12=1= i . 5,, viCigrnureAL 4 011:;.zilVii ,PAmat Rowirkstliroßir and 6 KM* I ( EX V/110STOrt 'recur ages to forties Daily eidW Jria thew oIOA awl ellioUtz f tkatimitoeetur out aMßilbeoriptScoe 4 tir as at war Lome/km. i ITigtaSDA.T lit0)1111N - 14 JA.N.,I6.ES IZy BIGILIE001) thiLLIGifiCH • il l i' I Committees Of VbilitialLiki.::-' H IP . oo'lowing are the.standinglCommitteee 0 Councils, appointed on Tuesday ifig. The list was unavoidably omitted lii oar rep --Mort yesterday : I , P „ Financeessre. Brain, Phillips and Bur g er, S. C. ; Messrs. Holmes, Barckley, Steel and Kearns, C. C:' , .-Water—Messrs. Allen, .Brown , M'Car.: thy and Miller, of S. C. •, Messrs.. Arm. itf og, Colville, O'Neil, M'Tighe and af'= C''' Mess of-C. C. Ii; Gets, Grading and Paving—Messrs. JJ.I R Reed, MiMillen, Berger and Allen, Off, .C. ; Messrs. Bailey, Coffele, Sullivan;: f r • [, l `, ' lama s " anadn Mackey, ac A k e: y ou' o n f ts e -- * M C 'eski l rs. David ' ,a d and Thompson, of S. C. • Messrs. Roberts, Colville and O'Neil, of 'C. C. AT onongahela Wharf—Messrs. Morrow arid J. R. Reed, S. C.; Messrs. Rowbot- teM, Coffin and Taylor, of C. C. I I:24llegheny Wharf—Mr . R. Thompson, 1 , . -8 1 .:10.; Messrs.- M'Vay and Hutchison, of c 10. - - Ordinances --Messrs. Young and - Mor • - row, of S. C.; Messrs. M'Gowan ' Duffy and Hays, of C. C. - - Gas` Lighting---Messsrs. Miller -and WAlls, of S. O.; Messrs. Daffy Hubbard set , Coward, of C. C. . I P' 'Tics—Metiers. Phillips and ' 'McCiiii.: took of S. C.; Messrs. Barcklqi-Roberti and ontgomery, of C.. 0. Fire Engines and Hose—Messrs. Quinn :,..:.; ,-- - antil D. Reed of 5.... C.; Messrs. Taylor, .......... M edand and Mackey, of C. - C. Ma lets-Messrs. Rees and Berger, of S. ia4 mess?, Armstrong, McGo-wan'ent . Peerq, of C. C. ;,,,,-A Printing—Messrs. McMillan and: Reaii, of S. C ; Messrs. Coward,Camertial .- - -anditicCandless, of C. C. .....t - ~ - ' Wooden Raildings=Mgssis,' McCarthy --, - andiliAllen, of S. C.; 3fessrs._ Cameron ....,.. - -3101rt a and. McTighe of O. C. . ' Aiip Is from City ALsessments—Messes. : -. lMeOli tack and Quinn, of S. C.l Messrs . Portiell, Sullivan and Hutchinson of O. 0. • City Property—Messrs.- Herdman and ° 'Tonga, of $. C.; Messrs. Mackey, Ardnay, .• - - anditiewliottom, of C. C. Riiilroads—Messrs. Thoropson and Herditian; of S. C.; Messrs. Holmes, Hubbard and Steel, of C. C. ~• 111', . - • - Pitts , nrgh Philadelphia and thei!Pennsylvania naliroad. A4ll meeting of the Corn Exchange: -- --CommOtee in Philadelphia, on Monday, • an add eas to the Pennsylvania Railroad , Co. was Adopted, setting forth their views in rifaance to the claims of this city, as follows: . .Firs,''; That the arbitrary rates of freight now fi ed by law between Pittsburgh and Philad :lphia shbutd be abolished,, and the ea e freedom from useless restrictions ' shouldllbe grante i by the State. to- the zondliiiels other - rattdr in other States enjoy,i' ,'ad that the abolition of such re ,, . stridapiiiis a necessary preliminary to the - -eqttaiiiiition - of the various interests using theh roild Sectraqi Believing that the interest of • , .PennsYEAnia - Railroad and of our own city ar' Mende{!, and that the road is . tally ware of the value of the Ohio • 'river -llati her great tributary, and will, therefolip, constantly seek to blend the interes'il rive Ipf the ver with those , of her rail eo4ueetions, rising brth to swell her •'•- own triiti l . t! and that ofthis city , we must decline.ri the present stage of Mir in. formatiti" on this subject, to interfere with ":..._the polit of the road in her Western eon neetione 'V - Thirclll'lye ask that the discriminatien in fsviii4 -of Pittsburgh millers egainst those ofPhiladelphia, which now exists by reason of e provision inthe law repealing theAciA44e tax, be discontinued, if prdeti- 'I cable, under the reading of that law. If not praotittable, it fernishes an additional ~ argument - Tor the abolition of useless le gat restrictions upon the road. Fourth! We ask that the agents of the --:._.road ehall4 be ' prohibited from showing . ~ preferences to any of the customers of the road ar add that if such preferences be insep aide from the character of the agencies;! that such agencies shall be en tirely ebtilished. Fifth. ; ,We concur with our friends in asking that a sufficient number of cars ' shall bed placed at their disposal, and that a suitable executive officer shall be Appointed At Pittsburgh to arrange such matters atilinust necessarily arise in the traneactitde of parties with the road. The P 44.43 says these propositions were 'net adoptd,d, but the following resolutions were approved: . . Resolved , What the Pennsylvania Railroad Companyi be respectfully requested to adopt unthim freight charges from all shipping pAliits on the line as well as ter mini of :Ali:Creed. Bsec . ..red ,1 That the present discritriinat ing system in favor of the Pittsburgh' mil , lers (or any other discrimination:4,4f +they exist,)ahoilld 'be immediately abolished, aethey affArkt to favored parties advan tages detrimental to the communities of both cities', illand exceedingly so to the manufacturers of flour in the Eastern sec tion of this State. • Resolvedil That the rate of freight be tween Pittsburgh and Philadelphia should never exceddhbe fair proportion of any rate which shall at any time prevail. be tween points West[ of Pittsburgh and East of Philadelp ia. t .R eselvetLi That any measures adopted by the Rai 'ad Company to deprive shippers of k e benefit of low freightf, - which may a, `;times prevail on the Phu) ii river, are highly injurious to the interests - ..0f both Pittsburgh and Philadelidda-i The Presiilliys: The recent meeting at the office of lithe Pennsylvania - Railroad Company-, bet Ween the committees of the Board of Trade of Pittsburg, and the {loin Exchange Association 'of 'this city has eausecN it is said, much aatisfacition toallooncern d. Pittsbargher'slinsistsithat :lees for the ti's efit of the road, than for itieir own 14rilefiti- that Philadelphia And Pittsburgh ehhhld be regarded asthstirm int of the Pennsylvania Central Rail -'iteid. ~, liti Bilrgisiir, at Canonsburg. On Monday night the store of Messrs. McDaniel &Mack, Canonsburg, Wash ington countyifrras entered by burglars and robbed of lilloths, and casidmeies and other goods td amount of about $lOOO. The losers h 44 no eine to -the thieves for whose apprehension they offer re ward. Ali • • ' ' Under arching Orders. Snap's Peotisviranta Battery, winch has been at Fairfax Station, Va., for some time-past, isltvrtinder marching orders —as we' learnt from a dispatch to Liettt'• Jamea MOBII now at home On it brief firlough, !P t , ' e el: ;c u e o fficers n d t 11 e second. PW , The electi ' duet of the; hind Ward , Alleghepy, s % made a m in their Bret count, tor Oonimon Cott' cis, by Which Mr. T. M. Tate. Repubbe n, was defeated.. 'A lieer and counting) r f the vote gave Mr. Tate a .mafority. - !ki 1, --- Branch Sanitary Commissfoia. -We direct attiinthin to the call, 'Published elsewhere, for meeting at the Boar& of Trade rooms; lat 8 o'clock this afternoon. to take Into consideratio n the propriety of establishing a ranch of the United States Sanitary CottAission here. The subject an•laiportanione and we hope to see a 'farce attendance and a high degree °fie.. tinier. . , ...r , ..-- -.• , •••••5rr , ..." . 6 -- ,/LIL, es +arm ~ • ~ ~14141 1 441PAI91 t hWACmg in CI. F, 78th Pa.. volunteersat the Wile of Mnrfreesbaro : ~,,J4 , ll F tif„ 44"Afaiiiitt4 Henry I 8 , .- - Weavor,.. riliiiiP Griffith, Dennis CogiveyViatinis mILIT'LI 0c.i.. , - ! •' ' - WinAnded7—,Privates : James Penman, 14141 Mid ;ShallMant,AJLewis Sena, •''Xit.' V: - :r fiTiqrrAppl4haikaktedralTr, .4 8 flP_Ifi,"6 , Arrisira4. - J..B.l,Daviclioir; urinsiq, A. f lt,m,eaver.- ~ I - , Missing - =-Privatee : Win. Street, A. J. leistler, James, Adams, J. I% Barr, B. F. Hanes;, :lorpOral, It. Mitchell.. '' 'The .above'.Ma correct list of the emn. fifties in - CoMpany F,- furnished by Lieut. H. W. Torbett, to a fr iend in this eity,and by him handed tol l ay., . ' Birmingham! pectiona , The Birmingham borough election, on Tuesday, resulted in the choice of a mixed ticket, Jatnes Sitidabury, Dentocrat, Was elected ; Burgess b y a majority of forty seven over A. B. Stevenson, Republican. ForCodicil,' S. Struntz, Republican and Mcßae, Democrat, was elebted in the Birst precinct, but in the Seciand, Thomas Dinka - , and Jacob - Illricka, Republicans, atar.Frid. Ihmaini; Dentocrat, received each one hundred and f?rty-two votes, so that there was no choice. For School Directors 'two Republicans; namely, James McDonald; and E. K. Banluird, were elected. A Compliment to Dr. Gross. A correspondent of the Cincinnati ga• zdte says of Dr. Gross, Medical Director of NegleY . 's "I havnlind occasion more..particularly to visit and Obierve.the condituin of the. hospitals in - Itosseates and Negley'adivisinns. These were estab • lished by Di. - C. S. Muscrott, Medical Di rector of. Rossean'ir division, and 1.. r. Gross, Medical Director of 14TSgley's di vision. TheY have hospitals, all of which are in most comfortable condition, and amply suppliedlwith boaddingirationi,; medical stores, and eicilthing, essential to the comfort. ofilie 'Wounded; Porta -nate is - theiro or tvitiiiir Of Tattle, litho falls intn.their . - hands.M. Wit . A young man..named Ross, son of 'Joseph Ross, of the Diamond, was /39' xionsly.7injured.yesterday morning, by be ing thrown , from hiafather's.baggv. which he lad driven' into IT. S. Jackson's lisiory stable,..tetitirth street; when the horsetook fright and running through into Diamond alley, upset the - vehiele;'at the corner of Diamond and Smithfield streete,and threw out Mr. Ross. He was, taken to Dr. Murdock's-office, *hers he received medi cal attention. His Glories are not of a dangerous cheracter - ; though he was con siderably bruised. Meeting of Oil Men. A meeting of OIL, men took place on Monday evening At the office of Mr. H. Harley, Hand strefit,i for the purpose of taking into consideration the: propriety of establishing ad -"Dill- Hx"hitrige." The meeting was well Attended, 'aid considers ble interest irasmadifested:in the proposed project. , Josiah Kinkwas Amgen Presi dent, Capt. W. It 'Byrum; Vice President, and. RabertSchmertz, Secretary. • A com— •mittee was appointed to draft by-laws and regulations :for th 4 'Assoeitititin, with in structionsto report at hit adjourned meet ing, which takes'plaee km Monthly evening next. • Hospital Directory. Those who have friends in the general hospitals of thevariny of the West can re ceive answers , to all inquiries concerning the `whereabouts of the person sought for on application r by 'letter or otherwise to 'Dr. John S. Newberry ' Secretary for the. U Western Department .S. Sanitary Com mission, at KY. reg , ster of all_hospitals in the, .department is kept, With the names of inmates 'and, being cor rected 4aily, is invalnibie. The proper questions will be found iniour advertising columns, published for the guidance of op plicants for information. The Pelymerams. • Goodwin & Wilder's Polyinornma of the confides to be the centre of attrac tion to. our citizens, who' nightly crowd Masonic Hall to its 'atm dst capacity. This Hall has heretofore been sufficiently spa cious to accommodate our citizens, but the desire to witness the Polymorama is so great } that, hundreds are nightly turned away frilim. the depts.'. I The entire enter tainment is }first class l in every respect; the paintings are truthful,: life-like and artistic; -the songs and' music chaste and appropriate, and the lecture graphic and instructive. Who will deny themsqves a peep at the Polymorama. Deaths of SOldlers. • The following Pennsylvania soldiers have died in the hospitals at Washingten since our last report: -D. A. Newman A, 126th; Sergt . W. C. .Alder, B, 91st; J. Cimmerman, E; 127th; Capt. T. A. Doe gan, I, 107th; B. M. Smith , B, 142 d. MIT.:11 In the District Court yesterday morning a verdiOt for. $852 WI'S rendered for the piaintiff in the case of Schafer vs Schafer, an action for dower. I 'Arot'ldentlfted. The body of the man who died suddenly at Moss' tavern, was interred yesterday, not having been identified. New Mwsle. Mrs. Charlotte Blume has received a tot of new music ; among' which are-. two songs that muititecome popular. `"We'll Go Down, Ourselves" and the rebel song of "Maryland; my Maryland," with Union wordi adapted to the music. Ernele Tom's !Celan. This popular piece will be produced to night at the Theatre, with a fall cast—Mr. Smythe as Uncle Tom, Mrs. Myron as Topsey and Miss Gillett as Cassy. Uncle Tom always draws a full house and will doubtless do so to-night.' Littit ' Pratt's great : con si gnment of books albums,, paper, •pens, be closed out at 'AuctionOott Tkuriday, Friday and Saturday eveniugs at, Masonic Hall Auc tion House t. 6s : Fif street. Grsdn*lbr'Sale. Thomas Moore,' distiller; offers for sale every day, from his stille r fifty barrels grains at a Moderate price. Apply at No. 189 First street, near Grant. Singing., E. 'D. -Breehtrteaeher, l*To:128 Smithp field street. • GROVER & Beicitg's Sewing Machines. for ir'li I : o3l2l .l&l l &Plirtgaporposer,are the beet in MO A. F. 018TONAY, General Ages I. 18 Fifth street. Pittsburgh. P r . . . .... ) ,ZOPP II ,KG:r4 I SON sumrAortrairis or SA/1117! AND pAsmit 1 : . mu901101mq1435 0 tirlit akkorontarthMrootimillVire.,l:tr, -PlTTSavgaan. FEm]wn'ii, We are Justin.receipt ofa linre areortmeat of One imported BOELEJELEN ELAND LAMPS' mend coil of beantifal pittvne: a useftti ead, ornamental - - . Holiday lialftef Alec a lam stook of Lamp' at ?Canoed rigrk _ WE ON . REIDELLE KE LLY deeithly. Woodliitreet; neqr 6th. 1113ARLOS SIL&WWS, TILE WEST IN At: the market. Just received eta fp- eget,' BOWN B TETLEY ood , ' 136 W Id. eO - iid - TT STATE TREAEUILEnt*LECTED Later trom esicostoll, Tex From Washhwitkin: FROM FORTRESS MONROE. Prisoners who Died at Richmond J. W. Wall Elected U. 8. Benatortof Rebels Capture Two Steamboats and Burn Them. &c., &c., Special Dispatch to the P ost HARRISBURG, Jan. 74 .— Mr. ' McGrath, of Philaielphia, was nominated in caucus this evening for State Treasurer. WABHIIVGTON, Jan. 14.—The following. received at the Navy ;Department, is an extract of a private letter received from the commander of the Wainwright, late of the steamer Harriet Lane, whiCh Was captured on the Ist inst. 11. S. S. HARRIET LANE, GALVESTON, Taxes, Jan. - 11. f We are occupying a very disagreeable position,lying off town holtTing the harbor without sufficient force to•ocoupy the city. The Confederates who hold Virginia Point on the main land, about fivemiles off, have, ftiee access to the town over railway bridges which connects Galveston Island with , main land They also hold a battery guarding, this end:of abridge ! being so shallow that we cannot get within gunshot of either, they are - in and.out all the time which renders it unsafe for us to go on shore, We shonldj be gobbled up at any moment, and we have constant reports that we are to be attacked• both' from water and shore, which keeps us continually on the alert. We have so many rumors that we are getting tired of - hearing them, and would rather prefer some demonstration on the part of the enemy to the never ending suspense and anxiety on the subject, We would not care a sixpence for the whole party if we had room enough to move about in, but we are anchored in a sort of a natural canal, where there is not sufficient space to turn round. If they come at us troth their light draught boats, which are able to go anywhere in the bay, you can see what advantages they have over us. However ' I think we will give a good ac count of them if they come. I under stand that John Magruder says if our troops do not arrive pretty soon and beat him off, he will driva us out of the bay. WkSHINIVFON, Jan. 14 . — MTIlandig, ham, in the course of his sPr ch-to-day, said he next maintained that New York, New Jersey and Pennsylvania could not separate from the South, nor the South from the North, and spoke of geographi cal ties which bound-them together. The North-west would not separate from the South. The day which divides slavehold ing from non-slaveholding States would decree an eternal divorce of the West from the East. Whoever believed that war would restore the iTnion ; whoever was for War was for the abolition of slavery or dis union, and whoever demanded Southern independence and final separation would not be satisfied with what he said,lnt he had always been for the Union, and would not now surrender. If we secured peace now and began a reunion,all would bit. well. If not, be saw noting before us fiat revolution and anarchy. ARMY OF POTOMAC, }- Headquarters, Jan. 14. No Southern papers were received to. day. Returns at the medical directors office show, yemarkable exemption from sickness among the troops for this season of the year. The enemy are zealously at work to-day strengthening and extending their de fences. - FORTRESS MONROE, January 13.—The steamboat Express, under a flag of trace, returned to-day in ciarge of Capt. J. E. Malfo:d, 3d New York regiment, having brought down 215 Union prisoners, all privates captured at Fredericksburg and Dumfries. The captain furnished ue the following list of names of Union prisoners who died in the military prison hospital at Richmond since Jan. 9th, 1863: Jan. 10th, private James Rutter, 11th Penna; A. R. Mitch ell, 11th Penna; Jan. 11th, privates Eli Hillard, 11th Penna; Fred Conrad, 136th Penna; Corp. P. McCue, 6th Penna. TRENTON, N. J, Jan. 14.—The Govern or's Message was read in both Houses this morning, giving a detailed account of equipping volunteers for she war, and the State finances. The Government owes the State about four hundred thousand dollars• He urges the prosecution, of the war for the constitution, and thinks pat riotism and the loyalty of , the people ought not to flag in consequence of errors or differences in regard to the policy of the Government. Both Houses agreed to go into joint meeting this afternoon for the election of a U. S. Senator.' to 611 a vacancy occasion ed by the death of John R. Tomson. Both Houses met at 3 P. M., to elect a U. S. Senator. Wall, of Bnrlington, was elected on the first ballot. The vote stood thus: For Jas. W. Wa11,53; Richard $. Field. 22; Wm. Cook Anderson. 2; Wm. A. Newell, 1. NEW Yoair., Jan. 14.—The royal mail steamer Asia sailed at noon to=day with 50 _passengers, and $480,000 in specie. The U. S. gunboat Alabama was spoken on the 6th,in search of the rebel Alabama. Bosco r, Jan. IL—A public reception of the California cavalry took place to day in the midst of bad weather, under a military and civic escort. The Califor nians visited Mayor Lincoln, who ad dressed them eloquently. A collation and interchange of congratulations followed at Faneuil ILincassima, N. H., Jan. 14.—The Democratic Convention of the 2nd .Con mssional District to-day nominated John . H. George, of Concord, for Congress, NEW YORK, Jan. 14.—There is a heavy fog prevailing to-night. The steamers City of Baltimore and the Tenfonia are still below, detained by . the fog. The Bound boats left at the usual hour, and have probably anchored in Cow Bay. The steamers, Asia for Liverpool and Eagle for Havana, did not sail, Nesnviun,, January 14.—Wheeler's cavalry, with a battery of artillery, attack ed three of -kr boats at Harped Shoals yesterday. -A boat with two hundred sick And wounded was fired into and the, men Captured and paroled. Other boats with commissary stores were burned. Our gunboat &dell engaged the rebels, _but surrendered. Herguns were thrown over board and thecboat burned. Lieut. VIM Dorn is a prisoner. It is raining heavy and the river is rising rapidly. , _ or act4l4ol3, Til Eleation.) affinaziousE sT , ri ff , ...- , ..._ _., h I NVIIPLOrtzt Jallea - ousE- 42 / 1 ji-OtikiiMES` FOR ilfl6ll, . . .. .goantatacrimuaimmimrs, lhaveaccord big to a resolution &Isola°y, pcissedvn Monday, eommenced an inq , ititbttlie practicability of connecting our naval i and military stations between Portz* , 1 ,1 Monroe and New Orleans b stibidatine cabels. Cyrus W. Field, Esq.l, - . , of:NeW York, who now has presented,tto the gbv:' 1 ernme& an offer from the celebrated, firm 14 Olasti, 'BMA an 44 . ;of London„. to r manila - attire and submerge the . cables con , necting all parts between Washington and New Orleans. They are to be paid only on the successful completion and delivery Ito the government of the lines in good working order; in other words, they take the entire risk of manufacture, shipping stress the ! - = - Athintin, Whig down and 1 working the lines, &c. There seems to be I no doubt that Congress will, without un necessary delay, make an appropriation 1 for that purpose. I Mr. Stevens of Pa., reportedajoint res elution to pro 'de for the immediate pay [ Latil*Of the arkhed iiitiey:- It rinthonzes the Secretary of Treasury, if required by the exigencies of service, to mull. on-the credit of the United States $50,000,000 of U. S notes, in such form at he may.ideem expedient; not bearing interest and paya ble on demand, in denominations not less than one dollar, which notes shall be law ful and legal tegeri.like pireilar notes beretoforettiithoriied' and receivable in payment of all debts, except duties on im ports and payment of principal and inter est on public debt. The issue herein pro videdte halide - tied Mini Liliii amount in any bill now pending, or which may be hereafter passed by Congress. M r . Stevens said he learned both here and in the Senatethat the mainJulli-pro .yithavatertanit Watnic:for thesuppprt pf the government would not prollablytiass within two weeks, hence thiii bill was in; troduced. I Mr. „Lovejoy stiggested,thattliabillW amendiii to 100,000,000, to wWeik'.Mi",' Stevens agreed. " The joint resolution wag passeli. Mr. Holman, of Ind., offeredlaxesolu tion, reciting that Stevens, who had been before a sglect foimmittee on goVoirtinieht contra ti hid to answer questions propounded.as to the terms and conditions of labor, contract for storing and delivei lug lorelg!14 r 4 ,4 New York. and how touch -lieteceiVa c aie the :skins,- d'os.,- Therefore that the sergeant-at-arms be directed to bria,g Simon Stevens before the bar , of ,!hie liettse to ; answer for con tenipt oft its'ifithorlif.' - • - The resolution passed. Mr. Valandigham had to these rem:du-I tions offered an amendment and he ad dressed the Hodge' &length, argding that the war ought not any longer to con tinue, and reunion is possible and inevi table, anless defeated by deliberate folly and wickedness 'of public 'Men end the people, this was a war of the yankee and the southron, the cavalier and the round head.- CuisEwsoo Mr. Birmingham replying, character ized his colleague's speech as another apology tor .rebellionl he did not believe Vallandigham was:authorized by his master Jefferson DaVis to say the Union would be restored if we disband our army. :Mr. Wrightv-pointed to ' the Southern: declarations to show the rebel mind' fixed. against reunion. He would not have peace upon dishonorable terms, bat mast fight .for an undivided country and the life of an empire he declared neither reb els South nor abettors North are his brethren. Some of his patriotic remarks were ap platided. Adjourned. SENATE--The President laid before the Senate a coman*cation from the Secre- tary of the'lnterio/ asking fir an appro priation of 50,000 dollars, $20,000 of which to be applied to the support of the fTtah Indians. Also asking the appoint- - ment of additional Indian agents, He ferred and cirdereil to,le.printed. - Idr. ICetiatid a Y;;Alldaryland. presented the credentials of eon. Thos. H. Hicks, 'United Stateti• Senator from the State of Maryland, to fill the vacanqy occakioned byte death ofliftio. J. A. Pihrce. Mr. Hicks appeared and took the oath of office. Mr. Trumbull, of 'Laois, reported back the house bill to aid the State of .dissouri to emancipate her slaves with an amend- ment. Mr. Wilson,,of.Mass., from the Com mittee ou Military Affairs•reported back the bill to consolidate the regiments now in the field. Also from the same com mittee to' appoint *ire Anditors and So licitors over the Quartermaster's Depart ment, and increase the clerical force in the Quartermaster General's office. Mr. Latham, of California, from the Military Committee, reported ack the bill for the better organization of the Subsis tence Department. Mr. Harlan, of lowa,_ offered a resolu tion instructing - the Committee on the Conduct of the War, to inquire whether vessels or other means of transportation have been used to convey disloyal women, or other disloyal ,perSona from places under theicOntrcirof the' rebels' to places within the Union lines, or from places in the loyal States and districts to places• within ; the rebellines, and-if so, what ves• eels thus used 'and under whose command and immediate supetiision and by what authority; kid 'particularly, whether the steamers New York And Metamora have been thus used, .and if so, what law or public necessityreqtdred it,andwhat rinm •berof persomf-thns transported—the oc; casion of each trip and amount of proper. ty and money and effectswere transported by each persiOn- is the; property of said disloyal. ersons, and whether persons of African desuent• eitheriur skives or free, thus transpottedialrithin the rebel lineal at the request of said dialojilwomen, ;and if so, by what:order or, pretence _ of law such persons'of African - d escent thus con veyed -within the rebel lines, and whether any legislation is necessary to correct such .practic - sili Minted.; I On . mation of Mi; Sanlehnry,-Of Del. , a bill for the reorganization of a Court of Claims was taken up. T 1 .niottoß,;wass,„rejectedi , and, after ekecutive session the Senate adjourned. JEFraniosflOiJauil4. i t B el i t i e t of St: ronis. introduced into the IL:Kie to -day, a series of joint resolutions ids- - mining theßresidsuVeemancdpatiasproc lamatton. The motion was referred to a committee - on - federal relations; an ex:cit ing debate ensued whigielfated Ain ad jcitirned.V ; Irransavous, - . tare in jqint. - cotlintion.,to:*; electid T. A'. Treadiicilcaldid David' Turple, 'II. S. Seaatortr, the latter foe abort term: MABSZTIV -SW PTELBGBAPH. - Ni ,Yong: - .1.4Tan.; 4 ton - firm: Bales of 2,500 bakcsat7l@7l%, Flour mare of 1,800 bermes ; 1 11 3066 , 59'for ESAtus'S7 20457 '35. for Oh and 10 @775 for Southern. , 41Thist-d* 90.009 50h1.7.41140E0L 39 , for :Ohio . BDrios 8140@t 46 forlUllihnitarCatib, 52c4 J 5 for Bed 'Westeitli•Vorirdull. brutal demfurd a reduction;,so.ooowaboksokt 'MM.-. Pork I firm: - ealterof 3.1100bkr4114 4 414 .50@lt 75. Lard firm at 1141% , 3EWhilk7 4 inli‘43e; stredStopke 57 ; gold wystO talgt*M.o - • Tannsj*.—Fknir limn - Wheat iliead,9 lied advambi:- CornlinatiKlein* e to tow e r: -Whist runes and selling at Vie. Coffee firm. Priovislosnigniet: pLARTATION BITTERS, Holland/nth= ' Oxygenated Bitters: Hoogand'e Bitterl llcetettefe Bitters ; • Aroef ChM' P.l 4 m i t Crordiai; Roger's Liverworth and Tar; Bpsaidittee 'Throat Oonfeolions. Liadseee Blood t3eareher; tr oi r e ws Celebtstedßat Folsom p or sa l e by /EKON JOENSTON. : 3anlB corner Smithfield wad Routh Waists; • • ••••, , ,, , ausizes • ' 2 lk - ttftit Arnie ILBUIt, W . t . pomp iniA 1011811, SoArranged it ie always clean as ready for use. SLOCONIIPS PATENT INKSTAND is ackaosiedged-to he the beet airtight ` ink ever offered to the pOblie. POCKETBOOKS POR POSTAGE OUARYNOY Ike pas bY w. 8. usivxar, oa2D CORNER WOOD a TO= OM HoLinem PREURNIti GREAT Gift Rook Store, NO. 118 WOOD STREET. We have tido hap received the burst and but •aaaoitznent of PROTOGRAPH ALBUMS, Wee offated for rale dti. We iwa them at effete whtoff' Defy Competltion. - • We Lqq~ aliOecielvei a Lorio suilP4 of JUVENILE AND OTHER BOOKS, hatable for presenti. A costly prom tla elven with ewoh 10011 t gold. death xxcorrsmiKELE3P3r.res FURNISHIIWG STORE. GOODS E ICITC. 'Ol3l THE %H EN. Brushes Baskets Jetty MOUidd Wash Basins ' Cup Mops Wire Sieves Coal Scat le Stove Polish Knife Waatters ka i s r t l harn s SaWash Boards uce Pins Bird Boasters Fry Pans EFarinagg Boilers Beaters Flour Pails Water Filtered Pie Plates Clothes Wtipringersoons Wooden Butter PrMts • Wash Tubs Soap Cups ' Tcast Farr; • Sad Duna Meat Presses Cake/loxes, We,. ko. NIMO itoomi Castors Call Bells Syrup Jugs Nut Picks Cake .Knivee Flao • Crumb KiliVo•3 Ice Cream Knives Salt Stands Nakin Rings Fruit Stands cake Baskets Butter Knives Forks and Spoons Soup Ladies • Oyster Gravy Ladles Sugar Spoons Chlidrm's Cups *Wa rd SPoons Round kOvalfialvers Toe Pitchers Bouquet Stands Goblets arriAnr. Ivory Handled Knives • Carrera Cocoa. do do Forks Stag do do Square Waiters Bnirlish Tea Trays Crumb Beaches Forra Spoon Trays Crumb Trays Dish Corers Chafing Dishes Hash Dishes Coffee Biggins Wine Strainers Coffee Cafetiers Spirit Coffee Pots Nut Crackers Table Mats Hound Waiters Broad Baskets I Cork Screws NVine Coolers Knife Sharpeners Refriersatins Water Coolers. ho. FOR VILE CHAMBER. Toilet Jars Water Carriers Foot Baths Chamber Buckets Infant's Baths Bowls and Pitchers Matra. Brushes ' Gas shades Shaving Jamas Nursery Shades Balms Match Holders do Lamle Flower Stands ari l Clothes Whiskes Nursers," Refrigerat do hampers Wax nears • Nista Lights. Ximintujusitous. Libras, Stem Door Mats :Vienna Flab Global I Veatas Bird Cages . Meat Safes Viszetts,_ Pocket Knives Card delliaite Frame! Flasks Camp Knives Camp Portfolios. And everything Pertaining to a well appointed Household. To be obtained at reasonable prices at **NEW STORM of KAY No. so FLIFTIESTENET. First doorbelow the Exchange Bank. All woods delivered free of charge in th • eiti.AlleithM. -21:344i tangliestac.: ta ng:Ks Tin Ware,Wooden Ware Cop Spice Rnnreg Tai Straw glitters Hair mimes Mince /Wive Silver Soap Chamois Aim Pkewrs Eiridir e ons Lemon Squeezers Stew Pans Wafle Irons )Ith Kettles Ham Boilers Graters Larding /feedlots Puddiu Pans Bread Tans Butter silks' t bon Millers \ RStepele Ladd r. ers eee ' ler. Scales Clothes Lines Cook's Halves Bread Bop3if • Scoops FOR THE Di SILVER HATIN6IION, 710. illSzoitsdield.thvEsomdto the Olistar; Hoagie COMM by Ithei.oosiaftre. 0 3b" MRS ' JPARE s van rinuosiers. 1 Wati.ll: tinfithl IL F. Raid - , Thos. D. Mender • . A. &iv anal f Francis Bailors Josh's ,. Rhodes John F. Jennings. _ JacoL Btuokratll . Thomas Lloyd - Alex. Bradley • ( Henry Aided Black 111711TILID, &doh Kinn 4111bkodi 9 A I I Bal ly:Awe iti3=. . Rickets= Ewa li I m ltiman Jae WHazter— --- AltaKinler ' •C H Wolf Drm i elf' :. Hl= i Xrit Pkeloi ' ' 0 Herron agounzy AND nimmuum. D. E. IttolaNLEY. . _ Open. from 9,A. /L. to Skr. it. Also, Tem /anddai n.rday ma kiM m i a to IF o'olook. epodta tyttt of 0 and upwards, videndafteiaredu and Jane of :Di ajtmla allowed to rent* are pleoed to the credit:or mai depositor aakloipal, and bear in- Idllinaeorapenndine tankbig Ohartar.79y-Lawa, ate.. Mu d at the alles. - mir This Inetitathat othrit!apetdally to thaw wawa Vrninparemau„ the toppertatat, 1 to SOO= by small deltoid* s, aaved a nun 1,1114 be_aresoine-lrhett needed, th* money not only sat bnt neaMaintarest, In es d, of raxasinine unproductive. , -' myl2 Mtl67 . cum. _ • - , , „ • Vi r .:I3ODEMIA2MII,„ D • • .of Y Now ork. hayl2B arrived in Pittsburgh. wilt ad n.nal. avote, hie -ezetneive attention to the Medical lad thrrsideltreatinent of DISEASEN • eepeoially_ those of the Lower Bowig,raahei PUN. canatipation. Pistol. . Flamm Falling - of the Bortel, litigators of the Bowel. Ulceration, of , thwllowed. - Aa Also the 'rations Chronic Die woe of th Ireaft l / 2 the ilidnitvv. the Bladder. eta I „ins II at, the BIOSONGAIIELA 110 VSE, where Ulna be menial win:Kett from 9 o'clock a. m. to 8 o'clock D. ID, 4* iHs visit pa, Unita in any part Otiosely fileatred. dell Ain/ STREET RESIDENCE FOR SALLI3—A large thre e dwelling con taining twelve rooms, weer, gas fi xtures. Se.; Livery desirable on account of location, being convenient to Postoillte„market, de, Forprioe and tern apply to /3 1.11/THEICRT & SONS, 61 Market street VOLTN , E all V s L i k Y f ov E n yifi n N nes tlft:Wood. street. „ ._ . . TWO nlilr , , - - - ' ... , STAND ! i : . 21:1110116 :1 • 00? •. . ' • 11 / 1 4 . . IV ba rg l i n•le z ,„ WO Oarrlat• . , 0 ague Boa. ; -43hoekvtl x ". 1 0 - 4 .< mit*. 2nffaiytt „ REGA.BD itr • s tunt, /14 .la!trt , iMi . itlttikti • -:: - ;1!ORT:titIitifiii • Franklin; Bennett. Brownvillei Gallatin, Clarke, -du ..te ; Minerva. Gordon.' Wheeling. 4 .DEPARTILIA, • Franklin, Bennett, Brownaville, Gallatin. Clarke. do ••• ' Armada. John tan, Key West. N0..4, Bram; Oneulliati. tern. river—Last- evening a at twi light duke were 6 feet 0 inebei water. 41.1idlat Stand. Void - the amountof rain that felt during the day another rise may be axpeete.l. Mitir The Wheeling pibkeffor today is Abe steamer Bfinena, Oaptaia John Gordon, th. 'Mann and ablepe.ra will bear ia-alnd that the' bonrof departure - 1g 11 m. positively. lift. The splendid passenger steamer New York, Liatnere, annouccied to bare. this day for Cincinnati and Lonisvilict. a'hls boat' has tbo best of accommodations. and careful and experienood,officers. Our friend - Capt in the offtce• _,;Fos.vete.° and - fit 13.Tp , 110.4. JApipARY 17-4 P hl _ sigaii.IENESIF AND NPLEN r ettaiberrlLlPSE;Geo; D. 3foo-O. eemniender_*al - leave'as announced Cabo - d. irorfmlaktor,Dassae.appfi t on board or 0 . to, ..; - - - • - J7.-11.40E 44 , u Unit et-T. B. - LIVILIWYROS Jr CO. rirp.LOIIIIII7IIIIO. efdro and P bs TII Shaw Aso IP ISPLYNDLD Paalicalpr i Packet, )01E1U/6 A; 0. MoCalicim commander . wflt leao • above poxtthisdag,7For fre;alic or_passave ap roti9 boar — d ortb JOHN FGACE •or. ,„ P. :4.l.VgiosT'X'fl" For lioulliville, Cairo, LOUI9 _ WEDNESDAY, JAN .1-40 Ai M. THENFAV AND FlfiE PAS eensee,atesmorroNE.YADA. D., Z od 'ben e 0 opupliSee. Jeave;=ao annoane, . . • For &elsht or ptiesawk sigdy onboird or to .f jsnLs- J; - 3 LNGSIDN dc CO • iro - r.cliiiehinistia - initik e. ~. , . THIS DAY.. JAN: 15-4 p: ra,l , _ , ....1 , - -.. TIMNE*. - AND iilMiElli4 , DID ' Pagsenger Steamer or B o , _ tom 11 . Lightner.. cemmander, will leave for the abov'e aid intermediate points this dayht 4E M. For freight oraaze stmt.-on board. _. Janl4 -F... J: . .. Lj' n r c iA, o ti .1. , 00... , or JOHN FLACK. ISGS NEW ARRANGEMENT IS6*. Wheelfni and Pittialnirn Daliy Ex press Line NEW AND SPCENDID - - edde=wheal packet" A.KMAPA: ( IsomWahnson, _commander, leaves Pitts bargrifor W ,_ _ J heellic eve y Mondry. Wednesa BY - and ..Yrid.Wit Ito'sgeek a. in. Daum:WV. Leaver . ; Whftftg for Eittabargh every -Tuesday, `Thure day Inddatm . day at 8 a. m. Tilt• PletE PASSENGER , go, mar 3IINILEVA.John Gordon nehmen er, iiavekPittsbungi for Wheellmeirier, inessiarillturaday and 8 iturday 'at 11 a, pnuttrialtr.;loartc ;Wheeling every hfoitdey. 19s4nakIneetand Frid,r&23 e S " a: m. . ,16.1WrIos4ove steamers - mak es close connie tlone.,;l4-.Wbselint with4bae . stidevlieel steamers for Marietta. Parkersinnwand Cincinnati Jd'orffrlesihr or passe_ ce apply on board or to TAKES- cOnLINB 1118 Agnnts,-,NM:ll4..WriterstreeCz `For NtawfattaiudEsis . . Paekeit, lesveSPlttwouwwliCetrwry Eiratsiektay 4I m Zatielivllle every Tisettany-S TILE FINE PASSENGE R steamorll ZZIE MARTIN, D. T. Brown, commander, will leave as noted above.:roe restiitht orpsaLstre arm!, on board or to n 026 J. B. LIA IN GSTON A CO. 'or Marlette and, Mincer Hip. Regular 3lnek rlier.:,Ptteket, leaves Pittsburgh eery Tuesday; 4 p. zok., Zanesville every Friday !ya: lit; THE NEWMSFERPEMBID Passenger staantei-BDIMA GRA= 1V73; 15 t Ayers commander , will-leave as noted . above. For freight or_p_assage apply on board or to J, B. LIVMOSTOI.I & CO.. noz6 Wheeling. Gollineilis dv Parkersiburg. ' Regular Weekly Enehei. THE rAirr RII 11IA lEd PAS. leave steamer Remo. Jae Walton. commander, will leave 1121 illlllollnOtid IP9v(nuld intermediate pointraig day at 4.p. m.; For For freight or passage apply- on board 'or to Jan 9 W. B. WHBEGBR.Iiet. JOHN' FLAta. STEAMBOAT AGENCY. WM. Haresened au office at " NO 80 WATER STREET, Whore he will ustuumss a 'General Steamboat Ash isudnese, and would solicit s sharo.‘of Pug rouses from steamboat mem 5024-134, ICLOILINO 01JT OF n'• WINTER GOODS: EATON,ILIOROII & 00i Are &Wrong - a their entire etiSititA • - - WI TER, GPI:IPD f*, Preeloos toinsking their .4_,Y nu the first day offiebrusmnazt:' wheleesalp-as well as E f ecall Buyers will hive' eadvantages cif- the • REDV.CTION. ifiDE IN PRICES. • i y PATON; iilli ( ittrat c 0.," At ' to: 37 Fifth streeti'll 1 /t . era Wanted.' Itiroralii It :iliaear - test iiififEli; DANT/MLA - ILLINOIS-no strike-A t feelYnkr4toOpetionprallnittß -I SY " my-- miner! apanimiat: n Pala6 [2o tgi TRBOVEEkt Take _tiiDirniP Railroad to 4 - c-Ingie. initV at Yon Wamtekellitaknah Railroad to Danville. Fare anensAaw. Wi-KIRILLAND, 1106 .z.-Boa r i en t. WEllatigirt.MlLSO l S Sewing 1/Jl - aehines,' NO. BB ~O L IVEritm wmfiLi= MAOIIINII3 h rli edlß.ave Jot wou beeit- award the Liatestprismi atnati ra FA Itondita=all the thia Over lol 4 o oo o- haiie - alifinnik an ifiati*E, inniversal Satisfaction. This maehigenlakes thelook stitch to mime with`tie essential advantage of 'being alike= both sides. forming no else or chain, It will oat. gtitch, hem, foil, gather, bind, cord, tuck and bald.' Tbeilogance. need and . shaplicity of this Ma.. chine, the beauty , -and strength of stitch. , and lubllAtildhtr to: the thickest or thinest Jekbrier render it the tXII3BI I ITr. and POPO. flowing ea now offered to the pub- fell.llFromited for Three Yearo.-ifo Cell aid az amlnethem. at NO. 27 'FIFTH irtittirr. WM. SUMNER. & cO , . - Westent . Totter® • 101011, EIOHT. HORSE -11! pOwerijimentiiii. Engine and Boller, two Beeelveis..one st il t-Also, one large end o .,.. llo o stooll,boilerssal ether fixtures belonelot to Elolto Run. Also the lot of wroond a miry e piece of property for MantlfaCtal bkg purposes. ell of the above will be sold at bantam to close out. APPLY to. 'I3MOM= k_BLVAKLEY,i • fin&2wd No: street, WALL PAPS .s AT • OLD PRICE .V. 1244,2.474!.; Arlezeivers sets.P,z4o Ivies is,./ Mawla, ',A l tair sole? b k • .5i I F ZUZIN...._ 1 N i taiikli ( DiAlfAciEr.... V et, .ikiltliellri .--1- .4, ~....,4 1 Whi --.- ''--,--. !Aloft& Oa sty 95 east% col siletre. ' 1 24332 * al•Uarl.* ; siatz. - •: ' ' ' (iitit 'llight cell t . .- 'AII ilia crialual armee' leiauf 74 sad tableaux. - t NV LE l ' !) WO N.A11131. eli , 'l 0 1.0 M e••)•••• a••.• . •• .....; L... .• Sf r• em n i e '''4, st..ciatr 1 • , ' ... • I, Mr.CluiDgat Tope _. .... ...4,...„ , ..-....:: - 1 Ifts.ilyten ,-;.: Etai = ......................„. Xoting ( itoneAleitit..........—Le. Petite Ella .-- j Eva- .... ..........1 _ ' '',. t..e.....2diaLlesizO r 1 Cittei d '''' 4:.:, ................................. Q5,....i IVIASONIC,L,' - ',_IIALL comp„,„oig,sialCLlS erazdfigiailaer; /ark lei 4. - 4. - ' ft thhrninierot/Y. • • • - 'till:N:0 1 / 7 1N &'R IisbERIS :P . Clint &wit lliblo'sl 4- Ohel'ertf.'ef ihe adt :war: sr knowleaged - to'tie the lamest al -o , OBC V.44144r cent Paintfitel*er'ol4l4"gfi- ••• b1 " 11:--- ' - ,gizzio*ti ' 4 f ~...- ' 1 City atitllir - bor 8 Tort Stimpterbehretholo ntea% 8 Ilvaenation'oflafa MOia4/11 '' • - 4 Think of the flratitatir..':i.„' , -• ~ 5 The ,17fboost ardinerd - or ti t i - l : 16e'Rict in TaLintorif -•-. .-...-4.l4lreiffahVatrfrAw mar& Broadway -, f - .8 ti: oS ateport 199.9 v.: aide- • - - 9 General yleFr • ' Weithington. , Georg4nsre and Arlington- ehthpe, - -71 -- 3(hirryilinijk;stp jrl3lldeft —ll lindiorons seen '—a =along rafts: 4 2 retaili;lelk Slonittelas l'. jrc l uven __.l A m* I g, ~ . 1 --.1 fi "II Cahap . agonir. 15 Battlesd /NG Rim- 18 tituirartiltheregth hesk Itectispri It Itemiat,at Blv dr -.1 , i 1 ',..utOrandltatit:of thouertropt I* l'rOPPilitvd#4 . bit ih1.91310 riven • '2ol)eatn.Or Geoerill4in; _ 21 Doran:l,o,ofllupotateeto 381. - - - Patient z W ring4-_-i - z;1.::: - ,,,c 23 Negr-cs in the hotelier liska 2" Bhath- • P./ The iNtrosultk.spedittoer4f4 - _ -t'2s thhteste ofTerri -- odatdVar .1 41', It AlamtBtadaleaf Ptiehred Pit"-Pfl ' 27 ' Ea tt! o44ls= TAUleduidass......„ --- - 23"TearcHir4 lir toe ea on erohmdet I, z$ B*batidgelet 4144 . ad p k w, N . .30 meeleiraviesue. On Vtiokahamia l 31 Stone mayo v_a_lty Ougen -'• " -'• • ' l 32 l Eviieuition 'wane - ttduat - • Rah 4103.11.tottupat.., 4 -zsilingttiii'of Bon - friciairtadst; eism.o 4 ... 3,5,8itt1e of - Anti_. , 1.• - , ~ :"-I-6-80.puiseat rrederielemenc 37, The Frosatned Ml6*, ' 31 Grantdractung d iorama of Getereat remit dtattletia 'Ham tli "floadebefir the Tina lie clad monsiez, Ire °triton "- , Johitso,,li Gnu° ,ntike Pella* phi& Gasette trultiiimaskiteat fds , inicrelfieent Polymorama wet the arlist's tri o ph ant afforded : a hiltoricill . sett- ol whiclilrouldlle... efit the entlrecommtakill. This is the same oolle3al index a - the war that at o iblo's Seloety., lirs:,2 ark. crest,. d Co mnOh sensation," a d enpsNisel the attention of the PFell! l ° * 4l :Wee keretaore-aurtatialleled. LIZZIE SO/WEBBY -a/11 aninat-14suseh tertainumat end discern. patriotic kid spa eatateontir,,L^ShikilteSso'SPA 'xisacotitralto col ' an i-ia Fair a manta 0112 Ofllong.nfila - C4 i 'l - 1 - ' , 4 -`: e 7 - MR: It ES oromatßY T ian will deign. ati exp atory Leave... , __ Adaiiidod-nriedfx Miler& lllhkite: Doan orien - at ' , f oommenee at, 73 , i o'clock., Gas/Wm may be ordered at 9)§o clout. • *sr Matinees Weortesday, and. Satardity affer moons al Ito'elockl 4A• till -= _..,.;vi sa :