The Pittsburgh post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1859-1864, March 13, 1863, Image 3

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WtHBBT,BQBXOI( ul oar wants fiathe Oall>
[taid Weekly Peat In those eitrni, nod areeo-
to take Advertisements end Sabaaintius
r os at our Balm. 44 ;;
am jniittHßoiMoop nmtiem
MllUtary Fines.
e, remonstrance recently preaented in
egislatqre from the Society of Friends
Pennsylvania, sets forth that under the
foings of jour Lord Jesns Christ, .which
to ‘ ‘ovje your enemies—bless them
t curse yqu, do good to them ihat hate
, ana pray for them that deßpitefolly.
yon,” -they cannot engage in the dread-:
onßineaa if war and bloodshed, nor pay;
sum for being exempt from what they
sider to be sinlnl. They further declared
the Pennsylvania BUI of Rights says :
‘‘no human authority can, in any case
tever, control or interfere with thej
ts of conscience,” and that, althoughj
iyne true that persons not Friends took
th'jf affidavit k>f_ conscientious. scruples to
aye d the draft, it is the fundamental print
Pjj hat the innocent shall not be punished
‘"jfWer to reach the guilty. The memo
nessdrsavows any inclination to sympathize
-trith the wicltpd Rebellion, and concludes
with aatatemint that the Society will feel
it jjtb be a duly to hear meeily auSLlegal
P r ff.r. ea3 and distraints as may be inflicted, I
m|md ? r* |^ e does not heed the
li ona ‘ -4-' — l —
^ UiD * 80 *’ tl,e **lttsbnrgli, Ft.
Wayne and. Chicago Railway
||e approximate earnings of the Pitts
* ort , and Chicago -Railway
n PP any * 4vripg' the month of Fetrnary
ult., {compared with the same period of
lasl j| f ear > were as follows: i
Frlln ' 1862, Increase.
llfc- If “ ■-:. 157 60
ssjagy pg
To iillv-y-,--536 .352 57 fStt&t 36 $81,094 81
Kanjjnga . )
fjgj. 1 J- ® 7oi) M5O «W 8 Of. $134426 44
. tease for February 31* per cent.:
mcreaae to February 28, 234 per cent.
; Anneal exhibition of the Gymnas
ts Jli r n Tueada r evening was
? |hriiliant4ncceaa that the members,
bavihljbeen solicited to repeat it, have
cletermtned to give a second exhibition
cf'iSiJ benefit of the Sanitary and
Subdtijtjence Committees, both of which
are doing thoir best for the alleviation of
the ahfferings of pur soldiers in the field
and on I their wav] home. The'time fixed
* or , ® exhibition is this evening, when
w ? d°Pp to see tpe efforts of this Assocl
ation;|( which has sent Bo many of its
memb|rs to the battle-field) to realize
?? tnef M n S handsome for the benefit of
the sufferers in the rebellion, properly
appreciated. The price of tickets has
been fixed at fifty' cents, and if an effort
m. on i proceeds will be large.
J he .itself will, aside from its
benevolent objaeljj, be of sach a charao
ter as] |to repay jail who attend for the
troublp and expe ise.
|j Sew Packet.
Cape. James J. Robinson, of the North
®rn ”. e Packet )0., arrived here vester
day, and will superintend the building of
ct 6 ¥P5 thern Li ie ■ packet, Mirseatine.
. . ex lects to have her ready for servicei
ln -uuin l T two mo i Dt hs. The Moscatitie
Wll m h rst paasenger steamer, the
counterpart of hei) twin sister Davenport,
I '°'v.befng finished! at our landing. Capt.
Kooms >h has bei m in the government
serviejCi all season and was present at the
rr Si & ’t ' ‘okspnrg, Arkansas Poßt,
Landing,. &c. Hia- namerone
here will be pleased to know that
the gal ant,Captain ia in the eejoyment-of
excell|pjt. health. [ ' ' '
If J
a Colored Recruits.
Thejl Elarrisbur; Patriot and Union
says: 1 On Monda r evening fourteen ne
gro some in fall uniform, passed
through ibis city bn the mail train from
PirtsbJrjh.ou their way to Massachusetts,
tojoifljjthe regimebt for which they were
enlisted. They were under an officer of
their ow i color, and during their stay in
this cijjr stopped at one of the hotels near
the dejjqt and took refreshments. Quite
a num'Ber of "American citizens of Afri
can ddsbfent.”-belonging to this city paid
their f|Spects to the distinguished visi
tors, and gave the m a .warm and hearty
greeting. 1 ”
Theitfaragraph does notatato where these
recruiftvere enlist id—certainly not here,
aa, ifany of our col >red citizens designed' I
entering jthe army they would not join a I
Massachusetts regjment, but await the
lormatipn of the Colored regiment pro-1
jectedjnere. , '
Oil W'harf Beyond the City
1 ' , I.ti nits.
Somejof our oil n en, aided by a number
of producers of Oil City, propose to lease
as much! ground as is necessary,, on the
bank m the Alleg lieny river, at)d build
thereonl a wharf fc r landing oil. They
think ||hjs .plan has many advantages,'as
the tail imposed. by the city will not only
be avoided, bnt tht, landing will be above
sil thoijbndgea, thm avoiding the piers,
while jit will also be nearer most of the
refineriek than the f roposed oil wharf be
low th.ej[ St. Clair s reet bridge. One oil
operatOT offers to sibseribe $l,OOO to the
Pittiiburgb Female College,
Thejea amination >f the classes' of the
Pitt9bu|{ h Female College commenced
yesterday and will end to-day at noon.—
The usn d entertaininent will be given
this evening, at 7. o’clock,-in- the' college
phapel|j -The entertainment'will* consist’
of a w.'essAys and a musical soiree by the
oupils led Prof, Bohbjock.
{he and ' Retreat Western
dw York, Ohio and Pennsylvania
3 of this corporation held a-meet
■feadville on last Saturday, the chief
jilt which wafe to consolidate ; ,the,
ifeions of tSe road to facilitate
isportation df freight and passen
lE. fcweitgar, Esq-'t : was appoint
jral Saperintjsndent of the whole
ing in I
the Ire
ed Get
» CoiwtaMG;' .
Mr. ij J. Woolsjayer, agent of. the
Pennsylvania. Bailrohd at East Libeinty,
called pji ns yesterday to Say that he is
not a com table, as innocently stated by ns
cn Wednjsegay. ©orning, and was merely
called onlto aid the oncers in the arrest of
Uienbatjtjbecauae he teas acquainted with;
tne locality and the man was known to be
req ? iriEga stroD *
Ipole is to bL hang at Wheeling
iff thn; murder 0 f Adam Beech,
j[admi,B, '' y snv a he, was crazy
dor at the i,nu> Eli Sheets, con-
Ethemmd.r Ausley.when,
liu lEelittec. he
tea by him, 3 (~ be executed in
•countyjai -j*rd outhe 10. ho?
Doc. j?
with lion
having i
April. ||]|
loWlew y Philadelphia.
SS.WI °nisV'h , and wonoded sol
lifted pbila lelphte °n Tuesday
w D ?> W J 1 nonn 0 n n j l “ e the following: U.
lb V 23 / 5 = t ?hite. H, 155th;
: ,c pr p.>. ai !
iaSAth; J. Belter, B, 18M. .
- ; ' ,v ‘ " " i’y . . . *"
last, it
D. Sins
T. M. B
,i«er, Si
The Pittsbnigb'SimtafyCommittee in;
' tends to ship to-day. a largeWnd yaja&blb
' atoresWitttbh&l ,bjf >6&t
one individuals, charitable'sotueties and
public schools of Birminghanijfbfthe re}
lief of onr Suffering soldiers.- Thegood*
will be.sent to theoecretary of.the United
Statea Sanitary Cbmuiiasion at Louis}
villa, to be forwarded direct to the point
where the . need is the greatest, which is
Vicksburg. The Commission possess the
knowledge, and facilities for transportation
requisite for accomplishing this, in the
most direct and effective way. Any farther
contributions of supplies sent before 12
o’clock to No. 131, Second street,, will be
shipped immediately. V .
Compllmentar/ Concert.
I Mies Lena Scriba, a lady of fine musi-
I cal capabilities, has .beentendered a com
:| plimentary concertos arrangements for
I which are now in progress. It will be
I given on Saturday evening, :21st inst,, at
j Masonic Hall, and the lady will be assisted
|by Miss Bollman, Messrs, H. Kleber,
J Poerster andßfecht,hnffthe Frohsinn So
Iciety. The programme is not yet an-
I pounced, but we understand that it will be
I such as to attract every'lover ofmasic in I
the city.. Miss Scriba is a vpcaligt of rare I
power, and Has,' whenever Bhe appeared I
rn public, elicited the. most rapturous ap- [
[plause, from amateurs and professionals. I
' ”here -are many • who will' be glad ot the I
opportunity of agmn mamfesting'their ap: I
peciabonoi her vocal accomplishments. I
. Early in the Field.
The Republicans seem determined to be
'early in the field for; the ’county .offices
next fall. We perceive that Wm. A.
Herron, Esq., Clerk of the Courts, an
nounces'himself as a candidate for re
V; Dedication.;
] A new German Lutheran church, at A 1
toona, isto be dedicated to the service o
Godcn Sunday next. Rev. Neumann, cl
this city, will participate in the services..
Soldiers Eu iioiite.
I The Subsistence Committee were m -
King preparations last night to feed a
regiment from the West on their way
| Eastward. Two other regiments are ex* I
pected to-day, and another to-morrow,
all of whom will be kindly treated by this
indefatigable and praiseworthy associa
tion. * I
Fnrjiaee Sold.
Messrs. Wood, Morrell & Co>,* ot the
Cambria Iron Works, hare purchased
Watson, Denniaton ;& Co’s furnacej near
Holiidaysburg, for th'e sum ofs 180,000. *
For Col. Collier’s Regiment,
; Lieut. Samuel Harper.of the 189th,
leases this afternoon to rejoin his regi
ment. He will take any letters or small
packages left at Case's news depot before
noon to-day.
Capt- Bobinsotl, of the TTUrregiment, is
m the city on a brief- visit, He Bays the
regiment is in good condition. -
Sam Sharpley's “Band.”
Ijook out for more fan this eveniogat Con
cert, Hally as. Sam Sharp ley. and his ‘‘lron
Clads” .give another of their,capital enter*
meats. Wa had grown very tired of the
stale jo<ces and stereotyped-burlesques of
cork opera and were really relieved by the
freshnesswhich characterize* this troupe.
SHfpley is a capital manager and not
afraid of expense, recognizing the princi-
Sle that-good talent is cheaper at a high
gure than mediocrity for nothing. The
I company is complete in every.department
and cannot -foil to give saiisfacfion to alf
I who can appreciates a good thing orare not
too misanthropic to enjoy a laugh. We
cannot.enumerate the many novelties tire*
sented bythe “Iron Clads,” nordiscnmi*
nate between so many good performers.
We only advise all to go this evening and
judge for Uietoselvea. To-morrownightia
the last in this city.
ilr. Coni dock takes a benefit at the
Theatre, to-night, -and we ..hope the-audi
ence may be large enough to compensate
him in a measure for the slim attendance
during the week. He is~ata actor of
known and acknowledged • merit; nm
equalled In his speciality, and deserving
of a liberal He. plays vAm
bone de Vernatfn “ The Advocate,” and
Peter Probity in the‘‘Chimney Corner,”
two of his best parts, and Miss Coaldock
sustains him in both.' Let there be a full
house. , ' ;
[' ■ Sam Sanford’s Troupe.
Sam Sanford, therenownedaudvjertta
[ ble Samnel himself, Opens with His com
pany of minstrels at Concert Hall, oh nuxt
Hondey night. He wilf bring'a good
company, some of the beat in’the line of
cork opera, and as Sam always has some
thing new his. entertainments 1 we
expect to hear novelties in abundance this
time. Our citizens" must' prepAfe to
“langh and grow fat” for Borne nights to
Good and Low Priced Clothing.
I. Thpse of onr readers who have not as
yet availed themselves oi the induoement
held out by J. L. Carnaghan, No. 116
LfM'jefal street, 1 Allegheny city;' to' cash
purchasers, should* certainly do so at
once.: Mr. Carnaghan reliaqaishes busi
ness in a very short time, and is’ cloßing
onthip entire stock of ready-made gCntle
men’d and hoys' clothing, as well as a-very
| desirable assortment of piece goods at
very lowprices.. It ia a change rarely to
be met with.
A sptEKDib fot pf carpets justireeeived
and for sale cheap at No. 146 Wood street,
J 3. Wj Lynd, Cornmisson Merchant. '
8«0 visa *BJiXX«’agewinsMachlnM,tor (»„")»
mannaoUiriaepttrpojesiart thff best intu* '
A. P. Ctf&TONAY. GoUoittl J Axentr *
i. „la Pitlsbaritb r, ,
roisra n«i ...—-•
]> '{Between ffixth itmt'and Tirxi i t Her,:
BO» j-■ :
JL Frnlt orpre j>»{ed-Mlnoe Meat* mixed, and
| sB; <)ther .kiti'difqT .m
[, WinoTNow Crunj?,'Lemon aniCttran'Foel guts.
I'Naworth A BrCtfien. m tneDlainond, where you
will get* new nropof Pratt and-town than-at
why other hoose in the city.: Alao.e/general and
53 assortment of Pamilr Urooeriee.Teee, Wines,
Brandies, and all other things of Foreign-'ana
Dome, n jfßaoTHEßi" '
da34~ oornsr IHssnondfiidiDiatMnd. alley.-
{if - CwineaUAHrlndebteanMS, Quutemt#
ters* Ceragp&tafiO .U d J.. J i'Z V.&si
1 « j « .*.j* Itf/QVV has o&i -
7 3.10 Bonds and Coupons;
anda'l other
W, H. WHaLIAMSA vo., . r
: mii5 t flmd Wocdrt eetrooratrbfThlrd«
vT miatoly—An exptriabce-i
must also understand Lamp.
dnoo the most, unexceptionable re&ceneeaag t.
- - 153 Wood street.
1 600 Fa ? ts Whits aai Yeliow Oort,
eneUed and u sonnies, Enquire of
j. w. ciiirr
OffTna IflS'TdhOrt* rtfcat
firsp£so PA
Negroes Doli
From W
News froiu
New Hampi
Atq «kc.,
J The pickets of tk<
I portions of the lines
I of the Rappahannoei
and one half white n
armed and nniforc
| whites. The fact e
tion, only one hun
and fifty yards inte ■
pickets and the eni
plainly to be diatingu
of a glass.
I Gen. Ingall's, chie
I army of the Potoma
I lar modifying and rt
I tation of all arms of
ds t£e staff's of c
I Marriage rites wei
at the camp of the 7
ment between Capt.
ment, and Miss Sa
Washington, Marc
Ramsay, Senator ele
whose credentials v
February 6th, appe:
oath prescribed by la
" On motion of Mr.
ifornia, the following
nutted by him for ac
moos consent was adc
liesolotd, That th<
[ Treasury be directed
and presented tp the :
and general report ui
present condition of o
mestic commerce, inch
of the Pacific coast; q;
geßt what legislation,
ty to enlarge and pn
interests involved
The Senate then w<
Washington, March
dier General of voinnti
Prank P. Blair, Ist
! Aug. 22d, 1862; Capti.
ty, 6th Artillery, Sept
Geo. Bestley, 3d Ohio,
to be Major General ol
Gen. Cadwalader C.
volunteers, Nov. 29-,b,
Prank P. Blair, Nov.
Gen. M. Prentiss, of 1.
be Maj. Gen. of volant}
March 12 —The Steamship,
Anglo Saxon has arrived with one day's
later intelligence from Europe,
The London Globe hinkathat aeon*
tradietion exists between Mr. Seward and
Mr. Merrier, and that < ne of the govern
ments will have to den and a substantial
The London Times believes that Mr
Seward really did listen to Mr. Mercier’s
The Times considers
meats ia Illinois and ot
proof that peace was wa
The American Mini
Prince of. Wales Levee.
The Mayor of Liver
banquet to the Captains
Belief ship.
The»&oBBians haye 1
after right hours fight at
bels, !
• reported that the people drove oil
toe Goesaekß, who pun ued the fugitive
Poles into the Austrian erritory.
The latest intelligence statea that the
Spanish hlini&terhas resigned.
Liverpool, Feb. 27. — The sales oi cot
ton for the week were 24,000 bales, and
the market closing with an advance of
id on the week for American; other kinds
were declining. Flour has a downward
tendency. Wheat has d sclined 2d. Corn
is 3d@6d lower. Provisions flat;
LoKnoy, Feb. "27.—Consols 92J©92i
■’*- Washington, March l]
ment is advised ot rebel
privateerg on the Pacific]
The United States Co
Van Couver’s Island, wi
tempt has just failed ]
English steamer, for pc
from a person named |
proceeded to San-Francis
Mon. Owen Lovejoy q
in Washington by a serf
one: sickness. He is ni
New Yobk, March
?inbojat Quaker City,
ort'Eoval via Charleston
inst. She coni
and receive hew boilers
tinst., off Cape Fear, si
British steamer Donro, i
race of six hours. The I
So of 920 bales of cotton]
•pm. Wilmington, N. 0
She whs ordered to this pi
tioM, and also arrived hel
- "'The iQuaker City brings
of prisoners, captured pe
lids from the South. 1
The ] Atlantic Sqaadro
Sanford from Porfritoyal
to-night.' The ■ transport
from New Orleans, has al
The |ron clad steamer!
from ttje lower bay yea tore
. (jpscoßD, N.' H., Mari
turns from all, ‘but tweil
two . hundred and thirty--
townaintbia State, indies
~Jpahing last yoar'S vott
notmeardfrom, and addin
gain, the vote will standal
man, peril,f ‘ 32,036 j" |
28,760;! 'Harnman, Bell
4,369- 'Eastman lacks, a!
plurality - over Oilmore ;j
3,276. f jEsstman’s gain i
i I 'M
For Congress—Marcy:
First Dis.trief ' 6ver : Easm
460 msjbrofeV "
r&h&Wected by 300 majorr
;,fn.tha ThitaiPistriot Jd
sWlßep.) is elected byilt
*; TheLegiglaiure, which
Governor, stands largely J
the .ffoußetheßepnblicaii
60'to’ 70 majority;-in tbe
12 Senators. The Govern
probably stand three Be]
Returns from several tor
Congressional District, bri
jority down to so °™»U al
require official returns to
Picket Dat y,
Confirms d
11 ton Bead.
I Gen, Stevenson, who was charged with
using' disrespectful language against the
I black brigade, was honorably released by
I Gen. Hunter, on Saturday last, it having
I appeared that there was nothing disloyal
liu what he had said. He received an ova-1
I tion last evening from his brigade of the
I most flattering character.
I The U. S. transport steamer, Gen. Burni]
side, Capt. Wilcox, arrived here on Friday ]
from St, Augustine, Florida. She will I
leave here to morrow for the same point. I
Drs. Otis and Ingulls, two distinguished I
| surgeons of General Foster’s command I
now here as supernumerary surgeons.and:|
have charge of a large steamer for hospital |
ship < fitted up with all the comforts neces-1
sary. I
ire Election
*#•l dfcc,
Army Potosuo, 1
March 12' / ,
<i enemy, along certain
i on the opposite side
l, are one half negroes
: en. The negroes are
: ted the same as the
spears beyond ques-
Ired to one hundred
'Veiling betweeen our I
Bmy’s, and they are
dshed without the aid I
I'be famous steamer Union, Captain'
Chambers, which has performed so many
[ exploits in the waters of North
Carolina and doubtless one of the fastest
steamera afloat, is now here.' Itisrnraor
ed that she will take a cruise alter the rebel ]
pirate Alabama, if the Caplain can pro- j
cure letters of marque for that purpose.
'quartermaster of the
i has issued a circu
lacing the trahspor-,
the service, as well
I Harhisbitio, March 12.—A large and
I enthusiastic meeting was held here this
I evening to organize n Central National
I Union League.' Col. James Norvall was
made President. The meeting was tem
porariiy presided over by the Bon. Flem
tng. _ A constitution and by laws was
unanimously adopted . Speeches were
made by the President, Hon, A. W. Bene
diet, Senator Bound, Judge Shannon and
others. The stand was handsomely deco
rated with flags, and everything passed off
most satisfactorily to the friends of the
irps, divisions and
e solemnized to day
th New Jersey regi.
Dehart of that regi ■
muel Lammord, of
h 12. —Hon. Alex,
it from Minnesota,
'ere • presented on
red and took the
ioDongal, of £ali
| resolution was sub
tion, and by nnani
Secretary of the
to have prepared
Senate, a statistical
pon the value aod
nr foreign and (lo
ading as well that
ind farther, to sug
if any, is necessa
: tect the important j
PniL iDelphi,., Hard. li—There U not much
doing m broadstuflls: small sales of superline
flour rnado at 25. extra at j»7 U'A. standard
Ohio family at and barrels high grade*
Ohio family <ol3 at uu change in rye flour
or corn meal. Wheat come* onward slowly, and
SSi n SBS& ll P te ?i r r Jsl , 7(?(6l 7 ~* aud white
atljtl 80@>1 95, Small sales of rye ut *l, Corn la
in good request. Oats are active at 72c. Whisky
sella slowly at 50c gallon. y
Ciycis'XATT, March 12 —Flour in good hvxil de~
mapil jud pnc«* higher; Superfine ;fe5,90®6.
Wheat firmer for Red, whicfrbrought $1,27: White
unchanged. Corn advanced to 64(565. No change
m other Gram. Whisky 45 cents. There u a
modorate demand for Me.«s Pork: sales of 1,000
bbls. at $14,25 for new city; 1,000 barrels .prrme
S?®,®/ 1 } 3 to the Government at $13,46 to
fcli.W. Lard held at 10&®11 cents and no *ales.
• U iu Q t <tuiet: 460 0(0 lbs. of Bacon were sold
s°*., kovernmeut at S»US for rib sides, $7,20®
7,-4 lor clear. k@6 for shoulders, for
5i aI S k ams .’ 510,35 for sugar cared hum.;, nil
smoked and packed according to rules. Groceries
tirm, bat qaiet lllu.OOO lb,, of Coffee was,-old to
SugaraUoH* 1 t3a ’ l -' !s31 ' and liO.lMtlbs. of prime
Gold lii Demand .Note* 1,57. Exchange
firmer nrtd buoyant. Dealers buy at } do tu par
and sell bt to l /+ premium.
>ot into executive
i 12. —To be Briga
eer forces, colonel
Missouri} artillery,
JnJGeorge W. (}«t
-t 2oth, 1852 ; Col.
, Nov. 29th, 1852 ;
I' volnnteers, Biig.
■Vashburne, U. S.
1862 ■; Brig. Gen.
29th, 1862; Brig.
S. volunteers to
March 12—Cotton declining; sale#
gS}«V u F Ii.WO barrels sold at $0 95®
$7 10 for State; $7 65®7 75 for Ohio; $7 «®7 80
lor Southern. \> heat quiet; sales unimportant;
APring $1 40® 1 61; Milwaukee Club
$1 o2@l 05. Lorn 1 cent lower; sales* of $4,000
SSiT ®eef dullfr f>ork dull/ Lard
b* if 1 Whisky dull at 46K®48.~
btocks closed heavy, and American gold $1 6 0&.
Low I‘rloes.
Cormr Iburtk and Market ftrtete, . .
that the move
ber States, as a
i ted.
JleS&nea, MnW,
Aa, Ac., Ac.
sa. Physloians Preccrlptiors acourateiy oom
pounded at all hours.
Pure Wines and Liquor*, for medicinal use
only. lelStc-
iter waa at the
>ool has given a
of the American
een put to Sight
Hutuo, by the re-
Corner or Peon & St. Clair bu. Pitts’h
best of the United States $35 pars ftr a
foil Lutuniere al course, including Writing and
Commercial Arithmetic.
Ko extra chat ges for Manufaotueia Stfeamboat
Rauroud and Bank ijook-heepirff*
Minister's sons at ono-holf prico. Students en
ter ana roview at any time.
This Institution is oondnckd by experienced
ieaeaers and praeUetl business amp, hence the
preference forgraduates at this College by busi •
cite men '“ ll,ott ff* lottt lhe country, as well as tab
Prof, A. COWLEY, long known as t v e best
Fenraan of iho Orion, teaches and
Rapid Business Writing.
*T*For speoim'ns oTProt Cowley's unequalled
Writing, and Catalogue ocntaininr lull informa
tion, enclose twenty-five cen's to the Prinoua^s
ji:nkhis«hhqth. ‘
2. : —The iGovei n
movements for
ipsul at .Victoria,
rites that an at
|to purchase an
tdvateer purposes
Manly, who had
Real estate hawxuh ishtu.
TIUN, woorporatoi by-the Letislattif a of
Open for Deposits fiom 10 a. m. to 2 o'clock t>
m, daily: also on &ATCJROAY EVENIN&S
from b to 9 o’olock.
as been detained
bre and danger
pw convalescent.
63J?OURTH STREET. . . . r,
DEPOSITARY, for Mechanics, Laborers, Clerks
ua all thosn whose means or eaYitfgs are sv&i
Lt also commends itself to Adminis
trators, Collectors, rolanfcvf Societies
or As relation?, ana persons of oli oluses*
Interest at the rite of SIX PE* CENT t>er
annum U pair on deposits, which, if not drawn.
mU be placed tothe credit of the depositorcn
the first day .of May and Nove cber, and thereaf
ter bear the sAme interest as the principal» At
tmame money willnoußLEtn less than twelvr
D»terest will commence on all deposits tho Ist
mw loth days of the month after suoh deposits are
Books containing Charter, By-Laws, Aa fam
ished on application at the office.
12.—The G. S.
B 8 arrived from
h Bar, with dates
68 here to repair
j. On the. ninth
he captured the
after an exciting
Donro had a car-
I and was bound
for Nassau.—
prt for. adjudica
te to-night,
a large number
rsons and inva-
Vioe President —W\ B.'COPELaND.^'
Hon Thos M Howe | Hon J K Moorhead
Jtaac Jones, IC Q Hussey, *
Wm Urnith, f Jacob Painter.
Harry Childe. Niokolas Yoegtly
„ W B Copeland. 7>
Secretary and A. CABHIEf^
h steamer Mary
also arrived here
ship Monticello
so arrived.
Keoknck sailed
Sewing fflacMites,
:fch 12.—The re
dly-eight of the
Jthhee cities and
ate the following
-e fqr the returns
dg eight per cent,
boat thus; East-
Gilmore, Bep,,
1 and Everett,
ibont 800 of the
[elect him. His
jir-estimated' at
from last year is-
These kswvabled , p.»»»
JL MACHINES have just boon awarded tho
highest premium at the ffOßtD’s PAIR
London- nil the Machines ia thaworldcompeting
b «en «»lcL
all giving nulTorcal Satteiaetlan,^
f electedinthe
This machine makes the look stitch ImpbjjlHo
tonnravel mth-theesMmtial advantage of beimr
alikeon both sides, forming no nlge or chain jT
Will quiit, stitch, hem, tell, gather, bind. obrd’
tuck and braid. 1
. The elegance, speed and simplicity of this Ma
chin#.theibeauty and strength of.stitch, and
aijaptibility to th, ttMteat or tlunost iabrios
render it the most SUOGEaSFCL and POPU
liAR finning Machines now offered to the puh-
IiO„ • •
p will "elect - the;
iwillhave from
or’s council will
mblicahs to two
far Tkiee Tears.-*, •
Cailand'ernmino them, at HO. 37 PIFTp
is in the Second
gs Bollins’ ma
ture that it may
stride. i‘i >
Hiltos Hk*d, S.' C.v Mtrch Bd. yii
FortJlontoe, 11th.—Gen..-Naglee,comT
manding the union forceß from North
CMohna, now. in this depaftment,dn*hoin
both Generals Hunter haveunl
bounded confidence, will take an impor- ]
tant part in this expedition. :
Captain J. H. tlowell, promoted for
gallantry at Fair Oats, is by a recent or
der. attached to Gen. N'aglee's staff ad
chief of ordnance.
Snrgeon Doby, of the 23d Massachfo
setts regiment, is attached to General Na
glee’s staff as medical director.
The colors were hoisted on the various
vessels in Foster’s expedition on Friday
last in honor of the srrt st of Chief Quar
termaster Sleight, who was arrested by.
General Hunter for refusing to transfer
Gen, Foster’s transportation over to Gsn.
Hunter's Quartermaster. .
The recent order from Washington re
cognizing Gen. Foster's forces here as still
belonging to the 18th army corps sustains
Capt. Slanght in his refusal to make the
Pbksidskt—lSAAC JOSES „
Wm! SOMNEB i CO, 1
Western Agents.
ft. '}.{,/> 9«£4i* r
——- wiEKtrSlftißW. ; 5
our on Commercial Beporter. '
■ i.. PmsßOßea, March-13tb. 1063.'/ .
Romarka— Theweekjusfelos<d has been one
«f excitement and general dullness in the leading
snides of trade. Tbe'deoiine In Provisions and
Broadstoffis in the Kas ero and Western markets
was felt in our own, and for some days "(here wal
nothing done worth ttotioing, as buyers and
er# are apart in the'r v i .ws. Our Whitiesilemt ri
coants late made Tery extensive preparations
for the Sp ing trade, haying rcoeired large anp
plies Ircm the Eastern markets. In onr rounds;
we notice th it the Painters hare been libe/SHy j
called into reqnisi ion to beautify the fronts of ai.
large number oi buildings on Wood streft, shOw
tng at least a sign of prosperity. The markets just
. .mistime 18 vo, y unsettled and correct quota
tatxns very difficult to obtain. Onr reports are
“ p om “ tual transactions and are correct
up to the time of going to press. -
thf^&^T s”* 5 ”* *" th< ’ new *>y
X ........Too ,
Kennet..T? 00 450 ' llSrt£‘*§iv? iffil
Brown Stout sbbl 8 *OO f Porter.. 700 3 .60
firm; s?*«sunchanged: sales
pteSJsi&g® 25 * medlUmlB ® i: »e“ ~n
: BePswax-~Advanocd to 33@350 V> B>
Beans—baiea of small white $2 50®
BHcon-Thfln iuubocs a lair business Snim*
m this article .during the neok Uohiera of
& e b i? r !& 0 infheir views,at
the following prioes, vis: Shonldcrs Go. Sides. Bc
plain Hama B£,crB. OHams %@lo®iO)4 S
ire cured meat ceils at a variety of nricwT
m ® ro< at $1 25@$1 50« dos for:oem
monand s2@t2 £0 for good and fancy
BnctcetaandTuti-Ihe ioliowing are the
kf'MT®♦ whoieoal; rater. From stow ihey are j
boa r Oa,s2 60; italf Buflbela. ; Bealed $5.
ori ‘T < V * ,Oar ““Tho sewon’ls now far advanced
° ff " Sal “ i 0 bn %
atf^m^ V,m<,ed: “ d “ l,est Saemlesa 2 buchef
’To U hF IBI3 , havo declined with
sales aUj2 25. and flour barrels to 50c.
4p i «rstec d i% ped i4ow * »«»st=-
Wat*e^ C,<er ‘‘‘ Ih “ aJ l£?‘iM I ? u>3 are as follows:
Colton Tarna,
¥* V * -W 0 “ @* M P«r ft 1
ii & ut& 103 1 17 /a no «• «« i
.. 13 @ 105 “••;•• 18 @lO7 .. ..
~ M @llO •• “ 19 aim I. !
is @llO •• " I £0 @llO ••
“is op »v
-®|a " ::|“W»SS •• ••
Cuyet Chain assorted oolors 50otst>»:lb
CMdtariok^^"^f 15 Cuts -- ots :: r.
Cotton Twine, .. .....T’"******** si «««
isattbur, common, ,7.7.* *n c *Q *» **
Terms—Nett cash. • vUCts
40 eta. per yard-
Niagara do ctf.per yard. * '
BeeT-WenotesaJea a In small way af
rcontinues im-
p «4 VU>sa:,< L? b'tter feelingoervadej the market
teS« Api,lM »*
*’*® a **~rhe market dtuingiho week was nn
hnvf« « *? l 'lPft? t! ’,™ k: , ml! t Tter °°ncevi,-ia than
“°- de '» » ro W'Uine to su' mit 10 Within tholast
two or three days prices have re overed and the
eld rates arademanded. The nominal rates from
fi? r #4 r 7 SS®Sfe w * ; 56 Extra s£?
an e^® 8 of, odd Juu on the wharf
an_j trom w*«cn at a variety oi price*.
Ur i* Va"”r“ e oar last hare been
nin lui i lt^V for tbebc6t of^ ali reas O'8» there be
mg no stook to operate on. Imhetbsence of very
large we give the following nominal rates
Vl f ; 45. red at §1 40@X 42. Corn’
a v B f^ sc, rv of 4.000 bos
si&a|‘b^h 1 ei at 90c ' lSarlcy ' nominal «
Orocertet*—Although the soles fell off for a
i*Z <**>?« former pnces were weU maintained,
and a fair amount of sales were made at the fal
d ! a M nc |! : £ugar, ew Orleans. 12U<ai3e:
Co * ce A - me>
of Orleans at 55@580
!. 2tS I>_ f , V es of two Qualities at 53@fl0e.
Soiree—Sales at 34®85c.
-o demand during the week was fair:
att,; \\ hiti‘ Pish SO?) bbi; Lake HerrineSs *
f f* M “P°*. < ?*r-T"Xoelate advance was to the
following; Hide, $8.25 V kerj Blasting. $5 50
... „ ««■ Pipe. ‘
•*«. , Per Pool.
V, In eh ....„,, 7c 1% Inca..
£4 do 8o ? do
%,*» ..... 9jso 2H d0.._..~.:::‘'
Wdo J6o 5 d 0...
S^r at scales atfsl4@l6. ' *
IT “t aTffl^ 0 note Wwime Eastern. Hew
Iron and Halls.
y Flat Bar Iron,
lft to 6 by %to 1 inch
2, toC bylfttolft"
Ifttolftby fttoj? M
Horae Shoe Iron,
%tol by 5-16 to_ft inch .. eft
Heavy Band Iron.
2 to b by ft and 3-16 inch........ ... RKi
Ift to Ufibyft and 3-16 6ft
% to 1% by ft and 3-16 6§
ft to ft b v ft and 3-16 *noh.. gs?
Hoop and Light Band, '
2ft to 6 inch " *
Ift to 2 inch 1* gig
Jft to Jft inch Wa
Kincg L........ 7g
r.i ' i *"
ft cent Vlb extra for alt Cut.Hoopal 4
Bound and Qtauare.
tn0h7.:...: . tgl? ]
3*>3ftinch .. j;;;:;:;:: 7 SBI
inch., |
ft and 9-46 fndh ”"**** fii
..;7. v jji
&*i6 inch..-. r --.-. "7777 is
Oval Irou.
% to VA inch.
to inch
Sheet Iron.
No. 10 to IT
~jt Sheets over2B m.ttldei'j<oSiK eitrij
Tank 1r0n,3-16 to W in.,not over 30 wide
<< ,*•*-. ‘‘ 3-16 to Va in. wide .*
Tank Heads, (not flanging,)
Boiler Rivets
. Brads, and Fenoe.
10d, 12d, 16d, iOd, 30d.‘40d50d
Sd and 9d
6d and 7d..
4dandsd' ...
3d Fine Ulned
2d “ t
Cut. Spikea r-S to 7 ineh
r '“Wrought Spikes.
M inch* all lenfftns
5-i6 *; j ;;
! ' Spikes..;:.™:
u ij *
lumtar haaadvsneed to th« following ; J; I
FloonDg Boards, p0rM*..5;..„i..~.^*2000
flap** is .4?
-gw* - ““ do -a- ,1-rTft SOOO
Sawed Bonier di> IBOO@I6OQ
wk.ik since our tart fcae boon doit
and prices dro'ipiogrtbe news from the East was
unfavorable finrflhppfogr'the nominal j n
this market W6f«"a?nilbws; Refmed,in-bond. 2&
@SOc; Fre* OH. 37@»0c; Crude.-ln
in bbl* 14<$>14j£v Benzole, deodorized, 40@410
Large Bales a£9tK99s froid first
store,sl oS^l : l9,, •- >...
; Hew^|ork—There la nothing d jing in this
article* We qjmte nominally at $l5 00» barrel
‘ declined witpsalesat
. and isoff&redfree*
1; at $5 ra Timothy Is held at 9250. flaxseed
Rosin at So; Chemical 6c.
vStareb—Woods' Is selling at s%afU&inlotB.
! 'TVlilte Ideatt,—Prices have anranced, White
HK>lh per IhlOHoj Red pure*: per. dd.'do.
diyw£a>. BX@9&; "-? 0 ’
Window Gina*—The ppicte renudn steady,
and we quote as follows, for city brmndj, in boxee
of 50 feet, cash. no dlMonnt: 6x3 and 7x9,
$275: 8x10; $3; 3x11,9x11,9x12 and 10x12,13 25:
8x13,9x14 and ; 10x14,53.60: 9xl3sl9XlB'ana lOxlf)-. 1
Pric ha tEtiallFad"
especially fflnunon *and rectified!
maud and obtalitso@s2- for city rectißedpoVi nro
fidnosaea to be disposed of at
Ion; Haw sellsgtMf*-'
8" «yer--Laaf--evening at
lightther& weiol3 fg^qftfater’anJ failing H
riJ^S Th<i ‘.writ© steamer, Fred Lorenz,'
' Pan?" tiS* i? *°*ooneed for St. Louts and St-:
' will: ba an excellent
„. T £ e - Fin o .llPaaaenger : steamer
S» ver.Cloiid.CaDtain Shuman." isannounoedfor
I n “ St J i oasj .’ b l° ha £
Loaway will do the jioflord tQ the office, . ,
. i@“ The new and splendid steamer
! don 0 \ Eft* leaves forfit Lou-
.Steamer Key
rSftwS^i 8 * ? ap b isvans, leav-a for Cinoio*-
rSatl apd Louiirille on Saturday; Mr Rins^rho
'S?^Ucarrf h foi““ 9e,i,iU “‘f* *“““«*« j
B®» The new and splendid side-wheel
Stosmsr liarenpori, Capt uray. is announced for i
of is 0 ? 3 ““* **** tipper Missirsippi She. ia cno
pi ij 1 ,® ?ees;ateampri l evetlidiit 7 baarso of
Capt Uray she ia sure to prove a favorite
n?^ ?Tlle E ant:taal passenger "steamer
CaPI.WU. ; Ey»S3 : .......
2,sooEBliflour, BStierJSi„d sfnw!f rke '^<&?
Serces hams, it M 3(S b hf 0r h’
MeCuuA 3W dryhidSf
man, 350 do; A Holeston 400 areea UdM Jofe
S . e ”P}B Soasks olay: -ITH ColliMarbhG cWa
pU bbls; Lyons, Short & Co. All bbls fl“urAiS :
6 casks* 2 reels lead tdpe:.6l r «H Mb, •
. : A,C.MeaJr. ;
*V Evansville, Xtoiro and Bt. loi
SATCFHDAY. March 14,-—4 p ns. -
f- f.tHgSEWAVn«pri-«rnih
_i - ■:■■■ ; sy-tOHN J?li4CK, : Ag't-,, . ,
For Ctnclnnatliuul XouiavlUe.
T»iK MW Asli sFLMBI»
JBSjBSS&S&a _pas .rnge*: steamer B E Y'W BBK
Mo 3, W 8 it vane, commander will leave as l an*
noonced above.•
Eor freight or pas-age apply on board or to Vt
mhlS J. AM VINGSi'uN *«>,
■ ' JOHN flack!- ''
-or CliucinuatiandLonlavlUe.
•BESsSaU steamei HAtTUfUS: R Kobinirn
fer freight or apply onboard or lo
For Davenport, Sd Buqueai: si JPirat.
- ’i his'dat, auapß p. m. %
Tg. ; lfe. sic, - N<tca
Tnh-J. ;
For liavenporr.Ku Buqmfdfc' St Paul.
' .WBDNES»ay,,j£SßDfl2sth "
positively go thrddgh aradverSstft? 1111 * ? a
For freigat or,*a»3| S e apply on board er to
J. 8.-LIV LNG iTOiS'JB Co .
or It. C. GKaY. -
For marietta and Zanesville.
Regular -. river Piu'bpt
toavo/EltfailHirgu every Tnesdnj 4
p. at., Zanesville every Friday s
SE w ASBsSmsßto
K«!!.a f ? seilttr steamer EMMA. QUA*'
"A“}.Monrce Ayera commander. wilWeiveu
noted above. For freight 6rpa*ui£;iߧ^<£
boudorto J. £ LXVlStafixSifS= p (fo“°
,18*3 - HEW ABRAHOEJtIEHT 1863
Whecllnt anrt rUbbnrt Dally Ex
WSffrftnTttejaM laiNi&V^jolmßoHiin
! iSSS aI!de -rl. lea j oaPittebar « llf “Whoeis,j,^J?^
pMJtaaJly leavM \VBBeli?rCTirr Mcndiy
~ above steamers makes cloaa AnnnM
ttons iat Wheeling with fio^id^rW
JrOrftieght orpj^ej^PWyonboard onto .-...
■JAMKs-ocramra ico,. : :
Agentgj Ao. Hi Water itreet. \
—.2 00
.,..2 75‘
... „ ® t ®AMBOAT AtiICSCJY. -
| RE . 13t .JLfst V, iw*, ■f 1 »r ■
\ Has opened an office at
wanaaot » Qoneral Steamboat
•&^»irs Botoita ' i
“i BP-ECjAJjJjQXICES. , { ... j
Sligo Tyr
■”» f
6 ( i 4%
CA K stt ifSE^
■BMuAtftataanj of : •'
Jaddlery,:uta ,CiEOaee Eardwiis, "
No. 7 SL lllgir Strejjtj aiid'DaimeaneWay,
(near the .Bridge.) . ,
„ PlTiilßllftlHg i»a
- -SearaExperlctiee
Cnatad6Vo rßxcfShorTiair Dy£'' " "
i*-Mno wonder. tltm^tliitaftercarrfnl :
-} if was pronounced harmlos?, r
ABd isnoTfta^ioBr ; th9BlaflOLi>f
XAose y%ho nave bean djflithrihrn sgEWr*.
Ajy oT|J»&» SmWiStSwtW^ESS^
iona.iprQdueed m ten tamiUda^frcst^
5O centa, $l, Mid. $2
v.. >97
■ Facta
teroountr. *ho“#«nSSy f iS&
-. EdwardPnrdy being duly .sworn. s.nvt tfi at
ifltldef IB the town of New Oasti£th£tmmi
with awS onhjsl«
oTer fire yoar« that
! sa^ss^^^&g^fc^
ftreo time? a week, and- month*
the»teonhis Jeahenled, and at theend of tS
months hejwaseutirely oared
pepais and ptup.and.haa SJT'
stnoe, ■ ■ , '
Sworn fai before me. this 18th day of Oet^w»*
■ r - a *
p ““ lS^^dX,
MWMIUHH .. .-, .Sj. W \l7li*': }s"£'
ft 87-51
0 37,j|
7 37S
5 37 H
to been
ctakrtaUnully, »nd *e«n b«*f^^jP9f«]ttta
pwfttJ Ss
POBToy FfTjgßffsfa/
, P&BsVgjS~ "
■p^i& Ußn^‘ ". **
wißerya. Got dou. Whealsc*.
.Aisvnaut.putijr. st,Uuais. t
On* Bltef Correippndfnce,:
CufciSNAii,-MareH 10,
press Xlne -
of Boots aid
• '&"&*'*» BT.
THK r.KAH’f »«a „,
-’S' "- 1 * ■■c6*K'-AiiU»’'JIIJB, i ; < y,”,;f,
* AJtpßßatßggfe: /.,
CO^€ERT,V ; IMtL;, lL j Xo.jupati ,;;
a« ■* • S^W^.sHAjijysr,
A3fD HUS AAIOKOTB' 4 ri|o|<p£
® u< Srtßlnc 1 ThU Evening! Thij Evening
Ho Flay’d Oat Pet formers or£uperatia»--
s. - ted Manager 1! ' ! ” i
7 - ...a * Livo Show 111. . ;
[feyMllfflaiUSß*4SD ORIGINAL
• ,, • , * c / - ;^V,3:2td
11 .-,M ELODE ON, ——
Kittaa, btage H anarer/Prcf B rt
I oV? iOpeo evcry nilht with *. 7r
Btar Company. Graid maOnVe OTOT tiafnria?
afternoon for Ladici and children. '
n£ifc Bt ? * lox ®!’ Beataln private boxes, 60ot?
ni n Boiw.-'tS' «J "
• ._ . i • <Un*hterMI ? S : COOJjDOCK;
bfcMrCotJdock. who willapb€W*#t&& ?
u - in two ohsHGters,- . ’ - - ' -
MIS £T£HnrQ, JUBCH ISttt *63,'
1 5: three act drain* ofth« ! '
.To eoadtideirUh tbs"
■'• I : - fttlHSKr COBSEB,
Poter Probity. a*od 60. v. CnnHiuifc
Grace Emery iSi{: 00 ?
EolomonProbity, aged 9] .MrOMp era dale
Probity, aged
J”r Charles. Tm,k".?hS
Patty Pr obib', wifepf Pe .er.;..._.!!“Mr» AbSnSS
Saiarday, last sight 0/ Conldocfcaid daughter,' ,
Dbn’t Forget the Datei-™
Ja.. ;B' E ’ J ’ o-O-M
Newf pW ßented liightly'
„ Saijfoi*d bss '
~ -i, ;jaa
'NEJf songs;
T <> O >
isr S.iti'-S' i* • (*•'.' *t -. ...v.'v
'O/O-IV C JBSiB.O?!! X/3L,
small, bjlls and future advertisement®. -"
i i. . -■ _• , m v. ‘ ‘f.' it '
ONLY. '' ’ d
-J'fP&f’ 1 ** 101 ’ 12tJl ’ A Wfch, ..3^
- • . • ' '''■' '* .'' : f S|
«f “”
r: l»^Dfs^ ori2{j £.® D j w - WofcoUprico •"*r‘<-~'&
*T Poop ogy atg'O clM^eommwce.ttT^.
Aienr. * -■ iSSjjjjfl ■;= » -.;. ■■
sfi s * market wbibt '’•■*•
ftockof&naod wlate*'
*W» WaqrTKjt rp^T
w-'i vivswasav* r "‘:
MASC *' ■'
ljlijlfc, CLOVEB & CO.,
am y.g.
a tK
VU'2 &■
` : }.:~i L 45%.
1r- ' r ’* h~
■ ?x
-~•: 5j— -4i*
• ■i-'l # '"..• £> .