ITAI LIV PST. tr PRYTENGILL dl-430., N0:87 BTR ER PARR ROW NEW YORK and 6 STATE Z BOSTOdare actottlifor the Dabs gh Mid Wee Le kly e Peat In those cities, and are an or tak or na at oar Lomat Rater. Advertisements and SubsoriPtiowl ifir See First & Third Pages for Com. merciful Dolly /Markets and River News WEDNESDAY MORNING, JUNE 17 an AB NEIGHBORHOOD !HAMMON Martial Law. When men clamor for martial law, do they really realize what it is they are ask ing for, and the cm.sequences that would ensue from its enforcement ? law is where the military supersedes the civil power in every department, and it is only in the most extreme cases - that it should be brought into requisition. Every charge against a man, no matter how serious, or how trivial in its nature, would subject him to a military inquisition. The private citi zen has no more rights under martial law than the soldier. At present, however, there are no fears that the machinery of municipal government will be disturbed. Capt. Wright informs us that unless some thing further transpires, more than is known at present, martial law will not be declared. Democratic Ticket. We yesterday bad the pleasure of a visit from Mr. Steeps of the Washington Re. view, and to him we are indebted for the following item of information. On Sat. urday the 13th inst., the Democrats of Washington County, met in Convention at Washington, and nominated the follow ing ticket: For State Senator, Col. Wm. Hopkins; Assembly, Wm. Glenn, and Isaac Newkirk; Treasurer, Wm. Swan, (of the Review;) Prothonotary, Andrew Bruce; Register J. L Judson; Clerk of Courts, Alex. K. Craig; Commissioner, Wm. P. Boyd; Recorder. Jaws McLoney; Director of the Poor, John Chambers; County Auditor, And. J. Linn. Three thousand votes were polled, being the largest Democratic vote ever before polled in Washington county. Horse Railroads. We believe in horse railways. Henry Clay, in the Senate of the United States, in responding to the sneering declaration that his compromise bill of 1850 was an " omnibus," said that he accepted the term; the omnibus was the peoples, the poor man's vehicle, and it was to be hon ored and respected fully as mach as the dashing equippage of the wealthy. The horse railway car is but another name for the omnibus. It is an omnibus on a large scale ; it is an improved omnibus, combi ning speed, comfort and capacity. In fact it is an omnibus, only mora so. It is two or three omnibuses pat into one, and yet capable of being ran safely with speed, and soma degree of regularity. A Girl Burned to Death. Os Tuesday af.ernoon of last week a little girl, daughter of Evan James, some five or six yea-s old, residing at Johns town, while playing about a fire oa the margin of the creek where some women had been washing, was fatally burned by her clothes taking fire fr .m the/ burning ashes. There was no person about at the time but a little brother, who was unable to render her any assistance. Her situa tion, however, was discovered by the workmen at the coal mines across the creek, several of whom rushed through the water to her assistance. they ar rived too late to save her life. She was so shockingly burned that restoration by human agency was impossible, and mer ciful death put an end to her sufferings during the evening. Drunkenness. Notwithstanding the strict order en• joining the closing of coffee houses, a great many men wore drunk in the streets yes terday. Backdoora are convenient things and many a man can get a drink of whis ky, when he cannot obtain bread for his family. We heard it stated yesterday that some men were engaged in selling liquor to those engaged on the works. Stich fel lows should be dealt with to the extremest extent of the law. Gone into Camp. The 15th regiment of Pennsylvania mili tia, Col. Galway, after parading through the principal streets yesterday afternoon, reported all but three or four companies ready to go iuto camp, accordingly they marched out and took possession of Camp Howe. They made a fiae appearance, and looked as they would do some execution if they should meet the enemy. The oth er companies will be ready to repot t for duty to-day, and will immediately join their comrades in camp. Explosion of a Locomotive: The locDmotive of the down freight train on the Northern Central railroad ex• p/oded on Saturday morning, a short dis tance this side of Trevortma Juncton. The engineer, named Samuel H. Miller, and the firemen were both killed, the body of the former being hurled to the river bank, a distance of some filly feet, and the lat ter thrown some distance up the moon• fain side. Painful Accident. AR a man who was driving the Duques ne Fire Company's wagon was entering one of the out buildings of the Arsenal, whither he had gone to do some hauling of military accoutrements, he was caught between the transom of the door and the seat of the wagon, and very severely bruised. Dr. Waters dressed the , oands. 'l he worst injury received was a severe cut ou the side of the head. One More Call. Our danger seems to be imminent. All companies for the (6) six 'months service, under the Proclamation of the President, who may be diiposed to go under my com mand, will report themselves at once. The first ten companies offering themselves will be accented—the field and staff otfi• cers to be chosen by the vote of the line officers. It an organization is not soon effected, and the danger increases, if I can get even a company of men I am resolved to go and do what I can, till the crisis be over. JOHN B. CLARK. Bank Note Reporter. Feld & Lare, Dispatch buildings have jast issued their Bauk Note Reporter for June. It contains a complete list of all banks, good, bad and indifferent, together with a description of the late counterfeits. The Reporter is published at the low price of $1 a year, and a man may save many times its cost by having one in his pos session. Old Fashioned Honesty. A gentlenian states that, when a boy, he was one day in the office of his grand father, who held a position under the Federal Government, and, wishing to write, he was about taking a sheet of let ter paper from the desk, What are you about there ?" said the old gentleman. " Getting a sheet of paper," said the "Pot it back, air, pat it back I" 21aimed the strictly honest official, "that caper belongs to the Government of the United States I" Precious little put back now•a days Nltniater Arrested. An Episcopal Minister by the name of Dr. Leacock, a resident of Harrisburg, .as been arrested by crder of General Schenck, and sent on to Baltimore. He s the Fame gentleman who was sent north rota New Orleans by Gen. Butler, for •efusing to take the oath of altegiance.- 3ince his residence in Harriiburgh he has ed a very quiet and retired life. An Important Matter Explain- ed.- I General Order No: 2. We wish to call the particular attention of our readers to General Order No 2, published in another column, which will correct an erroneous impression 'that has gone abroad in regard to present enlist ments. The organization of a depart. mental corps is only for the defence of oar border, and will be called out only in cases of special danger or emergency, or for periodical drill. Let not the fear of beng sent from home deter any from en listing, for under no circumstances will the troops be transferred to any other de partment. We trust all will read the or der, and thereby perfectly understand the' position in which present recruits stand. Democratic Nominations. The Democratic Convention of Venan go county met at Franklin on the 9th inst. and nominated the following ticket: Sen ator, Dr. J. IN ilson, (subject to the Sena torial Conference;) Assembly, Col. John S. McCalmont; Prothonotary, William Christy; Register and Recorder, A. P. Whitaker; Treaanrer , Robert Crawford; County ommissioner, Robert Mitchell; County Auditor James Ritchey, jr.; Coroner, D.:(1. Auditor, Recruiting Stands. Capt. Alex. Hay, of the 61st Regiment, has erected a recruiting stand, corner of Wood and Filth streets, and is now ready to receive recruits for a cavalry company. He is assisted by Lieut. Steele, also of the 61st. Capt. Hay says that the company will go wherever the country most need their services. Killed: On Monday, June Bth, a man by the name of Thomas Smith, who was attached to Brien's Circus as a hand, was killed in attempting to spring from a wagon while it was in motion. His foot caught in such a manner as throw him under the wagon and the hind wheel passed lengthwise over his body killing Lim instantly. He leaves a wife in New York city, Martial. The martial music of the fife and drum was to be heard continually in Fifth street yesterday, and recruiting appeared to be going on rapidly. Although the thorough. fares were crowded, every thing passed off in the most quiet manner. A Bank at Johnstown. The election for Directors of the "First National Bank of Johnstown" was held at the office of Wood, Morrell S: Co., on Tuesday afternoon. The following gen tlemen were elected, namely : Daniel J. Morrell, E Y. Townssr.d, Geo. S. King, Isaac Kauffman, Jacob Levergood, John Dibert and Geo. Fritz. D. J. Morrell was subsequently elected President by the Board, and H. J. Roberta Cashier. High School The examination of applicants for ad- mission to the BighSchool will commence on the 18. h inst. Pupils about presenting themselves 11)r admission should be in at tendancs. Drowned. A b.)y and horse belonging to Captain Maypole, when loving a flit boat laden with empiy barrels at Didman Ripple, seventeen miles below Franklin, on the Allegheny river, was drowned. The body of the boy was recovered. Colored Recruits. One hundred entered recruits fur the Massachusetts colored regiments have been raised in Fayette county. New Military District. General Pope has constituted lowa a ilitary district, under Gen. B. Roberts. Negro Regiments. There are four hundred applicants, be fo . e the Examining Baard at Washing ton, for appointments in negro regiaidnts. Open Again. The Young Men's Library Association rooms having undergone a thorough reno vation, are once more open for the use of its members. The rooms ale on the cor ner of Penn and St. Clair streets. Theatre. To-night Ettie Henderson will appear in the beautiful play of Satan in Paris, in which she sustains six parts. This play is well known to our theatre-goers, and we are sure that they will embrace the present opportunity of seeing Ettie Hen- derson assume the complicated role which pertain•) to the principal character. The after piece of the Artful Dodger, is a lively little comedy worthy of notice. Taken altogether the bill for to night is unusually attractive. Circus. To-day is the last of the Circus, and no doubt but that the canvass will be crowded. Those who wish to see little Was Gardner in her peerless horse-back act must go to-night. NOTWITHSTANDING the threatened rebel invasion, and the consequent excitement attending it, Fleming 139 Wood grea t continues to sell the newest styles and best quality of hats, caps and straw goods at unusually low prices. Those wishing to purchase'any article in the hat, cap or straw goods line, will find at his estab• lishment one of the moat complete stocks of goods to be found in the city. Hotel for Rent. The " Massey Haase," boated on the corner of Ross and B reckcnridge streets opposite the Pittsburgh and Counellsville Railroad Delon i 3 now offered for rent., The " House" is in good repair and ha been doing a good businesl. 'Co any per son understanding the business a Eno op• portunity is now offered. Immediate poe• session will be given. Apply to tf Tills. MoonE, No - 18!) Prat. at. GEOVICIt St" 'SAKI:Ws Sewing Maohinee. tor Irt - mlia manufgetering purposes, are the beet in use. A. F. CIATOSAY.,CteneraI Agentlß Pulh. street. Pittsburgh.. Po JOIIIIPR ItiV.ll2. JOIIEPH MEYER & SON XAXIII . IO7IIILI2JI OP PANCY AND PLAIN FURNITURE tt CH Ak IRS W.SIUMOtin. 125 132LITHFIELD 11i I'l (Baatean Airth street and Vire A iley,) not CR! Ol'l seiciNcrs. TITES DELIGHTFUL SUMMER RE ,ort, iminediatMy on the line of the Cen tral P. ff. R., located on the Summit rt the Ade- IthenY Mountains. 2.300 leot above the level of the sea, will be oven for the reception of visitors on the 10th of Juno. 1803, and will be kept open until the first of Oc ober. The water und air at this point posSesa supe rior attractions. The analyses made in the lie bomtary of Profesiors Booth. Garrett, and Oil man, of Philadelphia. shay the esist.nce otvala able mineral elements, the waters of some cf the springs being of the iron or ohalybeate Cling, and and others containing ratin• or aperient salts. Pura mountain water abounds: and the guests Win also be supplied with mineral waters from other springs, such as blue Lick, Bedford and' Saratoga Waters. Ample facilities for bathing have been twovi dad, new plunge and donch baths erected, and Jim and Cold ; Baths cm at all times be ob tained. The grounds. walks, &c., have been highly - p - oved. go are of a veiled and Picturesque character;• - Thera is at Cresson Springs, Philadelphiaegrffice and two daily mails from and Pittsburgh. and intermediate i)plats. Excursion TiCkets canbe obtain' td at the office of the Pennsylvania BalltiradEompany. For farther itiformation, apply to= lull:dna Cresson S OEO.-W. EfUL C o. prings:Ca mbria Co. Pa._ Bap 'UTTER, 3 BARRELS FRESH BUT ter. kat received and for Bale JAki. A.. 111 jtd2 12Elk Ilarket The authorities here doubt this state. ment,and are inclined to believe that they will not attempt to move farther North. The farmets in the valley are sending their horses and cattle into the mountains to avoid their tatting into the rebels hands. The rebels are gathering up all the ne groes that can be bound with the intention of taking them along. So far as heard from, private property has been respected. Last night they burnt the Railroad bridge across Scotland Creek, six miles this side of Chatabersburg. The excitement here is subsiding. Although hundreds of women and chil dren left the city daring the day, several citizens on leaving were hooted and groan ed at by the crowd assembled at the depot. ‘,Tne troops are not responding to the Governor's call with that promptness which three who know the true position of affairs here would desire. Maj Sees, master of transportation, has made arraugemente with all the railroads in the State by which troops assembling for the defence of the State will be fur nished transportation on application at the offices of such companies. The authorities have information, which ha 3 not been confirmed up to the present time, that the rebels are at New Market, Pa., with a force of 20,000 or 23,000 men. The Hotels are filled with delegates to the Democratic Convention, which meets :o-morrow. Clymer and Witte are the .wo most prominent candidates for Gover- The friends of both are hard at nor work The Governor of New Jersey has ten dered Pennsylvania the services of many men, which have been accepted. The 7Lh New York will arrive to-night, to be followed by three or four more regi ments from the same State. NEW YORE, June 16.—The Express prints the following as a letter from Wash• Hooker retreated from Falmouth to Warrenton to intercept Lee, who was ad vancing on Washington. Lee passed down through Thorough fare Gap, flanking Hooker and cut off an entire corps (name not given), which is supposed to be captured. Lee is driving Hooker, and the latter is retreating to Alexandria. Hooker burned a large portion of his tents, provisions, &c., at Falmouth. HEADQUARTERS four miles rear of Vicks burg June 10.—The siege is still prose cated with more fury. During the past two days several'of the enemy's guns were silenced by our batteries and sharpshoot ers. Deserters say the garrison are upon the point of mutiny and desirous of fighting their way oat to Johnston, to which the chief officers will not consent. All previous reports of destitution are confirmed. The rebels occupy Sartilia and Yazoo City. Fall accounts from Millikem's Bend make our loss in the recent battle 140 killed and 185 wounded. The blacks are admitted to have fought with great bravery atter the black flag was raised by the enemy, killing every rebel they reached. Col. Fitch is believed to he a prisoner in our hands. The rebels lost 110 killed, left' on the field. The wounded were mostly carried off, • The enemy appeared at Young's Point in force on Tuesday. It is believed to be their intentionl6 reinforce Vicksburg and cross with supplies. The rebels are communicating from this city to Dego Point with their Louisiana allies. Navigation in the Mississippi is becom ing more hazardous. - - No trouble ie experienced from Join Elton yet Predictions are various about the fa of Vicksburg. JEFFERSON Crrx. Mo., June 16.—The Convention met at 9 o'clock. Mr. Smith, of St. Louis, introduced an ordinance pro viding—First. No slaves shall come into the State fot permanent residence therein. Second. Oa the 4th of July, 1870, slavery shall cease torever in Missouri. Third. The Legislature may, by law, declare the political status of free persons of color, and provide a just and humane system of apprenticeship to be exercised through the country—against such persons becom ing a public charge on the Commonwealth. Qee from each Congressional district was bythe Convention to consider all plans and propositions for the emancipa tion of slaves in Kingman. PrlMNlnvms3P Mr. Drake called up his emancipation resolutions, 'offered yesterday, and made a lengthy speech, but failed to get a di. rect vote of the Convention theron. - Mr. Brackenrido also spoke on his roe olutioa ildring the afternoon session. Several plena Of emancipation were in troduced, which, together with those intro duced this niortiint and yesterday, were referred to the committee on emancipa tion.- • Nsi Yonat, 'June IG.—The Evening Post prints Washington specials as fol lows: Persods fronkthe front this morn ing report all , quiet 'lliere are no. signs of the rebels this side:of Culpepper. Our army is in a new position, organized and full of confidenCe. There are no signs of the enemy on the Poto±9lP; between here ttud Hurper4 Ferry "*r- TELEGRAPHIC. PENNSYLVANIA 'STILL :-INVADED REBELS-AT SHIPPENSBURG, PA Bridge Burned Six Mies from bliambersburg. Lee - Advancing on Wash ington ! OOKER RETREATING TO ALEXANDRIA LEE IN CLOSE PURSUIT LATEST FROM VICKSBURG STATE CONVENTION IN MISSOURI &c,, &0., &c., &c HARRISBURG, June H. — Dispatches re ceived up to this hour from Shippensburg, eleven miles this side of Chambersburg, shows that the rebels are still at the latter place in force, not exceeding two thous and cavalry with no infantry. General Jenkins, who commands the rebel forces, ordered all the stores in .Chambersburg to be opened at nine o'clock this morning, which was complied with. The merchants were forced to take confederate money in payment for their goods. At one o'clock to-day the rebels were drawn np in line of battle on Col. ale- Clure's farm, anticipating an attack. The rebel cavalry to-day occupied Lit tlestown, eleven miles from Gettysburg. At last accounts they had not advanced beyond that point. The rebel officers at Cliambersburg stated that they were only waiting for in fantry to arrive, when they would move forward. MEMPHIS, Jima 16 .—Arrivals from be low to-day bring official dispatches frJrn tract up to noon of the 11th. Reinforce ments are arriving, taking the positions assigned them. The movements of Kirby Smith on the Louisiana side are attracting attention. They will be closely watched. It is doubt ful about his having the means to cross the river, but the numerous bayous may afford him facilities to make the attempt. It is pretty well ascertained that the Vicksburg garrison is on quarter rations of corn meal and part fl)tir, and the supply of these is very limited. Their fresh beef is all gone. The rebel Walker is al Yazlo City and Jackson, said to`.have arrived with a divi. sion of cavalry from Bragg. Grant is confident and hopeful. About 2,000 prisoners arrived here from Vielts• burg to-day. MARKE7'S 13Y TELEGRAPH CiNcryNay', June I8:41011r unchanged: Fu• pertine $4 5044 tin. and Fancy brands SO to $5 50. Wheat in fair demand at $1 Mal 13 for Red, but not much doing in White. Corn and Oats unchanged. Whi k y steady at 4ne and steady. Nothing done in Proy iNiOll9. Linseed Oil $1 14. Go'd advanced t, 4 , _4121 47; :titre Exchange firm. Afraid of Jeff. Davis The Washington correspondent of the Anti-Slavery Standard. tells why it is the negroes do not enlist in the District of Columbia : Recruiting among the colored people of this district is slow work, and it is not Cur• prising that it is so. The young men among the colored people., as a general thing, do not madi fest any/ enthusiasm for the war. They arc afraid of the enemy— of his inhuman cruelties which he knows so well huw to pour upon the bead of the black man. The colored people of this district stand in awe if Jur. Davis at this hour, and It - is not simply'-the old inbred fear of the slaveholder; it is the rude in stinct the negro which teaches him that the rebel government is the boldest, ablest and so .far the strongest. Therefore.when Jeff. Lavis says he is going to hang all the negroes he can catch bearing arms. the colored people here are very much afraid that he will execute his threw - -- Indicted Under the Conscript Act. The grand jury of the United States Circuit Court fir the Northern District of Ohio, in session at Cleveland, have brought in indictments against Joseph Jackson, limry Shade and Wesley Gra ham, of Mirrow county, for conspiracy iu resisting , the enrollment ; also against Jacob thimlander and Jonathan Miller for a similar offense. Ooliege Orant Accepted. The State ct lark has accepted the Agricultural College Grant, and is en titled In clue anal ninety thous and acres, sc, ip in worth line million and t hu,nired thousand dol lars. Roligious Tim General C mven iin of the New Jerusalem Chur..h iu A ni , ..rnta v3ininenci-d its tory fourth annunl nes.,iJn in Phda delphis on Wednesday. Ministers and delegates wi-re present from Maine. New Hamp,htrc, , qassachusetts, Nei. , York, New J.-r4ey, OMo, Washington City, Pennsylvania, and eidowhere.. "ted Btintline." The New York Ilrrz j saxs : "The well knmiva Ned Dantline, a private in the New York Firm , Mounted Colonel Oaderdorik. /MS been sentenced to Iwo tnonLhs' imprisonment nt Fort Norfolk Virginia, for the erirne of desertion." 4 ITTIERY A. ATTENTION !—All whu have enrolled their names in this Company are ordered tu meet at tne LIOVER N. - ME NT 1 is. where the cans are parked. near Hand street Pri , ige at 100. at. SreeilLi jUI7 WM. METCA LF, Lient. Comd'g. AT 71IE ANNI'AL MEETING or the Corporator , of the Allezheny l'emetery. nerd on the )Ith intt., the following gentlemen were °Jetted officers for the ensnina year: President-1 no,. Af• Manager,-11 Ikon .Nlec,ndle. , - , John John H. :::hoenbeurer, :Id, It. ,necr,.l. li , m oo , head. Fran,-it (1. lie ilpy N. 1/.lli E. Se , rltil7l, Andthe following Statenn•nt ~1 A Ciollo ti wa. 3 presented to the Ineetice by the Treo:;urer, and ordered to he publiellet.l: STATEMENT of the A Cent/ nt? of the Allegheny Cemetery, on the let of ,Inns, l iii 0,4 pr , voilto In ihr Awn./ .If , etin g th,. their .41111.11 l'R. Cemc•try Ground Ft tik. and Took .. Improvements, 'Permanent Do. temporary Interest tlxpense Bills Receivable Labor Bonds and Mortsage.. ... cash_ ...... Mausoleum Now Office New Lodge Accounts Receivable Cemetery Lots .... Interments. &c... Shrubbery ..... -- Repair Fond Accounts Payable AV OMEN'S 1116111 EELED ['ON grass gaiter 9 for 90;:ta ONCERT HALL SHOE STORE Men'a fate boot•, for At Concert Hall Shoe Store ETifs3goboei for At Concert. Hall Shoe Storo IXR. Call and ex - motor these goods for yourselves. 62 Fifth Street, .1 am ' AN ACRE—VALITABLE FARM I. LPN. of 70 acres for sale. situate S miles from the city, and one mile beyond Perrysville, farm house of four , rooms, attic and cellar, well of water and good springs, new barn and stable 70 by 60 fees, two orchards of choice I, ult. large garden, grape vines, small fruits, etc., enclosed with c good to ace; about eleven acres of timber of the beat quality, ram aindet of the land in ex cellent Itate of cultivation, A six foot vein of cal under the whole farm. A o ply to S. CUTHBERT & SONS, juls al Market street. For-Rata, gide, Roaches. Ants. Bed. -Biwa. Moths in Furs. Woolons, ate,. insocts on Plants. Fowls. Aninials, Put up ia2so, 50c and $1 00 boxes, Bottles and Flask& $3 and $5 Efilel for Hotels. Public Insti tutione. Ate, _ "Only infalible remediealknown." "Free from Poisons." "Net.dangerous to the Human Family." "Baddeorne out of their holes to dr.e." lOU PeatiV he' oqale in all large cities. 113; lb 3 all pruning: and - Dealers 'Whore. - "IL I !Beware II of all worthies; imi taticns pa. See that ' , Taster's" name is on eaeh Box. Bottle and Flask. before von buy. , : , *!LiAddress ILENRY•R,, cosTAB. Depef4B2'Broadsvtiy. itk.Sold by R. E. SELLERS .4-09. T and B. L ))or TAII igh NBSTOOIC iedX)4 l WholatrtiMits. Pitt • •,7..:„.13 Harejust received a largo and superior assort meat of BA LMORALS, BUTTON BOOTS LAC i GAITERS, AND MOROCCO SLIPPERS, MOROCCO AND KID BOOTS, &c, &0., 'Which they aro selling at very low prices. ANOTHER ARRIVAL! necoLisTEß ,t BAER, SIAVING NOW IN STOR TILE EAR MAL gest and most complete pstoitment of Ci ga•s and Piro in ihe City, which boy are s e lli ng at the very lowest Cash Figures. Gall and examine than before perchasi elsewhere. All Orders promptly attendei to. fent. WAR DEPARTME.iN WAsruNoroN CITY, J une oth, 1863. ,1 WORDEIt.—(gXTRAC rso I The Department of the Monongahela will embrace that portion of the Elite of Penn sylvania West of Jthinstown, and the Laura! Hill range of Mountams ; and the counties of A,noock. Brooke and Ohio, in the State of ginia and the counties of Columbiana, Jctle•son and Petition t, in the B`atool Ohio, Bri visitor (: - enerai WILLIAM T. 11. BROOKS is as• signed to the command of this Department, Headquarters at Pittsburgh. 2. A Departmental Amity Corps of Volunteer Infantry. Artillery and Cavalry, to bo designa • tel the Aarmy Corps of the Monongahela, will be enrolled and organized in accordance with regulations of the United States service, for the Protection and &fence of the public prooertY within that Departtnent,and will be mustered info the a nice of tit , United States, to serve during the plea Lure uf the Pres dent or the continuance ef the war. The Comeany d Field Office sof the Depart ments! Corps will be pro vlslonally commission— ed by the President. They will b - 1 armed unirormed. equipped, and whilem active s.rvise subs:sted and muddied, as ether troops f the !Jolted State-. Cava'ry voltiniistrs may fur-id:lt their own horses, to be turned over t United State at their appraised value, or al.'owatee Wal be made f m the them of actrill service at the r.te author ized by law. The government will mount picked Cavalry to the even! tha; boreal can be furnished. The Departmental Corps will not be entitled to }Jollity andcatmet bopaid until Congrers makes nn apirropriation for that purpts% Volunteers in the Departmental Corps may, a: their own request, be transferred and muster ed into the service for three years or during tho war, ond upon such transfer and muster they will be allowed the pay and bounty authorized by the Aet of Congress to volunteers for three years or during the war. Volunteers in Dm Departmental Corps will re main subject to enrollment and draft for general ,trvice. The enlistment, recruiting and organ izing of volunteers for three years or during the war, he stimulated and encouraged, the otii , ows to be appointed and commissioned by the it ernors of the respective States, Tieenlistments herein specified and transfers !toot the Departmental service to the three year.' too ice. must he reported to the Provost 111srshal General in order that the respective r totes and c..ogressional Districts may receive appropriate nit under th r nrollniet Ator ongres, All the trn e eps within n the c Depa C rtment s will be r tin rc , L111.1(1%111 of the General command ing the Department., with the usual Departments; The oper.tioNS sgainst the enemy are not to he limited by the geograrhical lines of the De i •artment. but may exten i to adjacent territory. as in the judgment 01 the commanding Genera] may be expedient to resist or pursue the enemy. Volunteer companies and regiments organized in places not within the Department of the Mo• nongatiola, may be attached for temporory ser %see to the army Corps of the Monongahela, and mustered into servioe upon special applicatio n and order ot the Was Department. By order of the President. red,) EDWIN ;STANTON 3 E rEas DF P'T OF THE MCNONO lIRLA l'itc.shurel, June I I 111. 1",33. The un = ersizned hereby aez ewes coulannd he Pa. parOn • t. The Sift ft of th a Department will Ito announced in f.ulfse merlin tiers All c itomonicatieni for these Headquarters will be direcfc , i is "Aszistant Adjutant General," De:•art Sent of the Monnntrahela. W. T. H. BROOKS, ikirjpr tienerai, Irt R.LING,—LATE SURGEON IN dJ the 9 rwr, Trta:s all diseases. Office No. 98 Fourth Street ouPs..ions asked. Cure guaranteed: private si,nAsiting ruswq. (barges moderate and con ,ti.,a free. Pat.onts visited is City cr to the cow:try. - pee:al attention paid to Surgery., Midwifery, diacaset of women and children, Oftl o open eac't dvy from 8 o'clock in the tn.,rcilg. until at night. tiun lacy trom U ton 1-'2. in the•morning. i'• 0. ddre..s. 11 ..xPittsburgh. Pa., Dr. li.. has hal t Remy years experience in his profei- qs. Lodi 04 35 ` l 7l' 1 (k 's 11,1.74 . 34,8345 Ui R. 175' • 1 4 5.404 7,(x21 10 111 . 3 is to certif Y. that I have been a married man for thirt e en tears, curing which time. my 'Rife nevi , : core any children. and in less than twelve months, after eoosul•tng Dr. King, she presented me healthy BOP. Jllloll.i I w COL. H. KfLD. • is CASK CARR AMMONIA JUST RE ceivel and for on'e by ....$259,800 ..... 41,804 40 2,257 22 1,025 00 202 3-", GROSS OF STERLINGS AMBROSIA just received by H➢ LAIR t WRYETR3 LiQUin RUN -11-1/ uct just received by _. _ GROSS OF NICHOLS ELIXIR IRON and Lurk just received by GEO. A. KELLY. itt'S 69 Federal St.. Allegheny. 1 GROSS LINDSEY'S BLOOD SEAR cher jast received by _ 5b GROSS MeLANIES PILLS AND 1 1,5 , verualfug,o, just received by (CEO A KELLY, ju3 GO Federal St., Allegbarty. 12.1Nr DLSCO I I7 To Strengthen and Improve the Sight. Tag s EViger.> PEEBLE Russian Spectacles, L)ER.SDNS SUFFERING Jettost festive sight. arising from age or other Caus es, can be relieved by using the Russian Feb. Spectacles, which have been well tried by many responsible citizens of Pittsburgh and vi cinity, to whom they have given perfect satisfac tion. The eertitea.tes of these persons can be seen at mJ officer. CM. All who pouches° one pair of the Russian Pebble Spectacles are entitled to be supplied in future free vf charter with those* which will always Live setisfactiun. . . Therefore. If you wish to ensnare an Improve moot in your sight call on J. DIAMOND, Practical Optician, Manufacturer of the Russian Pebble Spectacles. lanlfi No. 39 Fifth street. Poet Buildinit /43 y place of business is closed on Saturday HENRY W. BEAUMONT &CO. Foreign Brandies, Wines and Gins. Also, Blackberry, Raspberry, Wild Cherry, and Ginger Brandies, Old blanongbahela, Rye, and other Whislries, Jamaica Rum. &C.] No. 83 Liberty Street, Opposite Fourth street. PITTSBURGH, PA. .415 r. Hotels. Taverns. and Families, supplied a moderate profits for Carl. my2l:lYd BET YOEIt GAITERS. BUY YOUR GAITERS BUY YOUR GAITERS. AT NO 35 At NO 15 FIFTH STREET, FIFTH STREET. D. S, DLEFENBAOHER. ILIOIL WALL PAPERS, BORDERS de. 1 4 rtter leading Depot is at the old ktaad.— liither come and bay. . 'ILIRENCI3 CWO ODA :IMITATION OF Oak, _printed from board., an exact copy with panel moradihertwinatelV. Noreale;by , -w.Pr M RANA LT: in 6 1, 87 Wood street. W. E. Schmertz & Co. NO. 31 FIFTH STREET, MISSES AND OERLDRENS EUGENIE. CONGRESS AND PATENT LEATHER, RID 10S Wood Street, 4 doors from sth Secretary of War MEDICAL. NEAR WOOD UEO. A. KELLY. 69 Fedoral St.. Allegheny. (YZO. A. KELLY 69 Fedoral St.. Alloghe, GEO. A. KELLY. 69 Federal St., Allegheny GEO. A. KELLY, 69 Federal St., AlleghanY DEALERS IN P. MUMMA LT.. 87-. Wood street RIVER nsTEtwcumon. PORT OF PITTSBURGH. ARRIVED. • ' - Franklin. Bennett. Brow - Iv:villa. Gallatin. Cla;ke. do DEPARTED, Franklin, Bennett. Brownsville, Gallatin, Clarke. do tar Tbe river—Last evening at twi• light there were 2 feetlo inches water by the metal mares and about a stand. We had some fino showers of rain. For Marietta and Zanesville. Regular Allusklngtim river Packet leaves Pittsburgh every ThesdaY, 4 P. m., Zanesville every Friday 8 a. m. tz, THE NEW AND SPLENDID H Passenger steamer EMMA GRA AM, noted above. Monroe Ayerfa reig co an ht or mm p der, a ssage appTs aa mill /cave For board or to J. B. LIVINGSTON & CO. apt ! PITTSBURGH AND WHEELING PADGET. For Beaver—Wellsville—Steabenville and Wheeling. Leaves Pi 0 tab's rgh. Every Tuesday— 'l harsday and Saturday at tl A. laL. Leaves Wheeling Every Monday-Wed nesday and Friday. at A. pc , , THE SWEPT RUNNING commander.ramor. S. O. BAKER, James Walter will leave na announ ced above. F,.r freight or apply on board or to ..1 . AM I.cB COLIANS & CO. Agts. mayl3 NT KANE OA T AGIOICY. Itif. . A- Z .ILa .11r. UV 37 has opened an office at • NO SO WATER STREET, Where he will transact a General Eiteaniboat Agency bnainees, and would solicit a sham of oats ronairo from steamboat men. an247sid X" .A. SSi A. Ca ..V. • FRO :t1 . T "OLD COUNTRY." 1111 E UNDERSIGNED IS PREPARED ( bring out emigrants fromeny part ofEng len d Ireland or Scotland, e.ther by superior fast ling steamers, including the mammoth steam- OR EAT EADTERN, or first•ciass sailing vessels, at tar lower rates than tickets can be purchased for at any other office in Pittsburgh. Address D. O'NE/L, European Agency, Chronicle building, P,fth at. Pittsburgh. Pa inhlei6mdeodetw CARPETS FOR CASH AT DECIDEDLY LESS THAN vglinlesale Prices. Boug ma n u fac t urer s. any considerable advance by the and will be sold accordingly. Well neasoned Shoat Oil Clothe, AT LOW PRICES. Woolen and Cotton Druggets. Canton Mattings, &o W. D. & H. McCALLIIM, AT NO. 87 FOURTH STREET. jui /1110BACCO AND CIGARS—A, LEIDER -lb Commercial Broker in Lout' and manufae ter -d Tobacco and Segars, 131 Water street, lournorof Pine.] lbw York. Tobacce and Setters carefully selected for exportation. Dealers, and TobarcJnii s will find it to their interest to call or cc rninunieete by letter. 'the best brands. in any quantity, at lower prices than any other house, my29;3md Groceries, Y DAVE JUST RECEIVED A LARGE 1 supply of Ton, eree. Sugar and Gceries of all tiescriptionm, which will be sold ro either wholesale or retail at the lowest caet prices. J. DUNLEVY, No. 4 Diamond, Pittsbunzh. Ea 5 '1'4,144.,7 REMO V AZ. NI R. F, BARDEF.NAta REMOVED Lir from Smithfield street, below Ihe Girard House, to N 0.145 Filth street opposite the Court House. ap2l,tf. U. LYNCII, SQURREL HILL, has laid ofl SO beautiful build inglots, which she offers for sate on reasonable term,. They are eligibly located, lying between the Oakland Sta tion and Lho Mononghahela .eiver. They offer many indacements for pdvate residences, For Plan pilots and price, apply at the office of. K. IN No. .127 Fourth St. ono door above Smi ULAN, tuyl.iamd thfield St. 4 LLEGUEN CITY ILESIDENIDE, -1 - 1 Nor sale. Pleaaantly situated on the second bank near East common. having a front of 90 Met by ;300 deep, large and commodious dwelling house, in modern stole, a wide hall, large Parlor. re ‘eption room, library, five chambers, bath r,Alut, dining-room, kitchen, good cellar, coal vault, pantry, five rooms on the third floor, two furnaces, washroom. marble mantles, gas fix tures, ;ruit and shade trees, vines, flowers and thrubbery, br:ct cable aqd carriage house, ail in complete order. Price low; teims easy 8. CUTILBENT dt SONS, lOC SI Market street. dic, , EALED PROPOSALS WILL BE RE. ceived by the Committee on Fire Engines and nose, up to J une 20th, 1863 for three thous and feat of best quality of TEN INCH LEATH- E HOdE, copper r.vited, Theonea Patent Couplings attached thereto. hose. to. be properly tested before they are received by the city, when payment will bo made in cash. - JOHN QUINN, Chairmanor Committue BOARD AT SARATOGA SPRINGS. WASHINGTON HALL, (late Mrs. Mason's), so long and favorably known to ‘isitors at the Springs, js blow Open fur the reception of guests. The house is large, de lightfully situated on Broadway, between the Congress and Empire springs, and is surrounded by ample and beautifully shaded Or minis —Fable first-class—and the rums Well edap:ed for famlies and large Pat-tint offriends. For further particulars address Washington Hail, Saratoga Springs. Sul;dlma. . MILER & WILSON'S Sewing Machines, NO. Zi _FIFTH STREET. PrITSBURGIL PA Awarded the Argt Praziaa at the United States Fair FOR THE YEARS 1055, 0159 and 1860. UPWARDS OF S 0, 0 0 0 MACHINES sold in the United Staten, MORN TIII.B EO,OOO SOLD THE PAST YEAR WHEELER & WILSON. IMPROVED SEWING MACHINE --es Reduced Prices 9 We offer to the public with increased confidence of its merits as the best and most useful Family Sewing Machine now in use,- It does equally well on the thicker t and thinnest fabrics, makes the lockftich impossi ble to unravel, with the essential a tvantage of being alike on both sides, forming ,so ridge or hair on the under side—is simple in construction morespeedy in movement, and more durable than any other machine. We give full instructions to enable the purcha ser to sew ordinary seams, stitch, hem, fell, quit gather, bind and tuck, all on the same machine, and warrant it for three years. Circulars eontaining_testimonials from ladies. of the highest standing, Bast and West, givinif Pri ces. &c., will be furnished antigen application in Person or by letter. Sewing Machine Needles, Silk, Twist. Cotton and Cileonstantly on hand. WILLIAM SUMNER. CONCORD GPAPE VINES. - ; WERE AMONG_ THE PIRST TO W E seoure this INVALUABLE GRAPE, and have fruitediit for five years. We.obtained our original Time from Mr. BIELL who origina ted it. The Pittsburgh Horticultural Somett , in /MS awarded ng a diploma for its exhibition. and the Allegheny County Agricultural Society. in 1880,:a premium for it WI the. BESZ new goomun rave. in all ' respects superior - to the Isabella." Our stock -a1 Vines is unequalled anywhere, which we offer at 25 'cents each, 100, $lOO per $ 2 .50 per ser v o $ /2,50 Der s,OOO. Small vines at less price& We can furnish it few extra large yines atirato . 5 oents to $1 each- - '' - • J. .81 4 10-Ir4',“ e ' 7 '-' No."-Ite lotftb Illtreek aphwUw: TA'S BI7BG 11 TH EAT R E LtII/111 AIM HENDXBSON Lot/strum Tiara "night, of the ro-engagement of the tal ented y-ung•earns • - IE-TTIE Henderson, who wiltanoear in nino different chva:tora. This Wednesday Evening, will be perf,nneti by special request SATAN N P P. C.Byrne Mr. Chippendale Mr. 3. O. Se ton ..ttca ß ß -I8 deren ' son ,Annie Eberlea .Annie Wari ,orchestra M'ile Martian Made1ine.......... Overture To Conclude with THE ARTFUL - DODGE R. Tim Twinkle J. O. Sefton Old Harding . . .... ... hippentlala ............ ... Annie Ward In rahearsal KATALE.ENItAVOUENEEN. TRIMBLE'S VARIETIES. Bole Lessee and Manager — D. O'NEIL. What are the wild waves saying ? What tithe voice of the public What is the general impression East. West North, South of this Broad Dominion ? Why this, at TRIMBLE'S VARIETIES. Ton can 800 more 'lnn, and have more intor. tactual amusement, than any other Place in America. Here we have the , greatest Comedians Here we have the greatest Vocalists The most dashing Dansenses. The funniest negro Performers. The _most daring; -Acrobats; The greatest .11:milers. Wire walking, or Sensation feats a:e not to be ecinalled by any 'Performer in the world for 51.900. The man and money are always rends To-night the avant feat penonnel sy CECERISKIE. Our company is not to be equalled either in OPERA OR BALLET, TRAGEDY OR • COMEDY. Come early, and get good seats, G. reat National 'Circus AND MODEL SnOw• Under the Direction and Profeseional Control of MRS. C. WARNER, formerly MRS. DAN. R ICE °NE or TILE REST EQUIPPED, Firma Apppointairand Largest Organizations • Now Exis' titig ; w:tti a' GREATER ARRAY OF TALENT • With More MOESES, PONIES, MULES and other animate: and 'with a .-Frogromme refined and unexceptionable, one that commands the respeo., countenance and support of all think ' Mg and-appreciative people, is now °art. . Truly Tr.iumphaut Tour, And will visit the following places doing the months or June, and To y, 1a63. Brookville, Clarion, Franklin. oil City. Baohausa Farm. Titusville 'lldioute r Warren. Jamestown—Co lumbus, Union Watinford, Edinburg, Meadville, Miner, then. - AT-' 1 3 IT T S lIVIEter On S7tb, Anniversary Of Indepen dence-bay, from thence to New email% Sharon, Cireemille„ Girard. Sm SPECIAL NOTICE, The Agent and nian r ageitenkof- putlioatlons, respectfully amines the public, AbatS-the - LadY now Mrs , Charles Warner , bat f ormerly .11)4N. R1C331, &metier, Miss Libbie moo will appear. and. perforox at each and 'every performance. C. H. CASTLE, General Agent Dr. R P. JOlRES.lifitfinger of pirbiloatiorrs. SPECIAL NOTICES. J. If. 0013.1rWELe Elan CARRIAGE - MAINFACTIRIERS,' SILVEE. & BRASS - T*INERS, tinUnianaiotneiirs of Saadi ery and. Carrisze Ifairdftre r No. 7 Bt. Cleir.Street. and Dadtatme Way. , UMMa the Byidte.Y PITTSBURGH. PA, Great Toilet Triwnph. cRISTAJLIOROML EXCELSIOT3 . . HAIR, NO LEAP. NO LIME. NO NITRATE 08 BILVEIt; setalnstontaneonslY never- WU; prodneee all the &hada of .blaok and brown. Par , iee who were dissatififtwi with other DYes, twe this.with invariable witinaotion. Maniifi.atared bys OBISTADORO. 6 Astor Howe. N awfrork, Solderer/where. and aPPR ed by all Hair Draireza, • Price. 'EL ga 60 and /l 3 per ban. &wording to sia' EAR.- TOBLAS' VENETIAN HORSE .1-1 liniment, pint bottles at Any• cents each, for lameness: outs, galls, colic, sprains, &ON:war ranted' cheaper than another. It is used by all the`great horsemen on t,ong lelaud -comsat. it will not cure ring bone nor.:apavin ea dime is no liniment in existence that will.- What'it- is sta.' ted to owe it eositiVeaY does. No' owner of hor ses will be without it atter tuns one bottle. One doe revives And often saves the life of an over.heated: rr oily= horse. For tone sod belly-ache it has never failed. crust 'as sure es the HMI rises J ust so s are is this " valuable Lini ment to be t he Horse embrocation of the day. Bold by all dniggists„. °face r 58 Cortlandt Street: New York. Pricels-Thad 50 cents • Sold by all -draggitti,— msondkire; - • - roots about Brindretb,a New CASSIA Wortohestei Co.. N.-Y. 4 . ,Got. 4.1872, Mr. G. Tea BYOK thratnox, .agitor itemubticom : Dear Bir—l *mild statethat I was indnond‘ 'use BRANDR SPllLß..throtigh the reoom.. mendation ofJohn R. Srr of Croton, Westches-. ter county. who was en restored totealth by their use. He was doh for some twoYearg, Ter i costive and dyspeptio.and he. tried everything. but wee not relieved. Many; tie kook mto dreth's Pill every day for a week; and ikdose of is Pills every clay for dna. -and: them took one PRI every day. with anootasiOnal dose of siy.. In one month hawashble'to go to work. an e ci , ki three mamba her well, gaining ground s w t., Youm truly. - -11.VIVADD P RDY. Warranter= iN cm. na: - Bdward Patti being dnigYa that he resider in' the' town. of New tissue that acme Years ago he was, vary idokwitfia sore on his which had been limning for ever fiVeX"ra: that he was also much distressed by a Pain in his chest* and besides very costive and dystioPtiet that af ter trying various remedies - and man.rehgniciana, he commenced usi-mßrandreth'sPilli.six to edght three times &week, and atthe end - of one month. - the sore on his leg healed, and at the end of twir months he was entirely eared eftestiveness,zdy, Panda and PILIZIs and has remained 'lrell'oy ar since. EDWARD. Oct. - Ma t Sworn to beforehis nth EY c lO BIALCO bi LIC PtStTH. riolldkwafo Justice the Peace. .„8 0 1d by Thomas RedDatb.Diamond Alter tsiiat .v> pa1r„..40):0023s . _ . . lkT OW.IB - TSIE• TIMM To • SECURE ./.,‘ Bargains/A Dreastioodn - Shawls, Cloth and sine Mantle% of theimsut IffadtbizeltblCaplWini.- bleached and blesetWidnalin.Calliciknewnee. silk Bun UmbrellasAn4-Ait redlloctloi* v 4 an b , tkaVinit-beet puronatea l f l or cash. Rill be Q*ailtl l l loooontatlval atth „. 4.A.Tatati. 96 l at e street. •IMUBEMBATB. ......11. OVERINGTON