I. - N. PErrENaria a co.; ii 0. 3 7 - 14PARIC ROPOIEIWYOBIL:161111 , ' -ATM IN : BOSTON are our to for teddy at on Peat krthosa+cr.tie4, and aro a.. • • tatak eddv eLama artm oritiaadbabecriPtioca Adm. MEM AB nNI , OUOOD INTILLIGINa letion of the Coal Diggers ged with Conspiracy. nearly a week past, as our readers are, a case has been on trial in the f Quarter Sessions, against eleven ger!' from the Second pool, charged nspiracry in preventing others from work. The testimony, which oc several days, was conclusive, prove I ombination for the purpose of ob- an advance of wages.. and it was proved that means h ad been re , in order to intimidate others gone to work at a less rate than ended by the society. The case tried, well argued by competent and went to the jury at noon yes- On the re-assembling of the Court o'clock, the jury came in with a f guilty and a recommendation HEIDQUARTERS ARMY POTOMAC, April 15th, 1863. , Richmond papers of the 13th furnish the following news JACKSON, Miss., April 10 .— The energy in Black Bayou are retreating towards the river, laying waste the whole country. The river patrols report that two gun boats, conveying five cavalry transports, ercy of the Court. Judge Ster arge was able and comprehensive. : passed up the river on the 7th ; also nine. the ground that workmen had a teen transports with infantry and forty . Legislative. _ e. freight boats loaded down. t to demand - a fair reasonable ad wages, commensurate with the a the cost of living, and to corn ' they fOr the purpose of securing ce ; that they had a right to act t, and to quit - work until their was complied with. All this i :nd proper. But when they tege : - . l ier • for the purpose of nromaeria ilile and extortionate tie On Mo nday, crintetrheofStchneaEteastthepesunpnpsyli. meat tothe fi va na ni ll a y. Railroad Company was passed The enemy are reinforcing all the de pots on the alemphis 'and Ohio Railroad. Also, the supplement to the char- A special to the Appeal, from Senatobia ' te of thelt h' h Ad Delaware Water says that thirty keelboats and twelve gun• Ga r Company . aig Also, a th ii the p Actrelatv to the Woebdlandrsepgmaeg tery Company. The Tonnage Tax bill boats have gone up from Memphis to oper ate on the Cumberland. was rionsillered on third reading, 'a mo- Heavy shipments are being made on nto reconsider being on the sTicond the Mobile and Ohio Railroad, to the iuji.7 7 employers, tr.` and oppression rea di ng. e combination The Corinth merchants are sbippin,g In the House it was ordered that the their goods North, and the sutlers are sell. I, and hence ~'onnPiranY. minority.report of the Committee to inves- ing their wagons. ad was unjust and . °z .. t °rta 4 m - tigate the alleged corruptions in the elec i t ered not how peaceable or . A great strategic movement is afloat. , t. tion of a United Sates Senator be printed Moall.e, Aprillo.—An official dispatch means used to enforce it, . T . ! along with the...majority report. Mr. Hop- States that h e enemy, four hundred in laninal. In other words, worn. kins,. of Washington, introduced a resolu- number, mostly contrabapd troops, yes undoubted right to meet ion that the Governor be instructed to terday were attacked by our cavalry and t a just and reasonable rate of dirt it the Attorney General to institute lost fifteen. Our loss was one Lieutenant "strike" if necessary until er i m i r ;el proceedings against Simon Cam- and one private slightly wounded. The Yankee gunboats put back to Ship but when their demands be- eron, Jo, ° . Thomas, William Brobst and ionate and oppressive, then John Patt.n.son. Mr. Bendict moved Island with the wounded. Reinforce. themselves liable under the to amend by in eertiag in, lieu of the above ments have been sent up to renew the en• names that of T. Jefferson Boyer, Not gagement. 'which will find many readers L giOng: those who have perused "Ca • e, or' the Camelia Lady." Gildenfe y, No. 4 e ,`'.Fifth street, 1/ has the book for sale. GBOVEIII. Barea'aNewing Matilda eq. for . Manufaotnringmposes, are the beat In use. A. F. CGATONAY. General Agent. 118 Filth street. Pittsburgh. Pe JOllllll MIYIL —.Jlrmoxymvp) JOSEPH !EYRE & SOH ICAPTIIP.LOTORNIN OP FANCY AND PLAIN IFITIMITURE dr CELL ISS WARNHOID3F. 185 SMITHFIBLD F Eli T. IBetveen Sixth street and Viral , : net" SPRING GOODS. VlTTior„i 9 =2Y TkIP " r " . SPRING AND SIRED GOODS, eibraoint 9,11 the newest styles of PLAIN AND FANCY CASSIME'REB, suitable for Business Snits. A full and 'complete assortment of fine blank CLOTHS AND CASSINERES, Plain and figured Silk and Cashmere Vesting, Comer of Market t3quare,Allairheny Oita, milkdawdf fiood ()oat Firm It is always a pleasure to gs to make fa vorable mention of such lie- mess men as we know to be petfectlyrel u , i o ennd_straight- Pi ward 'id all" their'ilealings--and . it is peculiarly to us to add our testi mony in favor cf the old end wei. stair lished Arta of Dickson, Btewuri & Co., No. 50J Penn street, They have been engaged in the coal and lime trade for many years and have succeeded in estab lislung a high reputation for promptness and fair dealing. We have ourselveli been dealing with them and have found them correct in every transaction, furnishing a good article at a fair price r delivering promptly , and dealing justly and liberally In every particular. We are induced to make these remarks by incidentally learn ing the fact that this firm has just purchaii ed from Mr. F. C. Negley the Sandy Creek Coal Works, on the Allegheny Valley Rail roadfor the sum of $99,800. This will largely increase their fachities and enable them to fill all contracts with which they may now be favored. They now do a very large businesik but this purchase will give them an almost unlimited supply . of an excellent - quality of coal, and give the ability to meet the heaviest demands.. We cheerfully commend this firm to our read ers, particularly manufacturers who re quire large daily supplies, in the fall con• fidence that they :will receive perfect satis faction at their hands. Last Night but One. W. EL McGEE & CO., 148 FIiDERAL STREET LATEST: NEWS' BY TELEGRAPH; ARIWY OF THE POTOMAC Latest Southern News. ALL QUIET AT CHARLESTON AFFAIRS IN CA ELUTION IN ALBANY,N:t WOOL,SALEIN BOSTON SAN FRANCI3CG, -April IC—The ship Messenger sailed to-day for New York. The Legislature of this State has passed a lat.> authorizing Californian volunteers serving in'Utah and New !Geic° to vote for State officers at the generallelection. A large mass meeting was hrild last eve. ning to welcome ex-Congressman Phelps. The Union Committee have called a State Convention. to assemble at Sacra. mento on the 7th of June, to nominate candidates for Supreme Court Judges, three members of Congress, and State of ficers, who, according to the amended Constitution, will hereafter hold office for four years, except the Judges, whose term will not expire until ten years have elapsed. The Union Democratic party is also tak ing ateis to call a Convention to nominate a State ticket. - - BOWPON, April 14.—A large wool sale was held here to-day which was numer ously attended, and good prices were ob tained. The amount of sales was over a half million of dollars. STRICTLY PURE ARTICLES Low .Prloos. • PITTSBURGH DRUG HOUSE > TORRENCE & .14cGARR, A. P '1" II C .rel k 3 S Corner Arurth and Market drools, J PITTSBURGH. • D i rt m e. . INead, I Cream• Tartar gi clues, Paints, hips. Soda, Perfumery. Dye Stuffs, ritgaiustard, Chemicals, Spices, SUS alle., &e., fie. Ink- Physicians Prescriptions adeurately corn pounded at all hours. Pure Wines and Liquors. for medicinal use only. ----- - --- --_, 'elate -- -- VICTItY OTOSEHEEPERS AN D CRani: Dealers of the city and neighboring tOxins ar,e respectfully invited to examine our Wok of TRIM)IEGB, NOTIONS. HOSIERY AND RIM ES. EMBROIDERIES, RIBBONS. :RUCHES, LACE GOODS, READ DUESSEtric-ND NETS, BERETS, CORSETS, PAIN AND SUN UMBRELLAS. BUTTONS, TIMMS. PINS AND THE VARIOUS SMALL ARTICLES IN OUR LINE OF BUSINESS. We have on hand a large .and Welt ealeoted etoek of STAPLE ARTICLES, bought when prices were from 26 to 60 per cent. _lower than at present, and fitting added our purchases of mutt Gams, bought at first t r aro ;te and on the mod favorable terms. we are prepol ;:td to offer advantages in price and' selec tion em it to any house east or west. - air . lo our Wholesale Department, on the arcomi cull third doors will be found etten• sive assortment' of the articles enumerated above We th ere f ore solicit a mil from all buyers, accus ed that with our int:Tossed facilities, we can give them bargains in the quality and prices of our Goods. D. S. hf ACRUSI — R. C. GLYDE. MAGNUM & GLYDE. N 0.78 Market Street, ap9 Between Fourth and the Diamond, W. R. burrow J. R. OLDDSX, LUPTON & OLDDEN, MANUPACTURN2I3 AND DNALIRI3 IV FELT CEIENT & GRAVEL ROOFING 111-Repairs to nld Qrayel, Canvass and Metal, Rook made at the lowest prices. ..±,ll work promptly attended to and warranted, (Mae, Monaing Post Building, corner Fifth and Wood streetz.2d story. mhl7 • a LICRPEISHING GOOD O—Oar stook o L Gents furnishing Goods is large and com plete. W. H. MAIZE Qc CO , 143 Federal St , ocr Market Square, n p l] Allegheny. PILING CASSIXEREEI—We have in Stora a large anl well assorted stook of Cana mores for business stabil. W, H. HeGEE & CO., lel Federal Bt., oor Market sginare. Allegheny. ME VW LATEST TELEGRAPH, Late News from Gen. Foster. FROM FORTRESS MONROE ANOTHER RIOT IN NEW YORK INCOME TAX FORNIA dre., dee.. Ito.. ite NEW YORK, April 14.—Private advices from N6wbern, on Sunday, state that a communcation had been received from Gen. Poster that he bad plenty of supplies and, it was believed, he could withstand all the force the rebels could bring against him. ---- FORTHE9B MoNuou, April 14.—Genera Dix has returned, which is the source of much gratification to all. The enemy are in force in close prox imity to our lines at Suffolk, but no gen eral engagement is anticipated unless the attack is made by the Union forces, which is more than probable. In regard to affairs at Williamsburg, the Cavalier says : Gov. Wise commenced entrenching the other side of Williamsburg, and lias is sued orders to take Fort Magruder at all hazards, but he is afraid to make an as sault. Me has resorted to digging, We are' in fine spirits. Rebel prisoners say there was to have been simultaneous attacks upon Washing. ton -N. C., Suffolk, Gloucester Point and Williamsburg, or Fort Magruder. The attack on Gloucester Point was to have been wade by Oen. Fitz Hugh Lee. Those plans have been somewhat inter fered with by a reconnoissance of the 9th Delaware and the I 'niori gunboats up York river. The Richmond Whig says: Reports were in circulation yesterday that a., fight took place at Williamsburgrkatiirday, between Wise's forces and e enemy, and they were conftruod by ; ,;the passengers Who arrived last evening i . At an early hour on Sattirday our troops drove in the Yankee pickeilNy , d occupied the town; the enemy retiring to ort Magru der, from which point they _commenced shelling the place. Gen. Wise took a position near the college and replied to the enemy's tire. Our casualties up to the Bth were slight. A cavalry movement had been ordered, the result of which had nct been learned. A rumor is that we,captured 40 prisoners and a large quantity of commissary stores, but this is unvouched tot . . The Wilmington (N. C.' Journal, of Thursday evening, has a report that the town of Washizigton was taken by our forces under Gen. Hill on the previous day, but f.he Journal doubts the truth of said report. =Tan YouK, Apra 1•; —There has been mere difficulty among lung slaoremen to• day. The Irish laborers seem to have de termined that negroes shall have no more work. The police have thus far prevented any serious trouble, though some serious collisions have occurred, . I ASIIINGTox, April 13.—Commissioner on Internal Revenue has just issued the following ragulatioai for assessment of income tax. The assessor and assistant assessors of each collecting district will as sess income tax on the Ist day of May next, upon every person residing within the district liable thereto. Each person to return his total income, so far specify. ing the sources and whence derived as to enable the assessor tc decide on what de ductions should be made therefrom. Per sons whose income does not exceed tw thousand dollars and who reside in the o United States. will be subject to a duty of 3 per cent. on such portion thereof as is liable to taxation; Provided, however, that upon income derived from interest upon notes, toads, or other securities of the United States, a duty of tf per cent, be levied. Persons whose income exceeds ten thousand dollars will be subject to a duty of five per cent. on that portion subject to tax as above provided, upon income derived from interest on notes, bonds, or other securities of the United States a duty of one and a halt per cent. will be levied. Citizens of the United States re siding abroad and not in the employment of the Government of the United States will be subject. to a duty of five per cost% on the income of any property, securities or stocks owned in the United States and not exempted from the income tax; Pro vided, however, that upon income derived from interest upon notes,. bonds or other securities of the United States a duty of one and a half per cent, will be levied. Every farmer or planter will be required to make return of the value of produce ou his farm or plantation without deduct ing for the labor of himself or his servants or for any portion of such produce con• sumed by himself. LOUISVILLE, April 15 .—Rev, Edward Livingston Wells, Episcopalian, of this city, having taken the oath of allegiance, has received permilsion from Gen. Burn side to return to Louisville. All reports oFthe rebels attempting to cross the Cumber, within the past few days are false. BOSTON, April 15.—A private letter from an officer of the 44th Regiment Mas sachusetts volunteers, dated Newbern, N. W C., 7th inst., says : e think the boys with Gen. Foster,are safe from, capture, but wait anlcionsly to hear from them. MARKETS .13Y TELEGfRAPH CINOISNATTI. April 15,—Flour; mu& rate local ilowand for superfine.and sold at $5 75 and . ohs mgclilll; Wheat dull and not much done, red O 2 28, white $1 33 to 1 38; Corn unchanged: ats in active demand; Rye declined to 95c and is dull; Whisky steady at 1'22; No demand for mess pork; Lard, 40 tierces sold last evening at 10c, it riot bills over 91i to - day; 100,000 bulk sides sold at , a further decline, shoulders are held at 4,4444; Bacon shoulders were offered at 5o backed; Groceries unchanged and demand moderate; Gold declined to 480: Exchange firm. • REW YORK, April 15.—Cotton declining, 550 bales sold at 670. Flour lower; 11,000 barrels sold of Southern at 10@7 35. Wheat quiet; 600 bush., gold, prices nominal. White Kentucky $1 93 and mixed. Curti declined lc, 61,000 bushels sold at 89g4913 4c. Whisky dull. at 43%13404e. Rice Armat Thigillige, Sugar steady M •93‘912e. Mo. lease* firm..Yreaghto4tilli Wool nominal. G ENTIS FRENCH CALF BOOTH, Gent's Glove Calf Gaiters, Gent's Glove Calf Gaiters, Gent's Glove Calf Gaiters,, Cheap as the cheapest DIFFENBACIIER'S 16 Fifth street. near Market. .711n.4 suBBES BLANKETS—AN.I OTHER, Tot war on to stand heat or cold, uct - faaolved at 28 and walk. CliktrAroot,_ ocalltf. . J. &R. .Pt111.1.M.8. M hh b 0 0 II- HOW LOST! HOW RESTORED! Jut qinblishul. in n s Sealed Buyslope. Prim S ix A LECTURE ON THE Ceu NATURE, TREAT MENT and V Cure of •Spermatorrhcea or Seminal Meat — n oes, Involuntary Enunissionn, Sexual Debility, ..and Impediments to Marriage generally, Nervousness, Consumption * EpileyaY and Fits; Mental and Physical Licanamty result ing from Self-Abuse. ,4e.—87 ROT. J. OTIL VERWELL„ M. D.. Author of the Green Book, tea "A Boon to Thousands of Sufferers." Sant under seal. In a plain envelope, to any ad dress. pea paid. op receipt of Six Cents or two po s t a g e stamps, by Dr. CM. J. C. KLINE, 127 13701211/1112, NeW York, mh3l:d&w3m 'Mgt oMitrßant. 4086. 8T TOUR HOOTS , SHOES, B R O. GARdluAct Gam at Borland's; 9B MIAS agarJwS. . , Memory.. M. Carruthers, in the course of lec ture on Scottish history, delivered in 'Queen:sire - et Hall, Edinburgh, recently mentioned an instance of Sir Walter • Scott's wonderful memory: "I have heard Campbell relate how strongly Scott was impressed with his (Campbell's) poem of L Lochiel's Warning.' I read it to him in mannscript;' he said ; 'he then asked: to read it over himself, which he did, slow ly and distinctly, after which he handed to me the manuscript, saying : "Take care of your copyright, for' I have got your poem by heart," and with only these two readings he repeated the poem with scarce ly a mistake.' Certainly an extraordinary instance of memory, for the piece contains eighty-eight lines. The subject, however, was one which could not fail powerfully -to arrest Scott's attention, and the versifica tion and diction are such as are very easily caught up and easily remember. Effect of Shot on Vessels. A shot does not make a hole of its own size right through the wood, but indents it, the fibres spring back after the shock. Generally the course of the shot can only be traced with a wire, sometimes with a hole as large as a man's finger. The damage most often happens on the inside of a vessel, in splintering and breaking the wood, after the main force of the ball is spent. Forts Hamilton and Richmond, which are about a mile apart, with a ves sel lying between them, could not, with their guns, send a shot through two feet of its timbers. NEW GOODS. HUGUS & BACKE, SUCCESSORS To HUGUS, cor sth & ?dirket Streets. . - Are now offering to the trade a full and corn plate stock of - Dry GEkali, consisting of SHAWLS, SPRING SACQUE_S All the new styled ,pf D R , *IA at al priaea MIOrNEY COMB ANAufiItIENTAL QUIT TS L. 40, full and 4 complete assortment o DOMESTIC...AND 110 USSKEEPINIG GOODS, Purchasers are respectfully solicited to call and examine our 'took. up 2 - Steamship Great Eastern, FROM NEW YORK TO LIVERPOOL THE STEAMSHIP Great4-I„ivt:tl4., Eastern WALTER PATON, Commander Wit!. e-• DISMCIII3O From Liverpool, From Saturday, April 19, New York, Saturday, May 9, Tuesday, Juno 2. Tuesday, Juno 23. FIRST. CABIN, from .105 to $135 Each berth, according to size, situation altd ac commodation of the Stabs Rooms: all having the same privileges in the Sa , oon and in regard to meals m a yttennance. Snits of apartments for families be engaged by special agreoment. Excursion Tickets out and back, In the ist Cabin, only a fare and a halt. Servants accompanying pasengers, and chil dren under twelve years of age, half fare. In-, !ants free. SECOND CABlN.—State Room berths, meal f zruished at separate tables 470. THIRD CABlN.—lntermediate State Rooms, Passengers found with beds, bedding, table utensils, and good substantial food .............$59 STEERAGE, with superior accotzuno da•iOnS Payable In Gold, or its e s3o. quivalent in F. N. Ctlrrene,v. Each Passenger allowed Twenty cubic feet al luggage. An experienced Surgeon on board. For freight or passage apply to CILIA A. WHITNEY, At the °thee, 26 Broadway. HOWLAND & ASPINWALL Agents, THOMAS RATTIGAN, No 14 Monongahela Rouse, or Lo mh2B:Lial 'DODDER CTTTERS, CORN SHEL -1: LEES, farm [Mlle, for sale by BECKHAM & LONG, 121 Liberty ttioet. GARNET CHILL PEAC H BLOW, cherry blow, buckeye, Prince Albert, Mich igan white, sprout, Fox's seeding Potatoes, for sate by BECKHAM & LONG apll , 127 Liberty street. vzir OLD PP PEW A HANGINGS, ST MP ED and printed, for sale be W. P. MARSHALL. 87 Wood street. IE N N ST 14 EE T RESIDENCE TO RENT. A large th,ee story brink dwelling No 81 Penn street, near Marbury street, wide hall, large parlor, library , dining room. closets. Pantry, kitchen, chambers, bash room eta A pply apBto S. CUTHBERT az lion's; _______ 51 Market street L. ir ADIES',9IISSIES' AND CHILDREES .11_41 Boots, Shoes. Gaiters and Balmorals, made o order, of the beat materials and workman hip. W, E. SCHMERTZ do CO„ ap4 3 gFifth street. WILSON'S PILLS C Ult 141 SICK HEADACHE CURE NERVOUS HEADACHE CURE ALL KINDS OF HEADACHE. WILSON'S PILLS are the result of long investigation and cereful conducted experiments having been in me many year*, during which time they have prevented and , re• Bend a vast amount of pain and suffering from Headache, whether originating in the nervous System or from a deranged stato of the recnseeh. hey way be taken at all times with perfect piety, without making any change ( f Diet, and the ahsence . 4): any disagreeable taste, renders it ease to adminsster them to children. By the me of these Pills the periodic at tacks of Nervous cr ask Headache may be Pre vented; aid if taken in th- commencemeot of an attack immediate relief of pain and sicanties wall be obtained. They eeliom fail in removing Naorea and Headache, to which females are so subleet Th e y act gently on the bowels—removing Cos skews. For Literr ...weary Men; Students. Delicate Founded: and - idl pergola of sedentary habits. they are valuable a. a Lazitoe. improving the appetite. giving tone and vigor to the digestive organs. and restoring the natural eLasticityand strength of the who'e system. BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS I • The genuine have eisna,kres of IL AL Wii SON and B. L. FAHZIESTOCIT A CO. on each Box, Sold by all Druggists and all o,ber Dealers in Medicines, A oeipt Bo will be gent by mail prepai 1 on re. of x the PRICE 26 CENTS. All orders ehoold be addreeffed to. B. -L. PARNISTOOK & CO., PITTSBURGH, F. aidaisodkwurchilyi SPRING C . IT ANDELIERS, &o. BRACRETS , CORNICES. CANDELBEA-S, LIkIPS, REGILDED OR •REBRONZE' D. - and made equal to new. Als o; Chand dre.., altered to burn Carbon Oil, at he Lamp and Oil Store of WELDON, REINEKE&KELLY, ap2;lr. 1&1 Wood street. nearetis. DEAL ESTATE SAVINGS I.NSTV., Pew vatic. XS, 'LION, incorporate) by the Legislative of Opg - for Deposits from 10. a. in. to 2 o'clock. to p. . daily; also on SATURDAY EVENINGS.' from o to 9 o'clock. AKir Office, 63 FOURTH STREET. A SAP CON VENIENT and PROFITABLE DEPOSITARY, for Mechanics, Laborers. Clerks. sea all commawhos means or savings are arra It also nds itself to Executors,. So T eti *Hectors, Agents. volunta.s , Societies or As monitions, and persons of elasses: Interdit paidhe deposits, IX PE , t. CENT. per annum is on which, if not drawn, will be placed to the credit of the depoiHtor en the first day of May and Ncivember:antl. thereaf ter-bear the same interest as the principal. At this tate money Will DOUBLE in LBSS TEAS TVIZL YE BELAS. Interest will commence on all deposits the Ist and /sth days of the month after suoh deposits are made, Books containiog Charter, Bf-Laws, &a., furn ished on application at che °flies. Pagsnagsrr—lSAAC JONES Vice PIOCSIDfiNT—w. 11, COPELAND. TRUSTSJCS, Hon Thos M Howe I Hon Jlf Moorb ad. Isaac Jones, C G Hussey, Win H Jacob Painter, Horsy Childs. I Nickolas Voegtly, W B Copeland: Secretary. and Treasurer—A. A. CARRIER. febs:6md PUBLIC NOTICE OFFICE OF THE PaNN'A RAILROAD Co.} CANAL DEPARTMENT TI RE PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD 1. Company hereby give public notice to all whom it may concern. that .in purulence of the power and authority conferred upon it bysundi7 provisionnx fan act of the General Assembly of the Conweeltti of Pennsylvania entitled "An Act tore sale or the Main Line of the Public Works," approved May 16th, 1557. it will on the FIRST DAY UP MAY. A. D. one thousand eight hundred and sixty-three, abandon es much of the: Western Division of the canal. lately forming a' Part of the Main Line on the Public Works, and as lies between Blairsville and Johnstown. (com monly known as the "Upper Western Division")together also with such Dams Fedora and Reser votes lying west of Johnstown, as pertains to or are used in connection with said Upper Western Dili/110D. By order of the Board of Directors, - Witness the seal of the said Company the 25th day of FebniarT, A. D. 1863, mh4:dtrut .1y 1 .E.11131A R. 11 102180 M. [4 8.1 President LOTS FOR SALE—TeE SIIIISCRI her offers for sal four e loth situa On the corner of (thove e street andeligibl Centre Aven te ue & adjoining the Seventh Ward, in Pitt township.— The lots are each 24 !eel front by 110 toet deep, runnimnbaak to an alley, and are entirely isola ted by atrtiets and alleys on every aide. Two of the lets have frame houses on them, five rooms' and ball in each, hyd rants On the on - Liaise& They will be sold all together on very favorable term& Enquire of JAS. Itc I CAXIE, Agent, feb27 Ross meet, near Fourth. "!HE ARCH STREET, between 8d and 4th ritizAnELigits • 'ANNE UNDERsIGNED LEAVING RE newesithe lease of the above popular Rote for a serfas id years. would respectfully call the attention of the traveling publio to its osntral cant,. either !Or business o r plea sure. rnh3;fy , THOMAS 8, WEBB RON, SUSIDRIES— CoffeeSaggrs, t7hLsker ins. FLour So, For sale by Rais TIERMAN .4 ORT'I t Y. Cerostof Ohio street and Diano.,nl. non, Allnchon, t r. • ,n 1 Q r Bbls No 2 do do do do -20 Rita Mesa and No 1 do Just received and for sale by nah23 MILLEk .k RI,3LEI'iON. E • IOUR BUILDING LOTS FOR yE 11 1 0 feIN LaAW R anNCoEmVlLLEtuatednr Ohibh street. situated near the Passenger Rail wiky, will be sold cheap for cash, on application at tbis Of. flee' fohlltdtf CONCENTRATED LYE—Fiftv flues Con centrated Lye, just received and forgot.% by atit GEO. A. KELLY. 69 ;federal St, Allegheny. GROSS OF SELLERS' 131 PE 1114 , R:b AL Cough Syrup. just recurred and for cr GEO. A KELLY ; tO Federal Bt., Allegheny. F&ANISEED OIL-lOBbls Flaxseed _ _ jnet - ieceived and for sale b apB y GEO. A. KELLY, 69 Federal st, Alleghem.i. inkIiAKIPS PLANTATION BITTERS, Rif Just received and for sale by Civil A. KELLY. apB 69 p o d en j st., A llegheny. SODA ASH AND poTASEL—A, law suoPlY of each, hut. received and for sale by spB GEO. A. BELLY. 69 Federal EL. AllegbeaY. LUPTON dk OLDDEN, , GP.AVRL ROOFERS A PPLES- , 140 . BARRELS CROICM .114. N. Y. Aptdag, lust received and for sole - by JARAiItETZEJ4 &p 7 'corner Market and let Bt, `.7 VFFOIIWANT TA.NNTInim IN THE Maas Ow, to-day. so - todioilletlantra .55114 h. g—Ta.lB6o—x I ' l antatfQit Uftter 'They purify, sr retitthen and Invitoyate They create a healthy appetite They are an titstidOtoto change atriter and dlei They cvereou,ii.' the 'effects of dissipation -and , vr late hours • They strengthen thesystem and enliven thainin" They revent miastse and intermittent f• vas Ty 9ch : unify the oreath and acidity of thi stab— 7 r ` 3 . 7 ii cure D.rsPtrisla and Constipatlors T e bus ..t. re L o ierrhae.lloitera and Cholera Mor. They cure Liver complaints and Nervomoletub ache. They a e the bast Bitters in the world. ' They make the we man strong. and are exhausted ronature's great restorer. They are- made Of_pure otsroix bum, and are elebrated CallsaYaßarll.' and herbe, andtaken with the Pleasure of a beverage, without regard Co age or time of day. Particularly recommended to delicate per- sons - requiring a gentle stimulant. Sold by all Grocers, Druggists. Hotels and Sa loons, P. H. DRAKE de CO., feb4;3md No, 202 Broadvraz, New York. RIVER INTELLIGENCE PORT OF PITTOBOAGII. ARRIVM, Franklin, Ben'nett, Brownsville, Gallatin; Clarke, do • DEPARTED, Franklin, Bennett, Brownsville. Gallatin. Clarke. do Mar The river—Last evening at twi light there were about 10;4 feet wator and at a stand. We had mild rai-a during the day; NEW STEAMER J. 11. oluttoka: Another new Steamer bearing the above name basil:id been completed by Capt. D. S. N. Gilmore. She ii loading for St. LOlllll. and will leave on 4'aturdar, 'nil bat has burin iltredbut in a superior manner and is a No.l is every re; Bocci, Capt. Gilmore has had a good deal of ex perience in boat building. and has turned that I experience to a good adeouot on 'the present I vessel. 0:a old fnend Capt. J. C. MoVaY will do i the boners in the office, with credit to himself and profit to the owners. For Evans'ODlN Cairo and it. Loafs. SATURDAY, APRIL, 18th. 4 P. M. • THE NEW AND SPLEN DID passenger Steamer. Jelios R. GILMORE. D. S. Gilmore commander, trill leave as above. For freight or passage smarm' board, or to spit*. .1. B. LIVINGSTON& CO., Act. - - --- For Marietta and Zanesville:- Regular Musikinguna river- Ptudfdi leaves Pittsburgh every Tuesday. 4 - p. m., Zanesville every Friday 8 a.m. THE NEW AND SPLENDID Passenger steamer EMMA GRA HA , Monroe Ayers commander. will leave. AB noted above. For freight or Yip apply on board or to J.D. LIVINGSTON & CO. lips - - !STEAMBOAT 461011C1f. in. FI IL4 IEI 'l' IC Has opened an offioe at 90 WATER STREET, Where he will traneam a General fiteanaboai Agency basins, and would solielte darn of pae rename from steamboat men. an24-1/11 MORNING POST . BUILDING,; corner Fiftirenct Wood atreeta. -2'.;' 'i - 4.'" ; .j'?,— , z-t . !..3 - ‘ , ": , i;.1: .c',.., ' ' .P1TT8141110,4, 22)1EAVRE,. *A6_ , .***4-"iiii-14,..:*m.n.ENDERsctru. iiihnht - 6 , 4 ''' -- - ,2 !- ''';l7. Orili/NGTON .................,...,..1am,... . , 1 .. L iattiiittatit: , Ofietil --- - - ' • -.., •••Irgionirig. /ARM .NSOPt." 1.17.1141- O 4ll ll4iniariii '' ' ' - ....,. -10 .,.- t 1 14 4 1 - 41 P ,1 4 1 0 // 4 1 1 0 111 07." tress AA -NM of tho . charthing Young' Aa-* orege AA-NM SVARD.wiIb wiil appear as . "COLshi." 1 Thii:Thursday evening. the Pejfqrnanre wil ' d Inniendeltlemeatio..dranneof , - • _ „. . . _ • "YNKEE L.ABitll.' . JesepLot-Sne :Ta-ao . " ... - .......1 - Ank s 0 14Linzon &nit hinc.......... ...... su .......... _—.A,tei betne.. ............... --.... ...... . ... . .. .Mr.&1214,n. To ba I Slowed by the ",1701141"12eNE," Jonathon nieughboy.;.. ,- „,:. .S .. Tait F.P 111-1 , 1n.0n., O ally .... ... .. . To es:Weiti7e 'Wait - -- - NA-TURR ANIS PIiILO`.7OPHY: Colin..-.4....-...•-:..;.,- • ' - • Ailumws_ .711. IttE. . .... ...... 13. 14 / 1 4REAr . . , . IMB IDA KOSS. • ' MISS FANNIN ARCIIER. MISS SAiLIE DUVAL, 011ARI,ri _ LsBW—SIMMONS, ancliithor raw rites . talAiliP.F.A-NNY:C4/11...101111t, thiPitt3burgh favorite,will polnlivel7 rcOvenr MondaY. IVLLE ZOE,'fh tuba fylph. shoot, appear. apl64w CLAP-P.. STA sLicy P oloptleetneresna of the War. Pialitot2. ail , the :44enttriot importance - from . ratri Kertreshoro, with most intricate maehitierp;-and attoniehing cifectr, on othioition` at 4. ' • • • HAUL =THISI.I . IiIIIT IN . G. - APRIL 30th. k - Admission , in cents ;: ren Wetp. DOOr s open at 7; .commeni3e et 'o'clock. Carriages may be ordered eta.% u'cloc . MATINDS WEDNENDAY rind Sian- DAY AFTEKNO,ONS at-2% o'clock. trae:d.lw . . SPECIAIB NOTICES contrirszn---- sant% Enna COMMRlalide /KERB; . • CARRIAGE MANUFACTUREHL r SILVER, , PLATERS, • 4 '7' and - manufactnnirg of Saddlery and Carriaee Erdwa?e, No. 7 Ettlatr Street, and Duquesne Way, • II (near th e B %kW ' = P ITTSBURG/I. PA, . ! ff X(i L 81 0 The entypreparation_that-w ll i,st-A - m t-, V . duce &splendid brown or-blaknnin p eo. without injury ta *tic bag* or 1011inic - the skin of the faceerheed, ii CRISTADORO'S-HAIR DYE. It lias bieil certified by tbe ii , ..t Chemists in America, including Dr. it, CRILTON, to 6 free frorneve 3" , deleterious enbehince znd hal2o equal 7 in the certainty anctrapidAwit& operation. kliiiiofeetneed by J. On.ADOllt). o 4.ettg gown, New , TorX Sold evegwhere, and appli ed bki :Wreaker% pelage . 1 51/- and $3 por boa . according to else V-ap VENETIAN -110 ESE 110 . Lintittniti•Piut betties at fifty is (mob. for the cure oflameness, soratehee,lnnd gal b:; sprains bralso. eplints, oats, collo. slipping still!, over heating, sore throat, nail in tee foot, e. /3 warramed cheaper and be ler_than,any otherar ticle ever:effete& TO the public. 'fnousar Os, of • entrusts have been oared of the oolio end ofer heating by this LiniMent at d tieirods that was crippled • and , lame have been rest - red to . their former, vigor: It is used by. all tho Ora horsemen throtighoutrhe States. thdersare cm stantiy receives froni. the Pacing + - tables of Ma- Wand f r fresh suppiies of this invaluable article. Over 2500 Oselimonseir have been received. Remem ber. 60 cents laid oat in time may save the .life of our horse, . Prim 25 and 50 - eente: ' gold by all dram/14— Office 56 Cortland street,New York. Faithi t s -1---------i------------------.llbn reunitretil'itrills. _ / ' -,' - , ..,.. -•- - Now OABTA Weateheater Ca. N. -Y.Siat. A 1572,4 Mr. G. Tax Eye% Suattent. 'Editor Sin itfili Republica* i - LDear Sir-I*mila albite that r was indicod to use BRANDR MPS PILLS, through the recom mendation of.Toluy ft:l3wift. of Croton, Wostohea ter cooed& who was entirely rntored to health by their use.'lle was sick for some two ythro. very coati and - drgrientia and he tried everything but as not relieved. Pinally. ho took ono Bran tire 'II Pill everyday for a week. and a dose ofei.Y. every 411 S, for three days, and then took one err day, with an occasional dose of Fa. In o onth hewas able to go to work, and in throe months he wellgaming 40_younds in weight., Youra ..R . truly t. - ,- • DWARD PURDY. - Witaingsmailt.rirry; gar p , Edward,Pardy, being duly pram Baia that he . resides in the - town- of New • Ce.W th at some years.she waexetridekvitha sore on his leg. which had beenlanninetfor over five years; that he was also anteledistrisani by anain labia chest. and beside; very costive and dyspeptic. that 2... 4 ter trYing_varioita remoilea and mmegnitysicia, he commenoed usingErandrottee Ms. 6i5 to eig ht three times &week, and at thoend •of one month. the sore on his leg healed. and' at the end of two months he was entirely cured of costiveness, &vs- Delwin and Tata and has retosiood well ever mince.- EDARD P n_ UY. Sworn to before me. this 11t hday of O RD Ma. S. ittALCOL/il SIVITIL nolAtikw:tfo., " - 'Justice (tithe Peace. • Bold by Thnuana Redpath, - Diamond Alley Pittsburgh. - • . CARPET:B. - 802. z 'llOllllllll, - 1802, H.-4016-'' tiM* . - frp - FOP RUT - STREBT, %ARAM PORTION or otriewroon •Drojoip z to a seek, of eaveueej, and now , repleniefted (just beforti the *Test advilee theseasenj_rit the tte.ost stens in Carpets,. Oil Olathe, Window blades, A. favorable opportunity b o .erea. putchasen t moderste(rateititlawi teee ern! leemosiri ; t4e017 • • lA. C ARD. li( r ta ' o pe ra te .if- h . eforethe l Den T:l tal-VoLic .2l cs 1 me nit Stages. and the various Dental t Lon gentionlifonfilted, briagiti_E-borde the prsf-ssion. my Apparatus for astractiug Teeth Without Paha,/ guill of neets:ity bo obliged tobef . away'from . m:it ofileethe arewor part of next Sprint and Summer, and itat try ' plVientap,atritiot.jm theiloserath• ibrilhave as. • MeisitalWith hie Dr: ... a thmtitt of well known ability In every bran f ihnprolea. • 8100. ; and whose elegant fillings -are (ho admit bf ;tien the piufeation wherever mem. - Dr.: W. aYO ‘ 'kill be with me.-from April lot; and nilvtegh• th e general charab of thu (Ace. le .ving me • t..c. to devote mr whole . atteotion to Extradhaa!Teettr with my7A-ppanitos. and to the tenthircirat part, / the profetsbton. Terserid tylto'ttuillidsve- hiih,rto laii, d .0 a ave the r Teeth rxtr,Leted for went of . jima t o illy pill. or Item defect's in the sprardtriT RP) amnred that such diftioulti. no longer exitlitt .e I have Made many improvements. and windy. vote my whole time tckit..., , ....-.. - • - itmerences in regard to the Piduleimness and Safety of the. otieratlone even - if desired, - end from %Wiest' stentlemen -too, , Remember that . cold weather is the time - whed tie apparatus eon be used to the beet .advantagM.---------•- •—....-. - -.--,... ^ 4 11. 01.1Dalr. Deatht, mhl7;dtai.o4 - ' : 184 Eitaittuiehlor"44. _ .. . . . ._ _ pUIVATE DIS/OlaiS it . ' ' .- . . ~.. . DR. BROWN'S °MOE, 60 SMITHFIELD. STREET, Citizens en d strangers in need of medical rot , v i ce s i ten id not tali to give him a ca. Dr. Brown's remedies never fail to care howl. riti arofaions and venereal a ff ections —ekl-o h tent, such as totter, psoriasis and oth er sidn diseases, the origin of which the patient i s ienorant. LIB biIITAL WEAKNESS. Dr. Be' remedies for this dilation brought on by solitary Imbibe, are the only medical= itrown in this country whichare safe and will speedily regions to health. ILERIBLiTIBM.'• • Dr. Brown's remedies own in a few &a this paint n 1 affiletion_ - ' • He also treat Piles, (Heat. Gonnoriboe.-Drelhal -Discharges. Female Diseases Psalm lir the Back and kidneys, irritation of Hiel'lllathiegi-strict urea eta. A fetter to be answered mint a least ONB DOLLAR. - Medierinee sent tonali t y address ea eked. Office and private rooms, N0'..10 SMITHFIELD STREET. Pittsburgh. Pa. nolsiLkw _ . VOLOWS. CULTIVATOR% >B 0 EO, shovolA, epodes. acted drilla. I ard en arid bar igoks, hag , and manure- forks. tether, 'grain °Tiles, for 'Ale BEClatild LONG, 127: -liberty , stmt.. ETTBSEI 50_ A ILA 1 , 111,,f ii!pixTe ,AAD quartsek'Hitd,Wa Champagne. 3 0 tegaliftskitnag WW I % .111"144111.1 0144 -- CitIBON - i11.•,-.>.l:'':t:i;.7: - !: f1?.•E1 , ,Y. z,L, L~~t]'ST~D4~rl~~ - Atinic;lW