lERIEME 11Mts• MEDICAL. A .: OT • ALCOXIOLIC HIGIELY CONCENTRATED V getabte Extract. prpitiv `TONIC, Dr. Roof 'and's , HRIA - kI'OITTERS tr PARVAklkurr, DR. 0 D,' OZS (1.1% Philadet phut, Penna,., Will stuantn ally ollre Itit ito l* -4 Cottipl.tin4 Dra.Epuli, ::JAUNDICE .Citirtinita. or Nervous Debuit ia tine gn tirrisintrtnial A DisOrdereti Advaatialritinuar!insys„ • each as Consti ,patiorL Inward Piles, Fullness o t Blood tithe Bead, Of aoitlihr. of the Stomach_ t t Warder= Wirral for F este or TV' fat in easel? the SW, Sour Fruetations, Sink taker Flattering ; at the Pic of IMO Stein itdh;EWllnniins et the tif4o .r.iM e ed and , 41)..) s Beare. VI or sun9eatutit ,mantic Ashen in toying P 'Maw& of. Vidal' tits Or w. 2 he fore e%;ht, Feverairdaall 'Rain in the Mead. Deficiency of Pention, i. lownessofthe Skui end es. Pain ui 'the Side, Back. Chest. &c. Sudden Flushe s of gest. Burn. bre z iraalesh,Sonidazt fs and of vil. .depree ito 21 0 r And will positively, arerent Yellow Bever. W iens hover, &a. THEY CONTAIN NO ALcolivir.4on BAD wiffissir They ward:ire the above diseases in ninety-nin ases out of a hutaraL -induced by iho extensive sale and univ DOputunty oo ot aad 's (1 omen Bitters, (persalare's" twistable) haste of ignorant onaokil and mum adventiners. have opened upon suffering anmanity the flood aatos of Neutrinos in the shape of pocrivbisky.tollely oan!potaided with iniuriorui i te tug and okristenod T o nic s , Stomas/kis and Bit- Bewstrie.st , llie liannoierahle arias' of alooholic preparations in plethario hottleasnd blvbeidied ham - duller the Modest appellation of Bitters; which, instead of curing only aagratrates diseases ml leave the disappointed suncreyahadespair. HOoFLANlPB44Elathfif,,i3lllB 1 Are, hot a now and untried tittle. but t biro stood the test of hitee.ri year B Y thtf - dulerr can public; and ttLeirjeputation quid' -safe, are dot riva ll ed by any similar preparation. The propriot rs have thousands of Lettere from the most eminent Clergymen, Lawyers, phyakcj ans an d Citizens. Testifying of their own personal knowledge. t 4 the beneficial effects and medical virtues of these lii tars. DO YOU WANTSOMETEUNG to STIZEZVOTZ. &IV rout - - DO yob WANT A GOOD APPETITE? YOU WANT TO BUILD UP YOUR CON STITU_XIONI DO'YOU WANT TO PIM WE,LI4 0010 WS U tvatar mom' inD Oft RAT VO US DO YOU WANT EN)" , Ort Do you want to sleep well ? Do yo feelinu want a brisk and rigorous • F If JAI do. use HOOFIAND!S GERMAN BITTERS. _Aka rtroi,a---l-t.{d. rtiornioz. u el i !Oki ii 116 1 .4 0,1 ,417 tViffdarT P A P ptl r terqUarf co sided 20gth e ee t eapeat whzeLy or common um, costing from o cul ner yain, the trate divusiiiiaby An= 2'hie e etere ofßlsera has caused and - wall co in us to cause as long as they can be sold, hundreds to dicta, ticaili of the drun krt rd. By thew use the s L ete n m o i kept cantmually under the snfluemY of 4 /- rohoini Stimulants of the worst kind, the desire for Liquor is created and kept up, and the reeultta the horrors attenddat upon a drstitkard's Isfe^ and death. o i-be those who desire and will have a Liquor Bitten,. we Plth it +th the following receipt. Get One. Entitle Efoolland's German Bitters , and nirrolith Three Quarts of Good Braikdy or 'Whisky , and the return will be a preparation that will fair excel In me d.:elm:a Dirteird trtiel nr: eltetwe (my of the suriverope,Liquoo &evens. thee new ke. O rid OR cost much leas. You ies/1 have all the 'virtues of 13000altt'S Bitters is sonneetwn with d good ar ticle of Lsow w ., at a Ewalt less price than these inferior pmearritiona ntUcost you. ATTENTION ; SOLDIE RS, • , AND TUE FRIENDS DIP. ' NOIDIIIRS Weston the attention of' all having relations or friends in toe army to the fact that ' 1100P LAND'd German Bitters" will' care nine tenths of the oisesse.s induced by ex PeSurea and Priva tions inoidont fooamp life In the Has, publish ed almost dally in the newspapers, on the arrival of the sick, it will bo noticed thatacorgiarge pror .1 portion. re milering from debilitY.. , . ~ e ry ease of thzt kind can bo readily cured by Iloofland'a I (fermata Bitters, Diseases resulithur from disol" 1 dere of the digestive organs are .pe,,ttaly , remov-, ed. „ W.4)kliNle EleilleettadDEL , iii stdking that, 14 these Bitten war ]rte mind art in 4 Our holdiere buirdteds dflives might be saved. that otherwsse will be lost. A We call partidulidtehtiOc6t thelolowing re markable amiSie ' then-Hefted ',Curd of one of he nation's heroes, whose life, to use hi. own ens uage"has been saved by the Bitten :" PHILADELPHIA. Auger 23C1. 1862. Alesses. Junes ,k-Evans.—lV ha snmen. 'km ilootlaud'a Gorman Bitters saved my life, There is no mistake in this. It le vomited for by numbers of my comrades, some of whose names are appended, and who were fully cognizant of all the circumstances of my case I am, and have been for the last four years, a member of ether-; man 14- _celebrated! hatte7,, tinier tha inuilediatel cotodlolOn.6. ft- B.'AyreS. Thiblagfillie ex posure attendant upon my arduous duties, Iwa attacked in November last with inflamation o f 1 the lungs, and was for seventy two days in the hospital. Th;s was followed. by great debilitY, heightened by anattaek of dysentery. I was then removed from the White Homo and sent V4O city coalman!. gmsteamer r.Staleaf kierineit,,lioth' wh lehT Utak' _on ilia 28th. of ~Inne. ckincp . that time I have bead. stork nrlbif gelinro be could be and soill retain a rpark of vitality: : new week or more .IVEIS `tinSCOIY able to awa low anything~. and if I did for-e a morsel down, it was imusesti atelY thrown up agent. I could even keep a glafsof water op,my stunzooku , sszobiamblacmartbr ti4:ftuttuto.. stanoes`l arta. knaoniibily Abe, _ph _ be who had beta working intlititlre• medal- Iy, to rescue me from, tht.graap o,ft isdpeputArch or, frankly toll ale- MO Oott,d 'danatrthriffor me,. sine. . lyisisel me to Bean elergyman,-Anct-bi-Inake. such uleposZtion of my limited funds as best suit ed me. An aciraintance who visited me at the hospital. Mr, Irederiek Steinbron. of 6th below Arch Street, advised ate .zars forlorn hops, to try year Bitters and kiiidly'Proeurel a bottle. From the time I commenced taking them the shadow t. f death receded, anti Inm now, thank fled forit, letting. izottege. - .21111 kluttetalteit but-too-bet- , es, I Wive gained 10 pounds, and feel sanguine of being permittgtte.raMi =PI Wife and fo r from whom I have beardmothing for eigh-, teen month 6i , ,, cattleman Duna loyal-Virgin ian. tine die vielnits , of Frtmt -Royal.. To - you r' invaluable-Bitters X owe theitloriouS Pltelletti of t agliolailittat to my bosom thmewhoate +43111)4 o me Male Verytruli,pours, ~ .1 4 14L4:0 MALONE. Wellallylooneur in the truth of the aboyeetate-: ment: *aa 'WO had daspairedofseeing enrooolim4e, Mr. 2dollonei restored to health. • • JOWS.CEDDLEIISCW.; Tat N. Y. tottery. GEOMAIE 4, ACELLET..Oo. U. llth.lff!gue. LEWIS CHEVALIER, 92d N. Y. -- 1. E., sPEN CER.let 'Art il lery: BaltOWP. J. Ig. _EASE a E '. let Cro IL .3rt Vermont. intsitz, xJERALTEE. Co B. . do- HE sil WEI'. MACDONALD:Co 0 Bth Maine. aronicr.l6_ ARD. Co B.Sth Maine, REENr KOCH, NB:l2d N , Y. ARTNAT LELI3/*O2ILIS; C r op. 95th Pa. .J. HI LL, Co A, 3d Vermont A si jaw Jo • ik. 13,106 M, Penna. BEWARE ini.T9IWArrSPE./.74. ik, 01.16*A.„.iti4"42.741.. JACKSON,'" U ember gsnru ttkie , -•-- • : - . rliAtt*Fatiggpamiastiw ?mums, on, - .itAL — r nozwzon 14 0 % - ' shout , " nut onrestilttunithit not have. the ar- Bele. up,poilio,put.of by anytetthetintailoating , reOaraDonttliatlizai be off in its Algae, but , send teu kantfwairiltr.sosurelgismoked ' seismal,: • , ' ,_ _"' - ll:Prittehal 011ie, - and Itauusseteri. to. Ws Aron street.. • .. . . : JONES & EVANS, (Successors to D. M. Jackson ACO )- .._'. ~- P ri:4-riett;ors oar N or esti Vliriiiiriata'sull deiiiiii in every wn in the United States, and - by - - - „Ilr.-41 IL - WETSE.I4,_ • ' , i ...,,,...:-. , LltltinbuwwlL ,••• MA* as ._.' _,,., . ,Aiso for sale-atJ 3 II FLtitilile' go t . 4.5 011, Ribr-ofthsiMmaiond Market street. ' ifongi . A..ilk• a wt- itriit'r , lir jromaCO , .. giszkesivia ham 44,. mo un f a alakti.4lllo4. alleglasus tgw, . , - ::.--- -..--,.... -;.-- 1.. 21.;•,..z(tz , n -o'3' T r - A —'L ; • , . - -.' "--.. -411ri:-5.3.`,1':12:-. ~. . • :.S. ' 41,-L i .., .. - : . ... . 1 • '-, :± i''': ./.! tt':!•-i L-if_iT I c,T .6 -11 'e—lrifC''lftt"i . , „ 1 b i.f . li t . -1 t_ii k ' i liiita).l . '• ';' - '':-;':"•-• ' _ 't I . A: 1111 `t. , f ~. r.,1 ; (Met r' t t t VA I; i .L! .' .. ::“ i V t .', ' ,. i ; t 'ln -', i * r I ..ri • '; ' -,,,,' "..: •- ' - - , .. .„. , , . - . . , . , ~ , . , . „ • ; i J . ,,,..11 . • ,:•:''' 1 . f , 1 1 • \ ........,_ 1 —l l „. . ... , lirr . 1.. , .. Lii .1: '.e I ) , 1 • 1 N • ~ ..t ' ' t ' • , W ~:,, ,:, .... , .. ~ : ~ , t.,,, !... 1,.. , ~,, ~ ~,, i , i .it I ' . 'll., At ,_,, . • • .1 1 : 9 Et: , i 7 .6 if :4.7 , ,4/ .1 . , • V , ..,, ...., , , , 1- . ._.. _ . . .., . . r, Eattif*'-,14 - .Arropitiletor.l rintrirr_vae. um a -..-.... ... - - `r i titkilitir , Y;Pbhi:=4:DrAlt(*) . .-- , % , --z:L.RATE4. .?_.,- , 1 ~ hn 'Mimi roar,'Wil#4l...—%.--,----.4.—.15t ' .- ...—.:-.. ........i.. 4 - ' , ....)• .' "... ••••—•—••••••......i.,..0215 . , - ma -,,,• ' , , ----..................4..: , Tal 011101/004„tieilYerlithi thetittr,.......,.,.. g: 1 ~,i Eftee;tr0piea1.:..r.......r...«........................ 8 , T01ge n t5 dred......,:,::.•••...—... 2 00 -.[ NEW Elr*V.llSESfi3i ; littEE, The tollowtne falai of;Advittitidas bave..tiaten agreed upon mate PribushOli. af the Pittobtrrk • Daily Prem • tck take eregt on and.after tbelOttt day of November.)ll4BB, on all rieff_contraetze . FOR ISIUNDING NATTER. , , , ~, • .._ _, • PIM EllNG lrliQpiailil,Sleppr „La ¢.- One insertion LZ.: BWI 6,6 Two mozithp.....4 2 a insertions.... , tOO Three eleet„ii . 0" crape 1122 Four inontiut,:.q.lB / thitk ......,,,,, •2 00 va m0uthe,., ,, A4.. 0, tra w ee „.. t ..,..' 850 ix, mouths... :...1. 6 6' et ; Three wae ...... ' 5 'O6 Nine montnawd, .201 t Ono gkonth :- - • - 6 06 Otte , Yeas,...a....- 25 ..#6:.. 1 6t €$All6/316.11LE Mt . /VER. '') 4 vr mob allows theprivilege of a WnegirOlug WI g . On:Atter. to bo inserted amon new . adverbonmenta. PIE strati Elque az , xviitilt Dl' 1 Six months:..,, • .Twelve montir.-.'. -- ..-- ".---- .. "S s S A dministrators'Notices 9 22 . Marnar Notices., . ......, 75, Death (Aloes. eaelitnaertion-.—...... - 5 , SS- All advertieemimla ordered , in •• for, on Mouth, or lees time, to be croak at the time of or DA ELY POST,": ! The . Wounded at the Gettyebur4 Battles. WASEUNGTON, July .... ,-, i . . ' A ' d i / q t lgl - 4 8 , 11 0 . i4 f4 1 04:494 - ii'Fliq ha's been' for same time on duty at, the field of Gettyabtirg, turniehet the &howl ing official, approximates of the woundel in the htfepital there :, St ; Union. RePq.; tlttfrati % burm to I.7fflk . ..... L4Zi ....... Sent to Baltimore— -3.7 From W e=tminstor .._,.,. 2.100 From Littleton ................ TotaL a .... .... Dedept take' . . . 1 • 3.817; Total Union watadad.z • - , Vidal wound MI Toial Union wounded in the, battle. Reletwounded sent of ' • • Betel %rounded rotes:feint... . Total robe.] wpanded`fia our hands__.. 0:49 Total 9n bcth Wdea in t our hands 20,342 To - obtain the -whole number of rebel wounded to these- figirrei3 there' mist" be • . .. added those at Chambersbug, Osrlisle, - Williamsport, Hagethtown, • Diartinebtug, . Winelnister, and in the numerous flrot , 'houses on the way, which will doubtless foot up at least to fifteen thousand, ma, king the probable number of wounded on both sides thirty-five thousand in round numbers. Too Much credit cannot be=glyen'to the lavish outpouring of every needed corn rort-bi - tbe public through tbeirommies —the -Sanitary Commiseion, Christian, Commission,' Adams' Eipress, Baltithore, Fire '.Departnient,‘ -Patriot' Daughters ',Or Lannaster, and other.benevoleot societies, the outlay of which.Milatheve been•twen tastind dollars per day for a, period I.t. ..I.3w_Liatax-_l4,_.b.ta4; Vetoer has there, been, a - greater. - field for benevolent sociatiea, - and. never was such work more nobly and thoroughly done. It must be acknowledged that with - the present or ganization of the army. the government has not, the, means, of properly .taking carii'cir.such a number of wounded as fell at Gettysburg, and if a battle anything is apprOaching the scaler of that memorable expected all the adventitibus aids that can be brought to bear should be brought ender some system , that wilLat onca•factili tatiftheir operation and ack nowledge - their services. - The- thing most needed by this benevolent society is means of transporta tion.. Oa another occasion they would do better to have less stores and more wag ons and saddle horses. 'The Mexican Empire. A letter from New York st.ys "The blot thickens." The quietness of the last few days has been suddenly broken by the .arrival of the steamer lioake, from Havana, 'With the intelligence that Mei ico was de clared an empire on the 10th of Jely.— Maximilian of Austria, it is said, will be proclaimed Arnperoy, if he will accept, if not, Napoleon is to select one. The Arolidnke Ferdinand Maximilian 1 Joseph, whclis named Emperor of Mexi• co, was 'bord in the year ' .1.&32, and is, ' therefore abpnt thirty-one years of age. IHe is a - brother of the present Empe -ror of 'Austria, and has bi"?.en ruler . , ' dver that department of Austria whiCh in- I chides Venice. By this coup cf.' ctat: Na poleon avoids an open breach of the sol- I enin agreement made by himself and oth er „European powers, that no ode of them would impose upon Mexico a change of ,s , 'OVernment. 1 'rhe news from Mexice somewhat start: ' led the financial and rnercrmatild, coubnu• - nity, and it cannot fail' to a /feet all clo gs of 'securities rather ,unfav•y ably, fon the, present at least. Gold advanced early I the day to one hundred Lad twenth.but 'receded to one handted - ai id twenty-seven and a half. In the breadstlika market the. hulers of grain and :flour were favored. .- . The War in i'alund. faris Correspondence of the London limss.l of less than :00,1300,000f, are said to have been raised in Poland for the expen 'Bes'of the war; and the Poles still declare , that 'ihey are resolved to ab ed thETia. 3 t, dinti - of - tireir blood in the cause. In the (mean time the Rdnrefau . govertonent is in- ' Ore Laing its armaments. Th e sandy is .. ' /and of Kotline, on which star ds the fort. resB of Cr onstaitovittLits•port,' its erten - fils,iand its naval stores, is strengthened on every accessible side. Admission to it is prohibited without em).exp•ress permis sioq of the governor; and a line of fortifi cations, fl oating batteries, and forts on the coast stretches from one end to , the other. - ,Tmcapit.r4. is filio 014141 I a;,,qtate of 4 efiriaki /Mho ~ 'lfoits- nf EllibtiA; St: ' P. 14, Constantine, and others bristle with cannon ; a.nd Finland, Livonia, Coar land, and Lienunia are full of trpon.q.z ; With all thealwarkkiti, PM1 3 #4114 1 1 TO peo le thitrleget - Rssia ' won d — yiel to P ore from Austria, and in fact, would do: great.deal to avoid war. The Invalide -say shat on the return of the deputation 'of ossacks of Orenburg, the first regi ent of that corps set out for the wee un Pt:Ovitidek:s thared the thitloPjtify 1 founutore regiments of Cossacks left he e line of 'tile Volga for aziosifitsigae&4.and thetitho whole Cossack army of Orenburg, ii readjtAo.march for 'the' • defect of the: couritr.v.. saah'g National l ira. t .e.Councils of Baltimore haveiresol- Ned hat the pußi l ls in thtpublilasebools Vrial be taughtUliPPthe Atonal size, nna thatan I)rtedinfdlitkag.. .8 4 8 CE `C mmissioneis lila be :d to expel such scholars from the schools. Fanny Aemble'a Life of the Bigler' 'Plantation. This lady's recent production depicting ,life } upon a Southern plantation, bas not .created so great a sensation in England as she anticipated. Mrs. Butler is one of the strong minded sort of creatures and every th. ing she toncltes she endeavorsto render intense. , The followibg is a history of the production in question : A wealth? , uncle or. near relative : left an estate conmating of an island in the Alta: s rattlntriver l opposite the town of Darien, Georgiakto,twct,brothera by the; name of .. I .l o2 tii , ,i7flßtlB,trientof Bhiladel• ifbnble'WA -Puna thee° ..Fann 74 Thel'elitti e m itself was one of the y finest sea island cotton - plantations in - the Pt , a!;.e 'Of %Ores ' on which , ' were some seven hundred sla ves, As a general rule, afterlliey had'oWned it ca few years,,n6 White man lived on' the island, and the negroesonany of them, were' born, lived and died en the island without ever going off it. ' Rufus King, Esq., had the.manage ment of the plantation, which he used to visit about once a fortnight, the. brothers often never seeing their estate for years. 'For many yeare the resident overseer tKas himself one of the alaven.. although- •• times they may have had.a white man. In dangercins cases of sicknettaadloctorwcinld be sent over for iu ahem, from ;Darien, and at stated intervals thelmstor of one of the churches was paid by, the: owner tag() over and preach, and , administer prin. natees, 1842 it was considered one of the best managed and certainly one of.the mbst productive plantations in that part of Georgia. These.partienlars are not gat h - . fired from Mrs. Kemble's book, but were well known by all persons resident in the neighbOrhOod. When' Mrs. Kemble visited there in : 1888, '39, all her habits were in striking; centrast with those of the ladies of refined society around her. TheLdisereetly shut th"ei T eyes to ,what was. going on upon the ; ! . .Planbitions, leaving the overseers r.° mam 1 age all ariCh.Matters. She kept her eyes, ears sad mouth 9Penx i ttnd. what is more, her hen moving,. and recorded aloft that nothing would probably have induced her to publish to the world, or in deed just.fied her in publiehing, except to let the world" know the wrongs which Englishmen were learning to applaud, in order to. divide this country. So far the publication has been well-timed. I The style in which she writes pill give the best eine to that personal unpopularity , in the Swath, which, apart from slavery, would never have made her visits to the plants Lion agreeable. With honest, onsnepectingness, she would look into things from which, other ladies around her turnedaway their hands, i and found it most convenient and cote urtablenot to see them. Ile; bold, fear acids, mueenline apirit led her into many ett*ge , situations. If a negro was sick, instead of sending for the doctor, she her self would take one oar at least. and some times both, and row against wind and tide, ',to the great horror of the medical fon°. 'to to fetch him, and see that. he tame, and that be pert ' ornied his duties. l i thos she saw for herself, arid acted to, the terrible-..amnian e e of lior 'lmahand., who was mortified to find his wife soon esteem ed quite unladylike, by the society of one of the most aristocratic portions of the South, - 13'413 ERIE What changes have a few years wrought? Mr. Butler and his wife parted. All those beven hundred negroes, many of whom ed never been off that island, nor their latheri before them, since they came from Africa—'all of them were sold by Mr. But ler before the war broke out. The plan tation lies waste. The very town of Dari en luis been been captured by colored troop; large parts of ft burned, and the old state of things generally uprooted.— Where the Mclntoshes, and the Kings, and the Butlers, and the most aristocratic gentry of the olden time lived, is now a waste, a howling wilderness. And the in terior life has here been uncovered by a most rigidly truthful and unsparing pen. The work will be an important contribu tion to the history of Southern life. Gen. Grant The Galena (I 11.) Advertieer settles the iszed question as to Gen. Grant's polit ihal status. While in the army he never sioted, but after be settled in Galena he declared himself a Democrat, and voted ip,1860 for Stephen A. Donglas for Presi- dent. It should be understoood that it requiree a good deal of moral courage in a business man to acknowledge himself a Democrat in Northern Illinois. That sec tion of country is more intensely and bigotedly abolition than even Massachu sette.or- the Western Reeerve, General Grant does not trouble himself Winch about ;polities' organizations. His business is -to obey orders, and win all the battles he an. . Knowing their 0 413ton:tors. The newsboys of London, who probe rhly are ae iharp as, the newsboys of this 'Country in penetrating the public sympa. Lades, ran, through the streets on the day :of the arrival of the intelligence of Lee'a operations in Pennsylvania, with the cry "Gloriens news from America--Inva 150n of PennsYlvania and Maryland by Gen. Lee and two hundred thousand con federates—Capture of Chambersburg— Ithrrisburg threatened—Lee within fifteen hciure of :Philadelphia-Baltimore and Philadelphia at the mercy of-Lee—Wash ington to be attacked and taken at once— A. strong force to take possession of New York.", ..„. euppose that the defeat of Lee and capture ..of 'Port "Hudson and Vicicsbura witichlorliewed,so close upon the heels of the intelligence was announced from the seine 'quarter as "disastrous wig." HAMPTON'S BATTER Y—TEN may": Men Wanted to•enlist in Hamptmr's Bat oterrie=e=ilelifiay Pennsylvania Battery fOnlly to LIEUT. A. N. HARBOURS, 4e16-tt GiTterd House. W. B. OLDOEN. jittrt i TON 4t OLDDEN ; KALLE7LOTOBARA +ND DZALIU LW AII FE matooriNo . . Viati4iErrairtfitql*Vii,Variiigei 1414-Meano ROO6 IrLadoira.4lo**Anigetr. , IStitihkptl.y.attentteit. to and warrazt Offle6; MorninOcist TiOttills, out* Filth Woyd ttieets.Ed y13.17 The Howe. ,_g, pphine. ativiitir er &WWefreitt *Mi. rievieCOMM . trrp-I tetl i = ahmittcnin n a Bowe _SesinghWatte.-ra .41ild lr i u = l ' eatf" esai nzk ail Pin" knalaßtVithitit an'{ at 694 Efil said? . . streets.' nossurmok, mrattdatsv"..l; Anat. WEEELT 31'40:11-1VING POST A GOOD FAMI&Y F EWSPAPER 7, , • ait s- t Price In Wrappers, FITS Oro & Di. 3103'5v,v., , " rass Founders. GAS AND STEAM FITTERS, ihn muds •or Brags 'and Iron C 0133111 made to order. BRAE :1 OASTINGEI;,',OI ALL KINDO . Mode at the ghagteat notice. Particular attention:path to the fitting up and repairing o: RBFINWES. &:84 -:WATER STRPET, near Liberty'. The members of this Win being practical me chanicl. of many Yea& **parlance in the bual nea t wILI inane to give Igti , ontion even:: rr COO t. eeilyd -c,m26 'CARPETS FOR CASH AT DECIDEDLY': LESS THAN wholesale Prices. &ought previous to any considerable advance by the manufacturers. and "w l` be sold am , rdinglif.t, Well heasoned Sheet Off Cloths, PRICES_ AT LOW PRICES and Ootton tor,ukgettf, Oanton linttiogn, aco; & ff.*cCA.LLI7II, NV% • AT NO. S 7 " .. .optima STREET Juit yooollAnittiS OF PURE RYE , 9 111 . 1 1Fluir WHISKY: of different ages to enit purehasere. at lowest cash prices. For sale by ' THOS. 111001tE, Distiller, itafftf Noes 189. 91.113 and Q 5 First street. D EN TOTS Y. ET 11 EX TEAMED WITHOUT Pain by the we of Dr; Oudry's apparatus. HOFFMAN Ilk IEDMUNDSON • DENTISTS. AU Work Warranted- 134 Smithfield Street, Pittsbruw. ,llydrepolts, or Garden Sprinkler. A - FEW AND USEFUL ARTICLE FOR xrettliak plants and flowers, washing windows, earrumm. 4m, Patens of Avery d-rortotion sold and'repaired. Day kin's Patent Wa or Drawer ' made and sold, St iv ELDON KELLY, le4 Wood St. jn3 ,! Ono door from Sixth. ED rsorossm WILL BE BE -4.7° calved by the Committee on Piro Engines ard ..,cso, up to Jane 2dth. ISda for three thous •nd feet of bext quality of TEN INCH LEATH- En HOSE, copper ririted, and Jones' Patent Conpliners att %Med thereto. The hoee to he properly tested before they are received by the city, when nayment will be made in cosh. JOHN QUINN, jar+ Chairmanot Committee. ENTS LASTING CONGRESS GAI T ERS, a very superior qualicyjust ree'a a W. R. BOHM ERTZ & CO No.3lFilth St. CIVV.A.P DRY GOODS ow is THE T 1316 TO SECURE A.ll Bargains in Dress Goods. Shawls, Cloth and Silk Mantles °Sibs most fashionable Ftyleis un• bleached and bleached Moshe Calico, belalnes, Silk Sun Umbrellas 3,:0..„ at greatly redueoe p sms. all having been purchased for case, will ri bo sold cheap for cash, call and see forsmarsolces at It. Jr. Li-scia. op Market street. CEO. R. COCHRAN. ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. Mee No. 69 (rant street, nearthe Court House. Pittsburgh A L L 11U6IINVOil ENTRVATED TO O !onions care will receive prompt attention. COL !onions made and the [11013e19 promptly remitted deofeird DUQUESNE BRASS WORKS , CADTILAN & CRAWFORD. Manufacturers of every variety of finished BRASS WORK FOR PLUMBERS GAS or STEA, RI FITTERS, MACIIINESTS AND CIIPPERSMITIIS. RANIN CASTINGS OF EVERY DE- R. seription made to order Steamboat work. steam Radios fitting and repairing promptly at tended to. idaztleatar attention peep tenting UP Refineries for Coal and Carbon OlLs. Also, sole agents for the Westeni Illstiet Pennsylvania. for the sale of Mandl. Lansdell & Co.'s Patent S, phon Pump, the best over inven- • ted, having no valves It is not liable to get out of order and will throw more water than any pump wise Its !he. • Al US. D. LYNCH, SQ,IIIIIIEL HILL, hie /a; d o 8 SO beautiful building lots. which she offers for sale on reasonable terms. They are eligibly ideated. lying between the Oakland Sta tion and the Pdonongbabele Ivor. They offer many inducements for private rtuddeneee. For Plan of lots and price, aPPIY at the offlee_of, Pd. K. NOLAN. go. LT Fourth St, one door above Smithfield et. ulyLlamd ILIRENCII WOODS IMITATION OP A` Oak, printtd from board , an exant cony, with panel mouldinaa to match. Forman by. lua W. P. MARSHALL. 87 Wood street. Coax_ 30n bushels prime yellow shelled Corn, in stem ane for sale by JAMES A. FETZER.. corner Market aryl /et stroll, ,•• : ..17: Wanted: ; 75 DOLLARS A !MONTH! I WAiri to hire Annie in Oven! 001/1/t7 i Att month. en:lenses paid, to oil m new cheap !cam py Sewing ltiaohinea. B. MADISON. Alfrod. Me. Wanted '“ O DOLLARS A MONTH' WE WANT Agents at $6O a month, expenses paid to sell our /Everlasting Pencils, Oriental Burners. and 13 other articles, 15 circulars sent free. Addreas pIiAW lt CLARK, Bideford, Maine. ms6;3ml a w J. DUNI.EV V, Grocer, NO. 4 DIAMOND, PriTSBER43O, PA. my2lsdilv • _,.:,11014C0RD (MARIE!. • 1 1 , 0ERIOR 1T1NE21.4A.2' $2 20 PER 110! dozen: $l2 50 per 100. Extra Vines at $5 per dozen: $Z par 100, • J. 11NOX' • - ap 23 Fifth street. BODRIVATE DISEASES DR, BROWN'S OFFICE, 60 SMITHFIELD STREET, . . Cithoms and strangers in need of medical ad vice should not faU to give him a oall. Dr. Brown'a remedies never fail to cure impu rities. scrofulous and venereal affections —Alto hereditary taint. such MI totter. Psoriasis and oth, sskin orisdn - of which the patient ignorant. BEMEClAliwzirinuso. Dr. B's remedies for Aisalilictiont: brought on by /Solitary 'habits.' are the only' medicines known an tbia country which are safe and will apoOdo3. restore to health a ATIBM. 14. Brown 'g .Eare4er cure in few dant/Lis' innil &Ina:Alan - Ile also.trot Plles:lEeet. fionnorrhoe, Wrath - al Disa4rm- Female Diseas h es, Pains in. Back Sod , liddneya irritation of the Bladder, at obi. A letter to be answered' must eontainit least ~ - , .M6dlcines sent to any eadress to it i r m aa dmil t aterootwritiodiaterliTlEßWlW 1!B ET. rinibutithi-PA; pEautannivi2iairsisas -- BIM BT...deMers In Mowers and Rettioft one Powers, as Separator, Farm Mlle, Fod der Ont: era. and farm sammers, iranarallY. lu4 COUIRCIAL INFORIEATION. , _ A rbitration Committee of the Board ,of• Trade. Wm. X MINN, VA P.L.TAS. DEINNETT JNO. a DILWoRTH, Wm. MoCK._,I: Y. DAVID Mao DUBS. Movements of European Steamers floM lipitCali. ..... July 1.-Liyarpool„._New York Saxenia .July I hth ken ..... New Yotk Jura.._.......... ..July 2....tiverp001.........Quebe0 ...... 4 .-Linerpool... iles, York Fins .. . .... ----July P -Liveraool-No_nr York -Nova dcoilan......july . 9 __Linerpool ...... Quebec - Africa: ...... . ........ July . Boston Eillusgow..-- July . 13 ...Liverpool._iiew York Adr .tio ornl7 15...Galway ...... N w York Boheinsui • July ...Liverpool Quebec. 8 0 0t i e.. ....:_.. 18 -.Liverp001.....N..w York Canada July 25.-Liverpo A. Boston Sidon Reis .. ..... . . 2 - „Neir York.-.... Liverpool ....... 27..80gt0n -...Liverpoo` Everting Vtor . Slily 92.:New York... .... -Havana Amerioa-...-......Jtey 23-New York-..S Juan Nio v dlebn,ris -.hey 25-New York-.... Liverpool Persia ..... 27-New York ..... _Liverpool MONET RIARELET. 008DAMID DAILY FOR THR MORNING POB for Rfl ns. torwrz At lurrz, BaoicEßs. NO. 118 WOOD STREET. . • • . . The fellowinz are the btorine and oenioar rata? for GAL, 81ver . Jco.; Buying 808 Gold ' 1 23 . OO 18 00 - 122 00 Eguitern Alwoluunge. Nw, ork Bal e timYoren p ag ar g ....... ................. .......... par xi Western Exchange. noinmsti ..... St. Louis_ ... PITTBI3IIII3II OIL TRADE Thursday July 20th, 1863. Thp market for crude continues , firm. In fact tha suPP'Y is inadequate to the demand. This causes a firm market:prices are unoertain but in favor of holders, who east p obtain torrent rates fox all they have on hand. The fell in tsne Alle gheny is a source of r - t, - ret to those who have not, received their supply from 01 , City. BY the way we notice that our old :tend Capt Reese has a now packet nearly ready for the Allegheny trade. She is the best adapted boat yet constructed for that trade, her carrying capaaily being. verYlareu Crude—Among thosales we note 300 hbls, 21c without packages: 20) do dot 21a: 600 bbls, Pktts included.2oo334o: 500 do terms withheld, In New York prides have advanoed 2o per gal. The rates even at the rdvanee are lower than in this city, when the transporation is con idered. Refined seems. org/ectid, buyers and sellers manifesting g eat independence, 'We quote nom inaPy, in b0nd.44a450: tree. 55C47.r" PITTSBURGH PROPUOR MARKET OFFICE OP TOO DAILY POST. Thursday, July 30th. 1563. Butane continues dull in *II its Tilden! de ! Partments. The weather continues warm. Our three rlvers teat contwate inue r tin o f the °benne', and no prospect of a rise at present, lha little steamer Oil City cont.nues to make regular trips to Wheeling; shoal 11. t., is ' , resenting no nbstnzlei to her. The new • teamer •• General Grant." Capt. John Woa lburn. is announced fur the lower parts: .onssongurs and shippers would do well to bear this in mina. The demand for the tailing Lir diedtsaras _.,l3lesler9 purchase very spar• irg;y, hence we have but few sales to report Ilacon—lh e market way dm with a steady trade dome J. OUP dealer, have a en sderat e s apply on bile d. Their steels, however. are mold', disaoPear:ng, and will bare!y hold out to the end of the seazon, if th e pre, sat demand continuer. In CinAana i and other western cities, the ma r• ket was firm under an increasing demand. Flour —lllO denialia and sales were both limited—in fact, the dour trade seems to have settled down to a rota'l business, or dray lea }lot, from store: of course the quotation must be accounted for in that way. In Cincinnati. the telegraph informs . us, the market was dull; p ices unsettled. I: New York rrices atolls+ ad per barrel lira eerie:—ll elders were tires in their views, caper. Tally f., , r Sagest. In wed instances an advance fo detainded. The stock in first hands is not large. Coffee—ds a shade lower. There is a eir- Olaf business doing. Molasses is unchanged, The new crop held at 4(..4f,0 per gallon above that of last year. Flour was.du the only demand being to meet t he wants.Of the local trade. The stock in first hernia is not large, the principal receipts be ing byvrarson,,with occasional lots by rail r.g. as 111) bble Extra from store at 1.5 2.5-5 50(g).5 00; 150 bbls betre FOndly at UM' 90; other small lots sold at about the 'nine range ofprices. Wagon doll- sold at' from 251:43500 per bash lower, as per duality. Ainil—The FLIP P& is fast disappearing; prices tend upward: Salt s 75 nothing 1 at flacon—WO have new to mention. vuyers have to submit; holders having a deoidled advantage A mong the sales we note 12.000 ID a plain hams, 9€o9'.s'e canfassed; 10 1 4V10, 1 40 sldcB6)l. to 7c; MO be [lams. 12.10111.?4o. Butter in stea y demand; sales of 1.500 les at 15416 e, • . Eggs—Sales S bbla at 11.. The export demand has fallen' off. The demand WIL9 not large, fal)ihs y ff : sales limited at now at sao2s; old at $25630 Par FlUiti-- , The demand was prices un changed. i We omit quotations lyblinky,--The, demand is steady. Sales were made at 1 144450 for City Rectified, Cheese. cdatinne, active: sales 196 holes at a variety of :prioas,tria'r 9 10@10310. Grotaiarleia firm and in fair request with a regular treda, datnand. Among the sales we note! • Corree—Salez 16 sanks.Rlo at 31431',60, ttiollasmes--:alas of 11 bbls new .t 600. 10 do old, 56c. Sugar—SakelLhhdl P Moo 12)(015.Ne; 14„do Orleans, 13.3. PHILADELPHIA CATTLE nenxer tthThe arrivals and sit 4 es of , beef cattle are large week.:reaahing abbot 1,904 bead: ' Market very dull the warm, weather, peratiegunfavora by theuSioeszt and prices have declined fully 500 101)14- a lert quality' Pennsylvania and Western atom are senior at 1.1@11%0 731,01041 s for f* to, gokj, undloBo (or uonunon. ea tactual. ity. There violets doing at the close to-day' hap we have noticed for 11,1116 time oast. 'and holders offered to sell at somewhat loWer PliC6B than the above. TheAlbeiepliLsrktit.. The arrival' andarales of. Sheep 'at the Avenue Drove Yard continue Arse, reaching about taxi head There 1. a' fair demand at about previous quoted rated j iztles of ulippea sheen are making ats@bY t o r 3 weak Lambs continue aweoand range at from $3 to $5 00 II heal as to quality. callikand Calves. Thik-arrindi end Bales of nova WO small, only reaching abOttt 130 head this :reek. There la a . fair demand at about the former rate Springers-sellingat V2o @ 3s and' cow .and cal at troy tit: u ta quality; Old Door emu sell, at from- $15@16 per head.. • °ALM; abbot 34 head sold at 344,67A01g ID for lit ton. quality and 4443.(e for2d;.aato welahl and Condi- _ . Thi.eMoF NlarJket, , The arridalaaiia sideskif Weir aithetrion and Avenue Drove Yards resoh ah0ut,,2,71D head this week, selling at fro ha $7.0144Z - . per 100 pounds ],970 headiold at the Union_ „Drove Yard, by. Henry Glass, at from 7 . @Errer iocrnhi net. • 630 head _sold at. tho Amite Drove Yard. by Crea4lo dr , Company `at $7,0008.00 ti 100 ms, 'net, • GRAVEL ROOFING. ippo EP A. ItSivPROINPIt ETIMIDEDITQ. rl' ; - • = • rArPT4)IIII43OOI,FI OeVO trielift4 l 4l:4:Nosa itteethdooond atom ikeiiiiroW •:• Vorimpopt drafted men with substitutes. Atif'utuutut aabstitutai applying wall be taken. ty . NO LA. Fourth wd atreet, one door SbOTKe Smithfield. la-1 IROIf -lllZaloe. par V ....... Dar 4 ••••••• Par . • SINE 7 OCTAVE R OSE WOOD CASE. V round corners, with mouldings, earved Music Desk. Iron Frame, made by Rutin, Bahi- MOM— .SI6O One 69 Octave Rosewood - Case, round front - corners with carved Tablets, made by • Stodert, N. Y -160 Ono 6y, stave Mahogany, fluted corners,, made by Travers Jr itamsey,ll. Y' 140 One 6 Octave a o3 oWOnd.square co sera. iron frame, made by Chioketing .. One6Octave osewt squarecomers, mad eby44o it y Gilnert. Boston . . ... One 6 Octave Mahogany square..Torners, made by Wilkins Newball 430 One 6 °Any° Mahogans, square corners, made-by L. Gilbert. Roston - 130 One 6 Octave Rosewood. square corners, made by Orov - es een R Ilsley N.Y........... 130 Ono 6 Octave Mahogany, square corners. madelyy Chicketing 120 One 6 Octave GUMMI piano. .... One 6 do do do 60 For sale by f.A. lama and splendid stock of NS W PIANOS. from SEVEN different maaufnetortes, to onlye dririeg the next ten days.] J7lo.ciative :SPR,ING•GOODS .VITTIon :Buyers CALL TUE of ATTEN . SPRING ANI) SUDO GOODS, embracing mil the newest styles of PLAIN AND FANCY O_4:SSIAfERES, suitable for Business Sults. A full and complete assortment et fine black CLOTHS AND cAssimEnies, Plain and figured Silk and Cashmere Vestingr W. H. AIeGEE & CO., 143 EEDEILAL FiTEEET, obrner of Market Bquareillegliety city stda:dawaf • _ IUPTOS„ °LEIDEN dc co Felt, Cement and Giatel teeters, are now Pronged to an all orders for - Fire and Water PrOof.leeit,'Cement end Gravel Rob/mg. Promptly and Satisfactorily. ' Air.,llldden having hatlen in: the..emplOyment of H. in,. WARRR & CO., and their; so ft eners. in Philadelphitt,,Rir eight-years: Where be learned all the mechanical detraFtmentiof their:basinew and has made valuable unprovements ofltia -own, we can positively say that our ROOfillit , Composed of the Same Materials as those 'of that firm; apd that we will guarantee oar work to be equal orerY respect t° °ELY gra ' yel,Felt ant Cement Roofs put on by other firms MAIM city, or the United btatas- Thera kJ no Patent for the Warren Roo& or any of the mate rials composing it. Offlose—Cosser of Filth and Wood flat., second story. MEEK FUN, Roar. trap POWDER Perak' Ptiwder. THEATRE ROUGE, Vitaesar Rouge. VIOLET Pow',Eß, toles Poirdir; • HARD it Sorr RITREER OpORRIN, - -Usira:*NOtt *#*o 871123 g". • 14 . •reilitslid at 4siftrecteivad at E4SKIIP9 - Diktßare.63 MaTicat Erect, 8 doqra below 74). tar2l3 July 27th, 1868 R. It UTOH I.N 8 -& naroIIN9ON.II efthiNiSSION & 1011WIRDIN8L: MANT WESTERN RESEAVE Flour Grain, - Frujt. Pot 'and - Pearl Beat t 3l ls a ol d E P a i ltfgg No. .11,02 iSpittood. Stacie** Between Wood azill3,arket. ti k ild r e r eVr e = 24ll ' A. _ . .4 eititTllr"Clit"6l4ls2iS to ardor. of f4pboatmaxerial. - -74M 4 ' g m shin. W. B._ SCEIBIERTZ 16km rth IN BOILER WORKS. J. a.- Ewc—iiirvial a' Si • AAof Steam wo- ntrattirvirAerifrazi .m. of Steam Boilezei ,this, Tanks.. Asitatora bait Pant. Pana,-Slieeb stem. ebb zwen , Bredokinvican other,- a rttlaleammalli; ta-m- UACtrgdat-1111441:1! concerns: • Pr o na kbattAtionattsid Lai al kinds of reitialre on ressonsodb tourer • Wor)di 110011 Wand DUQUESNE W e Y,VINV ` erd, gliirbgty '. ,, llitakitti n .C.i .. .- ...,- W 'AL A 4 ! • ;IL. I) a P. BARDEEN HAS /112110VEll Hfrom Smithfield street- below the Girard MI% to Ne. 145 Fifth street oppoirite the Court alma ap2litt ardizslis lA° 8. M. 'Kt E. • 114317 PAOTIMIIIS OP Pure No. 1 Carbon 011, tiro armoe ast LEBBEELTY Penn a 8.. 8.. Depot. au. oppopito 11131... AD oil warranted. au93:1311 THE ARDESCO OIL comrikifif Attimtekc ei T ßE Aor HAVE rO i' Refined Ardeseo 011, xos-rxpLoarvs. - Jaao, PURE BZINZOLS. warehouse, 27: law RN STREET, Pti'm tLIBOR. PENNA. - I /Lucent 01,1•-liVoris: DITNCAN, 1374.114,Ap'er Lti yetui atd of ' /MEN V., NRIPIErim ' CA.It B t 3. tV . q., .14 9:. 1 Ofitok NO. 9111 14.9.9RT1" *MEM, Plat. bomb. Pa 19/8-6md in - — 7 l ANDELIEF3.h. BRACKETS, CORNICES, CAVDLLBRAnB, LAMPS: REGILD.O 1 RERRONZED. and madb moat tO de., altered to burn Carbon OIL at the, Lamp and -Oil Store of - WELDOR, artsruitzec iutrEy. ap2.l, 164 Wood street,,neaufith., f PIARTI DEALERS K NABE & CO'S PIANOS- Just opened this week a - choice supply of those BEAIJTIFUL INSTRUMENTS. beyond doubt the finest in the country. This fact. is now almost universally , conceded •, for some months past we have been unable to fill one half of our orders. WARRANTED FMB YEARS. • • Baines Brothers Ricelshii Piauo ..Fui es, the best cheap Pianos mader. For sale by - ' . caATl.Lorrt:mankm. 42 Fifth street. Bole Agent for Haines Brothers Pianos and! Princes Melodeons. 306 I JULY LIST SECOND HAND PIANOS. CIIAS. c; AIELLO.% Est WOOZIr Tatak PUB LIU L I s P le Oilf &lair - A:Atha leitanent endiefro - - ..._ - " I ‘-, /9 Modest °fell denomi- -b, • - wink. treat secret end delicate , disoers„ ;self= •• • pi., Abuse- and &malts 'or' • - /•-•'-'-• LtnatiOns emittiorland In- ' •-' 'z •'''..!.!: - eidea.t' to the et both 's• • , _ • sue_,Auld . 'sidtdes. Airiest minted. i1i16111,30 Da. En.emrsitta.iptfriiiiinsa the feet of his •thass so.the•itioreirt and •feleguy Modest ittedreedfrafr lhookod.tind Watt :Veit 'AM Vey 'Unmoral eltd-Tor' Cunternina - -and , ironer on _among _their wisseareonddrarsbneand &PAWN. , Their lomitY onyaktien - labould , be 7 ea - ntiona to-seep them b_teraneehttt diet'&tie Setae no Dr. 1l d_l: L 6 '.liP. fa:inept lice a faerative= tido - might lis lost tct-thettonto ; etustid Zadatt • ondvssesdlnpttertorf ' bon. mad Indeed InAgmentrateisennit_gsse 1328 1113 IthiktllllllDEMlWeetn tateUite2lo4l4l:oA *O4O 1031191 and atal lt . _SQVlturlatirjr • Mitialf, orals mitten._ Itiltritiptuaraityi botray.__er the: mit:tercet rmwentg ankenarliens Ara tranzrp/. - Alud their ' ir e t, L az egy er rotatlciwonaly f i eble isMdi d expeerens. have' bud - Platten& terhaal *lgor by Dts. RUMMY/P. belqiditt, reet-4 - - hegera and .aim matriagethieliglildrit have bain saved:lmA soli .fedrawanzi yet, ' 1111 xetillaition.,' he:. Sperneteir hee•Gr =Munn) emtnissionseeommetefr C rate' in a very abort iteteerof than!! Ms new remedie,,. whiehureieonilarbr Ms own. Whe,e,reoolulketmdt ENtan the vegetable langdogo. bevink teen the li dlansafthehlmaltrantment i bs bet abandon. ed it and sansti tated th e :NikitaWo retw o dip , - eases axis triettedwith bather& streneving had ,over Arty yeal-( 4 0-elperienoe. an them met• narmt - iti hospitals of Atoth the - Old World and in the United Stamm leads him to tety—to all with. a Air trial, health and.hapPitteta• pill raise bloom Viet thenchp4Pezed °bolt' fbiltemtelontretwitb lon I/ W 416) 4 4 4%4 1, quatim tint` rfizae and brroured tittcan and all of ffrhuldred diseases. - hi *doh 'w•nunr Ariatt4l7 'L". tnr CO U Atri*Wl II "' nis.l l ll w /41 MIXIMIVIT ::,tVrt to tin time- rat kt Veal of treatment byit em of ttierht ;Weal Ativiser,whiab is it . -ta.si lEVittit+W , Friktur the ad vantage 'lig lever' , • - !brts , v.er eeperhfr.re and observation. teszepently, tt:)-rnas superior Ail/ in thetreatineot o, et , ..1 Olsottess; end who it deli* oolutaltedbytt2.-rtofc‘voni atsil evrarom mended br 'imerfro,.. , , -'. l _ , :s•sar, Pt hiissere, Pro prietcat of hotels: .T,.- - flan shrs famtbfi a la sfreet. near Ditancn -tirrl, - Privets oommard teems them ell . ps'^fr ct she radial staidly at. tenet:lto. ' Ober!. to - SYRUP OF !MANDRAKE . AND • LINDIA. • • Ravine had a. man eed for . the last sit years compounding the boleexcellent remedies for my own practice, and having used them with uncommon-success in all' that.tima...l- feel , it 'duty to set them befo 'the publie, as my expe riencoleadswe to think they are as near specifics as sayremedleit well can be for Abe foltowing disease.; namely: . Scrofule,„ Nitre, .Syphilis, and All.diseases that arise from oti impitreatate of the - blood: One' trial will con vine., any person of their Rum for thosediseasos Prepared and sold by J. W. .11R NSTRUP. M. D. 8i Smithfield Pittsburgh:Pg. MAN -1100 D HOW Losift- sow IMESTOICksin Just published. to Sealed Enveltpo. Prin . * Kix Comm. . .••• IL LECTURE ON TILE NA TIRE. TREAT. MKNT and - Radical Cure of ;Seerrautorrhcru or Seminal Weakness. Inv& ct....try I:remissions, Sexual and llmpeclimcnts to Marriage generallY,__Nervoumiess, t 70115 caption Epilepss !and Pitt , entat and Physical capacity. resulV• 1 -aIL-frM_Q 4011 . _ - Abuse. ;ROW. J COL. " VIER W=LL. D.:Author ol tto Green 800, &c A Boon to Thcrnoindo of - 'Stiffereri." Bent under used, in.* plain- envelope, to any ads dress. p ole paid. cn receip t of Six Cents, or two Postage stam_p_s. be 1)r. (X'S. C. KLINE. - ; 137 proadwa . Y.. New York_ 'nelC3l:d.owarn Post Otlice•BOX. 45 Set: IMPORTANT- TO LADIES , inge...you.s HAMMY, ) ulmarda of twenty Years devoted his pro. . .ionau time exolusively to- the treatment- of Fale Dif teniatea, and havimg stampeded in thou sands of cases in restoring the. Wasted d" to, sound" ha now entirevonildenco is offerincpub *" Groat` ikuteriaitti EtettodY , P IDIt OIOND; THERMAL Fg&IALE PILLS Winch have never yot failed {when the def.,' time - have been strictly followed) en ro Inoxtradilffonitles arising from .obatrturdou or Stoppage of Nature. 'or in restoring tlikaystem to perfect health. when suffering from Thapial Areeitions, .Tholormui Uteri, the _Whites. or ottierwes.ess of the Uterine Or mu. Ales in all !MOOS of Debility or IVerobsto lerostrusi... ovatersea. Pakitatieas. do.. 4c. which are the forerunners of mere serious disease. - ri..'These Pine arep;erfecilif harmless on the eow ttitutum, and may be taken bye he most dslicatefe- Nate 101117.014 CalitiN, distress •. at this same time they act like a charm, by- stiengtherdrts. rating.. and restoring the paean to a healthy con. bo ' x ag 60 Ms.,- Na -DOLL . and rhea d esiredwill be sent, by mail pro-paid 414 Vartbledliint. on reeelpt of the , ner J. BRYdli.,ltochoster, General agent gold by Drtuntirtsgenerally." , , 'JOSEPH - .lrl igsgmalei COrnaililarket street and the Diamond. ralg.lodawtris - keens' ror Pittelmre WM..IIL,FABR CO, TEAMAKG I ii:BUILDERS 5.0 , 022, Uk' '9*44-1.4.:, *INS*: EitCNIAISTI IED diLES NAltf.S flew the Pena Et, IL Primm.„,eftv "hug. ... rivaitax rs .p l uai ll. :7 - c r4 i r : r. “ : 1 1 61. rrk : . 4- : *il : q: a ki s 9 .; Tour ,is. maims froin three to ole , hhadretif BY larroe power. 'and salted tor *:.lrist ItlM.s. Saw ' Blast larnaces„ Faetelie% (rive parthavez vroz Vet! ti , . 1e eo. ranotton el _ltexineerandlia*Leo kor tre.k„. __" mate and for ik ja, utirights muhay,and et eigir'r..kaa• nate. • Have ;leo on hand, C avalkei. ant! ready for alio giain at B hortmoth* . ilbeit•e., road B:Alenk of aver/ . 10 : , eklytfon.,.., • . ' - ' - Allo. 'beach Dallied did Egkeet Iren se_peritelY. Vi!remeht troll- filualhora,..llanyero aza N amed th every viirierly... mad °antenna the rearathsetnre Of Wonien Maahinery kurcr'N.laohine Carda. Okkr prictro are /ply. 91u• machinery beet mantas...tor ed of the quality it matt:tab. and warrantelf irk all r.c.o to giVO 6 , 0 klaction. Allte . Of.!er? fro.al eaas Fts of the eoerntry eolloit al ant arorork tie 6._.11 ed. ferrl.A.tek _ . .. O. 230 B E DFORD T. FOB SALE—A N O well built t. o Ptory oortlling bowie tact lot - Oripound for ea , . , A: bait, pixJuomairarint. and cellar.- w War_ 11.4 ores, two frontoorehre. one at'- aapiltrbor,labliCyarcl.--- P rine. $2. 0 00.!...4019._ to 1 ,., ,I -,AlzAlli-rilllißEßT.tt SONS be' . = • = ,-; -': -. ~= 51 'Market street.. : SitOWEng ' , MAP li3 Taursur.as. *um Farm:mit% Dogyowen. wh e eled and ocdodnit:-Thgr ' Rae% zard-loz ra oa rcukoloinery gailerulbr for sale by - , BECK.B.-Ah• ' 127 - .I.Aberty shviit;. .IJ-cram-. stlitfix Jur Thu undersigned having rerianvoll hitt Live. ry Stable - from tit , : roar of the &cat liana: to maw the corner of First and . lintithfiald-atmot. W. C. Conti e old stand, is prepared to furniah earriam i h and 'saddle-horses uoon - tho - shortest no- - hoe, „ horses_ kept at livery ,at re:trona:di kAtes:' Undertaldng and all arran gements fur fkl- Attain will =strive hie -menial atten.ion. : Ni /111• ICELAND. ELBIIicrBEFRia 1 71 - RAPE. ilif E E.Ale )FI3EOIE4II A FEW VINE" TV' bs thtz valuable Grape at _TC fo par dasatt. $l2 50 per 100. . _ _ j_. KNOx. - w2z 29 Binh street. CHARLES L• CALDWELL, . • MaCcalser toJaa. Holmes do Co.. PA'CK'ER 'Denim. in Bacon. Laid. Sugar-Clued Hams. (Smoked Bed Mtn:ter Market and First streets. Pittsburgh. Pa, B:,3Nyty w. BEE*I7IIFONT- &CO: -- " 4 " l U!rni7 'Foreign ,Brandies, -War - and fins. mar-BrandfatiOld cum/babas., Rye s and A441/llackhffrir and other Whzeklas....Jtu;talos, Rum. - • 8$ ridbeny 'Street; : , bpalaite Fourth etroot.• PITTSBUROIT, PA. sir Hotels. Taverns. and Fatuities, supplied at Moder.ste prolltsfor Cash. m72141,9d COX SOO, P , . hate' Pwi Vqcs