, - ~,. ~,.. : - - ~ ',---` ~,,,,..ir, ,; ,7 7 Figi.n,•,.. r -: , , , -.; , ... ,, ,:: El/ ...,- . —....-mtaltielax. , • --- f --- '.-- - - -- . • ,-- - -,,- -- : ......., ,The City t i mincils , hOld' their itelithir 3 1 - - --- - - . - ' - 8. - 441psimantfahraein. co"; Atak7n7 inoidlili - meeting this , evening. Several' . Aligitow NEW YORK.andesi'AVl. imtiortaro limas et business wilrco c tiemp. - ;:li ,_ NsTON'are our amtlifor thi midlY oil The s t p h ec e ia c l ity co .a m il m a ir mi e i ti w a i g ll th r e e l p a r a t riti a t n y , It 1 lb., totakoAdverdsement tiajan " ipticau mance i i ~ .. pro h a : b d "t p iri m g t h h ib e:to ng ra t g h e e o ii ( n cd g e l --_,..i, of re fi tted oil 'to so. kept on hand s imposing' a penalty for' leaving empty oil barrels a fl4mlY Ptilt till" citi "4" 311- O rd s • sidewalk s of oil, in bulk or barrels, except On the; 'Allegheny wharf, from 200 feet below the 'St; Clair-street bridge to tie Pidet.' The rate of wharfage for boats and oil barrels r empty or full, is Sxed,and no especial- privileges are given to oilmen,:who will be compelled to remove their oil with as .little, delay ,as possible. A minority re port'will probally be presented, in favor of a total prohibition of the storing of oi' in the. city. ' ..i - i r ...... , ONDAY MORKNG, FEB, 123 WHIG:I:MOOD unman • - - R ,rt 0f the Surgeon General'. a , times King, of this city,..Surgeon :,..iGe. fl. ofiTenneylvania - , - :hat submitted a rePtiiite.the Governor; *ming the ope ns of ifiii department forthe year.lB62. He Tes a:lirief account of the:expeditions UV . out BY- State nutliorit.Y.' The first He i i , 7 , , ,„ a er ,p,o , ~ A ::: :di tee buried. . d . r r g e e pT o o n hr et reported ioairyidge, , siv nt with a 'party. properly equipped, ' t tittle - field of Ball's Bluff, to bring Ilii t i it t r i a t c h tii , cab'e v , e re - a in n tirr in e a d d t e he a bod n i g e se ,. .th a neighbor for the proper the grounds. This expedition 14.53, On the 24th, of March, , OI he battle of Winchester, the n General, with two assist itiigeort, quarter-master and em ir', proc eded by , rail to. Harpers ti - ,nd thence to Winchr •116 ft*A t '! • 101 • - beeti • - this' 3zri' • 3n.m ..care Stirg , "•"-ant FerrA ..........._ __ -nester, where .al. on the-24theand immediately ." atreilion to the care of:the Penn• Al volunteers of the 84th and 110th Oa, who were wounded in ' the it thatplace. After three daya' Ito.ll L k :Il hospital at wereW Winchester, by - him, through toPhil l a n -1 g L and t ere furnshed with comfor- 1 f, ommOdationa in the State Hoiipi t. Jciseph. The expense was { ' , Anther - expedition Andther expedition was pre- TorktoNna; on the 15th of April. ilce of the surgical selected, >ag es' of attires, embracing bed q. medical and surgical appliances ,ki kind were forwarded by ex -1 Fortress llifonroe-the stir -1,,a following three days after -1 1 n the 22.1 April three assistant ~ ere (detailed from the party, , ied asaids to the United States il l spital. The use of the-prepel ci iiiiiiiffi;lit - the saine time, ob• r.e:i the lion. John Tucker, .As: I.rotary of War; and after expe uch difficulty in procuring a . traw and water, the ship was, reported ready, to the Head - ira.'e"ftn- atC? 8mt r8l: United§CateBzoat n;l I`Commodore' , ' was also fitted t e officers, and Pennsylvania e,eQ ll d - L5 l- Lake — C"fiarge of her fmedical officer of 'the army of ' .At "Cheesman'sLanding," eand fifty wounded were receiv ; and tan bodies of deceased ire embalmed and sent home. !l ii a i.e v a n ii nn e e x d a p t i t i o o n a n t i h o a n n t f l o il f l . c tiveral men wounded in the ' D t o er 'l.7 r p t a l nw d dn o e took . t h e ays and nights, from the Gtn e occupied by the surgeons inl l i ard, and attending to, the if..i en wounded in the battle of 13 Th - Zi rebel army. On ninety-seven of whom ilthe 12th wirhildin left Fortress 'Monroe lliti, with one hnhdred and ended Pensylvanians, who hi laced in the_ St. Joseph's 11: 1 , er th. enzsui-Jave IL were at on Ili. .f Hospital, , is the care of the State. The cost o, this expedition was $869,68. • Pennsylva t was the only State represent ed'near Yo 'town by a full and indepen dent- or ation for the relief of the ga i• iieunded a tithe embalming of the dead 4, was perfor*ei there by no other. On the I.sth pf ..Mny; other expedition started np Plininult6y - White House. They, stop psd on thei r , ay et Yorktown, where they found the s k receiving every possible attention, a ' jtwenty-one , men of the 67th and 100th r ep bunts, on board the Com modore well Oared for. The expedition reached- '''te Ilouse on the 23d of May, and 'remain j assisting in the care of twelve hand' ' d sick, from the advance of the _Army,. '' epnring ships and sup , plying them h stores until the 31st,when - they le ft fore iladtlyffiia with 178 wound ed "1 from P ' sylvania regiments at the 1 battle of F ' , Oaks, including several and Colonel ' number of line o ffi cers. The', . 1 1 a t i p l entire cost° his expedition was $682.28.1 The hut ex' dition was to Hagerstown i and Boonsbci, , Md., after the battle ofl Aitietam, w a the Surgeon General and , his surgical I orps, with a full supply of relmedical sto ifollowed the militia force, called out fe Ithe defense of the State, and peforme' duty in the double capacity of surgeons .i the militia regiments, and g i assistante tol le U. S. Medical o ffi cers, in i ll organizing he pitals at Hagerstown and Chambersbuii' for the relief of the wound ed, and coat - fled on the latter duty till superltded V • j the order of Brig. Gen. Hammond, S u rgeon General, U. S. A. This ekpeditio lent nothing to the State, i i in addition the expenses necessarily curred in the le re of the sick belonging to the militia regi ents. Dr. King ft,des to the establishment of State hosin aat Reading, Harrisburg and Philadelp iii Tor the care of sick sol diers and re ' tit ta the failure of the plan whichlasobj eted to, the United Statesy autherilies, o lam ground of difficulty as to - dischargel fad pensions, and the rela tions of soidi:in hospitals to the United States service he hospitals were cense 1r quently; trans :r ed to the United States. The work o e several medical boards is briefly rev wed. Before the first, whieh'inet in r hiladelphia, July Bth, 43 candidates we, ~ 'examined and 33 approv ed. On the ' , o,:if AUgast, 128 out of 161 previously - examined at the same place were approvedll 10a the 11th of Septem - her, -168 ontor 1188 candidates were re• commended fd "appointment. Nearly all have beep ass tied to duty, but some are still awaiting` era. The record of the year stands : 1 nrgeons—appointed, 96; resigned, 2S; 1 4, 1; dismissed, 4; Assist ant Surgeons,' . ppointed, 288; resigned, 36; died,..4; d' sed,6; Promotions--As- Blatant Surge) ' h ',to be Shrgeons, 72; Sur geons to be U *tod States Staff Surgeons, 2; Assistant S gone to bo United States Staff `Surgeon I. - , ii ~ Owingte tb nerous ditties of his office the Suwon oral was, .unable to per sonally mike Ihe hospitals and inquire . 1...: into their m " .. 7 0 e n n , t, s, ~,,, b r u n t en tw s e o B c o o f m tra m y i s_- si on ers, witho' .anylither - cost to the State than the elingnr lent 'to the field; ' is to look after the camps and to of these, /early, two L Etotomae, wmatioul to Lases :mere ter, Joseph ) 11.,. visited 1, and sub ay of the lieritnehy )usly four His lug Chi alley and 'McKee& te slim Gf Ison, to large of a-coal di g -4 a !nee - Ling during the P.'Neil, I . r the purpose vane-,9 wagee r .'sual a was 'appointed to 'Wait 'pfoyed,in. Mr. O'Neil's ) :,.. 4;0112(40ot andattend coinmittee waited open ',F:Whielir - iiiet` coming to l i wied+teibe - rnade -the - gers were hoidi absence of Mr. of agitating an committee. of `f upon the hands pit, to hiilteth the meetirig.,` them aceorditio Mr. O i Neirs charge aeaboi .. '~ Interesting Leo titres. Mr. Joshua Robinson announces a lee ;ure which promises to be of interest, at Concert Hall to-morrow evening. The subject is "Friendship, Love and Truth." It should attract a large and intelligent audience. Mr. Robinson has already de livered this lecture in Allegheny city, where it is highly commended. Mr. Thomas Williams lectures on the condition of our national affairion•Thurs day evening neat, in the Sonth'Common (M. E.) church, Allegheny; for. the, joint benefit of the Sunday School connected with the church, and the Spring Garden School, a mission branch: Rev. David L. Dempsey, presiding elder of Washington district, will deliver a lec ture in Smithfield M. E. church, on Thurs day evening, March 6th—subject: "An Evening with the Poets—David, Rouse, Watts and Wesley; or, What will we Sing in Worship?" George W. This susceptible young man sends us fifteen verses of "poetry, ' "not written for the sake of it;" bat "induced' by a more, fender -- feeling," probably for Jen nie, to whom the lines are addressed.-- The 'author - desires us, if the lines are not fit toUppear, to point out theiridefects.— This,would be an endless task and re quire more time and space than we have at command. :We can only sap in declin ing the r poetry, that it has "the form, hut not attributes"—not one. Attempting to taro the Tables. ` - Application- was made on Saturday morning in the Court of Common Pleas, by C. Hasbrouck, Esq., for the discharge of a young man named Francis Ward, a stranger in the city, committed, on oath of John McKee, charged with being a corn mon gambler. Ward states that he came to the city with some $3OO, intending to go into business, and soon after his arrival met a "roper," who induced him to go to the gambling house of McKee, on Dia mond alley, where he won $3O. Retern ing the 'neat day he was treated to some whisky ,by McKee from a quart jug, and then played again, losing (of course, the previous winning was only to "draw him on") all the money he had and a gold watch and chain.. He went away and mads an information against McKee, but he . gave bail and at once entered suit against 'Ward as a common gambler, for which he was committed in default of bail. Ward states that he knows nothing of the hgism e" lu he k ." was h p e l a Co ng r t too k d hepapers and remarked that an opportunity was evidently presented for correcting a gross evil. The further consideration of the case was postponed until to-day. Oakland Passenger Railway. A bill is now before the Legislature to incorporate the Oakland passenger rail way company, with a capital of two thou sand shares at $5O each. The corporators, Isaac Whittier, James D. Young, A. H. Wenzell, W. 0. Leslie, James Johnston, Jr., and others,nre authorizid to construct a railway, or purchase_ any railway now constructed, on the following routes, to wit: From the corner of Fourth and. Grant streets, along Fourth to Ferry, Ferry to Third, Third to Grant, Grant to Fifth, (and until,Fifth street be opened out to Pennsylvania avenue Diiimond street shall be used) along Filth and Pennsylvania avenue and the Farmers' and Mechanics' turnpike to Henry Barker's, or Point Breeze. Also with power to use Shady Lane, between the above named turnpike, and the Greensburg turnpike, and across the latter pike to the Penn township plank road and theLce by the nearest route to Wilkinaburg. The fourth section provides for payment of damages for the use of private property. The fifthsection relates to the management of the business affairs of the company. The sixth section con fers power to raise, on bonds secured- by a mortgage of the railway, stoe't, etc.. a sum nct exceeding $50.000---the bonds to 1 1 be in-sums of not less than one hundred dollars, bearing seven per cent, interest. Section seventh provides that fare be shall be charged not exceeding six cents per pas senger to or from any point between Pitts burgh andOzikland; and six cents between Oakland and East Liberty; and five cents between East Liberty and Wilkinsburg. Section eight relates to the compensation to be paid for the use of the streets of this city. The ninth section imposes a penal ty for injuring the property of the conipa• ny,and the tenth and the last section gives the right to the company to make such changes in the grade of any roads as may be required to enable them to 'use their railway with ease-and convenience. Body Recovered. A few days since the body of a man was found on the lower end of Mont gomery's Island, in the Ohio river, a short distance below Industry, Beaver county. It appeared to have been in the water some days, and had on a frock coat of black cloth, lined with alpaca ;:black cloth pantaloons; satin vest, and four whirls, one cotton under-shirt, two check shirts, and an ofitside shirt of fine muslin with linen bosom ; also a black silk cravat, cotton gloves, and seal skin boots. The deceased had black hair and black Whis kert3. and a scar on the forehead. A small brass check, stamped in one corner "W," in another corner "A B," and across the face "Hartman," was found in one of the pockets. No further clue to his identification could be obtained. Cor- oner Reed-vvas-called ; -ant a jury — having been empanncled, returned a verdict of accidental drowning. ! Lecture before he Allegheny Democratic Club._ It is deWrble that there- should- - be ii' full attendance at the Allegheny City Democratic_ Club thiaavening. A-gentle man identifiedfwith the Democratic par ty here fsoni his youth has been invited to deliver a lecture to the members of the cliib, on - "Tha - Origin7an4 4;Gileary off' De-_ which will : be worth listening to. Let all all who. can be present... The club meets•arldeore's Hall,in the Allegho- ny,Diamond, at 7 o7clock. Released -on Parole. A telegraphic dispatch received here on Satuiday brings:the weleoma telligene e that Adjutant T., Brent Sirearingen, of the Ninth Reserves, and Capt. Charles •wston, of the Pittsburgh Rifles,. attaehed to the same'regiment, have .been.vreleased by the rebels and are, now at Annspolis r -Ma • land. Both - these gentlemeere wound , ed at the battle of :Frederiekiburg, cap tured and taken to. Riehmond, - Where. they were held as prisoners until 'a few days since,' when they were paroled. ce of the byletters tenttione d travel against New Telegraph A bill has been read in the Legislature. to incorporate a company for the construc tion of a telegraph line between Philadel:: phis and Pittsburgh. '- The following are the names of the corporators: =Theodore Adams, Wm. H. iEverson, J...tieron Fos ter, J. M. U. Flans en, Win. B. Rrown ' 14.111 in Reynolds, 14dge*ayGibbildnd-Wm.'J. Pollock,- ~!! ME=MI At a lute hour r. beme.bp'iind' fine , continningcmithont last - 'night.- A t da the snow :was not 'deep with heavy dri 8/sighs were in activ day, and ,the jinglin. most continuous thro snow obstructed the such an - extent tha Manchester, East Li Passenger Railway impossible .td. rm. tho Lawrenceville line it difficulty that the cars -track.- There is tow the continuance of go few days at least, and e be taken of it. Small Pox I I The small pox has 1 County Jail, but, in or; spreau of t - te contagil was seizod with it has b 1 hospital We tin dersta 1 has also appeared at th' sylvania Hospital, and t already occurred there! He.rlth is on the alert, a proper means are talfe• thing like a spread of t t city.—Chronicle. If the small pox break) tern Pennsylvania Hospit) has that Institution mad as in the charter of that the following provision : That no person shall be any contagious or infect(' We merely ask for info. Still at W The Allegheny burglarsi about. On Friday eveni. of Mr. Thomas Smith, South avenue, First Ward entered by some thiet, wh. hall a hat and an overcoa , was committed at an early the hall duor had been log, Sick and Wounded nians. A number of Peunsylvan: and wounded, have re-cent], in Turner's Lane Hospital, among whom are the folk Cyrus Mann, II ; John Po McKinley, B; s lst—Geo. 15 0th—Andrew J. Gray, C; D; Jacob F. Nelson, I; Sei ert, D ; Pettk Kementer, F'; enan, D; Morris, A ; Pearsoll, D ; Robt. McCurk Hugh Dunning, K.; 115th— K ; 96th—Jno • Karaush, K McDonald, C; H. Doyle, Jno. Bermean v E ; Jno. Smi —C. W. Bendick, K; 2.31- 40th—Lewis Mania, K. 08d-1 rey, H, 5 0th—Jacob Shunk Richard, G. The Seven Sim t i The success of this pieJ nights last week, must have gratifying to the management effects are superb, and the alone is worth the price of ad. will be repeated' to-night and notice. A new act will be int; ring the week, with more nove, --- Ready-made (•lotLin Bargains. f All 'who wish to obtain gre t bargains in purchasing ready-mad e c othing for men and boys, should pay a visit to Mr. 1 L. Carnaglian's store, llti Federal at., Allegheny. lie is about re inquishing business, and has io give up possession i g of his premises about the Ist of March next. Persons call select fro i his stock of piece goods and have clothit made tip for them at astonishingly low p *ces. We recommend the public to call a Mr. Car naghan's place of business and judge for themselves. EXTRAORDINARY inducementsare being offered to those purchasing dr goods at wholesale or retail by the 'Moser. Barker, 59 Market street. Notwithstai ding the enormous advance iu prices the ifference charged by this liim, except in domestic h as we goods, ave o no litt doubt le as t it o g will rea tall ly p su rise us, w o call on them. i I & BAUM'S &Wing Mtainosi for I • maeefeetering mimeses are the best U.e. A iispimpittEthro„p, . F. CIATOI4 AY .tioneral gobf , JOIMI /1111101............•.....«....1MM0NT1V JOBERII ALEYER & soa JtAIMPACIVENILI OP FANCY AND PLAIN FURNITURE dz Cll 9118 WARBSOUHE.II I 6MITIIFIELD (Between Sixth street and Virgil PITTS Bul VALtNTIN S VALENTINES, VALENTINES, COMIC AND SENTIMENTAIL COMIC AND SENTIMENTAL COMIC AND SENTIMENT IL WHOLESALE AND RETAL,, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, 1 WHOLESALE AND REi'AIL, AT ALL PRICES AT PITTOCK'S CEOSINO OUT SALE OF WINTER GOODS. EATON, KA.ORDM & Are desirous of closing out their entire sto l k of WINTER 1:40013 previous to making their ANNUAL INV TO- ItY_on the first day of February neat. Wholsesale as well as Retail Bayern • have tile.advantages of the REDUCTION MADE IN PRIG S.• EA TON,A&CRI74I C4OO No. 17 Fifth stria 1, et. OLLI S UT IL - 41LAMISELS Roll But terjust received and for gals feta corner JAS. A. Fird"ZEl arket hi . and First On /111/NEIL _WANTED—FOR 150 N , LIF him bound. 'Whisker barrelgatored subsaribor by the Sto.nibroatjilveridoad.-- -TObld anrrior litnrket and First Rinke SALETO CLOS E CONSIGNBI SOO Backe Whive Corn; :136 do Yellow do ' ,4,900 Grow rest 360 Sacks Oats; ~ ,200:;'i do -Ear km; J. W. cuArr 181:4A3td 0111 aa - 185-Liberty atm • 10.10AD.Ffs,- - BP. t• nzVerk. Hay and Idaima Forks, farm b 'whet:lb:mom for tale brok • 'fab 21:4 5 k - H i27 A Liberty rty LON G. t - 1111DILLEI. HORSE AND 1.11 JR? rowers. Fodder Cuttors, torn Sheilers: Sniv.s; Pruning Shears, rtows, IlarrOWs, rut sale 07 BKCKII 41111 St LONU. 127 Libusty strop feb2ldtw Snow violence began to fall, • intvetnission,)until , . yesterday evening, ess five inches to inmany . places.— , • . . requisition iester of the bells vi.as al• ghout the day. The streets and roads *to - - the Birmingham ,erty and Minereville ompanies found i cars, and on the •as with the utmost were kept on the every prospect of •d sleighing for a very advantage will the Jail ;roken out in the er to prevent the the party who en removed to the d that the diSease Western Penn at one death has The Board of Id will see that all to prevent any e disease in the out in the Wee l,what provision for its sufferers, concern we find admitted having bus disease • ;motion. seem to be still g the residence ,'Allegheny, merchant, was still's from the This larceny lour and before de • ll'esuisylva a soldiers, sick iv been placed Philadelphia, wing : Kith— 'rter, K ; Jno. Seabold, NJ ; Nathan Pick, gt. I. &aim- Martin Bray .Gth—Jno. A. ', L' ; 116th— % m. Griffith . , 94th—Jno. D ; 110th— h, I; 145th IL Leary, B ; J. R. Mow- A ; Tobias The following are the names of United States prisoners who have died at Rich mond in military hospitals : John Wright, Sutler, Washington, Feb. 2d, pneumonia; J. Carey, private, Co. A.. 21st Wis consin, Feb. :3, pneumonia; F. H. Cas well, private, Co, K, 74th Illinois, Feb. 7, fever; S. S. 141archant Captain, Cu. l'u., Feb. 180.1. lt , •spectfufly for warded by John Wilkins, surgeon in charge. e for three been highly Its scenic last scene ission. It Asittxtrrox, Feb. 22.-1 here is no in creased tax on whisky proposed in the .amendment of the Committee of Ways and Means to the tax bill. The tax on ale and. beer however has been reduced to 60 cents per barrel until Ist April, 1864. The paper question will hereafter be considered by the Committee. Representative Arnold and Father Dunn, of Chicago, visited the President yester day in regard to the promotion of Colonel Mulligan to Brigadier General. Father Dunn has aided in raising two regiments for the war. Capitalists seem likely to avail them• selves promptly of the new Banking Law, An applicaton for the organization of a Banking Association in this city -with a capital of half a million, was filed in the Treasury Department. On Saturd_ay a bill reported by - Senator Wilson, of Mass., to promote the health, comfort and efficiency of the armies in United States, provides, Ist. The medical department shal l ' unite with the line officers in the army in supervising the cooking within the same as an important sanitary measure, and it shall promulgate to officers such regula tions and instructions us may tend to in sure proper preparation of rations to the soldiers. ntil further oduced du• ties. -- Great 2d. Thai cooks shall be detailed in turn from the privates of each compa ny of troops in service of the United States; at the rate of one cook for each company numbering over thirty men who ' shall serve ten days each. 3d. That the President of the United States be and he is authorized to cause to be enlisted for each cook, two under cooks of African descent who shall receive for their compensation ten dollars a mouth and ono ration a day, three dollars monthly pay may be in clothing. 4th. That the army rations shall hereaf ter include pepper in proportion of four ounces to every hundred rations, and to bacco be furnished the enlisted men by the commissary department at its cost, and be charged against their pay under such regulations as the Secretary of War may adopt for that purpose. sth. That hereafter all nurses in gene ral hospitals shall be employed by author. ity of the Surgeon General, and hospital matrons shall receive $lO per month and one ration per day provided the washing of the hospitals may be given out by con • tract at a price not to exceed the cost of the number of rations allowed by the • regulations. - tith. That all instruments, documents and papers relating to the procurement of bounty Isti.d and other bounty pensions, and orders of pay by a few officers, sol diers and seamen, or their legal represen tatives who have been or- may be in the service of the United States, be and the same are hereby exempt from tax duty. About five inches of chow fell this morning. WAsnixwrox, February 21. The Amendments reported by the Committee on Ways and 'Means to the tax bill are numerous, among them are the following: To 'strike out the valuation on smoking 'tubs ccoonade exclusively of stems, from. three to five cents. On rolled copper and yellow sheeting metal in sheets, one per cent. advalorem. On ready-made cloth ing or articles ot dress for men and women, or childrens ' wear, notincluding, hats or caps, or bonnets three per centum adva lorem. Provided that dress, boot and shoes, shoemakers, making to order for customers and not for sale generally, to the amount of $l,OOO be exempt, and for any excess beyond that amount, shall pay a duty of oneper cent.advalorem. on iron not otherwise provided for $1,50, per ton, provided that there be deducted from duties assessed upon railroad cars, any duty which may have been assessed and paid upon car wheels under provisions of existing law, and no duty to be assess ed or collected on beer, lager beer, ale of porter, brewed or manufactured, or on coal, illuminatingoil, and the refined prow duct by distillation of coal, .mpltattnm, petrolum or rock oil. manufacturecrprior to Septembor Ist, 1862; all contracts: for pyrchase or sale of gold or silver coin. of Ifnited States or Bullion, and all contracts for loan of money or currency forming collateral security of the same, are to be stamped, the absence of which on such contracts renders them null and void, and liable to a tax of a quarter of -one per centum ; deputy commissioners is provi ded for at a salary of $3,000, an assistant A So ßi li e e s to o r rs at a re s2 to , previous compensation an annual salary of 51:10 h , s a ve cas in hie li r en at o $ f 2 th ,W eir . $l5OO. with net per centum of all in'excess of $200,000 when revenue collected shall exceed that sum opposite the 0 PHILADELPHIA, Feb. 22.—About ten in. dies of snow fell to day, very much drifted, hindering travel. Snow was falling all day in Baltimore, gie n TB VERY LATEST MERLE! Texas Invaded by Mexican Bandits. Prisonees Died in Richmond Col. Mulligan to be a Brigadier Genera TEN INCHES OF SNOW AT A6ELPHIA. Amendments to the Tax Bill &c., ike., POICTRESS AIONROE, February 21.--Flag truce boat State Maine arrived here last evening about 0 o'clock, and brings down between 200 and 300 exchanged union prisoners, in charge of Capt. Ropley, 3rd New York infantry. The boat left with them immediately for Anapolis. The Richmond Inquirer of the 20th, says there are rumors of an advance of the Yankee army upon Middle Tennessee. Cannon ading was heard Wednesday last. in pelt. There were also artillery reports from the direction of Beech Grove, where General, Buford, with his brigade of Kentucky cavalry is retained to ward off the blows that might descend in that direction. Gen...' Forest has crossed Duck River, north of Columbus, with cavalry and artillery. The Texas Flag of the 2d inst., has ac counts of an invasion of our soil by Illexi• eau bandittis, stealing horses, cattle, &c. Capt. Renevictas' company was attacked in Seapata county, and all their horses stampeded, they also captured and hung Inador Villa, _Chief Justice of Seapata county. About 000 Mexicans have been organized for the purpose of plundering our frontier, and are approved by the Mexican authorities. The banditti at last accounts were on the Texas side of the river, and some of them under the United States flag. The flag of truce boat New York brought from City Point 80 to in) of the crew of the United Statesgun-boat Smith, recently captured at Slone River, also ift United States officers, being the remainder captured previous to Jeff Davis' pt mallow. - Lo tusiFeb:2l:;Alie . day was I Listed - by agrand military parade'of the 11. S: troopt2atid, the Missouri enrolled militie The„ troops presented a She rip pearanceand-were revitwad by Maj.! Gen. Curtis and staff. The streets were hand somely decorated with' flake and thronged with immense numbers, of citizens. I Y TEPEGRA.P_It PmLyniiimitA, Feb.2l.—There is more tict — liy and firmness in breadstuff:3, and good shipping dethand for Flour ; sales of 3990, barrels. chiefly Extra Family, at $7,78 , 48. and a small lot 'of Sn perfine atsB,2s. - Recepts on stock light. %%- Flour commands $4,75@55 Corn Meal at $4. There is a spirited demand for Wheat; 15_,000 bushels of prune Pennsylvania and-Wevterit Red sold at $1,72@/$1,75, and White $1.90@52. There were small sales of Rye at 97c. Corn is in fair de mand ; 3000 bushels yellow sold at 87c. Oats soil freely at file. Cloverseed loss active and selling at $ 3 .50@57. FlaMmed wanted at $3,50, and Tim othy at $3, Whiskey moves slowly at 60c. Nuw Yong, Feb. 20—Cotton very dull to-day : quotations 88 @89,Elour buoyant; sales 95,00 bbls at $7,11)@7,z for State ; $7„..90(4)8 -for Ohio ; and $7,80@8,2a for - Southern. Wheat has advanced' le ; sales 35,000 bush, at $ 1 .41@1,62 for Chicago Spring; .$1,63@1,71 for Milwankie Club:: and $l.- ' 73§1.77 for Red. Corn ; 40,(00 bush. at 89®95f0r unsound. Pork firm at 14 87@.15. Whisky dull at 55@56. Receipts of flour 8617 UWE.; wheat 798 bushels; corn /.680 bushels; freighths un changed. . Sterling Exchange dull. Stocks better, . but closing hoav_y• !Gold .1625 A Treasurer 7 3 - 10102° : ¢; One Year'ee'rtitlcates 87; Tennessee 6's 63; De mand Notes, no sales; 61 per cent. premium bid. &c., &c. STRICTLY PURE ARTICLES Low .Yrioes. PITTSBURGH DRUG HOUSE TORItkiSTCE & NeGARR, , APOTHECARIES Corner Fborg and Market streets, ....PITTSBUIII3g, • - ...,_ _ Drugs, , Lead, Cream Ms Medicines, ' /Waite, Baking. Soda, Perhunery Dye Stan., gam.lS 'milord, Chemlealei, Spices, &e., eta,... Mille. *l6 Physicians Presoriptiona accurately corn pounded at all hours. Pure Winee and Liquors. for medicinal use only. - lel9to WINTER GOODS ONEERT HALL SHOE STORE 62 Fifth Street, BOYS' BOOTS 75 CENTS, ALL WORK WARRANTED mmc e=imarr T. F. WATSON, MASTIC WORK-Ell Is Prepared to Cement the exterior of buildings with impreved Mastic Cement, cheaper and ea reHor to any done heretofore. This cement has no equal: it orms a solid and durable adhesive rites to any indium; imperishable by water or frost, and equal to any quality ofstone. The undersigned is the only reliable and icin th prac tilo h w r ap an ie n thi c C m mnntn fh is he ty ollowing gentlemen, whom the pnblie are at libertylo re tor to: J. Buell reeidenoe Penn street, finished. 5 yrs Jas. hfecandleas. IS Ilagheny,. do 5-yre J.'H:litioenberger. Lawrencerville. do 5 yrs J. B, Horn street. do 4 yrs A. Homier. lavrrencerille, do a yrs Girard House. Pittsburgh, do 5 S yrs t. Charles Hotel do do 5 yre Address. Washington Hotel, or Box laws. Pittsburgh. P. 0. feb.ll.lyd DIAMOND STEEL WORKS, PITTSBURGH. PA PA RR., BROTHER t CO., lIANIIPACTUILMILS OP Best Quality Refined Oast Ethel, Square, Flat and Octagon. Mall sizes. Warran ted equal to any imported or manuLunured in this coun try. 9.11. lace and Warehouse. No. 149 and 151 First and 120 and 122 Second streets, Pitts burgh. febl6.lyd - .4311.110N0 THE MANY ANNOYANCES to whi-h housekeepers are subierted the one pion, unendurable than My others is the ratrageb of vermin. The nibbling of rats. and the disgust ing Presence of roaebes in the larder is the de testation of all geed housekeepers. It malt, therefore, be a desideratum with all to obtain something which will effectually rid our owellings of these filthy creatures.- A.d - att . can' be grafi: ' believedltatKiller prepared by Geo. A. RellY is to bathe thins desired. It is sure de struction to Rate and Roaches. and at the same time willnoteause death to other animal& One bon.; udielously used is PIITICIOnt to rid a house of all the vermin thatinfest it Boil directios for nse cootnparving each boa. Price 25 c nts'per box. For sale by lltruggists generally. and by the Pro prietor. wholesale or retail. GEORGE A. KELLY. No. 69 Federal street AlleiherrY. h[OIIO.IIIO4BILA BRIOOII, Pittsburgh.. Feb. dd.:1863. ,a N. ELECTION, FOR THIRTEEN AN. Managera of the Company for erecting - a - Bridge over the .Monongahela, opposite Pitts burgh. in the county of Allegheny. in con fa natty to an act of Assembly passed Jan. 29th. 1931, be held at the Toll House. on Monday. March 2d. at 8 o'clock D. m. N. 11.0LJNES, febl9.9td Treasurer. DUQUESNE BRASS WORKS, TATS; Manufacturers of every vatloty of finished BRASS WORK FOR PLUMBERS GAS or STEAM FITTERS, MACHIRESTA AND COPPERSMITHS, BASSCASTINGS OF EVERY DE- S {ASS CASTINGS -order Steamboat wore. steam andigas fitting and repairing promptly at tended to. Hartieular attention paap to fitting up Refineries for Coal' nd Carbon Oils. Also, le agts for the Western Vat-iet of Pennsylvania. for t he sale of Marsh, Lansdell Co 'a Patent Ss phon Pomp, the best ever invon ted, having no valves it is not liable to get out of order and will throw more water than any pump twice its Elie. fobll:dtf CONSIGNEDANDIFOR SALE FROM stoiiiiind to arrive • 1.600 rash White and Yellow Oorn, Shellediand in gunnies, blasesir' eof J. CRAFT. Office 185 Liberty street. I Pure.. FY. WAYNZ It CHICAGO RAILWAY Co.) OPTION or THE SZORZTAN Y. Pittsburgh Pa., . Jan. 27th.1863 1 , 711 HE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE N. Stook and Bondholders of this Company for the election of Directors and such other busi ness as come..beforeit will be held at the w ee o f jaw company in the city of Pittsburith on the Fourth Wednesday of February. A. D„ 1803. The Stook and Bond Transfer Books of tho Company. at, their Office in the Cityof Pittsburgh and at their tranger Agency in the City of New Ytik. will be closed on the-10th day of February and remain. closed until the 26th_ of February thereafter. W. lit. 8A.UN1.:61, janlBth td , Secretary. _.. El IKELAMPS. '' ' ' - - ' ' . We are just in receipt of a large arsortment of fine imported BeSHICAUEN GLASS LA.Mps out and guilt of beautiftd patterns,. a useful and ornamental ~,` Holiday GlttB, E4so tlimglkaarahrac i almr§ deolkly. - roodatreet. near ad. SINALL FARM FOR SA LE-3 / ACRES of valuable land in !pleasant location, 234 Milo 9 from TonoeFerry n fdiddlatown road, ocd Dwelling house, well of rooter at the door. barn, stable' and other outbuddinme 'orchard of choice trees. garden Ado,. land. all -m cultivation and well fenced. fine forestskade trees. For price and•termk apply to • - - CITF 11 0.111 1 T;k106; Brokers. Market' f 61 5000 ,soars Ass— dow Wan in atore audios We by 'th rieiLta,. BIOYETEION. S. S. CLOSING OUT at great bargains at LLY . ' I7IITM VillintimViAtisTreenn atri=ttie limbect premium at the WORLD'S - PAM.' London—all theMaehinesin.the_woracomplifir ... Over 100.000 have already- been-ankl e all Living universal Eiatislaelion„ , This machinentakes the lock , stitch impossible to unravel with 'the essential advantage of - being alikeen both sides:forming no ridge or chain. 'lt wilt' eniit, stitch, hem, hill. gather. -bind.' eel% tuck and braid. • Tbeolnanace, speedand simplicity of-this iI,PI - the beasts 'ankettength of stitch, and adaptibildy to the. tluekest or thinest , tabrieF render it the most SIICIIES.SFUL and. POPU . LAM Sewin' g Machines now ofered to:the pub.' lio. . . Can and examine them. at NO, 27 FITTR , STREET. IDEAL ERTATE SAYINGS INSTU. TlO4,lncorporated by the Legislature M Pennsylvarutr,.: Open foliDeposlts fram 10 a. M. LO 2.o'clock. p. 113, dna,: alio on SATURDAY EVENINGS. from 6 to 9 o'clock. -4:6•40111.co. 63 FOURTH STREET. , A SAPP, CON VENIE.N T and PROFITABLE DEPOSITARY, for Mechanics. Laborers. Clerks. aid all those whcao means or savings are sun% 1 It also commends itself to E 'motors, Adminii trators, Collectors, Agents, volnnttoy Societies or Associations and persons of all classes: e - an l um lapatddn depo si t . w X i T h. 'if not NT rawn* will be pine sd to the credit of the depositor en. the first day of May and November, and ' hereof ter boar the.same interest as the principal. At this onto mor.ey will DOElBLiaill LIIBB.THAN TWELVE YEAH&e -L.- • ence - Interest comm on all deposits - the Ist and 15th days of themont,h after such deposits aro ~B9Pka stili tnielingthAlky-Law.g. &c., fern ml.em erl_atiPriention at the - Pansmrarr-diNitAkS JONES , - Vnel PallinDaNT—W. B. COkI.AND. - - . j Hon Thotild Howe Hon J k Idloorhind; Jana° Jones. C GI lineepy,:----.41, Wm ii et:Ho. Jacob Pander "..-T,..1z Harry Ch ild& • Bieknista.VoeictiY.---,..." secretary tsnd T r eens d re c`7 ; :k • 4,; : 'o.i.iiiiikit; :,,,, 4.. g, --- —_—_. E - S .---- ANDEETI IVCIAIIHIEVOLD lift, mi/I Scab, warranted' fresh and geanine for iiOn by BEOKIIAM d: LONG feb2l.daw . • IZ7 Liberty streak RIVER INTELLIGENQ PORT. OP. PITTEiB Unit ARlfval) -I--4 * . peppkiin,-Bnnettatrownerille.''' Gallatin. Cla e rke„,;. • Emma Graham. -Arers. Zantovillet -; Starlight liartoniltlt--Loni,„ Yaa Rachango. Ana. alt, = ' /Emerald,- Fisher: • - " .D.IIFART)3I), Franklin, llonnett, • Gallatin. Clarke. - - doe'. • , Minerva. Gordon: Wheeling.' Armada, John-ton, - ;eitrchinati. -- ge''' The riyer—Last evening at light there wetrol2 feot of wr: oo snowing for past twenty- four hours; stllgoiug on. -- • • 'T '-' • CAPT. EVANS : Namirttt.s, Feb. I6th, . . , 'DEAR Fla:—The steamer 'FANNY BAR.R.RIiti from Cincinnati arzived bore loot- eveninit at 8 - o'clock. Woleft Smithland latt num/day morn- ing in company of transports (a) under the! pro gunboats.- I - understand:that .the BARKER was reported' burnt, but , sit& is 'Din' the case. I am Reopen fully-YoUrs.* JAM ttS - MELLON, ('a" fain by W.D. W. Zerissvimai, Feb. 2t1t10g63. CAPT. WM, EVANS: 1/Dakhla :—The BM VIA GRAIIA.WW&IeaveI f Pitt burgh this morning. WilLartive okulY Monday morni ng and leave .ettosday evening. at 4 P. Id., as usual. The Mmlicinham.lins.baan-very -high..for:ten dalrfaST.Thiii. is now in navigable. order ay falling slowly. - • .:.Truly Yours,l W. IVILtON,Ciorlt, Mr Capt. Gray's new steamer. Da*. Port is being hurried to completion. ...ho wllk be an A No. 1 boat in every{ fartioularoust the hind the Captain is in the habit oPhuildint.. By the way we have j just learned that biix floe. &a con tract at California for•anothef botiri'This manes the Third the .N orthorn Liao Company are kultd ing at this port. ' Mc.. Thenew and splelidid biennia' Jennie Rogers, Cap t Honor& is announe for Cfpl-1 'ro and ht. Lows. • Persons going that Wa d y' shorg call earls , and secure a passage. The new and splendid side-wh4l steamer Arinads, Copt Johnson. leaven fer ells cianai and Louisville on Satunlay. - ITIS bacete for speed and accommodations has no milierldr. Capt. Johnson has hosts of friends. Mr. Darra•ti hasoharge of the Mho.. _ _ ..i.:1 : s . MI, The well known passenger steno:llr Beatings. Copt Robinson. loaves - to-40; positive ly for Cincinnati and Louis-ille.. this boa 4 his fineaccaumodations, Our friend IVir.Wherrthit's charge of the office. ' 'or Cinehanat./ and Lonfarille. THE STEAMEII.EIIititAiLD; Cnk. hl—liaher.mill. leave fir Cincinnati and Louievida, on -- Wedneeday. Ztb. J. B. LIVLNG N:dc and JuILN FLACK, agents: For EvaniivlDe, Cairo and St., i4Akuili THIS DAY. FEB. 2375 1 1 :14; xiegil=4, THE NEW AND SIRLENDID steamer JENNIE ROGERS,V h os. roger& commander will leave as annotmcml above. •kor freight or passage apply on hoard or to' JOHN ElsACK:wr J. B. I.4VINU S TON k CO, --- Pcre - Efurinnatt • THSI DAY, FEB. 23-4 ZelrTHE -FINE PASSENGER; at t commander, will leave as announced above. For faectgbtatultrageAnnly on boatd ov,to ;T: - . II .4:IVaIRJRZERSI A 'CO; 1J . a faidl-- Cairo aria St L o 71' I TUESDAY,, FRB; 2444 A TILE NEV Passel:war SteattunCllll - LIM. Captain Gould, commander; will .loitee for the above and intermediate points. this' cle.r , nt 4P. M. Per freight or pa..iaire board. , feb23 , _ .; -.., Wheeling end- Piits burg' Elstily Ex press Line THE FINE YANSENGER steamer MINIi_RVA, John (Jordon commander, lenvim Pittsburgh for Wheeling eyerS Tuesday, Thursday and S iturday at 11 m., punctually leaves Wheeling every, -Moh,Liy i . Wednesday's and Friday's at 8 a, in. , MThe above steamers makes Opole Coniec . , Cons at Wheeling with fine side wheel staitnerti for Marietta, Parkersburg and -For frieght or pries 'o apply onboard or to-- JAMES COLLINS .!4*-00.. Agents, No:114 Water street. „Ear Marietta and Regular Muskingum river Packet leaves Pittsburgh every Tuesday, 4 P• Dl., Zanesville e veryTridaYN a• fill; 0. it...sr'. THE NEwesb S/PiENII.I.I/ Passeager steamer EMMA GRA HAM. Mcmroe Ayers commander. wilt:leave Ma noted above. For freight or p_amage appfr Om boarder to J. B. LIVINGSTON & . n 026 Wheeling, Galltpolts, Parkersburg. A Portsmouth Regular Weekly Packet. - - • TUIE PAST RIINSING PAS, sengcr steamer ECHO, Jai Walton; oonuaander, will leave as announced 61)04 and intermediate points this day at 4 p.m. -•- For freight or passage apply.on boaid'bito IV. . WHELER, Ag. JOHN - FLACK. Agl. rrtO_Ati dersigned,,are PrOPaLed with compepaitetr workmen "to re•OiM re... Bronze and re A Steamboata. Chandeliers, prackets, Lannisi.oes.. making them toilette new; and altering Lard oil ones to burn Carbon Oil. Also to furnish new ones at Blurt notice. Lanterns . ; 'Cans, Oil, and every thing in the trade kept. oniuind at the Lamp and. Oil store 164 Wood street. near Sixth'..: : . AI. WELDON, Acraziximit. WELLY. 31105 STEAMBOAT •APREtrf. '91 7 ET Z Has opened an'office at , -- NO 90 WATER STREET, Where he will =mos a Omani Steamboat Agency business. and would solicit IS elm o of pat rouge fromsteamboatmeni.: ap24-Iyd vvinri LER & WILSON'S Sewing Machines, NO. 27 FIFTH STREET. PITTSBURGH 93-Warranted for Three:rears:GS WM. SUMNEIL .t CO. Western A '' . ...'.r4,"4:::4:ii,i;:-:'..:',..',i ,. :' , '4'4':'-; ,. ; '-r'rPK''...n!lt:'...F.4';.:-..:*:..t.1;:g.-.4.,,;-.P..! :11 - f '7, 4 r7' • : 7 ) . of Boot ranc •.-k-td.441441100.1.- - Tr:• - • wrixorr 000t.00thaittaitrogrw o „ VOlne4ol*-1.42':- i 4 f 4 01 , , , b4+1_ sir zzaksikat. ~c nAtritand444- C tior , aA. ; , AttI.PAGEiIL, - ;MANUFACILBERS _.-; gataWatidd'Ocno TheAiiideisioiri iiiid.rispenfwa- ~ ..: I. Poor Young, Manz::: -'4;3 -• ',*,', :, --, 4 - valet 1;*lti:01:14.illair--1111Alfarf..r._-'',1e,71. coillea of the Janda; Airiiiiratlor_ __ , ,.. , ,t...,,- f•-• - .S - _ - , ones. w,il,,,,ironsniodyhaAriv.....m.,- ~,,--.1-,:-., thoOd who regain 4, a iiiipt_ _ - A L ,_ m u - ; -•:•,,, int uarrativa.puhhahodibr , ~...= reet hook Jo doidigneld.aa• 'at _ - +Fla - ;tuition 'to ':•,:--,,.. liming-num and th ose wiiii- , frots,-Ziquivotra• : .. „ ;-..j.,.. - Dinnuir. LosikoxilfaxOtt4'itiartrou emeans Ii .%-.... , t steo ure. 4. l9 l :tolie l s l trill b l ii t itriit +dodo? - mial ..'..., ; I ' 111 - `lCii -- tain , e4. : ~.....-.: t; Ttstluweeto _tiny : who.- -- 3 , , j • • BERT, itcila. ,:- nthaind awLeroto;Pahltilicititlaland, N.; Y. - - - . -- . --- Turtti - Yearn 'E I - R io*: 0 Have - Num'diligently' euTplciied is ferfeating:' Omit/L(llE4p a,,Exce r r.- --.,- •.,, - -. ' 'WO ktinieLlj ' I '' .It isieriii.ii ' h ''' atter careful 4. en. I at .,..- ANALYSIS , 3.13 Y -.DR, CHILTON,- f.lt wag ' `ifiatizeip itarcipleili ofin:other Dyes •=-;. '''.:" Those who bate' dreappointed with' misa• hie imitatiiintraro - wain Named with Mane." Any alutde of black sts ltruwn.to !suit rdi eamplet- • ': icaucTrcoduced'in•tan minutes - --- v1• .. 6z - sr. Manufactured by 'J. CRIEPTADORO, 6.4stur - ' - Holikler•NeW-I'n&-igt tortuzuthere; arid iiloll. - att_byalt Mar • • rriM - .- I tf la te et t baxistocimiiiiiin Min- ''• -, ATire '''' LS inValtio4o gob hie Wyi,.'!aa ilAiiarte-thitit• • ,:' x most softie*, MVnitatt burutiful Masa. and gnat vitality to the Hair.... _, - _,-, PfictsOeents. St.and42beihottlissoordhi g to AiTte... ~ .crwr g,, - ~..feb44l,lhirlevo - -..- ....,;-..1, - ...__ . .._ ~.... Dir..wobiew Venetiaa lio likfointliiiittleiriit 56, :isenWeitiiilutieinnul„ 'outs, galls, coke &e .. l i ned the _ __,:::— ~„ ~i. - „---.1 , .alonvon, Juivltii../a6M. .u ll ;''.i:filijA ff . : . We bare used for:ilisrlatst Saar • ' - - 4:otinunit f.-I..lnetiees. hiembsuisas„ : -T, etine audnutt, ondjulevert inatattetilbdud it the - .. bes t ;alias i *wit - ivied Fr thii'airetsnailipan*.- ---t, ~" Please send,soe six dozen,. as ilia the enlY linialra:-.'-',Cf.:. WiClidjyjast, ill , oLhaire 105 lunges. setae very val. , " "-- , uable, and donot want to leave town without iti 2- 7-„, :..r.!0..' -71‘4FrATT -111108Tt-,- Manager Vin A mbush ,1c..00% kienagener:- Bold'hy ail 4tussUltin 011ies•-66:Cotthawatteat../: NeW York. 2 ~._. - Faels mbenalt - tigandeetleivEThk.;.,,, . . --. ~,,, ._,_ .- '-' 4 . - L:''Nuir Caileith,-1: , ------WeeteheaterVo.N.'..YL-00t.4:1E2; .-. - hir.G: Ilia .Eirof:fin)Auxel. - ,.;'--reiilaw fig " I Republican - 1 ''_ Dear Sir-1 woidit-Idate that I was indnood to nse DRANDESITIM PITA& through aerials; - --. -me ndationnfJohdlt;BwikafCro ,ton Weettiheir- - . ter county. who, was..entirely.reetored• to:health - •• - ;f„ by their use. Ile iressioklor some twos - vet costiveiand - ,,dysmtriev- and he ztzie(rdge but was not relieved. Pi n a tv. he took one Bran- dreth'. 4 Pal eval74barforitireekatidailoaciofsix 'Pine - every (lei - Pier threads's. aud-..then took one . . -44.0tar7siaY. with an oceasioneildeegisfalLteli t '•- -on.month-heinigaliertoilkeeti - .. months howisilazdogn 40nitods - - trendg - ht - : Yoggs tridy., ,,,..- wwdllll PIIIIDY. .rr .',. ;.. .. k i i. , .., , ::111..,.........i ~..1 -f. , , ..-.. --......% -, .- •., ,-; - WZMOHENtrint Cl diernalst-.t . c,„-': i - - --7 Edward PurdY being duly ei e c i i2 says thaLhe . L reside in ,the lowa of New- e;.Matigoine peon ego he was very eiek with irsore :ow' hie log: • ho had bol l n - ulpning foroverilviteark - that ".0 waai cfnitleitillaldesledhyapahl id:millet, and besides ver7:oostiverand dysPe thuttu A la i r- terintinir.gazionseinnedkaand p i - booommeneedn ..'.;-,.... three timer atreekiAnd attlieeta 0 " mion the sore on his leg nettled; and id the end of two months he-was entirely gored at oestiveneasgible -- , . ;poosia* and - Dian; and - has .remained -. well ever ' - eines. ---•,-;:I,44IDWARDIPI3ItDY. 1 Swo rntoiNforomarthialtititd_ay °Wet, Dgt, ts . ;.- • - DiallAlooll3l Blirrar ' l °l2 e lP ariks r t 4 .T . , A t itr Di ~ y eiSell i tg e. esce . : - t ! To Strengthen ite4- . ,ira _ .-- , ,-,..., :t.-- , ..,-..• r-, - ,•"7-41::.1 -,-=.'-',-,q't.k.----' '..iiimxtiieles, -. ollts-sim Oimmik.47zoill. , 2 , REiii. - -' - feetinliacluinto. - 7.- roma ' , mother eaua-7 as, eau be reliemerbyMainirthe lreb blefoP=Moi ythlohthave-hmmralitrithi-hyk Many reaP lii memeht of Pittsburgh aindl-vi einify...taxibmit they have given mfeet aatiefae4 - .... tientr-The—emtleemegralhab Ha iti" persons men , ntany.oglqe.- ....- , L ' Allisho_pliiieuse one pair of theAmasian Lebele Speeleoleertire-entitie4liebe - supplied in tura free wr olumis with thole which will always give satiethetion. . . . -„. s Therefearkityou wish .1.3 Ameor':Sp iloymits.... r- Merit hiyour fright call on, . I. : r D.E s . l fOND;Pimetieal Gpacian, . , M annfachuirofikelinadmi Pelbble - Smaitneles; - 1.1111)16 notitieet.4Popkitingnit C piummuciamilaok,43euigich t i g uir, agent. 115 Water steak M ia mi mama 4,.:Pths iibrepared to 'bring ant Zeeland' We/ _Arlipazt, th5041430011.47-tlll-t4orttcY 13iLitr ,=l"ffaeliT D NOR' payable.% , 'O , of Votts.r.,-• „Auc,2611- — 6lllll . Also " Ann " ' kortro Star Line o . :Sring Packets. Andra thelineenf ide•beltreett-New Meit.-LiverpooV Ol oirtilf • ='• WITHOUT PUN by the rule of an apparatus-wit,ilZ no drum, -or Plunk battery ,- are nsed:,-- cal gentlemen -and thoirfiniiiieetutre -dude oatraoted by inlr'preoreLanit attready_tatostify_ ante ttreaafetratrnaliEfoinnees- 2 9fthe operation, ' wbatever heoWeabily peltonelekteraited asserting th ooo ntraMbiotintnoknewledge env! 113 " dWZIE t t iLAUTIRTECilieertiellierieli,..* stria; and- obarct as low.: , wiltirarrantatus,-„, • MIDST Dentist . ._ _ 154 lindibileld etraibt‘, a 01417-11 DAVIS ilk PAIL 14).1.1/11.1FApyrianggh!' I.ll7l.!..ollo.l!lttif*iftf'r PIMPS AND nuANS - S. _ ,„, Piirt!adarattentioniata to the itling and ~,- —. I , ....... anvaautolaelikeMl4- ~, ~' .11 i !ass Fitting and Pl umb ` ins in aZI its .nranottne. ~, L isz Also. Agents for Eitatobinse dc - Postariodeior ' Pump tor . ItamismiTower tme. It has no supe- - tiOr. ,-„.....,,,"' ...Ai- /an3l:3md No 110 Wider and Iliis:„,„nurtm: :7 - ;" • ',--- 46 rimiLaeviism-Aviggamen qrll i -. .a. biliN.—TittfseeltgriPtun,Rrottl.,-, - i .PUMPING OBIJDIJINVIIIINID-F - 011S '-- :" , . iyater: am; has no tuPerior tea Pewit; for POWER • IEI4IIID is Fors simple in, Construct:to*. has no - vi n tivetror •k- . ., - eoits,to got ontof order., ropnres bat llttlelpowsr to drive it, and will discharge front • • 20 to 4,000 Galls. per Minute - - . and will forco any distance require d ; tairi suction from 20 TO 25 FEET VERT/OALLY'-='' • through almost any length of Bari %el m ' • This pump is now in use in several _ cries in this vicinity and has given anloe satisfaction in all ..1470'3. YIiICE TW.Q,TBIRDB ,k=;:*fgl-9 .- -.-, •. ,- ' 4,r f , :tct e —t c ..-- ;.%.4:•• ---k.:AzPg - JuLltiet,l.- 'Tr •-•k=---4-'l-,:;---..: • ' -,Vi;-----.-..: ,:::::".t-' " , , -',.. • ' ",....-iiiitTs r''' -,z.' _ .'•35;7'1',;,-.1.1 ,-- iptijap oa Nano fer..,,k,,Zl_ "-`,-, ; ,",* V,- nain Alma) -----4' z.., -,."..1 than anY steam °I. •at the pa, , -.... ,:-,„.,., Call and sae one i, l *duadtpitlnra ' * ~f ,2•4,-,--/k.,--...-;,, this agth Vo.llo wa end I°4 flirtts grigifrt,-FZ,•,>_,. .....-.:.,UV , -, ', - 4 , 1 4...._Aq Janatamd -- 7.---' ,m, ,'e: --?. i .-` 1 -4, -:;''`"2';"4,*7 itp- E .1- p.--" - 4,- , , ,• - .._ ..,_,..„,,..,, , c - . _s - luvms, - ~.- ' - . -1,,,:..=,.-....L-,-,,,,,,:‘,4 ifi9 '-' DEUR -,,,-- '..1414';,4* 4,4 ' -:7„.,,,;-:';'-,-.4tV`k-:.'•"-:------,ffzili---tigia ' a. - . _:. lke 0 AliltiVX 's , - - ''',, 11*44A vu . !.. . ji t , u p ..-- 7...„--. .-,- --, -•-...: . .% . ' %.,7 4.• , , • upoiw ~. "Vidn.421.',44 ti';'-,,,M„ . 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