, ii, Besot fM-AxfUFAOTUHE A2A SXWBS ©2 k -4 Steam liidnes. ranging from three to oat hundred and fifty horse power, and suited foi Ghrmt Mills. Saw Mills. Lls tTumacvs, Factories Hi TC I'ortirtii;- r ssteneon to the construction ol Euxtaw and. Mummery for grist mills, and foi uprights, mulay •! mrouiar saw mills: Have also on *ll. finished »nd ready for ship description* 1 ‘ .B-raes and Boilers of even i Also,furnishLjiiers aad Sheet Iron senevitteiv ’ Wrought Iron Shafting, BSSria eyery vane», and oonfiauo tho manufaoiuro o- 1 Woolen Machinery and Machine Cards. . i O3 -?™ 5?]!; our maohinery manufsetur ed of the best quality of materials, and warrant**; in aU oases fa give BafisfaeSon, ' aS-uTdera from all parts o? the counter solirit ed and nrumpiVv fii;.y|- MIS ritoimisTS womn do well t« -B. call and supply themselvos with that very convenient wticle, ... NEGLIGEE, OB TRAVELING shirts, of whioh we havo recoived a large invoice of new ana very handsome sty) eg. 7JM ... , maorum&glyde, Jy24 78 Market eL > be I*Fourth and Diamond. CONCORD GRAPE VINES. WE WEBB AMONG THE FIRST TO seoure this I.VVAI.EAIH.K BKtim I and have fruited it for fivo years; We obtained cur original vines from Mr. BIELL who foi g- Too Pittsburgh Horticultural Sooiotyin 1808 awarded us a diploma for its exhibition, ? n ■ .55?. Allegheny County Agricultnrai Society, ■ a nromium for it as " the BEST now yapo. in all respects superior to the 08® Dtoek of Vines is nneonalled auurabere, which wo offer at 25 oeutseaoh, per deien, $12,50 per ICO. $lOO per l,9vv, Small vmes at less prices. We ean famish a few extra largo vines at f ro 50 costs to $1 each, J. KNOX, «al»oJAw. No. 39 Fim, street. J. Q. WSLDOK. JNO. XXLVT. WELDON & KELLY, ©as anil Steam Fitters, PLUMBERS AND BRASS POUNDERS, 164 WOOD BTfiEET, NEAB SIXTH, PITTSBPBGH, PA. Patent : • - . . , a 022 JOSEPH n, MILLIKEN, 8000EB80B TO J AS . P.FLEMIBC, DRUGGIST, Wholesale and Betail Dealer in Foreign and Domestic Dross, Medicines, Paints. Oils, Dye-Stuffs ana Perfumery, No. 77 Federal Street, ALLEGHENY CITY, PA, ■ Hjy22:lyd 1 A CASKS SAL. SODA. NEWCASTLE received and for sale by GEO. A. KELLY. wi2Q .. Pectoral SL* Allegheny State Fair, MBDIGA.S ITew Biseovety, • WARRANTED IN ALL CASES! fT CAK EE B£IJ£I) OJf. IT NETPR 11 Ko Change of, Diet, is, Required 1 ! 11 the oast month, some of and femaU, old l4 H ada l' ted for “alo j BELL’S}'. specific fills Xhat ihe /oUoTncg amendments bo i ronton VX the Constitution of the Commonwealth, in ao thereof3,o Protons of the tenth article jltoe shall be an additional section to the third t£rtic-e of the Constitution, to bo designated as sietien four, as follows: ti °n 4 Whenever any cf the qualiScd dectors of this Commonwealth shall be in actual O‘,;’ r f 5 ’ service, under a reqnisitidn from the UvTAI? 1 rf the mted States, or by the anther i£y of this Commonwealth, such electors mav ox d«iena h °snd ht ° f in aUelections by the aitiions, under snch regulations as aro, or shall be. prescribed by law, uB folly M ; f tl ; ‘ hresent at their usual piacepf election. actional sections to the 11 ar^ ol ° of the Constitution, to bedes’e- J as f ections eight andnine, as :ollowa: falat^^o° N P shall ba passed by-the Leg cP atailun 5 more than onerabjodt. whirti Sopri°S 7 Is eiPTO6odlllthe ~«- 0 shall be passed by the Les aß? p . owors ‘ Privileges, ia any case, where the authority to grant snch powers or pnnlegea, has been, cr may hereafter l»n’ Conferred upon the courts of this Common^alt£ c u _ JOHN CESSNA, Speaker of tho Hondo of Representatives. JOHN P. PENNEY. Speaker of the Senate, Opfioi of the i Seobktaxt of the Cohhomwhalth, l {rt}» I o. d Ad h s^?e^, t s«^ “o.onffm&l Joint Evolution of the a.-n- Bntit ' ed "A Joint Resolutionpro. ponnv eortain amendments to the Codstitntion,” . BameromainsonWoiathiaofiico. ony 'T hcTCof J havo hereunto get my a??”' f cd l aus 5 I i the seal of the Sectary's O? fioa to bo affixed tho day and year abovewntten min-dti o , , EH SLIFER, julftdtf Secretary of tho Commonwealth; aro tho original and only genuine Specilio Pill uverone hnndred physicians have used them in' their practice and all speak well of tseir efficacy and approve of their oompositi n, which is entire- H,7„T^^ e f and 2c r,^ tlj on tho system. .Uundredßof certificates can be shown. Beil e Specific Pilia are the oniy reliable remedy for effecting a permanent and speedy cure in all ‘S? 3 bPjmatorrhea. or Seminal Weakness, with all it* train of enls, snch as Urethral and Vaginal Disoborges, Gleat. tho Whites, Nightlyor Inrolun.ary Emissions. Genital Debidty and Ir ritability Incontinence, Impotonco, Weakness or Lobs 0, Power. Nervous Debility, &c, Ac .all of whioh arise principally fromSesnallLxccsaes or bojf-Abu o, or some constitutional derangement StoßSSffi *OMU&w-tha In all Seina.l Diseases, as Gonorrhea, Gleet and ™ c t? ro m Di-eases of the Bladder and Bid y^^6t7 m! *** * PKICi. ONE DOLBAE. JOSEPH JXEMIHS . , _ '''T?*? Karit.i Hires; Rnd Dimin'-.1 Efn^' 8 ? o P 0ra11 ?; Pittebnnrh. They will be sent by mail securely sealed on receipt of the money by „ J. BRYAN, M. D., ~ .1- . . No. 76 Cedar street. N. T„ Consolting Physician for the treatment of Bcm ma . L'rrr.ary,Hemal and Net-rons Diseases,who will send frtoto all the following valuable works. The Fiftieth Thousand. —Dr. Bell ’a Troatise c.n Self-Abuso, Premature Decay. Im poten*o and Loss of Power, Sexual Dweasoa n?- l r2i v ,: eaknes8 * NJfbtly Emissions. Genital lJebihtv, &o. A pamphlet of fifty pafrea, con taining important advice to the afflicted and should be read by every sufferer as the means of cure m the severest stage is plainly set forth, rwo stamps to pay postage. aul7d&w TO THE 2UBLIO. S7»S FEGSAJ/LIT •fifths igserautandftL** . ly Modest of all denomi nations, treat and delicate disorders, ecIT- : gZfflßg?:. abeso and diseases or iufitiens eommen and in- * oldeflt to youths othoth .' ? , o ?cnl q 4 fv CuL f b« oautiouato keen thss in txnorauoe that ibey do the ssojo v Hr. STRUI , baio&fc to them among stupid uls&is mcd«t Knd prasuzertuens f-mffcc-i raised m ignoranetj. -pnmyoa) ?s sjrd who compare eease, 4 gotten. 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