RAILROAD TIME YAM Pitttbnigh & ()nun'llya° Railroad St r MtMil ABRANG3==!MI. 0 NAND AFTER SATURDAY, AU GUST 15m. igai. Trains will run as Jul lows, on tho P. & C. R. R. Pittsburgh Pittsburgh Mail to and from 'Uniontown 7:55 a m 6:00 p m Kgpress do do 3:40 p m 9:20 a m /St M'Kor.un't Acoom'dat'n 11:00 a m 6:50 a m id do do 6:15 p m 2.05 p m Port Parry do 700 p m 8:30 p m Bradiock's Aocom'n. 4;15 pin 5:40 pin Sunday Church train to and from McKeesport 1:00 pin 10:00 ain k'or tickets apply to GEO. BOUITON. Ag't. rah" ?.;is,:l IT. BLACKSONE. thap't. BRZ - FiLL AND DEPARTIME, Or THE w - EsirEaa- imeaxa. DEP4B2 ORBS. g=l , feell train. Fort Wayne and Chicago, will take way mails - from Crestline to Chicago at 2 a.m. Cleveland and Pittsburgh train, 2a. m. Closes at midnight. Mali t - aln, Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne & Chicago 13:10 a. tn. Closes 78. m. This train will carry all way mails between Pittsburgh and Cresthne, Cleveland & Pittsburgh train, 6:50 th in. Closes at midnight. This tram takes way mails between Rocherter, Pa., and Bellair,O, Express. Pittsburgh. Fort Wayne and Chicago, L4* p. in. Closes at 12450 p, m. Cleveland Jr Pittsburgh train. 1.50 a. m, Closes at 1:1:50 p m. ABBIVALS Cann; anati Express, 2 130 P.m, Mail train. Pittsburgh. Bort W sine & Chicago. Be..th P. ID. Cieuland and PittsburghL•ap. 4..20 p i es. TA 8:25 a mails arriv* from the West on and 4239 D. frairia will be ready for deliver at Egn VA.I. AND DEPARTITILE OFTHE EASTZUN MAILS. DEPAR 2 f7 BES The mail train for the East departs at 5:50 a.m. Closest midnight. This train will also take the way matt= between Pittsburgh and Harrisburg. The through Express train for the east departs at 4:30 p. m. Closes at 3:30 p. m. The Fast train for the East departs at 11:20 p. IP Glom: at 10:20 p. m. ARRIVALS The mall train designated as the Baitimore Ex- Wu arrives at 12:4.5 p. m. '4'he Philadelphia Express arrives at 1:15 p. Both of the above will be delivered at `.1:.30 D. In. The Fast train arrives at 1:30 a. m. rIiiLLUEIRIIII JEMEI CORESSION REROLIATIV, LIM Fi.z.isr, Oraln arld nEI kfaida or 4Uonlite7 Prltduee, Whiee and Idgreorg, etgara, Tobace, &v. HIGH WIII4ZPLIbaraI &d.76tteeld zude an tou ttalausen 22. 03 OFFICE HO InHEROPFE 243 2.00111 MOO ST 412211:13 , Ie BLAD 161 (PIMA. VIM, BRICF, a uu, I':S.'ODUCE AND pstrvfaioN 424)511 - -:ISSIONi ItiEnciatANTS, No. 16 SOUTH WATER ,S2.REET, Phllltde'phl a. edveues made on coazigr meT. te wren required. 23.71-Ird E. P, MIDDLETO & 8110,, 1.311 , 0ET2LZ 09 w 7:4 8, B 1 E.NDINB, tto., .tro MLLE= IS I"9 I 4 OLD WHISKIICS, FAL 5 NORTH oaorra EiTEEET pEILADEIRATA aplalyd GEORGE GRANT, tan - .:"Actozar imd Wholesale and Retail Deslacr tR ZVEILY DEBORIPTIOU 01, GiINTS' FURNISHING GOODS, i3..1 4) CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA HARRY BRIAN, 1759(ma Cd3?'E & FELL3.O .4 ~, LIFACZUBEBS a IMPOBTEB& 0 F ng;..re ICLEXIBELLNEZ 63100...e8 .::A.ILORS' TRIMMINGS, 1:3 kX POUR= STREET, m51: 1 • PHILADELPHIA DAVIN atit PHILIALIPE§, as 65 FINISHER utA p icir p rTaEns AHD B • PUMPS AND BRASS WORKS - ':,ra.lar attention paid to the Sitting II.P and R.Akuring Oil Refineries, Bce r.r.d Plumbing in P. - 3 itr branches. , Agen ts for Hutchings & Foster's Excelalor rump for liandand Power IMO. It has no supe rior, lan3l:3md No. 110 Water and 104 First '. he Howe Sewing Machine Invented 1845. Perfected 1862, RECEIVED TRIBUTE FROM ALL other cawing Machines, at the W orld'a Fair, 1864, kilo the Singer sewing Machine an honorable mention on its Merits ; and Whee, or A W UBOEl'B a medal for its device, called "Cir cular 11,ok." The Howe Sewing Machine, was awarded a pre al um (to an &mil:3h Exhibitor.) as • the beat for all Purposes on exhibition. Our.light t Machine guaranteed to make perfect work on the lightest and heaviest fabrics. Sold and rented. Cor. Penn A St Clair, streets. A. M. Mx - GREGOR. Agent... mv2o:d3taw:ly - tr ADI ES',2III.SSEB' AND CHIL MIENS E.A Boots, Shoes, Gaiters and Balmorale, made to order. of the best materials and wo - kman- W. E SCHMERTZ dr. CO., LIRENCH WOODS LIMITATION OF .11 - 2 Oak, printed from board , an exact Qom with panel mouldings to match. For sale by W. P. MARSHALL, lug R 7 Wood treat C °"— 300 bushels prime yello'w shelled Corn, in stere ens for sale by JAMES A. FETZER. oorner Market awl Ist street. AZYMPft..... _..Jr. D. INTIDILtt ......I. 8. 88711.2.8 Late at Millc ‘VRioketaon'e. /I.l..)ErinilEft 1313.02"113E.31ifE1. 1St:coo:1.1ot to Rayner t Aide/ton.] Wholesale Dealers le IFOrroLgn Frolic, Nuts, Confectionary, taigas, Lire Works, am., nos. /26 Sint 128 WOOD STREET. PrITBIIITE6II ta AMBOO FISHI.NG POLES P( All-N Sale by 50 DASKETS, "PINTS AND quarts," Ileidziek's Champagne, 30 Cases Sparkling Moselle. In stnro and fore b) Ba MELLER 4 RICKETSON 'NEW LOT OP CLOTELES WRING era, :Hai. received by BECKHAM it LONG. 127 Liberty street. CHEAP WALL PAPERS—LOWER than preiont manufacturer's prioe.s, forsale bT W. P. MARRHALL myl6 - 87 Wood St, - 00 ovATOES-II+BAJIZIEMLS POTA. .2.. toagjazt, reo'd and for eale by JAS. A. FETZER, corner Market and Ist St. :IVEW IFEEINCIL-PAPEn. JESAltitiVititi -L•1 from the celebrated manufacturies of Deli eou, t 4 Defoasee, in Paris, just received and for sale by may 4 W, P. MARSHALL 87 Wood street. taIEVOLVING AND - 41,Ctf)thj, /JAY &$ rakes, bay and manure forks, hay elovsaore., = radios, scythes, maths, scythe stones and implements generally, for sate byt. BEenHAM at LONG, - e 117 2 .1) No 127 Liberty street /113111R35, DOO POWERS, FORBADE IL , by BPITELEAM & EONS,. m 920 • 127 Liberty street. irtHEEEISE; ‘,/ 25 bcaes prima cheese just received and for sale by JAE. A. FETZER, mr.-"fiLioydritt, taut Fir:* ref r Pet. WHOLESALE GROCER rio.B, 18 AND 20 WOOD STREET, Arrive at WarulT.lr A CARR el CO. WICILESALE GROWLS, Dad Import...ern or WEEMS, BEL§,NDIJCS, GUM a-4. ALSO. Distillers and Began in rms OLD MONONGAHELA RYE WHISKY 827 Liberty Street, llc9 ]9 zirrmanaccer, MINT= EI. EINZEME ett WHOLESALE GROCERS DOS. 112 SECOND AND 141 FIRST STOUTS PITTSBURG/EC acrrELs AND RESTAURANT& .A.VA. IC /EX 0 TJES Nat to Pennsylvania Panel:ger Depot, JOBOU SAVAOI4 Proprileitor. f AVENG TAKEN WEB FITTED VP, mi• with all the modern improvements. this po pular resort, the subscriber is prepared to accom modate bs old customers and the_public gener ally. with the beat the markets Girds. Oysters will be served up in every variety of 81 7 1 0.4u-rine the seasom h i Winoe„ Liquors and Ales he feels confident in recommendinx to the public for their °Canoe. Can, Bnoltet and Shell Oystml sleeved daily andsold wholesale and retail. torallyd foinsr. notTelia, N.O. 2 DIAMOND A L LEY, PIITS BUR GE. MIME InfESCRIBINI ANNOUNCES Z. to thepuhli o that he h in daily roocipt ci FRESH BERT T. AND CAN OYSTERS, GAME, &o, and is prepared to aocomniodato the patrons of this old and well known house with everything in the eating and drinking line at tho short es t notice.. JOHN SHALEit, 1910:1y F-ropriecr. Fonng'a Eating Saloon, CORNER VIRGIN ALLEY AND SE7EI Vann OYSTER'S and ell the deliaschur at the asasen will be served up in the mast palatable atrle. ELI YOUNO, 6:14 Amer Virgin eller mad Elmithflete. et. • POLLO HALL HILLY Alt ISI .21LCHARLne 4ARDNBR'wouId remind his old Mends and customers that ha in still to be forma at his old stfind,_ APOLLO HALL, entrance on fourth street He has always on hand the best quality of Lmer Beer, and in connection with. the hall. a well eppointed billiard saloon. with abed tables. balls and cues Remember the Oa on, Apollo Hall. Pomrth n......arCi ood. entrance tram Fourth. iy10:17 Cornenutooples aloon, CORIUM OF UNION AND ynaß STAINTs WEI RE TM: PtreLlU CAN On 'it IN the 11. t rad purest Liquors. Meals served st ell hours Ln the shorted dee. Lunch ovary morning between the hours of and 12 o'clock. PILED. WHIM. an2l-1, Pronrielnr PRESENTS FOR THE HOLIDAY'S ripH E SUBSCRIBERS HAVE JUST - JIL opened especially for the Holiday's Po'7 lam and desirahlesteek of GOLD JEWELRY, for Ladies and Gentlemen's wear. line itronte Clooke, Fancy Goods, SILVER-PLATED WAItE, mob as castors, cake and fruit baskous, goblc•• esxcl oases, tea setts, etc-, and a large VP-MU' of suitable articles for presents. HEINEMAN, may Italy et sEiDt-r -dare:o 42 Fiftb street MORNING POST TA:l3.ll.af. Fit. 113111 U IN 'X, CORNER FIFTH 85 WOOD STREE RECENTLY HALMS lIITSXSITZ ADDITIONS AND INFNOT MEN:S Ws on now prepared to execrate oil oidont BOOK dr JOB PRINTING With dinpateh. and In the moot merior stale gEICOND WO NONL And will PXY particular attention to RAILROAD, MCANTILE & LEGAL PRINTING RI INfth strcat BILLS OF LADING, MIDIDILARS, BILL WEARS, BLANKS, DEED CERTIFICATES. REGISTERS, DRAY TICKETS, RECEIPTS, Show Car& & Bills in Colors asp, ShourbiLls, Handbills, Labels, Co . lege and Sohool Schemes, Hotel Bills of Pare,lnvitationsro, Our fatalities for printins OSIERS PROGRAMMES , &C, 108 CONCERTO I EXHIBITIONI3 JAMBS BORN. 136 Wood street ACID IJNESITIAPA.I3SMID We nu home oompleb =detection la to TILT AND PENN 1 BOOK WORE OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. School end Colfege Cataloffueo, ECtseelloneoos Catalogues, Constitutions, Reports, Briefs, etv BLARE BOORS, LairrrEs HEADS, BIAS= BOOKS, tiliFeLl3l4, .STC. 4011 Banks Bo Baankluag illowtkus FURNISHED TO ORDER. AIL WORE EXECUTED PROMPTLY POST BUILDINGNIStb and Wood sits D-TO 3 .ILAW 411911.W4V31:41026 Ax 47 number utesApp "mil tratalcdtr: Af j NOLAN:: : Fourth stmt. ono door ituOvoardthfield. hrtA.wa • VVALL PAPERS--FEW KlirD sale Choice pattenza at 12% and 15 carry., for b 2, W. P. MARSHALL. OBOCZET j►, BACIAULiEIr 9 PES'I'SEU.2I:Si zio. B O Llbertx Street. Wks 4;11%4 , 174 (Rear Market.) GOLD AND SILVER WAT HMS, FTEAM PRINTING PITTSBURGH. TO OULOYFICA 2VRRY DESCRIPTION 07 We have an aim La tho tty EBNELOPEB, eozirusAcTE4 BARE & XYERB, aNtikrEANoll._ RE INSURANCE BY Tm OE MUTUAL INE URANUS OOMPANY, or? 13.11-1E14.61,33E1L1PELY.49.• Ga llYdbal_N - Limitsei or Perpetual, Mernhan dp, Furnitzra, ac., in town or country. OFIFICIE Bfa, =ttg WALNUT f3T1418 Cash Capital, 5229,510 00. • 04103,5051 00. XnYeated as follows, vt: Pint Mortgage or Improved City Pro perty, worth double the amount...... 1 1 / 5 5.1X5 00 Ground rent, first class 2.452 50 Ponngylvania Railroad Co's 6 St cont. MortgaQ,,LOanß> Ikon cot f 17.900 00 philadelp ma city 6 t. 80 OW 00 An ec h en y co un t, 6 Tp cent. Pearurit yellta Railroad L 011113....... .: MOM 00 Collateral loans, well secured. 2.600 00 Eirtntingdua and Broad Top Metmtain Railroad oomoeny, mortgage 10an.... 4.0)0 00 Ponnsylvania Railroad Co. 5 t00k,... ,4.000 00 Stock of Reliance Mutual turatanoe Company Stook of County Sire Insnranca • .. /.050 0 00 0 Stock of Delawaro M. S. Insurance Co. 700 00 Commercial Bank do ...... 0.1 Nicol:l= .... Im' Bank do .... &on Union M. Insurance Co's MO 0 50 0 Bat Recerablo, business paper... ... 16. 718 Boo,k Account, roc - axed interest, 6.216 7? cR. htmci rod Ea kend.o of axolotl.. 11.38 835 NAM CLAM TUTEMIT, PresidanL lli DEFLECTORS. Clow ri.lnsim% taamuol BicOw& Wm. R. ThomPson,. Robert Steen. _Frederick Brown. William Musser. Cornelius Btatrougoa. Beni. W. Zhighr; John R. Worrel Mandual Hill, H. L. Carson, 2. Lothrop. Robert Tolaud, ..Tnarlea Leland. Prederiok Le/144. Jacob T. Bunting. Marino& Wood tiudth Bowe' Pil :men B. Weedrrerd. John Biagi toburgh B. M. HENCHMAN. eareturi. J. GARDNKR COFFINAgent. liorthonst corner Third and Wood MS. INDEMNITY AGAINST LOSS ear VILLNILLINFIRE INNTILLINCE JL COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIWKRTMIE NO. 4M5 and 4.11 CIELESTMETT neat Fi • STATIMENT or ABSETS. JAN. let M. Published AsrceabLy Co An Act of Aasembb. Whist rim; Martial/la, rtmply 5c0czed,..,AW396.393 69 Real Mato, (Present Y6lllO 6 11 .4:119 EL) c.c.s 102.955 Temporary Loans on omple Oollat teral Stmixitias ..... 69,,M Btooka. (pre3mt Tattle e.ia.697 72.) 63 eta_ .. . . ....... 89.786 65 ads it.ceMT.t.hle UZI 00 27,919 33 See ase.cei only profits from. Pre.31111214; Fhteil sz this com pany can divide by law.. aro from risk! which two Wan determined. Insurances made on ever deseription of Prop tuty in Town and Country, at rates as low as am consistent with security. Bieea their incorporation, a_period of thirty years. they have paid losses by re., to an &mount excrodier Four Millions of Dollars, thereby af fording evidence of the advantages of Insurance, oe well as the ability and disposition to meet with cromt , t,co,s ell liabilities. Lescei rale; daring the yew. 1859, 069,153 56. DIRECTORS. OharAc W. Banakar, D M s e ri rd d ee s tl ß D ro . Lsrefta wa, Tobias Warner. Barn nal Grant, Laaae Lea, Jacob R. timith2.dvard C. Dale. W. Rich . ard Geome Faded. AHDDAN OILE, Vi Frei - 1(14ml. WC. DALEico Prez/dant. Dreay Beefatarr pro tam. J. GARDNER Conlig,glearik. N crtharo: eon Third and Wood ata. WESTERN INSURANCE COMPANY, FITIMESURCIIII. CEO.aelfl DA_FAIS, Freiddant L i . m. GORDON. SeeratarL Cafe- R. D. CoCHRAN. Gael 44=4 No. 92 , •Wator etreat : (Sperm k Co'a Wareham. eralla.) Pittzt—m-gb.. Will Imam azeiert all 'rinds of FIRS atdEiA WINE ItIBRS. A IlonaeLniti'mtien manaced by Directons who are weli h_newn la ;he communality. and who are drearmined, by pr - ptnems and libenalitar. to matt- Lain the char: . , tar .ixteh they hnve mammal. an pry t, thou. who dOOLW to te bccostk-t. OUTC!.I.aIi, /Cala, 1842. Stt•ck Accon_ttl . ... . 2.160 00 efEce MO CV Open Accmnv... 7.8(19 43 Cut .. 77.606 20 174.= 14 Promfum N0...4.- Not.m. tot! ditiendita. ...Lit FCT.OII.B. ii.. MiDer Jr_ Jam= M'Attlei. Nathaniel ll' . ....:...N. Alexander N imlet. G home Ddr.f... W al. EL P.x.ith. Ch.m. W. ItteketAnz, Andrew Ackley Alexandra- Spear, David M. Lon/ J a tf.....' J. TriOraal Beni. Bakavelt John it. M'Cune. m ----- PHILADELPHIA Flah AND .LIFE iNSURANCE CONFAB H, NO. 149 CHESTNUT BTREET, OppootLe the Castel/a House. .B.ttijJl.oo Actch......taosmits. IVLLL tirtAECR ALL KINDS OP I. El (TRANCE. tither Perpetual or Limitact.cra every deeorlption of Property or Itiarchaadiaa, at ronannal , .!.ls rnto of premium. ROBEIt I' P. KINO, Prartideut .to__ P. BALDWIN Vim t. DIP,WIDItd. Chiglet Baps, - S. R. Cop?, • L B. En a 1.1.5 h '; l oortra W. Brorra. P. B. fisvery, JCZOPLI S. Put:. C. Char:Lan. :An Marton. B. J. Mazarao ,I. IVI.Itr. r.r.-...,.::Lumx.attret•s o . J. 9. a O n l d M W E :l=t°eraer "Chard J. PEOPLES INSURANCE COMPANY. Office, A, E, Oor, r, ds Fifth 111111 All MA RI triSURANCI, !RECTO RN • Wpri. ••e, John Wait, James D. ymor. William B. Capt. Jno. P.hoed John E. Parke Samtiol P. Shrive?. Charles S. Bingo. Anie. William Van kis • I C. Damon Love. Wra, l'all'ill'a.Preeideztt. .101118 WAIT, Viet" Prftot Won. F. GARDNER, Sees. 171.7-171; ALLEGHENY INSURANCE CO, OP PITTSBURGH. ovvivE, 20. E 7 I•Yrih Bank Block iffIRSITRI 7 23 AOALINNT ALL KENDS Off 1 11. FIRE AND MARINE RISKS. inSAAC JONES, President; JOHN D. 111000Ittk. visa Presidont; 11. M. BOOR. Secretary: Gam WILLIAM DEAN, General A.zent. :D.LRECTORS—Ieaao Jones, C. G. Hussey. Has , 'ray Childs. Capt. R. C. Gray, John A. Wilson, B. L. Fahoectook, John D. McCord, CaptNin Adam Jaoobs. R. I'. Ste:lira. Capt. W. Dear.. Robert L. erCII:nTr. Yin', if 11.7.ric nn.2B Spencer & firKaY, BREWERS AB MUSTERS. Puoiwzi, 'luau Harmon , . Pittsburgh, September 10.1382 1 Nip misoLuTioN OF PARTNAWMIZIP. II" — Thepartnerslifp heretofore 'esisti b tween 05 SPENCER and W. H. O ARR was dissolved on the 20th of .Augus . 4lB62, W. H. GARRAD being authorized to a onp the business of the lato nnn at the office in he Brew ery, The Brewing Business will be continued by SPENCER & ,itUKAY. who intend to have al ways on hand a superior article of ALB, POR- Mt, and BROWN STOUT. The undersigned will b o thankful to the friends of the late firm foi a continuance of their patronage, and promds to make it their aim to give satbsfaction to of wh rut Purchase from thous, . ROBERT WATSON, of Libez , street, so lcmg known to the business community. will have th e etapseomont of our huainosi , with the fail control in the Brewer:r Addreas all orders to SPENCER h fdoKAY pb,mniz Dr,-.wery, Pittsburgh. Pa. JOSEPH SPENCER. JAMES McKAY. 4 1t —lr. 011M17411Ail tirilUNNIFIGHAlifii %..1 BURGH CITY ()LABS WORHH—Vra.:O, Warr, hone . 119 War airmt. anti 156 First 'street, Pittsburgh. Pa, three doors below Hui Monour heirs Horsso. l'fdannk.ot Tern of Pittigitalit 141 7 Windom Blasi Druggist. Maas Ware era Amen eau Convex Clam. for parlor vdndowo. dictates) and t. Alto bnlidin. npi Ho FOB T WAR - - 0-e'crer soi4nlaV iaow6 Ara) eAtin AT BOH.L.A.Wa Chau Cash Rom • — gu9 •95 Market et et, 2d- door trona 1101,0118 ANo el., e Si i OBBOS Ar: HOOPS. Jug received and for sale. by JAMES BOWN, 136 Wood street. AN EXCELLENT FAMILY NEWSPAPER, TEEM PITTOILIBUF&GEL SATURDAY MORNING POST ammeoma AND INTERESTING MIA.BEItiLO7ONit NVIECIECECIA7f, PRINTED ON FINE WHITE NPR. WITH CLEAR, LASES, NSW TYPE AZ 111 VELD ONLY DEMOCRATIC NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED IR PITTSBURGH idli ®.iii iiiIMUMIMD rill :rL:: et Gomm AM us OUDRENT 1111WD OP T 046 DAY turdshss Qs Iliad reliable UIDIETAAT. tIMET A COUERCIAL REPORT UP TO TLUI HODS Of GOING TO P , sertha with • dean salootloa el Takes,_Poetry,Ll and &dentine &Mans. Vednabre ll annstleal namination„ Airrtenlinrid News, dre.. &v.; 5.593.Z1 Si YO RS IeIIHD BY °DROWN CONTRLBUTOIIB. V compiled with the craltect empe. from Mil LZA.Dthe PIitIODLOALL 4 oif TRH DAY 'IEM I % 4 M7TEIVE}MiI :, 1' LEQUIL&TIVIS PROCKIEDIIIa& ilike«. VILA LMO AM POITSD DI CS. TDB lANI AND TOE FAMIER. : t -The interest of the Agriculturalist will not ,be n scud. an devotee futue. as in the peat. the , pa en a s oarmolttint lineation to inspirits:don of this Department. TRUE WAlt SEWN. air As F a ree of additional interest to slum of ma the pro of the pregent civil war. In w oh groat ar as are engaged. will be camel, oanvassai, and the most important events tun" imitated and presented to the reader.— owing the operatiotup of the armies from day to ria7 w . e uceinet _presenting the whole from week - to We shall bullish a fresh and run. Wu history o this lamentable rebellion. THE SATURDAY MORNING POST WIII be temithect to eabattibere et the low PALO of $l. 50 Per Year 9 and it 11411 be found a rood toecattecal PITIOURGI DART POST Is aled 'Wised born the mune offioe WIRY LIORNING. It Ls a complete epitome of newt. containing , all the latest latoingonne. TeleVenishte, Local, Itateellaneocut, IClongreesiOludt Legislative, Non. stars, CommeraLel„ TO THE LATEST. HOUR. Moe. editorial artblea on all the leeKlizur topics of the day. IrL LISEPORTAST NEWB PROM THE BRAT Olif WAS. OAMP OORRICSPONDENOIS, ac. szr 1 DAILY POST has anatttmatve circulation by railroad and river, through loea agents and by the mail, and is a capital advert:t ains medium. The paper is famished to subscri bers at OS per annum, Advertisements Inserted et moderate ratan. CII. Address JANBI3 -P, BAIR, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR CosvEß YLr sN9 W (AA, butErlS. -LB A ALa 0 PITTSBURGH AND WEIHILLING LINE. Leaves Pittsburgh .2.00 lip I 13,00 om I 1940 tut Wellsville 3,10 ' 8, 1 8 " 2 , 55 " 907 " 3 03 " Whe3linl ..... 12 "10 08 " 436 " anilw _ . . 5,25 10 25 ~I 0,10 " Connecting atSteub caving and Belk& with Steu benville and Inchana Railroad and Central Ohio Railroad for Zantuvule, Newark Columbualleoia Dayton lam/moon% Cincinstatty Loweville Cairo, St Louie, tic J °se rh. and aupoint/most and south-west, and at W heeling with .13413M0r0 and Ohio Railroad. PITTSBURGH MID CI,HVILLAND LIN Laves Pittsburgh 1.05 ain. 112.40 p. do Wolirsine...... 4,10 • 9,50 ao pra,„ * . 5,, 0 " 401 " 4o Alfiano —6 as 4,4 a " do Ravenna 724 5,32 " do auatioa 7,55 " 5,10 Arrives °level:DA 13,10 " 7,84: " Conneotins at Bayard with Tascarawas branch for New Philadelphia anti Canal Doyen at dat a= with Pittsburgh. Fort Wayne and Chicago Itailread at Ravenna with Atlantic and Great Western Railroad for Warrea. Gs eonville. villa Union, Corry. Jamestown and isaLsmanca at Hudson. with Cleveland. 2.,anouville and oincittnatl it B. for Akron. Cu.vahoira Palls and Millersburg, and at Cleveland with C anal R. R for lido, Dunkirk,. and Buffalo. with 0 P. It for Sandusky . Toledo, also with nehmen for Detroit. Wellsville Acoommolation ' , saves 3,50 p. andßeturnir_g Tread in 2 10 a mts arrive at 9,10 a in, 8.20 goys, m . !'_roan tickets to all prominent pants can be proonerred at the Liberty street Depot. Pitts burgh. GEORGE PARKIN, lloket, Asont and at Allegheny A Q CASSEutiERRY. Ticket Agent. tor fsathat partimtlars apply to WILLLSK MWAR_ ,T Amt. M the Company'. °Zoo in Fraisht Maths% Pow street aPia R 300 box '6l 100 ball and 100 Quarter bona ii.44ld. 100 diter -oxand- 14:10 :,ha tfriax-nala laser 26 Itabsin Praibmadlose Raisins: gKeys sm....n do -.....- 1 2 1 2: 1 .17Z7:4•1•1'39 1 24E1e/WM:t4t. 1868. lBBB. MUMMER zuzaAßsztskarr. ON 44g1) . .A.71Tra MONDAY. April 20th. 1111811 n GEM IMOD, mum irmatitat' Txurars. rieTE .11 ROUO NAIL Tis A i ves thepansengor Station every morning (eteeptamcbs) at 2.140 a stoppling at Wilda- Bone, and making dires t connections at -Harris burg for Baltimore and Washington. andfor New York via Philadelphia. THE THROUGH ACCOMMODATION TRAIN leaves the Passenger Station every morning (ex cept Sunday) at 4 00 a m stopping at ail stations between Pittsburgh and Philadelphia, and mak ing direct connection for New York at Philadel pOpß THROUGH EXPRESS TRAIN leaves daily at 3,50 p in, stopping only at _principal sta tions. making direct, connection at liarnsburg for Baltimore and Washinon. and for New York via Allentown route and Philadelphia. THE EAST Idris leaves ma station daily, (except !Sunday) at 8,86 p. BtSPDinj only at prinMPal dation% connecting at 'unionist for Baltimore and Washington. and at Philadelphia for New York. . AOCOBLRODALTIONBrum. .701INSTOWN ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, isms day (oacept SundAY) at 2 .45 D. ID. stop ping at ell stztons and mini= as far as Ckats slush. MST ACCONDNODATION MAIN for WWI station May03(13117 lazciept BandayJ at 649 a. EIIOOND A.99OIOIODATION MAIN Wall's station lmrsa daily. (cunt tiMidaY) 11.30 a. m. AOCONEIODAZION TRAM Wall Ml 's station leaves dal,. (MCP Sllnd4.l) 4,00 D. to. 11)11:03,TH .9001111:10DATION UWE WiU'is station. 1 12 eaves dull". (except Elondail 1.10 p. 38. THE 011IIRCH TRAIN Leaves wallas Pi Minn s Station at h at 12. o.ots 45 a au returning rg p in; BUBTIVERING =AVM ARRTV2 PITTSBURGH AS FOLLOWS: Daltimare p. Philadelphia Express.-- 12,29 a. tn. Fast lane. p. Through Mail train 112. a. in. Johnstown Accommodation ..........30,66 tot Wall's Station Accommedation...-6,25 a. In. ad Wall's Station Accommodation 13,30 3d Wall's Station Accommodation....3.4o p. m. 6th Wail's Station Accommodation 6,65. m. Baltimore Express will arrive with Philadelphia Express. at /2,20,p. in. n o n M an d a. Air Trains for Blairsville and Indiana connect at Blairsville intersection with the Mail and Johnstown Accommodation East and West. and tin with 140=1 Freight, East and West. Trains for Ebensburg connect at Cresson with Express trains and Mail train west, and with the Through Moo,nmodation and Rums Train East. The /Th!.vell zl g Publia will find It greatly to their aderest, in gamy East or West. to travel by the PllblbillYLVANlA RAILROAD. as the wons madodons now offered cannot be rurpa®ad on say other roam. Tao Road la ballasted with stonc, and ia entirely free from dust. We can pronnta ftfety,_ epood, and coodert to all who now favor this Road with chair patronage. . F 9. 3 EI : TO NW YORK - . 10,50 20,00 14.5 £4BO 7,05 212-Ba checked to all stations on the Penn yhraaia gal to Philadelphia. _Beld am, mad New Yost. ear Paasengere Pllreh tekots in ears will el e dn n o a to = th e a s c t o a o t M on n r ates, i s o t n a o n op e t faov mßOTwOhEm—ol na om o p f a nloy h , asth no mna. ny will bold um:maim responsible for personal baggage 5 and for an amount u of =oceans 0200. le —An Onitdbas Line has been employed to =my pamsnavra and bayeage to and from the depot, at a f•hargis not to of 25 onta for each passenger and bays e. Fez inctem apply to J. STEWART, Astsra, At the Yannn. B. B. Pa - ,suer Button on Libert3 •na Gram streets. nol7 TRICE 10g4133. Ilia Mill ft WAY - IR& CHICAGO RAUH, TO Al,l, FOINII3 IS THE WBST. SOUTNIWEET AND NORTH WEST. Shortest and Most Direct Route to the SU!I aisiaILSGEBICEE'r. N AND AFTER APRIL 20th, 1863, NJ trams ran NI tollowv. itiEFTWARD THEOI76Ii TRAMS. morass. Li ~. 4earm 11.1egh0n7.....1.10 Mt Arrives di11anca....... 4 103 m 4 10 p m areatlano...-8 00a, m 8 16 p. n. It. IV:4llz :a 2, p ua 2 Ho a, L a _ Vulesze 8 3uu ui 7 40 B. In. tott CrJLlJkaa UN. EIT.LOULB Leaven 4 30 a m vrinlllll- , arrivm at Jaltualma.—..lo 46 " 1115 p m 00 p m . ............_605 am ladtaliapou.--.6 u 6 p ......... ...... -6 00 a m Lonisv - th0....12 60 a m 12 40 am dt. Lotus—......a 10 a m . _ _745 p m All .I:4l...mtarcucz Lc valcaz. critatrat 0510611 $ Can. tr. ts.—Tha Lima to Cluoinnati la dm aama as 07 btonlnt - tUo. Traits on both heads moat at .olumbaz. anti ' , amour= all Itt, into vittatamatl tosethaT. CRESTLINE AND ALLIANCE MAIL. Mail Accommodation. Leave Pittsburgh..—... 7 uo a m 14u p m AtilelintwY 7 10 a m 1 nO p m New tiroglatan__Ei 36 am 3 61 y m 411ian4e _II 20 a m 110 p in L. - militia 6 Ott p 11l . ..... ....... Those trax.s stop a; principal 6tatione between tilteglie.y and t‘ocheeter. NEW 13 It I (.1 LI T 0 N A CCOMMODATIQN /11A/Ittr—Prom Yeattra! Weal, diadem 6110- only C. Leave Allegheny 916 am 1200 m 4 45 p m 010 pm Arrive at N Dnghton 11 15 aml 45 p m 0 80 pm92o pm Euti.ST W AliD Leave • IN Brighton 5 00 am 6 30 am la 20 pm 2 50 p m Arrive at Allegheny ft 50 amEtlsam2BOpm4sOpm lheaots good ou them trams aro sokt at rednoad rates. AHD MAULS ARRIVE AT PITTSBURGH Jjeleago Sums . 25 a m Chicago Express.-- ... .................a 00 9 In Citialunatti kapreas str p m Onetime Mail 7 05 p in 09. Trains are run by Columbus time. which is 12 mimic= dower than Pittsburgh time. Sur 4nrthor miormation and througn Sokol: apPLY to. GEOIIbIE PARMA, neket Az't. Union: Passenger i3tation. ritustrurgh. and A. Q. UJO,_ J tat Va l. general ,7upertztendcan, 1151. P. SHINN, ttenaral Passangar Azoitt eland, Pittsburgh &Wheeling B. L SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. ark N AND AIFTEC MONDAY. APRIL VP April 20th 1003. Ti at= will leave the De pot. el the Pennaysvania Railroad. in Pittsburgh, as follows; Nrnouin inuez int4Ruv 3 lB 1441, INDIANAPOLIS AND CIIIcIiI 71 R. IL Conneatbm at Inciianapolla th Terra Haute, and Terre Dante and Alton Raiload. to Et. Louie and Lafayette andindianapo_ .1i ow Alban y and Salem and Ittich an antral ftL.Roads for QUOA.• GO, ROOK BURLINGTON, and al/ Intermedia thymgha paints._ Through t . sltain to LEFOLWAPOL/13; TERRE HAUTE. r wAYEITE caoI,PERII. Freight and p carried M Cltlaill nati or Lawrmiceburg /aka time than by On , other route by twenty-four honro, and at ea tow rate& 'Y.ho only road by which chimer& can be made from Cincinnad to the West, without bre/th ing bulk. consignment: made to F. C. WRST, or ALEX. GAYDON. Freight Agcnotat Crincianad,cr B. 0. HAUSTES,Agma at Larnoncoburgh. JOHN D. MORRIS. Indianapolis, will reocdge prOtopt attention. and no charge for coMmissioll, _* =LEGS Dal.TABa 011 CIIaCCMON 47 UAW' . For farther inforteaSon applz to THOS. PAM GAIL (No. 122 Monongahela Home, agent of the Company, whete.pronared.to, give rEtaionem . !gm maims for paszongers and freight to Indianapolis. Terre Haute, LMayette, Ohtsago,Green castle., Crafordsville. Charleston. Pans and 'Vet te= &a- tte. . H,C LORD; President. ..U.ani.l A. 1.0111:: 61%.1 2.263. DOLLAR SAVINGS BANK. (115 FOIII3MIN STILIMET, ORASTERED IN 18& (WEN DATILY, /Mom 9To O , OLOCK; im on Wednesday and Saturday eyerdnll. from May IA to November Ist, from 7 to 9 n'elook and Erma ck November Yet to May from 6to ti o'cdo. Deposits swotted of all sums not less than Cu Doman. ands dividend of the profits declared twice a year, in Jane and December. Intetest has been declared semi-annually, in June and Dcoma bey sinoo the Bank was organised. at the rate ash; per oent. a yew. Interest. if not drawn out.lB platted to the credit of the depoedtor as principal. and beam the same interest from the first days of June and De cember, compounding twice a year, without troubling the depositor to Gall or even to present his pass book. At this rata moans will double in lets than twelye years. Books' containing the Cluirtor, By-yaws, . _ Rules and. Reculations, furnished gratis. on applimtion at the oMoo. 191LESIDVEIV, GEORGE ALBRRIL V= PILBIiEDRISISI4 John G. hilifedderi, Isaac IL Penn**; Holme, John Mars Alexander Rimer. James 8.. V &WV yesL. Pahnestook. A. M. Poll M. D. McAuley. Rift James Hardman. Wm. B i l . l E i Person. . . DIIIIREB. Caryln Adams. TE Samos D. Kelly, John O. Recede% l'itea A. llladdi , a, Eteorge Bleak, Wm. Vankirk John C. Bindley. James Shidle, /donne A. Carrier. Robert Robb, Charles A. Colton. Walter P. Marsha; Wm. Douglas, John OM John Evans, 13[ 0 21 19 L. Ringwalti Win P Weyman. John H. Shormbergnr. Wm. S. Haven. Wm. B. Schmertz. Peter H. Hinaker. Alexandra Tina% Richard HUB. Dime Whittier. Wm. S. Laval", Christian Test=r; C.r.01127A217 AID rnraarinza. CHARLES A. COLTON. TAT HOLMES dk BONN, ft titlf Et. alas Am • and Ebtohange Brokers Silv e reah in Nam Drafts. Acceptances. Gold. and Ilan k Notes. Exchange on the E'estern and Western Citiea constantly for sale. Collections made in all the cities throngtectthe United State. Deposits received in par reads or Third paper, No. 5'7 Market 'street. 1.ct50z.... Third and Fourth sthsets. LOAN OFFICE, HENRY W. CIMIOTTE zyco.loo SMITHFIELD STEEET Near the earner Fifth. Pittsburgh. j'ailiONEY EN LARGE AND SMALL onantitioa loaned on Gold and Silver, Dia monds. Jewelry. Gold and. Silver Watches, and all kinds of voidable articles, for any length Cl time weed on. The goody cannot be denvond without the Ticket. • °Nee Hours :tom 7 A. E . . to .1.0 P. £L hal JOHN LITTLE, Jr" Biro. 105 FOITWt STURM, STOCK AND BILL BROKER Promigsory Note2..l3tooh Bona. and'itiortgag bought end sold lav A-7i3ro - 1( & "MN;SMPTIEI. rhansb=pa anti Gs& Fitters_ so. /65 WOOD IrrILENT, OPPMII7I3 WICEST CrECETECIII. PITTSDITZGIit ASD 12 40 p. 12 30 p. m 47 OHIO. STRIsIET • ALLEGHENY must VIM 111.701e0 0771121:-.. 840 pm EDITEILPS, 131 - 7DRARIEN, SEEBET LEAD, 111. Lead Pipe. Pig and Bar Lead. and Plumber's material In general. Oil Refineries fitted up in the meet approved manner. Tanks lined Lead or Copper. lidowea fitted trith Water and Gas Fix tures. tea. N. B. AB alters premptig attended ta aa3 :lid F iciaNisniNG GOODS, SUITABLE FOR ME BEASON ElACDCffieft GLIEDE Xnvite attention to their stook of G.E.WILE MEN'S and YOUTH'S Linen and Traveling Shirts, Collars, l bes, suspenders, Linen and Silk standkerehiets, Gloves, Hose, Umbrellas, dm. ARMY SHIRTS, And Soldiers' Punishing Goods alwags on hand at MACHUM & GLYDE 8, anl2 78 Market et., between 4th k Diamond. pascal:Hs AND 600 BUSHELS DRIED PEACHES, 1 4 , -1 1 1'.4 N :1•OC:11-4311.4.41).111144_11\1111:'1.:k?1.A.t in stars and for ego by WILL/AMI BAGALEY, fan 18 and 20 Wood otree R. B. de, te: P. MUM 4 • Manaannarern and Deakin La 00IS CAP LETTER. • and all kinds at WRAPPING PAPER, have removed from No. 27 Wood street to NO. 88 SMITHFIELD STREET. Pittobtaperh, Pc Etr Cash paid for RAGS. aM) IVIAsTIC CEMENT T. F. WATSON, M.& , E 1 7E' I 0 WOIIMtP. rt . Is prepared to Cement the exterior of buildings with improved hlastio Cement. cheaper and an- Tutor to any done heretofore. This cement has no equal: It forms a solid and durable adhesive. nese to any surface, imperishable by water .07 frost, and equal to any quality pf atone. The undersigned is the only reliable and pm . cal I h w ve a m pphed th th is i cCmmen t n f thin h ct f y. llowing gmtlemen. whom the public are at liberty to re. fer to : J. Bissell residence Penn street. finished, 5 yrs Jas. McCandless, Allegheny. do 5 yrs J. H. Shoenberger, Lawrenceville. do 5 yrs J. D McCord t Penn street , do 4 yrs A. Hoeveler. LaWr erre? iLlo. do 8 yrs Girard House Pittsburgh. do 5 yrs St. A a re es s Washington Hotel B ox ]l BOB Pittsburgh P.O. fehTayd FINE ANSON i OEIVI• OF SLEIGH XX. Belle teat received and for sale low by_ BEMIR NI . r LONG feb7atw 127 Liberty street. HOT GUNS.—DOILBLE ABM SLAGLE BARBEL—The best assortment in the city for smle by BOWN TRTLEY, L 36 Wood a • "S. - NEW FRUITS AND NUTS 100 bOxes prime Oranges 100 do do Lemon 20 Bans new English Walnut & 20 do do Filberts; 20 do do Brazil Nutt 20 do Fresh Cocoa Nutt 50 do Almonds Bonieonz Idea: Just received and for sale by B.EYBIER No& 128 and 12S Wood ebeet. _ . Asarr tiliffIRNLD 000D8 I Now etricesalling cheap. at MACRIJ M GI.YDB. egi 78 Mazket street. bet. 4th tamonci SOLDIERS , BOIINTERS; PZAISIONS BACK PAY, and other just CLAMS AGAINST THE EWITERNAIKIRT. Pro:1)Aly aroatml at reasonable rates. A tb D H. HAZ itittsbn an . d GIIARLICh 0.41 U • WaslrOutoa. D. C. vinvinsir,u 111,L. -t, „ ALA opened a oomploto assortment GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS. er...suar. a CO.. RAILBOADS. ! =ON Bralannuelliknuns Liao ,7ww.J(Boin:• uL PITTSBURGH' s • STEEL wwiv BOTh OixtIALAI Bryn ltd td adt P I Plow, sad A B ste, I Kyßniez, ALBA. corner &a and Minot stroato. =ado P1T1:c 1 1911434/1: _ SMITH PARE •It CO' • BFEIVTIIdr Wan I:l",(l‘ , ll.. l . 4 ltinlit s ll - •.; ; • Warehotss., 1 , 15 ;Int and4o.ldoondisti. ittannfretarors of all saes and deseriptortsl "Joel Oil. Retons Ind Stitt, ens and lb' stet Sad Iron_,s D 0.7 17011 V, VI azon I:3l.!ett. t3teel Blos.WQ Punka Rainer? itn,l 44130 hbbinst and resohinsa'". az. wit on tr.ade to order. tha S complete machine am sttrzlied r•Yanda 11,-4r2 b half qtended to, :CLUIRETS, OIL cLopErs,isck 0,911'11T8, 011 OLOTHS .-AT- (3 At. ta og films* jup o li6nerrrnmaovis.7o-TE ER zdivt ' AL. advaruns in ,wines. of which ea fullest ss• vantage is offered in pnrchaso FOR CASH. 4.16. H 0111137 DAZULL. ..... BOBT. lat , -. - 4;\: r & Wholesale Grocer; COMBISSIOR 6831 FORWARDIBEI MERCHAIII AND Dealers la Prcance end Pittsburgh lifiandliatuii G. 231 LEREITInt EMMET, gaol. PITTSI3I7 ILLOP SUPERIOR 'COPPER HIM OUMLTIE-if6t Z2L'OIaII.D•Z els CO. Mamtfacturers ca Sheath, Brtaders' sad Bolt Copper, Pressed Co, Par Bottom. Ratod Stßlßoffaxes,lVlS • Solder. &a Also import. dealers ht Metals, Win Plato, Sheet /rm. Fir% acs. Cozustantl,7 on hand. Zarnsai'LMehtusi ad Tools. Wareham°. No. lato Bl=l and UM ZCOND STREETS. Pitt:absinth. Parma • ea' Spacial ordain of Cop Per ant to m,yd_oilfrild tern- feThaasW NAMES A. FETZER,. FORWARDING MID COMMISSION 111131CIVIT; POP UM WPM OP FICMI SSP/00 4311r i a114 t JPlotiratoe ll .. tibenegkr, Comer'Market and First prnffauseir. PA: ISZYKR TO—Francia Ei Baliey..Se DilTrort.ta tt t Ldt S. Cuthbert & BO yd & Heer & Swearingen. El; "ut'w,' Cut. M. & Bank, List Howell Mande &Ca. %one W. Anderson: D•oulen. retztoa & Coq , Wb.eelins. mol&Optflt imEzariv.a.B., iItONONGALILIE. % LA PLAITING MTT.T4, wouldrespeetrally form the public that he has rebuilt shoe thellra, and having enlarged hirestahliabment, and tiled it with tile newest and must approved mswhiner*. is now prepared to furnish flooring andplanthi. boardr, enroll es and re-cawing, -door% sea and shutters. kiln dried. framer. mouldings. tat making. ,to. • : Swan Prrwirmten. 13ePt. MO. UPHOLSTER Y. NO. 85 FOURTH ST. NEAR WOOD,;. rionm SETBSCRIBEBIS iga lIFAo. TUBE and keep constantly on hand ar article in their line. vis Oonuces, Ornaments Curtain Goods. Comforts, Feather Beds, klattrasea of all kinds; mso, tho celebrated Patent Body, All kinds of Shadko. Blinds and XJZ- Prompt attention sivim to all orders for itto!_ tiny and lama down Carpets, Oil CloUnk&a. oetl7:lrd ROBERTS & ROMIG/C. J. H. CASIDAY. Sore, lEhterli, Draft, Brad and Mr* traCe, Deal INaate and lifer* chandler Broker. OPIIICZ Room No, 12 811RK.313 YObRTH BZEUM. Pittsburgh. Pa. Dorm' able Mill property and other Real Mat. - - to the amount of $llOO.OOO for sale low.. MVO. AnDo.sis COMMISSION MERCIANT HOZ VICH HASH OH PIG METAL AND BLOOMS, NO. 9d WATER MM. DUO* ALIBR PITTSBURGH. CURTIS C. STEINMETZ, EICNZIAL a 0 USE CABFE.W TER AND JOBBEI. si3ror VIR43IIN ALLE'Y Via and Liberty Streets, Pittsburg, eiirOrdars solicited and promptly attmeded ta.l BLACK DIAMOND STEEL WORSE; prrrsnuncar, PA. PARR, BROTHER& MI ILANI774MISVI DIP Bed Quality Belbsd Out Square. Flat and Octagon. dal &ea . W tea equal to any imported or man -ha this oonnizi7, SS. Office and Wapshonso. N0.'149 and 11113 , Viand 120 and /22 Second .atreets, PittF fablejsd. 46 H E Ut' It," • .• ARCH STREET, between 80 and...4th PHILADELPHIA riti 'H usimasislEiNED SAVING BE. vowed the lease of the above Donnie.? Hotel for a series of years, would respectfully call the attention of the traveling Dublin Wits csmtral loe malty. either tor business or pleasure. mytlYl TUOM.AS S. wEBB & SON. • SpikOI.TSOLD AND NEW MODEL BE: volvers, Cooper's Double Aotio_klanltati' tan ,Fire Anne Company Allen' Et Wheeleare. Sharp's for sale low to the trade by - JAMES BOWS. salß 188 Wood at: W.V.NDEY PRODUCE tOF 300 bbls Family Flour 60 bushels CloverSead: _ as do Beams, 100 do Dry Peei3i 2 s 3 75 do Tared - .do 50.)ibla litlaokeral Nos. 9=42: In store and for We by JA2I, inlit corner Idarkot andlßM243tresti 000.31P 0 A11/751E 131WirDY, 100 =as of rack In store and for tale b k ACHESELr-20 Bbls. Half Mae and-Qr. A.V.I Bbls awl' No 1 larke aokerel. 20 Bps No 2 co do 20 No 3 do do 20 Kite ass and No 3.: do m~~Just eoeived and for sal % by !ALUMS. Evaarricitu.-, ion STARCH. 29 BOX-CS JUST RE. calved and for ludo by REESIER & BROIL nuf< lB Igo. 12S & 128 Wood Btreet usaItIVACKO/lit3.lt CORN PLOWS N. , ' for rile by BECKHAM Ar. LON% No 147 f 4 •rtiatreet. ACON SIDES— • 12.00 U Ma Bacon Bides in store and for sale by JAMES A. naZE.R. corner Market and . • lIL EVATOR.3. PLOWS; FODDE : attera, seed drilla. hay elevators, y dog pow. era, churns: farramills,'&e:. isr sale BECKHAM it L 12T Liberty Atewt. rIOBACCO... .• AL Le DY gags 6 Twig, Virginia Just received and for ale JAS. FET'22fato fa 12 eurnar of Market amid Firtit-gt. gLa AY AND XIAMEN= FORBIN. HAT Glra rain liakecr ade, .doith.s.' &laths, Scythe Stonel, les-, and all ng er.onta. for sale by other -hativesti Lapis- BBCrR kLON6. 47 Lil , (nto nbeet, Q.OAP-40 box} s Touxr SOAP Aft.. sorted. to store ant for sale by REVISER & 123 *123 WBROS. oh d atrush; VW : SHOES? 1f01)v GO TO NO. 16TH FIFTH STRUT, and got a Good &We firom • D. 8. DitiPSNBACIIER. P. S.—Ladles' good Kid . „