.. - f j ■Knaß. K. p£mseiu a go., no. bt Ng- ? Pflty tthwsswTOßTT v and « STATS £.RS** BQSTOfTan our agents for the Oaßjr! “O Weeklyh*oet in tho#« altiai, and are an itirlaad to taka Adrarttaunaata and Snhsalptlioi raismtonr AowtAam. ' ~ MOByiNQ, MABGg j- M m HB|fiHB0BH00& IHJiiliU6SiipE ..TIK, . 1 ©old. ‘ . . j\ PW brokers (and : those who had been speciji iwere a little, more e Sr??®-?Hd a >me of them very. aoxiode ffflSr.E?®'- '.theigeneral bpiniJa ll quite. fearful thit •..., be :r ealized, tjiere to"? buy— -except at - 1 below the telegraphic *b e East. ana even HsrM l< *b•‘■■ i in?--|?eiy ' large sums. Wje | 'J’?3jr'i o - n e's who had been . “lj the small lots of gold * njld through .the country, trying •■-MjWoee of some $3,00» for which he h»d paid 60 to fejccnts premium, and even «.*Sb;wasjpffi,red 50 cents premium, . Dutideclmed to’ Bell, preferring to wait for aerturn of the wheel. If .he holds ig>nough and.sells at the right rime pget enongh for his specie to save specnlatofs of thissori ? re J v ® r ? precautions, as frgoodljr number „ learned daring a few days ” MS ian didate for Governor. corresponding of the Philadelphia er hints at the possibility of Senator • jj* of jttis city, being a candi* the Republican nomination for GorCraor, as-a iliedlnin between the con '»l^®;^o-'4re;in; favorbf -Gov. Cur “ 3. the'radicala, who wijlljfyfra: “Hongst-John” Qovode. ijl Tiie SUte Taxes. been handed to the Jj°aiQ|orKßvenuej- Commissioners, show mg;the amount paid by each taxable in t State.. Allegheny as follow*.: Popu-1 180p)74; Taxables ln - 1862, inxcrte 482,68^ T a*eiF paii | hr-*ach- taxable,! $1.86. Philadelphia ; ?4.21 per head, Waylfe the lowest, [49 cento per head. The a y? r #e in the Stafe is $1.69 for each tai abte inhabitant. , 1 If] Allegheny Police. . '■B^a'-newpolice]ordinance, passed in' on Thursday night, I u e *? “ m day*. police is reaaceJ to i • e annum each and the SMSlfeliSP fflPBwW t<> eight at thesame J 'TfieiHigh Constable will receive This make? the salaries v ,thfl®hief : of Police and day police a httlellfess than ours and those or the night Policßisome $35 per annum more. ®*SSM n .S tfreight on, Passenger ill [ • Railways. .It || 'stated that'tiie City Solicitor has pwngjM as his opinijm that, aotwithstahd- Act of Asfeinbly. the Citizens’ Railway fCo., has no right to ■carry|jreight over ito road, as the cove nant Mth city, which no legislative action ■can imriaift contained a clausa that the company should noil carry freight. New Company. v A b|l]taß been introduced in the Senate byiMriWaliance to incorporate the Key etone|oanM and Transportation Company. Tsgji|£jgWtfttn' of the Act; for the sale of the Main Line of thwPublic Works, makes P.r 0 .??,r? > ! n^ O! ! .tbe Abandonment of the W eslbAj Division of the Pennsylvania Uanalpy-the purchasers, and-this-bill pro transfer jofsaid Division to a company upon abandonment in law Or in fact of||tne whole or any portion of the public improvements, cana!S, and railroads des lgnatecHn the section of the act. lotef^UiistoliipryfitablePro * ['jj" prie|ors. Xh® Act .recently passed in the Legisla ture rd' ihe protection of livery stable makes it a misdemeanor, pun ishable £by fine or imprisonment, at the discre|tfi)n of the Cobrt of Quarter Ses sions, for any person to wilfilly damage An p sf e^ ofanyliv£ry stable keeper in Allegheny county, while the hired proper ty remains in his possession. l23d Regiment. of the condition ot Colonel Clarse||jl23d regiment shows that the to tal number of men in the regiment is 803, are^presefct—s63 present for -remainder being on extra or daily 4nty, upon the ack list, &c. Of the 240 absentees 123 are!sick in general hos pitala, JOl detailed as clerks, guards, teamsters, &c., and Ifton furlough. The members generally ara in good health and spirits, jjj ■ ; . f ontraot Ai Ivaneed. I Allegheny Councils agreed, on Thnr3-1 day nighjt to advance the contract price of Messrs. IWhite Benjamin £ox amd William o. tiarringan, bare' been arrested and fe m ™>**gM(i<>.iaU for bulglarionsly enter ingAlbre if s shoe store, a! few nights sinos. , I f r !fefl ; l ®plicated bfy the .confession of those d med, have aty. been arrested" | Retnrned. ingto Wmf J of M® c 9»y«>nts. felongT, • Morrison | Esq., recently Dh?f U h 6ff W.“ nk i ,y ther «hebnear Mem- Srif^WH ned .t? m city with a ® omBW hat curious for’ its B^n rt r% a - phy ,V a i gn J d by •>»»« L ' Barton, Captain, Chnstrian’g Battalion. hawre Seville. Street Commls ||| [ sloneri DfTW to fte boro’ i wreiiceyille.the Street Commissioner. heretofore! jalected by the neonla in tw kI appotated|pjr~tlre~Conhcllf ~~ * •; jijrmy CWtjacta. atßStimlfwe. 1 noi‘- '' l‘ 7u 7 °P ntracts *».« >*,f> d?3*;,;3; i b *"s‘‘ s « j-j* SroA-S-^jS^&S: SiDgtheoomin ily to'effecta ] iMyttefailtj A bill. Hi ate rencsooui the holde’j outturn -Mr. E. Schuler, the translator of that titet and Miveftally pbptdair Kttle drama I ‘ * B Cricket, ,r has" reuderedm-i to -English Another-piece of the same char-1 acter, called “Das Barfaessle,” (the Little Barefoot) which is highly spoken of. The] translation was made'expressly for Miss I Charlotte Thompson* who is playing? the I -principal part of AnnieTLittle Barefoot) 1 with great success in St. Louis. Miss] Thompson has met with deserved success { in domestic drama and- genteel comedy, j and study will make her famous in the! higher walks of the draiha. . I Sam Shafpley’s Iron Clad Minstrel commence their sends of Ethibpianeriter taiwnenta at. Concert JdalLoa next Wed nesday evening. They remain' but four nights. Look but for fun while they re-1 main. ....... ...... .. ~.. .. .. .> Retailers will always find it to their advantage to eell a good article at a fair pnee. They aiay sell one lot of inferior goods, of fur appearance, at a lane pro* I fit, but the consumer will always find the difference,. and good customers will thus be lost. Therefore bay good goods at the regular rates, and dispose pf them at a I reasonable profit. Henry Miner, Fifth I street, has an endless assortment of note,-1 commercial, letter, bill and foolscap pa- J pers, with envelopes of every description, I bought so as to enable him to sell at very ] low figures. •, Wecommend the attention' of booksellers and stationery dealers to I an examination of his stock. I Dr. Lillie at Muonic Hall. Doctor Lillie’s Laughing Gas enter tainments, at. Masonic Hall, have taken the eity by storm, and bid lair to make such a noise here as no other exhibitions of the character ever before created in Pittsburgh. Last night the hall was filled to overfiowingj a large portion, of the audi bnca being ladies, and nothing could ex-1 ceed;the depth and intensity of the Batiafac ;ion everywhere manifested. There;, will be an afternoon entertainment for ladies and children to-day.'and; to-night the Doctor promises a varied programme, in-1 cladiog the lnh&l&lioa of the l&Qghiog ms I at the close. ; The hall will, doubtless, bet crowded, and in order to secure a good I seat it will be necesary for yon to be early I on hand. I Among this most enterprisingof our bu siness men is Wm. Fleming,No. 139 Wood street, practical hatter, who is always in advance, with the newest and most varied assortment of goods in his line. He is now receiving his - spring supply, comprising the most fashinable styles of hats and caps, selected personally, with unusual care, to which he invites the attention of 'buyers, wholesale or retail, as he will Bell them goods as low as they can be bought Bast. * Goto Pittock’s, opposite the postoffice, and procure a card -photograph"of Miss Lotty Hough. New pictures of Tom Thumb and his little wife for . sale at, Pirtock’s, opposite the Postoffice. rossra uin5....... >iii rutCTSIDPUIs PUMITIJBE <& CU 4JUS WAEKHOUaK. 136 BMITHMKH) iSJI? (Bttwesn Sixth street and Vlrgt j t y.; fIELEBBATJBO EXTB handkerchief. • Ashland Flowers , Mignonette ! Allsma Muik Amaiylln . . Meadow Hovers BonqaetdeCalifomle Xitae • ; Bouquet d’Arable Lily of the Valley Bouquet de Carolina NevmownHay 7 Bergamotte, Crange.Elowera ; Cassie ratohouly Camelia Pink , Ciematite r . . > . Poppinaok Cedrat'. Portugal " ' * > Citronelle Boaat . > s Prairie Flowers ; Crystal palace . Rose . Geranfum t * R6ugh an Spring Flowers ; garden/Flowera Sweet Briar . Heliotrope r Sweet Pea »•«•* Honey . Sweet Jjavtoder Honeysuckle Sweet Lettuce Hawthorn • Sweet Clovdr ’ . Hyaemth, Tuberos Jasmin Tea Rose Jookey Club, Vio’ette Jenny Elnd.. Verbena JonquiUe, ; Vetiveft Mousßellne 'Vanilla iMUlefleors. - West End . ’Magnolia .; , , . WHKSy • -•* {Mareenafe- ■■ ■■, ■ Wiiitflfßlojwin oonoentraJ 1 ti p.erfoawfot k . ra r #*#*>% TT^&? ot i«V ET EXTRACT OPraRTEH,—A. lug. assortment- of Toilet SowAj'ShsTtnc Creams, Preparations'for tie Hair. Cosmetics. Toilet VfirtereT Dentifrio-9, and perfumery of alHtindJ, constantly on hand. Torsaleby CHAS. H. SUPER, d«o20 Comer Penn ondEt Clair sta. SODA ASH * POP ASH, y ’ Superior Soda Ash and Pot Ash, Superior Boda Ashland Pot Ash, j-ii A '-,. JOSEPH ftEUXG’B JOSEPH ■ oomernf thilHaniftiid undiflrltetstreat. aornor of the Diamond and Market stroet. . miia , VAMT AM* FAB* rtfs Silß-I '“, will offer #* «»lA s sl ** Par prioa and larmj apply to -STfItJMBBBT * SONS. - vv. cConuamlalßrakin. r •' Oltakg^Sat •3Hii ify-Vi in the State Sen auonerg of Law xHnpromise with >aa bonds of the - *K"' 5 EttleHenderaoniaiienden.; Xhe -criiio of, the a Londpn Wteah, ifudo«''flj>6aka h inglotfing terina of Bt‘ tie Hsiukrson’B debßt aa Fanohoa, at tie Standard. Theatre, ‘'last "month. ' After commending thp piecejhe, seye: j “ ls pokaeaeed of ja pl^n^7oioe, : :»ft6e7.facei:mid;-%irt, which enabled her the; sympathies of; the,' tiowdedlaudienpe; these natural attractions' ahe aads j a thorough knowledge ofstage business, !a smkmg' , of undi^ualfeij^tlie characters she, sesames, anda charmirig delicacy of maimer andgestare. As Paa chon, sheplays with an admirable piqiiaii c.JVmterapersc.dwith; touches of real feel ;mg, which testifythatsheis ah actress of .nooralnarystampi-aod thesihcerefervor which she throwß into every ■word an'd loot is sigiuficant-jif that earnest J 076 of [Art. wftbout; which there. can . be no trim nrtist. > She was fourtimes called before' the curtain, thus rendering her*debut ah indisputable success.”-. • i The Seven Slaters. This piece, hating run it&cohrse at the theatre, will be withdrawn after this even lng. It has been, most successful—dd servedly so, as it has been pat upon the stage with the'greatest csteond'the finest effects.ofj*hich itis eapoblei'-'-MisgLotti Uough hada reaLovation .fite: her.vbenefit last eyenine’and'was enthusiSatically reJ eeiTea as Tartarine acd|Mehitahle Ann y?*? 18 *®®lly glad to seo this, as she is I afinuhed actress. pfvery decidedly talent. I inetseyeh Sisters will be next produced I in Louisville. I The Little Barefoot, The-Iron Clads. For the Trade. A Magnificent Stock. JOSEPH METES & BOS ■JjnwAorcasss os PimsußOH. iters roBTHS Seeoid Editioi v;;-,3Ts; ( SKPiIMMI BATffLE WI!!fIt VJIN DOBBT rfettW ; /til jlkhiil; Jiy CHASED B; Extra Sessi 4c., &i Nashth-m, Marcli 6.—Thera waa fighi jng all day yesterday between Van Dornfs command and a Federal force of thrcje regiments of infancy, about five hundred cavalry and one battery, at Springville, thirteen. miles Sootjh, of FrankUn. Coi. Coburns’ three regiments of infantry were cat to pieces -or captnred by-the .rebel force. They fought desperately, but their ammunition' became exhausted, and oveii powered by superior numbers, were either killed or captured. The cavalry and artil fory got off safely. ! No reinforcements from Gen. Gilbert at Franklin .had reached the scene of,action. Seven regiments of * ederals were at that place. j Van Dorn is reported to have 18,000 p&QQ in bia command. I , -taiim.—We have further details of the Franklin yesterday. •• -Five fegi* £{, n^ b » tter y of «>e 18th | , Onio, with the Ninth Pennsylvania and Second Michigan Cavalry, all under com-, mand of Col. Coburn,[of the 33dTndiaiiaj advanced on Spring Hill on the 4th.inst.,l Several Bpinted skirmishes occurreddurine the day, our troops Camping four miles! distant. • On the sth the movement was re-! newed, the rebels falling back in apparent! disorder on Thompson’s Station. Here* •? hut if it was-, not a test If ha detof jjsdlE? tkkplitU " y ‘ B J” u ° e d t 0 qaaW ? h ”naelras required • M u r - replied, it the pew oath was in otyect, spirit anditoharacfer like that to support the constitution, why should the oath be again taken ? Had Congress power to admimster the oath a second time " the‘Wt nW ,- Sr— '^? oWin K the loyalty of i be ,M k>r fr ° m 6Etuck ? h e thought he nould rejoice to take the oath. K Mr. Davis wished he could return the eomphmcut. He had tio doubt he wal a more loyal man than the Senator from Massachusetts. He further argued Lain” the admimstratipa of the proposed 2Sh i . Trn " b “U said this was not the tri fnv d T h ', Ch t 0 a ,PP eal - We have noth lh g r,,o d M bat co “l>Jy.with law, Vou talk at defiln ' e 8 '»*• which Con gress passed. Mr. Davis—lt is no law. Mr. Tniniball—t)Vn94hege«JenD»Bjro* We lb t CoaStitUtioD^, f Of X * mK i“ * bt h e Stt ? tk »‘ the Senator r V hs " DOt a P ,Jttk Ul °™ than tour-fifths of his time and the Senator wouid hare to abide by it. All the judges took an oath in addition to support fhe ,°\ 8 ; nt '° n ’ aDd , the Senalor from Ken- Lu, y ’ “f a member of tha Kentucky Leg slature took an oath, not only to support be constitution of the United State?, P bTt h b e e do°toat t ? tlon ° f Kenlucky ' How c°uld otKen?,^^ the cons titntion Jissacagwshfßfjs l° lemnly * wear / haTe never volants arms against the United States since I have been a citizen thereof—that I have voluntarily given no aid, conrite nance, counsel or encouragement to ner -BOr7!!gedlDaVoWed hostility thereto that I have never sought, nor accepted nor attempted to exercise the functions of an army offioe, whatever, under any an thority or preteuded authority in hostility to he United States. That I have not yjolded a voluntary support to any pre tending government, authority, powers or con. .tut,on within the UniUd Stltes hostile or mimical thereto, and I do further swear, that to the best of my def„ Bnd &biKty - 1 *'!! support anS defend the const.tution of the United Suites against enemies, foreign or domes tic. That I will have true faith and alle giauce to the name, that I take this obli ption freely without any mental reserve tioi, or purpose of evasion, and that 1 will tT U B- 1 01 tk itfllf. dlac harKC the duties ol the office on which I am about to enter oo help me God. The President pro tem. then directed to be called the names ot Senators elected or re-elected sinoe .the passage of the law namely, the 24_ of JulyUffut. ftwas ad ministered to the following named Sena tors: Bowden, of Va., Buckalew, of Pa., Morgan, of N. V., Spracut ol R F Wnght, of K. J-, Mo„ wJe, ot Ohio Sumner, ofMaas., Dixon. of Conn., Hicks, of Md., Chandler, of Mich., and Harden, of Oregon. Mr. Johnstcn,of Md.,exrilained that ac cording to his interpretation of the Con stitution, a Senator was not a civil officer land therefore did not fall within the lim’- lts of the statute, and besides, the act | was retrospective in its operation. He, however, hadnot the slightest objection to take the oath,- It was thea;administered to him.i Mr. Hendrick, of Ind., adopted the ex planation of Mr- Johnston, and also sub scribed to It. .., . Vfni Dooliul «i Mo., and Mr. Bayard," ?i!i. i aware > eleoted Blnce the passage of the law, were absent from the ohnmber. and Mr. .Ramsey,; of iMinh. and Mf.Con nera, of California, have not yet arrived in i Washington. Messrs, Sumner and Johnston had a short colloquy abouttheir respective posi tions, when the former withdrew his re3ti lobon. The Senate then adjourned • privateer. the Senate. sc., to be Commis □ ue, and Hon. ; W»4 Wm.s D.ormody tyregfligt *'. '6hf-dfiMlesC^ r ,WMe,hing at Yor/ town, Va., for t£e murder of an old midi h J-, jame Besekiah Stokes. 1 * A"’letter froX The murder was,committed last Sept temher,- and. a commission, ■ consisting" oif Genewlail-egtey and Van Allen-and Lieuts 001. itood; sentenced the calprits to bi hanged by the neck until;dead,” which oat was approved ; by Major , GenerT als Keves and Dix, also the President of the United [States.', The particulars of t “^®p ae are aa i Tfe> | . Doromody and Clark left on a forae' ing expedition, and came to a farmtu’S house near Yorkfown, where they helped ™A«J ae ower sod fcntfroriijr conferred apottliljy Mindrr g^ppsis^ Ks^fsss^w^ivaa; if (com* tooplf tootfl (| thb'VDppet.WMtern'&miian”) toother also %m, .ucKDam, g" ...i of.V rX, Irttt *^f3SffiS^*?e!Srin*W dTtmSP »■]* *ri& Upper trosUm ar order pfiha Board ofDirocorj. £SN3s&s&tig c »“P«i th. s«h ~.., ■» EDOAIkT«ioJI*OJML.S.] P|!.rid.nt. i6§£affiQs-M— *- i liffrafersf «. h 3 ■ f*£§ 3f =£::s|s g-attaf •■■? 3 £g© * |.»| D ‘3«.=4B|r| g ac 5 irtßPSiiiMs a 'j'lP3L%lili^S 3 M s ?tEf ? ”Sis-?H» *< r #ft 5 «S"S sie - g Jts g “ » ft S.Sai.2 0 - 3- i< 3BHS a tSg?'Bg*Sg- 2 3 !§Fi-?tl!i!ffi $ EEPEKB RTG STORE. rORTHE FimurisH GOODS hen. I Brushes. . - Baskets’, ,■ Jelly Moulds Wash Cap Mops W ixe Sieves CoalSoutdo Stove Polish Kmfo Washers Basting Spoons Coffee Alms Wash Boards panes Pans Bird Roasters Fry Paps Faiina Boilers Ere Beaters Floor Pails Water FiUerors Pie Platon Clothes Wringers ' Wooden Spoons Batter Prints Wash Tubs Soap Cups ; Toast Fores „ .'Mwt Phenes Ao., Ao, iFiHGROOIK. PLATSD,. I;, • -i Call BeUs Not Pioks Fisa Knives loe Oroem Knives Napkin Rings Cake Baskets ' Forks and Spoons Oyster Ladles Migar Spoons Mustard Spoons loe Pitchers Goblets KRY. Carvers Forks Square Waiters . Crumb Broshes Crumb Trays Chafing .Dishes j Ooffefßittisa '• Coffee' Cafe tiers Not Cr&okera Round Waiters .'Corkscrews Knife Sharpeners Water Coolers, Ao. FOR THE CHAMBER* _jilet Jars Water .Carriers Foot Baths Chamber Backets Infant's Baths Bowls and Pitchers Brashes Gas Shades 1 Shaving ißtnas Nursery Shades BronzMatoh Holders _ do. Lamps Flower Stands Clothes Whiskea Nursery Refrigerators do ' Hamper*. Wax Tapers - ' ■ Night Lights. MISCELLANEOUS. ysagv«-, Bpte» Boxed ' Cap Tab*. . Straw raters Hair Stares Minoe Knives Silver Soap Chamois Sains fckewew Gridirons Lemon Squealers Stew Pans Wafle Irons Fish Kettles Ham Boilers Graters Larding Needier# Pudding Pans Bread Pans Batter Ladles Iron Holders Step Ladders Keelers -Clothes Lines -Soales "• : Cook's Knives ■■n^sz SoOOpS 4 ?•? FOR THE biJ ■' r " AItVSB JP Castors Syrup Jugs Cake Knives Crumb Knives Salt Stands Fruit Stands Butter Knives' . Soap Lad'es Gravy Ladles Children’s Cups Round A Oval Salvers Bouquet Stands CUT% Ivory Handled Knives Cocoa do do | Stag do do English Tea Trays Fork ABpoon Trays Dish Coven Hash Dishes Wine Strainer#’ Spirit Ooffoe Pots 7 able Mats Bread Baskets Wine. Coolers Refrigerators Idbraey Steps u Door Mats Vienna £Uh Globes'' .Vestas Bird Cages; ; Wfc&r ■* Meat Safes Vinetts - _ Pocket Knives Card deVMte Frames Flasks -Camp Knives 1 Camp Portfolios. And everything pertaining to a well appointed Household. To be obtained at reasonable prices at the NSW STORK of KAY & RICHARDS, KO- 30 FIFTH STREET. hirst door below the Exchange Bank. t3.AU goods delivered free ofehargein the city. Allegheny* Birmingham, Manchester. Du quesne borough* etc. nol2 ' FOB BE3TT—A GOOBTHBEE STORY D WKLbISQ, corner Third and.* oss striata Inquire of S. Cuthbert A Sons, or » -;.Zv", aiVKB ' ?OBT OP MTIsitTBSH., ARRIVED;-.*; MinerwiJordOTv Wheal! de Porter. St. Louis. Neliie Kogerß, <3 Quid ?dor jfT r : . ■V ■ departed*' -’i J'rafikJln. Bennett, BiownsvlU* uauaoru Clark®, -r ^ 1 :■ ~ river—Last evemnr at-twi ***** splendid paasanger- Emperor. Qapt G, A. l&ravo.leavejtor kouiv : _.po£itivflly,thi4 day r Thfa Snw®; 1 °!i accommodation amLcareft? officers. Umr friend West Drayo ia4athe <,ffieo. Wheeling' packed to'-dar is* hour of departure ull a m, poaitlrSy. n T The well-known-passenger at amer fax iCluaianstii &2 . .-Pew l .and splendid steamer o S^;^S p b^ b {S2!^S/^|L L X: oaUous and oaroful r^rsf The ne* atramtr Davenport, Capttirfty, for Af&2#SJ?iS®s^^'^ Mu siWi' Sheia7«fn£ Cnn*tul^ vPP* uray she la sure to prove a tiyorite. *@“ Capt.t.Ggald’p new-and splendid eteamw Nellie Rosen, leases for'Cincinnati and cap make their arrangements accordiDgl/. FOr Eincinnatl. Cairo and at _ - TpKSDAT. w MARCH ' ■jffICELM jIHE: yjJKJE ' FAHIMCim mßßmUrn SteamerAKGOsNAU [. Nb. RrcS. tami-orter, oonunander.-mll leave aaaimonncetlv . above.' : ■>.- .• • i > ;> j v--;^ For Memphis l -r xnis DAT, march 7-jp. jl the sew as d smesii m packet IuItTIMOKT t. ojnunsndef, leaves as an i i!? r - frel * tt or sa«aso apply on board «to " mlll ■ - - J. OobLLNS * C ■>, | For Ciucluncul and Louisville, i: s MONDAY, Mttrch.«—i'DMiii'i'i-is ™E NEW AND SPiBN- SfeunfeNßTiT.FK x •**?» tlctild, couim&Qder. 'WiJI l o p t M & *Sr e^ E ii? tl:rmiit /yi&aMweg* >'or Davenport; Da Bntg«> st Paul , WEDNESDAY. 4: - tejgSEJ»™« WDW ADD SBHOii>H> ffJvmSSfeT ®nls> 2 ix* 1 ? *'■'“ r* t«. C, r Ck*ay* iirillTaiv^and thr«igA«ad»sSiSr if" KvAnavllle, Cairo and St. Eonla i .- IHIBDAY. MARCH 7-4P..M: erfCMn THE SKWAMI SPL£XBID . For ClneluunU andXouiavllle.; T : THIS DAY, JIABCH 7— i >. -»!■’ »ip:- rntx passesqkk &*£&*/■ A- »tegm«T J. B. F. RD Frifl tv? “Iv.VfwaS,^"- WiU lBa " “ noted £k>?«. C v liSkT** 1 or P“»W« apply on board or to" " V m ° 7 J. B. LIVINGSTON A CO. For Marietta and ZaneavlUe. p- *we.rtusev«ir j&wSSS hoMdorto J. H. I -rm: - For £r«l*ht or paisas* apply cm board or to • Jb.WHE ELE tt Ajf’t. " _• JOHli -Az'L, .j 1883 atEW ARBAJTGEjrKST isa3j teeling and Pittßbarg Daily Ex. press line Mondw f .°kg°?Eg ma - ra malrertloae oonneo- For “ whtm^'»«^;r;; i Agents, No. 1U Water itr6«t»"^| HIKUIBOiT AttKllct. w M HAZ li lfi X X Has opened ah bffi&hf 1 NO 00 WATBB STBEET, ■l7 .*»- wii&rff fleairaf jst&mi/i i £SS?rES!?S. ees * ¥“* »0“U«l>0it a shoro oi pot! ggago from • ‘ftp'S-l-lyd jSsm^saSSSSSIB 3»9%@6 , ssfflad^fi s lawless »b M d»nse ofooala little dieUno “to- ltmajbeaoldfbr oasSortSfT ca jh and residue on tune-to sirtt the purelS! a farm in ** eatinoreland count?. of abonl of.whioh MO acre j Is underilillagei-tbe nstin woodland, whito oak timber, PiiQatoiV oti* tna. Watt Howton andWeUeAnorgPJank distant 5 miles from West Newton and from Mt Pleastot. tem house and substantial: bsrn’on the place Thn ptsoe Is well watered and in good condition'Limn ***t < !P t * lo f*rm end, plentyinthe neighborhood, . indisputable .tltloe .to bolh ifih aboyewill begivon. AoDly aoon. to - . THOM. J. HEESAjr.Attv niT-i ndiB;3td‘ ~ ttPlamond street;jlttsiiurgli *. nr®S CD-PABTSEKSHIP HEBEt,,. day by mutual consent dissolved Kew York. Fob 19. 45? “ ate at the expiration of o»Z"WtS ofimporanr.Parohaamy. acquiring aiSdffi*S “£ onthejr »™ M°°nnt, and also on commE, of alTmilliaary andstraw, fanoy andataple imaria ti be'transactedwithinthe state of New Ssvt;* that Judas Dsiretioßema. who residMjn Fma-' hurjh, in the State of Penniiilymia iatheiederal partner, nnithat Be-jaminDe Frees, whoreeidtß in the city of New Yore. ia the special rartni.. and thataald Benjamin Do oontnbateathe aumotfour thousand dollawin oaah toihe common stock ' ' J.D,BKKND New York,lfßb2St;6;iBB3. B; De.FßhCg.'S Jl>. BERIfD AJfNOir fB4IKM TO HIB • “d the Millinaw trade in aener ai. teat he will open a lane ncos of Goode on aboat the 10th of Uaroh. Comer^Sftf jirsT mcnm : —" a splendid stock of '-ja SPEISGBEI.AIH'BB &DBESS &OODB b’duco*. eiseHiM, Special attention is called to barstobkbf' and Irish Unens that waa purchased LS” groat advance in Dry Goods, Call yonr Spring Goods astheywillbemn??? , Remember the place, No.S6l£u£t2»£?^?s tweenFifth and theDiamomL* I*** 1 *** *“® n * &£■ " ' "- Ms W/UmM: ATOM ; mnttogatmUzi'bt^«3r6yj?S£sfe f: R? I ?3*»U' MStSkptajßii^iß&i . : - <«^y»S»»Mf”fc.a; is-a’J-.o.s««•. IT.--W 11 £|>pMKag,l'*.-;i **.■■ '*l .lo ,-AS-W,''■■.■ **• 03 ia the.cr „ "‘ r J : i-.&ifcßuncugh as>Mis lluto. U • - •> ■"•••;. 'V? | S3S&|i3L? Pcoraoptn at aK.s’olooii, , , _ , - sp | CQBswmiftiaMiß ' .* iistaMMl sumß& B&msmjgr&is?. ■_ No. 7 Et. Clair *8 a I jffflefcSflii/BriaiiK) ':..® .jtf J.-% . “■a PA. ~ „ . fears^xpegtefu^iv/^^ i Iti »i>hoee termerprloe:wasslllo.win sSiSjiSi, . .*»s9o.at . Mrs; JOSEptuWHITB'B. 110 * " b2 ° Carnajta Renoritory.Two Milißun. JP w *SSs*.~ra*sr~~~. ■tfkkE-:tiX3X.y.toEßß"’rmAaAKrammm : :<± ■ i'iaSriy, ikiG..siiX'‘ flair. IsrH PKUL * kXroupe. -