r.; = • is -PE TEBNaLL - CO, NO. 37 ' PARK ROW. NEW YORE and 6 STATE MEET. Boma are our wants for the Delti7 no Weekly Part hi those cities. and [lra an .. vrised to take A.dvertiseinents and Subscriptions or us at our Loom Roues. 411-1514e0t Thud Pages for Com merelal Daily Markets and River New. MONDA:Y MONING, JUNE 2 10 --AND HIGHOBIIOOft IBTELLIGHAOR The Charge ofA man by the name of Vank.irk was re ported in the Chronicle of last Thursday, to have made use of the following lan guage. Referring to the borough of Eliza therebet, heWe are all ers up ; we have skulked from the skulk begin ning of the war, and intend to skulk to the end of it." We have two letters from gentlemen in Elizabeth which put a differ ent face on' the matter. They state that the little borough of Elizabeth has sent one hundred and thirty-three men, her vo tingpopulation being only seventy-seven. Last fall when the draft was made she was called the banner district, having given seventy-three men over her quota. Our correspondent s are very indignant at the slim cast upon their borough, and do not speak very complimentary of their tradu cer. Capt. Robt. McClure is now en gaged in raising a cavalry company in Elizabeth. important Postal Regulation. The Postmaster General has issued an or der requiring that, in every sttb post-office, whose gross receipts in the previous fiscal year amounts to $lOO or more% book shall be - kept in which shall be entered all corn plaints of missing letters of value claimed to lave been deposited or addressed to such office, together with a brief statement of the most essential facts in each ease. When doubts exist as to the truthfulness of any complaint, the postmaster may re quire the sworn affidavit of the person complaining. At the close of each quar ter the aggregate number of complaints which shall remain at that time onaccount ed for, is to be transmitted to the Inspec tion Department of the office, according to prescribed form. This order is not in• tended to supersede or change the rule of the standing regalations requiring reports of supposed- depredations, as such cases I insy arise from time to time. ee ent to a Philadelphia • Volunteer. At Harrisaurg on Friday, Edward Mc- Laughlin, of Company C, Philadelphia Grey - Reserves, while bathing in the canal, near Camp Curtin, was very severely in jured. In diving gis head struck a rock tztid his skull was fractured. He was talon to Eferriiburg Friday night, and not - withst4nding the severe character of - his injuries hopes are entertained of his recov ery. Mr. McLaughlin is a printer. He has twice gone to the defense of the S.ate from invasion. .••• ofa Roman Catholic Chnreh. The new , chul`ch of St. Teresa, of New York City, of which the Rev. J. Boyce is pastor, was, solemnly dedicated yesterday by the most Rev. Archbishop Hughes. This edifice has heretofore been known as the Rfitgers Stteet Presbyterian Church, in which Dr. Krebs so long and so amica bly administered. The removal, however, of most of his congregation to up-town localities induced him to yield to their wishes and vacate the fine old spot. It is one of the handsomest churches in New York. In the Tropics. " This is one the most fascinating book of the season. Without any of the extrav• agance and lsyberbole which ordinarily at tend works descriptive of tropical regions, 1 "s carries the reader away by the charm leg ,:tmplicity with which it describes the r i c h glo .ies of the clime of the sun.' The wide sores 11 4, eumcea, the stately ma hogany, the Ce.lestio palm, the guava, the li me , t h e meng .s , and the cocoanut, all wave before us, wti'ila beautiful gardens skirted with orange gr, -Ira till the air with their fragrance. But the characters, the dramatis persona', howl adOirli4 each and every one of these figure 1 w ma surpass in drtimatie effect the role ,'"laYed by Juan and his ebony anomie Anita, 7113- less it be that of Senor Vecino's admira ble man Friday, the ever patient, kind, 1 and gentle native—poor Juanico. And then our friends, Don Julio and Don Del fiao—for they become our friends, and we seem to be well acquainted with them as soon as they are introduced to us--there is a charm about these persons which is irresistible, and we close the volume with a regret that we are to know no more of them." The Althot OH Well. Considerable interest has been felt for a week or two in the result of the Althof Oil Well, located at Erie. Pa. After hav ing attained a depth of 656 feet a very en couraging "show' of oil was found, and measures were adopted to test the extent of the supply. The flow of gas and water was strong and incessant. An inch and a-quarter tube was let down the well one day last week, with a "seed bag" attached to the lower end of the pipe, and after it had reached a depth of over throe Bred feet the flow of water was par— tiaily stopped and gas accompanied with a small quantity of oil was discharged.— Presently the seed bag burst and water again posed from the well. The tube was withdrawn and replaced with another seed bag, the latter ii‘ving been Ist down 400 feet below the supply and stopping the flow of water. Since than the well has been blowing gas, with a strzsng pressure, to the full capacity of the tube. If oil does not follow this discharge of gas, it is the intention of the operators to withdraw the tube and drill 50 feet deeper, which, they think, will tap the oil to a certainty Heairy Rains. The heavy rains in Northampton coun ty have set aside the fears which. were felt -that drought would ii.jure the growing crops, which, until the dry weather, had promised so finely, They are now sup• lied with what they needed, and there is little doubt that' the wheat crop will be La fair one. Keeps Ahead.' Captain Win. Koontz with his usual leroelivities (of soiling on the swiftest and Teat craft, has tiarown tiis banner to the ne, joiseribed as folio we G. W. m ' r eraooriatn, for tlovernor. The L. °s i t teas, the Constitution It is, batiaer wavesproadly in This beam. ,; ...lotamodoie is sure hat u nde r its to, , san always "keep a lead." noise, Good Always sit next 10 the earvex, it you :an, at dinner. Ask i-`0 woman her age. Be civil to all rich tincles. aua"; have; joke with a policeman. Au: o ldest hat, of course, tor an ,evening Don's play at chess with a widow. Yec'ir con tradict a man who stutters. Pull down the blind before you put on your wig. Abon all, snbembe for and advertise in the Post. Newspaper.; In the Army. The award of the i'srivilege of selling newspapers in the Army (I f the Potomac has been made to a person from New York, who pays $l,BOO a month ,`,7e right to sell to newsboys al a fixed advani:.** upon New York prices. Papers to the soldiers will be five cents a copy, whi c h will give each newsboy a fair profit upon every sheet sold. Sent to Baltimore. A squid of twenty-two men,' dragsters, belonging to gen. lidijroy's Division, were picked up, and opt itoPatAteor# on . , Sat day. A Broad Brlmmed Bat: Almoat every. hat, ; --we. prestrmei hurrly hietoty, Some of them.-.very peculiar' his tories, but Uteri) is a hat in the window of T. A. *Cießand's auction house on fifth street, - that hould it recite its own historn the probability is that it would be sombwhat exciting. It is a broad brim med white hat, and has a bullet hole in it which looks very much as though it might have penetrated right where a head was located. The following card attached to it throws a little light on the subject. "Captured from Col. Jones of the lit Miss. Regt , at the battle of Malvern Hill, by a private of the McClelland 72 Regt. P. V. Presented to T. A. byte I captor's friends. G. L. H., PHILA. A. Case for the Medical Faculty, The Express, of Friday says, Captain Robert Stople, of the 2911 i N. Y. Regi ment, is at present at his home in Phillips burg, N. J., on a Surgeon's furlough of thirty days. The Capt. was wounded at the battle of. Chaneellorsville bye minnie ball which passed through his left side and entered his bowels, where it remained . a few days and then passed off. The wound is a most - singular one, and it is a miracle that he was not instantly killed. After be was wounded he ran some thirty yards to evade being captured. Surgeon General Brinton on his discharge in recommend. ing him to the Physicians who might be called in to attend him, speaks of the wound as follows: Capt. Robert Stople's case is one of interest, and pictures have been taken of the wound. The account of this case will appear-in the Surgical Histo ry of the War." He is now under the care of Dr. C. C. Field, who will tirin him out " all right." g Contest. A reading contest between some of the pupils of the Pittsburgh Female College, will take place this afternoon at 2 o'clock; Judge Sterritt, Rev. Geo. L. Chase, and Jas. Teech, Esqs., are to preside asjudges, The musical examination came off on Sat- urday in fine style, reflecting the highest honor on Prof. Rohbock and his pupils.— The regular examinations will be resumed this morning at 9 o'clock. __— Cheap, Stationery. Those of our readers wanting writing materials of any kind would do a ell to call at Miner's Fifth street, next door to the Post Office. Mr. M. has just laid in one of the largest and best assorted stocks of writing paper ever opened in Pittsburgh. and,' as he bought it on very favorable terms, he is enabled to offer inducements to customers not to be found elsewhere. Mechanics, lawyers and all others who use paper will find it to their advantage to give Mr. Miner a call. You can save money by buying from him. Rioters Sentenced. The three persona who were tried at the recent term 1.2 f Court in Carbon county, and convicted of riot, in assaulting Mr. Leonard, the District Attorney, by tear ing a copperhead badge fibm his watch guard, were each sentenced by Judge Barrett, to pay a fine of $2O and the colts. Heavy Emigration. It is astonishing what an immense emi gration is now taking place from tdissour . for the Plaine. A great number of citi zens are leaving in order to escape enroll ment under the State law, or the chances of conscription under the Nation.al law.— So great has been the exodus that it has become necessary to station provost guards at the various ferries along the river to detain skedaddlers. Taking Advantage of it. On Saturday many of the gardnere and farmers who attend market raised one hundred per cent on the price of their articles, by inducing persons to believe that every thing in the country was ruined by the hail storm of Friday. So far as we Can learn, the storm was confined to a very small scope of country, and four miles from the city, not a hailstone fell.— At McKeesport, it did not even rain. . Among (he Killed At the late battle at Winchester, was sergeant Joseph W. Tattle, of battery L, Fifth regiment, U. S. artillery, in the nineteenth year of his age. Efe was the eon of T. Tuttle, Esq., of Philadelphia, and had served since the commencement oi . ,tiie war. His demise is a heavy blow to his parents and a largecirole of friends Yacht Racing. There will be a race on Wednesday, be • tween the yachts Martha and Julia, for two hundred dollars aside, at Philadelphia. The Sex of Eggs. M. Genin lately addressed the Academic des Sciences on the subject of "The Sex of Eggs." He affirms that he is nowable, after having studied the subject for up• wards of three years, to state with assn• ranee that all eggs containing the germ of males have wrinkles on their smaller ends, while female eggs are smooth at the ex - tremities. Broke his Leg, On Saturday afternoon a man who was engaged in Breckenridge's quarry in Mi nersville, had his leg broken by a large stone falling upon it. We were unable to sacertain his name, • - Death of Frazer, the Voeablot. Last Thurs lay, Mr. J. I. Frazer, the well-known and once highly popular ginger, died, of consurnption, at his resi dence, 1.00 Cherry street, Philadelphia. Fife , Tweuties. jey CooKa, subscription agent, reports the sale of ;1;•:.l,097,000 in five twenties for the five days of last week ending Friday. The local subscriptions haze falleg off temporarily, on account of the excitement in military affairs, which claims the atten tention of all classes of the community.— Deliveries of ii , 0148 tge made to the 25th of May. Sunday. The weather yesterday was quite cool, and towards evening it commenced raining again. Rebel Raid in Indiana. The Indiana State authorities have issu ed 4 °gal for twenty thousand volunteers to serve for sit months. Camp Fleming, The camp of soldiers at Eureka, Hum, boidt Co., Cal., has been name Catuti Fleming. in honor of Cap.. Hugh S. Flem ing, of Pennsylvania, who is now on duty n that State. Cawing 'bourn, Dry Goods were slaughtered at the sue tions in New York last week. Some styles were 'offered at fourteen cents for whick, thirty cents was demanded ninety days since. !Reacher. The. Richmond (Ind.) Telegram says that in that yicinity there will be a partial failure of peaches. Many trees are affect ed with curled leaf, and on most of such the fruit is dropping oW. It hears com plaints from the Bune cause from vario us parts of Wayne comity. Damage by the Hall Storm. AI L Lowen, who resides near t hi s city bad alp% tso thousand dollars worth o f f ru it, in 4 frgit trees ruined by tht! ratmint bail storm. ()Ter sig hundred pan:' of OM in his bot , honse were tITP en. At It Again. Col. A. K. McClure has purchased the two opposition papers in Franklin county, the Repository and the Despatch, united The two establishments, and. him himself win taken the edito ri al chair. , Saloons. --- We are informed that pleasures will be taken-to dePiilre`iift , --tignor sellers of their licenee--or prevent - a renewal of the same --who opened their .aaloons last week, after the proclamation of the Mayor. Also that measures will be taken- this morning to enforce the closing= of every depart sent of business, until after the present emergency has passed. The Hampton Dragoons. This company, recruited by Capt. Mat. Steel, leaves for Camp Howe to•morrow —a few good men will be accepted by calling at the recrutiog office, corner Fifth and Wood streets. Accident at Easton, On Friday last a little son of Mr. Charles Dudley of Easton, aged twelve years was instantly killed by' getting his head crash ed by the arms of a wheel that was in motion in his father's carriage manu facto • ry. Weather. On Saturday, another fine rain fell. A dispatch from Oil City in the morning, stated that it was raining there. We may now confidently look for a rise in both rivers, and a resumption of navigation. Benefit of Annie Eberlie. To-night is set - apart at the theatre far the benefit of the lady whose name heads this article, and we hope that it may be a rouser. Annie Eberlie has studied barn to please, and so far as we are able to' judge has been eminently successful. The pieces she has selected for the occasion .re such as cannot fail to draw. The Daughter of the T.Tnion, in which she sus tains the tart of Virginia is a new piece, and never having seen it, we can only speak of it from those who having seen or read it give their opinion. Their verdict is in its favor, it being highly spoken of by those competent to judge. Of Mazeppa, we are sure there is no need to speak, the play being already well known to our theatre habitues. Annie Eberlie person- ates Mazeppa, and will appear on her trained steed in that exciting scene when bound to the wild coursers back, she is swiftly carried over the plains of Tartary. A great many tickets have already been sold, and there is no doubt but that the house will be jammed. The box office will be open early this evening to die pose of the few remaining seats. Croatian Cavalry. The members of the Crossan Cavalry will meet at 10 o'clock this morning. at their armory, preparatory to going Into camp. "Harper for July." Friend Pittock sends us the July No, of this valuable publication; it is got up in magnificent style, containing rich engrav ings and choice reading matter. The leading article in this number is Harri son's Campaigns, illustrated. Single copies 25 cents. Don't forget the lace, opposite the Postoffice. "Harper for July." Mr. H. Miner, next door to; the Post office, sends us the July No. of this popu lar magazine. For choice reading matter this magazine has become an institution that can't be dispensed with. The en• gravings are of the best description. From the same we also received the National Quarterly Review for June. The con tents are varied and instructive. Hotel for Rent. I The "Massey House," located on the corner of Ross and B recicenridge streets opposite the Pittsburgh and Connellaville Railroad Der.ot is now offered for rent. I'he " HOII30" is in good repair and ha been doing a good business. fo any per son understanding the business a fine op portunity is now offered. Immediate pos session will be given. Apply to tf Tuos. Moose, No. 189 Fret et. .ROVER & BA c lat'l3 Selling Machines. for P4mils aianufactnring Eurposee t are the beet in cm e. A. P. t: IATON A r, General Agent Atreot. Pittsburgh. P ifldle.o MITI& JOSEPH MEYEE & SON ILLIIIITACTLPJI.II OP FANCY AND PLAIN rtruminurnac c WARASODSE. 135 EMPTIIFIELD 1 I ,- F Barnes BLitt- street and tleY PAPER RA NIPPACPURERS Sealed Propcsals will be remived at the office or the Superintendent of Public Printing, for sa n plying the paper used by the Stn e for the year commencing July 14t, raid paper to be Loat Pape-, measuring 20 by 411 inchot, and to weigh. rcapectively, 4U and 50 pounds to the roam. Aloe, mble Flat Cap, measuring 17 by aijnehea, weighing 28 pounds to the ream. Bids will be received fur each kind separately. Rids aan be handed in up to WPON ES 'AT, JULY let, at 10 o'clock A. At, and malt state specifically t'e price per pound' of paper. Sam lea of piper required will be seat to any i Parties upon applicrien to the underaigned, and can alto be seen on the ilay of letting 1,. H. FITNK, Superintendent Public Printing, 75 Market St. Harrisburg. ul2d3t:t2 PtIOTOGRAPHIC ALBUMS PHOTOGRAPHIC ALBUMS PEIOTOGR-APEIIC ALBUMS. Largest and cheapest assortment in the city, a Large 1. be and cheapest assortment in the city a JP I T 0 CK'S Opposite Post-office. Also a large suPPly of Parr enpr ilohjers 11781 netts, &c. de., at J. W. PITTOCIE BOORS. STATIQNARY AND NEWS DEPOT OPPOSITE POST OFFICE. NEW DIERCOVERY To Strengthen and Improve the Bight. THE tePrtet • PEBBLE Russian Spectacles, OCIDF.IIBO23IS BUFFERING FROM DE. festive tight. arising from slu m . other cans- Qat' be relieved by using lea, Which lia th e a bee w i efl i tZl e b b ; many rascal:lnae eitisena of v Pittsb n urgh and vi cinity, to whom they have given perfect satisfae tion. The certif.catei of these persona can be seen at Efa offices , lel- All who Plirahase one. pair of the Russian Pebble Spectacles are entitled to be supplied in future free f charge with those which will alwa.va give satisfaction. Therefore if Yon wish to ensure an improve ment yourgightsal len J. DIAMOND Practical laptjoian Manufacturer of the Russian Pebble Spectacles, lani6r. No. 39 Fifth street. Post Building 4.4 ' y place of business is closed on Saturday J. JOUNLEVY, Grocer, NO, 4 DIAMOND, PITTSBURGH, PA vP -22 : 1 4 , 4vir (lroceries , ir 144yE JUST RECEIVED A LAIIDE . I uuppJi of T. Coffee, Sugar and IGITOCAII33 of all deseriptigpr. wlijoh. will he ariplr Wbolesale or rap at ablowesal r f`,.. . No. 4 Diamond. Pittsburgh. u4ladkir The rebel pickets are within five miles skf Greencastle, and a cavalry force ad vanced to Mercersini rt, and captured ' horses and other properly. Gov. Curtin visited the camp to il,,y, and was entlinsinstically received by the New Yorkers. I_l4 also reviewed the Rlue Reserves of Philadelphia, and that reg.] meat will be mn,tered in to morrow. The fortifications are nearly completed No fear is felt for the safety of this city. BALTIAICRE, June 21-1 party whr telt Frederick this morning says, ttla the rebels who came there last evening were only a small squad. who passed through town and captured a few horses, stayed an hour or two and left. This squad cf rebels were in pursuit of some of our signal corps, from South Moun tain. Our informant Eays no rebels were known to be nearer than South Moun tain when he left FrederielLut 8 o'clock. anrarsxt III:, June Midnight.— Active operations have commenced on our side. A portion of the New York cavalry regiment to-day captured tvcen ty rebel prisoners at McConnellsburg, in Fulton county. Col. Lawrence, of the ono hundred and twenty seventh Penn'a. regiment with a portion of his regiment who were mounted, also captured a squad of rebels who were marauding on this side of the River. We hold Chambersburg, and the citizens are arming and fortifying. the city. General Couch has ordered that the place shall be held. The fortifications opposite this city are finished and are con sidered impregnable, General Couch has issued an order, thanking the authorities and citizens of Harrisburg for their energy in constructing therm The rebels are known to be eight thousand strong at Ha gerstown and Williatnspert. They hold the south bank of th 3 Potomac from Cumberland to Harper's Ferry. .General Kelly drove them out of Cumberland. When they left they threatened to return and furnish themselves with horses and forage. They have already done immense damage. It is thought that lthodes' rebel force is opposite Williamsport with twen• ty thousand men. General Imboden is reported to be advancing, but this is doubtful. Governor Curtin will review the New York troops. The two Buffalo regiments have arrived. The Secretary of War has sent a dispatch saying he will sustain the governor in his promise to send Pennsylvania troops home after the present emergency is over. A heavy force of rebels continue to linger in the vicinity of Hagerstown and Williamsport. Scouts sent out from Chambersburg re• port that there are indications of o retreat to the other side of the L t otomac, but this afternoon they moved up in the direction of McConnellsville and Bedford. General Milroy is on the alert for them. -..../IXTHOSTIf 7P 1 r ) PITTSB TR63 r FREDERICK, M. D,, June 20 —The rebel cavalsy left Boonsboro last evening, after capturing a number of horses, and ret urn• ed to Hagerstown. (Jae regiment of in fantry and a battery of artillery were in Hagerstown yesterday. Six thousand infantity is reported to have crossed at Williamsport, but it is not believed that they will visit Fiederiek. The enemy has nearly 6,000 Infantry this side of the Po• tomac, under Gen. Rhodes; two regiments of Infantry and a squadron of cavalry aro at Sharpsburg and the remainder are en camped between Williamsport and Hagers town. No artillery has been sent over, nor have any troops crossed since yesterday morning. Gen. Ewell has lett Williams port and gone towards the main body. His command is ststioLed at Charleston. Lee's army is not hewn to be within supporting distanee of Ewell. It is very probable that the rebel force now in Mary land will not penetrate further north. The cavalry force numbers about 1,200, under Jenkins, and the party which just advanced upon Ore encastle and Chain bersburg, numbered only 650. Pocket Books NEW YORK, Jane 2I.—A Mobile dis patch of the 12th reports the arrival of the Yankee propeller Boston captured off g Pas a Lane by a party of ? sixteen men from Mobile, who also burnt the barges Lennox and Texas, which had ,valuable cargoes for New Orleans. The crew of the Boston and a portion of the crews of the two bargee are prisoners at Mobile. EtispateliCs of the 12th and 13th, say that the boinbardTent of Port Hudson was continued. The gunboat Essex is reported captured by the rebele at Port Hudson and several gunboats disabled. 43an. Banks had mintered out 4 1vers regiment,:. WASHINGTON, Jane, 2 1 —Thetßic cowl Dispata.of the .20th, contains the A. Tow ing dispatChes, received in this city es terday, from Savannah. annogncins pgpture by the enemy of the Confederate Inon-clad steamer Atlantic. She was formerly the English steamer_f ine,al, and man commanded by Capt. - Webb, Shp pteameci pgt ot the haybor-tm:twigtMsittlrf ed after an action of thirty minutes by two federal Iron-clads. ..TELEGRAPRIC. THE INVASION OF PEI'I'SMANII Rebels in Heavy Force for Pittsburgh, WITH N 38 MILES OF UNION TOWN, FAYETTE CO. REBELS GAPTURED Chambersbtirg Ocett pief by the State Force's. .rculation Suppressed of Newspapers in Ba VESSELS DESTROYED IN RUSNING THE BLOCKADE. EUROPEAN NEWS. 440 .• clLe PriILIDEI.I.IIIA, Jane 21—The following is all the news of interest in the Washing tot Star to night. Mttjor lileasell, U. S. Volunteers, received intelligence from Fayette county, Pa., this morning, that the rebels in I e ivy force, were advancing on Pittsburgh. Pa., via National iload, leading from Cumberland across the Alle gheny mountains. Their pickets had reached Grantsville, Md., P,S miles from Uniontown, Fayette county, Pa., on Wed nesday evening last. t is reported in the city to-darthat two members of General Hooker's stair, Mr.j. Sterling, Aid, and Captain Fisher, Signal Officer, were gobbled up by rebel guerril las last night the vicinity of Fairfax. The Star makes no mention of the defeat or victory in Centreville. HARRISBURG; June 21 . — Reliable ad ' viers indicate that the rebel force has in. creased largely about Hagerstown. They have 1S pieces of cannon. A detachment of the First Ncw York cavalry captured a number ofprisoners yes terday, and the '12;i11 Pennsylvania also captured several. ItAiTtmoan, June 21 .—Information has been received that Frederick was occupi ed by ..a small force of rebels last evening about five o'clock. The rebel pickets ex , tended last night la. miles East on the Frederick turnpike. No panic in this city. Gen. Schenck has issued an order sup pressing the circulation of disloyal papers in the Department as follows : Headquarters of the Department of the Bth Army Corps, Office of the Provost Marshal, Baltimore, June 20th, 1863: The following newspapers have been sup pressed within the limits of this Depart. ment, and the local press will not here after be allowed to publish extracts from their columns. By order of the General Catnmanding. New York World, New York Express, Cincinnati Enquirer, Chi cago Times, and New York Circassian. (Signed) W. S. FITCH, Lieut. Col. and Provost Marshal WAsuncero N , June 2 1.---Special to the New York He rald — Washington, June 19. Gee. Keys was within seventeen miles of Richmond on the 15:11. About sixty prisoners were brought into the camp of the Army of the Potomac last night from the vicinity of Aldie, amon them a Colonel. They were cap tured'by our cavalry on Friday, during a series of skirmishes on the Middleburg road beyond Aldie. It is said that one of the newspaper correspondents was arrested yesterday and sent to the rear of the Army for transmit ting contraband intelligence. WASHINGTON. June 2.1..—1 he following report has been received at the Navy De• partment : FLAG SIM' WABASH, PORT ROYAL HARBOR, June lab. Sin: I have the honor to report to the Department, that on the night of the fifth inst., a steamer attempted to run out of Charleston. She was turned back by the I Vissahickon, which vessel pursued her over the bar, tiring at her repeatedly. The steamer was sunk from subsequent infor mation from deserters from Charleston, whom I send North by the Massachusetts. There is reason to believe the vessel was the Isaac SMith. I have further to report that on the night of the 10th inst., another steamer attempted to run the blockade into Charleston by the Sanford Channel. She was fired at by several of the vessels, but in the darkness eluded them. OD the next morning at daylight she was dis covered at the North end of Folly Island on fire, which however, did not destroy the vessel. She was a large side wheel steamer and is supposed by Commodore Turner to be the Havelock, but this is t y(t certainly ascertained. Very respectively your obe't serv't, Signed, S. F. Durorr i . Rear Admiral Commanding South Atlan tic Squadron. • New Yeas, June_ 21.—The steamer City of New York, from Bremen via South. ampton, has arrived here. Her advices are mainly anticipated. A vessel arrived at Sicily and reports being boarded, May sth, id latitude 40 N.' longitude 90 W. by a boat from the Con federate steamer Georgia, and was asked to take passengers, but declined. The Georgia is an iron screw steamer, brig rigged, corresponding with the Virgb.da. Thera has been heavy arrivals of cotton at Liverpool, including nearly 800 bales from Nassau by the steamer Miriam, which was chased and boarded by the gunboat Tioga, but allowed to proceed alter an examination. It is stated that too Miriam had on board a bearer of dis patches from Richmond to the Confeder ate agents in Europe. The question of the legality of search ing neutral vessels without infringing neu tral rights is expected to be debated in the House of Lords on the 25th, upon a motion for a copy of the instructions that have been given to the British ships in the West Indies on the subject. The Alexandria case is fixed for June 22d. The Attorney General and Solicitor General will appear for the Crown and Sir Hugh Cairns for the defense. The 11113134 m reply to the American die. patch ou Poland expresses the Czar's sen timents of affection and gratitude at the attitude of the Federal Government under the grave circumstances in which Russia is placed. NEw YORK, June 2 1.—The pilot boat Isaac Webb reports that on the 17th she passed a quantity of burned materials of vessels, planks, spars, &c. On the 19th, in latitude 44 dcg. 30 min., longi nde 68 d. g• :30 win., she heard ten or twelve guns fired in quick succession in a south-west direction, supposed to be fifteen miles distant. PRO 71 DENI . E, It. 1., June 21. —The steam• er Sea Gull, from New York, spoke on Sunday morning, off Beaver Tail, the Ti. S. steamer Curlew, in search of privateers. The same day spoke the whale ship Mo hawk, from the Pacific, for Nantucket, with Got) barrels of oil. PHILADELPHIA, June 21.—Jay Cooke, General Subscription Agent, reports the sale of $3,200,000 of five-twenties for the week ending on Saturday. Deliveries of bonds are being made to May 25th, and with the facilities now possessed by the Treasury Depaitrnent the deliveries will be more promptly ruade.hereafter. The eNcitement along the border con sequer.t upon the undeveloped movements of the rebel army, hat caused a tempo. rary diminution of sales, more on account of the preparation of new volunteers than from any want of confidence in the final result of the struggle. NEW YORK, Jung 21.—A dispatch re ceived here says that the 22d Connecticut regiment of nine months men, whose time has expired, will remain at Fortress Mon- roe for the present. MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH CINCIN NAV, June 20 . — Evening.—Flour dull and Superfine offered at $4 4044 50 and Lower Ex tra at $4 75 to $4 90. Tne higher grades being scarce are firm at $5 10 to $5 e i c. Wheat Grim r 4134 C2ulower: Rod $1 08 'l'4l 10, and White $1 134 , 1 15 orn in good demand at 54@55. Oats advanced 2c, and is firm at Zi in bulk. Rye 75®70e. Whisky in moderate demand at 40c. Nothing done in Provisions and prices nominal: we did lint hear of any enquiry worthy of note. Gro ceries unchanged and, steady. Gold advanced to s?' 43 and Silver to $1 33; Exchange steady at premium selling. Comer o Pepe & St, Oldie St, Pltte'e WIRE LARGEST, CIERLPEST AND best of t4e United States- Sllttjes for a full Coffman) al course. including Wr iting and Commercial Arithmetic. No extra charges for hianufaetuers. Steamboat, Railroad and Bank Book-keeping, Minister's sons at one-half price. Students en ter and review at any time. Ttds institu pra c ti c alnducted by experienced Teachers and business men, hence the preference for graduates at this College by bald. Dug El e a throughout the country. as well as this tits% rrof A. COWLEY, long kneffn as 1 1 .4) best Penman of the lleitiesolies Ornamental and Rapid Business Wn eirFor specimens of rof. Cowley's unequalled Writing, and Catalogue containing full infortna den, enclose twentstr ausr , ef,xoBto the Prinen & els. & Sinn feb2a tkwdaArtf. JP Asls A. la .E '= 4 4 `lOl-,-;;;;),.;42111_ H E 7•7 FROM "OLD.CGUNTRY" E UNDERSIGNED IS PAIERAIRED t bring Out emigrants fromantpartor ens_ land Ireland or Scotland, either by suYet , or fitsq- SRi Virg steamers including tb, MalAlMOth Idealn7 T QR EA E .LSTgRIY: or Hrst•elast Bailing iritssels, at far lower rated than tiaketa ei.n be purobaPed for-at anir =other office in Pittsburgh. Addrees . 'NIL European Agency , Chronicle building Fifth . • Pittebunth, Ps PROM THE AR la Y 1 45F VELE POTOMAC. Cavalry Fight at Aline-- Capture of Prlson,.rs—Sielzare of a Mall- lien. Lee's Offensive Illovementi, de. The Waehington Star, of faid:n . ightil • Baja : Information reached headquartera this afternoon of a fight at or near Aldie yes terday, between a portion of Gen. Pleas anton's cavalry and the rebel cavalry. The latter were forced to retire:, Eight tams and between sixty and .seventy men were captured by our forces. The-prisoners are reported to be on their _way to this I city. Aldie is in London county, ten .miles south west of Leesburg, and in the gap between the Bull Run and Kittoctan moan: tains. The New York Times has the following: A dispatch from Gen. Hooker's army, dated the 16th, informs us 'that the army _was then at and• near the - old Bull Rnn battleground. The 8d corps arrived at Ma nassas Junction on Monday morning; Abe Ist and 11th were at Centreville and the 2d sth, Gth and 12th were expected to arrive on Monday night. By .Tuesday noon it was expected tht army would be all together. The cavalry, during the movement from Fredericksburg, bad been operatingon the flanks, and'hia done in valuable service as scouts. Gen. Gregg's command was at Warrenton and White Sulphur Springs; Gen. Duffle's (late Gen. Averill's) was at the base of the Blue Ridge, near Ashby's Gap, and Gen. Br: ford's held Thoroughfare Gap. Many I prisoners were reported to have been cap tared by the cavalry, who also brought away no mberless contrabands, from whom linvaluable information hai been obtienee. Among the prisoners captured_ 'is Ca_p- I Lain Hutchins, of Stuart's cavalry. He was with General Twiggy in Texas when Twiggy surrendered his command and the government property. Among the most important seizures made by our cavalry has been that of a bag containing mail matter—letter I writ ten by the rebel soldiers and addressed to their friends in the South. Not only were the bag and its contents captured, but also the parties who had it in charge, thus breaking up a mail route that has doubt-- less been in constant operation for a con siderable length of time. Among the let ters captured was one written by an aid to General Longetreet to his wife living in. Alabama. Atter talking of family mat- ters, the writer goes on to tell what, is the object of their movement North. He says that they will ultimately send a caval ry force into Pittsburgh and sack and burn the town, while their infantry are to rage and Pennsylvania.pl.under sun parts of Mary -1 Oar latest news of Gen. Lee's main army is that. it was in the Shenandoah Valley—Gen. Ewell's corps in the ad vance, accompanied by Stuart's Cavalry, followed by Gen. Hill's corps, with Long. street bringing up the rear. It was be• lieved in Washington on Tuesday night that Lee. was throwing the whole of his force toward Maryland and Pennsylvania, aria that he had no intention of fighting a battle in the vicinity of Rull Ran. RIVER INTELLIGENO3II. PORT OFPITTSBURGH. ARRIVED. Franklin, Bennett, Brownsville. Gallatin. Clarke. do DEPARTED. Franklin. Bennett. Brownsville, Gallatin. Clarke. do - - stir The river—Last evening at twi light there were 2 feet 10 inches water by the metal marks and about a stand. For Marietta and Zanesville. Regular Muskingum river Packet leaves Pittsburgh every Tuesday; 4 p. 111., Zanesville every-Friday 8 - a. m. 1.4 THE NEW AND SPLENDID II Passenger steamer EMMA ORA AM, Monroe Ayers commander. will leave 58 noted above. For freight or passage apply on board or to J. B. LIVINGSTON k CO. apt PITTAIR URGEt PACKET- For Heraver—Wellsville—Stenbenville and Wheeling. Leaver" Pirtsbn rgh, Even? Tuesday— , htirsday and satiarday. at II A.M. Leaves Wheeling Every itionday-Wed nefsday and Friday, at A. THE Ew HU Passenger Wagn urr er. S. BA NN KIER,NE. arne.F 4 Walter commander, will leave as announ ced above. Pi r freight or passage apply on board "n 413 JAIII&S COLLINS d , CO, Anis. NTEAMBOA.T AUXNCY. WRY. HAZS.IE "1" Ens opened an office at NO 90 WATER STREET. Where he will transact • Get era] Steamboat tgency busineas, and would solicit a sham at pat: ronaire from steamboatmen. an 24-131 11. CASK CA RR A MMOIVIA TUST RE coi el and f.,r sa . o by GEO. 69 FederalAS . t.. KELLY Allegh. 1 GROSS OF STERLINGS ill just received by ju3 GM). A. KELLY. 69 Federal St.. Allegheny.. lie LA IR & M'RYETHS LIQUID REN AM net just received by GEO. A. KELLY, 69 Federal St. Allegheny 1 GROSS OF NICIXOLS ELIXIR IRoN Ai and bark just received by GEO. A. E ju 3 69 Federal St.. Alleghany. - fi GROSS LINDSEY'S BLOOD SEAM cher jun received by _ . 69 FeGeErOl . SA. AII EL LhY. GROSS IfeLANES PILLS AND NJ yen:infuse. just received by GEO A MILLI', jtel 69 Federal St.. Allegheny. OTHER ARRIVAL ! MoCOLISTER & BAER; 108 Wood Ntreet, LISTING NOW'S STORE TIKE LAR ita. gest and moat complete as3ortment of Ci gars and Pipes in the/City. which %boy are selling at the very lowest Cash Figures. Call and examine them before purchasing els Jan. ewhere. All Orders promptly atPsndel to. XTOBRIAL ACADAIIy Oki MUSIC; (151.12.6E0. N. Y. C. Bassini , President, T. E. Perkins. Principal. John &indef. Teacher of organ, piano. and harmony. . The fitthAmtrual session of this institution, commences on Thurs.: day. July. 2d, 1863, and continues 'eight weeks:ThGrough instruction given in vocal - eelture, harm”nY. piano, and organ. The attention- of choristers and singing school teachers, to earnest ly directed to the singing school teacher's okras, (see circular:) Tor circulars or further- infrms tion. apply to E. Perkins, care of F. J. Hen tingion, New York City. juB;d2w D EN TISTRY. EETH EX TRACTED WITROLIT pain by the we of Dr.. Ondry'a separates. HOFFNIAN do EDINUNDSON DKNTISTS. All work warranted. 134 Smithfield Street, Pittsburg TOBACCO AM) CIGARB--A,LEIDRIL Commercial Broker in Leaf andinanufae tared Tobacco 'end Benne /a 4 Water m ee t; [corner of Pine.] New York. Tobacco and Segatii carbfary selected for exportation. Dealer!. and Tobacconisiz wW find it to their totem& to call Orrnmurdoate , by, latter. The. beet limn& in hanviand% at lower pleas than an other o nu % ,;. - • . " d re SIR ACON SES— AID / 2 1(10) %Bacon Sides in store and for sal J - 14 0 - ) A dA JAMES A. FETZER, - - oonisTikhrice„,etrect4,- _ - ingb ikciwtr , & Lowe, derders ur Motrem and-niter% Horse Power& Rad Separators. Farm Ved der Cutters. and farm machinery getierallY. lu4 ='^'-`:="~ i " tea,;..; ~n'rfP.t" .4' _~- WHEELING IL I IrILSQN'S PELL% imer the revolt of v V king investigation and careful conducted experiments having been in me man, Years. during which time they have prevented and re- Hayed - a vast gaiety:lt:of !pain-and suffering m Headache, whether originating in the nervo fro us Munn or from a deranged state of the .stornach.. They may be taken at airtiines' with perfect afety, without making any change Diet, and the absence of any disagreeable.taste, renders if eon / to administer them to children. BY the use of these Pills the periodic tacks of Nereouror -Ireadach*o auxv to pre. vented: waif taken in thA commencement of an attack immediate re li ef of pain and SicknesS w.ll be obtained. • • . . They Belden:CAß removing Nausea and Headache, to which females are scrsubiert. They act gently on. the-boweki-treinovizrtias Nyman,. Fo avnylifen„ Studega„Delleite Females, and a ll persona of sederstarg habits, they are valuable as a %Laxative, improving - the appetite,, giving tone and vigor to the digestive mama and teatoring the natural elasticity and etretudit of the *hale ovens. - BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS I The genuine have signatures of 11. A. WEL. 61011 and B. I. FAHRZEITOCR. Co. on each-Box. Sold by 'all Druggists and all other Dealetto In Medicines, A Box will be Bent by mail prepaid oa re ceipt of the PRICE 25 CENTS. All orders should be oddities to. B. L. FAIINES 'TOOK dr CO., PITTSP"AH, Pa. avhdeoddrweirtJul7l A T DECIDEDLY- LESS - Tiff AN 2L wh.losale Trice& Bought preview to any considerable advance by the manufaetzwers. will be Bold accordingly, Well Seasoned Sheet Oil. Cloth% 4 doom from sth. Woolen and Cotton bniggita. Clanton Itattings, W. D. 'ar H. Iffee.A.Ll,l7.lkl, AT - No. S 7 FOUR? STRENT. W E HAVE TWO COLORS or FRIIIT CAN WAX, FRUIT CAN-WAX -• AND.RED /11,A. OR. RED AAR BLAVAI, 26 - and lbcfe. I.l.•_eouna A. J. ILANKIN a-eo, Druggists, S 3 Market street. thiroe doors beloir-Fcroth, OUQOESNE BRASS WORKS, CADMA & CIUUTORD. • bianufsetnrors of may varlet:void:Waxed BEASS ASS WORK FOB PLUMBERS GAN or STEAM PITTERS, .. MACHIMTB Aro_CO:PPIERSMITRK xpiLASSlttlesTiareS OP MIMI? E. r' AP scrtsititni made to order . llteounboe.t..*lrk. - I iteaucand gm fitt=id ropsurnur PrOrnptrir et , tended to. earti attention_ Posittolitting Refineries for Coal and Carbon oil& up le agents for the Western DI ct iNrAiEllwanie. forth eEat or *adz., lia AV ' =sr e• ) = oak , Co.'s Patent Siphon Putap. 1 beet ever o f t e d, having no valves itia 114 t liabki to got out of - order sad will UIF O WiZI9I,IO.4* than or puruP urieielts3s,ll4lt:c lig as. n. ritaranith irix.' li h as laid a 8 .0 Willful building lohjoehlolt she offers for sato - fin reasonable term 4."TbOy-am - .AMP lay between tho. 0 4Irland St a_ AIR nOtheill - FiVer. Piey offe r Soma 'documents tor luivate - voalffeucoe. For Plan of loth anti price, apply at the otheo_of. M.QL. No. LT Fourth Bt, one door above fkalthllol4bt, -c•'' uqUeamd A r tiebraiiierts. 211 B 1 JRGEHMI, TR El 18111 4.11 D M 4111611, ..... ....W M. lIILNDBRSON Tzt.+eunza efit of the favc rite aetrest A NNIE EBE#LIE, who ei 1 at pear f r the first, Hamra MAZEPPA, going to heextreme htightef the theatre lashed en tit° Intent f the, Wild Horde. tile wilt ale o ap- Pear as t IfttslNlA. This .2tionday Eivraing, will be presented the r ew - three . act drama of the DAUGIITEEt OF THE ~ UNION. Virginia, ....... . . ...... ... . ..... -...Annie Rberlie 00 min danger. .. :.l Titmon ..... ... .......... J. o . ,, Neften Overtax.," : . .. : ...... tacle o ... . . ........................ Orchestra To, of onclude with thethrilling equestrian spec - EfULZEPRIA, Or the. Wild Horse or Tartary. AbdarKlian. Droliza o pßECtikt T. M. icsaa CORNWELL dc KERR,: CARRIAGE MANUFACTURERS. SILVER & BRASS PIA MRS, and manutseaarer, ot Saddlery and Crime's Hardware, No. 7 Bt. Clair Street. and Dantean* Way. (near the Bridge.) PITTIVE CR.6I/1 PA. Great Toilet Triumph. CRLSITADOROW o kier44loll. MUIR NO LRAM. - 1T01,130. 131:114eitilz OF siLVER : • acts trunantansOutd, Jittve• fails; produces alithe shades of - Wank and brown. Par•tos who were ditestistied, with other Dyes. use thi withtniretiablesstistaction. Manufactured by J. CRISTA_DORO. 6 Astor House. New York.' Sokt nvnrxwbere. and stoat-. edhyaltasir-Dremers. - Price. $l. $l5O and $3 per box. according to sire ini2;d2twimoo. - - D t Tt,pintVt t 'f tBS P - ;Man for lameness. cute, galls. colic, sprains. Arr.. war ranted ,heaper than any other. It is used by all thrfgrea horsemen on Long Island courses. It will not cure ring bone ror stray in, as there is no Liniment in existence that will. What it iv sta. mdse care it positively•doea. No . owner of boar- , aes will be without it alter trying one bottle, One do-e revives atuF often eaves the life of an ' aver-heated vr driven horse. For, ooj!o and belly-ache it „has neverlailed— us as sure as the sun rises just sesure is this valuable Lini ment to be the florae embrocation of the day. sold by all druggists. Ofsork fa Curtlandt Street. New York' . Pri 7 ce.% and 50 carte Sold by:all.. druggists.— . tuY:da we: Putts about Drandreth's PULL. . , , . l Westchester Co.. N Y, Oct. ./b7Nirs , Ohatta Mr. G. Tau ETOI tiust.nos. Editor :4 drao Wo At-pub/lean : Dear SiT— I would state that I was induoed to nee BRAND RETII '8 PILLS, throngh the recom mendation ofJohn R,Switt. of Croton. Wenches 'ter county , who , was entirety restored to health by their use. lie was tuck for some two Years. very costive and dyspepUe. and 'he tried everything but WIL9 not relieved. Finally, he took one Bran dreth's Pill every any fora week. and adose of six Pills every day for three days, and they took one Pill every day. with an occasional dose of sit. In one month he was able to go to work. itaio in three Months be well gaining ,. ID .pounds in weght. Yours trulY. liVgareassvna CA awn. se: Edward Purdy being dniy sworn. says that he resides in-the town of New Castlee that some years ago he was very rick with'a sore on his leg. which had been naming for over five Years: that he was abio - much distressed by a pain in his cheat, and besides very costive and dyspeptic that of trying various remedies and maityphysicians. he commenced pal t¢Brandreth'e Pills, aLtto eight three times a week. and at the end of one month. the sore on his leg healed, and at the end of two months ha was entirety cured of costive n ess. dys- Panda and Pain. end has remained welt ever sinee. EDWARD PURDY. Sworn to before me. this 18th day of Oet.-1382. • • nol4dswltfo •8, MALCOLM SMITH, Justice of the Peace, • Bold by Thomarszed path, Diamond Alla Pittsburgh. _ • - • WILL liT~ PILL CURE SICK WAX -'ACHE OVRE NERVOUS HEADACHE c'[rsE ALL KINDS °HEADACHE. CARPETS FOR CASH AT LOW PRICES, OVERINGTON lie ter en Idztieolllet Annie Ward v b e t a a da r ta J. -