p. Ba li€«H«U€ A HIGHLY CONCENTRATED V getable Extract, A PURE TONIC. • Bp* GERMAN BITTERS pbkpark, by, DH- C. D Philade) piua, Penna., effectually Qare Mirer Complaint, DySPEPSIA. JAUNDICE, CnrvoittiWfllorTOiu PnhiHty, 9 tbe Ktdnexm,a^San DtoeStS Arl»tn« from alMsowlerea^ I-lrep or Stomaoli, ' ' such S 3 Consti pation. Inward •- - t 5^ c J» Fullness or I Bioodtrftha Heal ' _ Acidity of the Stomach, J?!Tp®t ■ difficult Breathing, Eauteinß^tft? l if?A+ - feb p /L ta of E v i l, and preat depres eion of _ , spirits, u» 70ly CTevent YeHcw *««. Bii> : W ALCOIfg^oW^wHTSKT a h r u°ai?4 b ° Te sleepweH ? j r£un£? U ‘ * «»*** «-» vlgorona | If y >a j ri^?lJ^ oaew h o ,^ 9i T € and will have a Ta™,**. T el,e„ . any of ,l"rZ'Cfe the murhi-t a;u { TC.'/I c«»t mn<-li leal yi ’» . ? M art rtmmrtae, a f HooflA“d ? s ‘ -DonnecluTimtA a good a-ficfe ssVXsr- ,Aan r STTENTIOT* BOLDIEBS, ANO THE FKIEXDS OF SOLDIERS kSSK 1 z e £ m ot .ie SEJMS'£?£■ .. tocamp Jite In th» Hutu nnknlh pomon are Buffering from debi-ity. Every o2e ■ £I§»™ "ESSSSX -ass sr,-, WooUl particular attention to the following re markable and well authenticated curd of one of ho nation's heroes, whoso hS kff an* uago"has bwi Kj tte Bfffers _ Philad blphia, August 23d. 1862. ■ ' n~¥ w '*;r <> ! l . e * * -®® a ’«t-"tt"Welligontienien your Hootfind s German hitters Has saved my Uhf Ihero ano mistake m this. It is vomhed forbv numbers ofmycomradm. somo of who., e™ o7 allth 1 !?^. 03, and gtt ° wore fuJvXVXf - **■*<*• ■ I^hanthave oomTor the last fouy years, a member of'ohar man 3 celebrated battery, under the immediate : fc B. Ay res. ThrouShtheeg! JP*. 1 attendant upon my arduous duties,' Iwa ?“ n ijovember last with inflamation o) S? d wa ior seventy two cays in the hospital. Th s was followed by great dehilirr ’ heigntened byanattack of dysentery I wlsth? n K?h :f " , ?? e W'WteHou?“ anT city on board the steamer “State of Wcirm ” fW»m % 'Smfl I hi“ 0n *ke2Sth °f June, binco that Mn e b ? e?1 aoout ,a fl taw as nny oie oonld be and 8 ill le.atna'park ofvitality; Fora week o L“°C'>l »a» -oaroety able to swa low anythin* a moraol down, it was imo.edi afely thrown tip aga>n. Wl one. Jvised me to see a clergyman, and to make raoh uisp.'Sition of my l.mited fnnds a- best'snitf acqnaimanco who.visited me atthe ‘ a ' d .°l lok Steinbron. of 6th below Area Street, advised me as a forlorn hone tn trv yourßltmrs and kindly Proonrel u b5?St Fr™ bhs time L oonunenced.takingthem tho shadow f death receded, and lam now, thank God for it. getting better. llouKh I haviSbut twobot nTiiln haTog^?6 ?. 10 and feel sanguine Jf. rl!l5. pe t lllitt r d , t 0 rdjotnmy wife and daugh ter, from whom I have heard nothing for eigh teenmonths; for. gentleman lam a loyal Virgm m?k!n»w.pai«°m r ty ol K na , C To roar 0 Bitters I owe tbeslonons privilege of tome to my bMom whoaie dearest «- S^MSol^totetSjS. 6l ” B °°f LEWIS CBEVA LIEB.W N ‘ V MaIDO4 •msmStifr-* katbvmei b, Thomas v 0 -„>, d ifTOßewj KIHBAILCo A &vi t * Va ; JOHN JENKINS. Co B. Io6th Fen?Z mont J, bewa&e qf aomfrEßFEiFa. See that tho signature of "O.M. JACKanri a lion tho WBareasoflar “hoitim UKSOH ’ ' PBIGEPEB BOTTLE 7S CENTS n» H4LF lIOZ, FOB (4OO* ’ ™ " fShoffldYbor iibarertdraggißt not have ti e Stlo. uo ot be potoffby any oftbe intodoatiny i'2?s“* h ? nS ‘J l ** “OX bo offered in its clacei hot pgig to ns and trcTrili fonrard. secnrtiy packed fi 163 r JONES & EVANS, M. Jackson &C 0.,) gm>* n . , L ' r °P ripton every o. at. keysehL E.KSCBVabtz, Wttoborji. " :: USOXioOHKMS. V " Siaithftafaf and Fourth atj t t \ A. J. BANUJN it CO., i i , t br»o doon bolo? dth. PltMMitii if:" id j • - , . . ~ i | } ost. Lrr? Editor & Proprietor. ~ r ~ ~~ mujn.u "... MONDAY IWRIVTIVA. AITftfTST ft T MEDICAL, Special Corrospindence of the Chicago lime! Was HlNctox, July 28. The events of the last few days have strikingly illnstrated the worthlessness and unreliability of the “reports from the op posing armies” which have been furnish ed by “the government” and the agents of the administration, and which were tel egraphed, under official sanction, all ove-j. the country. These reports, put forth tin “er the sanction of the War Department, assured the country that Lee's army, when it rec.-ossed the Potomac to retreat into Virginia, was utterly demoralized ar.d rout ed; that Lee’s army was flying before our cavalry in extricable, contusion,—its bag gage trains, artillery, cavalry, and infant ry all mixed up together; that Lee was Btriving with all his might to get to Rich mond, but that our troops held all (he passes in the Blue Ridge Mountaine, so that it would be utterly impossible for his ““7, §et t 0 Richmond, Lee’s army i would be defeated and captured. I eipo- 1 sed these falsehoods in my former fettera, I and events have now proved them to be such. Up to the 21st mat., a movement towaada Richmond formed no part of €en I Lee s plan. He remained at Winchester] watching the movements of Gen. Meade I ihe latter officer, whose good judgment in this campaign entitles him to the high est praise, remained on the eastemsideV' the Blue Ridge, between Berlin and Ash- ’ by s Gap, from the 18th to the 23d inst 1 Ihe purposes of Gen. Lee were still on-’ developed. Not only was -the rebel Gen eral still at Winchester, bat there was I reason to believe that be contem plated a return across the Potomac, -perhaps an other campaign to Pennsylvania. The re ports of hiß haring been reinforced from Bragg’s army assumed at least the sem blance -of probability. His pickets nr, to the 23d, lined the south bank of the Po tomac from Bath to Harper's Ferry; and Gen. Kelly s troops, between Hancock to Cumberland, were having da.ly skirmish es with detachments from Lee’s army.— Under these circumstances it would have been culpable in Geo. Meade to have ad vanced any farther south than Ashby’s Gap, since to have left either that pass,’ 0r ® Gap, with a weak guard 1 would havp.been opening a.doer to Wash-! mgton throogh which, by the way of Al die, Gen. Lee’s army would be sure to march, Besides, the distance from Ber lin to Ashby’s Gap is over thirty five miles, and that is a line quite as long as ais army can hold. ‘ “f* By the 21st however, Gen. Lee became convinced that Gen, Meade was too saga cious either to follow him on a wild goose chase down the- Shenandoah Valley or to move rapidly down the east side of the B.ne Ridge io an attempt to- out off- his retreat to Richmond, there by allowing him an opportunity to slip through Ashby’s Gap and get in Meade’s rear. He saw that GenV Mdude was too good a soldier to make a false move, and that Meade had compelled him to make the first move He made it, and hiato ry will record that it was a move worfchv of a graat General, for his position was a difficult one. On the evening of the 21st he issued his ornersfor the movement towards Culpep per, and-the columns were set in motion on the morning of the 22d. The, corps of Longstreet and A, P. Hill moved by way Of Front Royal, Chester Gap, and Little Washington ; that of Gen. Ewel! bv way of Strasbnrg, ThOrntbn’s Gap, and Sperry vile. On the 23d the corps of Hill and Longstreet forded the Shenando ah at a point jnst below the junction of the west branch of that stream, passed trough 1< rent Royal, and crossed the Bine Ridge at Chester Gap. 0 Q the same ThoJfwa n.* OrpP A -S?- passin e throQ « h Thornton a Gap. Ay, this time, however, the moyement had become kno'wh to Gen M ! a r e ‘ 4 cav ? lr ?, raconnpisance, sent ont from Harper’s Ferry on the 22d, pro ceeded nearly to Winchester before they encountered any signs of the enemy .There, hoWever, they fell in with Gen Lee’s rear guard,: Who wera.still holdine thetown. iThe line of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, from Harper’s Ferry to Hancock, wasr also found to be clear of rebel troops, although a reconnoissancea indicated that Gen. Lee Was making a movement southward; that the movement had been mßt commenced, but that it was being made with celerity. Gen Meads now moved with equal celerity. The Bine Bidgeas Sumer ons passes. He did not dare to leave all ot them unguarded. He .; was obliged to eave one corps at Ashby’s Gap, bnfwith the remainder of bis army, he has ehed to Manassas- Gap, hoping to interceDt there. Even in doing ? sohe to , leave Bnickei-'s (fap em tirelyppen and .unguarded, and he conld not know certainly that this, southward movement of Lee’s feint,iaud that, while engaging Meade's attention at.Manassas Gapwith Bp m 0 f his force, he .was not really'bofdmct the ■pnncipaLpart of hs::army.Yn:: r esirve be! tween Winchester and Front Royal ready I to haw through jSmpker*fl;^^^ | P ool .* o wotud find it unguarded, hnd dr «?l£w. 0n uP Gern Meade conld rot bat: Sfention, and- -■!. I C: - i | _, [THE DAILY POST—ADVANCED BATES. One year, by mail... .. ffix months " One - •• ..... One week, delivered in-the <&£** ** ?o Single oopiee J ® To agents per g gfj S SII„ ADVERTISra ««ATES. _ FOR SMSmss SIATTKR. JJf? I*® 1 *® alOO AOTM tosertioiu 135 Four months.... 13 00 »2® Five months,.„ 14 00 152 §?, x montfi-L, i 3 oo *j*rw weeks 500 Nine month a, jja 00 One month 600 Ono year-ZII 25 00 w ™ K ., CH OEA B I.K 3IATTKK. W “i?AIS! WB ‘J 10 ? °( a w»ay ohange of matter, to no Inserted among new aavertißexnents. P * B SISOH BVBBT Dfl Twelve months. $lB 00 Admlnlstratore-N0ticea.......:...;:.;::""- 2 25 Marriage Notioes. ; _ . :22 Death Notiees. eaeh inserHoc. j 50 IIA IX.x "POST;. FBOM WASHISGTOW. Lee’s Movement from Win Chester to Culpeppers HOW HE ELUDED GEN. MEA Energetic and Judicious Movements of fieu Next? A Peninsular Cam paign or an Overland March P therefore hi.,, march towards Manases Wap was a bold and vigorous movement. ■ of his columns arrived there ?l 2 M> and found the Gap held by tv, i £ o t federat \ s ' who were i apgarently, menT ™ arch , through. An engage-' J”" ed ' "h'ch resulted in the re- of .the Confederates to Front Royal, that night the main body of Gen. Meade’s army eame up, the Gap was occupied by -our troops ,n strong force and one corps was Bent on to hold Chester Gap. But. “ f ka p pdy, these dispositions were made a few * l , OQ l r , 8 too late, although that was unavoidable, for the troops had marched ™p.dly and they had a Tong distance to Ge?Ll P^? nt attBmpt on tbe P^ f ' of aggaa (C 2° rCB “/“/age through Man assas Gap, was, indeed, a feint: On the ■2Bd, nearly the whole of Hill’s and Long n™ 8 corps had passed through Chester from s?*! OD - the 24tb the y made the march tn)m that point to within ten miles of Cul pepper. It. was their rear guard alone a battb? of Man 8 trQ6 n tha ? ad fon S bt tbe * Manafiß “ Ga P to. order to delay Meade s army there, and the ruse was successful. Gen. Meade’s whole iT wa a » .o h 1 Bt , er F ap 1116 24th > bQt then The I . ate ’. for everything had pasßed. The campaign is oyer. Gen. Lee is safe at Culpepper wnh his whole army, and . 8 6 “? re the Kappahahnock rolls be -1 uru tbe °PP OB ' D g hosts. be done? t 0 • d °“ B Do r ? and "bat will C d °lf 7 J Pt 1 ?„ not t 0 be Supposed that Gen. Meade will set down quietly at Fal 1 Zl U -, S n d WBBte , th ' BQmm ' 6r in activity or at anv nt*h >t d ° K hi ”> remain ther£ 8 J" ?t any other pomt between Washington and - tbe appahan S ock - T he whole conn for m„ desert ’ “ nd ev erF pound of food I toMmf 0D “m h ?- Bes haa to be brought ( to him from Washington. He will have do .° De , of tw ° ‘hiogs: He will either lovZrl 1 / tte T pt , l ° march on Richmond and fi M’i Ca i CalatlnK of CoQrs e to meet and fight Lee s army on the way , or elso i tbead “unstrauon will have to organic a ef rJI rT 80 \i C : ampa ' Bn “gejest the reb- I n iyoth, ,°K wonld please Gen. adontad r aa ° , ha n e tbe form « eourse adopted I was the first to assert and de monstrate the impraclibility of an over aod campaign against Richmond, and onr unsncoessfnl campaigns have proved it, Ido not believe that Gen. Meade will ! willingly undertake a fifth. By a properly organized Peninsular campaign Lee's ar^ k^^But 6 l efea ‘ edand Richmond be tn ten. But the administration have deter mined that they will not make another Peninsular campaign nnder any circum stances ~ and so the matter stands. The Three Hundred-Dollar Clause. The Abolitionists are trying hard to make the people believe that the threo hondred-dollar clause in the Conscription bill, is the very beßt feature in that admir able statute, and accuse those who obj»c' to it of being disloyal. Thaddeus Stevens, mnehT'k" n < * rto , io, y Dot a traitor, inas much as he has always favored negro rep iments, and believes that "John Brownes Mnlia marching -on,’’ and yet he said in his speech of February 24th: 4, 8 y this law, every man, whether he has any con ™ L^Vi 0118 Dot ' who looses to raise uree hundred dollars and pay it into conn.rTTJ’ m “ y refuse to serve hie of con?. - 1 d ° D °e reco S nize the proprietv of conferring such a right. * « f wi f. exempt nobody, so far as I am concerned, rom serving his country, excepting those who are religiously opposed to that mode [of doing ,t. The rich man who has no conscientious scruples, in my judgment, refn D °, more r, 2 ht J ® hen he 18 Craned, to and , fi S ht the enemies of his th t" lhe ,P° or man who cannot raise three hundred dollars to pay for ex XT" Agththitl T ostard3 i ‘ am ™*<*' A Good an 4 Beautiful Idea. Ir> perce ‘ re tbat - Governor Curtin, of Pennsylvania, has hit upon the happy I thought of buying some ten or twenty acres of the great and glorious battle field of Gettysburg as a cemetery for the heroes who there laid down their lives that the nation might live. This beautiful idea we hope wtll be fully carried out, in eluding a special division of the field to the soldiers of each Stste connected with the army of the Onion, and a notional obelisk on-Cemetery Hill, with the names ®‘^, r£w f d u P° n ‘. t , of evel 7 regiment, and ] with a book inside containing the name. State, regiment and company of every soldier in those three days battles, and in the outside incidental operations We are glad to be assured at the same time that the Onion soldiers of this war who have died on other fields will not be forgotten, but that in some suitable way I the government will preserve their names !<»• theorem embrance of a gratefnl poster A Genius down east intends applyirg for a patent ior a machine, which, he says, when wound up and set in motion, will chase a hog over a ten acre lot, catch yoke, and ring him ,\or, by a slight change r ch ° P hlm into sausages, worb hiß bristles into shoe brashes, and ! manufacture his tail into a cork serew. REAL ESTATE SAVINGS INSTITUTION, incorporated bf the LEGISLATURE OP PENNSYLVANIA, Open for DepMitefiom 10 .u. m 2 o’oJook n_ SATURDAY W*Offloe, 63 FOURTH STREET. IN TEREST ALLOWED On Deposits in this Institution at SIX PER CENT. PER ANNUM P *f a . bl ° to Depositors in May and Novemb whioh if not driwn. will be added to the pria pal ana comjiomyforf. PaESiDsuT—ISAAC JONES Vice Paasinasn—W. B, COPELANj. jssTHPus-- SMMUryandTreasarei-A. A CARRIER; EiTEIW UIBCOVEHX To Strengthen arid Improve the Sight Pebblb Russian Speotaoles, P“s°®s stopfeking from UK. ole Spectacles, Which have been well tried by omny responsible atUens of Pittsburgh and vr whom they have given perfect satisfec tion. me certineates of these persons can be seen at hu-osioe. ABwho purahaae oncKpair of the Russian Pebble Speotaoles are ontitlea to be supplied in future free vf charge withthose whioh wflf always give satisfaction. Therefore, if you wish to ensuro an improve* meat in your sight call oxi J. DIAMOND, Practical Optician, Hana&otartr oftha Russian Pebble Spectacles. ‘ ianl6,wn tohalf-starvc ! dig h®r Indian. Althjuah to ttmulands of trank'ad Idols but an o rpty thi g. a Ste told *y an idiot, ful of sound and fury, signtlfijns nothin;,’! yot tho fewest of us wish tha talLto be "di*nntih ued:" all want it to last lth? that idter min bio one of -ylvanns Cobl®tn He v cwTork Ledger. Wodont ,now the ®te of tho author of thi*, but give hisrccapitalatlfitiof ibo reasons whieh prejudice him against djjcK during four specified s-aso *s of tho s car: I wad knot dyo in winte**. When whi kio p mdip^h— When po »*y eals ai* Rkitffc'p fl ar ticlrfs of ic-ard 6fiq— When e as3 ge meet is painne. & hfckr* nil 8 1* rfiirk i#' OwsJ whoknd think o' qf&hins, i 0/«ven ffettia'slok? 4*v • - * ’ I wad knot dve In apring^tne. And miss the May mnoi?* beam» Sc re pooty tong*< f the%Je ftoga, The skylark g nlrly 6--ti%Tr * Whoo bards boirn tbaro ttebiUng, / nd tetersirn oapr ut t Y'.. Whon fnrßoya gn & gobbt.-fcig^ I wnd knot ihea peg oo|' . I knot dyo in summer;’ • At d le *ve tHe garden The ro .3 ed lam botteribilk— - pifuo in the g'au; I wnd knot dye in inmmar/", 'Vh n uv<*ry'b n< i-» b^f. And *ave th* whUtie ow liba— Owel no, Fd ruthor net.j* I wnd knot dvo r-rt-.m. 'V 1 h fl» f> r Whentbow-vykoroi
"a^atit u HOFFMAN A EDHCSDSOS DENTISIS. i All work warranted. 1 L !2L^ m:thncld stre «*- Pitfeburk. Hydropolta, or Garden Sprinkler. A JTEW ASOt'Sß’n, ABTICI.E pj)B p «'»‘ -IvLDcXi KKT.LT. 164 WoSt SL _ 000 door from“SiJth (i*!™ rOVUBESSdiI. ir.Kh. n rcrTjaporinrqiiathT.iastree'aat W ■ t- sc U -'IKHTZ 4 CO - my2s 7.V SI Filth St CHEAP DKY «OOJOS IV ;? w ! s , THE TIME TO KECrttE ct i! \f c ' I ' ini,ln Dress flood* Shawls, Clstfrjnd pj'k Mantle oi tiao moat fa-hiooablo ttrlSlft b]Mcbo>4 and bifanof.! M >!-n Palicci iMMm Mlk .Sun Umbrellas Ao . atereitlf redacejon cw all hw Dg boon j-urchwod for ca-vL tryfk* sold ohe*p for cash, rail and «rnor Market and «et a'reet. OORIORD grape. S V‘* ER J, OR VINES, AT SB 50 PER par foT iU °' ElLra VU '“ “ K »>" J. DUJfLEVY, Grocer, NO. 4 DIAMOND, myffllydAw **I™BUBGH,PA Wanted. nOUI.ARS A MONTH I I WANT • *jr to hire Agents In every ooanty at $75 a month i. to sell my new cheap Fam ily Sewing Machines. S. MADISON. Alfred. Me Wauted (ijkDOLLABS A MONTH’ WE WANT Agents at s6<»a month, expenso paid to beilonr Lvcrlattmg Pencils, Oriental Burner#, and U other articlea, i 5 circa am eent fr. e. Addre® bIIAW & CLARK, Ilideford, Maine. myfl:3roiaw pBITAIE DISEASES DR. BROWN’S OFFICE, 60 SMITSFIELD STREET, Citiiotu and strangers in need of medloal ad rice should not fail to give him a call. Dr. Brown’s remedies never fail to cure impu rities sorofulous and venereal affections Altc hereditary taint, such as teiter.psoriasisand oth* ersfein. iseages, tLe origin of whioh the patient is ignorant, SEMINAL WEAKNESS. Dr. B's remedies for this affliction brought os by solitary habits aro the only medibines knows lathis country wfciclraresafe and will speodiiy restoro to health. __ RHEUMATISM. Dr Brown's romodies oure in a few days this infal affliotaon He also treat Piles, Gleet, Gonnorrhoe, Urethal Discharges. Female Diseases, Pains in the Bach and Klanoys, Irritation of the Bladder, strict- ures, etc. 4 letter to be answered must oostaln at least ONE DOLLAR. 9 Medicines sent to any address safelypaoked Cffloeand.private rooms. No. Op SMITH FIELD TREtCT. PittvUorvb Pa. nolsd&t? DAUB & CAPPELL, S* STOCKS AKT *T All,© Sl®. WE HAVE JUST EECBIVED A large end well selected stock of Spring Goods, eomdstJn, of Clotba, Oaslmeres. Vestings. & c . ALSO—A lint sibek of ' *\ - GENT’H FURNISHING GOODS* Ord«« promptly iXwit.4, yi «n«htoj|glg| | The market continues in a very exoited state. hoiJers asking extravagant prices The l.it* advance in crude has been sustained, and in woe instances one demanded. In f-ct ho d ers have a decided advantage at the present lime The s ock in this ma ket 1 not lar«o. be s dos it will take a 1 ico amount to fill the sates that were p-evloualy in-do with the understand ing ihat the oil was te be d iivered in August. These pa-chasers hare made a good thing out ol In New York Crude advanced a half cent per gallon, ti e highest rale ft ro-cbed there bei g lncluding packages. At this rnto It wi I not pay the expense of transpoi tation. A fair I quotation in this inarhsr was 22?Z10, with a-d wi hout pa knges. A- the oferinga were small sales were likewise. The imports per .liloehenv river were A ' V - *•".« Rained. I.™ bb'.t Crude 100 bblfl. erode - There were but few Bales on Satur, day A few hundred I arrols were disposed -f at 2to: somowereas ing more, but »e .took in ti-st hands is not large. Prices w.r n un- I s. tiled. Grain very dub. there being no d mand worthy of notice. The stock on ha d is only I moderate- Groce-ies firm with a gold mult 1 changing hands atful ra cs. pcinclparly fo- h me trade. Fish - The domand has fill en off Prices were unchanged. The stock oa ha d is n t 1. rgo. I I Tbl , ? nP ~7" hlvt no n ' w feature to no-ioe The demand is restricted lo lots for homo u » «U?tow™' Eltr * 25®6 «: inferior odvn°cQ Cj Hjy ’ old fro “ !toro at the us^ <*-*??**-"*! in f toady de.P*nd at fJI D r*oe«. i good arno e finds do dlffiou ty In gett ; na Dur I ln *S^“fr ln * P ” “S®“ fv R mfficieni .. J-.ENOX No. 2,-i Fifth a reet. wttban o caflona an eat 70®73» n«t«. jis.nl«« Rye*ifli b el^tSfe ofBC “ on *" Sale, w ” • Mar u k< d fi m with a good demand. , saiea 3o bbls Dy Kcctifie shou dors at Sc. and for them in bulk at paosed but the? aro h-Id finuD at this rate loo*a. B ilk ai es are held at fie and amot ed at fio. 'om small parcel, clear sold at 6ffc looss- Hama firm. 1,000 pan canva-sed brought »J4o l ose. The feeing In the markot la fl nf: The sales rf Leaf Tnbaooo to- ay at Bod man s ■ arehotuo were 15 hbdj and 38 eases, as follows: •5 fih''* Mas n oounty Leaf and Logs at 11 60 and 8 7fi; So ess s eed leaf wrapper end fll er. ranging f oin 8 SO o 28. and 6 ca es Ohio seed lea! wrapper at 24 .6, rou-id. Receipts light. W. E. Schmertz & Co.. NO. 81 FIFTH STREET, Have Just received a large and superior assort ment of BALMORALS. BUTTON BOOTS, LAOS GAITERS, AND MOROCCO SLIPPERS, MOROCCO AND KID BOOTS. Ao. Ao„ Which they are telling a t vc r? 10-c prints. JQH JHABUU KAGftS. Bs ttlaets, • Vestings, ‘tailors! Trimmings, --266 MAMJUST BTUKB'i, OortbSlde, rHIUBKLFBU ' ‘MrtfTW-isi - - -■ COUHEBCIAL imiATION. Arbitration Committee of the Board ■ of Trade. tos* MHBF DAVID McOANDLESa Movdinenta ot European Steamers uy. . »«>“ IWW. Bav< nfa* “ July I...Liverpool..—New Vork Je^ nia -Jt 1-. H utha’n —Ne- Y rk Porsia T o ! r ?--I lv«T>ool Quebec It™, "' ~~t u " 4 --Liver[K>ot._ Ne - York No-a co'tian —Ti r Liverpool...No_w York Africa .- • J r ; y ’■•rpool Quebec GlattMv Tnl y }!— Hwpool Bost n “j°lv ,-ST r " 001 0W Sork ‘Boh-mi Je - iu"‘?t A way » York Canada --.July 26..Llv?3Sri:“._bS® rtOV AJISEHU. B idon —Jn y 2 -New York -Liverpool Asia 2?_Boston Livenwo gening Star July Y0rk....._ Ha^na J? l JjSo Nie djkburg —Ju v YorkHlUverpool Persia —27-New York.,..^Liverpool MONET MABKET, oormotto daily *o* rm vosimra poe? dt Kssnta. KOT7HTZ & UKRff, BKOXBBS, FTO. 118 WOOD STBEtT. The following are the baying and selling rate ror Gold, silver, Sta,: Baying Selling Hold 121 on gJjW-w-; 118 00 iwtnand rfotee... 123 00 EasteUi Exebange. — p M ls Da - Q Pbi! a de!pbia.;.r......r;:::v::: a Do3ton»..j,>;vift.,«»Yrft*v— par $ i ( WiN((|eni Exohanffe. Obwlnnati.'. fioaltfin** Cleveland.. ot tnula..'.. PITTSBUE3S OIL TBADE- Monday, Aug. Sd. 18d3. PROVISION MABKJET. Cincinnati. Leaf lobaceo. CwawSATl, July 30. MISSES AND CHILDRENS. EU9BND3. CONGRESS AND PATENT LEATHER, KID, ■J. BODUAB BICZ3 HAfiBK * HICKS, Importer i end dea'era in DEALEBB IK OILS. 8. M. KIB H & CO,, *iSWIOTO««M'O» Plure N <>' 1 Carbon Oil, „ m Jnrnm Pran's^VDep^P* sll7 SIRBET « oP», dundeUer t *«.. altered to bnrn Carbon Oil/She * Lamp and Oil Store of .™ E1 ‘ no *’ raiITBHE A isui . . 1?* Woodjn reet nrnr Rt£. PIANO DEALEBS, * CO’S PlAJfosi ' THE BEST IN THE COUNTRY, fcU0 ™* Pianos hove been reoelveo thU > beautiful 7 octave, Plain Case Piano, with lidiog D.sk. Uyerstnn*. Agraffe Treble, Ac. tne 6% cotave. Fame as above. Two octave, same as above. WARRANTED EIGHT YfcABS, For tale only by cHABiom m.trsic. 43-Flftli krroflt. JULY LIST SECOND HAND PIANOS. OVE0 VE Z OETAVE nOSEWOOD CASE I rw? t c " rn ' , ‘- withm-ol Inga, carced Mcsic I lrun Fnun '■ “»d« by Knan. Bal I- I IJl ' wTiT^Vio’nnd'ii : onf I#o IS3" C4rved Ttt ,o;a ' ttado <>* leo UOJ S' step: 00 neri lto ° n m e i,ti: 6 Qil^.&:^ e , 8U ! e Rosewood square' corners, made by flror Be-n * HsJey NY ia M-t.og.nTr oa o eorae.'i . * n, *< l * by Chicke. ing ■•i U aP® £ Get %Te G- nnan Piano.-.. **" 7 0do8 „ .l Having had a man employed fbr tho laktsix years oompound.pg the .bo excellent emedlS tor my.own practice, and having used th- a with nnrommon anccvss in aU that timed feel‘it 2 doty to set them befo the pniSe mmy eiL* >««?•« to think they for_ thefofowing ~ ' n ®S ’y : Scrofula, Cotrre, Syphilis, a> 3 blooi One t t? t «l , Stii fre “* ? im !>d'e«ta-.edftha n. De ai will co vmct any person of their fitness for thotedisiaaes ' ■ or Erepared and sold bk “ • m £ fttt/tf&SPVK SCD. 85 Smi hfieid *t.. Pit aborgh, Pa. WEIS MEOICAI DISCOVERY. AJfftr ions oi too Sid ‘ xvi.k ~ v aays jad Bladder, ■vtleli tubwi- ised by npwardi oi , ON® BTONDSED PHYSICIAN^. SJSSI? rlT ¥JSL i>ioe, &»'" wl “»H»® entire .jadeon. ??**» 25 w ,:r «neweiiy to«rnCTB being nraetiaai me Sii f i mam7 / ea ‘J 3 ra ness, will Insure to give satlsfiiefcio* «v»r *peot - ' ’tfirf -ejn 29 WM. £L FAJBBB fe CO* *MPM f&CHJHUTJ IPR fjfifU ggggg Dear the Penn, g, £. Fas3B2ssf Hanoi **•*■ towns' nv Tjg attwca Bgnpnft»! , A , £f? w»- ftu - IWcr, f , 7 mw afiTist BlMiFtrra3e*3, 1 : - S>» SO- WWStiOB OJ snfltew n»4 Meduaw ter &h> milla. and '£ jongbtfc-tn'ol^aidd^c^sawnSls. 107 Urtc at-:* c-- hp.ntf, I-cI&mJ-as j msdy tt^Bhit>. ■fSSppST sSa« tumP?- ‘IP ® ao itoejy masa^m !&§?** «■■*??*?%s** REMOVAL OF UTEHT MaKi E • *2?^®^SP 1 4 acjvasupon tho.saoristtTw!l r^^3 d rSh\SfißE4n?^ ! u u . WK*.l< BBltEUso, BtJFG GEAEE. v 1(V ® P* & PEnvtvva ml pS lira *'>« «*mKS2 CHABLas jU CA DW. Ljl (Bnowasor BoQma 4 Co,. ' n° RK p a c r ,m~ » MS «* W. BEIVnoST acToT Fomgn Brandies, Bines and (Tins, atniw B Bran*di^ 'dt^M^nh'ab^jS^V 7 ',- «id oth » o w E Bti " 4 So. eta Übertji Streep Opposite Ponrth stmt. 4.1 P s-DEA: -81tioVEA.24, 'as Forks. Saytike await atek. forage by • - I.oNti. twr tabard want MEDIOAi. TO THE - mmdt-: A£“®i*no;ant mi iff*).-.-. ■_ - - it Mod eat o f Ml dtnoml catiems. treat seomand delicate disorders, seif- BP® alnzse- *od dineaeoß or ■ ;, »anied. "0. the ignonmtand falsely mod sot ii-Ji't}?* shocked, and think it *£,uSSJtf ._«»* eorraiwor, 4.cr* 5"?, Wl \ 63 ' jprondfifiaspnsand daertitor.. the* jamily ohysioian sbonldbeeangoi) s tafcnorMioe thatth».dctlieean>. u Cr. BV.Av« ajs J. KNOX "29 Fi r »h ctffMit, OBAUtMi nr