DAIF.Y POST. m pEn , £S6n ;K f (Bcnrssn Sixth str«i tad Vlraic- | AND INTERIOR Royal Mail Company's CELEBRATED REMEDIES BLOOD POWDER AND bone ointment, A certain care for Diseases of Horses and Cattle, known to and used only by the Company in their own stable? from 1844 until the opening oi tho Hallway over the principal routes. Attar the gen eral use of these remedies in all tho stables oi tne Company, their annual sales of condemned stock were discontinued, a saving to the Company ex* ceedlng £7,000 nor annum. In 1853 the London Brewers’ Association offered the Company forth© receipea and use the articles only m tneir own stable,. bi _ ood POWDER A certain cure for founder, distemper, rhouma, tiam, hide bound, inward strains, loss ct appetite weakness, heaves, coughs, colds, and alt diseases of the lungs, surfeit of scabbers, glanders, jou evil, mange, inflammation of tho eyes, fistula, and all diseases arising from impure blood, cor rects tlie stomach and liver, improves the appe tite, regulates the bowels, corrects all derange ments of the glands, strengthens the system, makes the skin smooth and glossy. Horses bro ken down by hard labor or driving, quickly re stored by uaingthe powder onoe a day. Nothing will be found equal to it in keoping horses up in appearance, condition and strength. London and Interior Royal Mail Companys, CELEBRATED BONE OINTMENT. A certain cure for spavin, ringbone, scratches, lumps, tumors, sprains, swellings, bruises foun dered leot, chillblai'is, wind gnlls-contractions oi the tendons, bone enlargements, Ac. Blood Pewder sho per 12 02, packages: Bone Ointment 500 per 8 oz. jar. No. 320 Strand, Lon don. McKeeaon & R.orbins, New York. . French, Richards «fc Co,, Philadelphia. TORBENCfeA Mc«ARR, Pittsburgh Drug House. iuB:dlyc Corner Fourtn and Market street GERMAN CATHOLIC HIGH SCHOOL PITTSBURGH. PA., yo, 5»7 PESS STREET, We highly approve of the German Catholic •ffjgh School recently established in this city, and we cordially recommead it tothe patronage 0: all the Catholics of onr Diocese gNIa Bisnonot Pittsburgh. nAHJB FIRST SESSION OF THIS IBf -1 STITUTION will commence on TUESDAY. ! the Ist of SEPTEMBER. 1883. Tho studios of tho school are so arranged as to embrace a 101 l andlthocough course of Greek. Latin, English, German and Mathematics, including the brant he* I usually attended to in connection with the?e re spective departments. Students who are intend* l ed for commercial or professional pursuits, are I carefully instructed in Book-keeping, Mercantile I Arithmetic, and such other branches as may fit 1 them to be useful and intelligent in the discharge 1 of the various duties of the store or counting- I room, or of any profession. Our course of studies 1 embraces also the subjects required in pronara- I tionfor entering any of our Theological Schools I or Seminaries. | Parents wishing to secure for their sons a thor- I ough instruction, are respectfully invited to ap- I ply to Prof. F W. A. Riedel, A. M, No, 5y7 Penn I street, as soon aa convenient, and, if possible. I BEFORE THE FIRST DAY OF SEPTEMBER, 1 , Mr. Reidel will be at home daily from 1 I lOto 12 A. M.and from 3 to 4 P. M. I For further information, or for a prospcctu . I containing full details, please call on or aadre?s REV. JOSEPH M. HELMPRAECHT, I I Reotor of St Philomena’s Church, or i I PROF. F.W. A. RIEOEfi, A. M. I P.0.80x I£4o, Pittsburgh, Pa. I jy2s;d&wtd T J. DANLEVY, Grocer', NO. 4 DIAMOND, TELEGRAPHIC. THE DRAFT 1\ NEW YORK, Governor Seymour’s Proc - Important from Mexico. Impartant from Charleston. FURTHER BY THfi ASIA NEW JERSEY FORWARDIMi TROOPS. New Yorx, August 18. —General Can-1 by has issued an important circular, de fining the duties of the U. S, troops in this city and harbor. He says their duties I are limited to the defense of the forts and 1 the protection of public property, and of the officers ot the General Government, I the performance of their usual duties.— | The duty of maintaining order, and pro tecting the property and rights of private individuals, devolves upon the Municipal and State authorities. That the troops of the U. S. will be held in readiness to ren der any assistance that may be called for by proper authorities or be rendered ne cessary by the inability of the civil author ities to accomplish these ends. If the officers ot the General Government by committee of the State and Municipal Governments in the performance of their legitimate functions are assailed by law less violence, it will be the duty of the troops to protect them. If they are charg ed with the protection of public property, I public buildings or other valuable interests I it will be their duty to defend them to the . last extremity. If called on by the civil authorities to aid in the maintenance of trder or the en forcement of the laws, the aid will be ren dered promptly, cheerfully and efficiently. The troops that have been brought to the city, and who may be called upon to aid in the maintenance of order and the en* forcemeat of the laws, must themselves act the example of orderly and soldierly conduct, and the attention of all is spe cially directed to this point. Executive Chamber, \ August 18. J I have received information that the draft is about to be made in the city of New York and Brooklyn, and I under stand that there is danger of disorderly and riotous attacks upon those who are engaged in executing the law of Congress. I cannot believe that any considerable number of citizens are disposed to renew the shameful sceues of the past month in which the lives of so many, as well of the innocent as of the guilty, were destroyed. Oar courts are consigning to Bevere pun*, ishment many of those who were then guilty of acts destructive to the lives and ; properly of their fellow citizens. These events should teach all that real or imagi nary evils cannot be corrected by vio lence. The liberties of our country and the right 6 of our citizens can only be pre scribed by a just regard for legal obliga tions. and an acquiescence in the decisions of judicial tribunals. While I believe it would have been a wise and a humane policy to have procur ed a judicial decision with regard to the constitutionality of the conscription act at an early day,Bnd by a summary process. Yet the failure to do this is in no degree justifying any violent opposition to an act of Congress, until it is set aside by the | decision of Judicial Tribunals; it must be obeyed like any other act of the State, or! Na’iotml Legislature. The entagonist! doctrine that men may rightfully resist! laws opposed to their own ideas of right or ; duty, has not only led to great disorders and violence, but is one of the chief causes of the destructive civil war which has wasted the blood and treasure of our people. Disregard for the c?.credness of the Con stitution, for the majesty of the laws, for the decisions of the Judiciary, is at this time the greatest danger which threatens America. This spirit of disloyalty must be put down; it is inconsistent with social order and social security, destructive to the lives of persons and property, and sub versive of the liberty of the citizen and the freedom of the Nation. Those who fear that there are designs in any quar ter, and that they will be regarded with satisfaction by those who, for any cause, may wish to destroy either the policy or rights of our national or state. The Constitution and statutes of the state and nation contain ample remedies for all wrongs which may be committed either by rulers or citizens, and those who wish to preserve their rights or to punish of fences, Bhould themselves carefully per form their duty, and abstain from all ille gal acts, erroneously support the Govern ment, and then calmly and resolutely claim their rights. 1 hereby admonish all judicial and executive officers whose duty it is to enforce the law and preserve public order, that they take vigorous and effective measures to put down any riot ous or unlawful proceedings, and it they find their power insufficient for thatjur pose, to call upon the military, in the manner pointed out by the statutes of the State. If these measures should prove insufficient, I shall then exert the full power of the State, in order that the pub lic order may be preserved and persons and property of the citizens be fully pro- PITTS'S £4*4 Bl HORATIO SEYMOUR. Roohehter, N. Y., August 18. The secret Conference this p. m. lasted three or tour hours, during which Gerritt Davis, N. H. Wood, and others, participated, in comparison of views with regard to sus taining the policy of organizanizations and their respective strength and aims. The reported conclusion arrived at being that the restoration ot peace and the re establishment of the Union can only be brought about by the organization of the I conservative elements in the North upon a platform similar to that of the Union Democracy of Kentucky. A committee, Messrs. Davis of Kentucky, N. H. Wood of Wisconsin, R. F. Stevens of New York, S. W. Bailey of Whitehall, and J. P. Faurot of Canandaigua, wer} appointed to prepare business for to-morrow, and submit an address. The meeting is com posed of about thirty delegates, and there does not appear to be any interested out siders. pirrSBPBOH, FA, lamation. PROCLAMATION, Washington, August 18. —A dispatch j received this moraing by the Government, dated the 17th, From a distinguished mili tary officer in Tennessee, stating that the Chattanooga Rebel oF the 14th, announ ced that the bombardment ot Charleston commenced on the loth, and the firing from Gilmore’s land batteries on Morris Island and from the Monitors was chiefly directed againßt Fort Sumter. The com bined land and naval forces of the Fedor als seem to be engaged. The information published in the Rebel, was received at Chattanooga by telegraph from Charles ton, and the tight was going on when the paper went to press, on Sunday. The officer who communicates to tho Govern ment the contents of the Rebel, Bays that the editor, instead of making boasts about the result, or manifesting the least jabilant feeling over the situation of aflairß at Charleston, exhibits most positive evidence of gloom. The Rebel stated that the Iron sides and all the Monitors were not only : in the action, but that the whole fleet and ilarge number of transports were inside the bar during the engagement. San Francisco, August IB.—The St. Louis brings via Acapulco dates of the city of Mexico to the 22d of .July. Forey is issuing decrees daily. The French and Mexican newspapers are urging a recognition of the Southern Confederacy. They state France will re cognize the confederacy. The Mexican jealousy and feeling is provoked against the Lmted States, which iB styled a nation of robbers. The Triumvirate pronunciamento says : The Northern States are for .Juarez and the Confederacy for Mexican Monarchy. Everything looks to an immediate recogni tion of the confederacy by Mexico. There was guerrilla fighting on the roadß leading to the City of Mexico. The Mexicans make no prisoners, bat slay all in this war of extermination. There are numerous assassinations in the City ot Mexico of sympathizers with the French. The Triumvirate Government is daily imprisoning and shooting persons foi re fusing to take the oath of allegiance to the Empire. Mexicans are publicly flogged for refusing quarters to trench officers. One Mexican lady, named Rubio, received 200 lashes for refusing to receive French officers into her house. Her husband of fered to pay, as a fine; her weight in silver, but Forey insisted on making an example of her. The Foreign Ministers decline to remove to San Louis Potosi on the offer of Juarez to protect their transit. Cape Race, August 17 via —LONDON; August Dili.—The advices from America by the Persia are regarded as more favor able to the South and the protraction c the war is calculated upon. The Confederate cotton loan has ad vanced, and closed yesterday at 246/2. discount. CoMiiEitf in l.ivKßrooi..-'Breadstuffs generally (juiet and steady. I* lonr quiet and Bteady, 2iV„ Td - Wheat quiet : Winter Red s a tJd(_•• 8s '.'d. Corn active. Provisions generally buoyant. Beef firm. Pork tending upward : inlerior rjualilies improving. Bacon advancing and is quo ted at an advance of tldfJUs. Lard ac tive and advanced lid. Tallow steady at 40s(J 13s. Sugar firmer. Coffee quiet I and steady. Petroleum steady ; Refined I Oils 21b dd: Crude P's 'id. Trenton. N. J., August IT. —The Del aware and Raritan Canal Co., and the Camden and Amboy Railroad Co. nave donated 60,000 dollars anu placed it at the disposal of the Governor of the State, for the purpose of forwarding troops up speedily as possible to meet the call re cently made upon the State by the Federal Government. For Ev auHville, <’airo.SK I.oiilh, Gale on. DnbiKino nod St. Foul. SATURDAY. AUGUST 22. 10 a. m. ..THE NEW ANI> NPLK,V!>IO Ssji,PoCTonger steamer SAVANNA, I M MASON commander, will leave as an nounced above. For froteht or passage apply on board or to .JOHN SLVCK.Or aol9 J.B. LLYINGSTON & CO., Apron STEAMSHIP GREAT EASTERN, NEW YORK AND LIVERPOOL 11UWLAND A ASPiSWALL, Ap-nls. THE BTEAMSHIP fereatEastern, WALTEB PATOU, Commander WILL BE DISPATCUED From Liverpool. at 4 o'clock P. M., precisely. From New York Wednesday, Sept 2. at 8 o'clock A, 51,, precisely. And at intervals thereafter of about six weeks from oach port. RATES OF PASSAGE. FIRST CABIN, from ..$95 to $135 j SECOND CABIN, state room berths, meals furnishe 1 at separate tables•:••••••••••* ' Kxcursion Tickets ; out and back in the Ist 4, 2d Cabins only, a fare and a halt. , _ Servants accompanying and CT^l dren under twelve years of ago, half faro. Infante THIRD C411I'" intermediate state room, * passengers found with beds, bedding, table i utensils and good substant f00d......... $ btffraGE with suponor acoomedations..s3o PriSTof cabin passage from Liverpool at same ra p°ric“ of steerage passage from Liverpool. $2B. I All far© Payable In Gol A KELLY, -ri CASK ('ARB AMMONIA JUST RE* 1. ceived and for sale KELLY, jy3 Q 69 Federal St., Allegheny. . TERR’ PECTORAL, SABBAPABII,- A LA, and Pills, Lindsay’s Blood Searcher. Bnrnott s Cocoine, Lyon s Kathairon. Mra- ” son’s Soothing Bymp. b> iy3o 6& Federal Bu, Alleghany. By Last Night’s Mail. Correspondence of the Cincinnati Commercial. FROM WASHINGTON. Humors of Army Movements in Virginia Mosby on the War Path— A Rebel Dash into Poolesville—Cavalry Camp in Washington General Exchange of Prisoners , Sc. .uraora of movements of all kinds, on the part ot both Union and rebel armies, of the Potomac, are numerous and varied,' but too vague to merit credit, and yet in dicating activity. We have nothing later to-day from Charleston. The Government has do information of the loss of the 300 pounder rifled Parrott gun, reported lost overboard by the New York Times, and discredits the story alto gether. Mosby, with a band of his guerrillas, made an attempt to carry off horses frflm one of the Government farms near Fall’s Church, but retreated upon being fired upon by the guard. A squad rebels made a dash into Pooles ville, on Friday night last, capturing the telegraph operator, with instruments des troying the wire, robbing some of the storeß, and committing other depreda- The operator made his escape while the rebels were engaged in plundering. It is believed they are Marylanders, represent ing themselves as rebel soldiers, to cover their thieving. Thomas Lister, from Baltimore, was arrested here to-day, for obtaining money from conscripts, under pretence of obtain ing them a speedy hearing before the En rollraentßoard. Vigorous efforts are being successfully used to arrest and return deserterß to the army. Government has taken possession of the property known as Geabor, opposite the arsenal, and will immediately establish a cavalry camp and depot for horses on a large ecale. s asserted and generally credited that a general exchange and return ot prisoners has been agreed on, including officers of all degrees to take place as soon as the arrangements to that end can be comple ted. We have at this time between 70 000 and 80,0t>0rebel prisoners, while they have about 30,000 of ours. The steamers Coeur de Lion and Wyan dotte, of the Potomac flotilla, came op to day bringing several prisoners, and about 3*4,000 worth of goods, captured in Lower Maryland. The goods were pur chased in Baltimore three weeks ago, and hid in the woods, awaiting an opportunity to run the blockade. Further by the Rebel cavalry are reported to be on the North Cumberland Neck, conscripting every able bodied man, and carrying off everything available tor military purposes. Telegraphic' Correspondence Daily Commercial Vosl Cowardly and Atruriou* Murder -The Gunboat Cincinnat; Jiaised. Memphis. August IA. 1.563. Thursday evening, as a party consisting of Cap!. Alexander. Capt. Berry, another Captain, a soldier and citi?.°Q, were going from i'ermaiitown to White's Station, on the Mobile aud Charleston Railroad, on a hand car, they were fired upou by some persons seercud near the road, and all but one seriously wounded. The assas* sians then approached, but not nntil the Captain, whose name is not given, and the citizen had escuped, aud Capt. Alex i under handed the leader his pistol, saying, k T surrender ;1 am your prisoner.’’ The man took the pistol, aud deliberately shot Capt. Alexander dead. Turning to Capt. Berry, who had also given np his pistol aud aurr* ndered, be inquired if he was severely wounded. Being answered in the alliniuvtive, he said: *• Well, then. I'll finish you, raised hi ; wrapon to shoot when his com pauioti uiUrfered. The robbers then I plundered the dead and living of every thing valuable, mounted their horses and A family named Woods, living near the scene of this tragedy, took Captain Berry to their house. His leg is broken. The party are not guerrillas, but belong to a gang whose intention is to murder and rob rebels and Unionists indiscriminately. The gunboat Cincinnati has been raised, and is now lying opposite Vicksburg, undergoing repairs. IS KK TIBTBT. EXTRACTED WITHOUT JL pain by the use ot Dr. Oudry’s apparatus. J. F, HOFFMAN, .Wednesday, Augu’t 12 rHIO AND CONTRACTORS M. TVe ):i jrr iecualaotnrinx a superior aritiolQ c: LISIE, irulon we sic prepared to deliver from oai OOAI YARD, BO'i ÜBEE'3I STREET. Best Quality of yauUly Coal tlwayt -.5 baud ao usual. mcaSOW, dCO. Passage from England & Ireland $a 5 si o. fgnUOJttAg RATTItIAN, EUBOJPEAJN 3 Aieni, 122 Monongahola House, Pitts burgh. Pi-, is prepared to bring out or send back passengers from or to any part of the old coun try cither bv steam or sailing packets. BIGHT DRAFTS FOR tiAUS, payable In any part of Europe. D t , Agent for tno Indianapolis and Cincinnati xiau rr&d Also, Agent for the old Black Star Line ol Saitu;2 Packed, for the Steamer Great East cru -ir.'i for tho lines oi Steamers saiiinc between llrv V or?:, Liverpool. Glasgow and Galway, fall _. - - 60 Federal Su Alieghiiny. Washixgtgn, Aaguat IT FHOM MEMPHIS DENTIST. All work warranted. 134 Southfield Street,Pittsbnrgh. UROPEAN AGENCY I.INK Stan to Queenstown and Liverpool. The first class powerful Steamships HIDOS I RED&B, mMbathon, | TBIPOU. WILI sail. FROM NEW TURK every alternate Wednesday, frota Liver nool every alternate Tuesday, and from Queens town every alternate Wednesday. uf«ATa.trb Passage from Liverpool or Queens town s£>: from New York, $32.50, payable in 13,-iH or its equivalent in Currency For Steerage Passage apply to WILLIAMS A TON 4«) Fu.ton St.. New York, or al THOri. RATTfGAN. Agt. No 122 Mononsabela House. Water SL, ju3;lyd . H'aWELUXGS AND LOTS AT LOW | f prices—Five two story dwelling houses with irttnlT feet front on Fayettestreet, near Penn st., bv 50 deep to an alley Price of each house $7OO. TVrma one*third cash, remainder in one and two vpars or $650 cash. Also a two story dwelling bowse and lot 29 feet front by 50 deep to an alley iritnato at the eoraer of Fayette street and Gam aonalley. Prioes9soon time, or $9OO cash. Apply to OUTHBKRT A SONS, anifc at Market ft FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF PITTSBURGH. TREASURY DEPARTMENT, ') Office of Cojiptbollkk of tiik Corbengy. ' Washington City, Aug. sth, IWvt. ) Whbrvas, By 9 •tUfactor? cvidmoo to the undersigned. it has befn nuv-lc r.- thattbe FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF l’nT< BURGH, in tho t>un'y of Allo;:h»*.ny tut Sta e of Pennsylvania bru boon duly <.rgani?.?d un .or and according to tbe requirements of tho Ac*: Congress, entitled *‘an Act to provide a Nuvno ,.i Currency, secured by a pledge of United -up.-a Stocks, and to provide for the circu'a ion an i re demption thereot,” approved February tvuh, 1863, and has complied with all the provi«ions of said Act re.ruire 1 to bo complied with before commencing the business c.f Banning, Now Tueeefork. I, Hugh McCulloch, Comp troller of th i (Jarrenc’ 7 , do hereby certify that the said FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF PITTS BURGH, county of Allegheny and State of Penn sylvania. is authorized to commence the business of Banking under the Act aforesaid*. In testimony whereof witness my hanci ana seal of office, this '.th day of August. J'Trl HUGH McOULLOCH. } 33 i Comptroller of the Currency.' The First National Bank ol Piitsbnpgli, Pa., LATE PITTSBURGH TRUST COMPANY. Capital $400,000, with privilege to in- crease to $1,000,000. The Pittsburgh Trust Company haring organ ized under the aoc to proviio a National Cur rency, under the title of the FIRRTNATIONAL BANK OF PITTSBURGH, would respectfully offer its services for the collection of Notes, Drafts, BUIb of Exchange, &o„ receive money on deposit and buy anl sell Exchange on all parte of the country. The success which has attended the Pittsburgh Trust Company since its organizaUoh in 1852, will we belive be a sufficient guarantee that business entrusted to the new organization will receive the some prompt attention. Having a very extensive corrospundooca with Banks and Bankers, throughout tho country, we believe we can offer unu-u&l facilities to those who do business with us. Tha business will be conducted by the same officers and directors. DIRECTORS I Win. K. Niinick. I Alexander Speer, I Francis G. Bailey I Alex. Bradley, uel Rea. IHLIN, President. HILLY, Cashier, rtf. James Laughlin, Robert 6 Hays, Thomas Bell, Thos. Wightman, JAMEB LAUG: JOHN D. SCI Angust sth, l863;d&wl Carpets, Oil Cloths, WINDOW SHADES. Prices reduced at the NEW CARPET STORE M’FARLAND, COLLIHS & C 9 71 A FIFTH STREET. Between theJPost Office anil Dispnteli Bnilriingr. Desiring to purchase for tho Fall t'Udo An Entirely New Sitoek, Wo are celling all goods now on hand at prices very much bolow present rnarkot rate: We especially invite tbe attention "f lountry Merchants and Wholesale Bnyeri au6d«kw Pittsburgh Skirt Manufactory, HAVINO OPEJitn SAI.ES booms in this city. I beg leave to call tho attention of the public to my own manufacture ol skirts. Ist. I keep a larger st.»'k than any wholsaler in this State. . . . 2d. We make a greater variety ol Styles, Shapes. Sizes and Qualities than any manufactu rer in the ULited Suites. id. The steel and all the material for hoop • kirts, from its primitive (rate to the salesroom, are under my own supervison and entiro control, consequently customers can obtain skirts from this house without paying a second profit Also the largest assortment of Corsets constant ly on hand. Our retail deportmoct L in charge ot com petent ladies. . ear* Merchants supplied cheap at wholesale. * U, aCHNtTZER, Manufacturer, jyll-lyd 49 Market, cor. 3d. Street. BARGAINS CARPETS. JUST OPENED AT M'CALLL’M’S S 7 FOURTH STREET. A large assortment, which will be acid at a very groat reduction from late prices aulO C. A. VAN KIRK & CO., MANUFACTURERS OF GAS FIXTURES & CHANDELIERS. Patent Improved kelsoir k Patent Paragon COAL Oil. BURNERS. HAND LAMPB, COLUMNS, &o. Suli'Hrooins, 517 Arcli St. Philadelphia. Manufactory, Frankford, Philadelphia, All goods warranted. iy2:ly ILL YOUR PHOTOGRAPHIC ALBUMS. 6,000 CABD PHOTOGRAPHS (Only One Dollar a Dozen.) ’ Prominent Men and Women. COPIES OF FINE PAINTINGS AND ENGRAVINGS, (Only One Dollar a Doien, or Ten Cents each) Pittock’s Stationary and News ©epot. Fifth street opposite the Post Office, PhotogrAphlc AH»nm» ©r all Styles. Jy2s _ _ .... STEAMBOAT AGENCY W IVE . HAK I, Stj T Lias opened an office a; JSO 80 WATSE STSiiBI: ronsate fromßtoainboa.inon. Dissolution. vaxHF. to P A lIT .V K Its ! 111’ existing be 1. tween the undersigned, under the firm and m. nfkNAP RUDD £ CO., expires this day g^miLfion A -The business continued bv Charles Knap, by whom all demands due to f rnm the late firm will be settled, or trom toe m CHARLES KNAP H.F. RUDD, NICHOLAS k. WADE. Port Pitt Foundry. July 1.1563. jyia-Hm HEM© YiL. Ikß. F, BARDEEN HAS BEHOVED JLf from SmithfieJd street, below the Girard goose, to Ho. lIS Ptofc rtreot oPP0”l« AMUSEMENTS. PITTSBURGH THEATRE. Lessee and HraußßfiOF. Treasurer OvxßisoTotf, PBKIKG NIGHT. SATURDAY, August 226., \ A f W LfIO4U>EOPCCItTAO, Tim Ttaitre hr« 9 been entirely renovated r-n,,. el and decorated throughout. \ :.il*tit« d Company of and Gentlemen 11 o l»e«Mi engaged lo? the Reason and will ap oir in tbe Drama ol the IiLADIATOR, and jthcr aurnotive plays on Saturday Night. Doors open a\ 7 o’clook; curtain will rise at TA Prices as usual. SPSCIAXi HOTICES j u. ookrwxll... m juu’l k can COBIWILL <& KERR, CARRIAGE MASUFAfcTURERS. SILVER & BRASS PLATERS, and manutaeinrere of Baddlery and Camaffe Hardware, No. 7 St. Clair Street, and Dutroosna Way. . , (near the Bridge.) mh4 PIITSBIIKen, PA, POISON NOT THE HEAD WITH NITRATE OF SILVEB, Use CBISTADORO’B HAIR DTE, Certified to bo PURE—SA3?E—UNEQUALLED, by Dr. Chilton, of Lew York, and other eminent Chemists, PRODUCES ANY SHADE FROM rich, mellow brown to glossy black in ton minutes, and contains no ingredient that is in jurious to the hair. CHBISTADORO’S HAIR PRESERVA- TIVE Is invaluable with his Dye, as it imparts the ut most softness, tho most beautiful gloss, and great vitality to the Hair. - Manufactured by J. CRISTA DORO, 6 Astor. House, New York, Sold ©very vrkero. and appli ed by all Hair Dressers. Price, 50 cents $1 and $2 per bt tilo- according to size. iy!3d&w;lmo DK. TOBIAS’ VENETIAN I.INI MENT. Mere Testimony! This is to certify tint fortbo last tivo years I have used in my family Dr. Tobias’ celobratod Venetian Liniment and in every instance have found it fuby equal to his recommendations. I havo found it to Rive almost instantaneous re lief in cases of toothache, croup, bilious colic, sore throat, pain in tho chest and back and rheumatism, and I cheerfully recommend its trial to every one afflicted with sny ot the above named diseases. JAS. U. WARNES, Hartford, Conn-, Oct 16th, IS6I, Price 26 and 60 cents a bottle. Offioo e* n . [andt Street, Now York. Sold by all «> Cort nul4:dAw;JAw3w<\ T) mg gists. aVBGEON GENERAL HASOIOND, J 5? by ordering calomel and destructive min erals from the supply tabler. has conferred a blessing on our sick soldiers. .Lot him not stop here. Lot him order th© di-continuance of '•Bleeding;" and the substitution of Bmndreth s Pills in tho place tnurcof. Then will a “now ora” in the practice of Medicine, which would then become emphatically THE HEALIKG ART. I havo for thirty years taught that no diseased action could bo cured by merenry or tartar emetic. That tho human body could only bo “made whole" by “vegetable food’ - — Animal food being, in fact,condensed vegetables, Brandroth a pil'j* should bo in every military hospital. 'ineso Pills cure Bilious Diarrhea, Chronic : larrhoa, Chronic Cysentery, and all Fovers and AfTeotnma of the Buwels, sooner and more purely than any medicine in tbo world. Pills in these oases should be taken night and morning. Head Directions and got new stylof CASK OF ROSCOE K. WATSON. J)r. B. Bmndreth; — Ne\o York ; _ Sik • I was a private in Co. F, 17th Rogiment, New ifork Vcls. While at Harmon’s Landing, and on the Rappahannock near Falmouth, I and many of the Company wore sioh with bilious di arrhea. Tho Army Surgeon did not cure us, and I was reduced to ?*on and bone. Among the com pany were quite a number ot mom bora who had worked in your Laboratory at Sing Sing. Tow wero n«-t sics, because they usod Brandroth b Pills These men prevail© l Upon me and others to use the Pill-, and wo wero all cured in: from two to five days. After this our boys used Bran dreth’s Pills for the typhus lever, edds. rheuma tism. and in no 03se did they 'z-il to restore hoalth. . , , ... r \ ut of gratitude to you for my good health* l seed you this letter, which if necessary, the en tire company would sign. I am, respectfully your?, . __ __ EOSCOK K. WATSJN, Sms bms, N. Y. Principal office, i. 94 Canal street. New Yorfc. Sol.l i.v 'JM»onsss isaup.-ts, i'wn.-n’d AllO7, p\::.ihD-v-h. iylS:d*w:t!o GRAND'MASS MEETING OF THE FRIENDS OF BARGAINS in BOUTS and SHOPS, assembled daily at CONCERT HALL SHOE STORE, 62 Filth Street, to ratify the schedule of exceedingly low prices of BOOTS and SHOES, which has been adopted for the Closing Out of Spring Stock, Don’t fail to attend this meeting and bring your friends with you. for the following very good reasons; Whether you purchase or not you will receive polite attention* All goods are warranted in every particular. Thep ivilege allowed ol ex changing every article which, upon examination at home, does not meet the entire approval of the purchasers. Btisitn to fuci, BTO. 62 FIFTH STBSSET. T 11E WHEEL! i WILSOS. iSttwiaag MaeMiie Was awarded a MST CUSS PRIZE ItfiAL, —at th::— WORLD'S FAIR LONDON, ENGLAND. where all the Machines-of EUROPE ANO AMERICA wore in competition.. Also, at the Industrial Exposition, Paris, France, and at every iJ ialt'P-Sf fr'aliF at which Setviri" Machines hays been exhibited. rhe urinou.al Companies making Sewing Ma ohineri are °iVbeeier & Wilson. I: M.. tiagor.lt Co. and Grover k Baker. Of the machines made there were sold during the year last reported: liy Wlieeler A Wllnou 21,305 By Grover J Baber 10,380 Showing WHEELER k WILSON'- sales to be double those cf any other Sewing Machine Com pany in the country, omcE. 57 street. Pittsburgh This Machine makes the * L r ‘o STITCH, and ranks highest on account of the plasticity permanence, beauty and general desirablenes oftbe stitching when done, and the wide range of ite application -T Report of tho American In stitute, New.York.i . C"iONCENTBATEI> J COMPOUND EXTRACT OF BUCHU, >r all difeafOd of the Bladder & Kidneys. one half doien for $8 50*, orders by mail promptly filled. A. J. RANKIN & CO., Druggist?, 68 Market street. PITTSBURGH. R.HUTCHINSON (LATB or LEBCB A BtrrOEIBBOK,)i oonusioi k FomawNG mmm Dealer in WESTERN RESERVE CHEESE, T?i nnr Q r «jn. Fist. Dried Fruit, Pot and Pearl F 1 Artiraand PRODUCE GENERALLY,; Beat Brenda of Family Flour Always on Hand. No. 102 Second Street, Between Wood and Market, PITTBBUGH, PENN'A. advance made on Consignment?, anil-ltd SHOVELS, HOOKS 5S Forki, Beytbe Stones Ac., for Bale by & LOHtt. 127 Liberty itreeti