The Pittsburgh post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1859-1864, March 02, 1863, Image 1

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    - 7,- :,---.. - i• -
dERI • :
, Liattioart-Wittobes 'for Amerio
OWE :Wive that they have :hitely issued a
of Watch. expressit.des*ted for , aoht
dyers an others who desire a ichisrwatehata
• insets Pri ez;lliess 'watches ire inninditi;;o
PlanCeigifyorthleis, linear) watchis Britilt &a&
••• zap n Aware with wh ati: the 'ooktitrY is
flooded.sind which were never expected to /LOCO
time wh+ they wzre made.leing refused mann
features rot to this country beeinif 'moldable at
- c irck ' l l 36 :.xxei 'itimi kh otOOl47. forieeksvisiand
= . ;
irce,olOto stii watch. which is atilt west
'inibetatitt4l =Edges!, an accurate and. durable
. 1 1 tinsitcfe, in Sterling. Silver lastsi:Htlitthlif.
TitctrP. to a plies as isaskied forthbtrash
soeu as
.A4s:fetestrforeignxnake to:
We hay, named' the net aeries of Watches WY
4iarßyino, item; ' which name can be found _ en thtylsfeofoliert Witch of this •manufarture;
aad Is one isf our, trade Marks,
Solddealers in the Loy
sztoitolesale orders should be addrestsi
Agenta firths! zirairtein Watch,i3omPtcos%
janlZ2tif: odds 182 Bro4dWay. 'I4T
Sipe, i
11 _,er & 111Plia 3
~ , . - .....IPEorstrx-.qinast•llniwuxtr, 1
[ [ - •:. --=---,[lAttgghergh; Seet.eunbeglo,_l362. I ; •
)) iiiilliliekkillON OP"PA,11:11IERS.H1110:
Il ' L — The tiarkershb and exis ti ng bei
anegg, and W. H. GM , BARId
masatinediii.on. the4 2o tirofAnguit...Wpg, W.
i l , .tid GARR Wising aiiihdris to Battle up the
) berates! of e late rap „at the office In the Brey6
) i leac,fihe Bcpwing_finsinegl4risho continueilhg
i I itierlignlt irigilLAY4-sitio , intend to huge itl
[ . Iv• - ys on hand a reporter article of ALE. PORN
) TRH; and-BROWN, STOUT. The undersigned
Nrill tie thing:tato ihe friends of the late firm for
a continuance of thole ' patronage. and , progitieß",
to "ke it their aim to ive gauge , otion to all who
1ag.... VIIMItfirMiN-, of Liberty street, Bo
long -known Id thehusinetsreenunindtp. will hare ,
the nuanagement of our , husinese,with the hit- -
emboli:a - the rawer}.
P Mitres): all orders to •PRENCtitiklMitAY
lugninlirew . Piltateugh;Tai - .- .
• '[.; • JUS/10/I.SPIIIHOREL
415-1 B 'd • JABIHES-ktalLtY.
tips9lit-Apj BATTiGAiti nvitopims
ri t or intiz f:Th
.oin arta ampart of die aid _count*. either by
steam Ortattile:
SIGHT IE% FOR. Bilx. payable in any
ydrop . _
tfar tllrx lignadClaniaaati
• .
r, Y.
ooks, on, ciaad. or made to order at ,
Alo6Oat' 'I3IIASS -
.&i.i , . - -- -
7 TE,. g MUM .. &00,
r L
anafaotarera f avers , TrwietYPfilniaked •
a it :::: : :::::: ) 0 01 F 0 E . V . E ., RE DE .
Pei 'a , : v a l iji t i . i m a_ m fo a r d thi co si o i r a de n r em li s tee h m .
L b azad eat won, el.
ate t r iad psi Illis 4G!,
Co n , 0 11 .0 1 1o t :7 ; e t t: xi . tr a - ra th p e .
ti W i z s rn tev • D er f ,.. a in ti: eal f p . f:
ted.' 7 1 1 1 1Vicl Tfirlychlt isnotliablo to gst-but ol
ord , - d yillr,towl room water',
uric '4 lPY'Ose• ' 1 : i,. -...febatitt."
A1.•'201 - ~.pC NS -
tUtf/f, oofp total by the Legislature of
yffikoa:: - ,-....
ri'DeD.ottre in 10 e,. its..o 2 legleek„ p.
tr l a
g4also. on 4.217H1ME: nyy,*):NGE.
-.Rolm*, . .-... -'• • :..,
,•_,4 , . :,..7
oe, 634,9 'altar. • i '
DEP 4 Z) • ItY; Lox- eehanies. Lamen t Cleft*
' 0i1 e.7 71 / 6 35 :56411a or:wino are-ittrill.
It el; ': 4 mitten& ipeeN to Eneentoric, Adminik
trate ''fielleetOn. Atentnego y. Eloglittigg:
or Aa ~ otr and. onto= atoll o i - -
In •., eat - the rate of Six PE-•t: CENT' pm;
annu ~. Pali on tiernielte, iwitiOh; if not , drnriti
wili t it , ~ .4 to the Credit •of the dipositor Ca
the 'i . gyht Mgr:444November. end-Merest=
ter be' Aelinut-intefest as Ou t - principal. At
In" 4. , eIY W1 PP 1)17 A.9 1 . 1 44 1 414 1 TUAN twitvE
naligi ',.,- ..• - - ..: 1
ti 3
Iran brill congoemle on all deposits the Ist
and I
lsada, days of tho month afteraneh depcnits are
Books ontaininit Charter. By-Laws. &a.. furn
ished the °Noe.
liii ii—iiisae-JoriEs
.cg, ;.z.L.
° / 1 4g.PRINr - iw,4 I ‘,C.PRZI4AI4ID. ;
I I' • -- 1 -'-' •'• ?tanning, " "
Hon M Howe l i i Hon Jlf Moorhead,
BIM ea 0 0 Hussey.
in I =JO, Jacob Painter.
Miry h 11441. SiOkOas VOINIVIST r
I ' ,Z trfictln4
l a, , i
Seems and' lagal AU OAR R,--
1 4
folAtl . ,, —
I.' e-----.4"---------
11 ....4T0161r OPITHE 11011PrIAL81.
-v-ihe UnitaiSt-tes Sanitary I .t 'Wished anoMairofiatod=dzi
to Pqa Win the Genera liosPitals of the Anity
4 of t1 K1 4 .4 3,tt. By a reforhuie to books , which are
,daily an sarersr-oen. under ordinar7
0 40 . 6 i, ven, Ty_..7.,t7„iii.9".th.„..,,,,f0,,i-,..i
let. li . --4- 4 5 ins t rmina.and reghweatEit.
present nw t aorthe army of the Wert ?
2d. If . ' hat is proper address?
Bd. • Manama:le Burgeon or Chaplin
of the ho al?
4 th If it i l in koai rusulkhais he Temmt , -
y leel c y . • • hall.. . 1., -so , • ' - •
6 th.••.1 . he die ink hospitl. and at what
data? iii
6th: If - ntly disolusrgeS from hospital. was
ke dila& • . from service ?
We. -...
'ene ca whatvere . ito - ril To - ii iiiise
,, „ . . . - o• , ,
Bobca _
infonnati , tji Ao eeemilitiesitili.
Um Gene it Las • ta hr.:withinwrahort a speoerof
lime p • • ilt • a req talkie° from isn)tof
Th" 0 " • (' f 'e , will ?se opek Ail,i,
c li
from a 0 , . . a; es teloelo 0: .m....'antrat
eassible in '4. T t came
Rim inittrisf the night. -
a,• _IL
&Mita I or the- irii=n-I,iW* DTI"
Sani tari an 1 403111110 ' N tug irar ta k.nt II
n. 0 ' shun It. Lou
k ''' _
Lus L.- CALDWIILvit- .-
1 -
l i e.
• - or to hag 14 thilela 4 Cei , .. 2 .. 1 -!' 1 7
Ititt6 ttfit*
,:igeteauti fiusar.qmpubusze.
~Batad /44_ -- -
pa Piret,Orootis PA*
la . .a.:'-.--P -4, ;• •
1 . - 4Seo
'i ~
.~` ~
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. -- ' , ." --7, .. -41-- - -, ; 4, -*F.:l$ - . , ';;' , ;;+ 1, - ,,,,, ,tei
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) •, x . .!..k s. ..Xdia - 4 - , 1 . -, 40 - I.talzArttkkAiv - v - ,-,t.17...t41” .
... -.. •,. ...,;., i..-,;:4 •: - , 7 ,-. ' ~ ,.as - t t:. - -..27,, i tus ai :;i ~- : - . ..011171- N - _--:tirz-ti N7 . 01211.017E:I 41. .0 .1.1.0114 . tatiit IrAlsjii .:-. - ,rl YIL: wit -..., - .. 1 .-! ' . .'i - . -:.- -....... - '..
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The Boston people, just now; appear to
be enjoying themselves to an unusual
tent. Beaides•an= Italian Opera, they
have in successful operation no less than
four Theatres. At 'one. of that>, the
`Howard'Athanersi," we per - reiVe, that
ie distinguished comedian, Jahn. E.T
, wens, is drawing ciowiled houses. This
the atime•gentleinan who was to have
'peered in Pittsburgh
r a feW weeks ago,
Whn-thoughtir prudmat,j4lotlo do e
mousse -ref- thu - iMpertilfrifee of"two or
!ie mock heroes, who attempt to polish
sir own patriotism by, assailing that of
tem. The standard of loyalty in
'ston, it seems, is not so exacting as it
in Pittsburgh, for the Gazette of that
ty,criticises_ .Mr. Owens' performance,
erely, and never once alludes to the
itlinkfaliehootis Which .alarmed our
ittsburgh patriots. That, paper remarks:
The number of Br. 'John Owena'
mda does not appear to have decreased.
pingitls 'absence:- A tei7' 'WO' A 1 47
ce received.him tri - ,• - .Mortday night, in
3eofihe 'oilier ..innumerable attraction's
the'eitY, with long and loud demonstra
unsi arid Auringithe week-the ritieliditn6d
hes been most comPliiiientary to him.
- Kr: 0 wens.has acted.:nothing new;con.
fining himself to several. of those charac•
ters in which his first-essays in - Boston :
were: madeiancLiawhieh his pmetninetiort:
as a comedian wait ,earliest reeogniZed;'--
As in the-days when Boaton knew him not
he was the cause of extreme merriment
au he now-that Bqst.onli;weli acquainted
narts Mr. (Arena is
undeniably thorough. aitist, with muck
neatness and nicety of by-play, and inimi
table facial -- exprefision. tie has I;the
power of indiyidualizing, 7 plfenve r „ T His
itrairdiatind from .hut -PatVosb,,
.as hiiToby Twinkleifr.orn4tis
Touy-Lumpkin frimihte rifiektftiMphries:
The player iamerged-in-theTebaraoter,und'
his kil diagnise of voice and Manner, as
efFekiive,ak the fataishing,ilkitise of head
inri . peradal illicfwa Die conscientious actor
'who has taitliftilry studied the minutes of
'his art.
:to whi-h housekeepers are sattio -ted he one
more unendurable than any steers is the ravages
ervurmln. The nibbling of rats, and the diseu.t•
mg presence of roes es in the larder Is the de
testation of all geed housekeepers. If, must,
*mare be desideratum with. all to obtain
aomelhiug witiohmill effeettlidly rid kui (*ailing'
ottleee'llatim. orealtifes. tAtd all emilie Otti-'
led; - The nat Killer prepared by Geo, A. Kelly
tit do
Ra n t. anding desired. It is sure same
time t oßoaches. and at the same
thue Will not cause death to other animals. One
'boxitldiolonalred in itatliatenflo rid wjioase oP
With* veru4 ag atinhisi it. pardirectide for mei
aoaonipa - soh btir . Pnotillto atelier box.
For We by rists generally, and by the ,
Wholesale or retail. :.
- - GEOltdE A. BELLY.
Yetti hip. %Federal street-AllegAeny.7
811,45 S FENDS 4. lINSIIER
W h igACEIEHE NiakibilillSB
' 610 PS Atiiiiliiikkiiii iiiiiiis:
.. 7, _ , . , e
Patiimisiiiiictiao64l tiitlii tibtizur up and
Re phbfetiiiiteti6iiik'Sie'
Geo fittbi and Plarobfniiin‘i44 iiriuilita
Also, Acn_te for Hatchings A. Foote r's Excelsior
Pump, .u=datai Power use. /t has no pupa
tion. - ..
... , • •-. "
1 '4'. Nik: r isidititer - adititF i filie.
. ~..
i ..
3Tou.r oarpenters•
Wanied immediately by 8
—13110,011 Viritin•Alle7. bd. Wood and /belt/
•• - • Yan t s buildints.
. _
_ . 1
' *-• in..ree_yei t of . ivlatite 2 sesortortmt of.
Ini lrelill'e L " ' : ' -.[ M alitra7AGAINS LAlltrfil
orici Wit of )1.24141A1 Dail Itligeffij lad
l ' ilume l l a . '0 . 1.141:%-y, Gertaw: - .
Al aa a - -.
deoIAIN L _ _ , 16.1Wees.fiti4;,..
ittracorthe Tr Jai
torsi b 611321838: rola eWo~R
7 odsvoClegtzt Pbul". " 9t4411 °Piano ,
thilsofttlive - :1 31 . 1 hge
or - • -
llinfikstrees no ,
on; earn
-:,- • ,1 4. .BATES. '' "
Siz I --
, ' one iiiiii ,b 7 Fudi... $BOO
.15 1
.. . .„ 70 i
P.Onewdeat,i'didivered 1iragai;z7........:._ 18
Sin g le
43 '
*NW 4 AD VEaln4-AANiI TElit
'Thelelliinan t zae.ea-of advertialea— him - boon •
agreed upon by the PtibiledzitnizAnne-ntoib tul .;
Daily Pratt& to taldo •Weekint and after tite4P-A
dF• °P . TovemPer. i 6099 On oil new oOntrieta 1
..; -..' . ren 8 . 4104314.1ckraza. :
PArirg ill: 4 a; A Q - P-Itin. ili 18 Y. 1 a Y.DA , t ,
2ae iniortiow.:n.. $760 Tiro inbiltiii.:... • ii 00
Z'/' e•lnsettione....•l4 00 'Alive:month— 11.00
ee ;insertions - .. 1-25, Pourtionthe ...". , 1 0,00
of loweek.. „- , ,; 2 001141tff tionthe:;l: 1 4 1 00 ,
Two weeke........' ..-•,..11 ISO Sit Ifientha:...... IS. ow
r‘. 4Etleingnak i y,-;,-,.. 5 001 Nine months,:.. "20%,00
'" 4.132 "th-• • -4 9 0 911117.810 C.,.. ... 7 ,95 , 00
p airersivfx4tritigiti '
Wldelt il l aWa illegliberiefaintettfehan i e - '
• of-nutter: to inmert e d smut* new [
-Eklli R
"iuda r m a ti b r s il mBeia .A tl c i r N r i a i i t . o c: o .% u rf-5*1....,-.“'.f...,,.5.-.. 7..4':4.......1...g,.1..1-.t.:..:k:.•r...i....*......7.T. . LsIA
2wJiss .2 e d a ; 1;:.......tt4..hi;.E000
i1*.am_..,.... .. ,
—... .. .. .... SW
.. ,it -3..a=.,Adofeigthienta ordere'd. hi- ibr 00
Month. or loss time ; Po eitilliakk! 0rt921.'
DA 1 LA-. PO S T.
Teleartplii CoArespon d 01.,: ,Ita - ly Cc:mit:ere al
.. , . .
From Vicksburg.
IN Sion c. or; Vies su us cr, Feb..l 8; 11
via CA I no,- Febroary. .23.
It has rained incessantly four days:4-
The ruitlerings - ofthe troops therefrom are
vitiy great. All "-work on the. canal Was
fllsPeaded untd.this morning.' , qhe Mutat
is fully begun on . a , scale;. , ,sntfielently e*- i
tenaiti to.flont any Am:me/tort... It Will no I
, ,
cessarily take some Limo to complete it.
Forces- ate'etilliengagea *itiltiake Provii
deuce in' cutting a chitnue - 1 from the river
to the lake, and clearing bayous leading
from:the lake.
A largo, force, has been,. enDged ~some
time iii epining'.thnOki• Yazoo Pass, fioint
;thalriatisiiippi below Helena to Co i ldwa-'
ter,. fourteen:,miles. Trans/411a alreadyl
run in a part of - the way. The
discovering thialtttentpLitt turning- . their;
w orks..enthcl.Yitacii. At *Haines' Bluffs,
have teen, busy leilinK immense trees
across -the,
pass in every direction. - 'The
labor of removing!. them retards ourpro
gress. Still the work progresses. The
success of the project is confidently pre
dicted.Rivernsing.' ,
, . •
sigpO'cor: i. TAArog.:
?at the
that it
It was
bank to
of the
Ae I
1 li'
88eI°°h8ntetp• .nh•
nP°°aem'eP'rn. Never dzlEUoluhag• dmtYn:BIlI•
ahmimi3°'ndsatfePodterth4adhsatie r shneb'l2ievnlitj'Yi'dtceahseriYta4n°eadt°r e nolrtPa'lisiinne-naaeaet• tdttweirftanm°eothwhYrl°ttßiehnchhhY6aewklEidddWßejvn n slahnlMnce°r°doaif:newae"e7°c6Piaaeliß-neg°lY o :t'e°dr'hd'lmrawhbtlBuinrntPdtvheP°ti°hnshScenhrr4ovi°lenhn:i°lhl;l-I4tdidnen°mieeela°rdtae4i4edP°rl3banelilhe.dftgPofgd'e"eujwmdt°diPntdßgPe°Pmctntilliewe' th
f hqe.Be'3T*":trbg'arleatatinnnveeth''Ytedg°wn;YlB th nhle'iwo°i:Pt"wlueea°PnYaiPvweedß"eevehe''BgeB;nih6lrlnei°ol°lbc'ihfv"eldtdrhnet°e'rei" e ieee:Pt'modemotlleicolfiaYrgbrnn°k'l°'l°etilhBnh°h'niBre:li m ntrefi.tff:waim°nddtrtrlone°aa.ue'lltdteellPct.eteßall°' remonstrating,
1 rsa
a * iina-tru There,lt
linliesaP6Aeawagn°narhee-eti°ea market
°a e
a z •A°
itg°rl.l'°acri:ltih'w°oafi real
like l
iaidttmtht hasty
' ja'tfeb.
eegthedhrni 8
.aphai him,°tel'tee reached
efilll a r °eilegn andx
nawhe Mrs.,
Ihiointn°Bnlaved e ale Ytsr4nttdttd
mightha ther
ineegit : lll-Sta tnX
Wi;le:n'dliglin.beelre darktk
'oan from'
i 13eYhe.
dPie times
11rhfirWrill himg
' .rg.°V4Bkd Whoa
I aPantih.L°Priraear gave.'
g rl°°h:th passedtteoehg ];eggs
'aduliPi°*a-°sehe e'
° groundlessllvet
"4-neraPdaln addci°
' . I .I'll.
1 to 'al:
i fromi uz
l would'lY4 vain'edi
o : 41 thet
_ toa
i te
: ; 7
alarm of
had been
about a
ed-him if
ing my.
for who{n'
an answer
away from
ee that I
eeded at
tired to my
bout Screw
;had wa callede
. at
t ln n e t n v
kn o w b t rOf: Two;
I Z a i dio n ni P o l ; i t e ll .
g from
e was
nest_nsorning,, Nobodyfollowed me-on
inyintYth'Ziori'Place, and no stranger had
Called there before tuba second time, when
I made inquiries on entering the house.—
' met Laura bluahing, and _Mrs. Baggs
impenetrably wrapped up in dignified
sulkiness. After informing me, with a
lofty look, that she intended to go to Scot
land with us and to take my five pound
nolo, partlynnder protest, and partly out
of excessive affection for Laura, she re
tired to pack up. The time consumed in
performiogthis process, and 'the. further
delay occasioned by paying small outs tend
jog debts of trades-people, and settling
• - th the owner:of-the house, detained us
Li I nearly noon before we were ready to ,
get into the landlord'skcart. I looked be
hind nieshiciousty at itiirting and often:
afierWirds ,00 ..tho..rqad; but never saw
anythiaglcrezelte my suspicions, In set
tlinig iii,titters with the landlord over night,
I had arranged that wei should be driven
to the nearest town at which a post-chaise
`could be obtained. My resources were
just as likely to hold out against the ex
penses of posting, wht;re public c.onvey
„Emcee could not beobtained, as agamat the
expense„ of waiting privately at the hotels
until the right coaches might start: Ac
cording AO my calculations .my money
woalifliat till we : got to Scotland. After.
. at; I liiidiny . wateh, ri andags; s h irt-pin,
;Mr; Oatterbitry to help in replenishing my
Ora% Anzioua , , therefore, as I wits about
other m
things, oney.matters, for once in
-wpaY, aid. not, Cause me the smallest un
etishiebs: . 1
We posted five - and-thirtymile s then
stopped fora couple of houra`to rest, and
wait for -a night coach, 1 running:; North-1
wardl'On getting into Lthis we
were fortunate enough-to:lnd-the vehiclo
placie not occupied: - Mils. Beggs-. showed
her ,lease of the freedom .froth restraint
thug obtained by tying huge ; tomfortei
round her head liktia turbanl. and instacli
ately calling ”, This gaVeLittraand
;me-Phil liberty to,talk an}we pleased'. Our
:conversation for the ihost . pert was of that
particular kind-Which islet ofthesmallest
importance to any
.third 'person in the
whole -World. - Dila:portion • of ; . it, how-.
ever,) wati_in exception‘tto this general'
rule.: It had a very positive influence on
my fertanes, and it s, therefore, I horst*
of su,lficient importauce 1 to bear being
cpindunicated to the reader.
..Ye l ; lnui °bawd horsasi for the fourth_
trine. had-seated carselvekeombirtablY In'
our pes, and heard Mra. Beggs: resume
the kindred occupations of sleeping- and
snoring, when Lanra softly whispered to
- "I Must have no secrets, fromyon---zuust.
7, 2 riank ?" i
.11 r-- • ' -
"You must have an you like, do
anything you like, ildSay anything. ,you,,
like. You must ne var . nakjetkVel7but only
grant J." ' - 1
:_..t i ldletill you always tell e that, Frank?"
she tie l lied. 11. i .,
, 7 ,. , ,..
',, Idi not_ 8 bv,enll?. war , but the con-
erne ti-iiillgied:a momentary interrep- ,
tion. Of w t natureanieeptibla people
*Mussily • , 'tie. Attrpri the hatilleart-
ed, I din't to for .them.
"My ecret need not alarm you," Laura
Went - o ,in tones that;_ibigtur to sound
rather }sadly; "it is only about -a'
tiny paste-board box, that) carry in the
bosom of raff.drear t : ..Ilgt it haeJgoCtlir*
1 diamontleriknPrititkltnd ow3-Tekudful
ruby. Did you give me credit for having i
so much that was valuable about mll? I
Shall I
Fwsuk?give it to yoyou:to I keep for me,
_re ;
-4 1-.inembered directly Old File's
- ateryf Mori,'
iron of the
jewbkithillaiiihtiken witli her, and of her
husbandis suspicion that she had some of 1 1
hethem - concealed from bim until the day -of
r de . sti• I , a
„ ,-!%tie ourujeLif .51 ~ y i & n,i a ura,"l answered;
;`.. - anttth e k
that its present enviable pea
itkiiiiiii the 'nog ! otzogr d'Feee is the best
thilt ituantlenrsib. ly occupy. Bat who
--- these valuablejewble?"
*other," said liaturail-Wiftfy: , 4, 1'
ld you that I was by her bedside
ime of her Mani to the timoof
She was not very happy with
~r—l must say as much as that to
make yon understand what I am going to
""'w''"wu!'!"! l ' 3 M=l===
tell you: . • Oa night, When,Shc,itniW alic
was dying,- ahOntide me
,promits* elie ere
bad to-heepWliftl, she '
wassoing tors y a
secret from myfather and everybodY but
saybusband, Vseatie refer = Married: lie:
then gave merthia liftlb box, and - tor Mk
never to legit tit , of MY' possess_ ,iott. ThE
there were jet* lain it ivorth'af 'Cad Vi e ` Or five_huivire ) tikeinds. - She said it '
all she had teadage me if I tirtus eve;? Con j
happy..wittrabotather; or if I ever font4.'
i = married: : l
alone x1 1` in the tibild.=`--
And then she witi nie, that My 'gather had,
alwes suspected her, froni-the'tiMeOfinti.
birth, of keepinkkiiome of Llier'jewels:"rhid,
den from him--tfat she was afraid tell i
[ - him she had dofteirfor my sake—,,andthat
I was never_to let ': 1 - him , know *;ha..l.-,
, yalued her last echu f tirafidezind r ilyieg bless-
nig.. I think,t-Frfothr . ' that was all J
I passed between St t, : nictrl J- knek - thi t t ~I.
have always dinfili:tlfe: bade me ' sin . c6..
iltly.father never *eller=
,plain Wards i;
but Ifeel sure , 'wlitiff - My,inother'died,' he
auspected.nie, ati.le frad`,. - su:spected her.
It was hard to ke - iny promise senietinies
—when I did not _ Ow how to valuel a
provision fornie , ' , Ivaliii3 it now : 'We
shanit be quite het ess: 'Frank, eVenJ if
yoUr Lfriends wonT 4.l.elifyou do yhm
think.we wil l . ? ". ~,: -
ei n
The reliefthal -I -`felt after hearifig
I.,aura's narrative was not of a nature, to,
be communicated tc*, her. If any unfeiO3-
seen accident placed tune within the gripe
of the law, I ant - milk - riot now have 'the
double trial to endure of leaving my Wile
for a . prison, , and' - liiiiing : her ' helpl4so,
Fearing that,she might *V, Some hint,, of
what was, passing in - itpsi mind if I alloW
ed :herto ask to many questions about Mir
.future, I changed the'lethject as spoil as
possible. f' • •
Morning dawned , :'tiiid found Mt :3101 '
awake. the gun
,rose. Mrs. Beggs. left
„off snoring and we arriied at the last stage
before the coach atom:tier. I got' Out .to
see abont some tea for my travelling cor m
panions, and looked `trp • At' the' outside
passengers. One of them; seated in the
dicky, looked down- enema, He was a
countryman in a arneek-frook, with a
green patch over one Of his,eyes. Some-!
thing in the expression 'of his uncoeeredj
eye made me pause - fiket- ,- -turn aleay+
nneasily—and then looleagain at hfutrur-f
tively. A sudden shndder ran - throtiglinte
from top to toe ; my hear
,sank; and - My
head "began to feel giddy - 4 The eountry•
lean in the dicky was rietither ,than".ll i i,
Bow Street runner. J,• ,l.
Ikept.away from the Otukh till thelresh
horses were on the poine'tif starting, fog I
was afraid to let Laura my .face, after
making that fatal dike ' She noticed
how pale I was when I got. . I made the
best, excuses I could ; andbleisted on her
trying to sleep a little a ft er being awake all.
,eight. She lay back in tffi ' cornet'; and
Mrs. Beggs, comforied With a aimin
dram in her tea, fell asleep again. M T had g
thus as hour's leisure before •me to thibk
what I should do next. " ..'' - ,
Screw was not in compait e with the rare
tier this time. Fle must ha managed to
identfy me somewhere, and 'the officer
doubtless knew my pereCiial appearance
well enough now to follow-and make sure
Of me without the •-need l *lf '
.., ,any 401,p.- :
That.. was .theestaiL witontli erWhrtralkigg.
Could not be doubted ; his disguise and
his position on the top of the coach .
proved that only too plainly. But why
had he not seized me at once? Probably
,because he had some ulterior purpose to
'serve, which would have been thwarted by
my immediate apprehension. What that
purpose was I aid my best to fathom, and,
as 1 thought, succeeded in the attempt.
'hat I was to do when the coach stopped
Was a more difficult point to Bettie. To
give the runner the slip ; with two women
to take care of, was simply impossible.
To treat him as I had treated Screw at the
red brick house was equally out of the
question, for he was certain to give me no
chance of catching him alone. - To keep
hit, in ignorance of the real object of my
journey and thereby delay his discovering
himself and attempting to make me a
prisoner seemed the only plan, on the
safety of which I could place the smallest
reliance. If I had ever had any idea, of
following the example of other runaway
lo4ra and going to Gretna Green, I. have abandoned it. All
in 'that direction would betray what the .
puryose of my journey. was if I took them..
Sonia large town in Scotland Would be the
safest defamation that reould priblicly ad..
yertise myself as bottrid' for. I determined
to sarthat I was going With the tsve•ladies
to Edinburgh.
Snch was the plan of action Which 'I
now adopted. To give any idea ofthe dis
tracted condition of my mind at die _ time
I was forming it, is simply imposgble. As,
for doubting whether I ought to. marry at
all, under these dangerous cirmintuitances,
I' must frankly own that Twos too selfishly
and violently in hive to look the - question
fairly in the face rat first,' When I subse
guerttly forced myielf to considir, ,lt, the ;
mrst distinct privet I could frame for
overConting all difficulty was to m a rry tor
self (the:phrase is fitrictly
,def, , ,oripiivp of
the Seaton Ceremony) at tpd qfqt.tio we,
came to, over the lure achaise,
or take plaeeti'in'a 'public bonveyancs, to
Edinburglii'es a blind ;. to let Lama :an.
Mrs. ißaggs'occupy those places, ; to. Ter
• main behind ' myself, end trust to my sida 7
-City and Cunning; when hilt alone, to give
the runner the . slip.. 'Writing of it , now,,
in cool bleed, this seemea'4Fild arid hOpen
less aplan as ever wasiniagmed. But, in
the confused and distracted 'state oA' ; my
faculties at that, period ; it seemed.,quite
easy to execute, and not in the least,doubt
ful- as to - any one of ifs' probable rssults:
On 'reaching the town at Which the coach :
,stopped, we found ourselves obliged Azi
hire another chaise'for's'ahort- distance,
in order to get to the
,staving-place of, a
second .
;coach. Again . •wer! teak . "titifiglii
places, and again, at the' first 'Rage, when
I got down to look at,ithe aittaidis: plitslee:
gems, tbereowas the.eoentityinati with 'the'
green lshade:f.over his eye. WhateVer
conveyance we travelled by; on Our 'North,.
ward rpad,'„wemever escaped hiriil. - 'H e
never attempted; to Speak to me, psyer
lost sight. of *nae.f On and 6n !we went,
over roads,that seemed interminable, and
stillthe dreadful sword of. Justice Imai .
always iby .its 'ainglikhair over my head.,
I desperately tried. torweird'Offlnuees ans-'
picions. Nil I. Frank, - Something,. bail'
happened,: der Glteasake, tellintii what V r
—air.. Softly, 4.:.cap• See Groner' a:ldeal
tuarai at fat as, moat' tieciple: - TOte.....are
_fitlltiiiinithe Docto r rts - wicked, example
and showings want of coisfidentelif met!'
These were thelemoitstwin*..
,e , 1 4emti
and the housekeeper, ' ''' .' r
1 i At last we got oat of Enkland, andt.waii .
dial is free 'Man.' The chaise (we were
peeling again) , brought tis into, a, dirty,'
town and drew up in- front of it' 'shabby
inn. A shock-headed iittivanttirl' re-.
ceived us.
"Are we in Sdotland ?" I asked. 1
- ;'Mon l whar' else should ye be ?" The '
accent relieved me of all I
"A private room—something to eat;
'7ready in an hour's time—Uhals, 0,. a ft er,
wards to the nearest place, from Winch., a,
coach runslo. Edinburgh." • ' Ar *KM' -4 81
oar attendant had - left us, - I litakedllie
door, c ptit the key; ruy ,- pocket.„„a4. took
Laura by the hand.-•-•-•• -
"Now, air e . Beggs," said I, "bear wit
Br ansaiu.
[Te , be OontbluedJ
Attbitriition'i7uindiitj of lLe Boar
• :017rade :row Adv.:- 011114:46.
40. DrOvoitalt; sm-MeCREKRY.
• AVM' 249 1433. -
idarenitiitt's7at, Iru.#ooan Atearliera•
rpi(9.3L,Fradre . ,
; Ana." ' - TATterpeig..- mew YorkB.,
.. . . .:Jan • ,; e° Saxon..;»lairerphol....Pb thins) ... .... :Tan 29
Jai 31
lireshrettorC....lareip9ol,,.New. York. ..... Feb 4
.Aral Lunen- 11,-TritP irnee - NoWYotlc....-.Feb ' 5
'—liverpooLatoston. . ‘
kdifs. ./AvarPooti.N2Witork.4.. Fell 1,
c; i ;;; 4m112104' . .. , •
...kueireAaiam.`.iNeer Yerk.itiiie r ito6l , :'.4iFeb 11
'Cowin Queen... ..New York ..A.rpinwalll:::-Yeb fk
Y M qt.% .Ravinsar 12_,ct Feb 12
obegeef.r.,.: Wewitrmletbirpd,)l,..;.... Feb 14
--,4 .. - NewNWLlremileMii:„.: Feb T4L.
I 'rebel-g ~NeertYerimE4tamt/;,/, • Feb
IThhemiad ..... ............................ Feb 11.
Xurnom - v...».' • Seaton' ..r.....__Litsrrpool Feb 13
Y.OrkaKingaten:da',.. Feb' 2)
'Ahab :Eliz om .,„P ortland:Jilireroool.d.. , ..., Feb 21
-Timer • . Noy Yirk Feb 2/
Reverie ,'" New' Toile.-4111Mbtir2'.--•4b
Asia.... c
.. Liverpool .... ...Feb' 25
ow ; YoriciAlitvans.. ... . . Feb ; 26'
Lbkier .... .. Yo -, k,Sh9ingbia Set/
British Queen.... New York ..11avans &e:: :...Mar! 2,
Can 14A r...1.“800t0n - . • Liverbool Mar 4'
Chine • New ark .I.l.yeroosi ...: „ Marlll
Amerias. ~ .. York'prOtown ...... 14
. , .
• toorcesom 64,1LT-ft* ' MORNING PORT
Tha fob:faint aro the btlyteir and settler reties
for Gold. Silver. Bro. :
. Buying .Brapt ,
apid -. .....• *" •60 • 00
• Riven. ~,,,..... ..... ...... ... ... .......• 45 01 ;
Di:appall . Notee... • ..-..... 4.... 61 00 1
`seamork. ... . .. 41 . .............. .. .... .: .. Par ' }''
orC.. . • -:t......,......-- Par
elphlia."." Par •
Bost:La. ...... ........-..........: ....... par
._, ‘. -.!SFestertt atelkaisge.
Landattatt................... .. . ... —. .....
ikaialll/p..--4..... .... :..:..... ...... -.
Clerelead, .:
St. ogi& ..'
.L% orpten'or.tna Date'r'Peeir:
Monday. March 2d, 1863,•• I
09‘7 1 49 Weather continues.t-erY find
ret...the'petteOn ef,year; the past two clan begin 441
ilisetuhleipring.f. : Our
-rivers .are again nt 'Nod
`height ! mr4 plan iyof water tofloat a man 4 of-war4Th e 1
run o;t!'ooal ilight,in 'fact.
I :4f 4 r l 4harely•srorth :reporting. 'Arafattit-,
rt4t aY4 l 4.P.'l 4lo lltY betinenAtmMiriersikadtheir
eitiPl4ern has not been adlnated ; So thattrttinn-l'
ly a amall.i . nuottnt to (otitard to theF ~lowerinar
keta. ,bur own oitizens,are Paying:nine - eent4 per
"Iroir.long. our people will anew the'Min=
erifo hold out anil refuse to let nthera-worikwe
have no means otaseertatniug.. ..Matteralrililitree
;to take a different shape beforbiorigv• . oliaL.:"There doing; buyers ; end aellara,being wait'
lin E.MYr. B 0 41S'isdicline which fi old
to.taent.; The lastest European
neWalaypti',*ll.worablefer exporters as-will be,
S))"aie".eiv..c.d. by ; the .toilowing
• ' . La-Vggrooi:. Feb: 14.
betartraeinal('rklunablz.lble'l rit a d r tgl t'sin eeted °e . '-"l it is 1111; una t al . e a9 -
able at TT& od. • bpwitallull •atilos 2d,
1 Elour -, . • Wahavnothini nair tali-ate - lit regard
lo this'aitible... Iltdders are lirikbutlinyera:are
,i;ers'aby4 The , afeeklifirtifliah4 is not
e43114 , i igt.-.. ~ ....,414. i 444 :1r-klgi
tied.' Airoberies..firm;;“..tiolder dermas - Id
„pretty .
timeh whertheY'Pease. - •Stodks pnb'nioddiatn;
Ficuir-Jthe mniket wainititinatly-dhli onSat
tirday, in fact there WRB no dispestion'to operate.
From store the rates were :r:Extra 4 0 70@00t5_Ea
tra Family $7 25@750. The agent , of the Maur
branded !Tells of Ohio."• - was in town during the
past two days and disposed-of some two thousaild
barrels, of that brand to our' large dealers inlets
rangingfrom two to five hundred barrels, The
figure& were; steep.
, Caildletsi-,-Sales ;of Tallowzat -14 e:
_Dipped lik
Star 20 @ 220 :.5terme.17e... —' • ..
TalloW-Salerofßough7e:: ll•llderedsl4l
A,, •
p ake les - I-Sales of 50'ebls ats27s@.? 87.10 't
l7.--,Saledr 30 bbls: Reotified at 0..V4,1&
Raw unobangetL
011.e...-The maiket vvis tnakive. the news from
the East was unfayerable. Prices have undergone,
no ohange. : • . • • - . _ .
Dried I!.trtita-The market savory fitireat the
late advancer, .Sais 100 bushela APIPles, $1 375 i
Jai 51 - .4 Peaohesi, $3 56,' •
..Grudatr-,Wbet.lted,-$1 32@1•251' White-$1 40
Oats, sales 1;000 bushels lat 64. • Corn, 'sales 600
bask et
.82Xe. - .
:Cheese-Salta 152 beies W. R., 13@14.
ch 'fintier-titles 4 bbls Roll '13@200; 6do very .
•-11Faii.,-,Sitleili leads at $1501611 ton. <•:
• glint -Salts 100 'bblaiit , 11 - 874 . • '
. fi lrecer4os.-7:We omit Onotation's is there was' ,
ne change/. Dem.m4aqtive. .- .:, .• , • :•-
ell *AT ,l : *ig o Y.4o-1031 Ill&IIIi,t , r.
Liir.4.4lUnlik culdAtt?ed &Met(' ietelved;'ilin:
• . -- 1 - 7-7-77.,:f t, -.., ~
. 7 1- 1 ..-..„..1_,_
,yyrthe-Ettig mil
= - .. Aeontoderable atneitat et city reit-.
der /A Waa:taken al 30 3/.4eideringlito morning
Coto:dig la not. offered at lim:.then..lo34 - ei-tual , In
some cases Igheld - at" . o,:::11q abbve ;that ,fikural
The: traineuitions 'were ,PrWelP'aay ...nahrtheit.te
:nittLand fell of-after the- nai v e , a shght . dentule
in New York zas.geoeivpd,Fialesieflglerge onano
tity of bjalk*Sldas were made ntenflor rib attal• t r,
for clear rib. 'BOll2O Shoulders werh'sdhl, at,7 see
and there wfire'.yrnniwaof sae" ardirfoentnne t
irer , e; ettin in sire and cut, There were small
saleti,old city packed Lien
Par k :at 411 is quoted 7 Ars l3• so@l4so . forsna ny o 4
e New'
withOutruehlattantton being given IttY n 'd d ila 9 a ;
Bacon Stiouhiers
,worq; tp ,a„ tuna extent sold ht
's*. : Banidhidessate Attains! . at,6X0... - ,i....-
. .
I ' . . tallea.gsol4llll-16601., : . .
Lf•ia_Aßreadstafth iiii*it:ciiiiiiiiiiiiiiii'At itigai.
al ' a , DP44:Yesterilseal priotaii licit after thewew;
i Ybrk Aloateliw-weare94/041, th e z temourtatitte
aim prices rtabillOwer, vatic was roglacted aial.
!.dull ; anti lit aoiattiniteitiiCick"li otiAera -woalif
.44bma;Pd) Wm!: Wheat'
- motel lair '4,e cintleiPtirkrt &the 9Pindic*
tut olactidquiet. = ';'2l , totOld sl,l , NiZro. 'A
Spaat r ittlot 23 01 7 241 1 .1015 2 1o:Pcjt.a
_,` .11'9641 . 1#4.:
It eote.ltAat 441 A/01,1124CW neicatetuSpiiwir
~• • , . • _
• Maki; Afaikesi;4
"Therein's been an importftion ~nt;
from Porto Cabello. yeryr ,tehiek aattdatt
to. 01)-Peilistatbuco'nidea
the.batanoo the.ograp.. yetkeetthmld ettEtif.Atnot
tjaltp4l Tanners-am beginning tonome forwardcor
..wy Hides, andrii , fete aale.s have be - on - made geom.
second landa: - , llmigOeat MIT for sloatetteaeatt-'
er and the high rate? which kreactilydeonitiaditake;
otanghtek tanneta,o geent—oxertiona g in*
indneolyir ern' toiy freely'ot Rifles abtlet'ad:
4wlas.g2/1e GitgtVatagi#64-40f5rgnititiliY. Wei
acninuit.gfi4.o44ptcarull ahtritilbili
'frottEttiti litinofpar warellqusetiketehr,tpg ireak,
nuilus i ttesday ,Feb,l4th .
xl4 wt-Rook. Oil C0..i,-11,eoelifkl 1 - 599 1414118(A 913 1 .1 arie4;?.A14Pte
aOn .bantis ,reseive&.'
'siirarehottee—ti t re ved 1; bk)*o4);.:
Pea 274 j L ftheeiLed 349 - 4 - selhise:
•14o„,--dtecAtye4wo bairelsr 40(1
bat 6 4 : ' - ...I
-PRE itrf
pirio :197110'6,41mm eiravETAiiisT
° Aeled. e.54e 0 4 13 1.7. .f9r I .k? 3, * l )4Wes:ll'xarl dahraida atm pf - 1 • • '
t,s ".
FlNEl44Ml.9orxicar - •
goucts_arh alifflza virAzur":::
for - LOW arid' Gazthnonn"a Frowill czt
IM I T O` 1 !"" 11 ,1 1 , V ,4$ 310 01- 5
, • • • • • •
each 11808kOrg, cake 'and tiiiiicOsaeb..4obfah
oardpanCteasetis. 4 0 0 . and eY.ful
It 2 P 6 lnletr • of
suitable andalea for pre.oenta.r.4 .- F . t , `
"42,Efih abed
f 862.
~~;.~ ~
to ../ve. thl Oaths. Vil tidOa=ite
A favorableut optxprtoeliar otra.edanasion
moisrate rates, at prior wilt b• er. d.nat
. ... - par
eamtilS,SlON, ME/ MIME;
rou Tara 0.4.11 OP •
/Flour Grain,' Lard liazteim;
iSne4 Emu. •h AL./ T .4. ieo '
i •
Itiorner Ilkurkft:lstlitl4rit'Striceisi;
_ I •• , : 1TT1F13313 *G11;11.i:'
-111010)11i; 1'4)1-4 Gig Gs Bail le
1111 rth ; lattibeirt - & Si, trttsbargh,_
.:3, 01 41:0 tt, 45r. s'
As M. Ralik,
„List gowsilJ4 scialeLk
odlsdergion. raz ton
Wh Oling.,-- • : -I:44Wptf-43
' lIELTING :4KM Mg: ` (
re nzcs.' lu vbi.utalvv: , .19 ;9 0 6.4
' • , Itth.tufmturiis a '
Bitith. Brit ere &114-Bolt 0-.6 0 . 3 ;. 1 1 -11 ›.7.6i act'
- Der Bottoro3. Rained Stillmottos Erata:
I COLN?. /to. 2113...0 i 4--- b:ty, i,
. , i •, : : dW e gIf:ULAVM.A . , nll , . • . ^
-I t mr:t.illui"?- ,
~. conitsr,try am- 12)..tr1.-I.lTrmati's Ziople4
Ill&PeDiz4Blarauft figitic 4 l.?, P l c o t Fa, Ail ,
. , cil r,
e l m
• lir pedal mdse of zeodioctout tut n-33 , deszoo' 1 1
:Data - . r . . . :4 4 12.4F1F4,4ic 'll
. ---..--..:...,...:.4_,........_,...._______,..
li p* " 9 )0, ,04041*ATT T-Ii It
I.kri . I o.BABA. •,; ; h as
B*()lP arilmv ALL/ Vr, * l ; ll7 o3ezi,Wociii
and Li rtk i fitreets. ' , .
A.lO tr.:Li fl,t t
-Fillt .... >. -"= alaantißClß.4l2t.
--, ram &moled ' tad gromptly at to.
,Er --- ot WA1417-130—Vir. I;iotitv--Ari3"Wl:
14114 OF;,Prellfze4- hlinoWll4a.. inlnedrncl"
aILT er — wads of Spines, cook= 13 =0- or/
TrNI A% Noir •Oxisisn,--lierodtt-tinailiterpn Pod' - tot
. JtilrotherMn the Diamond, Sahara yon
a nOw
crop , of Fruit:And lower than atj
: - qt.,hougp pia Ili° ‘oity.A Alio 1 ,,, 1iaT anal
montinrorrittin7 urooerl4., Tem, liViner,.l
1 Brat ttlidtalli.e4ter lands er , Foraticrr 'and
POtit,tria,, ners: .i__,:-.__ f .. - , .. 1. , 2a „.„•-• : . .4'
TE ,- .I'VTET) . :Luzli,: f i .
( II
...._ 11.:!5P 1 3,01 r. 021kusuy .
*V S i tt.9ll l darigh; Mold:rand ! ACM *.i
-' ''114)4 - 443Ani44111:, , r''.- - :;
1 duet, iih*- eo w li e4 .,
.... 4....,::
,074La_toont 0 . 1, A58 , 011,W jrcA,
Iptiii,TH &TEEM% •Plttebrisla s -1- '• '
addiatte gill properkgrand„ othQrsrlkol Alf` _ , c
I zi.t .' the, Or rple'lon. -
rio rt#
... . ...: •
. _ .. _ .....-----...
- ,
'4lo' 1 ;• ' .... Apareijszn Acnvins, 1
Wet " W i t 1/4 4,M 1) Z 40014. or l
- -1 , ~t.,,,,•.1, .. 5.
. --
. 4 4 2
iddisk w areprePand 4
. 1 Iffi e ttrOk4 O F!. 0 E44
*CI - lb abottiiiiWrs%uiri, •
r ' gaaiolity",itir`abr A ii ., l
-- teciiirliii' ' -----
-met, I - now . . ILIZT 'I, vt . i ...... t
ApHirillarP .t6lPit itICUSIVV-
._ I Otani " .
.'" Maim of eaqi In staterai &mita r
o t o .
- lial wagri 4-R-iory 2,t' :
A TTORI iCE9 A.,ND ROlrp,Arli r,"9,81444411,-...:;;;-.':
omo. i x 0269 taiimi. tmet . ne„_ - ,thezio, l 4-i.
Nouse. Pittsburg+ f .a.e-rii F.'"
' A 1,1,-jims i pEsll:_wiTT, it dm
'l4mtlen. azrri=c= A ited. ca
61 ]
' ln ' nit eid Common
W. P. M lAtt. •
I - 1V OILS. ••'
4; 1 11. -K 2:gif zi - a 6:', i - ." --- .r.... - ---=-----
.' --.-. * tmAiO`iimits,.., I -,,-4, , - ,, -...., 12 9 al,. Z l i tr ll -4 1 P:
l i pi d* , N o .1.
.Carbons 021
i ' z i iil : , ITZ e ir i z, o lll a f tt A .a.t. 1r
~ , ...,,,... 4. - 1
'Penn; , • . ''• A s 1 ,
~• I
~ 9 lyliodeat clan donomir. -
f• IS - V.. .14 . 7, oto W.% - , -1 s,, I d i tt u te:dithiors, a! • a --;•,•::--
.ta. ILlopLcillirY STitg P t i . i ,in .. ' - . ..*. i :, m tl bu
.. o.or d digrr4 fil..4r--.:i,---.
1 el-All oil warractea: '' U . F - ° 10.231,Vd . • ''''' 3 ". 1° 7 4 WILF Of mut
PE , JOj-- it •-; ^.: • -*•• 1 ralif, "-laits *,t a g' or . /z iar 4l: & - ' ; ilidaluo
0/Maiii 'alltu 2 Pt• or the •I/tot ot hie .dohts
....., , , . , mo, - the Laratrapt and Weedy mod.* aro dreadfhito
Lo o m, m: L E E a et . GO, 11 toOkcci. and think- it a- , west -sin- vo-6•.i3tkoloral
. -./
-,, , ,an,j • for. .ezp 55 . 11 t0ati ,,, ,,...2.- and l irclrra tira
WORXB AT ou AItPfiIIUNGILF STA Tit/t.: • • fitmir %n Yy 6 ol ° "*" ' 3na a r•R ' l4 Year .
LEG :MY V4.1447dy41•09 . , .ei •. iI• Ite WM O l t, iggil l itegmlie - takethir
rut -' -
' 4114320 iiithi - Ifir4o; . ... - - .- • s='slo,Tiootlimbliolgairtrirpt,.,-,
... therror
23 armitzwrsTftgariii.r r.-
-,....; 4 arde,sA,,"v"cti,tt„,bv.,-.l.....invms'l=A
*„e„..,th_o*dgii,.. T r l "o g e-ta__ _. raised la inoraaoa, a rarti•,,pAtu au&uxi.W„,4- 4 .. •'
Vles, riii _ 0
.. Igo 5,12 .Fier 9-1 a rebo oampari, r.e.motyl.ioteturozea 41te„W•ri
O:JAT42llFalitutivAgrairiaii,* go.T. Itt - zt.t..lig - -,ftio-17-6-0 ,
. tit - OW4yar th a t usi r , ••
... r y . .6 k w, r,. . orgo , " T a rkl i„, •,,,,,,• • •`• wonta 'sad iroirtiarA are Umtata! " '''''
; - !,.! La Liao:AU= end - ;41 I 1-- IL
. ,;- THEARDESCOIOII:I COMP 4 NY. ' ‘ica l s""d c't d6ii"
PI"4 641813':")*
Fb &al 4011 111 aPpoar
- • r. • , ItAllrkbtfi IMUr•d 4 health. sad -vlsoelkriDai:
MgAl l ierAelel}iti! '1141715 W..: lie i 044 BRABsT ,L"' 661 " 14 " - ber°2° nut A
AvAt o uls weutioriorarfloloof-'- '- '! 241447/614-4ChhimbsThbitjlt"n6dzinteb
• • •' 1 ; r erred armito 4 s, IBU[tifill•6 4 lo.ll. EA. $i
Refined ..Avidea co , ..joit . ... , boa or fx...amid trutoleiforle aoraolgr iku eopod
o_ I la n yzmeoattersoo or litimi boner,/ ;
.• : 71/4:0. - smomi li iii . "4 ;1• 1 : 80 ' ! relitep ave.,touliarly hie on. °yore .•-opodi; r!li"l'2°l
_. ' • -.- . i.. Ma lb,- Yevtabla itintdoze, latatiat • 'th
P tra 13 A iit' Ilt - tb l e ;,,,, ! tallar tK o r t komorourialtroalanakhakke apoiade :
. . ;;
..• .. •... ;on-. 1 •,.. al! aim sabetliated the velltame seraslo Mt-
W.# l4olls ee 07 • IRMO 71 WritgET . e►e " ..riM - 1 ) 12 -4.44oe*g—turmeta4
j oxpov,er.ce In thee out.
P/E7SEWROIt. I' - ; ; • .",•'" •: ittntiN: d l=.o l ftsuLltohl worid-a.d in
--- 3 111 " 1 1PJ , htlith -- ilaZrimeg
_.':%71 .1 I. l lth' a u ra,
'4oa tun nom - Tpod•ohaat„ 'lnge Oa ;o4seesiltil.
mont a b : al b . . gild qUattkp.l.PUt copra at rl tiVi 0211111
:' IC Z E(3 .E r O tl itZ a kil i gget 11111 4•Pg 4 . I
• Atrabt
_relieved. rnid aiti"titallt . te , . /11
u 5 15 ZFUJ DfiritOSl-Sti can h.ouLatray tat
bizrooorliur a copy of tho M 6 . 11 •1 11 4.(11 7 .1t,IF .11
!A I'll7oll varle to ail that I s l,2}l .:HAME"'lko.7l3d. -
1 - ,
_anion of ovor far ty yea h oxPalletoo rd
osevati ctocrfculquentl7, ankh Las' en-il 1; ' -At
ill the tr estromt-Orneoak amree:6 - ..4_124 mho 51 •
daily azosoltodbythoprcfrenot,ll;y„anmoolo
;I:loaded brrelant;kla oitiLlags. Doomaier4
Peden a liotole. etc . Ozoo . • 55 aral
street, searDlarcond etroo ,t blrafe swam
°AlWtaadA; frog ali peat oft 40-1 1altarstrletli ell.
• des:ly ,
. J .- ENNA . T
---- ---
.- - - - - ..,,,---4
, .IE4 U 0 en t . -0 11 - 10 P" 'O,: rit i
' •
331131 0Alr,"1:117NP ‘?lg co y I
, izaittfarttizers Pl• I ; '' ..!
f '' - - Prltir Yfflarrk II /i 10871838,18 ..
oaktei.llo. OR ~/aft ARTY' 131108DT r Pitte
haul . L.
MA -51W!
Thq„ , Pitilosorthit). , Burner. i
InidlintlVh3rNElfit DOMIAINACTIIIK4.
As-sa., Philosophio Dernorfet Carbon Oil -ie _now
Oman= Dent at possoseee tar, fros °
ate. • •
N2gtiCt It makep a /urge Cr li 1 nicht Stith larCit
ACOSI. I •, , 7 ' ail 1
r Sit Will kink YOKY finaatitr.ol. On with eafistY l
, ';8. i cosh fie need with 'a' Meg or iihort o'hiinno . 4
4 . r g- eatnbe•ltstd ea* Lamy -70ght-leate., ,' :
•-' 1. eau alwa.vs be =do tet.oure ovotontrkoaDY.
b ,B,l t'lstraorrr , eablp-irielred. thee any pillar
u rP•er•
7. It Cart bi tripairrieriPctli,ttod Withoit ;*4
moving the come. • , . , i 1
• 8. It throws all thC abite li ght above the cans.
9." The , chimney cam, be removed or insertei
without touching- thatiess. • • 1
1 .
Those bunters are' tee vonimorr.t O. l'ettearai
r eau be Put on an.1 1 4-m*, 'Oct* toes, Vylim , vang
sownsing Carbon Chi &mod tuna a.Equiloserolit'
itmen, Prick, Otieentet Per dotart 09. 8014 a
RN 82 11 . 017RT11 stroot. Piteiburrlt. , • -
se2S-lecti - , • - - I. li-A--niN•'
Jig, ,1
I :74
1 ittallillinkt*Pl44l6lN.,
•• 64 - 1 .
- atidlhilati' 72' "'
FLUB rz Vißlsgt-t
827 .1reb,03.,42,7 qt.teet, -
WM. IL '-4bartrtir ctst,
wauLE SA 'LEA itikef
dere PlTersic
MIDICA.I4-"." 1.
.: ZONC 801
.2ililmrtb, Pat s
i . .fIF __ ..i..7:IOIIIIITIFICATEAP:•-:-2:.?
irEMIT.:IT -14 ..riOT gronic , lra&N ..
%Woo 'fo r a pinion filet inis been sore/T.-a- -.
:ffilated!for years when he, ill 1201 Mar' reVertig:9f .'- . - .
nu . auftrin g , but completely -cnreiltqlthsrso ...1-;
boeia afilicted s rith a - vory malignant haresx= 7.
Ripsipelits for - years. - I hava calleri.on say e.- E:?,,
i.e.= tsgular Physicians, but nil *libel& Y;ltlail-'- ----..;.• e7- . .lit
;efit.,.rcaucd oulDoetc.Branstrapit:atdhelthali !''''' "
"P04. - have taken hig- ntitc. WI tYdgott; Anise .- •
,evi er , Leal onmpatild ()flier ..44ficapotl:
.lalever was:o•Amy person *bath ~ seks, 'ED :.-:
*ill rilaWiebang ..-- flaiioMAS- PV. 7;1
Refek" to MT; iiiliAOX p4 l 4l o tift4is,;f.:•l:2,;; • .;?:
siVt % .4
'iiiramsy CERTLIFIY TAT A* rifiiirii•---,:1f..
been afflicted since I. was very small; of sAle- -.
mis P.. call est Bprilnrept.? or FailMs'iPltil. °lawns
tried tlib best physicians in thefOldtVertaryin4
. . ,
In", Wei hut roser , rmeiied ate , bettelier. . call 0n„.14.• pan', tritp dastzesang
tan 4 yr
have hett'no'srieUs:7 Sumo thou. ? theroforp,
oonsidek myself co zo atoirctiredV -
.millittliat '
notdrmationplemo lat A 0.. 2 S
•.' -:,: : " 'r' :•,': .'. ''.;''..441.11/41.. '''
, . .. . ..
. .
ZlOklikkitblilitkiiiitcs.. • .... ~,-.----.;
-.1.- Dr:BROTTNSKEDIC-Afii... Al ''... -- p..„,..A., -,
gr:4l SMIGICAZ,OIIioe, No. SO. ' • ..` - _. i--,--:; - ....,,-,--;
:litnithileld en*tet..littel&MOl,4; ,:,.,,:;.-- - LN - •?;, - ,
;I" • -,; , • : , -,5.,':-.•• - ---- _77,,14:,•-• . 7 :: i
:. Dr: kRO Wil bin og bitliiii• c - :? r. --- -f- , 7 - - -- , , ..
g lo f. l *tilisra., ; . .and hm been . .•-4 . _ -• '•-,' _.. _ .
ta,dleelertoelisttriontr-Itta t 7: .--.2'.1.-Ij'*-•• .
..... , Rie: bnalriogi • Egli lie..-•-•-: - ,-,, - 41,-I , ' - ` . .
zonated Naost/7:toPrirr-e . ! nr44-4 - - -. 7 - 7,
PareselviEeiry- -- • .. •:•'.. ‘• - ••;_-., • i . ;::
. • i , C/Tl2.ritalifpleo,4tatEt• ~;. a-,,,; :; ., , • ..' - •,z.;,.,:.,:.„'....., • ,
: - ' 41-liierfirdlek I to ;•,:-, :•4::• : - .. •,....„.' •
in •• °OA the earkaageAfreflat..:,,..ll, ' _ .'.,. 1-i .„-....
tokatertiadttafeiardi ma 0r0te5e...„.2.1..-a - - ; ..• •-......•
glen: of goertain,ollev. ef•diegeeek.ic s tare iI:WW: r .. ---
tato) to the eat ever 3 of ObtaiatrA 3wrtpova .
a bide.w!) of hierz - zupe' • fellowtrglahr 7 ::
•.••; • tat. ttiowlva•Rzsytritiii . ' -,•• - -'--- - :. ••••,----:.
: _wrier _ f ail le. craze :the aroret •41m:i v1..1414 0 0 , i
Deegeee,,fibrinritlee .*TS,..v,ottiletnr.llA'oefte,--
AL-4.01.41,8ag,e, geeing from nl . bdatelll't u ri t •-• • -•-:, .7 . ..•-!
inift!cia - nigleifette. Wolf in.. the fonn:.. f ., i. --- ...:....-::,...-...
•Imonesia.' - . nal :•g. fe1.....t . 1 1 16.21..rtf0ttettl • of attfil - :-...',........,...
.w. A ,
_the srlgin. ti.lllaidt i,*k . pseibS bindle, )
... . :.'-.. . -:-
Mersa: To Denovg go; giritte&..p.E4srornioglerg : -.• 5,;
Illatea of .5 amilitevra r ef.'7.; . , ...:2 t . , - •
' I.D.N..Bronttatur,lleliOr
......: 1,... t ' . on oftele kr_ k .ht ee.litttrbAb4 of .:I.;`s -',..: ~..:•..J :!. ,,
..qticin - :trblat -tta,01:1124; "Da awe
w ~.', .•. •:x . ..'
l'ith;millotilklTO tO. (4. 11 W-17W- da'Artc.. Xat - ' - .• •.. - . •-•,:.e.k"
the" reliable rem se own In e otrat r 4l . .: . . .:,..t..., ; .5;
.:.k4es,; : grogsfei ghti - rat-1114 sPtldr . . 1-,--`.••••=„1-,..,.1,..
.:..•,. hir6iii i ..l. s ii . l;.s-.:.„3, - e. ",:i4: : : : ,x.4 . t . ; . , ~t. .„ . ..:: : .
~.....! r 4.174
: • . itz.„_Br4, l e : Darer .1-.3A° tato tiff4.-":-..z.:.,:...i;,4r
„zinfra - 6 8 . 4 0 re A Irowwors--.... he pillmanialeri.W.-isil:.
cum : ja e ev,c.r,pregia, dem: t"..ootretolortrr:•....!-;.....:•,;;i.,.•
attiotorc, lirettuti-NOrtal:oo.-ieneareW :14•':. ', .,:::yi
1,10,9.14.,.. sappr. , l . ,zg,....k.nseezee of • the • . 01444,.: .:..f.-..>.;..e.'-,..-,
~ gikt1i;..6.4„7,
.r.r46016, :IL Iroctilpnei Pint • - • • ,. .,• , .?..:-.I
'.a } r dr , d l KiabetA.l.rzi'*ot‘N tha _ itt.. i' :2.i . :.
ire lzith CI dasime,gors3.ll'...s.-4e
Irisc% itili egMt h ge t lia t ta tip , _ ..,_,„ t4 p u
,-.-, •, .. ~ ..v.,:
13:1 rittgbafgh.Ea-, riiii it47r.zA g Argreep.,_
_._,, '- •• • . .:!..:,.. , i,.,.-. 2
p.i.: l Bfedicime scnt to an 7-411,41. Cal „ N -,,ati
and wore fr om obverott.,'• • ---....-1--- .' • •.•...” :
p. , ..,0111ce r.ll.lLal2+zrato wow, g0.i...q,..f.ft..%.-As11:-.,,11-1..
.a.:E. % - Pc.' -• • 'ii‘ • 0 . - 4714.1.:-.„,.-.. ~..„,:- • ...f.;,...iy a
.: ~:i) ;' : : .14 :
I TIEPOIEVI'ANTr. TO ' LA] lEEV - ---:-.:., - . - : - 4:4
p- 'OR
ir.A.a‘ 'Cur' ;flrAviNO- VOL'.)l47`''i':'-----::::;:il;
.. ....
7 ...
i mionV w tg a io 3 4.llV4 7- tic i rtil"r k aaArer '" •-••- , •-‘''•
. 41.
Anicae•DiAndso r , and hating L aWIIP.- -1- -'.!.. - " - .: ',.::-.:.-.,,,.,
eaap of came fa wto4irs t4a . .
- NW-,
11 ,%ittl 11/0 now entre ftniant4* . . ,-..•
~•=7- . :. ~- . ....5..,
1 4 . .. .... ... : c :7. I -..'•:: zr,',.1,444*ai'.;•4•i*47:
a.r.itioit*iiimi*. xtosiiiiiiWaii.4lf#4,74;7Y.,.3=
: t*... , -;: ,, ... - : ll Ar..kgviKv_m=--, , i: .
Viii,No4fiEfilliAt , .:.
. -..wiiie fiiiiiiiiiiiwiittiiggiiiiii', . Nov 4 tr -; . - , 1 - l• :.,::
- bk sts apd).•fa*s..:'... - .....z.:.,..,i...;•...
1 h
: o.9tatiltiattiei..l3;9om. or /4 ati0.316,•,:•,:e...... : -
eir fkrootorzetz V i ral to_perfect *As*
ip area, ' •.' egetiO m i a, i
z,.... ,
ki1e.5..01'2,0 az W. . , 4414, -y.
..„- - ;,...: - ...._:,. , ::i..,..:
3 r . kite:ln-all. placard - Wt • os,. em i g ui .
~._ ,
j avir
ai‘aii - Xii:ew,'F-okliesgioneker.'irk.: iAi s 4 . ,
~77 , , , , _ -....t- - •
, • bioll •t, f r ,r = „o32 ef,,ty=ong ei11i51,,,,,.,,....
_,,,.:,: •
401.: ...Cu • • oregfeeks4l'
'fligfaseg. eggiNtgii be . Algeosb's 4- 4" a* C.- 44 4 1 =0 - -,,. , 1 ,-. a ...;
w*ii.edittresei - at fhaetuae. .... • - ~.• • ...4; ^
Sale *elm , . . ~,,,_
.b y -•. ' ' • - i , 71 . .7:‘'. '7•: i : ;•-:,..
mithe, cict ; 6 0:atm/A rstoo,
;ditina cod .- • .... •,- •••1,• , ...- , o• -.....0 - -...ti-1.-..."" . ...
ujion: .!':::f:4.'• : I .'-'-' l ' .- ''''' '' ';..." . • - • -7 .i , 5-- ~','- •, , ' - •-.= ..;-",
m ,,,h,„ 0 wo both° zai1y.,..,••...• ,-;,:•.,.., s - ..,•rs ;",..-1...-.., , ...,,',4
• zzizeconLlnsA 9 11/ * -- Cl/11 Thla °U "I • -; -i. , : ~,,.
and what doepeoCr ll 4- .. 8 0t1:: - 10 +114re-toei '-.,.`*-, ..,.. .
Syoar advalluedAositli,7„,i, rlyf.,,-.7 7--;if.•
eIJ. BET , 424,a41914.. !?,r,O AMP: - r .r. ---, r: 4.,..- -,- :;. , :i
ol ltzupo4 i -":: -•-- r•7:•21.' ~, . ..."•5-. ' - -71
... : ? . ..,..• ,-• • : VI . 111.110076;..- - ..• - v- - -, - , ' . -, ..1
• . coraer,3faEloes'etreates t d• the Maitratc.4l'' -1
..'r`•: - ' " - ?: - ..:,, - 1
ir_______...64; • .i_ l o B 47dkeavd.3 : \ 4114 fc.l Olieipil - / IJ . .:•;‘'.,,,
•• . W. 41 j a . ~,,,,..; : •,:, , !_,.A
v i 15,59 , -IA - OTBOT
„..... 1
• .
--.11 Joe.. DID F Yom ,
i lhtyale r iftyeilles.:. oo 4foiiiiViirtif
f• ...''''gpl i i: * 4 : iiiiiiiiiii - iti . : o; ; : IT.: Q: ••;* . :' .';,.:,-,
S TEA - ai '' ti ant i tg Li /.Iko Ell•; :% - `::,';';'; ' .l
••.• • . . . ... .:-....•... - -
z.z.cma. royizetiorzi : - •. -
-4A6lEkin* R ii* #4 l, ll 4.l 4til#4 l k."-5 .- .,.6 --- ..X
.414 1 V .. ..'. it '. .;:"..t., -,-'-'l.l,
f: iii.....!..:G%' •Li',..-..:1:4::,......•
Std etinlOsits- ' ' '''''' ik.•':':'
ear.ld +zed, .••. • . • u . minc
7+ 7,...:4 . ;
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