am«is p. Ba] ot Auoßour A HIGHLY CONCENTRATE) : ’ "£ ~PITRE TONIC, \ Dr. Hoof land’s / _ D , G t^~“ TE " s Dfi. C£ D. yAOKBOW. Philadel - Plua, Penna., ot a ally c a i a liiver Compl iiot, JJXSPEJPSIA, JAUNDICE, Saroiuo, orServoai Debility, btieaie of Use Kidneys, and all Diseases Arising from a Disordered: Liter or Stomaea, i . ........ i snoh I ' ' * "* &S Const!- ! AfSJSZZir ! ' Blood to the Head. Acidity of the Stomach. , _ Heartburn, Divust W Igllt 1° * BcroßWotationa, Binlt Bho^or^&V®S& ■ &&d preatdeproa aioQ of -•l A &c Uvo!y reßowFew. Ril „„ . ■ THEY CONTAIN Nt> ALCOIFoI, OB BAR WHISKY t i e J. l!ort,disoascsSnoill f t y->‘>'‘ Induced by iho oxteneivo Bain and nnivm-enl •' !t*l° 0r w H h ?- wSiitlurioue inis and christened ionics, Btomaohidsjnd Bit^ the innumerable array of alcohoKo ’E3? B 2S pomted sufferers in despair. ' HOLLAND’S GERMAN BETTERS ££S}*. JJf®? ££ d article, but have i stotKl the test of fifteen years trial bv thA a mM Aeic. reputation and saleare J preparation. ■ j Plergymen, rh ygleiana iProm the N. Y. Herald, Aug.. 7 J We publish to-day a most extraordinary recital of facts, collected .from various re’ Iwble, sburgesjby oar; reboithrs,".showing an organized system of swindling on tbe United'Stdt'eagovernment, which has no parallel in the wars oi any other country Some months ago we published a lengthy expose of similar frands, which at tile time led to considerable excitement in military and general circles. The exposures now made are more particular in their bearing,, pointing as they do to individuals well afw'l th 'i c(Jm “onity, one of phom, aUeast, has been for some time cobnect ed with the military service of the cohntry It is astonishing that the Government Commissioner ot the War Department has not brought these facts to the no ice Gib^f g ° t I en,, ? ent and t L he P reas - If one tithe of the charges which now rest on T( privateinformation can be proved'to be HOOFLAN-D' S y G ER Vr y BITTERS. iffmon PABTIC.dI.AB NOTICE. Bmpi on all thd parties con aaSfiS-BV told, under the , W ? tro «farther preface, WB will «?2K ch?a^ls£g!'? <7 “ drtlottU ’- cveiwsnJ*f f ‘ BtB ths faclß 88 have been conveyed 20to “«*'!? from t 0 , our reporters. } toJtbrta&ir ,he tas,e <***- •• In the early 'part »°Oeru?ao"S , i,,£jL While in Washington they met with a man tix toilh Thr>« Quarts of Uood Itrnmfv P^„ aome b ot, i requested him to use his .1 r . WI , 1 , l ? ,iy - anri ~le mil be a preparation luuuence to assist them in carrying oui ahddme tbe.r views. This gentleman had tome %£8 ***■““ “>e character of one ofX nave all thexnrtuet a; Uooflnmf's Hitters nt 'P a *to® B » was therefore not inclined to Junior, afa do'anything to assist him; but. t-hiobin*? 3T*r 07> ‘* Me *’*" 8r oration, that the other was a respectabl^hS tadin W view° r will cure nine tenths' ®? P an J waa introduced to the Horn Wm. £^"“?*? indaetd > exposures and priva- H. Seward, Secretary of State and nth*?- «■* almost SjkJyUte? on tfcfwSSi persons of inSuence, through whoseexer trill bsnoticeothat a very large pro- tioDS he obtained the required permission ofd£tfeTOd E^bef o ?Sifvnncipals quali ffhloh.l landed on the2Sth of J.nne. Since that faed himself before a Notary Public in rS^ a . n V 10 coal £ New , York as a bondsman to the extent of t or more I was rcarceiy able to ewa* low ten , ltou , Ban t d °U arß for a man who was | jsndifl didforcoa- morsel down, itwas imiaedi* seeking to obtain the position of Pavmas*! TX,rS 5 H[ n , op a v®' lE - , , ter in the service, while there were pend. I vtomadK UjeSd e not 'physlciahk who ent courts, amounting to several thousand ; had bo&u working fai hrtißj,thxmgn unsuwesful- dollars. ly. to rescue me from the grasp of the dread Arch- Tk n «« n w,v* , A , . 1 : Tlbrng 'btfSmesf tn' Maideu Lane of the most disgraceful kind, if all that) KJk; w, Mr, Frederick Steinbron. offitb bdow W about them is strictly correct:and AronS advipea me as a forlorn hope, totry miforttinately there 390033 to be but very |', ttle donbt al >° a t them. It appears that Sf lam now, thank God for it w ,ere .lnfrodpced, to this *etting’batte. iN ip , i'?l !l Illa Vetakonbut two bot- tfibrehantrand they'immediately entered “*? with him for supplying S KE'l tav ? beafd notMng for ° ne han . d , red P l3tola a ‘ such a rate that tSn rtontbi; for. g lagtaloral Viijn. they could make'a profit oi some seven iftnctiSm'.ho vlcmH. “5 do “ arß on .each pistol—the accounts to be| .taade out in sncS a manner that the swin-! ??meln y ‘ Ta 4 A/1 ? 8 stou 7 d appear on the face of die, Very truly, yours. transaction-: The pistols were accordingly ““PP'dltahetw 86C °b- d agr ? 6 “ eUt W “ Mr. Malone. reitofM 1 toboSt.. '• entered into between him and these par ifliftf? w Y. Battery, ties;.to more tißOjtt&E «.-ACKCBv a Co. u. L , th.Malne. pistols at the same rate. Before filling F. ‘ hiß ° rd f’ however, the merchant applied I. B. rASESEtI CoB M Venn imC- to tbe inspector of Ordnance to know SS® R ¥ B-JEROME. Co B, do whether the Colonel had authorltv F'^BO?Co V E^* , M^o 6Ul t0 .?"« b ?l e - ar “ B 4 or bi , B l-epment, mtRMAy KOCB. Co H. 72d NY* andji -a*, SL.’T.s ja oath® WRAyPSxarcar v bottle / : conclusion not to pay the share agreed PBICE PEBBOTTI.E ’5 CKVTS, ok .upon for this Becond lot of pistols, and' HAliS'ttOZt TOB ?400. party in the secret §6,000 to' vrevarations that maybe offered In its place, butt ? 0 f PP S ~ T Siu' : L Rgl ef nt ’ •end to u«, and we will forward, securely paokod wereTOOseqaetftly examnred bjrfhe army F.WWi Vt .V. authorities and condemned at Harper’s Xeatlfyin? of their O'S'n personal knowledge to m?& oflaaleffeots and “rttad'rtrtaSlf&S °° STSENOTB DO YOU WANT A 0008 APPKTrrpt U % 1° fee l well > ■ o( ?Nms% AISTro a£l BUj of ffBS YO US DO YOU WANTEN r^Or> »9Jon want ta a Jeon well? • i vigorous j OEca. mflifanMactory. No. 153 k„. - JONES & EVANS, (Successors to C. M. Jackson &C 0., ); Proprietors' TO < U oalflrBlll B * ay Of. e. KETSEB. BU P. - 1 Hra sale also b? . : SIIIOK WHSPMIir ' qsroer Stahh.eW endSoonfl gbS ' A. J. BANIUH « c©^ rr »-E«Ut«ir& p r „„,.,„,„_. : __ SHE 'K?il»y_ HOST—ADVANCED "SAfES. •• 2 « tm& treek, delivered in the citv.... i« Single copies V"** *?. Toagentaperhundrod ... T"’* 2 00 »BW ADVERTISING rates. wo«i f mon i b^toPt 1 < hn a 'v Crti r n? ba '’® boen ??,“[?TnbiJshon of the Pittsburg' FOB STASDI96 MATTER, S JJ OLB ® QBABE ' Da r. ®, 22 “oaths-L 89 00 J£2 JV 60 months.™ II 00 Ihreo i^BQi onff 4*5 Four months™™ 13 00 sfcowMb« - »«» five months.;.. 14 00 TOmTSmSaZ?**'*** Six months...;.. 15 00 on^mUSSr 9 - 522 ? ine mon thß,,.. 20 00 Une 600 One year ™, 25.00 matter. ™&^t‘fe n lM a aro^^ 6 advertisements. frBB afjfflLß BqUi.BE, EVE B T DVT fe? - gg. *% oath StfHoss. each insertion..'.'.': '■' lo posTtiv ASTOUNDING MILITARY FRAUDS, Begtraeut. iflormous trofiti on Spavined Jloraes-Bilitarv OommisWus Sold and Fesold-f'raudnlen! ' fy intended to charge the foil government -’ jirice Of one hnn hundred andfihirtean dollars. It is posi tively asserted'’by those who are in the secret' thatno lets a’ somnton from fifo t© maty thou sand dollars were realited on this swindle alone, Tbehowesihai foimd upon the a»mo oTf-naa sot eatM'* * 6 g .-•a-i c i'r) ro y/l ; : DfrOfflii*'•i JJ '*■* military service of the country were in most cases totally unfit for the nse of cav alry, and were, not, on an overage, worth more than from fifteen to twenty dollars a piece. A farrier was employed to inspect norse*,-and otf conscientibhslv rejecting many of them the Colonel becamd greatly incensed against him and discharged him service to make room fgrnnother mnro j e Bn PP OSBd would be monwfi'f b k- and r tberef °re mote easily : IS ne^an OQB purpose, ibis new examiner, it appears, passed a number of horses which were bought at an’ w er " S sold f tf a PleCe ’ Thesa horBeß were som to the government at tire'full' nfsherl 0 !® 113 ' An ,° tber Person yho fur nished horses supplied some three hun dred at $BO apiece. These, it appears wnri„ y h£ good horBes - He made out Ms bill m his own name at $ll3 each, and after receiving payment from the military a “ikT tleS ’ he P aid over SlO a pieced each horse to one of the principals. He, jj°”® ver ' fu ? ed to famish any more ihorSes, as the firm Boon began to dealnn Thlß is eDGU S h to show tbo wholesale manner in which the gov ernment was swindled in the one item of ““3 h,? 1 lf . we cb °88 to pursue the in quiry Farther, there is no lack of facts just as shamefnl as the preceding The supply of saddles was too good an V P E° rtUn A for c SwiDdlia S t 0 b 8 a Ho*ed to tbe fir “ therefore made good use of It. According to a statement made to us, it seems that the Colonel calcnlated on making about three dollars on each saddle The saddles furnished to the re giment were of the old Mexican patten!, ® n , d ,7 ere v . aet! f >? f erior to the McClellan saddle, and as with the pistols, they were Ferry &nd condemned at Harper’s fi o o ?k« el ° l j !c # , h , oDse in tb!s city offered five thousand doUara for the contract to make the nniforms for this regiment, and thsonlnS 5 h ? re glad ‘y B “braced the opportunity, bntit appeared that the Kegimentil Quartermaster drew all the requisitions for clothing on the United State Quartermaster which were duly sap phed, thus depriving the chivalroas Colo chance What D ° d ° Ubt ’ deemed a K°od The sabres which were supplied to the regiment were subsequently condemned at Harr er * Ferry They were of an inferior '7 ; ii but ’ -‘j h e^ rm ” contr >*ed to make one dollar and fifty cents on each sabre. On a contract with a merchant for supply ing sabres to the whole regiment, it waß n B partnera should make a profit of two dollars on each weapon. Be sides this there is strong evidence to show that a number of officers bought their commissions at prices ranging from two hundred dollars to four hundred dollars apiece. In regard to the sntlership, which! L is already stated, was promised to a man for a fnend, It seems that the Colonel af terwards sold it to another peason, but subsequently took u from him and resold it to a third party lor $5OO, the arrange ment being that $250 was to be paid in cash and the remainder afterwards. Thiß mn,tL P< L rS ( ° n ' l tia a!leg ed, paid the first moiety, bnt refnsed to pay the other, on -9°l oTlel abd bia associ ates baa swindled him out of $8 000 Another man, according to all accounts! tnousand dollarsm cash,and to furnish the Colonel $l,OOO worth of groceries. A sum of $3,000 wa3 also raised for the al leged purpose of purchasing a silver ser vice to be presented to the wifejof an hon orable Senator, but it is now understood ibht tbe plate was never purchased, bnt that the money collected for that purpose was appropriated by the Colonel and his partners for their own personal use and OeneSt. A large sum was collected from the officers and paid over, bnt has never since been accounted for. Tbe fruits of this partnership were very expensive, as may be supposed j but the wary Colonel appears to have got consid erably ahead of bis confreres, having, it said, overdrawn his share of the profits of the partnership two or three thousand dollars. One of the other partners was by no means pleased at this, and express ed his determination to show up the Col onel. It was common talk among all who knew the affairs of the partnership that they would clear fifty or sixty thousand dollars. One of them is said to have de clared openly to some of his creditors that he should probably clear twenty thousand dollars ont of the profits on the purchase of horses. He sought to entrap a man into the partnership on a promise of giv ing him ore-third of the profits on the purchase of horses; bnt this sage fellow very wisely looked ahead and refused to go in with them. This general system of swindling was carried onl in the most minute details. A kind of business manager of the or ganization of the regiment was swindled out of his pay for hia time as well as for his services. A citizen of Philadelphia was defrauded of his pay-tor his servioes t J the amount Of $360. A man who was concerned in the purchase of horses seems also to have been swindled ont of $B,OOO by the same parties under similar circ’um stancea. n T ter f are , some char g ea against the Colonel at which the public must natural ly stand aghast,- for if they be proved when ttie proper board of inquiry begings its sittings, they- -will naturally consign ms name to perpetual infamy. It is said I to be stated by the sufferers themselves, that he picked his business sgent’s pocket of $6O; that he alas picked the pooket of another man of his watch, and that in like manner he abstracted $5O from the pocket of an officer in Washington. Tt is to be hoped for the Colonel’s own sake, as well as for the honor*of -crar military service, that these ohaiiges may prove unfounded, or at least greatly exaggerated. In his dealings with his Farrier, the Colonel broke faith with him in not ap pointing him to a position in the regiment which he had promised him. The Farrier was also promised one dollar a head for each horße that he might inspect: but he never received-a fartbing'- fc fils time or trouble. According to numerous statements made to it appears that the profits which ac crued from the purchases of horses and other materials for the use of the regiment were-tj»feen and used by the Colonel for the purchase and furnishing of a house in thecityof New York. This led to a bis undprstandmg wtth the two othe'r members Ot the firm, who were much'dissatisfied at the course pursued by the Colonel in appropnatmgthe lion’s share of the spoils ::: Prior, to this it seems that the Colone’l was. in very, limited circumstances, and, as the statement goes, ail the wealth he has amassed has been made out of the frauds on the'govefnment he was pretend* ing to serve, .Of the career of this .Colonel prior to his eonnectionwith the army a good deal has transpired. It seems-that he was for merlj in the employ of so me - c ompany for some time previous to’ the breahantout of doriDe the latter part of;tafl'3tsra» ofofflee hecoilectedantim {iff - var iotiQ: persons in »!8 CjtT<: tarthe> extent of sum bb tjot j«y ..pver , to' the company,. This was soon after discov bo was required lorealgn his position in oompiny to prevent exposure, ond the earns! so paid to htm were the payers, on the ground that at the time the monev was paid he was a legal Officer of the com- Pf - At the time he entered the service of the United States there Was -an indict ment against him for perjury: bat it wsb suspended wheniewaafibouCto leave for the seat of war. . • • W f J m 4 t t * la l °ue of the barlner.3 is said to. have made an agreement with a lawyer, m order to get hig influence in ob taining authority to buy horses and equip ments for his regiment,,promising to give' him a barouche and pair of borseb for his service, as well as one fourlh of the profits I which they plight make out of the transac tion; but the lawyer only received the horses and baronche and $BOO iib money; He considered that he had been swindled, I and declared that the whole crew! were a j set of damned rascals. According to the! declaration ot two of the partners, the Colonel had appropriated all the money to I •his own use. - f I There are facta enough* extent to swell ont this recital to twice ita present length ; but ‘ sufficient unto is the evil thereof.” BANKING HOUSES: ▼. J- KOCNTZ. KOUNTZ & MERTZ, BANKERS, So. us Wood St, Second doo above Fifth Streci, |hEAI.EBS INFOBEIGS AND-Domestic -BF Kxchanp, Coin. Bank Notes, and Govern mont Scouritiea. Collections promptly attended. “• • ■ - i apll ‘ (2 SIEVEB, DEMAND NOTES 0f QuarformaoJ 7 3-IO Bonds andjCoufjons, and all by mh&Sitd w oo.i stree% Ojorner of Third* "*°' HARA - t.hc*oisß O’HARA & M'GINKT; Attorneys at luiww, —AND— | KIiAL ESTATE AGENTS,; .. OFFICE 89 GRANT Opposite the Court House, Pittsburgh. „ffnr, tt I tloa i ,ar »ttsntlon given M the settlement of Estates, sale and transfer of: Real Estate, Ex amination of Titles, Holdiera claims, collections in any part of the west, - , r f, n 3L itt ? n cos i and full correspondence in Te fol£tt° baameSB trusted t© hur oard. j S()AA barrels OFPPBE RTE WHISKY, of different ages to ffuit purchasers, at lowest cash prices. For sale bi ; t ,. f _ , XHOS. MOOttE. Distiller, lalfctf No fl 189, 51. 93 andiS .First street. DSITISTBf. EXTUACTEDWITHOUT pain fcy the use of Dr. OadryVappsratUß, HOFFMAN & EnncSDSON DENTISTS, j tJ , l - I All work tvarranteil. I 131 Smithfleld Street* PiitalJnTg.' ajnirWDMIINTS TO ' TITE CONSTITUTION. Be it resolved by the Senate and Mouse of Representatives of the Common wealth of Pennsylvania in General Assembly met , That the following amendments bo t mpeaed to the Constitution of the Commonwealth, in ac cordance with the provisions of the tenth artioie thereof; i Thera Bhall be an additional seolion to the third artioie of the Constitution, to bo designated bs section as follows: StoriON * Whenever any ef the qualified electors of this Commonwealth sh»U be in actual military service, under a reqnisition from the President of the United States, or by the author ity of this Commonweauh, such e ectors may ex erotfe the right of suffrage in all elections by the citizens, under such regulations as are, or nhni> bo, prescribes by law. aa fully as if they were present at their usual place of eleotion. Th-re shall be two additional sections to the eleventh article of the Constitution, to fee design nated as»octiona eight and nine, as follows * - Seotios 8. No bill shall bo passed by the Leg • islature containing moro than one suhject. wtncii I shall be clearly expressed in the title, except an- I propriation hills. I . SECTION 9, No bill shall, be passed by islature granting any powers, privileges id any case, where the authoriiy to grant inch powers »r privileges, has been, may hdreatter be, oonferred upon theoourts of thi< Commonwealth JOHN CESiNA, Speaker of the House of Representatives. JOHN P- PJBNjN EY, Speaker of (he Senate, O WIG* CP TH* ) SkO&KTaRY OP THE CoMiiOKvnALTH, > Harriabars, July 1. iski. PENNSYLVANIA, &S; I do hereVj* certify that be foregoing ■< l. a. >annexed Is a lull, true and ooireot copy ol l'”*-') the original Joint lUeolutionof the Gen eral Asaanbly, entitled "AJoint Hesitation pro posing oertain amendments to the Cdetltution ” a* the same remains on hlein this office. * In testimony whereof I have hereanto aet my hand, and cause 1 the seal of the Secretary's Of fice to be affixed tho day and year abrve written ELI SHEER. Secretary of the Commmwealth. DUQUESNE BRASS WIRKS, CADMAN & CRAWFORD. Manufacturers of every variety of mtsh'ed BSASS WOBK POB PLUIBEBB «AS or STEAM FITTERS, MACHINESTS Aim COPPEKBHITHB.' V»BASS CASTINGS OF ETBT JOE. ** sorljitiramade to order Stoanldat worX: steam and gas fitting and repairing pwnpflyTaE tended to. Hartietuar attentionpaap a fitting an Refineries for Coal and Carbon Oue, Also, Bolo’-B«ent3 for thd-Wcstertp-tystrict oi Pennsylvania, for the sale of Mareh. bnEdell & Co.’s Patent S>phon Pump, the beat oar inven ted, having ho is not liable toret out of order and will throw moro water than ny pump wice Its size. f&lhaly. JgKCEFVBD A FHESETSUPPIT OF i BOOTS, SHOES. AND GAITERS, £ BORLAND'S, 9B M.‘ket at. Wanted; MONTH! DVAJTI i Or to hire Agents in every county.t-rSfij a month, eipeneos paid, to eeU my new wan Fam ily Sewing Machines, S, MADISON* Ared, Me. Wanted. il ADOLURB a month* wwant Agents at $6O a month, expensipald to sell our Everlasting Pencil*, Oriental Buyers, and 13 other artloles, i 6 circulars Sent frte: Adqrets bHAW A CLARK. Bideford, G&q, myd:Bmdaw J. DUIfLEVy*. Oto c e r , NO. 4 DIAMONI, , PITTSBURG!, PA. my22:ly« K par 4? par par vj Western Exebanre Cteabmati ~ W£===g | Report (Hi Exclusively for the Katur day Uornlqg Post. I AEI.EUHKN'Y livestock market, I Allegheny City, August IS. I The market this week was largely attended. I with a liberal amount cf the various descriptich lof Btock offered. Prices ruled lower. Upon the I whole, it was a poor week for holders! as buyers | held back, unless they could purchase at low figures. The deoline in Cattle was from \i®yp •PH. S. HBRTS Hogs—The offerings were larger than the pre vious week, so far as prices were ooneerned. There were ; no changes worthy of notice. Sheep-The wforiner were larger than last week and Trices Were lower. A large number were left over, there' being more sellers than bay era.' Harees Watered freely. A few hundred , nead were sold suhjeot to inspection at Slftkam -■ t* bead; The receipts and sales at the Allegheny yards were- • Hogs W rSi k ‘ Thie week cafc—::,«». ■Sheep: — lm 620 i Lambs p s;“ ,,,e ~'Tho offerings of cattle were large. Prtcee ruled low, the reaching fuj'y per” The dec.ine in the east being felt in this market ; had hothing to be joLiy in thSweot j O Km,™T ia 9 -?S io J ' We D 2 te tho lollowlrg f," "tumps sold .0 head at *2 62fi o»t- R Mo M “ n “ s -O'd 20 head at $2 37>| o\rt- ¥ Tod el sold 20 head at S 2 37 ? cwt: J Mulvan shin™ at BS 4 a oO s fl K ? T Scooler sol 2 19 he»d K°l? , h „ J ,5 ¥„ a ta wH 18 headat3o 1 ftttfr ft at ?cS “ 3 I°, haad , at ,«3 * owt, John MoPadden Iwooa'ffl V li 1 C . < V aD|f,Dlc fr, ' m *lB 00 to »tl»® WA c m L Montgomery soldi? head 0 * rennan so'd 17 head at 3c »§f k o* Prowerman "old 8/» boad at 2K@3 UZ HS :^ft K K„ m hn n t « ,tt ks a ,° d2j S«1 atH Slla-ft w Qreenwolt sold 75 head at jftrCd S tb?foJv^?. h .u offerinBS y re / B not ’"S’ large,from 1 !?? %‘J taat th- season is far advanced, A moog tie saJes were.*4 head by .*> Gordon at $4 40 STnn? * G ! ass soW 100 head at 4j|@so plj We,e ma ' 6 at aa “* h™at? P ~.£ tl6offeri S gawere large; a good many 1,,08 ®d of at terms not made public, Holmi i- Ginas sold 200 head at $2 90 ; or cwt which wa about tliß ruling figure • ’ -*^'3S&B2l£B4^.^^Aaj» ofTt fc ", hQ " J dTed 1 head were disposed spectii'ii 20 per bs ‘“ d ’ sn 'beet to the usu&bin- I*H ILADELPIIIA CATTLE MARKET Aug. 10, 1868 The Sheep lUnrhet, Iho arrivals and sales of sheen at the Avenue £j o !L? rd c ?ntmuo large, reaching about 5,0 0 “ aad a . re “ a , falr Remind at about previous 2f'2vfflLU? te «V lia,ei ' of fat 8h «°P are making ®> sross ; stock sheep at S3@4 per Lamba con'inne scarce and range at from $3 to head n#fo nuahty. Cows and Calveo. -* ar fi 7aifi , sales of costs are large, they reaching about 'c6 head this week. There is a fair demand at about the former rates , at and cow and oaf at irom h25@40 r head, aa to quality: Old Door cows sell at from #15(816 per head W Caltes. about SO head sold at s@sksc for id, aa to weigtt and condi- Hog Sfnrhet, lho arrivals and sales of Hogs at the Union and nI S aa m r “ ve^i i rdB reach about 2..-00 head this not k ' 801 ,nK at from S' l - s "®' "5 per 100 pounds r»* cat * SO H ut !A e b’nion Drove Yard, by "A D J^^7.7f> ]OO 2>s, \!^ E dollars—ohe L *.“ aU cash, remainder in five annual payments pu ™ h ?f 0 a neat two story frame dweluhg house, a stable, and two lota of ground, each i‘o rfer Js°*r by 140 £*££ to . OXI situatent cor £S. f T?^ on p a “i 5? ar &®» Bfcr , eet * 'Manchester. Large Bnck Dwe'lmg to Let . S. CUTHBBBT & SONS, i * U J 51 Market street. DAtia.& CAPPBIL, * Sprilig Goods, ooaalatinr oi Clotbs, Oasimeres, Veatloga, &c. A LSO —A large rtcok of GENT’S FURNISHING GOODS, ineindlns Paver Ooi/are. flm’i Tie,, and «' ,s thing usunlly Kept by first elnas Furnishing f r f Orders promptly executed- au elyu CEO. R. COCMRAN, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR - T DAW, Office N’o.ra Grant street, Mar t® Court House. PUtaburgh A bb BUSINESS ENTbJNTEI* to Ws care will receive promptattention. Col motions mode and the money p/omptly rerruttea. dee&lyd - GBAVEL BOO 1 " 1110 * Repairs pv.*metet at tended TO &CO., Come? Fifth and Wood atreete, second story. lylO HydropoUs, or Garden Sprinkler. Anewako vsefvl article fob _ wetting plant! andhownrs, washing windows, carrlagos, «o, Pumps of every description sold and repaired. Daykin's Patent Wa or Drawer made and sold. _ v% KLDON & RELLY, 164 Wood St, Ono door from Sixth* Young Hyaon. Qalong, JLmpenaL Gunpowder. Closing out sale of 9Vhsdgb Dry Goode without regard to cost, consisting in part of bhawls.bilk, Circulars ana Sacaao'. Laco Points, Son Umbrellas, and Dress QoOqgAf till kinds , As-1 will vacate the front part of my store in "tan dirs lor improvements, I desire to reduce my Stock ' Entrance on Market Alley and. Market street’ Customers r and the public are invited to call at H. J, LTKCH, No. 06 Market street, between stb st and Diamond. '" CHARLES L. CALDWLLL, (BoooeaswtoJas.Bolme6ACo, POBEPACEEB Dealer In&aooa, i*ard, agaa-CnredHemi* ; + n> ~* ejaoked Beef &e. . • . : First street* Pittsburgh,! l ** DSAU3BS S.,M. J KIBI3pOFS,, ,; • . *"® . No.-i 5 O&s'tooH OH, _ iSD ■ j -ir-r-. «-o« J 3 ®wz°Xa e .; P <£?’i n • 5 HETY BTBBE3 '> opposite * a - All oil warranted. TR£ ABDESCQ OIL COmNY Ardesca : Oilj ' 'stO»;]lxPLOiiyß. ' J? U B B B S B 2 O li a warebons©, 37SBW1W STBKKJf PITISBUROB. PtUfffA. I L Buying Selling ... 1 28 00 uoon t Oil Wo rb DrrwoAKr, ditbxap & go., i Manufacturers ci ' 1 ' PURE TVIOTK REFUSED C A R B O )» O I lj sv : i»23ft£' 5 - 995 C mnw'r™? ‘n 1 EBS i BRACKETS, CORNICES, CANDELBRA3B, LAMPS BEGILDED OE EEBBOIfZED t 0 now. A 1,-0, Cliandeliers •So., altered to burn Carbon Oil, at the Lamp and Oil Store of WEtOON, BEINEKE 4 KMXT, al *' i!lj - 1&4 Wood street, near 6 th. PIANO DEAtiEES. J£NABE A CO’S PIANOS, J" THE BEST TN THE COUNTRY, week"- 01l< ” fIn ® ■ PI,moB have been received this b eaatiful7 octave. Plain Case Piano, with Sliding Desk, Overstring, Agraffe TrebleTAo C‘neOJ£ octave, same a3above. Two octave, same as above. WARBANTED EIGHT YEARS, For sale only by r MuOLIS ,, FOE TBEE ’thorotfglx^and arrangement ol schoiiS m studies, adapted to the wants of i’essendS 2, ? «ni,« ! v^wn w c 0r v k » teacher. of the '““tail, use Fo^Ea°crcla“sSnißmmp B l^ 3fc£ff“ ™«> $£W I3EDICAL DISCOVERY, Tnnß si‘E3a>s' asm fbbhahj 33.' |SJlX;cqre cl. . «. .. GONORRHEA, (D.BGT, UaETSAJ, Btdrinajt®, gemmal Weakness, Nightly Krais ' 21cri A,l n20 5 i i r > e - lc 9i Genital Irrita bility, Gr.ivcl, Stricture a:ai ‘ eslfcauons o! the Kl<] . , , cayannd Bladder. Wnieli has been used fc upTrsrds i-,‘ ONE HUNDRED PH i: in their private practice, rrjh the entire; aii erspersedin* Qna& Oorua*., ffa * oocpottnd hitherto fcnoTiv,' , BBIiD’S SPEoW’IC PS&,, are apeody In action;’^ 25 , tswfikS?T Pipj/" • weetfso -r:-,". ** • Wealmc-ae, va*M, Gonorrhea, GUei, AiS, s ?tkc!h,r~- PLAIN AND FANC7 CASSmERES, muk&n,- snitiiM. Fn» . ’ comply Treatise on ffonOT-hktagcs, with suitable for Bnsineae Suite A full and complete*’'?) ,Sbpiifiw,£c.. in all thovaiptod so- rolf assnrtiaoat of line black * Prescriptions in English*, kyaician ■ reatment, without thoaiil oF.j> PRICE CEE stcxiz Orc^.-. Xha Pifla or Books mULid, by aay serration, by mail, po^oney. street, K. Y„ Box STTS-. General Ateth’ 76 FLEMG39. •diarist street and Diamond. io?p Agent for Pittsburgh. SPKIM GOOBf, embracing all the newest s tiles o' CLOTHS AND OASSUffEJHKF Plain and figured Silk and Cashmere- Vff* W. H. McGEE 4 Cl USFEBEBAtHj k “ SqnaM - ■; OLDDIN A CO M, Cement and §ray' i^oo^erB r d , Promptly and Sa**®* 0 ' r I tasssstf .ndtfefeatf 1 ' own ' I we ean positively say . Composed of* fT* M^ rtaL \ n _ a K .__ .- . a *.®d that we wall guarantee An*»i?fr 0 *A at ®rary respect to any Qra- < p°h J 3 R°ofa put on by other firms i I £?Ki°H. anl 9®le United States. Thert is no Stenlfo?the r . !rten R °° f ’ or “ y of mato ' j rials oora posit* ot Cl till and Wood Sts., Office—rCo; lyw ’ second story- _ _ ■;Jh*«i uobxaw hiou Igee & HICKS, Importer! and dealers In clot * Cassimeres, Sa 11 i nets -n,tinga, Tailors’ Trimmings, 266 MARKET STREET, gortlstrttJe, PHnADELPEIA tfr-jcS-lyd AENBY W. BEAHHONT dtCO. DEALERS IN Foreign Brandies, Wines and Sins, Alio, Blackberry, Raspberry, Wild Cherry, and Ginger Brandies, Old Moponshahela, Rye, and other Whiskies, Jamaica Run, &o. Ho. BS' Liberty Street, Opposite Fourth street, ! PrrrBBTTRGH.PA. Hutela. Taverns. and. Families, supplied a! moderate profits for Cash. mvTlrlyd jr, & IdL , Brass Founders. GAS AND STEAM HTTERS, All binds of traits and Iron Ooeki made to order. Also, BBASB CASTINGS, OP ALL KINDS Made attha shortest notice. Particular attention paid to the fitting up and repairing of OIL REFINERIES. 81 & 84 WATER STREET, near Liberty. ."The membersof -thi* firm being.practical ma ohanica, of many years’ exxjferioncem'the buri nam.yjn timmy* in every re gpeaswr *s£ . r .ae6lyd -doa JBRIYATP. DISEASES DR. BROWN’S OFFICE, 50 SMITBFJELD STREET, Citilona and strangers in seed of medical ad vice should not fail to give hima calL Dr. Brown’s remedies never tail to core imps* nties. • scrofulous and venereal affections —Also hereditary twit such aa tetter, raoriaais andoth er akin diseases, tb e origin of which the patient WKAiraEsa Dr. remedies for this affliction brought on by solitary habits, are the only medicines knows' inthis country ’ which are safe and will speedily KBtOrBtOII63it WDHATISId. Dr. Brown’s remedlss. core .'in a fow days this info! affliction - ‘ _ Donnorrhoo, DreUml »h»were(J most oohtain at la»rt auffidyd CRABLOTTE HI, CM K. CHAS. C. MKII.OII, . 81. Wood street. M.Aistla’ACXtiitte -AS4- sasa.s «>i' St«»m Engines, ranging from throe to ojs ..-a. Kl and®7 hows power, and rafted for 9rSt\ 'ills. Haw Mills, BlagitfamMOs, Bsoionei. „ vrtfoolar attonjion to iho oonstrasiion o? ndldaohinar? tor grist. mills, and TO? FfirvSA inlay and esronlar Saw mUri, '"Sf.ealL 1 Stand* *EJ£iiod and rojdy for •&!;•■ m friat sha dPoSaa. SSamMsftd Boilers oroyar, d< AlEo P flnmk ii Boilersandßhtetltffi»s««atals. WmSmSot Shafting, Hangers and Pnllioik iLl2swii!£r and continue thouianni&ntcra oi r r STEW BOll,"'®®', WOBKB. ATTESDS TO TBV of Steam BoUorsTSi Agitators, bait Pans, Sugar Part*. Si \ € ®V Iron Chimney a, Br« echings, and all other . man ufeetnred hi similar cfestamSd Prompt attention pxtd to all of repairs on reasonable terns. -Works 1 CORNER'OV LOCUST DUQTJBBNB . WAX, sth Ward, Allegheny driver, jyB*lyd. . ? - MBWfIAT.. TQJygfePtFßMe, KYg PSciaiily JMttoiu* trcat Bccxe^aad disordered ■ggfr-I^iiHHBFwBKr B MO9O o? mMTOg^* tu&tlosa commcaand in*= XgiEß-i ntS* sJic ck?«« saTa £ Trtl: e-eis bloom npeatoe now—palled ch-Ki. 1 loatenr-ii Eoctebanka and csnio and be onred Conranpaonoad aa of - aannalc- «;i ca - cvtantrlsTiae ;tl aßELa** 6y preccrins a dope el the wL^ £nyenaxaHatonil tha*-, r , j B&Stel!? 1 7r!*r. jffit.'Sf O?Jr eprpCTlmc? sad : ? r - ®Mrfsr skill mended bj, -'opeciiMe .eiisaas, oiiKj-r=.Cpje Igritdprs bf t*a- e kd SrsitbsSl otet; near Diamond • Etrart. ft;rsla>s:jtepJu «S~°M Scm.en pyjd?- 07 sb* Diiai tsndedie. Dirswirei .•■■•■ >■ . ssdssos, - • jv i-fenna Port 6gaa. NYlilip OP MAVDKAKE AM) SXII. j UN6U. employed for the lsrt sis Tears compoufidiagthe above excellent'remedies ;ior my own practice, and having usod them with uncommon success m all .that time, I feel it a duty to set them beforo-the public, as iny expe rience leads me to think,they, are as near specifics as*any remedies well can be for the foliowins diswiaes,mamejy; Scrofula* Goitre, Syphilis, and au diseases that anse from an impure state of the svillconvince any person of their fitness for those diseases, . Prepared and sold by •• ' WvBRANSXHUP, M. D. 85 BnntKfield gt., sold b; &U . w *. T3L FABEB * Ct>„ g*A£ buildsbs Sjs'oss ST a asi iSsir mberm. eificsrassTs« s gsuek as ssj. cfew iis Fens. '&• E, Pss»oEs« EmS23A-«tt. J. J, P^WEBS RBMOVAI OP IaVERT STABLE The undersigned having removed his Live* ry Stable from the rear of toe Scott House* to near the corner of l Birst and' Bntithfield ctrect. W, C. Conn s old stand, is prepared to famish carriages, -buggicsr&ndeaddlehorßes upon the shortest no tice, Also horses r kept at nyery at reasonable rates. end alTarrangemeats for rn* ncrolß will rooeiro hbjgjeU ap 14; -' ‘ ELBIHG-BUBG GBAPE. WE CAS FURNISH A FEW VISES os this valuable Grape at $2 EO per dosaiu $l2 &0 per 100. : J.KKOX. 29 Fifth str«>L 8. ». QLO7BB JOBS roOT3H PITTSBTBeH TIBE JBBIOa HAST. PACTtJEJNS COMPANY. . Kieß, OLO¥EB «fe c©,, Manufacturers of Fire Brick, liles. Crucibles. A&. anddealerem Fire and ''Tudblo ulay. «- Office 565 Liberty street, opposite the P. R. R. Passenger Depot, Httsbnrgh. ** Orders respectfully solicited. f*b2D:6t&d fkom tub station at »0 acTw of valuable land tor sale, a well finished and conveaiently ar ranged dwelHnghouseoF hall. 9 rooms and ed ]f r » * \?rge barn, stope foundation. stable, car nage house, fine, cocl dairy, two springs, well of waterchioken bouse and other buildings, orchard of 400 choice trees, epi*n. traits in abundance, nuts,shrubbery, etc~ grove o f tiro acres, forest trees, 42 gores of meadow, fenoee *U in good order. For prioeaod terms apply to . B. CUTHBKET A Sons.' fr* B . , „ ; 61 Market street} f^Bassaeassassa 1 Fifth mutation or . *■, . .o-sf ,o'WMd*M* SlHiOlii,