DAiJt rigsS. ILFE SSL PAHKKOt. BTBEET. BOSTO2- “<* Weekly Poe ) burned to take Adve* or BE at Oar Zmocal Jlni TUESDAY MOBNU. AND NEIGHBORHOOD UfUUflUlUb " Reaping the Fruits. holnLi^ 0 past ,llreB ni e htB the citv has beenwthom any night watch. The co“ twn^ 0018 we \ are in T>oaaesaion oi two items which undar other circumstan ces would have been lost to us. The first Is the attempted robbery of the Jewelry Store ff. Stevenson. No 820 T erty street which took pllce abont hLlf Past one o'clock yesterday moving Th e large plate glass was broken in which sxassa: M k th6 ? lett - Nothing waste e ’lf» Bh ' qa [ te a noml>er of valuable “y™ ® ere “* the window at the time. Yesterday morning, between quarter past two o clock and daylight, a pane of glass m the establishment of corner of Woodstreet and Diamond aUey’ was broken, and a rifle valued at $4O was taken from the window. Mr. Young had b ®®L ®f. the Btor& at quarter past twof and every thmg was at that time safe. This is the second time within a few davs tw this store has been robbed fl„ a n>orni ng a pane wa/brokt, and two ££ a rifle and a double-barreled shot two valued at $29, were teken. WW n“w’that o the deV i‘ itry WiU be cartied on, to be eeen. h 713 nnprotect ® d , remains Slowly Recovering. inni!}V OUDg l3tJy who was so brutally in. b \ mee,f Bmitb ’ “ear Blovlv Fif; tlf St "? eb - “ recovering siowiy. Her throat i 8 terribly iciared h^l ry - ma / h ?T o!len ’ “ d herbody isl brother would not oofy pay all exolna* 3 ject P to rtr but ab r g . l , he F°* bfsub 3 that.might be r.Ld?d WetSt o?Se“ ay _Tfce Gettysburg Cemetery. iiight other states have united with r?y-, the removal of the dead bv their friends during the months of AneJstaSd I September, has been forbidden ?hu“! been m .' Brater Preted by some — 1 “.« pierced simuUaneously through the head and heart by rebel lead, califd upon u 7 and informed us that the Quartermaster u a td| C 6 ¥ ¥ him ifaat he would not be allowed to bring him away at all but would have to allow him to remaU SSf he wa /‘ The Quartermaster"d" en 0r °f der3 wer ° most probably giv en with reference to the above order winch as we unJei Stand it only referß to m , or ‘ ths before mentioned, and is only intended as a sanitary measure. • Persons having relatives that they may wish to re move from that field, would do we°l to inform themselves in regard to the matter Man Shot at Wheeling. FrZ.? Wteeling Roister says : Mr. John Ca Pt-Smith's U. S. Kinggold Cnralry, was shot at theAthe naßnm about 11 o clock Saturday night It appears that about about 9 o'clock each evening the prisoners are required to re tore, and the sound of the drum notifies them of the arrival of that hour. Hons ton was running around; the prison till after ten o clock, when the guard called I the attention of the corporal to the fact tmT™ Pr T ner WSa ordered t 0 We bank, butyvas outrunning around again in a few “ lnate3 ; taken off his shirt and 0 h!n s’ ez °t pt *>“ P anta ihe began 1 rou s d 0n tte floor on his hands and knees. The guard told him if he did not go to his bunk he would shoot him.— Jaß Was soon in the bunk again, but in a few minutes raised up, when his shirt dropped on the floor. He was in the act of climbing down from the bunk, when thp.goard oale °f horses, farming implements fe.™ b.ss R “ iu B sS‘i 2ss?. ! iwsxir *" sasr»Ts*.s the widelXowL BUSsi r iNPEBBLE3 0f ta P bfe“h ne c enaC3a^Satn ° d^ 'have"fully C is‘ |jp f will endeavor to convince them of the ad 1161 J 'nZ Pe M ri nVn° l Dy otber now n U6 e' J. DIAMOND Practical Optician 39 * lft h street, near Wood. ”° tel ror !^e e n ioS a good SSpr:=^: T °° a - Moobe - No. 180 first. Btreet “«pS«HT ** ■*»»* p , josbph JOSEPH MEYEE & SOJf lCijrOTi.fPFpy.Rgff off FASitrr AIS I) PAAjtH ÜBE &©0 a jjg WA&KHOUSB. 185 SMXTHraLD LTRKH (Bmroa Sixth (treat and Vlrrin alley, Bel in th/p'dj 7 Pot osylvania Battery t 0 LLEUT - A. H. HARBOURS, Girard House. McCOEISTER * BAER, 108 Wood Street, ° IT THEIR LABBE tobacco, skcpfasb SEQABS, at the very lowest Cash Figures, elsewhere < ’“ miHeour «tock before purchasing 1 fy23 3taw In this State p “ larsor Btook tkan any waolsaler ipi^i ' lyrahand. assortm “‘°f Coweta constant- PeuTt°!3i" W 1 dePartmont “I" “bnrge of com ?a 49 Market, cor. 3d. or tftAND MASS MEETING OF Tin: FRIENDS OF BAKOATKb in BOOTS and SHOES, assembled daily at ffIHWMT BAIL SHOE STORE 62 Fifth Street, of BCK)TS t^d 80 SHOFS 0 Lv 0 K^ ingiy low f rie Which has been adopted Closing Out of Spring Stock, ehaneSif^TtiolPilfJ^ 10 * 0 ““owed of Di al homef doesnot£«t «S? 1 V u *’ on «<“nination Purchasers? * St “• tntu, o tt PProya! of the mbmbbe the place, 62 fifth street. gbavel hoofing. *W m "» AT LVPTOIjOLDDM «ScC©., Fifth and Wood streets, sooond story. ]4)ft SUGAB CUBED HAMS, No° Evans A Ce. W 5“ J. DDHLKHY. ast from fz fin? 1 7 2 t sth ’ Btate that every bodv is talking about the great fire fire S hp StoreB W ? re enlirel y destroyed. The fire began on the 22d inst., and ia atill burning, although now confined Z ,u de ?he fi th "' fat6 of E V morB8 t o orJ hiCh ed * 600 intended to'be rnf « nant ' tle \ of gooda blockade were *L T ° Ugh l s e federal om-o » ? ere a * Bo consumed. Ther* fcSSiFv-™' timwed Th» V} hlB 18 , de £ ided| y under ea portion of if i? u \ ano ta us save a -as the firat JLtd^aUti™'^?.^ .h. ™'„‘h"‘eS is'rs. .«w,V,X“Ki SSJteSTigw a.’sss.'sa-aisj'aia robbers when hecame npon Cant. Cnl«. T T ,1 5 a cotn P an y Of the m.h P Kansas who had come from Santa Fee to mee“ tba £J^SirL!S tore h oVt o h^[i^rKT o n x t byth6CBp - An anti Southern aascciation was bain* .1.; i n. wS™“‘* d or f as« m r vr." •• * a 7 ?rri"““ noth Rosecrans, and that there ? 8 no " ;:? 7 H ko P eW1 J the proa pects ot the Confederacy nnlesa Lee is v, b cto^ eVerBo lhelr miBfortUQes by a great •—*iJ?TBOaTH F Y* PirrsneEßu a '“k? 8e of Commons on the 23d Li?-, lhe , Confederate service He said it was well known that two iron-clad for P thrs r am n e W be ' ng built at Liverpool rkL-rlu Purpose, and he believed theV/ tb i? y Wer , 6 . a ' lowe d to leave Engllnd esult would be a declaration of War on the part of the American Government j American shipping had almost become made c'onf C d nBeqaenC ® ot the secures nlnrfd ,i, C f derate or awers, and he im plored the government to take stens to prevent the departure of the vessels He was informed that the American Government took note of the value o? everyvesael captured, and debited it to her Maj,sty's Governmont. He w^ L U tPr il h r^ f 0 T ed ‘ hat the American Min lnnrf ? ade .? formal claim upon Eng land to indemnify American ahip owners for their losses. No doubt the shin claim aa repudiated by her Majesty's Gover” ment out of disputed claims of this nature. t B he e r?euu" VeaDd disa3troQS might be course which, while it would enabfe his but it wenM N °/ th toget aII they wanted* pat it would pat a atop in England tn l h gl f lm J te branch ot industry. g £te accus ed the Americans of having built shins of ft rfrf °>h Rt,BBia dnrin S the Crimen war and with raising recruits in Ireland since the outbreak of the present conflict, ° l , r ,i Pamer3ton defended the cause which the government had taken, and CDQ d B n 6 D 0 distinction in princi-1 Lh be^f eeD f® ln S arms to the federate I and selling ships to the confederates. He appealed to the principle laid down on the subjeot by the Americans themselveß It was of course true that England h.j ll municipal law bearing on the a but the government Ld aw to the best of their abUUy a n d that a u7t t h kieb tbey °° Buit the emergencies of a foreign power and they would continue to enforce as fni as possible for them to do far nr ¥ r ' Cobden was prevented on a point of l Welles fr i7 m p re r dlng a letter from Gideon wetles in Parliament. The letter „„„ nevertheless, published in the papers It is dated 19th of April last, and te ad- Char ! 6B Bnmm ers, and refers to! Ws' firm d he/i? 6Qt ln Parliament that f, 3 firm bad been approached in 1861 by i the agents of the Federal Government fc" gilding war vessels for the i,North. Mr. Welles asserts that neither L°K lnd, ?, Ctl ? Was aD ? application f adl3 h ‘ a authority to Mr. Laird’s, or any other foreign ship builders, for the construction of vessels for the American , government. Advances were made to turn, however, on behalf of numerous biOglish and other foreign ship builders, out be declined in every instance any proposition to build, or procure to be built, vessels for the federal navy abroad Mr. Laird asserts that he is prepared to maintain the truth of his former statement, and offered to place the proof in Lord Palmerston’s hands. The Pojjsh question in the Paris papers continues to erinoe a strong war feeling. defiance 0 6 r ® BardB the reply as a Vienna 1 irr ‘ tation “ a,BO reported at It ia also asserted that the French Got- telegraphic. KENTUCKY ELECTION. Pl ®* AI HATAIA. FICFHT in ARKANSAS Foreign I*T©'ws Ao., Ac. Ac, Cisoinhatj, Ang. 3.-The Kentucky election as far as known, passed off qni e y. The following returns have been received: Eatis—for Governor, Bramlette, Un ion, 296; Wickliffe, Dem. 21 : Congress, Clay, Union. 30(6; Buckner, Dem. 22: 185? 9 w U m o S’ 11 3 53 ; Wickliffe, 3. For Confess, Wads worth Union, 312; Brown, 21. Lexing ton Bramlette, 618 ; Wickliffe, 307 : Clay, 688; Buckner, 161; Boyle 12. Georgetown-Bramlette, 849 ; Wickliffe, <>o*, day, 305; Buckner, 299 • Boyle St (4 , Smith, Union, 100. Covineton— Bramlette, 1,358; Wickliffe w n ffS. 8 'Smith, 1,331; MenziesJ 65?' Unton “ B^ rlty In i he state will be about twen lctedr n i;h]a B D Tdi Btric 8 trict Sy " Certa!nly raannnol kasreaolved “Pon the terms of woSld fn A° PortschakoflTß dispatch, and i 0 : forthwith communicate them. J TRJ? t-ATEST intelligence; mmiication n an^ a ti! r * a Wor ? * n act ‘ 7e com- PnH«V, ?d tie accord was perfect. hooeee of ? 24th, and genera. £* ! pressed at the Russian reply/ Washington, August 3 c *. i squad of drafted'men were sent forward to the army to day. Gen. Logan be “is"c.,S.‘ — a »' i.“A Probable End of the Entente Oor diale between Prance and Eng land. 8 Napoleon’s Mexican scheme will doubt less have one result. It will arouse the tears and jealousies of Great Britain, who will see in the conquest of the Mexican republic by the French the commence ment of a new era in the commercial as well as military history of Napoleon’s empire. England is proud of her im mense commercial prosperity, and always observes with jealousy the attempts of all W rr t 0 rival her in her boasted sphere. From this feeling arises er desire to see the people of the United States divided. It is this feeling which has caused the evident favor of the aristo cratic and welthy commercial classes hroughout England towards the seceded States; Great Britain Ally understands hat our commercial resources are greater ast outs r tri T “ us ahe had * rival tnres sL PP E t" moBt BD “essful ven- St- wTTyT sSrSKfiWaa iS she rejoiced when out‘ BatlZ ed - 1 M maoh as B he dared! ’ .Sf-*SEsffi£SSt never as yet fully cultivatedwlUleTe Programme includes no less a T “ than the cutting of a canal at p! heme oonnect the Atlantic and ama to which so fn«hte n ed l (Treat r B r ,Tn ole „oho 0 ho hrL^L7oTn e T F a ir a e ,le irF^ tak d e *»<■ dare assert that she would „ »„„t ” d we at once malts „„ “ a ID 80 °h a ease the Nrt ffla l n rr h T c with ded States mfd the En D =mr w“ 6 ' leon. Eo»UnH rm P' ror Napo she would have more i QaderB iand that alliance between R.»i °j dr |, ad from an from the reuTed Sm a« aQ /f DCe than feel assured work a™ e n S „’, and K Bhe Wl,1 > we ssfsaggs voys of the rebel Datl Ve sD en ; be astonished to hear at „„„ “ old not an EogUsh fleet K rtif;^ o T e ;,T!T,T dly eri 6 stTbtfn or nT:' I^'°' open Great firTThTwoTl T' 7 throw it off with good will P doubtiaBB no faith in the enfenil and where 6 brnh parties are so distrust!,, Ia ™ , • bot h accomplished a rn P ture 18 easily in ed >rectopTsUio f rtTn^wer 8 kno fiaion - i8 ally asserted that he did it withT 8 • a ° tn ' ta."»s3iSr“j •» “a ’sr arch of France thAt ambitious mon have .gjSMEpft inTvor n o P f e 0 ! JS :!!> he 8 -ept a as o ide to Uke o c W obwebaT suppresaiorifthf rfbeHion mP n?th T *sSSte«aif®Ss - for thepopulationli Old World ° M anbjoclTTT^ ifr FT w. D. & H. M’CALSUM; 87 FOURTH STREET. previous 6 series'of^m)' 1 ’“aving been bought plenished. Oust prances, and «ow ro of the season,) with th^n^sr^fs^® 611 ." s ™ oB CARPBXS, dIT CLOTHS ™ A f„„ vi WINDOW BHATIKB, &o.> — ——- aul A JbAKSE SPfPLT OF „„ _ Ilft “ d Eoso 69Fedor a %t Alferta^y, 1 B*. w J^VSSk,* ®Qniott a OocolneTWon's Kathaimn son 3 Soothm* Syrup, »"«» r«dy& jjf£ r I irM> 69 Federal Si mfEDicnrc chests shith** . for steamboats and families Th« ™ j, . ® and WO 69 Fede^S'st.fu^h^' - —^^sheny, ?. medicax discovery Mustang Liniment, Boerhave’s RiM„ m*’ urn-H Liniment, MoLane'f Pills and To " andforaale by * er olHage, applying mU be takea * number o n* door »^v;sStWis , i f|ATS- ‘ prims Oata ta .toreagdfbrj,!. b, *»* o«wilrtkrtVSdsi&: Miss., as soon as practicable. DQrg ’ i asrAft* can descent,” offers “unbleached A m!£.‘ .cans” as a shorter and The pienro pneumonia has appeared in A OD, n D ,S- h6rd 0f “«• oSXd £ f f' , G . onl ? ln S< ‘wo of which were found dead in the pasture. 0 1 ,-. T , he . opening of-the Mississippi ie' nn . hkeljt to produce any noticeable change in the general business of the Northwest* lepers BBBlll season, so say the Western! te S Er ' w? H. Knapp has been sen fnr t 3 to y* e Penitentiary for two years er nmemt 6ntlng falB6 ronc “ er ? to the Gov- 1 theTnjun^tfon' 1 ° n Weil . nes ‘ ,6 7> dissolved Railroad Coml pre l ent,n ? “ e Harlem Broadway? pany from laying tracks in I fixls H the potion o°f th^ 0 f ° r 1863 ' 000. Population of that city at 150,- PoSa E nd tO^S V l4«3°S)0 Of feal “?«*• in §10,688,204. i® 3 .™™, personal estate The colored residents ot Trov, who fled a d H r S 9 ed" Cen ‘ tronb,e9 ’ “Dispatch Come.” By arrangement our clever operator, Gibson, 0 ’ clocki furniallea I e telegraphic headings of the Cincin na i papers—anj sometimes when the ain’t J o ta k‘ °, eneral ” {i e — Nate - Cooper)! ‘ on , hand t 0 receive them, he fires a captured rebel fuse off of the window to | atoact attention. On yesterday morning he dispatch containing information of the hTj fr° ha H ' M ° PgBn ’ death of Hon. J j. Cnttenden, &c„ was annoanc ed in the usual way. 'nftHi.nrr 8 j. Charles replied—“Oh, SgSJS.'SkS fS£^^rlS=» W. 2J. lvptoi lUPTOJT & QLDDEJT, a-isurAonnuas and Dt-u.i Ea u PEIICBMEIVT & 6RAJEI ROOflfl ind “ oTe“S?“^ lr “" n EQLiq ee nf ..“ijmft shirts. aniT rorj h»nd« * Urg ® invoioo of new TxMa-k.il.> .MAOPUM &GLYDE. irM k 1 •• bet - Fourth and Diamond. POtt SALE ° a high slate of co ti".hJn Th.l Kro “ nd H the place on •fourth nf ihere aro upon Swini & foT p of 4 ns; , ss^2& ffiMrs ££;&*»£,“ rhubarb and a (aw aorde’lna ?. lot , °/ raspberry, in be&rina with flnJa. -6 nnd peach trees oomina choicest alnoT The ?? 3 hrubbery. all of thi with a brio* oottace w. . , c “ n,ain « three acres, and wash and lomi7^.' lx roo, i?? ud » hall! well of water at ?hT alt^ amf in the T. A M'CLKLi,AND^a ! mM AD0:l0n * er ' JOSEPH B, aueoessoß to JAS. P . FLE M| nq. DRUGGIST, Wholesale and Betail Dealer In ’***«aftsaisaias!g‘~» ”’*£SgiS3MSK’iu. m?22:lyd B VY TOUR SHOES Where yoa cae get A OOOD ARTICLE AT THE LOWEST HHICKS. JV IT. D. 8. DIFFENBAOHEH. Ho. 19 Fifth street. r oa«on»ble tenS! They«S man) Inducements lor nriwl* 4 *MM a i*j °Jj #r plan of lota apply at Sfotepf" N mySfmd rth St ' ° n ‘ Amt **wre^«Sthfl«ldfeu tfy> OS *>e OCT SAME OF StTWWa-n without regard to oost, oo misting S / Shß g f?" BJ „ k Mant «. CtajularTra! GoXof Umbrellas ’ and D«» atoclc Entrance on Martel AUey anWarbSt oSftt ou® pablio are invited to „H. J. ITSCH, ’ Dissolution. «l«in, be or from the late firm will be settled. KNAP. Pnrt p i( , v ■ , NICHOLAS k. WADE. ■ rt Hit tounjir Jnly L lflffl jy!B-2m |KCEITED A FBEBHBVmTOr BOOTS. SHOES. ' AND GAITERS, AT BOBL ARIES, 9B Market B. STEAMBOAT A6EWCV. ;.y M. H AZLETT Ha.opraodanoffio.at : -HO 80 WATER STREET, ITHMS. Corner of Penn d:St Clnlv m* Stndentien £ oxpexto.od a ■“ «“™sss«:ss PewMoftheOntoJ’ tSohea oS “ t l '®, beet BualnefflWritinff 6 * 011 * 8 raAni *fltal an if to, enclose &2>ltawd4wt£. &&JL£JS m ....J, R. Olddks. fiMAK CATHOLIC UIGH SCHOOL PITTSBUBOH. PA., WO. 597 PESS STREET, High MtablUhJwm 1 G^Bo w. cord ally 01t7 ’ i tho Catholics ol onr Dlooew. “ patron «° «i all !S““» ««■ »hi» I«. S: sSFHSFSSSf and;thooough eomsß^?^i!ii t 0 SSS^'fcat oarefnily instructed in are Arithmetic, Si boo? Mer cantile them to be u-oful anH bra nohes as may fit of the rarion° d a “ hf enUn discharge room, or or any professi™ ■ h? 10r8 or oonnting embraces a“ tL mmS?^ 0 1 ■*»«» th»- Ply to ProL Fw* a RiSf-i * “ylted to ap .tree, as so™ M.h» !r R K E i?L r ,f? »«OT*ISS&b. l anlfro£3t5 t 4p. 0 ff 6 daUy fr °® cont r intoJ h f”u 1 3Jm3J t l 0 1 ®' a prospwtm REvN%SEPH t M^^g H oraSdre t s jy2£>:d*wtd P * °* Box 1240 * Pittsburgh, Pa. 0 LosijrG OUT SAEE~Op SPRING 4 SUMMER BOOTS. BHOEB. GAITERS, AND BALMORALS, to make room for Fall Gooda. JAP. WOOD. Sowis marked down from It'to 99 PJ3B CENT. • me a oaU before purchasing elsewhere- REMEMBER AT BORLAND’S, No. 98 Market street, ° —— Second Doer from Fifth. Closing- Out. emnsEß obess goods mantillas SacQues, FILL YOUR PHOTOGRAPHIC ALBUMS. s,OOO OABD PHOTOGRAPHS [Only One Dollar a Down,,' Prominent Men and Women. COPIES OP FIHE PAINTING* AMP ESGKATINGS (Only One Dollar a Down. or Ifco Cents eeoh) j WttoetJi Stationary and S«w# Depot, «OTO»»t»th«fort oa<* Pbotogmpblu Albania or *n ■t,i ea . PITTBBPBQH PBODPQB MABKET. Ao,r - 4lh< “ 6S - ' Me. i Daring iCHT'* ““““leschangoa whloh cannot fal? J°£! v wc t&d “ ®ne rain crops, besides y a^f“efi^ effeet^the water in the channel f .^-f 031 ? oro departments was dull Mali its various In® -pWnuA i • I,# Tho demand for the lead sXd« ,oi r n,t< “ugly;limited, ourwholc fortheF.lW , “rtonai7o Preparations ftr the Fall trade; it looks as if wo wore to have “ r y 363300 an <3 an active one. The natural tarrae na ° Ur makcS 14 0110 of « rc » t topo^ tance as a commercial city, being pretty much in ? ??°f ral position, having KaHroad and water duties to an parts of the country rZI s„!. a .^f° e!y . 1111017 bow toqcote this article- The verv7m Motioaes T «rj limited and prices an J hostock bi first hands is not & tSTn'n^? W “ flra 111 Ibeir views and is on the T?B ? 8 deman d for export are looking np notice that prices j the opening Of th» oht caused in a measure by (was Hay—Demandj Purchasers flnd ,eady sufficient to meet the decani' P £^ r bo “* b arply firm with a good demand with Mariet ( full prices. Grain dull.ffir tlto the Bast reports dnllnirkeKArnSff s?®^® Si*” saloTofTn kki. in r tnodarate demand. We note Ih —* with K« a firm market lowing rates* salAa tr trom store at the f\»j. ' wf^fso^TS 8 thTJSfv.'FV 11 k th6 “creese. Sale B 25 bnshela atjSTfMLjEjf "kj 44 *art'Olu artie e, at $1 %l trash,' 00 ” bajo - do, a ohoice SALE OF SHAWLS, THUf OiaoULABS H&HJB A HAOKE. L 7‘ ass ™“^ B ~»»». Pl r a of AJm tmog, ap, 83anq B e»e*Te4a®ou,aoceaf fc MONDAY EVENING, Acauatad, of:th« OU. Of.gtoal m oa , • Campbell's Mmstrels, I Under to* snMryfeioa of'- ' ' ;»*. o. GA&gx&ibr.Tl mUBCT PBOM WEW Yoas i WOi AT iE lISES! s j Darts, , f.tefi*' j-3 1 . Quliclr, . Mawsr&dy I & ft*" 7 ***' V Eduards, and others equally taUated. n..„ Ag , (> SgBCXAx BTOTIOBs * *.;coasi m£ZZZT~ 1 1 ..... coßarwEiiL'&'KEK l^^' 1 CARR m MfMffiS&i SILVER & BB AS3 PLAMBBS and maEumcfareis os 1 jb. ■ *~%tmiS3k, WTTW N ° T TBE " a ’ WITH HITHATfi OF f ICinail F" CBr STA»OaO-S lIAm DYE, ** Certified to bo PCRE-SAFE-DNEOrr^^ ; b y Dr. Chilton, of fcew York, pBODVcEs eCin^?emista jurious to the hair. 3 ‘“Sredlent that phesEbva. Sitss&ssß^e^- ™I Bl a . VE -" fETI iar t isi- I I go*; A perfeot fnminHtVP,?P- fbeumatiani oodo, I Bead! B^dlff lc “ e “ a **•?« **s. This ITSott«&S»t C i^ t J L » Jnn ? l A USB. 1 QatasoySoreThroat-it waa taken with was so soro that to- well and coughed Tiolent:y. I usod*vi?n fc ft w f^ ow Mia meJe a perfect c££eln otot/eT 1 W» loe >}‘ “d Ssasi^* ior jylS.-diw.-lmo oric - S°l:- by alj Druggists. ISESfcSSfcfSH*' I T . THE HSAUSO ABT, Stt««-bV l Saiasa,«^ fes&ra^jaSsJSM Pills care Bilious DiiiKiS -El 110 */™**: J ««M I Chronic Pygentorv •}S J 2f%i Chr»»afo iarrhoe. -Of the Bowels •ooner l A*wF-^©VcrsandAffeotions Mcolome wJSjsiSs*a CASE OF EGSCOE K. WAToON and on the RapnahanVTru.bi^ ai s i^on “ handirut many of ialmoaih, lip arifcea. Tho^rmy(We™ d *, J'J 111 btuotudi- I was reducedtoStaaßdbSm? 1 S m„ caro i°*- and death's tojsuMrfK£S b: “ «fif fi^Uftjiasg; Mnd you^l?l£tinr! < trttfah; f jf So* 00 * 1 tire oompany would sigti “ aftOMSa ry. the ea* I am, reapeot.u jy y oulSi ftindpallSoc, St °?‘ R ‘ Y ' p.f^a b iis bo “^ JyUdifcihPh gasf^ESSSuKfs# to b«t» for the etutSryS “**“ £ier«tor Co.. JTSS-td WltMlsU * ®o Pwetor*. tpHE WBBEIEB S WIISO.V Sewing Machine TOu awarded a MW MS PRIZE HEOAL, ‘""My-the—* WOHWS FAIR LONDON, ENGLAND. where all tbo H&ohlaotQf ..:. ECBOPE AND AHEBICA were in competition. A a e‘v^ Indastrtal Peru I UMted States FaSr j there were sola during the^&£°““gj“ a *> I ssSsr^g.^WSaastt teSIISSSS™®'"™ C E ISffi S ( ffi TBACTS AsMnnd Flower* AHma Amaiyllis gssr B i Wggjmwwa ! Honey pe « rookie 3TO Ctabt iind • Jonqtdlle, - Mojusellne ■ MlQeflenra . MwnHi, . AanrsaMagTs ASi) DP :,IKO TiiE WEEK, eiqhxeen jQr ; in?Arßsa»