The Pittsburgh post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1859-1864, July 09, 1863, Image 3

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    44 , 4040 ,".,
~4,-,i!AiiIE.4 I (7.,•POST
• si.rscrassuut. *01,4 N0••37
nag= SOTON snow seats far thivoaltir
mud W. !Vat* ram eittai6
_sad I . tie
tklrlial to take aarausmp,, m _ . ra andsabkriatir
Or Ut at our Lateen ammo. - • ,•
4 .7 8 e. RIM -41 Tilled Pages for Caine
ineittellhilliKarketiiiiid River Neeak
-Vat' Mi i'MGDOR11001)
Orphan's, Phs 11 LC
ThA annual Pic N/c-foi:the benefit of
8t Pi ul`a Orphan AsYlnai, wilt ba held
trLeon City Park, on Tbursduythe 9th
eierything necessary to make the_occa4on
pleasant to visitors will be amply provide .
8 Admission to the gniands 10 cents.
Dinner 25 coots.,
The draft under the conscription lei of
Congress - commenced yesterday Morning
at the office of the Provost Marshal . ..! The
MAnies wiredrawn as •fdiloweLaliim_con-
OTlTlliose included
iwthe -Snit class, from each ward, were ,
pntinto a wheel, the wards, however, be
ing drawn separately. Mr. George W;
Cyrus was the person selected td draw
the names, and having been sworn, hettas
blindfolded,lind•at each turn of the wheel
he drew out a name which was called oat
Provost „Marsliake_apiain Heron .FoB`
Who Passed it to Wrii. H. Campbell,
..who tarn :gave it oat to the clerks, and
-reporters, - -spelling The- fielEieein order ; to
.... , !havollsent. correct. The draft - was ad
cjourned elter-four wads were gone thro
- with, = e arning at 10 o'clock.
. rizat Ward. -- -
James Lyrizr, , Samuel Kay, James A
..H.Fahnestock, Wm Clinton,
- iGegi.M Stewart, Jacob, Zimmerman, Wm
FinniVhos Hamlin, James Sallivan, Win
Tkcia — Eirring, And I - Felton. Fred
""erlek: Booker, Chas G B Weihl, Norick
'lennedy. John Freel, Frederick Rachel,
.Thomas Durkin, Charles Colwell, Joseph
...MtKenria, Angie Brook% John Akert,
John H Roberts, Peter , Joyce, Joshua" Sinith,' Thomas Spencer, JOhn
.mone,4ciline Huffman, Christian Swartz,
Robert Humette, A:lextuider Henry, Pat
rialr,2Hilies, Alexander F• Hay, James'N
Henry, Edward l) Watson, - Robert Jack
son, Michael Foley, 'Frank Herron, Al
, feed- Fogle, J M Stearin, William Pat
t.;..tiariiiin,';Martln Smith, Charles Bierman,
John Ross, Hugh Campbell, William Dile,
'.;!„Ealtirriane Lewis, - James Wallace, John
--Finns - Abraham - Smith, - Henry Shriver,_
lasio'Collite.n„...Patrick-•Keriney, William
~.Neigengardt, Joiriph Miller, Wm. Tracey,
'-ffolin - Heil:wide, James G. Moore, George
Edwarda, James White, Thos. Jackson,
Zanies Foley,. Michael Satan, Fairfax C.
Milton, Thomas English, Chas Prentice,
John B. - Datilevy, Samuel M. Evand. Pat.
(rick Ririe, Batley Minton,
Richard Coyle,
William R. *Wilson,Jas J ackson. Edward
C. Smith, Presley P. Murphy, Benjamin
- J _ldelitretv, - Phillip Frankberger, Win.
Boyde,-Joseph VaWre, Josiah E John
--stern,--Theodore Bierman, John Keller,
• , tactoi.lieNalley„Jas. Richards Win. Carey,
- -Bennett Kouniz, Henry Winder, Richard
Patterson, John Steinhauser, James
.-.-Vimeri "Barmen Pictiel. Win Garrard,
Timothy J Moran, Frank Willstine, Davie
'Durr,John:Bolard, John Flaherty, Al
bert — Sfeel, Samuel Barman, John 'Outla.
‘l:lart, Wm S Fulton. James 11 Black, Wm
Ef Smith, Jacob Keefer, Baldwin Gray,
Frederick- Kraal:B, John H Wiloughbey,
yaitaarcs.Frical, Samuel Johnson, Andon'
W- FromM,,John McMahon, Andrew Herr,
1•.40/1.itrHandal, Frederick Miller, dohs Ea
ovikle,." Geo D Ebbed, Frank. . F Mackey,
-Irwin "i
lfieieie Tracer, James H - Hopkins Beritiard
-- sHagit*, , Augapt F Breckemeyer, James
*Garr, Dennis O'Lary, Frederick Buck,
Cin'irad Dunn, John Snider, John Cot,
bort, Geo C Series, Conrad airing, Thos
Bardenr James Scott, William Crosan,
Thomastitone, Thomas Cunningham, Jno
Linslear ' Clayton Ragan Perry C Elder,
Edward Moffatt, N P Willis Gotta, John
Rutin, Albert Keller, Edwin Peebles, Jno
Monahan, Williavi James, Peter McCar- "Robert $ Williams, Andrew Auble,
Robert 8 Falton, John R Thompson, Wm
11,u in n; John Klotterman, George Stone,
olinA hicflahan,David Robinson, Robt
McCreary, Nathan P. McCullough. Fred
erick Scheilds, James H. Black, Fred W
Neibert, John Tool, Robert C Albree,-
4 - Mae& W Long, William R Boggs, Pat
. rick Foley, Jacob Proff, Joseph V Kerr,
Unmet ileilbeimer, James Shaer, Pat
rick Curley, Patrick Crane.
Second ward.
James Lindsey, William Borten,' Thos
Barns, John D McFadden, Alexander
" 'Moore, Yofin Sullivan, Janies 'Hamill,
Hamlet Lowe, William C. Hamilton,Albert
Tinneock, Charles 0 Muller, Michael Car-
Owen O'Neil, Joseph Sanck ,s Tim
lianntigne, John A Morange, William
Stafford, John Stafford, Henry John
Bailey, David Rodgers,Joseph Braden,
• Bensinuigar, lathew Konnaff.
Thomas Hagins, Eli F. Phillipi; Francis
Dickson, John Fell, Henry Woetker, J/10
Cougher, Henry Thomas; George Cook,
John _Bell, James Dougherty William S.
McDowell, Patrick Meskill. Horner
Wright, William Flemington, Simon
..;Sluroir, Patrick O'Brian, Charles Ernaek,
iTchn "Stonier, Martin White, Benjamin L
11pok,eo Harper Adams, James Batch-
Edo', John MeMur ry, Peter Bell, John W
McFarland, William Warden, Robert G
Bushnell,Reese Owens, Edward Kennedy,
~aarles Herron, John Fog, sam'l Ha ho,
Geo Miller t CpoPer," Phillip
Dtivid a Vance, Geo F. Massey
Delius Ferran. Daniel S Mcßane, Her-
Niemann, Barnand McGlaugh
litVjohn Gleason, Lewitt Weaver, Beja.
Jffines; Andrew Marsluill, Adam
J YThitfti Jno C Fulton, John Lawson,
V/IVer 0 LeUiGiorgii Keyed ; 'Andrew
,-.' l .:litoTagne, Hugh Sweeney, Peter Wyland,
Ed ,ffouston, Geo. N. Armstrong, Wm
.o,Xl4tilbThos Hamilton,Julins D Bernd'
ao "Nicholas,- Fttephen Woods, John
Knopp, John J Kelly, =Felix -Hawley,
Phillip Hoeheimer, 'Alex Byeri, Lemuel
Hull, Arthur Mathew, Milled- Galway,
Harmer DSonify I Fide& McErdill ; Jere
miah Sullivan,Albirt MlJohnion Jas
Caldwell; Geo Smith, Addison_
John 0 Gabler. Barnuel Johnson, Michael
Koll),_Thok BDiekeon, Wm J Cotts, atm
McQ Woods, James_Graham, Irwin Mc-
Combs, Wm Clement, John Hamill, Wm
laughlin, Solomon Stein, Townsend
-Cleggeit, Thomas Loyd, Nicholas Frick,
..;Chas Scully, Win Fulton, Jerome z-t" Ba
lmy, John Forman, Dewitt 0 Carrell,
Findley James, Chas Foreman, William
Jackson, henry F Dennells, Francis Mee
ha% Robert' bee, John McCloskey: Ed
- mond G Biggs, John D. Hunt,
-aHar - rf Mille! 'John A -McElroy, James
Berry, WilliamHanson ' -H E
Robert Morris William Morgan, Daniel
,teliskJames-hiklintock, JarpeaS Atter
lbtfry: Peter )34:own; 'Ste - prat J Adams,
Daniel Blackwell, James W Davitt, Gob
-Krippe, Henry MeSiviggen, Oliver Lemon,
Henry Siff, Knitlit. , Lewis, William
- ..'Lynclif:William Wilson, George Lowell,
Steplienleedle,`Jia Oliver, Jerry Ragan,
'Jr., Leopold _Einstein,
" - Chaff& Herz, 'Matthew HenderiOni
Willimix'Jeffrie4 James Lemon; Jr.; las
Jas B O'Neil, Warren E White,
&A A' .rohn Niblo, Thos L Mg-
CtelTand, ,Tokens MiirshililiThm-BrondY,
Zehery Win• P , Marshall; Jig Sal
plitt.'igt7,r' Jacob Hirshfeld, • James
Fletcher, Virin Wmla
4 Jiro PritfeitsbniVrtati,- kircHenr,t,
ps - McConnell ; Jas Wilson; Tani Jones,
Clement Rinlyard, Wm PNeyniap, Robt
¢leadeanin ;, Will'am Bell, Edward C
Ma.ed Ma-
Edward Kearns Jr, Coil
tlld Schwas, William Mulloney, David
,f-- " '~'-~ ''~ - '~~'*h T '.~~"`S~?c~~`-~. `.~ °_`~..-~'"~,..r~yz.,~„~-,.-~,:"~~ ^ ~ti-~ ~.~r~ , :~T'~!~ "'NZ`z,3ti ; ;~ ~~. :~`~ `~i.~--~.~ix :.. : ~-.n..., z'".7 ti'~s"r.~-~'F'"~ ~_ ~''', _~; `3`-
. . 1...
)70341;.:Z01in • shoiiari,,,gfigent,§mit/4
B F "Vaidevort, AlexatilleCL'Ela4lc;Prinl
Brticharcht,,R4ndolPh Kohly•Thomaa:( l-
gu n; Jos John .` Finn, . Core
Bartill,`A Jae FAA; WM tager B r. h
flutchinsziM 1 114bt'Savage,Cliss••Wilsthi,
Ellah Keefg,-Lesf Bueld4r,
Robert' Stouts o n Mae! Arinstroilg
Cannon ,, Jolin- 13 : 4 44nn. J ames: vor-']
ton Jahn Loper; Jas W Dougherty, t:ei' I
Bta ' dtr .10iioes - I. , Liildisi; 'Jo n ' - tither,
Michael•Stillivan, Wm Wighinn,Wm Hop! I
kins, Ed:Barns, Thos Scott, Thee Lawler,
Jae Fleming, Alex McKee, Elijah Weitt,,
Philip Myer, Thomas E 4-Iy, Frank : Flood,
James:illiams, James McCloskay;AalOh
Downs, Dennis , 'William .
Michael Cancan non. Henry-McCracken,
Thomas Pilkingtori, Wesley.' Betel:Min i
John Brackley, Henry hi Davimßreading
J Gasman, David Steinheimer, Jack-Haiti
Henry Raushausen, Patrick
"John- Efetzild;Frank &chard, Win Galls.
gher, Fred Newbert, Joseph Newall,Peter
Witatrier*Absorge.K...i.::ernoriAllvester W
Murphy, Patrick Cummings, William Gra
ham," Silas Rose, John Wall, Jerome A
Quay, .August Smith,, Michael-Henry,
MeManite; John ' Hokin; lohn
Henrt•Schenderline,,Win A.Arrnstrone,
James Gray, John Dugan, Geo. Norris,
James C Say; Cliarles,Gardner, Richard
Sheridan,Mark Moran, Walter, Burke,
Winesburg,Albert Angara, Karen
Paliniani - A M Brown. Oscar
Lewis Davis ~ ' Hero - D Brecht, Pamela
Daniel, Frederick Heins,. . Lewis Demler,
WniBclinaidt, Jno Maloey," Chas Quinn, 1
t Michael O'Hara, Jno Kann, - Jos •Eaisar,
Charles -- Kramei, George;.Hall; Jailies
Wherry, George' Plummel, Felix Quinn,
John W. McCarthy, William 'Bineprin,
Richard -Howe;;.. Herman Shelte, Adam
Schubert, _James Holland, Samuel W.
Gninm - William Heine Yoder, Cornelius
Kirby, Samuel S Lambert, John,Dingle
dein, - Andrew Fulton, James Wood
ward, Henry Sherman' William Grogan,
John . Shehan, Timothy Mari:thy, James
Brown, Adam Micklish, Paul Hacke, Ru
dolph leonhart, John klullenprotch, Hen
ry Bates, John Grinder, John Little. Jno
E SliriAnon, John Brussel, Michael Hain
ikon, Herman Gang, Frank Kistling, An
drew Keegan, Stephen Ott, Win. 11 Jones,
Thomas Williams„-Patrick Dan'l
Obler, Lewis -Rememan, Wm B Little,
Thomas Half,, Wat J McKee,gleines H
Hopkins, Geo - Nair, Wm Savage, Joseph
H Roush, Anthony Deans,Henry Dewier,
Lawrence:Ebert, James Pander. Alexan
der Potter; Anthony Manaux, Ed Lewis
Wm Stremmel, John Driffee;' 'Francis
Brannan," Robert Duncan, E
Duncan. John McCarthy. Robert Ray,
Adam Northam, James McKee, Joseph
Abel, Osmond Foster, Henry Behrens,
George Hoffman, James H. Wiggins,
ASihristian t Sharp, Thomas Kieley, August
us Brockernith,Josiah W. Elle, A. Getting,
David Dean, Thomas Dardis, Morgan
Broe," Hermann Grotthouse, Benjamin W.
Morgan. James Ernner, John Zweidinger,
Alexander L. Anderson, Gotleib"Lnd wig,
M. K. Nolan, Jerome Staley. Albert
- Murray. Charles, Merck, Edward Anger,
James Templeton, Charles F. Wells, Win.
McKee, Evan Jones, Casper Hellerback,
Willing J. Reid, Janes Casey, Michael
Mestar, Arthur Daily, Anthony Sequil,
William Smith, Jacob. Klee, Jasper D.
Stephenson, Joseph Ruble, Rev. Paul
Hickey, R udolph Koreing, Thomas J.
Little, Lewis Muller, Andrew Speerman,
Theo Grim, A S Reins, James Gilmore,
William attocks, Samson Goldman,
Henry Liveright, Edward Murray, Patrick
Sherry, Edward Barry, Francis Brisbin,
Leonard Wise, Mathew Green, Patrick
McGovern, Win P Richardson, Phillip
Fanste, Dennis O'Leary, John McKin•
nell, 0 R Coe, Hugh Murdock, -John
Resler, George Helper James Grif
fin, Daniel Faller, Alexander Mc-
Ateei, Charles C Lyon, JOhn Stewart. j
John Strain. Andrew Mclntire; James P i
Quinn, Charles Blame, Joseph Barker, 1
litter Giddingi, Robart — Thursby,- Alex.
ander Calder, George Shaffer, John
Holland, Morris Flinn, Bartholomew Ber
ry, Michael Rowan, R J Wick, Dennis
Kirby. Jno Conner, Jas K Lain Ed Clary,
Wm Thnrshy, John Merktand, John Mor
land,Jnollentzer, Jno Strot. Jas Wood
son Chas, Eberle Wm W Fisher,. Geo_
Baakofen - Fred Chas-Eberle,
Jos McPherson,
Armstrong C Henderson, A H Phillips,
Henry Mink, John Hill, Tobias Fehl, Juo
Buchner,Christholm, William Lock
hart? wls Simmons, Thomas Rat. ,
Lewis Lamer, Lewis Lorch, John
Moon Michael Carlisle. Michael Lynch,
Barber, W S Gray, James Mc-
Kibben, James Finch,
,:James Mullary,
William J Montgomery, Frank Eble,
Phillip Mertz, John Wright, Geo Blair,
Jeremiah Drescol, Alexander Atkinson,
Robert Cramer, Oliver Me Clintock, Jno -
Orten, Jno II Thompson, Thoe Mattocks.
Wm DlEtarrenne, Andrew Kemp, Fred
erick Grave, Wm H Campbell, Joseph C
%wig, John Cawley, Wm McCutcheon,
Lewis.Watert, James Coyle,- Dan'l Sulli-
van, Augustus H Laad , James-Dunn,
Edward Knary, John Case;lKund Kuhn,
David Burns,A Van Sickle, Patrick
Langdon, Alert' M Blackburn; Patrick
O'Connor, Daniel Smithson, Peter Cain,
Theodore -'
Growe Alexander ' Murray,
John Gilchrist, Jas G Weldon, Herman
Knoebel. -
Christopher Koch, A M Ralston, Daniel
Callahan..T C Boyd, James V Morrison.
John Howe, Frederick. 40gariE Charles
Holmes,. John Glyde,..James McKeever,
ThosFSmith,N MP Donald, Eienryft Yourig
Francii Hatfield, Jas Mcßride, Wm El.
liott, Jeremiah Gumbert, Edward Norton,
Henry Wallace, John A Creighteoni Quin
cy. A Scott, Wm. Craig, ,Joilephr.Linton,
Matthew Easto'h, Jas M Bailey, John hie-
Vay, Michael Bentley, Wm Long, John
Miller, Patrick Earns, Jeremiah -Brice
land, John Ahl, Maurice Call, John Shell
bangh, .1 P Marshall. - 'Henry - Biddle,
John Carson, B Wolf Jr, Jo.) Wise
man;John Kilgore, •ZEttne3'S Milrrison,
Henry Wagner, Jacob Shrink, Williain
Morrison, Abraham Hall; Charles' Dinh',
R Tenner, jr,William Lee, Edward lcenger, Jas L yon, John Black; Dennis
Sweeny, Robert Palmer,'
11-Fleming,lliehael J . Buckley, F Brad
field, M Edmende, :lose `h' Beale, George
Davis, E A'Xitzmiller, It Curry, , Charles
8 Hess, Neal McFadden, Harris Loren
thal, Thomas Smith. W W Yotica t
Thomas Manuel; Edward Sloan, Samuel
Severance, • William B. McVay, James
McFadden, Edward Sweeny, Jacob
Rymer, Jacob Phillipit, R C G Sproul,
Richard C Clyde, Charles Rieebspfart,
Samuel' Musgrave, James Brady, John
Bigler, William Donna'', William Whitt-
More c Phillip Wallett, Robt J Anderson,
Pat Newall, Wm Doran, Chas Donnelly:,
Nattitti Graff, I'AL l i am i lt6l o l3 rn o.tinn
Parkinson, ,
James V. Elonaldscm,"Jaen t
John Mode, Thos. Brady. Fred. Waltieil, .
..-Mullen,AriY,in ii, 4-,anghlin, .
"Woods ' '' . James - Mcrentt„ . Archibald
ScalaOtinrad;:Perry, Levi 0.1 YatleY
J.-J. • Detiglierty, James T. Blair. 'Wilt
llam Boyle,- Benjamin .ITruXel, ‘ , ?George
Miles,Wm. M;McCord,"Pittet Anderson:,
Michielltelly ' `john-Graff, Wm Sweeny,
Charles Shalardr., Edward McKee, John
Frankhanier, - Jas Sweeitly#io Martin, T
McQallister 17 W ThOtopsOd, Gordon E,
Job:talon, James McOlatohey, AV 7M.Clay
Geddis, Ohnilis Hannah, Joseph Powers - 1
Robert Et Riagaalt,_' - James hi_ Richaidi,
Jacob it Long, Theophiltts Mark;.4lalhal
Weible, Chas H . Israel; Wm M 0E4;4
J J De Silviiria A Oppenheimer, Jamei
E Lane, Jr.,l,Joseiph -D Richards,,,C
Kinney, - Hans Nichol, M --Edgerton,
Simnel - Yenson, - ''JOhte-Rarr,i John. TOx;
W H McClintot,Genrge" C Turier;jote
Hait";;Jitlitf'lltrier;-" Gbiorid , Aliwarided,
Jatnes,4 Illron, Lewis -Joass;Uotailir
3 , ei.:Aporthig Pa I Rers. I
Friend Pittock - sends - ea ‘N!iikeSpiritl
and the New York ClipOer i for• July 11th .
Persona who want to conceit the latest
news therdikeall. ; rad`pineureirk--.PPI
John his beerii:sevekeli grieved' in 'nor re
ceivind his r Bupply of an4,PaPers Tek t e
dsp='it is low all iTert "'at they came
throw is tam'
t:corth Ward.
Appeal from the fianitaryrViiiii
Pq"Alutt9A..PmJ"! 7
FELLOW Cirlissa ; The severely con
Aionz of onniStataires..heen,.repelied, at
once afford ground Ito/mufti' tiongratn
latiaeS and';',.inyeltre.7the - .inigent'dnty pf
- far tha.relief . of those
brave volunteers who - havatiffe
sred , ; from
the' fierentonflici. _ '
;The quarterly report of the Committee,
now in press we 'trust will show { hat-the
liberal contri butions you have entrtiated
to thein:cture have not been - misapplieil.
Of one:of the early shipments to Murtreas
hero; Dr. Reed, htedical ; lnspecter there,
states "that the, citizens ofPittelitirgh;by
this cne - shipment, -havadcitie incirtilto in
crease the efficient force of thearniy,:than
they;would have done by . securing a fdll
regiment of new recruits, involving an e*-
pendittire of $50,000 or $100,000."
All the supplies in - -the hands o€ the
Committee suitable for 'the -emergenby
were - forwarded - last week to Harrisharg,
under the care of Mr. Irish and Mr. ship
pen, but a further demand is'expected,
which; as' our. funds are: exhausted, we
shall be unable to supply. WeOhertiore,
respectfully solicit your aid in - thiS grt ht
y/ork, confidentlytrusting that the libt,r
manifested in providing for the wants
of our brave volunteere on the Mississippi
and the Cumberland-will not be withheld
when the recipients of your bounty-ore
your neighbors and relation's, whose suffer
ings have arisen from their patriotin-exerl
tions in the now immediate defence of our
State, our homes and" iur firesides. •
District-Committees have been appoint
ed tci Colleet fends, by pertional applies-
While all friends of the cause who:can
conveniently furnish linen, bandages, or
.other stores, are earnestly requested to
send them to the Depository of the Com
mittee, No. 59 Fourth street.
Prea't Pittsburgh Sanitary Comtaittee.
-S. F. Vox Som . :wag; Sect'y pro tem.
PIrrSIIIIP.GII, JULY, 7th, 1883.:
At a meeting of the Sanitary Comniittee,
held Monday, July 6th, the following
persons were appointed a Committee to
make arrangements for raising money for
the care and support "of the sick,: and
wcfuneed,. that may be sent to this city
froni the army near Gettsysbnrg: William
Edgar, J. Dickey, J. R. McCune, J. D.
McCord-, -F. H. Eaton.
In accordance with the above, the fol
lowing persona were appointed to collect
funds in the several wards of the city.
Ist Ward. David Fitzsimmons, Adam
2i " M. Tindle, R. R. Berger.
3d " kvJames Montooth, William M.
4th " John Horne, John Porter.
sth " Ist precinct, J. H. Ralston,
• Capt. Crawford.
" " 2d precinct, Joseph French,
Francis Felix.
6th " •T. M. Brush, Jas. Blackmore.
7th " Satel. Barclay, Capt. J. At
Bth " David-' Hutchinson, Francis
9th " J. B. Hill, George Keyser.
The above collectors are earnestly re
quested to attend to the matter at once,
as funds are.very much needed, all money
to be paid to James Park, Jr., Treasurer
of Sanitary Committee.
Chairman of the Committee
Another Incendiary Fire.
Yesterday morning the row of fine four
eitorfbricks on the corner of Duquesne
Way and Hancockstreets, formerly known
as the Perry House, buerecently convert
ed into dwellings, was discovered to be on
fire, andin a short time, notwithstanding
the engines were promptly on the ground,
the three buildings composing the block
were enveloped in flames: The corner
honed and the one next to it were vacant,
workinen having been engaged for some
time in putting them in pl'ojier repair, bat
the third was occupied _ by Mr. Tohia F.
Perry, the proprietor, with his family.—
The Tire was evidently the work of an in
cendiary, who accomplished his infamous
work- by obtaining entrance to the hduse,
and setting fire in the hall - at the foot of
the stairs. The flames quickly ascended
to the upper portion of the building and
soon the roof was all in flames. We un
derstand that the loss will be about $3,c)00,!
whichis more than covered by insurance.
We also heard a report that one of the
ladies belonging to Mr. Perry's family
became so overcome with fright that she
fainted and fell from the second story,
fortunately lighting upon a pile of beds
which broke her fall, and saved her from
The Draft.
In order that all, may be posted in. re
gard to the draft, we give the following
order of business connected with the
drawing of •!•prizes."
At ten o'clock this morning the draw
ing will again commence and daring the
morning the Fifth and commence;
Wards will
be diawni and in the afternoon, the Sev
enth, Eighth and Ninth. - ' Friday forenoon
the boroughs will be taken, and in the al
tern oon Pitt, Collins, Penn and Peebles
townships. The remainder of .the county
will - he drawn on Saturday.
More Troop.
A company of nearly one hundred
trqops from Clarion county, arrived in the
city yesterday, and after reporting theni
selves to Gen. Howe, went into camp.
They call .tliemselves the " Clarion - Jay
A fine bokingsempany of stalwart men,
from Elm wnsiville;.Fa . ye tte tatintr, are dt
Camp Howe, numbering seventy five men,
Capt J.'l3.'MaKenntin ; ISt Lieut.', Dai.
Lancaster 2d Lieut., John Bdoth.
R. B. 11;own, editor of the Brownsiille
Times was active in raising this company,
but would accept no office, taking his
place in the ranks.
We ere glad to notice the appointment
of William MeDwaine as Lieut. Colonel,
of the 102 d (old 18th) now commanded by
Col. Johu W. Patterson.- Mr. Patterson
has been through the war, and' seetf - BA
much service, and behaved as gallantly as
the most honored of the aria) , of the-PO
- We always rejoice to see trier#,
rewarded, aait is in this case.
Minisitetts - Drafted.
Among th6se drafted yesterday .were
tour Ministers thtee belonging to' the'
Catholic.and one to the Protestant church'.
They include, Rev. - Paul Hickey . , Catholi6,
andßev. Wxn. J. Reid, U. P. The trainee
of khe others,have escaped us.
Cheap Shoes.
At the' Masonic . Adction Rouse,-`b6
Fifth street, can- be found 'alitiost every
description of boots, shoes and gaiters, at
mucibless timu regular prices. - t
Dr:3l - cearidle.s's,'Physicit'
Board inferiii#4
fronrJune 29.4 h, t0 5tq17;:4,04,A863 '
a• r NOME?. !) Dinkift: ,
• Cholera. Itiaminka.:::"
Dbeare of
4hP°P sp
i Nt . .litltME
, Co. treatftbi 01 Lungs.-
Of the abo ve ; 4 . _
Uncle- 1 year. i; frbm Ito t it Z k . ,runt "4 to 5,
from sto 10,4 from JO t0,15;2. `-frobk - 15-to 20, 0
fromzoto..3o !;fc.401.6 AA; cfritta
frmtot4.o3);- bM600`40,44,fr0m - 70 to sb,
frdtb-50441% 1 10U.100.1tr-
fromalm. 10;; Colared.O.
tsl, 15.
• c,
rjA.;F....11., Confer' °Milt citiLatiya ttle
IsrewYorli Heral3 , of Tueidity,was wound
ed in the foot.
Hotel fur Rent.
The " Massey House," located on the
corner of Roes and Breckenridge streets
opposite the Pittsburgh and Connellsville
Railroad_Appot is now offered. for rent.
The :' 4 liou:Selk is hi ; rod r.ep_siieatid ha
been doing a &Oft bnaineis. To any per
son understanding the business a fine ok
yortunity is now offered. Immediate pos
session will be given. Apply_ to
tf Taos. Moony, No. 189 Fret st. •
Beoven Bettelest3eming Mutat:ste t tEr
:etstmketyrinitptir_ posetkAre Dena in bars
A. I% OUATONAYraI Agent,
lA yiftb street. Pittsburgh. Pe
.-Jros.lrE 11.117111 L-
• 'lrAirimnFßEl444!
Mennen Sixth etrest and Virgin P Ilty.;
• ,
e , iatnin S e ow at ed and made on Plainer Las
jnl2 15 Fifth street.
sewing : Mlae l n ee
Was awarded a
where all the Machines of
, .
were in competition. •
Also, at the Industrial Exposition, Paris, France.
United States Fair
at which Peaicg Machines have been exhibi , ed.
The principalCompaniee making Sewing Ma.
chines are Wheeler & Wilson , L M. nsnger dc
Co. and Grover Sc Bake-. Of the machines made
there were sold during the year last reported:
By Wheeler dc
Ily f. 31 Singer do Co. .......
By Grover dc Baker 10,280
Showing WfIEELBEL it WILSON' 4 sales to be
double these of any-other Sewing Machina Com
pany in the country,
This Machine makes tho ' LOO STITCH',"
and ranee highest on account of the elagtieitY
permanence. brawl , and general desirablenes
of stitching when dole, and the wide range
of iteappiicati +n ---L'Aeport of the American In
stitute. Now York.)
mecoLisTEß at BAER,
108 Wood litreet,
a-ML goat and most complete assortment of Cl-'
gars and Pipes in the City, which they are salting
al the very lowest
Cash Wig-sires.
Call and =amine them,before purchasing .
elsewhere. All Orders promplly'attendoi to.
great - gaiters for - - • . aOuls.
Hen's fine boots, (or $ 2,25.
At Concert Hall Shoe Store.
Misses shoos for 15abs.
At Concert Ball Shoe Stare
# Call and examine these goods for
62 Fifth Street,
W. E. Schmertz & Co.,
ta ll en a t v o einst received a large and superior assort
Milchlbey aro selling at you low paw.
Felt; CeMett - Roofers;
are -- now prepared to 6 l all orders for Fkre
Water Proof, Po t, Cement And,Oravel Itclofing.:
Prompt! OntiklittorA
Mr. Oldden having been in too emplorment of l
IL M. WARREN & CO., and their mom agora. in
Philadelphia, for eight years. where bs learnpoil
all the mechanical departments of their: basine
and has made valuable improvements of his on'.
we can positively say that our Roofineis
.Composed f the.: BOMB 21 / 4 otiolo
as those of that firm, and that we will guarantee work to be equal in every rospe ct to any Gra
vel. Felt an i Cement Roofs put on by other firms
in this city, or - in the United btattosi. Therois no
patent for the Warren Roof, or ruby of the elate_
rule comPosinglL
Office—Cosner of rtfih til Woo 4 Sts,
seoond dors': : • - jy7
'Ur 16 onp a Itr *use.
It Dzuotous- wna.
IL serged it Dixunonrd lloy . 6o-
day and datinitha BeaSCPY.
Pure li quors elwayff on hind. I
iyMwd • J OHS' I3II AUR. 'rantiatar:
pivirsßuitaii, PA;
11., 1 , -. 3BARDIREIS gsq Ezigoiro,
.a-w from Smithfield street. below - . the Matti
Howe, to N 0.145 rah street.oppoitito the Co ur
Houk. - - • - sn23:tf..
AT NO 15 At NO 15
flifi T 151 qt:airt. ELMVIIMMESER. '
5,000 wypils, o; .a.r..P e tr l E - 71,Wi
• ages to'
suit pniasseVat loweq,qailuktices: For_ e
ti , 417::e ttiovißrnos4.l44-., Tirk u r„, R ,
lama Nos Mt 91. 93 RIO 951:0 ; ag ree
I ~.;.1„.1:.„
~ NN Anir =
• 100 ,busi_,,els - akeiaoikia. Res ; ;e 500
BasheittApplisiwesoreata sear - itaTa Si ,
323 Uln a.* It is Hirst ii
Abitidortin g their Wounded.
in.,. A
tievriaroau, la o
.--asau dterluau,l3
special, a Frederick letter, dated this
morning, says; it is no longer a question
whether the Potomac is formidable, but
whether any bridge the rebels - may have,
wouldvand before such a flood. It speaks,
of active army operaticiMi.
Opr cavalry are constantly picking
up prisonera and sending them in by
hundredsijileo capturing or burning rebel
The rebels are abandoning their wound
ed whom they placed in wagons taken
from faimers along the route.
Lee iedetained at the river. His case
will be most desperate if net hopeless.
Demo, July B. By special dispatch
to the Missouri Democrat, by the arrival
of thersteamer Niagara, with Lient Dunn,
of; Gen. Sallivan's staff from Vicksburg,
of the fourth, who is the bearer of dis.
patches from "Grant to the-War Depart
ment, we have confirmation of the capita
lation of Vicksburg from a reliable source,
I have been able to gather. the following
particulars of the. closings scenes of the
siege of Vicksburg. First—a flag of truce
forborne time was July let, asking an es
cort for two Englishmen who had been
shut up tor some time in the confederacy,
which was granted by General. Grant.
On the previous day the rebels made an
unsuccessful sortie of our works on our
left, meaning to take our soldiers out of
their rifle pits. .;
This day Johnston was reported only
twenty miles - off ;#1;r0 were in line of bat
tle to receive the attack.
On the ad another flag of truce came
into oar lines, brought by two confeder
ate officers who proved to be Major Gen.
Bowen'. The meseengera were blindfolded.
They ; remained ailing the return of
their general. ()need the messengers said
there was icon enourk. thrown into the
city to stock immense thanderiee and build
monuments fur all the citizens and 801-
diere who had fallen when the messengers
were again blindfolded and conducted to a
safe point from which they could enter
their own lines.
great curiosity was manifested by offi
cers and soldier's to learn the contents of
Pemberton's dispatches, which was - finally
The rebel general seen fit to intimate
the unnecessary effusion of blood, and loss
of lives might be prevented by a briet ces
sation of hostilities, daring which commis
sioners might be appointed to agree on
terms for the surrender of the city.. He
aso - intimated"hicould hold out for an in
definite -period. Grant's reply was very
brief, saying that 'Pemberton had it in his
power at any moment to stop blocidahed.
Commissioners were unnecessary, as the
only stipulations he could accept were un
conditional surrender. It concluded with
deserved tribute to the bravery and endu
rance of the rebel garrison, and said it
they surrendered they'shouldall be treated
with courtesy due prisoners of war.
The rebel messengers had not been gone
long when Pemberton sent again asking a
personal interview with Grant, which was
promptly granted at 3p. m. Ca the same
day a conference took place about mid
way between the fronts of the contending
4, doora from sth
The scene was witnessed, by thousands
of fed•ral and rebel soldiers, who for the
first time in weeks showed themselves
With itnpunity above their rifle pits, and
during these weeks they have been within
five yards of each other.
Grant came slowly to the place of ren
dezvous, smoking a cigar and apparently
the only unexcited person in the vast
assemblage. Pemberton first remarked
that he had been present when diffierent
fortresses surrendered to the federal arms
'in the Mexicali War, and in these the
enemy was granted terms on conditions,
and so he thought his army was as well
entitled to favor as a foreign foe. Grant
listened and then proposed a private con
versation, to which Pemberton agreed,
and the two Genera% stepped aside.—
What was said during the conference can
Only be judged from the results. After
a little more than an hour, terms were
agreed upon and they surrendered
It was that the Federal forces should
enter at ten a. in., on the next day, July
The rebels were all to be paroled on the
spot, and the, Wheels allowed to retain
tbeir horsei and four days' rations, to be
taken from, the rebel stores.. The priso
neri,_liable-to exchange, taken from the
enemy, number from twenty to thirty
thousand. .:By: this arrangement there
fell into Grant's hands, along with small
arms, forts, defences, ,tc.
• Cannon are plenty, and in quality ate
equal to_the beat in the Confederacy.
- At ten _a. m., on the 4th,.Gen. Steele's
cisvision Starched into and garrisoned the
city, the bat* playing national airs.
The flag was soon seen floating above
the bncNinge where of late only rebel en•
signs met the breeze, and Vicksburg was
in loyal poNession once more. •
Not long atter formal possession had
been taken of the city; Colonel Markland
'mada.his entraucei.aud took possession of
the post-office, and
,egreed to establish
Federal mail routes•with the rest-of thc
MEIIPEUS, July s.—General Burlbutt has
furnished the following extract :
From Gen. Prentiss' Eteadquarters, Dis
trict of Arkansas, July 4th. 10:30
Ve have been herd pressed since daylight
14 the combined forces of Price,.)lolme ,B
Idarpituinke, Persons, and others.` , This
far me„have pnr own, and cantur‘ed
several hundred ,priseners, whom . - I 'send
you on toiivi" the steamer Tycoon. The
enemy is now Aividently preparing for a
renewed attack. Send me another gun
boat if : possible.' 2 The Tyler has - done
good service-to=day. -
LATEII-8 m.—We-have repulsed the
enemy at every point. Oar aoldiers are
now-collecting their Wounded.
We have taken in all 1,200 prisoners.
Their lose in killed and Wounded will
reach Ave of six ;hundred-
AlthOugh the rebels are badly whipped,
there is no doubt but they will renew the
attack at an early moment, and -are .now
id - ageing their troops for that Impose.
' -
My force is now very much inferior to
tbe rebels, bat with the aid expected fram
ou and the gunboats, they may be aiavera
lyy beaten. . , 1
The steamers Tycoon and Silver idoon
arrived with 860 prisoners, captured 'yes
terday; including , 80 commissioned o(fi;'
The details of the fight have not beta
received._ Prominent officers `report our
loss hi killed and wounded it - not - over 60.
The rebels, took six ; of our guns, whibh
tvernafterwaidaii:e4tured. The coloyhd
troupsfonght well. .. fl - -. .... .... 1. !..,, .
I: l ThirLiffithh July es —Theisteamen Alice
: 1 1 ,41itatints 3a 84.):.M -Wi. mThs were . ~
ti:veliSentlooiiiibela as Boanderthurgf4f4
yt ' steamy, p. in. Gunboats are in-pdr
WABRINGrow, july.l: ,- B.VraidungtoL
letter in the Commercial says:
- Admiral -Wilkes has arrived
ing beintreliered fr•onidt4.lithlhe Welt
India squadron. •
ThalittruelJetlett lays a ctii3tiriguishedl,
member of the administration remarked
oft Tnetiderztbat4he serviced of - -every'
Major Ci ise_e,l _wool* k.o9l)_be - pilled - ite-1.
active duty;
would be the.fxret„it Itaviag._, keen deter
mined_to 44 - bicefiahe - re hie englt
neering aniliti .8 could, be.dieplayed. -
The rebel itickitti . bask be.
• .
load Fairfax. -
BAL2I2dOBE; July 8 —Nearlt 1,000 reb-
el Ei; captured '•bithsit:,Kilyntrtek,4irrireir
this morning,' , inolnding'Genentl Jones, a
mmo4 - 'o:finer ; 'and 5,1 other comminsidned ,
It Archbishop Kenifeli'aiiii — snddMify this
morning, aged GI. , .
Vie. &a.,
WASHINGTON, July 8 —A dispatch from
Gen. Grant to Gen f .Hallecls =dated 4at.
Vicksburg tit 10:30 - on the- mortring -of the
Fourth of July, states that the rebels ant-,
rendered this inorning,lo4:thw A h e i r
troops were paroled as prisoners of war.l
,movements abet to be_inade
theforpas of Gen. Grant aredetailed,7but
they are "not 'prdPer" fief 'publication - at
NEW YOnk; rely e Poet hae flip
following: _'''r 4: i
Capt. Reyerson g of the 18th New Jersey
regiment, whp reachnd home _at ,Nnwart
tbiB morning,lsulys`litifdi_etliejelt
Gen: Meade made-an-address to, his
army, in which II& edited". that the rebel
10P8 was 86,-000.
- Gen. Meade capturedin ell 60 pienSwor
INDlAmtrous, jaly 8. -Reliable infor
mation received. here tonight states That
four hundred - rebeht - clogged into_ludiana
and are marching; on Corydon with artil
lery-. Ic Bairn:ash with the HeintSatiards
four of the latter : Fere killed. , .
fftsersnart, July B.—Flotir and ''grin
changed, but the market closed verydull under
the unfavorable news from New York. sad super
fine Flour was offered at $4 25. W hhdry.tirm ati
4. c. Proviiions held 'Mora &Mb' tifWas 'raised
fir 'bulk 'shoulders; 1601300 tbaso!ff at Wit mess
Fork held At :5 cents higher, but we heard of no
sales. linseed' oil 40...1Q.rocarip.
dull and hardly anything.doiug'
Gold declined-to $1 28;sitVer $1 20 and unset
tlee, exchange _
Haw Tons, July 11.—cot. toa dull unsettltid
and nominal about 57460. Flour andlunet
tied at Mlle lower,the - deoline lug° &as d ster
ling exchange has nve.ry dmireasing °Beet 45 35
635 65 'for extra State: $5 75%50 for extra R.
N. 0; $595®7.40 for Trade brands . , and
dull and unsettled. - Whisky . without a decided
change at. 4534 ( 148. Whisky7Thedealizte,in'gold
and sterang exchange has a. very depressing, ef
fect upon the market, and with onig-a-piedetate
business doing: prices ate freni 5 tolt cents lower.
Holders are willing to submit: to the deotiae of
507 c. buyeris Chi mono. Itoit
tations are $1 10®1 25, cago Springisl 22@
1 3th Milwaukee-Club $l-3641-40, • -vl int:l=3lod
Wisconsid, 37%, Winter•Red--,1240ith $1 40.
Art ber Corzi. , 3@to" lower - wtth goad
businass doingg_ at a deoltne at 6630)67:- Oats in
moderate request at 720177. WocilleSs'actiVe and
hardly so firm. Tork firm, Bacon bides full and
nominal. Lard daft. -
Money bonito "at' 6 , g)7 IFFtent'aterAng;lovoin
first-class 144@145.; igoid lower and opening
`0% 4 , advancing. to 314, and• closing dull at 30-X.
Government stocks quiet ; U. B.s's of 'Bl Coupons
10 dtl 05X: 7.30'5, 106%.- - • I
POILT OF PlTTl3g(Tailli:
• - _
AREIVI4I). - -
Franklin. Bennott.Browrorsilk< . ,,-
Gallatin, Clarke. do
. . .
Franklin. Bennett:BummedCo.
atinatin. Clarke. . do. .
vreicom , .., aslett:
Jennie Roterajtogers.
:sir. The ;tivere-leidwritten' g: MP'
inht thero _ wore 4 feet 2 %obeli water sad
ailing. 'The weailoor duritntthe Ariz. was Witt
Iter The far famettEpaiiereger. itefintet,
"Emma No. 2." Capt. J 11. hiaratta.leaves to-'
day for Cmcnnratt and Loa - sr - We. This boat,
bas just been fined no fur the snattner trade iMa
very stipe:rior manner. Inlant;attels , :ez good a
new. Captain marattais just the man to fit out
a boat handsomely ani h) take charge of her
aLerwircia...Pateentonn will bellleastick te;:leatn
that Cat . J. Dunlap will be found in the
office. He has many friends and deserves themall, , - , ..“„,54,.,?
FOr Maelnnen k LortievAlle.
THIS DAY..TULY 9th-9 - A. M. tE
steamer EMMA Nu. a. J. M. mA-
It ATTA. commander. wilt . leave as above.
• eraciicht of Damage apl:47
jy9 JOHN FLALIK. "tilt
For Marietta sad
_Sknearlitla,, f ... i
Regular alusklimpum - river Facial,
leaves Pittsburgh` every Tuesday,i4,
a t
p;m4Rauesville ever, Witi*A7l344o ,
.. -...... k l THE NEW AND SPLEND
kris 4.- . Peanuts etesmAr EMMA G -
Et Monroe Ayers commander. will leave •
no teii &tem, Fn freight. or t mirijE s on ,
boald or to .0 .saav vvi ,g.
prrresunou AND WILREL•ND
For Be ear.—Wellsitille—Steubenvilie l
and Wheeling.
Leaves Plltsburgh. EVery -llnesdityr:
Ihorsda,y and Saturday, at trA„
I eaves Wheeling Every Menday-WeS
nesday and' Pridny. at A. M.
FldefatPatioinger etc aro4-8. e./. It a KR%
mes Walter commander, will leave as armoullw
cad above : Feffreialit of assitifaaply on board..
or to •- • -- TAK ItISS4 CO. Avisi
mayl3 -
3TFAitllOAl l 4tikiiitilit - It'
w , A
- -
-• =9owAxiiiiitidak i ;
Where tianiUmv - ' Efteambo l ai
Agency business, and would solicit, a sharo of paer.
rouses fr. m gteanillOatnmu:,'
ELEA;I 2 ' o ox)
..ow THlll,llltlit BECIIIIE
1.11 Bargains in Dress ov:di:Shawls, Cloth and
Slik Mantles of the most falhionntile, nn
bleached and bletiohedz-hinalln.eitlicM:Vnlanes.
Bun Umbrellas at, groaty reduceeisti
cm all harmr been- putehnsedfor-eselhf Ve
sold cheep for ca..h* eau and- see forinumlyser
coy2s - - ea Mfakaistreeta
Arroaqzy AND (191MERIAOIir_Er.
Oaoe•Mot%aunt - 1160f niiiietearina 1
lionse. -Pitts
ALI litrarsins—ittriri
hie care will receive prompt attention. • I
eseciras made. and the d
4447 g. irsViteilB4il**li-litis
OA. h u la.d oft SO beautiful tallbitaigibb4'lollll
she offers termite on reasonable terms. Tiny
eligibly toward: bba between the °Orland&
lion and she biononsbabela flyer. They off
m indueemimts for pillage
plan of loOf and Prices aPPliat tit ollita ofp I
Id. K. VOLAN.!
No. lfff Foto& Et one door, Ow. Smithfield
cost.l:lmd .
. •
ss - Fetulttikv
All Alias satili'livin cot*,
I , A made Us order. I
*- 00
itstleatthoakitaitikki a.
partiabli —kik! IttonvAlma - ..* Tailing of OIL USX=
RA , titer. Liberty. !
The members of this firm DraCitt=d •
eitsabey of menj VAMP ea= to
• ' : 25 44 , 4*Ver srategA t
, - smot.,sidiOrnmumgm
' - GRAPE.;:
SIW3?E-COUntnallsora vim
--os HI Ikeda •
Pfli - u -
egg wt. Kura street.
` F .F~.r?' :,'fT~'d~ - ~"e~` . ~;F.n " z x'~-,,,k.1.e.tir,:.~~
s ti.! n?i"_ ~ ~_> `Rae :_ a3Y &:i:s..,i o'^c;
_01140L44* -010;r4
r ...sA.tri ma
r - -
siLVER &,131 ASa
. 4 t.Cittr Stree t +Oll Du . iawarm,Waf t
intO Sneak th e
--01 1.1111 1 A139110'5-XEMA DYE
Tim :ONLY DSE .... .041- ve_r`
THE .ON['V V tii:s4...4.Sastatito b 0 . 11011 e 33
TOR ON-L,Y a Itstercrown
THE. OftL - Y-1) YE• - 4 - :.:.7.Foris perfect black
!psis; ',:ttst.Y • .''.,;. . 1-Mtatdalitesttetbeira
THE ON tty , 14:0„041-ifLbitts ininazattae
audihe - . - •
- „
-say sel3i o su
or DYE Fo a r itha deetriilolsvo thees 74 -
ta irsfthatelhtr - tertabso aat - aptlpi,toeytarm%
IST4D ORA% 11 A/11 , /14.4i*AvA
-4410iiii4'141:1740;-114'it.lintottrat theist
maet ftlfefOhc 43fiz a lt bettl - taNks Vest
vitalibe 44-AO Emz'ltraltitift t iLtStief+ - Siam'
IfiatufaCturectlk.7: •
lioallicis4args ,"14
1111/r1)1. 4
rri°4l c P*.t.-PLI-#-P-"- - "
Ir stAttioi • grweriAir SI-
M. RENT. DieetOf maw Filiataltettrand
intorestingiddid Lsaw' Asat treakt - ,-But , :now.
alas it is no more. IStash was the oomrdwzadlon
of. two shit oars.
Teed of troop I how strange I setup Dr. Tobias'
ye nettamLintmetithlocersaiwthreol_tikon to
time. . i llow. • liiiithenbweiartrof to son. It .sgnot
for the paltry gain and pro t we make% bet:for sake of youriaEsatoltitd- that now lius plag-
Ing , t4yout foic 'irfratsts a itatageroat mous:
butuss Dr. 2 obiss'.Minetianldnemenk ititnno,
and it is robbedof tie manors., x ways keep it in
tbe home; you ma} not: to,nigta, or to
ibsrmettlithot opfsi — pmedatdlfdr coma , wow - it
willii'PnieonlsP ceaieitbdUfsk Vales 58 Cott
limit Sweet. flee 5 /Ok B *i:oaL Drnagists.
JuLtdikwritino ,2»
- ,
I - ,
Bair CAsTrAL
, -•,- -.-WeatcheertatDo.,,, , D4 ts , 4.184
IniTatl4MMOAyi . faleri - Mnig , •
Dewar air= Imbuld. - N a l
, agindnand to
are BRANDESTII , 4p oAtillireaoin
manclatiovjAa 11-11011tishft
ter eonna,-stro w-nons=
by their:ma.. Ile'sraiidek for Waymire. - very
costirs'and drgisptio:and'he tried wreathing
lnit - was neatest:. gmainktie tostironelirnm.
dtetlesPillai 4010,11$ stegtitna t ailoct ofsix
FLUB every (111.9 threads" an en took ops
every dal.itykis9Poseintal 01 . A.
einismonthle suns, yet i work. end MUM* •
montbs he well. gaining supounds in wei_g_nf._
You; tralv al p WARD PURDY.
=mss. . sits - eyb „
EdangsLEN" VdrAleingthiry sw_orn, thsf Is
resides in-Ms:town` SE Mom:. inioutc Mat some
years ago he WU Vdt7 sick with a sore on his leg.
Whist Ay tiveggsys ;that
he was also mum summed a er
and besides very erotism and dyeeints that at
ter.tryingarlopit rentediatand•sgmaphysielans,
he commenced um mßrandredresin Weight -
three tunes it WeelLsgl4,st Shred at
thererevn his - leftiealeda - -and , atthe mad- -of-two
months he was entirearnmeg msdrecess, 0/s
-pends ?indinafful s. itag
, • - retl rid won ever
duos. =WARD PURDY.
Sworn to tiktitaiss..itilelgthsliastpatashe."
itott.ake l igra: Z. :•Sludenciastuselaste.
. Sold bY.Tha 3 .. l *fif 2 .4'1" 1421 Diamond UV.
Pi ttfihn - i
' npphaw'Xxirt
efiON r -D lA.II- 0-RD4T-a EVT,
Giant Sta.
NOP Y virtue of order Of the *rebus' Court
.Z.Jg of Allegheny-county: I will fattest
the Court- Home. in the .fits of to ttsourgh, on
2 uneasy.. the illat day - rot July, go 6.4,10,
teelcok- A. 14 i_all,that certain , ot lot' piece of
%bond Pitnate in the city of Pittsburgh; immedi
atelg adioiningloott adjoiningol.'.o Mona , Bppkina. Esq.,
and bounded and described as tollowe: •
Beginning at a pointdistantife ftettiorthwardly
from the northezn - liner - alley tea
laid dawn. originally id thimienend plan of odd
'Our of_Pittsb ugh.) sted.P tat being on the north-.
ern line of Diamond - street tag4hOwn-bY the plan_
of Diamond allesVhotweentanictdield and Ursa'
street., shogiag,tool ,illatesse 1 1 2 Ind* Plitt& in
pnrenanee'f'th - e %dor Assoutot; - *Moved,. cook'
18 I.Bs74itathistunplattunsitharko Mama Arno
/Mc wapiti: is recorded - in' the City
'toil'officer sena point being also distant
sielitvfardtf fro ailhe "..we-tatr Das of 'Cher., al
ley,. settletlmistir thadondoeikallih with Chem
alley northwardly, 9 leet3incanat tbOace•west
ward/y parallel Dignoan 8110 20-feet:
Mienzantantnandly.ranisiolontth , joatro , -idleor
90.feet3-inotda to Diamond -street; and thence
esti *airily along toe - toorttrtn lino of `Diamond'
street 20 tact to fts , taste of beginning; beme
at athen suane - -•.stroptilMier v elt ',the Board of
School :Directors os the.Taird ard—Pittsbu , gb.
conyeyed'telifieldel , Cannon: be deed. dated 21st
lantonso, xentaleit'ja, antiß-01t.Y 4 /Ftate 96 .
PAlre 4 20. - -
sera a fourth ea: An ane eighth , in one
your; .1110 eightliTiftWrijriamitterthareatainiag
hallutandyeagafter ale tleatirorArra' Catharine
Gartland, widow of &lobar' Carmrin.liir.. - dered:
and. mothar of Bliehael Cannon. Jr.. deo'd with
interest;olethe unpaid instalment& payable rguar
ttetyliaeldl itintaimenta.t.r_ be serrated by . band
and mortgage.
.For ftFthegvarlietdartare of
EL- 11UW-A.RD rustrtrY.
Guardian of Jane.Catherhie andldaritlinno
Cannon minor&
tct etlist VII?. Wnt Falßakifi;
tomm a. O. FOUrttl Titian:l h.
. . -
4atriPTONAlittlkilMair dr CO
tooteng.try..4lffe them= WI the Warm*,
'lsfr.-Olddeit watt inliLikaiiiplOsalfirsarreii4c Co
Tot eitht'years. “, • -
AllOrkzu' ropfeirink •
streets, Be&
0.5 1 / 1 0i 7 .° ; .) 1 /3 0 •
UonnionixdaVßankat in Leaf.and coanufac
trawl Tobacco Ind Segara o . 134 Water street.
[corner of Picea labaccoandtlegare
carnfanyindacted:for. - caPoilation4 - .ZOolort;.FA
Tobaccotuaiainanad it t 4 tßatrV* to- goo
ot otottoondostolcriettaw:ilstlao„ atiandk
any. quaatitzfr; at .tower s!!"qaat:Pasaillt&Z,9or
11-44,S "ligr "7.75.
- ti.
. 0111414 " 111) ,:our-tEit sa-7-
" p9t:Joi
TA9',Eceltr* -^ siwing- e •
- - •
:( 41,41iiiiviliwci , IkOtteiecCutsk
AlPetberadwitet ilfseidase, althelyorld'allak,
whiterthe-MuM bowing '4100—!-Int!
an honorable meatless baits rater an d"pa
drWhiscoolta modal for tia‘dreto
cedar he.ssle." , ..The Howe. aa cuu me,, Nag
awarded aVriadtallivisr* Attlibitoilas
the beet for alt wortatimassa ' ear t
e t ,fll isehtsuiatuireatilgd malts
. Iserfastirra
the , 11 1 11 1$ bk tick • -
_,RaNaivatea.cp4Piaii 1-13VOlik, strata".
• -ii.111C111011111Zeollik;
•m,z dBta~rly
4V-Va O re- 1 0 0 .. - ,
Aur.b - ,utlrs , ,-:-.-f3:-.**-viilafthuteet.
c - wait W nEi&VIE•
,„ ....she_kirvim aL imitrA hahai .
UPD-WO 4°4114
• PMEartraeECPA•
. - - -`4 l 6Mitoteir 'rave . = and Bacn fll M.supplied at
traropagontres. - - ' '- -
iq pailifihm Ratanaos.._ • ' ,
Im e s°
jegooltiv 04%,-,,,-,---;-...-_,-,.
to la S tr , '.. '''_ -f- A • ~.
ii i
.1 - i ii..l-11.3.r.P4.1 . ' -11 Me r kIng l itinC
I X,',.. 75,..4 . r laWiter alherstalkitteras
• _ _ _ _ _
P 44 111 F-Pa
1110 M • s iloB NakiiiiKET ST.
' - ' l titilmorimeisJAlLT4l7 losWatook
111531:13; OHM:4E6Ie
goys,ANDltimu t sirl
T' l24 grrE ttl fi t , 1 4 1 ,17 1
.!. PT!' -
with a - btter:Ad
~.4 1" c""`"1 47 .
I.4.?rVIVAP CASH tine& _
"On 1 9_ 2 !(!tket 4112 ". s!'"*"
firtWO. MWS .9 ,;:..milfstpA,,
11411112.:.-'• -• • , 20
;task- - Pmagi l cci, • *6
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