14% _ ' The 'Union as it was 1 - ' WholOonsinocrlattk z rs • age or milers ,I,l' P#SOAT - VORNING J. 16 .Ottz-ALE a nd* 6/ O U. a. SENA -01 - 2". j , ' ' !PPR 4 _ • - ~,,.-!:stlipltqltitabargh ilaiiile is a curiosity in •gA',"--' , 4t - miltits afternoon issue of Tuesday ..l, -''''''' I its readers with the following ~.., 1 :, - •.. , ,...--,-,•1 • 4 ' ming paragraph: ,', 'The Sympathisers with th e rebellion t o *2 • m; determined to : break. up the Union - 7 liY, a reacktto the same violent and revo = latsottarY measures whichforced secession I:IPA:ill - Majority of the now rebel States. A tide moment our own State capitol is . oVerrun with thousands of armed deapera -dS 8, ass mulled to compel every Dem- O atio breather of the Legislature to do di ' :bidding in the matter of the election . of limited States Senator. D I 1:' hese !" thousand ' s of armed despera do a," ifithey were 'really present at Hat - P is I. '•b , seem to have conducted themselves '' markedpropriety, • _duringthe ~.... wi -. • ''" fo r U, S. Senator. Had any excess va l '-'''committed th ,should . , .co 11'" ,i;,),. - ivithle, .the usual embellish *, Oh - ,Ilellegraphed all over the eiittatry,4l. There were some Demo --c4fit in Harrisburg on Tuesday to look to dui election of a Utited States Senator; the were,not armed desperadoes or sym -0 ''seralwith_treason, but that stubborn an determined .. class, , which, thirty-fiye yea ago,lrevented our State government liiiiii being: it:wiped by Ritner arid Thad- . deli Stevens.,Stevens .., _7.tioy, - after being coa -1 -.A - dataed - by `the - peoPle, resolved to hold oil 4 'Pow4 and:treat the election of Gov. Pori rasif it had never taken place; the indY itable Democracy, under their corm ,. stgeO leader, were not to be-trified with in i,; J , - vv.ay, ! ,and before their ind.igeation Aren b' hid =its head. Some of the same . oli ~ cter were in Harrisburg on Tuesday last: s ee• ,th at Cameron, with the profits t o ot i ' horse contracts, did not corrupt . , soot poem . fellow whose poverty might It 41i initty,ect hire to temptation, They accom ' j', l 44eltheir.missionby securing the elec -1.104 t ii:Democrat: . ..over Cameron, and __,.., ,eft , , , : Jir . iteldeverocnt„they quietly and ..,,,.: ino returned to theirrespective homes. ' class ~. p_ ,4 1, there was another of persons 4 . .L there laboring for the election of 7-,' , .‘ .C am p! ' `,...i 4 , n,ofe_very different character from i •;,..;' l * . th desiteradoes:" Alexander , Cum .....miti'" the aritooth tongued representative of ii4l at is hypocritical , hOth in religion zi ty ridlij oliticriz-he' whom Cameron, white Seoz4 of War, entrusted two millions •,. of dollars to 'without security; he was therqtlie•centre.of a of scoundrels' the most 6i..ru .pt in Pennsylvania. Thiel clasi4herpies are'not "desperadoes," in - ' the 4! l if.iitti'i• seise ; nothing of the kind. . . Thai'. leis Siy, ineinuating gentlemen of the l:ipah Beep stripe. Mild and soft apcdrl theY'fawn where they expect gain _. .., to folloit, , and look; upon the _profes- P.m.......---- - . . ' ',I I P I A at lis thel • • .us l o ow .they" monopo e i pr.n cipalhijcontracts for the government, and di : litre any one a traitor who merely - talkil4 'peace.,:. Their "ha'ire, in the last fifteen' pars, ...belonged to every political organiffation;iti tlie'Obuntry, and are al ways tonna whereplanderia-to be secured. Tliia'aifieiiiisi Nrhsi. ''Championed Cam .: eron *come ionnesday last, bat all - their k u yr ~ ot ‘ ... „corrupti on and blandish ment, di not cause one single Democrat to --- swerve tomthe path of duty. Cameron had noitrouble in baying all the Repnbli„ •'''''''” - Mins, 14,e one; but no Democrat was in the :y et - . Iti.i. 4 , ..-..i- Butlimat reliance can be placed in the _ .... statements of a journal which, like the fiasettc;:iantiot ~bebe Cont . :akin:it for half ,a doze1:1;0 hOurs at a• time: On Tuesday = ti , Venhilit pnblished the Paragraph above ::::,...w', if .oPatitlinliergitigitreason against 44 ~ ,4 1119 .„., of the-representative in , our Degialti e, lint, alter . the, treasott is ;coa ttail:kin-14a, it speaks of it as follows: . ! ' 1, Mr. 4,l„tikalew has been for a numberof i i './I.** tnlet.f the.. pion Treuaimint men of, me party,i, ana is a man of respeetabl e 1 .:chexactee*nd fairtalents; and we fervent-, ly hope pit he will'provetrae to the Gov: eminent Mid to the State in the important trtuitte iVkichlie has neer: tidied. We are the tin#Oncliiiid to koke this from the 19 ifaiti..mni„Ctie:. 1.. I. Maghear_whom we -- . allftnialitti=be a . I .!fcopperheadl' of the llir:' Mali g nant' ripe an& who expected 04 4 , • , -,.•.,:; tit. ; dr= kirk biitll ittiporters on the ritt 0 . X . ,340r0m which we may -infer _tlia;t4e#Amit "very*umy men 9f that 41iiii*.. cogetwatare„mlui favor his ._,Areacions ' wawa .= -' Weshall, for the pres -' ent,*l - ' ;19016;11itilir. Beckalew will i crtte.,:tik4lfe - ,eduielorthe - Union, and: - Ebel! deePlY regret any act of histhat shall compel us ; o ctitMge our opinion. • •-•'• -: - e • fler IveisVla . I fed.:. t , - tomplete retraction of the Q. I,r oo - - 1. 1 prSvinaselander o n the Democratic members O P ", o nri-Angi Legislature and their par. tv, whi4,lliihipialiasflittlilY4.nzireliable that.ptveM.ir, even in its most impOrtint ...•._ atatementsi.h • ' We' woid 'advise:AlM t , azufte not to "hoPe" - Emir - froni Mr. „Backalew; if ,_ , ~. if, --Senator (.4i)Van-can-liot satisfy its ease -t, tiorts, it haSibat little to hope for from the t::-able, ' . 4, onatittitional Democrat, our newly elect ,t A IT. S: Senator. A. Vioti of • Bope-Walkirtg. At Nava tl , on the 9th instant, 'Parini, '-.. Ilihe rope-w er, was carrying his wife ,-;':acrossa calt,i , suspended sizty feet high in the Plaza heatre. They had complet ed the pans ,within four feet, when the audience 4 tided, and the woman . Rd jti,,,tielnitii i idgement. In doing so she 1 1 laitAtix ba • and : called tpher husband .1 7ftioafehherl i :: 'sha,"Wsi falling. This he • I ''• 'attemPted tt,,, o, iiiiiixMght by the skirt of her dreeal t the trail fabric was not , .1.....,,,1ent,.,.. ligth tolold- her with the ' 44ll im i t u etua giiir i e i lit:o,, her de_scen . t by the 414 and the ciressgave way teaving the piece iatlie unfort4hate man's hand as he hung , suspended trlin the rope, 'sustaining him self by thejO4t of the , knee by means of which - 405 0 ,C h.m.e., 'anu she went crashingdoi* into . the seats. She was 'taken up,' " seless,fr but atirvireo 'three days. The ite, Ithet)t ladies in Havana at ...leaded herbe# side;over ten thousand dol f4'. - has bee ; ' su bscribed aubsiribid , for =an - infant Igillaisiiii lePitil f :- 1 r 2 • ' ' ... 'o.'"•-• ! i oST a i rrottdit i reidrPEACll. Oa the 4th ° of March, 1861, Abraham . Lincoln took the oath of office as Presi dent of the Dallied- Stalialfr:and delivered the castornarilmuguAi address, which ,corty44 the fOlowingdisentence ‘l,SiippOte 94 11, 1- go kt;`)' war [with the ;Sotifli] /pas; C4nnot *ht always, and when a orthoth sides and no 'gainorfeither, you ituiefighling, the old identical questions as to terms of inter course will bp again upon you." There is more wisdom in this passage, we venture to assert, than ever was con tained theisanse number-of words from Mr. Lincoln 's pen., Re . plainly declared that, 'however long we might wage war, the ditipute impending when he spoke could not he Settled by the sword. Mr. Lincoln was evidently prepared for a con junction like the present condition of the war when he wrote his Inaugural Ad dress. How so little has been won, how so much has been lost, need not be dis cussed; it is with the stubborn and sorrow ful result that we-have to deal. "We can• not fight always," said Mr. Lincoln, and now, after two years of bitter trials, the' people say "Amen !" But if we are not to "fight always," how, long ought we to fight, and who is to be the judge of the time when we are to quit, or at least prepare to quit? Is Mr. Lrycoui the proper person to call the time, or shall we leave it to his Debi net, or to the fanatical body that disgraces the name of Congress,. or to Mr. Stanton?, We respectfully submit that no one of the personS or poWers Mentioged are fit to declare when the fighting shall cease.— And if all or.none of them be competent or willing to say we have fought long enough, does it not become the duty of ras PEOPLE to; take up the matter, and to pronounce that—enough blood has been shed, enough''money has been squan dered, enough sppuclation, plunder, and rascality have been enacted, and we must at least endeavor to put a period to oar fast increasing. National calamities. We do not propose to undertake the bitter task of reciting our mistakes, our misfortunes, aad our defeats. The ques- tion before us; is whether Mr. Lincoln's idea that we could not end the dispute by fighting is coriect. And, if yea, when ought blows -to cease? These are the matters to be dis Cussed, and we are not to be deterred from dealing with them by any slang depreciations of the "Peace Democ- racy," uttered by contractors, or jobbers, or paymasters, or military, leeches, or any other sort of vermin or vampyre now tor turing or eating but the vitals of the body politic. The people have a right to pass -upon.-any question that concerns them and their Stategovernments, thank God ! have never surrendered their right lawfully to endeavor to direct or control the cabal at Washington in matters of great or small importance to the citizens of the loyal States. Bat if, in the words of Mr. Lincoln, we have fought with "much loss on both sides, and no gain on either," and if we "cease fighting" how are we to settle the • old identical questions as torertns of in tercourse ?" Here, again, Mr. Lincoln's forecaat relieves us. He thought the mat ter over deeply and conscientiously—neith er be nor Mr. Seward looked upon the war ' as anything brit an experiment—they did not seriously think that "subjugation" We quote from Mr. Lincoln's inaugural, once more : "T venture to add that to me the convention would seem preferable, in asmuch as it allows the amendments to originate with the people themselves." About the period. of the delivery of these words, Mr. Seward, too, expressed him self in favor of a Convention. Can we have better authority, then, for -urging the calling of a Convention of all the States to sett le the terms of future intercourse be tween the thirty-four States that did and should compose tlds Union "You cannot fight always," said Mr. Lincoln, and when you "cease fighting," you had better settle the quarrel by a "convention," so that the (to the constitution, We suppose,) may origi• nate with the people themselves." • And, in the name of Heaven and hu manity, is it not .time to act on Mr. Lin coin's prophecy and suggestion ? 250;000 Of our people have been sacri •ficed in a hopeless. experiment, for the , President plainly intimated that you can not "settle ..this matter by fighting, and "yon cannot fight always." Is it not time to, pause? Eight hundred millions of dollars have been spent, some of it shamefull3 spent, in a cause pronounced hopeless:in advance by the man who was, to direct it, binding upon as and our children forever and ever a crushing , burden of , debt and taxes =and "shall we figilt.,ilways ?", Is the time to try Aess bloody, and as the Presi dent believes, the only effectual means to staunch the_qaarrel, yet arrived ? Our. country is on the brink of ruin— trade, manufactures, and all other pur. .suits are-disturbed or destroye&—all val ues are uncertain or undermined—and there is nothirg before:us - but gloom- and growing despair ."' - Who, then, shall say, .... in defiance of •the President's wise warn ing, that we "shall fight always?" Who - shall say that this day l and tlie hour has not yet come to attempt tho retrieval of bur afflicted country ? - PROM -THE ARMY. Gen. George G. Meade, on leaving the P. R. C., to take comMand of the Fifth Army Corps, deliveredlthe following ad dress.to his old associates: HEADQUARTERS 8D DIVISION /ST A. C., Decemher 25th, 1862. GENERAL ORDER NO. 101, In announcing the above order, which separates the Commanding General from the division, he takes °erasion to express to the officers and men, that, notwithstand jag his just pride at being promoted to a higher command, he experiences a deep feeling of regret at parting from them, with whom he has been so long associated and to whose services he here acknowl edges hie indebtedness for whatever of reputation he may have acquired. The Commanding General will never cease to remember that he belonged to the Reserve Corps, he will watch with eager ness foi the deeds of fame, which hefeels sure they will enact tinder the command of his successors_ and though sadly reduc ed in-nuniluirsfiti the casualties of battle, yet he ItnOirs:tieltesems will always be ready and )4'i:tip& to uphold the honor and glory of then 'State. Foi ilia iost. MAJ. GER. BEWAIL/3'i BUTLER. "Be scrutinised' in duide directions for the Chris tian Eabbith."—Paorzaas. No man can tellidi Butler's kialichtent,',s,7V - , The purposes on which his thoughts are bOkt ; And this fooled Mr; Lillian. t For Ben's regard was of love to'thint.k. ;, , While Liu oln thouglehollfealtit eo 11 , W LIZ gem, 0 And turned hist out 91kkgri4kiie." Returning from his sanitary trip - Batter, with eye oblique and treaohoone Slakes Abritn adulation; He swallows Sambo in a aingle lamp, To :Sumner's side hejtakeen And. 'ecapei inveatigation [Special Correspondence of the Poet. FROM HARRISBURG. HOLFEE OF REPREBiNTAT/TES, January 13th, 1863. The House was called to order by Speak er Cessna at 11 o'clock, a. m., when the venerable Dr. Dewitt, of Harrisburg, made an eloquent, feeling and appropriate prayer. The speaker then ordereita call of the roll of members, to ascertain if there was a quorum present. Fifty—fann gentlemen answered to their names, when the clerk proceeded to read the journal of _yesterday. The Republican members were absent. Mr. Hopkins, of Washington county, made a motion to the effect that the House taken recess for the reason that so 'many members were absent, but afterwaranwith drew it. Some little disturbance arose _ jat -the • door, but was soon quelled.' On motion Messrs. McCalliiiiih ofAitn strong, and , Rhodes of Cumberland, were appointed a. committee to invite the Speak er and members of the Senate to partici pate in the election of United States Sem: ator in the hall of the House to day at 12 o'clock, in. News now came in from the other end, of the Capitol that the Republicans had nominated Wilmot, and the absent mem bers of the House soon appeared in their seats. The news of Wilmot's nomination turned out a hoax, as Simon was tbe man. At a quarter to 12 o'clock, on motion of Mr. Kane, of Fayette county, - seccindedby Mr. Beck, of Lycoming, there - was a call of the House, when it appeared that every member was present. At five minutes to twelve, the Committee of the House, with the Speaker and members of the Senate, were announced, when the Convention to elect a United States Senator was organ ized, with speaker Lawrence, of the Senate, as chairman. After some farther mani festations of rowdyism at the door, order was again restored, when Senator Lent berton of,Clarion, offered a resolution to I the effect that the rules of the House, so I far as applicable, be adopted for. the gov ernment of the Convention. The clerk then called the roll of Senators, when the following voted for Simon Cahieron:— Messrs. Boaghter, Bound, Connell, Pal ler, Graham. Hamilton, Heistand, John son, Lowry, McCandless, Nicholls, Pen ney, Ridgway, Robinson, Serra!, H u t s . man, Turret!, White, Wilson and Law rece, Speaker. The following Senators voted for Charles R. Buckalew : Messrs. Bucher, Clymer. Donovan, Glatz, Kinsey, Lamberton, McSherry, Mott, Reilly, Smith, Stall, Stein and Wallace. The roll of members of the House being call ed, the following members voted for Charles R. Backalew : Messrs. Alexander, Barger, Bar ron, Beck, Boileau, Boyer, Brown, (Northumberland,) Camp, Craig, Del lone, Earley, Ellis, Glenn, Graber, Gra ham Hess, Hopkins, (Philadelphia,) (Washington,) Hoover, Horton, Jackson, Jacoby, Josephs, Keine, Kerns, (Schulkill,) Kline , Labor, Ludlow, Mc- Cullough, Mchbuitts, Magee, Myers, Nei. ; Nelson, No es Patton, i3ershing, son, Trimmer, l' akefie • M. , " eiu ner, Wimley, Wolf, Young, Cessna, Speaker. And the following for Simon Cameron : Messrs. Beebe, Benedict, Bowman, (Lancaster,) Bowman, 4Tioga,) Brown, (Mercer,) Brown, ( Warren, ) Champ neys, Cochran, Coleman. Foster, Fox, Freeland, Gilfillan, Grant,: G ross,; Harvey, Henry, Huston, Hutchman, Johnson, Kerns, (Philadelphia,) Lee, Lehman, Lilly, Malley, McClellan, Me- Coy, McMurtie_, Maeyer, MOore, Mussel man, Olmstead, Pancoast, Ritter Shan non, Slack, Smith, (Cheater,) . (Philadelphia ' ) Strouse, Sutphin, Twitch ell, Vincent, Warner, White, Windle. Mr. Laporte voted for W. D. Kelly. Mr. Laporte, of Bradford, being an im mense admirer of Wilmot, and having signed the protest against Cameron seve• ral years ago, he preserved his consisten cy by voting for Wm. D. Kelly. of Phila delphia. When the name of Albert R. Schofield, of the 14th district, Philadel- phia, was called, he remarked that as he would rather do his duty to the-Democrat= ic party and the country than reCeiva a hun dred thousand dollars, he would vote for Charles R. Buckalaw. This announcement was made in ii - clear, firm voice and was enthusiastically re ceived. The Chairman of the Convention, when order was restored, announced that Char les R. Buckalaw, had received 67 votes; Simon Cameron had received 65 votes, William D. Kelley 1 vote Mr. Burka law was then declared duly elected=a Sen ator in the Congress of the United States, for sia years from the 4th of March next. Alderman M'Mnllen, of Philadelphia, threw up his hat, while his followers from the 4th ward;got outside and yelled some. The Shiftier hose boys and the abolition ists looked down in the mouth, and so en-: ded this big day on the lull. • Yours; as' ever. Cussarildo THE FEEIIING IN THE ARMY ? The following extract from a Privatet letter from a soldier in the l AiiiiY of the‘ Potomac to hii cousin, is any pi i ng. but cheering: CAMP NEAR•FREDERICISBMIG, VA.,} January 4th, 1863' '- ** * * What do you — think of ] Burnside? Let me have your opinion.--; Mine is all fixed; he has caused one ofl the most disgraceful alaughteieltliatihtut ever been met with in this - nrigy,l and . w e , areunder marching orders at this time,• to cross the same river,. again, as .We all' think. I may be mistaken, andli9o so-;, but I can tell you one thing, if: they pre• l l tend to do so, one-half, if not two-thirds. I of this army, will throw down their arms and refuse to go, as it is only going to' meet certain death. As for your'humble cousin, he will never go except ett- . the point of the bayonet. I. and: Ill, came out here to fight for the Constitution and' 1 1 the laws, not for a set of speculators and Riggers. Every man who fires ,a Quip it' a Southern mkt' hereafter, ( if ' Lingeln's , Emancipation act be carried out,) frees's; negro and only takes the bread out of the mouths of his children and robs himself,: because the North wilt (I mean theitbei.-. lition faction) give employment far sooner to a Nigger than they will to a white matt. Now the way this thing is at pres ent, has been going on for a longtime, and I hope to God . the time will 80011 come iwhen this rebellion will be at an end. GOOD CAD CIARPENT-3 INEZ- V tars wanted i EßS toziataly, by OIIRTGa C. STWEILETZ, Shan gP Virgin AllrY. i115,Y10424 And eh - streets. Ryan's b-talings AeoSoeXtY Brufitoby- El SE ' N.. Firt Edition. N4`c DIAPOS eATEIIiT F I Tile Rob" _Destroy a-Steamboat. - - -;” - I4%rgign e a 1:40 .1 dui t'Alikimer &a - . in,.,eD4 . . rARTmes„.A.R.*y 4 3 0 , romic, i 4 r .'.',-- .'''' -. Jammu , is. The Bich)cuid Wljig an' " a .Eitiminer, of this date; re c eived4i. I !RTEB43/146, Jan.. it—Gen. Pryor en- Countered:ridges ihorinted rifiemen;llve milee:rri - ria . ,v4ilydit,' - iiith tw4 companies of eiialr.lo 11 44tOtttedithemi iiiiiieting -con siderablelos. . 4 en. , Pryor - rema ined-hr litie ofbattl4ttritil';Bunday ' morning, but the etteitirsidld'not, leave' , their st4mg holds. i . were Learning hat 8,500 Yankeee-re' id Zerttsville, lryer , pushed across to inter cep,t diem: '',l l hei - .fled on our approach, escaping, ugh„qates county. ' i'ciseiners that Cordoran is at Suf.. .folk.! : ' ~ 1., The -Edwin* :still contends that the tlul ay battles; ofMtrfreesbriro are victories_ f or the South, tad - sayErthis -victory is 'by/ der the mest'cadplete_evec•won by - aknriv'in .the.Boutliweit.... Me do - - net •regatt the -ailing tiackg - Braxgas-Aetractitit in the least frodutlettfory,of our arms or the impertance tf...,one victory: • All ' , boastful dispatches tlittatosecrans writeecan never recapture tin prisoners, arms and artillery carriad off :iy: Bragg, nor rebuild the wagond,bnitekby htargan and .Wheeley, The Whigsays that Murfreesboro pris oners are toile matte Richmond,the Yan kee Governdenthavingrefusedo receive them unless their officers are idsoperoled. The latter, top hundred in _number, will be held in cosfinement until Butler shall have been ddivered ...np - :_for punishment, and the mettretained until the abolition. magnates cement to take them on our own ' terms. , :. ~ • . • i - . Curia, Jas. 18. Passengers from Meta phis report 4at.Porter's squadron. had ar• rived at the nouth of White river. Part of them had commenced to ascend the river, accom,anied by alieavy land force,. under General .hleCiernand. General Grant and staff arrived at Mem phis. Holly Springs is reported to be almost entirely evitgriated. The railroad has been torn up, and tha rails . brought to Memphis. Nesava.Li;.Tan. 13.;—The 'rebels have destroyed the au:tuner Charter, sixteen miles down - the river.', The boat was loaded with company andoluartermasters' stores. The rebels , captured sixteen men. Five hundred of Wheeler's Cavalry are encamped on. the Hinder' pike, twelve miles from Nashville. Gen. Mitchel has ordered Gen. Stanley to pursue, them,= There has been skirmishing with' the re bels all day v and they retreated towards . Harpeth Shoals.' SASLY sooX l4.—The steamship China, from Liiterpool Son the Bd, - via Queenstown on- .the.4th, passed off this point, bound mitaiNew York, The political nerrsis unimportant. ./cm. 4.—The cotton sales of : Friday are estimated at 6,000 bales, -including 2'ooo,in speatila- Prioeslave.declined the highest point, the tnorket closing steady. _ The Mancliester marketzwuts firm hat, Mon onom _ In - on .. - n cc — iiiin . are7u6' e 1 . ': - a., . 02t. The bullion in the lank of Engliuni hes incteased tR53000 during the week. Secoso Disearon.—A United States vessel is still watching the Sumter at Gib raker. The Bombay mail arrived at litarceilles on the evening of the 2d. - The Calcutta and China mail passed Su- bal on ; he 10,,, , The advicee fi:oin Calcutta to the 15th . say that - imports ' are advancing and freights are inn; . Bombay dates:to the 10th of Deem ber have, been received. Gouda are lower. Canton drueatothe 30th December re• port silks area teas trom 'Shanghai. Melbourne, Nov, 23.—Trade is deeded ly better. Idverpool,itan: 6 .--There is no politi cal news of -ituportance. ' There have been ' no` regular markets since Tumid:O. , ' Breadstuffs:• the various eirculare re ' Flour 'firm but" inactive.' Wheat firm, itb Stall sales. Corn quiet and steady.• 'Provisions: Beef heavy. Pork has.a rltiVniverd -tendency.. Bacondeclined lv_fil easier: 'Petroleum quiet rt at 21s• 9d...:-Ilbsin .'quiet at 255. Spirits of Turpentindquieratlls4,. London Miketa.--4,Errindstuffs firmer. Sugar inatitivt .Coffeit no 'sales. Tea qui et but stead;7' Cotton firm. Spirits of Turpentinti- de" an ' upward tendency. American $t ks Y Ilinots Central 41i(i) (' 41 per cent, ''' I .The stear*i”Oltiriabas arrived up, • It is agaik , ie - ptlital that the Confeder ate governinhtit haft : topointedan agent in England to Obtain' a gaff. 'The Gititaltttr Chiticte'lsays that the Federal anfitoritiesi " "o - Yroteeted against the-sale of OW Butrit • 'atilt' regard her aft a privateeflAind-the ItedStates'ateeineCr Chippewa ‘eistitinithi kl Watch 'her from it lgerlaa: 1' le- ;:.---`" .... The Lao ddotxl:7lM4;rebh*:4).on'the,rn more of , Titiardlii to as evidehee of despondetidpi't - Itlifikir the 'Federals begin to 'see'the - hoptisiness of the ati n gle: , but - national pridlprevedtithent from acknowleiikikethe-fal `'" r ' -" '''''' The=iritaesi reditdift - Ini 'ate! inifeeted: emigration4rtim , lA - skied t o ' the British; Writ, - Illiii,ett;reotEdhe ;political objen - tions at present in th riy. - '‘Tt hopes that the' scheme Mittnot ffer,thiithitii obi Jectione, hut. Inltilti - ri - 'earried`ifiit; I ; P.titnt,-Itititistrfi. he irtirknikmeni in. Jr cotton Manttfietari disfrianyin Frtinee, who are - ottedfAht4 ' hift,,iihmheiloo,- 0 00, 1 and Wei titnlcrit iiretieittiOrch!Peeti i i of being rtiliefed'ftettildatiThr 'absolute' tlestittitiow‘x, ; ' , -- 7 'I '. Th e J PApn-Yreledirettitiqffi n ers of the Frenehrnr Inv and f-eiressed ' - thinks 'for thei r i eontifinhdcPridiiiin. ' 'Ere believed thin Piedmont wa•iild.l repent. " ' ' 13_TRJe rL y .p,u 7 , ARTICLES !.'.J ,t_ Altic , L , 'LlirekitiC2i4644l. - , ` ,3 .'''-' ' •‘• PI TT all 1111.011 Uli,ll 0 lIS E . i i(j.lii. ititeii: kcai, ' A -1) . --gyri, 3 4 .ial,e4.-li m S. - ' .--Ciii`4ler Ilt , sireciariikcet obverts. . ...; .7 - 14:1. .11•41prittsgttir-i ' • Dirkimr,„?.p usui d -.11 b ;Abeam* Tartar 1 1. lien- W*4; Prninti. IlakilPt *lda, 4 41u nsta7i3tire Susi 'lgiamiairtard, Snitaeley, ,SpliteVea At "• ' " Thss' lell ' uti:Pre 'nS asuarately emu laSendixiiit ell hours. " -e• - Pure Wines nod -Lig& for medicinal We 01117. , Jel9txr TEAII• Yottig tial re a er . 100 bit dist 41 'sp Gunpo y° gai L- r s i de by__ RITSO.N. r_ 011 hiALE7-A 10011 R ICIRITDE our. • Barre inaavelleetntiesia.- - 411101 - F. . . TODA:rti AZIVERTPIXENTI3 ro . p pm fr - zi. THE MEMB 118 OF TE7:4.I,IECTE.- Kle . 4 'omit, ratio i lab will meet-at ty it _ e-• .. 'dim and Grant streets; on ay • Mir, o'clock. to he r the reportof eCo - nee: Border of COMmITEEIC -4).13154#.: --I tz.:4-,=., ELECTIUYNOTICE—THE ANRCILL C4Contributo-a of the Western Rellnerttenia 2iogi4tal wid be held on MondeY. Adriatoiwaf,tigaieek, at the building in the i t hr • ' lath WartAit _ gL atthe sqv e , m..n anrs will •e eleeted;r--- janalt •Prealdent. Sundries _-at Auctio.u.: AInkN,..6IATITIitD 4 4.Y MORNING J (NV; • ILYAIRDI744IO o'clock, re ser v e Libor* itroertvill sold, without lOO Gunny anekt4 20 bble,lio.l.llacktrisL,ls.,boxeactliottled- Liquors. i%" - Uisks - lirandy.l2 Gross Blacking, 20 husk mattresses.,• nearly new; 1 fine Office iki 1 small' , 6 urm•chaste.'l cane neat chairs. 4 Venetian Blinds, 25 High Post Bed st.eds„ Counter a.cales. Stove and. Pipe, lot of Whis bbl and half bbl4together witlintany articles not mentionable. - T. A, Bi'CLELLAND,Aue't NAME'S' PIANOS-311M -.11110.11114 ed—Tau 7 oct. Square G arid Carved Piar‘ Ard bed b.ck and fr %at and carved legs. One 75ac., oqulre:Graul Qas :-Plin.o.:Uninbud back and'fidn't and carved:leo. Also omfbean- Martin - Grand - Nano: Tab alr . yti Nance have 'het AgraffeTreble and'arother late valuable EvPretnente;' law 6%, tYX and 7 optave 'Pianos are'espectel 'big week. - - rgliAkSh.o4loE ittAIRIE. Solo Art Janls 434th inteet • • • lIILALL FARM,FOR REIVT—TWENTY S aid one-I.lf acrid near Milton Station, A'. v. g. -It.. a neta brick cottage house. stable,•catriage house, tenant house, over 400 beating fruit' trees of the best varieties, abundance of small fruit., larseskarden, four springs—in good neighborhood —churches. echools, eto.__Ren $2OO per annum. ;' R. 94TIIBERT A BONS, ittnl4 ' '5l Markot k treet. g. PROF. 0. R. FOWLER, . . . ...._ . • Celebrated in Europe, ne well as tbioughont America, as the eldfttand Aiwa living expsnent of PitItENCLOGECAL flCldli9 ... , E..will delleer a coutsn CF- • LNCTURES - at • • . . . ~. , - , TcoNc,mmvxv. nitxaa, TICE9DAT EVEIf kiliffl, Y.4.2ItICART . • M r ith_a... , Mi. onIEIUMAN LlF.E , ;•ita laws. Orgace and Impravementq,aa taught-Ely - .PEIRENOLOGY AND PHES'IOLOG Y. For Pa rtionbre see naptre and bills of the da.t. itir•The Professorbes devoted his lifetime ea, grown arm, in thettudy of MAN AND Wei Hl' ROV,E WENT; j and, m•thivy years' experience as a Lealtrer and Writit. hasastry merited the MIDIS Of 'PUBLIC BENEtAO'IOR. Joni/5.1- AL PELEE bbl. GREEN AO LEE - .CIL Ina reed/il sod for Rate by ' ' JAS. A. FrTZEit. corner Market and First street. TAVERN STAND AND' EARN FOR RENT OR FOR SALE. The subscriber offers T rent or sale thi weh known Target itand with 50 acres °fiend. on the Franksto wn roa I, five lilies from ESA Libertr—' The tavern, Staples aod outbuildings arein lent condition. Terms eaev. Applv to - ' - GEO. E. Bte,UILIEADY,.. on the Preadoe4 Janl4,3t3 EUROPEAN A'O-E YrIIIOIIfAIG RALTTIGAN, EllatolF2AlS At Agent, 115 Water street. Pittsburgh;-Pa; Is prepared to bring out or sand bank Dammam ftrom or to any part of the old country, either by dawn or Dailin acketa. - BIGHT D FOR BALE, payable in any part of Europe. Agent for the In 'dituaapons andeinainnati road. Also, Agent for the Old Black -Stu Line' of Galling Paokeia, and for the lines of Steameas gall ing between New York, Livemool, Glascrow and Galway. . . Nvron or PrrtsarF GT( Q. g ComP,enx 1. Jammu 12,1, , 1111112 TRUSTEES. OF TUE IiIITS• .1. burgh klas 4 .;olll.parlY bye dui, day dfio , nred alivi.ienkof TWo D.51.LA11.3. AND PIPIT, tAINTS per Aare on the, capital r tack of the coninany..payaule forthwith to st (*holders or. their !Nal reprrsentativesin bankable funds. - Jal3 - .3t 441.14. M. CIIADVICY, Treantrem , . • W.lll. PENN IPLOTEL. (rortmvuor Biaq6z /torn) YO, 422 PIF:11:11T STRE E T, .41444,bb0irig4, THOS.„ E.ELLY, ,- •.• kfttorMETOR ".. &VINO iiikr4l4EX.Y. ItErtittli. th ... ham.. 1‘ , .. , 11 . 1 j 3 :wed to Ditor everrs'r. *ff3;lwd3.4 — w - O TO Me CLELLAND'S " eND SEE, .the new style , of BootP any Aft!. . QtPEIRIOR PAT. IttROAP tsuPERIOR-PALIPISOA,/i' areo` Ih•re on karrA-ii s.:rg geind rt merit of . Pure old Ptilin Soap " " • Castile Soap, •-• White ) , and a large asiartine n t of Ewe Toilet healia• Pure:visors will flintirr ethioriment cOmblete. JOSEPH G. comer Market street bandh Diamond. §uporior Carbon Oil on at 60.:1 per gallon.. Jaal2 NEW STOCK or BOoTSauct SHOrK Just leaeived at AloGlalitaa 'a. 55 Fifth At; - Ar irm CALL AT ,MoCLELLAAM'S and ace the ha ndsoomßalmorats, new siyle OFFICE PITISIiCILOR .k 818-,i• OH 31 PiSSIINGER ttiILWAY L IMP AM I Y. .- Pittsburgh. Jan. 9th. UM. ) , will*: A.swireiL MEETING or • Tam vtockacirders of the Pi-tsbursh & Airtoint haw Passenger Railway Company will 'held' at tne Monongahela House in the t" of Pitts bu gh. on Afonday.. the Intn Um. at it o'otoeb a.Au,„ at *hick time and Atm* an election for officerg VII be held: to ser te for the ensuing year. :- ianlout W. K. IVIMIOE egret . . • BARGAINS BARGAINS 1 0. , H. s• T. THIS WEEK THIS WEEK =Fo 1306 . i?nd i 344,14 .1- 44:0?,i4f . ppioe. go to CDNCEB T: -. IIAU;SHOE STOR E , 6 RIPTIT MI'REMT . ... . ~ ! , • FOR, SAL.X.M. . ~ urEiT.cs ar.swArwsimahrnairi sn i ..0.w.4, sigma/Assort/pent of (Iheo s, Apron, .. Shirting- mei k Wa/tided *ell made and fast .EireoltorEs . ' Apply at the office JOHN 33111,MINOtrAkt. Wardez, SATIN SLIPPERS, Suitable for Balla, Partles and Weddiliiiiinst melted at " WM. E. SCHMERTZ & CO, 110. 81 FIFTH . STREET, 1,43 05,50 NVEBSTEItig '55,50 UNABRIDGED MCTIONARY. fo b te' bye ec-P'ete•TiNfilletttBr° Jae 81 NA street: ~~ ' ~ ash 51"re ra lliikell30 140 11 :. jiwas : 11 : 14 - 1171Ch-11.-.1") OF NEW YOliK, Commencing to. -iIKARHIJAYI3I6I.- r athai ar f ", t , l l loo rois !Woo- bri rj tiC F Plbt r Rant .fapp:A t i r - . 4 1 1.0 0m4 eta. ' R * l -Sellta i !mai Ojneral' 11 le` P..il.Natket CARIT D.E VISI . . ! Generals of U. S., Army, Statesmen, Lawyers and Physicians , s Prominent Foreign Portraits. - i ' Prominent Actors and'Aetressee; - .`- i. ' ' Prominent _Opera Singers,--- ' ! „_ C Prominent Men 'and-Weineti,-' Co Gee of,FinePainting#,gngrayings I'lo'l • ' ' Statuary -o - , P- • ''''''' I BARGAINS T.}lis WEEK New Pilures Can4iiii-.EVAry Dui PITTOc• r Photoiraphlo Motors and AltinarDePot. DikAIWN PLASVATMir BITMEI4. I ani in receipt. of a-large suPPl7tthiele Hcelebrated allecrlkalgo ~ .„ oatetteflititters, -• .: ... ' .. x.i "..._ i. - _Bcerhametikrollaed Bitters •, , 1. ,- -' • Hoolitind'irGerman-Bilterl4.- - Ta re •••Green felgvigittateitilitteis; kiitg COUtifite amorttnest ofsedurnifUj entldeslisties eincracinr every valuable megb• oine nOtt-tri nee at i ~,- .___,-, z - .... . 3 ; auSKPiir raarammilis 1. , -. eorna-mark4F4l4,AaßStAkexku.,n { • isza2 Beadtroxtr. ~, akt Itigittioad-Pilops, . , To olose out oar entkeitook Mahe - Ist' of Fibre se7. lake Your seleetions before the (tholes eol ors are all goile. ' • -A ' .; t Fetire iffilLifitllllVelb , ..1310.4 little . ' • - _ - ,hro 1711tti; Rivet, ....._ _ I.GL _/"6.1/AIiFt,TVI.- AtHotivils. AtidSHOES - • or bieif - ar11434-- Baharral Boots and Cium..g . , v flll•Pt4abaling-eiroisistPti:/I,BOItLAND,-• • ' -" dziteap Cash Stout. No. 98 Markeit door..from Fifth. Qcolvir waism*Yr—Aop ► etoreandfor sahilry • Ili Id.U.L.LII • RIORBVON. ; I LaRKTER E614;111;:ii Ja.m zutter:krbaz 'tacked do. 4'b iturt rted and for sale br ...".regli _ xrcee TfratiEitreita, ' b 9 Wld - iC~N ~_twar•lutax=d;i:6%l44l Ara& TO-DAYS*lin 'Di : A ' -•-• 4 a 14)e , - Interested la p.trie d P _ l, ' * aerprise, are requested at wine • . Trade Roonak calkers ff at 41 oteloo 4t." 'i n madder wheat. rit is ade 'Pliale to seta 4 - 1 I bit, a b theileel, ,fteitari Coin .1 . cal. The egVhirlitenb•R a; e llt i . R 0 ' 1.441W Biteß • Wm me jyy. VI . i.'..iae I Bennet "'•-= Jothaa es. i• 4:. '' • ...4 1 . f " '` I:Netter 3 re ‘,.,. '`....0.A Jaals;ltdc' - ' Pitt's)), TSTEAMBOAT ![ EN-THE ITN .a. dersigned are preps ed with competent. workmen- to -- reo3ibter - zre-Jtranzer anz,,rr St eifinboats - ; Mai - Althea, Brackets, Lunn, welkin tboosgoaktolsew_ ;sknifiblOstittli4O*4l OnetlO:tittrattarbbn OIL Abto to tempt& Marone' at ebort sloth*. Lanterns, Cans, Oil, and e!erY 41siamin the .trade tepteon-handsg Oil store *64 Woodijr_Tket, near oixt_h: ;WELDON, wmEHE & KELLY. itinls Last . and Closing cliooks .at ;;Auction,,"'T (kW THVBXDALT; FRIDAY ALNID SAT -4111 DAY eve.ninst Jan'lsth, lath- , Jo& 17th, at 7 n'eleek, at Mason i c Had 'Anottoir,HouseclWlG bo closer. out the remainder or Pratt's tireat,An-- nue! Consignment of-13plis,...AlbUstr;:llaner; Gold Pens, ar;•.,r,kb: - Many or ien :mkt valuable hooks yet remain onlnind; which 111 ,tulehe_c,l 0 sca., out without regard to eon': BOOM, aernvare Sale during the day at average auction prices,l L . , . PiIATT; Salesman, T. A. 71tioCLiELLAND4:Aute.t. aft/5 GREATREDUG:TIONIN ,, HICEi AT THE m.zzrs sty kt ta „ LOAK AND iIANTILLAISTORE - NO 73 NAR,IrE.T STR-EE WE ARE NOW Cp:1 0 .9/tl . •qvTotru, entiroseotk of retl44..lTf*L,..'„? at greatly reduced trice!! in order to mate, room far a hpring Stook -Wale+ , iikwant,ofsi eat and fashionable garment'foiWinterrWeetwill d o wel! to dye 118 a eall. detertainelito dose out our winter ateck-tegardlessofL'orlos;:._ ' • /: - SPEigcg • - LovER s : : :• el ' ver reed Jot received and fovirali, by JILB. - & - FEMER, 8 acts. * MIIIL 0 Xraite-1501. BARRIMus MILT lik ia rr:lso;de E*11;0411,0144-tdtAlec re' eei traci ald Meta b 7 :JAS.& FETZn %tsar Market arai - Pktreekt'i • irk S.fiIIeCTORY 41Z TigE .110SPI*ALISI -11-ir —The United Ste tea Tanitary Coamthision , h Aro ertablisited anodic° ofluforme.tionia regard to psUeritain the General Hospitals; f,sheArmY of the We t. By ordinance to, hooka. which are corrected daily. an r unser MI, land • r.orditutlY, ci•cumslanev.he given by return mall to ;the fol lowincquestrons : Ist. Is -- (giving name and *hoard) , present in any hospi aloflba arnY el the Wert? 2d. If so whet; his proper. address ? 34.• What is thename of the;Surgeon or Chaplin of the hospi al? 4th. If net in hosilital at Pieseat. liaalteiteerilz Y beau in hospital . sth. ago, did he die iliststssaA Whltdate? • I 43th. Ifrecitißy'diaohargisl ,from hotrpitib was he discharged from sarvioe? 7th. Ifnot, iflustVrere hitt orders on ? 7heConunisdon willsasseArrnishsnore Specific information at; to *the condtrion of tins , Peuenailu tars tienetal Hosoltalic within aa'short a space of time possibly, afters reqUest toldsto`fngnany_ol its corresponding soebvies, • • - • - _ Th.. office of the Directory will lasitioni from S &clocks. M., to 8.0 Aid ac cessible in urgent caless at any hour, of the night. JO/04 N. -letrillriNEEßY4 Secretary for the Westerir'-Departnient Sanitary Commission.,NO.439 Wainat Sit:Lou isville, Kentucky.' - Janklittid. rri NE TRIBUNE . AIMAINIAti tog: pia i. , J. This p• palar annt4l'has" beau received= 14 , II E N. iirlr- .-MIIINFat..'2:-' - 71 & 73FIFTH- RTittEx,":- i.- ... ;:. ...... . antloonta!as ..--,, ' ;irlectiokretorjuifriith, ail.d);Mtri,laii it r slielljnion, 'hadillg Olee...101:18 111 1862. =rawly eomsdltd for,. the" n'bun Almanac. I 4stronomica lcatoulatlonav4ealandarat t rit ts Year 18 6:41olipsei for 1863; True 2:111114 "ASLOTAIk . &C. _ Uovernment, of th ,:flaiter.d Xtake—Exectitfii serllndieist.Eurtiyizzuuardinary and girds' t.re Resident from ,she 11 S. to -Foreign Could& I'llenateof thelhiledSfatii Mik/bars of, plasti fied, with Pestofil a addrce ,s; ~ 1 :' 1' 1; c il etteenalc ameeautativeaufgilie'vmregt- citatet; it Jectßyclassiond witkPotoirogieddrlest ilt ..._ embers Fleet , . fthtinait I/. Coon ice' The_it ti ii --- 7 - 1 '.- '' . '-' " ''' i Statistics erne los t !'Census. carefully: 4thvided Into Free and Slaire lerritorylnrear betme pub lished excepts a' few copies att/enesur Ittuuitaa.-.- Th,se statistics enibrace. ths4Coattquituvt Pro, dilation fir '&0 afidl36o".in4alleeeeeg bel°. tlniap.., apipultnre is Ospisiab lied flintiest ' all we Agricultural statialgas4 Wanes• reprinted ant co ride - M.' Some of the headings are; it,res Land Improved in -each State; acres of Land unimproved in each Stated Cash r 'Value ofFerms ia.eanh State; .:).I,axPeof:Fisring ilinplemews in ecuilt Safer:, fueibir,And' Value :kblof -Domesita Animals ineaoh „State: ..Ntunetrous ' e of other isitßftting, nalitteir'relititr to the 11ankf atiallalltini. 18549 sad 1830. I . Fadroads in 18.50.5ad•1860. -Newspapers i- Mteh State. and by i/ of ions Laws of la ,4 Conerces; ~. Berard., . : . ....,.... ' Berard of the Wars. , And a vast a rioe 13 m cam e isrinteresting political matters&e. P _ • coPlos Mailed 'On reselpt.gl24 •.. ~ :, , ,' Jani4 PUOT O ORA PIIALBEIIIISI 0 t, F PPPSOk! the P. Q - - - 2 - - . 'lSt iiecAtAiaar. 7YOURTE 13127iiST A LARGE PORTION OF 011ie za. having *eon bought previous .- tan soda of layman, and now roplexuabed ()nit. betas Om largest widanoo of ho reasonYvvitte the neweitilw. shrto is Cat/Raid ClatluslSo7" ..iatritgadeseolC. , tushasenott moderato atogoes wi ll doe/ 4 .1, .7, ! ;1111 5 ,1 1'!kP*Z - r4 :::AND`•P IatiWINS 4,135 • • " • :t 461` Also , rll I c r . 4 ' "PIVE- HU DBEn piEcEs .4 ; S At g Cents . Roro~ '1 ,,.. . . ',; 4 , ~,,,%. -.4 V 4(,.." 1w..1 - 4--.l,t+-:,...102...:. .. W u '' '' A v.:. ..:,. .• I: 11 1 ". . - IUGLI, S.' R. Pirriiiiiiv MARKO T. -.... , y ...„..:,,, ...4.4.......,4 . . . Effi ."F I I i.f - . ___ • .., :a t,,f 1:42., ), ' e ctitinikilPirldielt ' '''' ~. :',.t: `4S .1 ...._ ..--t-1,-._.••te;t -:.:!....:11 0 ~i 1 i - '-'•- - . — 4 7) 4101`1.&/.1I Writ64lefiti7Alisdong ;„..._..: -.-, - 7 - 7.'" - :, 1 0%, - t, - •ntr, ,;71: 1 , - ' -., ~' ~,.-;7.,- 'lllijEkriff elifitiAltjaAltpANY .''• gives notimrthwtkoyhstre late 1.4324` a' •12 a:4618 krraiiilf jairiC7Z4 teetotal for foto li i die r° "d"t.' i#N - 1/T4aidre a good witeh atemod erete,,foloo.. Amite netokre Arn.latetded to dip I;leeti,tho.trei le s t; 6liearo :watches olpl and -8/riee Ana.tt aefore ti/ r th:4 , 4l4 , :lketL*lntry is ;flooded. and wre474 never en/444 to kalP 1 1 . linieLerlisi 4i . ..it-no e made: being refnaltrmann , fatittreo sent this nanntir".liteanitt ''itialable at ) home an 4 . - - ,rtektiOrnly for lookevialel and mem' ,i- Ana P.arlko,e. --,,`!1 ' - 'i' -1 `,4"- ,. F. . ' ' , ' .w6 . 6fgeto um - ;iirtg'il 't.tt. - ,,,,:titis town slost substantial torial, en ` a oeinW4Pdur abla. iTaifeAnd id stiliii 2 llYet*',#.7o ltuotte g pattern'at -ilci aoVurlatleltoretrath .Asorei.and•toiecioreiln:nWrtterrella. - 4.Vife lnittei4ekedihnew-lertiptof:lo4hit. Wn... t 1 it*E*l - 13.siitoii;Aak., iiitiai nitarotpebe band r t .,. on the tilde' fertri.triteh-oftWetteitilllclare. and iroae cf ,lilrademarks, I fold brlill olitillArliVatoh deae-s la Ihe I.oSr al State 3. ,://i_ : i gebaje-orderrahrtaci.be odirrien to • _„. .„ 1 4., P., JAlNfii 4 , ,4 1 "-Ir.A&PAoar. A Out tagrUkitgeriditi Water. 'T. 1 1- jaoll?:lmeotitto --, ' -- ' lg? Er4eol4 ri. Y. 2 , 'egiiiiitp,, , ~7 ~ ....7. 1 -...,; . Tea.s. : ..- ; , C . ! .. offe - '....;--='.' ""!, or - - Eniats. - - .:,, Whilikey;' , L • 1.• , :i• • • habil% ~ - ' KTV-Id _nrt &a. .-,-.- For ado bi •-.-.: PWINRION &if/WIT. • .. tro.V..-.,;: Cotner of Oldoatseet Odd 1/fooriond, ::. .4.. , -,- . . - r." 0 { 1 . 11 Alietadui •City. . ~.- .. vEr-A ip il i mT , kji l titWEr4 .l .....-,.'—' , • , - - 4 ' '-' 1 Co i ' -' 1,..itti../Zoll acw --14.. iz , !0 , i: 404c.ces3or, - A1.,,„,-*ilE• Jrei „ , --7v • • , Pte ...e..... K., 4- - PARS I„,i:R;gli*cyaVlagu4 -11046zi.iiaktfi. iker, _ 14 x , ,,5- aittgb, pa. and Fitit'sig"..l%;Q ';. • • J `'a -t-o-' ... • , Elaa Luca, --- te . ?4•11 7444, : •.„ ,=., --- , , ,f'i . - ' ‘`:?:, '.-,., .71.4 : irit-4 - . - JllO-JllO-}(STS,4:: t , ':47 ' , 7_-,..,-.4 • : :,I7 - • • ;: , :1111ITAB , DTORMIAMO.B ,f ,tr,.• . 1,, I ~^,........::), tia II: . 0 t '}' 1 ~..i Esa ~„ . s W . E . -:s Ni: - . ~.g gropo. ~_,•.f, 'I 1-k...!,7... 81 FIIPPIr - ar ET ' • ' ', 4 ,, .. „ .„..,, A,...fd_ =ME JIMIA BEAT _,.. M..,N5 I - - 3 - , to Ofiladisit, -,-?,z-,,',...1..1_."-.'=.:l-..',..-.-;,,..t; ;;L:: 1' lAN lIN LLOVEVO 7 9 down 0n i Dr' ' ,Goode 'narked down ....---L Our "Baku rala -.-: •..: ...i 4 IF ...; . .:, , .• Oor Shaw anatlcai i• ,- '' 47 : 4 ..; ,- ?, ... ~... • • - . oR nook of, Do Aire /4 2 wittront:;d1;14 the ~ ~.- ci •, .: f-t Val earintlie .eit7.-, cif -a r ~ ..7 - FLAN" Tit.*2.Jrc4o: iiaiteQiii ' lt is dill/10de Also , XiirVii &dr% Riarn 4 iinn Orwr3wate4 3 4 1 ;Pera, all Mo ~, Ilcitoollaii iiiiin(iXbilltfittnitV 424 4- Ts' 14a....wetocKtwozil;Erj.tilroorra_ ~t itijosc a. ; fr) , E *:4iits.l4: -..... 8 v. trißop#,(64l,o# ) i - c4 , ... 47' -- ,.. , .,..17,,..; , ?...0.t- . . -!".`; • ' , -.J.:- , } , ;•:,t.........-ybi ; ',ll -•:`,131 o•AlliNg ' IiCk:VX7:I44 ':fIPOP• 4 NO. .74 MARKEt i t REgt coT __ . €z . fim. - •!! 1 4 9 1,, 1: 6. ..fir - t!-1 -= :-q : rr'N't. kliiDALii-lasinr, ;ER .4.11 Th P. 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