roam MEDICAL. ~~?IBELY v ABL NO ALOONOLIG PREPARATION.' A PURE TONIC MEDICINE SOOFLANIPS .CEL BERATED GERMAN BITTERS I 8 C. D, 4/ACKBOII, Philade Plus, Penna., Will ef f ectually cure Liver Complaint, DYSPEPSIA, JAUNDICE, Cluninie. or Nervous Debility, Diseases of the lihineya, and all Diseases Aviator from a 'Disordered Llaeir or Stomach. lamb as Cod- . • _patina. Inward Piles, Fullness or Blood to the Head. Aciditp_of the Stomach. Nausea, Heratburn. Disgust for Food. Fullness or Vircoght in the 'Stomach; Sour Fnictations, Sink ing or Fluttering at the Pa Homedm ach. Swimmin g or the Limo.and difficult Breathing, Muttering at the lleart. Choking or suffocating sensations when in a lying ,msturrli' Dimness ofVision, Dote or webs be fore tne sight, Fever and Dull Pain in the Head. Deficiency of Perspiration, Yel. lowness of the Skin and E_yes,Pain in the Side, Back, Chest, Limbs, &o. Sudden Flushes of Broat, Burn in the Flesh, Constant imaginings of Evil, ad greatdepres sion of spirits, ADdiefik tmitiviihr eminent Yellow.Perer. Billions eNer. ka MIRY CONTAIN M; Ai - ifiapitot. OR BAD WHISKY, „Thep will owe the above diseases in ninety-nine toes tent of a hundred.. Induce' - ,a sale and universal sePtuartl. Aloofld's German Bitters. (purely vegetable hosts of imorant quacks and unscru .)ulous venturers, have opened upon suffering liunanity the flood gates of N ostrums in the shape of poor whisky, vilely compounded with injurious bogs. and christened Tonics. Stomachics and Bit tam Beware of the innumerable array of alcoholic reparations in plethoric bottles, and bigcbeiiied ilteKs, under the modest appellation of Bitters "boob. instead of curing - only aggravates diseases, nil leave the disappointed sufferers in despair. YOU W A NT SOMETHING 70 STR ENG Tl 7• EN YOU? VOUWANT A GOOD APPETITE? 00 YOU WANT TO BUILD UP YOUR CON STITUTION: DO YOU WANT TO FEEL wzzil ,po YOU WANT TO GET BID OF NER VO US ' N 4 7 479 t - DO WANT ENr.taY Doyou want to sleep well? Do you want a brisk and vigorous feeling? HOOFLAND'S GERMAN. BITTERS host J. Newton Brown, D. D., Editor of the En cyclopedia :of Religious Knowledge. Although not disposed to favor or recommend Patent Medicines in general, through distrust of their ingredients and effects; I yet know of no eutficient reason why a man may not testify to the benefit he believes himself to have received from any simple preparation in the hope that he may thus contribute to the benefit of others, do this the more readily in regard to Hoof land's German Bitters, prepared by Dr. C. M. Jackson, of this city, because I was prejudiced against them for many years, under the unpres- , don that they were chiefly an alcoholic mixture, lam indebted to my friend Robert Shoemaker, 6sq.,for the removal of this prejudice by proper eats, and for encouragement to try .them, when nfferingfrom great and long continued debility. boliseorthree bottler of these Bitters, at the goeguming of the present year, was followed by evident relief. and restoration to a degree of Oodily and mental vigor which I had not Jell for az months before, and had almost depairod of re _aining. I therefore thank God and my friend for Bireeting mete the useof them. NEWTON 'PHILADICLPHIA. Tun J. e 13. 1861. BROWN. ,roes the Rae. Joseph E. Kennard, Pastor of the Tenth Baptist Ghurch. Da. JecarsoN—Dxsa 8,5 have been ft rt.- unently requested to connect my name with com inendntions of different kinds of medicine, but .44tVe the nractics as out of my appropriate i.ip in l haven all cases declined; but with a nlear proof in various instances , an particularly fin my owh .fanogy. of the usefulness of Dr. Hoof land's German Bitters. I depart I rom my usual coarse., to express my full conviction that for Numeral debility of the system, and especially Liv- Eomplaint it is a safe and valuable preparation. some cases it may fail, but usually I doubt not be very - beneficial to those who suffer from Auabovscauses.> Yours very reetfully, T. NNARD. Eighth below Coats street Pia.. Dee. 24th. tonthe Wife ezt ALDERMANWUNESF R. Ger mantown. GEMIANTOWIt. June 1861. D .C. M. JACX.l3(?27—Sir:—.it gave me pleasure Years ago, to give you a certificate, testiiyin th (German Bitters had done for me, lam imperfectly cured of all those diseases your edicine professes to cure,. viz; Dyspepsia, Citron sand Nervous debility, disease of theupon Kidneys, le. Th powerful influence exerts Ner- vouSteros e tration is surprising it , I have been con sulted ffequently in reference to your Eittess.and without hesitation, have recommended it for the above complaints, e&ti in every instapce it has effectually , cured. Your - mcine has - a great aeoutation in Germantown, sid is sold in even , Drug Store, and in most of the Grooery stores here. If any one should question what I say, let thenteome to Germantown, and will prove to their satisfaction, that the Bitters have cured in this vicinity more than twenty cases of the above Lemmas. itedpeetray, HANNAH WUNDER, Nib street. above Rittenhouse. Germantown. eon's. .rusr•THE MING FOR THE SOLDIER& Will build up the constitution, and give health end. - etreingth to an overtasked and disarmed THE TER TIMONY PROM THE ARMY PHILADELPHIA, A t 12. 1862. Da. O. M. Ironton—Dear Sir: While in \Fir . 8 a. owing to tho change of water. I was taken w. di a"evere diarrhea. which seemed incurable, and which greaUg weakened me. When we -cached Marunsbarg. I feared I should have to owe home, bt noticing some of your Bitten in .he store Mr. M. 11. Price, in that town, pur hued a inippkyvand en taking it wee edyre stored to numb. ' The diarrhma w as quit ehecked„ - aind I experienced no return of it. A en/liter of ray comrades. who suffered in thesame manner and from the same coupe, with whom anted the Bitten, Join me in this certificate. I expect to return to the seat of war with tho Leg on„ atbil Shalt certainly take a MI/PIP of the Bit rein M 3 ., knapeaek. I would not be without it tilt weight in gold. particularly on going into a semitone region. Tons trot.A. E. ALTMMIJS. Comeau, 11. Scott Legion. BEWARE OF COUNTERFEIT.% BeCduit the signature of C. M. JACKSON." Is °nine Wiurrint of ear' bottle. Principal Office, and Manufactory NO. 163 ARCH STREET, JONES & EVANS, (SuCeessors to C. M. Jackson & Co. , ) Proprietor -8 Sr Po r Unite Drassists an byealers in eve*. town In the United States. and Dr. 6. H. KEYSER. 13. P. SC Pittaburgit., Irscurrz, • 111.924:4-deod Allegheny City. ILS.AIso for sale at JOSEPH PLEMINEPS cor gir of the Diamond and Market street. • 1°111114 " IF - b7 NINON .701Edus. dinar thnithilold and Fourth Maid A. 3. RANKIN sit CO., Narked Most, throe doors below 4th, Pittsburgh • •-"". '• - :. - 1-4 ! . .....7.'7 ,- : - •` 7 ,-- : -- ? - :e. ,--- ---. ,- ------ . -•••.--;; F T:ntE.1, • • '.• -' . . - .Nr'i ff .;:' .'i!r ,',.: I , TI - .. ''.;.. .--•.-• ' . .... , • ~.• . . • "-• ,• : • •. , .., • • , ..: _. , :ii , ,. .... , , ......:_, ~„ • •,., r -• •• • r• . •:....... • r .r, •,•, \ • '.. ' CI . I i 1 1 . ' ::!: rj: .7 . , •••• 114 . • . ~ 3jt • . • : , , ; , r . . .... .r,_, ... ..... . . ........ .... ._ ' I i - ' ' . • -N ( tlN \ • . I . -.. ~, r .i - ___:.--..; - -'7..7 , :•• • -..'- --- - • ._ ••.,. _ ... •: ----, .. . • . -.lP.liitOrAt, --retprietOr. FM airirr.-1. IC4 Inr... m.__ PRBPAARD BY About 1704, by the death of his father, he came into possession of his patrimony, and went np to London. Here he engaged in all the extravagancies of fashionable !Acta, tifFe'rrtl4o7ll,O;;;mtiru--- as a means of livelihood. In this disreputa ble business he was very successful, win ning large sums of money by means of ' systems of calculatio n difficult of compre hension, and carefully concealed from his antagonists. At length, having fought a duel with a gentleman whose sister he had seduced, and killed his opponent, he was arrested, tried, and convicted of murder. This was afterwards changed to man slaughter. He managed, however, to es cape from prison, and fled to the conti nent, where he traveled several ears, giv• ing much attention to the banking systems of the countries he visited, and support ing himself by every species of gambling. Subsequently he returned to Scotland and published a project for the establish ment of what he termed a land bank - , the notes of which were never to exceed in value the entire land of the Kingdom.— The scheme was discussed in the Scotch Parliament, but, being rejected, Law re turned to the continent, and, having in the course of hie wanderings visited the Duke of Savoy, he presented to him his land bank project. This sagacious Prince saw at once that its modusoperandi would be in a short time to place all the mouoy of hi I subjects in his own hands, "and then," inquired the Duke, "how shall they be able to pay their taxes when all their money is gone ?'' To this reason• able question the pi-ejector was unable to render a satisfactory answer, and he was advised by his interrogator to go to France, where the people were fond of plausible novelities. He acted upon this advice and returned to Paris, where he had, du ring the life time of Louis the Fourteenth, presented a likescheme to Desmarets, the banker, who refused to entertain it. He now proposed it to the Regent of Or leans, who directed Noailles to examine the matter and report as favorably as pos sible. The assistance of merchants and bankers was called in, but their judgment was adverse to the plan. Nevertheless, in 1716, a bank with a capital of 6,000,000 livres (about $1,110,000) divided into shares of five hundred livres each, was established by • authority, Law investing in it about $3,000, the proceeds of gam• bling successes. Shares were payable one-fourth in specie and three-fourths bil lets d'etat (government paper.) At this time the finances of France were in a dreadfully disordered state. Louis and his officials, by corruption and mismanage. ment, had brought the country to ruin.— The national debt amounted to about three billions oflivrea, to pay the interest on which there remained only three mil lions of livres in the treasury, This debt, considering the resources of France, was enormous ; there seemed to be no remedy for the evil but the desperate one of re pudiation. This Was - averted, though the means only aggravated the difficulty. new coinage was ordered which debased the currency one-fifth of its original value. By . this piece of' swindling the, treasury gamed seventy-two millions of livres, but the business relations of the country were thrown into great disorder. Then follow ed the arrest and prosecution of plunder ing contractors,' one-fifth of the fine im posed being given - to the informers. The jails were filled to overflowing, which would be the case in this country if a like course were pursued at the present thine. One only (Samuel Bernard) was executed. This man offered $1,250,000 to be allow ed to escape, but withbut success. So corrupt was every branch of the adminis tration, that no benefit resulted from ' these proeecations. It was at this period that Law and hie associates established their bank. The gambler was now on the topmost wave of posterity. He made his notes payable on presentation in current coin. "in less than one .year his issues commanded a premium of .15 per cent._ whilst government paper was at a discount of 78 per cent. The Regent, astonished at his success, fancied that paper would entirely supercede specie. Law took ad vantage of this delusion, and set on foot what has been known as the Mississippi bubble. The Mississippi, trading company was )II do use THE DAILY POST-ADVANCED EA.TE2. 1 One Year, by i Six mohths, mail. Three " One ..• CI ~... .. • .. ••• •••- One week. delivered In t h e dbl.-- To arcuate per lSingle int - taxa ..... . _ ........ -.. 200 NEW ADVERT RATES. The following rates of advertising have been _agreed upon by the Publishers of the Pittabnrge + 34 95 , Pram to take effect on ne w er the 10 th day of November.lB62, on al ()entracte .FOB STANDING HATTER, PER SINGLE 8 004R1, 'EVERY DA. P. 0210 insertion- - $ 60 Two montha-- $9 00 Two insertions—. I 00IThye e months_ 11 00 Three insertions 125 Four months.... 13 0 0 One week- ...... -.. 200 Five months,... 14 00 Two weeks .......... 350 Six months__ 15 00 Three weeks. ...... 5 00 Nine months,... 20 00 One month..-..... 600 One year ....... ... 25 00 FORCHANGEA.BLE MATTER. HoWhich allows theprivilege of a weekly change f matter. to be inserted among new adV ertisements. . PER SIAGL3I3Q9dag, EVERY DAY; Sixmonths . ... .......... .. ................. - ........ $ l O 00 Twelve months ... N0tice5...'...........;. ..... . ... —... 80 00 Administrators' - ...... 225 Marriage N0tice5......,... .... . 75 Death. Notices. each in5erti0n................. 50 __llo6. All advertisements ordered in for one Month, or less time, to be cash at the time of or- daring. DAILY POWII CURRENCY INFLATIONS IN FORMER TIMES. The mischievous consequence resulting from laige additions of paper money to the circulating medium of a country ex tensively engaged in manufacturing, com• mercial and other pursuits of a kindred character, are too well understood by per sons of ordinary intelligence to 'need ex emplifications. Nevertheless, by way of illustrating the effects of an expanded currency, and in hope of interesting our readers, we propose to sketch briefly the career and financial operations of the no torious John Law, whose illusive backing schemes scattered ruin throughout France during the first qUarter of the last century. This remarkable man was born in Edin• burg, in the year 1681. At the early age of fourteen, his father, who was a gold smith and banker, received him into his counting-honse, where he rapidly acquired a knowledge of accounts, for which he possessed peculiar qualifications. He was endowed by nature with a tall, well-pro portioned, graceful person; a countenance (though pitted with small-pox) beaming with intelligence, insinuating address, and fascinating manner. These accomplish ments gained for him the favor of the fair sex, and a reputation of a man of gal lantry in the very worst sense of that word. organized with exclusive privileges, in 1717, the shares being payable in billeti d'etat, at their nominal value. After some financiering, intended to deceive the peo ple, the company became the "Royal Bank of France." The Regent thencaused an issue of notes amounting to one thous and Millions of livres. Thus the coon• try was flooded with worthless , paper money, it having no solid basis to rest upon. .$8 00 215 70 8 The Parliament became jealous of Law and opposed him, A new minister of fi' Dance came into power, whose first opera tion was to order that all who brought 4,000 livres in specie and 1,000 in billets d'etat shmild receive 6,000 livres in coin. Of course the coin was debased. Parlia. merit countermanded this order, and the Regent countermanded the order of Par liament. Affairs became complicated, and finally Lewis' bank was forbidden to have anything to do with the government. Some Senators even proposed to hang Law. The speculator fled to his friend, the Regent, who calmed the storm and -rescued him from danger. The Mini& sippi scheme flourished--50,000new shares Were issued. Law promised a dividend of two hundred livres upon five hundred in • vested. The people were seized with a stock jobbing mania, immense numbers applied for shares. We have no apace for a description of the scenes which trans pired at Lewis' residence—dukes, mar guises, and high-born ladies jostled with porters, coal men, and servant maids----no class was exempt from this madness. Im mense fortunes were made in a day, some times in an hour. Royal troops cleared the streets When Law passed in his car. riage. Trade was artificially stimulated— everything seemed to prosper. Atlast the evil day came, te bubbe burst --the glittering fabric, rest h ing upo l n nothing, fell with a ceash, and thousands were crushed beneath its ruins. All ef forts to revive public confidence were vain, and the great financier was compelled to flee from the wrath of the populace. Mil lions had passed through his hen ds, but he had nothing left except a diamond.— Alter wandering for years through Eu rope, subsisting by gambling, he died in Venice, in 1729. It was long before France recovered from the shock, and many thousands were utterly erased by the loss of epecie con veyed out of the country by unscrupulous speculators. Negro Equality in Canada. That portion of Canada bordering the Detroit river, where gentlemen of African decent from the "neighboring republic" first do land and most do congregate, is a perfect paradise for the negro. At the re, cent Kent assizes, held at Chatham, a scene occarred. The Planet thus de scribes : Upou the case being called, Mr. Thom as Russell rose in the jury box and said that one of the jurors chosen was a color ed man, and the eleven white men agreed that they would not sit with him. He said this in behalf of the Jury, but out of no contempt for the court, but simply stated the fact, and begged to be relieved. ,ilikkirdtbe*fra by reanrsw-ke as jurymen as you have been chosen. Mr. Russell—We do not think he is in telligent enough to act. Judge Richards—But the lair Rao he is, and that is sufficient. The law is the judge in this matter, not the jury. Mr. Russell—Nell, then, sir, I must respectfully decline to Bit as a juryman with this colored man. Justice Richards—Well, then, I shal . fine yon. Mr. Russell —And if I do not pay the fine? Justice Richards—l shall send you down below (to goal.) Mr. Russell—Well. (Here Mr. Russell left the jury box. Justice Richards—Mr. Clerk, what is that man's name leaving the box. The Clerk (Ireland)—Mr. Thomas Rus sell, my lord. Justice Richards—Well, then, record a ilia of live pounds against Mr. Thomas Mr. Sargeson Verrall, standing in his place in the jury box—My Lord, I am ill able to pay a tine pounds, but really I can• not sit here, but will go to the cells.— (Here Mr. Verrall left the jary box.) Justice Richards—Mr. Clerk, what is the name of that man who is now leaving the jury boa? Mr. Clerk—Mr. Sargeson Verrall, my lord. Justice Richards—Record a fine of five ounds against him, too. (A pause.) all some more jurors to fill up the places of those who have left the box. The olerk then proceeded to call the names of Mr. Hugh Palmer, of Oxford, and Mr. Wm . McPherson, of Bothwell, who took the vacated seats and were sworn in as jurors in the room of Mr. Russel and Mr. Verrall, who refused to sit. HE PLACE TO GET THE Best Newest, Moat Durable, cheapest Roots, Gaiters or Balmorals, is at JOSEPH H. BORLAND'S, No. 98 Market et., fid door from fifth. arlB IN THE ORPHAN'S COURT FOIL the County of Philadelphia: In the matter of the Partition of the Real Es tate of Patrick Kennedy, deed. To Mary Doran, wife elJameaDcran; Marga ret Ford, widow ; Bernard Kennedy ,• Patrick, Mary and John Kennedy, miner children of John Kennedy, dee'd.; Thomas Kennedy and Ann Farrell :—yon will please notice Rule to accept or refuse to take said Neal Estate at the valuation, returnable Friday, May 1, 1863, at 10 o'clock. A. M. J. COOKE LONOSTREET. mh3o:lawbv Attorney for Petitioner AN,-A3TED'.IIIOIIEDIATEI.V—A. suit of well furnished rooms suitable for a PAYSICIAN'S RECEPTION ROOM AND OFYiCE in a locality easily found and aeeessi: ble. with or without board. Address, stating terms including fire and gas, to A. W. 8.. D.lg- Pitt da OFFICE, mh3l:tf iL101:111 BUILDING LOTS FOB SALE IN LAWRENCEVILLE Pour lota 24 by 110 foot eat! .h . ,llandsomely a Waled on Church street, situated near the Passenger Rail was , , will be told cheap for, on appboation at this Of. doe fehlT:da SUNDRIES— Coffee nigarkeittins Whiskey, t _ NW sale by TIEDIIAN & Corner of Ohio street and Diamond. n 027 lea Allegheny City 4RENT'9 FRENCH CALF BOOM, Gent's Glove Calf Gaiters, Gent's Glove Calf Gaiters, Gent's 'Glove Calf Gaiters, Cheap as the cheapest At DIFFENBACHER'S intim la TIM street. near Market. PICED oinsirmts-2o noz. IN plots and for saleb7 REYME W oodß 126 dt 12°. stre S. et. LADIES' MISSES' AND CHILDDENS Boots, Shoes. Gaiters and Bahnorals, made t.) order. of the best materials and wo.kman ship. . W._E.OVIIBLEILTz 1t co., ap4 &Intl ONO.. REGILDED GR BEBRONZED, and made equal to now, Alr.o, Chandelier 0 &e„ altered to burn Carbon Oil, at tbo Lamp and4oil Store of • WF.LDON, ILAIGNNIiuEd 'TELLY, ap 4 / 7 . 16 Wood street, near 6th. IThe Philoo Burner. p EItrAYDEN'S Ii.IIOI7BLP,ACTINO JUL Philosophic Burner for Carbon Oil is not, ready. It possolsos many advantages over tht Common Burners. 1. It maltea a large or . bunt] light with perfect combustion. 3. It will burn an quantity of oil with safety. 3. It can be used with along or short chimney. 4. It can be used as a taper night-lama. 5. It can always be made to burn economicallY. 6. It is more easily wiphed than any other burner. 7. It can ba trimmed and lighted without re moving the cone. 8. It throws all the whitelight above the cone. 9. The chimney can be removed or inserted without touching the glam e c. These burners are .h l No.l site. and can be put on any lamp now in use. Every per. son using Carbon Oil should have a Philosophic Barney. Price 25 cents; per dozen 32. Sold a No. 82 POURTII street. Pittabariih. 1e25-IydwP. IFLAYDEN. Ii NA B E' N PIANOS ARE STILL ahead of Steinway's and all other Pianos made in this country, A choico supply received this week; CHARLOTTE BLUME 800 agent for Roabo's Pianos and Prince's onrirolled Melodeons. SECOND __HAND nusies. Autiti g l l 2 t! ' k i ln° 7 cfe l , t v 0;Y : u 5..... ..... ....... . .... $220 A 7 octave, Chickering, lioteamc;4. round corners, a first rate instrument 200 A 7 octavo, Hays A Co,. Rosewood, a handsome instrument, in Cool order..... 175 A 0% octave, Modal t, Rosoivood, carved Dann pin in fr0nt. .,_. ........... 165 A 634 octave, Zale Co, Rosowood. round front, an exceltentPiano ....... 160 A 6 octavo, t bickering. lio,..svc,od rood corn.. a good callable Piano .. . ... .... 16 octave, ltallet, Si Co, It - wood 135 A 6 oot,. StOdart. MailOgony, round front SO .A. oct, F3vrift do ........ ....... ...... 75 A 6 oot, Gorman. do 60 A 6 on. Dunham, do A 6 oct, Loud do ........... ....... 40 A 5.;4 oat, English do 20 A 5 otc, ao do 15 For sale by • JOHN 11, ,MELILOR, REAL ESTATE SAVINGS INSTII TION, incorporated by the Legislature o Pennsylvania. Open for Deposits Dorn 10 a. m. to 2 o'clock, p. te, daily: also on SATURDAY EVENINGS. from 6 to 9 o'clock. aiOtlice. 6:3 FOURTH STREET. A SAPS, CONVENIENT and P 0 FITA BLE DEPOSITARY. for Mechanics. Laborers, Clerks. and all those whose means or savings are soia'l. It also commends Itself to Executors, Adminis trators, Collectors. Agents, voluntary Societies or Asiociations, and persons of all classes: Interest at the rate of SIX PER. CENT. POT annum is paid on deposits which. if not drawn, will be placed to the crt November, depositor cn the first day ef May and and thereaf ter bear the same interest as the principal. At this rate money will DOUBLE In Less THAN TITELVP. yamEs- In ItSth days will commence on all deposits the Ist and of the month aftersuch deposits are made Books containing Charter, By-Laws, &0,, furn ished on application at the office. - -• Pemiromi•r—lSAA(' JONES Vice PazatomiT—W. B. COPELAND. TRUSTRES, Hon Thou M Howe I Hon J /C. Moorhead. Isaac Jones. CO Hussey. Wm H Smith, Jab Painter. Harvy Childs. Nickolas Vocgtly. W B Copeland, Secretary and Treasurer—A. A. CARRIER febs;6moi CHARLES L. CALDWELL, and by far the (Successor to Jas. Holmes & Co.. PORK PACK .E.. 11, Doaler in Bacon, Lard, Sugar-Cared Hams, smoked Beef .ke. Corner Market and First streets, Pittsburgh. Pa, deethlyd. RE At 0 V A .I_, ja AVINO SOLD OUR ENTIRE OREGOoc k N o f 852 sWdwor a d sttre M t esPsrs sbLIiO g GAN ,k we most cordially reoommeni u friends and lte customers to purchase ther o e, r being satisfied a of their ability t, render solid:Lotion. Our books and accounts are left at their rount ing room, where Mr. J. E, Johnston, tour late Book-keeper,) will attend to making set tlement. J. N, B . I . I ALLENBBRGER dc CO. aplB:3twawd. P RIVATE DISEASES • DR. BROWN'S OFFICE, 60 SMITHFIELD STREET, Citizens and strangers in need of medical ad vice should not fail to give him a call. Dr. Brown's remedies never tail to cure Impu rities, scrofulous and venereal aflectiuns —Abe hereditary taint, such as tOt tor, whichis and oth er skin diseases, tee origin of tho patient is ignorant, _ SEMINAL WEAKNESS. Dr. 13's remedies for this affliction. brought on by solitary habits, are the only medicines known ia this country which are safe and will speedily restore to health, azumwrism. Dr. Brown's remedies cure in a low days this inful affliction lie also Femalelect. Ghos, Urethai Discharges, Diseases, Paine in tile Dank and kidnovs, Irritation of tho Bladder, strict ures, oto. A OW to be• answered must contain at Mast ONH DOLLAR. Medicines seal to any address safely_ packed . itiflacti and nrivalo rooms, No. 5° SMITH Pliti,D TREAT, Pittsburgh. Pa. nolsd,hr LOTS FOR SALE—THE SIIBSCRI ber offers for sale four eligible lots situated on the corner of Grove street and Centre Avenue adjoining the Seventh Ward, in Pitt township.— The lots are each 24 feet front by 110 feet deep, 'running back to an alley, and are entire lY isola ted by streets and alleys on every side. Two of the lots have frame homes on them, five rooms and ball In each, hydrants on he premises. They will be sold all together on very favorable terms, E naa i re o f • " 'PUS; MCCABE, Agent; .lam Rowstroiskuoaralarth. DEALERS- IN••OILS S.M. & co., MAX Qin 0TU1113313 op Pure No:1 Carbon GM, AND • 13 Z AP•Olfloe on LIBERTY STREET, opposite Penn'a R. R, Depot All oil warranted. an23:lyd THE AROES'CO OIL COME ANY AVIARILIFACIFORE AND HAVE FOR INlsale a Dapori": article of Befined,;,Ardeseo 011, NON-NATIO' MC. nen, PIIREIBENEO.LE warehouse, IRWIN STREET PITISBNi9Ii. PENN'S Y. u 4;3 en t 7 011 'Work DUNCAN, - DUNLAP & CO., • Bratuitincrs of PURE WHITE REF3BrEn 0 .A. 13. 33 (30... Pt 0 I 1.., kg . Oflloo, NO. 291 LtEtERTY STREET, Pitts. burgh. Pa. nasrB-6nad r! Iff ' AANDE L CANUE BRACIKETS, CORNICES. DELBRASB, LAMPS, PIANO DEALERS 43 FIFTH STREET, B ARGAINS SI WOOD STREET COMMERCIAL INFORMATION, Arbitration Committee of the Board of Trade. Wm. M. SHINN, V.P.NJAB. BENNETi JNO. S. DILWoRTH, Wl3l. McCREERY. DAVID Mod DLESS. MONEY MARKET. CORRECTED DAILY POE TEE MORNING POST BY JiESSRS. lIOUNTZ & MERTZ, BROKERS, No, 118 WOOD STREET. The following are the buying and selling ratan for Gold, Silver, &o.: Baying Selling Gold ............................. 1 47 0 De 0 Silver ....... .... 1 34 00 Demand N0te5....... ..1 95 00 Eastern Exchange. New Y0rk..... Baltimore Philadelphia., Boston.. P Western Exchange. Pl'Paaall 661 4 Cinc.innati Lonwv illo. Cleveland . St. Louis... PITT - EIB - UR3H OIL TRADE !TIIURSDA Y. !day 74.11,1i363' . Buyers have bo - n active during the week and have purchased pretty much all that was on hand, :it a slight advance. There is very little on band for sale at this time, but the prospect for receipts from Oil City is favorable, as the Allegheny river is rising. This will no doubt prevent any further advance at present. Fade—The following sales are reported, viz: in 0t5,1,700 bbls; in bulk, 1 2 4 :4@13e; 2,000 bids do, I M:,@l.:Nc; SOO bids inferior, 14c; GOO bbls at 1 86218!je in bbls; 350 bbls do. 10 %c. Lubricating—Prices show a wide range. Sales were reported, at sB@l.o ? bbl, to the extent of 1;i1) b 1515. Itettned—lfolders are firm in their views. Sales in band of 700 bbls, 314232 e; 250 bids Free. 31671::20. 1 Benzole—Demand improving. Wo note small sales at 2 4;422.5. Coo P er nge — Salosi..oo Oil bids, new, s2:o4' 2 35: sales old at $2 10.22 20. The exports East were as follows : To New York — Crude. 092 hbls ; Benzoic, 109 ',his. To Phila delphia—Crude, 703 bids; Refine-1,6x; bb's. The imports were : Per A. V. Railroad—Crude, 134 bhls; Refined, 472 bbl/; Benzoic, 100 bid& Per Allegheny river — Crude, 424 bbls. Illonoga hela river, 109 bbls. PITTSBURGH PRODUCE MAR OFFICE OF TITR DAILY POST, t Th ursdaYs May 7th, Itercirieskm—The weather continues wet and disagreeable, Making out-door traveling decidedly unpleasant. Both rivers are again in good nav igable order. Our coal dealers who are fortunate enough to have any lots ready will, daring the week, b e enabled to send it to the Western and soist horn eities. The "diggers" being all at work, if the river only keeps up we eon furnish all that may be required to supply the cities and the fleet. our ~ . al stealers have a number of light draught barges on hand that can be towed out on ~eve n foot stage of water. Flour—Market dull mid inactive, with only a local demand. Holders, slots scow disposed to giro way, whilst buyer:, say they cad wait their time. This leaves us a not large, a r e a ta m i 1 1 poor account of sales, and ai Laudt"isaltogether of character. The stock 0n none comi ng in, if we except a few wagon loads Thar— al "TVHaiti.. The lizamia,aze_iia and Western cities prices are still on the decline. Bacon—The demand was moderate and sales regular. The :dock in first hands is rapidly dis appearing, but there are sclera] hundred thous- ass.l pounds in smoke hosi,,o that is 11l soon be for i..ste loon Grain- Th e market is riots° tirm I.,sr week, is 11 ilst there ha.s been no materia l &Eine. Buyers do not seem willin g to operate ,it barer figures, The receipts have in whioll tends to depress the market. Fish—The market was steady. There is a guest business doing at full rates. The first arrival of New Baltimore Herrings was on Monday; they were readily disposed of at full rates. Our mar ket is well supplied with Fish. Cheese—StcadY. There is a good business doing in this article Market firm; prices unchanged_ Butter—There has beets no change. The receipts and sales were limited. Groceries—There is a fair demand with a good business doing with the City trade: limitedrket was dull and inactive, sales being to small lots to meet the wants of the house trade. Buyers want a larger eon es,sion than holders are willingto concede. The stock on hand is not large. She markets both East and West rule low A moderato business .miry was done, at the following rates: Extra, 1%4u ; Extra Family, $0 75qa7, som e v ery ehoiess brands being held at $7 25. Sales of wagon flour at a variety of prices, as per qualitY. Grocertes--Fortner prices have been well maintained and a good business was transacted. Among the sales we note as follows : sugar -25 hiss Cuba, 113 4 e; 15 do Porto Rico, 12e; his bbls Coffee A, 14%e; 12 bbls Coffee B, 14lic ; bbls Crushed, hie. Molasses—Sal es 90 bbls Orleans at 563. Syrups—Sales of 2.5 bids Golden at 804113 c. Coffee—Sales, 51) sacks Bic at 3335@3391e. Itlee—Sales 14 tierces at 8 1 4 e. Market steady. Malt—Sale s 350 bbls at $1 - 75@1 80. Market fairly supplied, Etrr-s—Priees are a shade lower. Sales of 10 bbls at 12e. Flash—The n ot e W dean during the week was ta a fair extent. o the following, viz: Mack ere!, sates PS bI, , A No, 3, large, $3 50; 25 half bbls, $1 6:1; /0 bbl. Nss 3, medium, $5 75; 20 half bbls, St. Ilerring. sales 25 bbls Dow Baltimore, the first arrival ..f the season, at $7 50; 20 bbls Hali fax, $6. baron • The market since our last has under gone no change. The demand was active and sa es regular. The stock in first hands is not large Among the sales we note as follows: Shoulders. 25,000 lbs, tie; 10,000 do. 6461ie. Sides, IA o-2A 0 14'4 301is s 7 , 8 e ; 5,000 do, Be. Plain Hams, 21,000 S C 10c; 5,400 do, 10@101.c. Sales of several lots country meat at )s@le IV% less, as per quality. Grain—Tie sales since our last have fallen off. The market was not so firm. Wheat, sales 1,000 bush red, $1 30; „.1,500 bush white, 35@ 3.5. Corn declined mister large receipts; sales 2,000 bush first bands, 750. Oats declined ; sales 1,500 bush, 08e : from store the usual advance was obtained: Barley out of season and nominal. Rye was firm; sales 500 bush, 95c@$1. The re ceipts were limited for some days past, New York Cattle !Market. Tribune's Report Brbi.'S 11etn, Monday, May 4.—The market ,pened this morning with about 3,400 head of Vl „ieks on sale, including one drove of extra good •tale cattle, which were withdrawn last week be cause they would not sell to pay cost—they will not this week, for the market certainly is not bet ter, notwithstanding the "operators for a rise” entered into a snug little - arrangement" at Al bany to hold back one-third of the cattle intend ed for this market. The arrangement would have been a good one if the New York butchers were all fools. As they are not, the operation was not a successful one. We have found only three cattle brokers who think that the market-is any better to-day than last Monday, and they qualify their opinion that it is no better than it was last Monday morning. Some of the buyers of first-class cattle, who made their purchases early in the morning to-day, think they paid half a cent more than last Monday, which they feel v er y sore about, and declare that the price was imposed upon them by a pretense of short sup ply, when there was no foundation for such a re• porf, and that they will make the specula ors suffer in the future, as holding back 1.200 or 1, t 500 head of cattle, to raise the price he re , is not an 'honest way of doing business. That, if there was' MI actual scarcity, they would be willirg to pay high rates. Now they are not, because their ens , tomers will not stand a rise of beef based up-n nothing but speculation. The quality of the-bui- I looks to-day is remarkably good. There is not a 'real mean drove in market, and but few scatter-1 ing ones of objectionahle quality, while there are inure than 2,000 that no respectable butcher will ' object to on account of quality, though he , may on acciamt of the price; yet very few will sell at 12e 11 Its net, and generally the very best droves will not average over lle lb for the meat, sink ing offal. Some Of the coarsest will sell at 9c It, or less. The hog market is lightly supplied t o _ day, and prices giving way. We' hear or no sales'l,- over 5 1 4 e 's? In gross. The sheep market is very 4 MOW LOT OF„ CLOTHES warms dead, prices having declined 1(4,2e throstbsince em.just received hy last week, and buyers generally declining to cm- BECIUTAM & LONG. orate. The weather is mild, not warm for the ang2s 127 Liberty street. season, Full Particulars to-morrow in the re g , OLTS OLD AND NEW MODEL RE_ lar report. 4 1.. J volvers. CoopersLimbleAction. tan Fire Anne Company, Alien & Wheelock's. Sharres tat salelew to the trade • by JAMES DOWN, 128 Wood bt. Lead in Boston. No transactions to report, but owing to arecent sale in New York of 4,,000 tons fnr Government 08 purposes, the article is now held firmly at 9 IA 3.0 for'Spanieh. Sheet lead and lead pine are sell- ELT, C 4 31.4 AND Lammas . . 12%e 11.1 b cash. 014 /CO* 11 at BXo Roofbut. of thebett motor's] atst 'the low. / 1 •1 Cita: • PriCeEl. R. HITTCHIN.SO.N. OF LEETEI AC ntrrcarNam). COMMISSION A, FORWARDING IRRORAIeg Doalerin • WESTERN RESERVE CHEESE,; Flour. Grain, Fish. Dried_Fruit. Pot and - Tear) Beat Ashea. and PRODUCE -GENERLLY, i ds Eatally.Flour Always on• Ran& No. 102 Second Street. • BetvoletylVcied and Market,• ,PITTSB UGH. •PRNN'A. apll4 T es„.Liberal advande'made on Consignment 3, • BUELDRIIISI AIYD CONTILIILCTOUSJ We ere now aerouotratakt a superior Arnie, of; witleh we arepreoared-to deliver from oar COS YARD, 509 LIIEBIITYISTBABT. Beat Quaid Vanal7 Coal elven 01 heed ea usual. woof DICIISOIIf. STinVA.RT A CO. • I P ay ar par Par .CEO. R._ COCHRAN, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAWI Office No. 69 Grant street, near the, Court Botts% Pittsburgh.. • AL L nil:Tautness ENTRUSTED TIOf his care will receive prompt attention. Coil leotidoefelrdons znade and the money promptly remitted! J a B UST lIECEIA; E D splendid stock of i SPRINGDELAINES &DRESS GOODS CALICOS, orivonAms. &c. ! Speck! attention istalled to our stock beforeling and Irish Linens that was purchased the great advance in Dry Goods. Call soon and secure Your Spring Goods as they will be much- hir; Remember the place r No. 96 Market streetg he , bert im mh2am Fifth and the Diamond. _ H. J. LY.NC/1„, ________ _ __ LUPTON & OLDDIEN, GRAVEL ROOFERS MORNING POST BUILDING, CARPETS. 1862. Dann 18E W. D, dc 87 FOURTH STREET, LAMPE PORTIOPiI 01 017861TOCH eying seen bought previous to a series of adaranew, ,rnd now repletushexl ()just before the largest aava, - Ice of the season) with the newest dei signs in Carpets, Oil Cleths, Window bhacles, Are 4 A favorable opportunity is offe.ed parchnsers at moderate rates, as prices will be higher. dooll W. B. LtirpTort LUPTON dr OLDB EN, ILINIIPACTUREAS ySD DAILIIIIB IA FELT CEMENT GRAVEL ROOFING! 1 0-Repairs to old gravel, Canvass and Metalid Roofs made at the lowest prices, All work promptly attended to and warranted: Offee, Morning Post Building, corner Fifth and Wood stmts.:4 dory. mhil and ARCH STREET,'between 3d and e. 4th: P HILADELPHIA riNnE lINDERNIONED HAVING RE) neared the lease of the above popular Hetet for a series of years, would respectfully call the. attention of the travoling publie to its as ntral lot oality, either tor blueness or pleasure. mh3:lyd THOMAS S. WEIIB el: SON. UST RECEIVED AT DOREIA3 ID'S; 98 MARKET STREET, Ladies' fine Lasting Balmoral, Button and Con - grass heard Gaiters; Ladies' fine white and black glove Rid and Morocco blippers; Ladiete? fine glove Kid Balmoral and' Congress Batas; ; fall fine Calf Boots, Balmoral and. Gaiters,. es fall assorfment. Boys' and Youths' Boots, Sboes, and Gaiters Misses and Children's fancy Boots,' Shoes and Gaitenr of all kinds and styles, Be sure and call and at least examine my stock before Purchasing half price Goods else wheit. Remember, at BORLAND'S, 98 Market St. 2rl doerfrom at sp.i. BLACK DIAMOND arum WORKS, PITTSBURGH. PA BROTEEEK 4t !Birk, ICAN I JFACTUILICBB OF Best Quality Refined Oast steel, Square. Plat and Octagon. ofall sizes. Warran te d dequal to any imported or manufactured in (Mo AR this country. e and Warehonae, No. 149 and 151 . First and 120 and 122 Second streets Pitts febled.vd SPRING GOODS. ViTE WO LLD CALL THE ATTER don of Buyers to our stook of SPRING AND SUIIIIER GOODS embracing all the newest styles of PLAIN AND FANCY CA.S.'SIMERES, suitable for Business Suits. A full and complete assortment of fine bln.ak CLOTHS AND CASSINLERES, Plain and figured Silk and Caskatiore Wain= W. H. BicOEF, & CO., 143 EEDERAE STREET corner of Market Square. AllegberLY city mhs;daw:tf NEW DISCOVERY To Strengthen and Improve the Sigh Tax,AßAcir,....st_, PEBBLE Russian - Spectacles, 17ERSONS SIIFFERMIG Paws, DE. fective sjeht„arising from age or other cane es, can be relieved by using the noselan ble Speetaeles..which have been well tried by many responsible citizens of T ittsburgli and vi mnitY. toohom they have given perfect satisfac tion. T certificates of these persons can be seen at my office. All who purchase ono pair of the Thurgau Pebble Spectaeles are entitled to be supplied in future free a charge with those which will always give satisfaction. Therefore. if you wish to ensure an improve ment in your sight call on J. DIAMOND, Prae2tical Optician, Mannfaetarer of the Rusaii.n Pebble SPeotacles. isrd.6 No. 38 Fifth street. Post Building 451- My place of business is closed on .Saturday. IrIOAL LAND FON: SALE—THE S JK. lIJJ scriber offers for sale, very low, his farm 9f 85 acres. situated in Weehhigton township Cohan biana county, Ohio, OTte mile and a half from Sa linesvilleroad. station on the Pittsburgh & Cleveland Rail Pally My acres are impr9ved and Air der cultivation and ie whole is riot in coal stone. The buildings are a hewed log house. log stable. sm shed, &c. The , farm is well situated within one mile of the railroad. Terms of sale--Orie.half cash, with reasonabl time for the remainder. Price $2.5 her sore. e Address, 3LICHAEL ItreswiGGEN. bialinesvilie. Columbiana county Ohio. Refer to Jas XeCabe. Ross street, Pittaiugh. feb2L4m:dew. Corner Fifth and Wood streets. R. °LODEN , wilirupliCTlnag -111311)8 o,_ t o °r , 4.vm. Steam Eli n es. ht. ranginz frt.. 74 7 1 , ato.atmdred and honLe power. an, admioc, griCt MiThythsw BlastPureadask pullet:du attention to the oorstructu.l°l Etturinos and Machinery for , strish mills. sad ro' apitghts. mislay and cdrondar saw mills. Maya also on hand. finished and ready for shlP mtmscript attion shortnotioe. Est:ince and Boilers oftworst de. Also. furnish Boilers and Sheet Iron soorately. Wrought Iron Shaftint,Mantrors and allies in every variety. and ottatinne the n sannfacture of Woolen Machinery and Machina Cards. Oarptites are low. our machinery maaufnetur ;ad of the be:Malatya materials. and warrants/ In all cases to ewe satisfaction, sa-Orders from all parts of the cotusWy solicit- Wd and promptly MIA feykursy LAKE SUPERIOR OOPPER MINES IMELTILNG WOE laki. Manufuoturera of , Sheath. Brasiers' and Bolt Copjaer, Premed Con Per Bottoms. Raised BW l Bottoqiii. e 1142 Bolder, &a. Also Irup - ortere and dealers In'Bretabi. Plage k ar constantly on hail% Tinemelt hfoohlte, nd Tools. Warohouse.No.l.l.9BlAßT and Ilko BCOND STURM, Pittsburgh, Penn& IMP Special orders of 0013 par cut to gay deairtd littera. , feghlyd hie DUQUESNE BRASS WORKS, CADMAN & CRAWFORD. Manufaaarers of every variety of finished BRAN WORK FOR PLUMBERS OAS or STE.43I FITTERS, MACHINESTS exn COPPERSILLTH9„ 1111111 AS- CASTINGS OF EVERY HE. scription made to order Steamboat wore, attain and ErELS fitting and repairing promptly at tendedto. Rarticalar attention peep to fitting llp Refineries for Coal and Carbon 0119, PttlB% 181that.giTirtathfeusalaeleorlaarster, LDVItI.I Co.'s Patent Siphon- Pump, the best ever inven ted, having no valves it's not liable to get. one of febll:dly.- order and will throw more water than an pump twice its eiya, 05,50 WEBSTER:O 05,50 • UNABRIDGED - DICTIONARY Fifty copies, oomplatt;, Pictorial Edition at $5.50 for Bate by. JOBS B. MELLOR, IEO7 81 Wood street ;., DAUB & CAPPELL, NONDAMFAST • TALKLOIFIN, 47arnit JUSTam V im " ) Asia Sprang Goods; , oozes:tab u of cloth,:vastmerets, Vestiage, cite. ALSO—A tarsi stook of = : GENT'S EURNIRLING GOODS, fagliaing Ptglisr Vollara. azd even , dint' asuallykept bilSrst aloes nal:whips alore Ord so prompt's , . laxeogtoti. utklyd . IakIIrETERS:-TWO lIIINDREIs JIMIt Boiler Rivets= .can find employment on isonjoulonsb, under shelter, at the bast wezes. Machinists' sato Waxtted ' - JAMES IkRADS Union Inn Works. Louis, :;~ -~_ , k ~.--. MEDICAL TO THE PUBLIC 14s PMCISALLY •s' the istiorantandfalce ..--' "st7a 17 Modesto fall denomi- ." - ini;:" 3 -•- t nations. treat secret and ' - - • - ►, .. --- --4:--_ - : .„ delicate disorders. self-" • . -.IF a - !p - , - , .... abuse and diseases inn-' w.„_.%f ; -;,, -*A tnations common and ". - ';IF ' -, - - t4' . aide lit to youths Cr both --4;ta• -- - sar id . and adultai .single , or,murritd. lee ause Dr. BILLNaTIIIIP Publishes Inc fast of his dome uo. the-ignorant and falsely modest are dreadfully shocked. and think it a great sin rory immord and for - contamination and .a emptiest amnl I koir Wives, promising sons and dnughtAr. fur mil" physician should ea 'sentinel toltne-0 thatl injemoranoo that thew do the same as nr. BRAN.: STROP. (except publishing) last a incrativo praccl tlee might he lost to them graang -t-dpfd modest and prestrosPtuans famill'es, born end tt 'gnome% Sprang up as raw hrooms and who 0014 Pan COOlet9.• iuteditronaa, knase. ke., to dollars and cants, mysteriously. meanly cilliv rattan. lto pub&alts, het*. ,aver that numerate. Irir ants and guardiana aro thankfed the; their ...eft, daughtore t and wares; previously feeble ulakir anti of delicate eenditaon NA eppesrance. hare been restored to health and vigor by DR. BiLAKSTRUP; besides many before end &ism can through him have been saved much sail fering. xiety. moraticaSon. &a. apermatorr hea nor nooturnal oundgdorokare cam pleteLy attra In ry short spaoe of time by his new remedies. which arelectaharlyldtt own. They art eampeunds rem the Vegetable Kingdom. hang se t fallmsf.oftho Mermarlaltreatment,h 3 vi has ab m ,zi on . he ed it and substituted the vegitaole perw e di ti r. easesare treatedwith marked SUM - e „, 7 , -aavArs had over forty years(4o experietaco sit their tre:c ment in hospitals of both the Old World and in the United Stateg leads hint to say—to all with - a fair tial. health and happiness will aiain bloom upon the now—palled cheek. Trifl tonvor with mentabauks and quacks. but acm annd be cured ( lottsumPtion and all of its kindred iittou-s-, of »Mob so be many , annually fill ourscontecies, can wow many annually :ley attend to It in time Full partieulars can behad of my 'anal:meat b7p arias a copy of the Medias:l Adv*•,..terwhieh is given to all that apply Having the ad vantage of • oven , . for experience end observation. consequen .he has superior still In the treatment of al' elsetteez and - who Sz mend daily ed ootundtedby tateprafaanen. as well cc rczom by repeetanto citiscas, publisnera. tla Prietars of hotels. dtc. • Gins -85 Smithnerti street. near Diamond street. Dirate oconment cations from all parts Of the Unlatt stritly at tendedta. Dime tw ErWit: Sca, dente Pittsberch Post °Mos IMPORTANT TO LADIES R. JOHN l itAtt l a.rlf;llrElTlEßA 7[rtl4; hada &Tie 9 x f Female Ntrierl:s. and v .hay vF iz4 ' au'huccVin hGttoY. of oases in Teetering the atilt to sound health, haa now entire confidence n$ pub licly lus "Great American Remedy," • ILSLVVEY'S CRONO - THERMAL-FEMALE PILLS Which have never yid ailed (when the dim • tione have boon strictly renewal) in re moving difflottitie'q arising from Obotruotaoir 'or fitoglake . -of Nat-are. or in restoring the system - to perfect health when gut:faring from Spinal Affection,. Pro:alma Utcri, the Mike, or other Weakness of the: Uterine (ft-- ens, . Also in all eases cif ...Debititi.t . , lirertiotis s: Fremewls, Hyetersca, Pahrntat song, Jcq., O. which are the forerunners of more sosions disease. 3....271,e5e Pale are perieegy hrumietis on the con stilutton,-and may be taken es he moss delieate fe male wilhout matins die:reel; at the same time they ad like a charm, by streugth.emeg. - rating, and restoring the system to a healthyinvi eon go. dition. Each boa contains 60 Pins. Pawn Osa DOLXAM, and when desired WM be sent by mail pro-pain by any advertised'Agesat. on receipt of the r no.v J. BRYAN, Roeheater.N.:y”eeneral ttgeni Sold by Draggistemenerally. JOSEPH EE3111140, Corner Market street and the Diamond. nalB:7.vdted • - ". ' Just published.VentsSealsi Envelepu. Pries ' 5 - ME LEC l T ti rtz ON Care of TP.DAT MENT a Radical Care of Spermatorrhcer. or S Se s m ualD ebi k and Th v E o o lu i n tn try s t )harpuge generally, Nervousness, GonsumPtioni EPi/eP4 and Pits. Mental and Physical Inestacity, result ing_froni Self-Abuse. &e.-.13y ROBT. J. CUL VED,WELL. M.D.. Author of the 6rren Book, 4;d "A Boon to Thousands of Sufferers." sent under seal, in a plain' envelope. to any ad (ress; 2.,04 paid, on receipt of Six Cents or two postage 'stamps, by Dr. CH: J. C. ItLINE. 127 Broadway, _ IVOIV York, • mh3l:dawSpi _ post Moo Boa, 43803, WM% IL FABER Cs 90., St TEAM ENGINE BUILDERS iron diEws, amArk; l .llolllllSitaft OUR MAKERS; Near th e ?en v , B. Deno:, s'V';' ,f. ,.. - 'r tl: