RAMC TIMI TAM. Pitttbegh & Oonnellaville Railroad 8171110117. ARRANGEMFaiirrs, lIVIU AND AFTER SATURDAY. Al ;1111:1S4 151 h* MD. Trams will run as I'ol- 10w , 4 . 9 . toP. A: C. H.R . . . , Leave ' Arrive it Pittsburgh Pittsburgh Mall to andtrom llnforitovra 7:55 a m 6:00 pto Exp_POSS do do 3:40 p m9:20 aat Lit MUCtiesO't Aotom'dat'n 11:00. a m 6:50 a m d" da. - - do 6:1 4 pin 2:05 pln Port perry do -700 p Da 8;30 v. to 41raddock's Aoconen. 4:15 p m 5:40 I, ta 'BtutdarCburch train to and from McKeesport .1:00p re, 10:00 a m or tickets apply to GEO. 8011 LTON. Aet: , . leta3;44 ti BIICKSONE. Snp't. AAREVAL AND DEPAATITMI, OF TIM WIROTARA •I MALLS. • - . DEPART EWE& Koreas trairt,Fort Wayne and Chicago. will lake way wax from Cresting° to. Chicago at 2 a.m. eleveland and Pitt:burgh train. :la. m. GiOSP9 at nildiMittt. Mail train, Pitthburitit. Fort Wayne & Chicago ;$1:10 - Closes - 7 m. This train will carry all kaaorroi ridailabetworna -Pittsburgh and Cr.:Ain:l,pp Cleveland & Pittsburglars,M. 6:50 a. In. clogor atmldbight"'This train takes way mails between llooherter.: Pa., and Bollatr, o. ]ROteatil'ittaburgb, Fort Wayne and Chicago. :50 pm- Closes at 12.50 p. m. Cleveland & Pittsburgh train. 1,50 a. m. Closes at LIO p xn. ARRIVALS C9aelanatl Express. 1 :30 p. m, ' Mail train. Pittsburgh. Port Vain A Chicago. 11455 p.m. • • elm:pima and Pittsburgh ttaia. 4:20 p. m. • 8:25 The' Mails arriving from the Wert on 3:55 P. 11. _ :and gal". trains will he ready log deliver , at ARRIVAL ADD DEPARTURE OP THE - EASTERN . 31A11.5i. The m3ll train for the Bast departs at 5:50 a.m. .01oege at midnight. This train will also take the waArtiallibetween Pittsburgh and Harrisburg. The through Express train for the east departs it 4:30 p. ro. Moses at 3:30p. ta. The Fast train for the East departa at 11:20 P. to - Closet at 1(k.20.e.m. ARRIVALS The mail train &misstated as the Baltimore Iht ems arrives at 12.45 p. m. The .Philadelphla Express arrives at 1115 D. m. Thep of tbe above will be delivered at 230 P. in. P'ast train arrives at 1:30 a. Et riIIiaiDISPMA ADVIRTIRIIHNIB. JESSE JOBNSON, MHO COIIIBBIOII !MHO AND mut.= Winer, Brain and all kinds of Colman riodnoe, Wine* and Liquors, Cigars, Tobar au. sir Liberal advances nude 4ns oonsisunsents c SIGH WIND& OFFICE AND WAREHOUSE SAI SOUTH SECOND if inniels PHILADELPHIA. WM. 4 tat., /PRODUCE AND PE VISION COMMISSION MERCHANTS, NO. 15 SOUTH WATER B2REE2. Philo - A*ophi a. whenneen 1111,. Mem] advoneos made on ooweramenu ired. m7l-led B. B. MIDDLETOII is BRO., MOM= Rs WINIII3 I BRANDINS, ha DRA.L2IIII FINiC OLD WHISKIRS, N 0.5 IfORTJEt FiLONT STKEUT HILADIELPHIA. an; o:brd GEORGE GRANT, Manufnet drer and- Whobsaale and Retail Dealer mitt' maunurnox OP GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, 610 CHESTNUT STREET, m7l-17 PHILADELPHIA C. HARRY BRIAR, ~ ..yrircicorqo 3PMPLUCE AmIZIZACITTLELEMS 'l3/UFO/MR& -OF WEN'S FIIBNISEDING GOODS AND fAILORS' TRIMMINGS, NO. 10 1401JTIE FOUR= STREET, 1304:1v 4 PHIL ID.ELPHIA DAVE t t PliiiilLlLlPM, BR.P.SS, AIMS s FINISM fliai U _ _ _ ANAL in iron Pipe. PUNIPWALWD WORKS P , rtiadirsttalitlolipaid ttithe UP and Ravi#iting Oil Refineries, ike Jur> and Plumbing in aa its branches. Al .44), Agents for Hutchings Jr Foster's Excelsior Yuma) for Haudand Power use. It has no,grape rior. - iart3:l43md • No.llo Water said 104 First st. he Howe SeWing Maehirte Invented 1843. Perfected 1882. pp ECEIVED TILIBITTE FROM ALL 11.18.0 other Sowing Machines, at the World's Fair 1862, while the Singer Sewing Machine received an honorable mention on its merits ; and Wheel er & Wilson's a medal for its device, called "Cir cular hook." The Howe Sewing Machine, was awarded a premium (to an EnglislkFachibitor,) as the,best for all purposes on exhibition. Our t Machine guaren Legit to make perfect work on thelightest and heaviest fabrics. 'bald and rented, Col.. Penn & St Clair, streets. A, 11. DIcGREGOR, Agent, mya d3taw:ly LADIES'XISSES' AND CHILDRENS Boots, Shoes, Gaiters and Balmorals, made to order, of the boat materials and wo.-kman ship. B. SCHMERTZ at (30., ar•Al - - Bl:Vitth street' MIRENCJI WOODS IMITATION OF 1' Oak, printed from board an eimot copy. with panel mouldings to match. For sale by W. P. MARSHALL. $l7 Wood street. _ _ _ A - 10Ra :IV bushels prime yellow shelled Corn, in store arm for sale.by JAMES A. FETZER. oorner Market and lat Street. 1L1THAR.«......-11. D. DIYMEIR I. IDTDRi lista At MWer & .Etisketeort's. IZIEICIIIEII. 1311.0"1"1.3lEORSES, itidooessor to Beymer & Anderson.] Wholesale Dealers In . rortslgn 'Fruits, Num, Confectionary, surmise, Fire Wolrks, &a, N 08: UM ADD 128 . WOOD 8T11.11.3T. • PEITSBURGII LLD AM.HOO FISHING POLES PO i➢ Salo by _ _ 50 BANK ETD. . 01 " 0 1.I h NTS AND • 30 Cases Sta " rai e d z idose a lfe, ampagne. In store and for sale MILLER k RICKETSON ANEW LOT OF CLOTHES WRING ere. just received by BECKHAM & LONG. sp:2s 127 Liberty street. ttEAP WALL PAPEILS -LOW E Witham present manufacturer's prices, for sale , by W. P. 111ARRHALL -tupl6 87 Wood fit.: OTATOES-111 BARRELS POTA tAKS..infit reed and for dale by JAB. A. FETZER, corner Market and let 6.1. NEW 11 0 RENEH PAPER 'HANGINGS from the celebrated manniacturies of Dati on/it &Defonies, in Prris, jinn received and for 14407 14174 W. P. MARSHALL 87 Wood street. ALD"VOILVIND -AND HAND, HAY rakes. hay and manors forks, hay elevators, grain cradles , scythes. maths. scythe atones and harvesting implements soneraßy for sale by S N ECHUAId LONG, taY2O o 127 Libezti street CIIRENS, HOG POWERS. FOR SALE by my2o BECKHAM & LONG. 127 Liberty tttreet, comm . , -" 25-boxes prime cheese just received and. for side by JAB. A. _ owner - Market and Nisi IBL rrn VONO:it wHima lelyintfierse Rakes, for sal by " RE.. jaclaid & LONG 127 Liberty etr , e* WILLIAM 11.AGAILIET, WROLESA.I.I GROCER ROO. 13 AND 2C) WOOD STREET, -WILLIAM CARE & CO. WOOIESALE GROCERS. &t ad Importers of WINES, ems. ALSO. Distillers and Dealer/ in PL& MONONGAHELA 'BYE WHISKY 527 Liberty street, prrrssuitan, P. Wig. ILDAIITH 11.11UNIDEt WM. SMITH CO, WHOLESALE 6HOCERS 1/DA. : IIIIfCOND AND 147 .FIAST STNEErs 46as *. , PITTAIBURGRIE HOTELS AND B.,FikITAZIMIXTb .A. V A 43- II 'CJ , Next to Pennsylvania Passenger Depot, JOHN SAVAGE; Proprietor. Kit AVINO TAMEN !MD PITTED UP. D.R. with all the modern ineprovenients. Skid Po pular rasort, tho sUbseriberis prepared to aneoce rdodate his old crantomers and the publio gaper aly with the best the markets affords. Qystora will be served up in every variety of style k during the 1302. 011. Bin Witlll4l,lqUard anti Ales tie teem confident inleotealliending to the eublLs for their exeellencie. Can. Bucket and Shell 07Edon rtrxived daily and sold wholanda and retail. my26:lyd WO. 82 DIAMOND ALLEY PrrriillUßGla. rinktE SIURSOILISIELL AlilllooaCEM to the public that he is in daily rweipt of FRESH SLIELL AND CAN 01 STEPS. uAMR,. dm, and is prepared to accommodate the pattari , at this old and wall lagown home with everrthlag in the eating and drinking line at the shorteet notice. JOKN snAhr.a. la/ORT Proprietor. Young 9 Eating Saloon, CORNIER VIRGIN AWAY AND EffillTll Where OYSTIRS and all the &Bout= of the swam rltll be serval up in the most palatable style. HU Y OUN El, oda corner Virgin 61107 and Smithfield at A POLLO HALL lIILLIA.R.DISIALOOISI. .M.OHARLBIs dARDN lllthgrould remind his old friends and customers that he is stil to befound at his old stand, APOLLO HALL, entrance on Pourtlistreet. Ho has :Aware on hand the best quality of Lager Beer, and in connection with the hall, a well appointed billiard saloon, with good tables, bails and cum. Remember the pla oe. Apollo Hall. Fourth it ostrWood. en tranoo nem Itoarth. lyltUy Cormzeoplee SO.IOoR, CORNER OS UNION AND 71.1111 STDSZTE (Hoar Market) qa,H RR TILE PURIM) CAN on -114 the best and yarnct. LlqUorl. doe.Moab served et, sal boom on the vhorton no. Lona. 0 , 7017 morning between the hours of 10 aadllo'olook. YKbI. W KIS& att2n-ly nrfet n. PRESENTS FOR THE HOLIDAY'S rirl E SUBSCRIBERS !CAVE JUST JE opened especially for the Liolid.ay's a very large and desirable stock of FII.IIE 413i01.D JEWELRY, for Ladies and Gentleman's wear. fine Bronte Clocks. Fancs , tioods. SILVEIi-PLATED WARE, snob as castors. sake and fruit baskets. goblets, card eases. tea setts, etc, and a large variety of suitable articles for presents. RELNEMAN, ELICYILAN&BRIDLR. des= 42 Fifth Street MORNING POST riZSIVA.I3LASI-INEIGNT, CORNER FON & WOOD STREET AND DEALF.II6I Alf LNG REGENT)LY lIXTIIIBI7II ADDIVIO3III AUD lIIII . ILUVIIIIINT TO OUR OFFICE. WI ars 00w reared to oxecotte NU olden BOOR & JOB PBENTING With dispatch. and In the moat superior stet, 14MCOND TO NUNN And will pay ➢articular attention to RAILROAD, MERCANTILE & LEGAL PRINTIV BILLS OF LADING, CIRCULARS, BILL HEADS, BLA NHS, DEER CERTIFICATES, REGISTERS, DRAT TICKETS, RECEIPTS, Show Cards & Bills in Colors E.9.11.1M, ShowbiLle, Handbills, Labele, Co loge and School Sohomes, Hotel Bills of Fare,lnvitatioms,dto, Onr taciEtion for prtrittnit OSTERS PROGRAMMES , &C NOR CONCERTS k EXIIIIC.TIONS JAMES BOWN. Bid Wood street. ARE TINS U 73. P We can Insure dozoitloto tatlera,aloti to to TIM AND PHIC.I3I BOOK WORii OF EVERY DESCRIPIION. School and College Catalogues, Miscellaneous eat.%logo6o, Constlintions,JEleporis, Itlrlots, etc BLANK BOOMS, LETirEll BLANK BOORS, CBESCIMS, ETC. FOB Banks et Banking lionmem, FURNISHED TO ORDER. ALL WORK EXECUTED PROMETLY POST EITILDINOM. sth mod Wood Nis - - Alt NOW PREPARED TO FURNISH AK. drafted-men With substitutes. Any number 30:isubstitutes appl) ing will be taken. • M. K. NOLAN, •- Foiitth Attest. one door above Smithfield. Iyl3-lara VIITALL PA P JEW AND v v Choice pattenrs at 123 andls CaTeE. for sale by - W. P. MARSHALL, 1918 87 Wood street. CAMP KNIVES—KNIFE, FORK AND Bo Bikoon—wie Halve% hj_rule asi DOWN Ji Woodstrest GEMMEL"! DEULEJLEE. rilr*Eituuse No. MO Liberty Street OUR ROUt IL, aulAivict.i 0:1 GOLD AND NI LIVER W AT II ES STEAM PRINTING PITTSBURGH. EVERY DESCRIPTION 01 we time an ogles Ick tho oily E2ll VELOYRS, CONTRA CTS UJEADINON, BARR & MYERS, EginfittalOß L._ ESL ., pratiiierd BY THE RR-LAME MUTUAL INEGRANCIF. °UTAST, CUP 3P.EL11.4.8.3EPEZ.V.1C1L1.A... On littildinan, Limited or Perpetual. Morahan dice reltem &a. In town or .. donate,. OFFICE NO. 808 'WALNUT STUR Cash Cap tai l 0220,510 00. tineeti, ea 03,408 94. Invested asfollows. rugs Mortgage or Tun:Toyed City Pro perty. worth double the amount. 5155,005 00 Ground rent, first class 2:162 50 Pconsylvania, Railroad Co's 6 It cent. Mortglgo Loans, 6:30,900, 0u5t........_ 27.000'00 Philadelphia city a cent. 10an........... DJ 000 00 .Allegheny County 6 f cent. Pennsyl vania Railroad Loans —lO,OOO 00 Collateral loans, well secured 2,500 00 Huntingdon and Broad Top Dieutitain Railroad com_peny. mortgage 4,000.00 Pennsylvania Railroad Co. Stock_. tow .00 Stock of Reliacce Mutual Lnsurance Company U. 26000 Stock of County Piro Insurance Co LO5O 00 Stook of Delaware M. S. Lusuranoo CO, TOO 00 Commercial Bank de. 5,135 01 Mechanics' Bank d 0...... 2,012.50 Union M. Insurance Co's Scrip.. ..... 160 00 Bills Receivable, btr-inen Paver 16,227 Is Boos. Accounts. reonted interest, etc._ 6,216 72 Oath ea hand sad in hands of agents.. 11,625 15 511 1 CLEW TINEFLIT. Prmidant, DLHIICTORS. Olein Tingles. Samuel Bisphara. Wm. R. Thompson. Robert Storm. Froderiok Brown. William Al umer, Cornalinß Stevenson. Boni. W. Ti icy John R. Worse& Marshall Hilt. H. L. Carson. 7., Lathrop. Robert Tobin& Charism Leland, Ftedariok Lennie. Jacob T. Boo6ns. Charles B. Wood Budtb Bowen. James B. Woodward. . Jobn Piitabnrab B. iti.HINCHMAN, Socretars. .1. GARDNER COFFLN,Asonr. 1:1,16 Northeast corner Third and Wood sits. INDEMNITY ASAISf LOSS rA E"' Y 1;?., . Vann% PRAISEILIN FIRE INSURANCE COM t'A N PTU LADE' Lill lA. 011'10E; NO. 4 isbt 41 - 7 lEMVENUT STREET, near Fif: h. ITIATLNi lt. rTd.,lAil.lst,lB6o. PubliAeol Ar.-,43ably to As Aot of A.acullbly ViritaiGrtzetad. serufq7 eatured.....,—.1:1,54X1.T.33 8$ ftaal vAlue, Tomporary Loaan &mph, Colt.c tazsl Eaonritioa ...... . . (nr.ont r&lsz t.P.so:tel 7:4 cost Noah and Bills NtevAhle. ()rtta ta 418.1 The only profits from menial . = whi B2 ch this C IS O I = any can divide by law, are from risks which have bean doteradned. inatrunces made on every deeQ - lption of PrOp arty, Town and Country. at 'lace 1 , 1 lOW as are eonsistout with nocuritY• Sines their incorporation. a period of thirty Fears. 0107 bii7o paid losses by Fire. loan amount ex-eadiug Four Millions of Dcllziaa. thoreLy Af fording evidence of the advantage 3 of Ltunarenoe. as well as the ability and rlispoeition to meet with protuptnees all li.xbilitioa i•ostan paid &signs the pear 185946941G.1 ES. DIRACIOIIII. Merles W. Dutcher. hlordeml D. tomtit. Tobias Wagner. David S. Drown. Samuel Grant, biota Loa, Jacob It. dmith. Edward e. Dale. Gleorte W. iticharda. GearKe Fatea, CU AB. N. BANCHIP,R, President. ItL{7ALM C. DALE. Vice Fro - indent. Wit. A. tS.nrin4 tlecrotarlf pro tem. J. CIARDNEIt. COFFIN, Avail. mill Northeast our. Tnirt and Wrind Fta. WESTERN INSURANCE COMPANY OF PATTIin 1 It.C7 a SU RS 1 Et, F'reohiel, t. F. M. (ii.)lt DON. Secretor/. cApt. R. D. Coell i eot. No. lir.3 NUtt ,:jr•rm Co's %V far ebotie. fo.t.zbu.roh. EMMiC IM=I2ZI A Eo.sse Inetittition managed by Directors who are well k...:own in •he ovtntrito um tr, and who are determined. by Inv to ptn eas an/ liberality, to roan - talc the character which they have a..m.cueti. a 8 or tering the beet protection to thoss who desire to La lagnrui. _ _ ARTETS. OCTOENE, ZOth, stock Accounts Mori-fate t , ftet Yunaittre OPett Aoccur.oz.4 Oaat . Premium Notes.. ...... Notes and Bilis disaoar.ted 1)110ACTOB.S. R. Miller, Jr, J u.taa: M'Anley. Nathaniel itolmea. Alexander YiptiolL enema Dertie Win. IL Smith. Chas. W. Sack etten„ An,irow Acklex Alexander Sneer. David M. Long', lietto J. Thomas, lieai . BakeweLL John R. Wean& PHILADELPHIA FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE COMPAN Y HO. 149 GRESTNUT STREET, Opposite the Custom nonce, Capital QA16,1043 AYtet,2 4304,941 Z. rri 14. A; ALL HINDS OF IN. BI.; RANCE. either Perpetual or himit&t.on every da&rription of Property or Marchandbo. at reasonable rates of premium. ItOBL:P.T P. KIWI, President. M. W. Is A.1.1/15 IN, Vice Preeidaat. ti.SCTORB. Charles Baru. 2. R Cops. B. B. Ed 11.1311. George W. Droll:M. P. D. havery. Joseph Paul. C. Sherman. John Clayton, 8. J. M Asarco S. Wiler. 7. Blaanillkil, Boratary. .J. G. COFFIN. Arent. ly4:ly Corner Third and Wood streets PEOPLES INSURANCE COMPANY. Offloo, N. E. Oor. r be Fifth Sta. fIE6I AND NAIL iISSURANO 111 lileolf11) RS Ni Pblll'^s. Jos, John p. Watt. Capt. Jno. L. Elton(' William B. 1. Pk Samuel P. Skiver John E. Parka ( - -,,,, f a B. Jones. Charles S. Buse, lynneol Wallace William Van Kiri C. Hanson Love. Wan. I'll I LL IPS, promden L JOHN whorr, Vice Preet: Wilt. F. CI AILIPIVER, Seey. iyl7-Iyis ALLEGHENY INSURANCE CO. OF PITTSBUB.OH. °Prude., so. um Fifth OM, Sank Itioeu g VICES AGAINST ALL 11.111110 01 , Mt FMK ANI) MARINE RI KS. SIBA A e J ONES, Preaidont; J 011 a I). MoCORD, vice Presidemt; D. M. 1. , (10.13... decretary: Capt. WILLIAM DEAN, (Janara) AgenL 21)11tECTuRS--lanao J Qum . , C. Q. Hugscy, Rat- Jay ChilJ. , CapL R. C. John A. MI ilnon, B. L. Yalineltock, John McCord, Captain Adam Jacoba, k. P. Eliot ling, Capt. W. Dean. Robert L. vr PA'Grao UAL 17..OsAri. neirlft Spencer Si, McKay, BREWERS AD MALSTERS, Pttt!Nlx 'llCAlif BP,IWISIt V. } Pittsburgh, September 10,1361 ISISOI,I3TION OF PA Fatty 111 P. Id." —The partuerehfp heretofore existing be twoon JOS SPICNCIT.Ii and W. ii. GARRARD was dissolved on the 20th of August, 1%62, W. U. ARRA ItD being authorized to settle up the business of the late ft= at the mime in the Brew ery, The Brewing Business will be continued by SPENOKR h frUKAY, who intend to have al ways on hand a superior article of ALE, PON. TEK and BROWN STOUT. The undersigned will be thankful to the friends of the late firm for a continuance of their patronage, and proadis to make it their aim to give satisfaction to all vrh may purchase from thew, Mr. ROBERT WATSON, of Liberty Street, go long known to the business community. will have the management of cur business, with the full control in the Brewery. Address all orders to SPENCER do MoKA Y Phoenix Brewery. Pittsburgh Pa. JOSEPH SPENCER, JAMES MORAY. R. 131111MMIELli...D. QUIVINGHAV Dintoll/t. ,4iIINNINEHIAIII3 et CO.—P ITT El • IL) BURGH CITY GLASS WORKB — Wa.- . house, HO Water street. and 156 Pint street. Pittsburgh, Pe, three doors below tho Mononge• hela House, Manatacturera of Pittsburgh Cit.) Window Glass Druggists' Glass Ware and Amen can Convex Glass, for parlor - aindoira. &arc hv sod riablie bulidinet. ekPi HO FOR THE WALE 1 Betonolac bay a pair of BOOTS. NIIOUS. AND GAIIIRI3 AT it0r.i...12,1)1 Cheap Cash Stare. 98 Market street. 2d door from IAIL LLOUR AND Di 1 it 4r en I. DRESS HOOPS. inst received and for gale. by__ JAMES BOWS'. bil_ 136 Wood street.. NEW STOCK OF BOOTS AND SHOES just received at McClellan d'6 notion. 5 h rteeet. DEM...MRS IR 6ILB B. .11 - 7: 4:0'.71- xizurAcretatizi 0 ? . Pure No. I. Cailbon..4oll. L,. ilgrOffroe on iIIIERTY - IST. crpoodto penn " a 'R.DnD94' • -- • rek..All oil warranted. • + ll-6),4T3 •• • THE ARDESCO OIL coml . ANN I • Alirll 4 oscrincE - AND / IirAVE FtVti umsalsa swarmrattiols of Refined hardest.° OIL, NOX I ZIPLOBI7I. AI 30, P II IL E. 13:E N Z O'L Warehouse, 27 IRWIN STUMM Li 4.3 Olt Oil WO rk.: IYEINCAZI, IYOWLAP & CO" hismntsoturora of I>'t - atz WILCTIB anyiNsfi; C& 11 13 40 N (..) I I_, 19;.' 018oe, NO. 291 .t..D.TY 13TRErr; Piths. bnr 1 i Poi. rayft-Sni4 irYAANDELIE , BRAOLLVLS., CORNICES, CA.N.IYEL/3ILkzS, LAMPS. BEGILDED OR REBRONZED. and made °anal to new. Abo, Charidelleirs ace., tittered to burn Carbon cht, at the , Lamp and Oil Store of WELDON, REINDIKE a- MELLY, an2:lF. 164 Wood et:eat Rea; ,64 SPRING GOODS. WE WOULD CALL TELE ATTEN tion of Bayou to our stock of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS PIA I N AN D FANCY CASSIMERAT suitable fur 13usiziom Balta. A full and ow/Udine nsfortment of fine black 10-2.9 M 25 CLOTHS AAD CASSINEUES, Plain sad figured Silk and Cashmere Va;t:nais 1.621 00 21.919 oortier of Market Bioare.Allogbeny city mier.daw:tf Cloths, Cassimeres, Sattine to V °stings, Tailors"rilmmings, 255 MARKET STREET, North With, PITILADRILIMII. sy4.—,c9-14,1 HENRY SW. BEAURIONT .SCO DLLICILE iR Foreip Brandies, Winn and Gins. Blackberry, ItAspberry. Wild Cherry and (huge 11,101i0., Old 111 onurighebela. Rye. and other Whiskies. Jamaica Rum. Itio. S 3 Liberty Street. Opposite Your! h street. PITTSIIIIP.OII. PA. •E- liol•101 'l":Lveram. end Familial. iffuPPlia3 a moderate prafitztor Cash. my/1-1,.1 J. I. IkIL'i47M.I3N Brass Founder& GAS AND STEAM FITTERS, All tandi of Bran* and Iron Coebol BRASS OASTINGS, O,F ALL KIND 7.8a9 4.1 18.351 9.3 27,r433 174.07 f, 14 Made at the shortest notice. Partieular attention paid to the Gtting up und repatring of OIL REFINERIES. 31 WATER STREET, near Liberty s~.:~~ r: The members of this firm being prootpsas ne ebonies, of many years' experience sn the btusi near, will insure to give satisfaction in every re snots. setTlyd --)o 'L4 pLuyAl E INEAI4}2I DR. BROWN'S OEII.OE 50 SMITHFIELD STREET, Citlsom, and strangers in need of medical ad vice should not. fail to give bite &call. Dr. Brown's remedies never fail to cute trope ?idea, scrofulous and venereal attentions—Alec hereditary mint, such as letter. psoriasis and °di m. skin. iseases. the origin of which the patient Li ignorant. _ . _ SEMINAL WEAKNESS, Dr. B'e remedies for this affliction. brought on by solitary habits, aro the only medicines known in thin country which are ado and will enoedDY restoro to health, litE i d ee MA eur Tl e SM ft: few de,. flef, Dr. Brown 'a rem info I affhotiori Ho also treat Piles, Gloat. Gennorrboo, Drethal Dischares, Female Diseases, Pains in the Back and kidnov, Irritation of the Bladder. strict ures, etc. A iettor to be answered must oontaln at least ONE DOLLAR. Medicines soot to Any address safely_ packed. C Too and_privace rooms. No. 50 SMITH Fl E L TRENT. Pittabarrh Pa. nolsdStar CEO. R• COCIIRAN, ATTORNRY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW Offwo No. Chant atrout, near he COUrt Douse. Pittsburgh. L L BURINFJOiI ENTRIJWIRD TO his care will receive prompt attention. Col• actions made and the money promptly remitted. deothlyd R. HUTCHINSON (I. AT! 01 , 1126M:1 EICTCLIINEIONdi .061 MISSION & YORIVARDING tdERCIIAN Dealer in WESTERN RESERVE CHEESE, Flour Grain, Fish, Dried Fruit. Pot and Pear Aohoo, and PRODUCE GENERALLY Host Brands of Family Hour Always on Hand No. 102 Sevond Street. Behhen Wood and Market, 'ITTb1.11)(111, PENN'A .11. Liberal advance wade on Com/gnu/oat& ann-lrd • S. 11. BUM JA OLOVEE JJECI7 jup 'yrs BTRo rirt.E BRICK misr. -111. FACTII RING COMPANY. !WIER, GLOWER a co., Maottfaaturers of Fire Brick. Tiles. Ont.:sibles. Ato, and dealers in Fite and crucible Clay. *lt- 011ie. lir. Liberty street. opposite the p. R. Passenger Depot. Pittsburgh. Orders reepeeffutly solicited. - - - LosidNG 011JT SALE OE SUMIIIER Dry lioods without rouard to cost, conbisting in part of Shawls, Silk Ma't es, Circulars and Saiique , . Lace Points, Sun Uutbrenas, and Dress tloodA of all hinds • . AA I will vacate the front part of my store in ten days for inoprovements,l desire to reduce my stock. Entrance on Market Alloy and Market street. Customers and the public are invited to call at Ch ARLE'S L. CALDWELL, (Suooessor to Jas. Holmes Jr Co.. PO LC, P A. c Dealer in Bacon Lard. Sugar-Cured Hamm bmo'ked Boa dma. Corner Market and Ffrst streets. pituburch. Pa 1 11 HE COPARTI96ASII:IIfP existing be -11 tween the - tindersigued, wider the firm and name of N NAP, RUI/1.) Sr. CU.. expires this day by limitation. The business will be continued by Charksi knap, by whom all demands duo to or front the late firm will be settled. CHARLES KNAP. H. Fli RUDD N iC k. HE Fort Pitt Foundry- July IOLAS 1861 iylB-2in 5 GROSS SCHESCR'S SYRUP, SF,A. WEED Tonio . and ..rdaukate :Mgt received and for sale by HAIIIIELS FRESH PUTTYIN /' "bladders," just received ar.d.for sale by GEO. A. KELLY. at l 2o: 69 Federal SL Allegheny. 50pOZEN EIOSTE rrEus , BITTERS inst receirOd and for aaJe by -•- Patera/ A, KELLY. 69 Patera/ EL, Milgrim:my. PITTSBURGH. PgliiNA embnush!s' a all the newest styles of W. H. McGEE h CO., 1411EEDERALSAREET, ~... ...-•.•-.J. ItODILIA inagr MAGEE & MICIEN, Importer; and dealers in mndo to order Also. (abaft Ckai i LYN('II, Nu. 86 Mark ut see between BL and Diamond6L'ud Dissolution. GEO. A. KELLY. 69 Federal SL. Allegheny. MBE WLUADS 4388. , s <. . St~3illl Elf+~ =~iE3~9i Hblß~isl~i ON AND ZONDAY. April 20th. O B RY4 I # II 4 O . At.l NINE DAILY TRAINS Win*it - a* Itikz ifit *it ' , WM:A the 'pakten rot' Btattiou eitartmorrning, (except Sunday) at m. stooping at all stb- Arms, and maiziair direct. oqunouttsois ht.-Harris sirdrg rot Baltinitire iar.l - WaShlitttoil.'atidfoiNow York via Philadelphia., - THETHROIiti AcceiatmoDATrow TRAIN . _ leaves the Pas.senger Station every morning (ea- rcpt Sunday) at 4 nits in sto.k i iing at ad stations betivecut Pithibureland eilinitt,Land 'mak ing direct connection for Now ork at Philadel , . phis. 4 ; ' 1' 11. E tirßotrtila PIPHYSI3 -- TRAIN Italie& laily at 3,50 P In. stopping only at_prinoipal eta ,iorut, making dizeat omarittleiin . n Harrisburg lor 'l3altinitre atid - Washinyton. gad fgr'NgirYgrk vin- All untowg route aziditatiladelphia, TRH EAST LINE loaves ono station ( e xc e pt Sunday) at 8i35 P. stopping only at' prinaival statons. oonnootans at Harrisburg for Baltimore andiYkshinictor.lnd at Pliiiadolnriin for N s`if York. _ dicco MmoDATl o 4, /qtakußEl.• .roralsioWN',AbOOMltopeTlON TR4 (ozoorli Bondar}at 2,48: P. rt., IRO- Dint at ryl rfatlarai az& rwoi?lAx aa fu an Col* ataark. - • IRtiT ACCONt{O)MUUMUU= for iirs all gistlon 142,1 , 4 dally (o:lool.BandarJ at 01,40 EIROOND ACCOMMODATION TRAIN WalVe oboicno. haTlib 4.12t1N810054,811.12de) U,30 G. lA. THIRD a 0 0011141.0DATIO1:j 4,00 p. m. lasyav daft". lor.oeP f t brinda3 lOTTIITH ACCOMMODATION TRAIN RaIVA natio% leavor,draT, (firoopt Dnutlas cap • - • THZ CHURCH' TRAIN Lama Walla Station at ..9.2p..5. retarttimiz 6;;;; Pi wbQPQII pI 19 . d6 jl La. ZiElantrnilia /MAINS ARRIVE fl PITTSBURGH AB FOLLOWS! Baltimore Eamon m Philadelphia nurpretta 12,90 a„, eat rapt Liu° ... . . .... Through Mail train 12,2ua. In. Johncttma aceozaw.tlLHUOLl- . . . —.WA 5 it. h 2. tat Wail's SINUCFII Accommodailoa. 6,94 sd Station Aoamornodatioa„....B,3o IL. In. Wall'a 'Station Acemandedation 1.40 p. .m. 4th. Wall's StAtich4oeoutrucKintioa.„6,os p.,m. Baltimore Exprass will arrive with Philadelphia It:annum at 12.20 411'24414am 4Wriltaitu3 fu laairsin and Indians eordteot it Blahnville Intersection with the Mail and Johnstown Aeconamplatson Pact and Wan,and dm with Local Freight. Haat and West. Trains for.tamnsbarg connect at Cresson with Fxpma trams and klatl`tratn west, and with the Through Accommodation and Expreas Train Kart. The Traveling Pub4o will find it greatly to their store t. iu going - Real or West, to travel by the estIrSHYLVAtia Ranathea). u the sooom goodations now offered cannot be auxpaaaed 'on any other ronte. The Road is ballasted with none and is entirely tee bolo du*. We Can ?remise BafetY, &peed, and Comfort to all 'who 11111 r 41111)71hintoad with their vr.tronasa. &MAL TO FSW YOltli • —.ll=olo Pamopti,Pifil= 10,50 20,00 SAO 7.611 Alm-Bag e checked to ail stations on the ?um gleenia tttliroad. and to Philadelphia. Balti c= and New Yorir. -- ews-Passensfors enrchgene Marne in oars will of ~.red an exams according to distance tree .led in addition to the station rater. except from stations where the company has no agent- NOTICE-4n caSc of tom the Com - oany will aolAthemselose responsible for personal. barzaro 7A . fir, end for an amannt not exceeding 0100.. Br al —An -thrumblis Line tuts been inrlployed onoyor prosonnero mut bungs to and from the depot. at a charge not to exceed Sri cemts fOr each omen= and outage. Fez Sialts4 Pi 3 te J. ISITEWAIIT, Aaant. at the Penna.& IL Patter-sex titeuon on Liberty tad grant streets. otl7 UCILJEC i*mau. 11, WAIR 11010 AGO RAILW TO ALL-POINTS /11 TEE MET. SOUTH WEST AND NORTH WEST. shortegloud Most Direct Route to the NEM IEB di-RWIGEBILMNIt. A ND AFTER A Pall. 20th, 1863, cans run .8 - tOilaWS. Vl2: WYSTWARD 11.01.1tdU THAW& • 11.11 Line. Annan. Learn m losboal—.l.lo a. m. Arches 10 a in 4 10 p Creicnno......), 00a al S 15 p.u,." WILY/0....2 24,p in 2 /0 a. la. OMML, Ps 30 p as 7 40a. m. lt)It COLUMBUS, CINCIIINATI Ar BT. 1.08.111 Lesvos 5.11i9en at tlolusabiza.—.lo 45 ', „_lllsy m .snemr.ati- 3110 p - 5 55. a ru tndotaapoto-0 00 p m __GUI) a Lounivile.....l2 50 a in 40 a ua 31. Ltotua-......a10 a w . 745 p m AU Trains Lwow' to unxqoao wuttoat amnia 41 Clam tr..b.--The time to Cmoinuati Is the same 043 4.7 3344331130C110/3111. Trains on bout itO&Cti3 MOM at Joll2nbas. and paasensteror all so tato Cincinnati mother. eItEISILINE AND ALLIANCE: MAIL, Mail A ceconanotlation. Leave 00 a in 14u put Allegneay 710 a m 1 DO p Iv ow Brighton...A 33 a m 3 51 p 20 a in 1 r 0 p m Crebtline O Ou These trisLa stop at principal 6tations between Aheenet y and iteetteater. BItIOIi T O N ACCOMMODATION /11.4_1135—rrom /federal street citation. Alle [bens, City. Leave Allegheny 9 15 a m 12 00 m 4 45 p m 810 pm Arrive at N Brighton 11 15 aml 45p m 830 p mB2O p m LAST W AM) Leave N Brighton 5 00 am 0 30 am 12 20 pra2 50 p m Arrive at Allegheny 650 a 'm MIS a m 2 3 0 p mil 50 p m Tiogata KOLKi on thesa crams are sem at reilmied :ataa. iaisr . n. Mill Tr.A.USIts Atiliall AT PITTSBUIiOLI .;hicago ,;'hictiao Ex.pro.s eineinnaLu Expreeg Croat 2 23 a, m —.---..... 300 p ily • yi ul . 7 6u 'p 03 , p 14 Ltd Traina are run by Columbus time. whit:hie IR minutes Blower than PAtatmrgh tuna Lot anther information and thronen dant. apply to. tißLatOlc PARKIN. Tioset Atet. Unior.2aettenger litanon. Pittsburgh. and A. Q. IIASSILL.IIItItItY Ageat. Allegheny. JO lo N U. JERVIS, enteral eluvOlatouctent• Artd. P. 811011, timers.' Passenger Agent eveland, Pittsburgh &Wheeling SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. N AND AFTER DIONIIAY, APRIL, April 20th 1563, T,atai will leave the De pot, cd the POCIWIYIVaIIia Railroad, ill l'itt.gbargh. re 101i0Wilj ANA' WEEELING LINE. iissicts elttaburah • 4.00 0.. 1:2 11,00 m 112,40; p L. Wellsville a v 0 S.lll 5 2 . 55 • " dteubermille.....4.lo " aO7 •• 3 33 12 " 10 0S " 4 55 Ariive2 Sedlair.,—. 5,25 " 10 21 " 5.10 - Connecting at Staub envillo and Belau' with liten benvillo and !nth/inn Railroad and Central phio Railroad lac Zanesville. Newark Coluruhas Nelda Layton, 1 ndianopolot. Cinoinnatti, Loutavillo Cairo. St Louis, St Jose f h. and alt noint4woot and south-west, and at Wheeling WWI illatillltlre; anti Ohio Railroad. -PITTSBURGH AND CLBVILA.ND Llllll Gum 1,05 a.m. 12.40 p. w. do Weßreillo.-..- 4.10 2,50 Dayo.ol ..... 3 . , 4 01 " do 0 " 4,4 do Ravenna 724 " 5,32 " do liudnon 7,55 " 0,10 drrivan 0,10 " 7,50 " Conneoting at Bayard with TusoaraWaS brllllol. for New Philadelphia, and Canal Dover: at. Alh anon with Pittsburgh. Fort Wayne and Chiniso Rafiroad at Ravenna with , Atlantic and lireat Western B &Broad. for Warren, et aenville. Union. Corry. Jamestown and tialarlanda ; at Hudson; with - - , ClevelsaitL. Zanesville, and Cinoinnati It for,' Akron. °lmhoff& Falk and hiillerSburg. and - at Cleveland with C antlit It it for Bee. Dunkirk. and Buffalo. with C .1c 7 R B. for Sandusky. Toledo, also with steamers for Detroit. elaville.tioeommodation lamest 5,50 p. Itatiarning Trains-waive It 9,itO a' m. 20 and 8,05 p m and 2 10 a m. Throturn tickets to all prominent Points ten be premiered at the Liberty street Depot. Pitts. burgh, GEORUE PARKIN. Ticket Agent and at Allegheny A Q CASSELBERItY, liege Agent. lox Luther Dartlonian WILLTAM ariswAßT. Amt. dt the Company's Mot an Yrelant Station. keno atroot. Aral A . 3, s. box 100 hquarter and 100 bo zo s nOA;ll,. 1W - bozoo--and 100 hail bozos new favor itafainin- Z Frallgtoodlealßaleirur 25 Kto do do 20boxes Sniyrni's do Now landing and for sale by 11z REYM&B, & Bit° RS. nos. 11111 and VW wood Moot MI=VII=IIIIM ,~~iL,,:ae~3. NwN litvv u4L luwmg' • 4kim , ,MDIARRPGLIS AID 011CINSITI I N. Createtrtiiiir.O.lndfattap6Us with' TerZa Rai* end Terrd tense and Alton Railroad; to•Si Lows_ ladled/4'l4U' , and Indians:p.:lD New Albany and - Salem,and Michigan Contra! &Made for CRIDA eq• ROM IpLAND."BILIBSAIIGTON. snit all htti'lrmodiate pohlta. - ; ; - to , ; • Throbith; Yalkht •Train INEGANIU,OhiId, rTBRRE LAIWYRTYR and PRRIT.,—; • TN:l4bn and;,Vaasosurpra castled ' from eincan itati;or LavOrencobarir mileaa'-'•time than , b 7 otherroato by tyten4-fonr :honte, and at saS rates. • Ito only road by which-0111=0120qm , made hom ChmtFmati to tlio Weirt.whhoukbr thmstirn,ments made to F. C. vrzsT. or E GRAYDON. Freight Agoooat Candaniti, or ti O. lIKUSTRS,_Agent- at Lawranooburth. :TORN' ] D;Bl.ORRlS.l.lndiatmoolis, receive imorapt attantwo, and.= ,chantge"- f." (w o w edout i o ute a r r„ ,..O: . DRAYA97l . 1?)1_ , FtYLI1 , 81021 , gps I . l3pler itiformatlairiegt tek /BM RA ill- Ga01,(.1 0.122 Alo4ongobeta . .uonqe, agent of, the CiMmanY. Who i. 9 proparodto• $lVe 1q..P.017,01( 41nritl tor nartsenirers and freight to ladionsPolir. VtiTIS MAW*, Lafayette;. Ohlmaloyalu.l re roftetko'Crawfordavilo,Charlosso% arla,endht Loon ,Ao. C - LORD. Presaert . ;•' . 6 alt AL S ( 11 &A; *-+ WM. DOLLAR SAVINGS BAPiti ' 65 FOVIETII- STRICET, ORARTERED IA 1855 . Alms DAILY, FROM 9 wo , 4oZ4tim alio; cna Wednesday and,Saturday eve:tibiae. trom !dep.:lst to iNievember Ist. from Tto thlOok and fronalovember I state Mar let,. to 0 . clock. . Deposita received of all aimswet lesa than'Oira Doman:mid a dividdia of the - profits-declared twice a yearriuJune not Decem bah, inteput h'ue' Peon declared iiimi-a,nnuailic bilune and Deeem ber since tho Bank War MtgalliSed. at the rate dela per cont. spear. “- Intoreat, if not drawn out. placed to, the credit of the depositor as principal. and hears the same interest front the first days of June and Po amber. compounding.-twice a year without troubling the depositor to call or even to prevent his pass book: At this rate money'will double in teas than twelve years. Boots =Mining the Chartrw, Ry-Law4 Riles and Regulations; furnished igatla. on application at the ono*. P1113132011WC (f 1011.43111 ALDRIIIL woe ruettuneys. 3-61m:B. Penn Mriasiden, .paa,c M. on; John' Holmes; - ' Johuld Al derdnssr. leaea_,E6V.l:.l Is Mega. ~Falinwtpak. A.M. M. o , McAuley, ' hill James Hardman. Wm: J=11.4.11201k.. nnin. Calvin Adams, Ta James D. Relo. Jahn tt. Baottofszy Pater A. Madeira. George' Elsa, ' Wm. Vankirk John C. Bindlos. James Shidle, Alamo A. , arn. Robb. C C Charles A. Colto ar n. Robert Walter P. Marshal: Wm. DongLaa. John Orr. John Evans. Renry_L, Rinsing'. Wm P Woman, John 11. Eihoenbernir. Wm. 8. Haven. Wm. R. &tiniest& • Peter 11.11unke. Alearandor 'kindle. Richard Rays. lealLi) Whittier . Wm,. B. Laveli, Christian YeaiNZA. INICKILTANV AND 7211411171111 L CILAB A. COLTON. AS' 1i0L111314 EWES, B A .1111101118 J-N • and 11011w:urn Brokers and Dealing In Notes. Drafts. AocaPtanoag. tiold, WITT as Bank- Notes. Exchange on the Eastern andr , Wcatern eine!s constantly for sale.. e: - eed _ _Collections made in all the , deg UtroUgnoniadne utdtad Staten. Depoaits _ par facia or current , ca sr. No. WY glarket street: betinaan Third and Fourth streets. LOAN OFFICE, N RY W. CrbilOTTE n 0. 100 /41111T_IIFIELD taw azor Near the corner Firth. Pittsburgh. rag uNE IF I 8 LARGE AND ISIBIALL Int quantities loaned. on Gold and Silver, Dia monds, Jewelry, Etald and Silver Watches, and all binds of valuable artiolea, for any -length et time agreed en. The goods cannot be - delivered without the. Ticket. Air l 01ioo liOuio from 7 A. M. to 10 P. IL a.l) JOHN Jr., NO. 106 F9UIITII STREET. STOCK AND BILL BRLIXER Promiosory Notes..l3l;pak Bonds, and Mortias bonsbt-and gold 110 ADDY" et 3FAWENS. Plumbers and Gas Fitters, NO. 165 WOOD STURM OPPOSITE FIRST CHUlterd. AND 12 ♦O p. it. 12 50 p.m 47 OHIO STREET ALLEGHENY .s4op 131112ThiPti, 11Y . Diuurrs, 1.34.114 .Lead Pipe. Pig and Bar Ilea& anciPlamher's material in. general. Oil Refineries fitted tup in the most apyrevod manner. Minks lined Leader Coyer. Houses fitted with Water and Gag An tares. 1131. N. B. All orders prompt]: attended ia. an 3 lURNLSMILI NO GOODS, SUITABLE FOR THE SHABON. MACDUM GLYDE Invite attention to their 'dock of ORNTLII MEN'S and YOUTH'S Lintels and Traveling' Shirts, Collars. Iten, Retrapenders, Linen and Silk illandkereluera, tEfloeoe, - Hose, lUmbrenas, ARMY SHIRTS, And Soldiers' Furnishing Goods. always on band at hiAtlltiThi di GLIDE S. 78 Market et.. between 4th do Diamond. uses - Lsa A?SM GOO BUSHELS DRIED PEACHES, II rstintrams PIRA CIDER VINSfiILIA,' WILLIAM BAGA.LMY, tS and 20 Wood street Cob N. B. tit C. P. MARKLE, Manufacture= =4 Dealt= ire 13001 X GAP LETTAn a pad all khan of WRAPPING PAPE% have removed from Isio. 27 Wood street. to NO. 88 SMITHFIELD STREET, Pittalkalth. AID' Cash paid for &id& ang MASTIC CEMENT T. F. WATSON, li.a.splc., virco.rtirE, ls prepared to Cement the exterior of intildinipi_ with iraproved.frfastie Cement. cheaper and an- - Porier to, any dorm heretolore. This cement has ao equal:' it forme 'a tolid" aril durable adhesive ness to any 64111100, imper.strible by water or frost, and eqnsito any quality *ramie. . The nudersigned. is the only reliable and prier deal workman in this cement in this city.- .1" have applied this. Cement for the following gentlemen. whom the public, are at liberty td re fer to : J. Bissell residence Penn street, finished, 5 Yra Jas. McCandless, Allegheny, do .5 yrs J. U. 8 hoenherwervLawrcrricoville : do 5 yrg .1. D, , McCord.P,emn street do .4 yrs A. lioeveler, Lawrenceville. do a yrs Girard Rouse Pittsburgh; do 5 yrs Bt. Charles " do do syr) Addrrss Washington Hotel Box 1806, Pittcburgh P. O. rebnlyd A FIN II A 6 40111' •011 , PiLE/Git tf. Bolls lust recoive (I and for F.ie low by . TINCRIIA N 1 1 , I.ONO fob7“law 193 I.llNeray atreet. HOT 40T Ili UNS--00U111.1f, XNIIII/1111.1LE BARREL—The best assorueent in the 'city iors.leby BOWS & TETLEY, sell _ , !1.35 Wood etreet. , UITS AND NUTS' I . oo. boxespiimabrangost 100 do do Lemorur_ 24) Hags new EnFßett'Welnute, 20 do, do - Ahlbertr,_ • 20 do: do . . BrasiENutin 20 de Fresh Cocoa Nutc 50 - deAhnonds Bordeoux liley Just received. and fur sale by RHYMER dt BRO'Ri • Vas. 126 and 12* Wood abbot. ARMY sifilitTS, SOLDIERS' GOODS' New etztles selling cheap. at MAORI.) & Gr,YDS. TI3 Market street. bat. 4th 'amend Soi.Dl Eltw BOUNTA ES; rElsitii omit BACK PAY. and other just CLAMP MIASMA THE GOYHRNMKNT. promptly Procured at reasonable rates. Apply to D HAZEN. HIE Jrourth s i irile c i . ttaa o turd OHA Waattinstan. D. THIN Just opined imageta moot:limit og GENTS' kTIEIGSEEING_ :1000%- w. 11.itiiitaiik '44;164 aid in PelooTal aits,strestausdiau it,AunGficiArig: 1111 TEI MAYOI . II 0/./1011. store and for sale by ArAIIY7A tit..to soma—Jour -PITTSB URCH - STEEL --, WO LS roar Esi- BOYD ICC* rot 4 irtimani olotassllTBll • ul A elsolPrin ly: s. Ptp, sad Als , stii nipitiNaG N , r. Conlin /041;and Suit Tufts.— - - PITTHI A1it21411.1X414; .0 ' SMITH;' 0 •it tr4IIJTII! Wdll.l.)viNit; VA--3,v,, t, _—.,:‘l. iklfilitl6 l e . . WI/seams% lia. . 1 110.710.-audtl% dm Idatiufatanzata '4 Jilt - as"' incr,d co cm a4al Oil. aotortsiad fitilin. Gale aadl a vipel Sad bolt Dar /ront Vlakon.l4xltyittiflAttlNC ..Pulliak: nagaroati '-‘ 1 4 ‘1 1.1148. -. Also Jobbing ancl/d 'di,: W ~_',.:. Ant* saltation made Wader. ''' • the B ow a cow latiransattingt:lohi stt .0 attached dex-ali OMIINI aidatta- n—-- - - ~. ..w.,4..i . • miens CARPETS, 'OIIi:OLOTHEJOSO. _ 0.10118, - ' on °atilt v Atm-Litu Ives :2llocB;dlrofiribretreek. 4,lolllGintr. lUMOUSTOTIM'LATI Aug adeaece isidaire is Offered iiiiiiire4l4iPoll,..doie ..„, 10 Srn Roar: Cfo y . whigowelioitoi, • • • tossission Magenta Produce AndPittabtinallitaluihiotinl No. 101.1.11110TEITUNXX97, . PlTTfilin LAKE aupEmoa_'.eorna itis7ra . Axpr• SlZraamitilie _woman. • =WI:LUDIC'. '4oo° • - ManufiKtuarcal.o eb , ,S.raslggir rat!4',BokADver.s. Ce Per isottoa*pediSmottatue. omega Soda, Abortnwg , - ddealers ld 'ad , et" , Tter • • Plat 6 Bhdist•-droor:- - - • clrteaAtlY hand: lizamoll/soldm b 2 wANA6.4.1,4.0:-=49...„a141.1110 IWOND ientaurs.Tittabtiret; litiwas.L' OzweViW order Cov Dar ant. mt to idadred tern tli4tir JAM - ES A. .IFF2I I 2iBIk,T, COMAARDINII AND COINHISSIONAENCHMT: POP TOP LIM OP = Plotaririezip MtooDuh- li Za i gi 1 111 11:11er ' CteneEraly,' „' Comer Mtarkei and Virit Street% PITTIMTIMAR:PLI REYES 10.-7111116113 William Dilworth, tEtN_ B. Cuthbert ..3t . Oct; Dittolodrigh. Bowl A Ott, Retake? .t Swearingrob;•B.-Dreer. 'M..I; M. Bank. LA itovreil,monsle Ap Co.. 41 , eorge kodorron, 'Dcollcohyrarteu '4N- CO. NuEsuitiA.44;_mmirdwakitis. eP LA PLANING hllllll. ouldrospeetty in. lorelthef rrablio that ha hurebniltidnne arth eA and having Warted 11113 tetablishment.. and it:With - the newest and total approved= am b.now prepared to furnish flooring amt. 11 4 / 1 1 1 / 3 ,01 boards.oarcal sawing and ,re-taxinr, chore. San and shatters. kil dried. frame% motlldburk box lkiag. - Sonya Prrrinruß, &Pt LBW.' - UPHOLSTER' . _ NO. 85IDUNTH 11T., :MAU:WOOD. . rimix swim:mm= 4 u.a..Nixt.4o. ' I'ORE antrkicalr ocuistlintly'ori - hani ftey article in their lime. vis • ClornloeEr.'ekrianrerits, Curtain (foods. Ooniforinaeathes. Bedff;mattrass_ of all hindm also. t. 140 oelebratai Patcm4r l 7l Weds: All kinds cift - Blincle- arid' Nor attention givecito all intleri t 1114 this Prom p t m/own CarpeliNloll:ol_os4 • octl7:lrdl4li. J. H. CAAIDA.Y. ' - note, stool:. - Draft,' Bond- karst - rase; steal aitatelima 10* , chanqh.‘9•ProkPr• - 0111021t0Olit N0. 12- . l WitlarijßUll.DMii POuRTH.EITIiKaT Pittsbarth; Pa. , Deeirable Mill propergio anti Other-Real Skate to the amount oIXIOO.OOO tamale JUIVO. 111041014.11kiilD s COMMISSION MERCIANT , poßmaluin 07 PIG META.L. &ND ` BLOOMS. ; No. to wesin szaitirL.BEAOLMJAZUE _f .1117s*trualL CU HITS C. swziangspz;- ._ ,GI "Jul. uhrEI , CA.iiIPE-3114%1E A ivri• , JOBITE SHOP VIRGIN ALLEY_ b t O ci lileed mid Liberty Streets; • PitS; Pa. sO-Or g ciliated and promptly rammed to.l . .04.1nAmstpswEgki k o t ls, PITTSBURGH. PA. • ••• • - PARK, BROT4prkikleo.4 m4so7Amiaisaa :3 .7 ,7 Beat Quality Raked Oast:Steel, Square, Flat and Oetasork. ofall sine& - Warranz ted equal to any Imported or . ipantiflottred is this otlntrY: - *S. Office and Warehouse :to. 2.49•11;c1 /51 First and 420 and 122 Second. iitznieWittil.v o ARCH STREET, between , 84 tuid 4th PHILADELPHIA UNDEIigiGNEIP mrAmiarii"sts. JL newed the leabe of the . above Hotel for a series al years, would ruin ' call the attention of the traveling nublie,to WI catty: either tor business or estrare:, m ielay 1 T ONIA S WEBII - 4* SON. - I 01:17101J/ .NJV NEW 121.0DET4 BE. iJ volv era. . Cooper's Bauble Aoticrn_ Mazthat tanirire Anne Compatiy, WheelOok% Share's for sale tow to thtrtrade . by- - BONIOI. 1&a %WEI.: ih:IIINDICY PRODUCE . •-, ).• ',SOO halo Painityllon'q 50 bushels Clover Seed: 25 do _Means. 100 do Dry .Peaohan 76 do 'Pared 'llO .50 Mils Mackeraltloo.2 and. 4. . In atore and for sale earner, Ifeilri,Van'd firtm[Am.PAiiillifk ILJ Otard "1 100 =ea of Oath bi - etorwand . , ACKERIEL-20 DblB.-110.1(13148 Oa qr. ANAL . Bbla treall NO I torte aokereli- • 20 Bps No :a do •20 No 3 do ...do ; ..1) olldNo I do Just recaivod and forgo e byy mLZt Ai1i..41311. Ec RIOICZTBON AriORN STA Bell - 6 BXES': 2 B ABST RB I 1 1- , calved' and for sale by • • No. 126 A 128 Wood Ogee! . . Ul. to ir. dc . cORN PLOWS for tale by . , NOIII4IIEI & 1,02 T No 247 , rbrist tett ACON bILDES-7. B, • • is los Bacon bides in store and for sale by ' JAMBes A; -BSTILBR. 112 oornerldoirket andistatalet& ULT I VATOO-4,. PLOWS;-FODDER Cattem seed drills:tap elevatornidoc4aw att. (Maxus, farm =alai eta tor sale bp, ' BECKHAM* L 02413 127 lamely 1112541 t. , . - 10 itega'6 Twist Virginia ingtltmlveitiiiid for aTety • - JAS. 'A.' FETZER'S, iu 12 . anraffr of Maxitet and St. VA A r AND MANURE -FORltlikill&T or 'Enka% .scythini, ftulu4.:6nythoodiana s . (drain cradles, and 414 other 4Fxonldag ,1 122 1,1* !amnia. for saki b3r . • 'SRC rIIAM*I4OI4G L.V.l4ibetrts Anat. oilP—SO SOX}ltEr SOAP SS! S aud. in gore aul for safety latnigid.* ttaris. 193 21173" Wet diftleo vai ItEitE DO YOU IiIIVICi 0134 yr' SHOES? GO TO NO. 15TH FIFTH - STREET. and got a Good &tote froni DIFFENSAOPIL 8 . -6 1dadiee good kid Sliwin.lolll(tiatt4 iylB 1111.1114E1.4 , 'llol.te tar. Just roman& arta tar Ws SAS. A. fr ur2 oar liarkst arriti