.P.I I WiT l'v', a * 'D 1 -,-:;?": - ~r~~::::., :_ etti. thfcivr Zl.i, -tlOO ci:: :;i . ~. . ~.:-: iis.': or!: ,:!,,,i,,,,f; - , ..Lir: - ., 1.1 , ,t130 ,r. ~It all*i%Nd Tg: Aff4PIC4L !el."111 1 4 A n L ",Ccq C A HIGHLY , CONCENTRATE)) V getakl , 464`Exlract. • - IPU - 2,.. ile'tiiiva . • • ..,, ..: .._. :•±•.. .. , ... .--Lf_i_Dr. lloofland?s .. 4Einitit PiLIIIVE R S ; art is r, - . 71 kt anilPailidgo RYI * , 1 " ~`. ,zi, 0. D. 4A.vicsoli rPhirstat 1 0l pine, Penzus., ... - , .- . • Ir effectually elite I jilver cow din DYSPEPSIA, JAUNDICE. If t", titilici;osiilesiiitorxrDeltiniftp, Oswego e , , o 1 he 11Eidneyat and alLitaleases 1 . -. illrfaingfromalliistordered + ' i /dver or BtOzdaeh,, - , as Conti- , _potion. Inward Alto. Pulbasa or 1 Blood.to thwEeed, , Acidity_of the Stomach. ^ Nausert.-Boartburn, Dirust , for ifood,'„-Fullness or,IV ight in . the.Stbniaoll.flour %rotations, Sink tug or Fluttering at the Pla ul we Stolll2- 1 , f -s . kshcixteau.-iitunned and , . cult I . -Muttering at, the Heart, 6 Citolthstt tir,..._ ocatkajr_sensiotions when in a lying I YPl 4 P at ‘AfiratiMlA,Viatoti Dots or webs b C 0 sight, rover and Thill_Psin , in the ' ' )1 Doiciency of Para ' n ation Yal. -- 1 -o=ells ofthe ?tide an ~, p a win the Side. Back, Chest, imbs, dm, Sudden Flushes ofHeal, Barn- ~ in in the Flesh. Constant tmr inns Di Evil. mien o icreatdeprea ' - . r spts. B ' And will positivelg tlr iri event Yellow Fever. n logi, E eve, dm. - .- t..- THEY CONTAIN NO ALCOINGL OR BAD WIIISEC t. Alokeyogl, ante the carve eibieases in 11410SY-tun w=oralutudrecL- - - _ -.. I induced by the extensive ease and universal soprum:7 or tiootimad's german Bitters, (purely r etabl hosts of ignorant outwits and uriscrir-'_ Z EJntutta, vantitrets, have•qpinied , titian euffetang 2utnalgty the flood gatesof Nostrruns ta gIC).8111kPo of poor Allay, vilely compounded with mullions intr. spiohristenedlolliCl3, Stomacbles and Bit- Bevice„or, the innumerable array of alcohblic rtatons in pletherie bottles, and big:bellied L. ' „ der the modest appellation id• hitters; - 6 - sad of eedior-- o Alrortutsatek amass nil leave the disappointed sufferers in despair. at 'HOOFEAND'S GERMAN - krI'TEREt .111iie• hot a. new and untried article, but have - otoodthe test of fifteerryears trial by the Alfieri - OlAttLnulilicr: and . - thelr reputation and eale, aro ,Wmi/ed by, any similar preparation. , a - proartatlra berg thousands of Letters l itiiiii-tite most emMent . ,_ i rr il t :1 " /I ' l l a t- w r e rsiu " i 9 laTaloisins an , &,____ ' 'o , =i, lf ti e,MN' , ' s. oftheir Oita personsi knowledge! to the beneficial offeata and medical virtues of these • d. ',06•319 17 W.A.S.TEOM.E.TELIVO to STRUM YE ' ' " ..,111, - YOUt DO'YOEFWANY it DOOD APPETITE? DO YOU WAN T TO BUILD UP YOUR COP -8T121:7270Nt , DOqDU WAXY TO AZD 1412* DO lOU WANT TO GET RID OF NEE VO US • + ~..fpit&S'l R 7+ Aroa44.ST CIEFNey I , „,..._ , 4, l lmut til Pleegkwolgf4 , I,ll9.9.waliCti. brak and trio rewawoll I i -, I . • if 'yit i dol726 ____-- 1 .. , t . ItO,O•LUD' At 4 OX E NAkraiTTEM — , .--* ' ' ' PAlVller&j. tr.IIILOTIte 4 .ii NW. 1- • art' many flifi;tisiptkate , l/41,it t ra f g I 1 sa nt . teattertitistnentast 1 Allheol l iettfigertelliekgegr comitO .cfro ;$16.41) *age per: tie, the taste .pum p by...tin ess.or r ' _ ..nit, .. cam iiiiescifrt4tili. see &cause tie ienig as they be Bad hundre d s to die the death of the drunkard, By ghelr uste the system is kept ccmtitisattly under the influence of Al coholic Stimulants of the wore hind, the desir e for Liquor is created anti - kept up. and the result 1. a 1 the dea‘ horrors attemicad upon a drunkard's life and h• - - - bbr-Oso,e usher-desire and will have a L - or Ltatere, tee Faddish the following receipt. Get ne Bottle .oftatuirs German *Utters; and nix with Three Quarts of Good Brandy or Biltdeky. and the result will be a preparation Umtata" far mine' sncriedianat virtues and true munalenee any of the numerous Liquor efl.ttes.e is the market, and will coat much teas, ,Youointt, kaat Fill the virtues of ligetland's Bitte n , it, *Olineelioll with - a good artide. ofZiolier- at a Nita law price Mini ihzas ilifmnor pr e paration. . will 00 W WA. ATTENTION SOLDIERS, 4NDI Tim. FRIENDS OF SOLDIERS We call the attention of all having relations or &Bunks lathe army to the fact that -HOOF LAND'S German Bitters" will cure nine tenths of the diseases induced by esposares and priva tkaniinoldent to camp-life. In the lists, publish . c talmost daily in the newspapers, on the arrival of theist*. it will ba noticed theta very large pro portion are suffering from debility. Every case of that kind. can be readily cured by Hoofiand's ..- Garman, Bitters. Diseases resaLing from disor ders of the digestive organs are epe.dily roomy - .. .:.ed.:; hesitation in ' stating that, if thesoßittere ware freely used among our soldiers tiundredaaflires might be saved, that otherw,se , Oill fie lost: - Wireallpartioular attention to the following re markableand wellanthentioated core of one of he nation's heroes. whose life to use hiq own ang nage"has been Bayed by Me Bitters :" 6 , l'unanaLYEte. August 23d. 1862. Henri. Joao . Et:ans.—Well, gentlemen. your Hootland's- German Bitters has saved my life, There is no-mistake in this. It is vouched for by numbers of my coterades. some of whose names are appanded, and who were Silly cognizant of ill the erreutestanoes of my ease I am, and have • boim , for the lost four - years; a inembs lli rof e.r utall 'celebrated battery, under the late too:mend of Capt. - It 13. Ayres. Through the ex _Mssure attendant upon my arduous duties, I wa attacked iti November last with inamatie the the lunge. and was tor seventy two d ove in 1001.1:4}. This was followed by great debility. beightened byanattaek of dysentery. I was then removed from the White Howe and sent to this city on board the steamer - State of Veins," from which I landed bii tbeTfith" of June. Sincie that ~ .gistieshave been about as low as any one could ballad ie ill retain &spark ofvitality-, For a week •;or More I wasFearcely able to ewe low anything, and if I did force a morsel dews, it was imu.edi- WelY thrown UP again. Ewald not even keep a glass of water on my stomach. Life could not last under these eirmini dances tend, accordingly the physicishe who had beta working fai t hfully, though nnencoesfu b. - to rescue me from the grasp of the dread Arch eri.frankly told me they could do no more for me, and t lvised me to see a alumna% and to make exich.olonattion of my thuited funds at beet suit ed me. an acquaintance who. visited rue at the hospital, kir. Frederick Steinbron. cf 6th below , , Attlh Street, advised Ina as a forlorn hope, to try I theßitters and kindly procured- a bottle. Prom the thee l commenced takinsrtbera the "shadow c f 4ceth . zeergted, and I am-now. thank God for it, getting . ..better. Though I have taken but twq bct , ~ b alre gained lUPonads. and feel sanguine et being Pernutbal.to,reilom my Wifearei. dsiugh ter, f ro m whom I have beard netting for ph r L. mordlou_fbr l Sentlemen Tam stool Virgin . m he vicinity of Front Royal. To your valuable /litters I owe,thegiorions . privilege of agabrelesping to my bosom-those whoare dearest tone in life. Velltrol.9. 3 , 01, ISAAC MALONE. We fully concur in the truth of the above date- Mega, as we had despaired of-seeing our comrade, Mr. Malone: restored to health. JOHN VIIIDDLEBAI CR, Ist Y, Battey. GEORBE ALILLE • Co, U. llth. Marie. IDIREVALLIEko2dN Y • • LfE„,.lSPEMßelli.lst Arallery. Battety F.; A. WASEW ELL. F,o B. 3d Vermont. It Imlay 0, JEROME, Co B. do .11111MIV T.II , 4AcuoNAI.V. Co C 6th Maine. JO ROC F WARD. Co &Utz Maine, lIIIBRINAN . KOCH, Co IL 12.11 N, Y. NATHANIEL ,B THOMAS, Co F. 95th Pa. Rarraßß/Ir.r. Kra/BALL. Co A, Vermont /ANEW JENEINs Co 8,,106th Poona. W EE of COUNTEREW4,O Sorthai the - slimature of "O. M. JAMBI:eft" Ie entlia.Wwrint of ear , vlottle. kipittal PEI/. noTTLE SJEIII7I3. OR HALF BOZI FOR $4 00. Should yont neared druggist not hay° the ar ticle. co not be put off bY any of th e ibtoricating etwparations that maybe offered in Ps ' , lace. but gondantw na, and we era fortiard; sem:wily packed Yeras. . ; 14:Fran ollnd Oftica. and Mannuotory. No. 163 Aron stret. • JONES & EVAN; (SncceseOrs to C. ht. Jackson & ) .Pro d p rieLo iv r e s ii Sr For set by to b dealers wt In the seta Zs. end Dr. U. Pittabttrich. a. P. 194DRWARTZ, elhAlso for mate at JOBICPB FIXBIINCiIii ace of the Diamond end bierket street. ber - /Os aids alto by • - _ JOlllO. von Graff Ehadt 43l heeld end Fourth Emma A.. 1. RANKLIILit .Vec„, Me" doors billow 4tli. Pitadaustli• % "ftheali 4inif.. • _ . • , • ..." . . -:- , ...,•,-,„, _ _, ~...„..-.L.,.:,_. - f - , : t_l 4 ,-:-.,:- . . • .-y.tt,_,........„ ".. - I.' ' .i': - :. : -'_ •;. F, D 1 • . b • ' ":".,,, t • . 9 / :CA ; 1 :• , - • 1 .. .. , .1:',...",!: .- ' ~, , . , - „.,:: . . : - :' , , 7 n.i. . •. •b 1 :. •‘ 1.(!... . ',. ~...:1 . ' , r. I r. if ,„' ' • -,•____ . ' '' ~. ~ ~ . „..D., ...... ... ~ ._ ..• , •••• , • .. ~ ~. . .. .: . ..-.1-- , 'OO --.F - Ei • •;,-., :....... - - ..... ... _.. I,i ::::-..,........•.:?... , . . , .. . ...._ ~._ .1 A. . . .. _ arr, 2 E4ltor & P ..,...:.•:,,,Ji:i.-_,,...,-,.1 DAILY POSI% New fpec4,eles for the United The New Jersey (Trenton) Gazette has the following of conscripts, or substitutk: en route through New Jersey to the Poto mac Army,: tnaratied taro', our streets, yesterday to a blacksmith shop, for the purpose of having the irons adjusted, to prevent any further attempt to desert a service assumed under the spl, emnities of an oath, and with an ample bounty in their . pockets I Whatever otli: er indignity might settle upon the charac ter of a man, we should regard that, of 'deserter as the greatest, and the most to be avoided." I,f these men had been negro fugitive slaved; arid had been mahchol through the etreete ironed, the Republican press would have been shocked at the cruelty and barbarity of the proceeding ; but he ing white men, nothing is said about it. Quantrel, the Guerrilla Ruffian. Quantrel, the butcher of Kansas citi zens, is an Ohioan by birth, went to Kan sas as a school-teacher, and turns up the leader of a 'banditti. The Worcester (Mass.) Spy says: His real name is Hart. Sometime (af , ter - Ransarwas - organized as a TerrittOry he went theta and became a resident of Lawrence. When the border ruffians be• - gale their outrages in Kansas he acted with the-free State men, joining, one of the mil: itary companies, and for a short time, , vis 3 70eVe, waa connected Jainßrow 'a men,. andfaileCto ,winT his cotsfidaisce. • After, a time, "Quautrel," (or Hart ta ttier) formed a secret' connection with the border ruffians. He was fast loosing rep• utation at Lawrence. and founffit desira ble t' seek new add mbre cbisgenihl asso ciations. He -served the ruffians as a spy, concerted, with them. plans, for abducting Colored people from Kansas, and contin ned to operate in this way until Lawrence was not likely to tolerate him much long er... The fear of lynch law constraimsd him to'leave the State. Soon after the pres ent war began he turned up in Missouri WI the leader of a lawless band of.grier , rillas. Hops--Proapect of the Crop—New Hops in Market. Wm. G. Schedel, hop merchant No, 76 Pearl street, received the first bale of 1 8ehopsi August 24 b, from Schohariel ch:mothrigro;s4t by Lord Prooman, Sharon 14 0 444 14i5f4v#439,111 ,California, at pff 'dents - , 4 a pi) S. says: •s• = have just returne d from a tonr thro' ' l 4.SticlikailteiP'grpiiing districts of ithe , nd found. Viet, altbough.l.a gbod 'ardayere'affeeted by Hies andblack - ,tilEfilpft4Flt.Warly.,;3ll the south parrot' . 010 9.1; 1 94 1 .Ar1ir . _ - , .4y: m ;te crop nereriheless avill be_fillflito-tgirda ofan...average-I [the quality is expected to be a fine one, except those of yards which is affected by mold." A letter from Prince Edward County, Canada West, Aug. 14, says: "The old yards are very poor- not over half an average crop. But the new yards, which bear this.year for the first time, are _well loaded. Bop raising is a growing business in this section of Canada." . Interesting from 'Mexico. Havana papers bring late news from Mexico and the Central America Repub lics.- The French had occupied 'the town of Miniatitlan, on the Palm:nue of Te ; hautepec, and had sent an expedition against Tampico. Juarez was reported as being.abont to take refuge in Texas. The Mexican paper La Estafette recog _nixes the danger of a war with the United States, and thinks the best way of avoid ing it is to hurry and dispose of the Juar lig army. A Look into Futurity. Hon. Wm. H. Seward, in his speech at Lacrosse, Wisconsin, in 1180, said : "What kind of a government would it be if we elected a man we did not like in stead of a man we did like ? My impres Edon i 8 that it would be a government not differing very far from the Empire of Austria, where they always manage to elect a - men whom the people do not like, and where they have an admirable way of sa ving the Union by organizing an army of 500,000 men, armed to the teeth, to main tain the man whom they do not like." E erious Accidents Mr Britton, overseer for Jesse Wood. al, of Queen Anne's county, Md., while ' driving the machine for thrashing wheat, caught his leg and foot in the horse pow er, by Which it was so mangled and torn that amputation below. the knee became necessary. A negro (Sam. Young) feed ing a thrashing machine on a neighboring farm, for Mr, Veazey, caught his hand and arm in the cylinder, making it neces Sara to amputate above the elbow. Naval Captures The U. S. steamer Bermuda, off Galves ton, reports the capture, on the 14th inst. of the British schooner Carmita, loaded with 161 bales of cotton, and bound from Velaice, Texas, to the Belize Honduras. The same vessel reports the aiezure of the British schooner Artist, of Islessen. The siezure was made on the 15th inst., in lat 28 deg. 18 min. and long. 96 deg, 26 min. west. She was loaded with cigars, liquors, '&c. A Woman Shoots Her Brother In-Law At Franklin N. H on Thursday of last week, a Frenchman, named Letouch, was shot liy the wife of his brother, and fatally injured. The trouble bettieen the two families grew out of a spring of water used by both parties, but which the wo man. claimed ezclusively. Joseph- Went to the spring to procure some water, when his sister-in-law attempted to drive him away by throwing stones at him. Not succeeding in this, she procured a gun heavily loaded with buckshot and fired at him; the charge lodging in his head and body. The murderess was arrested in• steady. Picture of a Battle. The Prince de Joinville, now in Eu• rope. has recently sent to the Brazilian Minister, at WashuThgton, a photographic copy of asketch made by himself of the battle of :Gaines' Mill, where Major-Gen. 'Fitz John Point commanded on tha Fed eral sitha. • Thepioture ia. aaid, to ;,be very splendid, and-41:ntimbet of , phOtOgraphi e 'copies are to be token from /t. Re - -Crossed the Potomac. 'The no of rebels who crossed the Po totnae at Eliiards'Ferry on Thursday night last, consisting of White and Wil• bancia, ntimbering over four bun ' died,• recrossed the river on 'Satiarday, taking•with them.about nine prisoners .of Scott'e,9oo, who were captured at Ed waOh'. Berry ; They made a foray into the cotantry, pluiadering farms, &c., hut iticceeded iri tarrying off but littlg. The boatmen•on the canal seem to have'euffer• ed more severely,, geveral teams having been taken from them. All is now quiet in• that iieetiola; and, no apprehension 'of another raid 'was felt for the present !at least —11 7 a..A.' Star. Where the Tennessee Armies Kiogston, where General Burnside. has reachedjaat Ile junction of the Hilton and Clinch rivers with the Tennessee, dis tant _about sixty miles East of Chatta nooga and,twenty from Knoxville, East Tennessee. Stevenson is about thirty miles West of Chattanooga and Shell• mount halt•way between the two points, the two armies thus approaching Chat. tanooga from opposite directions. If the ,rebel tlielieral Stickier abandons East Tennessee and falls back toward Chatta nooga, General Burnside will be within supporting distance of General Rose. crane. Attempted Abduction. On Friday evening the policemen in Baltimore rescued a man who was found fastened up in the garret of a tavern, . after he had been severely beaten, The victim was a sailor, named Schlon, who had just arrived at Baltimore on board of a Bremen vessel and had taken board and lodging at the house where he was found imprisoned. It appeared on ex amination before a magistrate, 'that the keeper of the tavern and: an accomplice had persuaded Schlon to sell himself as a substitute, and that after he had, with that object in view, got on the railway train for Philadelphia, he jainped off and went back to. the tavern, when he was siezed, beaten and locked ,up. The two men who had abused the sailor were corn witted to await the action of the grand ,larY• . A TERKJBLE catastrophe occurred re- Laently at Meraza, a small village near Malaga. Four carts, laden each with fifty quintals of gun-powder, for the works of the Malaga railway, bad just passed through the village, when soddenly a loud explosion took place, the four vehicles having blown up. Eleven per sons—men, women and children—twenty two horses, lost their lives. A. shepherd who was keeping his flock at a short dis tance from the spot was also killed, and nearly the whole of his sheep. GERMAN tATIIOIOIMI*SeI*OL PITTSBURGH, PA., NO 597 PENN STREET, We highly approve of the german Catholic High School recently fHtab iihed in this city, and we corrislly recommend it to the Patronage of all the Cathol.cs of our btocese. f M DOMENIC, Bishop of Pittsburgh. frumE FIRST SESSION or THIS IN SFITUTION will commence on TUESDAY, the Ist of SEPPEMBE.t. Mi. The studies of the school are so arranged as to embrace a full ' and thorough course of Greek, Latin, English, Germanand Mathematics, including the branches usually attended to in connection with these re spect ve departments. Students who are intend ed for commercial or professional pursuits. are care oily instructed in Book-keeping, Mercantile Arithmetic, and such other b ouches as may lit them to be a. eful and intelligernt in the discharge of the various duties of the Store or counting room, or t • any profession. Our course of studies embraces also the subjects required in prepara tion for entering any of our Theological Schools or Seminaries. P - arents — wis to scure for th sns a or ough instructiohing e n, are respe3tfully eir Invited to th ap ply to ProE F W. A. Riedel, A. M, No. 597 Penn street. as 00011 EL3 convenient, and, if possible. BEFORE THE FIRST DAY OF SEPTEMBER, Mr. Reidel will be at home daily- from 10 to 12 A, M. apd froru 3 to 4 P. M. For further information, cr for a prospectus coot ining-full details._ please call on or address REV. JOSEPH M. HELMPRAECHT. Rector of St Philomena's Church, or PROF. F. W. A. H I EIIEL, A. M. ly2rda,wt..l P. 0. Box 1240, Pittsburgh, Pa. A -- T THE PITTS II RHHIIREG HOUSE: TRUSSES, SUPPORTERS, Shoulder Braces, Elastic Stockings, Ritter's celebrated Radical Cure Truss. Ritter's celebrated Bailee] Cure Truss. Ritter's Patent Infmt Truss, River's Patent Umbilical Truss, Marsh's celebrated Trusses, Marsh's d 'Trusses. Marsh's Ladies and (tents' Shoculderelebrate Braces, Marsh's Youths andinfant's Shoulder Braces Dr. Pitch's Plain Abdominal Supporter', Dr. Pitch's Silver Plated Abdominal ' 4 upporters, Dr. Fi . ch's I adios and Gents' Shoulder Braces, Bitters' Patent Abdominal Suppot tors. Mrs, Betts' A bdoru net Supporters, Marsh's London Abdominal Supporters, Riggs' Hard Rubber TIEB. French, English and American Prusse3 in gr ft eat variety. An experienced Physiasan always in attendance Syringes, Breast Pumps, Nursing Bottles Bandages, &c., At the Pittsburgh Drug House TORRENCE & M'G ARR, A POTH RCA RI FR S r••••-• 'fi 'llirth and Market sta., Pittsburgh ul2-Iydo DENTISTRY. J. EETH EXTRACTED WITHOUT pain by tho use of Dr. Oadry's apparatus. J. F, HOFFTIHAN, DENTIST. work warranted. 134 Smithfield Street.Pittgbur For ltaLlt, Mice Roaches, Ants, Red Rugs, Moths in Furs,-Wootens, &v.:insects on Plants, Fowls, Animals, Ac, Put up in Tao. 50e and $1 bates, bottles and flasks; $3 and $5 flasks for Hctels. Public Insti tutions, &e, "Only infallible remedies known." "Free from Poisons." "Not dangerous to the Human Family." "Rats come not of their boles to die." 4tgr• Sold wholesale in all !large cities. OW' Std by all Druggists and Dealers every where._ 44i- Beware of all worthlem imitations. .1W- See that "Cestar's"name is on each box, bottle and flask hefore_yon buy. Address u.ENR.T . R. COSTAR.. Principal Depot.4B9 Broadway, N. Y. air- Soldß. R SELLERS& CO.iand B. L. YARRESTOOR . 4St 00.. Wholesale Agents. Pitts. burg. I>r7B-emideadkw BILErKII9.I HOUSES. FIRST NITIOIAL BATA OF PII'I%OI7RGII TREARUItrf .DEP L RThIENT. OFFICE OF C0Kr1501.1.1412 TUN OWHIEKOY. Wasoington City. A tie Mb. Isal Win:eras. By setishietory evidence presented t ) the nnderaigoeti; it dins been made to. apmir that the gutsr krroiv AI. BA tiK OF.PII'Td- BURGH, in the Cminty of Allealiony and Save of Pennwvnnla, Ima keen duly °retuned under and according to the vaquire-nonts of the Act; of Congress, entitled ' amAot to provide 4 Nat;onal Currency. gecured byy ti pledge of iTnituri c lates Stocks, and to provide ter the cirCIII a ion'and Fe demption thereot",approved February tith. 1103, and has eomplied-tvdth all the provisions of said Aot required to, be complied with before commending the kitattities of Ban in g, Now TkralEPonred,t , ditorti McCulloch, nny Co t n ts rfaodeFlßtST NATIO I AL h BANK OFF" PaTTSe- BURGH, counts of*Fegiletty and State bf Penn sylvania. is autdollZjii 0 CPIIIIIIOIIO3 the busizte tt of Banking under the tmeaforesaid. In testimony whekeof witness my hand and seal of of f ice, this sth tE- - sr August. laY'd• .1117 bfeCULLOCFI, .1 Ss} Cppvcrwlor of the Uurrenoi% The First Aatfonal Ranh of PittOurgh, Pa., LATH PITTSBURGH TRUST C trapltalsloo.ooo-with privilege to in creme to $1,000,000. The Pittsburgh Trust Company having organ ized under the act to provide a Natiooll Cur. rnemu;dterlllafaat'aF,lXTd NATlONALspectaiiy offer its services for the collection of Notes. Draf , s, nisi:if Exchange, &c., recline money on deposit .and buy an I sell Exchange on ail ports of the country. The success which has attended the Pittshurvb Trust Company since Its ofsanizat'on in lit`r2., will we belive be a sufficient guarantee that bIIR/Ijr,s:l entrusted to the new organization will !active the some pi °mot attention. Having a very extensbe the n correspodence with Banks and Bankrre,thrbughout country we believe we can offer untp.nal facilities to those who dob buuis n in e e wwith w conducted by the same officers and directors. manuTnas James Laughlin, Win. li. Nimiek, Rcbert ti Rays, A 'exander Thomas Bell, Francis O. Bailey Thoe. Wightman, Aleg. Brad JAMRS LAUG H Sam ueLTNI Hea. ent. JOIIN SPITLI,Y. Pr bier. Anguet sth, Igti3:dAtAvtf. GOLD, SILVER, DEMAND NOTES oortifleated of Indobtedneßs. Quartormas tars Cartifluted. 7 3-10 Bonds and Coupons, and all ot Z v iar i rcrin i tivalles4m . aght by mhs:6md Wood street. corner oi Third, W. J. KAMM PR R. KOUNTZ & MERTZ 7 MERIT BANKERS, No. lIS Wood St., Second doo above Fifth Street, . , • EALLEILS lIITTOILETUN AM) Domostl T 11-. Exchange, (Join, Bank Notes. and Govern ment becarittes. Collections promptly attended to REAL ESTATE SAVINGS. INSTITUTION nrocrit4 airkroD BY alio SLATURROF PENNSILVA Open for Depot' is from 10. #c 2 , '04)olt. in, daily• also oo SATURDA Y EVEN 'NU. from ti to 9 o'clock Sir Office, El FOURTH STREEL INTEREST A LLOWFD On Deposita in this Institution at SIX PER CENT. PER ANNUM Payable to Depositors in May and Noremb which, if not drawn, will be added to the priu pal and compounderL Passinexr—lSA AC JONES Vice PReammr---W, 13, COPE LAPIL TRUBT RiCd, Hon Thou M Howe Hon J K Moorhea Isaac Jones, Jacob Painter, Win II Smith, Pater, Harry Childs, I Nickolas Voes:tly, W It Copeland. &dietary and Treasurer—A. A. CARRIER Ir8:1yd .E 1 NV JOS V ILI:RV To Strengthen and Improve the Sight. - True sile"t. PCBBLZ Russian Spectacles, EIDERSIONS SUFFERING MOW DE fective eight, arising from age or other cues es, can be relieved by using the Romulus' l'eb Vie Spectacle's which have been well tried b many responsible citizens of Pittsburgh and vi cinity. to whom they have theseeoot satisfac tion. The certificates of persons can be seen at my Milos. CO.. All who purchase one pair of the RllBlllll3 Pebble Spectacles are entitled to be supplied in futurefree.f charge with those which will always give satisfaction. Therefore. if you wish to ensure an improve ment in your eight call on J. DIAMOND, Practical Optician, Manufacturer of the Russian Pebble Spectacles. ianls.dow No. as Fifth Janet. Root Buitdin .100 v pianiß of husinsaa is eloped on Saturda S G R brands, CURED s Evans& Co. used for sale a at Wo e 4 D a ianion' d by . i y 24 .1. DUNLENY. j C. A. VAN KIRK & CO., lIANUFACTURSRB Or OAS FIXTURES & CHANDELIERS Patent Improve4l ExecNoir & Patent Paragon COAL OIL BURNERS HAND LAMPS OOLUMNS, &c. Salesrooms, 517 Arch St. Ph lad rr h I Manufactory, Fran k ford. l'a WI- All cond. warranted. v 2-1 v DAUB & CAPP.ELL, tripucimANT TA.ILOVIN, %JIVE RAVE JUST RECEIVED 6 VV lane and well colt:43od stook of Spring Goods, conisting of Clotha,Castmerea, Ventings, &c ALSO—A large stook of GENT'S FURNISHING GOODS, including Paper Co Ziare, Neck Ties, and ever, thing usually kept by first class Furnishing Blur e )rders promptly executed. su3o:l yd MeCOLISTER Q. BAER, 108 Wood S`r€ et, 4 RE SELLING OUT THEIR LARGE 1 - 21. stock of TOBACCO, SNUFF AND SIEGADS, at the very lowest Cash Figures. Call and examine our stock before purchasing elsewhere. iY23 3ta ‘5, Pittsburgh and Minersville Pas stinger Railway Company. FILM STOCK lIOLDERS OF SAID Company wilt meet at the of the Oak!and Railway Company, No. 51 Yourth street. Pitts burgh. on Tuesday, August :sth, lgt33, at 3 o'clock P. M., for the pu•pose of electing a B.,ard of Three Managers for 8/I`d Company torerve until the th Monday t f January, A. 1) Pitt 4. By order JAS. JuIINST O N.,S.erecur Y PITTSBOUGH, August 14, IStZi, 110GGS, 14 5 bbls fresh eggs just received and for sale br JAS. A. FETZ aE aulo earner Market ana First innate. COMMERCIAL INFORMATION. • • Arbitration Cnnnalttee of trie Jenard of Trade. Vim. M. SHINN V. P. I JAB. 1. BANNETT 31W. E. DILWdR'rE JVflsWin. broCREERY. 00 DUBS. Tilovementn of European Stearneia PROM A 1110.14. Virginim Aug. ^S...Niew York... Liverpool Pity of I Va?ton-Aug. 29... New Yorlr...Ligerpool 'Bremen ... . ... _.....Aug. 2J. Now- York......erenien Great Eastern.... Sept, 2...New' Yo,k..,LiigetPoo/ /Asia Sept, 2....130gt on Liverpool City of BaPrnote Sept. S...Nework-...hiverpOol Teutouia Sept. 5...N0w York... -Southi'n PerFia Rert. 9 ...New York—. Liveypeol Africa ................ Seri. on Liverpool Sot , nia Sept. 11,...New Yortc......tiouthen Scotia Sept. ga....New York ....Liverpobt Seot7a.. Georria Arabia.. China Fury pa. Per kuir. 251 ...Liverpoot...New York _Foot. 2 ....Liverp001....New York _Sept. s ...Livorponl. Boston Sept. 12 ...Liverpool - ...New - York ..... _Boston Sept. 213 Liverpool.... New York -- - - MONET MARKET. CORRIOTED MAILS' YOB. TEN MORNING POE? BY NESS RA. ICOUNTZ dc MERTZ. BRONX/W. 80. //S WOOD STREET. The following are the bluing and selling rates for Gold, silver. .to.: Silver Deitand Eastern Raebange. New Torii ..... Bra tiukore Philado:phin. Boston. par par par Dar Western Exchange. ..... Lonlivillep ar PAZ Cleveland Par Bt.GALLIA. Par gt, Reported Exclusively for the Saint , day Morning- Yost. A LLEGLIF:ArY LIVE grom nuulicET. Allegheny City, September 3. Cattle—The market during the weoh was well supplied and prices were a shade higher. The sales during the past three days were liberal.. The current rates were from 24. 203% to 4e nog , —Scarce. A Prime ai I icle sold at large figures from 5,4 , 7,c Slietp—The off,rings were the largest of ihe season. Prices I aliged about the same ea last we-lc, The recz, , ipts and sales at the Allegheny yards were; Last week. This 'cutely Hogs ......... .. ........... ....A.:Vie L 250 Cattle 3,4 NI 1,652 bit eep ............ - ..... ........4 .938 4,599 Ilorims 250 202 Cattle—The market was liberally supplied during the ;veek. ;hero was a fair competition fur good cattle and a fair hostile a wag transacted I..guther will a wo'..d export demand The prin. pal 9a ic s were made at an advance of from !-60 5 0 tb. Among the sales were the fallowing 51' to. Patridge, at Ohio, Bold i 8 head at $3l 1..1 head. Sfil'ee. of Ohio, Rohl 7ti head at $2 901 100 I 1 R. Mason. of Ohio. sold 37 head at s2u head. A Loci, of Otdo. so'd 19 bead at r bead. ll Marshall. c f Illinois, sold 18head s at Vitt per head. J 11 Rooo.v. of Ohio, sold 20 head at .1.3 00 per l‘o pounds. J Cambia, of Ohio gold 2.2 head per lb. WIG Fronk, of Yenn'a , . sold 18 head at 2 !4.3@3% ex pound. Is 13ucler, of Penn'a, sold 21 head at 2 1 ,c, per 11111)111On EOld :IT head at t• 7 per-vvirmi. - tV BJ oh natuu, of Pecta'a, cid IS head at $4OO r the let B Bost sold 2 head at $22 per herd, Wm Bk.° PUrchesod .12d head at. :'ea per 'and. clines S Wass purchased in head at U per marks Si: Troweruan sold 16: head at 2!,,, 3@3•11 . Per pound. A few head of extra cattle brought 13 The same firm purchased x 8 head of prime cattle at :9 , 1si.:1!„1 per pound. Kahn A:lireenwalt bought 63 head good cattle p. r pound Herman purchased 10 head: at s2oper bead, J chatmau purchased 19 head at $2l 00 per head. J ohaw sold 30 head of poor stock at $l4 00@ 914 is) per bead. .1 sold IS head at $27 00 per head. 1 iliitiMan bought 17 head at 31.scilAii tti. Illor.0.—"Iha Ml:rim:lc were not large. flood hoes lou• d plenty of purchasers at fu l rates. Jz (I 1.:1 purebred 13X1 bead of fat bogs at do is M. Inferior sold at lower figures Imulsba — . the market during the week was poorly I hid. A few hundred head were dis pesed of at former prices, sin: $1 2.ssessl 50 per heed Sheep—The supply of sheep during the week were the largest we have seen for some time p.m,. The sale , were also liberal, the better &se iption btinz readily picked up. Among the ea es were the fat wing: W at Patridge sold 165 head at $3 :15 per head J:1 1 / 1 0P 111.111 , U11 sold 193 head at .1.58(/ 00 for the let. Butler Sr Co , of Pennsylvania, sold 182 head at TS 54) 14 1(54 lb. Ilnanes AL , Glass bought 395 head at $265 per head: 201)h.ad at $3 I.ki per head: 100 head hest quality at 4',....0e4;4 II lb. NEW YORK CATTLE MARKET Tr bune's Report 8111,1,'S HEAD, Monday, Aug. 31 The weekly market for beef cattle opened in Forty-fourth street this morning with about 4,100 head of bullocks, but the greater Portion of them we o light and some ot them really poor, and hut a very II mall portion of them first class, and consequently these sold fully as highl as but week-1111a is, :03,1,0.011c per pound for the net weight beef, seller sinking offal dome of the salesmen as well as buyers think that the price ct cattle is hign.r this week than last. It may be iu a tow ii,stenees but BA a general thing we belir•ve that the nest cattle have sold at just about the same figures as last Monday and a por t.on of them aro not worth as much, Medium quality stock such as sells at 1 43-,4@lo!ic per pound Oct. has id just on a par with last week and in ferior nut quite as wed, but the prospect is fair that a'', utile,s largely recruited to-morrow, will be sold without any material decline. The cool weather is in favor of the owners of hogs. The sheep market is lightly supplied fa th.op. GRAND MASS MEETING Chr TIFIE FRIENDS' Or . BARGAINS SJF in BOUTS and SHOES, assembled dairy at CONCERT BALL SHOE STORE, 62 Fifth Street, to ratify the schedule of exceedingly low prices of BOOTS and SHOES, which has been adopted for the Closing Out of Spring Stock. Don't fail to attend this meeting and bring your :Herds With you, for the following very good reasons; Whether you purchase or not you will receive polite att ention• All goods are warranted in every particular. Thep ivilege allowed Of ex changing every article which. upon examination at home • deer not moot the entire approval of the purchasers. REMEMBER THE PLACE, NO. 62 FIFTH STREET. .1y22 REMOVAL. F, BARDEEN HAS REMOVED from SraithfigM street, below the Girard House, to N 0.115 Fifth street opposite the'Court Li nu... .31,2141. 0011COE.D GRAPE. Q. L feEILIOR VLNES. AT $2 50 PER i:715 dozen• $l2 30 per 100. Extra Vines at $5 per dozen: $.25 per /W. J• KNOX No. 25 Fifth otroot. jai BARRELS OF PURE RYE 0,00 , u , WHISKY, of different ages to suit purchasers, akitzr s es . lowest ca Distiller. Forsale by y inlFztf No's 189. fri and lafiliirat street OEHLER WANTED to repatishowt at ipEuitLaNnw, 96Markgel. 'PRAM NtrltOple BilYing Selling 121 00 1 17 00 1 22 00 vvrow or vwx SECRETARY O OP THE COMMOSIPEARTi, Rnriisbarg July 1,1863. - • PENNSYLVAIN lA. S : L. I do hcrety 'certify that thd fore:mug s. annexed ma full. true and correct dopy of the, original Joint Resolution of the,thert oral Assembly; entitled. "A Joint Reselution• Oro- Positm certain amendments to the Coslstitatiote.'t as the same remains on file in this office,. - tostiiMony whereof I have hereunto sistmay . hand. and ceased the seal of the Secretary's.of. fine to bo of tho day and year above written. Commonwealth julaidtf Secretary of the kf• O'HARA • . WY. I. O'HARA & AVGINN, Attorneys at .IE., aVv, REAL ESTATE AGENTS, . 1 .: OFFICE 89- GR.A.ltur STREET' Opposite the Tourt gonse. Pittsburgh. Ala t-Particalarattention event!) the :ettitiMant amination of Miles, Soldiers claims. collections in any part of the west.. Prompt remittances, and full oorrespondenoe in regard to all business entrusted to oar care. Ik. J. LYNCH APING VACATED THE rnowr AIL of his store, No. 96 Market street, to Make alterations, will be found in the new add ition.in rear of old tore, entrance on Market alley, fangt door from sth street, whore Dry Gouda be sold about). anl.s.z WM. M. FABER STEAM ENGINE BUILDERS Iron iranuattletirge, SENERALIIICIMIItiI lUD WM WEIS. Near the Penn. N. B, Paseeturei-Derpot PITTSBUREDI. liwaenupettyrome ALL KINDS ON ivit d an Steam :111login ea. ranging from three. to • one hundred mg home power. and - suited foe Grist Mills. Saw Mills,-Illast Furnaces. Featclice Give particular attention to the construction ot anginas and Machinery for grist mills, end fop aillfvhe'rasn',V=l.4teat' saw mills. for ship mina at short notica lisgince and Boilers of ever) description. Also. furnish Boilers and Sheet Iron selharateli, Wrought Iron Shafting. Reams and rusies in every variety, and continue the manufacture of Woolen Machinery and Machine Cards. Our prim; are low, our machinery manufactur ed of the bast quality of materials, and warranted In all cases to give satisfaction. ille-Orders from all parts of the °canto solicit ed and Drumptly 41bed. taiid&" raNOILIIISTS WOULD DO WELL TO. call and snpply - themselvea With that vary convenient article. TRAVELING SHIRTS, of which we have received a largo invoice of new and very handsome atylea. .141ACH , 4GLYDE, 78 Market et, be ..Fourth and Diamond. jy24 coNcoRD GRAPE VINES. VirEWERE AMONG THE FIRST TO waro this INVALUABLE GRAPE, and have fruited it for five_yeara. We obtained our original vines from Mr. BIELL who angina toi it. The Pittsburgh Horticultural Society in ISSS awarded us a diploma for its exhibition, and the Allegheny County Agncultursl-Scaletp, in 1 8 6 0 , a premium for it as ' ' the BEST new seedling grape. in all respects superior to the Isabella.' Oar stock of Vines Is unequalled anywhere, which we offer at 25 cents each. $2,50 per dozen, $12.60 per 100, $lOO per j,OOO. Small vines at lees prices. We can furnish a few extra large vines at f ro 50 cants to $l each. anl_•eod&w J. O. WELDON. JNO. KELLY. WELDON & KELLY, Gas and Steam Fitters, PLUMBERS AND BRASS FOUNDERS, 164 WOOD STREET, NEAR SIXTH, PITTSBURGH. PA. Air Pumps sold and repaired. Proprietorti and Manufacturers of Dakin's Patent Water Drawer and Musgrave's Patent Gall Cooking and Heating Stoves. an= JOE3JEPII otroccasog JAS. P. FLEIVI'I NC. 131/.T.TOGIS4Ii • Wholesale and 'Retail—Dealer Foreign and Domestic Drum Meiliiines."Pa4ta. Oita Dyc-4tutfa and Perkin:mu, No, 77 Federal Street, mr7klid ALLEGHENY CITY,-Pd, ess irssai-sonx.IIVWC ASTLE received and forsala by - • - 1 " 12 : 1 GEO. A KELLY. Federal 41:144sikenT. ST FRANCIS -0 01 : 11i„E • GE , UNDER CAR Or. THE FRANCISCAN gIbTiEAS rip:4m_ lotoishrelltili; " iSiitithithl, AL -IN 4 . 4 PRETTO.:Cinbrbt county: Tenninii .Elaill about, four miles - from Cresson Station. On the direct ronte'betweet Philadelphia and'Pitta bourti.mas chartered .in .18. ca, „ trith..priyilixesito confer thfinsual Consulate Moorenors and X)egrees. The location. of-the College ls . one iof the mhat healthy in Permaylvaniarthis portion of the Atte igtelty lloontabas belnerroYerbial for Its-pare itater..bracingaiittridPiPAreOgne twee The Scholastic year commences on th;s - MONDAY after the 15th ot• AUGUST. WITZA about the 28th of &UHF follwerAng It is divide I into - two Strsiork- Students carat rebutt hone hetwonn top Sessions.' Ni 0 10 APPptates nec ary for Land "Rimming, f . b.eerine: dre.: ii.e.. sill be furninhed Icy. the ;Inkelartiot to the atidenta. Th , • and - • ' i i 6 i t y . at:ruminate! Vocal Muse forms a a Oharuo. Students min- be adicdtteti; from iriat years to the age cif Mantle - bd.' 1 , . Tirains-.-Boarcland Ttition. vayakloheitieeev in tdvance...-- ..... ..... ..- ... ..-.....4 1 65 SurroyMg ancr Use of instruments, per prim OlaSsibal and Modern 'LaiNruna extra •• -A in 1 in Students spending Vacation at the Cellear-i 2) Reference can be made to the Rt: Rev. Bishop O'Connor, to the Rote. T. `S. Reynolds,"St.lktrap Loretto, a••• 1 i. , other elarrnr.... ef, the vitt7im ' 14 0 , .q-. Bishop Domenec, Pittsburgli'r' - His op Wood. Philadelphimt- - Rey Dr, O'Hara. Philadel phia: :Roy. Henry McLaughlin. Phibsdelphia: Key. P. Mahar. Harrisburg. cull JOINT RESOLUTION PROPOSING 1- 9 , 'ESTA IN AMENDMENTS TO THE I CONSTITUTION. • Be it resolved by the - Senate and Howe a Representatives of I/se Commrrn wealth Qf Pennsykania in:Genera/ Arnim44l snot, That the following amendments be roptned to the Constitution of the Commonwealth, in ac cordance with the provisions of the tenth article thereof; There shall bean additional section to the third article:of the Constitution. to -be designated as seetien four, as follows; &arum 4 Whenever any of the gualiSed. electors of this. Commonwealth shell be in actual military service, under a requisition from the President of the United States, or'by the anthor ity of this Commonwealth, such electors may ex ercise the richt of suffrage in all elections by the citizens, tinder such regulations as are, or shall be, prescribed by law, as fully es if they were present at their uncial plat:te of eleotkal-• There shall be MO additional sections to use eleventh article of the Constitution, to -botlesig nated as motions eight and nine, as follows: Szertost S. No bill shall be passed by the Lege iilature containing more than one subject. which shall be clearly a/plumed is the title, except ap propriation hills. ' - Szariost 9. No bill shall be passed by the ,T..l3g hdatura granting any, powers, pristieg6,lll any ense, whero the authority to grant such owers. or privileges, has been, or may hereafter be, eenterred upon the courts of this Commonwealth, JOHN CESSNA. Speaker of the Holm of RepreSentatives. JOHN P. PENNEY. Speaker of the Senate. .E Gr Jf_. I Cr M. E. J. Ic:N4E) X v No. 29 Fifth Street . 7-.=: k.:;';;i.;t": 7- „7;.•.:,, - ,2;',,,,,-, ~: _ , _ ;., New ,JDiseovery t ~... WARRANTED :,IN -ALL CASES: _ ,:-,:::..i. D . IT CAN BE RELIED ON. Er .NEVRR .R. fails to cure I ...: ft:siees- not nauseate I It Is ..., spectriu Jactionl /4 - 1 1 thahile of ;Dietif Required! ~ _ ..,2.., : .: .., It dots not intarferawith business pursuits l It razihe usetwithdru. detection I- C' - . Upward-of goo.cureq the past , :ioninili„ so me of them yefi 'severe 'Ages. Irier adapted for male and female, old df-Ytilingl , - BEIVEVOZOIPICITLEILB are the nrigina Yana:only tendril, Specific Pill. Overone li tindrtitphysioransluite. used them in their practice end allaplaft R6ll Tot, their efficacy and approveol w heir , eomstittm.- which is en tire -19 Vegetable andperlettD BartillesSon th e system ti un dreds of certifidates Can be shown. BelltsudaoP2u4 avi the •j remedy far effecting a per_nianentand speedy care in all cases of_tiperniatorrhea.-or, .Seudnal Weakness, with all -its- train;nr,weilii- tmelisas-Uretbra l and Vaginal Disch argcsoal eat. the Whites, Nightly or InvoluntamLmtssions, Genital. Debi ity and Ir ritability:lncontinence, ',hit v one weak.. or Legg of Paver ! Nermans Debility. &a , ea -all of which eds.:Ll:Tun:l:pi:Qty.:from pixuai Excesses or Self Abwe, or eozne constitutional derangement and inrapacitates the sufferer from fulfilling the duties of Married:Liftilt /::_ -; " in all e 'PxualDlßeasC4. nagonarrhea, Gleet and Stricture Sad in Diseases of the Bladder and Rid- neys they actas a - charm f ; Relief is _experienced bp takincra istiripie. box) - , ',-- -LT • - ' Pliaa.eisrk nsittAß . , _ . Josignx war.adrilic-; 4 ...pormirk.oltrast - istd -blazon& and, by Druggistsirenerally...... %.,4 --Pittsburgh ' They wil, be sent 'by' mail •sedufelyysettled on receipt .of the nioneYlß . ^ --- . ' , ' ,, i"t •tt Y. '33111'0, XL '1:0,,,.. • - • - Rol 76 Ctidtittstretfk Ii;•/t.. Consulting .Physician , for theißeatmtml af,Bem lnal. Uri r. arY; 'Sexual ant 'Nerv'otis'llisetasse;'whn will send erect° alltbefollowirtirTabitiblowtirks: The Fiftieth , .litionsend.7-3t.ell'a Treatise on Self-Abuse . Premature ttecay,"lm potence and Loss-of • Voveer,_Blisniallititteases, Seminal W eakness, XigtttlS„ EMisaiens,-Gesitat Debility, Sic. - A panipuiet' lit - fifty con taining- -important attics- AD. the ad and should. be - read by overY4tifferev,, We-means of cure in the severest ittagoZikiiikucil.f set-forth. Two staMpd to pay postage, ~, 31 , liitqa*W 0 TO ' T4EyR 1 11331411 t ' ' 1 &IS P K 0,1 - 211.1.Z01f ii , - -. .., .. . l udtbeignerantinnifslar, ' --`",... - i v • 1.1 , Molest etsildenonm ' 11, ' „I nationd.trest , secret end , , delinatmAisorder4 milk 4.. e• .k :" abuse and diseased it? lo ' " to.ations renamonsuniln- °Meat lotteratha or bativ., _. ~„ . 4 ee el and adv it. ,-single,ok;irutreled..-_,./Ikteausa Da. isikaliferete• let ausip gatebet "'or bis _doing go. the ignorentianklidemitare-d=ct shocked. and dank it . a 1n u o end for .4onlltuaimant '-and Do on'-iithong their rriv_es. madams sons And da Whoa familY nhVaiebut - simuld - be egartfomite, Oe - 'them "bkbuOmoloo.thi#thord4thejoase..bo•Dr. 7, row e adli , STKUP. (except De ousains)/eM a / e Wiwi lice -might •ke loziftdltheozi limo 7 i n modest_ And strentraptrume, in haired Kr' fasoreime: spy atta an who- ammo- cool:et' yi in Ireia,4%a !Mars ana canby, nurateriousho. meanly o futteluit blpvalidw... , &mom:llia-a uutemna arena and suardians are thitnitaLthat their ves, - daughter* and wallreeiemdt•lllenie Aiekli and 0f . 4 6 49 0 4 .4 6 -P MANI 00 3,1 4 030 % have been rwtored to n - I end vigor ha DK. 13 KARMUP., Wades calinV hereby ant.• "after marriage throughilim haxe.bonn saredinneli rat 3 "•• feting: LEP t et7 - nrortifttien, 'lce: 113madorz h9a or nocturnal oniu ere oontoleOdy owed in a 'err abort nate Of thrie - by his noir remedies. - orldah unworn:Barb Ida airmiChey are envenom& from tho Vegetable Kingdom. baring: peen the fallacoailleMe eurialtreatmenthebaosbandon 4 -edit and substitnted „ywtable . Smul ea ttla. easel are treatedWithm,rearkedeutin had t- Mgi l bil it io= grtii,th., World Mid in ...T. i 7 wool - the now—paled cheek. Trifle 196 1. with toontebanks and jrat.oonikend be.OVW Consumption and a n d its kindred diseases. al whioh• to many -annually -Mgr ommagiak. now be _relieved. prorlding...hey ,attend ,to it le time bullpareoulars can belied of mytreatment by uoo,,ng a copy of the Medical lidviser.whiak to jive trees to all that aptly Ifsviall the ad vantage - of over :forty years experienedt) and observation, oonseammatly, he 1118 anperioukill la the treatment of medal disease:a:llnd who - is daily oonsultedby the protegee:a. ;Lobel= mended bi repenleof enbllos ro nrietore_ of .hotelsi, Ogles. 411:1 . street. near Diamond emeek..PhireteWelyhtd4 eations parts of) hellnlw tended to. Dime ta • - Slileur OF ItrANIMAAEN AND Naving. had a Man employed for thilagt SIX years compounding the above excellmit tethedies for my own practiee t and having used them.with nncommon snares s in all that time, I feel it a duty to set them,-liefore the; publie, as, WY 9x.Pa rience lea& mete think they are as near e=c l a as any remedies• well can be , for the lb diseases, namely: Scrofula, Coitre., SYPhilis. an all diseases that arise froin an impure state Of the blood. One trial will convince mil Pgriton of their fitness for those diseases, ' Prepared and sold h_y_- • .J. W. BRANS/TRY, M.D. 85 Smithfield et.. Pittahnrgh„ Pa. kita'AAak2iimi.nl, 1 J. J. Powirais ATTENDS TO TILE ItirAMITIAAATIVRE of Steam Boners, Salt Pans, Sugar Pans. Sheet Iron. nays, Breathings. and an other artioltgasuallr-Pan ufactured at ainntrx concerns. Prompt attention paid to all kinds of !ensure on reasonable turnm. • - : Works CORNER Ot? LOCEIOX and ,DI79USZIE WAY. sth Ward. Allegheny river.l . . . lyB4yd Sydropolte,-or•Garden Sprinkler. A BMW AND lISEFUL ARTICi2t4OR. 21 wetting Ideate and flowers, washinglvindow earl - legal, Are. pump of every deseriptioii Bold and repaired- Daykin'a Patent:Water:Drawer made and gold. .LDON & KELLY: 16.1 Wixikl St. One door from -Sixt W. B. Lurrox LIJPTON dr, OLDDEN , NANDPAOT,I7DB2B AND DEALNES Dr no.esffENT kGPAY,RIO(IIING 113-Repairt-to old Gravei t eantroii Andldetallo Roofs matto at tholowwst mow. - All work promptly attooded to and 90 Oidoei IliondnirPost Builditur, corner Wocd streeta.2/1 story. -GRAVEL ROOFING. R 'ANA! 110.PROMP'TLI AT LUPTON, OLDDEN &CO., Corner Filth and Wood streets, second stOrY. blO DUQUESNE BRASS. WORKS, CADMAN &. CRAWFORD. Manufactarars of every viirbity of finished BRASS WORK.FOR PLUMB} _ _ GAB or•WREAkINUFITIPERN, MACIIrNESTS Alm COPPRigifitutHEL RBAss citsui t as OF Erriii or, scription made to order. Steamboat wort. steam and gas fitting and temurtag` promptly M inded to. Ha rtictuar attention pas, tO etttait lID Refineries for Coal and Carbon Chls„ • PMso solo, agimts for. the , Western I.l)lttlijot of ennsylvania. for the sale -of Jilaralt. Lansdell bode!Cia. 7 a Patent Syphon:P=l4'6e best everinvon• and r ving no valves ft is notliable to get out of throw more Rt water than anYktime wiee ltS e. - , , - lon EImoVAL or .LICWFAY Br3lms _IL The indersiatledhaiing removed his Live -17 Stable from the rear of the eeott Il s oosajones4 too corner of IsliWt, and flesitlifield- West, W. c• Coma e old stand, i sprepareditelbssabh esestagea buggies, and saddle horses nig= the shortage no tice. • Also horeew kept at livery setwuwanabis rum Under:alder and-allarneagementiltsOD /la" heraln will rogedvelkoecial Ettsegtda t a rg . L =NU , ~,~ NCED/CUm. -- BOX*slei "pathost Pad 01:DDIN