RAI I LKIAIY VS-TAU ,_ -. -:a; , • , 4 or TINA wail I.olol l *liklggikagen- lap Ari i a.% • wm gat ianr l2 6l33. li i to ' at, a.m. v i ce , 4j1044.•• -.b . ;gip. !Nei lia_ri l ificiiit4aZiliiit 6: j woo Lao** train will all c I between Pittibtigh_aad _Or a. A 4 a 4l '& - Pittstnnabi*ata.'6sol a, m. ! MOM Light I ltdatrain W way madl,l between a ter,r•ltc;ratid: lid), vesitTßlMOWilt tt. Wayne and Chian. di: An p.- in. glinaLs Otta.ibt°l4ni. Coma o w l., ~,, 12— 1 .1.R1V4L3 141 S P -- r f -182-8141 . 21 4r . 1 *Cam% , .. . i ~ !AlillOttriSloll 1 1 411ilf' _ • ~ ..... 1. ,',,,-; ~.,: 7,1 L. tVritt* Th at‘rii. ~,,, N.,(,:. , 7ii, :.' ilitinittliiniiidekti ' .'" ' ei FitU, , / MOOSE 0710PIRIBMID i z'''''''' '' ' ,'.. 1. 1 1 5AA,01 1 M 4 0.0,. ', .:: i l - .'1 Mk iffitctd 60. tit t /— I . i ,93f OR N AND tAVIOUO ' '-- l'• ` 3— ` i i e,,i, ..: , liIISION - e i alkil!,1114:0 , I 'i l i l 4tel i lrfrAtt4.. l C4rßik ; riik;firke - ixo r ill a 1. , • .. advialima imadf °lt ocrtionakan Oriti it k t &AR' •43 T T ZEICLADX11111:111., assaigerfi t Vesting sr on tumid a, well sebeteluoCik Of , r gm trade. m7l-Tar , ,sii: NQ. 'l I . 1 1 4; :1 Olinoti q : ' 13"T i7 1.111 j 4e; kW; 0• I liiislo4l/CU OK 89, rki.t -7" .litlyd "—. - : 1 : Milian &in% lan °I3R1 : 411 ! 8 ; 0/ 1 1 1r' ' '''''' 'l•tt.,- II. M Gfic sali ji;4l i.jjpmulET" ,_ " ~ ' ~ ,41 0 0000 1 14*iiriligi. .T',,-;,Ttll',t3-;-.;:;:a.,;l4EibigliffiPtiiii; .. . BO i erk.GAANT .. iii;4l who o ok, fad Retail Dealer jealtis Etotr tizetteuifritort or EPNG' GOOD% C :**, FT STAFXr , -T ' '' patiatikaPHlA .. _ SY' BRIAN; Fccopm rrAcruorAtA.llolllo#4, 79 1- irtilOnEeniMptir -4901Kraani rteliimPßlA - 11 MINSP- Guria........_—..-TAteDlita RIM a rim liiiiiiii, Ini ' i , nil deralerela r-Ci erG , ' : ; b l :l 4PRf! * ; 1 .M541...7?3: 4% ,1,4 1 A-gl2.4oBlGart , :el g• ANISELAIDELPHIA. 1 • 4:9 1 1401M-ltia .I.43fiz fi rm i t i ormu i ri _ a op: 7 1 4 14010 eted dook of , LI 1, 1 .1 0 D S • s:rersi oeotluoollle. large nook 9f . ..• Including and eVirry las.slo _ _ . Tr am , 10.1et-tu, . 1414. augari ' Pier '4ll7L'llithiltaii I- *GE/kit:l 74 4(llES; petal attiiet; Pittsburgh. , IrSiktecl to be et the beellnete 3 1?' kit} fire itefiglid.o C No. EgA, %AB .1 43PMo Agrioni ED i - ,•,. Ni 4 iiiittidEAD,/,., i . .2.E.WH APB OENITIIIB vr ,44t .orrquat.o.oi.i., ~..g.., ~, F. al Implements, Wya tt,' and Ornamental Trees, 4 , 44:1464Mi :NI c3±?: 1. /IA AM tIF LONG, •i; -No: 127 'Liberty street, ire' Hotel. totail B 111 -•- • i. buir 62 .1, . , 8 3 1 931 - 11": 1 1617/..atjilina AT BOA:LAMA • - 4. a 411 'nag:AF 4 orpe:t, 24doorirow Jpittt. • ri V - cut AD! , ~rgtaM.!TPre POST. PFTN STREW PITTSBUR ; rAkipir,.o W l ,ll 4 4 Se* ~. -,-,..•.; . . Se* ere. 'CL 4141,11/ a h. N . los* Eißriag of 1882. ' 1 &Ott" Pine AB/1011$ •4 from 3 3.4 cadge • I to act , per Pleere.. I ' 1 OZI sr I, , I=l . D. xi nrsa.----r. st. itaTi m # ." . . . mrifill=aciii,, 11 . , , r to 14°"825-44.41420672=4) • : ' ° l466l •Agiati. iiiM li e ISr - • • IDDikreett!iaftry, "ri, l" r" :l M fti:i - .9. EMI/ jth, Ef=l llT=ni 4 01 r#4.*: .1 4 ,10 ?•..1h rt • ,•13.=2',`:i , • 4, ';fa , r ti;= "'SSA .1 I - - den, '-r.-1 iY" t - -'- , :` . 1 -1'1;1 === OU EIOUSEE O • - NO. 82 DIAMOND.A iLET-' PITTSB.URGH, 'rine SfiIISCRIBER, ANNO tr Na:11BEI ta_thb pablio that be is in daily receipt MESH ANDCAN.OYSTBRB te.,. and is prr_pared to aeonmmodn . te thn- p GAM 'tro E4 na 4.this old eta wall known t onsawlth ova a 4,i/ka eating and drinking finer at the n .tant. luaus. JOHN B , _ Propri. trtto.if Pt.m. Wilson p. 'toady tordolivary at .....ITI7IIII OF TUN MAIM: Vk i e . p b .: takeltjap ) 1 31 riljAnb,..4l ..., „... - datia.it..at i. ..... d,9 , 4aBi4tsmor-mr• T tlrtfrel 14 . Fa: ate Ith 4 illaAlPit 0 WM:MA GMAURRitrigg Pro rieton 4144 Libert7 street, holt be -442,1 r Depet- of tho Pennsrluattis which makes it the most convertiput ousa the eitp,for- passengers arriving by!tuot ropl . lis"4lis. at considecwhie up, in excelletit stip, the MAff'_ BUM M i ni, would resacffittifulls solicit 41 short of = e h =vs, 'A'sl ttrtrzkVil 1 111 r i g. l" KAP, I TILE ELM CIktLASICa, (roimairxr,oorsars azomeilvea,) 00 (R FLIMI,JEBBUTKIMILD =BM; (Opposite the E0e1101110e..) fir It 11 VA EVC Rd B E HAW/0 'AL. taken the above well-known stand, will leased t elea, m a k n i travl s ettl i ll i t= :' 63. ) t etPaMd C wall Lyn' uYi Proprieto . ~~EfiY6it~~s~lr~tl, oung's Eating- Saloon I 11: maw eitte AND BM*. rkgranittanit . Wien. OltenlalB and all the delicacies of the oh will be served nip s In tae moane tat file Arts. , YO U N G , timer Virkin sliest anxi Smithfield AA POLLO .HALLHIILILIAAD . 4.g.OO • . OHARLEt. JARDNERtwouldreetindida d Made aTMd eneton3or. that be io still to Won .d At- hilt stand APOLLO HALL. entganeo irontin abr. Ile had always on nand the t .Ignalitgot% , ger Beer. • andin bonneotlon 19tth e natl. a well appointod billiatd'Entotia,:teith goad tobloe,ballo and mem - Rltmomlngt the 0.3./O.Apollo-11111.1•Petath *.eirWobd.Atessoo tratn !north. - trip* , Comnpoplia Saloon, CORNER OF _ UZI/ON AND FIFTH STREETI (Near Market.) Inv mar; vim PUBLIC CAN OD, wv TAIN the bog and purest 'Manors. - Moab served at all hours on tho +shortest no, dee. Lunch every morning between the ho um of I and (3 o'clock. VIM WEISS. mark-ly Proprietor. OROTOE FIRST 'O4;Af3B INSURANOE Market Vslate, & Treas. Metal :Stook& 1%52,461 00 :43.1c State 685,411 68 orrOits 168 ,til 80 ,2D9 00 "state. 87,p63, 18 $2.888,138 19 Total /mete • . LLIBLIATIMS. undiluted and not dno--3177.862 16 fire and inland Navigation Insurance no iged at as favorable rata; and rubs ea are cen t with fair profit and reliable indemnity rtizut WKLLINGS. OUTBUILDINGS AND CON TENTg . on most favorable - times, for a term of lean t ?: jees. Lovtg Oultably alingtpdt4d ramp elf d: Applies 012 tollotted. ' Tioliales tented with out PelaY, and all busked attended to with /Id e al s . and diqoateh by A. A: ORRIS& & BROTHER. 63 FoAturth.l6Xect. Pkilioxcl? Pa: _ octl&ftart EOPLES INSURANCE COMPANY, 001oe, N. E. Oor, Wood & Fifth Ota, FEE AND IMRE INSURANCE. m. atill'^e. t 0.. Watt, James D. Verner, Oapt. Jno. L. Rhoad I • .. B. t. Ye. Baranoi P. Blither. ehn B. Parkall , Jones, • lei 13,31iese Daniel Wallace, Mara Van DOI? 0. Hanson Love. Wm, in g-L 'ips, President. $4114,0111. ALLEGHENY INSURANCE CO, OIrFICE, No. 87 Fifth at., Bank Sleek . . .' NUKES AGAINST ALL ituNns OF ME AND MARINE RISES. a 7. AM/ D JONES t: ._ President: I OLIN D. McCORE, is' Presidon. M. NW., Secretary: Capt. " 1 lAM DEAN, General At. E' ECTORB—lsamo Jones, C.O.C. Hussey, Rap . Childs, Capt. B. C. Gray, John A. Wilson. 13. . ' ahlligtia— kao)sn. D. /Word, Captain fAdatn . . ha t it A'. Stgligg . h.pt. W. , Dean. 'Robert L. ! : • • : Y*. BuilizediT"ei tiii;, OBNESLY Or THE Two -.max ? flu USE, dealers in Boteites Brandista,Wts66, . . (linsL also; Blaokberm Rambettf. W,Rd, ia i ren G h! n ir i cl r iri z e l e 3 l %.°l4 ea 4i rt n l n f a s h g. Bittemiko. 1 , . llre.B37.4lseray at litz. oodtelreargt street; Pitts " h Ye. : , tele; Taverns. Nal Families tall Re Cited . profits ibr tb; ` , NewJeroey der r a m- , r hotel voretaoll• 173-Bmd 'ERNA:NI GErracH ,idiande and ReWI Greeters, MPORTZES Ano WILLEM LP rg e eit3, WINEIf44,4OVORS, ZIORTH-14A5T tiornar of oaf STREET AND. TEE - DIAMOND, ooj9:17 ALLEGIIMY ..tritsesireeseig k em e ,mi tf iammaimirir IMPORTANV TO IOcVENTOR:S. PAZierf AgENCY. PATENT AGENCY. l w —. - 4 v 0 TLIAINRENCE , For elvtilrears . • i • 1.,:. • an tilter.of _tut t Otilletoiatt, a a'. io'ii4.',i as h Ale be = ' of the qt, I •,•4 , 1. of Ap . • , kiAmeoi4lll4 =EI Ila d "courSV KIM 0 ,t• • iniotmtlarg/Lectitina• " OLVSIIB-the in • ' 00. ; S 9ITAIaOMIII%,IIO Wnod4o.-. 'i.• ELOTEELE AND WWL'AMLiiM;L v-- - ''' , - . . - - w- . • e - :, - ixr. , .ck:Tro - p,',.. 0-aucriat.-ai- A ,- 1-u. ki1.... - 5.1•04 : i -- : • _ . •,...... •uv ;vreires-triivet. . ~;;) 1.: 11:03020.11.371fidlieTlifiengar Ovsitil /OEM fiAVAo7ll;_;.oopriet , ... 14,- ) 11. IMAITNICTAKENieIa A E JITINf . . aft vdthiallihe nisiderekaPnrilcit ~; ', go-, ular mat. Otte ouzo Y•:lberia. to mil eodeteAtie oldinemets- eLpt o.' r -47. with. the the markets , aoratt. -Id , .fers nu, betaitrveLup snot variety of le. • • A , . me Beeeee. me Wina„ziettore and /VA ; e J ottlident in taocanteendJar to the putite feet! , eli. uteeliente. . • iiaOacketand Shea 07ke . ril tiggired &Of , ndso.dwholassleandreUß mdpald INSUE aIV C.E. , THE Capital, ASSETS, JULY 1,1862. 9/3 5 00 2 000. DERECTO Ivii* Plt •i‘ -17.0AZ1 WINE AND ,LTQIIOIIIS. i. r the palls p RO . BT. IIL'FLTII I ICK r . I,Lervzve....ont et title; of Mc ( 0 Paten v A goner' al r Fifteen ..x..; ..in• the Pat , ogg 44seney 'Btu& liou-Ti . • 4 o ...promo Po lt ternavosont fres on t o, of Potakaii4 ,A!!, • y 4,42113111121113 r f';L Cr, !..!..-v- ,-. .. -• - - it;!!! b i'l •- I 133 t7'' 14{ 10 , J4:4 . . t'Li. 7 1, - ,, ~, ;: 3 • 1 1.:1 1, ,, ,,, , , • ..1?. ij t." ''.- I ' l . /Opfliiiat : 1 - _ l ' :. ' INSURINOi S, 6_ - ,;.. .., i ,00IkP . • , . , . .. • • : ,illl b., i,,,,,.3 ~ Oti v V, :•s '• ay7T on itull.: . . talltt± , q'to 'Obinniag-, -„, ..„.,.. , . - in_ town or ? J 4 / 4 8 /0/§4 l o' Si* • W I !SFAX • !;-! ceisitelliiikgain 11 ! ••• , 410.00. a- - t rustbf ! !!a ; , _,Y!!" - v- ! liitlyPizikil ! ! . . a . Atde.44-• - onnt.-:t1.1155,0013 ou lie • . ... 40,..: j.4...4..4 ' :4' , . 4411111,5 t rti ot .., :1,1,4+ 1 1 .4 :; , ,,:7! .;.:,' l ' i . 111 01 11 Z ,- ,- ~11.71 , , 0, ,prial7AnißLtl: . - 'lsot t . . !!•••• !- ! ~.a. a .., ct. uoustetimogix - weu - Aeouk , , _............; • . a.bou is Rtuttirstdott and - Orbit ! !iAle ; OU„tu -- ' ! - , ltllyoad isonlyiiti.nits a -,.. • - loan-- 000 Du peuisplyania tiallro_iL !,. ....,...! • ....... .; 4.0f0'00 tititeit! antellanoe AL! • raM ..a. • , CrominO'l ' '-',......' -r -.' r.. •... MOO Eitookortiounty'Fire a: ! - z o • C 0..: • • -.JAW 00 .stock of Deltwar ; • ..elifilk• !- : ..: . !Ili.'" a ; ..;glg ot :Coninittroia.tdo!'-a.!;" '!........‘5”--.. !, • a.m. at. MeekesulinV! Rink" My': Ala neoetratip - .:l)lmktaa :. . apa.......,.., Rook Ataidountin' , -•! ! in .. 1 ... - , .., ~ 72 .Crab ouOmisidandlit •! - a 40 , ~ iiiii tg ~,•kr..; lEI ... . • . ~ 1, ~,,,;,,,,, -,.,:,.., ...,.; ..,. se 0G101.......,:. ...„.. ‘ dgitt! ' •••••' t• ' -•' .. • i. ' Wal.,;!.."!;;Z: 1.!.!: ! t - Wm. Mingo- - nellilartlift; i Was. R. 'Eactmayson. . betaell! • ! PrederlOk Brown: • ! 'WI ta tier. Cornelius 8 - "! W. la &anat. W - Ai L.: °mop: ' . i • Trl 'Pg ! ' Oebert'Toland. ' ' "i"! la ; Yrederioa Lanni& • 4' '•_, gain:ding. Charles Weed - tinah - Elowen,_ James S. Woodattnrititabuzgli etary, . j. ("CiVrditte. Nckrthelliit CiFii " INDEMNITY AG INST:iOI 23 - 1r P It ID": '' • FORE elgAlineuuN - I: 14 amstriung 1 00MPANYOFP :ill • i 1 * lll !",,ant Is - i s NO. 435 and 437 , : = -*arAgagw, near Filth!' STATEMENT OP ABS : • :,, JAN , let gip. Published Astresabls to. It Aot of Assetribli; ti bolus htortgagehiamPig . kW= o ßs ost tatet vat ~ Levu 102.995 1.. Temporary Loans on amp e dollat- r torsi Securities 39.1 Z tooss. (prevent yalne ( "16T72) cost 89.73 d Notem en d Bills Bose , 4vabl ....—..= UM (10 Cash —•••• ......... , 21,919 33 rd i -il i g• &b o b& 4 8 ' Vite"only Profit; from pr hums whiali_thiecolt pany Can divide by law , are from risks which ha teen determi ned. Insuranecelmodeon..every - 4eeetiption of Pni ! rrty in Town and Country, at rates as low as consistent with soouritg. Sinop their incorporation ,a jperiod, ofddrtzt mom, they have % 1 i 'male' rim Mali (at esseeding Fonti . Mona ollarig.Hiethsb , 1 e , ' ding evidence° e a ds taggee of Lesurano al well as the ab il ity and don to meet Sr i promptness all liabilities. Losse3 paid c 1 the; 1 1$11/.101311463 lieti ± si 1 . • , - - r - Charles W. Banker. tdoi•decal D. Lewis, Tobias Wagner. Da B. Brown, iralGgah,-;aft.D'alli. - George W. Mohan's, 0 e Pales. CHAS. N. BANG President. SDWAHD O. D Joe Preeident. Wm. A. BrailL. BeetettarYji tem. J. OARDNE3, OFFEN, Agent, msl6 Northeast ocr. Third and Wood ate. WESTERN INSURAN OF PITTS: SOli(111 DARSIE Prod& t" b IFRAI 10. Cra Wain meet. (SP iv emirs.)dittetrugh. • W il l insu re etaiinsi all km BINS RIM. Home Institution are well known in the to determined, bYPenZbleat teak the ohnineter• oh tit Atha best protection to . ASSET% OCTOBER ;Stook 4wounts.... —.. ErgriarG, - 7 -------- ash ....... . • • .. uniNdtte ' , ego sad Biliz. dleacquat*' DIRECTO ; 1 krl or. Jr. Ja. , thanel flotam. Al'. , r l Dared. Wm; W. 'Dakotan. APd. Spoor. Da , Brea . Thomas Be' i L— ' John B. .M . • CITIZENS' INSURANCE .COMP 1111- OF, PIUSOURSH ENSURES" STRAMBOA AVDCrAIRRIES. S . RSA. Secretary. I WM. BASAL/31, Prosideti n . • • OKlee, Cor. of Biark.Tt d Wat i or SON, know soinat LOVI itidi) 0 ?0 iit L tleiiNairier don or the Sou th ern and cetera Rivera, Lakes. and ILWene. lithe • ?hid. r. ' . . gairaf f the'. . . a oan and' Diego Xity Piro. D.111.N0T6 . 1 ' m. Diktats:. ark. .74.• • • iza EL4onneton.- - .• goneW, ' ' progton. emae ....• d k l ink. Ar.- MOT, At. Cf. ops!. J Coldw 01. doo Bin J . Ethipcon. B. : . • - uth. J• . • a. Dilworth. ralatlyeth 7 1 . PHILADELPHIA. FIIW, AND , nisußAsuß • coma!.tt il .N . 9 .1. KO, 4.9 011:13ST . KTEET, ° posits . the , Uhl! O. el:.:'o hie . Ata?.... - ~02493X00, • ![Afro Am. !winos or Er. , BUlLANClAteitbe.Phtietiug er Limitod,on e ry deeoription.ef Pro en, eirlaigthandise. 11Z rubler ivili et ~: ~, , ote inoopi . to t. • .i hw3iter i .1 % IL. ~. I I! :4' I I v . • •;/ • , a; •ea j3ayee. ' Cozpi ,t ' / E. • . Reslie.h. , '': tW. Begin,. P. I;. 8 &1 0 e1Cf. : 1.1 . .',pe hB. P on aul. C. :norman ssi. 8. • littitarg , e ' Jo o be Ca &Viler ; Brautovael oores9. C' 1 .- .?;,.2 ‘ .. i. r i 1 fj, ~,t .- I • 3t , 4:1, Z ' ' Cetrner Third : .1:1 ' owl Mantas. MMISSION 111 tor. PIG- mtrAtiab' 14 WATKEtiantairt):l i. a •.: '76➢ ,; ' AllldUitedl.l% RP PLANING MIT.T.O • 40 • • the public that hd has l and ha nour =dance} Meer/tab tt with the'neweet and mut ti. ii 3 now prepared to tunthh, .bianizattrou. Bawint l and . aztaters, kiht dried. frant • ng, n Pirrasuatur Sept ?, • ri b iloL•S No a roulim iq., rip E StriiiicßlEKEis A. TU RE sad lien+ `d,onetlin tad in thqlr4r, •it cur • Goodk nta. ' • wi of al kindc kit -the •001 ti 9 sou Vill kir& VI Shad* . 1 o,24lhtizipt attent!criiitivert ~ tannic down garpsts, I, 7:l3tit , " , ' , mitimmg, 1 T O.ISLIS WARLEY'II ' FURHITURE AND CHAIR kro* 104 BIDERAL 1 Uratertaking. in all b Prompt attenteon. Orders can et the Livery__Stable of Mr., 0140 apace.. ellethear. Baesi siok 20.000 seamlesa Bass; 6,0:10 Warm) , Xl4l I.ooo_BowbaXSOlt 2 500 Lapailietivy - an, I 6,000 500 Salt -Army ocht—For .46 and eile pra Saab sa RITOEICOMMargBiIitTi&VO N 94 5 - Pnb , • t., 14kliktgARctatreet. TarE I NISON-11111 - 1:41( V 180 N ia=t notated and . JAM nol7 ••• wring' Markel v. otnisnmxtv...ro DUY bliaii ifiNUISMTEZERVIV M../, BIT'RGIT txry 0 ~, hoz" 119 Water strf.A. fil tti si lir t. Ptp .. _44a.kot 0 kII ~m a n" trent.o 1 • e: Maw' al, altA, ,-.1 L/2111%1` -u F AMILY- ITURDAY MORNING• POST PIANDEICINIE AND•INTERESTIMC NIMMUKOTEE WITH CLEAR, LARGE, NEW TYPE ONLY DEMOCRATIC NEWSPAPER PUBLBESD IN PITTSBURGH, OW 1 agt 0 41. . .we CURRENT NEWS OF THE DAY, [ E COMPANY, l uso-m:4 . of FIRS and XiLt ri I.., ar tuniie*Ts who " tin and wan are .lu7inutntonm -98:471411kett ' *OIL . • MONETART. MARKET A COMMERCIAL REPORTS UP TO TECH HOUR OF 00E170 TO PREM.: 6 1 ).3011 00 4NTJ 00 13 ' ,t8A1.99 20 1 /t • Tales, Poetry, Literary and Se'solids Articles, Valuable'Statistical In. formation, Agricultural . flews, ; 5298.35116 • d P er .A. NAmiek. H. Bfirith. Ankl ere, Loris: I. Bakelvell, •e• • caylB ; 6r ia a a I A: 1.1 oe emptied wittrtho greatest care. from IRE LEADING PERIODICALS OP THE DAY. atinbracluxl3ver7 important ITBlfi OP NEWS, woRRIGN ANDDOEIEESTIC, L*CCUSLATIVE PROCEEDINGS. Rah,. 1L Urry la Ohio. to and from Idillerabnish. ; Akron. Cara hankato. .t mansliol Qlno. for niosmt Vernon. Ineftl9.' Banuatdcy, oledo. Detroit. ote. tii;..restline. forDeaware.l3l) d. Columbus, Xenia' Dayton. Saint isms. Louisville. etc. • .4 Lam m for liadnar• Detroft. Dayton. Toledo •t _ fort Prins , lir Pero , Tad balm Lenz Cininoy, Keokuk St. Joaaph Mid interme dhi,te points m Central Indiana ans Illinois. Bblymouth for Laporte. . dat . o iengo.'withitrakins 0.11-041 a 1111 L, boo. Miatottri.lowg. Whoonsin an+ aMmaaota. nor rarthor Information and throatn _4(oknta GEORGE PARKIX Meld Art. / Union Passe Status& Fittanugh. aim A. ak CASERILICMLIgvu. ashen. tYhl. P. SRI B. MITI • elenesiG•Supetiataadent. N. General Pasiaagar dgeau ME Witt n Ew. C_ ,111 E FAil AND ME EAR Ili- . Th . e interest of the Agriculturalist e, will nit hcaseglected: and in thehitur as in the past, the nublitiers *ill devote unremitting attention to the selection of this Departments mar- AB a source of additionol Interest all to daises of Tendert, the pregress of theeresont o i vll was. in which great &rated are engaged, will be clotelyeanvaesed. and the most important events carefully collated and presented to the reader.-- By ;following the Operations of the armieq frau, deytto del, succinctly ptomaine the whole from week to week, we qball..furnigh a fresh and'run. ulna history of this lamentable rebellion. • kite RANT, oia ' SATURDATIOBNING POST I *.litikl( l 14,4391; Will be fornishedtormheorfbers of the ;ow Dries of I' m the fire. listmaiistoised .toredcenmery. 'wi t s planln witti.',doonl. sash - =sidings; box At*: $l. 50 Per Year, and It in bo found a load invostasont. lERY, TOR PITTSBURGH DAILY POST 'WOOD SANITFAC. on hand ever, ;6:- 'AV.:" 0141.' L oleo issued"frco 3 zi -rt l A l'4 09 .4,104 ap#opo of . .i.ausws.oontaininVlUthe bxtellionge. =•• • .Tsiegimob L i fh Local; -• Blinealliumeoti, idnyiptc*.unas„ Mom. RU.47, Commeiheicil, all 64:4 . 130 - I -Clothe " *8..9 TO THE L4TEST 'IIOIIR • Akopeditteial artiolea on all the leading tepiet of the dAy,, I ALL IMPORTANT NIIiWtd;FROM THRTRA7. 01' Vi4ll. CAMP.CORRESPONDMOR. &e. Sr Taal DAILIi , POST has ati extensive eiroulatkei by railroad -and' river. tbychigt Coca "pude And by the mail. aid - 16 a eatatil advarli -446 iditiett'urhaVapeiis terniAbed to =UM • ben at MI eel- intim, WAIIE.BOUU ioceive. -.left at...the roam MIES FtOYl), , e• 1811.7 #dvertisameata faaertcd at moderate ratei, 11316,Ad d r lAMBS BAg g, ppLSI! OED= (4.F#104*.i.;, ~,fpqOR. A ND PROPRIETOR - 4 1 0glinWgiS Tre4l.- satina lI snip _e4ll? woos _ 'Prrillitlitfiß 041- 'allr4ond tow noses In nail as as di& ••1 1111 4if :k . - NEWSPAPER TIM Prt'rSEVETEIGI-13 —ia A.- PRINTED ON FINE WHITE PAPER IT 111 THEL AND WAN INTAALIDEAD ID I P Oelite-LIRS :Sap TN 1 I tz-nisha C7a MOit rtiitbia together with a cholas selection of 61 L 23 0 ORLI. A.LAID RS PO P 111) Ur Pr. vV— Wi A *l4 • 4ffTc-A3Tiiti r 4 14 / 1 1/4 ' ' ' *tnit sztarr'DAlmix7: 0: Nem TniiiiVOOS L,7R e i tatir e 4 • passeanor a enkeW. ,xcept atuaday),at foe 4au 1 ppie4-41 at4.l ozs. and mating direct..atnlniNatattarit /VP pea: Bantu:ire and 'Wlanskrors r iniPbr ow, ork via Phradelphia: " E TNkt,iOlt 1 talltatita -nil 1414 gay: ai 4,40 p MA G OPPiag 01 4 at i Etpl, at= tan‘ making (Ikea coßnectio4 at taltintors and Wubtrot.wanettrWit:i . X Ifijt IlentovtLrosteaiPidledelpb.l4-440 .4 4141 TILE AST Lie. *Aloe. except day) at 11 ma' p. to. stepping at irincohl nations, contitetint atninviebure for laldreorp_andWaabizteton. arid at rldladelpldtv for New York. , &cookeioliATiork g earn . - oNNSTOWN ACCOMMODATION: . eaves daily (except SuadaY) at 2,45 p. m.' atop- Any at eSitatiorataadjumArk, aq tar as Vent pang; FIRST 4 0 0011MODAT/Off ~tatioateavee day (pion t Sunday.) at 049 a. SEOOND ACCOMMODATION ir all's station ham daily. (except T S R M) 41,45 a. m. THIRD ACi7OIINODAT/ON .tVali's station) team daft,. (congt ete Thi Zt ) ACOOKKODATION TRkIN Wall's station. loaves clan (except Banda ..e0 , onuacta TEAM „ _ Leaves Wall's Station ,Ork - 4, an retninin loaves rittebargh at -12.6! p no awritninialifei IritAleae J.ItRIVE PITIMII6/162TOLLOWSI! p h ltic h W r ;;;:r frost Liu. • , La° ro. Tobnatawn•Aociimmo.4 7 4Exi........-..t.101,30 4 m. WalreStation iteroxrur.oataidon........6.lte m. Wall'oStation dootonnandltien SAS id Wall's Etadon m. tat Wall'sjitatina , Aosonunodation.... 5.60 kit m. Ttaltimorelp_n_ress aniVe,c Philadelphia Express, sttl;ls itelar4u4t. tor.laidzsvals sat nians connect , at tilainnolle Intersections' the Mall and Johnstown Accommodation Exit and-Wan. d ronwith Local Freight. Bast and' West. The Trsyrehnr irreatlyto r bitermt; so hut or West. totlllayeltbS , he pEtiNEPIN Iti'ltalLßo2ll%;ast the modations no*offeret- cannot' ber triumatoed any other ,rente: c.. Tho• /toad. , ballasted • tit -done, and is anti:44lm from dust. Me min mouse Safety, BpSA and Comfort to all who nay s'v:is this Mad their PAttrotafe, • 331 TOna :ULTIMO 10,5 0 INKS I %SO 7 1 6 4 •CM.. +Shocke d toalistationion the Nth/- A.eat IRatittad. and to -Philadebhis,'Balti- L.. end ;leer York. • vissiwPaswenstra ppm/man dokots lan gars will os *llOOOB drao6 sled in addition to - Aka station' vatis;.except from Itajiiqwwhere the dompany,has no admit: • _ mowlElE-.Lf mme of low.• the Camper w4l hold themfelem reepormildo for'Permal kW , tiiditan oi zo k r s tir ic emzume becrs tollz ygo to onetiwy passengers andbursae to anti from thor depot. at a charge notto envied 25 mitubs p eramw and Imprame. - /or •*kets antis to , t mw,l wA.IST'. dick it the Penna.& I. PaesonserStatlon on Linens and Grant streets. nol7 003%3. msiEnD isoß. PPITMI4III7, MCA% Wag To 3Li POINTS 112.7 TII WBSZ isOUTN WEST AND NORTH WEST: WINTER AAIANGEBIEBBT . oouunerionts Noy. 17;12, iplaua To Chthirl AB quitim and to Indlanapolla, St. Louie and Chioes# thorter tit= by any other route.• WESIVV - MMEtTRAIRB. nix • Fast LIU- „Nall rtfil ViLsberga .. • 0,1,14, 800 a. Pa. P.,410 p, m a. m 8.60 a. m. IAO m. Agri vas .1.4",16 a. la. 7,00 D. aa. 10,00 p. m. Ct Wayne- 3,5 p. m 330 Mimeo ./0,a(1 p. m. • 10,..0 a. m MIL COLUMBUS. CINCINNATI. t ST. LOUIS. ueaTes areatlbt...lo,3o a El. Axriveo at Jolt= b 1,0 to EL uriso m. anokinati.. 8,20 ,40 unlitinaoolls.ovat, p, to. 7,85 a. nu St Louie-- a.. m al P. ' All Trabactbzungh to Chieaso without oimmi• rf cam N. B.—The time to einotunati is the saute at sq Steubenville. _Thtilulau both Boa& meet at uotambus. and passeusum all so into Cinoitmatl moths?. IiIASTWAB.D TRAINS AIi:LIVE AT PPITSBUBOM. ..hicagoExPregs—:.. ........... —O,OO a. m Cincinnati Mail- 144 SP. ro Cincinnati and St. Louis Expreat...-11.00 p. ACCOMMODATION TRALNS—Prom. Federal leave Station. Allegheny City. Leaves Arrive Leave Arrive Allegheny New Brisson New Brighton Allegheny 9,40 a m 11;10 a m 6.4 aln - -6,110 Jra 4 ,30 Pm 6.:00 p m 12. i! p m &ILO ro Lo.sc"ea Arrive Leave Arrive .ile.gbony Economy. Economy Aime e rkl 12,00 m Lis pm 6,00 em 7./0 a m a, 50 pm 7,09 pm 6 ,40 pm grAOLD Trains are ran by Columbus time. which Is 12 minutes slower than Pittsburgh time. ' 8 'llokets good on the aooortunalaten train ue coin at reduced prices. Through trains oonneo as followi— n it anon. with stags; for New Castle. Marra. W-,n 8 i9, 1 Y 1, . i ' ---- -' ktV4llllkNitia 'ipil • rs titles Aim wietzrajape xtwiosEr. WINTER ' i llaiiiiirEillt= i' )n &ad attar / 110 4C1 4 47.230V.,1711a, •"0014 , fraira wilt: theDepbt of tha Paeorivirila Raiiroad, Pittnburs as followa : ?ZVI:SWIMS% COLIIIIBRR ' O.IIIdNiiATI ORT Lita. YU. EITICUBtIi V LAILE. ..e as t irtadursh...... 1,90 4.3 a. ' ;1;.49:p. in • uo fitenbunvilla.. 4.20 43,20 tip Newark. _ 11,85 " 11,15 " ii . 4 Caitlitbils:....... 1,014..ze, 111,50 4.1 ves ancumati 0,20 ' 6,40 gs.m, 8t Louis.— i i mo orienso of Cara betwam Pittiburgh and et Ok .ficla. a ala .iiifti dars4 *toned to ` nikht tiara. 4 4 PATISBURGR AND WEXIILIN9 LINK (maim - Pitta, .100 ain 6,40 a m 1,40 it to Virensnue. 402 " 9,40 " 4.r0 ' 3tombanvilli...s,ls " Dace " MG ' whpaing.......A1,21 " nog' ' 8.10- ' ", Rama sem- e,, to - //s l5 _ , 6 F 25 - Iginr Pag th eiil i ft_ tr ii e b olt ' for Zanesville. Lancaner,..olrodeville. -ma and Cincinnati. Indianapolis end Saint o and points west. PlitT P..Pi tel ! / 49 ) 'ap r . l 4 4 7 LigLi . ' 0416 4teiti ens 01..4 Ow 1371 ', ,40 00 , 4 do o .45 a 6,14 " ( " 4 do !.+0 ... 8.......... , Alliano arard. »...—. I Hudson- . 5 114 " 1 ". 0 4 '", • : tut affelfia .. .. — ... 8,114 16 I I t JorMeathit il Bayard with Tasearawaa brand, for New P hiladelphia and &mai D‘a l t Alfie 11160 tWith Pittsburgh fort W4=4 • Chi Railroad at Hudson. with . Cleveland; . e. and Molnnafi it R for Akron, Cosa% - and amoral:. . and at Cleveland with and 1 g.A. for Rrie t _ 'kart& Bufalo; tt It kelt:dada. BMW.. Chicago and • meth. area.' `i'velhrviimrlooonanomoldna leirtiai at RA! tp. at Remarnins Tram* arrive at 9.20 a nt,440 a , ~1.,46 .Ind 11,00 pm - - ... . ,_ r . Thre-a tt Ok e t itA7sUdiZOMidelliPOtZlta he titi vest. aoutnwest.nerts or a9rthweor„ mra t alry i !mod at the Libe_dtr ,t dVot, Pittab JOHN InawAßTamk e t • f for farther pV ii im •,.. -• I - -- :-- ! 44 . 1 • 1 0 - 44 1/ t; ,'••. - X 3 ch. (arid o. do . ow cat ,1 ra....., W u " A lnW 6 # 6l2 is' ALTIO..I 89X&Miarr * TRRE ' t Loot kilt LadleG At &Wi th Latins TAß .9061 - 8614‘. 940 e., reela 2s. &sib& Liettet gettrisitsikaakmi 9 L a wortitair4 bourne arauP4%en& Mouroeoo,gedliseeti e VettCoagrepilied Pixiti44.4lX , _ oe Pilot Mumma fittopeielv FiteNid Einem alt Oneeegoectsteinikliii i thilk: • Miumiltoks. SO MOW grid, tem Ilhullat How: . - - -- - *a DOM:Apt/WINGS MIN g ,....... 4 ,,,,,. 641 r., 110.11WM , ./IMMEIRIS A e•D:iiiaLkit..i.:: - ..72 , 41e ~ c' v. .1 ... 1 0EULairanwinin65,1 i ... z. , • 11 ':4l/01. on ' Wilk aid 4 tsd stepinss, friteldar J. st tn.treveinteetist. MAW; 111' c elook , - ilee 'avh/AV l TlVDl l %Kte , hfirlit.tom s to - S,_ Veledn''''' '- - • _,',. ; ;f 1 - -,, _.# /oeqpisitt sebefiatilt a bainsitet ler ars "o odi n i rdieldend mit tineliro f ; .;;, .ei .: • . arm% Jane and/leoetinlio, i , 'd zeml-igunnali. iIL.P WIMP= ' — iiiing bar abuse theileadelves'orginued.anneysteßi , Perren d; *Tear. 4 E t: tth: 7. -; t N.t.at", , , ~ -,,, , ,Triteielif not. dzawn.,ent.- is, ~ 1 . ~ ••• the itedit of er depositor as•prituaiX , an •. - the! same in est fel= the t wi t dm.) ;inns. di:ini ember, .;ooneilillutingn AL. t ,yeAti; gout - Retailing the dripeejlete (AI ev !Vitt' . room =Tem z pis ? at Inn rate, teem. cp lea than twelve Yeats.' , niskint - ite ' ~- 4.- le: ZIGHT AND CEN-HALP PEE CENT. - LERAIE r. , _.,, Bookazontaininir44-phpriee, By-La • aillee and B atw as at the idas. ce: fl , ,!e. 4 , ,,,10n aimtion. i :GEORG - 161401,1tE.g . - -- :•'. 1 -...., -', vrini ZINIELIEEMS. 4- = 4 u(i: s :1-i , John it tivridden, - _ .isaaVii42.o4 -,, John Sol . - ' ...I . ie , hn reel an •-4 4 ,23 / 7 e r lirk ' i r At' lli ki. 1.. - ,;1. ames adtden' -' in .. 0. ~.,.. ..... ~.. Jameellenpuin. ' • . 1 Warn .. ,„ ~,. „. , , . 4 , iir. nafeir.'"7l7lregV'lt'eric 2.,, ittßal ofen; • , Fetes AA kad . ' . Goma Blaok. John IL. Mell or - i John B. Maffei& &meg thhilejr..l. I ;.. 'lame AS. Crrier. er* itlibi3; , • i , _quake*. Colton, ' alter. marsl o 4. ,ob Win-1)0116K - . ' chit Orr; ,- - - Iphn Emig, . , llnrlaltinicelait4 imineweßilepl?rzn. . 'John R.Shogginatirt,, im,,Ekliamen,. , WnOt.:fickaints. t o o.RunZirc ' ' Alexander elinni..Haqs, . - "bop. ' i WM. Ei. Lavely, , 1 ..• UnZatlaa-Yesufft;s ,' iv AND.ol.lSuailf.: • i * • . . .1 231 8 7 8 , /.. pairONl V - •• minxes.* sons; SA.NINt I.N • and lachintiti Brokers.. - • Notes, Drafts, Aneeptanocs,Doldjentrer awl, • Hetes. Exehamtar ntr - the .Eastern and. W • Mies emit/gat foundon; Oalleanons mullein all the eitiek ' • Milted States. '3)Ernoicitirreedwird- tar 474 . mitestr„ .37 8 ct i La 3 ' Market Third JAMES M,:`,TA'rEO;-: ;- ALDER/m(4.N, • OFFICE: 4M PAH Street, Flith , WetteL , glprastnnroms. ILI Deeds, Bor.da, Mortgage& and oth '4) 7 1" d Writing Drawn. oknowlodsozponfa Takex d'• ItWe Probated. - " S`faile 'i+~i~Yehf~i'~Fla r am= axisr. Wm' BorIT :71A . . BIONAPOLLS gib CripllAß.l). 11. ~; , 1 COnneoldolg at ,Indianapolis with: Taro , Santo-- and TOMS WM° and Alton ltailr_oad, to*. Louie ;and Lafayette and Indlumpolis, He* Albarty ad lialermartAbli_ohigan Central P.sdloada far C 111044 ao. ROCK' /CLAIM. JIUPLUIGTOL'ancir'°I Intetitediate robot: • . • 1 .-.__,,lL- . T tat t ilfen t tAtaftliß. q ip,k, ta and ere.triaaftr ttried , Lfrotrugt. tteiti-• na or LaWrenitebtuta,ln leas time., ,b,Tp any other rents by twenV-four Mara, Ind At as lolr rates. _The only road. by abialPebipMents cart be laimiti 1 r 0 0thuudi to gip Woo; wittautbr#;-' in to k Akneata male Mlk__Thttaliti&tl Aig 1 at Ciao att. .or %v. B. 3. OurilNG, ..At'at ratwronOo wan. will receive, prompt,ard, , and no- eharge for somniiseiont, an OS AMU one ' MAY/M OIL OOMMUSISION AT LAWEUKKEKREL - i For furthor ,Information apply to THOKAF. EtATIGA*,(No. 1.15 AFateratf et.) agoap-cif st t a Company. ',tole prepitrOdA "We ..vcaortaa :rat ortna t. , :or ptommates earl -irmamo to g i tsbalkael Terre ..I.laute,. L" takqeMe. Obleam. arttni mottle, Cripilbrdavtue, Ctharlestn,•Fatiaand Mats Mon. Ao.. la. - 'E. F;LORD' President. ' JOBIF a. : auzzai.. ettiatii.Fne g lictur.44 mbli T. T. CO*. El OIT 31 - P. .BlGrtpro. . •••.AND" .. OR.NAREENTAL PAINTER No. 2 St. ..tgfreot,. ; : [CORNER DUQUESNE WAY, doooMtl' WM* 2alworlt mittostea tome-will be aexg7 nod Ittomptly zoom& , „ r t ; , , am-1y /0.00". m. . r, 11311PITMDCW . Plumbers:, and- Gae , pitt6r* 186" WOlllO STREET, .019PCOME MM . CUIDTURI, PIT'TEMEsaIt f-l• 3 _ Arial _ • 47 OHIO STREW '.ArIatGEOY Etas wan itama'a findag. t sainnErs, it - rirßAN"rs; 01 ILEILT nraliat Lead Pipn..Pigianiißar Lea4ansliltinhteig material In general. - Oil Itafihanna fitted.naria the moo approved ' manner: - Tanks lined Lead Of tarts Copper. nausea fitted with Water and Vie Rt. aw 3111... N wd . B. An orders w:rornitttendei tgo. d . . lousamsance . t . JL' • SUITABIat FORM .81;464Qii. mAcitinm de,sitirp7A., Invlte attention to titeii'otocili.of ; MEWS and•YOUTIPEI ' . • ' _ • Linen and TravelinieSkirti, Collars. Lien, sinuggenders i Linen and 8111 k. andkenehina, fancies, Itose,4 , 17 ml?Fe14", AIIMY SNATS, And Soldiers', Vurnlshlng 1731 Gork aIwa yLYDE s 0 - ttaid MAGT. k,G a tsl2 78 Market et„ betireenitliltplathorid. t=immiA]srli wrmaxlz... XOO BUSHELS - DRiED • PE/LURES: " •'l4 ; i•A • u Amman puss On* -41044 111 Wm:we and ibe , istie 7 ; t WILLIAM. BAGALEYi lals 1S aiict zci -wood - LOAN OFFICE ) ._ " HENRY''` . 80. lop SMITH F i sif IL !SAX • Near tho cOn - tor Pi BfONEY IN' Reastli:ptiAmy. ragantities lamed on 0)111'41,nd Myer, mo de.Jewelry. Gold and avec Watolawi'mna: luilnds fot ot• agreed 'on, -Th) goods canribf ko wi the: naked, • • • 1 fiP llo ,Moo Hours from 7 A. ,/11.: to W 1/ iftmehou,im.d Deal"11113:i BOOK OAP.,Latrift.--- 'PANG PAPER,laveremovoiltetizr larffiliod , street to v.. .1 NO. 88 8 / 1 11'1'1IFIELD ismßirri /wpm% paid Air 8A1313. I AINIUMHNWEAVEL'Ir tff '—'49:4lT4l,VCACltt Ono thatunderstantle_L eetsflo efferred. i-K4P I BATo & JAMEZETA I, — ;+ „ • ) 9 :,1411.19N2e054111..C• • 111119CLXILLAND 1 9•HEADlittkftfitibr a- L v 11 ,,,..fr0f3h 0 ; 111 4AtY1 /Vat atreot.l6,vaticr; o nom. • •••.: • gifinr ntgig..DOWBIL•E ••• amortmeltath E ousilo by • 'SOWN - • , 1•017 • - 1 t.' :rat 9W F s 'ITITIFAMVi9I;II4 - ••' 4:11 , tioottoxiotpitmbt.rftig* , . A. oo ‘ • do' lemony , • Ito pots Deli! I , sLticKolaittn••: ' RO• do • do t, 90 do do. 2.• • Brasil SIOF•ooh Cocos Note: ao Au ß o l lsollilwar^ " . ' 4.. ,49.9 received MaTor e ° 'RE - TM/O.& 1124 Wan& 'Vert No% 190 =ld "lune, animoooDst kiffeAaedlincow...t ith e c astat keTinmv,„, e a rasitep , , Pet, ,0,1" jisolmj • ,BoVINTLIZirrZNIROWI , A,411K PAY. and other fitiqk OESPOAGAINST HBO CRUEMBISIZni pleamPp7iourel it saaaoaahle wit FouTritt . • • • ;h7r ai i " CH • : o Utrr • ". • 11:1M-a MMi= ' Jitioi t inos i o•a = ooDEf tar GENTS• xpfulqßll-4, ,I W 4• ••*. -41 --77,- - ;l 4 * 'Wm"' at* : gt r eet • ATBOIitaIiFIPPIAON.At "MOM - Ise theA4 pries stNe. :merest; etrmet. 24, 4,4 . x4r . fr 0 m N um", , ri • :.: ,g 4 OIOIC-47;, 4 1 a)4 1 alVf: .:,..c.c.lr4;;P') 1 [ it ~ t ub 7, , -; 4.:: nu i ' ':if:';:-: 1: - ..: 1-;` , r,..1 ' ,E t , c i Q - 3 . 1 . 7 " : L lf . 11 " 0 11 ;;Zi o Ce ( Ci ,,,:141 : 0 1 Nit ' - A... 1 : z. .- 1 15' . ; ft • _.l , j a ,th eie ltr ; ( -,, r.: '::Lf; it" Particular attaittaa to. - 1 . 4 'af ' ' ll '. 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