r f,i u . MBDIOAI. OT AtCOHolne v t . A fIIQHLr CONCENTfiATED V getable -Extract. A. PJJIiE TONIC. , fill? limd^g 6HRMAI RITTERS dh n n®®***# bt c 118 PhUade |S£°"SEI “*er or Stonmeh. “ TOCOI aaConsti- Dation. Inward - r £i^p»srd Choking or , at ll tlle . Heart. Head, Deficiency of Pathe and pcatdepres ' aion of Y»How Jev«r. Bil was out of a himdroi?™ llls6aa6s “ °k>«ty-nln re*etable>.hosts of iMor&ntortSJbJ € !‘?’ (Purely iidoxis .adventurers, ***&*“ aranamty the flood infi# Sr iESS?'* u P.°nsuffering 12?“® a°“ in ptethorio r lottlS 7 l?d hi^ o^? 110 HOOitLAWD’S GERMAN BITTWRO , stood'the test of fifteen yS hav ® oan public; and their t !? e Ameri not nvaded by Bale -"« '&raST32fiS£Si- tefteVs !* er^- ■“* »»*» rtffiffSa'e*; J$ roy/^ tsometewa to strerotb •JO TOU^WAN^o < £mr A nrrD TlTe ' nn STITUTIORt T ° B VILJ) OP YOURCOR ooiS? If® RESSt . UETRZB OfifEß VO OS IrmUSifSSgSL., If yjQ (Jgj HOOFLAND’S german bitters old t hun dretU Stimulant, oj the , “jll hw“5“ o/ *’ t£?V r “ crea, « f “"<* kept vp dtn , r ' far tjr™ »?“*« &n a'dZtb?rV;% d W,U haVG <■ A*«or MfecttnS?' Mtetfen,* anpoftL ™^™ 1 / ' ,,ri, '« fc„T r ,ft: “*» "r-""'?» «ow a// ptrtue* «/“ ». eontuetion mil a good * Bitters ,•„ »ucA /«« price fA«n *jL« • $ . Liquor, at a mU coat vou, e *hfertor preparations 1 . _ soldiees *w D muestds of socmens frirndH'S g£“4“" reladonsor LAND'S Qfl"auSßfttS a * h “ B f -"EOOF of the diseases induced by MDtUSm”™! t ®? ths tlpaainoidoDt tocamo life iEPSFm a ßn ? ny a ed almost dally in the “ e Bta / Publish of the siok. it xri l Tb t ooUo J,hS'J )n 4 e «rival portion are sufferingfr?m dehm?; V "?. , »2: e pr °- 9™n jfe '"fig* feSS! these Bitters were tSlwMed^rnn?i m * “Wr if httjdredsofUyes mighMy«tTt& mSka°bt tothefoilowingre he natlon“KT whZ ?tf^ onro c £i onß of an* nage has been Sgf byVl&f own 1 Pln , t ' A t ? ELPHIi> August 234'1862. 0 -*W-. J&n&n JEvans —WaII „. n ai Hoofiand’fl (German * ea^e s a ® n^oa r There is no 3sSk? in Ja?” i?? “Ted my Ufa. numbers of my comradesl'some 4 orwTi* 61 * IoT by we appended, aniwhi ?. w “ose names aUtte olroumstsmoes ofmy Sse? of been for the last four rS^fTm/Jr? 1 ’ a ? d havß SmmaSd ‘“mediate S^^.~’SiiKS!a^SsS , ‘B-: by an attack debl Ji ty ' removed from the WhitA * waa then oi Jy onboard the .'a?* 3 which I landed on the »fH t°* h?®» from toe X ha™fiS« afcSrt 2 &US° 9t Siaoe that - s~¥«s®B&&pei!~f aafsfs^saacifc'iasK; *i£3? tr** ,° n »» stance/ *ana. aeeordinrfw «Sf* u e ? e «. o^r ® Uln " gonrßittertahdWdSpMSSd t otr 7 the time I oonunenoedtekinV^iL^u 0 t e> death woa^^ffßmlSw^Siffr*n¥l oW . cf getting bettor Though!: lavet»kS, k l,£ 0 jL f 1 r “• “jl hare gained t«!l^iot'i 0t ' {£“ South* for. invah4ble MtTWmr, 1 (tttj^sSßssttsaassas Mr- Malone; toh i e^iS 0m * onr ®oinrade. mraggfts£r HATH AKIF.L V~ ; : ’ AWDBKWJ. KiHß*li,p„'pof-^th Pa. JOHS yermout BEWAJiEQF OOITNTEBFEITB. Beethntthe signature of “O.M. Jaxjbloww |l on the Wxarpas of ear'- bottle. au ASOH,“ PBICEPEB BOWIE73CEKTS on HAIFBOJiPOBMM. - A ® xeouti ° n of a Deserter. J express. . 3 A man named Johnson i A Office, and Manuaactory, Ho. 163 j*™-, tendered his services to the pfS •JsT3** v“ws&>; is's^tjasyc^ SistiitJar"' rssL^essiijaaw ~,i^-.---; ; iAaaaa»a£^-i!essg^^pi 9 J A ... ----- - Jmtsburql) jfe#f feilltor~&~Pß^^p | . ftr[ ~~ === == r ■ : ~~~=; * P. Ba A few days ago we had some observa in th ß rh“ th ' S ‘° pi ° in re “> an article in the Chicago Tribune, wherein that pa per quoted Dr. 0. A. Browneon as a Z nees to Prove.that the Catholic Church and its members, with few exceptions Union ’ and support ddto e , reb6 “' 0n - We wr °te What we did to explain thepoaition of the Church thJ h “° f Blavery - and t 0 show mobs, disorder-and rebeUion were and had ever been condemned by the doctnnes and commands of the Church 7 W songht no controversy with the Tra we wish none with that paper, psr ticularly upon a question relating to toe Catholic Church, against which ever since that paper has been ,in the hands of its P re f“ t J] ownere . it has made a war so! tvrejdiedly disgusting -and -so maliciously! infamous, that I; t has ceased to merit even i “““T' Cooler surprise, how-1 thefollowTng W of J chLlTpori to 6 ,T‘, icle in 7 eaterda y’ s the Irish Oatonl' ?iation to the share of NewYorfe 1 L‘ CS m \ he receDt riots in, 1 we have before s" "bat Irish Catholic mob, an^notoing°elsr a9 On atoe P Tcannnt l^ Ct test ' mon y is conc^u against all Irishmen STSI th^r^nf 1 10 a i pr ? per nndet-atanding‘of that L e 7:: t rzt vzj:^ nave stated it if *k« » . ffn ‘ VVe have‘held « ci I fy' r toat a u‘ ,^g° < |^ B^ed, ' t b ß^tol i ll sg ,r^ed r tbat thlt r i e f nC r eB ,K 0n r that poict tha °we wis that if Catholics took part in thaf or anv ledge toa b thef dld 80 '- , ? th . tie fall know dpfe o?tieir y faTth e e . Ter ? prin & hnn condac t > we also said that the Tri the v a >f ncnßmgGov. Seymour,the Woods Xrm aD te mfl - & s dt , hß editors of°tt rne?ce 'ith?3 and Journal of Com■ S j.h3tersrs,'ira.’ a:,ie-"s. 'tssisosv toert r ’ “S? we think - successfully £ £*rS? ra JSSi:~ uieioyai. lbe attempt to bolster * n *u an accusation bv tSe testtmony P o f Dr rownson, is a lamentable failure. Dr Conger T s r t 6Dtly a candidate for Carter ’ ji® district contained a large D/ B 6 f ° reign born Population! der' too ll "i 8 pnt in nomination nn » * ““£ P „““J *; ta sS£?" e uSr :r n!l obtain the support of the “voting catt°e ” “rownson failed; they would not vote for him ; they voted for his Protest “t opponent; Dr. B. thinks that tecaus* the Catholic voters in that New Jersey whXchurch dlB s r re P ud iated him, the diskWX “f th f. People have become 3r-aJS.S,“ e •' iProst-in July. was a considerable frost in Indi ana .tout the middle of the present [month, which did a vast deal of mischief. The Indianapolis Journal says : We hear that the corn, far advanced as it is, has been mined in many places and damaged W this ci: J and ‘he Upper fi ,1" ? eDdricka c °™ty we hear! the stafks w°ere Se f* nty in » h ''bb Thisfthongl. probably °a wote^ the average, severing Sf- 6 J^ a “ the mildest, cannot have the cropj, in all the affected l rW ly. Potatoes, especially awSpf Jr, ? u and melons, are badly J.d widejy injured 8 - “ d the co operation of the drouth, whfch has prevailed m the central portion of the ? early a P now, will on efther fe? ° 8 bnt 8 tri . fli °e yield of eitner. We have seen no estimate as yet hn/~w ter U tor y or the injury jnflioted,-. • source*- 6 haV6 heard from trustworthy ; ba“nfwa OB 'f e *P. ect T n <>«>ißg but oaa news, ouch a frost in July has not 1 the ; £aily e post-advanced ”^4 eD ™* d toTaferrz * I xoaß«nt»i)«rhaiidrcd "irr™ 2 S KATES. day of November I8?m L 0» aft ' ,r the 10t h fob standing .hatter. 2 00 E?" m °ntha.._ 13 019 Two weeks £22 £? vo months,.,. 14 00 'ThMiTSSSw***"*** *s® Sir months*. is on OnTmonth* eoo S nemonths -“ 20 °® nnUrZZZr* ® OO oxlo year _ 25 oo mJV 8 CHAN SKA ELE MATTEB. monaH™. ~B . !.r.^, ,,TmilTT , Twelve months •••«•••••••...$lB OO Dea{h Notices, eaoh'insertion IJAIL,!’ PO& r t\ Is the Catholic Church Treason able ? A P*ri°ria Case of Mistaken Iden wty—A. u ea(i Buried Soldier Turns up alive. - ; From the Detroit Tribune. . A case of mistaken identity haa been ownght to our notice, the result of which has c r eated thrill of joy to an affitcted mother, and at the same time it shows how eas.ly ,ti 3 for one to be mistaken. In March list, Mrs. Julia Esmond, of Parma, Jackson County, in this State, received a Sixth'M° m a Pt f in Son ' e ’ of Com P“J I, B.x hMtchtgan Infantry, announcing the death of her son, Edward V. E 3mo nd.- Ihe letter adds: “SSssjssr.itoass allnle°d a to" fe’iett 'T 0 * ! buried, arrived in Detoit a few dZ afc" aQ te ed the baTraeks g 11 lotto 800 n 88 MrB ’ Esmond received the wading the th el f wlJt T, ' tam^7^"b“capta n in er -Then I wish to report for duty,’ said the slran-! ger ; just at this moment arrived from mv ; regiment, I desire to be sent back asaoon as yon may have a detachment of men to hetofdTt ?ho°C 1 ' { t' nS - as , ked his name! ne totd tt. The Captain informed him of! the contents of the letter which he held in his hand. The young man assured the ppmmandant that be was the identical Ed stated fehi.'homa™ Bn " ,tod - “ d he , .»The story as stated by him is that he was engaged in a skirmish, but having got separated from Ins regiment, he wandered about in the marshes for some days, a re bel force cutting him off from rejoining his comrades. After remaining out for NeToT ehe °£ tained transportation to New Orleans. From that place he took Passage on the steamer to New York ar riving m Detroit as above stated, when like a true soldier, he delivered himself This°h t fi h d-r? lma n d ? r ‘ t S 1 tbe b arracks.- This he did, too, before he visited his mo Whipping in England. The days of the whipping post have re turned m E ngland. An act has been pass ed L f °r punishment of “garroters” and others, which adds to tho old .penalty of the new punishment of whipping, to be inflicted once, twice or .thrice. An En lish paper says: j ® ? ge does not exceed 10 can be flogged wuh a birch rod np to 20 strokea on each occasion, and above that age o 0 Stroke? can be inflicted on each occasion. The whipping is to take place within six months after the sentences,' and ,n a case of penal servitude before the removal to a convict prison to under go the sentence. The act is now in force, courts.™ 1 be ad ° Pteti by the Cfiminal Jewish Charities in Jerusalem. A correspondent of the Observer, wri ting from Constantinople, dated Jane 2fith says: Sir Moses Montefiore bus been her- re cently, to obtain from the Sultan a re newal of the grant of land near Jerusalem, Id t 0 him b ? Abdul Med,‘id, and which he has made uso of in building almshouses for his Jewish brethren!- TheSuhan gave Sir Moses a private au dience, and consumed the privileges ex samd«edr ° h,m by b ' B br °ther, Bat 8 at the same time assuring the baronet that it the\« 8 deBlr6 that tbe JeWB ah ould enjoy the same protection as his other subjects* & wiU. “ ,£ SS5?Sft« .ksb ■l&®ass«* . Ssotion 9. j> o bill shall be K d ♦*,» t islature grafting ui; iiowen nrioii .® Leg case, whero tho authorbv ?r’p£? n^ eff v?* m &ns - or.pririleges, has bton. herea^'p 3 ’ oonferred upon the ocuMa of t^ohSwealfe Speaker of the House of Reprraefta’tiMs. Ju.lN P. PENJNIEY Speaker of the Senate, OPPIO« CP THi 'I cECRETABT OP THE CoHMOWEILTH i , PKNNSYIWIV^ 1 ’ 1863 - j original Joint Hf eolation of the Gen. S,»rsi j a*sa£ff rasKra^ssv^.n.i hand, and caoael the seal of the becratirv’a n? fioe to be affixed tho da, and yea,■ above^itten jultbdtl -Sfcretnry of thoComSon^h Ji “ Ea nLOVEK JOHN POHTEB Klfc*, «L»VE« & CO., jtes£se& diS rposito th ‘ p ' * o i® l MUJE i'HOB THE NTlrmr . ..r .B-iKfttej nape homo; tool house, fine, Joel Sii* °, ar ‘ well of water. oa i ok ””' “**■two 0^ 6 SK2“& i 1U good order. For price ami teraTii , li?cL^ r ?e t S' D ? a o eSs°Kr l f: h i <> <1 ;>, Ur S ihaJ si#** onedollah! aMwerod must *****•<*« SiTi" 111 . 10 any address safely packed ss d^js^Ta No - 50 feh2ot6mJ MEBfHAjrT TAILORS, Spring Goods, - consiaUnir 0/ UoUu 1 c M i B , ere(^BBt j jEj?Bi . ALSO—A larsTO stock of 9ENT’B FURNISHING GOODS, Inoludin* Paper Ooi/art,. Seek Tia. and even usually kept by flm class Iteasiuneßidre a/TQere promptly exoonteA. apSo;lyd 'TOBACCO A.MICIUABS—A I.yimrn ■-*. Commercial Broker in Leaf and manntbX? lured ’tobacco and Stput, IS* toornerof PhieJNew York. Tobacco «fdlesari oarefullj selected for exportation, beal• J LV&CD 80 Market street. | IBCsil>n an. DUQUESWE WORKS, CADMAN & CRAWFORD. 0f °'' orr T ariety et finished BRASS WORK FOB PLUMBERS GAS orSTEASS FITTERS MACHINESTS and CCPPEItSMrTHK RKASS CA*TI*GS OF EVEM isliiiiws •«,; ;;s - - iooi];dly. WOODS IMITATION OF v,, Oa-ti, printed from board an ata/'I ™ * with panel mouldings to matoE Forsifufbv ' ju6 W - sv A - SIJ / LL ' S' Wood street. JAMES A. FETZKR. eorner Market and Ist - reel. _, _ J-KNOX No. 29 Fifth streot. J. DIIXLEVI, Grocer, NO. 4 DIAMOND, PITTSIiriIGXf, pa. Wanted Wanted daub & cappbli,, COMJHEBCIAL WORBATION, Arbitration Committee of the Board » aai sfiap DAVID ModiNDLEBa. Klr ’ OOBBUOTSD Dtn,Y TOE T HB MOBKHO POST BT ESSRfI. Komcrz & hertz, BROKERS, N °* 118 WOOD STREET. for So/d, U sn^,"”. t ! le buyins andßaUin n rates j Gold Silver Demand Notes" “ Ebb tern Exchange. New York " 8a1tim0re........... * '*—**•*•—'• Philadelphia!.... 805t0n....- >**♦. par w par % .... pap V . ..... pap Western Exehanffe, Cinomnatt „, Loaisvfllo., Cleveland St. Louu., PITTSBUBGffI OIL TBADE. Thursday, Aug. eth, 1863. 1 ~W e h ,“ Te Particular ohauge to notice in s°a m T rke dn- Mattors Mma:n pretty mu h in h same condign. The market rules very C rm prior A "" h ° WOTer advancein rent on - S d!spo£6d of at rates cur- I, “ the P r a'-ious day. The rates were as I • r ’ packages included 2714(5}?%/* m rt r 0 > P “ ka?ef ' 22}^@23 <=- HaSutl ZTZIy in limited demand at a slight advance The principal demand, however, was for Crudo. ing to 1 (STbls* 8 y rT ri ‘ y limited - amount- R to 1,029 bbk The receipts by the AlJeshenv I fai r :rr jtui '® ;bi,s 'notice «eal of bargaining going on between dealem and sains were made the terms of which Tare not made public. «arei c'L Y ,e r V d '' anCed ‘ shade with a thi, iucmde a 'the p : k a“7 A3.n.~ Sal '' ; llmlted at bonded, 46@470 1 PITTSBURGH PROPUOE MARKET' was in |nnpler«ant. Our city decldcd,ri «■ Bot aco C oaL 6 „f t^rL d r 1 ° f :™v::r: f ei ° f ™ nominations fir *Lta "m" “ SSombleil to make ‘he .Jb e tie “ l“ Cm ; The most limited ho^o^r,MUintarreno,hafo» £adl I ,':"l£S?rs; Ss first hands is not largo buf°^ M 3, T bo s ‘ o “h in for all pre-ent Fr?m'rf bo suffioi ent Sales as follows: ititral,ll“.;”!!'“ we note Family, 21 jo bbls. 5O S 's£fl' s 3 = E«ra the week was duJi th P u - e bu siness f home consumption. 1 * demand b e»as enti «ly f or d7ma„““°“° ° f «>e dnhest out In fact it it barS? hn ™ died without bnyeis there e»^ l n Qnl ' 6< ‘ for - 80 ‘bat Tbe following are the nominal 0 no transactions, red nominal aT $1 10 °wMti «u e V i^Wbeat . held at Co®C2c vrith m .,T„ 15 .- Oats are Kye; the (ait sale reported o, S° ra ,han b rs. It would bring at <£°f ?jj? £ was at 75« : What ?baa “ "« ket w”hTlt C o^; V f.Snlf^W^Sa Orie^^^f, 2^ll^.^l^ ll?io. a) hhd« f °»»i^iel o fi bbls T "MR. i 5 bb ' B " A ” &“* 0d "-«& Wia^f 32£h£ C in fuirre Of 50 sack*Rio at fir“^V h ac l “ e ar deL d n U d ri n? (< ,h - 8 , *« [lie sales were 12000 lbs I \honOt aV ‘ a, cs!? Araonß- Jsrlai hams o.',f.qu c . a nmfijH.'jS lB * : 11,000 2.800 m 3 s c Hams. iz®iy^ s s,d “ oloar - <%@7o; WUMDBIPHIi CATTJL* JBAKKET. The Sheep Market. »™4 “ISff “W* »h. Avooac head There i. a &!r dSS’.IS,l R ttbout 6 .0;;0 quoted rates ; Wiles n!f clirmnH d =J'i U 'i ) “ Ut I lrOT ious « *&£££. PPBd Bhoe>> arB ““ting *4 W? b Wd a"”® q°SS?t“ d f6nee at from 53 *o Cona and calves. onlyroaohing about 90 head" thiiT 0 '» ■? fair demand at about th„f?r™ k Thero Springers selling at SlRrass j fl£°n et . ** 720 bead at the Avenue Drove Yard hv John Crause «fe Company at $7.00@8.00 ? 100 n>£ REAL estate SAVINGS INSTITUTION incorporated by the JBLATUEBOF nMniUMh JcißltOaltßfrom lO . m o ~1 „ fram%iotlook n B ™»AY EVE&s' *»“Offioe, 63 FOURTH STREET. INTEREST ALLOWED On Deposits in this Institntion at SIX PEB CENT. PER ATJNUM Payable to Depositors in May and Hovemb which, if not drawn, will be added to the prin pa,l and compounded, Pbmidbht—lSAAC JONES Vies PasarDßHT-W. B, COPELAN, ;! .1, w „ TBUBTEga, toSoj’onef OW ‘ I ol n d K Moo^«a ia^Sr Harvy Childs. w B J »*jWV&t*. and Treasurer- A, A. CARRIER SFAELM “"‘’•“••"-l- 1- RODMiW BICU HAGKK d HIOEB, Importer/ and dealers In Cloths, Cassimeres, Sa t t ine ts Vestings, Tailors’ Trimmings, 286 MARRQT] STREET, frarth Side, PHlt j BEtpar a jyl—jgo-lrd , . GRAVEL HOOFING. R*ISDED V” ° M P Tl ' AT . LIJPTOII,OU)OES ACO., mmim*,' ■,) ' ti*. aoaEi jiabket, Buying Selling ... 124 00 ... 1 38 00 I - 123 00 PLAIN AND FANCY CASSIMEBES, complete Plain and figured Silk and Cfeoimere Verting. Aug. Bd, 1868, °°sh&dl Bqa&T * AHogheny oit, OLDDH'Tri) “ R Cement and travel Boofers, Mr A^° m . P * ,yana ff&l W^RKEN I !^ '{gPJSS*h*apl««tatif Philadelphia, for elriit “ tX"^“S&»iaWss *»!“ PosS 6 ve T^SAS, S^ V a t | 0 l 3 f hls °™- Couponed of tbe Same materials ! Si'SlSs' r §S& rials composing it. K<)of f or amy of the mafp se^tt* ner 01 «*«• «* woods,a,. I v'T jJ/JEES FBH, _ BOSE LEAF POWDEB' Pearl Powder. theatbk bocgf. Ttaegar Booge, VIOLFI POWDER, Violet. Powder, habda soft bfbbebsfbisbm * Soft Bobberdyringejf® 8 ’ *f at Jnst drived at Market S R. HUTCHINSON „ Dealer in.- WESTBBN. BEBEBVE * CHEIPftw Hoar, Brain, Rjh Driari rICH B«t B* a ffi g Pea *» fctfd, So. 108 Second Street, BetweonWoodaid ' n&w St - ®w BOIJLEB W OBUm, B°far Pa?B A 1 ?' 11 ‘or* S^?* l “d aU other ui «‘oredat aimlitr co D oe n^^ malJJ tsSo I^tolTd.l4s PgAIiEBS IN OTT.FI 8 ‘ M. KTBE~g~cb^ “*ko»A(mrfisßB op e * Carbon Oil, B W Z ° U ES STBHffiT, oppaali* «2U,d THEARDESCO OIL COMPLY defined Apdeseo ©li„ BOJMXPLOSIVD. ALSO, PXT B B BENZOLS. warebonse, 27 ißwiß? STREET PITISB DRQB. PE&ffjt. U • uoent OH TV ork duncan, DuirtiAP & co„ - ManofaotHrerßO/ PCBB WHITE BKfXSJBI} u A It I! O N o T T. h ' liiuSl^® 0, 881 LH3KRT7 STREET, Pitts.' miB-6md C TORHTOER ® .BRACKETS *o. UJSS - OAEDELBRA.'S, LAMPS begilded ob bebboneed. d .^ r Wbte bo t^f,.W eUerB Lamp and Oil Store of “fcK «* KEIXT. lfi-lWnrxl al rQA * TJMr fith PIANO DEAWSBB, BTAHE A- co'S PUSOS, the best in the country weSk; foUo,nnc Fian °s have been receirea this •awsa®a*«iBast.*> Cpe6% octavo, same as above. Two octave, same as above. WABKAETEB EIGHT TEARS. For sale only by CHAMOTTE Bl.irjl K_ 43 Fifth srreet. JULY LIST SECOND HAND PIANOS* I 7 OCTAVE ROSEWOOD CASE I DeA nn £on rn fS i r itll m “ nl carved Murie more.’..“ . _ mads by Kunn. Balti- RoEowo'od'cMi'rWnd'fronf 160 KS.iT'r carved s ga|efey|W^Pife - — *g For-aalob7 60 CMAS. C, MSLLOB, 81 WOOD STBEET. dS »ve during the next ten d it&y£ Te SPRING GOODS A ™ SPBM6 AND SUMMED GOODS, embracing all the a owert stylos of CXOTBS 4SB tIAfsSIMBBES, W. H. MoGEE * CO., 143 R9BEBAI STREET. • J. PO WEBg gg? ?l fe£;'^^r ffldeaj tojontha otbotSl._ , P»jteSnnns^iji^!^g l i^93y l^a»aßr» ggge£gg&&g§m danthtra-.-amt tli-ii ifiskfe and of delicate iSS5k&’ 'Pfsfionsj? feeble 'baenmtmod to'bc^ft n *s? d fppsaasaoa,- ■ BRANSTBUP. besidlaSSS, ! P I J T»Sor'bjr DB, " fiHrtaae throujh h2a>U?ehLvi > pS? e .j D!4 '.efts? farlne. anxieiy. j£!rfH[c-&5?^? 7 3?- lilO ® !LS, ‘£ heapr v Sgzaal kj-.. inavery abort sbscoo^e-^ -tEsletslyonrfd^ : f-om the Vegiuhio infff^gg^spoTadr montohanksma 20 «fWprwBh Cdnsnmpeonmd »^S'»S t i5 cl 9 0 '- B s?‘ 6Bsi > y *a SSSlf§SfSlftf »ant»*»“of oMr^BtSS.‘^ p ®-Savins tho &i, . ohsovaUoiL MM«a4uy r bac t S5 rr,2;!5 ?Mi to too tr&tment'oFsSasSf a^rf*??? o *- 5^ prietprs &.&«£*? otrsat, noar JJiawocd atuat rwSL S^toSsJd *** : • . STBltp °p STr& . for my own.practicl, and h2rirts hHS? 4 V omiHi . , ¥ rL?®? V'fo^tbevfoWowliS 'Ka®S®a«6«e»rf jauZ&*&S9B&x NEW MEOiCAL OiS'COVE'av, FS?SSS? ( ® b ®* ako *a*um ai . EA, j r,T.jV-:), OtosIUMB, Ssmfeal ar! Q <2ftar fe-S'. WlJtKQr.iTeJ.feytnrensi - Aem-iciib oi tiis J 0(». . on,. v . ». osys'sadßlsdti.'ir, ' - VUojUas b®ea , ONE HUKDEBD iig|p§iips^““ feisgas^saaii,,.. jßLiaaSBaa»igs^aeBßfc»», SSion“Gorier? ZittblSS 3^^ ; • ■ Bell a Treatise on: Seminal Weafcnesa, ‘ ’ pay postage. ICflDw n * J funked to I>B* UJ3EVn £ i AU t4X®£n»z xru. Th.Pm “o from ob- El, 8016079, •JOBJ3PH STtFMTWfI* eomar Markot street and DUanMia, Assat for Pittsburgh. : »alBnioooTr3t»rtp ®oM by all Dnuciets. «x. & M. M’@TE$!N , '' Bras§ SAS KHD STEAM FITTERS, AU “"‘•■•aLJS«-jXi lw,? cw3,a A.leo, BBASS CASTINGS, OF ALt BINDS Made at the flhortert notice. : 81 & 84 WATER STREET, Rear Liberty. gSSsSSi¥SSBI: —- . ••■••■>-. .■, e c6l^dj-rejn29 WM. S, FABEB fe CO,j E£6iB£ BUilQggg r»oa E£SEBK.«SSJIS«Tt Kii BiLfit S4S£g^ 9e*r the Pota. g, g. p tl 1 .msai.L'Rea"’ Sp ,: r&fAmii'AOTtnKE &iUL aiSKS ■ ms ssssaf njU one.itoeivoßaiiafeeaTO. warran;,rf «rt)id«f>*oni jU p«b of thocoEStrtioJlcit- ‘ edand proa tpilr SUad,! ....■,: *.. o*-irrijirr stable' *!;]}» andia'msnod hartng removed Native- Jd Stable £rcm tir roaroftheßcott H.-ote, toneai mo corner of ¥l*st aim Snnthfield Gonna old stand f to furnish otirinitt the shortest no “S. 4r“ j 5 l n Br^Srotnt, livery at reasonable UnJertatoit indall arrangeoenfa for fa. nerala will rewHvp us to«eial*tt«n ion.' . 9£eU;pBII3EI4JSo EL8n?»BI7E& 6EAPB.' :• . £ J UST B tAS Jft'SSWH A -FES VnrM". - *S5 ,.:r CHARLES L. CAuDWLLL, : ; ® n ®o®wWtoJa3.HolaißBA Co., ■ POp AOH EB to k ß ®s3 r !etf , ?t Corrf ' H,Ußa - C ?sin;]^ k * 4 “ d PUabsnb. p». HEJVRV W. BEABHOST &CO. DSAuaem fmign Brandies, (Fines aai Sing, . •' ; I !■* . •OppotJU Fourth sfreot, ■-'• •' itjp" Hot*!* Tarenu. ; iasfcr y s 9ts f „l i MEDIOAIb ?: