The Pittsburgh post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1859-1864, April 30, 1863, Image 3

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    vni4 - ,1 t
Army of the Potomac iThw
on tlielkiro.
Ito., ate.. Amu. An:
The New York Tribune announces ilat
:_the army , of the. Potomac is in motion:
General Hooker, after the last serious
delay caused by the storm .male all b aste
to get ready ones more, and his arrange
ments were completed last - week. -
On Monday morning at
_daylight: the
movement began. The Seventh and Elev
enth corps and the Cavalry corps taking
the lead. How far the grand movement
has progressed vie-can onlyinper - frotti the
time which has elapsed, but if no uaex
pecked obstruction has interfered the cross
ing ought by this time to be far adva4ed.
The New York Herald contains thefol•
lowing from Headquarters Army of the Po
tomac, dated April 28, 1863 :
The expedition to the northern neck re
turned last night. The force was corn
- posed of the Oneida-New York cavalry,
Capt. Mann, and a detachment of the Ist
Pennsylvania Kt
cavalry arrived - in '' .
George Court House on . Saturday night,
where a halt was made fora few-hours.
The expedition captured fi fitunber of
prisoners, and some important letters were
fotind in the houses of - secessionists: The
command returned again,altliough narrow
escaping being captured. The rebels
had burned a bridge over the Mattox creek,
and if _our men had been detained a few
' moments later, they= would have been al
moat completely , cut off.
Isms:rapOtis, April 29. 2 --Dr. Dorsey,
a resident of Indianapolis, but formerly of
Maryland, was arrested to-day,, charged
with treasonable cerrespondenee with the
rebels, and sent to Lemsville to be tried
ly Court Martial. • •
Naw Yoa; April 29.—Farther advices
from Port Royal contain a report that the
city of Charleston will be again attacked
.on the 3d of May,w en the spring tides
will recur. All t „Monitors except
Weetawkea had l t Port Royal. The
iealth of the troops was suffering some
what from, the warmth of the weather.
- Rebel deserters report that new obatrnc
tiona have been placed in Charleston har
bor which will not allow the smallest
.crafts to pass through.
Burrer,o, N. Y., April 29.—Cyrus M.
Field addressed the Board of Trade and
:our citizens to-day, on the subject of the
Atlantic Telegraph: Resolutions favor
'lug_ the project were passed.
The Railroad Convenfion was in session
today, had Mr. Fieldaddressed the meet
ing this afternoon
-' The royal mail steamer Arabia sailed
„to-day with $13,000 in specie.
' To-morrow will be generally observed.
ii:tainess will be suspended.
A,:fditional North Carolina advices from
N e tybett state that General Hill's forces
were at .Oreenfield and even farther
Our troops"
at Elizabeth City and Win
fleld had been ‘`T.ithdrawn from Washing
. ton and Plymouth are to be retained for
the purpose of buili2lllg a port at the Nt
terplace, which will prevent the with
drawal of one regiment .which Is now there
' - for operations elsewhere.
This evening's Post contains a report re
-oeived by way of New Orleans that a Pay
master, with $BOO,OOO from our troops,
-was aboard-the steamer Fox when she was
captured by the rebels.
'The Post thinks that Gen. Banks has
'taken possession of a large amount of
property, and the news indicated that part
of our forces have reached :Alexandria,
La., where the rebels had a large quantity
of stores and boats. It is not icipossible,
it says, that all have been captured.
Nsiv Yost, April 29.—The steamer
Shelbark from Havanna on the 3d, arrived
- at this port and brought Vera Cruzz dates
• of the 13th, hab been received per a French
missel.atate that Puebla had been °con
-45611, by the French tip to that date. •
The French had lost from 600 to 600
,killed and wounded.
Liinniei chief of artillery was killed
sri'd Col. f.arrier is bad/y wounded.
• ,
I l lie"estiniated entire force of Ortega in
was 25,000.
bridge over the Rio Prestowas held
by th e; French, thus preventing Comonfort
with 12, 000 reinforcements from crossing.
Anottier arrival from Vera Crime dated
- the i6th,'.states that the mail from Puebla
'had been received, containing advices of
the capture of • Pleases and the Cathedral,
. bath e 048011 was commanded by forts
Guadalop.e and Loreto, but nothing said
totheir opening hre on the French.
.WASHINGTON,, April 29.—The United
States Marshal seized the property and
'real estate of Dr. Boyle, amounting to
_550,000. The Supreme Court for the Die;
trict of' Columbia, on information filed by
-the District Attorney, issued an order for
-persons interested, to show cause why the
property shall not be condemned and sold
'under the confiscation act. This is the
- first_ case ;under. that law in this district..
Dr. Boyle was commander. of the Na-.
tional Volunteers, organized'here at ,the
commencement -of the rebellion, -. tomes-;
mist in seizing public - buildings for the
benefit of rebels, and soon after the inau-;
guration of President Lincoln he left for,
the South, where he has been. cruelly ex-,
ercising the office of Provost Marshal.
pen. Martindale, Military Governor of
:this 12istriet, has issued a general order,
.stating-that to-morrow will be observed'
ly the pflicers and men in his commandos
ii day of fasting and humiliation. ; Bei says,
a soldier who is moved to the performance.
of his ;duty in 'battle or: elsewlere by the.
inspiration of God's presence in his mind
sl4,prirposesi, will;be an infici-
1 1,
,enee of immense power, ad - whole Oa.'
talikstitordlited"-and.exal by such .in- `
tine.` wilthe irresistible. -
A. .mepoassimath April 29.—At aeon to
day a sttl.V.AinirtY of rebel - cavalry. Appear
ed on th e
~- , .'neliester Pike, and. Videttes
gave alarm OaYinit the enemy was Javan
cingin fiiree„ -with commendable
pru d ence moic ,:i out a short distaucei - but
the alarm proved . false. _
General Negley met several citizens
-residents _ near tits outposts moving
in Who-reported that the rebels had de
claredthey were' coming to drive us from
Murfreesboro.- - is thought generally
that*/ rebel 'demonstration ,yesterday was
made with the purpose of forcing Rosj.
trans to concentrate his Ihtes, thus giving
Visti Doren and Wheeler liberty 'to' act
Out: flanks - . with their cavalry; alio to
Ilimble them with the force North of Dock
ther to defeat any attempt we misht make
limbe r to-the one on Mchfuiville. .At
present all efforts of the rebel "cavalry on
our denies are futile.
Pnebittwasilledwith barrieades.
Onathird of Puebla is'claiined by the
:4 French to be in their possession as the re
- sultof the eirteen'days fighting,
, ,
•IforrozAL• April ' 29, -4 dispatch from
, • tt- il officer of :the: ,stearam. -113Igio
e- K m on a agiyik, the mails halo teem lofti
2#71:44,9 ibV4ll44.feff fire ouPPPIIPS
obiin -1 , .•
< the testimy.
read the trattmon ott y,
CONSUMPTIVES lea the matimeny,
0 0NsIIMPTIVES real the testlirony,
002P3IIMPTI TES road the testimony,
WIPER PTITTSS read the testimony,
CONSUMPTIVES los& the' testimony,
007ItitilliPT/VES read the 'testimon
VolistrmeTtiral reed tho teatimimy. y.
CONSIIMPTIVEit read the teitimosy.
constrattorivzs Jew the testimony,
09N8UMPTIVI8 read the restinunr,
'OONSCIEPTIVEIS read the testimony,
V hat SlCHEZTo6.l3lfedtinti.*lll de.
VbaElollllllloll'dadediened arta dO.
Whit 6011115101 rd Medicines will do.
What 13011ENOEVEI Vadlonoa •1.1 do.
What NllHENoll l Blredictups rill do.
Whit EICIIIBROK'S Vol ch:•• ail do.
What 871{8NO811 Medichot will do.
What isONEK OK'd godlofnet will do.
%that SCH&NOir• Noticing:a will do.
§C/I&NOWB Modloinee,•lll do.
l i 'ktalnitifOK will be la Pitliburgh,
..._,;' , .,_'.2//1711.SDAY And 7.IIIDAY, May 7th and Bth.
IwrIDNOIL will heti Piltiblirgh.
~`. .. ...4 . 11117813DAY and littlDAY, Nay h Bth.
sainunNOK-Irta be tnLionabaro;
and !MEDAL May 7th and Bt h.
w;nuttlitM will bit to Pittsburgh.
Dr- _VirtrgY sttJABIDAP. May 7th and
. DOHNIN al beta Pittaburli.
2111728 DAY ani•FDIDAII. Kay 7th and lgth.
At . Dr. EDlturif.'B, lid Wood street. •
At i r.S.PITHZDIO44Oood
• . IiMPEIDB. i I ti W ood stm
At Dr. KR7B I CIPsii4O Weed etnet.
At Dr. KRUM'S, Do wood strew.
At Dr. lirYBlllß'll. 1 4dWood stmt.
At Dr. REPPIEP.'4, 'ito rood str ee t.
At Dr. Wrd street.
At Dr. B EWER'S, ICI Wad .treet.
At Dr. KEYSER% 74.0.Woodstreet.
The prrprietor of these 'medicines conittlentlonaly
offers them to the public es the eatekrollable
and certain Lramsdise for Pulmonary. cmntelotion.
He recommends them, with equal - conitgence,;•
13201 t St. sptcleo for thew rivraid wind Mona of the
Indy which, It neglectid. are apt to torndeat.
dangerous or fatal diteasrs of the lunges - Lives
Complaint and Dyspepsia are generally regarded tai,
ro, mum eri of Gontumption, toad - when these Mt.
eaus manifest thatunlves they few:tire the most
prompt 'attention.
The induct the P.ulmon'n Eyrup his been tooted
hailnunmerroblejues. Illy own personal experiecco
Itilree use the but umranee of the sill o:e if this
M.-.4l:clue. Many perm ago I was given op by phy.
paletane as one who wu in tl e lout stage of cronstunp
lion, and I wail taken my b. me in P mind Ipti •
to my friends by Moorestown. if. J. , to /
wialted away to a mere skeleton. I was confined 10
my-, bed, and my physic/ ea (who hal artandel my
lather's family tiara m r time) deo.lared that I could
aoi llna week. Then. Has a crowning man meet
ing at straw. / beard of and t hulloed this prepars
tion of roots and baba welch, to the utontehment
of every apoctator, soon 1100 a perfect cure. It
seemed to ate that I could feel it penetrating my
whole system. It noon ripened the matter in my '
lougwand /.would skit up more than a Hint of °Vest.,
sive yerow matter emery marnlng far m.:ve than a
week.. Its soon as this exportoration b gun to sub.
eldeamy cough, fever, pAn fled night sweats all be.
gat to leave aue, and my appalls booms so great
that It was w!th difficulty Allot I maid retrala from
eating too much. I emu recovered toy atreogth
and have been increasing in flesh ever. &loco. It ea
touhhal all who , knew 106, cod all ball, vrd that I
was too far tone to moko my recovery poildble.
Many pe plc who knew roe then are no 7 / ving, and
occupy places of honor an toted in New Jamey and
Philadelphia, who can coa l y untidy the moot lucred•
.nlons relative to the trath at these statements. Ma
diteasesras beredttaty ; mp a bor, mo Ler,. brothers
and sister all died of contuniption. and I 400110 am
I now enjoy the beat health, and have for pare
weighed more than two 'hundred and ten. pound &
immadlatity ef:tr my recotery I removed ta Flem
ington. N. J., and for !several yews med., Pu'imnic
Syrup and give It to the aill'atecL it made such
wonderful cures that tits' phy- !cline of the place
were astonished at its effecte r and advised me to
turn my_ alte , tion to the sclence, , of medicine, '
especially to the study or this disease. In fact I was
driven to it by the application of greet n embers of
people who came orient le me from all parse of the
conatry.calliog came to cure them, @air all other
human andstance Wu unavailable.
Slims my recovery, the Pain:tonic Syrup his been
extensively meal 'for more than twenty-flve years ;
and so we bas it endursd this long probation - that
Its mutation qind popularity imee constantly in
AM:tough It is en undeniebre fact that tome of the
- worst caves of ooratimptien may and have been cared
by this eyrap alone, yet within the last rive year.
I have become ewers that the core may be tact kil
ted, In many Instances, by the Imo( two other med.
!einem, whits are f, tied to be most admirably ad >pi •
ed to this purpose. These medicines are the tea
weed Tonic and Mandrake Pilo, In order to tander•
stand bow these medicines effect the cures whiz/faro
ascribed to their agency, It is necessary to have some
acqsaintance with thopecolieritios of the allergia.
Pulmonary C :anti:option ( Pull:none Is) 13
characterized by ernaciation,dabillty. cough, hectic
fever and purulent expectoration. This din see he.
always brien the greatest scourge ibe human race.
and It hew destroyed more lives then famine, sword,
and peetilecee, An flrgtiss writer, some yours ago,
competed that out of a population of eleven milltone
in the Isle of Great Britain, fitty-five thousand OA
miasly died of consampti n. The tame fatality at.
tends the silibase in thin climate. Ore principal
cerise of 1139 great room dity whf..h ettenda Palmo.
nary Cousomp sou It the mite theory that it Is lase.
table. This mischicvone error mimes many con•
sunaptive patients 113 despair as soon as tho nor ore of
their affliction becomes manifest: and when they are
hoptima of a cure they re.len th‘meelves to what
they suppose to be heel table late, and die witnout
making any iffort to prolong thi ir lives. "usr
doubts are trait:no," gays bbialtspenes ; consumptives
are Often victimized by Ito ro,gone concluvion that
their tales are r eyond the reach of medicine.
Palm 'nary consumption Is In most cases comet!.
i =tad with tiaorders of the liver and stomach. •-i3e•
fore the attack of tete di.-nee." asps a French phy
' Celan, ..a change Lace place in the condition of the
blind, which degraded in qtalitY and on
dowed with a lower degree of vitality. ' This change
ii owned by the imperfect tuition or the Ilrer, for one
lof tee of lces of that organ is to strain and putty
the blood. ticiannok's - Mandrake Flail act on the
liver more promptly and eff cruelly than any other
medicine. Hence they are often prescHbed by men
in the ffrat• stages of oonaamption, and to many
lothier awes, when the torpid or Meowed condition
of ttoeliver requires the nee of title unrivalled purge.
tire. Contemning the net of Mime rills more col Ibe
said hereafter ; In the present connection It may be
observed tint. their operation corrects that morbid
oonditiottiat the blood wti h always precedes au at.
wok of consumption, and is, therefore, pre:timed to
I be one of the principal mime of the attack.
In the next plass, it la found that Dispepsy, or a
languid digestion, is often a forerunner of consume -
tion; and in nacuerona lastaucas It accompsnite the
diabase through all its stage,. Dieppe, to regard ad
by many mediae writers as one or the prominent
causes of wonsupaption, Dpi} they here good reatone
for this siippoettion, for the absence of nutrition In
the blood leads to the _relation of tubercles, and
(178PaPti 3 &sesta &pave the. blood pf ite outriders
While doyepay is prevent, it Is almost, or quite,
linpoaldble for o:niumption to be cured ; for indi
gestion produced a general debility of the system,
and this state cf debility le mat aufavorahle to the
re utabllatunent of the patient's health; for how
can ulcerous ciwitiell In too tangs be heeled when
the stomach has lao power of digestion and the aye-,
tem hi therefore too weak to ;wedelns that, teact , on
Which is necessary fer a cure I Nourishing food,
after all, is tte material which must bring about this
groat change. My medicines only mitt nature to
overpower the Masan and to mode°, healthy secre
tions. instead of the morbid metier a Dinh vittatee
the quality of the blood. From them considerations
It WEI eppsar that touts or strengthening n edlclnes
are required in the treatment ot consumption, and
eipecially - sticht medicines as have an invigorating
effect on the digestive organ.. BCHENOBI3 /SBA
WILICD TOMO is componintd with pallcular refs
fence to these objects, and It was first Mined to be
Geed In cougunptise mime es an auxiliary tp the
Paltuonieffitrep; 16:epplIcab:o. howeeeri to all
caste of - tippers', and it may be proved to demon
stration thatit is the only medicine which will cure
that tiliesse' Many eminent physicians h are doubt.
ed whether Byspepl can be oared by dregs; and
the dugs which are generally amproyienfor that bur
P so, th 01414 they .may seem occallonelly to ettord
witsporwy-millef. finally-produce en sgerstratiou of
the spitfire:doh. • Thsrettwerd tank, in Its nature, is
totaUy differeet beat such drugs. It o attains no
corrosive minarets or acids; In hoe, It is so far. from
baring any action hostile to the isnimel economy,
that it waists the regular operations of nature, and
tufipiles her dettlenties.
1131.18 Uinta its naitre so trash resembles the
rattle Juice that it is almost identical with that
flald The &drip Juice, as all pits Biologics know,
is the natural solvent which, in a Maltby condition
of the body, muses she Lod to be throated, and when
thlalince to not secreted in sollitiant tantitlea, in
-digestion. with ail itodistremingaymptsur, follows.
T teems/end Tonic p.rforovi the date of the gastric
take when the latter is deficient. It hag likowise
all- the invigorating propoties of lodine of potassi
um, iodine of Min and iodine, remedies -which are
often pmecilted by physician to strengt h en the
,eenatitutiona of consnaoptivolvatients. Prom what
hailmen laid; it may. be jairod that Echonek.'a dim
med Tonle is gamut important remedy In toe triat ,
mill of ph:um:my disease, and experience proves
this to be the foot. One of the good efforts of this
tonic ii to enabletho patient to digest each *diet as
rensumptive persons:noire. Pbysolans nOw admit
that a highly untritons diet is most proper for such
parsons iodised the food - cannot be sco nourbblog
tor ocrusemptirm, if nom bas made digestive. Ton
may hoed such a- pitiontiritliarrialea rich and mad
tire enough to prodnos gout in-certain conditions of
the epotem, but if the gastric powers of the patient
are gultiolent-to assimilate. lbws articles—in other
words, If he is able to digest tbem—his bingo being
thereby imigorated, will begin to exercise their
innotionsin **.tnialosid healthy .manner, and
owe bilonnibbh. it Milt sewn ba effected.
The Saaintil, Vin do, by improving the power of
the stomach rind Sttrngthaning the whole system,
prepare' the dispel - Ms:a . onfeobled patient melba
um Of the knimonialfrrop. The operation , of th e
latter is to instant* the-site' enagt" l „Lto`dtut th e
ulcers and to polthieMbrhiti Pilot" from this eye
tem. Buts as conimilidola -is often 'coupled with
dynpagay.or lisor complaint, and as it f 44/neatly
ortgtnateain rhos, wt. *to* itis proper, to some
awes, to begin with the use of this Tonic andTille,or
to *anthem sitoultant oral, with thtSytup.
Sotenck's Mar.dr-le Pllla rein= thimorations and
unlock 01 °04 bladder Oita as well, us deject
Mgr% alor PSollin 'bettor, and these s are
Warranted not to contain a partiee of calomeL 136m0
physicians bare PooltirelY assorted that calomel or
mercury moat enter into the compadtion of Mete
Pills: for: according to' their theory, nothing bnA
c omet oogbfict on the liver as these Pill. 081 ,
taittly do. - Bat to prore, that the doctors are rots
taken, it is merely soossairl to astir° the tact that
fkbentk's Mond , eke Pala neyir predate salivatien,
whether they IS media imam smalidoser. Thom,
sands are 104113 with the knout effects.
With osloinal tor bine pill th 6 taastydlrorant. Largo i iltimei act as a p
Sr% VOCIS, lionlio •
Piderietut Pupil% am lido No Flee
. .
9 Cass '' : .•.114 4 1‘.;- env 114calty" base . eel. - 4 : .;.' • ' • e alhitlittrit'Ui - : ultd - pirmr Imp-.
-gad - lu. Co. - hoz- o r ibgto r.lie, tratnimi : at 25 Mon,
_the • uluesnie Limp ronstle used Logeth with
Fonts, will proorihe eilicany Of the Tit dleln9 l . Vo, 91180b044-actli}o4other,zone4lss,paltlcen aces
matter-hew motive or ACM WOO thip nat.= mitO. .pisry rastul#.l...-71. ,t;- - ...., ~ -.•- , . ; -
lbe,tlisibebtlfor;liedi Je finmoiletely" correcti I. an , roe. the cureol , ill a i eZtopliCaled' ',11,4 - order known
regulated' by these Pills, and then 1911. are btcnyht es .` Dyspeptic Ckatturepticn" thee Pultnenic Syrup ,
teal healthy wed natural sothity. .1 he Mandrske cannot be to highly rcommentred, as front itttOtera•
'PM* ire Marsha en IntalliblelemedY frr elsk hsad • Live efforts, It protium, healthy socretious and, in
ache and plies. in man, oases they hare btonght conjunction trith the . laraweui Tonto." whith re
amer wreak* friim"grown - perso4 who bad long ant. stores tone to the stomach and enables It to paiperly
tired with Many ttlipleatant iyintems withott ins- digest the food, and the ...Mandrake Pills" to bung
gactbsgthe their Imena.` ';. about a healthy action of the !tree, a cure h cousin. n•ll.krsin rooms to Beaten, Ns York and Washing. The directions which accompany the Syrup explain
ton city, Paltintorei Plttaburgb, and at my urinal- when and how to take the Seaweed Tonic and 'Man
pal oilln9 in Philidelphia; generally tee third week In. drake Pills : . .
~ , . .
each mouth lam three days at the Marlboro Motel. , '-; . 2 ' :' - • ' "
Boston; two days of the Ana Veelt in each month at - •'-
Dr: Yeyser's, - 110 Wood itrSet. Pittsburgh; ;every
other ; . Wednesday. Wednesday. 944 'Eighth itrest. Washington
- -__.
4 XE - ftMONirt
City; the fsibirla „ g
Thurgau,. rt - Dr..Elanca's, 1(8
'Baltimore street, Baltimore, Iddr; every l!dond.y nt
• 39 $9nd. street. ..New York, from 9'a. to'. to 3 P. m.,
and at my principal office, 39 North Bisth- street,
Philadelphia. from 9a. m. Instil 6 p en. Due none.
.of ray arrival in each oity will be found In the' local
rapers., Perms litiog nt.a distance desiring to set
mb,and not able to visit ma at my rooms, should ad.
dress me at my principal office in Philadelphia, when
arrangements will be made to rem them as soon as
poeelbte. For Instance, while in Boston' seeing ray
patients, to address me there, to go and see a patient
which might occupy, part of a 'day, it would - inter-'
'fore with my other engagements; bat itpreviously
addressed at my reeidence, in Philadelphia, imild
Snake arrangements accordingly, when they will be
eV once notified whet day I can' Visit them, and my
tee n% which will be moderate, whoa they can de.
cidewhether to send fur me or not.' A pansonal
terview with me is not always necessary, for each of
my medicines la accompanied by full directions in
'English, German, French and Spanish. However, I
arn always willing to give patients my personal at
tention if they deice it.
:Consumptive persons aro earnestly exhorted to ap•
ply to me in time, before the climate has reached its
dUrParale stages. When the lunge are destroyed, of
court* no medicine can create new ones ; but I Main,
tale that the first stages of consumption are curable,
and even when the lungs are considerably decayed, I
often succeed in restoring the patient. 'to health.
While one sound lung remains I am certain of.mak
lug a cure, if the patient will ado pi oper care of him
self and.strictly follow my directions.
I. am the inventor of ,the instrumentnaffed'
4.B chenclCalletipiremeter," need In examloalina of
the lungs. It transmits the round or rattling of the
lungs so loudly and distinctly that 17 experience it
is easy to determine how far the lungs are diseased,
and what portion of them is involved. Thus thol'op.
emtor CBII uuerringly determine whether the disease
be Triberculous, Pleuritic or Bronchial Centrum' Con,
or whether it is merely an affection of the broachtal
bai, Sympathetic with - the liver or sterusch,.and he
ella form a diagnoste accordingly.
- aiey who desire to have a thorough examination
she iterpirometer will be charged three dollars
for thatiee,,,,,, but all advice will be given gratis
and I wit.. me say best ability to explain each cam
.which maybe offered to my consideration.
~Wh. . ,_en there lathy predisposition to coneumptioa,
tt et ° was' , in one another of its forms, will often
be developed by a Neel cold" or catarrh, the syMp
turns of which Minot tee mistaken. When a' person
takes cold easily, tho &amid. or liver is generally
diseased In this 'tato thiegs the feeble condition
of the system cannot rests , the changes of weather
and other external anises Mdisense, and ea every ex. '
posure brings Ott a cadent, wi th ire cameaalk
toms—.g bad cough, b ent,
alight painala
the breast, Ao These signs aboyd not be negleeted,
and It fa highly important that re
aagerer should
know what to do. When one cold Itt. taken tion an
other.r. as the Taragoes, the bronclial tubes of the
lungs butomisinsore ent less diseased. k few Lottles
of Schenck's Pulmonic Syrup and &tweet Ti),O and
a box of Mandrake Pills would mate a Pe t erect cure ;
but, Inatead of resorting to these cafe and wkeaci o n s
remedies patients often consult a "regular phykel a ,"
whose regularity consists . In prescribing cal kn e ,
mium, the, on all occasions. Thus, for a cnreor.
cough or cold, morphia, black drop, poregoric, ekd
still more objectionable articles ore often taken, lee
compliance with the doctor'sadvlco. Then medicines
may mitigate the cough for a time, bm the disease in
the lungs goes on until the unmiatakable sympionts
of consumption appear. It may ho seem
therefore, that the preparationeof opium, etc , which
are neually prescribed In bad colds and !militant con-
Sumptions, merely carom.' the disease by suppreaslug
souse ofthe symptoms; bat on that very account they
do harm by making the malady more Insidious, a
therefore dangeronr.
Let it ba remembered that when the stomach and
liver are in good order, there is little liability to take
cold, or Done la taken, It generally passes 2 ff with
out producing any serious or alarming effects. On
the contrary, when persons are laboring ander expo
sure may Induce alt the By mptems we have dame tad
above. The cold token will Maintain a firm hold on
likely system, an n
d, If not properly treat ed, will bo most
to end I Consumption. MT SEA WEE
OnaliDS AGAINST COLDS; the first in cress of dyspepsy
and all diseases of the dignities organs; the Int ter to
all affections of the liver, for which they ate proved
to be an Infallible remedy Very Mum a does or two
at the Mandrake Pills perfectly cures a recent cold,
without any other remedy.
Thls decease la geuenally Mao result of neglected
cold or catarrh. ..Eloseetlntes." says Dr. NV Beech,
of New York, and Ira Warren, of Boston , "It is the
consequence of measles, or disordere of the liver or
digestive organs." As I remarked (under the heed
of ' , Coughs and Colds,) while the Stomach and liver
are in a healthy condition there is butllttle liability
to take cdd; and if no cold is tulles there eau be no
acute bronchitia r and, of +cottons, %toot, of turstmeate,
ors—Bronchial Consumption. Therefore, as proven.
tire, the Baswood Tonic sad Mandrake Pills me, be
used with entire confidence when symptoms of twit.
geetion and liver complain t have appentred. No one
whoJtadlei , usly uses these two medicines, or either
of thorn, as circumstances mry require, teed apre
hend an attack of Bronchial Consumption; but If the
use of these preventives LOW been neglected, and this
form of Consumption has commenced, It will be ne.
ceemary to . use•tho Pulmonic Syrup in addition tether
o:ber remedies.
The commencement of Bronchial Consumpttm is
Indicated by an obstinsto and troublesome cough,
attended with a billious expectoration of viscid and
purulent or a whitish frothy mutter. At first, the.
symptoms reermbla those of an ordinary c ini or cat.
anti, the expectoration being tough, thick and opa
que, bat not yellow, con taint °game] I grayish lumps,
which sink to water. A. the disease advances the
cough increases, and this' tough moons ire ph'egus be
comes more and more mixed with a yellowish fluid I
resembling puss or matter, and often slightly streak.
ed with blood At first the pulse becomes - slightly
acce . erated and tense toward evening, and tho heat
of the eurfaco of the body var'es in the coureo of the
day, being sometimes above and sometimes below the
natural standard. Partial sweats occur In the head •
and breast at night. The thirst is generally coneld•
erably increased; the urine is highly colored, anti de
p.sita a copious reddish sediment. A sense of sore.
nessin tho cheat with an oecesional transient stitch
in the side, occur tu the majority of instances, but
there is very rarely any fixed pain inlite cheat. The
cough is usually severe. particularly on thine out of
bed In the morning, at which time the breathing is
more or has wheezing, mod attended with a fooling
of tightness in the breast.
If the disease continues unchecked In its urser
the expectoration becomes purulent and extre co mely
coplows. Debility and emaciation increases rapidly;
the difficulty of Dread lug RD4 EOlllO of weight and
tightness across the chest becomes more and more
distressing. The pulse hi now, generally very fre
quent, boil g seldom under one hundred and twenty
in it minute.. In the early part of the day the face Is
usually pale, but a deep flush of one or both cheeks
le commonly observed towards the evening. The
tongue becomes clear, and in many Instances it as
sumes an alarming appearance, and is redder than
In health. There are generally profuse and ex.
haunting night sweats at this advanced stage of the
dhow*, and artless relief is found, swelling of the
ankles and diarrhea follows, and death cloves the
In inany cases, the Pah:undo Syrup aloe* will wire
tbisr form of Consumption, but when the bowels are
costive, the liver torpid, and Gwent of tone ex stale the
digestive organs, the Seaweed Tonic and Ilandreke 1
Nile are necessary—the former to stimulate and in.
vlgorate the organs of digestion, and the latter to
regulate the liver and bowels.
The complication of gastric or hepatic disease with
Pesmeltery or Bronchial Consumption le of frequent
• Occurrence; and, as this combination modnops cer-.
min phenomena in `addition to the usual consumpW
tive symptoms, some physicians have supposed that,
this le a distinct disease, which they call Dyspeptic(
Consumption. Hoverer, in some cases of this kind;
the lungs or bronchial tubes are only sympatbet
fealty affected, the primary disorder being conffned
to the stomach or. liver. But the transition from
this disorder to real Conromption le sometimes very
easy oil rapid; .and for this rayon the premonitory
eymptoros shoat to
deecribed should meet with
prompt attention. All diebrden of the stomach and
liver produce More or lan of that debility and abnor
mallla condition o he blood which we have noticed as
the precursor of onsumption. '
"Dyspeptic" Co nmption" usually begins to meini
y gbite weakness or the system, and _
the common. phenomena of indigestion, frequently
accompanied by cough, difficulty of breathing, and
other symptoms of pulmonary &tease. Bat vary ,
often, in each circumstances, if the lobe of the Stom
ach can be restored and the system atrungthened,
the whole train of symptoms &upper's, and.the pa
tient will be restored to health. For such cases as
these tulle - inroad Tonle Is partieularly dest i ned, as
the reader May Judge from the account of its Medical
pmporthm given abiness,
When dyspeptic consumption originates in disor
der of this liver, the folawirig symptoms will appear:
A dull pain and in tbs right side, with in.
messed unseat se when lying on the left side, irreg.
uteitity of the bowels,loul-tongue, depression dispir
its, a sallow hue of the akin, yellowness of the - white
; of the eye, furred and brown length% nausea, and
.sometimes vomiting. My Mandrake Fid e.. used avi
.cording to the direction, will remove all theses ymp•
toms by clearing away a lli obstructions from the Hoer
and restoring Its healthy action.
in order to haves - clear understanding of the na•
tune of "Dyspeptic Cocatunption" it is necessary to
have some knowledge of the anatomy of the sorts at
. forted. The (dike of the liver le to strain off the bile
, '.from the blood. When the liver is inflamed or torpid
its work la not well performed, and the blood be
kettles surcharged with various impurities, which
will probably be deposited on some of the vital or
gang. The mischief may be aggravated by balfgestica„
as that disordei tends • to vitiate the quality of the
blood. The Mandrake Pills,as mentioned above, ef
factually clear away obstruction' from the Liver and
lbiliary ducts, end produce a healthy action of the
'liver, which prevents the congestion Just dertribed, '
matt v that organ to %train and purify the blood,
'and of minnow prerrentsAbosamorbid &podia which
lead to ILXibstunption and other dangenrus maladies.
, As we remarked before, the use of the Seaweed Tonle
Is advisablewhen them:ovules of the stomach are im
paired, and symptoms indigestion are present'
The purification of the
blood cannot be immediately
effected by any medicine. The Seaweed Tonic and
Mandrake Pills attain this object by acting on the
kb:gnash and liver, and ;hue producing 'vigorous and
healthy digestion, and promoting the operatlops by
which the blood le 'trained. and purified in the man
ner Just described. And when lII* blood is thus re.
stored tea normal and beatthY state, the formation
of Pnlmonary or Bronchial Consumption is absolute
Crby neglect, the disorders here described have
been allowed to debilitate the system to such a de
gree, and to deteriorate the blood, so that-the find
bad cold which thepatient. takes fastenson the tangs
=I bp: 44164 tilbie f awl itintlitahm stit tausli. _
~~~ r
~,.. .
- In. • PITLIIIONIO coxsuitioriolik' '
This is the most dangerous-nem of conlaitingien.
The CAMEOS which produce it are very nuttierolle—
mich as hereditary disposition, a purticulati,furam;
(lon of the body, certain diseases, ea.eatarrliysm 'Be
pox, =melee, lirsr-complaint, d Ispepay. a 9 ,,, pu,
Heeler employments, grief or disappoliatMent-Muid;
inn abort, any eases w hich disturbs the he:Baal-atop-
orations of nature and produces the dlmbiation of.
.themltal tonewhieh always precede° an attack:Kg - 4
Pulmonary consumption conatawes with a feelll4
of 'lassitude, slight aching pain-, with a sena itof.
tightness in some parts of the chest, and a shore, &IX
cough, which is readily oscired by muscular ,mot too,
The breathing Is shorter en] more lr , quant. Theire7
symptoms gradually lee ome more cannot:lions. and . a
1 length slight,fever occurs, toward evening, and the
tea pi ratio W and, listil tilicen ti nil a to lie' torn sidt tit aeotteMo
gatedro throughout tho'wholl dist. A Bt Of mtlghlng
usually seuurs Is the looming, and the patient rises
out of bed la a relaxed mud feeble condition. There
is an extreme liability to take cold on the elightest
exposure. By degrees the cough becomes more fre
-1 quent and troublesome, Particularly in the evening
1 and morning, or at night Upon awakening from sleep..
1 1 As the disease advances, the skin, lips, tongue end
1 lances become dry to the afternoon , alight chilLsl re.
gniarly occur toward evening, followed by fever, aura
fog which one or both cheek• become 'unused white
oireummtlbed flash ; a .dry,' burning.heat - is felt in
the palms of the hende and males of the feet, the
; I lmeathing is very quirk and short, and the pulse
very bequest, small, quick, end tense. These (-belle
pares ems continue till toward midnight, when they
terminate In more or less profuse perspiration, which
continue until morning, leavieg the sufferer exhaust
ed, languid and di.pressed, Pregnantly, previews to
the ocourreece of this train of eymptonts, the ex
pectoration becomes thicker, and not unfrequently
mixed with Wood. The feeling of a load in the chest
sod emaciation Increase; attended with increasing
failure of strength.
Towable. the :uutavorablei ierminatfon of the die.
ease, swelling of the feet and dint - rhea almost lova
eiably come on, accompanied with • weak and
hoarse voice, difficulty of ewallowing, and some
times-ulcerated throat, until death relieves tho suf.
It is generally admitted by men of every
school that this form of consumption cannot be cured
by any empties lon of their art. However, some 'of
the most •therel and entlghtened pbyeelaus in Europe
and Am. rice have (Imago t otherwise. and a. a testi
mony of expertenceismore reliable Mien any hypo
. tweeted authority, I eta eaahled to declare end to
prove that Pulmonary Consumption can be cured, tried
that It has bein'eured in very in my tu.tannes, and
that even when It hag advanced to come of its l ea n
stag, e, one of the Bret Imile.tions of cure is 10
strengthen the system, end thie rely le done by the
means pointed out abuse. For that debliity which
Markethe ttommeneemout of the institute my lictawma
.Tonic and ahighly nutritbatua diet are the beet roe
motile,. Whin the system is strengtheued, and the
dig. alive organs' are restored to their healthful tone s
the most alarming symptoms will sometimeadisep
pear, But should it prove- otherwise, cad if appear%
ancetiMake it evident that thelungs are - beginning to
decay, my Pub:noun Syrup will arrest the progress of
the diernae, sometime. almost immediatelywhen the
eh - Cum/limps, ore tuvombte, and sometime• when the'
ease, by ueg:eet or delay has become aim at hopeless,
and quite coin itietwahn alUllef physicians generally,
The Sty rim premolee expeztoiatlon. awl alms enabled
the system to throw oil the disease. No one manic'
that when the patient cannot Ws:Marge the mortal
matter by expectoration death speedily ensues, Tie
Syrup, by keeping the phlegm 100 , 50, enables tie
patient to rein "ft easily, and the diseased Mostar
abide obstructs the lungs Is removed, the ulceratbn
i s healed, arad the sufferer te gradually restored to
Eratence of the curability of Puimentry Cons-tamp
we' be found la the pamphlet gratuitously U.S.
tributen from my office, where lite certificates of
many rotiectable persons maybe seen, allowing that
many havoaeua cured of this disease le its various
terms and CON, is AULT.. The 'meat luveatigatiou Is
solicited. I hats many patients in the prlneipat cr u et
of the United States, mad I stye them my penman'
attention, traveling from one city to =Other for that
Do. J. IL B CIIINCKW . Iit to at Da. r EYSEIL'B,
No. 140 Wood street, httsburgli, on TNIIRoDAY
and FRIDAY, lila, 7111 and Bth. -
Du. J. 11. RODI;IXDK. ' 4 lll be at Do. liIISER'B;
No. 140 Wood stieet, Plttreinrgh, on THURSDAY'
and FRIDAY, liday 7th and Mb.
Da. J. 11. hCHENUK will beat Da. KEYSER'S.
No. /40 Wood street, Pitt.bargti, on TLICIERDLY
and FRIDAY, 31077th and Bitt.
Da. J. 11. SCHENCK will be at Da. KEYSEEIB,
No. 140 Wool strait, Pittsburgh, ou truultypty
and FRIDAY, 31oy 7th and Bth.
Idle long practice-, added to bhp thorough
edge, and the porfecttiess of tho Mount:omit 011th
he makes ma of lu the examination of tho lunge a.
able, him to detect tho slightest symptoms of Mama.:
N. D—lntinllds who with to contutt.bhn any
daring his visit shouid cut this notion out for latia
• ,
MR POLL° witiG
Wnll ktown in their roep. , ativ cAuelnUkmi`
r.LTIMGEC, March 4, 1263.
• Dr. J. IT. em Indeed " to make lola
'statement public in Just ca to you, nit's& f. and &suf.)
firing community. some time during the early part
of last fall I contracted a serer° cold, which resulted
in a bornorrhare or bleeding from the lunge; thi. oc
curred °a the 31st day of (ctobor, 18nr. I was ire
mediate!) put under medical treatment, end the
usual remedies preecriled for me without effect. On
the 13th of November I was induced by the porta:s
alon of some of my relati,es and mends to app'y to
you, embank your ()pinion AI to whether you thought
you could Cure me On my Interview with y on, you
examined my lunge with your hespircmoter, and
ors-nolinced me curable, although on, of my lungs
was slightly affected. You Imw dlately proscribed
your b TAU?, e/fs Wa.cir On/ • I
an/ 111.4.11t 4 1t4ing PILLS. Ten, however, told me;
the hemorrhages would continue fur tome lime, which
I found to be, this case, for I had then nt inter-Ole
until the 21.67' DA VOF DEOE w hen they
entirely mwed. Sometimes during the w.ret stage
of my sickneas I have had as many as three hemor
rhages a day. lamat t bie thno heart br, and heavier
in weight, than I have been (or sinus years ; and
bare not had a symptom of homorrlisg s since the'
Mot' Day Oh' ualle:LElßEtt. My friend. are all
surprised at my w.nrierful reoc , cry, for wonderful it
has been: I would recommend till who refer [tom
sough, Cold, threatened Consumption, Bleeding of
he Least, or any pulmonary annmaint, to call .end
DR. J. H. et/RENCK; at hie rooms, o•er SETH
& NOE's Dreg Store, 103 Baltimore striet, and
'they are eituated where they cannot call on him, to
and get tie medicines, and ueo them accor log
thedlrectlons. rogioctieg to nail:Moo above,
ac eused about Weise bottles of pu. BoffErtows
EDli.a NES up to the present time.
(Signed,) Devoe' LESOILtrIT.
No. oil la tD D hE STREET, Baltimore, Md., and Fore
man of the Boiler Shop, Bolton Depot, borthorn I
Central Railroad.
lifitayakseuno, Rings county, :N. Y.,
February 28, 18GL
. 1
This Is to pet tify that about eight pare ago I con.
treated a very severe cold, which seemed to prey on
my system from year to year, until shout the let of
October,lB62, when by over.exertion my oats= gave
way, and at last I was thrown into almost the lowest
stage of consumption, connected with a bog and se
vere cough, accompanied wi h severe pains in my
back, shies, br set end °Wielders, night sweats sore
nem of and a burning of nor feet. tetras with
much difficulty that I could bed at all or in any
position. By this time I was fully convinced that I
was fast approaching the death-dour of consumption.
My cough and expectoration were very severe; they
would often last from one hour to two and a-half
hears at a time. The quantity discharged was lade
scribabla. Not belnggible to sit to see Dr. Schenck
at his rooms in Band onset, N. Y., I•etrat him mid
that I was fast tatting into the enemy's hands. Be'
replied that I must bo brought over to see him the
'first opportunity, which was done ins few weeks, at
- the same time was tiling his Syrup and Pills, having
knowledge of and all confidence in the cures• that Dr.
, Schenck had.nawle. Altai hearing from him / went
at it la earnest, and was coon able to call on the'Doc
tor Be above stated. fly appetite had completely left
,:me. behenekordered•ble 8 nweed 'Tonto; and in
La few dayirl was astonlihed ita effects. When I
nailed on the Doctor at his rooms he examined ma
crith hit Reepirometer, to know the true character of
my comp mint. Tofila greet astonishment:be toned'
that I was to the posseesion of that great monster,
the consumption, my loft !nog being almost devour- d
and the right co nsiderably out of order. I was nd'w
in possession stall hie valuable medicinal, and I,weet
in tor!sdeath or victory.'' T will tern state,
like hundreds before me,' eall-d on aortae practical
physician,and had prescribed some bins mass or nap. 1
the, whic h la the general, prescription, it would have
had the &geed effect, in m 7 opinion, of hurrying on
my disease; and eventeally death would have claimed
the victory. But on the contrary, by the hand Of
Providence and Dr. .Schenckl• 'valuable medicine I ,
am ' , teetered. to-health ; and by his medicine Dr.
Schenck :MI been able to claim the great victory.- I
will now describe the effects of the medicine. After
I had taken-all his medicines my bough a:both:mad,
and the discharge was enormous, with an overflow of
matter, , mucous and- blood, for nearly two months
before .I could make up my mind that the medicine
was going to cure - Anent the let - of "Jar:Lusty;
1243, I had an extra discharge of clotted blood
and mintter a it full pint at a time. This email:mod for
Several (106,3"nm:139W again surprised to find that
I had dlschargeda large quantity of blood through
sbe night, which -Mint:lamed for four _days and
nights, :which,-I meet. Cenci's, edarnlnd me very
tauoh.The first - opportunity I called on Dr; fielietick
for inibrmetlen in relation to tlie above. The Doctor,
to my great astonishment.,rbiolced at my Intelllgente
ve itayinetbat jilts the very hit thing that -could
hpened with me. When 'doodled lft
it woul dbe 'applied with 'a better the
matotial, whic e h,
to my great satisfaction I found to be true. .Lanit
now so far recovered alto to able to Ile down and get
a good night's sleep, have increased about twelve
pounds In flesh and still gaining, and ,an walk miles
without feeling inuch fathrna. •
:" • I would - ad-die - all those who have the' least Idea of
their lungs dr liver being affected, or suffering from•
before h ey
to go to Dshenck. and be examined
before they are thrown into conenmption, and per
take °it'll xi/WOO medicines, and not pnt, of an.
til it is imitate; forthen the dictor may have to tell
Yon that you should -hays eelledAmoner, and while ' ,
you Were in pomanders of one good long, then he
could have confidence it making &perfect core. Do
not bo like hundreds before 'you.•...w.ft until daub
hag the Pos•milloormo, tlillti-neither Dr. ;#3:lieurek
ear any other doctor can cure you. I reside at No
292 fourth etyget, - between North Eighth and Ninth
eloreetsol , filibtmslittrg,N. r 4 whin I shall be pleased]
to foe aad Boa ttftaelvithlin On" Indfoting ttOgt Ailte
"• ' .
icinnoted•wittiN.-41. Mitthem, and know hlm g
bare been &tined as he& arse In bleoentileste: Ws
edge know that be used Dr. Schetick's meul t ielturs.end.
hare 'entry rasion to believe thet 4.4 thb medial:ll.Na
own' the'presonetion of hit heath r,
Alvan Detente, Ito. 210'Fourth at. '
Normal Gilchrist, corner of Fourth and North ate.•
IL' 0: Boswell, 194 G rin dt., druggist:
. _Money Bo well, 12 at., druggin. •
RC 'Phillips, 109 Fourth et.
Jobn o.'Brand, cannot Fourth and North ids.
Cletuens &hobbit, 112. North Ninth at.
ems O cmtnan, center of North Ninth ace'
. 1 011110. 'EMT. 214 fourth st., engineer.
_ e
Pastor of the Enloe Minion and First Independent'
Methodist Church of Boetone •
Bares, Man., Dec. 2, 1802.
De. J. A. SCherifi :
13(1.4 tool It my duly., for the sake of the Cele and
factssuffering of tituaanity„ to relate to you the follotring
WogsGait nay I Pal ititacked with hemorrhage' of lb&
and bled protumly, and sot ending the proper
remedy, still agabil,bled in one month alter, and
'tame weaker than before.. Then ,Dfulty comm °Lind.
eet the denser, and cast; abhut me for •au zegle from
tbeiltopiodierAneni - -
HOU/0y .nepticil and tenth' of being duped,
harvieVveterate abhor/nee of 'suspicion, I was
slaw tpand with regard to years:tactician I
m iiNioto a fault. Not until lbe living
Wiittesllea , enet ism:need, with full breathing, stood bebteeni, would I be perna • Not
aatil the edlosciouginta was pa:chased a
nd s o
to my room and forced use., Ine .11131ild try IL Two
tit parishioueri infonaut •ey:, at their wonderful
recovery ; .oulthad taken 111418t4+41 bottles of the Pal.
coonetedyrnp for bleed in g orghe wage and was com
pletely cured. The other wee l'Pe'ese who wu 'on
, the 'Fergie( death for more Mann yes., bip e di fia .-,
every little excitement and deepatritig
sheen 11 found relief in your Sy ru p be.
tore me app.reatly in the very bloom of health, via,
bridlan , florid countenance end portly bliatieg--gba
feet person I should- bare suspected of liatinvem,
been'uoder the pale sheet'of New England's tell An.
She looked to yen as the mighty deliverer front its.
scourge, and in your Syrup 112 a panacea from the
comp sink She wels a member of my church, end ;
felt as intend for me recovery; and though siel
gain°, and even entinniaatie, as she had a right to
be, bemuse she bonen
truth heeded, yet these ;
rand the intim. vi.llee before me. Could I ;
doubt tier word? Could I refuse a remedy so mild,
eo palatebie, and yet so edicaclotts I , No. Lite was •
toe precionl. too precarious, to deny a moment. I!
took six bott i les of the Syrup, and recovering rapidly,
went lido the country fur theme/ouch' for 'he Donee.
et of the ale. But, alas, the air could not berustit me
without the medicine. I went without that, and, •
after bieedlog again, I resolved to come hick. I was
much fatigued on arriving to Boston, acid bled the •
ism, :debt. •
My case wits again critical, Immediately I applied
for the Syrup, and .00u began tepidly to improeeaud :
(scorer what I had lost. lam mill under treaunent,
bat have roan, I never weighed eomccb
as I do now. I never looked so fall in tbecheek, aud,
exceptibg a nertoua weakness, about the cheat and a
(toque. t eructation of wind, I em quite strong.
These, hornier, are receding before the Mandrake
Pills and Seaweed Tonle. I have taken them. bat a
tow days, tint hen found groat relief. &exordia:lg to
present appearances I "hall berabte to preach again'
very loon, and coke outer this sickness stronger than
ever I was e , foroi
7 AI/ our eallleg9 are similar In striving to relieve
the Ills of life—yon far the Indy, I for the spirit; you
for the sick, and I in preasbing to the poor—l feel it
my duty to lay berme the world my testimony to
favor of your PulMoile Syrup. Yours,
intnit MORGAN.
I Pastor of the ITaion Elation and First Independent
glethodlet Cborch of Boston.
LODGE 081. 0. OF 0. P;
• John C. Green, of tin rillayo of new, in the
city and comity of Phitedilp his, do hereby certify to
the following facts:—Tbe early last fall I toot a
violent cold, which eettlei on my lunge, and I had
;hills alternately with fora, ain fa my right side,
trout and 'boulder blede with a distressing cough
Lod no expectoration. I bpt getting . worse taut! /
aok my bed, my appetite, vas gone, my bowels very
Prregtiler, fever and night sweets, att-hded with
tresab gcough, which we vary tight, my flesh bad
o l ar!, kOOO, and / was '<tweak. that I could scarce.
y nano my bead from the pllovr, and was truly an'
deject of pity to behold. My friends had , been sent.
Or to see me die, end my del bed was by
ow and sytoputhirlog nolgibor-, who had come to
!items my departure from Mils world.
Whack all rays of hope f.d of my recovery, Dr.
{aural proposed to try SOILENOK'S PULMONIC
ITRUP, wiih a view of locreettiog my cough and re.
fierlog me of the tough phlegm, and as a means of
affording temporary relief, remarking at the .eareie
time '•that I was too tar gouo for the Syrup to bo of
any permanent' beoefit." My wife, anxious for tbe
relief of toy int - n .• Ncifrering, ptocared acne of the
•Puirnonic Syrup. I folud It afforded me bile. and
continued ttofog G. • told trot Reheating hdineuco
upon my lunge.
Dr Scher ca was seat foe, . Ho came and examined
IDy lublis with his ws Pirotuatte. He found one lung
nearly goo., bet the other wassaand. Be said he
could gonerally curo when one la was diseased. I
.40 tummike -think that GI bash
Dr. tichenck's Modicinos I coati! its hate live ano -
or week Sometimes my breath appeared altnortgena.
X continued to improve under its use, and my friends
were much grarg e d to wrinein my unexpected Im
provement; many of my neighbors came to took at mo
ea one rased troulthe dead.
My cough now became loose, and I fait gradual)
a break where'll/id the polo In toy breast, and dia.
cli•eged large quenities •of yellow matter. rhave
'for weeks dlanholt'd end robed _evil-box fall of
matter .very- del, WO hard. lumps, Dim grant of
rurtaraill'"tiltel". sZeticru3°ltTproutclatjai
d merely refrain. fromett i Ze.4•:! much. My
bengal Improved, end I rep .tnYiftwava
fel LOW as well as Inver did to• my lite, and can .40 -
ej Much' work. Imam:4min or go uri -stairs as fast.
atl need to, for one Rung is parbelly gone and con- i
'acted; bat !tennis to me RV a man that has lost
auoye ; the other Is atrooger. I feel now as though,
orlon Ime perm with' bad - coo gh, or look as
thneh they had consomytlon. Nut I mast go to
toca and welt .de them to go at once to Dr. Schenck
ant. got examined, ha perhaps they were like me,.
.ruiditunt one good lung, and can be cared. lem this •
lint,a teellintuy of the gre.t efficacy . of
Schack'. Pulmoubt Syrup. For fear those that
roadtlals may tblokie I did, that all, certiflest,e
wen:made op to dec to tiro poor aMicted, I subjoin
the ordnance or my Myslcise, and also a Dumber of i
welkuoirn ichabitanald Toomey who saw me ar i
diff.ent times dtulogtoy dblearie. and Dover exPeCts
oil tome me restored. I also append the certificate
of rho brothete of Myatt Lodge, No. 270, 1.0, of 01.•
•I f Who kindly wetohei over me, and lolly believed:
.rho) would consign rry .remains to the tomb.; Inn
:balks to Dr, ficheock for his Invalusbi. ,- Polmonic
np, my life boa best 4Peredeaiwt -n n P ermituA
to oak* the foregolig sietseet for the benefit of
sul/riot mankind. - /Maldost.Tacony, and .m well
kOOOCI y mint or-'he people there, and will be 'reti
tled a h o se nay pram% call upon• me and leans more
.);,,tealir e o r I to great vinare of thin medicine.
JOHN O. Gansu.
Th 4 subscribe:a, members of the Mystic Lodge,
ib, 0, 1.0. of 0. S., of Holmeiburg, P.n.s., do
lured certify Mat we know John C. Green. (who Is
a umber In good staedlog in Lodgo No. 270, L. 0. of
O. F.lwas dougerousl) ill with a low pulmonary cen
loutplon lost winter, so that they -gore him up .to
llat be L uow 1411) rattor.d to perfect health,
sal NO believe his recovery was produced by
We b i ller. the certificate Is correct La every par.
dealer. . "Molar Nur,
ALFSLD /1020/1110.1, P. G.,
• AlltAClAll Aarncn , P. G.,
J. U. Osumi, N. 0.,
Jamva Entssmonk,
Jams Wart/1110N. is.,
Jassa 0. datvr.a.
ybn undneeigned, !seldom! o f Tecony, eight miles
, stove Philadelp la, braved] acquainted with John
: (), Green acid the circumstances attending his case,
feel impelled with a deep sense of imperative duty to
nuke universally k town to the public hie entire re
c.:eery from the ler: la t stages of Putcoonary Con.
sociption.- So entirily helpless was has condition—
haling been but a Viet period since la that rapidly
slating and et:mast:4 state—as to utterly preclude,
in ibis opinion of lie physician and friends, who
watched by his bedide, all hopes of even a temporary
romeery and reatorsion to his present robust health.
Thus the car. fat use of your Invaluable epocillo, the
Petitionary eyrup, mikes it, in our belief. under the
• chrome maces of hisprevious prostrate, not to say dy
ing condition 000 o' the most startling results that I
the whole anrulto ofriedlrol silence can pro
ace. It deserves p be imperishably recordol•to
rut- credit, andsocde to you—the greatest discoverer:
ofan lofallibie curator this hitherto reniedlless dts
eate—a lasting motiment, and a world-wide misfit
the in the beallagen. that no time may either di
mnitsh or des any Having witnessed Hr. Green's •
dluteosing etragglelnd searing from a continual
megb, suparadded o the ether symptoms consequent
open or attendteg bo last stage of a pulmonary &s
-eam; and, mortars, It being so -generally balloted
by hlrnanttrotut fiends that co human power could
:client or protract its life, much lees restore Dim back
agibn to his lorrnerbeeittt, stalest lt thus our duty to
give our unqualinet teetlmooy of Mr. Green's perfect .
recovery ti,tos• Las the's:always am of your wonder
folpyrap ; sad we /could lodged rejoice It we could
be blade the tuunbk imurnments of relief and cure to
others who may b* unfortunate as to be similarly
Darn) Corium,
'Jun. Dtrunw,
Junfoe of the feu..
- 08,uuse Maur,
Captiila of dteamboat Trenton.
imam .1.1F40.
Wahl of Bcdunboat V4ahlogton.
Jogll.lll UL D, Jo.,
Bomar tams.
of Wiablogton House, Tawny,.
Joan BLooitsrusti
of Bucks county, Pa.
• •
GREAT 01182 IP )411 A N y llE i BICIMP. OP Rail.
%Da. Bo assrus Dear Sir—Prompted by Wilms of
benevolsuce, an t hoping that others toityrsadwitka
same. batted; Mut hits, try the blessing of Qed, boon
cozdarned upon tut, I make the follawlng atatament:
About the Istot last march, I took scold that set.
thd In my back causing muck iliZialleS4 and about
the tat of April T took another cold that settled '.in
nly lungs, and on an attack of plearby.
piaciMay sett:lid:lntim upper part of-my
chii g• /hag.
and formed at shims that, after mach runts
to about two months, when . I .die twerie
hoary, about a pint of matter.- At this Dam had
almost a constant fever, with very •labgh: mile, and
freqaecut - chills& a Irerf i ci IbrasSilitat 'dUsbansd
large quantities at a t mucou s 'nuance,
I; was advised by Dr.-Cr -- aa old phystdon of Bah
vor. ta.try.Wianktll:;r3UnxiXolo:SyruP t , Ile ha
o V it iPa ga 4 et surfesS_ r.:1,4445
om aced !t drirtZionasP;i4
slider laver , taking
of say ribs, la say longs,
Nut Se Immo. - 714
- •
f .,_ , , .
~~_, .
• •
1 tol
E tiltit l iAl it t itn na
put t 7.3d
tb ::.
mach bend f. v• by phynelani on , 67.4.
14440 I a:Lydell/pa effected a good Illeali'ne.
UMW 'slot-Worse ati4he tfteid,octi,r•
to News is sod hate taPdbrest.thor by.
I acordi igly w e in. and was ; borough y•
-he. Sm I .% attd-.Doushorty.'whO,.aftgo
e tam lust IM, , fold me there seers-e'nd'
1 the ahmesa wail& rimmed to bobcat...,
them whet their. thought of. my -11Nepeti..
Well, they mid.when the leicersto-•
i strength eat not to'tooCkf islaimi'
possibly throw . o ff .the.dlioasetand Ft
(Thity•prrectibed'illifitille said eqiiLlis,
bad bthn tehlog,logetiter vitt:Some:
I did not try.) Ufa was about tbs. first t
(at this time taken four bailee 0 f tyrup.,;..,.... 4 ,
I still continued to get VA*); anis•effer tablet iii.,
' teottlM, and Boditig that I got no betterrlonehkd,
it was doing mo a o good, and / might tie ' erriestrip .
tabling it; wbea I sorsa began.' to get worse fasterthan
over. The Aver tacreumed,-ttlgti ate cane on,tel
, *duet got 'tight, my kat end c
ankiisi swellede my
tarots oicetated, nod the pain in My side Incredsed•
and I gave up ail expectation of heinge-07 raj,',
ter in this world. • - After 'taking no. Syrup tor Pam.
week,. and when I ass so wealtit was lath 41119cM,.
I could ge t up when I wee sitting down, to see If I could
get any relief frum the pain I suffered.and wit* no
! expo:knee ofpttinglK4*/,tageja contininted Wlllt,
I tbo Syrup , wheal soon maimed my appetite, mut hy
tbo time i had' taken two bottles, zny cough srot•
tree* and / nisei freely; the Meets Impala 'bream
and the air paws," mo r e reel ate
;halting,. and I
began to fest better. `And %tett Waled what wohld he.
the effect, I oak no Bprop fore week, when my ap,
petite 4014 left too; and I began , forget wareaapilar
Ithullug that ft elf the Syrup that helped me, I h3ok
It id earnest, and soon began to get better. ~ Tito pl.
cars kept - brealtfee, Onti,a ft er anothar,thititaammil
had dbiebalvd. X could feel Abe air -pie'
Inio Jibe laage. and with.: less . pain. :2tiey_
tare new Ufa to am, sod. =trail to the expectattoo
of every ode, I began tkl got: be
Tory. fag, I
never desponded Cr gaeo up, but Mo., ali the camel.
my strength would 'Wow; exaLln aboat lolly dor
from September I gained mtenty-Omponnds of awn;
my throat, that had be. Ulcerated mimed be tter , ,“tide am ot
Ltd i would raise from in, littageffirter tote- •
' with bloOd; until It gradually topped. - /Mar
4iehisedghtoeta bottles Itepearyd trtbenWsarg_Well
het u nfortuuMely bating c‘rld-,TernessigitetdA;Cotit
damps.tjaV until/ bad taken tevent7-4 fetirellfee.' •
fekbe e present CleCie. Mr tei /X l ifOntiail i •
nsaled:ilk There appears to lea part, of oty eight
my eight breast Lai shrank la or ato
51:1111Iff thalitto. bak I not” well at . the - p;ment
1 tlni ° l e ' 4614 4 -letit. am as atria:lg,/ Wank.
'adrhe all who Una& told or cone, or di-wed lunge,
to not neglect the hu pmcme echencleePlllMOUlo
hYruP, etldgiTe it aWA trial. Da not clitoaurgad Jr.
like mO, you take 41.61carthe -without - waist ; lot ti •
may be the Wane elevate/ran will soon breat.
i / beneto °Us bottle-Wu VlZsgi'• ea ordinary with cr.
cough, having known L ad ooh so be ta ono
bottle. . Dr. SchenckPermtud to me,
bat I shall always • feel a urea,' • pul tto t o to hi m , iur
it Is with the blowing of 430142 c itabsav kw 8
•t am now •live. g: 1- At tim ir,,, ru . P
N. 11:—I maid procure any ntunber ago
spectable citizen, who would sztbstsnttspee iu m i .,,;
- . , - , m , r d
of toy abatement, but Wallet r eptitatltuttagr Tv
Craig, ono of our oldest physicians, would itnt ,it
1, the undersigned, resident of Itchway7kA
hereby rectify that I sai wells cquainted with ii6Aeif
E. Mundy; that/ liequently elated , him during km
bloom bat litlinnlet;aoLl believe him to bare been id
the last stages of conmaiptirm, and Inc w,bis ,tats. meat to bo true. - -..- DAVID B. thaiio,l/, D. i
Whose photograph lateness may be seen at Dr. Rey .
sex's, No. Ito, Wood street, both before and alter its
was cured by Dr.lichenek's medicines: • • -
_ I sailed on Dr. Schenck, loam tint. ago, In 0120 oi
blivilits to Pittabergit, at the Mho. of Dr. Keyser;
bio. 140 Wood street. lie as examining patteuts
with tang disease. One of d soy langs. and tbe Mon.
ebbe! tuba were found to be badly. diseased. ;Often•
time when I coughed I expectorated blood aIIII te r
In large quantities. I had t fight sweats and Bmat great
cough, and was greatly debilitated. Ikhene/tz
preacnbed for me his rrYoutoxio grass," ..Bsawsan
Ta3lo" and .'ilaaineagE PILLS,” and . after : faking
them one month I have so far recovered that ..L.Ce
not spit any more blood or matter, and the aught*
nearly. left me. I live In Columbiana county, Unity . .
to ensb tp, °Olt), whore / sat wall .knowa. 'You zany
publish this If you wish. • Meant( Soon.
Plttaburgh, Amuse 23,:1960. • . • , -- ,
N. B. — Since - We above was written, Arr. I. bat
entirely recovered, and conrizetes well, haring regain.
ed We usual bealth.
I, Watt in W. A LuxaXnelt, residing, on Ann at.,
Allegheny city, do bereby.certify. that'/ hove been a
sufferer from severe cough and pain Lillie breast for
about eight years. During tho whole of this time: /
have had general debility and depression of spiriti.
I tried every nostrum' I conLi hear 'of, but nothing
took hold of my disease. / heard of Dr. &bench's
S“Poutouto Stour ..! but knowing .no one Pereonedly
at 11 Lad caredA bad no confidence io,- it . In
APril,lB69, I took a Rivera coldiaccompaale4:lllll6 a
violent congbi . dielettity of reiptratfon, and night
Ages . ti. which so prostrated. me that Iwat c..tillood
to my room fortwo months. - •
Soveral of my friEnds who called to gee me, spoke
In very high prate of it. as tbeyknow what It had
done. lily prostrated condition diecomued mo con.
siderably, and I made op my - mind to waste no more
tuoneyt..m doctors or modicine, bet would lake the
chances, live or did, es! had teen's; lon, licks hat I
I telt completely dimouraged. However; after readiesg
several adTerthamonta to the Pittsburgh' Di.paoh, I
felt tbdueod to give. Dr. Schenk's , medicines a fair.
trial, and now, sear g.tso pare oftow.des, - .1 am in
VtaClgood healtb,
.. 2 kligte d gn ooe euggF_wOrth of. •r .
T 1........ . . -
'es =de a perfect Cure of toe.- I am ug
wwell tuna:and
Ise Otte my good health and vigor of constituthat
en to. Dr. tschenck's aitdkino. I tujoy-better
health kids!, ?Oft
. 4th, 1801; than iI .ette'dong fur
twtyn,yydare past. If perttonaktieirtlitivaluWof•Dre
SObenck's inestimable remedies, they would not heel
-. II on him In bla visits to this place. I feel
Ilite . r •very prams to cell Ma MIK itel hare
the ottnOst co • coo in lawns. dichuts. %day pereon
wishing to know ',. , chi 113 hero elated can call on
me at my place o f `• " ' at Wm. M. Faber's Ilk
chinisk ID this city] chit- - - . deuce, Anwitpteste
Allegheny city. ' "-
Dr Schenck will be at Dr. .• e •
street, on Thu:reds; end irrid:watts.rti "' • 0 w
—4lc....B.—Luvalide who wish - to consult hlta ~ ' ..
dartnOttweeeteetwold- cut this notice out for fat • •
retinenco. •
His loog practice, siklod to . "•• • •
ledge, end toe perfectness of the instrtuneet w hi c h
'be makes use of i p tbeexamlaetion of the lungs, en-.
tables him to detect the slignicst Imptoms of dleesso.
• Price of thstesweed Tottie-41, per 'bottle, es tdr,
bottles for JAS.
Prise a the Bfandreke Pills-15 cents per boi.
The pills trid be sent by mall, by enclosing SO cent*
postage ciliTenCy for a box
, Sold by DEL 050. U . 8,14103.E8, yo. 140 Wood at.
ap2o: ids It w
mosEir ItrAtei
. m= _ .
The following are the buying and Belling rates
for Gold. 811va. go.: '
liming Selling
GoI dVOX 00
Silver 136 00
Demand 1(8 00
38111 PSIMIgikil.!!"Y
NOW YOrk.......«••«••••••••••••«••••••
• par -
Wegterzi EzektuNip p , .
Cleveland .« per
St. Lodi!. •••••••••••••••.••••••••• • Mr ' •
Allegheny City, May Id.
The market during the week wee not very ac
tive. Thesalea that come under our notice will
be found below.
Hogs—The highest rates were 434 t? ID; the
owest 40.
Cattle—The lowest rate 3 wore, 4 i tibibeft4i
II lb.
SheeP—The demand hes alien off. • Memoir
'ago,rates werro $7,7513 head.
The receipts at the' Morsran House Yard wet*:
Last week. 'Mime&
Hogs__ ..... ..... 1,70 2.0 Z
Cattle • 1,349 100
Sheep ............ -..... ... ... -- MG . 364
Horses —.. ...... ..... .83. - . . 15
Castle:Theripaly during the wellimited.
Toe general disposition among operations was to
ship east. The conseqoenee was a . large amount
went forward. The offerings this week shows
large falling off from the,previons one: '. ...-
among the ewes we notijee as follows;
Beans & England sold2o bead at st, this last
lot were light. weighing about 0 00Pounda.'„theY
..e to light for government use, as their average
Weight mud reach 1.150 ppunds. The same firm
Purchased 150 head of heavy weights that were
sent Batt fee the_tue of the govern sot s di e kthe ever
age rebilratecraturei from 4.W,'.5; . ',..-. 61
lifr; - Verner sold 63 head at, tat- ''' aid
head at $5 85 per . cwt .; Di Sieber sold IS heidat
$47 per bead ' -• . , - , . ...
toga—The offerings were notleasiwthe season
bob:later advanced, prices averaged about the
same as last weakkaiftv lots of choice wore. gent
East. L Patton Buhl 65 head at $4 20 per. owt.;
0 W Montgomery sold 86 bead att./ ,20_per Cwt.
0 Strata stddfthead at &inert:octal_ d• T' Porsgt h
sold 30 head at f 35 per pound;. , s 'fair. choice :1 •
were sent East. , ~ 4-
sheep—The 0W410'1'436 . light ,' prloovffaw
ever were lower, the demand 81:40311 to h fall•zi
off. Vic Paxton, of Washinstos man • sold 304
head at $7 75per head; other attics ere made at
the same rangeC/ Pikes. ' ' - -- ' '' .
VistU`'erbilaaelytua ; -liarkedk
The arrivals and sales, ofteef cattle at Phillips
Avenue Drove. Yard .robtt , shoat 944 head this
week. 'There's a Iroodsjamandpd prices nave ad
rimed folly 250 Pis - 106, ranging at from $l2 504 S
li for. Western sad'Diasnolvania steerat U EIX3a2
fOr fair to2sood; and 24 4 10 50 for to
quality. woe market opened this ta fi ltnuur with
More activity than we have noticed f r some time
Past, and-all the stook- on -sale sold solo at o ur
+WO Sori008„
Como and Calves
Me arrivals and sales of cows At...Phillips' AY;
cute Drove Yazd re moderatethistveng
about to head ' /Ening at Slam ta Z p eet . t
ar s, sads2sC(4o l ll head far cow -, - qualitt. - Old lean COWS 141. , 5e
, Iling from -
-0 1 0/0- Ror titoO4Oo to gootit!,r-7.1i- ----: - ' ',
- 111 14 01to ] 1 O''' ; '';'-'.: -: : -'t
lEeuzzi' vats iusinalea ofailtedllll* 4 -
anne,Drovalrard, reach lil a c Isla
ri l.
active- demasul. and. - 402sii* utIAO
namtrae lest quoted:. ___ *t - 1111101,11 Wee
for woolshissiband ogee , aipigysieszOnts
conaltionsavolitri-- ~.----• - ----'
Np 2400. 6Go - 1ter4911:4 88° t 11141-41":11W
... 500.0.4 •-- ' ' Ibus .. • I ‘ , -
" 600 0 4 ...,' -"- ,"_ lOW 45 4 '-''" "• •
•" 700 0.48 . ....! 7 .... '. : ' • L ..,_ ' ,..,
Carpet Chats 0 0 4ftit# kJ:.
-*wen*. Wu ~ ..". -.
I .466.44.4..4.4, tc: - • "k.
i .
otton Tyine. MMwr . ....4.........'.....,. , , .....:::
• Ratline: C0n201012....—...,... tOpr -
...1 .
Emile sheetinkiWo.perrai_ .
Idagara do 114ra rot. per rat& ' '
u 3 inikliga ir
flur r tl o - pg r alli t. ISO Tor . - chalize ity " ,
t... •
~ . . . . ,
.... .
'being limited to ainaltititsto trieerkoltr i li;r 2 ilf. :•::
'the ineal-trisle. • Top hook, in Int bands; 4,, rot -
.laroo, but - the denuind , Vino limited. Tho rotas, -.-.
aurrentliomltora we:ails - follows :, Extro..i6 204: - •
,13 25: ../italtaniil2l47s-797 20. Inferior bnintla •
aold at a varletrot pFio,al4-1460 kb. littothatratkf t ;••
tame nrirata. : • I .' ': r - - 7.`•- •• •; ~ ~..,- •",
Irishdo nliif lA ite-dzd
.co 4 , ia
4. sate;
r o 24l t 2 bb t iaWla o l:o4o 7 ;l aia
3di:110,7:W: 51 bbla liallfaxklitnino , fC4-ti•riAt
V Flah , t l UM 6 2 3 : - _-.• - •—: . a- , -. , •'-- . •. •-•'
Buierib* demandwarfair.w . itkplireder t riaiwatf: -,
95eral. - .Not - wads offering. i
Grocartms... The ra e rke 4llll „*ltlhatteciwalf -• '
firm : the rates were is follortb- ' . • •
-Eiales of , 26 , rands% firleisig4t ,, l2 l 4:o I v...
20 bbds Porto Rico, 11J‘012e r2 , :bb'e , einsidei - - -
lea, k2O masa Cst*Aaslio: .725 lags Coffee
1 4 roiniicic1 6 --7- lortlibbw.)Ortifiiir, Il6OlOkk , , ..,_ - , •. 4 .
tkrifee-bales 50 bap Rio at 33.1f t epeo. - •••• -,..: - • ~..:1
1 i isyruponspi of illal/ l itair)c47Ato .
,-_-- ries - stagoe was to. tit , • ,-"-)
ickilo". Rile se 2E14 ker , Bisetingsls.o:-.._. 4:-rt.
Har - artuk receipt s ,00stians,verg 4 4 04 sad " - = - 3-"i
prices nave further advaaglidtQW..:' - --"-- c g',...,•, , ,
...., Ltuabei bout Memo:deo iliekdkrieblir.r
oloota g E l do iltp tr, ..l-...:4 , 1PV.112.4-
comma . 0 , - "do -, ..-'..1..........4:•-•-• 72
Clem do do ...................--. 2 .....-- 406 4
SawroiligAber _ de? - . :4 ' .4 t0 . . - 4. - f•r••• 01 . 40 7' 4 01 0 '.. '_<•• :•.-
S bl o gies-- -- ----“----•-••••• "•
1 lootatoti4ive law itll . s4 Mucla ilist ' - '
band: from store 4_203125. _,_ . •
___ . di.
' ettvecaof as tiorturat ow: sa:sins
' i rtial - -Tbemarketiff Tisreklisitedilitk XtRa4C . -r•t ,, -, -- --"...•
isierfat IL 75E01 SO. - . - ~•, _ . •.:-" 4 •Sst4
4 sweefera4lingtaikesdesibe w andboff - • - ---.4-- i 34
It at 6 25 egibikaPk9thr - • . 11 ' lt . 2C 9•:" I ale" 4: - "' :' -- ••1 -, ,,; . .",, i
4°=, ,• •i . ; ...._. .•`• ' ,'•• ' - ,;' -_-• ".",- i.•.A
f elfer m ataer" Sid& lir wa....Ar,.. _
~ -,-. s. e:
; Soap- es of at Chorales SC
..,, - --.2:.., T . ....,1
wbi ßliardlo-.. se j a Z prics . e tilitaldi v it s trittv nc Abtio v lt h ilii - • ,- t ,
s ath - r -= w-LaTiPt h h t a i a m n m l y w a a M A mbl. u-
ath .° w'* - n-, .n 4,lyi,- -;_"-, . ' • 4 •
,1: ,-,q
-.2 --,- ..
and weignotessfollowa,tslalteranon, in hexes "-,...f_ i ; ..: - ,4
.2 a .zetai ii % cl aeft t7r`li - lad 10212. $ l -2Wir
a - Oyu aria Orig. forn fartls.l9ele and loiritc..-,..
7- Wbill The /Agana in,el n.i...b‘.4 tl reatlacAAve. ' , ' . ,••.,
ziotteed•last week Su nob bun
note regular mailer lots ranehetlo a - -,
note, at 460k4fa, - ''' , i :
liteCoUlleter d e ,4tekr4i: • - '-
We direct the - attontiO4votiouc:,_r_„esd_ent-=
'to the - card of this - _tfisantiu ano ther S.
unin. - They Manufacture 'lnd goal la , ..
hinds.' of tobwOl ante ittia..eitiagai an d, , . ~.k , ,,,,,4
are at all timo'r,cl/Y PrePir s t.. l6 s ti l n 4- . 14 f---- -.: ::: . 1
stock to most tacwauta 0.• ii.!,,,sb
~ i __, ,:.,:,-_,,
the rwest cash - prices . •'' -- - 9t. , t, - -, •i a -' •`i_ , z,•s'-i
Pon ' e' for a abort lime tC - ectol__7,
_,,,__ • ~._ -
old on rag/ st•t but ,b }: - .1`,,T1Z .
aist4 the legressing. de° 3l 4 l l'. ll - . r •_, .„,
~,- . - , •,, . ;-,7,, , ,, , .:
,-, esa have rented, and: fitted Jl-, ,,, A... - ,„..„-r:f.. - - - $,
, m ,,cionn atom room No. 11:47W00a.:',11v71--.:,-...----'
Where ono of the firm, Mr..9hinf. - .0 . ..pan , -. , ....., : 1 1,. .,._,
y always - be found. - iirceommontl. the - _.,.- .- R , .p-....i
firm to those who use the ~ ,,read.Tfeed,tst taste :l..,
those *ha buY- - to call •liliiibi.:t;,,Tl/6,,....,..5.1, ,-.....::::',:11,,
class particularly will find #: . W ri i - err . l • •-'.- - = . ....:rz-? ,
vantage to call - and examine *.__.( l ly:O , ~,:.. . , ; ~-,-
cod prices lieforepirCbaabli e V t : O O - *• ( '-• .- . • 'O.l
m=Wti.r. **!:-i! ,- 1..At;4;4;.
A - 31 / mi Beigthirblisekat 1 ,, 'ark! .; -- ',•,'"%•40
--- u f Aci te r in a ----- - ae,ttusbest- re ..• - - f' ,- ' . 7: -- ia‘
-r - - ' Mei - gook:
b lis st g et. thra4no,....
tipleigni=6=llllo==ill *** 10141 Pa
: ,
- rows zaw.---- 1,::;: ... . 7, - .., - ..qr: : .
, . L
' . ' .Witir - - r :Z . ...:,- --.-• ,•'' "'' . `-'-‘1
- , -JOSEPH JOMMII Iffir_fit'*'_-_ . •"- : ::-, _ ' •4•ZI
:, • - -- -, tantsurtaisoll•• -7:. ---, •- . , • - ,••••,-.: .... n .
~..:, I.i•t• iraintraJat iniAkik -- 4 - %1.
VlDURllrtillir*Vll . - • - '••••11
- " ••:, -,- f . ' •''. -;ai. --' - •':riT 2 :• - •.:'-"•,',.- ' -- - ;, - ;;'Z,?.•.
•NAtt+VOUßCiglairta4o6l l- 4 1 44 --;:, --_'-:.`l.
atstmalkokstOftiot_ 7 !! , ! T Y 11 e i ! 4, ..,..'.•_, ,-, , , :,..•;,•
-- , - - •‘. .---: Inispiimik. - -.. - ,; ( : : , , :s „..,
, -
-.*SeNt l sl -
.4 azoftismoir ... , f 4 0 .Poll „ 1- 40011 1 - 1
zavigabliorAii- lf,44:lo,lol•Aptisvouglim ..
•ihealtrio i* tits iesAuglatt.tqrtiratirizt.. ol o
ike t DiOD: l i t elai itili:4otes*Pldtbsilai, • . ,
14'1'1 a OlOregilkrati#4l4 girrial44: ../ 11 fiii '... t
andirt NAletinkinrial:l%:4U._. cui•ii4l:3,il `
the totoit ue*oiwkaboatfitiv-: - :. •
" ‘YrAfigy vztoglictoitt. , :zioei -, •
cog 4
efaiirotnd kitlitiltinCtiatigianlthileateil4tiater..:
p 4E mitikaniiiii•ituilsaa a , - ::
AlLteac,treatimuAttimveav :‘,,-s
Pinot 14:11afttoie9444:1i,Uoi. tt;te'reiltl,:n:::
kitiielil teal illiagiokitatt butwooda... - -
-zariodur-fturizew a r atootitgOii#idscbo -- •
Diosonts4;lo ob it a incliorthfoimth*%olifizi •
winla+l to jai%
~,Ilaribl a3D3Utir6-17A , .
be .effeeted, ihie thini law thiver of haldelli l ops ".. ..
that the receipt for solnetfuta'Pait InectiltoKif.
iiinol7 fight:' ti the &stem tilreilAt*stat,r• ',-
has etea4l4 dilltard; soditiitt lir 4trtlf inam,..:!",
ere. There hit* Europfut d ?Vint& lifta • -• • ..-
.04e>*Malay4iWpnee ,:,_ ,
big lattirti, there iiii te:c*Natiaillo4liiii*. t. ' •
Itiepr4loira bu.144,1010,1411104-klacl*
iiimene4counle.o44ettirafp4.". A teig ''' •''
hide& the Voettioi Menalight. 01 '00**111 7
o ,l3temaiti atitrilary, Arm Amit/4,AM 1.75..
miaia - Oiliatelep tire lkinediappimbitia. _ •• - '
Batteri-t l i tiolwyeldelhisa4ol44444l l 4; - -
ieeiti iittraioilikilgthisk:t* ifer44oW
Pre:tent time: thidahliint.emeortmri42"-
Ale.-The tomMirsiiira this :the manatao tow rit4 . '''67 - -
bble hf bhis
___ -1,1 4 11,..' •
X ...:.—.4.11 00 8 .50 I as.....titlitir . o., - 441
Keanot._. 900 x.,•4.60 Porter:if:W:74
Brown Btontabl4oo • •
its • - -0 ,. 1• 0 1. • -..,.
11 rea—Salee of ettly_. lll =7ltan t
Caustic Alkali Oft &nate at e. - -
and Pearls at 1',Q1.4, ~ -f-.,......: ,
Butter—Toe raNOptir less have ineretrieli ,
and priced hire de,/ illid, 'We 110tIS lll.T3lllaftotrlo
at 2 r 422.. Inferior atilt at variotti pH," ea
jiti -,
I,, _coll—Tha lain during' the week,bart lettt
Mk% both for Government and bonze ;m0.'1'1.10;33,
ra undergone no change. Eta e..-of 40,001 eel
i buldera,6o; 23 .000- do aides. 73a80; ai,ooo do
aul 83ic; 5,000 do augur Cured Barrg4
* ISlVlCleNtilit—Lane lake Iwo batu made.
Pntkentiatt carvate team
3 co.'-......?yrwiliptle'telri4t—d7c rmil at
'l"4t-1541 Itilts -V zia lb aY ‘ 0., $3