i> A. YORK, and 6 STATE »n«t teeeJoSSß’® awnto for tho Dully fa >-'•* I'vod to taka A iJUUA 11 “ osa citaas, and arc aa or at omr fount }fa?£ meiits 611(3 Sabsoripticns Wednesday mobning, adg. 5, |ifi m SEieHßoßflooj) wmiiGli »en , oorat 1 c c o a a ty Committee. tHe Uemocarlic County Committenwill meet next Saturday morning a?® Democratic Central Club Boom coiner of Smithfield and Fifth streets. ’ , A Chapter of Outrages. &ight before last taking advantage of the unprotected condition of the SSiSht o^eT'Wed/ th , 6ir W ° r s ° f | theliat h0 ’ o X 0 e»&£tZ™ e % eKithem "«> » difi H 6 < all m S, ntion was that of Ma7keT re thir S Li^S Ck streltfro“ Zl„ el ’ e “«* were encountered by a gang of five ruffians, one of whom ran agamat one of the gentlemen remonstrated with th&m D i.ni. *l whole five closed in upon S’em a„H ? tempted to rifle their ’ time quite a number of persona were log and repassing. Failing to obtainCv a., s.'&r.r.t b " szt r» fowedThe%‘ h a e nd faff & l' One C of rl the **“!? ° ne Bntered the office une ot the gentlemen had by this fmf hls . torn hat and coat, and com had fnlT n 8t ?? reco S niE e d the fellow who a &K# Si, t;;£ around.and who were ignorant of the cause 6 arassaasS ; «r endeavors, they armed 'themsefvis and began to throw them throuth SSrjWSAtftSl “Iking a long time. ®( 80me“cound™trfrob W a “yt C h°e ln ± t : d entering the b^Z Watchman and Porter of the establish ; IESSL&*?* t?* ! saloon at the Penn'a Central Railroad fas wh ° m they robbed of $2O. Tie tonrth was knocking down Mr “fe7s6 f 0. the P “ th *«*• »*“» *ey The fifth was knocking down a soldier near Savage’s saloon, and robbing him o’l fha a nth was smashing in the entire window in the from of Paul Stoeizine’a bakery, on Southfield street, below SixSi •this was purely mahoious mischief, as they conid no., hope to be benefited in any j atferrn breaking the windows at Hoilman a Foundry, on Smithfield street above the Postoffice. f " ght , h was smashing the window at flageman a tobacco store, No 342 Liberty street. At this place the ehutters were Only over the lower half of the “fa t°r ’ i a “. d ey bad first attempted to wrench the shutters from their place bat failing in that, destroyed the glass. ’ ibe ninth was at T. & J. McQuiaten’e PMnt Bhop, where they broke the glass and made a most outrageous The tenth was a soldier whom thev at tempted to rob, on the corner of Seventh and Smithfield. They attempted to search fmm ?b k ’ b l Ut d ' d DOt Bucceed - He broke from them and run, and got into the Eagle Hotel. Here they assaulted another sol dier whom they found there. in F, e f f h le o ? ntd WaS and Noting in Fifth Street, near Wood. They left thm locahty shouting and singing obscene tI J b ® twelfth was rioting and fighting on the corner of High and Wylie streets. We Larks nf ° rmed that 111680 were the Mad And thirteenth a fight at a beer hall in kef m ° ad 6 ® y ’ be,we( ’ n Wood and Mar arresVhJk last evening bat one be \ E mau 9 i the ringleader was . the corner of Seventh and amithfield Btreeta, and was lodged in the TfThe h r°- r Warrants are iD "and: wilt h » erfl i or u a n ? mber of “there, who j w ~{» Wlt^out doubt, be arrested. -Jt A aaBe all thU rio,in g w appa atodntle, t k of . m6 “’ freed from tha‘M etraint that the law imposes npon them by the presence of its officers, allow them Pi°SUiOll3° SU i 0113 unllm ‘ted sway. No I alter who the unoffending victims may I ‘ h ®. re '% notbmg to check them, and all BDffer ' k W^, SEk the question, in ‘“T 8 ’ h ? w lon R Wlil this state of theforms ef • t 0 e f‘ 3t ?We ba ™ all 7,r' °? municipal government; let as also realms its effects. The way that matters now are it is positively unsafe hor honest people to bo abroad after dark I inf ' 8 a ? earneBt “PPeal to those hav ing the authority to make an immediate mo?e in this matter. 1 ut ti rr, For Post. ~ , E “ lto , e 1 The Chronicle of yester day stated that a white man had been hand-cuffed and received fifty lashes on his bare back with a raw hide in the hands • conioral at the instance of an officer m the Provost Marshal's office. I wish to know whether this be true or not, and what authority there is for this degrading punishment? 1 s * B We are not able to inform onr corres pondent, and do not believe a word of the charge. It is not probable an “unusual would be inflicted even after conviction—much less without trial or at the instance of the Provost Marshal-1 1S H tend «™ess of heart and most forgiving disposition.—Ed. lu the City. “I i the 6118818 Bt the Monongahela House, delegates to the EepublicanCon venhpn in this city, we notice the names hind “"S r aa w W ir Paoker ’ W - E Moor “??d £2 d d- of Philadel- ? b f a ’. w r H. Painter. Esq., of the Phil a - Selphia E. Darlington, Col. A. 0.. _ McClure, of Chambersbnrg, Col. Eli Cof e i’-P 8 ff r 8 Stat8 ’ Harrisburg, CotL.Todd.of Carlisle, Hon.W.W .Ketch- Jnd a j? « Capt ' B S' Clark, ot Lnserne, tod p NorerOß s, Esq., of the Associa- Hon S“' a , nd Hon, Geo. Taylor, and the C alv iD, of Huntingdon. At oAht n- a , s - E Cohen, Esq., editor renorL Ph H el r hia '. aad » P of the Philadelphia Inquirer. I _ Fire. The alarm of fire last Jiouhd by theburning S of n fcl e °^ 8 Daqaeane Way. an incendiary, about two h™t. i, Dy but* was thought that it was extingffiahe'd IMJaat tims.the alarm.was -* burning vigoronsfo in the fourth s’tory*- a »oSlot‘ elMt mShtt ° ° btai ° Scpesioe F arn i tarQ tA t - .. W o’clock, at McClelland’s orOTer 4 *■ Society of St, Vincent de Punl.' F _ T>ia Ata 1 ' t w«. »_ __ * or Morttag Post* ? onftjreacea of. this-So-* Handed Outrage at the lie* * ono so “?ch for too re Provost Marshal’s Office. toiy T in r°l I HE Po ”~' Sfr :, Allow me mg in the basement of St. Paul's Cathedral, rel . a * ,on !° a ? in Toes-: tLi ds? . 6 ™‘”S' Jane 19 - 1863, Q t tJt D ? d f, r the fading, which most interesting reports of the aood am« . COn i a i Da a bt^6 truth with a great done by the Society from the periof of ? o n°” nt ° f fa ‘ Beilood ' The *«>t. are as them organization until July 1, 1863, from J : ikf-r ren - conferences, were read for R lea st a hundred men, many of them the information of the friends and bene- “ a H a ‘ ure ‘'P lll g s i” and New York “riot motors. We regret that the press upon f r s . ‘“Ported here for the purpose: have our columns will not permit us to give 6Q i' Bted Bnd be en sworn in as substitutes to «™t, han BtatlBtlcal synopsis attached '“mediately deserted, in violation of to each report. tbeir oath before God and their duty to St. Paul’s Cathedral Conference was «„..■ j “rT °2 a , ntr y- February 17.1881: Cd ou ° n ,, July 30Ll }> a (who was subse- Membersadmitted . , S? 99 l ' y “certained to ba re deserted from ; NuSb e ”f "““HreTen".'" substitnte/deserted SS ?j ' on. August 3d, cte' Vr in ' §^%&„'2«'iz£==7 , i& :IT: S Z P /Z nt au . a * * cubstitute j Number of families on relief If defrauded the Govern™ 6 ? hfm ' Ito otho‘ Ve t w r ‘ y L 79 lasheB as a warning , 1 aKpftMteft less bas b e7°o n „ d -H 3 18 un . true - and is doubt fore the Quarter Sessions on n charge of -tempting to commit felocy, or in the 0. 8. Court charged with beirfg concerned cr ® a 0m 3 'ho circulating medium b? ZEST?* IBBUeS'l B8UeS ' ‘ f they hava not enticed respectfully, J* Hebron Porter, „ „ RECEIPTS. &t meßtinKa OoHwtwaa ia Ca&edrZ.V.' Proceeds of lectures, pio nics, *&c! EXTKXDITritKB. iSSStift 01 . Funeral expenses !’ ~ bubsonpion for relief "of pior'-S"^ : r m E “m P g?L?f... 0 .^ h “ ohil^n “°d~foan'f ° °° School books! mediomesTAc Conference expenses!.!/ Balance in Treasury- Ladies* Conference of St v-nr* _ organised JP.brnk" if *« NSSb^Sf¥ tiTemsmb ' rsoil '-01l 6 , vSShff f honorary members, ... ?■ Number of persona visited and raiiored at mootings Venations Other sources !.!!*** For prorislona...^ vry goods Sundries **** Balance in Treasury hid a S n ’ \ b ° Dt l ?° aHicie ° ofaecond dlff,™ l * 8 have been collected from ifferent sources and distributed. Of the dry goods purchased, 110 yards of maslin “ r ““derclothes, and 108 yards of dress been cn B “ d }* of boys’ clothing, have noor end d“ d dlatribuled amongst the Ste° r 3oci m DP Under 1116 direC^oD of | male .conference of the Cathedral nishint V ° te V tSCar ® almost entirel 7 to fur nishing coal, provisions, shoes, Ac and in* to faraishiD * cWh bt.Patrick’s February 17. Number of members dumber of families relieved ftEcnrrrs ' ellections at meetings i-r ceeda of .'ecturea... vtner source? - . ClothS fuel Rent of poor families ruaoral expenses pooss and stationery uS^‘!:: n for °fp»«"oriro' Balance in Treasury ' g | St. Peters' Conference. A!le e heny.'"o r irani7rf iiocember H. ]Bsl. on roll .. Nn^.K leB r ?* ieVo ß and now on roii V. Number of persons relieved.. Number of raits made eeceifth, CollectioDs at meetings. CoUeojions in church.. •Donations Other sources, lecture?,' & c tfSPEtfPrTCSES, Provisions Fuel Clothing Rent, Funeral expenses Lonfe>rence expenses, Balance in Treasury. The exertions of all the Conferences have been meanly directed to the relief of wadowe W 1 h families, orphans, and sol a The aboTe statement is “ “? at exmbition of how much good can be accomplished in a quiet way systematic exertion. Before relief is given two members of the Society inves tigate each application fully, and hence no imposition can be practiced by them j r h * y ‘ ntBnd celebrating Thanksgiving day, August 6th, by a Festival 8 for the Poor, at Glenwood Grove, lor the purpose of enabling them to meet the many caUs of charity that will be made in them the coming fall and winter. After offering thanks to the Almighty for the feel "® ma , rkable victories, we hope all who famifie. f 6r6Bt P ° or and in the A foUr , BoldlerB - aDd are desirous ofspending a pleasant day in the country, ' rtatt9Dd ‘ he festival of the society and aid its memDers m their good work, trains will ran to the grove from the forne b r U o? h R Coan , ell . s J ille Bailr °ad depot coraerof HjMMd Water streets every half hoar darn, g the day and in the eve? back tothedt“ gr ° 76 Sre br ° Ught cufere entrin^th^c^s, 10 Pr °‘ , Why ? A? * DC juiry doubtless arise B in many minds, why, . lar Ke fields of coal exist* mg m Illinois, in Missouri, in Kentucky “ L 0 a t ke r ‘T eSlern A tateo ’ the copper ore p;,A ake Superior should be brought to Pittsburgh to be smelted and reined and why iron ore from Michigan and from Missouri should be brought here (or the same purpose. The of our boal is the cause, as well as its abundance All roof Kill not make good. iron. The coal ““A 1 f °r? d r“ “ &Dy Realities, while of a good quality for ordinary purposes of fuel rums the iron smelted or worked by it. It is therefore necessary that the fuel for the treatment of metals should ba of the right quality, or its abundance is of little avail. VJaality and abundance combine at Pitts- M ref °u re U ia lhat metaiß P QSB other coal fields whose sole recommenda tion is abundance, and find their chief market and manufacturing depot at Pitts- V? T £ e “ eeeBsit y of quality is exem plified by the fact that west of this city the coal from the great PittsKurgh seam is an absolute requisite in all manufactories where metals are worked, and the failure to obtain supplies is followed by the stop page of the factories The abundance of the Pittebnrgh coal district is shown by the following figures : the extent of the bituminous coal field by which this city is surrounded is estima ted at 8,600,000 acres. There are in the Pittsburgh coal field several seams, at va bn*the amonat of coal con tained m them has never been estimated, "i™ 1 of reliable informadon of the! number of workable coal veins to be found 5 tl an w d ? ptb from tbe surface reach ed by the English and French mines. The upper or “Pittsburgh seam'* has been esti mated to contain in the area j being the extent of the bituminous coal fieW surrounding this city. 1.498,464 000 000 bushels, or 63 676,480,000 tons, the of which, at the average of five cents ner bushel, would be a mm better understood by the comparison that the gold fields of California must yield nearly $76,000,000 of gold annually for 1,000 years to equal the value of this one seam of coal. Of singular comparative interest in connection with this estimat e of abundance arilhvalue, is the fact that the entire tract of ground, (Containing such a value in one mineral alone, was purchased only seventy-three years ago by the , •$ 453 79 . 147 31 .. 29') 47 • 877 261 $1 606 SO • $lO2 03 eeceipts- .$ 3S on . 40 ou 92 00 acpENDirusss. •$ 884 - 128 33 4 ID .$ 206 57 . 200 :.M 30 .0 Ureal Improvement on Sight. KIiSSIiS PEBBLE. Jus! received, an entire new'supply of the widely known RUSSIAN PEBBLES feince their introduction, I have given the fullest satisfaction to a large nnmber whose eyesight was such as to render artificial tierT". 68 !, n ' ;c ' 58,ar 7, and have fully e a tabhshed the superiority of the “Pebbl!” over all other kinds of glasses. If any, whose failing sight renders the use of glasses necessary will g ivo me a call, 1 will endeavor to convince them of the ad vantages to be gained by using the Rus sian Pebble. and will show in what' man ner . u mpmor jo any other now in use. • • DIAM OND; Practical Optician, vj fifth ftroei, near Wood. I .$ 263 4S 43 2U 41 30 54 50 55 .50 31 70 Hotel Tor Kent. ™ e , “M, asae y Ho ase," located on the corner of Ross and Brockenridgo atreetfl Radroadl. 6 Pl,tibur S h *»<• CorLluSft The ” H D r - 1 , ‘ i - noV offert " i for rent. i „ , House is ln good repair and ha been doing a good business. To any per son understanding the business a fine on portun.lv .« now offered. Immediate pos session will be given. Aoply to P Ihos. Mooke, Nq. i B Q First street. - =;^j mmmr rosjrs usymu —i*rao»ru.T*i FAKCY AJHB E*EuiJlS i'UKBJFS’USiE « “ » -ar K e of oom Mercheniaropplied cheap at wholesale. M 7 it7«7 *° M ja ir S nufaotar er, jyll-lyd 49 Market, cor. 3d, Sweet. T H , K ,JS? DEBS,as ®D memjtoh* ! iUd Alli 2 - n te of itobinßOD Town laleMO County. Penn’o, doo’d. offer for RaMroJ“aiS f l»n < lf P,tt - ,b ? B ?“ »nd Steubenville ; ALSO =t Executor*, oottase in (joori order / 3 ' fr *“? L__ iyiUmd A ILL 5* A£*JE R S—• • k w *v n 6 jl by ° PXU °™ at “d 15 oen e tfi Police Itta^tei's, . con J u J nction with the po mmuteo, intend employing a guffi. ™fty° P! aci ng*ihem i mmedia feiy 1 on* projection? 7 °° wi.Jont > Boating Items, iix2a&e?Sb.&xtz E^MSafing c“me her7 e H u d j" CaBe h " “ me nere. Hamill has sent 5250 tn Private Watchmen. Qa.te a na.-r.her of our merchants and to ™,d a tV Mr!r) ' d rrivate ° a C ' , n 80me inatauoea paymg as h.ghjis i JUr dollars a night. Campbell Minstrels. r&»®!a?su3«? Ae are sorry that the crowded Ss oflf theiTDe-tn PV< ' n ' a ns / rom Particularizing cots Ot excellence and celebrity that way or a th er “f™* °^ D ° l affect «>»•« one ypn 5-watt the day. BeCllrB 7 ° Ur seats darin K| JOSEPH ME TEE & 80S AisXJlUL'ljfi, I¥j iJ/l'l IT'- flitLO £ ' ~s. FOR SALE. w, p, marsh a i t « WoodMTMti teligeaph io; ARMY OF THE PQTOMAO BEBgy TO BE-OCCUPF FBEDSBICKSBUM From Fortress Monroe, SKIRMISH NEAR WELDON, N. C. Rebel Accounts of a Fieht in Louisiana. Kentucky Elections, AM EBIOAN DENTAIi CONVENTION. STEAMEB pacific ashoee, Washington, Aug. 4 -Adv'-i-s from -he Army of the Potomac say: Tf i enemy yesterday sent a reoonnoitering force to wards the Rappahannock, in th? vioinity of Kelly's Ford, probably to iearn our position and s'rongth, bnt after a skirmish the foe was driven back: It is generally believed that up to yes terday Lee had not received any reinforce ments of consequence from Richmond,but the rebels have been sending supplies to fredericksburg, which they intend tore occupy in strength. Information has been received that ! guerrilla parties scour the country be tween the Rappahannock and the Poto mac South of the Occoquan. IWm^v 33 ■ “ 0 - VBOE ’ . Aa K U£t 4.-The Norfolk Virginian commas the following: Savillis Hill, Augnst 3. —News has been received here of the cavalry expedi non under Col. Spear. They crossed the I -herwan river at Willaton, N. C., and proceeded to Jackson, twelve miles from Weldon, near the Roanoke river, where the enemy was discovered in strong force . th °' cr ® d . van , ca made a splendid oharge on the rebel advance and drove them back k?nld r ' D|? H 7 s prl6C 2 ,>l ; B - °'>r loss was 2. killed and 8 wounded. We captured 60 1 bales of cotton and 100 horses. It has rained incessantly siccr. the e* ['edition started, rendering the mads nearly jmpassabiß. The men have suffered nnrdehinp. • 6 The Richmond Enquirer of the Ist, says it is reported that a lorce ol Yankee Cav alry has appeared at a store in Stafford. 16 miles ear’ of Fredericksburg. Gee thhfm ' V ' U procee ‘} on atr >P w Mobile this morning, eaoorted by officers of the Confederate police. We are not informed of thejmrposo of sending him to Mobile. ? 4 —The Richmond Dispatch, of the .it mat., received at For trees Monroe, contains the following • net' \ P T al r u llef ,rom the “nweicome the W O ,haTO beeD receiving from ho Soa,h, we have now the intelhge , 0 . hat our foroes have gamed a decided vie I ry in Louisiana, ihe President l'es’er I day received a dispatch from Lieut Han dee, stating that Gen. Dick Taylor had an ngagement with the enemy under Gen I Banks, and that he had completely routed them, capturing 6,000 prisoners. " " I Ihe Dispatch publishes dispatches re ceivod from Weldon and Goldsboro N C I announcing that the federal forces'had I been repulsed near Fort Ja ok son, on the Koanoke. and had returned to I 1 Ihe Dispatch says that the bridgs over W .7“ n 7 er ’ lhe warning, on and W eldon railroad, burnt by the Yankees, has been rebuilt, and trains are passing over it. Freight is received and sent over the road as usual. Passengers by the Petersburg train yes .erdny, report all quiet at Weldon. 1 dr^ EMP H ,3 K Aug- Ht -Col. Hatch has driven Richardsons hand of guerri'la; abont one thousand strong, down into too™ 1P P P V| h r“ tUrUed his P ‘ io , w B forces, who are i u the neighborhood of Paris, Tenn. Pillow i s reported to have crossed the river at Paris on Sunday with sii regiments. One of Gen. Dodge s scouts who left IWom bia on July 2oth, has arrived at Corinth. He reports that. Roddy has seut all hi" baggage aud stores towards Rome, Geor gia, bat remains iu Tusenmbia Valiev wnh most of hi s foroes, and aUo or 7 nearly half Alabamians of Bragg's army have deserted, taking their arms and are in the mountains refusing : 0 go back.— Diem. Dannfort, of the 26rii Mississippi regiment, left Johnston's army four daya ago, and reports Johnston with the bulk of hw army at Meridan; part of it is under i orders to go to Mobile, they were entirely ignorant of Grant’s movements. ! Wheeling. Vi, August 4.—A joint ses sion of the West Virginia Legislature to day elected Waitman T. Willy, 0 f Mor gantown, and P. G. Van Winkle, of Par kereburg, Jolted States Senators-the former on the drat ballot, and the latter on the sixth. Lnd B o L J IM p K u’ A a“ g ' -f,— Ths Baltimore | ana Ohio Railroad will certainly be re paired through by the Bth inst..fcr passen gers and freight bills of lading with the usual guarantees will be issued to mor row. The entire line is now free from the enemy and fully guarded by the federal forces. Special dispatch to the Post, Washing- I ton 4th, says: Direct advices from the front say that the army of the Potomac is I inactive, and is likeiy to remain bo for I some time to come. I j Ti l B firat wetallment of conscripts reach led the camp yesterday. From two to I lour hundred are expeotcd daily. The rebel army lies between the Rappa hannock and the Rapidan. Lee being at Culpepper. 6 I Furloughs for twenty and thirty days ha ~ e been g ra “fed by Gen. Meade. J The draft in this city was resumed to day. There was no disturbance. Among the persons drafted there are eight from the office of the Chronicle and the Paetnr of the Catholio church in the Third Ward I SiEUTuGi Spbinos, August'4.—The I American Dental Convention held its Bth enTmemh 1011 her# toda7 ' About ge . enty members were present. Dr. W B P?es®dent P d ’ *“ * he abaBD<3B of the, I ® or n>ng session wrs occupied in organizing and eleoling officers. The fo! f ?. wi ?s were elected : President, J. Tcffl !i V j oe Presid ent, M. W Shef toy’ W BW H oD A d ,°i, n ' Secre tary, vv. H. Atkinson, New Yorki Be d^nh” g S m. retar7 ' °- N - K «°e, Phila delphia, Treasurer, Ai C. Howe, New cnm^h 021 -’ Angnst 2 —The amount of the contributions reoeived by the Christian Commission m this State for the benefit aud wounded soldiers reaches m a lar 8« wool sale this p S & d ™ lßra fr °® tb ' s and other 86 to 88A 80 d Bt ,P nces ranging from g-ades \LI7 the Cal^rnia fbout 86 * rom 82 to 89 - a^raging rEVai?.*:: ory ' A portion of the State, consider BB m ‘ joritlea for 4116 osW|SO°, N. Y., August 4 -The draf. S'-esHtta* Passed off with good humor. P«s£S3sr -r*?* this P. on th5 e o2 a 3^ n Js?S£liS?i en route to Montreal and PortW 7 ’ CiyciSKATi, Aug. 4 Tho i_ elections came off to-day. the TTntA ntUCby didateo. Clay and SmiST’ were efedTo Congress, certaio. «*eoiea to Philadelphia, August 4.—Tha aaia $960,000 worth of 5*203 i„ reported to MABKETa By TELEQBAPH. "hl-to r „ a £“ a b /5 Dd • tirithrtt'he d' lng. L» dq and “'' rf2 E o !lat *> r e yea 7; a iar» in,T.i y J^o.j at stgi6n-r eent. i 7 Poking investm-n daI V^I 4I ,>>d o.'o'o n d^?^‘ a V4IW;o oa-d at .Tmr.%- Government *ioidr« d ol"aed qoie* ehatxee 1 . 8 fi'a a??*?! aro w ttnou Registered, *Oi: 7 30V ’losV° qf o ? B * ?tr ng, 1 year cor.ifl J« r.^Vi^^ B ve>y i'ori .’: E folui i 0c B r O o“£s to '&■ 10 o ®k« dii *, I 0a1v,. 9 , lot n n a',i Is@io n ! e 0 r -V c ® v s ’ a-d ■non. 30@25; Inf tlTTs®^ 0 v^, 0 ® 45 ' Mm IKmod, l«t qaa ity 7to 8e W'compel I oa me to leave h.-r she bade me com, I oacK to bar, for I was the etaff of her de ! but 1 p: ' misad be f I would rat s «■* ">r• s sFvrttf&lTfrss »UmK“e t* e} r TTIT caree l,:d, money to buy°asubstitute. 1 Wewerap-T a:nn y “ »'' ?■ my , will he M n . j , nera bi 3 voice aank to a whia* m a in- moon came out of n mt,k 4 'K $1 C B ld t iBh r •/^japSOexs sorrow ' aflhers in Uii * their Pe> General Jaotson on the Coerolon of states. The iolW,„g ie Rn extrac . of a leuer .. u, cj A .riraw Jaekson to an inti -0 fnend ln Memphis, Tenn., thirty years a*. The letter h«, been sent b, Oen. Huribut to the n„ CRSO Hutorical OOv lely • ■ -saisQTDN-, March, 26. 1823. •« last *f P a T S T by the Son"i '’, rcu T c V ‘° d i. wa ; p i 8ed e este’SSstssgs^- their ol ad De “ P B °° rn “ Bd d'Aetuitmn t-heir educates, and particularly X,? prime mover.,. The bloody bill |J tb bill 1 *h\ ou '‘‘“judiciary bill or enforcing bill) has p, ;t tui9 tu reSt- It 8 k Mainf r“ e r nUtDßnta 0f th « 'People from &aio° n ,T lan ?' that Nul ‘iflcatio D and be coerced into obedience X .**•** * Believe me, your friend, ANDREW JACKSON. ,B. M. Bchtos, E t q , Q-RAJSJD MASS MEETING WM BAIL M STOBt, 62 Filth .Street, s^^^lasaai-c; Closing Out of Spring stook, fi«h 9 S # aad brio ? SKLSssm: tcSEsSi jiiasSiS I n ™ l 4B BEfiiiHiiiig Tflfi PLAOB, SO. 62 FIFTH STHSBT, TOCBWTi WOlLn DO WEU TO oai, and supply themwlTM with that J.™ oonvenient arrioie. “y NEG i IGEE os TRAVELING BHIRTB 2L"K£ 4 14150 *»» )tSSI 73 Ms -k.« t, iji sbo offers for sale on reasoatito form 1 “« waloll eligibly .ooated. lying b«twie?th?n«bi T tion and .ho .Yloeon/hahelf $Sr many ladaoementa for pHyst- •Sf l tJ:s! r °S' r plan of lots and prioe, aw* ai Sot in pert of Bh»Trls, silk Mat m isr-® - ten die fur improremeSj. 11 ! Retire *® I •took. Entrance on Market An«u . f B7 Sheet and"t£‘pA^t^S „ tt I; USCH, Bo,jbo Mart entreats «**• Cla »>- a*.. leit's a 2a*a®SHi«j Orounercial Arithmetic lum3 WriOng and t^fcf o w“ a a nr n SSf prl8 «- ®tndants oa -3 » WS?3J PeatnajAf ,SEJr tn-wn as t'-e boat Bu/iwriSis. 0 "*’ 3 aad Cowlay’s nneqnaflsd _|*%ltaw«Eh-« -P«ti ve departmeuLs*" s??s£s‘ 0 V ltl ' “■« ««- *£o. A. KELLY. 69 Federal St.. Alleghany. CABB AVEOJU JUST ms oelyed and for sa.e by w ]y'o &J - A. KELLY, )y ffil Pedorai et. Allegheny, SiBSdPABII, IjA. and Pilli, l i’.dgay'a *-*'iw? Sn?i'* 000 * 0 ®' Lyon's thairou. ton Wtl* wn s -oothing ryrap. ,ust r, oeived an# "r Sale ■’ y '° 69 Federal St-.^JUghiny. zxs%&% iyM ® *•?£&£. Egg*,. k vs zss^zfvbss: CARPETS. W, D. A H. M’CA^LUM, W FOURTH HT^JSST. I PwrtSS’fi^S.a. 01 ’ t * Tln * **s*° b °«« b ‘ \ye£f&*Bsr&F*\ I carpet ~ oil cloth . f ~ w I7I>OWSBA B.d,i. U BC *I VKD A FBE^ BCPPLY w - BOOTciSHOFAr": AT f BOBL'SD’S, ’ MMarhtt St. BOA.BD AT SABAtTOSA SPBINGtV VETUBISotos , HA* h Gate Mrs, •,7 r.. “**?”*•)• »? on* ■ and lav* »-|* Vnonn to ■ isitora at iho Sprin Kla lVew Open for ! | h o hffalw U F, '‘f.Se-ts The l,u„. is Urge 4. Mt»ated m» B o*diraT wA-.. . the Coogrcki and ? fnplit llßPlßM^afj lfeSsa£? figfisr-a* ly* B pM&ffliHwil? OJTm^ OISON NOT THE HE A D I WITH HITEATg OF > t VEa tJ» CHISTADOttO’S HAlu'ot? ’ certrfiod tobe PDK ! i- S4 FIM JN iu I UAI.Tu> 1 I by Dr - Chilton, of New York. Ahead**.,. .. ff® n£ , allow brawn 1 ?* Ha “ p from pHnuto.s afid dontEi^TSn s orfi * b * r k ,M *a » ■iariomto™ hsr. ° *t a & COI>tSTAAOBO«BAI|t PREFER V*. the „t -vitality =a ’yia-i£w3wc. S b,etlh a -V-a auf (aSiF~: at mJ3o a perleet euro in on- we»k tTi a:vi .ofdti^rle^To^ 6 ih P » CoPt. jylfra&Tvjlmo ‘wo ' 1 1111 Draggiite. 1 I GESEBAL M 4 UMAVn o-ale &"£ B thl, B B npp'”t I?" ti? 0 - nf ble-ra* ~„ 0 .rsiok old \ “ Let hi , f /. r<, l * | 'Veeding ” j t ,h “ , di couiinuaned of Pole .n tfe/l“cV!l a 0 °o b : V.*2 ,n “ h * la oewera'Mntbopr-ot.pT of v.L' < P. =? I wonin then beo .me emphatically ° ia9 ’ wlui * | THE IU4U te AST, ae«o aV ?o‘“f d Ve Vn^‘b? sin 0, ‘** n0 «“--4 emedo. That Sia hSSan bode STa”' ? "c" | maae whole’- by * , vlaStw?ft?fj.? ould ■ only , >» I being. in i.c . condensed v-g. tafaiew Br**!* ?i~ Pie saould bo in nVorv T.ifo _ 1 -“rtfrarem'* I PiU» care bl ir.na ifSn-ht- (Jr hese Ur -me ysonterv and in A,- ' ,m °. , ' iraea, -£3 CASE OF ROSCnK IT. WAT Off. Brmir^h,-li nc York , !* «“V,rkV f "S” 0 -/■ Rermont. At lu . b W .» * 1 ,* b P re-j ora or tbo ah'Q? mV.i « l L vei to a. ree lor the ta üb« seS r a tl,a * " ffusoE, Ili a oot, w» 11 OH v Joa» d. ajm.LD, Jolvroo 2“* 1,11 ‘ ' ■ >l o Pintirti T H ® WHEEiIS g WliyOTi Sewing- iMacluae fiST CUSS PBIZB IfOiL, WORLD'S FAIR LONDON, ENGLAND. whar aUtho M».hln«oof EUROPE AND AMERICA were la competition. 8 j Bitted States ioeprincipal oia , finir<>B4ina v< M ohinea are Wheeler iyu«d undtr the firm **>d »»• of KN AP. HDPp * CO„ expire >7 mmtati ts. The hurinw will He eovtimifd by Cbarle* Kn*n. by w om h I d-WHtuts due to ®r fKd» tbo let* firiD will he «•* !d, t ,, 4 K| *fa?.^Ap AMHSBMEITTS. l PrfoEe-cf Admi^ 00f8a>80 pnd , scemta SesorviMS Seats* &o 0«n g. MONDAY EVENING, Angnst a j. AS DLV ISOT. E \Y EK, fiossgo ioni of the Old, 0.-.gfail r.rd Only « Campbell's Minstrels, EIGHTEEN INSBME2BI JToder (he anperTiaioo of M - °- oakpbuu,, DIEEOT PBOM New * oaKI LOOK IT THE it®, lift}** A'*3«r,£ T °t oa *Mr&Egr?y , A .,“ e ‘ SPiiiCiAA w.j J - H. OOHKWBLI,...' ” .'■ - « »bt SILVER * BRASS PI,A iEKS. asd Eiaiict(i^.*,jppp ffih4 tWrttj V’t''"'* " v ‘ - fCTTsm UHH p v |y. -t*. Was. awarded a —ATt*a- - B. ■ O- & DTEFENißtfrpt ~ T?o; ‘|n FKth'«i'r-'«^. Dissolution.