James P. Barr, Editor & Proprietor* meba;lic. JJ'«l ALCOHOLIC i A HIQHLT CONCENTRATED T gotable Extract. A PURE TONIC. 0 r« Hoofland^ GERMAN eiTTERi PREP AR HD B S SB. O. D . (ACKSON, Philadel phia, Penna^ Will etfectaally care Liver Compliint, DYSPEPSIA. JAUNDICE. O&ruoic, or Acrvuoa Dobiiiir, Digeaie of Cbe SHneys, and ail Diseaaea ArliloK from a Disordered Llrer or fitomaofi, mob as Consti pation. Inward Piles, Fullness or Blood to the Hoad* Acidity of the Stomach, Nausea, Heartburn, Derust ft? Food* Fullness or W ight In the-Stomach, Sour FructationsrSink Ingor Fluttering at the Pu 01 me Stom ach. Swimming Oi the Beau Humedend difficult Breathing, Elutteriug at the HeaH, Choking or suffocating sensations when in a lying posture., Dimness of Vision, Dots or webs be ars the sight. Fever and Dull Pain in the Head, Deficiency of Perspiration, Yd* lowness of the Skin and Ey os.Pain in' the Side, Back, Chest, Limbs, Ac. chidden Flushes of Heat, Burn : bur in tho Flesh, Constant imaginings of Bv i 1, and groat deprea Sion of -spirits, And will positively orevout Yellow Fever, Bil ious : over, &o. THEY CONTAIN NO ALCOHuL OB BAD WHISKY They will cure the above diseases in ninety-nln uses out of a .hundred Induced by the extensive sale and universal iopomnty oi BoofiamPe German Bitters, (purely vegetable} hosts of ignorant quacks and unscru pulous adventurers, nave oponed ut>on suffering aumanity the flood gates of Noetruirrein the shape sf poor whisky, vilely compounded with injurious drug* and ohristoned Tomcs, Stomachics and Bit- of the innumerable array of alcoholic preparations in plethoric bottlos. and big-bellied fcegs, under the modest appellation of Bitters; rirhicn, instead of curing only aggravates diseases od leave the disappointed sufferers in-despair. HOUifLAND’b GERMAN bIIIEHS; Are not a now and untried artlole, but have Stood the test of fifteen years trial by the Amen can public; and their reputation and sale, are notnva led by any similar preparation. The propriet rs have thousands of Lettera from the most eminent Clergymen, Lasers, Physicians and Testifying of their own personal knowledge, to the beneaoial effects and medical virtues of those Biters, DO YOU WANT SOMETHING to STRENQ Tfl . BN TOUP , DO YOU WANT A. GOOD APPETITE! u ° smurfoni T 0 BXJILD np YOnRCOS DO iOU WANT TO FEEL Vi ELL 1 DO 1 QOWAJiTTO GET RW OI NEB VO OS fit ESS f &0 YOU WANTEN rj >QYl o yon want to sleep well ? Bo you want a bruh and vigorous feeling’? If y >u do, use HOOFLAND’S GERMAN BITTERS. PARTICULAR NOTICE. There art man y preparations sold under the same of Bitters, »uf up tn quart bottles, compounded qI the cheapest xohisky or common rum, costing from 20 to 4U cento per gallon, ,he taste disguised by An iseor Coriander Seed, This class of Di ters has caused and will oontin uetocause.as long as they can be sold, hundreds to die the death of the drunkard, By their use the nstem is kept continually under the influence of Al coholic Stimulants oj the worst kind, the desire for Liquor is created and kept up, and the result ti a l th* horrors attendant upon a drunkard's life and Math, /For those yoho deiire and WlHltavo. a Liquor Bitters, \oebulhsh the fulLowing receipt. Get One Bottle Heoflaiid's German Kilters, and mxwith Thne Quarts of Good Brandy Whlsliy, av.d the result icill be a preparation that will far excel m medicinal virtues and true .Wtiellen e any of the numerous Liquor B-Uerein the market, and will cost ill neb l*s». You icill have all the virtues of lloodand’s Bitters in •onnection with a good article of Liquor, at a Ruch less pnee than these inferior preparations wilt cost you. ATTESTTIOET SOLDIERS, ASD THE FBI£KDB OF SOJLDIERS W© call me attootion of all having relations or friends in tee army to the fact that *HOQF LAND’p German Bitters" will care nine tenths Of the <>ise*sea induced by exposures and priva tionslnoidoot to camp lito In the lists, publish ed almost aa ly in the newspapers, on the arrival of the slot, it will b« noticed ‘hatavory large pro portion are suffering from debi ity. Every case ofih»t kind can bo readily cured by Hoofland's German Bitters, Diseases resul ing from aisor don of the digestive organa are »pedily remov ed. Wehavjno hesitation in stating thah if those Bitters were freely used among our soldiers hundreds of lives might be saved, that othonv.se will be lost. We call particular attention to the following re markable and well authenticated oure of one of he nation's heroes, whose life, to use hi* own ang uage“hae been saved by the Bitters:" Philadelphia, August 23d, 18S2. _MeB9re. Jones & Evans. —Well, gentlemen, your Hoofiaud’a (i«rman Bitters aas saved my fife. There *s no mistake in this. It is vouched for by numbers of tny comrades, some of whot-e names are appended; and wno were fully cognisant of all the circumstances of my case I am, and have been for the last four years, a member of -*h«r man’s celebrated battery, under the immediate command of Capt. K B. Aj res. Through the ex posu'o attendant upon my arduous duties, Iwa attacked m November last with inflamation o i the lungs, and wa*- 'or seventy two days In the hospital. Th s was fallowed by great debility, heightened by an attack of dysentery. I was then remove’ from the White Hon o ana sent to this city on board the steamer ‘State of \lsine," from whtoh I landed on the 28th of Jane. Since that tune I have been anout as low as any 010 oould be and aUI retain ofvitaJity: Fora week or more 1 was able to swa low anything, and if I did fori* a morsel down, it was lmu.edt~ ately thrown up aga*n. X oould not even keep a glass of water on my ftomsdh. Life oould not lasi under these oifoum stances ano, +coordingly the pbysici hs who had bee- working fai hfullj. though unsuccesful ly, to rescue me from the grasp of the dread Aroh •r,. frankly col i me they oou’d do no me, ■nd 1 vised me to seo a <‘leig\man, and to make auoh'tuspoSitidn of my l mired funds A best suit ed me. An acauam r ance who visited me at the hospital, Sir. Frederick Steinbron. of 6th below Arob Street,' advised me ±s a forlorn hope, to try toot Biuergjand kindly proourei a bottle. Prom the time I commenced taking them the shadow f death receded, and lam now. thank God for it, getting better. .Though I have taken but two bot es, 1 have gained 10 pounds, and feel sanguine of Doing permitted to rejoin my wife and daugh ter, from whom I have heard nothing for eigh teen mouths; forj gentleman lam a foyal Virgin laiutlm ho vicinity of Front Royal. To your invaluable Bitters I owe the glorious privilege of again clamping to my bosom those who oxo dearest to me in life. Very truly, youra. I C AAC MALONE We fully oonour in the truth of the above state ment as we had despaired of seeing our oonuade, Mr* Malone, *e*torea to. health. AOflN GUDDLEB4CH, IstN. Y. Battery. QSOBCIE - ACKLEY, Co. 0. Uth.Maine. IzEWISOHEVALIEB. Y. a E, SPEN cEH.lgt Artillery, Baitery F; J, M. * ABE w ELL On B. 3d Vermont. HRART K.JEBOME Co B. do HCo 0 6th Maine. JGHN F- WaRD. Co E.sth Maine. S EBMAJS HOCH, CoH. lid N. Y. ATU VMEI. Si.TMOII AN, do F 96th Pa. ANDREW 3. KIkBAILCi A?3d vSmSnt JOHN JENHXNS, Co Bjfeth Pinis, BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS. 800 that the signature of “C. M, JACKSON." It ontho WttAPPßaof ea/ v bottle. PRICE PER BOTTLE 55 CKSIS OR balpdoaforhoo. Should your noarest druggist not havo thear sialo ad "Ot be put off by any of the intoxioatins that may be offered In its claoe, but gaud to on, ana we will forward, aoonroly packed j express. wm Prinennal Office. and Manufactory. No. 163 Amh street. JONES & EVANS, (Successors to C. M. Jackson A C 0.,) Prop rletori saleby Druggists and dealer?in every wntnthe United State., and by ■ Dr. G. H. KETBEB, pittabnrgrn. P. SORTS'A.KTC, l-.-.. •n dir- for ealo at JOSEPH KT.BUTlKfl’fl fmra Martnts^eet , ;S 7 ' ■*. _ » fwoajoWroß, _ Comer HaittbricW pounD stiwt A, J. BASKIN « CO., I as THE DAILY POST-ADVANOED B BATES. ear. by lhalT._ |»UO ’* 4 oofe, delivered JiT the city - 18 00pi68... mm* «on by tho Publishers of ,the Pittsburg A>aiiy Press, to take effect on andiaftbr the tOth day of November, 1862, on all new oontradta: FOB STAffDIHe MATTER. PBB B INOtB SQ OAEE, KVSBT D 4. T. foe Insertion—;.“B months-.- 0 9 00 Two insertions.-.- 100. Three months-. 11 00 wee Insertions 1555 Foarmonths.... 13 OO Ctaewwk..... w „, ,900 Five months,l4 00 Two week5....,.. 350 Six months—.. 15 oo Throe weeks,—. 500 Nine months,- So 00 yno month.,,*—, 600 One year _*2s 00 _FOB CBASfiEARr.R MATTER. Which allows tho privilege of a weekly change of matter* to be inserted among new - advertisements. FBB SINGLE SQUABS, S V BBT D▼ T $lB 00 80 00 8 28 75 Six months-... Twelve months..... Administrators’ Notices Mania*# Notion.... W otfces. each insertion 63J- All, advertisements ordered in for one exomn, or.lcsa time, to be cnelt at too timo of or- DAtJLY POST. EUROPE. The American Topic. (Prom the Lpnd.n Dally News.] Tbosa of our contemporaries who, up to the end of last week, continned to as sert that the surrender of Vicksburg “iB at least not oertain,” must really learn to move a little faster, or their oomments on the American war will soon be two or three mails in arrear. Before they have “recognized" the fall of Vicksburg we have the news not only that Port Hudson has.nnocnditlonally surrendered, but tha> part of Grant’s victorious army under Gen. Sherman had marohed against Gen. Johnston, defeated him in a pitched.battle with heavy loss, and forced the only re maining Confederate force in the West into a precipitate retreat. The news from the East does not in the least help to counterbalance the total collapse of the Confederacy on the Mississippi. General Lee, instead of remaining north of th 6 Potomac and defeating the Federal army by means of the large reinforcements he was Baid to have received, has hastily crossed the river, and is in fall retreat to wards Richmond. Nor is the latest intel ligence from the centre of this vast area of military operations at all more encour aging to the Confederate cause. General Bragg appears not to have paused in his fl ght even at the intrencned camp of CbattanoogB, which we have been repeat edly told was impregnable, bnt is said to have retreated to Atlanta, abuudred miles farther South. At the same time a Fed eral force has suddenly appeared before Clmrleßton, and succeeded in establishing itself on the two islands which form the south side of the harbor. There is, in fact, nothing to console the wound id feel ings, or to mitigate in any way, the severe yet most righteous disappointment of those ardent friends of the Confederacy, who hove cherished with desperate tenac ity the humane and enlightened hope of seeing a great' military power, based on slavery, successfully established in the New World. Not at one point only, bat at every point in a line of m litary opera tions extending over more than a thousand miles, the • onfederates are forced help lessly back. On. the Mississippi and in the West the war is virtually over, the enemy’s BtroDgholda being captured, and his armies destroyed ; while in the centre and in the East the only organised forces that still keep together, are in full re treat. [From the Loud''n Stir.J Again the friends of peace and freedom may rejoice and give thanks. Again we have news of victory that ia the surest presage of returning tranquility. The fall of Port Hudson has quick’y followed that of Vicksburg- We have Southern author itjjfor announcing its unconditional sur render on 'the Bth of July. The whole length of the Mississippi is thus restored to the authority of the Union. Not only do its vessels traverse the great river nn molested lj Confederate batteries, but every place of importance on both bankß is by this time occupied by Union treops. The Mississippi has been loßt to the Confederacy, not from want of fighting, butfiom want of fighting men. Everything indicates the rapid exhaustion of South ern resources. Johnßton was unable to. attempt anything against Grant,, and is now fleeing before Sherman. Bragg has been compelled by the like necessity to fall back rapidly from before Rosecranß. Both Buffer heavy lossesJrom capture and desertion as they go. . Nor is even the greatest of the commanders and armies of the South exempt from this compulsion. We may be sure that nothing bnt a cot scions inferiority of forces —a hopeless and permanent inferiority— would have induced Gen. Lee to return to Virginia without hazarding a battle It will perhaps be Baid that the riots in 5 New York are an ample set-eff against the heaviest of the Confederate disasters. They will prove, we believe, on the con trary, the seal,and sentence of the doom which those disasters forbdde. While we equally deplore and reprobate that devil ish outburst of savage barbarism in one of the capitals'.of civilization, we oannot shut our eyes to its compensating results. It is bnt a symptom—the most violent bnt the most exhaustive—of the malady that would have eaten ont the heart of the Union if it had not, by repeated eruptions been ithrown' Cut to the surface. Eeery great city is at the mercy, for eight and forty hours, of its subterranean classes. There are ruffians enough in London or Liverpool to repeat the scenes of 1780. It would be two days and nights befors'res pedtaKlity, eeafed ~nd disgusted, would colleot its, senses, organize its forees, and repress the rebellion." Bat the repression is always inevitable. In New York the revolt seems to have run its coarse almost nnopposed from the mording of Monday, the 18th, to the night of Tuesday the 14 th. Then authority began to exert itself in earnest, and the rioters were checked in heir revel of fire and blood. It began in wwtojnce. to the conscription. It soon extended itself*to brutal aagression upon the negro population and their friends. - * * r * * * It is almost incredible that any English newspaper can regard with complacency an event so disgracefol as the New York riots. It is true, indeed, that Toryism and rowdyism are old allies. It has ever been the habit ,of the miscalled Conservatives t Dt once to defame the people by confound* .ipjj them with the populate, and to use the latter as th© insensate instrument of nn* scrupulous desigoß. Church and King Ikiabaiilfize .played a considerable part in teh'Stpolidcal-mstory -of our country ;;and jit & ■quite' conceivable that aristocratic Igoli b* employed to instigate & temporary anarchy in the cause of “or der.” But our upper-olaas politicians have not hitherto patronised the ruffianly element in foreign communities. Neither have Englishmen, in their worst frenzies, have, been characterized by the ferocious cowardice and cruelty of the “Bowery boys.” We do not remember an English not in which assassination was added to incendiarism, and men were burned as well as houses. We cannot conceive even of the furies and satyrs of Batcliffee-high* way demolishing an orphan asylndi, or hunting out of their homes the women and children of on obnoxious quarter. — The very worst of roughs are content to make war upon men and property. They do not extend their drunken rage to the most helpless and poorest of the popula tion It is the peculiarity of an American mob that it uses the bowie-knife and the revolver, the lamp rost and the tar-kettle, as well as the crowbar and the torch, with the indiscriminating fury of devils let loose. And it ie a peculiarity that can be to nothing in American character or society but the influence of the slave power—the power that confounds human ity with property ; chat reckouß a man or woman, if black, only as a piece of furni ture, valued at so many dollars; that treats all obnoxious speech or writing as a personal ofience to be washed out in blood ; that extinguishes in its votaries all pity and all decency when there are victims to be sacrificed; that makes con tempt of life and law a virtue, it either life or law stand in the way of any appe tite or interest. The outrages that disgraced and devasta ted New York from the morning of the loth have rll the characteristics ot a pro slavery riot. They differ in nothing but extent apd desperateness from previous ebullitions of the same devilish spirit.— Theie is scarcely a city of the North that has not, at one time or another, been cur sed with its outbreak. There is not now a city, save New York, in which it is strong enough to work any considerable mischief. The demon has nowhere been utterly cast out of Northern society—but everywhere else it is kept down by that loyalty to the law which is the soul and bond of free citizenship. The great com mercial oily at the mouth of the Hudson baa been sorely punished for its lucrative complicity with t h eSoath. Yet —pitiful, shameful, and almost in credible as it is—the London Timet treats these forty eight hoars of mob rnle as a grave political event of portentous signifi cance to the cause of toe Union! New York is declared to in a state of insur rection against the KVderal Government. The enforcement of the conscription is regarded as hopeless, and the consequent collapse of the Northern armies is inevi table The “people” are said to have been provoked into‘stern and indignant resistance to the prosecution of the war. And all this because a f;w thousand mis erable wretches, stimulated by drink and instigated by Becret agents, overpowered on the instant the police of a city in which rioting ie a periodical visitation ! Hope less, indeed, must be the cause that can take comfort from so brief and shameful an episode! nor less depraved the politi ca! morality that dwells without one word of reprobation on an exhibition bo dis graceful to our common human nature. Damp Air and Mould. The great quantity of rain which fell in July h&B caused extraordinary moisture of the atmosphere. The effect of this it is seen in the mould that rapidly forms on clothing and other articles in houses Vev er before affected with dampness. It is important, not only to preserve one's household goods from deoay, but as a sani tftty measure, that proper measures should be promptly taken to clean off the mould when it has appeared, and prevent the measure which produces it. Where the avil preva.ls to any serious extent, the best remedy is said to be to dry your rooms by building fires in them, or tarn ing on the furnace heat, and after the dampness is quite expelled, to give eech room plenty cf sunlight and air. The Tri bune, in a somewhat elaborate article on this subject, says: ‘‘Many physicians have traced the cause of fever to fungus growth. Remember that all mouldiness iB fungus. Look well to all your clothes, and other things liable to injary, and give them air and the heat of fire or sun. The highest rooms are not exempt. Clothing and furs, packed in trunks in upper rooms, have been found sadly in need of atten tion, and cutlery, packed away and sup* posed safe, liks been opened and found covered with mat. Beds long unused have been found so damp that the clothes stuck together. Be assured, good house wives, that you have Dot a aay to spare if yon would save yonr precious things from decay, and preserve the health of yonr family. Do not put a friend to sleep in ao unused room, in the spare bed, unless you are very sure that it does not contain the germs ot disease, hid away by the ac tion of this retbarkable condition of the atmosphere. Don’t Carry Matches in your Pocket, A singular accident occurred one day at Queensbury, England. A yoath was bat ting at cricket, when a ball struck him on the trousers pocket. In that pocket, it happened, were a number of cigar fußees mixed up with: quantity of coin. The sodden blow fired the fusees and the result was the trousers were set od fire. Seeing the aooident, his com panions ran to his rescue, and quickly pull ed off tlje burning garments, but not before the poor fellow was badly burned about f’e thigh. R. HUTCHINSON (LJ.TB 09 LESCn A HCTCHIHSOHj, COMMISBIQS k MWABDISS MERCHANT Dealer in WESTERN REBERVK CHEEBE, Flour. Grain, fiek. Dried. Fruit, Pot and Pearl Ashes, and PRODUCE GENERALLY, Best Brand* of Family Flour Always on Hand. No. 102 Second Street. Between Wood and Market. , « PITTbBUGH. PKNITA. Liberal advanoo made on Consignments. apU-I. a SEIOTAL. Hi £• *- 0 B ,?“?*** ha» removed n_F from Smlthfiod street, below the Girard House, IQ No. 145 Firth street opposite the Court Hr,n “°- npai: tt. CORK— -301 bushels prime yellow shelled Corn. In ateie one for sale by JAMES A. FETZER. eorner Market and lnstreet. J. DUJLEVT, Qtooer, NO. 4 DIAMOND, PITTSBURGH. PA my22:lydjiw JCd 6 cbia freak eegs Jost received and Sot tale 07 J A.~S- a. RKrzkß wilO earner Market and pint gireed. ; THURSDAY WORMING, AUGUST 13, 1863, BANKING"HOUSES; W. i. KOUHTZ...—.. KOUNTZ & MERTZ, BAIKEBS* So. 118 Wood BL, Second doo above Filth Street, I>EAI£BS IK I'ORKIOSAND Bom oat ic •Lr Esohange, Coin, Bank ISQtM. and Govern ment Securities. Colleotionfl prdmptlj attended to. O apll Gold, nijlver, dbkisd kotes Coruscates of Indebtedness, Qaartormaa; ton Certificates, 7 8-10 Bonds and Coupons, and all other government Securities, bought by W, H. WILLIAMS A CO., • Wool streo*, corner of Third* K. O*BULA .00.0.tnt.1, U’QIXlf O’HABA&-IPGINN, Attorneys at Law, -attp- BEAL ESTATE AGENTS, OFFICE 80 GBAJST STREET, Opposite the Court House, Pittsburgh, ■OS-Particular attention given to the settlement of Estates, sale and ’ransfer of Real Estate; Ex* animation of Titles, Bolditrs claims, collections m any part of the west * i Prompt remittances, sad foil correspondence In regard to all business entrustod to our care, : foIMJ 5 4 linn BARRELS OF PURE RYE WHISKY, of different axes to suit purchasers, at lowest cash prices. For sale by THOS. MOORE, Distiller, jul&tf No’a 169.91 63 and 96 Pint street. BEAL EBTATE SAYINGS INSTITUTION, INCORPORATED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF PBIISILVUIA Open for DopodUftoxclO . to 2 o'oloek. p. m. daily: also on SATURDAY EVENINGS from 6 to 9 o'olock. WOffioe, 63 FOURTH 9IREET. INTEREST ALLOWED On Deposits in this Institution at SIX PER CENT- PER ANNUM Payable to Depositors In May and Novetnb which, if not dr4wn, will be added to the prin pal and compounded. Paxaroßirr—lSAAC JONES Vich B. COPELANa. TRUBTBIS, Hon Thoa M Howe I Hon J K Moorhen Isaac J onca, ICQ Hussey, Wm H Nmith, [ Jacob Painter, Harvy Childs. | Nicholas Voegtly, W B Copeland. Secretary and Treasurer —A A CARRIER iy&lyd DMTISTBT. * Teeth extbuted without pals bp tho U'io oi Or Oudry’s apparatus. HOFFMAN & KDmJNDSON All work Warranted. A JOINT RESOLUTION PROPOSING ni ERTaIN AMENDMENTS TO THE STITuTION. Be it resolved by the Senate and Bouse of Representatives of the Cornmop-- wealth of Pennsylvania *n General Aesembh/ met,' That the loilowmg ampaamoats be rorieedt-/ ihe Constitution of the. Coo monwoalth, in ao cordeknoo with the provuions oi the tenth article th*T**Of. ; There shall be an additional section to thothird article of tbo Conaritution, to bo designated t>s eeclien four, as follows:. Ssotico*'A- .When»>vrt any ef the qualified 'eVeeXOTB i o?4i*le-’O'®®dfrt*oaHhah T 1 beia actual military aemoe, under a reqnitition tro® the President r f the United Staus. or by the author ity of this Commonwealth, such e octets may ex crci-e the right of tuffrage in all elections by th< Oitlscns, ander such retaliations as are. or shall Oc, presoribed by law.as Lily as \i they were present at their usual place of election. Th-re shall be iwo additional sections to the eleventh anioie of the Constitution, to be desig nated ai • ections eight and nine, as follows: Section 8. "• o bill shall be passed by the Leg blature containing more than one suhjeot. which shall bo dearly expressed in the title, except ap propriation bills. Section ©.do bUI shall be passed bvthe Leg islature gratting any powers, privileges; in any oase. where the aqthoriiy to grant such powers • r uhrtieges, has been, -r may hereafter be, oonierred upon tho courts of thi Commonwealth. JOHN CES >A, Speaker of the House of Representatives. JcdN P- PENNEY, Speaker of the Sonata Ovfiov cp the l Secebtart op the Commonwealth, > Harrisburg, J oly 1, IS©. ) PENNSYLVANIA, 881 I do hereby certify that the foregoing < l a. >arnoxed is a full, true and oorrect copy ol ') the original Jcint Resolution of tbe lien oral Am mbly, entitled ‘*AJoint Resetution pro posing certain amendments to the Codstitation," a* the same remaina'on hie in this office. In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand, and causei the seal of the .Secretary's Of fice to bo affixed tho day and year above written ELI SuIFER. julO;dtf Secretary of the Commonwealth. OUQUESNE BRASS WORKS, CADMAN & CRAWFOBD. Manufacturers of every variety of finished BSASS WOEK FOE eLTniBE^S GA§ or S r 9'EAS& FITTTEBB, MACHINESTB and COPPERSMITHS, Brags castings of dk* Boriptlon made to order Steamboat worfc, steam and gas fitting and repairing promptly at tended to. Hartionlar attention wasp to fitting up Refineries for Coal and CarbonCnlfl, . Also, sile agents for the' western District ol Pennsylvania, for the sale of Marsh, LansaeU & Co 's ratent S phon Pomp, the best ever inven* ted. having no valves it Is not liable-to get out of order and will throw more water than any pump wioe Its siie. ' febllmly. A FRESHSUPPLT OF BOOTtS SHOES, ANb GAITERS, AT BORIiAND'S, 98 Market at* BOAED AT SARATOGA . BPBINGS. WASHINGTON HAIL, Gate Mrs. Mason's). - ng and favo-ably known to • Uitors at tho Sow OptCHOLSON, j a**™**™* ALSO, twenty'three acres of land adjoining the above farm, on which th*re is a twe story frame cottage in (food ordar and nearly new, 4 aores of said lani being creek bottom, and the one half of said land being under cultivation wiih a large number of choioe fruit trees planted thereon. For particulars and terms apply to R. H. NICH OLSON, at Adams' Express Office, Grant street, Pittsburgh. lyllilmd miINE HUNDRED DOLL\BB-OKE t whalfcoßh, remainder In flvo annual payments —will purchase a heat two story frame aweldng houso, a stable, and two lots of ground, each 'A) leet front by 140 deep t < on al cy situate at cor ner of Nix n and ' hartiers streets Manohester. 49 Large Brick Dwe ling to Let S. CUTHBEhT cc SONS, Au 4 ol Maxkot street. DAtJB & CAPPEIjI*, STORCiHAIfT TASLOKB, WE HATE JUST RECEIVED A large sad wall selected stock of Spring Goods, consisting of Clofth&,C&sftxneres v Vest! asfs t &e* ALSO—A large stock of GENT’S FURNISHING GOODS, including Paper Collar*, and every thing usually kopt by first oiasa For Disking Slore Orders promptly exoouted. auliOrlyd CEO. R. COCHRAN, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Office No. 69 Grant street, near tho Court House, Pittsburgh All business entrusted to his care will receive prompt attention. Col lections made and the money promptly remitted, dec&lyd GRAVEL ROOFING. Repairs promptly at tended TO. IBPTO®, ©UBBENT &GO., Corner Fifth and Wood streets, second story. lylO Hydropolts, or Garden Sprinkler. Anew and useful article for wetting plants and flowers, wasting windows, carriages, &o, Pumpß of every description-sold and repaired. Day kin’s Patent Wa er Drawer made and sold. _ ELDON A KELLY, 164 Wood St. Ju3 One door from Sixth. riIEAS, A Young Hyson. Oolong, Imperial. Gunpowder. 100 hlf ohest in store and for «aie by MILLER A RICKKTSOK CLOSING OUT SALE OF SUMMER Dry Goods without regard to oost, consisting in port of shawls, silk Ma t ea, Circulars ana Sacaae . Lace Poin j, bun Umtreilaa, and Dress Goods oi all kinne Atf-’P will' vacate the front-pert of my store In ten days for improvements, 1 desire to reduce my stock. Entrance on Market Alley and Ma ket street* Customers and tho pobno are Invited to call at _ H« J Lk ACHi No. uO Alart-et street, Jy2s between sth st and~ Diamond. MOWERS.REAPERS THRESHERS, ITJL Fsm MilD,DogPowers. wheeled and re volving Hay Rakea, Hay hlevatbrk and farm machinery generally for sale by BECKHAM. ± LONG, Bl’&useios MEKBISO—IO BOX- [IAT IIET ATOBB, WITH i .OTI. w.JartteoalTeJßi»d^OTMa»^ jt RRa ** grtetioa. wCagqgo^lwl^f^^^, : *?•? dizzy DBAiiEBg OT OILS. 8. M. KI E S & C O T ■ tasvriatmußi-ct ■■ -- ’ Wo. I Oapfetw. J.S!) bemods. P^RVDop^ KRT?r SIB,EE - V nil tfrairanted. • aalSAyd THEAROESCO OH, Coftr*lUY ; A.KB KATE FOE! iTJuafe a superior article of Befised Ardesco ®S3 9 HOK-IXPDOSITH. A.I M, PBBt BESZOI-S weFetxooso, 27 SBWfiB Sl'SEffi PrriSBpBQB, PSSSSA. ; h. oon t Oil- " W o n-l«.: DUNCAN, DUNLAP & CO^ Kanufactmera c* PURE REFIHETs OA.K2SOIV O I L 0v OaSco, KO. SSI L18H2.T7 S2ESE?.- Pitts harah. Pa. oir3-63ii1 : CHASBELIEKS, SBACHETS, COKHICES, C.USDELBRA.-S. LAMPS, SCO* EEGILDED 0B BEBBO3JZED. and made equal to new. Also. Chandelier » Ac., altered to burn Carbon Oil. ot the Lamp and Oil Store of H KUDOS, BUNIiITE fcl.TiT t ap2:l v, 184 Wood street, near f-th. PIANO DKATiEBS. gSABE * CO'S PIANOS, ' THE BEST IN THE COUNTfiY, The following Pianos have been received this week: One beautiful 7 octave, Plain Case Plano, with Sliding Desk. Overstring, Agraffe Treble, so Cne69£ octave, Fame as above. Two octave, same as above. WARRANTED EIGHT TEARS. For eale only by jy*°- 1 CHARLOTTE . 43 'Fifth srroeU Modehn school fob the VIOLIN. and systematic arrangement ol easy, studies adapted to tbe want" of scholars in overy dearei of adva cement. ; Add ed to -hich is olarjeselpotion or popular song> 'V* Uses t'o’R s. Daooos, Marches, Quicksteps, aut or of tMa work la a teach*r of the Violin, and fires this Bho 1 alter a long «*- perlence in its ua.-. ForEierds* e and Rtemplfs selections bto tnkec ; rom Sa»gino. Labi iki, Pieytl, M rianl. Ct rny and other* ot likecekb rit? a 5 teaohe s and oompneers. Toe sono d part of the book U intended +o meet the wants cl ♦hope wh ore *esir ns of well arranged Airs, Quadrilles, W altses, P. lfcas. Ac, Price, |i 00. CHAS, C- MEUOB, arB 81 Woode'reet. Wanted. DOLLARS A MONTH! I WAN! o 9-P to hire Agents in every county as 576 a month, eipenses pai 5, lo sell my new cheap Pom* ily dewing Machines. 8. MADISON, Alfred. Me. Wanted A ADOLLiRS A UOHTH' WE WANT “ Agents at s6<» a month, expense- paid to -ell our nverlattinff Pencil*, Oriental Bnrner& K anil 13 other -articles, oiroamrscect fr 4 e .Address bHAW A CLARK. Bideford. Maine, my&.'imd&w : j • ' J «7TS WOULD CALL THE ATPEH. V v tlon of Buyers to our stock of SPBIM AM) SUMMER GOODS, embracing &0 the newest styles of PLAIN AND FANCY CASSIMSSFB, suitable for Business Salts. A fail and complete assortment of fine black DLOTHS AMD CABSIMKRttfi, Plato and figured Silk and Cashmere Vest .age W. H. MoGEE A CC M 143 FEDERAL & <£££&?, corner of Market Square, Allegheny city | tFfOS, OLDDES A CO Felt, Cemeat and travel Hoofers, are now prepared to fin all orders for Firs and Water Proof; Felt, Cement and Gravel Roofing, Promptly ana Satisfactorily,. Mr. Oldden having been In the employinfint-of H. M, WAB.KE N A CO., and their successors, in Philadelphia, for eight years, where he learned all the meohonical department of their bosineas, and has made valuable improvements of his own, we cam positively say that oar Roofing is Composed of tlxe Same Materials as those of thatflrm. and that jfe will guarantee our work to be equal in every respect,to any Gra vel, Felt and Cement Roofs put on by ot«erflrnis In this city, or in the United btates. ' Thrirc is no patent for the Warren Roof, or any of ttga mate rials composing it of FI fib and Wo* d Sta, second story. SYI TO A ELM HAGEB... *J. OODK4 3 SIOKX S9AGKR & HICKS, Importer 1 and dealers In Cloths, Cassimeres, 8a 11 i n etb Vestings, Tailors’ Trimming ?s, 256 MARKET STREET\ Sort!: side, PHIUDELPHII life—j«9-lsd CHARLES L. CAL.DWLLL, (Suoaessoi to Jan. Holmta & Co, PORK P A C K E I’J Dealer In Booon, Lord, Bnsar-Cured Bp.ru, Smoked Boer &e. Comer Market and First etreota. Pittetsarjh. A i deellrlyd. HENRY W. BEpU'MONT &CO. DSALIBSn Foreign firasdie«, Wines and Gins. Also, Blackberry, Raspberry, Wild Cherry, acd Ginger Brandies. Old Mononghahela, Rye, and other Whiskies. Jamaica Rum, &a. No. 33 Liberty Street, Opposite Fourth streot, PITTSBURGH, PA 49* iioiels- Taverns, and Families, supplied at moderate profitsfor Cash. pvyHvd _ - J. «Sc M. M’STHEN , Brass Founders. GAS AND STEAM FITTERS, An binds of Bra«s and Iron Oocbs made to order. Also, BRASS CASTINGS, OP ALL KINIJ© Made at the shortest notice. 81 & BdTYATER near Libf srty ssssssssss tpect> r.- . - ttSiyd -trfu29 i&EDIOAIi. TO THE PUBLIC, cstionj, treat stcrr 1 . sad dollc&to dlirodtrc, Dili- '’jK2sßjOs£W®> gsxne &mj dlssasca or: tuatlocE oommonaad la-' ' «d*a< to joaths oi (both sax 8 asd adalta,' glnxlc c t -.m.-med.' z/c.-iUrt un, BBastxai!? pablUhes tie fa F j of oh iSoiaa M.lttß tobraat tod Wads modest ■» dreadfully ■w o ’^' KSjSiSftbM a TO ?‘ "eiy immoral dad far dotttaadndtioa ftad ooiraoteoa among their wiveyiromisin* bom and dataiters. Their femDyplOT&iimEhouldaaoaatloao'tokoep thorn fa wormed trust ussy do tho Easts be Dr. BEAN* ffiEftoP.(eiOOTtpohfi|das)le.tt a lao?S “irTiji tloa might :fce lost fatten Osatg- etanld lalaety uodest'and pMeumptcouS £u3llte,d>orrvid raised fa Isnorancs.opnr&s r ap M QtßSfaoEj aad who compare eoSloty.- fatßlifaoao*. BB2M,':&e_ to dollars and Bants,' mysteriously,: mainly crilij gotten. It la to publicity, however, that nomerocn i and guardians-are thsnWal that their wws, dangntcm ■ and wards, .jaeviourfa feeble Kousmd of'deUoate condition tad appsaroncs. SS?? beeo-watered to health and rigor by DB, oefidermany-boS>re and aftot maniege tnronshMm have baehSSTcSjmxch seS lerinc, anxiety, mortification, -&c. t Spermatorr hea or nocturnal cmmlssions, are ;x>mp] etef? cured fa a very abort space of Umobyim now remedies, which arc peculiarly fcynrinu'liisy ere conipc- unii Imm tho Vegetabiti Kingdom, harms cssn tie £Ulao7.ofaeM«surialtj«at!nT6A EfcGIKE BUILDS iLiftoia lac^'K-s 4£2tr,£L BSeMISISTI !SS ffiktS E*R£Si dear tha Feau, S, E. Fssstiitssf Decot. muses am. Maam?A«mjiae aiic Hisits . fltoam- Bnginss, nns&x from three .to o\z hundred and fifty horca power, and suited for GristMißs. Saw Mills BieetPunmcea, Factories ° t Givc psTdcalar atthuticn to the cteittrudticE cl gflfjinea snd Machinery; for grigt mißa. and fc? uprighc, mulay and mrcular saw miDfl. £bvo also bn band, fl nifihed and ready for ship ment at short notice, Engines and Boil era of ever? description. Also, famish Boilers and Sheet Iron ecpcr&tely. Wrought Iron Shafting, Hangers and Pollies is every variety, and ooatinuo the mhsu&ctora of Woolen Machinery and Machine Cards. Our oricas are low, hut machinery mancfactcr ed cf tao best quality ci materials, and warranted in all oeses to give s&liafaction. B9rOrdurs from all parts of th? ooantry ssiidt ed and promptly filkw - teZhdA^y NEW BOILEB WORKS. J. J. POWEBS. Attends to the ma vufacture of Steam Boilers, Stills, Tanks, Agitators, bait Pan?, Sugar Pars. Stuet Iron Chimney*, Breechings, and. all other artielesuiualiy qud ufoetured&t ttmiltr oonoerns. Prompt attention paid to oil kinds of repairs oa reasonable terms. Works. CO RNER OP LOCUST and DUQUBSN 3 WAY, sth Ward. Alleghony river, jyg-lyd Removal of litert stable The uflderrignedhavingremovod his Live* r» Btaole from the rear of the eeott G&u&o. tone&j tne corner of Fii*gt and Smithflold strict, w. 0. Conus old gtand, is prepared to famish corriajted, buggies, and saddlehorsesupon the shortest no* tico, . horses kept at hvery at reasonable rates. Undertaking and all arrangements for fu nerals will receive higejoctal ap 14: ELSIJTGBUBG GBAPB. WE CAN (THSUH A PEW VINKS oo this yaiaablo Grape at $2 tOper doicai mSOP6? - ■ ' J. KNOX, 29 Fifth ftroeu a. M. itilTli JAKEa GLOYHii JOHN rOSTBB PITTSBTBSH FIRE BRICK IULSII PACTUKTXSG COtePAlfY. StSEB, fitOVEB & CO., Manufacturers of Sire Brick, TQe£ Oradbles. As, and dealers in Piie ana ruclbleClay. ».0a0e365 tdborty street, opposite tie P- it ILPisaenger Depot. Pittsburgh. Order* respectrolly solicited! fobSfrthnd A pEBUE FROM THE STATIOW AT c W Sewio* leyriUo Oo ecrrj ot TalaaHe lead for sale, a wdl finished a d oonve lent 1 ? ar ranged dwellinghouae of hall. 9 rooms ana cel lar. a large barn, itone foundation. a>eoK ear* rial e home, tool house, fine, eod dairy, two rpm 'gs. well of watM Ohickea house and oth-t bci'i 1‘ P- orchard of 400 choloe trees, small frails In aft mdanoe. vinca, shrubb ry, etc.,invveot two acres, forest trees, 42 acres of meadow, fenoes ah “‘“.d order. *” V&& jrfSS Bl Market street! ri noi'tACco ahd cibabs—a leipea Jt tlovamercial Broker In Leaf and manufao. tox-d at'baooo and Segara, 134 Water street, [cornerof Pin Tobaooo andSeaari ciirefol'y sideoted Jor exportation. Deal, ra, and Tobaoconis s will find it to their Interest to eaU orcommonk'ate by letter. The beet brands, In any quantity , at lower prises than any other boase. rnVJO-Omd f ARIES’AUSSES' AHp CUIEHHksb MJt Boots, ShoAV “alters and Balmorals, made to osder. ofthe Wtmawridsmd wokm un ship. W.JS MHHEBTEAco. - At Fifth .f>«**t EjIRESCH WO OD» IHITATIOH or JT Oak. ' printed tri m board , an exact copy, with panel to mawU porSl? .. . . :v : i w. c.MARSH ALL. 1® 87 Wood itret.