The Pittsburgh post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1859-1864, August 18, 1863, Image 2

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The Union as it Was, the Constitution as it Is.
Where there is no law there in
no freedom.
Democratic Nominations,
i IN 2*. —ln cf the fjl.owing Res
olution of the Dem .cratie County Committee, the
Democracy of the several warax, boroughs and
townships will meet on the day named to elect
delegates to the Coon'y Convention ;
Jirsoivcd, ThaWthe Democratic citizsns of the
several wards, boroughs and townships of Alle
gheny nounty are hereby notified to meet at
their usual place of holding primary meetings
on Saturaay, Aug. 29th and elect two delegates
from oacb, who will assemble upon the following
Wednesday, Sept. 2d. at 10 o’clock a. m at the
court house to nominate a a county ticket
The meetings in t-o cities and borougbs'will be
hold between the hours of o and 7 o'clock p m •
in the townships between the hours of 3 and *5
o clock p. m.
T4B SinnFAßLEYChairman.
The nomination of Justice Woodward
for the chief magistracy of the State, was
a fortunate circumstance for the reputa
tion ot Pennsylvania. With a reputation
above suspicion, and ability beyond ques
tion, he stands the very embodiment of
the integrity and genius of our Democratic
system. With such a candidate at such a
time, we look upon defeat as being im.
possible. At such a time
stalks with brazen front even in our State
as well as our National Capital, we want
such a man for Governor as Justice Wood
ward. With him at the head of affairs
the people might rest secure, not only in
relation to his own integrity, but they might
also calculate upon having the dark deeds
o; others either exposed or punished. In
t-.mes like these, we should have a man to
govern us whose reputation for integrity
at least is not open for discussion ; in this
relation our candidate stands defiant.
Knowing the lofty character of Judge
Woodward,- the opposition to his election
1 •'.o: not ventured to assail it; ia this
1 -f h avG shown some tact, because of the
I.:rrib!e ordeal to which assault upon ours
. would subject their own candidate. In
tne absence of assault, however, upon the
personal character of Judge Woodward,
some of the Abolition organs are abso-
desperate in their efforts to damage
his political reputation. These efforts
are as contemptible as silly, and must only
tend to swell his msjority. “The hand
writing upon the wall" is plainly visible,
and hence the desperation of the Aboli
tiomsls to save their sinking cause.
Among the most shameless of the as
sailants of the Democratic candidate for
Dovetnor, is that moat infamous Hheet,
the Ptuladelphia Press. That paper joined
With the opponents of Governor Curtin’s
nomination, and hence Forney’s warfare
now upon'Judge Woodward. Having
given reasons why Curtin ought not to be
i:-c Abolition candidate, that' expert
Dimmer, and broker in contracts, must
■ow make amends by excessive zeal
■n behalf of his re election. But if the
Press imagines that persistent false
-ood, .n regard to Judge Woodward's
t out,cal record ia l.kely to assist its can
. !e it is terribly mistaken. The slang
u-oout “copperhead and sympathy wi h
treason” has grown nauseous, and will
produce no more effect this year, than
the stale cry “ Brtckenridge ” did last
-ae people are thoughtful; they have
aivon beneath the surface of such paltrv
stud as the Abolition press serves up to
them. They feel and see that their liber
ties are threatened by the encroachments
of those in power, and they are apprehen
sive that their own freedom may be lost
ia the name of giving liberty to another
ana inferior race. They see our armies
-ugmented by hundreds of thousands of
new conscripts, and that, too, while they
are told that the rebellion is crushed _
they are inquiring why this is so, and
tney receive no answer. They see the
anxiety ol the Southern peopla to return
to the Union, but our Administration
gives them no encouragement. They are
inquiring whether, indeed, it is the resto
rat.on ot the Union they are giving so
much to secure, or are their substance
and lives to be sacrificed in Abolition ex
periments. These and similar questions
are being asked and considered by the
thoughtful freemen of Pennsylvania, and
mily cry of traitor and Copperhead against
Jodge Woodward, will not divert their
attention from their profound cpnsidera
The Abolition papers out West affect to
misunderstand the exact result of the late
elect,on ,n Kentucky, but their dulness of
comprehension, in this particular, is easi
y accounted for. Because the Democrat
ic press denounce Burnside’s proclama
tion of martial law, and also the outrages
perpetrated in consequence of it. the)
Abolitionists can not conceive why Demo
cruts are satisfied with the political senti
ments ofthe victorious party. The Cin
cinnati Gazette, a rank Abolition paper,
in reply to the Louisville Journal, the
organ ot the Democratic Union party in
Kentucky, asked for information in the , M
following manner. We suggest ita pern- T he Draft in Philadelphia
... .. ,1. .r ft. „i ,ii. i. w. ,b.. . pn , porUop
“w;n ft, t i c of those who have been drafted in Phila
the Journal be good enough to delphia are entering the service as con
mform us what it means by the “conserve- scripts. The Press says •
tivos of the north ?” Does it pretend that The number of those who are not drafted
the Lmon pcrty of Kentucky answers to >s s .° {'“‘go that there is no scarcity of
the Valiandigham party of Ohio?" avail able substitutes, offer themselves
To this the Journal replies: By the
Cv>astiivativee of tne North*' we mean !"° l permit, their going into the army. Kv
the Northern men who.are opposed to the I mte generally, and
arbitrary/ and radical of tU fsTe^Vw^L^,
Administration, and who last year sig- cot last a great while longer La
nalized their opposition to such measures boul . itleB and 8 Probability 0 f very liLfte
by overwhelming majorities at the ballot ha " dred . 8 men who, a
box in nearly all the principal States of he prkU ibich beob!
the notja. -Jo Qfhor jyorda, i?e. mean the .tojiwd vaneaso much-that an appro-iipa
men referred torin the foJlowiDtresoiat’on, can he aven. The igure
adopudbjr tip General of Ken
lui. r.t the lat? and re-adojited even ooehundred dollars. i
; r—
\ Vw
ance with military orders, and the ordi
nance of the city government. Col. Green
refused to permit compliance with the or
der, and the centry stopped the carriage
when Col. Green sent off for a military
guard, consisting of a non-commissioned
othcer and two men, and attempted to nr
rest the sentry, who resisted, and Col. G.
himself seized a musket, and took a hand
also in the matter. The sentry, however,
persisted in a successtul resistance untii
Captain Lockwood, of Gen. Martinda'e's
(the military governor) staff', came along
when the soldier surrendered to him under
a sort of protest, on condition that the
capt. should be responsible for his (the
sentry) leaving his post. The soldier was
| taken to head- quarters, and by the inter
position of Lieutenant Holmes was for the
time released. He was, however, again
arrested, probably for leaving his post and ,
committed to the central guard-house. I
i he affair created considerable excitemem
at the time
The Administrations Whip.
We take the following from the Hoston
Journal :
‘The Government has decided not to
| retain any officer in thearmy whose views
on the war policy is not in consonance
with his own. _ Cases still continue to be
reported for dismissal for the use of what
is termed disloyalty pr treasonable lan
I Thus does the Administration snap its
wbip at the manhood of its officers. It
is as much wotße than the whip of the
plantation overseer as the manhood of
the white man is better than the bodv of
the negro If there be anything ahead
ot this in the refinement of despotism we
cannot conceive of it. It is enough to
make a patnot shudder at whaf is before
naif this steady march of the Administra
tion despotism be not rebuked—sternly
ballot-box 6 * th 6 rebukebe given at the
unanimously by the State Convention of
the Union party of Kentucky:
That this General Assembly hails
with Pleasurable hope tho recent maiifosta
,W3i(.°i'onBt,rvl}t,v') sentiment amon g ?ho i.“f,-
ali e o°th d er P Io?al d«?e thoi,: part 10 with
of evera sectio^hna 8 '^ 170 Bc . carit y to tho rights
the CMsHtnHnn’ the Union and
found“ho°Eep n wfc y ° rdaincd by th °
That is what we mean by the ‘conserva
tives of the North.’ We hope the mean
ing is not obscure to the Gazette-, or, if it
is, we hope it will grow clear enough in
the course of the next twelve months.
1 Asto the Gazette's clap-trap interroga
tory, we believe the masses of the party
in Ohio that supports Mr. Vallandigham
for the Governorship agree in principle
with the Union party of Kentucky. Mr.
Vallandigham is notoriously the candidate
of the Ohio Democracy, not in consequence
of his peculiar views respecting the war
but in spite of those views. The single
and simple issue raised by his candidate
ship is the issue of the freedom of dis
cussion ; and as wo have just intimated,
wo believe the masses, who, notwithstand
ing his views concerning the war, support
mm on this issue, agree in principle with
the Union party of Kentucky, whilst dis
agreeing upon a very imporlant point with
Mr. Vallandigham, has no affiliation with
the party in Ohio who supports Mr.
Brough. We trust we have made our
selves intelligible even to the Gazette. '
Over a year ago, before Phillips suc
ceeded in lashing the Administration into
the adoption of his schemes of emancipa
tion, he spoke as follows of the war and
its consequences: now that the speaker
has secured the “ bull against the comet,''
he is willing that the war should goon,
until the spirit of the first born Cain shall
reign in all bosoms, if it only gives free
dom to the Southern slaves. While thus
laboring for the enfranchisement of the
black, it will be seen that Phillips asserts
that the white citizens are fast becoming
slaves. Ha remarked:
“Neither will I remind you that debt
;a the fatal disease of republics, the first
•hing and the mightiest to undermine gov
ernment and corrupt the people. The
great debt of England has kept her back
in all progress at least a hundred years.
I will not touch, neither will I remind you
that when we go out of this war we go out
with an immense disbanded' army, an im
mense military spirit embodied in lwo
thirds of a million of solders, the fruitful,
the inevitable source of fresh debts and
new wars: I pass by that, and lying with
in these canseß are things enough to make
the moßt Banguine friends of free institu
tions tremble for our future. But I pass
those by. But let me remind you of anoth
er tendency of the time. You know, for
instance, that the writ of habeas corpus, by
which government is bound to render a
reason to the judiciary before it lays its
hands upon a citizen, has been called the
high-water mark of English liberty. The
present Napoleon, in his treatise on the
English constitution, calls it the germ ot
English institutions. Either say- that
free meetings like this, and a free press,
are the three elements which distinguish
liberty from despotism, and all the Sav-m
blood has gained in the battles aai tods
of two huudred years are these three
things. Now, to-day, Mr. Chairman, every
one of them —habeas corpus, the tight of
free meeting, and free press -is annihila
ted in every square mile of the Republic.
We live to day, every one of us, und-'r
martial law or mob law. The Secr-tarv
of .State puts into his Baslile, with a war 1
rant as irresponsible as that of Louis, auv j
man whom he pleases, and you know that
neither press nor lips may venter • u, ar
raign tint government' without being
Bilenc.-d. We are tending with raj-kl
strides —you may say inevitable; 1 don't
deny it, necessarily: I don't question it -
we are tending to that strong government
which frightened Jefferson; toward Oiv
unlimited debt, that, endless army we
have already those alien and sedition laws,
which in 17US wrecked the Federal piriyn
and summoned the democratic into i xist
euce. For the first time on the coniine-'
we have passports, which even Louis
Bonaparte pronounces useless and odious
for the first time in our history, govern
ment spies frequent onr great cities.”
Excitement on Pennsylvania Ave
Lieut. Col. E. M. Green, Chiefgaartc;
master of General Hentzleman’s Stall,
commanding the defences of Washington,
while riding along Pennsylvania avenue,
on Wednesday afternoon, in a carriage,
was stopped by a mounted sentry named
Howard, and the driver ordered to keep
to the right hand of the Btreet, in accord-
The Conscription in Massachu-
The grave and reverend National Intel-
sometimes facetious ; alluding
to the Conscription iu Massachusetts, it
The enforcement of the enrollment
aw in Massachusetts has broughtone very
remarkable fact to light. Wo allude to
1 e general cachectic condition of the peo
pie, as inferrible from the number of ex
emptions granted on the score of physical
disability. The affluence of the applicants
claiming on this ground to be released
from the military service is so great that
the ‘streets and lanes' may be literally
shid to ‘swarm’ after the manner predicted
by Governor Andrew a little lesß than a
year ago, though unfortunately not with
men who go iorth to ‘fight with God and
human nature on their side,’ but with men
who pay the doctors to have them excused
“ ' Ve haro tendered this carious deve’-
opement with much interest and we have
asked ourselves the question why it is that
that port,on o, the country in 7 .h ch "
some affirm, the meat robust type of ’pa
m Pr °fh QCed “ d ««edf?ho„; d P be
i s*- , re than an ) r other part of the
Our Mte 8U genera ‘ Physical infirmity?
Bail, IS 6 ?- cole “P°™>T, the Boston
/ -ddicrttscr. which from its habitual
rnrfviv 10 ”’ n 0l 1 e , 83 thau fro ™ da natural
partialities, would not be likely to exag
gerate the pathological phenomena of the
comments on the topic as
th ß t a , t6rr " c catalogue of the ills
tnat flesh is heir to as is now put forth in
each of the enrollment districts in this
tha H l3 ! } nythln r s b «t pleasant reading for
the dog days. It ,s painful in the extreme
ledt?. ' S f l be - f ° re one ' B e yes in black
and whi.e that nine out of ten of one's
neighoo-.s, selected by an impartial lot
nerhan T'd UfferiDg I rom 80me Stressing;
perhaps hideous,and very likely nameless
dlBa bjdty, or are in that condi
tion of general and indescribable wretch
edness known to the law and the exempt
ing physicians as ‘debility.’ What a de
generate and wholly unsound race we are
after ail, is tne inevitable reflection after
persuing these appAlhng lists.
‘ But if it is unpleasant thus to be re
minded of our common mortality, what
brnGlv' -M'' f ° r ‘' h ° S 0 Wh ° Be name 3 and
nubile'”"' f<f lnU3 f ' araded before the
Trial of a Morgan Guide.
lho case cf the United States is. Peter
Hai ti:,ger was concluded by the decision
of Judge Carey, of Xenia, at the United
States District Court room last night.—
The substance of the affidavit was that the
defendant, on or about the 17th day of
July, 1*11.3, i n the county of Jacksoni in
the Southern District of Ohio, he not be
,pg in the military or naval service of the
Dnited States, gave aid ana comfort to
the enemies of the U nited Slates, said en
emies being rebels in arms, under the
command c.d John Morgan, a rebel Gen
(-ralofihe so t-ailed Confederate States
lhe -edge reviewed the evidence, and
staled it was plam that the defendant did
wilful,y and unlewfnlly give a id and com
ion .0 the rebels, under John Morgan
j !a a low browed, swarthy customer
and was attended by his.sister in the court
room. One of the witnesses testified that
before the raid Hartinger had been wish
ing tor Morgan s appearance, and ex
pressed his determination to guide him
l- rough his part of the State. When the appeared, he made good his
promise and was hand in glove with the
horse I h:eves f., r s -vera! days. -Cincin.
Lcii/t/icrrnr, Auj. i).
Shameful Conduct of a Union Gen
A ( liatifihooga correspondent of tin- Mo
bfle JUi/islcr writes ibat Genera! Bragg
would hare fought the Army of the Cum
l-t-rland it it had not been for the unprin
cipled conduct of General Hcsecrans
liragg was ready to fight our boys when
over they advanced upon him. but “Rose
crans persistently continued to (lank aud
outtlank, and no alternative was left but
to fight him under great disadvantages or
retreat to a position which he could not
,If ttie i,incoin Government.'‘ were not
,hcrcughly abohtionized,'' this would
have n. once caused the removal of Gen
Losecrans. As it i,, wAnppose he wili
b(- continued in command, and we can
crarVr "f, G . tner » l when Rose
crar... nex[ begins an advance, to retreat
hesMnV" gel ft . Way fr ° m him - 11 i 8 not
person ao3,! ' llng l ° d ° with su<lll R
Let Bragg read, on this point the fam
ous charge ot Mr. Justice Dogberry. He
ordered the watchman to *‘bi3 any man
stand, in the Prince's name."
‘ but, says the sapient watchman—
not Btandr” er °' Bragß - bow «
Why, then, take no notice of him, but
ihl w"! l°, : ilr,d P reBe , ,lll y call the rest of
the watch together ana thank God you are
ridel a knave.
Double Tracks between New York
and Baltimore,
; A uispatch from Washington says:-
The several railroad companies constitu the line between Washington and New
fork tiiow temporarily represented here
by their agents; are busily engaged in the
redemption of their promises made last
winter for the couetruclion of a doable
track along the entire line. The double
track between Trenton and New York will
soon be completed, and a large force is at
Fro'm Tr - enlon and Philadelphia. 1
be laltar c Ay southward the double
track is completed to Newark, Delaware
and it will be speedily finished between
Baltimore and Washington. Work is
progressing upon the bridge across the
Susquehanna, and there is a prospect that
a^ double-track road, without any P c hange
?vJb- rS ’. Wl j°P T n b ? P r °vided between
Washington and New York. The compa
ct for the°lin e e red
A Despicable Trick
An Irishman, named Patrick Moran,
a day or two since, gave a female, with
whom he was living, in the Thirteenth
Ward, some SOO for safekeeping, which
she locked up in a bureau. Moran broke
the draper open, surreptitiously ab
stracted the money, together with
then went to her and demanded the funds
T° her horror, she found them goneTd
of the theft 6r ab J rm ' M «van accused W
of the theft; and went ont to procure an
officer to arrest her. He
one, but, during his absence, an inmate of
the same house; who had seen hi™ k i
lie wan comm Upd tn
Station house, to ?^ eet
cenv. Cin. Co m 9 Char & e °<
Sentence of a Soldier for Murder.
private JohnH. Abbott, of the uth
1 ennsy vama Reserves, has been found
guilty of murder, and sentenced to for
ten all pay, to be dishonorably
and placed in solitary confinement at hfrd
la V tor eighteen years. S
approved his selected ?h
The Agony in Bichmond
Jefl. Davis has had the credit in Europe
of producing respectable State papers -
He has carefully affected a dignified calm
ness, and has protested with intense and
elaborate hypocrisy against the kind of
war.nflicted against his people, and he
has had admirers on the force of deport
ment. But he has at last lost his temper
deseneTw”,!^ 1 and - lii3 screech to
adver'ia 1 be considered in Europe an
splfr I t wfnl° f u his ' m P°tence Jd de
are a m-Pnt °J 3Served he admits there
He says 631 many desert ers from hiß army.
wonld h Wabsent from ~jeir P° BlB
rreate, Pre - eL , lU “ lhe oeld ’ to
fore! t ’ u “ en „ Cßl equality between our
ders Dd the f ° rCO the Norl bern iuva-
fh^t 8063 ° D t0 L ma^ e all s OUa of excuses
lor absentees, that he may, it possible
disgmse from them and himself the reai
reason for their defection, and says they
h£mVeT d we hold dear in
imminent peri!.
.... - c,ltton b y a Battlesnake.
he lolly oi making pets'of rattlesnakes
y ( utting them in boxes and carrying
them about tor a show, has been again
exemplified at Harrisburg. On Wednes
ay, Mr. ,1. A, Mcknight, of Perry county,
was dangerously bitten by one of these
snakes, under the iollowingcircumstances:
He had captured a snake in Perry couDty,
and had caged him in a box which had a
small circular opening in the top, over
which he placed a piece o( glass. In this
tho SBake ,0 Hnrrisbnrg, and
exhibited him to his friends as a curiosity,
the reptile being a very large one. While
carrying the box along Market street aboul
en o clock that night, the glass was bro
ken by some means. Mr. McKnight in
stantly capped his hat over the aperture
but the ferpeut had at the same instant
thrust his head out and struck hialam-s
a e Ell^e k ' B keeper's hand. The
hand soon began to swell from the bite
and the whole arm became twice as lurgc
as usual. The wounded man adopted
perhaps the best means of counteracting
the virus, over a quart of which be is said
\ta^ a T e I' aken ' He wos al a house ih
Market street yesterday, and at last ac
counts was doing well, although still suf-
A Singular Coincidence.
Schuyler Colfax, in an obituary notice
ufthe late .John I). Campbell, Superin
tendent of the Michigan Southern and
Northern Indiana Railroad, mentions the
following remarkable incident. Mr. Col-
fax is a Director of the Company :
Last year, talking with him over the
gloomy condition of the road, when we
both entered upon its service, with its
stock selling at six cents on the dollar, its
laborers unpaid for nearly half a year, its
credit utterly gone, and two millions ol
floating debt crushing it apparently, he
spoke o. the lubor he had given to ii' and
aadeu : the roa-.i Is now about 0.. t ol
debt, and when 1 can give its long sutler
ing stockholders a dividend, [ intend to
retire." He repeated ibis jocularly, this
spring, v.-In-ii }, in)> wllii hia wir
on the cars, on one ot our hurried visits
home, ihe tirst dividend for many years
on the stock ot the road was paid on Sat
urday, August, lsi, at its nllice in New
? ork. and on that very morning Mr. Camp
bell surrendered his trust to a higher row
er than the Presided or 1 Erectors.
-♦ _
How the Government is X’e
Tne li.\lti;noiv
‘“t morning. a circumstance oc
currcd ,n that city which *bows how the
government is robbed l.y the contractors.
A man who had b supply the (iov
ernmen- wdh hay .-rose up a Km i at the
Western Hay Scales for the purpose o<
having"!! weighed, whmh wav dune, when
it was disyovoroil that aboat eleven httn
area pound* of green, mouldy < lowr had
been packed in the middle of the load
Ihe Government agent, upon being in
lormed of the matter, v,rv prop., rlv refus
ed to receive it..
Colored Troops and the Attack
upon Charleston.
When the ISfh colored regiment, re
cruited in Philadelphia, which left for
Charleston, on Thursday, shall have ar
nved, ueariy sis thousand black soldiers
will be actively engaged in the movement
against the secession stronghold The
colored regiments embiared in Gen Gil
more's forces will be as follows i 3 i' m ,j
South GaroHna: ith Mass . General
Wilde s Brigade under his command, con
aistmgof the aflih Mass., aud the Ist
W orth Carolina; 18;h Pennsylvania,
Will of Archbishop Kenrick.
| Two wills of the la.e Archbishop Ken
rick, Ilf Baltimore, have been duiv pre
sented in Ihe CilHoe ot Register of Wills
in that ei.y. Yke last will, dated With of
November, Ksut), is regarded as inopera
tive, feeing signed by but two witnesses,
while ,he law requires three. By the first
. which is dated 20th April, 1862, and
8 duly attested and admitted to probate
the Archbishop bequeathes to the Very
Rev. Francis L’Hoinmi ail his real and
personal estate now held or to be held
and in the event of the latter's death or
absence trom the United States at the
time of the decease of the testator, the
property was to pass to the Rev. H. £j
Cookery, the relatives or heirs at lav? be'
ing entirely excluded from any share in
D e^?i? te - wiU was witu essed bv
P. 0 Jieill, W. F. Clark andC. H. Stone
Or. Parley, Medical Inspector General
ol the L'mted States Army, has resigned
n p 8 R POsU, °? Medical Inspector, and
Dr. Barnes has been appointed his succes
WUI ‘f' ‘ >laCe T ° atlu “clock
,m her late on Scott's alley, near
Irwin street. near
n.y BiiLEft,
without danger to anythin* else. For sale by
corner Stnithfield and Fourth street
ee^andTrJiXi’srhMXrha 1 ™
somettia* Uka iW^rlormTr^ri^s Attors «
Reasons why it ls better than dry Polish ■
1. It is already mi jod
ttl i“, B 0 5W,< ” whatever.
aiJ ro L llO^ 8 D 0 or das*
4* It stands the moat intense hear
•. It preserves from nm.
h. It w the most economical noli-K
Fo I r t B So Il by one ' foarth s te 0 1 S^
* ' --- -■
SObbl instr-c'd and for sale by
in fte N Bo T^ E 7T n , elM «0“ win
theoity of Pitubnrffb on a T^-riH Tr& fi 0 iiorEDa in
of August next at if ,? Q i T t csdiy ’ tll « »slh **ar
iirectors of'flie Pittsbu!??« m ‘l to. elect seven
fcaervo for tho Gra,r ' *'*vator Co.,
a'ftr'f 1 ' ».»«*.
«“»>ocw.T. M ter w -
Co iwratora.
Amerh-iin that c-h
Wbkk.v, n. C„ August 13 -A meet
•ug of m.zens, representing every touml
of the lire! and second Congrelaionlf Di/
U leta, and a portion of the third, waa held
n,h ~ “n ? ° n ’ Nonh Carolinn on the
Ith. Resolutions were adopted aymna
thunig With the great conservative partv
of the Slate and declaring an energetic
ioTmIIITi the Wa l iD this D8 P""nent
to b,. the only means by which the Union
asking the Government for reinforcement
■or this purpose ; accusing the Confeder-
Jeff nlv h destruction 0 1 slavery npon
JeH Dav.sand his conspirators ; express
■ng henel that North Carolina wiU find
ample compensation in free labor for the
abiliiy \i. a , u t d p°. ml nenaing the
coi.dum of tHl h Varl“L a ny° D ii U : h h e e
derstood the dispatches have reference to
Ltd e n egn ,’f‘ ° n 3 on tba Mississippi It u
to ai?? 3t i fa "°- ra °P enin e cotton trade
to all loyal citizens under proper restrir
tione, and recommends to the authorities
' . ashington the immediate adoption ol
of hTl° CT ; ™ a WUI thousands
of bales ot colton now hidden awav in
swamps, and have benificent effects 7 on
manufacturing interests
Gen. Logan made a speech here iast
asfemWedi 0 la airo 0^dO ' iraDdieDCe - er
ealuta was fired from the gunboats on tht
Gen. Asboth, at Columbus, Ky has
been by order of General Grant.
A. S mit h takes oommand there.
f , nl T 'rn JODIS ’ —The body of
Lol. Cornyn reached this city yesterdav
The funeral takes place thfs ,’“ 5
appropriate m.litary honors.
Oaterhaua leaves this citv
h.e command .□ Mis uiesl fa* V 10
fhe estensive eotfeo «£) t
ment of Hobert Ch»-‘ - tea establish
troyed bv ' 68 wa ! entirely des
'."Snred for $29,000. SS ® 30 > 000 i
H. J. LTSca
alterations, will bo found in In 4 atr<:et l to make
rear c f old n O re.en tr “ce™^S addition,?®
dour from nth street where Tw? r fe et first
sold cheap. “ ere "*7 Goods will be
aulo ]
e ID K fit great bargains for two weeks,
to make room for n larßO
JPall Stock.
Cai and examine before Puroassiag
es- Be sure you so to ih s right place
at BOBUMps,
No. 98 Market street
Second Door fton ’
‘ Fifth.
Condition of Anny.
the pjospectat charleston
Trade on the Mississippi,
**■> *«•. Ae. &e,
New Vouk, Aug. 17.—The Herald’s
dispatch says: Affai.s remain quiet at the
front Picket firing has ceased entirely,
and both armies seem to have settled
down into a state of lethargy. There is
no large force of the enemy north of the
Rappahannock, though a sort of picket
one has been established from United
States Ford to Acqnia, via '■‘Hartwood
Church and Stafford Court House. This
line is very weak and offers little or no re
distance to onr scouting parties.
Most of the prisoners captured from the
enemy profeßs a desire to take the oath o
allegiance. They all express themselves
as being tired of war, and utterly discour
aged. The degree of distinction in the
rebel army exceeds that of any previous
No information has been received indi
eating that tee has been reinforced to any
considerable extent. A few conscripts
and convalescents are arriving from time
to time, but it is not believed any portion
of the Southern army has joined the forces
m Virginia,
The activity of our cavalry sent in unr
"M ° Sbyhaa checked his opera ion ,
and the sect,on between Washington and
gneS; Bn °' from
■ a]d A 4f mOrC corree P° ndent of the Htr-
at fanlt hitherto,
iiWM , numher of reinforcements at
1 ' , te makee Le <? present strength
; •V' lhe . 6ewere all old troops. Lee
wn f HS rec< jl v ,"?e 80me conscripts, which
I Will HOOD swell his numbers to 150.000
1 he main body of this vast army is massed
? * , th l ' ae of t he Rapidan, with Lee’s
Quarters at tiordonsville.
New cavalry squadrons are being drilled
and exercised in the Shenandoah Valley.
It would seem also that Lee is organizing
?°“ e , ."f w batteries of artillery, for artif
] n* r '\ a r tk target Practice take place
daily at the same points where these new
cavalry squadrons are being exercised
The guns are brass pieces, and if not new
are so bright that they look new. There
are twelve of these batteries at one point
m the Shenandoah Vailey. P
Nm\ \ork, August 17.—A Tribune
special says : —An officer just returned
from Charleston confirms our previous
sta e ments . He says it is next to impos
sible to batter down Wagner; that the men
keep under bomb proofs upon which our
onlv eU < pro< T ac ® co efTect; that the
only way he fort can be carried is by di
rect assault, which will not at present be
attempted. The chances of knocking fort
Sumter to pieces are better. Indeed it
was generally believed there that that
tort will speedily fall. If ; t f a n s our for “
canno, occupy „ as it will be battered
s-nVternVw ‘ we Bhould take forts
■-"Ukrand Wagner, the other forts have
got u, be overcome, and the rebels areas
busy as bees, day and night, in erecting
■m v ttery o, ‘ the Way t 0 Charles
“>n. Ihe military iorce is not deemed
sufficient, and will have to he largely re
intorcr-dI before the finale is consummated
r f |,u , bllc “ ay at once divest themselves
of the idea that any startling news is com
mg from Charleston at' present
to close out
* g 2.2.2
S 3 y-/ s!*° £.” 2
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S 5 Eg^®?©* 3 CJ^
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W “S=i3?“ *S
tt r 3 ? w n c«
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H 2(B 94. se
Slo?!’?* *
$250 CAS P ASI> Siio iar rwo
yearly raymentß will ruroh- se a
irame dwe ling house and a lot of uroond 17 fnM
f“‘ »>y M deep to an alley W fe't
w“sh?n?'° near “"ken«H%. Per"?i®
k,t / c . hase a ebenp dwelling house and
Applyto *** *° elaiiinG “1< property.
5l Market street.
C a „m E t< * thf - subscriber. re.
l%h . h 1£ ln HoS3 towusWp. on Saturday, Aug.
.IH H l r6 t t 0 be about soven
hinFfnit Th d shoea “ n fore feot ' bat nODe
*aril n?!,V^ h E? r *’ re 9“Mted to como for
awav P nthi , ' orty i.' Pßs ’-f?? rsC9 Bnd tako her
oFrdiia to Uw 0 wUI bo Prosed of ac-
For further particulars enquiro of
anl*?M n ° n the Pltts hureh, Fort TVayne &
° ulB 3td _Ch oago Eailroad.
In Walnut, Oak and Rosewood Cases
wmS, 1 ! 10 ‘ollflwininow and valuable im
ajiCliAnor,’ ‘W Knee Slop for Upper
Prices from $7O to $l5O.
The eheapoit and bo‘t instrument of the kind
? desirable for email Churches
Sabbath Sohools. Lecture Rooms, Ac vuurolies »
Send for a circular.
„ cijas c;. mbllob,
'-ass iss«s‘i
S P I mro rave st«A r* EPH FFK *
Comer of the Diamond and Market streets,
Superior Carbon Oil at CO eta. per Gallon
Snn!? 0r n ar K on S-‘! at COcta - P er Gallon.
Superior Carbon Oil at 00 eta. per Gallon.
The SS °r S emon 1 (aT Fruit Cans.
4P 0 n f > aa v t y of Coment for Fruit Cans
The B«tQuality of Cement for rv?it c££
At Prices that Defy Competition.
a J r>" Ceß at Oefj Competition.
At Prices that Defy Competition.
Soda Ash and Pot Ash of the Best Quality.
As {| SD j i> 0t Ash of the Best Quality,
Soda Ash and Pot Ash of the Best Quality:
Wines and Liqnors of Best Qnalliv
Wines nod Liquors onicst Uaalltyl
tor Medical Purposes.
-or Medieal Purposes.
Mineral Waters of all Kinds.
Flaxseed Oil Turpentine, Camphine
Burning Fluid. White and Ked L»ad
„ JOSEPH'miuch
n Corner of the Diamond and MaXot streets.
eastern prices.
Haims Purchased. Them I'efore iho
CALL early.
new de LAINES, &0
„'f 5 470 MARKET street.
p AiSe T m ' property
ofThoinhs B undersigned Committee
of the “uA “f and b £, virluo of an order
ifebs^’r^AlH 8 land V f Judee Forward's I
__au°s!6td^ R ° Saand Second
Pittsburgh and Minersville' PatT
J^ nger Hailwa y Company.
RTilw^TSplnvTo l ?l the Oakland
burgh. on W . P , itb l-
Com loOt “ g “ Boarf 0 ?!
the d ,h rd % fffij I
ails-fdtd‘ ; “' A ».™i T ° N ' SeCretarS '-
Dark De Caines
New Styles.
New Styles.
Striped and Figured
Sheeting Prints-
- Quality,
Corner Fifth and Market streets.
August 18th, 1863.
*>w Fall Goods ,
Wholesale and Retail Payers
IS respectfully -INVITED
180 and 182 Federal Street,
Above the Market.
T m S loretto t^?- h ’
U n i/ibout°fS« Cfr“B^“^SnnSrl
healthy in PennEjlrania-thiaLrtinn Jf {ft? flf 31
thmy Moontshra belay r^rcbhdfnr‘ft® 5 ‘
Ihea-Sdii"'' “aPifemSMBoSSJ* PUrO
iJoAM fbTio^STuausT 11 !^ 1 '
between the SefSoM ret Sf n hom «
in^nce®.™ Tuitkn - sayaU « balfyeaW-r ■
n Sneering ana LTsYof instruments; peVSi® 65
Studentssponfina°VaoSiOTa?H;e O C?UM?' 20
O-tem.m'th” Reff??? 0 %
dl Vhbudeli>hm° a^v e br I <VHirn! I f»l?!* S^r
New Discovery,
speedy in ao C tio r n ! 11 d °“ not »»“««•“
fo Change ol Diet is Eequired!
It docs not interfere with business nn .
can bo used without detection j De^3btJ usults 1 j t
I pward of 200 cures the past m „ ~
them very severe eases. It is n ,/ on| h> some of
I and female, old or youngl for male
BULL’S prr T 0
aro the original and onG
Over one hundred phyLin„ B . S 100 S feeble PilL
their practice and ati,sp^w a b n “<«». them in
and approve of ikcirVunnositi i effioaoy
tor effecting a PermSneni? o Ji n f l ' r “ l , i£lbl e remedy
° a3a3 " “to cure in all
I fftth all it* train of io - b?minal Weakness,
I Vaginal QisohoW, Qw‘ h? Urethral and
Involuntary ErE" 8 ?' the Whites, Nightly or
ritabillty.&oentSiwfe* l D « b jity and lx
kj?3 °f tower, n”iwou'/nim’r, llo6 ;^oakness or
J b iPh arise Prineirmli? S f ? 0 ob, L t J'< fe o tf 4o.elt of
S».f-Abu.e. or sonfo Ji i* xoeS3es or
and incapacitates ih« «.?#?itutional derangement
duties o/Married Ufe< erer fHlu fulflUinglhe
Qonorrhes. Gleet and
noys they act aa a chwm f Pe^r &^deTajld - Kid ~
bv taking « single box’ M experienced .
Bold by DOLLAR.
a They 7
roeciot o? hV™° nt by PittaburgG,
| eceipt oi the money by j\y sealed on
Consnlting Physician fjr®' < '
? ry ’ ho*? 31 end me treatment of Sem
wui send frte to all the , Nervons Diseases, who
The Fiftieth work:
[Treatise cn Self- Thousand.—Dr. Bell’s
*ffid b- Abuse. Premature Decay, Im
f)“?’:?el vVea oss of Power. Serual Diseases,
tiinU 1 , ’- &r Nightly femisrions. Genital
«hnnM g h ,rcw, A P»»phlet of filty pages, con-
Should b- JPbrtam advice to the affletoS and
Two ? cn tbel,? ,T6ry ““fferer. as the mean*
to „ ” 8 . ,ag0 “ plainly set forth,
postage. aul7d&w
-VTKREsti Mi TO the LADIES !
' Ve np ® 86j ling, at a REDUCED PRICE,
Lot# on Hosiery,
® loves,
Lace Hitts,
Waists, »fee.,
ITo.op Slclrts, slightly soiled, half prioe.
Wu are receiving the lateit styles of
KJead Dresses, Wots,
Ne’tv Fall Dress Trimmings,
No. 78 Market St.,
Between Fourth end Diamond,
M, V