~ Cy ~~ T~ James P. liarr, Editor & Proprietor. .A.-toik -.- iaim‘ • • :44 FR O . 11 -.Oar r74l?l,Aftir E "OLD 0011 - NTR,Y." lIIHEATEIDESSIGNED, c bring out molgrants Mai:any part.of Asp. land Ireland or Scotland. either by superior fast sailing steamers or firrt. class sailing vessels e at from $5 to $l less theatiekehr clan barn:mewed forat any other officeiniPittaburgln-Clreestbaelmor. out. renown. Address D. O'NEIL, European Agency, Chrcmiolo building Fifth st Pittsburgh. Prij „.",,tahleit3mdeoda.2tir Stedmihip Great-Easterni _,Flo-itNEW YORE 4'o LIVERPOOL r' ,THE STEAMSHIP Great - Eastern. WALTEJi PATON, Oinmnander . . . • NVTLL )31 DIISPATCHF.D . ' ' 'From Liverpool, - From New York, Satardiy, I , April IS, Saturday, May' 9, Tuesday, Tune 2. Tuesday, "June 23. Flithfr CABrN. from • 433 to $135 Each berth, according _to size, situation atd an commodattomof the State Rooms: all having the same privileges, in the - Saloon and.in regard to meals and attendance: Suitoof apartments for families may be engaged, by special - agreement ElltenrsiorMlekets out: and back, in the Let Cabin, Only a fore and a half. Servants accompanying passengers; and chil dren neder twelve yearn of age: half fare. In forms free. ' • , SECOND CABIN ,— State Room berths, meal furnished at separate tables ...... $7 O THIIID C AMlS.—lntermediate State ROOMP, passengers found with beds, bedding, table utensils, and good substantial f00d...—...-$ 5O STEERAGE, with superior acoommo da ions, $3O. Payable in Gold, or its equivalent In 11. S. Currency. - Each passenger allowed Twenty cubic foot of luggage, An-experienced Surgeon on board. For freight& passagouppfini ' CHAR, A. WIEECNEY, .At the Ofttoe. 2s Broadway. HOWLAND k . ASPENWALT 4 Agents. THOMAS RATTIOAN, ' No 122 Atonengslulla House. or to m h2S:tjnl raJpw DIBCOYERy To Strengthen and Improve the Sight. Tag feket-: PEBBLE Russian Spectacles, IEDERSONS SUFFERING FROM DE• fectivegight. arising froin Inge or other cantl es, van be relieved by mint; the Russian Peb ble SPeobleles. which have been well tried by, many rcsponsible•eitisers of Pittsburgh - and vi einity, to whom they have given'perfect satisfac tion. The certificates of these persons can be soon at LW office. ad,— All who purchase one pair of the Russian Pebbleßpaotacles are entitled to be supplied in future free charge with those which will alwaSu give satisfaction. Theratora.ifyot-wish to 'culture an improver • ment in your sight call on J. DIAMONDi Practical Optician, Manufacturer of the Russian Pebble Spectacles. ranlG No. 39 Fifth street. Poet Buildint My placo of business is closed on Saturday AMERICAN WATCHES FOE SOLDIERS American Watches for Amerioans CAN WATCH COMPANY gives naive that they have lately issued a now style of Watch, expressly designed for Sol diers and others who desire a good watch at a mod erate price. These watchei are intended to dis place the worthless, cheap watches of Briti. h a ad Swiss Manufacture with which the country is flooded. - an&which Were never expected to rein) time when they were made, being refused max xt factures sent to thiecountry because unsalable at home and used here only for tockeying and stsind- Zing Purpese.' - - We offer to sell our watch, which is of the most substantial material, an accurate and &trails timekeeper . , and in Sterling Silver casts. Funting Pattern, at es low a pries axis asked for the bus h Ancreiand Lepinat of foreign make referred to, We have named the new series of Watchts, Wm BLLBBII - . BOBtOtl. Mass., which name can be found on the plate of every watch of this manufacture, and is one or filar trademarks. Bold byalliespectable Watch dealers in the Ler' al States. Wholesale orders should be addresed to BOBBINS & APPLETON, Agents for the American Watch Company. anl2l6teothis IS Broadway, N.Y.. DASEAJi3EE DR, d3ROWN'S OffiCE, „ 60 SMITHFIELD STREET, . Citizens and strangers in need of medical ad vice should not Sail to give him a call. Dr. Brown's remedies never fail to cure imply rides. scrofulous and venereal affections —Also hereditary taint, such as totter, psoriasis and oth er shin diseases. tto orien of which - the path= is ignozant, BE IntALVFAKNEss." Dr. B's remedies for this affliction- brought on by solitary habits are the only medicines known ia this country. -which drosare and will speedily restoto to tioatli, • ItMWMATIS3I Dr. Brown's remedies cure in a few days this inf nl dilation also treat Piles, Bleat. Gonnorrbee, Urethal Discharges. Female' DiaßaSeP t Pains-in the Back and liidnoye, Irritation of the Bladder. strict ures. etc. A letter to be answered most containat least ONEI?C!LLA.k. • • Medicines sent to any address safely asked. Office and mivdto rooms, No-50 SMITHFIELD STRE KT. Pittsburgh. Pa. isolsdlrw Fowls. Animals, As - „, , Pat up IA 2543. 50e pull SIC() • btrxes.__Bettles . Mask= $3 mad $.5 sub for Hotels. Trip& Insti tution! Act. _ ''oaiy anfahble remehiedknocno "Fred from Poisons. "Not dangerous tialte "Ratscomo out of their holes to die." 113. Bold 'Wholesale in all Lame cities. *IL Sold by all Drunists and Dealers emery where. 113.1 1 Beware-LI-ofall worttlessinsitati in. 800 that-'!Doshar's"' name is on eairg ox . Bottle and .Flask. before you bn.y. • in. Address HENRY B. COS TAR. rES. Principal Depot 482 Broadway. geg. &id by. ILE. SELLERS dc CO., and 8.1 FeatlitSiTOClE dc. 00.. Whohisale Agents. Pitts burgh. ,PS.: fe62B4in:eoclaw JAMES NO. astIiSIMETAITREET 888 cin h&IS a!arge 400 . Y of -44a" winter . _ IS CP COT'S A Nil SiEIDOMIS, Comprising all the different varieties and telex to be found._ _ Ladies', Misses and Childrerea Balmoral .110012 with double and tripple _ Melte, Boys' and Youth's Calf, Coarse slidKIP Boots, Shoe., and Brogans, Mew' Long Leged Water "Proof Cavalry Boob of a very eeporior quality, Call and examine Ws stook as warrants his gooda to give general satisfaction. JA)11/113 BABB, Markatstreok - I. -..-' •••• . . ' s '' ''. 7 .' ..- . I '.. a , „ .., ~ ; , .c, ~. '''.-- _ . , 17 , 7 . 7-- , - F' ' ';', Vt "'" - % ' t ' ' ' ' '''',. ' ' '-'*:',. '''' ' '.. --7- - 4. "`" , .., --- 4 - . -,-,,,,,^ 3 :, .!...-",-..", ' z " -- r - . 1 4- - - -y , -, -, -.,- - •,,, - ,_ 1 ,4. , :,.` ~f .ffZ.2:;.'f.L,t...4:;‘,- :. - 4*i ''' 4-- - ---.--- ..-:' .: •- ' --_ :-• '-: ; : - - 1 . '--.'.-:-, '' -'. - ''''''''. '' t - .' - 'n r " r. :. -, :... ~ ~ .. ' ~1 I, ~,,. . - , • , ..- ...t , - - ~.._Jim ke • ' _ -\... , \ _ , • i ...- - - • THE DAILY POST-ADVANCED One year, by .mail.-.„ ..... —.—... ....... $8 00 ThSix f,taonths. " 425 ree One " " Oneweek, delivered city Single iii The ...... 3 To agents per hundred.— 200 NEW RATES. , , The followingrates of - advertising bare been agreed upon by the Publishers of the Pittsburg') Daily Pres - to take effect on and'after the 10th 'ILO , of Noverober.lBB2, on all new contracts:- - FOB STABBING MATTER. PER 8 INOL1: 17 A.E 14 EVERY r. One Insertion—. 0 60 Two months-- 09 0 0 Two Insertions... • 100 'Three months.- 11 00 Thtee insertions ' 126 Pour months.... 13 00 Onetreek_ WOO Five months.— :1•1 00 Two 3'50, Six months 15 00 Three weeks, s'oo Nine months ,... 20 00 - One m0nth.„...... 6 (to One year ... 09 00 Lis ) AN :IA :It', LAI w 4 :444 Mich allawre theprivilerm of alreeklY change of matter. to be inserted among new advertisements. PEB 13IINSILIS HDIIABE, ETERT DAY Six months Twelve months-- - - -- • - . Admin . istratora' Notices Marriage Rol:bee— Death Notices. eaeitiniertioa. 1113. All advertiremmts ordered in for one Month, or leee time, to be anal at the time of or DAILY POST. The sanguiue predictions made in ad. vance of the promulgation of the "Edict of Freedom" be the amiable and philan thropic gentlemen who "worried" the President for so many months with _their entreaties on the subject have long since ceased to trouble any body but their au thors. - We should be glad to let the - sub. ject drop if they would be contest to ac cept the explosion of their fallacies with out blaming any body for their disappoint ment except themselves. But when t hey take revenge upon the President for the confusion of their daydreams we submit that they abuse the prerogatives of fals e prophets. And especially do they exceed the limits of, prudence and justice when they accuse the President of gross insin cerity in issuing a proclamation which, iimmediately on its utterance, received such high encomiums at their bands.— Now that events have not corresponded with their presages they proceed forsooth to rail at the proclamation and the Presi7 dent in this wise. We quote from the Boston Commonwealth. (The italics are not ours, but those of the editor of that journal:) "Whoever advised any such emancipa tion edict as that of President Lincoln, or predicted any grand results from it? Did Governor Andrew promise thatthe hedges and highways-would swarm in response to an ,edict which binds every slave we can bind andfrees every slave that we cannot free? Did Greeley promise his 900,000 to • • .d help ,Stakiley crush liberty in Bpisaes-be ore enters -in• Louisiana a talk about our having an emancipa tion policy is idiotic. We have never had such policy aor any thing like it. These negroes do not come to our aid, nor re spond to the proclamation, because they were not and are not meant to respond.— We might leave this before the common sense of the country. Does not the World stand ready to admit that if Fre mont were in Banks' place to-day negroes would flock to him ? There is not a man in the country who does not know that Fremont, Montgomery, and numbers of /black men with them, could collect every slave of the South. There are others like Banks ; but we allude to him because he is surrounded by a million negroes whom he could have called about him with a word. I . lces "The plain fact is that the Administra tion has acted with duplicity in the whole matter of emancipation. It has, as Train said, 'simply drawn the fire of the aboli tionists.' We fear that the _President ;has deliberately contrived that the emancipa tion shall not too soon become actual. "We were one of a delegation which visited the President to urge the recall of certain openly pro-slavery officers of high rank whom he knew and admitted were opposiug or ignoring his proclamation, amongst others, of Gov. Stanley. The President conceded that there were men in whom the' negroes had faith and to whom they would look, but, saidhe, "what should we:do with the negroes if they should come to us." ‘‘lt is not to our purpose to discuss the childish question, which even the Demo cracy have ceased to ask since our experi ence with the toiling contrabands ; we only wish to show that the President has his reasons for revoking the Butlers and Fre -monts and sending Sikh men as Beaks, Grant, and Andy Johnson into the South, and nominating such men as Stevenson to be Brigadier Generals. He does not wish the negioes to respond at once to his pro-, elamation Like-skipper Immo, he leaves the wrecked ones on their wreck because he has not, he fears, provisions enough should he take them abroad. He could send Fremont South, but then the negroes might take the edict in earnest, and then 7 -what should we do with them ? "It is our conviction that the blood and treasure of this country are shamefully wasted, and it is the duty of the people to force theirrulers to the issue of freedom or slavery . It the people are not up to tile, every conscript raised, every dollar, paid will be wasted, as badly as men and money have been wasted for over two years. It is painful for us to avow a lack of faith in our rulers , but we should he guilty of the same timidity we did not do so." and duplicity if This "loyalty," as loyalty is understood by the radical politicians. It is a very cheap form of patriotism, and consists in 'Speaking evil chiefly of dignitaries, and especially in traducing the Presi4ent.- ,- Ba if other people animadvert on any of the President's measures in sneh way as Co prove none the less that ttief havelibuie vespect for him as well as for themselves, why thisis downright "disloyalty" treason overt and covert.--National Arrest of Dr. Worster. We understood that there is a reason to believe that Dr. Worster,. arrested on Friday, acted under a misapprehension as to facts and regulations of the War De partment in the matter of the procurement; of soldiers' discharge& He is well known for his unconditional loyalty,_ and as the father of the celebrated Major - Worster, who fell at Pea Ridge. He doubtles sup-, posed that, if soldiers -were entitled - ' to -their discharges, it was no off en c e , moral or legal, to advocate their claim to re ceive it.; and if he procured dischargea for those who were not entitled to recei aft, -them he was ;probably deceived by the "Soldiers or their friends. --Republican. :Mel. GEN . . Cesar bag been relieved from his command in the field and will be aticceeded Gen.,Abercromigeh BATES. $lB 00 -.... 30 00 Radical Loyalty. (From the Charleston Courier, April 9.) The Charleston Harbor Fight An official dispatch from Colonel Gra ham,,.commanding. on Morris Island, re- ceived in-this city on Wednesday rtiornt ing, at General Ripley's head-quarters, states that an iron-clad Monitbr, imppos sed. to be the Keokuk, had sunk at nine o'clock on the beach inside the 'bar„, off. Morris Island. The gratifying intelli gppee was shinny after confirmed_ by a dispatch from Fort Sumter and the arri val of several officers and others Who saw the Keokuk going down until she disap peared, with nothingbut her chimney's ap pearing above water. The Keokuk was one of the most powerful of her class, and her loss will be a staggering blow to the enemy. Thus ends one of the boasted invulnerable fleet, which it has long been trumpeted forth could not be sunk, but would demolish and wipe out everything that opposed their progress. The result so far haseidated our people, and given the highest satisfaction to our military commanders.- Whether it will .prove as.equally, satisfactory' to the enemy remains to be seen. It is known that sev eral others of the fleet, said to have been ten in number, that made the attack were severely injured. We learn from _good authority that the distance of the Moni tors from Fort Sumter, during the engage ment, was not over eight hundred yards. The steamer Passaic was the leader, and not the Keokuk, as first reported. The ' latter is said to have been the last to come into line and the last going out. Seven of the Monitors and the Ironsides were reported at headquarters as still inside the bar on Wednesday morning. A later report in the afternoon stated that these vessels had gone outside, and eight tur reted Monitors were steaming South, ap parently bound to Port Royal. In the evening, however, the seven turreted monsters reappeared, and it is believed they had merely gone round to Stono to avoid the heavy blow that pre vailed at the bar during the afternoon.— The nondescript, or Yankee "devil," for clearing the channel, was washed ashore on Morris Island yesterday, and is now in our possession. It is described as an old scow-like vessel, painted red, with a long protruding beak, and jutting iron prongs or claws, intended for the remo val or bursting of torpedoes. It was at tached to the Passaic, the leading vessel, and managed by her during the engage ment. It is also reported that two of the small boats belonging to the Keokuk have been secured by our men on Morris Is. land It is a curious coincidence of war that the commanders—Glens. Beauregard and Ripley, Col. Rhett and Lieut. Col. Yates —and nearly all the garrison of Fort Sumter, are the same men who were the chief actors in the bloodless reduction of Fort Blunter in 1861, and who have so gloriously and successfully repelled a for midable attack upon this famous fortress While in their keeping. • - • Hon.,Rcibert J. ,Walket has gotta to Eu rope partly in behalf of the Quicksilver Mining Company, to assert its claim in a snit against Baron Forbes, who represent the Company now in possession of th mines. He also will act as agent of the government for the purpose of effecting arrangements to secure uniform weights and measures of coin, so as to be equal in weights and measures between the Uni ted States and Britain, and thus equalize exchanges for the convenience of com merce, as recommended in the annual re port of the Secretary of the Treasury.— His business is not as stated, on the sub ject of loans. Mr. Aspinwall's in Eu rope, it is understood, is connected with the Navy Department. American Affairs in England The London limes has an editorial on the seizure of thesteamer Peterhoff, con tending that it was unjustified. It says it is not as a new act of judgment, right or wrong, that the capture of the Peterhoff is to be regarded, but as an expresion of the policy to be pursued by the particular government. If a Spanish or Austrian officer had made a mistake with a British merchantman nobody would ever dream of anticipating mischief - from the occur rence. But the Federal government is now advancing extraordinary pretensions, by the select agency of an officer whose conduct has already been condemned.— The seizure of the Peterhoff is not na tional; it is the error of a person inexpe rienced in public law. It is a deliberate attempt to extend and magnify the powers of the blockade. Nor is it, indeed, the first step of the Federalists in this direction. They have already almost blockaded cer• tain ports of our own in their eagerness to intercept the traffic between those ports and others, and at last they 'have gone the length of espying inchoate adventurers in this country, putting their own con struction on mercantile speculation, pre scribing ships jusforehandlq name, and seizing them without reference to their destination or cargo, whenever they can be pounced upon at sea. We have no doubt that Wilkes carried precise instruc tions to capture the Peterhoff. We also believe that she may be released after more or less detention, and her detention be compensated for on demand. The Federals will find their own recompense in the command acquired over the com merce of the seas, and the alarm com municated to traders. Bat it can scarce ly be denied that such proceedings call for serious attention on the part of our government. Marrying "for the War." A letter from Corinth; Miss., states that a new "social arrangement" has been gotten np between our soldiers and the. secesh women of that locality. The soldiers get to courting the women, and, when a match is struck up, they get mar ried in regular style, with the condition "while the war lasts." Some twenty of our soldiers have entered into the arrange ment lately. The question that occurs to us is will theite little treaties of peace be conductive to a short 'or protracted war? question that we respectfully submit to the ladies' debating society. A BeantKul Fimertment If an acorn be Suspended-by apiece of thread, to within halt an inch of some water contained in a hyacinth. ,glass, and so permitted to remain without being dis turbed, it will, in a few months, burst, and throw a root down into the vmter, and Shoot upward its tapering stemi with beau tiful little green leaves. A young oak tree, . growing in this way onArtumtle shelf of the rooM, te. a. very tnter*ingobject. zrt Exam Good Soho*l.lm2 On Wednesday fourteen pieirpoticets and thieves were sent North by the authorities of Waihington. They must be fearfully wicked and expert aftertheir visit to Wash . Ingto4, . ... . ._ . .•:id.:.'-r,-.1,t, WEDNESDAY MORNING, APRIL 224:. 1863. REAL ESTATE SAVElfrfili INSTE TION, incorporate 3 by the Legislature of Pennsyrvania. Open for Depofdta from 10 a. m to 2 o'clock, p. m, daily: also on SATURDAY EVENINGS. from 6 to 9 o'clock. .'Office. 63 FOURTH STREET. - ASAF*e. CONVENIENT and Ph , OFITABLE DEPOSITARY, for Mechsnics, Laborers, Clerics, clad all those whose means or savings are swath It also commends itself Co Executors, Adminis trators, Collectors, Agents, voluntary Societies or Aa3ociations, and persons of all classes: Interest at the rate of SIX PE It CIINT, per ammo is paid on deposits. which, if not drawn, will be placed to the credit of tho depositor cn the first day of /lay and November, and thereaf ter bear the Sarno interest as the principal. At this rate money will DOUBLI in LESS THAN TWELVE YEIII3. Interest will cornmeal° on all deposits the Ist and 15th days of the month aftersuchdePosits are made, Books containing Charter, By-Laws, Sco, furn ished on application at I he office. PRESIDENT-ISAAC JONES VICE PERSIDENT-W. B, COPELAND. TRUSTERS, Hon Thoa M Ilowo lion JII Moorhead, Isaac Jones, C (I Hussey. Win H. Smith, Jacob Painter. Rarvy Childs. Nickolas Vccgtly, W B Copeland. feßeeretary and Treasurer—A. A. CARRIER bs;6md PUBLIC NOTICE OFFICE O TIIS PANN'A RAIT.ROAD CANAL Dr.PAMMENT. riflnE PENNSYLVARIA BALLROAD A:company hereby give public, notice to all whom it may concern. that in pursuence of the power and authority conferred upon it by sundry provisions rf an act of the General Assembl of the Couamonweritti of Pennsylvania entitled "An Act for the sale of the Main Lino of the Public Works," ppproved May ltith. 1357, it will on the FIRST DAY GP MAY, A. Doane thousand eight hundred and sixty-three, abandon much of the Western Division of the canal lately forming a patt.tfthe Main Lino on the Public Works, and tallies between Blairsville and Johnsto_yrn,(com monlY known as the — Upper Western Division") together also with such Dams Feelers and Reser voirs lying west of Johnstown, as pertains to or are used in connection with said Upper W astern Division. By order of the Board of Directors, Witness the seal of the said company the 25th day of February, A. D. 1863, J EDGAR 'l3l - 103150N. [L. S.] mh4;dtsetyl President. 41111'S FOR SALE—TILE SUESCRI LA offers for sale four eligible lets situated on the corner of Grove street and Centre Avenue adjoining the Seventh Ward. in Pitt township.— The lots are each 21 , 00t trent by 110 font deep, running back to an alley, and aro entirely isola ted by streets and alleys ou every side. Two of the lets have frame houses on them, five rooms and hall in oath, hydrants on the pr, eliSeS. They will be sold al! together on very- favorable terms. Enquire of JAS. SticeA BE. Agent, (0627 Roes Street near Fourth. COAL LAND FOR BALE—TRE SUB ILI scriber oilers for sale, very low his farm of 85 acres, situated in Washington township Colum biana county. Ohio, one mile and a halt from ha linewille station on the Pittsburgh & Cleveland Railroad. Fully fifty acres arc improved and un der cultivation and the whole is rich in coal stone. The buildings are a hewed log house, log stable, odw shed, &c, The farm is well situated within one mile of the railroad. Terms 3f sale—Ono•half cash, with reasonable time for the.remaindcr. Price zn.2.5 nor sore. Address, mien A.EL IfeNNVIDGEN. Balinesville. Columbiana county, Ohio, Refer to Jas. B.l>Cabo. Ross street. Pittsburgh. feb2 3m:dsor. "‘THE TURTIOD," ARCLI STREET, between 3d - and 4th PHILADELPHIA 111 HE UNDEINIGNIED HAVING RE. newed the lease of th a above popular 'Hotel for a series of years, would respectfully call the attention of the traveling public to ite °nitro( 10. °silty, either tor business or pleavre. TE10.11.1.9 S. WEI/II it SON, N Tomi, Sugars, Coffoo,_ 'Whiskey, Raisins, Flour, &o. For 81110 by MERMAN le GETTY, Corner of Ohio street and Diamond. Allegheny ells f E re., lr i !T- 0 il a ß rz blp, „l ll a ; c li k f c ß ro b l ls and r 37 B . lps No 2 ti l l) do 20 No 3 do do 20 Kits Mass and No 1 do Just received and for sale, by nth 23 MILLER & RIAIETEON, F° 'UR 'BUILDING LOTS FOIL SA I.E IN LAWRENCEVILLE Four lots 24 by feet oach; handsomely s tuatod on Church street, situated near the Prishongor Rail way, will be sold cheap for cash, on application at this Of. floe' CARPETS. 1862. DECEMBER, 1862 W. B. a& i. McCALLUI LA ROM PORTION OF OUR STOelll ving been bought previous to a series of advu.netrd, %nd now replenished (just before the largest adoivice of the.seascm) with the newest de signs in Carpets, Oil Cloths, Window bhados, &o . A favorable opportunity is offood purchasers at moderate rates. as prices will be higher. dea' W. B. Lurroa. J. R. °Lungs, LIJPTON tt OLIMEN, LT CEMENT & GRAVEL ROOFIN liaLßepairs to old gravel, Canvs.ss and Melnik Roofs made at the lowest prices, All work promptly attended to and warranted, Mee, Morning Post Building, corner Fifth an d Wood streets. 2d story. mhl7 JUST RECEIVED, AT 1101/uLAND,9 98 MARKET STREET, Lathes' fine Lasting Balmoral, Button and Con gress hoel'd (bakers; Ladies' fine white and black glove Rid and Morocco Slippers; Ladies' line glove Hid Balmoral and Congress Boats; Gents fate Calf Boots, Balmoral and Gaiters, a full assortment. Boys' and Youths' Boots,S" oes and Gaiters; Misses and Children's fancy Boots, Shoes and Gaiters of all kinds and stylus, Be sure and call and at least examine - my stock before purchasing half price Goods also whale. Remembor. at BORLAND'S. 98 Market Bt. 2d depth= Fifth ap4 1tM,50 WEBSTER'S *5,50 UNABRIDGED DICTIONARY, • fur lelr. complete, P s flogal i E . dattt o t t s : so 81 Wood streeL grt IT A K ETER,s, BRACKETS, ILI CORNICES. CaNDELBRA •S. LAMPS, BEGILDED OR REBRON2ED. and made equal to new.. Alm. Chant] eller s &C.. altered to barn Carbon Olt at the Lamp and Oil 'Store of WELDOR, DEANERY. & KELLY, ap2r1.14 164 Wood street near 6th. ATALVAH LE FOURTH STREET Property For Sale. 40.14 feet front by 85 1 ,4 deep, large handbill well built, I I. inch walls: wide hall; Bar-Room; Sitting-Roe in; Dining Hail 12 feet coiling.% Large Parlor, l 5 single and 9 dou ble chambers; Largo Kitchen; Wash-hon=e; good cellar under the whole house, gas and water fix area No. 38 Fourth street. Now used as a ho tel' and doing an excellent business. For pace and terms apply to & CUTHBERT ife: SON& 51 Market Street. FOtr.lm A SUM OF ItOttiFY B E_ tween Little Saw Mill Run railroad depot, and the Marine railway Tepporanceville, The owner .oan have the lame.by describing the money an d paving this adVailSODlO7/t. Apply at the office of the Pose. atilt. IMPTON OLDDEN, GRAVEL ROOFERS htORNING YOST BUILDING. ar7 corner Fifth and Wood stzeeta. EDEN.'" STREET RESIOCiiCE TO A= WANT. A large three story bri:k dwelling No 81 Penn street, near diarbury street, wide hall largo parlor, library dining room, CJUBOt9, pantry, mote% onamberialti room. ete AD, JAY tO CHUTWaNUT 4 t alklatkotarincia , 87 FOURTH STREET, MANITPACTUEERS AND DEALERS IN - 41Wititi:* DEALERS IN OILS. S. M. KIER & CO., bi..IIiITPLOTOPXIIII OP Pure No. .1 Carbon Oil, AD E Z 2:3.0fi100 on LIBERTY STREET* Opposite Pones R. R. Depot. oil watrantod, au224.17d THE ARDESCO OIL COME 4NY AWANUFACTIIIHE AND HAVE FOB o a superior articled Refined Ardesco 110N-XXPLOSIVE. ALSO, PURE BENZOLS. warehouse, 27 IRWIN STREET PITISBURGH, PENNA. Lucent Oil Work DUNCAN, DUNLAP & CO., Manufacturers of VOILE WRITE REFINZI3 CA11.330N (OILS. Moo, NO. 2 9 1 LIBXELTY ET A Fitts burgh. ka. varo-onad The Philosophio Burner. nowAYDRIICS DOIIBLE•ACITINti At-e- Philosophic Burner for Carbon Oil is now ready. It possesses many hdvantagos over the Common Bers. I. It makes urn a large or mall light with perfect combustion, 2. It will burn any quantity of oil with safety. 8. It can be used with a long or short chimney. 4. It can be used as a taper night-lamp. G. It can always bo made to burn monomial:lY. 6 .6. It . is more easily wicked than any other er 7. It can be trimmed and lighted without re retrying the cone. 8. It throws all the white light above the cone. .1., The ehimn.. escan be- removed or Inserted wituout tenoningth e glum These burners are Zhe common No.l size, and can bo put on any lamp now In use. Every per son nsing.Ctuhen Oil should have a Philosophic Burner. Price 25 wits _per dozen 82. Bold a No, 82 FOURTH street. Pittsburgh., P. HAYDEN. PIANO DEALERS. ICC NA DE' S PIANOS ARE STILL JIM- ahead of Steinway's and all °the:: Pianos made in this country. A choico supply received' this week; CHARLOTTE BLUME, 43 FIFTH STREET, • So'e agent for Kaaba's Pianos and Prince's unrivalled Melodeons. apll 33 .ii. Et er A. I N Ig SECOND HAND PIANOS. CIIICHERTNG 7 OCTAVE. BEAU -1-3l all black Walnut case, very little. ..... $220 A 7 ictave, i'lgokering, Rosewood, round corners, a first rats nistrument- 200 A 7 octave, Hays t Co,. Rosowooti, a handsome instrument, in good order__ 175 A octave, Stodatt, Rosewood, carved pannele in front...._ .... . ........ -.. 16 5 A 6.V.. cetave."Zaledt Co, Rosewood, round - front, an el collard Piano... ....... .. _..._.. 160 A 8 octave, Chickering, Rosewood round corners, a good rolinbloYiAno 150 16 octavo. Ballot. _Davis de Co. Rosewood 135 A 6 oct.. Stodart. Maliogonye round front .t3O 16 oat, Swift, do ............... ...... 75 A 6 oot, German. do 60 A 6 oct. Dunham, do 50 A 6 oct, Loud A 5% oct, English do 20 A 5 otc, no do • 15 For sale by JOHN w MELLOR, SI WOOD STREET EUROPEAN --4A -7 3- 7 '• AGENCY. rillEfoßiAs RATTICIAN:- ETPROPEAIII ki. Agent, 122 Monongahela Home, Pit- Mint. Pa., is prepared to bring out or send back Passengers from or to any, part of the old swan try. either by steam or mulimpackets. SIGHT DRAFTS FOlt 8 A •o:. pay able In any part of Europe. Agent for the Indianapolis and Cincinnati Rail- Sosd. Also Agent for the old Black Star Line of ailing Packets, and for the lines of Steamers sail ing between Now York, Liverpool. Glasgow and Galway. fell LIKE SUPERIOR. OOPPE MINES @MELTING WOMEN. eAs.v.., CU ac CO. Manufactorars sheath. Branlers' and Bolt Copper. Premed Col Per Bottoms. Raised Still Bottom, Spence Bolder. &e. Also Importers and dealers to Metals. Tin Mato Rent Ira& Aro. /co. itilr• Constantly on lutnd, rumen's Maddnes :Id Tools. Warehouse. No. 1L49 FIRST andl2o ECOND STREETS. Pittsburgh. Penna. • gig- Spatial orders of Cooperout to any desired attern - fe2l:lydd-w BLACK DIAL OND STEEL WORKS. PITTSBURGH, PA PARK, BROTHER &CO., MANUFACTURERS OP Best Quality Refined Oast Steel, Square, Flat and Octagon. of all sizes. Warran ted equal to any imported or manufactured in' this country, VD- Office and Warehouse. No. 149 and 152 First and lete and 192 Second streets, Pitta-burgh. fobltilyd 4.VILLASS PACITER—WANTED IMRE MR- aiately—An experlencel QI Int Packer, must also understand Lamp Rittin.g, and pro duce the most unexceptionable references as to character and capability. No person need apply unless possessing the abo quali Goat' one. SCHMERTZ & BLEAK-MET.. IVE TER El .—T W 0 Inn CORED KR Boiler Riveters can find employAlent on iron guneoate, under shelter, at the best wages. Machinists also wanted. JAMBS B, BAI )9, Union Iron Work). St. Lt‘nir. mlalled3w63d DUQUESNE BRASS WORKS, CADMAN & CRAWFORD. Maaanfactarero of every varietyof finished BRASS WORK FOR PLUMBERS GAS or STEAM FITTERS, MACRINESTS Aim COPPERSMITHS, voto BASS CASTINGS OF EVERY DE. ecription made to order Steamboat Work, steam and gas fitting and repairing promptly at tended to. Rarticalar attention pasp to fitting up Refineries for Coal and Carbon Oils, Also. sole agents for the Western District of Pennsylvania. for the sale of Marsh. lastsdell dr. Co.'s Patent Si phon Pump, the himt ever inven ted, having no valves it is not liable to get out of order and will throw more water than any pump twice its size. febll:dly, firlk ISSOLIITION NOTICE, I HAVE ILK this day disposed of my interest in the firm of TATE CADMAN & CO., to CADMAN & CRAWFORD, they assuming all liabilities and taking ,charge of the book accounts, In with drawing I would cordially recomnsend the new film to my friends and public. . . WIIE, Pittsburah, April 15th, 1°63 TATE Jr, al, Mt. City Intelligence Office. No, 127 Fourth At. one door above Smithfield at 11 AM HOW PREPARED To SIMPLY ii, families in the edty anid o onr.try, with helps et all kinds. at short:notice. will also attend to the ptuchase and sole cf prc.porty. collection of rents andOlaimss negotiate limns, Ate,' F rom myihtimate knowledp of the city and .Cotukt:7. and lona experience in the brtsinao4 I hope to give entire eatisaction to sun:awn& - rehlinateutith.. IioLAN. COMIEMAL INFORiIATION 310.19pAr RUMMELV. (OORRECTDD DAILY YOB THIt 110831120 ran. The following are the buying and selling rata for Gold, Silver, /co.: Buying Selling Gold ....—. 140 00 1 30 00 Demand ...... 1 40 00 Eastern Exchange. New York Baltimore ... _..„, Bottom Par.. par 6 par g pas Westerni-Exchange. Louisville., Cleveland . St. Lonia.. WEDNESDAY. April 22n1. The demand is improving, more especially for Crude- From "Oil Crock" we learn that prices are going an ; a movement there cannot fail, to, effect this market, The receipts are rapidly in : crossing. The hneorts by the AlleghertY river up to noon were G. 006 bids, es follows: Crnd0,3,294 bbls in bbls, and 404 bbts in bulk Relined;l,96B bbls; Lubricating, 44 LIMB: Renzi:lo.2oo The exports wore: To 'New York—Crude. 392 bbls; Refined, 176. To Philaclelphia—Crucle, 817"; Tee-, fined, 873; total exports, 2,'158 MA IL . Crade—z' ales of 680 bbls in inn ; 83 . 409 c 300 bbls du in bids, 11,1?_:c ; 1 20 th , do, same figures. Benz°le—Sales 50 Ws Deodorized at 2114 e. Lubricating—Nominal - at 17@19e per gal very littlo doing. Illefined—The demand has fallen off. 'II2M rates are: Free, 33@ e: Bonded,'"@2(le. Imply Oil libls • —\po note sales of $OO now at $2 4D. • • The market has been somewhat excited since our last report. Oil has advanced from our pre vious quotations to $l. 75, and we hear of one sale made this week at the Phillips Well, - Tarr farm, of 1,000 bbls oil at $2OO bbl. - During' the past and present weeks there have been three now wells struck. One on Dilworth & swing farm of abouttno bbls per day: one on the C/aPP, farm of about 90 bbls: another on the Blood farm, amount of flow not known, as it has not yet been tested. Producers hero are refusing to can , " tract for delivery at Pittsburgh at Sc. We give as the ruling quotation $1 75 per bbl at the wells, but,produeers are refusing to sell at less than $2, and are firm even at that figure. The stock on hand, both here and at the wells ; is light. We es timate th e total amount gone forward on the pres ent rise and remaining here, including the quan tity brought down on the two Pond freshets of last week.at from a 5,000 to 40,0110 bbls. The following are the amounts received Ittici shipped at our principal warehouses for the week ending Tuesday, April 14th : upErrOAN 'tom on udsrp.tsv Number Bids Received.. Refined Oil R6ceived..... " " Oil Shipped . Number Bbls Oil Received Slapped.. Empty Bbls Received......... I VN WARMIOUSE. Number Bids Oil Receied " " Shipped Empty Dbls Received PITTSBURCH PRODUCE MARKET. OYFICR er ?rug Dsn.y Posr, Wednesday. April 22, 1563. RAnmar"km—Tbe weather continues pleasant for out-door transactions, and business inth). ing. Both rivers being in fine navigable order, business along the wharves presented an anima ted appearance. Bacon and Bulk keat—TlM market continues in favor of holders, who, lo far; have made a good thing out of it. There wern some heavy operations in these articles the past few days, the Goverment coming in for their full share. Some of our heavy operators have a good supply in smoke house which will soon be forthcoming. Flour—The market gives no evidence of activity and beyond the dailY sales from store, in lots ranging from 10 to 25 bbls, for home purposes, there has nothing done. In fact, we never noticed less disposition to operate than is manifested at the present 'time. Apples—The receipts being light, the market was firm with a good demand; stocks light. Potatoes-,Demand active; there is a fair amount changing hands at full prices. The season is pretty far advanced. Butter—As the receipts increase, prices decline. It is a very uncertain article to operate in at this time. Eggs—The market is unsettled; correct quotations cannot be obtained. Grain—The mar- . ket is dull, the demand having fallen off. We note only small operations at the former priees:' Fish is firm with a good demand; prices, however, have undergone no change. The supply in first hands is ample for all ordinary Purposes. Gro-. ceries—There is a good business doing in this ar ticle at present, in lots to snit the wants of the the local trade. Seeds are inactive, the demand being limited and sales also. Dried Fruit—The demand continues steady for Peaches and Apples. Prices tend upward, There is a fair supply in first hands. Floor—The receipts being light, holders wore firm in their views. Wo note sales 50 bbls from store, Extra, $6 2006 25; 76 Mile Extra FaraPY.• $707 25. 100 do Extra, $6 25; Extra Family: $7 12(47 2b. Some fancy lots sold ashade higher. Egger—Sales 7 bbls store at Ito. Butter--The market was unchanged; we note sales of 6 bbls roll at prices ranging from Gra.in—We have but few sales to report, viz: Wheat, 1,500 bush red. $1 ; white. Rye.sales 300 bush, 05@$L Corn, sales 40i) bush choice, 90491 c. Oats, sales 5,600 bush, 70o; sales from store, 75e. Bacon—Firm and a good business doing: sales 7,500 lbs. shoulders, 6c; sides,77-4'@Bc: Plain Hams, B%e; 3,000 lbs S C Hams 10c; ~000 lbs shoulders, 6c; 2,500 sides, 8o ; 3,soohiPlain Hams, B,lllc. Dried ti•ei -- -Sales 1,000 IDs at 1114 e. rotatoes—Market firm; sales 300 bushels of Neshannocks at $1 10 per bush. Raff- - Salesloo bble at $1 80. Cheese—Firm and in good demand, Sales 150 boxes as follows: W. R.,14e; Goshen, 15c. Sugar—Sales 10 hhds Orleans, 1255 e; 10 do Cuba 12e 2D bbls Crushed, Dolasses - I , larketcontinues firm; sales of 30 bbls Orleans, 55c. Coffee—Sales 20 sacks Rio, 3 .33@a4.0. Dried Fruit—Market firm, with ew:TY demand; Apples, sales 125 bush, $1 37®l 60; Peaches, sales 100 bush, $3 05@3 25. Ilay—rket firm. Sales at scales at s2ots23.dMa Oil—Sales bbls No. lat 05c. Iti+hisiy—Market4o unchanged; sales 70 bbls in lots, City Rectilled,46(N7c. Z&WcwdWee4 There were recorded to-day sales of 780,000 lbs hulk shoulders at 4'4e, and 01'40.000 lbs at 4c. It is said that those at 4V,c were extra heavy. and even at that they are thought to have sold above the market, and most of those who are disposed to buy are not inclined to pay over 4e for the best. However, holders uniformly wk. 4.34A474e. Bulk sides are neglected at 8 .15 c. Bulk hams sell at 67-ge6%e for such as are de sirable. ClneLnnati Tobaceo Inarket 24 S h a i le s o andr b o ac s o a a t s B f ad llmwn'-6 WAardhoKen= tuaky lugs,ttt s3@ll fO: 2 hhds Mason county. at $l4 .i 0416; 9 hhds Virginia, viz: 3 hints Inv, one $875, 1 at 9 :5, and 1 at $1.2 ; 6 hhds leaf, 1 at $l3 and two at $l6, one at $l7. 1 at $l7 50 and .ono at $lB 25; 9 hhds Kentucky leaf, ono at $l2 - 1.6, ono at $l3, two at $l3 50, one at $l4, one at Mono at 17 tb", one at 16, one at 21, and 53 boxes ranging from 5 snlB. Receipts light. (Condensed from the Cincinnati ammerciai for the Daily Post) The river is swelling. with j fourteen feet in the channel. and 4 feet over - the-Falb. The Lower Ohio. Cumberland and .Tennessee are receding steadily. Freights are offering Pretty freely, notwithstanding the. Government restrictions on shipments. Nearly all the boats are taken for the Government service as fast as they arrive. S. Itt. KISS ..... --TAMES GLOVEYI ........ aorta 6.o2'ritn ITTsuritou kint. mai alf • in t le a ri vir v e e n r t l y i%e ii i r s rising , ending t swelled lo A. T i f f inches day, 3 then 13 - feet a inches above low -I. . and WA P FACTURJISG-COPAPANY Cla A 11. • _ - iiN watermark in December, MO. _ _ GLO It' ER 4&" CO ... cre is - 14 feet in the channel out to Cairo. and a ' KIER, _ big river below. ' , 1 Maitufaciur era 13 f Vire Brick Tiles. Cruible% 3 , ..0 Ta o upper Mississ ieid is said to be filling from ' and dealt:min 6i, nand moqu e . ci" : . Saint Para dawn. l id is five feet on the 111,. 0206365 Li atter. °pronto theF• 8.. upper and four feet on the Lower Rantd3 R. atatmgerpDe ➢ otal nrattab h . Be . Keokuk there i 3 OH feet IA the channel. Od= impotgraily goumisur.. febaktud • - pa Dar r V Dar 11 Par ;1, PITTSBURSH OIL TRADE From the Oil City Rogister OIL ITEMS. EMCZE! PROVISION RIAICRET. Cincinnati RIVER NEWS., Saint Loris EstabMlited 1542 • . --•:- 14EineArit;H's,':-.7 TO THE . PUBLIC • p:nift:AL the erantart. e e i ttodat o I alldenomf- : natitoth;teeat lewd delicate digortlera,... 'rte ' : abuse and diseases • taations common and in eldont to yOutlig of both gexe& ant atitater. 'l3lng a er.netrace. Ile:muse Da; riggremetrr - pUbllehai the - faet of Ma - clothe ; go, the hgnorant and falsely ir-odeot go dreadfully - • chocked. and think It a great nth vcry immoral and for contamination:* end L ion - amoal theirwivea. romising. sans and dantatem. Their family phyMMn timid be cantle:L*lo tar them !' - IMr.aneto that tW dctlhersamoaa PF.l3hta:T.' • (except pubiishmg)lmt a luezat've r.t-a tire aught be-lost:to them emerm modest, and, preguntothord famightdoen • - raised In IgnorancrVereng MI ea emA , rzeza and who (=pare lotslokr. 1, 4 4„.t0 401141113 and, oeatt.,_ mygtortheal3k, mt. - raly arias' gotten. it Is to - patillieltrihowevar, that nammota • •• L meant . / and guar - MIMS ara,ths.nffel that their ot , v3i daughters and wart previen fettle elotl7 and of elim condi on-and apearatee. have been restored - th heal and 'al;or - - lIILMISTRUP. tosides magv Were and after italtdage through hint have bean gat- of sal ; hoc feting. anxiatvi Ittortlikation, SPeratatter or noeturnai =missions. 1= CIOMDIC Warel In a veo short 4.aeo of limo by hm - hen T.:medics. whiolartamonharip his own..-C'Ther aro hampeead3 ; Iron the vegetable Kingdom haviaz been the , MaeOftheldereerlaltreatenest,hekas ah.indon ed it and - gnbstitutod„the vear:,table, ,I:;attale awes Areftreatedwith markedireecen--naving had ! over forty ream (40),e,„vottmeo in thmr - trea,r , mont in hospitals .f 'both the Ohl re. 71.1 and is • ! _ the United Shtten.thodahiar-te aar*-to - .2.1` with a: : fair Trial. health and hrippinere a it an. ha bloom upon the now—paLe' cheek. 'Aldo no reeve with ; • montelartin and qtaqlnt. bet come and be 4zaza 1.! (lonstenVaint and all of jth kiadted - diTorm, of which- go many: areataNTall .412.vz not* be _relined, 'WI atet altald to It In time run p can hhaeoe mr,treengent. Wpm:mintscoo of thelliodieallikwer.wl,lol3,, woven yawls to all that um Hairiag the - ad -vantage. of over forty .J.Veltra irkrentico and auras_ lion. cumseettenAr. he has Taper , : s'td.l+ ; m teetrhatatent of goeigal ditts.. - w;:eria Who 13- ti ; dally ceematedhytaoprofesnota., ne wed a4VT.= mended hr repootabie-tAtiseae,' PuhThr-tvi pro larietera of - tteteig i tge,, mee Ea- fordthleld street. near Diamond area . Private maraxerrol eations from`whwart3 oleic um.To amour zt• tendedta. Dbles. l / 4 . 210 X 1100, • - 2egeOf_la3. defkly • IREPORTAIWTO :DADI s ES itaß:atoitirnAiistrik'ativEl'cfroa, - AA' UT quan of twapts yeanamotra Ina pro- fecalonal tame ozaltunvelijo the; trostmord ot Illardo Diffleatiet, maharani inesradedin thou. - sands of oases in rostorlnstho- aalc'ola to sound heal ' has now entira amadeneo xn oirrainiTsb. "Great Ameriomi , Rorac'ati r ra: , :l- DR. HARVEY-% CRONO-THERMAL FEMALE PILLS Which have never Yet failed (when the fittco lions have been strictly followed) in ' • taming diffienitieli arifinfrm • Obstruction or , Stopgage :of . :Nature:: or In restoring the tYinem trt parfait heallh when ; suffering from 'Spinal AfeCtiOner PrOla.VS'Ut. Mirif the Whiter. or other weakness of' the Molina Or. gam. Also_in all eases of Dehili% , or. Nervous Prostration, Hysterics, Paiwitationo,2Co.,4 1 - a.;-&cii • which arot.he-fororozusero of mme carious dkerza, *.g.. These Pills are werfielly hanzkos On the *tn. I . dikes:ion, awe/may be tchan bto Ad' roost cial . :catoA. male without coutitto ctietre:s:. at the fame time they ad like tr.ehrirtu; by etrentthonia.gi rating. and restoring the system to a healthy con- di L - 4 Each lief =tains SO:Pills. Pawn 0:m 1: of r e,,- . and when desired will be sent by mill pro-pato by any advertised Aff6lll, on'u_es6r.4, or the mazer J. BRYAN. Reolsestor.N. Bald hr Druggistagencrcl3, ' -' • -•,,-- RRlAfiriro'otg , - , • .110* LOST! OW IgiNNVOlk.g.;tir , J net pubßsheid,. -in a • Seated - EnvePOPZ; - i?1•109' • • - abi Cents. A LECTURE : ON .1 4 .111, NATURB, TRI.LI.I - and Radical Care :of Spehhatorrhces or,l- - Seminal Weaknem Involuntary..,Emmissions. Soxual Debility. and Impedimenta - to • Marriac'e l -- omerally,_Nervousnees,Consumption, and Fits; Mental and - Plwreal Incapacity. result, ism-from. Self-Abtme, &e.—By...ROBT. OUIi ',WKILL.AL,D..Anthor.Of the Green BooktPo " A Boon . to:nonnanda aniforers.'t+ Sent under. seat-in: a- plait envelope,. to any ad. dress,posi paid, on receipt - of-Sixo r two postage stamps. Dr:1 4 11. J. c..u . Lrer, 127 Broadway, New Work, mh3l:ds, w3ni Post too Box. 4 80. WM. 21. FABER 6 Ca_ S-TEAtti ENGlidt-NILDERS Xroli vantleaws WAL MAGHINISIL ;qa wj Nies Near the Penn. E. B. Panzpe? Deaot - rawAIiIMFBASYUBM ALL Of? vat' Steam RC murbcg from three to me • - bout 'borl Power - , and s3l.lted' for Grist Baur LlP.atN:arag.ec.R, Fostoria true particular attention to the co, an:Cau ca of es and Machinery for grist rafts. and for uP Se. lasdaY 3311 oiinglar sow - . , Haveatso onitand, finished and reedy ' for rciettkat shortnotiee;Migifteaand:Beilors•ofervory descuPtion, Also. tarstist Boilers cad eheet Iron causrutely; Wrought Iron Shafting. Bangers and Pallier. avec? variaty. and continua the nutnufacturo of -Woolen Machinery and. Machine Cards . o ur price s oreiow, eurmchiner7 mantonctur ea of the best qualistf materials, and t!,arrantrit In all cases to'give satisfaction: Arerdensfrom all parta of the eortztismeelici: id and, promptly. 0114 fell.:d&yr R Y2 ! iSi XiMkiNr IKON AND ' , NAIL VirOlilD3: r.a..o'sr - x) (ea • - Mani:fulmar) of • Hoop. g- and T Iron, Nails and Spikes , la% "kraal). BmalLT Bail and - Flat Bar Iron. suitable - far Coal Works.' 'Makes:a adlOtotzr the CITY AM WORE. _ li r aroboußO. No.ISEI Water street and A. • 6 Market street, Bagoboy:a Trollding. effeßtgSL. • - cltifilir.l.44 . i t • csude*r to .7i6. oisamia, co.. _ . p rt P EE Jw, . Dealer l't;72l9llo*l4ll4l4 W: CFrdira .. l3lll. Corner Market and Fird sinew, PittAbianu,Pl3, deallard. ~.....,....._,„ , _CEO. R.,COCHRikfi 2 ATTORNEY AND 601 )*SW.L . 011, AT -T. A Vib Office' No. 69 Grant itreet, near the Conit . - - lionse. Pittsbnigb - A LL 111161ENESS ENTAVUSTIED TO his Imre will reedy° prompt attention. Col ;actiotionelyti -sm e ad and - the money Promptly remitter: de . - :11PrST I:W(1E11%W itjr opleiidid:#ook of BPB,III G DELAtiBB sc& DBIBB, OD.2— CALICOS, G; l4 Gll.fit. , Special idiention is caned to mar stock of Alt/aline and Irish Llama .that was mirehakd before th a great advance in Dry Goodz. Call Loon and recurs yonrSpring Goods as they will bo much higher Remember the phiee t hoe. 96 Market ztreet, bo tweect-Fifth and the Diamond. nilt2.3" Lyrircn-, DAUB & CAPPELL, NEMETFAIALTIT 41. wiIaLIZZAL golcof"76l' -t- Sprin-g G®® -cods-, mbat:l: m Clothd,Casilaneres, Ventage, dm, ALBO—A line stook of GENT& FURNISHING GOODS; bicinding p ie Co/lara. Nee!: Tier, and every thing usually pt by erst class Eurtial i in Blaze Orden promtlY executed- st3tsl va Ei MI