- akinies Pc Bar DA - .11,71f POST. • . - For the Morning Post. ALLIMBENY BENAL- , QUESTION." MR. BARaI-'Ectitor Daillt Post : The thiuske of :the workmen, discharged •-rom the:Allegheny Arsenal, are hereby heartily tendered . to Yon and to thosa friends - who - sustained them, and especial• ly to those who generously stepped for- ward in their defense. LAWRENCRITILLE, July 3d, 1863 To MAJoaZ, Respected Sir:— You have been our friend andwe honor and respect ,yoii_for—it.- We have been charged with being disloyal and bad men. You did not believe it. and stood by us and defended us. You have been our Pay. master, and have known many of us for fifteen years. Yonr good opiniOn has - helped us and comfortedois, because you are an old citizen and well known. We are sorry, very sorry, that men who have persecuted us are trying to injure you.— This is what we most grieve about,. that' you have stood by us while others whom we least expected looked on us with sus picion, and that you are to be injured and abased on our. account. We cannot be lieve that you will be removed for helping us. We can show you that there are oth ers who agree with you, that we are not only honest but loyal. We send yen a ' list of their names. We should not care so much about this only on account of yourself and our friends, our wives and children. Yon-will have our gratitude for ever, and we will teach our children to bless you. Yours; very respectfully. Joan 13zox. _ Tnomis,. H. ROWLAND, - RODERT-DIIIT, JAMES ESSLER, GEORGE BEISSENGER, TILLf POTTER, WALTER T. HILL. The following are the names of persons who agree with you that we are true and loyal citizens. . • Bair MTV s 'Wri tes ES. Robert Brow-Lk John Moore. Jacob Williams, Henry M'Cullough, Peter Kel ler, William M'Cagne, J. B. Stewart., Rev. ildrews, — DE Hanna—all citizens of Law renceville. and personally acquainted with Robt. Duff. Messrs. Hanna. Brown and Williams have boarded with him since the rebellion broke out. [Their testimony in the hands of Col. Whiteley.] JAMES ESSLER'S WITNESSES. Andrew Scott,Saail. Keller, Jno. Scott, Peter Keller, Joseph Weeks, James Ker ney, 0. S. Bates William Jaticy, Rev. R. Lea, lificliael [Their testimony in the hands of Col. Whiteley. TILLY POTTER'S wrztissess. J. S. M'Clare, Joseph Pearson, Samuel M'Mahon, Noah Craig. [Their testimony in the hands of Col. Whiteley.] THOMAS H. ROWLAND'S WITNESSES. James M. Taylor (alderman). Robert M. Jones (iron master), J. C. Lange, (merchant), T. Sinclair (merchant), John A. Kerr, A. H Ahlborn (machinist), A. C. Pentz, (mannfactnrer), Semi. Swaney (engineer), Louis Dative (merchant), Patrick M'Kenna, Joseph Lang, (mer chant), Edmund Barris (merchant)—all critizens of Pittsburgh: . Their" testimony in the hands of Col. ' Whiteley. 0 J. Hampton Johnaon J. L Lowder smith, Garret Fitzgerald, M. V. Gates, Stephen Sbirltz , William Brown Freder , iekArmbraating, Robot. Darning , Shfin non, George Fox, Henry J. Fox, Christ, Faber, Fredericks Piot. Stiehl, Timothy Lawton, M. B. Shannon, Daniel . Berkley Michael. Ludgate, Josepli B.' 'Thomas, Chiistian Peizter, Charles Fischer, W. Colvin, John M. Wilson, G. W. Fischer, Fred sohillings, R- Melville, Lake Hoyle —all shopmates of Mr. Rowland. LTheir testiffioby—in the-lands of Col. Whiteley.) • -WALT= T. HILL 8 WITNESSES. Robt Kunkle, Rogues Grant, David Miller, Wm. Fousenverch. PITTSBURGH, July 2d, 1883. Mr. Walter T. Hill called on me this morning, and at his request I frankly state, that from about the year 1857, at which, time he was employed with men who occupied my building as carpenters, and from time to time, I saw and knew him. He has often called in my office and conversed with me, and since the war, anti on the war, and in all of which I have received him as a sober, steady and in dustrioue man, and never do I recollect of hearing him say anything that might be considered disloyal to the Govenunent of the United States. [Copy] Respectfully submitted, [Signed.] PHILIP R. KINCAID, Ald. City of Pittsburgh, ss. On the 2d July, A. D. 1883, befiiie me, an alderman in and for said city, person- Ay came Altierman Philip B. Kincaid, who being duly sworn, says and declares that the within statement subscribed by him. is just and true. [Copy.), [Signed], PHILIP R. KINBAID. Swore and eubsoribed before me, July . 2d, 1808.. LboSrau S. JOHNS, Ala. [Oriel ey-) ginal in the hands of Col. R. H. K. Whit City of Pittsburgh, .ts. • lieforo me, the subscribes, one of the alderman in and for the city aforesaid, personally appears John --„MlCainbridgf l who, being sworn according to law, dePa seth and saith, that he has known',Walter T. Hill for four years, and believes him to be 'a good and loyal citizen, and never in any conversation since the rebellion in the South have I heard him expreasaity loyal nentinients, or expressany sympathy with the rebels. [Copy-1 Signed, . Jolnt liiicategthoz, 814;11 to Tifad'enbecribed before me, this 23 day-of-Jnly, 1863. 411E8 M. TAYLOR A/cl • f il Orikiiial is=the lia of CoL Bg g. Attuauvuir . Crrr, July 3d, 1868. This is to certify that 1 - have known Walter T. Hill ler the'lliatrour years, that ha worked tor me daring-thst time s and I never heard him say one word_against the constitution or laws of the country, or anything that might be 'coast - tried in favor of treason or rebellion against the same, or anything in , favor of the Southern Con tederacy `whatever'; and as far as my knowledge goes, he isatnie loyal man. [copy.) [Signed], Joan H„ W. ilurrEllstirtif:' aim of 4140411 y" 18., 1. Ber.etif _ the subscriber came the above-john - VITUA. who Sine ii#oo,l/, Sa) raw, .tes- Sigetli'saCiartAtil that- tbratatt” state-' I , . _ . :., . . . , . .. . , - ...• • --- ..::::.`„,ii:...&... ::''..1.. , .." . .i . i . ~, i .1 , ~..,. ~. , ~-.,, J -:.-...., ' _ • ' •- •-,•''. . . . . i, .. - . , ;,.: e . :.• ... ,t ~,.,..- .. ,k .., . .. _ . . to Hf.. 1 li; ~ _ . _ ._ k. _ ....... . . ~ • . ~ . .. . • ~ .... . . .. ;,/ ' .. I I ; ....A lt‘ '• -' ' .''' : , ' • ...' ' 1' . . • .4 ' '. , . . .-. ' 7 : : ' 7 ,: 1 1 . i. -: i ; jh . t' ' . .•pi -i , . -.-., , . , . -.. .. ~ . . . _ 0,,, . . ', i • i ii : -.-• 1 li - ....4 . ...,.: . ,mi - .... • - L:-..:i t'... .c: 1 ! ,% _ ..: ~,,:.. •.> •.;.:: —t,:. :. '• . "-- • • , —• -.... 5. '- ' . . ---.,.... i .4 • . ~.. 1 .. 1 ' 4 ~ _; - :: 7 - 7 7 . '. N. '• . .. . . .. . . . ... -• .. .. .., "--. • -" - - - • " . r, E ditor ,•• Le I i . I \ IL ••• • .••••_, -sr-. •.,- mentaare.trniyezeepting.the latter states that he, the said - Walter T. Hill, did not work for him. Sworn to and subscribed, this 3d day o July, 1863. Joan DYER, Ald. First Ward, Allegheny. [t. a.] [Original in the hands of CoL R. R. S. Whiteley. NOTE.—The above testimony was of. fered to rebut the statemqnt of M, M. Bos worth. Jolts Biter's. wrrsEssEs. Jeremiah Hall, President of Dennison University,,kiffiltryklle, Licking county, Ohio ; Johnr.4.:::l2Ciniiiit, Provost Marshal 13th Ohio flinrional District ; Dr. W. C. Beiter i f7UrstiTifitl Pittsburgh, Penns ; Robert Jones, E. fiedirz baugh-iiiho-ascinri:Bistate that John Beck alwaykiiiiistoincee rebellion and the [Titifitasannfik3ii-Ahe hands of Col. Whiteley.] (iso . WITNESSICS. --- John OlBrieuiWank, Beck, Andrei Aio J. -- 11'eturn, Jahn Naser, Luke Hoyle, — George Hoerr, George _Runde's, John r _ Me - ore, William WCagne, G.:B. Bates,. Michael McCu ll ough, Henry Me 'Cullongh, Eobert Ford, Ales. Wirth. Ar thur Comerford, Edward Davidson, Thos. Grogan. TESTIMONY OF BOSEMOD BEISSENGER • I am a son of George Beissenger, and reside in the borotigh of, Lawrenceville.— In the Bourse of last winter I engaged to go as a pack-mule driver for the army under Roseerans, in Tennessee. At the time of my departure my father fitted-me out to go. He never attempted to' stop my going. ' But after I left foi the city of Pittsburgh, he followed me and asked me if I stood in need of anything, more than I had. I did not take, more, as I thought I had plenty 'to do me. Signed, BUSH - ROD BEISSENGSR. - • • Norm.—This testimony was to rebut the thirgtt 'of Samuel' "King, whO swore that the. father -of George Beissenger tried to prevent his son Bushrod from going into the service of the U. S. I certify the above is a true copy. WILLIAM JANCY, Justice of the Peace. TESTIMONY OF GEORGE RUNDELS. I reside in Allegheny City. I am ac quainted with, George Beissenger. Last winter I was engaged under the Govern ment to drive packed mules for Roseerans' army, in company with Bashrod Beissen. ger. At the time of our departure his father futniehed him 'with an outfit, and came to Pittsburgh' to furnish him more money, which he declined taking. I never heard George Beissenger say any thing disrespectful of the constitution or the war. He never interfered with his son to prevent him going to the army. Signed, GEORGE RONDELS. NOTE.—This testimony was to rebut the charge and oath of Samuel Ring, who swore that the father of George Batmen ger tried to prevent his son Bashrod from going into the service,of.the U. S. I certify that:the above is a true copy; [CM.] Wn.LiAm JANCY, Justice of the Peace. TESTIMONY OF GEORGE HOERR. I am a resident of the borough of Law renceville. Am acquainted with George Beissenger. At the time Beistienger's son left here last fall for the purpose of join ing Rosecrans' army with packed mules, he called at my store, and got necessary articles for his son's fit -out, and he, Geo. Beissenger ' paid me for them. When his son had started to the city to go, his father followed him for the purpose of giving him more money, to make him more com fortable on hie route ; and farther, I never heard him tell his son not to go, nor ever tried to prevent him going, and further saith not. • Signed, GEORGE EIOERR. NOTE —This testimony was to rebut the charge of Samuel King, who swore that the father, George Beissenger, tried to prevent his son Bashrod from going into the service of the U. S. . I certify the above is a true copy. WILLIAM JANCY, Justice of the Peace. LAWRENCEVILLE, July 2, 1888. COL. R. H. K. WHITELEY : SIR : The ``following named persons, via : Robert Daff, Waltar T. Hill, James Easier, George Beissenger and Thomas W. Rowland, have, been, charged and tried without notice, - and sentenced for dismis sal, as sympathisers with the rebels, and as disloyal to the government,. We, the undersigned, having full faith in their loyalty, and believing them to be true and loyal men,. respectfully ask you to restore them to their former position in the Allegheny Arsenal. , Berney M'OrrLLoirdsr, JAMES BARNEY, . ArLuil3Elbia, SR. GEORGE .EIO ERR, JAMES HUGHES, A. 14'BRIDM, WC.tors, A. SCOTT, A. H. Annoes . . Sworn and subscribed to before me, this 2d day of July, A. D. 1863'. WM, JANCY,' Justice of the Peace. [L. 5.] [Their testimony in the hands of Col, Whiteley.] - A LLEGIIEVI ARSENAL, July 4,-1868. TO JOHN HECR, ROSE,Ra DUFF, JAMES EsaLmu, and others I duly received your letter of July Bd. It convinced me, that you belong to that very email Chile who are grateful for small favors. In along experience I have found that successful, efforts only are remembered. Your letter has satisfied me that god form `an exception to this general rule. 1 >tbotigN.,that you had been greatlyinjured. I'etideavired to relieve you from procripl tion, ands ,social and. moral ostracism; and to, ,reettire'on". to : the Pieces from which_4ou -hitve been elected. I have failed, saitetill=you:thatik Mo r for`the fort! Ddry cr a - ow that many goad, and ordinerilylast :men,- reproach _:and " villify : me l'Or this. effort ? But I =excuse them, on the ground that, thi 30, 44.3 mkt know you and` yourassail ifier as well aal do. ' Ae to the "abuse of myself," _to which' you refert.llange're4l "11 friends, but I can • assure you that tt has not given me:the slightest .imeasiness.l:4 , "stood `by You," asl. you itplor the.' reason that. , I, believed and still believe you to - be true aul .tnen and- , r should have forfeited eelf-respecs -and deierved reprozielies and' einatentpf Angtead of ,yotir thanks, - 'it I - - hod riot "stood by you" during. persecutions and Your alhision •to -your familiee and chil: dren is touchingly natural. It _does you, honori- arnikr - arnontirely certain tiit,tht# Will ever liOldlo_ur parental 'iolicittide - tri grateful rams 4rauce.:: . I have been informed that several who appeared against, y(inv :refused W - impe r ri. their statements; and that othertr,shO did take the oath, have expreesid - regret and great contrition thatthey,cone en t ec k so l In charitY-Wndmertt to then; le` hope that it wattiot from a - vrant of moral courage, that they tO9k 4 l4th ; or that lit the excess of their lance to their ply, therforgot:their allegiance to God, by - ignoring .the solemn injunction con -tabled in: the ninth command of the deca logue.l Believe me, justice 4- slow, but it overwhelm the guilty, as it will Console and sustain the innocent limiting the names of those you pieeent to me, are some of the most worthy men in the community. Backed by 'such in doraers,-you may walk proudly and defi antly among your - fellow citizens, and ask your defittiaars if - they Can get such men to vouch, tor their social, moral and relig ions observances and habitudes ? Gentlemen, I have done the best and all that I could do for you ; an 3 lam fully rewarded by your acknowledgements of thankfulness. With very sincere wishes for your pros perity and happiness, I am your friend, JOHN B. BUTLER. An Express Hospital Corps. Under a special order of the War .De• partment, the Adams Express Compan have organized a hospital and ambulance corps oind on 1. Linda y evening dispatched from Baltimore to the scene of the let., battles five of their large wagons, heavily laden with stores and delicacies , for the relief of the sick and wounded. A. corps of nurses also accompanied the abttlan ces. Tennessee. The Union State convention of Ten. nessee, held at Nashville on the Ist was largely attended. Steps were said to .be taken for the election of a provisional governor. J. i. , Brass Founders. GAS AND STEAM FITTERS, AU 'Linde of Braes and Iron Coate made to order. Also. BUBB OUTINGS; OF ALL KINDS Made at the shortest notice. Partien'ar attention aid to . tte fitting UP and - repairing n OIL ItfIFINEREN. 81 & 84 WATER STREET, near Liberty. The =cambers of thiiZrm bent orticassal :me shan't* of many run' erienoe In the bull teas, will insure to rim ta on In even , . re meet. ee6lyd -.4u29 VCASK CARE AMMONIA JOST BE coked and for sa'o by 69 O e H Oe.a A. L } . K Ac he aw GROSS OF STERLINGS AMBROSIA just received by GVO. . KEL 69 Federal St. A , Alleg LY h . BLAIR dr WRYETHS LIQUID BEN net just received by _ GEO. A. KELLY. 69 Federal St., Allegheny GEOSS OF NICHOL/1111.1X=looN 1 and bark hot rezeivad by- GEO. A. KELLY. ia3 69 Federal St. lillrighany. 1 GROSS LINDSEY'S BLOOD SEAR &MT JEW rboeived by GEO. A. KELLY, 69 Federal St , Allegheny 9111011ACCO AND CIDARS , —A &BIDED, Commercial Broker In Leaf and manufac tured Tobacco and &gam 134 Water street. [corner of Pine.) New York. Tobactin and Besars carefully selected for exportation. Dealers, and TobaccotdEs will find it to their interest. to call or eommttnicete by letter. '.318 best brands, in aty Attantity, - lower prices than any other house, my29;3md 0014 CORD GRAPE. Q. I,IEILIOR VINES. AT V SO PER 1 , 0 dozen: $12.50 per EA Extra Vines at $5 per dozen; $2.5 per 100. J. KNOX AD No. 29 Fifth street. Groceries, 1" HAVE JITST RECzavLD A LARGE supply of Tea Coffee, Sugar and Groceries of all descriptions, which will be sold either Wholesale or retail at the lowest cashprices. J. DUNLEVY, N 0.4 Diamond. Pittsburgh. J. DIINLEVY, Grocer, NO. 4 DIAMOND, MY22:7lydim PITTSBURGH, PA WILSONfg _PILLS CJITRIO SICK HEADACHE CURE NERVOUS HEADACHE C1:11 3.E. ALL , KINDS OF HEADACHE, PILLS are the recall of long 11 4.,'Clreftd conducted i experinitkitS hnvUg been in - use many Year% during which time they nave prevented and re • lieved a vast amount of pain and suffering from Headache. whether - oriinnalino In • the nervous system or frpm:nideunfettote of ` the stomach. They may be taken a ttimes with perfect theafety. without making auY change rf Diet, and e absence of any durattreectbie taste, renders it eani to administer them to children. laly the use of these Pills ten periodic at tacks of Nervous or dick Headache may be pre- VeMted, ald'tftaken in th -- Oommencement of an attack immediate relief of pain and sickness w.ll be obtained. Then , seldom fail in , removing. Nourea and Hertcletelm, to which' females are so sublet t. They aot gently on the bowels—removing a 3. dosses*. Pop Literary dien,--Stridenrei Deidoatet Female% and AU bersona . sideman/ habits they are valuable as a Laxative. Improving the ennetrae . giving 'tone and vigor to the distative organs, an dooring the natural elasticity and etrength of le system. BEWARE OF 60 1 JNTRFEEITS I - The gennine have si:atures of R. A. WIL. SON and 8.. L. FAK.NESTOCK do CO. on ea& Boz. Sold . by all Druggists and alt other Dealers in A; )34x will be sent by mail prepaid on ro.- eelpt'of the . ' PRICE;2S t orders rhould W:al:1;4=0d, fo. 8. B. L. I'AIMBSTOOK & 00., PITTSE Y '2IIII, apudeodkyiewiJiityi . vapzeimmuti a LONG: No 1217. LY8 zygity.ST.; deafen in Mowairind Reapeps. Ruse Powen. sad Separators, gAra . laws, god? iter Oath= stud forio Otalku34,ry -DENT; Venesicere aid`Co'mrary for erect -be a Bridge Seethe ',Singh exgr Bayer, Deposita Pittsbargki iihe.otnity cI ituiligheni. have this day declared a riiridezid ..or LIFE DOLLAR. 4J±I'D FIFTZEN - •ertrra each "share of the Lapitsl Stook of the tlomsahy. - athich will be kaid to Stookholdies or their heal lepreitintativas on or &ter the inkiest, , Pirratensow,Jals 1at;1&53.' -' 1 : ' • WM.SOsicßlrßli'Tre surer. 4Yl33td.scri , , BOARD 'Ar.:SAB.-atiatISPRIMEL ~ siirasmitsdoirvizi, Me ~ , airs. • WV litason'iY; 16'fOlif . "•fiivooholziltikown; to visittirkitlhe 'BR litotor Open for the PAVIPi.i of 4rhtl i tf • . " homefelarite. db. it I =4ed % 1rr 0164 /War between the Cot* ttod t *lltPlife, , _islOrtAlts. anti is sarrouudedify , =pia 'kid' Deenturins- 4hatied grounds..7-fahle tirstrolsisevutitithe rtlettii* . adaP 44- ' 01. 14t rteoiillNlZMltl:iLetiAL For further rani agave .f all ' : 03-‘,. AWINPO• Itil--- T E . . WHEELER b WILSON Sewing Maeitkilne Was awarded a FIRST CLASS PRIZE. gFii.it WORLD'S FAIR LONDON EA GLAND. where all the Machines of EUROPE AND AMERICA were in competition Also, at the Industrial Exposition, P,aris. Prude , and at ever, United States Vat!' at which Sewing Machines have beio exhibited. The principal Comroxiles making Sewing Ma chines are Wheeler Sc Wilson, L M. eintger Co. and Grover Sc Baker. Of the machines made there were sold daring the year las; reported: By Wheeler it Wil.on 21,306 By f. M. Singer tt Co ..;„„.10.03a —. By Grover dc Baker 10,280 Showing WHEELER & WILSON ''.i.sales to be double those rf any other Sewing Michlee Com- Puny in the country,: CEP ICE, 27 FIFTH STREET. PITTSBURGH: • This Machine makes the 'L OC j STITCH.' and rants highest on account of the elasticity permanence, beauty and genera; dgairablenes' of the stitching when doze, and the,Wide range of im application —[Report of the °Clam - bum in stitute, New York,i ialBd few CARPETS FOR CASH 4 T DECIDEDLY LESS ' TRAIN nu. wholesale Prices. Bought pzevions to any considerable advance by the manufacs. end will be sold accordingly. Well 13 sac tined Sheet Oil Clothe. AT LOW PRICES. Woolen and Cotton Druggets, Canton Mattinga, &o. W. D. & H. McCA.LLTAI, lu2 AT NO. 67 FOURTH STREET, 5,000 WHIS KY.. of' ) di ff P erent E agts Y t E o suit purchasers, at lowest cash prices. For sale by Tllos. 151001 . tE. Distiller, itilB:tt No's 199 91. 93 and 95 First street. D EN TISTR Y. Pin EETH EXTRACTED WITHOUT JA pain by the u•e of Dr Ondry's aPparatu.. HOFFMAN £ F.DMUNOSON DENTISTS. All work warranted. 134 Smithfield Street. Pittsburg Hydropolts, or Garden =er. • A NEW AND 11:1SEEVE MITI FOB 11 wetting plants and flowers. washinpoindows, carriages : &e, Ramps of every dosariptiOn soli aod.repaired. Daykin's Patent Wt.& Drawer made and sold. is; ELDON & KELLY. 164 Wood St. irl3 One door him Sixth. QEALED PROPOSALS WILL BE RE. ceived by the Committee on Fire Engines and ~cse, up to Juno 20th, 18S3 for three thous and feet of host quality of TEN INCH LEATH ER, HOSE, copper rivited, and Junes' Patent Couplings attached thereto. The hose to he properly tested before they are received by the city, when nayment will be made in cash JOHN QUINN, Jus Chairmanof Committee. ENTS LASTING CONORMS GAI -41311r TARS. a very superior quality, lust ree'd at W. E. SCAY,EItTZ & CO No.3lFifth St, C; IP. A. P DRY GOODS ikr OW IB THE TIME TO SECURE Bargeins in Dross Goods. Shawls, Cloth and Siik Mantles of the most talhionable styles, Un bleached and bleached M aslin. Calico. Dolainee, Silk Sun Umbrellas &0., at greatly reduce p* oes. all hay ng been pnrohated for cash. will be sold cheap for Gash, mill and see for yourselves at H. .1 LYNCH, OS Market street. CEO. R. COCHRAN, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW Office No. 69 Grant street, near the Court House, Pitteburgh. - • A L L BUS I NESS ENTRUSTED TO ID hie care will receive prompt attention. Col lectiotui made and Ll:leniency promptly remittai. dectelycl DUQUESNE BRASS WORKS, CADMAN & CRAWFORD. Manufseturers of every variety of finished BRASS WORK FOR PLUMBERS GAS or STEA.S.I FrirkElßS, MACHINESTS can COPPERS - MITI:14 "IMAM CASTINGS OF EVERT DE. scaiption made order Steamboat steam andgas fitting a to nd repairing promptly at tended to. Hartionlar attention peep to fitting UP Refineries for Coal and Carbon Ods, Also, sole agents for the Western Dfstdet of Pennvlvania. for the sale of Marsh. Lansdell &. Co.'s Patent 83 phon Pump, the best aver invert* fed. having no valves it is not liable to get ont of 'order and will throw more water than any Paw idea its else. feblhdly. I InF SS, D. LYNCH.S4WIL' RILL RILL, /11 h Is laid ofi SO beautiful building lota, which ehe offers for sale on reazonablutermq, They are eligibly located, lying between the Oakland Sta tion and the. Itiononghahela Fiver. They off r many inducements for private residences. For plan of lots and price, apply at the office of. M „ K. NOLAN; ilo.l27Fonrth St, one door aboVb 'Smithfield myl.3amd WRENCH WOODS IMI TATION OF SC Oat, printed from board . exact copy with panel mouldings to match. For sale by W. P. MARSHALL. In 6 87 Wood street. CORN— 30n bushels prime yellow shelled Cora, he ste , e ane fcr sale by JAMES A. FETZER. earner Market and Ist street. Wanted: K. DOLLARS A MONTH! I WARR • co , to hire Agents in every county at $75 a month, espenses paid, to sell my new cheap Fam-- Dy Sowing Mgoinnee. S. MADISON. Affrod.Me. Wanted • 9 6 41 0 our r eer ger w:titnBll6optencitii7rbr„p2WEerisela and 13 other article's, ito circulars sent fee e Adorns bEIAW Zs CLARK. tideford: Maine. isty6:3mdaw O&M= RODMAN ZIOT4 RIALGEE HICKS, 266 MARKET STREET North nide, PIIIIADELPULS, irt —.49-13rd ELSINGBURG- GRAPE, E CAN FURNISH A FEW 'LEES ci this valuable Grape st $2 ED per dam $l/ 60 per ICO. 448 29 Fifth street.. REMOVAL. DR. F, BARDEEN like RfilLtrovlCD from Smithfield street, below the Girard House. to N 0.145 Fdth greet opposite the Court Howe. ADIEEPAILISSES'AND CIEFLORENS )1.4 Bosts,-Shoft, Gaiters sod Bahnorsds, teedt la order. of the best materials mid .6knran alq, W. E 8811318 At Filt ptrAt 'irlizsapA AVENUE PROPERTY want.d. a -goad Eat 31( dialling time', and km With fgaNgs. garden be., otrortont. the Avetitia. rip to . • . ' k cyttena a nke E zMaEs.IIIvIO24EI *igLmill#,Do.fomprs. wlusted stt - ro Hay Bake% lbgeso t iAck trn mac w poe:alb f 8 e + IMMO We continue to notice a fair demand for oil, es pecially crude. Tne stock on hand will only ad mit of limited transactions. The latest news from the East represents an act've demmad atfull prices, holders being inclined to ask higher figures, and as the s pply is light it will no doubt be conceded. From Oil City we have received no dittPechea for some time past and of course are unable to give the figures current up there. Toe following are the exports and imports from the Oil Exchange but,l;s: Exports to New fork—Refined, 2-'738 bbis Naptha. 104 Ws Benzoic, 8 bbls, To Philadel phi-I—Refined, 136 bb's ; Crude, 78 bbLs Tar, 184 bbts. Exporta West b - the Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne and Chicago Railroad—B eflhod. 68 bble; Crude. 2 bble. Imports per Allegheny river, 496 bb's; per Allegheny Valley Railroad — Re6ned.l.so9 bble ; Crude; 184 bble. O nde—ltecolpte light; lots comprising 650 bbls e' , anged hands at 153i®103; 500 do. terms withheld; these sales were without packages. Itaflned—So transactions. Prices nominal and in favor of holders. PITTSBURGH PRODUOR MARKET OFFICE OF THE DAILY POST,} Tuesday, July 14th, 1863. Remarks—The weather for some days was remarkab y pleasant. Business is looking up. Oar rivers are again receding, and will soon be dawn to law water - mark. The demand for the leading artiolos although-limited is on the in crease. Oar wholesale dealers have an ample supply on hand and country dealers will find it to their advantage to give them a earl. We feel con fident they can do well, • Money matters are still unsettled. Gold, according to our latest Eastern accounts, will soon find its proper level. Money on the street is easily obtained for good paper at low rates. Money in Pitts , :u7sfh was never plen tier. Chitty dull with more sellers than buyers be yond small lots for home consumption nothing wss done. Receipts by wagon limited. The rent rates from store were as follows: Extra, Sosog+ 5 60: Extra P+mily; 20(46 50, as to unali7 Potatoes -0:d is fast disal+Pecring• prices too unsettled t - + quote correctly. i. ew ones are be coming D'enty. Cheese in steady demand at full rates Sales 25 boxes new W Rat lOglla. Linseed 01 1—Salts reported at $1 20 per gal demand moderate Ellfre—Demand falling off; sales 10 bbls at 11. Mo per dot. Dried Frnit--The season for old is drawing to • close: a good article of Peaches would bring $2 75 Per bush, whilst Apples would not command over $1,21 25. Sallt.—Sales 150 bbh $2 10. Rutter do 1 with small sales at 120140. Sioeerlies in good demandosith a fair busi ness doing. Among the sales we note the fol lowing Rugar—Sales 8 hhds Cuba, 11WR1.13Ei0 ; 5 hitch Orleans, 12%c. • Molasses—Sales 81 bbls new crop Orleans,: 60c, E-ales of 10 do old 550: , Coth.e—Salis 20 sacks prime Rio at 33+1033340. EUROPEAN--4;=o - i.ti - ; AGENCY. rrinomtui itsernsuawr. EtrISOPEAS La Agent,- 122 Monongahela Rollie, Pitts bppsh. Pa., !spinneret CO bring out or send bask Passengers from onto any part of the old coon try. either by steam or sailing packets. SIGHT DRAFTS FOR MIX, ' paYable in an: part of H.npe. Agamt fo re the Indianapolia and Cbsoinnati Rail road; Railing Pcok, Aenorf o the te S t odß er a Gr S ea L Ean e . t ern, and for the LIMOS of Steamers sailing betareee Se. Tons. Liverpool. Glasgow and fialwag. fell The first class powerful Steamships SIDON SEDAN., 1.31 1r / eve MARATHON, I TRIPOLI, TILL SAIL PROIII NEW YORE ry alternate Wedoesdee from Liver- Paid every alternate Tuesday. and From Queens- Mina every 'actuate Wednesday. ! Bteeraie passage - trom Liverpool or oLueues thwn. $3O: from New York,• $3 50, payable in Dfild or Its equivalent.n Quirinal, For Steerage Paezage apply_to WILLIAMS* GIJION, 40 Fa ton St.„ New York, or TROIS. RATTIGAN. Act. ./u3IYdNo 122 Alonoh imbed a. House, Waters.. • ANOTHER . ARRIVAL ! RffecoursTEß BLER, 108 Wood Btreet - - 4 doors from sth virAvniTo.NOVITIPI SrOBE THE LAB. At gag and moat .noinplet. esiertment of Ci-' enre end Pipes in the City. wh.zh shei aro elalelDB the very lowest Cash Figures. Call and ,exernice them before mrchasins eag e whem All Orders prompt's. attendoi to. logit HENRY W. BEAUMONT *CO. • DEALERS IS Foreign Brandies, linen and Gina Also, Blackball'', Rupbero..Wild Merry. and Ginger' Brandies, Old Mononklshele. Rye, and ether Whielrlee“Tameloa Rum Ao • 710. 8.3 Liberia' Street, Opßoelte route Kneel, PrZTEIBtrfiGH. PA. Asir Hotels. Tavern,. slid Fang:UMliod.st modersto o rrapsfor Cub.' , - -7- . C oe 086 ~-, its , . Into - (utt . ..._ .... - . 1 .. ~., .... . -.. 't N . lzrFotuthatistive init/illtdst fireTiVO Lowei-JON-c-PENIPA AVM= 1 it mouraw piump Ail i t i t ii To soup t r . .2. FOE SALE—Each .20 feet Ira 4 . TIT A. famine,' krats43 00=1171 withrtebt deep' Prietoll4ooo.,*,Terate- ..;.0 1 0 r s et slab:de:at thattakeuee,, . I will eito at remainder in one and two ears - Apr) ... rite an:abate sad aalitAit propertr: 0011W:ion tuio 41 .-: Clri T " .... is E r fa mji g ret d re 4ll4 'it.' - : . .14 reg thnsta ta and. knelailmoilt u t i ot.taturr ty 1, 4 , 1. 0 : c ir ini stai sad I . o 4tuiperietoa 4 the -bn‘we; —WI., her' . .E; 111 1140 ,• attire oath:apt:M. minstront. - -u alegmdtmath- - •4 ' 'M. K. NOUN.: des. SEAM. PAPSItiI -Al io OLI fp: , Illqe b Yw . p, NEA'st4,.- xitilL, Jul hi Wood aired. . . . ... .u.satz NO: IM O BEDIVIMAT, ro ,ji ren bitlf*? mtoir dwrlijits lionettstadflot otootoidlor M. 1 .4 - Ntall:44, wow% garret sad. osier. avata r- . tarok tw ' , front POrIMOB. oneto at ' % 1 1 4311 & Wr it , ...Wel ' d var i k . JO al Mead street. COMMERCIAL INfORMATION, Arbitration. committee of the Board of Trade. Wm. M. SHINN, V. P.I;JAS. L BENNETT JNO. DILWORTH„ Wm. MoCREERY. DAVID Moo DLESS. Movements of European Steatners raou '11.11:621111A. Sidon -June 10... New York....Liverpoo June 10.-Boston........Liverpoo Persia June 17... New York--Liverpool Marathon • Tune 24.-N York....Liverpoo Africa.. ............... June24...l3oston Liverpool Footle July I... New York....Liverpoo Kedar..,.-.... -.July York.... Liverpool Great Eastern . .-July2l.-New York.... Liverpool • MOM 1172021. Haruni---._ June 10 -Liverpool_New York Canada----___Jnne 13-Liverpool-Boston Itchier ---___-June le...Liverpool -New York Tripoli Jane 27 -Liverpool-New York- MONEY MAREET. CORRECTED DAILY POR THE MORNING POE? By RESSREL I[OI7STZ & MERTZ. BROEERS. NO. 118 WOOD STREET. The following are the buying and selling rat for Gold. Silver. : Baring Selling Gold.-....---- Silver 125 00 1 12 00 Demand ......--- -1 2)% 00 Eastern Exchange. New York ---- ........ par Baltimore ....... ..... -- PR Philadelphia.. ---...... par 80at0n..... ..... ...--- ......... ... Par 4 Western Psentange. it Cincinnati _—..—. —... par t , , ; Louisville ........... Par rig a° ......... ---- ... -...—. par d PITTSBURaR OIL TRADE TtrEsoey, , Suly 14th. 1867. CIINA.RD LINE. Stara to flaeemtowa and Liverpool. DEALEIW IN OILS. E• M. KIER ,& ,CO.. ILLII lAMlzigs 07 . Pure No. 1- Carbom. 011, A It D 4110-ofitee oa L 133132117 ST 'r, oppottte Perm's It. 11. Perot • Es.en oil warranted. at613:17d THE AIiDESCO OIL comma mluarattE4D 14)16 Refined Azdeneo_ 011, Nov-Intosivie. Atm), PUREr. 0 warehouse, 27IRWIN STRZEr PITISBUBOA - PE.ler. NAL Lucent Oil 'W°rl4'l' I)l3lg evSL m w e an nire l ?= REFliszn oir & 9°" .a. 111 B O N co lid • . oe, Pa. NO. 2sl LIMIT STRUT Pitbo• trent. IjOttlt&t. LOIATIMRIZITCS: &a. REGILDED OR RERRONZED-. ad rude red to b equal ,to 'new, Alro;Chan the delier;ei e.. &Miarn Carbon Oil. at Lamp and , Store of WELDON, BEADLIKE it KELLY, arab. 164 Wood sheet. near 6th. The Philosophic Burner. fIarAYDEIPS NEW DOITIBLINACTLESIti Ina- Philosophic Burner for Carbon CU 1.3 now ready. It possesses many advantages over the Common Burnexs. L It makes a large or mall light with perfect c2.m _ • It will town anYoicantits.al oil wid,h safety. 8. It can be wed with It long or short ehlumoy. It samba need as* tapernight-hm, ' 5. It can always/ be made to ' barrio:onager/AL 8. It b more cagily . tricked than any other 7. It -can be trimmed and lighted withont re moving the cone. • 8. It throws all the White light abaci the dons. 9. The chimney atm _be .removed itunztec without touching the glass. These humeri aftihe common lino. lei 4 ar.d can be put on any lamp now in use. Every per son using Carbon Oil should" hains a Philosophic Burner. Price 28 conts:_ped down $2. Sold a No. 82 FOUBIII &seat. Pittsburgh. ics2s-I.vda. P. WAIMEA'. PIANo DEALERS. N .4, BE (4 CO'S PIANOS-, Twit opened WA week a choke !apply of those BEALTTIYUL INSTRUMENTS. _ berond doubt the finest in the country. This fact is now almost universally conceded; for i.o , re months past we have been unable to AU one half cf our orders. WARRANTED FIVE FEARS. Baines Brothers Exebloicr Piano Porto* ,the_ best cheap Pianos made. For sale by CHARLOTTE BLUM& 43 Fifth street Sole Agent for Haines Brothers Pianos and Princes Melodeons.. 3CB N'PRING GOODB. WTion w o°B.yers 1 4. 3 0tir ato AIJ Ok oT ATE SPRING AND SUIIIIEB GOODS , embraolnk sII tho newest kyles of PLAIN AND FANCY CASSIMERAS,_ anitabie for Business Sults. ATbll_snd oomPloto assortment. of Rao blaok CLOTHS AND CASSIHEBES, Plain end fisaied Silk aid daahmero Vest.inirt W. H. IticHEE & CO., 143 FEDERAL SUM*. corner of Market Square. AlleghemS , oft" inhs:dawaf ME= FUN, ROSE LEAF , pommies., • Peewit P0W4461". • THEATRE ItOrtig, Vltiegler Range, VIOLET POWDER, ' • Violet Powder, - , HARD & SOFT..EITEBER syserirGEs,. Hard dt ,Sort Syringes, Jest rewired . 'Just received' at. RANEIN'S Drug Store, Fe. algarket trtree..4 J doors below Fourth.' ' myzs HITTOILINSOB SSION & FORT mte `.lstoni • -DealeOn WESTERN RESERVE CHEESE, Floor, Grain , Mak. Dried •Fruit,'Pot and Pearl Ashes, and PRODUCE GENERALLY, Best Brenda ot Family Flour AJways on Send. No. 102 Second SlCeet. - Botween.Wood and - Market. PITTSBI/GE, PENN'A. 'ol6.Liberai advance made on Consignments.. anll-I,d W. B. LtYPTO/1 _.it: 06D1f/ • , EuriroN 4 - 01GDDEN ItAIIVIPLOTII=3I3 Avri Dritass FELT CEMENT- GRAVEL;ROOFING 113• Repairs Plaid gravel, Canvass and ktetelli Roofs made at the lowest prime. All work promptly attended to and warranted. Ofßoe, Morning Post pnildineweerper Fifth and Wood streets. 2d' story: mbi7 EEKEE . . rom SIT s DELIGHTFUL BE= eon.. immediately on the. line ,of the Cen tral P. a. $„-located on the Stuamit et the Ade. shinty Mountains, 2,800 feet above4he level of the sea, will be vett for the reception of visitors on the loth of June. /868, and will be' kept open until the first of Oe ober. The water and air at this point possess imp& dor attractions. The analyses...made in the la boratory of Professors Booth; uarredt, and Ca me, of Philadelphitt:shaw the aziettnell of valu able mineral elements,: the widen of some tf the springs" being of the iron or ehalybeete Owe, and and others 'ordaining?. !Aloe or aperient salts. - Pare mountain water- aboun ds:and..; the guests : will also be sopplied*with mineral seeders from other OPTiIISP, "aual!..eit_ blue Liek. Bedford sad Saratoga waters.' Ample facilities :for bath hog have been si ded. new plunge and doneb baths, erect, end doe and Cold Baths ea at ail time be ob- The grounds. walks iee-,llllvek tone 111411,Jra roved. and are of a vaned and piettireputa character. . _ There is at Creation Sprivao, TelmeaDh Office two daily - -mails -Porn and, Pirtaburtb and intermediate points: _ Baconian Tickets can be obtained at ilari offioo of the peonsylvania Railroad Company.. For further infor Metion_LaP.Plr r to - - huthdlm MULMEN, Croaion Sprints. Cambris Co. Fs.:. LZO_ 'PILE ',PUBLIC. GCS P fiI_DIAL L X.l -,......_ suethe ignorant andfslso : , --- w is Modest of all-denorni- .....ii. _:, "L..., . ootioriktreat seam And -', - ~ - ,-7..i- • f•i•_.:,- - delicate disordenii. self- "i, • --. _.:= 01,,,..- abuse and Crum or --i ..,:, ',.,;--*, I tuarleciel thilitinor e and in- • • 2 ;,c - :•:"-", cideVA9.lnlikthe. of both. •., . - rt. • 'suit _and. aduitik . le yr.:mania& Emus Da.fourar p ea the feat of his doing so.-th - d tam t lehfallainadeat are oe ..• altdeked. an kit A greatM e — hi:ixoo and for , eo deer 'and' on among their wins. Me and .i. Their Nally -1i should be cumulous to eel. thom w_lireasse I ttlqitle nw e same as Dr. illtd.llt oarsDP. (except pu lest a lucrative prod rice sals ht -he loet , to- am emu itstild Inbar modest- "Ad - presumptuous founding, born And raised bi isoarance..spints up 33 MlLl.rooa3 and who, eoniliareecamtlr.ricia-simim. Dail didlars. and ea* myetericaudy, meanly or' 2 kotten-lt to teriffelrettfihOW _ ,VD9.3 . thoznomorous .etßil raid d i na r AIA manual -that , their .vu doubters - and wards, provicasb feeble - riet.4 and py o clicato.cendition and appeozozoo. him 13 hays" rid to ry,:3 -and vizor 17 DR. DRAIISTB u gstables irel.vs , hem.' mid ober marriaso thee him have be eavertoa suZ ferint anxiety mortificithni. - e:" Gpermaorr hea or noeturnal_fmluiiia!mme. ars completely mod to. teredirotorf apace lac time by lir- 'AIM ?zw.edial. tirhiolt.mpeoudLarly his ouli: Tinware compounds ram the Vegetable' :I:rtesb:o:lu having arm the hillurof the ilfermiaituntinient.ho has a.,andon el it and imisitituted the gull:able Percale db amasare treistedwft Mark edsooom--nams hrd - over forr - Ynans (40) emPeelesee- re their trey meat in espitals of both ens ,Old World and in the 'United Statetleads him to eay 4 -th all with a fair Wei, health , and luirr _IQ again - bloom neon thismase--pered oh sane to Scorer vrah molitelianki and quacks: acme- and-be ems Consumption and all of ha kindred diseases. of which: so -autuierts.l9l- our oountries. can Meer be __,___. VlATithliff .ho a tten d :to it In time NI - pieruimus din ballad arms treatment hPlgrouri ca ng, ikeispx pp the MedicalAdvizarorhich Is oven mto au matepply liming too ad ' vantage -4 (net forty- gnarly experienca and obsereation, oonsaqui. ; _ ha hes sualor still in the treatment of mice' 'diseaim and who if daily clanked by thevroloseion. as wen as zoo= qxteo deo by :opectable ciidnens. publiniers, pro redetora of bottle, dot. 01 4 65 Statlitold stoat, near Diamond street, - yam communi. -cations froi tiv eLl parte of eta rlon "etiotly at- WIZ SOO, _debl.7. :_ ' • -,- ' ,:- Pi • abate Poo katflft. HOW LOST!' Dt Jhot published. • 111‘ a Sealed Envelope" PAO: Sin Conta. A -LE ON OTRItil TES' NATURg. -TREAT MENT and Radicals of Scermatorrlitoo or eminal4apilea, voltmtary, Emmissione. &mild and pediment' -to Marriage generally rr;otumees, Ceraummption4- Whim and lax Mental and Physical Incapacity - . remit. tog from Self-Abuse. -As ROT. -.T.LCITL VERWELL;M. AuthOr Mlles Grew' 1?ookc(oc "A Boon to Thonsandtf - Of . anffeteni." Sent under aca) in a plain eta7 o olW, to any ad liras, poet paid on ?octant of Six C•m_c , _,, or two postage alampe. b Dr. OR. I. C. KLINE 127 Broad. New York, mb3l:dawBm PoutOffitho Box. 45.86. Rif...:FiLBEE fb i e 04, 53 TRU 111.,StItt‘,,CillEtignS fa-ork. ettion. eACHI4I3II na` - HAMS. ffeet Ane Penn. L Paseezimperet, , • , 6.. . . ALL KINDS Steam liNfole...ratterzo from three - Mr o handrel and., Ammo 'rower .-end , stdted. Eerie Fotte retearielt. char *MIT particular Atte-Aloft to the cor etracthei of guinea and Machine= .for =test - and for math:* at Wax and chottar /taw nal& Have also on•hand.-2 silteed and_teady for skip ment at ebortnotioa, Nintinerand Boilers ofovcrY deteription. MyoZtithßoUere and Skeet Iron sap: ernftly. Wrong ht ron Eihefteir,Manels and'ftlllea in wow and octet:lane thermanufactum Woolen Memoriam and Maehine Cards, . - Oar, prima ero imp machinitry manufactur ed of Ma beet Quality of materials, and warrantor In all 02,86 to triVe Balk:faction. Oirerders from part: of tht counbv solicit ed and promptly filled. , felkdker IMPORTANT TO LADIES Eir &B. JOHN nacialiblf s • 1 7•AINIEN FOB ti.." upwards of Went , years devoted hi s. pro. feselonal time exalualvelyto tho treatment of Resale Demi/ries. and hOrms aucceededb thou sands of wee in nobsaimethe allotad to - sound heal{t}h, now =tiro cenfkdertoe in otrarbspab- - " Great Ameri mnedy," , - , , Da.-itanirzynat . SILONO- THERMAL - FEMALE - PILLS Wbob Da haveVettallec ti (whics the; dam: time re 4owdli•nk. - • -mortar =I sialOyfo lemma o from , Obalanctiorkir 6'61063 - of:liiir4e. r or In restoris—z the Cststeus to periZ ri nealei Irian entfeAna froth, Meal Ilfsoricass, Me 4 the -WIWI% or -other weattlesEL af . _ khe twills Or em. d4se b all oases AL_ _,u4sisat or Norms motratsera Hisferi:"Pastnsaasen - • a, Je0,80...dr0,, which the rummers of more serious - thetas% - 13-Thass Pais areperfoo* bar:dose on o,e COMk• Chtliill" avid maw be taker tat he 'moat delicate/a utak without dowries or r &Übe same tliste that csee like or &kris. li. o ming Invlgcl" .ratuUr.audreetotinst tluseurstem o a headily oon• ditto% _ •• rbe.i6iotta3lesl3oPilleiltrai this Doman, mur .and whi te will: bo'oent Call pre-pald /stistgrod ArtiOst , essree tof the Fano 1 tat ir 3: N. Y.. eral Assent '''''' • Nalk d !r.ramee - Co arlfarbltArult en the Diargond. aunt' - Arent for Pittsermr. p.4“78_ 9.6.PRELL, sulb - mcvgAiwir - - TALtAtitto, xiirrE BrA*3l - :iiskOr ELS carvito a v ism 0 , 43 welliteltoted stook of Spring Goods, . e-: , . e..emAnz or `l:lloithari Cashmeres, Vestipgs, ace. • mao=-4 Large sioc*' of - GENT'S V111' . ..N . .1411MG GOODa t ~ ~ . -.. ... ... inoltulinii Ape* Ooftrita.:Xtoh_Tioi, euxd error, 'thb 2 SligusarzoPtis first deo ro.,ting Slore prde T a promosly. erlientoci.. -- - '-- - sae:lyd M5;50- 1717 13BEIT'ER11 - 45 50 UNABMEIGED: DICTIONARY -- eopi.. enapleje fOrgeW. .._:7MMAGaltittnAttal.so MELLOE.„ lan7 Woodetrest_ TO ,B1111•DPIESAUO) ctit.S,ML&CTOEM 'WE ire nal, timar....ztatti; s a rzazio,/ aznicla 01 whka w• arearepart owyrafrm our isost zansEry6alamsr.. 'Best stnalli7 0/1 reaCIP 4. - JoalL skstms hand ma usital. mot intrzcsom. istrzwanw , , 13 / 0 0TZ3.........„70Eur rx na , llarrrairrlGHl aiai,4o.2 FACTUALES43ODiPANY. m. taintilfOLOVElt di Co. , DlnnenitninAnf Cirnsgblen..49, and dealers in F.en..ite -rucible-Cliky. x i t ais tFlßO. 86 1 1 4, 1 ' t .Thr t Ittn . 3 4,elnmate the P.R. Arden , rPpeednliTnnlic , fehltfted* mik EmiVAL , OF -.X.rtzikr " "STABLE, ALIIIi The undersigned having removed his-Live, ' ril Stable item th, seer at the Scott Home, to the earner of Silt and, tintithgeld street. W; 0. ' Cone cold 13 prepared to sur nimearrlagett,...-• boatload. swats horses von the shortest. no doe, so horses rept gt ; uvery atal t a zot i atj e gates.' ndertshing and a Iniglionacau a for .., #. ! nsralstrip. re.relvy tato good i t lb int i ota ,.... . . 11 4441 . no. . - i .. . . _ 17 ,OTS FOR_ SWItar , ,TH.E. - EtUnscßl. MA ber 431163 ica• saltt.ruurellyiVota situated einthe corner r ..tirove arid tro .diewiste , a N c lining t hgArenth Marl: ln tstowsusb Theriot; are ea="24 lwet„ trout by lid feet deep , ftipitkir-totek to an Iwo . . and are eatirelsola- Kece , 11 7_1(tfeste and alleys on•;.eye•ry sid Iwo of andball va uovt , tram, house as them, fiv e rooms • ka in eatehl4dmats en be .11n woe& Th ey will pold e r usregiz ti n t le e z Autoble to-IDs. ear O. 0,. JCIICT-, Koss suroo4 ueer k ouch%